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John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Magnetic Materials
Introduction to Magnetic Materials, 2nd Edition covers the basics of magnetic quantities, magnetic devices, and materials used in practice. While retaining much of the original, this revision now covers SQUID and alternating gradient magnetometers, magnetic force microscope, Kerr effect, amorphous alloys, rare-earth magnets, SI Units alongside cgs units, and other up-to-date topics. In addition, the authors have added an entirely new chapter on information materials. The text presents materials at the practical rather than theoretical level, allowing for a physical, quantitative, measurement-based understanding of magnetism among readers, be they professional engineers or graduate-level students.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Introduction to Stochastic Calculus
This book sheds new light on stochastic calculus, the branch of mathematics that is most widely applied in financial engineering and mathematical finance. The first book to introduce pathwise formulae for the stochastic integral, it provides a simple but rigorous treatment of the subject, including a range of advanced topics. The book discusses in-depth topics such as quadratic variation, Ito formula, and Emery topology. The authors briefly addresses continuous semi-martingales to obtain growth estimates and study solution of a stochastic differential equation (SDE) by using the technique of random time change. Later, by using Metivier–Pellaumail inequality, the solutions to SDEs driven by general semi-martingales are discussed. The connection of the theory with mathematical finance is briefly discussed and the book has extensive treatment on the representation of martingales as stochastic integrals and a second fundamental theorem of asset pricing. Intended for undergraduate- and beginning graduate-level students in the engineering and mathematics disciplines, the book is also an excellent reference resource for applied mathematicians and statisticians looking for a review of the topic.
Freshamedia Timmi Tobbson Young Explorers 3 Book Set
Wisdom Publications,U.S. Buddhahood Without Meditation: Volume 2: Volume 2
Flowerpot Press The Buddy Bench
Harlequin Bestselling Author Collection Shotgun Surrender & Stone Cold Texas Ranger
Liberty Fund Inc Socialism & War: Essays, Documents & Reviews
Waterbrook Press (A Division of Random House Inc) Rising to the Call of Leadership
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Connect 1-Semester Access Card for Microeconomics
MC - De Gruyter 17931843
Taylor & Francis Ltd MRCS Picture Questions: Bk. 1
This book is an in-depth and practical guide to the problems alcohol can cause and the professional interventions that can help. It covers the impact of alcohol on various types of individuals and in various circumstances. It explores a variety of perspectives as well as physical spiritual social and legal issues. The book outlines the range of problems shows how they can be identified and examines appropriate approaches from different professional groups. A group of renowned international contributors has written Alcohol Use in a clear style to ensure the book is accessible and easy to use. It makes full use of case studies charts and self-assessment tools and a to learn more section points the reader to advanced forms of study. It is an essential resource for professionals working in this area and those considering entering it. 'The need to disseminate findings and the challenge to provide clear and relevant resources has been successfully met by this book. It allows the impact of alcohol use at various points along the life span as well as a variety of treatment and therapeutic options. In addition multiple learning devices such as interactive exercises self-assessment tools and case studies enhance the engagement of the reader. The author's provide the reader with a variety of national perspetives address such diverse and important areas as transcultural workplace and community issues. Healthcare professionals everywhere should feel encouraged by this book and the promise it offers for informed and effective care.' Olga Maranjian Church in the Foreword
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook of Policy Design
