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Peeters Publishers Aesthetic Autonomy: Problems and Perspectives
This volume contains a selection of essays presented at the international conference on Cultural Crises in Art and Literature, held in Groningen in November 2002, in a special session on the question of the autonomy of the arts. Do we witness, in western culture, the end of the autonomy of the arts as it has been conceptualized and institutionalized since the eighteenth century? Indeed, developments of quite a different nature seem to have contributed to a blurring of boundaries between art and non-art, art and the market, art and politics or ethics, as well as between the arts themselves, and between 'high' and 'low' art. Although this volume does not pretend to map this complex process in its entirety - partly because it is impossible to step out of one's own history - it is meant as a contribution to the elucidation of the process itself, offering some challenging explanations as to the heat of the current debate.
Editorial Kairos Luz Sobre los Yoga Sutras de Patanjali
B&H Publishing Group Gua esencial de la Biblia Un recorrido completo de todos los 66 libros de la Biblia
Harlequin Bestselling Author Collection Sierra's Homecoming & Montana Royalty: A 2-In-1 Collection
John Wiley & Sons Inc Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis
The definitive resource for psychological diagnosis, updated with the latest research Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis offers comprehensive coverage of psychological disorders and presents a balanced integration of empirical data and diagnostic criteria to aid in understanding diagnosis and psychopathology. Designed to support students of clinical psychology, counseling, nursing, and social work, this invaluable resource merges overviews, case studies, and examination of individual disorders in an accessible format that facilitates easy reference. Broad-reaching issues such as interviewing and cross cultural considerations are discussed in detail for their effect on the clinical presentation of every disorder and case studies illustrate how diagnoses are reached and applied in real-world clinical settings. Updated to reflect the latest advances in research, this new 8th Edition includes new coverage of personality disorders, a new chapter on the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDOC), new authors for a number of the chapters, and contributions by leaders in the field to provide students with exceptional insight into psychopathology and diagnosis. Get up to date on the latest research based on DSM-5 categorization Easily locate and retain information with a proven chapter structure Examine a new alternative DSM-5 model for personality disorders Include cross-cultural considerations throughout investigation and diagnosis In clarifying DSM-5 classification and diagnostic guidelines while integrating leading-edge research with a case study approach, this book provides the most complete, most up-to-date reference for graduate students and practitioners alike. Thorough coverage of essential topics such as neurological foundations, dual diagnoses, eating disorders, anxiety, gender issues and more provides both theoretical insight as well as practical understanding, making Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis once again a top resource for the field.
Princeton University Press How and Why Species Multiply: The Radiation of Darwin's Finches
Charles Darwin's experiences in the Galapagos Islands in 1835 helped to guide his thoughts toward a revolutionary theory: that species were not fixed but diversified from their ancestors over many generations, and that the driving mechanism of evolutionary change was natural selection. In this concise, accessible book, Peter and Rosemary Grant explain what we have learned about the origin and evolution of new species through the study of the finches made famous by that great scientist: Darwin's finches. Drawing upon their unique observations of finch evolution over a thirty-four-year period, the Grants trace the evolutionary history of fourteen different species from a shared ancestor three million years ago. They show how repeated cycles of speciation involved adaptive change through natural selection on beak size and shape, and divergence in songs. They explain other factors that drive finch evolution, including geographical isolation, which has kept the Galapagos relatively free of competitors and predators; climate change and an increase in the number of islands over the last three million years, which enhanced opportunities for speciation; and flexibility in the early learning of feeding skills, which helped species to exploit new food resources. Throughout, the Grants show how the laboratory tools of developmental biology and molecular genetics can be combined with observations and experiments on birds in the field to gain deeper insights into why the world is so biologically rich and diverse. Written by two preeminent evolutionary biologists, How and Why Species Multiply helps to answer fundamental questions about evolution--in the Galapagos and throughout the world.
S Chand & Co Ltd Grewals Accountancy: Common Proficiency Test
Nova Science Publishers Inc Order & Disorder in Polymer Reactivity
Plural Publishing Inc Atlas of Otoscopy
While written principally for otologists in training, this stunningly illustrated volume provides much information for audiologists in recognizing and understanding common and rare conditions such as cholesteatoma, perforations, aural polyps, middle ear effusion, bubbles, glomus tumour, and more. The authors demonstrate that careful examination of the external ear can yield a wealth of information pertaining to the condition of the external ear canal, the tympanic membrane and the middle ear, presenting a range of otoscopic images, each uniquely and clearly captioned and labeled to illuminate each illustration and the anomalies therein.
