Search results for ""springer""
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: A Surgical Manual
Don’t miss it! The second, completely revised and expanded edition of the successful surgical manual on minimally invasive spine surgery includes 51 chapters (including more than 20 new chapters) covering all current minimally invasive techniques in spine surgery. A complete survey of all microsurgical and endoscopic techniques with a special focus on semi-invasive injection techniques for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in low back pain is given. The clear chapter structure with terminology, history, surgical principles, advantages/disadvantages, indications, access principles, complications, and results facilitates navigation through the manual. Topics include the principles of microsurgical and endoscopic treatment, spinal navigation and computer-assisted surgery, minimally invasive reconstruction, fusion, dynamic stabilization in fractures, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, low back pain and deformities. The didactic presentation of surgical steps makes the reader familiar with all types of new minimally invasive techniques in clinical use or still in ongoing clinical trials such as minimally invasive spine arthroplasty.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Manufacturing Simulation with Plant Simulation and Simtalk: Usage and Programming with Examples and Solutions
Based on the competition of international production networks, the pressure to - crease the efficiency of production systems has increased significantly. In ad- tion, the number of technical components in many products and as a consequence also the requirements for corresponding assembly processes and logistics pr- esses increases. International logistics networks require corresponding logistics concepts. These requirements can be managed only by using appropriate Digital Factory tools in the context of a product lifecycle management environment, which allows reusing data, supports an effective cooperation between different departments, and provides up-to-date and relevant data to every user who needs it. Simulating the complete material flow including all relevant production, st- age, and transport activities is recognized as a key component of the Digital F- tory in the industry and as of today widely used and accepted. Cutting inventory and throughput time by 20–60% and enhancing the productivity of existing p- duction facilities by 15–20% can be achieved in real-life projects.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Modelling Distributed Systems
This textbook guides students through algebraic specification and verification of distributed systems, and some of the most prominent formal verification techniques. The author employs µCRL as the vehicle, a language developed to combine process algebra and abstract data types. The book evolved from introductory courses on protocol verification taught to undergraduate and graduate students of computer science, and the text is supported throughout with examples and exercises. Full solutions are provided in an appendix, while exercise sheets, lab exercises, example specifications and lecturer slides are available on the author's website.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG The Disappearing Computer: Interaction Design, System Infrastructures and Applications for Smart Environments
This book examines how the computer, as we currently know it, will be replaced by a new generation of technologies, moving computing off the desktop and ultimately integrating it with real world objects and everyday environments. It provides a unique combination of concepts, methods and prototypes of ubiquitous and pervasive computing reflecting the current interest in smart environments and ambient intelligence.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Therapeutic Antibodies
This essential work, edited by two researchers at London’s famous Queen Mary’s medical school targets one of the most important areas in medical development today. These days, antibody therapeutics are the treatment of choice for several autoimmune and oncological conditions. They are, indeed, becoming the molecules of choice for further combination therapies and cell engineering. In this timely work, a slew of expert in the field of drug development summarize all the current developments and clinical successes.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Medizinische Physik 3: Medizinische Laserphysik
Die medizinische Physik hat sich in den letzten Jahren zunehmend als interdisziplinäres Gebiet profiliert. Um dem Bedarf nach systematischer Weiterbildung von Physikern, die an medizinischen Einrichtungen tätig sind, gerecht zu werden, wurde das vorliegende Werk geschaffen. Es basiert auf dem Heidelberger Kurs für medizinische Physik. Die drei Bände vermitteln das für die Fachanerkennung als Medizinphysiker notwendige medizinische und physikalische Wissen. Im Band I werden die medizinischen, medizintechnischen und biomathematischen Grundlagen behandelt. Band II ist der medizinischen Strahlenphysik, Tomographie, Ultraschalldiagnose, Nuklearmedizin und dem Strahlenschutz gewidmet. Band III stellt Grundlagen und Anwendung der medizinischen Laserphysik und Optik vor.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG In Memoriam Albert Döderlein
