Search results for ""springer""
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Erste Reihe.Band XIV, 2: Mantikles–Mazaion
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Erste Reihe.Band XII, 1: Kynesioi–Legio
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Erste Reihe.Band IX, 2: Imperium–Iugum
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Euklid
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Die treibende Kraft des Kollektivs: Post-Österreichische Theorie als Antwort auf Israel Kirzner
Dieses Buch untersucht, warum österreichische Ökonomen es versäumen, den Rahmen der spontanen Ordnung auf kooperative Beziehungen – wie einen dynamischen und sich entwickelnden öffentlichen Sektor – anzuwenden, die einen florierenden Markt ergänzen könnten. Als direkte Antwort auf Israel Kirzners "The Driving Force of the Market" stellt sie die traditionelle österreichische Wirtschaftswissenschaft infrage, indem sie die demokratische Prozesstheorie als Parallele zur Marktprozesstheorie vorschlägt und die Möglichkeiten einer Wirtschaftsorganisation aufzeigt, die sich die Kraft einer transparenten und effektiven Demokratie zunutze macht. Unter Berücksichtigung der zentralen Probleme, die in sozialistischen und kapitalistischen Ländern aufgrund eigennütziger politischer und wirtschaftlicher Akteure aufgetreten sind, hebt "Die treibende Kraft des Kollektivs"die Vorteile des öffentlichen Sektors hervor, die sich daraus ergeben, dass sich Kultur und Institutionen endogen als spontane Ordnung des öffentlichen Sektors entwickeln können
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Mathematics of Information
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Infektionen und Gesellschaft: COVID-19, frühere und zukünftige Herausforderungen durch Pandemien
In diesem Open Access Tagungsband beantworten renommierte Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler hochaktuelle Fragen zu Pandemien im Allgemeinen und der COVID-19-Pandemie im Besonderen. Vor allem die Auswirkungen auf unsere Gesellschaft stehen im interdisziplinären Fokus. Wie wirken Infektionserreger auf Körper und Psyche? Wie wirken Pandemien auf Städte und Demokratien? Beeinflussen mediale Diskurse und Seuchennarrative die Impfbereitschaft? Kann es eine Güterabwägung zwischen Gesundheitsschutz und Wirtschaftswachstum geben? Verletzen Lockdown und Maskenpflicht die Grundrechte? Auf dem Symposium Infektionen und Gesellschaft der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg postulierte Professor Ansgar W. Lohse: „Das Coronavirus hat uns nicht gänzlich überrascht: Die Gefahr katastrophaler Pandemien hat immer schon existiert und wächst weiter. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass wir aus der Vergangenheit für die Zukunft lernen.“ Der vorliegende Band bietet nicht nur eine interdisziplinäre Auseinandersetzung mit SARS-CoV-2 und den gesellschaftlichen Folgen, sondern auch einen Ausblick, wie wir in Zukunft mit Pandemien umgehen können – von der Prävention über die Entwicklung von Impfstoffen und Impfstrategien bis zu Therapiemöglichkeiten.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Feynman und die Physik: Leben und Forschung eines außergewöhnlichen Menschen
Dieses Buch nimmt Sie mit auf eine Reise durch das Leben des Physikers Richard Feynman und beschreibt eindrucksvoll, welche wegweisenden wissenschaftlichen Beiträge der Nobelpreisträger zur Entwicklung der modernen Physik geleistet hat. Feynman war ein Querdenker, der immer versucht hat, den Dingen auf den Grund zu gehen. Dabei entwickelte er eine intuitive Anschauung, die seinesgleichen sucht und die ihn zu einem der großen Vermittler von physikalischen Gesetzen machte. Der Autor fängt diese Entwicklung ein und erklärt sie im Rahmen des Zeitgeistes der modernen Physik.Dabei führt er den Leser nicht nur durch das Leben Feynmans, sondern legt den Schwerpunkt auf die Physik: Welche revolutionären Ideen hatte der Physiker, welchen Beitrag leistete er zur Entwicklung der Quantenmechanik und Quantenfeldtheorie, wie kann man Feynmans Herangehensweisen und seine Physik verstehen? Allgemeinverständlich und anschaulich beschreibt das Buch die Physik Feynmans und lädt den Leser dazu ein, physikalische Hintergründe nachzuvollziehen.Lassen Sie sich von diesem Buch verzaubern und verstehen Sie die Physik des Genies, das 2018 seinen 100jährigen Geburtstag feiern würde.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG The Science of Cooking
A kitchen is no different from most science laboratories and cookery may properly be regarded as an experimental science. Food preparation and cookery involve many processes which are well described by the physical sciences. Understanding the chemistry and physics of cooking should lead to improvements in performance in the kitchen. For those of us who wish to know why certain recipes work and perhaps more importantly why others fail, appreciating the underlying physical processes will inevitably help in unravelling the mysteries of the "art" of good cooking. Strong praise from the reviewers - "Will be stimulating for amateur cooks with an interest in following recipes and understanding how they work. They will find anecdotes and, sprinkled throughout the book, scientific points of information... The book is a pleasant read and is an invitation to become better acquainted with the science of cooking." - NATURE "This year, at last, we have a book which shows how a practical understanding of physics and chemistry can improve culinary performance… [Barham] first explains, in a lucid non-textbooky way, the principles behind taste, flavour and the main methods of food preparation, and then gives fool-proof basic recipes for dishes from roast leg of lab to chocolate soufflé." - FINANCIAL TIMES WEEKEND "This book is full of interesting and relevant facts that clarify the techniques of cooking that lead to the texture, taste and aroma of good cuisine. As a physicist the author introduces the importance of models in preparing food, and their modification as a result of testing (tasting)."- THE PHYSICIST "Focuses quite specifically on the physics and food chemistry of practical domestic cooking in terms of real recipes... Each chapter starts with an overview of the scientific issues relevant to that food group, e.g. toughness of meat, thickening of sauces, collapse of sponge cakes and soufflés. This is followed by actual recipes, with the purpose behind each ingredient and technique explained, and each recipe followed by a table describing some common problems, causes and solutions. Each chapter then ends with suggested experiments to illustrate some of the scientific principles exploited in the chapter." - FOOD & DRINK NEWSLETTER
