Search results for ""capstone""
University of Toronto Press Being a Scientist: Tools for Science Students
Being a Scientist is a comprehensive introduction to the many aspects of scientific life beyond the classroom and laboratory. Written with undergraduate science majors in mind, the book covers ethics, the philosophical bases of scientific methods, library research, reading, peer review, creativity, proposal and paper writing, and oral and poster presentations. In contrast to other texts in the field, which often take a simple prescriptive approach to these topics, Being a Scientist connects them to the historical and philosophical roots of modern science, as well as the common experiences of all people. Written in a conversational style, the book makes use of metaphor, historical anecdote, and hypothetical research about everyday household questions. This approach helps undergraduates learn basic research skills without being too intimidated by the advanced concepts, vocabulary, and methods which are encountered in looking at the current scientific literature. Being a Scientist is a textbook for a semester-long course devoted to teaching research and communication skills to undergraduate science majors, but it can be adapted for use in summer research experiences, capstone research courses, and other courses throughout the undergraduate curriculum.
Vintage Publishing When the Facts Change: Essays 1995 - 2010
A great thinker's final testament: a characteristically wise and forthright collection of essays from the author of Postwar and Thinking the Twentieth Century that feels all the more potent and important in today’s political climate.Edited and introduced by Jennifer Homans.Tony Judt’s widow and fellow historian, Jennifer Homans, has gathered together important essays from the span of Judt’s career that chronicle both the evolution of his thought and the remarkable consistency of his passionate engagement and intellectual élan. Whether the subject is the scholarly poverty of the new social history, the willful blindness of French collective memory about what happened to the country’s Jews during World War II, or the moral challenge to Israel of the so-called Palestinian problem, the majesty of Tony Judt’s work lies in his combination of unsparing honesty, intellectual brilliance, and ethical clarity. When the Facts Change exemplifies the necessity of minding our history and not letting cheerful fictions suffice in its place. An emphatic demonstration of the power of a great historian to connect us more deeply to the world as it was, as it is, and as it should be, it is a fitting capstone to an extraordinary body of work.
New York University Press Other Immigrants: The Global Origins of the American People
Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians represent three of every four immigrants who arrived in the United States after 1970. Yet despite their large numbers and long history of movement to America, non-Europeans are conspicuously absent from many books about immigration. In Other Immigrants, David M. Reimers offers the first comprehensive account of non-European immigration, chronicling the compelling and diverse stories of frequently overlooked Americans. Reimers traces the early history of Black, Hispanic, and Asian immigrants from the fifteenth century through World War II, when racial hostility led to the virtual exclusion of Asians and aggression towards Blacks and Hispanics. He then tells the story of post-1945 immigration, when these groups dominated the immigration statistics and began to reshape American society. The capstone to a lifetime of groundbreaking work on immigration, Reimers’s thoughtful history recognizes the ambiguity and subjectivity of race, noting that individuals often define themselves more complexly than census forms allow. However classified, record numbers of immigrants are streaming to the United States and creating the most diverse society in the world. Other Immigrants is a timely account of their arrival.
Johns Hopkins University Press Those Good Gertrudes: A Social History of Women Teachers in America
Those Good Gertrudes explores the professional, civic, and personal roles of women teachers throughout American history. Its voice, themes, and findings build from the mostly unpublished writings of many women and their families, colleagues, and pupils. Geraldine J. Clifford studied personal history manuscripts in archives and consulted printed autobiographies, diaries, correspondence, oral histories, interviews-even film and fiction-to probe the multifaceted imagery that has surrounded teaching. This broad ranging, inclusive, and comparative work surveys a long past where schoolteaching was essentially men's work, with women relegated to restricted niches such as teaching rudiments of the vernacular language to young children and socializing girls for traditional gender roles. Clifford documents and explains the emergence of women as the prototypical schoolteachers in the United States, a process apparent in the late colonial period and continuing through the nineteenth century, when they became the majority of American public and private schoolteachers. The capstone of Clifford's distinguished career and the definitive book on women teachers in America, Those Good Gertrudes will engage scholars in the history of education and women's history, teachers past, present, and future, and readers with vivid memories of their own teachers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Think and Grow Rich: The Original Classic
The greatest motivational book of all time! “Truly “thoughts are things,” and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire for their translation into riches, or other material objects.” (taken from Chapter 1, Introduction) Napoleon Hill's thirteen step programme will set you on the path to wealth and success. Think and Grow Rich reveals the money-making secrets of hundreds of America's most affluent people. By thinking like them, you can become like them. This powerful 1937 classic, with analysis from self-development authority Tom Butler-Bowdon, will continue to be read through the decades of economic boom and bust, proving that the magic formula for making money never changes. Think and Grow Rich is one of the most successful motivational personal development books of all time This hardback version, in the Capstone Classics range, is a perfect keepsake version, makes an ideal gift and suitable for all readers Includes a 16 page introduction from Tom Butler-Bowdon, a renowned authority on classic writings on self-help and motivation Think and Grow Rich is an essential must-have book in anyone’s book collection.
Liverpool University Press The Book of Kings and the Explanations of This World: A Universal History from the Late Sasanian Empire
The Mandaeans of Iraq and Iran are adherents of the last surviving Gnostic tradition from the period of Late Antiquity, and the Book of Kings is the capstone to one of their most sacred scriptures. A universal history in four parts, it concisely outlines the entire 480,000 year span of the material world, from its creation to its destruction in the maw of the great Leviathan, with details including a succession of antediluvian cataclysms that have previously wiped out all human life, the reigns of the kings who have reigned over humanity and are still yet to reign, a lament on the end of pagan antiquity under the reign of the Arabs, and the apocalyptic drama attending those who have the misfortune to live at the end of the world era. For the first time ever, this work appears in English in its entirety, complete and unabridged, and directly translated from original Mandaic manuscripts, with the events mentioned within it coordinated with our calendar. It also includes an extensive commentary illustrating its relationship to contemporary historical writing and with the sacred literature of Zoroastrians, Jews, Christians, Muslims, and other neighbouring religious communities living under Sasanian rule.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Critical Skills for Environmental Professionals: Putting Knowledge into Practice
This textbook focuses on a set of skills-based learning outcomes common among undergraduate environmental programs. It covers critical scientific skills and ways of thinking that bridge the gap between the knowledge-based content of introductory environmental textbooks and the professional skills students of the environment need to succeed in both their academic programs and professional careers. This emphasis on skills is gaining more traction among academic programs across the country as they shift focus from knowledge delivery to learning outcomes and professional competencies. The book features clear methodological frameworks, engaging practice exercises, and a range of assessment case studies suitable for use across academic levels. For introductory levels, this text uses guided practice exercises to expose students to the skills they will need to master. At the capstone level, this text allows students to apply the knowledge they have gained to real-world issues and to evaluate their competency in key programmatic learning outcomes. A detailed answer key with rubrics customized for specific questions and sample answers at various competency levels is available to verified course instructors. Access to these answer key resources can be obtained by contacting the Springer Textbook Team at
SAGE Publications Inc Disrupting the Teacher Opportunity Gap: Aligning 12 Processes for High-Expertise Teaching
The teachers aren’t the problem—it’s the system that needs fixing. The missing element in 70 years of school reform is a surround-sound focus on High-Expertise Teaching. We could have it in any district, regardless of zip code, if we reengineered the twelve processes that impact teachers’ knowledge and skill. A handbook for action and a persuasive case for making every school a reliable engine of constant learning, this book outlines the actions necessary to ensure High-Expertise Teaching reaches more children, more of the time. Informed by a substantial research base and decades of implementation, scholar-practitioner Jon Saphier presents the foundational elements of High-Expertise Teaching in this capstone work, along with A comprehensive plan for effective implementation to scale An assets-based approach to high expectations, culturally responsive teaching, and rigor Templates for re-engineering school- and district-based processes Guidance for leaders on honing their own skills to implement change Excellent teaching is complex and demanding, with challenges beyond what any teacher-preparation program can cover. That’s why we must create a workplace environment that enables and prioritizes continuous professional learning about High-Expertise Teaching.
