Search results for ""edward elgar""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Politics of Globalisation and Polarisation
This book deals with the nature of contemporary globalisation. Maurice Mullard aims to show that globalisation is not an inescapable, unstoppable process somehow beyond human control, rather that it represents, and is being shaped by, a series of deliberate policy choices and policy decisions. The emphasis of this fascinating work is on how these policy choices are creating new forms of economic inequalities and also political elites that distort the democratic process.The mapping of winners and losers goes beyond the usual analysis of the rich North versus the poor South, by including an examination of the widening inequalities in the North and the emergence of new elites in the South. Policies of privatisation and liberalisation of water and electricity create new political elites. The author reveals the shift in the North towards multi national corporations with their emphasis on profits and stock market prices, while at the same time incomes for most employees have either stagnated or actually declined. The standard discourse on globalisation and market flexibility often blurs the issues of declining trade union influence and corporations moving to countries offering lower labour costs. Maurice Mullard herein attempts to rectify this imbalance.The Politics of Globalisation and Polarisation is interdisciplinary and will therefore be relevant for academics and researchers of politics, social policy, public policy and economics. Scholars involved in globalisation will find this book to be a major contribution to the ongoing debate.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Transaction Cost Economics
`Not too long ago it was possible to be familiar with all of the important works and latest developments in transaction cost economics. That that is no longer the case is a testament to the intellectual appeal and empirical success of the transaction cost approach. For newcomers, the entries in this volume, by some of TCE's most knowledgeable and eloquent contributors, offer an excellent introduction to the issues, methods, discoveries, and debates in the field; for veterans, the volume provides a highly valuable resource for catching on newest research.' - Scott E. Masten, University of Michigan School of Business, US Since its emergence in the 1970s, transaction cost economics (TCE) has become a leading approach in the research on contracts, firm organization and strategy, antitrust, marketing, inter-firm collaboration and entrepreneurship. With contributions by leading scholars in economics, law and business administration - including Oliver E. Williamson, recipient of the 2009 Nobel Prize in economics for his development of the transaction cost approach - this volume reviews the latest developments in TCE and applies them to contemporary theoretical and empirical problems. Beginning with an introductory essay by the editors, the book covers precursors and influences, core concepts, applications, alternatives and critiques. The contributing authors describe, extend and assess the transaction cost approach to economic organization, and examine the role of TCE in the larger legal, economic, and managerial literatures on organizations and institutions. An original and comprehensive volume, the Companion introduces the novice and informs the specialist about TCE's fundamental elements, recent controversies and new developments. An accessible and astute delineation of how transaction cost economics offers important and unique insights into key organizational, managerial and societal issues of our day, the Companion will be of particular interest to practitioners of business law and antitrust, corporate executives and management consultants. Additionally, academic researchers, scholars and students of economics, business and law will find it an invaluable reference.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Cluster Policies in Europe: Firms, Institutions, and Governance
This book provides a systematic, comprehensive, and independent comparative study of cluster policies in Europe. It focuses upon one very important relationship that has so far been neglected in the literature, namely, the extent to which the complex dynamics of multi-level governance (MLG) are responding to the problems and challenges faced by clusters, in particular the extent to which MLG learns and supports cluster learning.A range of low-tech (footwear and clothing), medium-tech (furniture and film), and high-tech (automotive and ICT) clusters at different evolutionary stages are studied in Germany, Italy, the UK, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, and Romania. The book explores their origins and evolution, firm configurations and interactions, knowledge sources, labour markets, levels of internationalisation, and institutional and policy frameworks. Utilising multiple methods that combine quantitative and qualitative data collected face-to-face from senior representatives of some 500 firms and institutions, the authors provide an interdisciplinary analysis and precise policy recommendations at cluster, regional, national, and EU levels.Cluster Policies in Europe will be invaluable for policy makers, advisors and management consultants in Europe and elsewhere. It will also prove essential for students and scholars of international business and management, regional, institutional and industrial economics, political economy, innovation, governance, and European studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Innovation Policy in Europe: Measurement and Strategy
This book increases our knowledge of innovation policy by combining quantitative and qualitative assessments of innovation systems, and by adopting a progressive outlook on the conditions for an innovative Europe of tomorrow. Based on the latest developments in innovation research, the authors aim to draw practical and workable conclusions for policymakers. The first part of the book discusses the use of indicators to inform policy- making, progressively shifting emphasis from traditional to less traditional measures and from the national to the regional dimension. The second part investigates the internal dynamics of policy-making and explores the conditions to improve the effectiveness of innovation policies in Europe. New developments and challenges for the future are identified throughout, including the crucial problem of how to align existing institutions with potential challenges. In this way the book clearly demonstrates how the quality of policy governance will become an increasingly important driver for innovation performance of knowledge societies in Europe. The book will have considerable appeal to innovation policymakers, and will also be of interest to academics and researchers working on innovation and knowledge systems.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Trade Marks at the Limit
Trade Marks at the Limit is a collection of current, informed and original essays on different aspects of a topic that unites trade mark owners, practitioners and potential infringers alike - the fine borderline that separates permitted use of another business's trade mark from a use that constitutes trade mark infringement. This important and groundbreaking book first examines the international legal framework for regulating unauthorised use of the trade marks of others. Then writers from both sides of the Atlantic and from Australia look at the practical problems and conceptual issues that the courts face in striking a balance between the needs of trade mark owners, their competitors, businesses that provide downstream services, and also consumers. The authors address industry-specific issues involving the financial services sector and consumer goods as well as problems raised by comparative advertising, the need to protect free speech, the problems faced when dealing with non-traditional trade marks and the special case of multilingual jurisdictions. Authored by leading legal practitioners and consultants in related sectors, Trade Marks at the Limit is the first book to bring these issues together under the banner of permitted but unauthorised trade mark use.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Choice Experiments Informing Environmental Policy: A European Perspective