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Luxusmarkenmanagement: Grundlagen, Strategien und praktische Umsetzung
Dieses Handbuch gibt einen Überblick über die Grundlagen und Besonderheiten der Luxusmarkenführung. Luxusunternehmen stehen kontinuierlich vor der schwierigen Aufgabe, ihre starken, von traditionellen Werten und handwerklicher Perfektion geprägten Luxusmarken innovativ und nachhaltig weiterzuentwickeln. Dafür ist es notwendig, die geeigneten Anpassungen vorzunehmen sowie die richtige Balance zu finden zwischen Tradition und Innovation und zwischen Exklusivität und Zugänglichkeit der Luxusmarke. Damit der „luxury dream“ wirksam werden kann, hat das Management und Marketing besonderen Regeln zu folgen. Die Darstellung dieser Spezifika sowie der Erfolgsfaktoren des Luxusmarkenmanagements ist das Ziel dieses Buches. Renommierte Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis nehmen in 28 Beiträgen aus internationaler Perspektive Stellung zu aktuellen Herausforderungen und vermitteln, mit welchen Strategien und Instrumenten ein erfolgreiches Management der Luxusmarke möglich ist.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG "Blühendes Leid": Politik und Gesellschaft in Richard Wagners Musikdramen
Von den frühen Opern bis zum Parsifal . Kaum ein Künstler der Moderne hat so entschieden auf dem Zusammenhang von Politik, Gesellschaft und Kunst bestanden wie Richard Wagner und sein Werk daher eingehend kommentiert. Vor dem Hintergrund von Wagners theoretischen Schriften spürt der Autor in dessen Werken politischen und gesellschaftlichen Inhalten nach und erläutert den zeitgenössischen Kontext. Auch die immer wieder gestellte Frage nach dem Antisemitismus in Wagners großen Musikdramen wird beantwortet.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Successful Career Strategy: An HR Practitioner's Guide to Reach Your Dream Job
Advancing your career in the best possible way requires a well-structured and targeted approach. This book offers a basic methodology as well as practical tools and a variety of case studies that are helpful for the development and implementation of a career strategy. It helps to match talents with aspirations in order to encourage candidates to make courageous career decisions and offers guidance on how to choose the professional environment that best fits personal preferences. Thus, it can be a guide to considering your career as a lifelong learning journey that can help you grow as a leader and as an individual.The book is primarily aimed at young professionals who want to develop their career in the most effective way. It is also useful for managers to be able to advise and support the professional development of their team members. Videos via app: download the SN More Media app for free, scan a link with play button and access videos directly on your smartphone or tablet.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Successful Career Strategy
Thus, it can be a guide to considering your career as a lifelong learning journey that can help you grow as a leader and as an individual. The book is primarily aimed at young professionals who want to develop their career in the most effective way.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Can Science Be Witty?: Science Communication Between Critique and Cabaret
"Can science be funny?" takes a close look at an element of modern science communication that is as innovative as it is promising for the future: comedy!Readers are guided through vividly presented academic theory as well as exciting hands-on and best practice examples from renowned practitioners and cabaret artists:- What do sheep's cheese and car tires have in common?- Can laughter break down walls?- How does "Die Anstalt" work?- How does magic create knowledge?- Is there humor in museums?- When a Dalmatian comes to the cash register- Three steps to humor- Serving suggestion for the Holy Spirit- dictatorship of stupidity- And much more!But it's not all just funny. Comedy can also take away some of the biting sharpness of criticism, making it digestible, even palatable, for the addressees."Can Science Be Funny?" navigates between criticism and cabaret, tackling comedy in various guises from different perspectives.22 contributions show how the results of science, research and technology can be brought to the general public in new ways. In particular, they also demonstrate how humour can be used as a critical and questioning force - valuable for all types of communication and helpful so that they come across more shrewdly in the future.The translation was done with the help of the artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service The text has subsequently been revised further by the original editors in order to refine the work stylistically.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Data Governance for Managers: The Driver of Value Stream Optimization and a Pacemaker for Digital Transformation