Der Gyn{kologe Albert D|derlein, ein leidenschaftlicher Arzt und Forscher, ist mit seinen Arbeiten }ber die Scheidenflora zu Weltruhm gelangt. 1992 wares 100 Jahre her, da~ die nach ihm benannten D|derlein-St{bchen entdeckt wurden. Dies war f}r die Autoren Anla~ genug, um }ber das Leben und Wirken Albert D|derleins nachzudenken. Den Menschen Albert D|derleinzu zeigen, war neben der W}rdigung seines wissen- schaftlichen Werkes Ziel dieser Publikation. Ein gl}cklicher Zufall erm|glichte den Kontakt zu einer Enkelin D|derleins, Frau Dr. Annamarie D|derlein, die es verstand, diese interessante Familiengeschichte lebhaft, spannend und ab- wechslungsreich zu erz{hlen. So wendet sich dieses Werk an alle, diesich der Gyn{kologie verbunden f}hlen und Interesse and der Geschichte der Medizin zeigen.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Critical Phenomena in Natural Sciences: Chaos, Fractals, Selforganization and Disorder: Concepts and Tools
Concepts, methods and techniques of statistical physics in the study of correlated, as well as uncorrelated, phenomena are being applied ever increasingly in the natural sciences, biology and economics in an attempt to understand and model the large variability and risks of phenomena. This is the first textbook written by a well-known expert that provides a modern up-to-date introduction for workers outside statistical physics.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kundenindividuelle Massenproduktion: Entwicklung, Vorbereitung der Herstellung, Veränderungsmanagement
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG DGOR: Papers of the 10th Annual Meeting/Vorträge der 10. Jahrestagung
Die 10. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fOr Operations Research fand vom 30. September bis 2. Oktober 1981 an der Universitat GOttingen statt. Die Tagung bot einen Oberblick Ober neueste Ergebnisse der Forschung und der Anwendung des Operations Research; fOr die etwa 400 Teilnehmer war sie wieder ein bewahrtes Fo- rum zum Austausch von Erfahrungen sowohl zwischen Experten als auch zwischen den Hochschulen und der Praxis. Das wissenschaftliche Programm, bestehend aus 122 Vortragen, ist in 22 Sek- tionen eingeteilt, die jeweils bestimmten mathematischen Modellen und Methoden oder einem bestimmten Anwendungsgebiet gewidmet sind; eine Sektion befaBt sich mit der Modellstrukturierung. Viele Sektionen werden durch ein Obersichtsreferat eingeleitel. Die Gestaltung des Programms ist zu einem groBen Teil das Verdienst der einzelnen Sektionsleiter. Ihnen gebOhrt dafOr herzlicher Dank. Wahrend bei dieser wie bei frOheren Jahrestagungen die Teilnehmer etwa in glei- cher Anzahl von Hochschulen wie aus der Praxis kommen, werden die Vortrage doch zu fast drei Vierteln von HochschulangehOrigen gehalten. Zwei neu in das Programm aufgenommene Sektionen, ,,Anwendungsberichte aus der Praxis im Offentlichen Be- reich" und ,,Anwendungsberichte aus der industriellen Praxis", tragen dem Rech- nung. Hier wird von den Anwendern selbst oder mit ihrer Beteiligung der erfolgreiche Einsatz von OR-Methoden geschildert. Diese Beitrage gehen Ober die haufig anzu- treffende Darstellung eines nur anwendbaren Modells hinaus.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Contrast Media in Radiology: Appraisal and Prospects
Journalists, always very direct and in search of sensation, essentially asked me two questions on the occasion of this workshop: What were the goals of the meeting? With the improvement of diagnosis through the development of image techniques, didn't the contrast media already have their future behind them? Many answers were provided during the course of the workshop, and in order to best answer the journalists I proposed the following synopsis. 1. Since the 1979 Colorado Springs workshop organized by E. Lasser, progress has been so rapid and the newly available works so numerous that another meeting on an international level for the purpose of pre senting and discussing these advances appeared indispensable. Why not then in Europe and why not in Lyon? To expand on this progress, by 1981 the new contrast media with less-hyperosmolar molecules, still in the trial stage in 1979, were al most all available commercially for angiography, albeit at prohibitive prices. The advantages of these various media are becoming better known; moreover, in the wake of Lasser's work, our understanding of the pathophysiology of their noxious effects is also advancing rapidly owing to the use of models (for the target organs: heart, vessel wall, nervous system, kidney; and for the more general reactions: blood cells, coagulation, complement system, circulating enzymatic systems). In addition, further new molecules are currently being studied in re search laboratories. 2.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL): Band 13: Pin–Roo
Darauf haben Interessierte und Kenner gewartet: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon neu aufgelegt. Von den ersten schriftlichen Zeugnissen der Menschheit bis zur Gegenwart versammelt das epochale Nachschlagewerk rund 13.000 Werke aus allen Literaturen der Welt. Völlig neu bearbeitet und um eine Fülle von Einträgen ergänzt, erschließt das Werklexikon in 17 Bänden und einem Registerband Belletristik, Briefe, Tagebücher und Memoiren, Populär-, Kinder- und Jugendliteratur sowie Sachtexte vielfältiger Disziplinen. Neu: Einleitende Biogramme (biografische Kurzinformationen) skizzieren die zentralen Lebensdaten der Autoren. Eine Vielzahl zusätzlicher Werkgruppenartikel eröffnet kompakte Einblicke in das Gesamtwerk einzelner Schriftsteller. Die komplett überarbeiteten Literaturangaben schaffen mit Hinweisen auf die wichtigsten weiterführenden Werke eine fundierte wissenschaftliche Basis. Rund 600 anonyme Werke und Artikel zu Stoffen der Weltliteratur runden das Lexikon ab. Ein unentbehrlicher und einzigartiger Wissensfundus.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL): Band 16: Tab–Vik
