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Dorling Kindersley Ltd Minecraft Idea a Day
Flip the page and discover a new Minecraft build idea to inspire you each day!Get creative with 150 awesome Minecraft builds, from secret bases, cute animals, and dream homes, to supersized landmarks, mob builds and much more!The stand-up, spiral-bound format is perfect for displaying next to your screen and enjoying with family and friends, as you find inspiration for your next brilliant build.Whether it's a bouncy castle, creeper maze, swamp monster, rainbow bridge, axolotl house, or giant hotdog, each day brings a new and totally random, super-fun surprise. Plus, get top tips on how to level-up your Minecraft building skills. 2024 Mojang AB.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Arabic English Bilingual Visual Dictionary
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Mission to Mars
Dr Sheila Kanani MBE is a planetary scientist, EDI consultant, space educator and author, with a background in astrophysics and astronomy research from UK universities. She regularly acts as a science ambassador, visiting schools and speaking at events, and is an advocate for diversity in physics and astronomy. Sheila runs her company Her Place For Space from home, and enjoys walking on her local beach with her family of boys, playing sports, gazing at the stars, reading and eating (preferably reading whilst eating!). Her favourite planet is Saturn.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Eyewitness Encyclopedia Poster Book
Spark your child''s curiosity with this collection of beautifully designed fact-packed posters, covering everything from mighty dinosaurs to fearless Viking warriors.From DK's bestselling Eyewitness series comes the new Eyewitness Encyclopedia Poster Book. Decorate your walls and choose from a variety of fun topics, from volcanic rocks and glittering gems to Ancient Egypt and Rome. Teach your child all there is to know about their favourite subjects in a unique and exciting way. Children aged 9-12 can learn about a vast range of topics and display them on their walls with more than 30 tear-out posters covering everything from science and animals to history and transport.This striking poster book for children offers: Over 30 information-packed posters on a multitude of topics. Tear out double-sided posters with designs on each side to choose which one to display. Striking supersize images of a collection of topi
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Japanese English Bilingual Visual Dictionary
With over 6,750 fully illustrated words and phrases in Japanese and English, along with a free bilingual audio app, DK''s Japanese-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary is your essential companion to learning Japanese.You will learn all the words and phrases you need to buy food and clothes, talk about work and education, visit the doctor, go to the bank, use public transport, and much more.Fancy becoming an expert in the language? Then open the pages of this Japanese dictionary to discover: A guide to a wide range of useful Japanese words and expressions. Structured sections around a theme (e.g. sports, food and drink, transport). Clear, attractive illustrations make the vocabulary easy to understand and remember. Whether you are brushing up on your skills or learning the language from scratch, this dictionary makes learning and understanding Japanese easy. The words are shown visually in themed sections co
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Childrens Illustrated Atlas Collection
Set sail across oceans and explore the globe with this set of three beautifully illustrated atlas guides.Discover the world map-by-map with this exciting world atlas collection for children, suitable for inquisitive explorers and intrepid globe-trotters.Children aged 5-9 will enjoy learning about the world with three books in this fact-filled atlas series: The Children's Illustrated Atlas, The Children's Illustrated Animal Atlas and The Children's Illustrated History Atlas.The Children's Illustrated AtlasHold the world in your hands with this beautiful guide to our planet, Earth, and learn about its geography, landscape, culture, history, and special features.The Children's Illustrated Animal AtlasBring the wild into your home with animal facts and maps, and explore the countries and habitats that these curious creatures live in.The Children's Illustrated History AtlasTravel through time an
Dorling Kindersley Ltd My First Things That Go Lets get moving
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Knight
DK Disney Raya and the Last Dragon Ultimate Sticker Book
Discover the world of Disney’s new movie Raya and the Last Dragon in stickers! Dive straight into the action of new Disney movie Raya and the Last Dragon and get sticking! Featuring more than 100 colorful stickers, children can explore and learn all about the exciting world of Disney’s new animated movie as they play. Follow Raya and Tuk Tuk on their brave mission. Discover the secrets of the precious Dragon Gem. Meet Sisu, the incredible shape-shifting dragon. From cool new characters to amazing locations, DK’s bright, beautiful Disney Raya and the Last Dragon: Ultimate Sticker Book is packed with fun facts about the film and colorful images. The perfect activity book for children, come rain or shine! ©2021 Disney
DK Cómo funciona la filosofía (How Philosophy Works)
Una introducción perfecta a la historia de la filosofía.Este libro completamente ilustrado explica las ideas clave de los científicos más grandes de la historia y explora todas las ramas del pensamiento filosófico de una manera visual única. Explora cómo el ser humano se ha cuestionado el mundo que le rodea a lo largo de las civilizaciones y encuentra las respuestas de los filósofos a las "grandes preguntas" de la vida.Cómo funciona la filosofía, una guía clara y accesible de la filosofía, combina infografías detalladas y un texto claro para explicar los conceptos fundamentales de la filosofía. Cubriendo todo, desde la ética hasta la epistemología y la fenomenología, este libro presenta las ideas y teorías filosóficas así como a filósofos clave, desde Platón y Sócrates hasta Nietzsche, Wittgenstein y Kant, de una manera novedosa y fácil de entender.Conoce las respuestas a las "grandes preguntas" de la vidaDesarrolla tu pensamiento crítico reflexionando con preguntas como ¿cómo debemos vivir?, ¿qué es el bien?, ¿qué es el mal?, ¿cómo deberíamos organizar la sociedad? Estas son cuestiones fundamentales que no son solo los cimientos de la filosofía, sino que también son temas de conversación en nuestra vida diaria.En este libro de filosofía encontrarás numerosas teorías e ideas que han proporcionado los filósofos como Friedrich Nietzsche e Immanuel Kant, para contestar a esas preguntas, así como las justificaciones de los puntos de vista. Algunas te serán familiares o estarán en armonía con tus propias ideas, lo cual quizá te dará materia para reflexionar todavía más.Este libro es el complemento ideal a El libro de la filosofía de las serie de Big Ideas (Spanish Edition)Con un lenguaje claro y fácil de comprender este libro de filosofía explica en detalle todo lo que necesitas saber para tener una base sólida en la materia a través de los siguientes capítulos:Fundamentos.Filosofía analítica.Filosofía continental.Filosofía de la mente.Bien y mal.Filosofía política.Lógica.Cómo funciona la filosofía, pertenece a la colección de libros juveniles en español de Conocimiento de la editorial DK, un rincón de nuestro catálogo destinado a mentes jóvenes curiosas que estén interesadas en conocer más sobre el mundo que les rodea, con disciplinas tales como la filosofía, economía y psicología. Los títulos incluidos en esta colección responden a infinidad de preguntas con un lenguaje sencillo y cercano y se apoyan en formidables ilustraciones y esquemas para ayudar a entender complejos asuntos y teorías que capten el interés del público juvenil, mientras desarrollan sus habilidades lectoras y sus conocimientos generales.