Professional data management is the foundation for the successful digital transformation of traditional companies. Unfortunately, many companies fail to implement data governance because they do not fully understand the complexity of the challenge (organizational structure, employee empowerment, change management, etc.) and therefore do not include all aspects in the planning and implementation of their data governance. This book explains the driving role that a responsive data organization can play in a company's digital transformation. Using proven process models, the book takes readers from the basics, through planning and implementation, to regular operations and measuring the success of data governance. All the important decision points are highlighted, and the advantages and disadvantages are discussed in order to identify digitization potential, implement it in the company, and develop customized data governance. The book will serve as a useful guide for interested newcomers as well as for experienced managers.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Successful negotiation with the DriverSeat Concept
With this book, Hermann Rock provides time-structured core negotiation strategies that can be immediately applied in practice. With the certainty of having understood the three basic strategies, the reader enters the negotiation with a positive basic mood and thus creates the basis for his negotiation success.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation: RWIA’2010
This book shows some contributions presented in the 2010 International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation (RWIA’2010), Oct. 14-16, 2010, Shanghai, China. Welding handicraft is one of the most primordial and traditional techniques, mainly by manpower and human experiences. Weld quality and efficiency are, therefore, straightly limited by the welder’s skill. In the modern manufacturing, automatic and robotic welding is becoming an inevitable trend. In recent years, the intelligentized techniques for robotic welding have a great development. The current teaching play-back welding robot is not with real-time functions for sensing and adaptive control of weld process. Generally, the key technologies on Intelligentized welding robot and robotic welding process include computer visual and other information sensing, monitoring and real-time feedback control of weld penetration and pool shape and welding quality. Seam tracking is another key technology for welding robot system. Some applications on intelligentized robotic welding technology is also described in this book, it shows a great potential and promising prospect of artificial intelligent technologies in the welding manufacturing.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Radiology Illustrated: Uroradiology
Uroradiology is an up-to-date, image-oriented reference in the style of a teaching file that has been designed specifically to be of value in clinical practice. All aspects of the imaging of urologic diseases are covered, and case studies illustrate the findings obtained with the relevant imaging modalities in both common and uncommon conditions. Most chapters focus on a particular clinical problem, but normal findings, congenital anomalies, and interventions are also discussed and illustrated.In this second edition, the range and quality of the illustrations have been enhanced, and many schematic drawings have been added to help readers memorize characteristic imaging findings through pattern recognition. The accompanying text is concise and informative. Besides serving as an outstanding aid to differential diagnosis, this book will provide a user-friendly review tool for certification or recertification in radiology.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Getting Started with Angular: Create and Deploy Angular Applications
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 16: Erzählungen.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Inborn Metabolic Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment
This 7th edition is a milestone in the series of Inborn Metabolic Diseases (IMD), recognised as the standard textbook for professionals involved in the diagnosis and management of IMD.Within the last 5 years a Copernican revolution in our understanding of IMD has changed the definition, concepts, paradigms, and classification. This new edition now extends the concept of IMD to include those disturbances in molecular machinery diagnosed by molecular techniques but currently without measurable metabolic markers.The book presents a clinical and biochemical approach to the diagnosis and management of IEM with many diagnostic algorithms for patients of all ages and with a particular focus on neurological presentations. It includes separate, comprehensive sections on IEM classified in 3 major pathophysiological categories: disorders of energy metabolism, both mitochondrial and non-mitochondrial; small molecule disorders, mostly diagnosed with metabolic markers; and complex molecules disorders, mostly diagnosed with molecular techniques.Two new chapters were added, describing around 600 disorders of nucleic acid metabolism, tRNA metabolism, ribosomal biogenesis, and cellular trafficking.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Modern Anesthetics