This innovative book is a compilation of state-of-the-art choice experiment studies undertaken in several European Union (EU) countries, including Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom. The case studies presented concern a variety of environmental, agricultural and natural resource issues - such as the management of water resources, forests and agricultural landscapes; conservation of biodiversity and cultural heritage; noise pollution reduction and food labeling. The book highlights how the choice experiment method can be employed to inform efficient and effective design and implementation of various EU level agricultural and environmental policies and directives, including the Common Agricultural Policy, Water Framework Directive, Forestry Strategy, Habitats Directive and food labeling systems.This book will be of great interest to researchers working in the fields of environmental, natural resource and agricultural economics. Academics and graduate students worldwide, as well as applied economists working in international and national organizations, would benefit from the cutting edge choice experiment applications presented in this book. International and national policy makers will also benefit from the information on the use and usefulness of the choice experiment method in informing efficient and effective environmental, agricultural and natural resource management policy making.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Fairness in the World Economy: US Perspectives on International Trade Relations
In an international context, fairness is particularly important, since only a system which is perceived by its participants as fair can command acceptance and compliance. The main focus of this study is to investigate the development of the notion of fairness in US trade policy and law as well as the impact this notion has on international trade discussions and rule-making, and especially on the formation of the multilateral trade regime.The contention of the author, Americo Beviglia Zampetti, is that fairness concerns, which have been present in the US trade policy debates and treaty practice since the Republic's inception, have contributed to shaping these debates and practice over the years, both at home and abroad. These concerns were finally thrust upon the international scene through inclusion in the multilateral trade regime after World War II. As such, the book forms part of the broader debate over the costs and benefits of globalization. The methodological approach chosen is that of an 'intellectual history', which seeks to understand the origin of a particular idea, trace its trajectory within the international trade policy discourse and evaluate its impact on policy and regime formation. Fairness in the World Economy will be a fascinating and insightful read for academics, students, researchers and policymakers with an interest in international trade issues as well as international affairs, relations and economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economics, Culture and Social Theory
Economics, Culture and Social Theory examines how culture has been neglected in economic theorising and considers how economics could benefit by incorporating ideas from social and cultural theory. Orthodox economics has prompted a long line of cultural criticism that goes back to the origins of economic theory and extends to recent debates surrounding postmodernism. William A. Jackson discusses the cultural critique of economics, identifies the main arguments, and assesses their implications. Among the topics covered are relativism and realism, idealism and materialism, agency and structure, hermeneutics, semiotics, and cultural evolution. Drawing from varied literatures, notably social and cultural theory, the book stresses the importance of culture for economic behaviour and looks at the prospects for a renewed and culturally informed economics.The book will be invaluable to heterodox economists and to anyone interested in the links between culture and the economy. It takes an interdisciplinary approach, arguing against the isolation of economics, and will therefore hold wide appeal for social scientists working in related fields, as well as for economists specialising in cultural economics and economic methodology.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Reform and Leadership in the Public Sector: A Political Economy Approach
The authors provide a fresh and accessible multi-disciplinary perspective on public management reform in this study. The work includes a broad survey of the paradigms and patterns that have shaped and differentiated the reform process in different countries.The book focuses on two themes not usually considered together. First, the scope and limits of the role economists have played in reform processes, not simply in terms of providing analytical models but in the actual leadership required to advance reform coherently. Secondly, the authors examine the importance of developing leadership at all levels of the public sector to take advantage of the opportunities reforms have generated, and to create new sources of public value. In bringing these themes together they uniquely show how the family of economic theories (public choice, agency theory and new institutional economics) can be adapted to explain why there might be a demand for developing public sector leadership that reflects an 'appreciative' managerial style as opposed to the hard-edged contractualism often associated with public management reform.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd EU Criminal Law and Justice
Today, EU criminal law and justice constitutes a significant body of law potentially affecting most aspects of criminal justice. This book provides a comprehensive, accessible yet analytically challenging account of the institutional and legal developments in this field to date. It also includes full consideration of the prospective changes to EU criminal law contained in the recent 'Lisbon Treaty'. While, broadly speaking, the authors welcome the objectives of EU criminal law, they call for a profound rethinking of how the good of criminal justice - however defined - is to be delivered to those living in the EU. At present, despite sometimes commendable initiatives from the institutions responsible, the actual framing and implementation of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) suffers from a failure to properly consider the theoretical implications of providing the good of criminal justice at the EU level.Written shortly before the recent entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, EU Criminal Law and Justice comprises a full overview of the key legal developments and debates and includes a user-friendly guide to the institutional changes contained in the Treaty. This timely book will be of interest to both undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as to legal practitioners and policy makers at national and EU levels.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Commons and Anticommons
This two-volume collection brings together the most important articles on the tragedies of the commons and anticommons. The first volume presents the bedrock articles that define commons and anticommons theory, from Aristotle to the present. The second volume continues with cutting edge property theory and applications. A judicious selection of articles shows how commons and anticommons metaphors inform current debates at the innovation frontier, ranging from patent thickets to broadcast spectrum licensing. In this extensive introduction, Michael Heller contextualizes the selected papers and provides scholars and policy-makers with an entry point into this rapidly evolving field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Academic Entrepreneurship in Europe
This book advances our understanding of university spin-off creation and development in environments outside the high-tech clusters of the US. While there has been substantial university spin-off activity internationally in recent years, a number of major aspects are little understood. The authors argue that the nature of universities is changing as reduced public funding reflects a public debate on their role in society. An important aspect of this international phenomenon is an increased emphasis on the commercialization of university research and on academic entrepreneurship. These new ventures therefore involve the spinning-off of technology and knowledge generated by universities. The authors adopt a multi-level approach in their examination of university spin-offs. European case studies are specifically selected to reflect the diversity of the institutional environment. In particular, units of analysis involving universities, technology transfer offices, spin-off firms, finance providers and individual entrepreneurs and teams are extensively analysed in quantitative and qualitative studies. To conclude, policy implications for the future successful development of spin-offs are identified.This fascinating book will appeal to a wide-ranging audience including academics, policy makers, researchers and practitioners with an interest in academic entrepreneurship and university spin-offs, and, more generally, in business and management and entrepreneurship.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Organizations and the Sustainability Mosaic: Crafting Long-Term Ecological and Societal Solutions