DK My First Bilingual Animals
¡La serie de libros para niños más exitosa de la editorial DK disponible ahora en formato bilingüe!Un libro cautivador ideal para las primeras lecturas de los más pequeños de la casa. Se trata de un libro para enseñar los nombres de los animales a nuestros hijos que se encuentran en edad preescolar. Fomenta su aprendizaje mientras leen y se divierten con su primer libro de animales. Este cuento para bebés muestra a los animales en varios contextos ambientales, como el desierto, el jardín, la selva, el campo, la jungla, el mar, el aire, la montaña, el río, la granja y en la nieve. Además incluye una sección de animales prehistóricos, animales de compañía que viven en el hogar, ¡e incluso bebés!My First Bilingual Animals, es un libro para bebés en español e inglés, diseñado de forma resistente gracias a las páginas de cartón. ¡Será el favorito de los “peques”! Promueve el interés de tus hijos por los animales con este divertido libro con entrañables imágenes. Del gato al rinoceronte, de la casa a la junglaAcompáñalos a nombrar a cada animal para ayudarles a desarrollar sus habilidades lingüísticas y a adquirir el conocimiento sobre el pequeño mundo que van descubriendo a su alrededor. La serie My First es una colección ideal para los pequeños ya que les introduce a una gran variedad de temas como animales, colores, letras, números, primeras palabras.Leed el libro juntos, ayúdale a pasar las páginas, y practicad nombrando los animales de las imágenes y fotografías.Este libro infantil My First Bilingual Animals, enseña a los niños a: • Expandir su vocabulario sobre el mundo animal, adquiriendo habilidades lingüísticas. • Aprender dos idiomas con el texto bilingüe, familiarizándose con las palabras en ambos. • Nombrar los animales que ven, ayudándoles a desarrollar las habilidades de la observación. My first bilingual Animals, pertenece a la serie My First (primeras lecturas) de libros infantiles, la colección de libros ideal para niños en edad preescolar. Incluye fotografías, ilustraciones encantadoras, rótulos fáciles de entender, y una amplia variedad de temas. Estos primeros libros de aprendizaje animan a los niños a desarrollar el vocabulario y las habilidades lingüísticas que forman la base de la educación temprana. Además, ahora están disponibles en la edición bilingüe, en inglés y español. Ideal para el aprendizaje simultáneo de dos lenguas.English descriptionDK’s most successful board book series is now bilingualTeach your preschool child numbers and encourage learning while reading and having fun together with your My First Bilingual Animals board book, designed to be a toddler favorite and withstand wear and tear from a preschooler. My First Bilingual Animals uses pictures of animals with clear word labels to encourage learning. My First: Animals includes animals in various environmental contexts, including: desert, garden, rainforest, grassland, underground, jungle, sea, air, mountain, forest, river, farm, and snow. It even includes sections on prehistoric animals, pets that live in the home, and babies!Develop your child's early learning with My First books, specially designed to captivate a preschooler's attention while laying a foundation for learning. My First books feature bold, bright photographs on white backgrounds - ideal for catching a young child's eye and acting as an introduction to early-learning topics. The collectible My First board books make a great early-learning library and include a wide variety of topics including trucks, animals, colors, letters, numbers, and first words.My First board books feature a simple point-and-say layout that builds confidence in children through repeatability and encourages preschool vocabulary and language skills. The board book format is durable and easy for young children to hold and carry on their own, and they're designed to hold up to the rough handling that comes with being a toddler's favorite book to "read" alone or with a parent.
DK A World Full of Poems
A gorgeously illustrated introduction to poetry for children, featuring poems about everything from science, sports, and space, to friendship, family, and feelings.This thoughtfully crafted anthology is perfect for children new to verse and for young poetry fans seeking out new favorites. Explore poetry from a diverse selection of contemporary and historical poets, covering a broad range of topics—from personal subjects like emotions and family, to the wonders of the natural environment. Carefully selected works encourage children to see the poetry in everything and to embrace the beauty of their everyday lives.Prompts and activities inspire children to create their own poetry, and devices like rhyme, repetition, and alliteration are introduced and explained in a fun and accessible manner.
DK English for Everyone Junior: Beginner's Course
Learn English with this fun course for complete beginners. Simple exercises and lively audio will have you speaking and reading more than 500 words in no time!The perfect introduction to English vocabulary and grammar, English for Everyone Junior: Beginner's Course provides children aged 6-9 with the support they need as they take the first steps towards learning English as a foreign language.Equally effective for home study or the classroom, this carefully leveled English-language course assumes no previous knowledge of English. It takes children through the basics of the language, helping them use and understand elementary English clearly and confidently.Vocabulary is taught through attractive illustrations and reinforced with audio resources. Each language/grammar point is explained in a dedicated panel, accompanied by clear examples of how it's used, and reinforced by exercises. At the back, there is a handwriting guide, grammar overview, and a glossary of language terms used throughout the book.Building on the worldwide success of the English for Everyone series, the Junior Beginner's Course contains everything a child needs to acquire a firm grasp of English in a fun and interactive way.
DK Pocket Genius: Elements
Find out about all 118 elements, the building blocks of matter that make up our entire universe, in this pocket-sized encyclopedia. Discover all the major elements of the periodic table, arranged in chapters according to their group, including alkaline earth metals, lanthanides, and noble gases. Every important element - from hydrogen via carbon, oxygen, and gold to oganesson (that's element number 118) - is presented here.Every entry includes a photo of the element in its raw state or in use, as well as its date of discovery and atomic information as found on the periodic table. Plus here are stunning full-page photos showing elements as you have never seen them before - perhaps inside machinery that you can't normally delve into; or in stunning macro photography that reveals microscopic details invisible to the human eye.The Pocket Eyewitness series is perfect for all children, from reluctant readers who can easily digest the key points through to budding Marie Curies and Louis Pasteurs who want to know more about the most essential particles on the planet.
