Search results for ""edward elgar""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Women and Employment: Changing Lives and New Challenges
How is women's employment shaped by family and domestic responsibilities? This book, written by leading experts in the field, examines twenty-five years of change in women's employment and addresses the challenges facing women today. The authors offer an innovative analysis of how global changes including new migration processes, educational expansion, transnational labour markets, technological advances and the global economy affect women's labour market experiences. They tackle issues relevant for future change, including gender inequalities and ethnic diversities, and confront contentious questions such as what is meant by work-life balance. The book provides new empirical research that both advances our understanding of the challenges posed by women's employment in our changing society and draws out the policy lessons that could improve economic and social wellbeing.Providing dynamic analysis of employment-family inter relationships, Women and Employment will be of great relevance to social scientists and academics interested in employment and family as well as policymakers concerned with changing women's employment.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economics, Competition and Academia: An Intellectual History of Sophism versus Virtue
Donald Stabile places current concerns over the commercialization of academia in a historical context by describing the long-standing question of the extent to which market economics can and should be applied to higher education. The debate between Plato and Aristotle on one side and sophists on the other provides a foundation for the modern debate of endowment versus tuition models. The author tackles the intellectual discourse over the mission of higher education and the effect markets and competition might have on it. The discussion encompasses the ideas on higher education of leading economic thinkers such as Adam Smith, Jeremy Benthan, John Stuart Mill, Alfred Marshall, Thorstein Veblen and John K. Galbraith and identifies them as supporters of either sophism or virtue. Included, too, are the thoughts of educators and policymakers influenced by free market ideas, such as Benjamin Rush, Francis Wayland and Charles W. Eliot, as well as those opposed to them. In addition, the author explores the development of collegiate business schools in the US and how they were justified on the basis of virtue. The book concludes with a section on for-profit colleges and their relationship to sophism.This fascinating study of the centuries-old intellectual debate over the mission of academia will appeal to all those involved with higher education. Historians of economic thought will find the influence of economic ideas on this debate of great interest.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Private Institutions and Global Governance: The New Politics of Environmental Sustainability
This book analyses the recent emergence of transnational forms of environmental regulation within the larger conceptual context of global governance research and institutional theory. Increasingly, private policies at the transnational level complement, and in some cases even replace, public interventions. The author takes a deep and broad look at the phenomenon to account for both the emergence and the influence of private institutions in global governance and sustainability.Focusing on the empirical arenas of sustainable forestry and corporate environmental reporting and management, Philipp Pattberg examines why and how private forms of policy-making emerge at the transnational level and how their impacts can be analysed. The study makes a threefold contribution to current debates; firstly, it provides a novel theoretical perspective on the phenomenon of private governance in global sustainability politics. Secondly, it offers a fresh conceptualisation of global governance as a meta-theory in the social sciences. And finally, it provides detailed insights into the empirical landscape of private governance in the areas of global forestry and corporate environmental reporting.This book bridges disciplinary boundaries by providing a detailed account of recent developments in global business regulation as an important aspect of the current sustainability debate. As such it will appeal to a wide audience of both academics and researchers in the fields of environmental policy, public sector economics, international relations and global environmental and sustainability politics in particular. It will also be of interest to practitioners involved in private rule-making and sustainable development.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Climate and Trade Policy: Bottom-up Approaches Towards Global Agreement
The difficulty of achieving and implementing a global climate change agreement has stimulated a wide range of policy proposals designed to favour the participation of a large number of countries in a global cooperative effort to control greenhouse gas emissions. This significant book analyses the viability of controlling climate change through a set of regional or sub-global climate agreements rather than via a global treaty.The authors argue that the principal challenge in devising a truly global architecture is in providing sufficient incentives for all party participation whilst also ensuring compliance, which raises global governance issues. The main purpose of this study is not to trace in detail the process of negotiation and implementation of international regimes, but rather to evaluate whether a series of regional or sub-global agreements is more likely to achieve climate change control than a global agreement attempted from the outset. From a political science perspective, the focus centres on institution building and governance. From an economic perspective it concentrates on incentives used to encourage participation in a global and non-fragmented agreement. Lessons from EU integration and actual global and regional trade agreements are employed in order to analyse the future prospects of climate change negotiations.The focus on climate change and more generally the management of environmental and resource problems will make this book essential reading for participants, observers and analysts of the public policy process as it concerns climate change and more generally the management of environmental and resource problems. In addition the rich combination of international relations theory and economic literature with findings from the policy process will appeal to both general readers and the academic community.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Empirical Entrepreneurship in Europe: New Perspectives
This book embodies the ever-increasing scope and depth of empirical entrepreneurship research in Europe. Contributors from different disciplinary backgrounds within the business field - including finance, management, and entrepreneurship, and from other related disciplines such as economics and economic geography - employ various methodologies to study the phenomenon of entrepreneurship.Drawing on this wealth of theoretically based and empirically sound research, the contributors examine three overarching themes. First, entrepreneurship issues in specific country settings are discussed: these encompass Portugal, the UK and Germany in Western Europe, Eastern European countries such as Russia and Latvia, and then Scandinavia and Finland. Second, special issues concerning technology-based companies are explored, and finally, unique aspects of venture capital markets in Europe are studied.Presenting cutting edge empirical research on myriad entrepreneurship topics in Europe, this multidisciplinary volume will strongly appeal to academics, students and researchers from various backgrounds that have a specific interest in entrepreneurship. It will also be warmly welcomed by entrepreneurs themselves.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Regulatory Function of European Private Law
