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DK Essential Golf Skills
Whether you're a novice or trying to bring your handicap down, Essential Golf Skills teaches the basics on grip, posture, rhythm, and ball control. Perfect for all ages and skill levels, Essential Golf Skills teaches the basics rules, types of courses, and styles of play. The Essential Skills series is at-a-glance reference packed with instant-access, easy-to-understand tips to help you improve your game, your technique, and your creativity.
DK Ultimate Sticker Book: Washington, D.C.: More Than 60 Reusable Full-Color Stickers
Featuring Washington's most spectacular sights, this colorful sticker book is perfect as a child's travel guide, a souvenir for family trips, or an opportunity to learn more about our nation's capital. Also features a map of the National Mall and a game of DC Bingo.Each Ultimate Sticker Book presents an array of colorful, photographic stickers of baby animals or dinosaurs, the US Presidents or the night sky–there's something for everyone. Young children will love working with these durable, reusable stickers, and they can have fun using the stickers to make picture books and projects on their own. These entertaining books provide a hands-on way to explore new subjects. (And some of the stickers even glow in the dark!) Includes over 60 full-color, self-adhesive stickers.
DK Ultimate Sticker Book: Butterflies: More Than 60 Reusable Full-Color Stickers
Kids will explore discover beautiful winged creatures with this butterfly sticker book. From cocoon to complete butterfly, nature and insect lovers will have a blast learning about their life cycles.Each Ultimate Sticker Book presents an array of colorful, photographic stickers of baby animals or dinosaurs, the US Presidents or the night sky–there's something for everyone. Young children will love working with these durable, reusable stickers, and they can have fun using the stickers to make picture books and projects on their own. These entertaining books provide a hands-on way to explore new subjects. (And some of the stickers even glow in the dark!) Includes over 60 full-color, self-adhesive stickers.
DK Ultimate Sticker Book: North American Birds: Over 60 Reusable Full-Color Stickers
With this dazzling sticker book, kids will discover a fun and hands-on way to learn about North American birds. Discover majestic winged creatures: owls, cardinals, blue jays, and more! Each Ultimate Sticker Book presents an array of colorful, photographic stickers of baby animals or dinosaurs, the US Presidents or the night sky–there's something for everyone. Young children will love working with these durable, reusable stickers, and they can have fun using the stickers to make picture books and projects on their own. These entertaining books provide a hands-on way to explore new subjects. (And some of the stickers even glow in the dark!) Includes over 60 full-color, self-adhesive stickers.
DK Ultimate Sticker Book: Dog: More Than 60 Reusable Full-Color Stickers
With this adorable sticker book, kids will discover a fun and hands-on way to learn about dogs. Find out all about dog breeds by seeing their individual groups: perfect pets, service dogs, hunting dogs, and more! See them play, snuggle, and cuddle. Each Ultimate Sticker Book presents an array of colorful, photographic stickers of baby animals or dinosaurs, the US Presidents or the night sky–there's something for everyone. Young children will love working with these durable, reusable stickers, and they can have fun using the stickers to make picture books and projects on their own. These entertaining books provide a hands-on way to explore new subjects. (And some of the stickers even glow in the dark!) Includes over 60 full-color, self-adhesive stickers.
DK An Anthology of Intriguing Animals Poster Book: With More Than 30 Reversible Tear-Out Posters
Bring the animals of the world to your walls with this collection of posters from the bestselling book An Anthology of Intriguing Animals.The animal kingdom is so much bigger than young minds can imagine and there is always more to learn. This book of beautiful tear-out posters will take children on an incredible visual journey through the animal kingdom, with each poster revealing an eye-catching image of a creature from around the world.From tigers and whales to snakes and birds, there is an animal for everyone to explore and marvel at. Every poster is clearly labeled and highlights key features and facts children aged 7+ need to know, so you have a perfectly curated look into the impressive animal kingdom. This colorful animal poster book for children offers:- A unique and fun introduction to the animal kingdom, using posters as a visual aid to help young learners understand and engage with the information.- Each species presented in a remarkable way, capturing them in action or showing intriguing features up-close.- Impressive images taken from An Anthology of Intriguing Animals, a bestselling anthology with beautiful artwork and imagery. This animal poster book will have children and adults alike poring over the close-up images, and deciding where to place these spectacular posters! Each type of animal is shown both photographically and illustrated, with the species’ name and profile on each poster to teach kids about every animal. This is simply the best gift for any child who can’t get enough of the wonders of wildlife.
DK Composers Who Changed History
This intricate visual celebration of the world's most celebrated composers tells the fascinating stories of their lives and works.Whether you have an interest in classical music and opera or you are a music student or musician, this book would be great for you. Composers Who Changed History places well-known composers in their historical and cultural context, allowing you to see how they came to influence music. In this edition, you can find: -An overview of the lives and works of around 80 of the world's most important composers - from the Middle Ages to the present-Eight pages of brand-new content with 12 new entries, including Joseph Bologne and Margaret Bonds-Lavishly illustrated with portraits of each composer, alongside photographs of their homes and studios, and original musical scores and personal correspondenceEach composer is Introduced with a realistic portrait and biographical entries which trace the friendships, loves, and rivalries that inspired and influenced them. Composers Who Changed History provides revealing insights into what drove each individual to create the musical masterpieces - symphonies, concertos and operatic scores - that changed the direction of classical music. Making the perfect gift for any classical music enthusiast or musician.