Johns Hopkins University Press Those Good Gertrudes: A Social History of Women Teachers in America
Those Good Gertrudes explores the professional, civic, and personal roles of women teachers throughout American history. Its voice, themes, and findings build from the mostly unpublished writings of many women and their families, colleagues, and pupils. Geraldine J. Clifford studied personal history manuscripts in archives and consulted printed autobiographies, diaries, correspondence, oral histories, interviews-even film and fiction-to probe the multifaceted imagery that has surrounded teaching. This broad ranging, inclusive, and comparative work surveys a long past where schoolteaching was essentially men's work, with women relegated to restricted niches such as teaching rudiments of the vernacular language to young children and socializing girls for traditional gender roles. Clifford documents and explains the emergence of women as the prototypical schoolteachers in the United States, a process apparent in the late colonial period and continuing through the nineteenth century, when they became the majority of American public and private schoolteachers. The capstone of Clifford's distinguished career and the definitive book on women teachers in America, Those Good Gertrudes will engage scholars in the history of education and women's history, teachers past, present, and future, and readers with vivid memories of their own teachers.
Liverpool University Press The Book of Kings and the Explanations of This World: A Universal History from the Late Sasanian Empire
The Mandaeans of Iraq and Iran are adherents of the last surviving Gnostic tradition from the period of Late Antiquity, and the Book of Kings is the capstone to one of their most sacred scriptures. A universal history in four parts, it concisely outlines the entire 480,000 year span of the material world, from its creation to its destruction in the maw of the great Leviathan, with details including a succession of antediluvian cataclysms that have previously wiped out all human life, the reigns of the kings who have reigned over humanity and are still yet to reign, a lament on the end of pagan antiquity under the reign of the Arabs, and the apocalyptic drama attending those who have the misfortune to live at the end of the world era. For the first time ever, this work appears in English in its entirety, complete and unabridged, and directly translated from original Mandaic manuscripts, with the events mentioned within it coordinated with our calendar. It also includes an extensive commentary illustrating its relationship to contemporary historical writing and with the sacred literature of Zoroastrians, Jews, Christians, Muslims, and other neighbouring religious communities living under Sasanian rule.
Profile Books Ltd Baron Wenckheim's Homecoming
'Baron Wenkcheim's Homecoming is a fitting capstone to Krasznahorkai's tetralogy, one of the supreme achievements of contemporary literature. Now seems as good a time as any to name him among our greatest living novelists.' Paris Review Hailed internationally as perhaps the most important novel of the young twenty-first century, Baron Wenckheim's Homecoming is the culmination of László Krasznahorkai's remarkable and singular career. Nearing the end of his life, Baron Bela Wenckheim decides to return to the provincial Hungarian town of his birth. Having escaped from his many casino debts in Buenos Aires, where he was living in exile, he wishes to be reunited with his high-school sweetheart Marika. What follows is an endless storm of gossip, con men and local politicians, vividly evoking the small town's alternately drab and absurd existence. Spectacular actions are staged, death and the abyss loom, until finally doom is brought down on the unsuspecting residents of the town. 'I've said a thousand times that I always wanted to write just one book. Now, with this novel, I can prove that I really wrote just one book in my life. This is the book - Satantango, Melancholy, War & War, and Baron. This is my one book.' László Krasnahorkai
Stanford University Press Forging the Sword: Doctrinal Change in the U.S. Army
As entrenched bureaucracies, military organizations might reasonably be expected to be especially resistant to reform and favor only limited, incremental adjustments. Yet, since 1945, the U.S. Army has rewritten its capstone doctrine manual, Operations, fourteen times. While some modifications have been incremental, collectively they reflect a significant evolution in how the Army approaches warfare—making the U.S. Army a crucial and unique case of a modern land power that is capable of change. So what accounts for this anomaly? What institutional processes have professional officers developed over time to escape bureaucracies' iron cage? Forging the Sword conducts a comparative historical process-tracing of doctrinal reform in the U.S. Army. The findings suggest that there are unaccounted-for institutional facilitators of change within military organizations. Thus, it argues that change in military organizations requires "incubators," designated subunits established outside the normal bureaucratic hierarchy, and "advocacy networks" championing new concepts. Incubators, ranging from special study groups to non-Title 10 war games and field exercises, provide a safe space for experimentation and the construction of new operational concepts. Advocacy networks then connect different constituents and inject them with concepts developed in incubators. This injection makes changes elites would have otherwise rejected a contagious narrative.
Rowman & Littlefield The Political Science Toolbox: A Research Companion to American Government
The authors of The Political Science Toolbox understand the dilemmas facing political science majors and the dilemmas facing political science instructors. Students yearn for a trusted guide to help them cope with the political science experience—a single reference work that contains the basic tools that an American government major needs to succeed. And instructors desire to help students ask meaningful political science questions, but are concerned about sacrificing valuable class time to 're-teach' basic research concepts. In other words, instructors desire a work that contains the basic tools that they hope their students bring to each class, but that experience tells them their students are unlikely to possess. The Political Science Toolbox is a reliable companion to students of American government as they navigate their undergraduate programs. It serves as a bridge between research methods classes and student research, making it a valuable supplement for an applied research methods class, as well as a useful supplement for introduction to American government courses or introduction to Political Science courses. Moreover, students completing honors papers, capstone assignments, or any substantial research projects in the field of American government will find the ideas and guidance provided in this work to be invaluable.
Rowman & Littlefield The Political Science Toolbox: A Research Companion to American Government
The authors of The Political Science Toolbox understand the dilemmas facing political science majors and the dilemmas facing political science instructors. Students yearn for a trusted guide to help them cope with the political science experience—a single reference work that contains the basic tools that an American government major needs to succeed. And instructors desire to help students ask meaningful political science questions, but are concerned about sacrificing valuable class time to "re-teach" basic research concepts. In other words, instructors desire a work that contains the basic tools that they hope their students bring to each class, but that experience tells them their students are unlikely to possess. The Political Science Toolbox is a reliable companion to students of American government as they navigate their undergraduate programs. It serves as a bridge between research methods classes and student research, making it a valuable supplement for an applied research methods class, as well as a useful supplement for introduction to American government courses or introduction to Political Science courses. Moreover, students completing honors papers, capstone assignments, or any substantial research projects in the field of American government will find the ideas and guidance provided in this work to be invaluable.