In the context of the current debate on the desirability and process of forming European private law (EPL), this book considers one fundamental question addressing its descriptive and normative dimension: does and should EPL pursue regulatory objectives beyond market integration? The editors argue that because national categories are of little help in grasping the characteristics of a multi-level regulatory system, it is necessary to link three perspectives: private law, regulation and conflict of laws. This book explores this interaction in four distinct fields: product liability, environmental protection, public utilities and e-commerce. The results show that EPL is highly regulatory and that the implications of this change have not been adequately considered by institutions and by scholars.The Regulatory Function of European Private Law will be of great interest to academics of law, as well as to private and public lawyers and European policymakers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Foundations of Credit Risk Analysis
The explosive growth of the credit risk industry is symbolic not only of the rapid expansion of finance into new and global markets, but is also representative of a widespread shift. The securitization of risk and, in particular, its transfer through the resulting credit derivatives, has dramatically changed the ways in which both the world economy and the finance industry work. This authoritative collection of key papers provides an overview of the subject from its beginnings through to current scholarship in this area. While the experienced investigator will find this anthology a convenient collection of essential papers, the student new to the field will be quickly taken to the front lines of research. Consequently, this collection will be of interest to historians, researchers, and students.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Federalism in Asia
Until now there have been few attempts to examine the different models of federalism appropriate in Asia, let alone to trace the extent to which these different perspectives are compatible, converging, or mutually influencing each other. This book redresses the balance by demonstrating the varieties of Asian federalism.Federalism in Asia explores the range of theoretical perspectives that shape debates over federalism in general, and over territorial, multinational, hybrid, and asymmetric federalism in particular relation to Asia. The contributors share their understanding of how federal or quasi-federal institutions manage ethnic conflicts and accommodate differences, how democratization facilitates the development of federalism and how federalism facilitates or inhibits democratization in Asia. Their conclusion is that hybrid federalism or quasi-federalism is more prevalent in some Asian countries than others; and the need and potential for greater federalism in more Asian countries makes this sortie into this area worthwhile. While federalism is relevant to Asia, the working pattern of Asian federalism does not necessarily follow a Western style. Hybrid federal institutional design can be seen as an Asian strategy of managing ethnic conflicts through federal arrangements.This unique book will be of great interest to a wide range of scholars and researchers who work on issues of federalism, political economy, public policy, ethnic relations, cultural diversity and democratization in the Asian region. Policymakers and activists dealing with issues of minority rights and ethnic conflict in the region, government officials and NGOs within Asia, and officials in international agencies and organizations will also find much to engage them.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Making Community Law: The Legacy of Advocate General Jacobs at the European Court of Justice
The inspirational ideas of Advocate General Francis Jacobs have been drawn together here for the first time in one volume. Fifteen leading EU law practitioners and academics have contributed, including both Sir Francis's predecessor and his successor, covering topics of current discussion in this continually evolving field. Each contributor deals with a discrete topic of EU law and discusses its evolution to date, its current state and its future development, always with specific reference to Sir Francis's opinions. Covering a diverse range of EU law topics, this book will be of great interest to anyone seeking a greater insight into the workings of the European Court of Justice and the role of the Advocate General, and also for anyone involved in the academic study of EU law or practising and litigating in the field. Making Community Law should provide a rich treasury of ideas, explaining both the current state of EU jurisprudence as well as considering the next steps in the making of EU law.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Survey-Based Business Cycle Analysis
This Handbook aims to provide an overview of regular survey activities, as well as to show how survey results can be used scientifically in the context of business-cycle analysis and forecasting. Examples of various business surveys are described in detail, starting with their objectives, the questions they pose, how they are weighted and extrapolated and the representativeness of their results. A detailed scientific examination of the explanatory value of the data is also made in order to demonstrate their potential usefulness. The Handbook has three parts: firstly, it presents the importance of business surveys for empirical research. Secondly, selected surveys are introduced in detail such as the Ifo Business Survey and the Ifo Investment Survey, and thirdly, a broad spectrum of studies - on the consequence of the survey results - is presented. The significance of the surveys applies equally to business cycle analysis and to forecasting. An array of modern methods of time series analysis and econometric model construction is used in these investigations.This book will be of interest to an audience comprising members of institutions conducting business surveys, scientists using survey results to analyse and forecast business cycles, and students of empirical economic research.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Accountability, Parliamentarism and Transparency in the EU: The Role of National Parliaments
This accessible and detailed book takes an interdisciplinary approach in exploring the position of national parliaments in the EU polity and in particular their position within the EU governance framework.Adam Cygan analyzes the impact of subsidiarity monitoring upon national parliaments and to what extent this provides new opportunities for national parliaments to be engaged in, and exert influence over, the EU legislative process. While the post-Lisbon position of national parliaments may have improved, this book questions whether national parliaments can really be considered as central actors in EU affairs. The author also queries whether subsidiarity monitoring has the capacity to create a collective bloc of horizontal actors which exert effective accountability over the EU legislative process.Accountability, Parliamentarism and Transparency in the EU will strongly appeal to academics, parliamentarians/parliamentary officials working in EU affairs, as well as EU civil servants.Contents:Introduction 1. National Parliaments, Accountability and Transparency in a European Perspective 2. European Integration and Deparliamentarisation 3. National Parliaments in the EU Treaties 4. The Ordinary Legislative Process and National Parliaments 5. Subsidiarity as a Regulatory Principle in EU Law 6. Subsidiarity Control after Lisbon 7. Accountability and Legitimacy in a Multi-Level Context 8. National Parliaments after Lisbon: A New Dawn of Accountability or Remaining on the Periphery? Bibliography Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Copyright, Contracts, Creators: New Media, New Rules