Marvel Comics Daredevil & Echo
Peeters Publishers Italiaanse Literatuur Na 1900. Deel 1: 1900-1945
"Italiaanse literatuur na 1900" is een tweedelig Nederlandstalig overzichtswerk waarin de belangrijkste auteurs en tendensen in de Italiaanse letterkunde van de twintigste eeuw behandeld worden. De Italiaanse letterkunde mag zich in het Nederlandse taalgebied verheugen in een grote belangstelling, maar vaak blijven lezers wat op hun honger zitten in hun zoektocht naar achtergrondinformatie bij hun lectuur. Dit overzichtswerk wil de lezer op een gestructureerde en kritische manier wegwijs maken in de Italiaanse letterkunde na 1900. De bijdragen zijn opgehangen aan een enkele auteur, die echter uitdrukkelijk binnen een ruimer literair en cultureel tijdskader gesitueerd wordt; in de meeste gevallen wordt ook ingegaan op de evolutie van de waardering en interpretatie van de verschillende auteurs. Op deze manier overstijgen de bijdragen in "Italiaanse literatuur na 1900" ook het niveau van louter encyclopedische informatie: ook wie op zoek is naar essentiele informatie omtrent een bepaalde auteur zal in dit boek beslist zijn gading vinden, maar de bijdragen plaatsen de geboden informatie in een breder kritisch perspectief. Een ruimer literair- en cultuurhistorisch kader wordt ook aangeboden in twee overzichtsbijdragen, die respectievelijk de Italiaanse literaire tijdschriften en de ontwikkeling van de literaire kritiek op het schiereiland behandelen. Alle bijdragen zijn geschreven door italianisten uit Belgie en Nederland, en worden afgesloten met een beknopte literatuurlijst, waarmee de lezer zelf aan de slag kan. De bibliografieen van de afzonderlijke auteurs vermelden ook alle min of meer courant in de boekhandel of bibliotheek beschikbare vertalingen in het Nederlands.In het eerste deel van "Italiaanse literatuur na 1900" komen auteurs aan bod waarvan het hele werk of minstens een belangrijk deel ervan gesitueerd is in de eerste helft van de twintigste eeuw, zoals Pirandello, Svevo, Marinetti, Ungaretti, Montale, Saba, Quasimodo, Gadda, Pavese en Moravia. Het eerste deel wordt afgesloten door twee overzichtsbijdragen die gewijd zijn aan Italiaanse literaire tijdschriften en aan de Italiaanse literaire kritiek van de twintigste eeuw.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd On the Foundations of Monopolistic Competition and Economic Geography: The Selected Essays of B. Curtis Eaton and Richard G. Lipsey
On the Foundations of Monopolistic Competition and Economic Geography presents important work by B. Curtis Eaton and Richard G. Lipsey on product differentiation, including studies of spatial differentiation and the industrial structures that give rise to this phenomenon.The book opens with an introductory overview essay and explains why the authors reject the neoclassical, competitive vision of the economy. The essays included cover issues such as: the theory of multinational plant location, product differentiation, monopoly, models of value theory, capital with special reference to entry and exit barriers and entry equilibrium, the existence of pure profit and the theory of market pre-emption.This volume will be welcomed by academics and researchers interested in the microeconomic issues of competition, monopoly, firm behaviour and markets.
Fonthill Media Ltd The East Coast Main Line 1939-1959: 2
In this second and final volume, the whole of the East Coast Main Line between King’s Cross and Edinburgh Waverley stations is examined closely, with a particular emphasis on the ways and structures: the line, stations, connections, yards, and other physical features. Interposed are accounts of the traffic at the principal stations (including connecting and branch line services) with observations on changes over the period 1939 to 1959. Some emphasis is placed on freight traffic on account of its importance and, perhaps, its relative unfamiliarity to the reader. The lines, stations, and many other elements are described as they were in August 1939, but as some plans on which they are based are dated before the late 1930s, there may be marginal differences from the precise layout in 1939.