DK Eyewitness Collection Boxset: 4-Book Box Set - Rocks & Minerals, Titanic, Hurricane & Tornado and Dinosaur Books
Packed with striking photography, this encyclopedia collection includes four incredible reference books that teaches curious children about big topics.Become an eyewitness to a range of fascinating topics and dive into this collection of encyclopedias for children! Eyewitness Collection Boxset is perfect for those who want to know more about dinosaurs, geology, the Titanic, and natural disasters. Children aged 9+ will love learning about four captivating topics in this fact-filled encyclopedia series: Eyewitness Dinosaur, Eyewitness Rocks & Minerals, Eyewitness Titanic, and Eyewitness Hurricane & Tornado. Vidid photography and an impressive visual layout supports the age-appropriate text and fun facts for the next generation of information-seekers and stay-at-home explorers. Eyewitness DinosaurIncludes chapters on the prehistoric world; Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods, looking closely at different types of dinosaurs and their body parts, diets, senses, evolution, and more.Eyewitness Rocks & Minerals Includes chapters on how rocks and minerals are used, the secrets of ancient fossils and how new rocks are made, how crystals grow, and what you need to start your own collectionEyewitness TitanicIncludes chapters on the Titanic’s incredible construction, catastrophic sinking, what life was like for people on board the shop and survival stories from the epic rescue mission.Eyewitness Hurricane & TornadoIncludes chapters on the effects of nature’s most extreme weather, from polar regions to the tropics, weather forecasting techniques and the ways in which human activity can cause weather patterns to change.This exciting children’s encyclopedia set features: - 4 comprehensive and colorful encyclopedias for curious children aged 9+, full of information about dinosaurs, geology, extreme weather conditions and the world’s most famous ship!- Supports key curriculum subjects for the age group such as history, sciences, geography, and biology.- Colorful illustrations, vivid photography and updated diagrams.In the Eyewitness Collection Boxset, children will discover the Titanic’s treasures that lay uncovered for years, see the inside of a cyclone, dig into the past and examine fossils, and learn the secret to growing crystals.
DK 1000 Bilingual Words Animals - 1000 palabras bilingües animales
- A visually exciting first bilingual nature book for 5–7 year olds that develops children’s language and literacy skills, while expanding vocabulary.- Useful nouns, adjectives, and verbs, as well as questions that build language and stimulate thinking and imagination.- Combine photography and illustrations, with fun things to spot on each page, encouraging the reader to engage in reading many times. This fun and busy bilingual picture book helps children build up a vocabulary of 1000 words about the lives of animals around the world in English and Spanish.Written by award-winning science teacher Jules Pottle, it introduces key concepts about wildlife and the natural world strengthening early reading skills. Every picture-packed page is full of fascinating topics, such as how animals protect themselves, their daily routines, and how species have adapted to different environments.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Libro bilingüe de naturaleza para niños de 5 a 7 años. Ayuda al desarrollo de las habilidades de lectoescritura incrementando el vocabulario de una manera dinámica y divertida.• Contiene sustantivos, adjetivos y verbos de uso habitual y preguntas para estimular el pensamiento y la imaginación.• Combina fotografía e ilustraciones, con elementos divertidos para detectar en cada página, atrayendo y motivando a leer.Con este libro divertido y repleto de imágenes, niños y niñas ampliarán su vocabulario bilingüe con 1000 palabras en español e inglés sobre la vida de los animales del mundo.Escrito por la galardonada profesora de ciencias Jules Pottle.
DK ¿Qué hora es? (How to Tell Time): Guía con solapas para aprender a decir la hora
- Cubre los aspectos básicos para aprender a decir la hora, siguiendo el plan de estudios escolar para niños de 5 a 7 años.- Visual e interactivo, incluye reloj con manecillas móviles y con solapas en cada doble página.- Un formato resistente perfecto para que lo usen muchas veces.Libro educativo y lleno de color que ayuda a los niños a comprender los conceptos básicos para decir la hora. Totalmente interactivo, con preguntas que ayudan a los niños a relacionar las horas con la vida cotidiana. El reloj con manecillas móviles ayuda a los niños a decir la hora correcta. El libro perfecto que los niños necesitan, ya que cubre el tema de una manera totalmente interactiva y divertida facilitando el aprendizaje.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Covers the basic aspects of how to tell the time, perfect for 5-7 year olds.- Highly visual, interactive, with flaps on every working spread - Features a colorful clock face with moveable hands.This charming and colorful book helps kids understand the basics of telling time. Fully interactive, the book features lift-the-flap puzzles that help kids to relate telling the time to everyday life.
DK Antigua Roma (Ancient Rome)
- Lujosamente ilustrada con más de 850 fotos, ilustraciones y mapas.- Desde la cultura y la sociedad romana hasta sus líderes militares y filósofos, muestra en detalle el día a día y las creencias de sus ciudadanos comunes.- Ilustraciones en 3D inéditas dan vida a los mejores edificios y revelan los secretos que escondían.- Escrito por un equipo de historiadores expertos.- El regalo perfecto para cualquier persona interesada en la historia universal.Sumérgete en la historia de la antigua Roma, desde sus orígenes como pequeño asentamiento en el monte Palatino hasta su apogeo como imperio de más de 90 millones de personas y su tumultuoso declive.Cubriendo más de 1,000 años de historia, este libro ilustrado revela con todo detalle los eventos políticos, culturales y militares clave que dieron forma al Imperio Romano. Explora cómo era vivir en la sociedad que sentó las bases de nuestro mundo moderno.El libro perfecto para cualquiera interesado en este período tan importante y decisivo de la historia universal.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A lavishly illustrated guide with more than 850 photos, illustrations, and maps.- Culture and society to military leaders and philosophers, and details of the lives and beliefs of ordinary citizens.- Specially commissioned CGI recreations bring the greatest buildings to life and reveal their inner secrets.- Written by a team of expert historians.
DK El libro de la arquitectura (The Architecture Book)
Explora los conceptos arquitectónicos clave que hay detrás de los edificios y estructuras más increíbles del mundo.- Resume las ideas, explora y explica todos los grandes acontecimientos y las personas que los hicieron posibles a través de una combinación de textos accesibles y gráficos estimulantes.- Tiene alcance global- La serie "Grandes ideas" ha vendido más de 6.5 millones de ejemplares en todo el mundo, en 88 países y en 29 idiomas.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You will discover the fascinating topic of architecture and examples of the movements and styles drawn from around the world.- Profiles the most important ideas, technologies, movements, and other developments , explores and explains each milestone and the people behind them, through a combination of accessible text and thought-provoking graphics.- Global in scope.- The “Big Ideas” series has sold more than 6.5 million copies worldwide.