Copyright, Contracts, Creators provides a new and original analysis on the relationship between owners and creators and recommendations for legislative change to re-balance the relationship. It is a must read for the intellectual property legal community and anyone interested in the promotion of creative works. - Marshall Rothstein, Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada 'Dr Giuseppina D'Agostino is a protector of the arts, and her work on intellectual property is designed not only to bring law and order to our digital universe but to bring hope to the artists, poets and writers whose only hope of pursuing their artistry is to earn income for their craft. A wonderful book by one of the most wonderful and forward thinking minds in this subject area.- Tony Chapman, Founder and CEO, Capital C, Canada 'Dr D'Agostino has produced an important, carefully documented and courageous study that deserves to be widely read and discussed and (dare one say?) even to have its message heeded.' - David Vaver, Emeritus Professor of Intellectual Property & IT Law, University of Oxford, UK The digital world has put content within arm's reach of desire. No longer can an author be satisfied that her intellectual property is safely encased in a bound book, nor can a photographer know where his work will be displayed or shared, nor can a writer rest assured that her article will be consumed in the intended magazine or newspaper. The Internet-fueled recycling of existing works into new media is the greatest challenge to copyright law. Copyright, Contracts, Creators evaluates the efficacy of current copyright law to address the contracting and use of creative works. It looks in particular at freelance works and argues that their copyright treatment on a national and international level is inadequate to resolve ambiguities in the contracting and uses of the work. Giuseppina D'Agostino discusses how historically laws and courts were more sympathetic to creators, and how the Internet revolution has shifted the scales to favor owners. Consequently, creators often find themselves at opposing ends with copyright owners, and in a disproportionately weaker bargaining position that places tremendous strain on their livelihoods. She argues that this predicament puts society at risk of losing its most valued asset: professional creators. The author calls for a new framework to justify legislative provisions and resolve ambiguities while suggesting principles and mechanisms to address the inadequate treatment of freelance work. Scholars and students of law, cultural studies, and intellectual property will find this volume a critical addition to their libraries. Beyond these, policy makers, lawyers and anyone concerned with the blurring lines of intellectual property in the age of cyberspace will welcome the author's insights.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Young, the Old and the State: Social Care Systems in Five Industrial Nations
This is a comparative account of social care services for children and older people in five key industrial nations (Finland, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States). The authors break new ground by moving beyond institutional description and seeking to understand the normative and moral qualities of welfare systems. The book builds on existing theories of welfare state regimes by extending the analysis to the arena of social care.A full and fascinating account is provided of the historical, economic and political origins of childcare and care for older people in each of the five countries. These analyses are then used as the basis for a theoretical account of the developmental trajectories of social care systems. The book proposes that there are common pressures at work in all industrial nations driving their welfare systems to similar forms of organisation and structure. However, these trends are mediated by important differences in culture and history.The Young, the Old and the State is an eminently readable and accessible book, and will be warmly welcomed by academics and researchers in social and public policy, health and social care and welfare economics. It will also be of interest to policymakers and NGOs involved in welfare and social care provision and provide a useful source for students on undergraduate and graduate programmes.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Environmental Liability and Barriers to Trade: Market Access and Biodiversity in the Biosafety Protocol
Trade and the environment has become a major issue in international relations, yet the surrounding debate remains polarised and hostile. This book answers the question: Can an international liability regime facilitate international trade while fostering environmental sustainability?On the one hand, the authors argue, international trade is perceived as a major threat to environmental sustainability, whilst on the other, trade and the economic development arising from it is seen as the prerequisite to stronger environmental protection. Nowhere is the debate more acrimonious than over trade in genetically modified organisms. The Biosafety Protocol has been negotiated to govern trade in genetically modified products and includes provisions for an international liability regime to facilitate trade - a subject that has been little studied. This valuable study explores the role, design and potential effectiveness of such a regulating body and addresses questions such as - what are the options for an international environmental liability regime? Why are some options unworkable? Is there a set of options that will achieve the dual goals of trade facilitation and environmental protection? Is international liability the best option for defusing the trade and environment debate?This illuminating book will be an essential read for scholars and students (senior undergraduate as well as postgraduate) of international trade policy, environmental economics, international politics and international law. Individuals working in international organizations, those employed by environmental NGOs and government policy makers will also find much to engage them within this book.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Evolution of Economic Institutions: A Critical Reader
It is now widely acknowledged that institutions are a crucial factor in economic performance. Major developments have been made in our understanding of the nature and evolution of economic institutions in the last few years. This book brings together some key contributions in this area by leading internationally renowned scholars including Paul A. David, Christopher Freeman, Alan P. Kirman, Jan Kregel, Brian J. Loasby, J. Stanley Metcalfe, Bart Nooteboom and Ugo Pagano. This essential reader covers topics such as the relationship between institutions and individuals, institutions and economic development, the nature and role of markets, and the theory of institutional evolution. The book not only outlines cutting-edge developments in the field but also indicates key directions of future research for institutional and evolutionary economics.Vital reading on one of the most dynamic and rapidly growing areas of research today, The Evolution of Economic Institutions will be of great interest to researchers, students and lecturers in economics and business studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Entrepreneurial Growth in Industrial Districts: Four Italian Cases
Entrepreneurial Growth in Industrial Districts illustrates that Industrial Districts (ID) have dramatically changed over the past three decades; the Marshallian notion of a cluster of small firms has been vastly transformed by the emergence of rapidly growing firms.This book stems from the contributors' academic and professional experience in the fields of Italian industrial districts, strategic management and entrepreneurship. The authors highlight the need to understand and identify how entrepreneurial growth can be effectively sustained in ID firms. Four case studies (Alessi, Geox, Illycaffe, Luxottica) are then utilized to demonstrate the process of ID firms' growth via the lens of corporate entrepreneurship.This unique book will be highly regarded by undergraduate students and researchers in the fields of entrepreneurship and industrial districts. Practitioners as entrepreneurs and policy makers will also find this book of great interest given the appealing domain of the book 'Made in Italy' and the substantial sections dedicated to case histories.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Welfare States: Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction
In this three-volume collection Leibfried and Mau have gathered together the most vital articles about the welfare state and its 'reformation' written since the mid-1970s. Their choices and organizing principles bring coherence and additional insight to these articles which, together, provide a comprehensive presentation of all the key empirical, conceptual and normative issues. Volume I, Analytical Approaches, comprises a history of welfare state theory, with essays on modernization, functionalism and the industrialization thesis, neo-Marxist theories, the power resources approach, managing and sharing risk, and polity-centred and institutional approaches. Volume II, Varieties and Transformations, begins with articles defining varieties of welfare states and then proceeds with essays on welfare state retrenchment and its roots, globalization, post-industrialism, Europeanization, and global social policy. Volume III, Legitimation, Achievement and Integration addresses the issues and challenges of the contemporary welfare state: its justification, economic results and entanglements, human public motivations and attitudes, multiculturalism, gender,the generational contract.Welfare States: Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction unites the work of some four generations of the most pre-eminent scholars of the welfare state in one cohesive, authoritative set of volumes.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Public Choice and the Challenges of Democracy