Darauf haben Interessierte und Kenner gewartet: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon neu aufgelegt. Von den ersten schriftlichen Zeugnissen der Menschheit bis zur Gegenwart versammelt das epochale Nachschlagewerk rund 13.000 Werke aus allen Literaturen der Welt. Völlig neu bearbeitet und um eine Fülle von Einträgen ergänzt, erschließt das Werklexikon in 17 Bänden und einem Registerband Belletristik, Briefe, Tagebücher und Memoiren, Populär-, Kinder- und Jugendliteratur sowie Sachtexte vielfältiger Disziplinen. Neu: Einleitende Biogramme (biografische Kurzinformationen) skizzieren die zentralen Lebensdaten der Autoren. Eine Vielzahl zusätzlicher Werkgruppenartikel eröffnet kompakte Einblicke in das Gesamtwerk einzelner Schriftsteller. Die komplett überarbeiteten Literaturangaben schaffen mit Hinweisen auf die wichtigsten weiterführenden Werke eine fundierte wissenschaftliche Basis. Rund 600 anonyme Werke und Artikel zu Stoffen der Weltliteratur runden das Lexikon ab. Ein unentbehrlicher und einzigartiger Wissensfundus.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL): Band 11: Mas–Nek
Darauf haben Interessierte und Kenner gewartet: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon neu aufgelegt. Von den ersten schriftlichen Zeugnissen der Menschheit bis zur Gegenwart versammelt das epochale Nachschlagewerk rund 13.000 Werke aus allen Literaturen der Welt. Völlig neu bearbeitet und um eine Fülle von Einträgen ergänzt, erschließt das Werklexikon in 17 Bänden und einem Registerband Belletristik, Briefe, Tagebücher und Memoiren, Populär-, Kinder- und Jugendliteratur sowie Sachtexte vielfältiger Disziplinen. Neu: Einleitende Biogramme (biografische Kurzinformationen) skizzieren die zentralen Lebensdaten der Autoren. Eine Vielzahl zusätzlicher Werkgruppenartikel eröffnet kompakte Einblicke in das Gesamtwerk einzelner Schriftsteller. Die komplett überarbeiteten Literaturangaben schaffen mit Hinweisen auf die wichtigsten weiterführenden Werke eine fundierte wissenschaftliche Basis. Rund 600 anonyme Werke und Artikel zu Stoffen der Weltliteratur runden das Lexikon ab. Ein unentbehrlicher und einzigartiger Wissensfundus.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL): Band 1: A–Bak
Darauf haben Interessierte und Kenner gewartet: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon neu aufgelegt. Von den ersten schriftlichen Zeugnissen der Menschheit bis zur Gegenwart versammelt das epochale Nachschlagewerk rund 13.000 Werke aus allen Literaturen der Welt. Völlig neu bearbeitet und um eine Fülle von Einträgen ergänzt, erschließt das Werklexikon in 17 Bänden und einem Registerband Belletristik, Briefe, Tagebücher und Memoiren, Populär-, Kinder- und Jugendliteratur sowie Sachtexte vielfältiger Disziplinen. Neu: Einleitende Biogramme (biografische Kurzinformationen) skizzieren die zentralen Lebensdaten der Autoren. Eine Vielzahl zusätzlicher Werkgruppenartikel eröffnet kompakte Einblicke in das Gesamtwerk einzelner Schriftsteller. Die komplett überarbeiteten Literaturangaben schaffen mit Hinweisen auf die wichtigsten weiterführenden Werke eine fundierte wissenschaftliche Basis. Rund 600 anonyme Werke und Artikel zu Stoffen der Weltliteratur runden das Lexikon ab. Ein unentbehrlicher und einzigartiger Wissensfundus.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Tourismus: Systematische Einführung — Analysen und Prognosen
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Supplier Relationship Management: How to Maximize Vendor Value and Opportunity
There’s a new buzz phrase in the air: Supplier Relationship Management (SRM). Corporate executives know it’s necessary, but there’s only one problem. Nobody yet knows how to do it. Or they think it’s all about bashing your vendors over the head until they reduce the price another 4%. Supplier Relationship Management: How to Maximize Vendor Value and Opportunity changes all that. Containing the best and most innovative advice from the operations and procurement experts at consultant AT Kearney, this book shows that SRM is at root a strategic discussion requiring cross-functional interaction and internal alignment at the highest levels. It requires an honest appraisal of the value that suppliers now bring to your firm, as well as their potential value. It then requires a frank and constructive business-to-business dialogue about how to improve the relationship. When this happens, a company reaps myriad benefits, ranging from new opportunity to added value to competitive advantage—and, quite likely, to overall (and sometimes substantial) cost reductions. This book shows the most concrete methods you can use today to: Identify value-adding opportunities in the supply chain Work closely with suppliers to maximize the benefits Work the "Critical Cluster" of suppliers, where the greatest opportunity for advantage lies Review suppliers to encourage constant gains in quality and cost Turn your SRM strategy into a major competitive advantage Supplier Relationship Management introduces and explains the Supplier Interaction Model, a key tool that will help you get the most from your supplier relationships. It segments the supplier universe into nine categories, from those you want to run away from fast to those so good and so useful to your organization that it can make sense to invest in them directly. Numerous case studies show how to apply the principles to your situation. Supplier Relationship Management burns off the fog that has surrounded the procurement process for far too long. It is the definitive guide for business executives who want to get the maximum benefits from suppliers and gain very real advantages over competitors.