DK Sticker Encyclopedia Animals
Kids will love learning all about the animal kingdom with this spectacular sticker encyclopedia, packed with fascinating facts and more than 600 stickers!By choosing the sticker that fits in each space, young learners will complete their very own encyclopedia of animals.This activity book is perfect for becoming an expert on wildlife from around the world. Readers will find out about all the different types of animals, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates, such as insects, spiders, and mollusks. Specific animals featured in the encyclopedia include the Western gorilla, tiger, giant panda, blue whale, wandering albatross, bald eagle, Nile crocodile, axolotl, great white shark, giant Pacific octopus, monarch butterfly, and jumping spider.All of the stickers are easy to peel and can be used more than once. The book includes plenty of extra stickers that kids can use for homework or decorate their books with.
DK Marvel Absolutely Everything You Need To Know
A feast of fun facts about the heroes and villains of the Marvel Comics Universe.How many lives has Spider-Man saved? How does Hulk floor foes without touching them? What keeps Wolverine looking young? How did a frog gain Thor's superpowers? Marvel fans of all ages will find plenty of incredible info and uncanny trivia to astonish, intrigue, and entertain in Marvel Absolutely Everything You Need to Know! It's packed with handy facts, quotes, bizarre-but-true tales, and quirky insights into your favorite Marvel characters. Discover their most heroic achievements, their most dastardly deeds, their craziest adventures--and also their worst disasters!© 2019 MARVEL
DK Baby's First St. Patrick's Day
You're never too young to enjoy St Patrick's Day! Celebrate the March 17 Irish holiday with this super-cute board book little ones will adore.People all around the world celebrate all things Irish on this special day. From a St Patrick's Day parade, a lucky shamrock, and a funny leprechaun to St Patrick's Day costumes, an Irish dancing outfit, and a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, Baby's First St Patrick's Day features all the familiar favorites associated with Ireland's biggest and brightest celebration, making it the perfect gift for kids!Little ones will have fun looking and pointing at the pictures as they learn about this popular Irish holiday.The St. Patrick's Day board book is clear and easy for babies and toddlers to follow, with one main image per page they can focus on, and the short text is enjoyable to read aloud and share with young children.Specially made for the smallest hands, this hard-wearing board book has a soft padded cover and safe rounded corners. Babies and toddlers will soon be turning the pages themselves, naming objects, joining in with the simple text, and learning all about St Patrick's Day.
DK LEGO Harry Potter The Magical Guide to the Wizarding World
Bring a little magic into your life with this beautiful guide to the World of LEGO® Harry Potter(TM)!A world of wizards, witches and magic awaits!Meet all your favourite LEGO® Harry Potter(TM) minifigures and discover the secrets hidden within Hogwarts Castle. Relive memorable movie moments, including exciting Quidditch matches and spooky adventures in the Forbidden Forest.The beautiful cover with gold foil adds extra sparkle and makes this book the perfect gift for LEGO Harry Potter fans!Bring a little magic into your life with this essential companion to everything LEGO Harry Potter. HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia are © & (TM) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Publishing Rights © JKR. (s19). ©2019 The LEGO Group.
DK My First Bilingual 123
¡La serie de libros para niños más exitosa de la editorial DK disponible ahora en formato bilingüe!Un libro cautivador ideal para las primeras lecturas de los más pequeños de la casa. Se trata de un libro para enseñar a contar a nuestros hijos que se encuentran en edad preescolar. Fomenta su aprendizaje mientras leen y se divierten con su primer libro. My First Bilingual 123, diseñado de forma robusta y para durar, con páginas de cartón. ¡Será el cuento favorito de los "peques"! Promueve el interés de tus hijos por los números con este divertido libro con entrañables imágenes. ¡Uno, dos, tres - One, two, three!Acompáñalos a contar objetos para ayudarles a desarrollar sus habilidades matemáticas y a adquirir el conocimiento sobre el pequeño mundo que van descubriendo a su alrededor. Leed el libro juntos, ayúdale a pasar las páginas, y practicad contando y luego restando, mientras les cuentas lo que muestra cada fotografía.Este libro para bebés en español e inglés, My First Bilingual 123, enseña a los niños a:Contar del uno al cien, adquiriendo habilidades matemáticas básicas.Aprender dos idiomas con el texto bilingüe, familiarizándose con las palabras en ambos.Enumerar objetos, ayudándoles a desarrollar las habilidades de la observación.Ampliar el conocimiento que tienen del mundo que van descubriendo a su alrededor con la ayuda de contenido fotográfico e ilustraciones.My first bilingual 123, pertenece a la serie My First (primeras lecturas) de libros infantiles de 0 a 9 años, la colección de libros ideal para niños en edad preescolar. Incluye fotografías, ilustraciones encantadoras, rótulos fáciles de entender, y una amplia variedad de temas. Estos primeros libros de aprendizaje animan a los niños a desarrollar el vocabulario y las habilidades lingüísticas y matemáticas que forman la base de la educación temprana. Además, ahora están disponibles en la edición bilingüe, en inglés y español. Ideal para el aprendizaje simultáneo de dos lenguas.English descriptionDK's most successful board book series is now bilingualTeach your preschool child numbers and encourage learning while reading and having fun together with your My First: 1 2 3 board book, designed to be a toddler favorite and withstand wear and tear from a preschooler.About the series: DK's most successful board book series includes fresh photography, contemporary design, and an insightful approach to engaging preschoolers. With charming, bold design, clear labels, and a wide variety of topics, these first learning books encourage children to build the vocabulary and language skills that form the foundation of early education, and are now available in bilingual editions.
DK Animales (Knowledge Encyclopedia Animal!): El reino animal como nunca lo habías visto
Repleto de ilustraciones en 3D, Animales acerca al lector a un mundo en constante evolución para descubrir cómo vive y cómo se relaciona con su entorno cada habitante del planeta.Animales está lleno de divertidas curiosidades y datos relevantes de especies de todo el reino animal: desde las alas de un espectacular albatros a la majestuosidad del tiburón blanco, el libro es un repaso por todas las especies que conforman cada ecosistema por remoto que sea.Descubre todo tipo de animales, desde la diminuta pulga de agua hasta la gran ballena azul. Observa la vida animal en sus detalles más recónditos: las brillantes escamas del ala de la mariposa, el cortante filo del diente del tigre, el espolón venenoso del ornitorrinco... Aprende cómo se comunican las hormigas, cómo los pingüinos protegen a sus polluelos o por qué cambian de color los camaleones. ¡Prepárate para sumergirte de lleno en el reino animal!