Democracy has long been established as an enduring and stable system of governance in advanced developed countries. In more recent years, however, social, cultural and political divides have emerged that threaten the democratic way of life, emphasizing the vulnerability of even the most successful political regimes. This timely and important volume addresses the serious challenges faced by democracy in contemporary society.With contributions from some of the world's most prestigious scholars of public choice and political science, this comprehensive collection presents a complete overview of the threats democracy must confront, by both contesting accepted ideas and offering new approaches. Employing both theoretical and empirical evidence, the book tackles a broad range of concerns including the inherent problems of democratic life, faulty institutional arrangements, defective voting rules and fiscal issues that affect the ability to govern democratic nations. It will undoubtedly be a significant addition to the current literature. Presenting original and enlightening perspectives on the theory of democracy, this volume will be a fascinating read for students and scholars of public choice, public finance and public economics. It will also find appeal amongst political scientists and government policymakers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Sustainable Development in Water-Stressed Developing Countries: A Quantitative Policy Analysis
This innovative book investigates the practical applications of sustainable development in the spirit of the Brundtland Report, paying special attention to water-stressed developing countries. Satoshi Kojima argues that the main objective of sustainable development is poverty alleviation within the present generation without destroying those ecosystems underpinning life support systems. The policy implications of such sustainable development policies are investigated with an original quantitative policy analysis framework.The book develops an innovative dynamic optimisation CGE model based on the Ramsey growth model but employs an imperfect foresight assumption and a decentralised setting in which the private agent and the government optimise their objective functions separately. The model also addresses trade-offs between rain-fed and irrigated agriculture, urban unemployment due to rural-urban migration and welfare costs of lack of safe water access. The model is calibrated and dynamically validated against Moroccan time-series data.Researchers in environmental, ecological and development economics will find this book of great interest. It will also appeal to researchers and scholars interested in water management and related issues.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Teaching in the Global Business Classroom
The rise in international student numbers means that teachers face unique challenges arising from language and cultural differences in understanding.Teaching in the Global Business Classroom presents an educational framework for effective teaching and learning in the global classroom. It provides practical tools for teachers through suggestions for innovative curriculum design, lecture techniques, group work and participation activities, as well as the use of case studies and assessment methods. This book is an essential resource for teachers and lecturers looking to provide the best possible teaching experience for their students, but who may be unsure how to address the issues raised by the rise in ethnic diversity. It will also be of great interest to student teachers at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Handbook on Civil Service Systems
While there is no universally accepted definition of civil servant and civil service, this authoritative and informative Handbook compares and contrasts various approaches to organizing the structure and activities of different civil service systems. The expert contributors consider the historical and theoretical context of public administration and public sector management, applying relevant theories and frameworks to provide a disciplinary perspective. Recurring topics and themes are explored, and international comparisons are made via case studies from Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, and North and South America. Issues addressed in each country study include accountability, structure, processes and institutions, as well as the relationship to the broader political systems in a world becoming aware that it exists within a differentiated polity. The Weberian legacy, joined-up government and the hollowed-out state thesis and the debate between Anglo-American influenced systems versus the Continental European approach to organizing the civil service are also discussed in detail. This systematic comparison of civil service systems and their political and theoretical foundations will prove essential reading for academics and students focusing on public policy and public sector management. Public service professionals will also find this book to be a crucial resource. Contributors include: T.E.D. Anagnosen, P. Barberis, E. Borgonovi, F. Buick, M. Desbouvries, M. Duggett, O.P. Dwivedi, M. Evans, A. Ferraro, J. Halligan, S. Horton, J.-M. Kauzya, M. Kikuchi, A. Massey, D.S. Mishra, A. Nakamura, J. O'Flynn, E. Ongaro, R. Parry, R. Pyper, C. Sadleir
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Hate
This important and highly original book explores the application of economics to the subject of hate via such diverse topics as war, terrorism, road rage, witchcraft mania, marriage and divorce, and bullying and harassment. As yet there is no overall economic approach to hate; Samuel Cameron pioneers this work by using standard neo-classical economics concepts of the utility-maximizing consumer and the entrepreneur. He examines emotions as a form of personal capital and hate as a form of 'negative social capital', and investigates the idea of a modular matrix of hatred as the appropriate means of examining the subject. The likely form and scope of future effects of hate on government policy are also discussed.Seeking to explore the dimensions of hate as a commodity from a wider economic perspective, this exceptional book will prove a fascinating read for those with an interest in the economic value of hatred in particular, and the economics of the unusual more generally.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Multinational Enterprises and Industrial Transformation: Evidence from Thailand
MNEs have been involved in Thai manufacturing since the early 1960s but despite this significant involvement their role in the industrialization process remains a controversial issue. This book has three main foci: to evaluate the impact of MNE involvement in Thai manufacturing to gain insight into the principal mechanisms by which MNEs contribute to the industrialization process and obstacles that prevent them from functioning more effectively to recommend policies for maximising the benefits from MNE involvement. The key hypothesis proposed by the author is that gains from MNE involvement are conditioned by the policy environment of the host country. The scope of MNE involvement studies uniquely covers not only FDI but also non-FDI. The study also draws together valuable conclusions and outlines policy lessons for other developing countries.Multinational Enterprises and Industrial Transformation will appeal to post-graduate and advanced undergraduate students in subject areas of international economics, industrial organization, economic growth, development economics and Asian economic development. Professional economists, policy makers and researchers working on industrial organization, international capital mobility and economic growth issues in developing countries will also find much to engage them within the book.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A New Generation in International Strategic Management