Duke University Press Living for the Revolution: Black Feminist Organizations, 1968–1980
The first in-depth analysis of the black feminist movement, Living for the Revolution fills in a crucial but overlooked chapter in African American, women’s, and social movement history. Through original oral history interviews with key activists and analysis of previously unexamined organizational records, Kimberly Springer traces the emergence, life, and decline of several black feminist organizations: the Third World Women’s Alliance, Black Women Organized for Action, the National Black Feminist Organization, the National Alliance of Black Feminists, and the Combahee River Collective. The first of these to form was founded in 1968; all five were defunct by 1980. Springer demonstrates that these organizations led the way in articulating an activist vision formed by the intersections of race, gender, class, and sexuality. The organizations that Springer examines were the first to explicitly use feminist theory to further the work of previous black women’s organizations. As she describes, they emerged in response to marginalization in the civil rights and women’s movements, stereotyping in popular culture, and misrepresentation in public policy. Springer compares the organizations’ ideologies, goals, activities, memberships, leadership styles, finances, and communication strategies. Reflecting on the conflicts, lack of resources, and burnout that led to the demise of these groups, she considers the future of black feminist organizing, particularly at the national level. Living for the Revolution is an essential reference: it provides the history of a movement that influenced black feminist theory and civil rights activism for decades to come.
University of Texas Press Electronic Eros: Bodies and Desire in the Postindustrial Age
The love affair between humans and the machines that have made us faster and more powerful has expanded into cyberspace, where computer technology seems to offer both the promise of heightened erotic fulfillment and the threat of human obsolescence. In this pathfinding study, Claudia Springer explores the techno-erotic imagery in recent films, cyberpunk fiction, comic books, television, software, and writing on virtual reality and artificial intelligence to reveal how these futuristic images actually encode current debates concerning gender roles and sexuality.Drawing on psychoanalytical and film theory, as well as the history of technology, Springer offers the first sustained analysis of eroticism and gender in such films as RoboCop, The Terminator, Eve of Destruction, and Lawnmower Man; cyberpunk books such as Neuromancer, Count Zero, Virtual Light, A Fire in the Sun, and Lady El; the comic books Cyberpunk and Interface, among others; and the television series Mann and Machine. Her analysis demonstrates that while new electronic technologies have inspired changes in some pop culture texts, others stubbornly recycle conventions from the past, refusing to come to terms with the new postmodern social order.Written to be accessible and entertaining for students and general readers as well as scholars, Electronic Eros will be of interest to a wide interdisciplinary audience.
University of Texas Press James Dean Transfigured: The Many Faces of Rebel Iconography
After the death of James Dean in 1955, the figure of the teen rebel permeated the globe, and its presence is still felt in the twenty-first century. Rebel iconography—which does not have to resemble James Dean himself, but merely incorporates his disaffected attitude—has become an advertising mainstay used to sell an array of merchandise and messages. Despite being overused in advertisements, it still has the power to surprise when used by authors and filmmakers in innovative and provocative ways. The rebel figure has mass appeal precisely because of its ambiguities; it can mean anything to anyone. The global appropriation of rebel iconography has invested it with fresh meanings. Author Claudia Springer succeeds here in analyzing both ends of the spectrum—the rebel icon as a tool in upholding capitalism's cycle of consumption, and as a challenge to that cycle and its accompanying beliefs. In this groundbreaking study of rebel iconography in international popular culture, Springer studies a variety of texts from the United States and abroad that use this imagery in contrasting and thought-provoking ways. Using a cultural studies approach, she analyzes films, fiction, poems, Web sites, and advertisements to determine the extent to which the icon's adaptations have been effective as a response to the actual social problems affecting contemporary adolescents around the world.