The contributors to this book present research on crafting long-term ecological and societal solutions in order to achieve sustainability. The in-depth analyses explore the interactions among social, environmental, and development impacts of organizations at community, regional, national and global levels. In doing so they shed light on the way forward amidst the complexity of issues involved, referred to here as the sustainability mosaic.Organizations and individuals cannot be sustainable in isolation. Rather, it is necessary to understand them as parts of an overall system comprising ecological, individual, organizational, political-economic and socio-cultural levels. One of the characteristics of the sustainability mosaic is that efforts are carried out at all these levels. Collectively, the contributors provide the analytic framework required for understanding sustainability and the multiple, interconnecting and embedded systems. Students and scholars of sustainability, environmental studies and business will find in this book commonalities for new and collaborative research. CEOs, managers and consultants will find much of value as they negotiate their way towards sustainability.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The IPO Decision: Why and How Companies Go Public
The IPO Decision is an exciting new book that clarifies how the initial public offering (IPO) process actually works. It separates fact from fiction and imposes a logical structure on the most up-to-date IPO-related research. All major topics pertaining to the going-public process are included: IPO timing, the financial, strategic, and corporate governance benefits and costs of public ownership, corporate restructuring, valuation, the role of the investment bank in the primary and secondary markets, the optimality of IPO mechanisms (book-building vs. auctions), analyst coverage, and the long-run performance of IPOs. IPOs garnered unprecedented positive attention in the 1990s for their spectacular returns and central role in entrepreneurial activity. Subsequent revelations of unscrupulous IPO allocation and promotion practices cast a less favorable shadow. The latest significant event in the IPO market is Google's unconventional use of an auction for its offering. Public discussion and debate about these developments has often taken place in an information vacuum, leading to misunderstandings and false conclusions.Unparalleled in its scope, The IPO Decision presents the findings from theoretical and empirical research in a rigorous yet accessible manner. In doing so, it develops the intellectual foundation necessary for a constructive dialogue about reforming the IPO process. Scholars, students and industry professionals interested in the economics of IPOs will find this volume a comprehensive and engaging addition to their library.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Knowledge and Innovation for Development: The Sisyphus Challenge of the 21st Century
This text provides a comprehensive introduction to the many different issues related to the Sisyphean task of building science and technology capabilities in developing countries. It attempts to answer crucial questions including: how can knowledge be utilized to improve the human condition, and how can we bridge the growing knowledge divide between those who produce and use modern science and technology - and those who do not?Francisco Sagasti examines the complex interactions between science, technology and development through history, explores how capabilities in these areas are created in different countries and places the role of international co-operation in perspective. The book then introduces a 'science and technology capability index' to rank countries, analyses the policy implications of the place they occupy, and summarizes the experience of developing countries in formulating science and technology policies. It concludes with a review of important lessons for the future. This highly innovative and original work will strongly appeal to academics, policymakers, development practitioners and students interested in the role of knowledge and innovation in contemporary society, and in the disparities between developed and developing countries.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Measuring Organizational Performance: Metrics for Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management Research
There is great discussion but little consensus on the best measures of organizational performance. This book redresses this imbalance. Measuring Organizational Performance offers a framework with which to better understand the implications of selecting variables for use in both empirical studies and practice where organizational financial performance is the critical issue.Robert Carton and Charles Hofer's book, Measuring Organizational Performance, describes two new measures of shareholder wealth creation that correlate with increases in shareholder value creation in a number of high and low performing firms 500% better than the 'best' of the measures used in the research studies done in the fields of entrepreneurship and strategic management over the past fifty years. The book also provides detailed suggestions on where and how to gather the data needed to calculate both measures. In addition, since these measures use primarily accounting data, they can be used by both researchers and practitioners as proxies for assessing increases in shareholder value for both publicly and privately held firms, including small and family businesses.This exciting and innovative book will find its audience in researchers and scholars at many levels of academe in the fields of entrepreneurship and strategic management, organizational theory and accounting, and finance.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd An Economic Analysis of Innovation: Extending the Concept of National Innovation Systems
The economic analysis of innovation is important because economic growth in highly industrialized countries and international competitiveness are driven by innovations and technological change. At the same time, marked nation-specific features exist in the structure of innovative activities and in innovative success. For the study of these national characteristics, the concept of national innovation systems constitutes a powerful and widely applied inter-disciplinary framework in modern innovation theory. This book illuminates this concept from different perspectives. Starting from fundamental conceptual and theoretical issues, it describes and discusses the main development lines of the approach of national innovation systems, and goes on to illustrate an empirical application of this branch of research, offering a new alternative for the quantitative comparative study of national innovation systems.This book will be of great interest to economists, scholars and policymakers dealing with innovation, technology, research and development, national innovation systems and international competitiveness.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Growth and Cohesion in the European Union: The Impact of Macroeconomic Policy