Apple Academic Press Inc. Evolutionary Computation: Techniques and Applications
Edited by professionals with years of experience, this book provides an introduction to the theory of evolutionary algorithms and single- and multi-objective optimization, and then goes on to discuss to explore applications of evolutionary algorithms for many uses with real-world applications. Covering both the theory and applications of evolutionary computation, the book offers exhaustive coverage of several topics on nontraditional evolutionary techniques, details working principles of new and popular evolutionary algorithms, and discusses case studies on both scientific and real-world applications of optimization
University of Toronto Press Aiming to Explain: Theories of Policy Change and Canadian Gun Control
Firearms policy has periodically dominated Canadian politics since the late 1960s. Compared to the United States, however, there is little scholarship on firearms policy to the neighbouring north. Using Canadian firearms policy, Aiming to Explain examines five prominent policy process theories employed during the period from the 1989 Montreal Massacre to the 2012 cancellation of the universal firearms registry. Throughout, B. Timothy Heinmiller and Matthew A. Hennigar present rigorous applications of rational choice institutionalism, social constructivism, the advocacy coalition framework, the multiple streams framework, and punctuated equilibrium. The investigations draw on method-based best practices, while also making use of a wide range of data collection and analysis techniques, including inferential statistics, descriptive statistics, process tracing, congruence analysis, and qualitative content analysis. The goal of Aiming to Explain is not to select a single best theory, but to compare their relative strengths and weaknesses in an effort to direct future research and theoretical development efforts in the study of Canadian public policy.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Functional Textiles and Polymers: Fabrication, Processing and Applications
This book on advanced functional textiles and polymers will offer a comprehensive view of cutting-edge research in newly discovered areas such as flame retardant textiles, antimicrobial textiles, insect repellent textiles, aroma textiles, medical-textiles, smart textiles, and nano-textiles etc. The second part the book provides innovative fabrication strategies, unique methodologies and overview of latest novel agents employed in the research and development of functional polymers.
University of California Press Collected Ancient Greek Novels
Prose fiction, although not always associated with classical antiquity, flourished in the early Roman Empire, not only in realistic Latin novels but also and indeed principally in the Greek ideal romance of love and adventure. Enormously popular in the Renaissance, these stories have been less familiar in later centuries. Translations of the Greek stories were not readily available in English before B.P. Reardon’s first appeared in 1989.Nine complete stories are included here as well as ten others, encompassing the whole range of classical themes: romance, travel, adventure, historical fiction, and comic parody. A foreword by J.R. Morgan examines the enormous impact this groundbreaking collection has had on our understanding of classical thought and our concept of the novel.
Oxford University Press A History of the County of Chester: Volume I: Physique, Prehistory, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Domesday
This volume deals with aspects of the very early history of Cheshire. Successive chapters on Physique, Prehistory, the Roman Period, Anglo-Saxon Cheshire, and the Cheshire Domesday (an introduction and a translation of thetext) provide an outline of events up to the late 11th century. The deposition and evolution of the rocks and soils of the county provided the physical framework for human activity and the raw materials for man's exploitation.A notable instance is the beds of salt which have been worked at least from the Roman period and have caused subsidence in modern times; another is the Mid-Cheshire Ridge which has been a feature as much of the history asof the landscape of the county, with the dramatic site of Beeston castle showing evidence of significant occupation in successive ages. From cairns, barrows, and hillforts to arrowheads and beads, the evi-dence of prehistoric activity is comprehensively surveyed. In the Roman period the legionary fortress at Chester dominates the scene, but systematic consideration is also given to the evidence of civil settlement at Chester and elsewhere, of com-munications, and of industry. For the Anglo-Saxon period, archaeological, documentary, and place-name evidence is brought together to show the origins, associations, and organization of early English society in the county. That chapter leads naturally into the discussion of what can be learned from the Cheshire Domesday, which is evaluated within a wider context to which it brings new insights. Gazetteers supplement the discussion of archaeological sites andfinds, and an abundance of line drawings illustrates the text.
Insight Editions Endless Summer, Vol. 1: Dead Man's Curve
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Contemporary Surgical Management of Fractures and Complications: Volume 3 - Pediatrics
Contemporary Surgical Management of Fractures and Complications, Volume Three provides orthopaedic surgeons with the most up to date information on the treatment of paediatric fractures and avoidance of complications. Each of the twelve chapters presents a specific type of paediatric fracture, guiding surgeons step by step through the history, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, complications and their management. A complete chapter is dedicated to paediatric spine trauma and the importance of early diagnosis and appropriate management. Authored by internationally recognised experts from Pennsylvania, this comprehensive guide includes numerous clinical photographs, illustrations and tables. Volumes one and two, authored by Asif Ilyas and Saqib Rahman, also from Pennsylvania, published in March 2013. Key points Provides orthopaedic surgeons with most recent information on treatment of paediatric fractures Complete chapter dedicated to paediatric spine trauma Internationally recognised Pennsylvania-based authors Volumes one and two published in March 2013
IVP Academic Freeing Congregational Mission – A Practical Vision for Companionship, Cultural Humility, and Co–Development
Crossway Books The Emotional Life of Our Lord
In The Emotional Life of Our Lord, theologian B. B. Warfield explores Christ’s complex human emotions—such as anger, grief, and love—to help readers learn more about their compassionate Savior.