This book comprises eighteen cutting edge chapters by emerging scholars in international strategy, offering a variety of fresh perspectives on critical issues that the field will face in the near future. These young scholars have unique and innovative thoughts about international strategy, which are well ahead of the mainstream of international business academics.Various topics are addressed, including the rise of outsourcing and the global spread of research and development activities; structural innovations by multinational firms, with particular attention to organizing for the efficient transfer of knowledge resources within networks of alliances; and new ways of considering the effects of location, focusing on the relative importance of regional clusters and countries and the impact of geographical and cultural distance on international strategies. Stephen Tallman has geared the book to an academic audience, specifically faculty and graduate students in international business, international management, and global strategy. Sophisticated international business practitioners will also find it an interesting read.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Teaching Economics: More Alternatives to Chalk and Talk
This fascinating sequel to the 1998 Teaching Economics to Undergraduates provides more alternatives to the lecture and chalkboard approach that dominates university economics teaching. Distinguished contributing authors provide a wide range of innovative teaching techniques and examples aimed at more effectively engaging undergraduates in the learning of economics.New topics covered in this volume include game theory, using active learning techniques in large classes, a streamlined content agenda for macroeconomic principles, distance learning, and assessment of student learning. Other chapters revisit topics from the first volume, though often from different perspectives or with new approaches provided by different authors. Topics covered in these chapters include cooperative learning techniques, using technology in the classroom (including dozens of websites), bringing the work of the Nobel Laureates into undergraduate classes, and teaching with experimental economics, case studies, or team writing assignments and presentations. Teaching Economics is an invaluable and practical tool for teachers of economics, administrators responsible for undergraduate instruction and graduate students who are just beginning to teach. Each chapter includes specific teaching tips for classroom implementation and summary lists of dos and don'ts for instructors who are thinking of moving beyond the lecture method of traditional chalk and talk.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Dynamics and Obstacles of European Governance
This book examines some of the major origins of change in institutions and policies in European governance. The authors combine a sophisticated institutional analysis with in-depth insights into European policies across a wide variety of policy fields. The fields examined are higher education, employment, research, police co-operation, as well as foreign affairs, trade, energy, and security and defence policy. Presenting the fruit of years of collaboration in an EU-funded Research Training Network, the authors expand the mechanisms through which political actors transform apparent deadlock into actual change in European policy making.Providing a systematic treatment of changing modes of European governance, Dynamics and Obstacles of European Governance will be of great interest to those in the fields of international politics and European studies, as well as European law and policy studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship
In recent years our understanding of corporate sustainability has moved from exploitation to exploration, from corporate environmental management to sustainable entrepreneurship, and from efficiency to innovation. Yet current trends indicate the need for radical innovation via entrepreneurial start-ups or new ventures within existing corporations despite difficulties with the financing and marketing of such efforts. Presenting both conceptual and empirical research, this fascinating book addresses how we can combine environmental and social sustainability with economic sustainability in order to produce innovative new business models.The international cast of contributors addresses the wide range of issues in the balance between growth and environmental concerns. The first five chapters discuss various aspects of sustainable entrepreneurship. This is followed by two chapters that look at innovation within existing firms. Innovation is not successful until it finds a customer, so the two chapters that follow delve into the marketing aspects of business-to-consumer and business-to-business settings. The book closes with a broad discussion of the evolution and future of the research agenda into the intersection of sustainability, innovation and entrepreneurship.Academics, students, business professionals, and NGOs will find this volume enlightening and useful.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Policy and Corporate Behaviour
For the last 30 years, analysis of the inner workings of the firm has been largely absent from economic assessments of environmental policy. Recent work has highlighted the importance of understanding a firm's commercial motivations, decision-making procedures and organizational structure when designing and implementing public environmental policies. Environmental Policy and Corporate Behaviour responds to this need, investigating the many internal challenges faced by firms seeking to implement new policies and achieve significant and long-lasting environmental progress.The authors provide an in-depth empirical analysis of an industrial survey undertaken in seven OECD countries (Japan, France, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Canada and the United States), spanning 4000 facilities in all manufacturing sectors, including small and medium-sized enterprises. They use their findings to illustrate the links between public (government) environmental policies and private (firm and facility) environmental management, investments, innovation and performance.With a specific focus on the public policy implications of the empirical findings, the book provides a foundation upon which to formulate public and corporate policy in the environmental sphere. Adopting a multi-disciplinary approach, the book will appeal to academics and policymakers with an interest in economics of the environment, as well as presenting business and management perspectives.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Non-market Entrepreneurship: Interdisciplinary Approaches
As defined by the editors of this book, 'non-market entrepreneurship' consists of all forms of entrepreneurship not being undertaken solely for purposes of profit maximization or commercialization, and encompasses entrepreneurial activities such as social enterprise and entrepreneurship, public sector entrepreneurship, policy entrepreneurship, non-profit entrepreneurship, and philanthropic enterprise, among many others. The eminent cast of contributors gives coherence to the academic and public discussions on the topic, builds a theoretical edifice within the field of entrepreneurship and helps to establish and delineate the contours of the research on non-market entrepreneurship. The authors stake a meaningful claim in this burgeoning field, examining entrepreneurial activities in public affairs, the social sector, and the society and economy. Forms of non-market entrepreneurship are used with increasing frequency in the popular press, journal articles, and academic and practitioner conferences, but they are used inconsistently across different sectors, academic disciplines, and forums. By providing space for an interdisciplinary mix of top entrepreneurship scholars from across the world, this volume provides cohesion to these discussions and helps advance research in the field.Scholars and students in a variety of fields interested in the growing phenomenon of entrepreneurship will find this volume invaluable in the effort to define the field, consider theoretical perspectives and structure empirical research. Practitioners will also find much of value in this remarkable resource.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Good Governance in the 21st Century: Conflict, Institutional Change, and Development in the Era of Globalization