This book is a critical review of current fiscal and monetary policy in Europe and presents results of both empirical research and a discussion of the theoretical framework behind the policy of the European Central Bank and the Stability and Growth Pact.Macroeconomic policy is often hotly debated within the EU. However, the majority of policy discussions have started from a shared view of how the economy works. This shared neo-classical view is also known as the 'Brussels-Frankfurt consensus'. According to that consensus, European labour markets are too rigid in comparison to the US labour market. Hence, the prevalent view is that the European unemployment problem can be solved by increasing incentives; improving the returns on schooling and redefining the role and the necessity of labour market institutions. In this volume the authors argue that it is not at all clear which institutions cause labour market rigidities and to what extent. They note that the problem of unemployment requires a much broader set of solutions, including active labour market policies, policies concerning schooling and the development of skills. Growth and Cohesion in the European Union also highlights that these microeconomic policies will not in themselves provide the solution to what is essentially a macroeconomic problem. First and foremost the role of aggregate demand in the determination of unemployment has to be placed at the forefront of the debate.The extensive discussion of a broad variety of topics in the field of macroeconomic policy will ensure this book finds a welcome readership amongst researchers and academics of European studies and macroeconomics. Policy advisors will also find much to engage them as the book provides a critical view on the Brussels-Frankfurt consensus, currently so dominant amongst European policymakers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd EU Climate Change Policy: The Challenge of New Regulatory Initiatives
This book explores the current policy measures adopted by the EU in order to realize its Kyoto Protocol commitment and to prepare for further emission reductions after 2012. EU Climate Change Policy focuses on legal instruments, with emissions trading at the forefront of the policy package, accompanied by directives on energy taxation, energy efficiency and renewable energy. Distinguished authors provide a commentary on each aspect of the policy measures, discussing both theoretical and practical aspects. Overall, it is concluded that whilst EU policy is very 'green', it needs to be developed further in a comprehensive and meaningful way.With discussions on the current state of affairs of EU climate change policy, and on the issues that may shape its future agenda, this book will be of great interest to academics, civil servants, students and stakeholders.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Adjusting to EU Enlargement: Recurring Issues in a New Setting
Before the latest EU enlargement, substantial changes in the integration process were predicted as a result of the accession of 10 new Member States, with some forecasting cataclysmic consequences. This book, one of the first ex post assessments of EU enlargement, provides evidence to the contrary, while also providing examples in which the new Members have been able to influence EU policy output with their liberal attitudes on economic and social policy. This book will be of great interest to EU policymakers, including officials of European institutions whose primary concerns are 'policy adjustment' and EU external relations. It will also be of interest to academics and students specialising in EU affairs, especially European integration, organisation, governance and public policy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Sustainable Resource Management: Reality or Illusion?
This provocative book examines the broad and complex conceptual issues that must be addressed in order to achieve sustainable development. It begins with several case studies that reflect innovative policy and strategic initiatives within the corporate and public sectors, followed by a sector-by-sector analysis of specific opportunities and challenges within the critical resource domains of energy and global climate, human health, fisheries, agriculture, biodiversity, and forestry. It concludes by discussing how to measure and assess national economic and corporate activity, and whether humanity is itself capable of making the changes necessary to guarantee its own survival.The contributors illustrate, on the one hand, the spark of human ingenuity and invention which holds out a promise of success, but expose, on the other hand, the mindsets, myths and new conventional wisdom which characterize the emerging domain of sustainable development and which pose a daunting and potentially insurmountable challenge to its achievement. They determine that nothing short of a revolution in the way we produce goods and services, structure corporate decision making, and view our relationship with the natural environment will guarantee sustainable development. Central to this conclusion is a realization that many of the reigning beliefs that guide our actions today must be critically re-examined and, if necessary, rejected and replaced. A challenge to the tenets of current conventional wisdom, Sustainable Resource Management will be of great interest to students and scholars of business, resource and environmental economics, and resource management.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Controlling Modern Government: Variety, Commonality and Change
Are public sector institutions being exposed to ever-greater oversight, audit and inspection in the name of efficiency, accountability and risk management? Controlling Modern Government explores the long-term development of controls over government across five major state traditions in developed democracies - US, Japan, variants of continental-European models, a Scandinavian case and variants of the Westminster model. A central aspect of the study is an eight country comparison of variety in the use of controls based in oversight, competition, mutuality and contrived randomness in the selected domains of the high bureaucracy at the core of the state, the higher education sector and the prison sector. Countries covered include Australia, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, the UK and the USA.Providing a comparison of trends in the last quarter century in control over public sector activities in OECD countries, this book will be invaluable reading for academics and graduate students focussing on political science and public administration, as well as policymakers in OECD countries.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Pollution Havens
A pollution haven may arise if environmental stringency differs between countries, when capital is mobile, and when trade rules allow firms to relocate and still sell their products to the same customers. This cohesive volume analyzes how country characteristics determine environmental rules, how those rules affect production costs, trade, and investment flows, how those flows affect pollution, prices, and incomes, and finally how all of these last considerations feed back into environmental rules. The sixteen papers collected here represent the most recent and significant advancements of knowledge on the subject. The contributors, all well-known scholars in the area, investigate how polluter location decisions respond to pollution policies, how local environmental rules respond to those location decisions, and how trade liberalization affects the incentives of governments to regulate dirty industries. The volume begins with a comprehensive overview by M. Scott Taylor and goes on to explore how the usual effects of pollution havens can be reversed. Also covered are the ways in which managed trade and trade liberalization, the regulation of multinationals, political stability and emissions controls impact pollution havens. Written for a multidisciplinary audience, The Economics of Pollution Havens will be of interest to those working in the areas of economics, international trade, political science, public policy, and environmental studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Terrorism, Organised Crime and Corruption: Networks and Linkages
Leslie Holmes and a team of specialists from three continents analyse terrorism, organised crime and corruption both individually and in terms of the connections between them. It is argued that if we are better to understand these three phenomena, their links not only to each other but also to corporate crime need to be analysed.There has been a marked growth in the awareness of corruption, organised crime and terrorism in recent years, especially since the end of the Cold War. Yet the linkages and resonances between these three forms of anti-social and anti-state behaviour are still not sufficiently recognised. Leslie Holmes and his fellow contributors analyse all three phenomena in concert to explain why it has taken so long for states, international organisations and the public to begin to appreciate the interplay between them. It is demonstrated that, while the recent growing awareness of connections between these three types of crime is welcome, there is also a fourth player that must sometimes be considered; transnational corporations. Although the book focuses mainly on Europe, Australia and the US, much of the analysis and theorising has global relevance.This timely book will appeal to advanced undergraduates and postgraduates in political science, international relations, international political economy, security studies and criminology.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Quest for Moral Leaders: Essays on Leadership Ethics