The University of Chicago Press How the States Shaped the Nation: American Electoral Institutions and Voter Turnout, 1920-2000
The United States routinely has one of the lowest voter turnout rates of any developed democracy in the world. That rate is also among the most internally diverse, since the federal structure allows state-level variations in voting institutions that have had-and continue to have-sizable local effects. But are expansive institutional efforts like mailin registration, longer poll hours, and "no-excuse" absentee voting uniformly effective in improving voter turnout across states? With How the States Shaped the Nation, Melanie Jean Springer places contemporary reforms in historical context and explores how state electoral institutions have shaped voting behavior throughout the twentieth century. Although reformers often assume that more convenient voting procedures will produce equivalent effects wherever they are implemented, Springer reveals that this is not the case. In fact, convenience-voting methods have had almost no effect in the southern states where turnout rates are lowest. In contrast, the adverse effects associated with restrictive institutions like poll taxes and literacy tests have been persistent and dramatic. Ultimately, no single institutional fix will uniformly resolve problems of low or unequal participation. If we want to reliably increase national voter turnout rates, we must explore how states' voting histories differ.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Treatment of Traumatized Adults and Children: Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice
Praise for Treatment of Traumatized Adults and Children "A major stumbling block to adoption of evidence-based practice in the real world of clinical practice has been the absence of clinician-friendly guides. Such guides need to be understandable, free of technical research jargon, infused with clinical expertise, and rich with real-life examples. Rubin and Springer have hit a home run with this series, which has all of these characteristics and more." —Edward J. Mullen, Willma & Albert Musher Chair and Professor, Columbia University "Rubin and Springer have assembled the wisdom of leading practitioners of evidence-based practice interventions, enhancing the likelihood that these practices will be adopted by helping professionals. Written in the language of practitioners, this book represents an exemplar for dissemination of evidence-based practice information." —Joanne Yaffe, Associate Professor, University of Utah College of Social Work Evidence-based interventions for treating traumatized adults and children Part of the Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series, Treatment of Traumatized Adults and Children provides busy mental health practitioners with detailed, step-by-step guidance for implementing clinical interventions that are supported by the latest scientific evidence. Edited by renowned educators Allen Rubin and David W. Springer, this thoroughly useful reference draws on a roster of experts and researchers in the field who have assembled state-of-the-art knowledge into this well-rounded guide, and covers the following interventions that have the best empirical support for treating posttraumatic stress disorder: Prolonged exposure therapy Trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Easy-to-use and accessible in tone, this indispensable resource is for practitioners who would like to implement evidence-based, compassionate, and effective interventions in their care of traumatized clients. Also in the Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series Substance Abuse Treatment for Youth and Adults
The University of Chicago Press How the States Shaped the Nation: American Electoral Institutions and Voter Turnout, 1920-2000
The United States routinely has one of the lowest voter turnout rates of any developed democracy in the world. That rate is also among the most internally diverse, since the federal structure allows state-level variations in voting institutions that have had-and continue to have - sizable local effects. But are expansive institutional efforts like mailin registration, longer poll hours, and "no-excuse" absentee voting uniformly effective in improving voter turnout across states? With How the States Shaped the Nation, Melanie Jean Springer places contemporary reforms in historical context and explores how state electoral institutions have shaped voting behavior throughout the twentieth century. Although reformers often assume that more convenient voting procedures will produce equivalent effects wherever they are implemented, Springer reveals that this is not the case. In fact, convenience-voting methods have had almost no effect in the southern states where turnout rates are lowest. In contrast, the adverse effects associated with restrictive institutions like poll taxes and literacy tests have been persistent and dramatic. Ultimately, no single institutional fix will uniformly resolve problems of low or unequal participation. If we want to reliably increase national voter turnout rates, we must explore how states' voting histories differ.
Baker Publishing Group The Fire of Perfect Love – Intimacy with God for a Life of Passion, Purpose, and Unshakable Faith
You Can Take Comfort in the Intensity of His Love As the world grows more hostile to the love and truth of Jesus, we need hearts that burn hotter than the fury of fear and persecution. And the secret to that kind of passion lies in a heart yielded to the fire of God's perfect love. With warmth and piercing insight, global apostolic ministers Steven and Rene Springer help you embrace God's purifying fire that will · captivate your heart · ignite power and purpose · reveal your true identity · bring forth boldness and cast out fear · fuel you for greater transformation and impact When you make fiery love the goal of your life, you won't burn up and you won't burn out. You will bring the transforming love of Jesus to your city, nation, and world with confidence and power. "God's perfect love will invade your heart as you read this book, forever ruining you for lukewarm Christianity and passionless living."--DUTCH SHEETS, "Our hearts toward humanity must burn with the fire of God's love in everything we do and say!"--TODD WHITE, Lifestyle Christianity
University of Minnesota Press The Anarchist Roots of Geography: Toward Spatial Emancipation
The Anarchist Roots of Geography sets the stage for a radical politics of possibility and freedom through a discussion of the insurrectionary geographies that suffuse our daily experiences. By embracing anarchist geographies as kaleidoscopic spatialities that allow for nonhierarchical connections between autonomous entities, Simon Springer configures a new political imagination.Experimentation in and through space is the story of humanity’s place on the planet, and the stasis and control that now supersede ongoing organizing experiments are an affront to our survival. Singular ontological modes that favor one particular way of doing things disavow geography by failing to understand the spatial as a mutable assemblage intimately bound to temporality. Even worse, such stagnant ideas often align to the parochial interests of an elite minority and thereby threaten to be our collective undoing. What is needed is the development of new relationships with our world and, crucially, with each other. By infusing our geographies with anarchism we unleash a spirit of rebellion that foregoes a politics of waiting for change to come at the behest of elected leaders and instead engages new possibilities of mutual aid through direct action now. We can no longer accept the decaying, archaic geographies of hierarchy that chain us to statism, capitalism, gender domination, racial oppression, and imperialism. We must reorient geographical thinking towards anarchist horizons of possibility. Geography must become beautiful, wherein the entirety of its embrace is aligned to emancipation.