University of Minnesota Press The Eloquent Screen: A Rhetoric of Film
A lifetime of cinematic writing culminates in this breathtaking statement on film’s unique ability to move usCinema is commonly hailed as “the universal language,” but how does it communicate so effortlessly across cultural and linguistic borders? In The Eloquent Screen, influential film critic Gilberto Perez makes a capstone statement on the powerful ways in which film acts on our minds and senses.Drawing on a lifetime’s worth of viewing and re-viewing, Perez invokes a dizzying array of masters past and present—including Chaplin, Ford, Kiarostami, Eisenstein, Malick, Mizoguchi, Haneke, Hitchcock, and Godard—to explore the transaction between filmmaker and audience. He begins by explaining how film fits into the rhetorical tradition of persuasion and argumentation. Next, Perez explores how film embodies the central tropes of rhetoric––metaphor, metonymy, allegory, and synecdoche––and concludes with a thrilling account of cinema’s spectacular capacity to create relationships of identification with its audiences. Although there have been several attempts to develop a poetics of film, there has been no sustained attempt to set forth a rhetoric of film—one that bridges aesthetics and audience. Grasping that challenge, The Eloquent Screen shows how cinema, as the consummate contemporary art form, establishes a thoroughly modern rhetoric in which different points of view are brought into clear focus.
University of Minnesota Press The Eloquent Screen: A Rhetoric of Film
A lifetime of cinematic writing culminates in this breathtaking statement on film’s unique ability to move usCinema is commonly hailed as “the universal language,” but how does it communicate so effortlessly across cultural and linguistic borders? In The Eloquent Screen, influential film critic Gilberto Perez makes a capstone statement on the powerful ways in which film acts on our minds and senses.Drawing on a lifetime’s worth of viewing and re-viewing, Perez invokes a dizzying array of masters past and present—including Chaplin, Ford, Kiarostami, Eisenstein, Malick, Mizoguchi, Haneke, Hitchcock, and Godard—to explore the transaction between filmmaker and audience. He begins by explaining how film fits into the rhetorical tradition of persuasion and argumentation. Next, Perez explores how film embodies the central tropes of rhetoric––metaphor, metonymy, allegory, and synecdoche––and concludes with a thrilling account of cinema’s spectacular capacity to create relationships of identification with its audiences. Although there have been several attempts to develop a poetics of film, there has been no sustained attempt to set forth a rhetoric of film—one that bridges aesthetics and audience. Grasping that challenge, The Eloquent Screen shows how cinema, as the consummate contemporary art form, establishes a thoroughly modern rhetoric in which different points of view are brought into clear focus.
Stanford University Press Forging the Sword: Doctrinal Change in the U.S. Army
As entrenched bureaucracies, military organizations might reasonably be expected to be especially resistant to reform and favor only limited, incremental adjustments. Yet, since 1945, the U.S. Army has rewritten its capstone doctrine manual, Operations, fourteen times. While some modifications have been incremental, collectively they reflect a significant evolution in how the Army approaches warfare—making the U.S. Army a crucial and unique case of a modern land power that is capable of change. So what accounts for this anomaly? What institutional processes have professional officers developed over time to escape bureaucracies' iron cage? Forging the Sword conducts a comparative historical process-tracing of doctrinal reform in the U.S. Army. The findings suggest that there are unaccounted-for institutional facilitators of change within military organizations. Thus, it argues that change in military organizations requires "incubators," designated subunits established outside the normal bureaucratic hierarchy, and "advocacy networks" championing new concepts. Incubators, ranging from special study groups to non-Title 10 war games and field exercises, provide a safe space for experimentation and the construction of new operational concepts. Advocacy networks then connect different constituents and inject them with concepts developed in incubators. This injection makes changes elites would have otherwise rejected a contagious narrative.
Penguin Books Ltd Seeing Others: How to Redefine Worth in a Divided World
From internationally renowned sociologist Michèle Lamont, a game-changing argument about what we value and why How do we measure our self-worth? For many of us, it signifies accomplishment, self-reliance, and wealth. Decades of neoliberalism have driven our definition of success. Yet, as we have amassed more achievements, we have been overwhelmed and overworked in a world of growing inequality. Should we start judging others, and ourselves, differently? In this capstone work, acclaimed sociologist Michèle Lamont argues that it is time to move our focus from having to being. We will only heal ourselves by the power of recognition: by rendering others visible and valued. By drawing on nearly forty years of research and interviews, as well as new interviews with Gen Z, change agents, and cultural icons who intentionally practice and promote recognition, she shows how new narratives are essential to shifting our metrics of success to focus on respect and dignity. Seeing Others fills a gaping hole left by recent economic and psychological thinking, with its focus on nudging, grit, and constant striving, offering a powerful, sociological alternative.This book is a clarion call: it strikes at the heart of our struggles and illuminates an inclusive path forward.
Stanford University Press The Discourse of Legitimacy in Early Modern England
Discourse of Legitimacy in Early Modern England is a study of the structures of authority in England between the beginning of the English Reformation in 1529 and the outbreak of the Civil War of the 1640s. These structures, both secular and sacred, were profoundly affected by the creation of a national Protestant church governed by the crown; by the emerging sense of national consciousness and providential destiny that followed in its wake; by the development of a legal culture that defined and sometimes contested the parameters of authority; by an urban state that articulated a new civic culture and reflected broad political, social, and religious tensions; and by the growing sophistication and assertiveness of Parliament, the capstone both of elite interest and popular legitimacy, and ultimately the site of resistance to claims of unfettered royal and ecclesiastical power. Together, these elements constituted the discourse of legitimacy through which the daily transactions of power in Tudor and early Stuart England were disputed, mediated, and sometimes resisted. They both expressed and contained the tensions of a rapidly changing society, and were finally the theaters on which its irreconcilable conflicts were enacted as social and political consensus broke down. The Discourse of Legitimacy presents a wide-ranging, synoptic view of England's political culture and its conflicts in the crucial period between its two greatest revolutions.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mastering Private Equity: Transformation via Venture Capital, Minority Investments and Buyouts
The definitive guide to private equity for investors and finance professionals Mastering Private Equity was written with a professional audience in mind and provides a valuable and unique reference for investors, finance professionals, students and business owners looking to engage with private equity firms or invest in private equity funds. From deal sourcing to exit, LBOs to responsible investing, operational value creation to risk management, the book systematically distils the essence of private equity into core concepts and explains in detail the dynamics of venture capital, growth equity and buyout transactions. With a foreword by Henry Kravis, Co-Chairman and Co-CEO of KKR, and special guest comments by senior PE professionals. This book combines insights from leading academics and practitioners and was carefully structured to offer: A clear and concise reference for the industry expert A step-by-step guide for students and casual observers of the industry A theoretical companion to the INSEAD case book Private Equity in Action: Case Studies from Developed and Emerging Markets Features guest comments by senior PE professionals from the firms listed below: Abraaj • Adams Street Partners • Apax Partners • Baring PE Asia • Bridgepoint • The Carlyle Group • Coller Capital • Debevoise & Plimpton LLP • FMO • Foundry Group • Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer • General Atlantic • ILPA • Intermediate Capital Group • KKR Capstone • LPEQ • Maxeda • Navis Capital • Northleaf Capital • Oaktree Capital • Partners Group • Permira • Terra Firma
Little, Brown & Company Teammate: My Journey in Baseball and a World Series for the Ages
Of the many storylines to the Chicago Cubs incredible 2016 season was the late career renaissance of David Ross, the 39-year-old journeyman player affectionately known to his Cubs teammates as "Grandpa Rossy." Ross became the unlikely heart and soul of the championship team, who finally broke the near 100-year Cubs curse. At the end of the Cubs victorious game seven--in which Ross entered the game in the 5th inning and proceeded to hit a crucial home run (becoming the oldest player to homer in World Series History), he was carried off the field by his teammates. Ross's late career blossoming and role as a Cubs mentor has been one of the defining sports stories of 2016, inspiring a write-in campaign for him for the All Star game, an endless series of feature stories and becoming the nightly talk of TV analysts and sports radio. This book would be memoir of Ross' career -- written with veteran collaborator Don Yaeger -- with the championship run at Wrigley this year as the capstone through line. The book's captivating frame is the final day of Ross's career - Game 7 of the 2016 World Series, with looks book at pivotal moments in Ross' life and career. Ross's fairy-tale season is a feel-good story that captures the hearts of Cubs die-hards and baseball fans everywhere.