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Ambient Intelligence in Metropolitan Regions
Elsevier Science & Technology Quark-Gluon Plasma: Theoretical Foundations: An Annotated Reprint Collection
The purpose of this volume is to trace the development of the theoretical understanding of quark-gluon plasma, both in terms of theequation of state and thermal correlation functions and in terms ofits manifestation in high energy nuclear collisions. Who among us hasnot wondered how tall a mountain is on a neutron star, what happenswhen matter is heated and compressed to higher and higher densities,what happens when an object falls into a black hole, or what happenedeons ago in the early universe? The study of quark-gluon plasma is related in one way or another to these and other thought provoking questions. Oftentimes the most eloquent exposition is given in theoriginal papers. To this end a selection is made of what are themost important pioneering papers in this field. The early 1950s wasan era when high energy multiparticle production in cosmic rayinteractions attracted the attention of some of the brightest minds in physics, and so it should be no surprise that the first reprinted papers deal with the introduction of statistical models of particleproduction. The quark model arose in the 1960s, while QCD as suchwas recognized as the theory of the strong interactions in the1970's. The behavior of matter at high temperatures and supranucleardensities became of wide interest in the nuclear and particle physicscommunities starting in the 1970s, which is when the concept ofquark-gluon plasma became established. The history of the field hasbeen traced up to the early 1990s. There are three reasons forstopping at that point in time. First, most of the key theoreticalconcepts and formalisms arose before 1993, although many of themcontinue to be developed today and hopefully well into the future. Second, papers written after 1992 are much more readily availablethan those writen before due to the advent of the World Wide Web andits electronic preprint databases and journals. Finally, in makingthis collection of reprints available as hardcopy one is limited inthe number of pages, and some papers in the present selection shouldhave been deleted in order to make room for post-1993 papers. For thesame reason the subject focus must of necessity be limited, whichmeans that in this reprint collection two wide subject areas are not addressed: the behavior of nuclear matter under extreme conditionsis not reported, nor is quark matter in neutron stars. The broadcategories into which the material has been placed, reflect thediverse studies of quark-gluon plasma and its manifestation. They are: phase-space models of particle production, perturbative QCDplasma, lattice gauge theory, fluid dynamics and flow, strangeness, heavy flavor (charm), electromagnetic signals, parton cascade andminijets, parton energy loss and jet quenching, Hanbury Brown--Twiss(HBT) interferometry, disoriented chiral condensates, phasetransition dynamics and cosmology, and color superconductivity. Eachchapter is prefaced by an introduction, which contains a list ofsignificant papers which is more complete than the reprinted papers,though by no means exhaustive. It also contains citations to mostrelevant papers published up to the date of completion of this volume(fall 2002). It is hoped that the short reviews will help bring thereader up to date on the latest developments. The selection ofpapers cited in each chapter, and in particular the ones selected forreprinting, is solely the responsibility of the Editors. It is basedon their best judgement and experience in this field dating back tothe mid-1970s. In order to be reprinted a paper must have beenpioneering in the sense of originality and impact on the field.Generally they have been cited over a hundred times by other paperspublished in refereed journals. The final selection was reviewed anddiscussed among the Editors repeatedly. Just because a paper is not included does not mean they do not know of it or do not have a highregard for it. All of the papers cited or reprinted are originalresearch contributions. There are three other types of publicationslisted. The first is a compilation of books. The second is a listof reviews, many of which contain a significant amount of original material. The third is a list of the proceedings of the series ofQuark Matter meetings, the primary series of internationalconferences in this field that is attended by both theorists andexperimentalists.