This book explores the interdependences of economic globalization, political tensions, and national policymaking whilst analysing opportunities for governance reform at both national and international levels. It considers how governance mechanisms can be fashioned in order to both exploit the opportunities of globalization and cope with the numerous potential conflicts and risks. The authors adopt a multidisciplinary approach based on various theories from economics, political science, sociology and law to provide new insights into globalization processes, their causes and effects and to further develop the understanding of, and interaction between globalization and governance. They underline the need to design innovative governance structures at national, regional, and global levels ? an unalterable precondition to overcome political, cultural, and distributional conflicts in a globalizing world. In conclusion, the book prescribes development strategies to successfully manage and overcome the political, cultural and distributional conflicts arising in a globalizing world.Highlighting the successes and failures of globalization, this challenging book will be warmly welcomed by scholars and researchers in various fields of economics including development economics, institutional economics, political economy, and the economics of transition. Those with an interest in regulation and governance, including policymakers and professionals in non-governmental organizations and development agencies will also find the book to be an invaluable tool.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd China and the Global Energy Crisis: Development and Prospects for China’s Oil and Natural Gas
China's rapid economic development is having profound implications for energy resources. China has always been exceptionally reliant on its abundant coal, but consumption of oil and gas have grown rapidly since reform began in the 1980s. In spite of vigorous domestic development - most recently in the Tarim Basin - China is now consuming approximately 8 per cent of the world's oil output but producing only 4 per cent. China's emergence as an energy importer has given rise to concerns that it is a major contributor to recent turmoil in energy markets. This book examines China's record of oil and gas development, its refining capacity, and energy prospects. The authors conclude that there are no fundamental reasons for anxiety about China's demands on the world energy economy, but they emphasize that its energy future will depend critically on a continuation of reform and internationalization. China and the Global Energy Crisis is a concise but detailed study of these issues. This book will appeal not only to readers concerned with China and energy issues, but also to a wider readership seeking to understand China's development and its global meaning.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Strategy and Foresight
This important Handbook explores and evaluates dynamic environments and the appropriate strategic responses to them in the 21st century. Drawing together a collection of 29 original chapters, the Handbook makes an invaluable contribution to theory and practice by stimulating disciplined, rigorous and imaginative enquiry into the relationship between strategy and foresight. Leading scholars in the field of strategic management are brought together to offer innovative and multi-disciplinary perspectives on the past, present and future of strategy formation and foresight. In so doing, they challenge research in four key areas: strategy and foresight processes; strategy innovation for the future; understanding the future; and strategically responding to the future.The Handbook of Research on Strategy and Foresight is a comprehensive resource that will be invaluable for academics, students and practitioners interested in this important phenomenon.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Regulatory Economics and Quantitative Methods: Evidence from Latin America
Regulatory Economics and Quantitative Methods comprises original contributions by leading researchers working on issues relating to regulation in Latin America. They focus on regulation in infrastructure industries and attempt to show how quantitative analysis can contribute to more effective regulation. In particular, they discuss central issues relating to the measures used for benchmarking natural monopolies, incentives and contractual arrangements used in the regulatory environment and the impact of regulation and regulatory processes. The analysis throughout the book is both theoretical and applied, with numerous illustrations drawn from various infrastructure sectors such as electricity, water, telecommunications and ports. An innovative feature of the contributions is the link they make between solving the practical problems faced by regulators in various sectors and in helping them to improve the design of policy.The book will be of great interest to academics and students of regulatory economics, as well as those interested in the application of econometrics and general equilibrium modelling. It will also be of interest to government officials and regulators in Latin America, Africa and Eastern European Countries.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Central Bank Reserve Management: New Trends, from Liquidity to Return
This book provides first-hand insights on the modern considerations governing official reserve holdings and investment in different asset classes. Tremendous growth of central bank reserves has led to an increased focus on raising returns in addition to the traditional preference central banks have for maintaining liquid portfolios. Leading experts from central banks, investment banks and the academic community elucidate on this and related issues.The expert contributors adopt a unique approach in their explicit linkage of the increased focus on return by central banks and the implications of new accounting rules (IFRS) for income recognition and profit distribution. They also address the welfare gains and costs of accumulating foreign exchange reserves and the implications for the functioning of the global financial system, as well as: asset and currency diversification changing reserve management practices in the face of steeply growing official reserve holdings new risk management techniques profit distribution agreements. Central Bank Reserve Management will prove a valuable information resource for researchers and academics with an interest in central banking issues and asset management, financial sector, government and central bank officials, and representatives of international financial institutions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Companion to the Dysfunctional Workplace: Management Challenges and Symptoms
A work exposing and exploring the phenomena of the dysfunctional workplace is long overdue. This fascinating book does just that, uncovering the subversiveness, counter-productive behaviour and unspoken 'issues' that managers struggle with on a daily basis. This Companion not only explores organizational dysfunction as it concerns individuals, it also examines broader issues of dysfunction and its effects with regards teams, managers and organizational systems. Lively discussion encompasses the symptoms of distress, illness, absenteeism, and inefficiency that point towards behavioural disorders and system-wide malfunction. From personality disorders to wars over 'territory', the book chronicles and reveals the true nature of often hidden workplace problems including bullying, unethical behaviour, loss of trust, organizational deviance, cowardice, workaholism, negative humour and emotions, personality disorders, mismanagement, and malfunctioning performance and selection systems. So what can be done? Practical solutions to these dysfunctional phenomena are presented by international experts from a range of disciplinary backgrounds including management, psychology and economics.This fascinating, highly original book will be of enormous interest to students, researchers, academics and practitioners across all sectors of business and management, human resource management in particular.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Universities, Knowledge Transfer and Regional Development: Geography, Entrepreneurship and Policy