DK El libro de la música clásica (The Classical Music Book)
Grandes ideas, explicaciones sencillasEl libro de la música clásica analiza con un lenguaje claro más de noventa obras de distintos compositores, unos legendarios y otros menos conocidos, e incluye diagramas e infografías que explican los conceptos fundamentales y las grandes ideas que subyacen a la creación y la apreciación de la música clásica. Parte vital de la cultura humana, la música ha sido un rasgo característico de cada civilización al menos desde el Neolítico, como demuestran las pinturas rupestres y la arqueología. La que comúnmente se denomina «música clásica» es la música de la civilización occidental desde la época medieval hasta hoy. En este amplio sentido abarca mucho más que la música orquestal o para piano que mucha gente imagina.La música clásica explicada de forma sencillaEste libro de música clásica en español presenta su evolución e historia como una parte esencial de la cultura europea y su difusión alrededor del mundo para deleite, sorpresa y, en ocasiones, desconcierto de las audiencias a lo largo de los siglos.Tanto el oyente ocasional como el auténtico aficionado encontrarán en este sugerente libro de música una útil herramienta para entender mejor la música clásica a través de los siguientes capítulos: • Música medieval. 1000-1400. • Renacimiento. 1400-1600. • Barroco. 1600-1750. • Clasicismo. 1750-1820. • Romanticismo. 1810-1920. • Nacionalismo. 1830-1920. • Música moderna. 1900-1945. • Música contemporánea. El libro de la música clásica, pertenece a la galardonada serie Grandes Ideas explica temas complejos de un modo fácil de entender mediante explicaciones claras y alejándose del academicismo tradicional. Su creativo diseño y los gráficos innovadores que acompañan al texto hacen de esta serie una introducción perfecta a una gran diversidad de materias para toda la familia.
DK Let's Get Gardening
In this colorful guide featuring 30 easy gardening projects, kids will learn to grow their own fruits and vegetables, attract wildlife such as butterflies and bees, and recycle household items into animal habitats and fun decorations. Whether they've got a big backyard or just a windowsill, kids can grow all sorts of plants with this beginner's gardening book.Packed with step-by-step activities, this book teaches children ages 5-8 how to grow garden staples like tomatoes, pumpkins, and zucchini with photographic examples. Each project includes a complete materials list, planting guide, and tips on harvesting your fruits and vegetables, providing plenty of support for kids from start to finish. The book also offers advice on creating creature-friendly spaces within your garden, such as a bee hotel, a ladybug sanctuary, and a home for frogs and toads. By caring for the wildlife around them, kids can grow to better understand the relationship between humans and nature, and how we can support local habitats wherever we happen to live. Beyond the gardening basics, Let's Get Gardening also helps kids learn about conservation, recycling, and sustainability through simple, hands-on projects. From making mini greenhouses out of leftover glass jars, to growing strawberries in an old pair of rain boots, to repurposing an empty milk carton as a hanging bird feeder, there are so many practical ways for kids to help cut waste and reduce pollution. So grab your potting soil and let's get gardening!
DK Baby's First Diwali
Celebrate Diwali with this delightful baby board book teaching little ones all about the popular festival of light.Bold, brightly colored pictures, and short and snappy text is a fantastic way to discover Diwali together in this delightful book! From the shining diya lamps that gave the festival its name, to colorful Rangoli sand decorations and sweet treats, Baby’s First Diwali features all the familiar favourites associated with India’s biggest and brightest holiday.This board book is perfect for children aged 2-4 years old, to develop early learning skills with simple and vibrant pictures and sentences that promote language skills. The small, padded format of this book is perfect for little hands to hold, and babies and toddlers will enjoy turning the pages by themselves, helping with early reading development and fine motor skills.This charming board book features:- Bright images that are exciting for little ones to focus on- A small, sturdy, and padded design making it easy for babies to hold by themselves- A gentle introduction to the festival of Divali, with clear text for little ones to understand - A simple and clear design that’s easy for little ones to follow along- Learn all about the amazing festival of light with your little one! Baby’s First Diwali perfectly captures the joy of this special celebration and is an ideal preschool learning introduction to the traditions of the holiday. Adults and toddlers can enjoy reading this book on Diwali together and learn about India’s brightest festival.Complete the seriesThis delightful book is part of the Baby’s First Holidays range of board books for babies and toddlers from DK Books. This educational and exciting collection includes Baby's First Hanukkah and Baby's First Thanksgiving.
DK English for Everyone Grammar Guide Practice Book
Puzzled by past tenses? Confused be comparatives? The English for Everyone Grammar Practice Book is packed with practice questions and activities to help you learn essential English grammar through visual and engaging content. The Grammar Practice Book helps you to develop your practical English through a variety of exercises and examples that will expand your understanding of grammar and punctuation in use. When used alongside our Grammar Guide, which introduces essential grammar rules through visual teaching methods, this grammar book is ideal for English test preparations or ESL lesson plans. About English For EveryoneEnglish for Everyone is a series of guides and practice books that support English learning for teenagers and adults from a beginner level, to intermediate, and advanced practical English. Offering an easy-to-follow format that offers guidance for both teaching English as a foreign language, and a self-study approach with resources available to improve English speaking, reading, and writing.Whether you are looking for ESL teaching resources, or a structured program for adults to learn English as a second language, the English for Everyone Series provides: - Sample language examples: New language topics are introduced in context using clear, illustrated, and color-coded explanations- Supporting audio: Extensive English-speaking audio materials integrated into every unit, giving vital oral and listening practice. (All supplementary audio is available on the DK English for Everyone website and IOS/Android App).- Quick referencing: Easy-to-follow units, mirrored in both the Course and Practice Books for easy referencing and teaching- Sentence formation guides: Visual break downs of essential English grammar for beginners, showing learners how to recreate even complex English sentences- Visual English vocabulary cues: Lists of useful English words and common phrases with visual aids are available throughout the book- Personalised learning: Write-on lines encourage ESL learners to write their prompts and translations The English for Everyone Series covers the skills and topics required for all major global English-language exams and reference frameworks including: - CEFR- TOEFL- IELTS- TOEIC
DK English for Everyone: Idioms: Modismos y expresiones idiomáticas del inglés
Más de 1000 modismos y frases para utilizar y adquirir un inglés más fluido¿Quieres repasar tus expresiones en inglés? ¿Esperas aprobar un examen con éxito? Esta divertida y atractiva guía visual de los modismos y frases en inglés más comunes y útiles te ayudará a comprender y recordar expresiones y sus significados, haciendo que tu inglés sea más fluido y natural.English for Everyone: Idioms combina un método innovador de enseñanza visual con lo mejor del diseño DK para hacer que uno de los aspectos más difíciles de aprender inglés como idioma extranjero, sea increíblemente fácil.Cientos de modismos ingleses y estadounidenses se presentan en contexto, con definiciones claras e ilustraciones atractivas que ayudan a entender y recordar su significado.Este libro de inglés también cubre colocaciones en inglés y palabras comúnmente confundidas, lo que ayuda a evitar errores que los hablantes nativos de inglés nunca cometerían.Apto para estudiantes de todos los niveles, English for Everyone: Idioms es una guía emocionante e intuitiva para mejorar la comprensión del inglés y el estilo del inglés escrito y hablado del estudiante.Esta guía está compuesta por 54 unidades y cada una de ellas está compuesta por diferentes módulos. Cada módulo de enseñanza es seguido por ejercicios de práctica para recordar lo aprendido. Además, todo el contenido está apoyado con audios integrados a lo largo del curso, con cada expresión en el contexto de su oración, grabada por hablantes nativos de inglés.El audio es gratuito, está disponible en línea y se puede reproducir, pausar y repetir tantas veces como se desee, para perfeccionar la pronunciación de cada expresión. Descripción general del cursoDK presenta English for Everyone, un innovador curso de autoestudio de lengua inglesa desarrollado por los mejores profesionales de enseñanza del inglés para dar respuesta a la demanda del mercado con un sistema visual, sencillo y fácil de utilizar. El curso de inglés cuenta con cuatro niveles divididos en cuatro libros de estudio con sus correspondientes libros de ejercicios que se complementan, además, con un amplio abanico de audios gratuitos.El curso English for Everyone cuenta con audios gratuitos que, además, puedes encontrar en y en la app gratuita para smartphones disponible para Android e iOS.