Georgetown University Press Islamic Radicalism and Global Jihad
Jihadist ideology inspires a diverse and decentralized collection of radical groups to fight alleged enemies of Islam and to attempt to "restore" a holy caliphate to unite Muslim people across the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. "Islamic Radicalism and Global Jihad" provides unique insights into the philosophical foundations, strategic vision, organizational dynamics, and tactics of the modern jihadist movement - with specific attention to its primary driver, Al-Qa'ida. Springer, Regens, and Edger draw heavily on Arabic language sources seldom seen in the West to explain what jihadists want and how radical thinkers have distorted the teachings of Islam to convince followers to pursue terrorism as a religious duty. With sophisticated and systematic analysis, the authors lead their readers on a fascinating intellectual journey through the differing ideas, goals, and vulnerabilities of the jihadist movement as it has evolved over time. The authors also impart wisdom from their own professional experience with terrorism, counterinsurgency, and intelligence to provide scholars, students, counterterrorism professionals, and general readers with this accessible overview of key radical Islamic thinkers and today's jihadists.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Substance Abuse Treatment for Youth and Adults: Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice
State-of-the-art, empirical support for the treatmentof substance abuse Part of the Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series, Substance Abuse Treatment for Youth and Adults provides busy mental health practitioners with detailed, step-by-step guidance for implementing clinical interventions that are supported by the latest scientific evidence. Edited by renowned educators David W. Springer and Allen Rubin, this thorough yet practical reference draws on a roster of experts and researchers in the field who have assembled state-of-the-art knowledge into this well-rounded guide. Each chapter serves as a practitioner-focused how-to guide and covers interventions that have the best empirical support for treating substance abuse problems, including: Family behavior therapy for substance abuse and associated problems Motivational interviewing Problem solving and social skills training Adolescent community reinforcement approach (A-CRA) Cognitive behavioral coping skills therapy for adults Seeking Safety treatment for clients with PTSD and substance abuse Easy-to-use and accessible in tone, Substance Abuse Treatment for Youth and Adults is an indispensable resource for practitioners who would like to implement evidence-based, compassionate, effective interventions in their care of substance-abusing clients.
Georgetown University Press Islamic Radicalism and Global Jihad
Jihadist ideology inspires a diverse and decentralized collection of radical groups to fight alleged enemies of Islam and to attempt to "restore" a holy caliphate to unite Muslim people across the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. "Islamic Radicalism and Global Jihad" provides unique insights into the philosophical foundations, strategic vision, organizational dynamics, and tactics of the modern jihadist movement - with specific attention to its primary driver, Al-Qa'ida. Springer, Regens, and Edger draw heavily on Arabic language sources seldom seen in the West to explain what jihadists want and how radical thinkers have distorted the teachings of Islam to convince followers to pursue terrorism as a religious duty. With sophisticated and systematic analysis, the authors lead their readers on a fascinating intellectual journey through the differing ideas, goals, and vulnerabilities of the jihadist movement as it has evolved over time. The authors also impart wisdom from their own professional experience with terrorism, counterinsurgency, and intelligence to provide scholars, students, counterterrorism professionals, and general readers with this accessible overview of key radical Islamic thinkers and today's jihadists.