DK Animal (Spanish edition): La guía visual definitiva
- Revisada por expertos en zoología.- Catálogo de especies con mapas de distribución e información actualizada- Incorpora las mejores fotografías de la vida silvestre del planeta tomadas desde la última actualización.- Producido en colaboración con el Smithsonian incluyendo los últimos descubrimientos científicos.- Más de 1.5 millones de copias vendidas en todo el mundo.Escrito por 70 especialistas en historia natural, 'Animal' presenta una impresionante galería fotográfica de más de 2,000 de los más importantes mamíferos salvajes, pájaros, reptiles, anfibios, peces, insectos y demás invertebrados del mundo.Esta enciclopedia fotográfica de referencia del reino animal ha vendido más de 1.5 millones de copias en todo el mundo desde su primera publicación hace 20 años. Esta edición está actualizada para incluir nuevas especies, imágenes y los últimos conocimientos científicos.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Revised by zoological experts.- Features species catalog with distribution maps and up-to-date information- New images added, featuring the world’s best wildlife photographs taken since the last edition.- US edition produced in association with the Smithsonian Institution, to include the latest scientific findings.Written by 70 natural history specialists, Animal features stunning wildlife photography of more than 2,000 of the world's most important wild mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, and other invertebrates. Animal has been in print for more than 20 years and sold more than 1.5 million copies worldwide. This landmark photographic encyclopedia of the animal kingdom is revised with new species, images, and the latest scientific knowledge.
DK Star Wars Dawn of Rebellion The Visual Guide
Take a deep dive into a turbulent era of the Star Wars galaxy and chart the rise of the Rebellion from the prequel trilogy through Obi-Wan, Andor, and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story to the original trilogy.For many years, the state of the galaxy between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope was a mystery to Star Wars fans. With the release of Star Wars: Rebels and Rogue One, and more recently, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Andor, an exciting new era has begun to emerge – the Dawn of Rebellion.Before Luke Skywalker ever picked up a lightsaber, the rebels were scattered and desperate bands of idealists, fighting their own battles against the might of the Empire. Victories were few, losses high, and danger ever-present. This Visual Guide charts this darkest of times, revealing all of the key characters, locations, vehicles, and weapons from the hit Disney+ series Obi-Wan Kenobi and Andor, with supporting material from the Skywalker saga. Includes an exclusive new cross-section artwork of the Fondor Hauler.
DK Architecture: The Definitive Visual Guide
From ancient dwellings to modern high-tech skyscrapers, discover everything there is to know about the history of architecture worldwide.Covering over 6,000 years of human history, Architecture charts the most important developments in building materials, technology, design, and the social changes that have shaped the architectural landscape. Explore every significant architectural period and style in depth through critical examples. Take a tour of some of the world’s most iconic buildings, beautifully illustrated with brilliant photography and specially commissioned CGI artworks. Dive deep into the pages of this inspiring architecture book to discover:- An innovative approach to the story of architecture using iconic examples. - Explores buildings throughout history and across the world.- A combination of creative photography and specially commissioned CGI artworks to analyze every significant architectural style.- Profiles of the latest developments in architectural practice, including “green” technology, such as living façades.- Published in association with the Smithsonian Institution in the US.- Optional 56-page reference section profiles key architects and contains profiles of additional important buildings.Find out why so many ancient Roman structures have withstood the test of time. Learn how the soaring ceilings of Gothic cathedrals are held up. And discover the architectural innovations that are helping to combat climate change. Architecture is the perfect book for anyone fascinated by the built world – its visual character and the factors that have formed it – and who wants to understand more.
DK Eyewitness Reptile
Packed with striking photography, Eyewitness Reptile explores one of nature’s most fascinating animal species.Become an eyewitness to how reptiles sense the world, move and use camouflage in this picture-led reference guide that will take you on a visual tour of these scaly creatures. Children will be mesmerized by the many different types of reptile species, from small pets to large crocodiles.This beautifully illustrated guide for kids aged 9+ gives an insight into how crocodiles look after their young, how lizards store fat in their tails, and how chameleons swivel their eyes. Using striking full-color photographs of snakes, crocodiles, lizards, and turtles, this book offers a unique eyewitness view of these amazing creatures.Throughout the pages of this newly-revised book on reptiles, you can expect to find: - A fresh new look; new photographs, updated information, and a new “eyewitness” feature.- Amazing facts, updated diagrams, statistics, and timelines.- Brand new eyewitness accounts from experts in the field.Eyewitness Reptile introduces the ultimate guide to these cold-blooded creatures, where you can find out how snakes are charmed, how geckos walk upside down, why crocodiles swallow stones, and how a snake is milked of venom. Children can learn all about how an anole lizard frightens its enemies by displaying its bright red beard and watch a boa constrictor swallowing its prey whole. This all-encompassing guide to reptiles is a must-have for curious children aged 9+ with a thirst for learning, as well as teachers, parents and librarians.So, what’s new? Part of DK’s best-selling Eyewitness series, this popular title has been reinvigorated for the next generation of information-seekers and stay-at-home explorers, with a fresh new look, up to 20 percent new images, including photography and updated diagrams, updated information, and a new “eyewitness” feature with fascinating first-hand accounts from experts in the field.Explore the series!Globally, the Eyewitness series has sold more than 50 million copies over 30 years. Travel through the solar system with Eyewitness Space, learn the incredible systems that keep your body functioning with Eyewitness Human Body, take a trip aboard the most famous ship in history with Eyewitness Titanic, or explore one of the most brutal conflicts of the 20th century with Eyewitness World War I.
DK Sesame Street Elmo Asks Why?: A First Encyclopedia for Growing Minds
Discover fascinating facts about our incredible world with Elmo and friends!Elmo and his friends have lots of questions, and maybe you do, too. Why do bees sting?Why should I brush my teeth?Why do we need microscopes?Join Elmo and friends to find out the answers to these questions and many more. This first encyclopedia is bursting with exciting information and fascinating photographs about our wonderful world to help little learners grow smarter, stronger, and kinder.© 2023 Sesame Workshop®
DK Remote Working
DK brings you a practical guide summarizing the skills and secrets you need to manage a team remotely and get the best out of them. Introducing DK’S Essential Managers - a one-stop guide full of top tips to boost productivity, performance and passion within a business environment. More people are working from home – or remotely in other locations or time zones – than ever before. But with the many advantages the remote- and hybrid-working model brings, there are also brand-new sets of challenges – especially around effective management and getting the best out of teams that aren’t in the same room.Jam-packed with all of the skills to get the best out of remote- or hybrid-working, and as a manager running projects and teams remotely – however far the distance may be.Discover how to adapt your management style and get the best out of your team by defining expectations, understanding the unique challenges of working outside the traditional office environment, and setting up new routines, structures, and processes. Pick up useful tips on how to stay focused, motivated, communicate effectively; keep projects on track; and achieve the best results. Enveloped in a slim and sleek design, Essential Managers encompasses- A practical, “how-to” approach offering readers everything they need to run a project and manage a team remotely.- Step-by-step instructions, tips, checklists, and “Ask yourself” features.- Tables, illustrations, “in-focus” panels, and real-life case studies demonstrate and explain problem-solving, how to build confidence, and how to achieve the very best results. At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why not dive deeper into our Essential Managers series? A total of 10 titles, this curated collection of business books will help you hone your power and maximize your potential as an effective manager. Learn how to develop your leadership skills with Essential Managers - Leadership or improve upon your people skills with Essential Managers - Managing People. Tailored to your business goals, discover the DK book that’s right for you! Why settle for mediocre management when you can be unbeatable in your business!