DK Through the Night Sky: A collection of amazing adventures under the stars
A beautifully illustrated collection of nonfiction stories featuring the many wonders that exist in the night sky.Beginning with a sunset and ending at dawn, Through the Night Sky shines a light on the magical events taking place in the darkness above. Unlike an astronomy book that focuses on eye-popping facts and figures about the universe, Through the Night Sky features a series of incredible stories that take place in the sky at night. Track a colony of bats as they fly through the twilight to pollinate the flowers of the mysterious baobab tree, follow a family into the wilderness to gaze at the constellations, watch whales swimming through chilly Arctic waters under the gentle glow of the Northern Lights, then chart the journey of a ship navigating by the stars. Through the Night Sky is a beautiful book that spans a wide range of subjects, including everything from nocturnal animals or revelers watching fireworks illuminate the night, to celestial objects such as the moon, planets, stars, and meteor showers--all under the vast night sky.
DK El Libro de la astronomía (The Astronomy Book)
Grandes ideas, explicaciones sencillasCon un lenguaje claro, El libro de la astronomía proporciona breves y sencillas explicaciones que aclaran la jerga científica, esquemas que desbrozan complejas teorías, ilustraciones que juegan con nuestro conocimiento de los astros e ingeniosas citas que condensan los descubrimientos astronómicos.¿Cómo medimos el universo? ¿Dónde se halla el horizonte de sucesos? ¿Qué es la materia oscura? Desde los albores de la humanidad, la gente ha alzado la vista al cielo con el afán de entenderlo. Así, a lo largo de los siglos, la ciencia astronómica ha ensanchado las fronteras del conocimiento humano en el intento de comprender el universo y nuestro lugar en él.Tanto el aprendiz en la materia, como el estudiante o el apasionado por la astronomía, encontrarán en este libro en español una multitud de ideas interesantes.La astronomía más cerca que nuncaEste magnífico libro de astronomía ilustrado con imágenes digitales increíbles relata de una forma didáctica la historia de la evolución de los conocimientos investigados por el hombre a lo largo de miles de años sobre el Universo. Las cuestiones cósmicas de cada época han inspirado grandes ideas para tratar de responderlas. Estos cuestionamientos han dado lugar a avances en la filosofía, las matemáticas, la tecnología y las técnicas de observación.Es una obra ideal para sentar las bases de los orígenes de la astronomía, conocer cómo influyen los astros sobre el tiempo y la marea, desvelar curiosidades sobre la astronomía solar, las estrellas, el cosmos, el sistema solar, los átomos y las galaxias, introducirse en la astrofísica y actualizarse en cuanto al impacto que la tecnología está teniendo sobre el desarrollo y el conocimiento de esta ciencia. El libro de la astronomía nos muestra una bella mirada al pasado y esboza los hallazgos venideros que posiblemente establecerán nuevos y emocionantes paradigmas.Este maravilloso libro de astronomía clasifica la enseñanza sobre los astros y el cosmos en los siguientes capítulos: • Del mito a la ciencia. 600 A.C.-1550 D.C. • La revolución del telescopio. 1550-1750 • De Urano a Neptuno. 1750-1850 • El auge de la astrofísica. 1850-1915 • Átomos, estrellas y galaxias. 1915-1950 • Nuevas ventanas al Universo. 1950-1975 • El triunfo de la tecnología. 1975-Presente El libro de la astronomía pertenece a la galardonada serie Grandes Ideas explica temas complejos de un modo fácil de entender mediante explicaciones claras y alejándose del academicismo tradicional. Su creativo diseño y los gráficos innovadores que acompañan al texto hacen de esta serie una introducción perfecta a una gran diversidad de materias para toda la familia.
DK Butterflies and Moths: Explore Nature with Fun Facts and Activities
The perfect companion for children eager to understand how caterpillars become butterflies.Explore butterfly habitats and find out all about how butterflies work, from wings to feet. With exciting activities, like how to make a butterfly kite, and plenty of fun facts, this book is a must for children curious about butterflies and moths.
DK Cómo alcanzar el éxito personal (Success The Psychology of Achievement)
¿Qué es el éxito personal y cómo se logra?¿El equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida personal? ¿Estar rodeado de amigos? ¿Lograr metas profesionales? ¿Ser rico? El éxito significa diferentes cosas para diferentes personas. Cómo alcanzar el éxito personal explica las diferentes facetas del éxito y te da las herramientas para entender lo que significa para ti. Controlar el estrés, crear hábitos positivos y conocerse a ti mismo son algunos de los recursos que ganarás.La combinación de texto basado en estudios psicológicos, estrategias testadas, gráficos y ejercicios prácticos hace de este libro una herramienta de motivación indispensable para toda persona que desee ganar confianza y superarse a si mismo, sea cual sea su edad y profesión.
DK Russian-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary
Whether you are learning Russian for pleasure or for work this comprehensive dictionary is the ideal travel partner for you. Russian-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary comes with more than 10,000 illustrated terms that are arranged by themes and situations, making learning easy. Whether you are out grocery shopping or find yourself in the middle of an official meeting, this handy guide will always be at your side. The stunning visuals and comprehensive indexes make this an indispensable and comprehensive Russian language companion. This dictionary is also accompanied by a free audio app that can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play, so you can learn the correct pronunciation of everyday words and phrases. Updated to reflect recent changes in technology and clothing, don't forget to take this on your next trip.