Plural Publishing Inc Evaluating and Conducting Research in Audiology
Evaluating and Conducting Research in Audiology is the first research methods textbook that is specific to the field of audiology and designed to serve as an academic textbook for audiology graduate students. This text can also be accessible for audiology practitioners who are interested in clinical and applied research. The comprehensive coverage includes materials for multiple courses within audiology degree programs, including research methods, analysis of professional literature, evidence-based practice, and capstone research projects. The text provides knowledge that is required in evaluating, conducting and disseminating research. The book is separated into three sections: (a) research methods; (b) evidence-based practice; and (c) conducting and disseminating research. Together, these sections provide a detailed coverage of the of research methods that are relevant to conducting research, particularly in the field of Audiology. Key Features: *Learning outcomes at the beginning of each chapter *End of chapter reviews including key points and study questions *Audiology-specific examples, research methods, and study designs *"Golden Nugget" boxes throughout the book containing valuable information related to the critical concepts *In-depth discussion of qualitative research methods, survey research methods, and systematic reviews to motivate students and early career researchers to consider these methodologies in their research *Classroom-tested book chapters *Access to a PluralPlus companion website with PowerPoint lecture slides for instructors and study questions and related readings for students
Cengage Learning, Inc Design of Fluid Thermal Systems, SI Edition
This book is designed to serve senior-level engineering students taking a capstone design course in fluid and thermal systems design. It is built from the ground up with the needs and interests of practicing engineers in mind; the emphasis is on practical applications. The book begins with a discussion of design methodology, including the process of bidding to obtain a project, and project management techniques. The text continues with an introductory overview of fluid thermal systems (a pump and pumping system, a household air conditioner, a baseboard heater, a water slide, and a vacuum cleaner are among the examples given), and a review of the properties of fluids and the equations of fluid mechanics. The text then offers an in-depth discussion of piping systems, including the economics of pipe size selection. Janna examines pumps (including net positive suction head considerations) and piping systems. He provides the reader with the ability to design an entire system for moving fluids that is efficient and cost-effective. Next, the book provides a review of basic heat transfer principles, and the analysis of heat exchangers, including double pipe, shell and tube, plate and frame cross flow heat exchangers. Design considerations for these exchangers are also discussed. The text concludes with a chapter of term projects that may be undertaken by teams of students.
Simon & Schuster The American Experiment: Dialogues on a Dream
The capstone book in a trilogy from the New York Times bestselling author of How to Lead and The American Story and host of Bloomberg TV’s The David Rubenstein Show—American icons and historians on the ever-evolving American experiment, featuring Ken Burns, Madeleine Albright, Wynton Marsalis, Billie Jean King, Henry Louis Gates Jr., and many more.In this lively collection of conversations—the third in a series from David Rubenstein—some of our nations’ greatest minds explore the inspiring story of America as a grand experiment in democracy, culture, innovation, and ideas. -Jill Lepore on the promise of America -Madeleine Albright on the American immigrant -Ken Burns on war -Henry Louis Gates Jr. on reconstruction -Elaine Weiss on suffrage -John Meacham on civil rights -Walter Isaacson on innovation -David McCullough on the Wright Brothers -John Barry on pandemics and public health -Wynton Marsalis on music -Billie Jean King on sports -Rita Moreno on film Exploring the diverse make-up of our country’s DNA through interviews with Pulitzer Prize–winning historians, diplomats, music legends, and sports giants, The American Experiment captures the dynamic arc of a young country reinventing itself in real-time. Through these enlightening conversations, the American spirit comes alive, revealing the setbacks, suffering, invention, ingenuity, and social movements that continue to shape our vision of what America is—and what it can be.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Topology: Point-Set and Geometric
The essentials of point-set topology, complete with motivation and numerous examples Topology: Point-Set and Geometric presents an introduction to topology that begins with the axiomatic definition of a topology on a set, rather than starting with metric spaces or the topology of subsets of Rn. This approach includes many more examples, allowing students to develop more sophisticated intuition and enabling them to learn how to write precise proofs in a brand-new context, which is an invaluable experience for math majors. Along with the standard point-set topology topics—connected and path-connected spaces, compact spaces, separation axioms, and metric spaces—Topology covers the construction of spaces from other spaces, including products and quotient spaces. This innovative text culminates with topics from geometric and algebraic topology (the Classification Theorem for Surfaces and the fundamental group), which provide instructors with the opportunity to choose which "capstone" best suits his or her students. Topology: Point-Set and Geometric features: A short introduction in each chapter designed to motivate the ideas and place them into an appropriate context Sections with exercise sets ranging in difficulty from easy to fairly challenging Exercises that are very creative in their approaches and work well in a classroom setting A supplemental Web site that contains complete and colorful illustrations of certain objects, several learning modules illustrating complicated topics, and animations of particularly complex proofs
Little, Brown & Company Teammate: My Life in Baseball
Of the many storylines to the Chicago Cubs incredible 2016 season was the late career renaissance of David Ross, the 39-year-old journeyman player affectionately known to his Cubs teammates as "Grandpa Rossy." Ross became the unlikely heart and soul of the championship team, who finally broke the near 100-year Cubs curse. At the end of the Cubs victorious game seven--in which Ross entered the game in the 5th inning and proceeded to hit a crucial home run (becoming the oldest player to homer in World Series History), he was carried off the field by his teammates. Ross's late career blossoming and role as a Cubs mentor has been one of the defining sports stories of 2016, inspiring a write-in campaign for him for the All Star game, an endless series of feature stories and becoming the nightly talk of TV analysts and sports radio. This book would be memoir of Ross' career -- written with veteran collaborator Don Yaeger -- with the championship run at Wrigley this year as the capstone through line. The book's captivating frame is the final day of Ross's career - Game 7 of the 2016 World Series, with looks book at pivotal moments in Ross' life and career. Ross's fairy-tale season is a feel-good story that captures the hearts of Cubs die-hards and baseball fans everywhere.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Essays by Montaigne: The Philosophy Classic
An essential companion to the most relevant works of Michel de Montaigne Essays: The Philosophy Classic delivers a carefully curated collection of thought-provoking works by sixteenth-century thinker Michel De Montaigne. Exploring topics as diverse as politics, poetry, love, friendship and the purpose of philosophy, this latest entry in the celebrated Capstone Classics series is accessible and intuitively organized. Follow the thoughts of the person who created the essay genre in literature as he expresses his philosophy, interests, and learning. Throughout, you’ll be guided by an expansive introduction by leading Montaigne scholar Philippe Desan and the comments of series editor Tom Butler-Bowdon, placing the work of Montaigne in its historical and philosophical context. You’ll also find: Celebrated and famous works by Montaigne, including noted classics like “That to Study Philosophy is to Learn to Die” Lesser-known works that have taken on increased importance in the unique context of the 21st-century A version of the popular Charles Cotton translation first published in 1685: a simple, faithful, and clear adaptation of the French original An invaluable resource for anyone interested in the insightful and illuminating work of one of the most enduring thinkers of the 16th-century, Essays: The Philosophy Classic is an essential addition to the libraries of philosophers, historians, and laypeople seeking an eye-opening and fascinating exploration of life itself.