DK DK Super Readers Level 1 Bilingual Dinosaur’s Day – El día de un dinosaurio
A day in the life of a Triceratops! Make reading in Spanish and English your superpower with DK’s beautiful, leveled nonfiction.Use your bilingual reading superpowers to learn all about what happens to a Triceratops when he meets a fierce Tyrannosaurus - a high-quality, fun, nonfiction reader - carefully leveled to help children progress.Dinosaur’s Day - El día de un dinosaurio is a beautifully designed reader all about a day in the life of a Triceratops - and its scary encounter with a deadly Tyrannosaurus!The engaging text has been carefully leveled using Lexile so that children are set up to succeed. A motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills in Spanish and English. Children will love to find out about the Triceratops, the Tyrannosaurus, and other dinosaurs.
DK DK Super Readers Pre-Level Bilingual Farm Animals – Los animales de la granja
Meet all the animals and their babies on the farm! Make reading in English and Spanish your superpower with DK’s beautiful, leveled nonfiction.Use your bilingual reading superpowers to learn all about farm animals - a high-quality, fun, nonfiction reader - carefully leveled to help children progress. Farm Animals - Los animales de la granja is a beautifully designed reader about farm favorites and their babies.The engaging text has been carefully leveled using Lexile so that children are set up to succeed. A motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills in Spanish and English. Children will love to find out about farm animals and their babies.
DK The Physics Book
How do magnets generate electricity? What is antimatter? Is time travel possible? Discover the answers to these and over 90 other big questions that explore the most important laws, theories, and breakthrough moments in our understanding of physics – from the earliest civilizations to the 21st century. The Physics Book comprises concise information and step-by-step diagrams that untangle knotty theories, memorable quotes, and witty illustrations that play with our understanding of physics. This diverse and inclusive account of physics includes Pythagoras’s observations on music, Galileo’s experiments with spheres, and Isaac Newton’s theories of gravity and the laws of motion, unlocking Albert Einstein’s insights into relativity, how the accidental discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation confirmed the Big Bang theory and the reasons most of the Universe is “missing”. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of physics, offering:- A foreword by renowned British scientist Professor Jim Al-Khalil.- Profiles of over 80 ideas and events that shaped our understanding of physics and its significance to everyday life. - Thought-provoking images and flow-charts that demystify the central concepts behind each idea.- Insightful quotes from leading physicists, such as Archimedes, Galileo and Einstein.- A directory section for easy localization.Your Physics Questions, Simply Explained.The Physics Book uses an innovative visual approach to make the subject accessible to everyone, whether you’re an avid student or just curious about maths. If you’ve ever wondered exactly how physicists formulated – and proved – these abstract concepts, this is the perfect book for you. The Big Ideas SeriesWith millions of copies sold worldwide, The Physics Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking images along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand.
DK English for Everyone English Grammar Guide and Practice Book Grammar Box Set
Understanding and practicing even the trickiest English grammar points has never been easier with this beautifully packaged box set for adults.Puzzled by past tenses? Confused by comparatives? Make learning grammar fun with this box set containing a comprehensive visual reference guide to English grammar and an accompanying practice book. With more than 1,000 practice exercises, this beautifully packaged box set makes learning and practising grammar incredibly easy.English for Everyone: English Grammar Guide & Practice Book Grammar Box Set is a one-stop visual reference guide to all the key points of English grammar and an accompanying workbook. This grammar guide is aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and uses an innovative visual learning method to make even the most difficult grammar rules clear and simple.Interactive and engaging, this English grammar box set includes: - A comprehensive visual guide to English grammar, along with a practice book containing more than 1,000 exercises to drill and reinforce grammar points.- All of the most important English grammar constructions in one easy-to-navigate reference book and one easy-to-use practice book.- Innovative visual learning methods making even the trickiest points of English grammar easy to learn and practice.Ideal for learners at all levels, this self-study program covers basic, intermediate, and advanced grammar. Whether you want to improve your grammar for work, study, travel, or exams, the English for Everyone Grammar Guide & Practice Book offers you a simple way to learn English grammar, remember it, and use it with confidence.At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why stop there?If you like English for Everyone: English Grammar Guide & Practice Book Grammar Box Set then why not try English for Everyone Business English Practice Book Level 2, as part of the widely successful English for Everyone Series, which have sold millions of copies in over 90 countries.
DK Marvel Sticker Anthology
Celebrate the enduring legacy of Marvel Comics and more than 80 years of history in this collection of vintage stickers.Revel in classic comics artwork with stickers of all your favorite characters, including iconic heroes such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, Black Widow and Captain America and villains such as Red Skull and Vulture.Page after page of this book is packed with beautiful vintage artwork of characters that entertains, delights, and brings back precious memories. Get creative! Adorn your personal items with more than 600 stickers, create gorgeous artwork and stationery, and enjoy this exquisite anniversary antiquarian book as a celebratory Marvel Comics keepsake.© 2023 MARVEL
DK Eyewitness Ancient Greece
Step back in time to an ancient world of mythical beasts, bow down to gods and goddesses, and take a trip to the first Olympics in this illustrated guide. Become an eyewitness to the glory of ancient Greece in this picture-led reference guide that will take you on a visual tour of what classical Greece was like. Children will be mesmerized by striking photography, maps, paintings, and lots of artefacts to help understand what life was like at this time.This illustrated guide lets kids aged 9+ experience the significance ancient Greece has had in transforming our world, in this detailed introduction to one of the world's founding nations. Learn why Greek pottery is so famous, discover how children played, and take a look at what people wore.Throughout the pages of this newly-revised book on Ancient Greece, you can expect to find: - A fresh new look; new photographs, updated information, and a new “eyewitness” feature.- Amazing facts, updated diagrams, statistics, and timelines.- Brand new eyewitness accounts from experts in the field.DK Eyewitness Ancient Greece is crammed full of fascinating information, statistics and facts. Meet a fierce minotaur, wage war with Alexander the Great, look inside a temple, and learn how the people of ancient Greece lived their lives. Find out about their religions, their hobbies, and their amazing impact on the rest of our history.So, what’s new? Part of DK’s best-selling Eyewitness series, this popular title has been reinvigorated for the next generation of information-seekers and stay-at-home explorers, with a fresh new look, up to 20 percent new images, including photography and updated diagrams, updated information, and a new “eyewitness” feature with fascinating first-hand accounts from experts in the field.Explore the series!Globally, the Eyewitness series has sold more than 50 million copies over 30 years. Travel through the solar system with Eyewitness Space, discover the incredible world of creepy-crawlies in Eyewitness Insect, examine precious stones in Eyewitness Crystal & Gem or take a trip aboard the most famous ship in history with Eyewitness Titanic.