DK The Bible Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
Learn about the scriptures of the Old and New Testament in The Bible Book.Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about the Bible in this overview guide to the subject, great for novices looking to find out more and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Bible Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of the Bible, with:- Entries organized to follow the course of the Bible from start to finish- Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concept- A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout- Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understandingThe Bible Book is a comprehensive guide essential to understanding the the most widely printed religious book of all time, aimed at self-educators and religious education students wanting to gain an overview. Here you’ll find clear factual writing offering insight into key figures, scriptures and passages.Your Bible Questions, Simply ExplainedHow does God speak through prophecy? What is the significance of the Transfiguration? Explore these questions and the ideas and beliefs key to the teachings of the most widely printed religious book of all time. If you thought it was difficult to learn about one of the world’s major religions, The Bible Book presents the information in an easy to follow layout. Learn about more than 100 of the most important Old and New Testament stories and breakdowns of some of the most well-known passages ever written from The Bible.The Big Ideas SeriesWith millions of copies sold worldwide, The Bible Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking graphics along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand.
DK Pop-Up Peekaboo: First Words
Share a love of reading with your child with this fun-filled book about first words. This interactive book features bold pop-ups that make pictures jump from the pages when the flaps are lifted.With fun surprises on every page, Pop-Up Peekaboo: First Words enhances the reading experience and builds an early learning foundation. As young children explore the spreads, they will learn to recognize, name, and describe the pictures they see.
DK My First Touch and Feel Picture Cards: Numbers and Counting
Expertly designed to develop early language and motor skills, discover exciting animals in this set of 16 colorful counting flash cards. Each card has a special touch and feel element to make learning fun for all the senses!With a vibrant image on every flashcard, DK's sturdy picture cards make learning about first animals fun! Talking points on the back of each card reinforce learning while helping to familiarise children with numbers, and have them counting in no time at all! These flash cards for toddlers age 1 - 2 also help to encourage a love of language learning from the start, as each word is repeated in four additional languages as well as English – Spanish, German, French, and Chinese – with a handy pronunciation guide next to each word. Celebrate your child’s curiosity as they: • Grow their language skills and learn how to count • Introduces kids to foreign languages from across the Globe, with simple words in English, Spanish, German, French, and Chinese on the cardbacks • Expertly designed to develop early language skills, boost information processing skills and help increase attention span • An easy to carry boxset of 16 picture cards, perfect for on-the-go learning! • Strong and sturdy cards, made to put up with babies and toddlers This set of My First Numbers and Counting flash cards contains an additional card for parent guidance with tips for creative learning games for you and your little one to share. Introduce your little one to all the joys of counting with this set of amazing touch and feel flash cards!More in the SeriesLooking for more picture cards to keep little ones entertained, and help them grow? Well look no further! Grow your toddlers vocab with My First Words Picture Cards, or teach them all about colors and shapes with My First Colors and Shapes Picture Cards!
DK DK Readers L2: Star Wars: Lightsaber Battles
Find out about the mysterious Force that powers lightsabers, meet the Jedi and Sith who wield them, and discover the tactics needed to win in a deadly lightsaber duel.This book features amazing lightsaber clashes from across the entire movie saga as well as the popular animated TV series Star Wars: Rebels. It explores the adventures of Rey and Kylo Ren, Ezra and Kanan, Obi-Wan, Darth Vader, and more as they use their lightsabers in fierce battles. Take a closer look at lightsabers and their incredible powers in this fantastic Level 2 Reader. Perfect for 5- to 7-year-olds beginning to read fluently with support, Level 2 titles contain carefully selected photographic images to complement the text, providing strong visual clues to build vocabulary and confidence. Additional information spreads are full of extra fun facts, developing the topics through a range of nonfiction presentation styles such as diagrams and activities.
DK Is it Warm Enough for Ice Cream?
A simple and fun introduction to beginner science, covering the themes of weather, temperature, plant life, and the animal kingdom.Winter, spring, summer, and fall are each represented by a vibrant outdoor scene revealing seasonal changes, from ponds freezing over, to baby birds leaving their nests for the first time. And with changes in weather come new things to try: it's windy enough to fly a kite and spin pinwheels; it's rainy enough to splash in puddles, use an umbrella, and search for worms; it's snowy enough to build a snowman, go sledding, and drink hot chocolate. But is it warm enough for ice cream? When we reach the bright sun of the summer spread, we hear the answer: Yes it is!
DK Play With Art
With more than 40 fun ideas to try out, this book is the perfect starting point for little ones who want to discover all types of art.A child will love getting to grips with the basics of painting (using non-toxic food-safe paint), print making, drawing, paper crafting, and more.For each different creative media, there are 6+ easy projects to try - so you don't have to keep putting things away and getting out something new! All the projects feed a child's imagination and encourage creative play. From vegetable printing, to making shadow puppets and a unicorn hobbyhorse, Play with Art is packed with exciting ideas for a little learner starting on their art journey.
DK English for Everyone: English Vocabulary Builder
PLEASE NOTE - this is a replica of the print book and you will need paper and a pencil to complete the exercises.This absolutely essential language guide and workbook will expand your English vocabulary in no time.Spilling over with thousands of entries for useful words and phrases, this is the perfect study aid for any adult learning English as a foreign language. With 3,000 words across hundreds of pages, English Vocabulary Builder brings you everything you need to know and much, much more. From activities, family, holidays, science, and work to animals, feelings, health, sports, and weather, just about every subject in the English language is covered in eye-catching, illustrative detail. All the vocabulary is shown with both UK and US spellings, and every word can be heard with its own audio recording in the accompanying app available for download. Additional interactive exercises ensure language learning is an easy, entertaining, and educational experience. This book is part of DK's best-selling English for Everyone series, which is suitable for all levels of English language learners and provides the perfect reading companion for study, exams, work, or travel. With audio material available on the accompanying website and Android/iOS apps, there has never been a better time to learn English.