The quest for moral leaders is both a personal quest that takes place in the hearts and minds of leaders and a pursuit by individuals, groups, organizations, communities and societies for leaders who are both ethical and effective. The contributors to this volume, all top scholars in leadership studies and ethics, provide a nuanced discussion of the complex ethical relationships that lie at the core of leadership.Two distinct factors make the ethics of leadership different from the ethics of other individuals. The first is power - the way leaders exercise it and the temptations that come with it. The second is the moral relationship they have with followers and the range of people with whom they have moral relationships and obligations. In The Quest for Moral Leaders, the contributors explore how leaders themselves view their role, as well as the ways in which leadership functions within business, politics and society. The volume begins with chapters examining how religious beliefs and emotions color the way leaders make decisions. The second section covers how leaders think about morality, while the book's final chapters shift our attention to the function of leadership within organizations.The first book to offer perspectives on leadership ethics from the ancient Greek ideas on reverence to the moral problems of executive compensation, The Quest for Moral Leaders is a must-read for scholars and students of leadership, ethics and business. Leadership consultants will also find this in-depth analysis a valuable resource.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Creation and Destruction of Social Capital: Entrepreneurship, Co-operative Movements and Institutions
Is social capital the 'missing link' in economics? In this vital new book, the authors argue that the 'forgotten' production factor of social capital is as crucial in economic decision-making as the other more traditional factors of production such as physical, financial and human capital. They attempt to bridge the gap between theory and reality by examining the main factors that determine entrepreneurship, co-operative movements and the creation and destruction of social capital.To address the question of how social capital is created and destroyed, the authors develop an interdisciplinary approach combining political science, economics, anthropology, sociology and history. They show how bridging social capital enforces personal contact and acts as a lubricator for human co-operation, whereas bonding social capital enforces distance between people, increasing mistrust and, consequently, transaction costs. They demonstrate how entrepreneurship can facilitate voluntary collective action and create inclusive forms of social capital. Crucial in this respect is that entrepreneurs are motivated not only by economic incentives but also by social motives. Applying historical and contemporary case studies, they identify the serious human and economic consequences that result when social capital is disregarded. The authors believe that the implications of such a discovery demand a re-evaluation of traditional economic theory.This book will contribute substantially to academic and popular debates on social capital and will be an invaluable source of reference for all social scientists. It will particularly appeal to students and scholars of public policy, economics, sociology, political science, anthropology and history.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economics of Federalism
This insightful and authoritative two-volume set examines the major issues and theories concerning federal political systems. The book covers the two main branches in the economics literature.The first branch, on competitive federalism focuses on the horizontal structure of federalism, as well as examining the jurisdictional competition between state and governments for mobile individuals and resources. The second branch focuses on fiscal federalism and examines the vertical structure of federalism, or the division of public services and taxing power between central and state governments.This comprehensive set also examines applications of the economic analysis of federalism in specific areas of the law, including: corporate law; antitrust law; environmental law; choice of law rules; contractual choice of law and public choice theory. It will be of interest to economic and legal scholars alike.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Children, Changing Families and Welfare States
The nature of the relationship between children, parents and the state has been central to the growth of the modern welfare state and has long been a problem for western liberal democracies. Welfare states have undergone profound restructuring over the past two decades and families also have changed, in terms of their form and the nature of the contributions that men and women make to them. More attention is being paid to children by policymakers, but often because of their importanceas future 'citizen workers'. The book explores the implications of changes to the welfare state for children in a range of countries. Children, Changing Families and Welfare States: examines the implications of social policies for children sets the discussion in the broader context of both family change and welfare state change, exploring the nature of the policy debate that has allowed the welfare of the child to come to the fore tackles policies to do with both the care and financial support of children looks at the household level and how children fare when both adult men and women must seek to combine paid and unpaid work, and what support is offered by welfare states endeavours to provide a comparative perspective on these issues. The contributors have written a book that will be warmly welcomed by scholars and researchers of social policy, social work and sociology and students at both the advanced undergraduate and post-graduate level.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The World’s Wine Markets: Globalization at Work
This absorbing book examines the period of massive structural adjustment taking place in the wine industry. For many centuries wine was very much a European product. While that is still the case today - three-quarters of world wine production, consumption and trade involve Europe and most of the rest involves just a handful of New World countries settled by Europeans - the importance of exports from non-European countries has risen dramatically over the past decade. The World's Wine Markets includes an in-depth look at the growth and impact of New World wine production on the Old World producers, revealing that between 1990 and 2001, the New World's combined share of world wine exports grew from 4 to 18 per cent, or from 10 to 35 per cent when intra-European Union trade is excluded. Original essays, by economists from each of the major wine producing and consuming regions in the world, analyse recent developments and future trends, and conclude that globalization of the industry is set to continue for the foreseeable future. Furthermore they argue that with increasing globalization, there is a greater need than ever for systematic analysis of the world's wine markets.This fascinating work will appeal greatly to students enrolled in wine marketing and business courses, those studying industrial organization, and economists and other social scientists interested in case studies of globalization at work. As well, wine industry participants interested in understanding the reasons behind the recent dramatic developments in the industry will find this rigorously analytical yet accessible book of great value.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Regulation and Food Safety: Studies of Protection and Protectionism