DK 15-Minute Mandarin Chinese: Learn in Just 12 Weeks
Learn Mandarin Chinese in just 15 minutes a day with this revolutionary language learning system, now with an accompanying free app that is available in the App Store and Google Play.Practicing your language skills is quick, easy, and fun with 15-Minute Mandarin. There's no homework. Instead, use the visual guide and the free app to test yourself as you learn. Perfect your pronunciation by listening to native speakers, and learn from real-life examples that cover every holiday and business situation. Each full-color course book has themed chapters and common everyday scenarios, a menu guide, and translation dictionaries.Whether you're just starting to learn Mandarin Chinese or you want to brush up, there's no easier way to learn.
DK How Biology Works
Discover everything you need to know about biology, with the simplest most visual guide to the science of life.How do vaccines work? What is special about stem cells? How did we evolve from bacteria? The science of life can be dauntingly complex, and it can be hard to separate “good” science from “bad”, fundamental truths from the much-hyped breakthroughs reported in the media. With clear, easy-to-understand graphics and packed with fascinating facts, How Biology Works demystifies both the core biology that may have eluded us at school, and the cutting-edge life science that makes the news, answering the questions that spark our curiosity.With power to every page, this striking science book:- Is illustrated entirely by specially commissioned, boldly-colored, distinctive, flat, vector graphics that explain each topic clearly and engagingly.- Uses clear, distinctive, eye-catching graphics to make even complex biology easy to understand.- Offers a practical, no-nonsense approach to each subject.Building from life’s fundamental ingredients, such as carbon and water, the book explains chemical processes in living cells, controlled by the ultimate biochemical, DNA. It shows how DNA is made of units called genes, which are shuffled in each generation of offspring, leading to variation and evolution. It covers topics from school biology, such as how plants work and how animals, including humans, work, and goes on to ecology and biotechnology. Beyond school science, however, it covers the background to the latest medical technology and biotechnology: how gene therapy works, what stem-cell research is achieving, and how our immune systems, boosted by vaccines, are in an arms race with ever-mutating viruses and other pathogens.At DK, we believe in the power of discovery.So why stop there?How Biology Works is part of DK's widely successful How Stuff Works series. Discover the inner workings of the mind with How the Brain Works, succeed in all things science with How Science Works and discover the cosmos like you've never known before with How Space Works. Whatever topic sparks your interests, there's a plethora of knowledge to discover!
DK My Very Important Human Body Encyclopedia: For Little Learners Who Want to Know About Their Bodies
This exciting introduction to the human body is brimming with super senses, marvelous medicine, and record-breaking feats.The world is so much bigger than young minds can fathom and there is always more to learn. My Very Important Human Body is a vibrant encyclopedia for curious 5-9 year olds with a unique approach to the human body. Little learners can easily digest scientific information with this breakdown of how our bodies work and all the complex mechanisms that are inside us. Full of fun facts, colorful illustrations, and games that will keep them entertained, this children’s encyclopedia is filled with age-appropriate knowledge on a range of topics that support the curriculum. Get ready for a scientific adventure and investigate the ins and outs of the human body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes! This human body encyclopedia for children offers: - Fun facts about bones, blood, body bugs, amazing medical moments, and more!- An inclusive approach, with disabilities, neurodiversity, and physical differences represented throughout the book.- Chapters focusing on anatomical journeys around the body, skeletal framework, body parts and system, the senses, common health problems, and healthy living.- Colorful illustrations which go alongside fascinating information about the body.This bumper book for little learners that’s bursting with facts about what goes on in our insides. Follow your food on a journey through the body. Discover what’s going on when you cough and sneeze. Learn about incredible, life-changing medical discoveries from ancient history to the present day. Marvel at record-breaking human bodies, and see how animals compare!More in the seriesMy Very Important Human Body Encyclopedia is part of the educational My Very Important Encyclopedia series. Complete the collection and nurture your child's curiosity with My Encyclopedia of Very Important Adventures, teach them about different species with My Encyclopedia of Very Important Animals, or let them walk with dinosaurs who ruled the earth before them in My Encyclopedia of Very Important Dinosaurs.
DK Hábitats del mundo (Habitats of the World): Un viaje por los ecosistemas de la Tierra
• Contiene 14 impresionantes ilustraciones CGI a doble página, repletas de la vida vegetal y animal.• Este maravilloso formato ha vendido más de 770.000 ejemplares en todo el mundo.Un viaje ilustrado a través de los hábitats más sorprendentes de la Tierra, desde bosques y océanos hasta desiertos y polos helados.Ilustrado con increíble detalle, Hábitats del mundo explora los principales ecosistemas de la Tierra y las diferentes comunidades de animales y plantas que viven en cada uno. Desde una abundante selva tropical hasta las condiciones hostiles de alta montaña o los polos helados, descubre cómo los animales y las plantas se adaptan a su entorno y cómo interactúan con su entorno y entre ellos.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• 14 panoramic CGI artworks show each major habitat teeming with life.• In the same lavish, landscape format as the successful Through Time series, which has sold over 770,000 worldwide.Beautifully detailed panoramic artworks show each major habitat teeming with life—each scene is packed with drama and intricate details to pore over.
DK Making the Rules: What does our Government do?