Five Continents Editions Fabienne Verdier: The Song of Stars
This volume documents the show The Song of the Stars, a solo exhibition of paintings by French artist Fabienne Verdier (b.1962) at the Musée Unterlinden in Colmar. Her work is presented alongside ancient and modern art in the museum’s permanent collection, creating a kind of dialogue between the two. The central body of work reproduced here, Rainbows, was inspired by the range of colour and the aura of light in the Issenheim Altarpiece by Matthias Grünewald, one of the highlights of the museum’s holdings. In 66 works in the Rainbows series, Verdier reflects on the depiction of death no longer seen as an ending but rather as a trace of energy that is released for the living. The connection between man and cosmos, and the vital energy of the universe, is the theme at the heart of this work. Text in English and French.
Aarhus University Press Future Challenges: For Health & Healthcare in Europe
Nova Science Publishers Inc Immune Modulation by Probiotics: State of the Art
John Libbey & Co Infections & Haemorrhage in Acute Leukaemia
PG Online Limited MathsPractice Edexcel GCSE Maths Foundation 1MA1: 2021
Absolute clarity is the aim with a new generation of practice guide. This guide has been expertly compiled and edited by successful teachers of Mathematics and highly experienced examiners. Design plays a key role in making the subject feel accessible to everyone with simple, clear examples and questions. Practising questions repeatedly is essential to good preparation, improving understanding and confidence. This guide has combined revision with tips and more practice questions than you could shake a stick at. All the essential ingredients for getting a grade you can be proud of. Each specification topic has been referenced and exemplified, with questions of graduated difficulty to provide the perfect level of challenge every step of the way.
Peeters Publishers Zeger-Bernard Van Espen: At the Crossroads of Canon Law, History, Theology and Church-state Relations
The volume contains the text of 23 papers read at the colloquium (Louvain, 21st-23rd September 2000) on Zeger-Bernard van Espen (1646-1728), the most important canonist of the ancient Louvain University.Several contributions seek to gauge the influence of Van Espen in a number of European countries: France, Italy, Spain, the German Empire and the United Provinces. Van Espen's influence was not merely investigated from a geographical perspective. The question was also raised as to how well his ideas survived the passage of time. How was Van Espen viewed in the 19th century? How was he used or misused?Hitherto, those who inquired into the personality and work of Van Espen have treated him almost exclusively from a 'Jansenist' perspective. The present volume seeks to break through this one-sidedness by approaching the man and his work from a legal and theological viewpoint, and from that of canon law and ecclesiology.From Gratian's "Concordia discordantium canonum" to Van Espen's "Separando certa ab incertis explicare et conciliare": the Louvain canonist was eminently aware of the canonical tradition within which he developed and formulated his ideas. More than being a Jansenist or a regalist or a Gallican, Van Espen was a jurist, who thought and reasoned on the basis of the law and structures of the Church. The protection of "that which is right", including the subjective rights of clerics and lay people, was his subject, his goal and his duty. On the basis of a sincere scientific, historical and philological approach to canon law, he came to conclusions which did not necessarily correspond to Rome's views on Church and State, moral theology, law and ecclesiology. This is not merely attributable to his Jansenist, rigorist, Gallican and regalist prejudices in these sensitive areas, but, probably to a greater extent than has been assumed hitherto, to his training as an academic, as a jurist, and as a canonist.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Research Agenda for Governance
Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary.This incisive Research Agenda for Governance draws together unique contributions from leading scholars to examine the two distinct models of governance: the traditional model, based on the state and exercise of control through law and bureaucracy, and an alternative model centred on the collaboration of public and private sector actors.Introducing the essential principles and rationale of these alternative models of governance, both of which can be seen operating at all levels of government in democratic as well as non-democratic regimes, the chapters evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the two systems. Drawing conclusions from critical areas of inquiry, including multi-level governance, the nature of governance in democratic and authoritarian regimes, and digital innovations in governance, the book offers a richly detailed insight into the respective workings of the models of governing by control and by collaboration.This Research Agenda will be an invaluable resource for academics and graduate students of public policy, regulation and governance, and public administration management. Its measured consideration of the possibilities for enhancing public innovation via alternative models of governance will also be of significant interest to employees within the public sector.