WW Norton & Co Natural History: Stories
In Natural History, Andrea Barrett completes the beautiful arc of intertwined lives of a family of scientists, teachers, and innovators that she has been weaving through multiple books since her National Book Award–winning collection, Ship Fever. The six exquisite stories in Natural History are set largely in a small community in central New York state and portray some of her most beloved characters, spanning the decades between the Civil War to the present day. In “Henrietta and Her Moths,” a woman tends to an insect nursery as her sister’s life follows a different path. In “Open House,” a young man grapples with a choice between a thrilling life spent discovering fossils and a desire to remain close to home. And in the magnificent title novella, “Natural History,” Barrett deepens the connection between her characters, bringing us through to the present day and providing an unforgettable capstone. Told with Barrett’s characteristic elegance, passion for science, and wonderful eye for the natural world, the psychologically astute and moving stories gathered in this collection evoke the ways women’s lives and expectations—in families, in work, and in love—have shifted across a century and more. Building upon one another, these tales brilliantly culminate to reveal how the smallest events of the past can have large reverberations across the generations, and how potent, wondrous, and strange the relationship between history and memory can be.
Yale University Press The Huguenots
An unprecedented history of the entire Huguenot experience in France, from hopeful beginnings to tragic diaspora Following the Reformation, a growing number of radical Protestants came together to live and worship in Catholic France. These Huguenots survived persecution and armed conflict to win—however briefly—freedom of worship, civil rights, and unique status as a protected minority. But in 1685, the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes abolished all Huguenot rights, and more than 200,000 of the radical Calvinists were forced to flee across Europe, some even farther. In this capstone work, Geoffrey Treasure tells the full story of the Huguenots’ rise, survival, and fall in France over the course of a century and a half. He explores what it was like to be a Huguenot living in a “state within a state,” weaving stories of ordinary citizens together with those of statesmen, feudal magnates, leaders of the Catholic revival, Henry of Navarre, Catherine de’ Medici, Louis XIV, and many others. Treasure describes the Huguenots' disciplined community, their faith and courage, their rich achievements, and their unique place within Protestantism and European history. The Huguenot exodus represented a crucial turning point in European history, Treasure contends, and he addresses the significance of the Huguenot story—the story of a minority group with the power to resist and endure in one of early modern Europe’s strongest nations.
Pearson Education (US) Your Office: Getting Started with Advanced Problem Solving Cases
This book is the perfect complement to the Excel or Access Comprehensive texts, particularly for instructors looking for more complex, real world cases for students to work through. Included are 15 total cases (6 Excel, 6 Access, and 3 integrated). Real world problem solving for business and beyond The Your Office series prepares students to use both technical and soft skills in the real world. Hands-on technical content is woven into realistic business scenarios and focuses on using Microsoft Office® as a decision-making tool. The series features a unique running business scenario that connects all of the cases together and exposes students to using Office to solve problems relating to business areas like finance and accounting, production and operations, sales and marketing. Each chapter introduces a realistic business case for students to complete via hands-on steps that are easily identified in blue shaded boxes. Each blue box teaches a skill and comes complete with video and interactive support. Chapters are grouped into Business Units, which collectively illustrate a specific set of business concepts to achieve AACSB-related outcomes. Each Business Unit ends with a Capstone section, testing students' ability to apply concepts and skills beyond a single chapter. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyITLab does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyITLab, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Gallaudet University Press,U.S. Deaf Learners
"Deaf Learners: Developments in Curriculum and Instruction", edited by Donald F. Moores and David S. Martin, presents an in-depth collection by 17 renowned international scholars that details a developmental framework to maximize academic success for deaf students from kindergarten through grade 12. Part One: The Context commences with an overview of the state of general education and that of deaf learners, followed by a state-of-the art philosophical position on the selection of curriculum. Part Two: The Content considers critical subjects for deaf learners and how to deliver them, including mathematics, print literacy, science, social studies, and physical education. This section also addresses the role of itinerant services, as well as how to teach Deaf culture, provide for students with multiple disabilities, and facilitate school-to-work transitions. Chapters in Part Three: Instructional Considerations across the Curriculum provides suggestions and guidelines for assessing and planning programs for deaf students using meaningful contexts; optimizing the academic performance of deaf students with emphasis on access and opportunities; implementing a cognitive strategy that encourages teaching for and about thinking as an overriding principle; establishing instructional and practical communication in the classroom, especially in relation to ASL and English-based signing; and solving old problems with new strategies, including web-based technologies, resources, and applications. The lessons of these assembled scholars coalesce in the Part Four: Summary as a general recommendation for ongoing adaptability, a fitting capstone to this extraordinary volume of work.
Harvard University Press The Philosophy of the Kalam
Harry Wolfson was renowned throughout the world for the depth, scope, and wisdom of his monumental volumes on the structure and growth of philosophic systems from Plato to Spinoza. It was not only his extraordinary erudition that commanded respect, his awesome mastery of all the primary sources, Greek, Christian, Judaic, and Muslim; it was also his penetrating insight and his original and groundbreaking interpretations.In this long-awaited volume, on which he worked for twenty years, Wolfson describes the body of doctrine known as the Kalam. Kalam, an Arabic term meaning "speech" and hence "discussion," was applied to early attempts in Islam to adduce philosophic proofs for religious beliefs. It later came to designate a system of religious philosophy which reached its highest point in the eleventh century; the masters of Kalam, known as Mutakallimum, were in many respects the Muslim equivalent of the Christian Church Fathers. Wolfson studies the Kalam systematically, unfolding its philosophic origins and implications and observing its repercussions in other religions. He scrutinizes the texts of Muslim writers for their treatment of such crucial problems as the attributes of God, the Creation, causality, predestination and free will. In the process he shows how the teachings of the Koran were constantly interwoven with ideas from Greek and Oriental philosophies, Judaism, and Christianity as Islamic thought developed.As lucidly written and intellectually stimulating as all the author's earlier books, this volume is a fitting capstone to a notable career.