DK 3D Printing Projects
From a simple desk tidy to an elaborate castle, this step-by-step guide to 3D printing is perfect for children and beginners who want to learn how to design and print anything even if they do not own a printer.3D Printing Projects provides an introduction to the exciting and ever-expanding world of 3D designing and printing. Learn how a 3D printer works and the different types of 3D printers on the market. Understand the basic 3D printing and designing terms, how to create and prepare files for printing, and also how to scan things to create a 3D model! You will also find out the common troubles faced while 3D printing and simple tricks to fix them. All the projects included in the book can be made using freely available online 3D modeling/CAD programs. Each project has a print time, details of filament or material needed, and a difficulty rating – from "easy" for beginners to "difficult" for those looking for a new challenge. Step-by-step instructions walk you through the 3D design process, from digital modeling and sculpting to slicing, printing, and painting so that children can make their own shark-shaped phone stand, customized lamps, and much more. The book also gives inspiration to further enhance your projects once you’ve mastered the basics. Join the 3D printing revolution today with DK's 3D Printing Projects book.
DK Astrology: Using the Wisdom of the Stars in Your Everyday Life
How to use your astrological sign's birth horoscope to transform every area of your life.Learn how to interpret the positions of the zodiac signs, sun, moon and other planets to better understand yourself and your place in the world around you.The book outlines the key principles of astrology and pinpoints ways you can use it as a form of self-help. This ancient art can help you improve many different areas of your life--from your personal and professional relationships to your health, wealth, and well-being. You'll also see how astrology can help you when you need it most, with practical advice about handling life's key moments, including changing jobs, starting a family, coping with financial difficulty, or facing retirement. Written in plain language and with sample case studies and beautiful graphics, Astrology is your essential guide to navigating all of life's challenges and opportunities.
DK English for Everyone: Nivel 2: Inicial, Libro de Ejercicios: Curso completo de autoaprendizaje
English for Everyone... ¡inglés para todos!En el English for Everyone: Nivel 2: Inicial, Libro de Ejercicios encontrarás más de 700 ejercicios que ponen a prueba y refuerzan lo aprendido en la unidad correspondiente del libro de estudio. Los ejercicios te dan la práctica necesaria para utilizar el inglés de manera fluida y te exponen a inglés real desde el primer día.Este libro en su nivel inicial abarca todos los aspectos para practicar y adquirir las habilidades básicas necesarias: gramática inglesa, uso del vocabulario, conversación, pronunciación, escucha, comprensión, y mucho más.English for Everyone es un curso completo de inglés de autoaprendizaje, que utiliza un innovador método visual para aprender inglés de manera intuitiva ya que está repleto de material completamente visual que, con el apoyo de gráficos e imágenes, facilitan el aprendizaje y la retención de los conceptos fundamentales del inglés básico y hacen que aprender inglés se convierta en algo práctico y divertido.Este libro es ideal para todas aquellas personas que quieren aprender el inglés por su cuenta así como para estudiantes de todos los niveles, incluyendo los que preparan los exámenes oficiales TOEFL, MECR, IELTS y TOEIC.Este libro de ejercicios para aprender inglés, está organizado en unidades donde te encontrarás un gran abanico de ejercicios de inglés para practicar lo aprendido en el libro de estudio. • Cada unidad se divide en módulos independientes para que puedas estudiar en el tiempo que tengas disponible. • Cada unidad utiliza vocabulario nuevo que se continúa utilizando a lo largo del curso de manera sistemática para ayudarte a recordarlo. • Más de 30 horas de audio gratuito están integrados en cada unidad para que escuches inglés hablado desde el principio. Descripción general del cursoDK presenta English for Everyone, un innovador curso de autoestudio de lengua inglesa desarrollado por los mejores profesionales de enseñanza del inglés para dar respuesta a la demanda del mercado con un sistema visual, sencillo y fácil de utilizar. El curso de inglés cuenta con cuatro niveles divididos en cuatro libros de estudio con sus correspondientes libros de ejercicios que se complementan, además, con un amplio abanico de audios gratuitos.El curso English for Everyone cuenta con audios gratuitos que, además, puedes encontrar en y en la app gratuita para smartphones disponible para Android e iOS.
DK English for Everyone: Illustrated English Dictionary
Learn more than 10,000 of the most useful words and phrases in English with this beautifully illustrated dictionary for English-language students.Building on the success of the English for Everyone program and DK’s Bilingual Visual Dictionary series, English for Everyone: Illustrated English Dictionary uses crystal-clear illustrations to show the meaning of over 10,000 words of English vocabulary. The words are shown in a visual context in themed sections covering practical or everyday topics (such as shopping, food, or study), providing learners with all the vocabulary they need for work, travel, and leisure.Learning English vocabulary is even easier with this visually stunning dictionary.
DK The Arts: A Visual Encyclopedia
Open your eyes to the wonderful world of art inside this beautiful book. The entire history of the greatest works in painting, sculpture, and photography are included on this comprehensive and colourful tour through time. From the first strokes of paint on prehistoric caves to contemporary street art in the 21st century, every artistic style and movement is explored and explained in stunning detail. Special features celebrate the lives of groundbreaking painters, sculptors, and photographers, from Dutch master Johannes Vermeer to photography pioneer Julia Margaret Cameron. Many best-loved pieces of art are showcased in iconic images. Marvel at Leonardo da Vinci's mysterious Mona Lisa, the most famous painted lady. March alongside China’s statues of the Terracotta Army, and gaze in awe at Barbara Hepworth's stunning Pelagos sculpture.Packed with pictures and full of facts, Art A Visual Encyclopedia is guaranteed to become a family favourite, encouraging a love of art through the generations. Series Overview: DK's Visual Encyclopedias are the first substantial series of encyclopedias aimed at young children, designed to excite and entertain, while offering a comprehensive overview of core subjects. From science and the human body to animals, the ocean, space, and more, each book combines fun facts, amazing pictures, and crystal-clear explanations to take kids into the wonders of our world.