Rheinwerk Publishing Inc. Node.js: The Comprehensive Guide
If you’re developing server-side JavaScript applications, you need Node.js! Start with the basics of the Node.js environment: installation, application structure, and modules. Then follow detailed code examples to learn about web development using frameworks like Express and Nest.js. Learn about different approaches to asynchronous programming, including RxJS and data streams. Details on peripheral topics such as testing, security, performance, and more, make this your all-in-one daily reference for Node.js! · Your complete guide to backend programming with JavaScript· Install the Node.js environment and learn to use core frameworks· Debug, scale, test, and optimize your applications· Get practical code examples as downloadable product supplements Getting Started with Node.js Begin your journey with Node.js. Learn about the core components of the environment such as the V8 engine and libraries. Then install Node.js and explore application development tools and the module system. Developing Applications Develop web applications by following practical code examples. Set up a web server using HTTP and develop apps step by step using the Express and Nest.js frameworks. Connect databases, generate interfaces using the REST server and GraphQL, implement command-line tools, handle asynchronous programming, and more. Managing ApplicationsManage your Node.js applications from development to deployment. Learn how to use package managers, implement tests, and protect against security threats. Get expert tips on scalability and performance to optimize your apps. What used to sound unimaginable is possible with Node.js: a single language for client-side and server-side programming. Today, you can use JavaScript for frontend and backend development. This allows you to develop high-performance, scalable, and real-time web applications quickly and easily. No wonder Node.js is becoming more and more popular. This comprehensive guide is the perfect place to start if you want to master Node.js, one of the most important players in the JavaScript universe. You’ll learn the basics of Node.js, see how the platform is built, and work with various interfaces. With Sebastian Springer, you have an experienced author at your side who shares his enthusiasm about professional JavaScript development. Using many real-life examples, he shows you how to use Node.js securely, right from the start. This book covers key JavaScript features like destructuring, promises, and the module system. However, the focus is on Node.js, so you should have basic knowledge of JavaScript before reading. This book includes: 1) More than 800 pages on Node.js 2) Concrete solutions for practical use cases 3) Detailed, numbered code listings 4) Tables, figures, note boxes, and screenshots 5) A comprehensive index6) All code examples available as downloadable supplements The structure of the book: To help structure your learning process, you can think of the book as having four distinct parts:· The first part covers the Node.js basics and provides a hands-on introduction to the module system. · The second part provides practical examples from web development. You’ll learn about important frameworks such as Express and template engines like Pug. · The third part is dedicated to asynchronous programming. You’ll learn how to deal with promises and child processes, and also how to use data streams in development. · The fourth part offers best practices and troubleshooting tips for developers. You’ll find valuable knowledge for everyday developer tasks, solutions for common problems, and security considerations. Highlights: Installation Asynchronous programming Application development Modules Express and Nest.js frameworks Template engines Database connectivity Web sockets Session handling Deployment and operations Security Testing, performance, and scalability
Amis du Centre d'histoire et de civilisation de Byzance Prostituées repenties et femmes travesties dans l'hagiographie géorgienne
«C'est à cause de la femme que le diable livre bataille aux serviteurs de Dieu», di le moine Eugène à sa fille Marie. Voilà pourquoi toute présence féminine est en principe bannie du monastère. Mais l'Adversaire connaît plus d'un tour pour braver l'interdit. Tantôt une petite fille se fait passer pour un garçon afin de rester près de son père, devenu moine après son veuvage. Tantôt une jeune femme échappe à un mariage forcé en prenant l'aspect d'un eunuque. Travestissements sans retour, où l'on est toujours en péril d'être démasqué. La vérité n'éclate qu'après la mort de l'ascète, à l'occasion de sa toilette funèbre. Mais la femme peut aussi franchir la clôture monastique d'une façon immatérielle, grâce aux fantasmes masculins. L'évêque Nonnos cherche en vain, depuis tant d'années, à parer son âme de vertus dignes du Christ, son divin époux, et c'est une prostituée, Pélagie d'Antioche, qui lui donne, par les raffinements de sa toilette, l'image de la vraie ferveur! Zosime poursuit dans le désert l'ombre d'un maître insaisissable qui lui enseignerait des mortifications inédites, et c'est Marie l'Égyptienne, la courtisane repentie, qui lui révèle les grâces prodigieuses réservées à la repentance parfaite. Comment qualifier de tels romans? Rêves érotiques ou «histoires utiles à l'âme»? La trame est fabuleuse, mais le cadre est réel. Loin des mégapoles corruptrices d'Alexandrie, d'Antioche et de Constantinople, les moines du désert comptent parmi eux de prodigieux «vieillards», à qui le mérite de leur ascèse ouvre un compte illimité au trésor des miséricordes divines. Le récit de leurs exploits a connu un succès foudroyant de l'Égypte au Caucase et jusqu'à l'Occident latin. Rutebeuf et Villon en étaient nourris. L'intérêt des versions géorgiennes que publie Nana Mirachvili-Springer est de nous découvrir une couche rédactionnelle plus ancienne que la vulgate grecque et d'offrir de précieux repères pour reconstituer la genèse du genre, depuis l'anecdote monastique jusqu'à la fiction la plus élaborée.