Some important constraints of anesthesia must be taken into consideration when the pharmacological properties of modern anesthetics are discussed. The most imp- tant of these could be that the target effect be achieved preferably within seconds, at most within a few minutes. Similarly, offset of drug action should be achieved within minutes rather hours. The target effects, such as unconsciousness, are pot- tially life-threatening, as are the side effects of modern anesthetics, such as respi- tory and cardiovascular depression. Finally, the patient’s purposeful responses are not available to guide drug dosage, because, either the patient is unconscious, or more problematically, the patient is aware but unable to communicate pain because of neuromuscular blockade. These constraints were already recognised 35 years ago, when in 1972 Volume XXX entitled “Modern Inhalation Anesthetics” appeared in this Handbook Series. The present volume is meant as a follow up and extension of that volume. At the beginning of the 1970’s anesthesia was commonly delivered by inhalation, with only very few exceptions. The clinical understanding of that time considered anesthesia as a unique state achieved by any of the inhalation anesthetics, in- pendent of their specific molecular structure. “The very mechanism of anesthetic action at the biophase” was discussed within the theoretical framework of the “u- tary theory of narcosis”.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Schlüsselkompetenzen: Schreiben in Studium und Beruf
Textwerkstatt für Schule, Studium und Beruf. Ob Referat, Klausur, Mitschrift, Protokoll, Praktikumsbericht, Thesenpapier, Hausarbeit oder Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorarbeit: Worauf kommt es beim Verfassen des Textes an? Wie bleibt man im Zeitplan? Wie wird der Inhalt geplant? Wie wird aus einer Gedankenreihe ein roter Faden? Schreiben kann gelernt werden der Ratgeber hilft, sich systematisch den eigenen Text zu erarbeiten und die Herausforderungen des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens zu meistern.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Strategic Culture Hacks: A Framework for Shaping Corporate Culture
Culture Hacks are the agile instrument to fill the desired corporate culture with life in the daily business routine.They keep the postulated values present and provide the necessary reflection of daily actions. Culture Hacks address the mindset and the concrete behavior, thus making the corporate culture tangible for all employees at every level of the hierarchy. This book is dedicated to this topic, which is increasingly perceived as important. Culture hacks represent an important element in shaping corporate culture. The topic is still relatively new, and the book is the first to present a comprehensive concept for the strategic use of culture hacks. It creates the link between corporate strategies and operational processes. The concept presented is very pragmatic: concrete models, tools, design principles and roadmaps clarify and accompany the implementation in operational practice. The book creates a framework for the targeted and strategic use of culture hacks to optimize corporate culture.The book is aimed at all managers and employees involved in corporate culture.The reader can expect the following content points: What are Culture Hacks? Strategic Hacks - Nudging - Tips & Tricks Irritations and pattern breaks as ways to change behavior Mindset and behavior - addressees of interventions Impulses through and for New Work, Management 3.0 and Agility Culture hacks as a guerrilla strategy Proven design principles - suitable fields of application Personal and organizational maturity levels How they can be integrated into everyday business life Inventory and roadmaps - Drawing from a pool of knowledge Dynamic design of culture hack strategies With digressions on Paradoxical Intervention, Empathy, Psychological safety, mindset and behavior Successful implementation - Do's and Don't's Numerous examples illustrate the procedure
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Knots in Orthopedic Surgery: Open and Arthroscopic Techniques
This well-illustrated book presents the state of the art in suture materials and provides clear, step-by-step guidance on how to tie the most frequently used knots. The opening section addresses terminological issues and describes how the biological and mechanical properties of suture materials may impact on healing potential. The basics of knot biomechanics are explained, highlighting the risk of failure of knots and sutures if their capacities are exceeded. Subsequent sections give precise instructions on the tying techniques for the various open and arthroscopic knots, including the square knot, the surgeon’s knot, half hitches, and sliding and non-sliding knots. The special instruments available to facilitate the tying of arthroscopic knots are thoroughly discussed, equipping the surgeon with the knowledge required to ensure optimal handling of the soft tissues and manipulation of sutures in arthroscopic surgery. A literature review on suture materials and arthroscopic knots completes the coverage. This book is published in cooperation with ESSKA. It will be a valuable instruction manual for surgeons in training and will supply more experienced surgeons with an excellent update that will further enhance their practice.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Lesser Flamingos: Descendants of Phoenix
This book provides insights into the fascinating life of the Lesser Flamingo (Phoeniconaias minor) and describes how this enigmatic bird has adapted to the extreme conditions of tropical soda lakes and can even withstand the caustic effects of brine. However, humans are increasingly disrupting the natural cycles of these wetlands, and for these pink birds characteristic of these salt lakes, it is becoming more and more difficult to find suitable habitats, food and breeding grounds. Their fate is considered a cautionary example of man’s dealings with nature. Will the Lesser Flamingo survive in a man-made world?Flamingos are considered to be an embodiment of the Phoenix, and the author interweaves his personal experiences with and observations of the flamingos’ unusual habitats with the Phoenix motif in order to stimulate reflection on the circle of life. Written in an accessible style that combines science, biological information and the author’s own travels and fieldwork, the book also includes a wealth of captivating images. As such, it offers a unique resource for biologists and nature-loving Africa and Asia enthusiasts alike.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Hydrogeology