University of Notre Dame Press Way Toward Wisdom, The: An Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Introduction to Metaphysics
Once thought to be the task of metaphysics, the synthesis of knowledge has been discounted by many philosophers today. Benedict Ashley, a leading Thomistic scholar, argues that it remains a valid and intellectually fruitful pursuit by situating metaphysics as an endeavor that must cross disciplinary and cultural boundaries. Working from a realist Thomistic epistemology, Ashley asserts that we must begin our search for wisdom in the natural sciences; only then, he believes, can we ensure that our claims about immaterial and invisible things are rooted in reliable experience of the material. Any attempt to share wisdom, he insists, must derive from a context that is both interdisciplinary and intercultural. Ashley offers an ambitious analysis and synthesis of major historical contributions to the unification of knowledge, including non-Western traditions. Beginning with the question "Metaphysics: Nonsense or Wisdom?" Ashley moves from a critical examination of the foundations of modern science to quantum physics and the Big Bang; from Aristotle's theory of being and change, through Aquinas's five ways, to a critical analysis of modern and postmodern thought. Ashley is able to interweave the approaches of the great philosophers by demonstrating their contributions to philosophical thought in a concrete, specific manner. In the process, he accounts for a contemporary culture overwhelmed by the fragmentation of data and thirsting for an utterly transcendent yet personal God. The capstone of a remarkable career, The Way Toward Wisdom will be welcomed by students in philosophy and theology.
Plural Publishing Inc Consuming and Producing Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders: Developing Power of Professor
Consuming and Producing Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders is an exciting new textbook designed for undergraduate research methods in communication sciences and disorders (CSD) programs. It is also appropriate for first-year graduate students taking research methods courses in speech-language pathology and audiology. The text guides students in attaining the competencies required to consume, produce, and disseminate research; and students will have the knowledge and skills that are necessary and sufficient to conduct research as is consistent with the duties of an academic professor. The text reviews what obligations an individual, professor or not, has before being permitted to do research. The emphasis is on clinically-oriented professionals who can perform the research associated with professors. Part I on Consuming Research in CSD includes academic-clinical integration of research, as well as information required for consumption of research such as research ethics, the scientific method, types of research, and how to critique a journal article and a diagnostic test. Part II on Producing Research in CSD helps guide the undergraduate student in producing a capstone project or senior thesis and the master's student in producing a graduate thesis or research project. Part II also addresses mentoring, the Institutional Review Board, and conducting academic and clinical research. Part III addresses Disseminating Research in CSD, from the traditional (presenting and publishing academic and clinical research) to the non-traditional (marketing, social media, and new technologies).
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Elements of Mathematics: A Problem-Centered Approach to History and Foundations
This textbook offers a rigorous presentation of mathematics before the advent of calculus. Fundamental concepts in algebra, geometry, and number theory are developed from the foundations of set theory along an elementary, inquiry-driven path. Thought-provoking examples and challenging problems inspired by mathematical contests motivate the theory, while frequent historical asides reveal the story of how the ideas were originally developed. Beginning with a thorough treatment of the natural numbers via Peano’s axioms, the opening chapters focus on establishing the natural, integral, rational, and real number systems. Plane geometry is introduced via Birkhoff’s axioms of metric geometry, and chapters on polynomials traverse arithmetical operations, roots, and factoring multivariate expressions. An elementary classification of conics is given, followed by an in-depth study of rational expressions. Exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions complete the picture, driven by inequalities that compare them with polynomial and rational functions. Axioms and limits underpin the treatment throughout, offering not only powerful tools, but insights into non-trivial connections between topics. Elements of Mathematics is ideal for students seeking a deep and engaging mathematical challenge based on elementary tools. Whether enhancing the early undergraduate curriculum for high achievers, or constructing a reflective senior capstone, instructors will find ample material for enquiring mathematics majors. No formal prerequisites are assumed beyond high school algebra, making the book ideal for mathematics circles and competition preparation. Readers who are more advanced in their mathematical studies will appreciate the interleaving of ideas and illuminating historical details.
Pearson Education (US) Your Office: Getting Started with Microsoft Windows 10
The Your Office series prepares readers to use both technical and soft skills in the real world. Hands-on technical content is woven into realistic business scenarios and focuses on using Microsoft Office® as a decision-making tool. The series features a unique running business scenario that connects all of the cases together and exposes students to using Office to solve problems relating to business areas like finance and accounting, production and operations, sales and marketing. Each chapter introduces a realistic business case for students to complete via hands-on steps that are easily identified in blue shaded boxes. Each blue box teaches a skill and comes complete with video and interactive support. Chapters are grouped into Business Units, which collectively illustrate a specific set of business concepts to achieve AACSB-related outcomes. Each Business Unit ends with a Capstone section, testing students' ability to apply concepts and skills beyond a single chapter. Windows 10 is a new approach to operating systems for the more mobile world we live in. With Windows 10, apps, services, and content move across devices seamlessly, and updates will be delivered regularly. There are a variety of enhancements from Windows 10, and there are significant changes from Windows 7. To guide both new and experienced users of earlier versions, the Your Office series takes a problem-solving approach, which challenges students to use the software as a decision-making tool.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Heat Conduction
HEAT CONDUCTION Mechanical Engineering THE LONG-AWAITED REVISION OF THE BESTSELLER ON HEAT CONDUCTION Heat Conduction, Third Edition is an update of the classic text on heat conduction, replacing some of the coverage of numerical methods with content on micro- and nanoscale heat transfer. With an emphasis on the mathematics and underlying physics, this new edition has considerable depth and analytical rigor, providing a systematic framework for each solution scheme with attention to boundary conditions and energy conservation. Chapter coverage includes: Heat conduction fundamentals Orthogonal functions, boundary value problems, and the Fourier Series The separation of variables in the rectangular coordinate system The separation of variables in the cylindrical coordinate system The separation of variables in the spherical coordinate system Solution of the heat equation for semi-infinite and infinite domains The use of Duhamel’s theorem The use of Green’s function for solution of heat conduction The use of the Laplace transform One-dimensional composite medium Moving heat source problems Phase-change problems Approximate analytic methods Integral-transform technique Heat conduction in anisotropic solids Introduction to microscale heat conduction In addition, new capstone examples are included in this edition and extensive problems, cases, and examples have been thoroughly updated. A solutions manual is also available. Heat Conduction is appropriate reading for students in mainstream courses of conduction heat transfer, students in mechanical engineering, and engineers in research and design functions throughout industry.