Current Medicine,U.S. Gynecology for the Primary Care Physician
Thoroughly illustrated, this second edition provides the primary care physician with detailed information on the most commonly encountered clinical situations and the most frequently asked questions. The chapters address everything the primary care physician will regularly face and will need to know about the breast, pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, contraception, infertility, gynecologic cancers, urogynecology and gynecology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Autonomous and Connected Vehicles: Network Architectures from Legacy Networks to Automotive Ethernet
AUTONOMOUS AND CONNECTED VEHICLES Discover the latest developments in autonomous vehicles and what the future holds for this exciting technology In Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, networking experts Dominique Paret and Hassina Rebaine deliver a robust exploration of the major technological changes taking place in the field, and describe the different levels of autonomy possible with current technologies and the legal and regulatory contexts in which new autonomous vehicles will circulate. The book also includes discussions of the sensors, including infrared, ultrasound, cameras, lidar, and radar, used by modern autonomous vehicles. Readers will enjoy the intuitive descriptions of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), network architectures (CAN-FD, FlexRay, and Backbone Ethernet), and software that power current and future autonomous vehicles. The authors also discuss how ADAS can be fused with data flowing over newer and faster network architectures and artificial intelligence to create greater levels of autonomy. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to the buzz and hype surrounding autonomous and connected vehicles, including a brief history of the autonomous vehicle Comprehensive explorations of common issues affecting autonomous and connected vehicles, including regulatory guidelines, legislation, relevant norms and standards, and insurance issues Practical discussions of autonomous vehicle sensors, from DAS to ADAS and HADAS, and VA L3 to L5 In-depth examinations of networks and architecture, including discussions of data fusion, artificial intelligence, and hardware architecture in vehicles Perfect for graduate and undergraduate students in programs dealing with the intersection of wireless communication technologies and vehicles, Autonomous and Connected Vehicles is also a must-read reference for industry professionals and researchers seeking a one-stop reference for the latest developments in vehicle communications technology.
Baker Publishing Group Perspectives on Paul – Five Views
This five-views work brings together an all-star lineup of Pauline scholars to offer a constructive, interdenominational, up-to-date conversation on key issues of Pauline theology. The editors begin with an informative recent history of biblical tradition related to the perspectives on Paul. John M. G. Barclay, A. Andrew Das, James D. G. Dunn, Brant Pitre, and Magnus Zetterholm then discuss how to interpret Paul's writings and theology, especially the apostle's view of salvation. The book concludes with an assessment of the perspectives from a pastoral point of view by Dennis Edwards.
Palgrave Macmillan Arab Nationalism: A Critical Enquiry
In this new edition Professor Tibi analyses the impact and function of nationalism and its contribution to social and political change in the Third World, taking the rise of nationalism in the Middle East as a historical example. He concentrates on the period after the First World War, when many Arab intellectuals became disillusioned with Britain and France as a result of the occupation of their countries. Professor Tibi's careful study of the writings and influence of Sati' al-Husri illustrates the connection between modern Arab nationalism and nineteenth century German Romantic nationalism, which will be of particular interest to the English reader. Professor Tibi concludes that while nationalism has played a necessary and important role in the movement for national independence in the Middle East, it has since developed into an ideology which seems to obstruct further social and political emancipation. This book will be of particular interest to historians and social scientists as well as to specialists in the area itself.
Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi Uitgevers/Publishers) OASE 104
Peeters Publishers Pictograms or Pseudo Script?: Non-textual Identity Marks in Practical Use in Ancient Egypt and Elsewhere. Proceedings of a Conference in Leiden, 19-20 December 2006
Marking systems such as masons' marks, property marks, pot marks, quarry marks and team marks confront us with the large variation in the use of graphic signs. They are often similar to writing, yet they are not script in the strictest sense of the word. The practical purposes of marks include claims to property and responsibilities, both individual and collective, for which also regular scripts are used. The marking systems are seen to operate in combination with writing, but frequently also in isolation. In societies that use writing, the marks appear to be strongly influenced by it: their shapes are often identical and they may be similarly arranged in lines or columns. In this sense the marking systems may be called a pseudo script, for in spite of their resemblance to writing, the signs remain mere pictograms. This volume brings together for the first time the results of research on practical marking systems in ancient Egypt and other cultures, making it possible to define the common characteristics of their appearance and their uses. It is the result of a conference hosted by the Egyptology Department at Leiden University in 2006. The great geographical and chronological range covered by the volume, the sign corpora added to many of the contributions, and the indices also make it the first important reference work on this intriguing topic.