The transfer of new, economically useful knowledge from universities to the regional economy has recently attracted the attention of academics, professionals and policymakers alike. This book focuses on three issues at the centre of current research: the geography of academic knowledge transfers, the mechanisms of these transfers with regard to academic entrepreneurship and graduate mobility, and policy experience in university-based regional economic development. The expert contributors provide state-of-the-art overviews of the field, reviewing and outlining important advancements in theory, empirics and policy analysis. Importantly, the book includes unique case studies of university-based development in three lagging regions of Asia, Europe and North America to illustrate individual experiences. This timely and highly original book will be warmly welcomed by academics, students and researchers focusing on regional science, the economics of innovation, economic growth and technological change. Policymakers involved with regional development and innovation will also find much to interest them in this book.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Networks in the Innovation Process: Local and Regional Interactions
Innovation has long been regarded as an interactive process between heterogeneous actors and as a crucial factor in local and regional development. This timely and significant book focuses on the interactions existing within local networks, providing a theoretical foundation to interactive processes as well as a methodological toolkit for the analysis of innovation from a regional perspective. The author employs a number of empirical methods, ranging from econometric studies to surveys and social network analysis, in order to provide an intensive and diverse approach to the analysis of local or regional innovation systems. The application of social network analysis containing patent data is particularly important as it can be applied to other entities such as regions, firms or technologies. As its case study, the book presents a detailed examination of the innovation system present in the Jena region in Germany, and demonstrates the ways in which it has developed from a variety of different perspectives. This lively and comprehensive volume will find widespread appeal amongst researchers in the fields of regional economics, evolutionary economics and the economics of innovation. It will also attract policy consultants interested in creating innovative networks.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Strategic Competition, Dynamics, and the Role of the State: A New Perspective
Jamee Moudud provides a new microfoundational explanation for the Harrodian long-run or warranted growth rate. The author, emphasizing the role of Keynesian uncertainty, shows that the growth model is anchored in a new interpretation of the Oxford Economists? Research Group?s microeconomic analysis and a variant of the stock-flow consistent framework. In a distinctly Kaldorian vein, Jamee Moudud discusses the relationship between capital budgeting, public investment, and taxation policy as it relates to the warranted growth rate and its impact on long-term involuntary unemployment. Combining ideas from theorists involved in the Oxford Economists? Research Group (especially Sir Roy Harrod, P.W.S. Andrews, and others), Kaldor, and Keynes, Jamee Moudud offers original insights into the impact of government spending and taxation policies on output. The book discusses and extends Harrod?s taxation-cum-public investment proposals to raise the warranted growth rate and strengthen the social safety net. Other topics explored in the text include: reasons that higher government spending/GDP shares have opposite short- and long-run effects, whether money supply can ever be different from money demand in a stock-flow consistent framework, and the effects of changes in the composition of government spending on the long-run growth path.The book provides the theoretical basis for new policy insights regarding the role of the state dealing with mass unemployment and poverty.Professional economists, graduate and advanced undergraduate students in economics, and policy researchers in international organizations will find this work a stimulating and thought-provoking addition to the field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Tax Policy Design and Behavioural Microsimulation Modelling
Tax policy questions may relate to specific problems, concerning perhaps the revenue implications of a particular tax, or they may involve an extensive analysis of the cost and redistributive effects of many taxes and transfer payments. This book is concerned with the ways in which tax policy design can be enhanced by the use of a behavioural tax microsimulation model capable of evaluating the effects of planned or actual tax reforms. An advantage of such a large-scale tax simulation model, which reflects the heterogeneity of the population and captures the details of the tax structure, is that it can examine detailed practical policy questions and can provide direct inputs into policy debates. After introducing behavioural models, the authors discuss the role of means testing, several hypothetical policy reforms, actual and proposed reforms and recent modelling developments.Tax Policy Design and Behavioural Microsimulation Modelling will be of interest to academics and researchers of economics, econometrics and public finance. It will also be useful reading for policymakers responsible for the formulation of taxation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Business Growth: Activities, Themes and Voices
This book takes up the challenge of promoting a new understanding of growth and how in business it occurs longitudinally. It offers an alternative and supplementary view that is insightful, reflective and provocative. Mona Ericson looks at business growth in relation to developmental growth, which is in turn connected to the dimension of learning. She describes developmental growth as being exposed by, and manifested in, complex, interconnected human activities that reflect social practice in terms of encounters between people. Extending the process-oriented growth literature that focuses on linear explanation of development and change, the thrust of the argument is that growth is 'lived' and cannot be considered an 'object' that presides over the individual. The concept of business growth as 'lived' growth is explored via a musical metaphor. The fugue is used to capture the dynamics inherent in business growth, asserting itself in themes that constitute multifaceted, interwoven activities affording dynamically varying movements.Underpinning this new approach to business growth with examples from a global company that provides complete packaging solutions, Mona Ericson's unique book will provide a fascinating read for those with an interest in strategy, organization, strategic change, management, growth and international business.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Cyber Law and Cyber Security in Developing and Emerging Economies
This timely and important book illuminates the impact of cyber law on the growth and development of emerging and developing economies. Using a strong theoretical framework firmly grounded in resource-based and technology diffusion literature, the authors convey a subtle understanding of the ways public and private sector entities in developing and emerging countries adopt cyber space processes.This book reveals that the diffusion of cyber activities in developing and emerging economies is relatively low, with the main stumbling blocks resting in regulatory, cultural, and social factors. The authors argue that cyber crimes constitute a prime obstacle to the diffusion of e-commence and e-governments in developing economies, and governments have an important role in developing control mechanisms in the form of laws. However, setting appropriate policies and complementary services, particularly those affecting the telecommunications sector and other infrastructure, human capital and the investment environment, severely constrains Internet access. Using both strategic and operational perspectives, the authors discuss the concrete experience of constructing and implementing cyber laws and cyber security measures in developing and emerging countries, and analyse their content and appropriateness. Professionals, academics, students, and policymakers working in the area of cyber space, e-commerce and economic development, and United Nations entities working closely with the Millennium Development Goals, will find this book an invaluable reference.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd US Intellectual Property Law and Policy