Inspires young learners to explore America’s government institutions through the nation’s history and the experience of modern AmericansPart of an inspiring series of books that supports students in understanding government and civics in the United States, Making the Rules interweaves historical context, events, and personalities with the experiences of modern Americans to help students understand key social studies topics, including the origins of American institutions and values and their relevance to young people’s lives today.The book explores government’s impact on daily life, including raising money through taxation, security, protecting citizens’ rights, organization, and providing services. The author also explains the role of other authorities such as state government. Historical topics and events include examples of different roles of government: security during wartime, providing services, and supporting people in need of help.
DK Making the Rules: What does our Government do?
Inspires young learners to explore America’s government institutions through the nation’s history and the experience of modern AmericansPart of an inspiring series of books that supports students in understanding government and civics in the United States, Making the Rules interweaves historical context, events, and personalities with the experiences of modern Americans to help students understand key social studies topics, including the origins of American institutions and values and their relevance to young people’s lives today.The book explores government’s impact on daily life, including raising money through taxation, security, protecting citizens’ rights, organization, and providing services. The author also explains the role of other authorities such as state government. Historical topics and events include examples of different roles of government: security during wartime, providing services, and supporting people in need of help.
DK DK Super Readers Level 1 Life of a Baby Lemon Shark
Help your child power up their reading skills and learn all about the life of a baby lemon shark growing up at sea with this fun-filled nonfiction reader carefully leveled to help children progress.DK Super Readers Level 1: Life of a Baby Lemon Shark will introduce kids to a baby lemon shark—including facts about its ocean habitat, its appearance, and how it hunts for food—and is a motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills, proving ideal for children ready to enter the riveting world of reading. DK Super Readers take children on a journey through the wonderful world of nonfiction: traveling back to the time of dinosaurs, learning more about animals, exploring natural wonders and more, all while developing vital nonfiction reading skills and progressing from first words to reading confidently. The DK Super Readers series can help your child practice reading by:- Covering engaging, motivating, curriculum-aligned topics.- Building knowledge while progressing key Grades 1 and 2 reading skills.- Developing subject vocabulary on topics such as sharks, sea creatures, and ocean life.- Boosting understanding and retention through comprehension quizzes.Each title, which has been leveled using MetaMetrics®: The Lexile Framework for Reading, integrates science, geography, history, and nature topics so there’s something for all children’s interests. The books and online content perfectly supplement core literacy programs and are mapped to the Common Core Standards. Children will love powering up their nonfiction reading skills and becoming reading heroes. DK Super Readers Level 1 titles are visually engaging and build vocabulary through a nonfiction world of amazing facts. Perfect for children ages 6 to 8 (Grades 1 and 2) who are beginning to read with help.
DK DK Super Readers Pre-Level Seasons
Help your child power up their reading skills and learn all about the four seasons with this fun-filled nonfiction reader carefully leveled to help children progress.DK Super Readers Pre-Level: Seasons will introduce kids to each season in turn—including fun facts about the weather, the wildlife, and the activities within each—and is a motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills, proving ideal for children ready to enter the riveting world of reading. DK Super Readers take children on a journey through the wonderful world of nonfiction: traveling back to the time of dinosaurs, learning more about animals, exploring natural wonders and more, all while developing vital nonfiction reading skills and progressing from first words to reading confidently. The DK Super Readers series can help your child practice reading by:- Covering engaging, motivating, curriculum-aligned topics.- Building knowledge while progressing key Grades Pre-K and K reading skills.- Developing subject vocabulary on topics such as seasons, weather, and nature.- Boosting understanding and retention through comprehension quizzes.Each title, which has been leveled using MetaMetrics®: The Lexile Framework for Reading, integrates science, geography, history, and nature topics so there’s something for all children’s interests. The books and online content perfectly supplement core literacy programs and are mapped to the Common Core Standards. Children will love powering up their nonfiction reading skills and becoming reading heroes. DK Super Readers Pre-level titles are visually engaging, full of fun facts, and introduce children to the wonderful world of nonfiction. Perfect to help children ages 3 to 5 (Grades Pre-K and K) who are ready to enter the world of reading.
DK DK Super Readers Level 1 States of Matter
Help your child power up their reading skills and learn all about liquids, solids, gases, and plasma with this fun-filled nonfiction reader carefully leveled to help children progress.DK Super Readers Level 1: States of Matter will assist kids in their learning about states of matter and how they can change—including fun facts about what they and other things are made of—and is a motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills, proving ideal for children ready to enter the riveting world of reading. DK Super Readers take children on a journey through the wonderful world of nonfiction: traveling back to the time of dinosaurs, learning more about animals, exploring natural wonders and more, all while developing vital nonfiction reading skills and progressing from first words to reading confidently. The DK Super Readers series can help your child practice reading by:- Covering engaging, motivating, curriculum-aligned topics.- Building knowledge while progressing key Grades 1 and 2 reading skills.- Developing subject vocabulary on topics such as states of matter, science, and mass.- Boosting understanding and retention through comprehension quizzes.Each title, which has been leveled using MetaMetrics®: The Lexile Framework for Reading, integrates science, geography, history, and nature topics so there’s something for all children’s interests. The books and online content perfectly supplement core literacy programs and are mapped to the Common Core Standards. Children will love powering up their nonfiction reading skills and becoming reading heroes. DK Super Readers Level 1 titles are visually engaging and build vocabulary through a nonfiction world of amazing facts. Perfect for children ages 6 to 8 (Grades 1 and 2) who are beginning to read with help.
DK DK Super Readers Level 4 The Future
Help your child power up their reading skills and learn all about how we might live in the future with this fun-filled nonfiction reader carefully leveled to help children progress.DK Super Readers Level 4: The Future will introduce kids to everything they need to know about how futurists imagine what lies ahead—including fun facts about space tourism, future food, and farms for algae—and is a motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills, proving ideal for children ready to enter the riveting world of reading. DK Super Readers take children on a journey through the wonderful world of nonfiction: traveling back to the time of dinosaurs, learning more about animals, exploring natural wonders and more, all while developing vital nonfiction reading skills and progressing from first words to reading confidently. The DK Super Readers series can help your child practice reading by:- Covering engaging, motivating, curriculum-aligned topics.- Building knowledge while progressing key Grades 4 and 5 reading skills.- Developing subject vocabulary on topics such as technology, inventions, and the future.- Boosting understanding and retention through comprehension quizzes.Each title, which has been leveled using MetaMetrics®: The Lexile Framework for Reading, integrates science, geography, history, and nature topics so there’s something for all children’s interests. The books and online content perfectly supplement core literacy programs and are mapped to the Common Core Standards. Children will love powering up their nonfiction reading skills and becoming reading heroes. DK Super Readers Level 4 titles are visually engaging, full of fun facts, and challenge young readers to broaden their subject knowledge while practising nonfiction reading skills. Perfect for children ages 9 to 11 (Grades 4 and 5) who are confident readers ready for a challenge.