APress Beginning VFX with Autodesk Maya: Create Industry-Standard Visual Effects from Scratch
Dive into the nuances of visual effects (VFX) design, from planning to execution, using Autodesk Maya. This book introduces the methods and techniques required for your first foray into 3D FX generation from scratch. You will start with the fundamentals of visual effects, including a history of VFX, tools and techniques for creating believable visual effects, and popular tools used in the industry. Next, you are introduced to Autodesk Maya and its various components that make it a favorite among professionals. You will learn how to create rigid body collisions and simulate realistic particles such as dust, fire, water, and more.This book also presents strategies for creating a vortex, rain, hair, fluids, and other soft body simulations and also demonstrates nature element simulations for computer-generated production. At the end of the book, there is a capstone project to make your own visual effects scene in a practical way. After going through this book, you will be able to start building computer-generated visual effects from your imagination through to production.What You Will Learn Understand the basic physics behind effect creation Create 3D visual effects scenes from scratch Know the details of dynamic simulation in the computer generation space using various functionalities available in Autodesk Maya Who This Book Is ForBeginning-level users; students from the field of visual effects design, 3D modeling, and simulation; game designers; those creating computer graphics; FX artists and aspirants looking for a career in the field of 3D
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Elements of Mathematics: A Problem-Centered Approach to History and Foundations
This textbook offers a rigorous presentation of mathematics before the advent of calculus. Fundamental concepts in algebra, geometry, and number theory are developed from the foundations of set theory along an elementary, inquiry-driven path. Thought-provoking examples and challenging problems inspired by mathematical contests motivate the theory, while frequent historical asides reveal the story of how the ideas were originally developed. Beginning with a thorough treatment of the natural numbers via Peano’s axioms, the opening chapters focus on establishing the natural, integral, rational, and real number systems. Plane geometry is introduced via Birkhoff’s axioms of metric geometry, and chapters on polynomials traverse arithmetical operations, roots, and factoring multivariate expressions. An elementary classification of conics is given, followed by an in-depth study of rational expressions. Exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions complete the picture, driven by inequalities that compare them with polynomial and rational functions. Axioms and limits underpin the treatment throughout, offering not only powerful tools, but insights into non-trivial connections between topics. Elements of Mathematics is ideal for students seeking a deep and engaging mathematical challenge based on elementary tools. Whether enhancing the early undergraduate curriculum for high achievers, or constructing a reflective senior capstone, instructors will find ample material for enquiring mathematics majors. No formal prerequisites are assumed beyond high school algebra, making the book ideal for mathematics circles and competition preparation. Readers who are more advanced in their mathematical studies will appreciate the interleaving of ideas and illuminating historical details.
Salt Publishing Magnus
In Magnus we enter the world of heroes and villains, gods and monsters, good and evil. With a twist, of course, as one would expect from the author of The Book of Alexander.Per, Jonas, Mette and Linnéa are university undergraduates on their final year project with Professor Erik Nordveit. Magnus is the unwelcome guest, a student of grotesque appearance with a shady past who must complete the project to be awarded a pass degree. The group will live together for one week in a cabin on the remote island of Svindel off the west coast of Norway. The pressure cooker atmosphere soon increases – who will explode first? Who can really concentrate on monitoring environmental pollution under these conditions, when there is no contact with the mainland?What starts as the capstone of their university careers, slowly becomes more difficult for the Professor and the students. Events take a turn for the worse. True natures are revealed. Is there a need in all of us to escape, to maximise our freedom, to be ourselves? Do we naturally split into two sides and become either heroes or monsters? Can people truly govern themselves without laws and force of arms?The week culminates in a bonfire party to celebrate Midsummer’s Eve. The neighbouring islands light beacons to celebrate the longest day with the sun still in the sky. In its hour of need who will answer Svindel’s call? Are heroes made or born?
The University of Chicago Press The Getaway Car: A Donald Westlake Nonfiction Miscellany
Over the course of a fifty-year career, Donald Westlake published nearly one hundred books, including not one - but two - long-running series, starring the hard-hitting Parker and the hapless John Dortmunder. In the six years since his death, Westlake's reputation has only grown, with fans continuing to marvel at his tightly constructed plots, no-nonsense prose, and keen, even unsettling, insights into human behavior. With The Getaway Car, we get our first glimpse at another side of Westlake the writer: what he did when he wasn't busy making stuff up. And it's fascinating. Setting previously published pieces, many little-seen, alongside never-before-published material found in Westlake's working files, the book offers a clear picture of the man behind the books - including his background, experience, and thoughts on his own work and that of his peers, mentors, and influences. The book opens with revealing (and funny) fragments from an unpublished autobiography, then goes on to offer an extended history of private eye fiction, a conversation among Westlake's numerous pen names, letters to friends and colleagues, interviews, appreciations of fellow writers, and much, much more. There's even a recipe for Sloth a la Dortmunder. Really. Rounded out with a Foreword by Westlake's longtime friend Lawrence Block, The Getaway Car is a fitting capstone to a storied career, and a wonderful opportunity to revel anew in the voice and sensibility of a master craftsman.
WW Norton & Co Give Methods a Chance
Give Methods a Chance offers a unique multimedia introduction to research methods. This volume, which builds on podcast interviews available at, introduces readers to some of the most creative, exciting, and influential researchers in sociology. These stories from the field are designed to demystify the research process and show how methods are put into action. The text and complementary podcasts offer a distinctive, first-person window into how sociologists generate knowledge: the fun, the headaches, the workarounds, and the care and passion needed to get things right. This volume is organized into four sections: Interpretive and Qualitative Methods, Explanatory and Quantitative Methods, Mixed Methods, and Innovations. The first section engages scholars who employ an array of qualitative approaches to better understand the social world. In the second section, Green and Lageson bring together scholars who use quantitative approaches to transform the social world into analyzable data sets. The third section highlights scholars who use multiple methods within a single study, often drawing on both quantitative and qualitative data, and employing elements of the exploratory, descriptive, interpretative, and explanatory. In the final section, the authors look at new and exciting methodological innovations with a group of scholars pushing the field forward, using new technologies to gather previously inaccessible data, examining new virtual communities and online spaces of communication, and employing methods from outside the discipline in creative ways. This straightforward organizational scheme will map seamlessly onto existing texts and syllabi in research methodology, introductory sociology, and capstone courses, while the content uniquely conveys the voices of researchers.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Quantitative Investment Analysis
Whether you are a novice investor or an experienced practitioner, Quantitative Investment Analysis, 4th Edition has something for you. Part of the CFA Institute Investment Series, this authoritative guide is relevant the world over and will facilitate your mastery of quantitative methods and their application in todays investment process. This updated edition provides all the statistical tools and latest information you need to be a confident and knowledgeable investor. This edition expands coverage of Machine Learning algorithms and the role of Big Data in an investment context along with capstone chapters in applying these techniques to factor modeling, risk management and backtesting and simulation in investment strategies. The authors go to great lengths to ensure an even treatment of subject matter, consistency of mathematical notation, and continuity of topic coverage that is critical to the learning process. Well suited for motivated individuals who learn on their own, as well as a general reference, this complete resource delivers clear, example-driven coverage of a wide range of quantitative methods. Inside you'll find: Learning outcome statements (LOS) specifying the objective of each chapter A diverse variety of investment-oriented examples both aligned with the LOS and reflecting the realities of todays investment world A wealth of practice problems, charts, tables, and graphs to clarify and reinforce the concepts and tools of quantitative investment management You can choose to sharpen your skills by furthering your hands-on experience in the Quantitative Investment Analysis Workbook, 4th Edition (sold separately)—an essential guide containing learning outcomes and summary overview sections, along with challenging problems and solutions.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Beyond the Indigo Children: The New Children and the Coming of the Fifth World
According to prophecy, the fifth sun or fifth world of the Mayan calendar moves into a higher octave of vibration, or ascension, on December 21, 2012. This date represents a ""gateway"" of planetary development that will open humanity to new ways of living and new worlds of opportunity. Ancient traditions have foretold that our successful passage through this gateway depends on the ""fifth root race""--new stock in the human gene pool--destined to help us through the exciting and massive changes ahead. In Beyond the Indigo ChildrenP. M. H. Atwater illuminates the characteristics of the fifth root race, the capstone being the extraordinary ""new children,"" those brilliant and irreverent kids born since 1982. She explores the relationship of the new children to the prophecies in the Mayan calendar and other traditions, providing extensive background information about the seven root races (the sixth and seventh of which haven’t yet appeared) and the great shifting of consciousness already underway. She reveals the connection of the seven root races to the seven chakras, and how the fifth chakra--the chakra of willpower--will be opened for humankind as the new children grow to maturity. She also discusses the phenomenon of soaring intelligence and undeveloped potential and provides concrete guidance and tools for those who seek to understand and help the new children achieve their full potential. Beyond the Indigo Childrenis the first major study of today's children, and their place in our rapidly changing world, that combines objective research with mystical revelation and prophecy.