This book identifies and addresses the key principles and policies with regard to the protection of intellectual property in the United States. A select group of highly-regarded contributors illustrate several themes which are recurrent in the many debates concerning US law and policy on intellectual property. The need for a constant expansion of protectable subject matter is critically analyzed, especially in relation to trade mark and patent laws. The chapters within the book discuss a question of critical jurisprudential importance: have the legislature and the judiciary taken sufficient consideration of the different economic and constitutional rationales of intellectual property protection when extending the scope of intellectual property protection? A tentative agenda as to the future direction for both Congress and the courts to adopt, in light of the new technological changes which have affected all areas of intellectual property protection equally, is also suggested.Policymakers will find this book of great interest as will academics and students of intellectual property law and international law.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economics of Comparative Law
Comparative law and economics is an interdisciplinary research field in which differences among legal systems are analyzed from an economic point of view. The papers in this path-breaking collection illustrate those differences, describe their economic effects and discover which legal rules or systems are optimal from an economic viewpoint. The volume brings together twenty important contributions on property law, contract law, tort law, corporate law, intellectual property law, litigation law and the legal system, and shows how economics can enrich the study of comparative law.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Incomplete Markets
This two-volume set offers an extraordinary precis of classic articles on the general equilibrium theory of incomplete markets.The first volume presents the contributions to the theory of incomplete markets over a finite horizon. Many of the papers focus on two-period economies. This setting provides the simplest version of the incomplete-market model. However, the study of incomplete markets has evolved from finite to infinite horizon economies. The second volume examines the interesting new technical and conceptual issues that arise from the exploration of incomplete market economies over an open-ended future.The editors have written new, authoritative introductions to each volume, which provide a comprehensive overview and informative discussion of the issues.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Ageing and the Labor Market in Japan: Problems and Policies
This book is a concerted attempt by economists to investigate and offer remedies for some of the difficulties associated with an ageing labor market. The economic problems of ageing combined with a declining population manifest themselves most acutely in the present Japanese economy. Demographic trends present serious social and economic problems for Japan, and the rest of the global community is affected by the ways in which it copes with these difficulties. The contributors to this book study Japan's experience, which is crucial for understanding the nature of ageing problems and for developing feasible policies to address them. Ageing labor markets could distort the employment mechanism, create youth unemployment, and disrupt incentives for human capital formation in younger workers. Though an economic approach is the core methodology in the book, it also encompasses diverse perspectives including sociological considerations of labor markets and negotiating behaviour within households. The international implications of the problems are emphasized in the chapters that deal with immigration and capital markets.This book will be an indispensable tool for economists, policy makers and students concerned with the effects of ageing societies throughout the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Theory and Practice of Innovation Policy: An International Research Handbook
This comprehensive handbook explores the interactions between the practice, policy, and theory of innovation. The goal is twofold: to increase insight into this dynamic process, searching for options to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of both policy and innovative practice, and to identify conceptual or empirical lacunae and questions that can guide future research. The handbook is a joint project from 24 prominent scholars in the field, and although each chapter reveals the insights of its respective authors, two overarching theoretical perspectives provide unique coherence and consistency throughout. This original reference work will not only provide valuable insights for scholars and students on innovation studies, but also to policymakers and practitioners.Contributors: A. Bergek, K. Blind, P. Boekholt, B. Carlsson, C. Chaminade, S.E. Cozzens, B. Dankbaar, P. den Hertog, J. Edler, C. Edquist, L. Elg, S.J.H. Graham, D.H. Guston, M. Hekkert, S. Jacobsson, S. Kuhlmann, B.R. Martin, J. Molas-Gallart, D. Sarewitz, P. Shapira, K. Smith, R. Smits, M. Teubal, R. van Merkerk, G. Vissers
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Frontier Issues in Ecological Economics
Ecological economics formally emerged in the late 1980s in response to the failure of mainstream economic paradigms to deal adequately with the interdependence of social, economic and ecological systems. Frontier Issues in Ecological Economics focuses on a range of cutting-edge issues in the field of ecological economics and outlines plausible measures to achieve a more sustainable, just, and efficient world for all.Covering a broad range of key subjects, this book deals with some of the frontier issues that have recently emerged in ecological economics and those that continue to remain a source of disagreement and debate. In doing so, the book highlights the importance of natural capital, the limits to growth and markets in achieving sustainable development, the policy-guiding value of sustainable development indicators, ecological tax reform considerations, environmental-macroeconomic issues such as the reconciliation of the ecological sustainability and full employment objectives, and measures to deal with growing globalisation concerns. The book concludes with the optimistic assessment that a transition to a steady-state economy - necessary to achieve sustainable development - is entirely compatible with a democratic-capitalist system.Philip Lawn's latest book will appeal to academics and researchers working in the areas of ecological, environmental and natural resource economics, sustainable development, green national accounting, environmental management and development studies. Policymakers, environmental managers and NGOs will also appreciate this book.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Dynamics of Regional Development: The Philippines in East Asia
A decade and a half since the Philippines embarked on a major program of decentralization, the authors of this book have undertaken a detailed examination of all aspects of the nation's regional dynamics and policies. Their analysis extends to comparable experiences in East Asia, particularly China and Indonesia. The lessons of this book are relevant not only for an audience interested in the Philippines - a large developing nation with a population soon to exceed 100 million people - but also for many other developing countries now embarking on decentralization programs. The book therefore has broad international appeal.The contributors focus on three main issues: Centre-region relations. While the decentralization program in the Philippines has been reasonably successful, they argue there is an urgent need for a clear, predictable, and stable regulatory environment that governs centre-region administrative and financial relations. Infrastructure. This is arguably the most important policy tool in shaping regional development patterns, yet decision-makers are rarely able to develop these investments on the basis of a coherent and integrated policy framework. The conflict in Mindanao. This deep and protracted conflict must be resolved for the benefit of the local and national population. This enlightening and topical book will appeal to postgraduate students of economic development, regional development/science, rural development, and Asian Studies. It will also attract the interest of researchers and practitioners in international development agencies, NGOs, and policymakers and legislators in developing countries.