Peeters Publishers Bilinguisme Et Terminologie Grammaticale Greco-latine
Les 21 contributions dans ce volume traitent de problemes historiques, philologiques, methodologiques (et epistemologiques) dans l'etude de la relation entre bilinguisme (ou diglossie) et terminologie grammaticale, dans l'Antiquite, au Moyen Age et a la Renaissance. La discussion de problemes methodologiques, dans les sept premieres contributions, a trait a la constitution, au developpement, a la transformation (et deformation) de la terminologie grammaticale, ou a des phenomenes de transfert terminologique. Les huit etudes qui suivent examinent le fonctionnement de la terminologie grammaticale en contexte bilingue, et l'evolution de la terminologie greco-latine de la phonetique et de la prosodie. Ensuite, trois contributions ont pour sujet la conception de l'analogie et de la proportion(nalite) dans les traditions grecque et latine. Les trois derniers articles etudient la reception et l'adaptation de la terminologie grammaticale greco-latine au Moyen Age et a la Renaissance. Le volume se termine par trois index (noms propres, termes grecs et latins, concepts). - Les contributions sont en francais, anglais, espagnol et italien. The 21 contributions in this volume deal with historical, philological, and methodological issues in the relationship between bilingualism (or diglossia) and grammatical terminology in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Seven papers deal with philological and methodological topics linked with the constitution, development, transformation and disfigurement of grammatical terminology, and with phenomena of terminological transfer and remodelling. The eight case-studies that follow deal with the functioning of grammatical terminology in a bilingual context, and with the evolution of Greco-Latin terminology concerning phonetics and prosody. Three other papers deal with the reception and adaptation of Greek and Latin grammatical terminology in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The volume is rounded off with indices of names, of Greek and Latin terms, and of concepts. - Contributions are in English, French, Italian, and Spanish.
Brepols N.V. Ludwig Senfl (C.1490-1543): A Catalogue Raisonne of the Works and Sources: Vol. 1: Catalogue of the Works
Springer Verlag, Singapore Bio-Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials: Mechanical, Thermal and Tribological Properties
This book provides an overview on the latest technology and applications of bio-based fiber composite materials. It covers the mechanical and thermal properties of bio-fibers for polymeric resins and explains the different pre-treatment methods used by the researchers for the enhancement. In addition, this book also presents a complete analysis on the tribological behavior of bio-fiber reinforced polymer composites to appreciate the friction and wear behavior. This book would be a handy to the industrial practitioners and researchers in the direction of achieving optimum design for the components made of natural fiber based polymer matrix composites.
CABI Publishing Biological Indicators of Soil Health
Maintaining soil health is fundamental to successful crop production and ecosystem sustainability. To enable effective management soil health must first be measured and then monitored and so the authors review and evaluate how soil organisms can be used to fulfil this role. This book is essential for all soil scientists and consultants. It is of particular relevance to those involved in soil health monitoring and maintenance as well as those undertaking soil remediation. It is also important reading for agronomists, ecologists and environmentalists. This book is a comprehensive and effective resource for all those working to sustain healthy soils.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Immunoassays: Essential Data
This handy, pocket-sized guide provides quick and easy access to key information on immunoassays, saving readers valuable time. Coverage includes an explanation of terms, classification of assay types, separation techniques, radiolabelled immunoassays, enzyme, fluorescent and chemiluminescent systems, agglutination methods, immunosenors and equipment.
Samfundslitteratur Human-Machine Interaction in Translation: Proceedings of the 8th International NLPCS Workshop
Harvard Business Review Press The Experience Economy, With a New Preface by the Authors: Competing for Customer Time, Attention, and Money
Time is limited. Attention is scarce. Are you engaging your customers?Apple Stores, Disney, LEGO, Starbucks. Do these names conjure up images of mere goods and services, or do they evoke something more--something visceral?Welcome to the Experience Economy, where businesses must form unique connections in order to secure their customers' affections--and ensure their own economic vitality.This seminal book on experience innovation by Joe Pine and Jim Gilmore explores how savvy companies excel by offering compelling experiences for their customers, resulting not only in increased customer allegiance but also in a more profitable bottom line. Translated into thirteen languages, The Experience Economy has become a must-read for leaders of enterprises large and small, for-profit and nonprofit, global and local.Now with a brand-new preface, Pine and Gilmore make an even stronger case for experiences as the critical link between a company and its customers in an increasingly distractible and time-starved world. Filled with detailed examples and actionable advice, The Experience Economy helps companies create personal, dramatic, and even transformative experiences, offering the script from which managers can generate value in ways aligned with a strong customer-centric strategy.