Environmental, health and sanitary requirements in developed countries are sometimes perceived in developing countries as non-tariff barriers to trade. This book shows that such restrictions are perceived to be more stringent during the domestic production season or when stock levels are high. The authors argue that scientific data for specific thresholds or limit values sometimes appear to be questionable and that they vary widely between countries. In some cases, products that had initially been refused access to a domestic market have subsequently been allowed access but at a lower price. Thus standards are perceived to be a mechanism for bidding down the export price. Countries from the same region with similar water or climatic conditions may be subject to differential degrees of Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures (SPS). Measures to address protectionist aspects of standards must be devised to ensure free and fair trade.The contributors to this book show that there are good reasons for suspecting that these standards could indeed be protectionist. Utilising a wealth of empirical evidence, the book includes case studies written by authors based in the regions and does not fail to address awkward issues such as 'whose standards?', 'why standards?' and whether cartelisation is the consequence of standards. The contributors also address the political economy of standard setting, not simply the technical process, north-south issues and the political economy of organic food markets. Environmental Regulation and Food Safety will appeal to policymakers and NGOs, researchers and scholars of international and development economics as well as industry strategists. Copublished with Canada's International Development Research Centre.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd China’s Offshore Investments: A Network Approach
Presenting a thorough analysis of China's outward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the last quarter of a century - something little explored in the literature - this book explores the rationale behind its emergence and development. China's outward FDI exhibits unique features in respect of timing, pace and geographical distribution that defy the existing mainstream theories of FDI. China's Offshore Investments uses the framework of a network model of FDI, which is developed by applying economic norms to ideas of networks in business analysis. This network model has been designed specifically by Dexin Yang for the purpose of theorising the changing pattern of FDI in the era of globalisation in general and interpreting China's FDI in particular.Dexin Yang's analysis reveals that Chinese firms engage in FDI for a variety of networking benefits. Accordingly, the geographical distribution of China's outward FDI reflects the distribution of network benefits required by Chinese firms and the relevant cost saving impacts of obtaining such benefits. As the functioning of networks relies on certain elements particular to market economies, the author argues that the development of China's outward FDI was affected by the progress of marketisation in China. This book is a fine contribution to the body of knowledge on FDI in developing countries and transitional economies. Scholars and researchers interested in the fields of FDI and Multinational Enterprise (MNE) analysis, economic development and the Chinese economy will all find this book of great interest. Policymakers will also find much to engage them within this book.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalized Freight Transport: Intermodality, E-Commerce, Logistics and Sustainability
The worldwide movement of freight has emerged as one of the most critical and dynamic aspects of the transport sector. The contributors to this study examine the current state of global freight transport, with an emphasis on Europe and North America and their extra-regional linkages. These original contributions synthesize existing knowledge, highlight new developments, problems and possible solutions, and underscore the need for further research. The book's starting point is the fact that freight transport is the main element supporting global supply and commodity chains, from the transformation of raw materials to market distribution and after-market services. However, as the authors point out, the rising costs associated with security and various other constraints, as well as the complexity of getting goods delivered, is adding to profit pressures faced by manufacturers around the globe. Despite the application of technology and increasingly efficient solutions to the movement of freight, constraint points and conditions obstructing smooth operations and sustainability have developed. These difficulties affect both the environment and economic growth. Examining the issues from four critical perspectives - intermodality, e-commerce and technology, logistics, and sustainability - Globalized Freight Transport captures the concern for the viability of freight systems and the ways they are impacting the global economy. This cutting-edge study will be of great interest to students and scholars of transportation, as well as to public sector policymakers and private sector managers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on European Business and Entrepreneurship: Towards a Theory of Internationalization
This unique Handbook illustrates how entrepreneurs across Europe tackle internationalization. This timely and important book identifies patterns and builds a theory of international entrepreneurship in Europe.The contributors discuss the performances of SMEs on the road to internationalization. Each chapter emphasizes how the process of internationalization of SMEs operates, the challenges and opportunities that arise due to each country's specific political and economic situation, and their subsequent internationalization performance. These processes, challenges and performances can be understood through theories of international business and entrepreneurship. Although at times these theories cannot fully explain certain phenomena, nevertheless they help to derive new extensions of thought. Together, they constitute a foundation for a new way of thinking about and understanding the importance and effect of internationalization of SMEs to country-level competitiveness in Europe. The role of theoretically important issues such as cooperation and trust, venture capital, research and development, learning, networks and government policy is also explored and analysed, and will be of great interest to researchers, academics and graduates interested in international business and entrepreneurship.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Social Norms, Nonlegal Sanctions, and the Law
This authoritative collection brings together a careful selection of previously published articles that use economics to analyze the interaction of law, on the one hand, and social norms and nonlegal sanctions on the other. The articles cover a range of foundational questions. What are social norms and nonlegal sanctions? Do strong laws undermine social norms, thus weakening other valuable forms of social cooperation? Can laws be used to exploit existing social norms, so that the laws are more effective than they would be otherwise? The contributing authors use a variety of economic models and concepts to address these questions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Management Education and Humanities
Management Education and Humanities argues that management teachers and researchers seem to be increasingly dissatisfied with the way managers are usually educated in western countries. It claims that educational practices and methods would greatly benefit from reflection on the implicit assumptions and paradigms behind those practices, and debates the role that humanism and humanities might play in the formation of new managerial elites. The book examines three themes that have emerged as central to the contemporary debate on management education: the profession of management; humanism as a philosophy and worldview; and the humanities as an academic field where management schools could find new inspirations for curricula. All three themes are scrutinized in a frame of reference extended between two different points of view: the traditional view, with its tendency to idealize (and even sometimes romanticize) humanism, the humanities and management as a social function; and the 'past-modern' view, which is inclined to skepticism and to the deconstruction of social and cultural phenomena.Providing a lively account of this ongoing debate and exploring new trends and experiences in management education, this book will be invaluable reading for teachers, students and researchers of management, management strategy, and organizational behaviour.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Integrated Assessment and Management of Public Resources
