Search results for ""elsevier""
Elsevier Health Sciences Conceptual Nursing Care Planning
Elsevier Health Sciences Kinns the Medical Assistant Text Study Guide and Procedure Checklist Manual Package
Elsevier Health Sciences Workbook for Elseviers Veterinary Assisting Textbook
Elsevier Health Sciences Workbook and Lab Manual for Mosbys Pharmacy Technician
Elsevier Health Sciences Bucks 2025 StepbyStep Textbook and Bucks 2025 StepbyStep Workbook
Elsevier Health Sciences Social Prescribing
Elsevier Health Sciences Cosmeceuticals
Elsevier Health Sciences Learning to Care
Elsevier Health Sciences Corrective Endoscopy and Surgery in Inflammatory Bowel and Colorectal Diseases
Elsevier Health Sciences Dental Anatomy Coloring Book
Elsevier Health Sciences Doctorate Finding your Way as a Healthcare Professional in Research
Elsevier Health Sciences MosbyS Essentials for Nursing Assistants Text and Workbook Package
Elsevier Health Sciences GoldmanCecil Medicine 2Volume Set
Elsevier Health Sciences Zakim and Boyers Hepatology
Elsevier Health Sciences Kinns The Medical Assistant
Elsevier Health Sciences HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEXRN Examination
Elsevier Health Sciences Structure Function of the Body Hardcover
Elsevier Health Sciences Netters Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry
Elsevier Health Sciences Clinical Pathology Board Review
Elsevier Health Sciences Workbook and Competency Evaluation Review for Mosbys Essentials for Nursing Assistants 6e
Elsevier Health Sciences Netters Advanced Head and Neck Flash Cards
Elsevier España, S.L.U. Netter Anatoma de cabeza y cuello para odontlogos StudentConsult 3 ed
Elsevier España, S.L.U. Medicina general. Diagnóstico en oncología
Elsevier España, S.L.U. Oncologa clnica oftlmica
Encuadernación: Cartoné.Incluye: CD-ROM.La edición española es una versión adaptada del magnífico tratado 'Clinical Ophthalmic Oncology', editado en inglés por el prestigioso Dr. Arun D. Singh y cols. La versión española, traducida y revisada por el Dr. J. Elizalde y el Dr. González-Candial, reputadísimos profesionales en la disciplina, recoge, de forma muy práctica y concisa, un tema altamente especializado como es la oncología del glóbulo ocular, órbita y anexos.La obra se encuentra organizada en 7 grandes secciones contabilizando un total de 99 capítulos (se conserva el mismo número de capítulos que la edición inglesa). Cada uno de los capítulos tiene un diseño similar con cuadros de texto que enfatizan y resaltan los puntos clave, abundancia de tablas y diagramas de flujo que perfilan el abordaje terapéutico, así como más de 200 imágenes muy ilustrativas.El texto incluye los conceptos clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos fundamentalmente acerca de los tumores de pár
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Sprachentwicklungsstörungen
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier MEX Das Mndliche Examen Allgemeinmedizin
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Kinderernhrung gesund richtig Expertenwissen und Tipps fr den Essalltag
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Praxishandbuch Videospiel und Internetabhngigkeit tiologie Diagnostik und Therapie
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Strahlentherapie kompakt
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Fälle Nephrologie
Elsevier Health Sciences Joint Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing
Elsevier Health Sciences Advanced Critical Care Nursing
Awarded third place in the 2017 AJN Book of the Year Awards in the Critical Care- Emergency Nursing category. Learn to effectively address life-threatening and potentially life-threatening patient conditions, with Advanced Critical Care Nursing, 2nd Edition. Endorsed by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), this comprehensive, nursing-focused text centers on the clinical reasoning process as it helps you comprehend, analyse, synthesize, and apply advanced critical care knowledge and concepts. The book is organized within the structure of body systems along with synthesis chapters that address patient conditions involving multiple body systems. Numerous illustrations and graphs plus unfolding case studies further aid your understanding and help you apply text content. In all, Advanced Critical Care Nursing is the must-have resource dedicated to helping you oversee or care for critical care patients in any practice setting. Body systems organization emphasizes core systems and advanced concepts. Consistent chapter format features numerous illustrations, charts, and graphs in each chapter to enhance understanding. Synthesis chapters address patient conditions that involve multiple body systems - a common occurrence in critical care nursing. Unfolding case studies with decision point questions are included at the end of all disorders chapters, providing opportunities to apply advanced critical care content to actual scenarios. Medication tables incorporate common classifications of critical care drugs for specific disorders, including drugs, actions, and special considerations. NEW! Updated information throughout reflects the latest evidence-based content as well as national and international treatment guidelines. NEW! Streamlined content places a greater focus on the need-to-know information for today's high acuity, progressive, and critical care settings. NEW! Expanded coverage of emerging and infectious diseases and multidrug-resistant infections keep readers up to date with the most topical diseases, such as the Zika virus. NEW! Additional content on alternative settings for critical care now includes the eICU and remote monitoring. NEW! Full-color design clarifies important concepts and improve the book's usability.
Elsevier Health Sciences Understanding Pharmacology Essentials for Medication Safety 2e
Elsevier Health Sciences PreFeeding Skills A Comprehensive Resource for Mealtime Development
Elsevier Health Sciences Practical Approach to Electroencephalography
Why consult encyclopedic references when you only need the essentials? Practical Approach to Electroencephalography, by Mark H. Libenson, MD, equips you with just the right amount of guidance you need for obtaining optimal EEG results! It presents a thorough but readable guide to EEGs, explaining what to do, what not to do, what to look for, and how to interpret the results. It also goes beyond the technical aspects of performing EEGs by providing case studies of the neurologic disorders and conditions in which EEGs are used, making this an excellent learning tool. Abundant EEG examples throughout help you to recognize normal and abnormal EEGs in all situations. Presents enough detail and answers to questions and problems encountered by the beginner and the non-expert. Uses abundant EEG examples to help you recognize normal and abnormal EEGs in all situations. Provides expert pearls from Dr. Libenson that guide you in best practices in EEG testing. Features a user-friendly writing style from a single author that makes learning easy. Examines the performance of EEGs-along with the disorders for which they're performed-for a resource that considers the patient and not just the technical aspects of EEGs. Includes discussions of various disease entities, like epilepsy, in which EEGs are used, as well as other special issues, to equip you to handle more cases.
Elsevier Health Sciences Williams' Essentials of Nutrition and Diet Therapy - Binder Ready
Elsevier Health Sciences Comprehensive Radiographic Pathology
Elsevier Health Sciences Dermatologic Procedures in Office Practice
Elsevier Health Sciences Modern Dental Assisting Text Workbook and Boyd Dental Instruments 8e Package
Elsevier Science & Technology Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice
Elsevier Health Sciences Root Strength A Health and Care Professionals Guide to Minimizing Stress and Maximizing Thriving
Elsevier Health Sciences Calculate with Confidence
Elsevier Health Sciences Varcarolis Foundations of PsychiatricMental Health Nursing
Elsevier Health Sciences Williams Basic Nutrition Diet Therapy
Elsevier Health Sciences Umphreds Neurological Rehabilitation
Elsevier Health Sciences Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals Mosbys Radiography Online Access Code
Elsevier Health Sciences Cotes Clinical Veterinary Advisor Dogs and Cats 4e
Elsevier Health Sciences Ebersole Hess Toward Healthy Aging Human Needs and Nursing Response