This textbook provides a complete introduction to Hydrogeology. It is a comprehensive reference for earth science professionals involved in groundwater exploitation as well as for geotechnical engineers. This English translation of the German textbook "Hydrogeologie" by Hölting & Coldewey, which has been published in its 8th edition, provides insights into the sources and reservoirs of groundwater, the dynamics of fluid flow, and the physical and chemical composition of groundwater. It also gives an overview about the economic value of groundwater and its exploitation and use. A consistent use of the internationally accepted SI units as well as the formula symbols in the text contributes to the understandability.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Staatseigentum: Legitimation und Grenzen
Dieser Band erschließt die verschiedenen Bereiche, Formen und Funktionen des Staatseigentums, zeichnet seine ideengeschichtlichen Grundlagen nach und zeigt Inhalt und Grenzen seiner verfassungsrechtlichen Legitimation auf. Dem Eigentum des Staates eignet in einer freiheitlichen Gesellschaftsordnung politische und staatsrechtliche Brisanz. Bestand und Erscheinungsformen des Staatseigentums unterliegen zwingend dem öffentlichen Transparenzprinzip, sind notwendiges Thema der öffentlichen Debatte sowie stete Herausforderung der staatsrechtlichen Dogmatik.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Advances in Medical and Surgical Cornea: From Diagnosis to Procedure
This book presents up-to-date information on the diagnosis and management of the spectrum of medical and surgical corneal diseases, with a special focus on new technology. The latest tools for diagnosing ocular surface disease, infectious keratitis, and ocular allergies are discussed, along with novel treatment options for these entities. The impact of progress in imaging and contact lens technology on the management of corneal conditions is fully described, and the efficacy of corneal collagen crosslinking for keratoconus and corneal ectasia is evaluated. Detailed attention is devoted to the latest surgical techniques, including lamellar keratoplasty, endothelial keratoplasty, keratoprosthesis, and laser-assisted penetrating keratoplasty. In addition, the role of the eye bank in facilitating corneal procedures is explained. Advances in Medical and Surgical Cornea is written by leading authorities who share a passion for effective, cutting-edge care. It will be invaluable for both experienced ophthalmologists and trainees.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Annual Report on Urban Development of China 2013
This book focuses on China’s urban development. In China, the process of allowing more rural migrants to become registered city residents in urban areas remains stagnant despite its importance to the Chinese government and the existence of a national consensus about it. Cities can compulsorily purchase land from farmers at low or even no costs, and most farmers, whose families have relied on the land to make a living for generations, do not profit from increases in land value. Breaking down the established distributive system of rights and privileges requires legislation and law enforcement. To this end, we need to break through the current pattern of interests and respect the "citizenization-relevant" rights of rural migrant workers.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Pediatric Surgery: General Principles and Newborn Surgery
Pediatric Surgery provides an up-to-date and comprehensive analysis of current practice in the field. It is divided into three topical volumes, with a total of seven sections focusing on general principles, newborn surgery, general pediatric surgery, tumor surgery, trauma, transplantation, and pediatric urology surgery. Detailed descriptions of surgical techniques and pre- and postoperative management are provided by experts from various parts of the world.The result is an international reference on the surgical management of both common and rare diseases of infants and children that will be an ideal source of information and guidance for pediatric surgeons, pediatric urologists, neonatologists, pediatricians, and all those seeking more detailed information on surgical conditions in children.The three topical volumes are as follows: General Principles and Newborn Surgery General Pediatric Surgery, Tumors, Trauma and Transplantation Pediatric Urology
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Low-carbon City and New-type Urbanization: Proceedings of Chinese Low-carbon City Development International Conference
In the face of increasingly serious resource and environmental challenges, the world has already accepted low-carbon development as the main way forward for future city construction. Chinese cities have encountered many problems during their development, including land constraints, energy shortages, traffic congestion and air pollution. For this reason, the national meeting of the Central Work Conference on Urbanization made the strategic decision to take a new approach to urbanization and indicated that in future the key features of urbanization in China will be low-carbon development and harmony between the environment and resources. This book discusses the "low-carbon city" as the new pattern of Chinese urbanization. This represents a major change and takes "intensive land use,” “intelligent,” “green” and “low carbon" as its key words. Low carbon will become an important future development direction for Chinese urbanization development.In the twenty-first Century in response to the global climate change, countries have