This multidisciplinary work explores ways of making environmental policy decisions in managing public goods and natural parks with the goal of maximizing economic benefits to society. The contributors to the volume seek the best strategies for improving the environmental sustainability and quality of a public resource by showing how to develop quantitative information about the natural area and how it interacts with the economy. Such an analysis can be used to define policies that encourage interactions among institutions, local economic agents and park users. At the same time, it provides a measure to account for the implications of those policies on the local economy.A public resource, such as a natural park, has many different functions - the production of marketed goods, ecosystem protection and tourism - and its management requires the knowledge of the physical, biological and ecological characteristics of the functions supplied by the resource, as well as the value of each function and the public resource as a whole. To ensure the implementation of the optimal practice, the contributors adopt a participative approach to establish a credible social contract between the area's public manager and its consumers. Balancing the interests of residents, visitors and local businesses, and coupling the development of both the natural potential of the area and the local economy, are necessary steps for the best strategy to be adopted.Economists and agricultural-environmental economists, forest and resource planners interested in practical guidance, and professors who teach environmental economics or forest planning courses will all find this collection invaluable and instructive.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Recent Developments in Monetary Policy
Monetary policy in the major industrial countries has largely been a success story in recent years. This two-volume set includes previously published papers by Nobel Laureates, central bankers and leading research economists. The key advances in recent thinking that underpin modern monetary policy and indicate some of the current controversies that remain are brought together in this timely publication. Some of these challenges will continue to dominate the thinking of scholars and practitioners for years to come. An authoritative introduction by the editors provides a fascinating guide to this important field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Spatial Dynamics, Networks and Modelling
As a result of the drastic changes caused by major systemic shifts in society, such as the rise of the knowledge economy or the increasing use of information and communication technology, modern economies have witnessed a transition to a networked society, where interconnectivity and interoperability between different economic systems and layers play a significant role.This important new book provides a valuable set of studies on spatial dynamics, emerging networks and modelling efforts. It employs interdisciplinary concepts alongside innovative trajectories to highlight recent advances in analysing and modelling the spatial economy, transport networks, industrial dynamics and regional systems. It is argued that modelling network processes at different spatial scales provides critical information for the design of plans and policies. Furthermore, a key issue in the current complex and heterogeneous landscape is the adoption and validation of new approaches, models and methodologies, which are able to grasp the emergent aspects of economic uncertainty and discontinuity, as well as overcome the current difficulties of carrying out appropriate forecasts. In exploring diverse pathways for theoretical, methodological and empirical analysis, this exciting volume offers promising and evolutionary perspectives on the modern spatial network society.Spatial Dynamics, Networks and Modelling is a unique and illuminating book, which will have widespread appeal among students, scholars and practitioners of spatial economics, regional science, transport economics and geography.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Non-selfish Behaviour: Decisions to Contribute Money to Public Goods
In standard economic theory human beings are portrayed as selfish money-maximizing actors. This book investigates the conditions under which people deviate from this prediction and when they are prepared to contribute to the common good in a more altruistic fashion. Based on field experiments from charitable giving, Stephan Meier analyses people's decisions to contribute to public goods. He argues that people are more likely to contribute if their giving is matched by more money - people are generous if their peers also show this trait. He investigates the conditions under which people are willing to voluntarily contribute and draws conclusions on how the empirical findings influence economic theory and policy. Academic economists interested in behavioural economics or public economics will find The Economics of Non-selfish Behaviour of great interest as will the general public interested in developments in economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economics of Family Law
Economists have studied numerous fields of law for many years, but family law was virtually neglected until the early 1970s. It was only relatively recently that economic insights about the family crept into the consciousness of those involved in legal research.The articles within this book explore a range of family law issues and include discussions on a variety of topics including cohabitation, births outside marriage, courtship, premarital contracting, marriage and parenting. The volume includes papers on the division of responsibilities between family and state, the effects of no-fault divorce, alimony, property division and child custody. There are also works on intergenerational transfers and the elderly.The collection contains articles written by leading authorities in the field and provides a stimulating exploration of the subject of family law and economics. The book will be accessible to a wide audience, including students of law and economics, as well as both academic and practising lawyers. The questions posed in this volume are worthy of consideration by the next generation of academics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economics, Evolution and the State: The Governance of Complexity
This book focuses on the emerging field of evolutionary economic policy, highlighting the interface between the state, markets, and the evolutionary complexity of modern economies. The contributors explore the possibilities and limitations of governance, and provide a unique platform for the advancement of modern evolutionary economic theory. Decision-making is discussed, with particular reference to: economic evolution as an open process self-organization and networks the political economy of complexity. Issues of evolutionary economic governance at various levels of aggregation are also examined. Inspired by evolutionary thinking, a range of models emerge from the study, illustrating the variety and complexity of evolutionary governance of economic systems.Exploring the little investigated aspects of an evolutionary economic policy, this collection of original papers goes beyond the traditional confines of positive theory, making a long overdue contribution to the field of evolutionary economics. It will therefore be invaluable to a wide ranging audience including evolutionary and institutional economists, governmental scientists, management scientists and scholars following an interdisciplinary approach in the social and cognitive sciences.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Successful Professional Women of the Americas: From Polar Winds to Tropical Breezes
This accessible and original book relates the fascinating story of successful women across the Americas: women who are managers, business owners, university professors and administrators, doctors, lawyers and government ministers.Based on extensive research, including more than 1,100 surveys and 300 interviews of women from Argentina, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Jamaica, Mexico, St Vincent and the Grenadines and the USA, the book aims to explain what these women have in common and how they differ. The workplace challenges and barriers to professional success faced by women are also analysed. Seeking to capture the voices of the women themselves, the authors - also from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures across the Americas - attempt to explain success in the face of personal, social, organizational, cultural and economic obstacles facing women everywhere.Successful Professional Women of the Americas will provide fascinating reading for academics, students and researchers focusing on gender studies or business and management. Professional women and managers worldwide will also find the book to be of great interest.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Regulatory Impact Assessment: Towards Better Regulation?