DK DK Super Readers Level 1 Nighttime Animals
Help your child power up their reading skills and learn all about animals that sleep all day and hunt at night with this fun-filled nonfiction reader carefully leveled to help children progress.DK Super Readers Level 1: Nighttime Animals will introduce kids to a parade of different nighttime animals—from tiny moths to fierce leopards—and is a motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills, proving ideal for children ready to enter the riveting world of reading. DK Super Readers take children on a journey through the wonderful world of nonfiction: traveling back to the time of dinosaurs, learning more about animals, exploring natural wonders and more, all while developing vital nonfiction reading skills and progressing from first words to reading confidently. The DK Super Readers series can help your child practice reading by:- Covering engaging, motivating, curriculum-aligned topics.- Building knowledge while progressing key Grades 1 and 2 reading skills.- Developing subject vocabulary on topics such as nocturnal animals, adaptation, and the natural world.- Boosting understanding and retention through comprehension quizzes.Each title, which has been leveled using MetaMetrics®: The Lexile Framework for Reading, integrates science, geography, history, and nature topics so there’s something for all children’s interests. The books and online content perfectly supplement core literacy programs and are mapped to the Common Core Standards. Children will love powering up their nonfiction reading skills and becoming reading heroes. DK Super Readers Level 1 titles are visually engaging and build vocabulary through a nonfiction world of amazing facts. Perfect for children ages 6 to 8 (Grades 1 and 2) who are beginning to read with help.
DK DK Super Readers Pre-Level Five Senses
Help your child power up their reading skills and learn all about the different human senses with this fun-filled nonfiction reader carefully leveled to help children progress.DK Super Readers Pre-Level: Five Senses will introduce kids to the five senses and how they help us to discover the world around us—including seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling—and is a motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills, proving ideal for children ready to enter the riveting world of reading. DK Super Readers take children on a journey through the wonderful world of nonfiction: traveling back to the time of dinosaurs, learning more about animals, exploring natural wonders and more, all while developing vital nonfiction reading skills and progressing from first words to reading confidently. The DK Super Readers series can help your child practice reading by:- Covering engaging, motivating, curriculum-aligned topics.- Building knowledge while progressing key Grades Pre-K and K reading skills.- Developing subject vocabulary on topics such as the five senses, the human body, and the world around us.- Boosting understanding and retention through comprehension quizzes.Each title, which has been leveled using MetaMetrics®: The Lexile Framework for Reading, integrates science, geography, history, and nature topics so there’s something for all children’s interests. The books and online content perfectly supplement core literacy programs and are mapped to the Common Core Standards. Children will love powering up their nonfiction reading skills and becoming reading heroes. DK Super Readers Pre-level titles are visually engaging, full of fun facts, and introduce children to the wonderful world of nonfiction. Perfect to help children ages 3 to 5 (Grades Pre-K and K) who are ready to enter the world of reading.
DK DK Super Readers Level 3 Giant Squid
Help your child power up their reading skills and learn all about the giant squid down in the deep sea with this fun-filled nonfiction reader carefully leveled to help children progress.DK Super Readers Level 3: Giant Squid will introduce kids to giant squid—including fun facts about why people used to believe these creatures were sea monsters, what they eat, and their extraordinary three-part bodies— and is a motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills, proving ideal for children ready to enter the riveting world of reading. DK Super Readers take children on a journey through the wonderful world of nonfiction: traveling back to the time of dinosaurs, learning more about animals, exploring natural wonders and more, all while developing vital nonfiction reading skills and progressing from first words to reading confidently. The DK Super Readers series can help your child practice reading by:- Covering engaging, motivating, curriculum-aligned topics.- Building knowledge while progressing key Grades 3 and 4 reading skills.- Developing subject vocabulary on topics such as deep-sea creatures, ocean life, and animals.- Boosting understanding and retention through comprehension quizzes.Each title, which has been leveled using MetaMetrics®: The Lexile Framework for Reading, integrates science, geography, history, and nature topics so there’s something for all children’s interests. The books and online content perfectly supplement core literacy programs and are mapped to the Common Core Standards. Children will love powering up their nonfiction reading skills and becoming reading heroes. DK Super Readers Level 3 titles are visually engaging, full of fun facts about exciting topics, and motivate children to improve their nonfiction reading skills. Perfect for children ages 8 to 10 (Grades 3 and 4) who are newly independent readers ready to advance.
DK DK Super Readers Level 3 Fossils
Travel back millions of years with fossils. Make reading your superpower with DK’s beautiful, leveled nonfiction.Use your reading superpowers to learn all about different fossils and what they tell us about life millions of years ago - a high-quality, fun, nonfiction reader - carefully leveled to help children progress. Fossils is a beautifully designed reader all about the preserved remains of incredible dinosaurs, insects, footprints and even poo! The engaging text has been carefully leveled using Lexiles so that children are set up to succeed. A motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills. Children will love to find out about the fighting dinosaurs, insects preserved in amber, and fossilized poo!
DK DK Super Readers Level 2 Earth Smart
Be smart about protecting our planet. Make reading your superpower with DK’s beautiful, leveled nonfiction.Use your reading superpowers to learn all about what you can do to protect our planet - a high-quality, fun, nonfiction reader - carefully leveled to help children progress. Earth Smart is a beautifully designed reader all about two children learning how to look after the environment while having fun. The engaging text has been carefully leveled using Lexiles so that children are set up to succeed. A motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills. Children will love to find out about how they can make a difference to the environment, from recycling to not littering.
DK DK Super Readers Pre-Level Shapes and Patterns in Nature
Shapes and patterns are everywhere! Make reading your superpower with DK’s beautiful, leveled nonfiction.Use your reading superpowers to learn all about different shapes and patterns - a high-quality, fun, nonfiction reader - carefully leveled to help children progress. Shapes and Patterns in Nature is a beautifully designed reader all about looking carefully around you to find nature’s incredible patterns and shapes. The engaging text has been carefully leveled using Lexiles so that children are set up to succeed. A motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills. Children will love to find out about zebras’ stripes, arches in the sky and where to find spirals.