started a wave of low-carbon city construction. But in China, there are still many disputes and misunderstandings surrounding the issue. Due to a lack of research, low-carbon city construction in China is still in the early stages, and while there have been successes, there have also been failures. There are complex and diverse challenges in applying low-carbon development methods in the context of today’s Chinese cities. The construction of low-carbon cities requires efficient government, the technological innovation of enterprises, and professional scholars, but also efforts on the part of the public to change their daily activities.Based on the above considerations, the collection brings together experts from urban planning and design, clean-energy systems, low-carbon transportation, new types of city infrastructure and smart cities etc., in the hope of forming some solutions for Chinese low-carbon city development.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Grundrechte und grenzüberschreitende Sachverhalte: Human Rights and Situations of Transboundary Nature (English Summary)
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Die Gleichstrom-Dynamomaschine: Ihre Wirkungsweise und Vorausbestimmung
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Genetic and Molecular Basis of Plant Pathogenesis
As befits a volume in the Advanced Series in Agricultural Sciences, this book was written with problems of practical agriculture in mind. One of the ways of controlling plant disease is by using resistant cultivars; and from the wide literature of genetics and biochemistry in plant pathology I have emphasized what seems to bear most closely on breeding for disease resistance. This has a double advantage, for it happens all to the good that this emphasis is also an emphasis on primary causes of disease, as distinct from subsequent processes of symptom expression and other secondary effects. The chapters are entirely modern in outlook. The great revolution in biology this century had its high moments in the elucidation of the DNA double helix in 1953 and the deciphering of the genetic code in 1961. This book, so far as I know, is the first in plant pathology to be conceived within the framework of this new biology. Half the book could not have been written 20 years ago, even if there had then been available all the literature that has since accumulated on the genetics and chemistry of plant disease. The new biology is the cement this book uses to bind the literature together. Another feature of this book is an emphasis on thermodynamics.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Surgery in and around the Brain Stem and the Third Ventricle: Anatomy · Pathology · Neurophysiology Diagnosis · Treatment
It is, of course, a real challenge to summon together an International Sym- posium in and around the Brain Stem and Third Ventricle. Up to this mo- ment the various experiences and papers on this subject were distributed throughout the world literature, making it very difficult for someone in- terested in the matter to have access to the actual state of knowledge. Therefore I believe such a meeting was long overdue and is a considerable attempt to open closed doors for present and future ambitious neurosurgi- cal activities. After succeeding in previous symposiums of similar interest in Hanno- ver, it was obvious that Prof. Madjid Samii and his coworkers took the in- itiative of organizing such a meeting, bringing together - in the pure sense of the word - Neurosurgeons with Anatomists, Neurologists, Neuro- physiologists, Neuroradiologists, ENT-, Maxillofacial-, Stereotactic-, and Radiosurgeons as well as other colleagues. One contribution after the other followed, from the basic sciences up to the operative management con- sidering very new and actual concepts. Through the application of new microsurgical techniques and the incorporation of new understanding for the many problems afflicting the midline of the eNS, and based on a growing closer cooperation between the various disciplines, a wide field has opened up which concerns us all.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Data Assimilation: Tools for Modelling the Ocean in a Global Change Perspective
Data assimilation is considered a key component of numerical ocean model development and new data acquisition strategies. The basic concept of data assimilation is to combine real observations via estimation theory with dynamic models. Related methodologies exist in meteorology, geophysics and engineering. Of growing importance in physical oceanography, data assimilation can also be exploited in biological and chemical oceanography. Such techniques are now recognized as essential to understand the role of the ocean in a global change perspective. The book focuses on data processing algorithms for assimilation, current methods for the assimilation of biogeochemical data, strategy of model development, and the design of observational data for assimilation.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Glycoscience: Chemistry and Chemical Biology I–III
Glycostructures play a highly diverse and crucial role in a myriad of organisms and systems in biology, physiology, medicine, and bioengineering and technology. Only in recent years have the tools been developed to partly understand the highly complex functions and chemistry behind them. In this set the editors present up-to-date information on glycostructures, their chemistry and chemical biology, in the form of a comprehensive survey. The text is accompanied by over 2000 figures, chemical structures and reaction schemes and more than 9000 references. The accompanying CD-ROM enables, besides text searches, searches for structures, schemes, and other information.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Data Matching: Concepts and Techniques for Record Linkage, Entity Resolution, and Duplicate Detection