The practice of regulatory impact assessment has long needed a critical Better state regulation is a key component of economic reform. This is the first book to comprehensively explore international experience in the use of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA), which involves assessing the potential benefits and costs of any regulatory change. The contributors reveal that RIA is being adopted by an increasing number of countries as a route to better regulation with varying degrees of success. The book includes contributions from leading experts on regulatory reform and introduces a range of case studies from developed, developing and transitional economies.Comprehensive in its approach, this book contributes to the literature on evidence-based decision making as part of the new public management. By rigorously examining the principles of better regulation and focusing on the problem of applicability and adoption of RIA practices around the world, it will greatly aid understanding of regulatory policy design and implementation.The book will be invaluable for academics and researchers of public policy and management in developed, developing and transitional countries. It will also be of great practical relevance to government administrators and policymakers challenged by the need to understand the scope and limitations of RIA.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Entrepreneurship and Global Capitalism
This set of insightful papers demonstrates the importance of historical perspectives in the study of entrepreneurship. By exploring the role of entrepreneurship in the history of global capitalism, these volumes show that historical knowledge can challenge widely accepted generalizations made about entrepreneurship. The selected articles cover the best historical research on the role of entrepreneurship in creating global capitalism; the cultural and institutional explanations for geographical and temporal variations in entrepreneurship; the deep historical origins of 'born global' companies; the importance of networks and diaspora in new international market development; the key role of public policy in shaping cross-border entrepreneurial activity; and the impact of international entrepreneurship on local economies. This comprehensive collection will be of great interest to scholars of entrepreneurship, international business and business history.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Financing Entrepreneurship
This important collection comprises 24 previously published papers. These include foundational papers which offer an understanding of the conceptual and historical substructure of entrepreneurial finance and more recent seminal works about entrepreneurs and the obstacles that they systematically seek to overcome. Further articles describe the variety of institutional forms that have evolved to address the challenges inherent in entrepreneurial finance and the role of government in the process of innovation, entrepreneurship and the financing of new ventures. These papers, complemented by the editors' comprehensive introduction, are essential for scholars, researchers, policymakers and entrepreneurs wishing to advance their understanding of this important and expanding field of study.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Improving Energy Efficiency through Technology: Trends, Investment Behaviour and Policy Design
This innovative book explores the adoption of energy-saving technologies and their impact on energy efficiency improvements. It contains a mix of theoretical and empirical contributions, and combines and compares economic and physical indicators to monitor and analyze trends in energy efficiency. The authors pay considerable attention to empirical research on the determinants of energy-saving investment including uncertainty, energy-price volatility and subsidies. They also discuss the role of energy modeling in policy design and the potential effect of energy policies on technology diffusion in energy-extensive sectors. Written from a multi-disciplinary perspective, this book will appeal to academics and graduates in the areas of energy-saving technologies, energy economics and natural resource economics as well as policy makers - particularly those in energy policy. Contributors: K. Blok, H.L.F. de Groot, R.J.G.M. Florax, M. Harmelink, G.W. Hunter, S. Joosen, M.J. Koetse, P. Mulder, M.K. Patel, A. Ramirez, W.J.H. van Groenendaal, D.P. van Soest, H.R.J. Vollebergh
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Governance and Expropriation
Corporate groups outside the US are often controlled by a complex of ownership links, which typically form a pyramidal structure: a private holding company sits at the top of a control pyramid of several tiers of companies; firms in the lowest tier are the group's publicly listed companies. The usual practice of expropriation in such groups is to pass bad assets to companies down the pyramid and to pass the proceeds up the pyramid via internal transactions. For this collection Larry Lang has selected some of the most significant previously published articles by leading academics which investigate this process and its consequences. The volume explores the nature of ownership structure in countries outside the US and examines how controlling owners expropriate minority shareholders. It includes articles which analyse the pros and cons of the various finance and accounting issues resulting from this separation of ownership and control, and presents some country-specific studies which examine the impact of this disjunction.The editor has written an authoritative introduction which provides explanatory information and points the way for future research in this area.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Competition in the Provision of Local Public Goods: Single Function Jurisdictions and Individual Choice
The central purpose of this book is to analyse the optimal allocation of local public goods or services (for example garbage collection, police, fire brigades and medical services) in large urban agglomerations and the allocation consequences of increasing competition in the provision of them. Competition in the Provision of Local Public Goods uses two innovative aspects present in the concept of Functional Overlapping Competing Jurisdictions, which are de-localized membership and uni-functionality of jurisdictions. The book analyses the effect of these two aspects on competition among jurisdictions and the impact this probable increase in competition may have on the achievement of the optimal allocation of local public goods.The primary audience for this work is academics and researchers in the fields of urban and regional economics, location theory and public policy. An important secondary audience will be scholars of industrial organization, who can use the framework developed here for analyzing other problems related with the location of individuals in space.