DK My Encyclopedia of Very Important Animals
A charming children's encyclopedia bursting with facts about the animals of the world!The world is so much bigger than young minds can fathom and there is always more to learn. My Encyclopedia of Very Important Animals is a vibrant encyclopedia for curious 5-9 year olds with a unique approach to the subject of animals that takes curious kids on an enjoyable, educational journey of discovery. Mixing beautiful photography with charming illustrations, it's the perfect visual language for young readers, and is packed with light-hearted fun, and fascinating facts. Featuring everything from legends and folklore, world history, and creatures from the land, sea, and skies, this series is bursting with all sorts of subjects that early readers will love!From birds and frogs to sharks and dogs, this book is perfect for the curious little animal lover in your life. Mixing photography and charming illustration, kids will discover important facts about the wonderful world of animals – from what they eat and where they live, to why people are animals too. My Encyclopedia of Very Important Animals is a friendly book that gets children learning, reading, and laughing too! Celebrate your child’s curiosity as they:- Read fun facts about a variety of different animals - Learn all about animal behaviour, activity and skills - Discover a visual reference section packed with wonders of the animal world Our encyclopedia for children is the perfect blend of engaging and striking photography with lively text. Encourage early learners to go on a journey into the animal kingdom to explore a world of information, making this the ideal first reference book for kids aged 5-9 to enjoy for hours on end, whether for shared reading at bedtime or reading alone, this fun fact book for children also doubles up as the perfect gift for curious kids who love to learn. Tell the story of the world one page at a time, by uncovering: - Educational content written in a friendly and fun manner - Beautifully padded cover with several high-quality finishes, including padding and foil- Features a built-in ribbon bookmark so you never lose your place whilst reading More in the SeriesMy Encyclopedia of Very Important Animals is part of the educational kid’s book series My Very Encyclopedia series. Complete the series and nurture your child's curiosity with My Encyclopedia of Very Important Adventures, teach them about different sports with My Encyclopedia of Very Important Sport, or let them walk with the dinosaurs who ruled the earth before them in My Encyclopedia of Very Important Dinosaurs.Shortlisted: -Gold winner in the in the Best New Book in the Smallish Design Awards 2017-Silver winner in the Best Children’s book in the Junior Design Awards 2017
DK My First Shapes
Part of DK's successful My First series, this board book features images with clear labels and was created with a preschooler's stage of educational development in mind.Preschoolers can learn about all different shapes in My First Shapes, an informational board book featuring images of triangles, rectangles, stars, hearts, and more, and including a toy train scene with all the My First Shapes called out.The bold, beautiful images are labeled clearly, promoting early learning and language skills, and the pages are filled with the distinctive, iconic design of DK's My First series. Made with toddlers ages 0–2 in mind, the book's sturdy format is ideal for small hands to hold and carry.Whether read alone or with an adult, My First Shapes encourages independent learning as preschoolers get to know all the basic shapes.Series Overview: This refresh of DK's most successful board-book series includes updated photography, contemporary design, and an insightful approach to engaging preschoolers. With charming, bold design, clear labels, and a wide variety of topics, these first learning books encourage children to build the vocabulary and language skills that form the foundation of early education. DK's iconic My First board book series not only provides a collection of educational information books that children can refer back to again and again, but also offers a first taste of independent learning.
DK Inventions: A Visual Encyclopedia
Discover the amazing inventions throughout history that have shaped the world as we know it.This stunning visual guide explores and explains the greatest inventions, ideas, and discoveries throughout the ages, and introduces their inventors. From fire, stone tools, and the wheel to ploughs and paper, discover the first inventions that shaped societies and grew mighty civilizations and empires such as those in ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and ancient China.In the centuries that followed, "Eureka" moments abounded, with James Watt's steam engine during the Industrial Revolution, Henry Ford's car assembly line at the start of the 20th century, the Wright brothers' flying machines, Thomas Edison's light bulb, John Logie Baird's television, and so much more.Read about era-defining moments during the Digital Revolution, such as the first website developed by Tim Berners-Lee, and the growth in the use of robotics in industry and at home.Inventions: A Visual Encyclopedia reveals the stories behind the crucial and quirky contraptions – products of the world's most brilliant minds.
DK Where on Earth? Atlas: The World As You've Never Seen It Before
A vivid showcase of the most fascinating places on the planet through a collection of more than 75 3D maps that show not only where everything is, but also why it is there.Marvel at the world's tallest buildings, find out where earthquakes are most likely to occur, and where you can find super cool, luminescent critters! This kid's atlas is divided into six chapters you can’t help but get lost in.Where on Earth? is an educational book for kids that brings instant understanding to a plethora of fascinating subjects, stimulating interest in the world around us and drawing young readers into its pages and the topics they cover. Take a tour of planet Earth learning about what's where in the worlds of engineering and technology, art and culture, history, nature, Earth science, and human populations.Find out where the world’s the most incredible dive spots are situated, exploring the wreckages of history’s long-lost sunken ships, and where to go if you want to scratch a whale's tongue! Discover Olympic cities, the Seven Wonders of the World, impressive physical geography, and the habitats of Earth’s big cats. Every map contains fact panels that provide additional information and useful statistics, while focus features pull out and explain the most interesting facets for an even richer experience.Explore The World – Learn In Spectacular Detail!A fantastically fresh way of presenting geographical knowledge. The graphics are incredibly rich and detailed, and packed with fun facts about the world. It is easy to spend hours getting lost in these pages. This fascinating fact book engages wide range of subjects including:- Geography- Nature- People- History- Arts - Entertainment- Science - Technology It is the perfect kid’s educational book for school projects or simply for satisfying curiosity about the big beautiful world around us.
DK Birds: Explore Nature with Fun Facts and Activities
How does a bird make its nest? What do birds eat? Packed with facts and activities, this book has these answers and more, and is a perfect introduction to the world of our feathered friends for kids who are curious about nature.With amazing facts about fun topics like flight patterns and the hatching of eggs, Birds lets kids have fun and be innovative as they learn through simple activities like birdwatching and making a bird feeder. It includes information on birds of the sea, woodlands, desert, tropics, city, and beyond so kids can search the skies wherever they are.With its natural look and feel and its practical approach to learning, Birds is sure to help little explorers take flight.Series Overview: DK's revised Nature Explorers series is a fantastic first set of books on the great outdoors for children ages 6 to 8. From birds to weather to the seashore and more, the key topics of each subject are explained with plenty of fun activities to do along the way, encouraging kids to investigate and record everything they see. Fully updated with a contemporary design, DK's Nature Explorer series is perfect for kids who are curious about the world outside and want to discover nature.
DK Ultimate Sticker Book: Horses and Ponies: More Than 250 Reusable Stickers
From mane to tail, discover all there is to know about horses and ponies in Ultimate Sticker Book: Horses and Ponies.With information on all breeds, from horses in stables to wild ponies roaming free, this sticker book is packed with amazing photographs, cool facts, and fun activities, and includes more than 250 reusable stickers. Kids can create their own scene, complete a picture jigsaw puzzle, read about mucking out, test their knowledge of tack with a fun sticker quiz, and much more.Ultimate Sticker Book: Horses and Ponies is perfect for young horse lovers and equestrians, and is sure to keep them busy for hours.Series Overview: Taking subjects that kids love, from dinosaurs to baby animals to transportation, DK's Ultimate Sticker Book series is refreshed and updated and now features more than 250 fun, reusable stickers. Packed with activities that allow children to create scenes, match pairs, and complete jigsaws, the activities throughout each book are simple enough for the child to do independently, but engaging enough to keep their interest and help develop dexterity, making these books products parents can trust, and ones that kids will want to keep picking up to learn more about their favorite subjects.