Data matching (also known as record or data linkage, entity resolution, object identification, or field matching) is the task of identifying, matching and merging records that correspond to the same entities from several databases or even within one database. Based on research in various domains including applied statistics, health informatics, data mining, machine learning, artificial intelligence, database management, and digital libraries, significant advances have been achieved over the last decade in all aspects of the data matching process, especially on how to improve the accuracy of data matching, and its scalability to large databases.Peter Christen’s book is divided into three parts: Part I, “Overview”, introduces the subject by presenting several sample applications and their special challenges, as well as a general overview of a generic data matching process. Part II, “Steps of the Data Matching Process”, then details its main steps like pre-processing, indexing, field and record comparison, classification, and quality evaluation. Lastly, part III, “Further Topics”, deals with specific aspects like privacy, real-time matching, or matching unstructured data. Finally, it briefly describes the main features of many research and open source systems available today.By providing the reader with a broad range of data matching concepts and techniques and touching on all aspects of the data matching process, this book helps researchers as well as students specializing in data quality or data matching aspects to familiarize themselves with recent research advances and to identify open research challenges in the area of data matching. To this end, each chapter of the book includes a final section that provides pointers to further background and research material. Practitioners will better understand the current state of the art in data matching as well as the internal workings and limitations of current systems. Especially, they will learn that it is often not feasible to simply implement an existing off-the-shelf data matching system without substantial adaption and customization. Such practical considerations are discussed for each of the major steps in the data matching process.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Natural Killer Cells: At the Forefront of Modern Immunology
Natural killer (NK) cells have been at the forefront of immunology for two decades. During that time, a great amount of information about these cells has been obtained. They are important in antiinfectious and antitumoral defense and shape the adaptive immune response. In addition, they can act as immunoregulatory cells. In recent years, the therapeutic potential of NK cells in cancer immunotherapy has become increasingly evident. This book describes in detail current knowledge about NK cells and covers a broad range of NK cell-related topics, including those that are not frequently reviewed, e.g. NK cells and allergy or NK cells and skin diseases.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Making Waves: The Story of Ruby Payne-Scott: Australian Pioneer Radio Astronomer
This book is an abbreviated, partly re-written version of "Under the Radar - The First Woman in Radio Astronomy: Ruby Payne-Scott." It addresses a general readership interested in historical and sociological aspects of astronomy and presents the biography of Ruby Payne-Scott (1912 – 1981). As the first female radio astronomer (and one of the first people in the world to consider radio astronomy), she made classic contributions to solar radio physics. She also played a major role in the design of the Australian government's Council for Scientific and Industrial Research radars, which were in turn of vital importance in the Southwest Pacific Theatre in World War II. These radars were used by military personnel from Australia, the United States and New Zealand. From a sociological perspective, her career offers many examples of the perils of being a female academic in the first half of the 20th century. Written in an engaging style and complemented by many historical photographs, this book offers fascinating insights into the beginnings of radio astronomy and the role of a pioneering woman in astronomy. To set the scene, the first colourfully illustrated chapter presents an overview of solar astrophysics and the tools of the radio astronomer.From the reviews of “Under the Radar”:“This is a beautifully-researched, copiously-illustrated and well-written book that tells us much more than the life of one amazing female radio astronomer. It also provides a profile on radar developments during WWII and on Australia’s pre-eminent place in solar radio astronomy in the years following WWII. Under the Radar is compelling reading, and if you have taken the time to read right through this review then it certainly belongs on your bookshelf!” (Wayne Orchiston, Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, March, 2010)
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Global Power Europe - Vol. 1: Theoretical and Institutional Approaches to the EU's External Relations
This two-volume project provides a multi-sectoral perspective over the EU's external projections from traditional as well as critical theoretical and institutional perspectives, and is supported by numerous case studies covering the whole extent of the EU’s external relations. The aim is to strive to present new approaches as well as detailed background studies in analyzing the EU as a global actor.Volume 1: The first volume “Theoretical and Institutional Approaches to the EU’s External Relations” addresses the EU's overall external post-Lisbon Treaty presence both globally and regionally (e.g. in its "neighborhood"), with a special emphasis on the EU’s institutional framework. It also offers fresh and innovative theoretical approaches to understanding the EU’s international position. - With a preface by Alvaro de Vasoncelos (former Director European Union Institute for Security Studies)Volume 2: The second volume “Policies, Actions and Influence of the EU’s External Relations”, examines in both quantitative and qualitative contributions the EU's international efficacy from a political, economic and social perspective based on a plethora of its engagements.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Design Thinking: Understand – Improve – Apply