Brill Athens and Wittenberg: Poetry, Philosophy, and Luther's Legacy
Scholarship has tended to assume that Luther was uninterested in the Greek and Latin classics, given his promotion of the German vernacular and his polemic against the reliance upon Aristotle in theology. But as Athens and Wittenberg demonstrates, Luther was shaped by the classical education he had received and integrated it into his writings. He could quote Epicurean poetry to non-Epicurean ends; he could employ Aristotelian logic to prove the limits of philosophy’s role in theology. This volume explores how Luther and early Protestantism, especially Lutheranism, continued to draw from the classics in their quest to reform the church. In particular, it examines how early Protestantism made use of the philosophy and poetry from classical antiquity. Contributors to this volume: Joseph Herl, Jane Schatkin Hettrick, E.J. Hutchinson, Jack D. Kilcrease, E. Christian Kopf, John G. Nordling, Piergiacomo Petrioli, Eric G. Phillips, Richard J. Serina, Jr, R. Alden Smith, Carl P.E. Springer, Manfred Svensson, William P. Weaver, and Daniel Zager.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Admission Matters: What Students and Parents Need to Know About Getting into College
The most up-to-date version of the best-selling guide to college admissions for over twenty years Newly revised and thoroughly updated, the fifth edition of Admission Matters continues to be the go-to guide for students and families seeking help with the college admissions process. Higher education experts Sally P. Springer, Ph.D., Joyce Vining Morgan, Ph.D., Nancy Griesemer, M.A., and Jon Reider, Ph.D., deliver a practical and accessible roadmap for a successful admissions outcome, whether the student is a high school freshman or a senior about to apply to college. Reassuring and easy to read, Admission Matters provides deep insight into a process that has become increasingly complex and unpredictable with each passing year. In the fifth edition, readers will learn how to build a balanced college list, when to apply, what goes into crafting a compelling application, how colleges make decisions, how financial aid works, and more. Admission Matters offers real-world expert advice for all students, whether they're aiming for an Ivy or a state school close to home. The book provides practical guidance for students and families whether they come from an under-resourced background or one that has provided abundant opportunities. Admission Matters also includes much-needed information for students with special circumstances, including students with disabilities, international students, transfers, and non-traditional students. Athletes, artists and performers, and homeschoolers will also have many of their questions answered as they plan for and apply to college. Admission Matters also provides the latest information on: The shift to test-optional or test-free admissions at many schools and what that means for you The transition to an adaptive, digital format for the SAT Changes to the federal process for financial aid What selective colleges are increasingly looking for when faced with growing numbers of applications Differences among colleges and how to choose the "best fit" schools Early decision and early action applications and when they make sense And much more... The latest edition of Admission Matters remains the gold standard in guides to the ever-changing and often intimidating process of college admissions.
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Alfred Music Santa Baby: Conductor Score
Alfred Music Santa Baby: Conductor Score
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Hot Key Books Enola Holmes: The Case of the Missing Marquess: Now a Netflix film, starring Millie Bobby Brown
Introducing London's newest and greatest detective: Enola Holmes - the book that inspired the film, starring Millie Bobby Brown.Read the series before the next film lands!When Enola Holmes, sister to the detective Sherlock Holmes, discovers her mother has disappeared, she quickly embarks on a journey to London in search of her. But nothing can prepare her for what awaits.Because when she arrives, she finds herself involved in the kidnapping of a young marquess, fleeing murderous villains, and trying to elude her shrewd older brothers - all while attempting to piece together clues to her mother's strange disappearance. Amid all the mayhem, will Enola be able to decode the necessary clues and find her mother?'A story of a young girl who is empowered, capable, and smart . . . the Enola Holmes book series conveys an impactful message to kids and teenagers all over the world that you can do anything if you set your mind to it, and it does so in an exciting and adventurous way.' - MILLIE BOBBY BROWN
Hot Key Books Enola Holmes and the Elegant Escapade (Book 8)
Follow London's newest detective, Enola Holmes, in her gripping eighth adventure - from the series that inspired the films, starring Millie Bobby Brown.Read them all before the next film lands!Enola Holmes discovers that her friend, Lady Cecily Alastair, is in need of help. Twice before, Enola has rescued Lady Cecily from the sinister schemes of her father, Sir Eustace Alastair. And when Enola is brusquely turned away at the door of the Alastair home it soon becomes apparent that something is awry.After a daring escape involving bows, arrows and prickly bushes, Enola quickly discovers she is not the only person trying to rescue Lady Cecily. Sherlock Holmes, the world-famous detective, is also on the case. Unfortunately, the girl has already disappeared again, and is now on the loose in the unforgiving city of London.Will Enola and Sherlock work together to save Cecily? And can they agree on what they are saving her from?'A story of a young girl who is empowered, capable, and smart . . . the Enola Holmes book series conveys an impactful message to kids and teenagers all over the world that you can do anything if you set your mind to it, and it does so in an exciting and adventurous way.' - MILLIE BOBBY BROWN