DK AMNH Pocket Birds of North America Western Region
The ultimate pocket-sized guide to more than 400 feathered residents of North America’s Western Region. Whether you are a budding bird-watcher hoping to find species in woodland or someone curious about the feathered visitors in your own backyard, find out everything there is to know about your favorite feathered friends, with this pocket-sized guide to many of the birds found in North America’s Western Region.Compact and easy-to-use, this stunning field guide is perfect for any bird and birding enthusiast, regardless of age or level of experience. High-quality photographs bring the bird species most commonly seen west of the Great Plains to life on the page, capturing their beauty and making identification quick and effortless. Significant differences in plumage variation between juvenile and adult, male and female, and winter and summer are clearly pictured.Soar into the pages of this beloved book on birds to discover: - Detailed bird profiles include information on behavior, habits, and flight patterns to ensure accurate identification.- Covers 420 species commonly seen in the western region of North America.- Full-color photographs show the adult bird in typical plumage, with male/female, juvenile, and seasonal variations included as appropriate.- Detailed illustrations show typical plumage and posture in flight.- Maps accurately locate where the bird can be seen in summer, in winter, all year round, and on migration.- Includes free access to audio recordings of bird songs and calls to aid identification.Ideal for the dedicated bird-watcher, this beautiful bird-watching book includes stunning full-color photographs of over birds, revealing each species with unrivaled clarity. The reference pages pack in more data with lists of record breakers and endangered species, as well as many other fun facts. The Pocket Genius series is perfect for all children, whether they are learning about birds or are amateur bird spotters already! Produced in collaboration with the American Museum of Natural History, Pocket Birds of North America Western Region is an essential field guide for identifying birds in North America.
DK DK Super Readers Level 1 A Year on the Farm
Work with the farmer all the year round! Make reading your superpower with DK’s beautiful, leveled nonfiction.Use your reading superpowers to learn all about a year on the farm and all the animals, crops and farm machinery - a high-quality, fun, nonfiction reader - carefully leveled to help children progress. A Year on the Farm is a beautifully designed reader all about the work farmers do around the year to grow food and tend to their animals. The engaging text has been carefully leveled using Lexiles so that children are set up to succeed. A motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills. Children will love to find out about the animals on the farm, the work the farmer does each season and all the cute animal babies.
DK DK Super Readers Level 3 Cool Caves
Help your child power up their reading skills and learn all about the coolest caves all over the world with this fun-filled nonfiction reader carefully leveled to help children progress.DK Super Readers Level 3: Cool Caves will introduce kids to a parade of unique caves around the world—from a cave that could house skyscrapers to caves of ice—and is a motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills, proving ideal for children ready to enter the riveting world of reading. DK Super Readers take children on a journey through the wonderful world of nonfiction: traveling back to the time of dinosaurs, learning more about animals, exploring natural wonders and more, all while developing vital nonfiction reading skills and progressing from first words to reading confidently. The DK Super Readers series can help your child practice reading by:- Covering engaging, motivating, curriculum-aligned topics.- Building knowledge while progressing key Grades 3 and 4 reading skills.- Developing subject vocabulary on topics such as caves, Earth’s natural wonders, and the world around us.- Boosting understanding and retention through comprehension quizzes.Each title, which has been leveled using MetaMetrics®: The Lexile Framework for Reading, integrates science, geography, history, and nature topics so there’s something for all children’s interests. The books and online content perfectly supplement core literacy programs and are mapped to the Common Core Standards. Children will love powering up their nonfiction reading skills and becoming reading heroes. DK Super Readers Level 3 titles are visually engaging, full of fun facts about exciting topics, and motivate children to improve their nonfiction reading skills. Perfect for children ages 8 to 10 (Grades 3 and 4) who are newly independent readers ready to advance.
DK DK Super Readers Level 2 Tale of a Tadpole
Join the tiny tadpole as it grows into a frog. Boing! Make reading your superpower with DK’s beautiful, leveled nonfiction.Use your reading superpowers to learn all about a tadpole’s life in the pond as it grows into a frog - a high-quality, fun, nonfiction reader - carefully leveled to help children progress.Tale of a Tadpole is a beautifully designed reader all about a tadpole’s growth to a frog, how it develops and what it eats. The engaging text has been carefully leveled using Lexile so that children are set up to succeed. A motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills. Children will love to find out about this unique journey from tiny tadpole to full-grown frog.
DK DK Super Readers Level 3 Save the Climate
You can help save the climate! Make reading your superpower with DK’s beautiful, levelled non-fiction.Use your reading superpowers to learn all about climate change, and what you can do to help save the climate - a high-quality, fun, non-fiction reader - carefully levelled to help children progress.Save the Climate is a beautifully designed reader all about the causes and effects of climate change, and what everyone can do to help.The engaging text has been carefully levelled using Lexile so that children are set up to succeed. A motivating introduction to using essential non-fiction reading skills. Children will love to find out about why global warming happens, what it means for our climate, and what they can each do to help save the climate.
DK DK Super Readers Level 2 Sloths
Hang out with the sleepy sloth! Make reading your superpower with DK’s beautiful, leveled nonfiction.Use your reading superpowers to learn all about the world’s slowest animal, the sloth - a high-quality, fun, nonfiction reader - carefully leveled to help children progress.Sloths is a beautifully designed reader all about the animal known for its laziness. How does it hang upside down for so long, what does it eat, and where does it poop?The engaging text has been carefully leveled using Lexile so that children are set up to succeed. A motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills. Children will love to find out about this unique South-Central American creature, the sloth.
DK DK Super Readers Level 1 Monkeys
Swing through the trees with the monkeys of the world! Make reading your superpower with DK’s beautiful, leveled nonfiction.Use your reading superpowers to learn all about different monkeys and their lives - a high-quality, fun, nonfiction reader - carefully leveled to help children progress.Monkeys is a beautifully designed reader all about the smallest and the loudest monkeys of the world and many more besides. The engaging text has been carefully leveled using Lexile so that children are set up to succeed. A motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills. Children will love to find out about what makes monkeys unique - their fur, their nose, or their powerful howls!