“Everybody loves an innovation, an idea that sells.“ But how do we arrive at such ideas that sell? And is it possible to learn how to become an innovator? Over the years Design Thinking – a program originally developed in the engineering department of Stanford University and offered by the two D-schools at the Hasso Plattner Institutes in Stanford and in Potsdam – has proved to be really successful in educating innovators. It blends an end-user focus with multidisciplinary collaboration and iterative improvement to produce innovative products, systems, and services. Design Thinking creates a vibrant interactive environment that promotes learning through rapid conceptual prototyping. In 2008, the HPI-Stanford Design Thinking Research Program was initiated, a venture that encourages multidisciplinary teams to investigate various phenomena of innovation in its technical, business, and human aspects. The researchers are guided by two general questions: 1. What are people really thinking and doing when they are engaged in creative design innovation? How can new frameworks, tools, systems, and methods augment, capture, and reuse successful practices? 2. What is the impact on technology, business, and human performance when design thinking is practiced? How do the tools, systems, and methods really work to get the innovation you want when you want it? How do they fail? In this book, the researchers take a system’s view that begins with a demand for deep, evidence-based understanding of design thinking phenomena. They continue with an exploration of tools which can help improve the adaptive expertise needed for design thinking. The final part of the book concerns design thinking in information technology and its relevance for business process modeling and agile software development, i.e. real world creation and deployment of products, services, and enterprise systems.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Urinary Tract
The basic anatomy and physiology of the urinary tract, the validity of animal models and other methodological considerations as well as a range of potential therapeutic targets are comprehensively reviewed by leading international experts, making this a unique reference source for basic scientists and research-minded clinicians alike
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Learning from Data Streams: Processing Techniques in Sensor Networks
Processing data streams has raised new research challenges over the last few years. This book provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of stream data processing, including famous prototype implementations like the Nile system and the TinyOS operating system. Applications in security, the natural sciences, and education are presented. The huge bibliography offers an excellent starting point for further reading and future research.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Statistical Physics: An Advanced Approach with Applications Web-enhanced with Problems and Solutions
The book is divided into two parts. The first part looks at the modeling of statistical systems before moving on to an analysis of these systems. This second edition contains new material on: estimators based on a probability distribution for the parameters; identification of stochastic models from observations; and statistical tests and classification methods.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Cognitive Economics: An Interdisciplinary Approach
The social sciences study knowing subjects and their interactions. A "cog nitive turn", based on cognitive science, has the potential to enrich these sciences considerably. Cognitive economics belongs within this movement of the social sciences. It aims to take into account the cognitive processes of individuals in economic theory, both on the level of the agent and on the level of their dynamic interactions and the resulting collective phenomena. This is an ambitious research programme that aims to link two levels of com plexity: the level of cognitive phenomena as studied and tested by cognitive science, and the level of collective phenomena produced by the economic in teractions between agents. Such an objective requires cooperation, not only between economists and cognitive scientists but also with mathematicians, physicists and computer scientists, in order to renew, study and simulate models of dynamical systems involving economic agents and their cognitive mechanisms. The hard core of classical economics is the General Equilibrium Theory, based on the optimising rationality of the agent and on static concepts of equilibrium, following a point of view systemised in the framework of Game Theory. The agent is considered "rational" if everything takes place as if he was maximising a function representing his preferences, his utility function.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Integral Closure: Rees Algebras, Multiplicities, Algorithms
This book gives an account of theoretical and algorithmic developments on the integral closure of algebraic structures. It gives a comprehensive treatment of Rees algebras and multiplicity theory while pointing to applications in many other problem areas. Its main goal is to provide complexity estimates by tracking numerically invariants of the structures that may occur.