Orion Publishing Co The Tropic of Eternity
Perfect for fans of Iain M. Banks and Peter F. Hamilton.It is the 147th century. The mighty era of Homo Sapiens is at an end.In the Westerly Provinces of the Old World, the hunt is on for the young queen Arabis, and the beast that holds her captive. In the brutal hominid Investiture, revolution has come. The warlord Cunctus, having seized the Vulgar worlds, invites every Prism to pick a side. In the Firmament, once the kingdom of the Immortal Amaranthine, all ships converge on the foundry of Gliese. The grandest battle in the history of mammalian kind has begun.Perception, ancient machine spirit, must take back its mortal remains in a contest for the Firmament itself. Ghaldezuel, now the Grand Marshal of Cunctus' new empire, must travel to the deepest lagoon in the Investiture, a place where monsters dwell. Captain Maril, lost amongst the Hedron Stars, finds himself caught between colossal powers the likes of which he'd never dreamt. And for Aaron the Long-Life, he who has waited so very, very long for his revenge, things are only getting started . . .'(An) unceasing display of wonders...This third novel honours the accomplishments of and promises of the first two, and serves as a fitting capstone to a unique creation...' Paul Di Filippo, Locus Magazine'The final book in Toner's ridiculously ambitious trilogy will force you to redefine what space opera can do... ' Barnes & Noble'Among the most significant works of science fiction released in recent years' TOR.COM [The Promise of the Child]
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Essentials of Health Care Marketing
Essentials of Health Care Marketing, Fifth Edition provides students with a foundational knowledge of the principles of marketing and their particular application in health care. Offering an engaging and accessible approach, the Fifth Edition of this highly current text offers new or expanded content on social media and digital marketing, a thorough consideration of ethics, the impact of technology on marketing and health care, and additional multimedia to add relevance and further engage students. New to the Fifth Edition: - New chapter on Marketing in the Digital Age discusses new disruptive competitors in health care, digital influences along the stages of the patient journey, the Internet of Things (IoT) and its effect on marketing, and more. - Sixteen new cases highlight the impact of COVID-19, the marketing of the patient portal, the impact of mergers in health care on organizational culture, social media influences, and related current topics. - Links in every chapter connect students to valuable digital resources, including video and web links that illuminate chapter concepts and provide a basis for classroom discussion. - New & expanded discussion of technology throughout the text, including the use of artificial Intelligence (AI), big data, and virtual focus groups in market research; OTT distribution models such as Apple TX and Roku in advertising, and how technology impacts aging place for growing senior demographic. - Significantly enhanced discussion of transparency in government, consumer, and corporate responses around price, including a new section on value-based payment models. - New capstone chapter (16) on ethical considerations in marketing covers areas of topical interest and debate in health care marketing.
Simon & Schuster The Luckiest Man: Life with John McCain
A “moving and lucidly written memoir” (The Wall Street Journal) of the late Senator John McCain from one of his closest and most trusted confidants, friends, and political advisors.More so than almost anyone outside of McCain’s immediate family, Mark Salter had unparalleled access to and served to influence the Senator’s thoughts and actions, cowriting seven books with him and acting as a valued confidant. Now, in The Luckiest Man, Salter draws on the storied facets of McCain’s early biography as well as the later-in-life political philosophy for which the nation knew and loved him, delivering an intimate and comprehensive account of McCain’s life and philosophy. Salter covers all the major events of McCain’s life—his peripatetic childhood, his naval service—but introduces, too, aspects of the man that the public rarely saw and hardly knew. Woven throughout this narrative is also the story of Salter and McCain’s close relationship, including how they met, and why their friendship stood the test of time in a political world known for its fickle personalities and frail bonds. Through Salter’s revealing and “psychological portrait” (The Washington Post) of one of our country’s finest public servants, McCain emerges as both the man we knew him to be and also someone entirely new. Glimpses of his restlessness, his curiosity, his courage, and sentimentality are rendered with sensitivity and care—as only Mark Salter could provide. The capstone to Salter’s intimate and decades-spanning time with the Senator, The Luckiest Man is the authoritative last word on the stories McCain was too modest to tell himself and an influential life not soon to be forgotten.
Temple Lodge Publishing John's Gospel: The Cosmic Rhythm, Stars and Stones
That there is a living stream of Johannine Christianity can no longer be doubted. There is now an abundant literature from Rosicrucian and esoteric traditions - from the deepest prayer and meditation - that addresses the exalted nature of John the Evangelist as expressed through his Gospel, Letters and the Book of Revelation. Yet it fell to Hermann Beckh to elucidate clearly how the individual known as 'John' became the source of such undying love and wisdom in Christ. According to Rudolf Steiner, John was the ailing Lazarus, called from death to a new life as 'the disciple Jesus loved'. Beckh demonstrates how John's invaluable writings were based on personal spiritual knowledge and experience, expressing the divine work of the Cosmic Christ on human nature and on the Earth, leading far into the future. Whilst Beckh's authorship originated within the context of the emerging Christian Community founded in 1922, his profoundly original books could not be confined to its framework. Not only could Beckh tackle original texts in Tibetan, Sanskrit and Avestan, but - through his independent vision - he was able to establish new links with philosophical Alchemy, Jakob Boehme, Goethe, Nietzsche and Novalis. He thereby stands with these figures as a co-worker in a greater community. Having prepared the way with his Mark's Gospel of 1928, John's Gospel could be described as the capstone of Beckh's writings - as a triumphant announcement that theology and the study of John's Gospel have finally come of age. Appearing here in a freshly revised translation by Alan Stott, the current volume is enhanced by a series of valuable addenda that shed further light on Beckh's significant achievements.