This visionary Research Handbook presents the state of the art in research on policy design. By conceiving policy design both as a theoretical and a methodological framework, it provides scholars and practitioners with guidance on understanding policy problems and devising accurate solutions.Chapters discuss the major approaches to policy design as well as the challenges that confront policy designers and academics interested in improving this framework. More than 40 expert contributors operationalise the policy design framework around different models of causation, evaluation, instrumentation and intervention to explain and improve policy outcomes. This framework sheds new light on the nature of policy problems and the means to address these problems, while also explaining if and how a policy fits into the broader social and political environment. The Research Handbook considers not only the process of designing, and the roles that individuals and institutions play in the political process of revising and creating new policies, but also the outcome of the designing process: policy design as a plan for action.Providing a practical alternative to the conventional theories of the policy process like the policy cycle, this Research Handbook will be critical reading for scholars and students of public policy, political theory and public administration and management. It will also be beneficial for policy makers interested in improving the ways in which they formulate public policies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Comparative Policy Analysis
This timely Handbook offers a wide-ranging examination of contemporary comparative policy analysis (CPA), advancing the understanding of methodology in the study of comparative public policies, and broadening the array of methods and techniques deployed by scholars in the field. Internationally acclaimed contributors overcome the current concentration on quantitative techniques, engaging with a more conscious and comprehensive selection of methods to improve the quality of CPA. Providing an overview of the major theoretical issues currently under discussion in CPA and the methodological shift in social sciences, this Handbook argues for the utilization of a range of alternative approaches to maximize the utility of the research. Far-reaching and comprehensive, this Handbook offers an insightful overview of methods for researchers of CPA looking to broaden their methodological repertoire. It will also be useful for students of public policy and the social sciences in need of a guide to contemporary research methods and applications. Contributors include: C. Anckar, D. Beach, L. Chaqués-Bonafont, D. Dickson, K. Dowding, A.S. Dubé, W.N. Dunn, T. Erkkilä, G. Fontaine, I. Geva-May, F. Gilardi, A.D. Henry, D.C. Hoffman, K. Ingold, G. Jaramillo, P. John, M.D. Jones, A. Kay, P. Marier, A. Molenveld, J. Muhleisen, D. Nohrstedt, R. Pacheco-Vega, B.G. Peters, O. Porto de Oliveira, J. Schnepf, H.B. Seeberg, A. Smith-Walter, E. Thomann, J. Tosun, C.M. Weible, B. Wüest
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Comparative Policy Analysis
This timely Handbook offers a wide-ranging examination of contemporary comparative policy analysis (CPA), advancing the understanding of methodology in the study of comparative public policies, and broadening the array of methods and techniques deployed by scholars in the field. Internationally acclaimed contributors overcome the current concentration on quantitative techniques, engaging with a more conscious and comprehensive selection of methods to improve the quality of CPA. Providing an overview of the major theoretical issues currently under discussion in CPA and the methodological shift in social sciences, this Handbook argues for the utilization of a range of alternative approaches to maximize the utility of the research. Far-reaching and comprehensive, this Handbook offers an insightful overview of methods for researchers of CPA looking to broaden their methodological repertoire. It will also be useful for students of public policy and the social sciences in need of a guide to contemporary research methods and applications. Contributors include: C. Anckar, D. Beach, L. Chaqués-Bonafont, D. Dickson, K. Dowding, A.S. Dubé, W.N. Dunn, T. Erkkilä, G. Fontaine, I. Geva-May, F. Gilardi, A.D. Henry, D.C. Hoffman, K. Ingold, G. Jaramillo, P. John, M.D. Jones, A. Kay, P. Marier, A. Molenveld, J. Muhleisen, D. Nohrstedt, R. Pacheco-Vega, B.G. Peters, O. Porto de Oliveira, J. Schnepf, H.B. Seeberg, A. Smith-Walter, E. Thomann, J. Tosun, C.M. Weible, B. Wüest
Scholastic US Juggling (Klutz)
These are the world's most user-tested juggling directions, taking readers from the absolute beginning (Step One: The Drop) all the way to Five-Object Juggling. The instructions are friendly, humorous and so understandable they set a still-current industry standard for anyone-can-do-it clarity. This title includes re-styled juggling cubes and storage bags.
Shambhala Publications Inc The Seven-Point Mind Training: A Tibetan Method for Cultivating Mind and Heart
Human Kinetics Publishers Social Issues in Sport
This is the loose-leaf version of Social Issues in Sport, Fourth Edition, which offers students a less expensive, printed version of the text.Social Issues in Sport, Fourth Edition With HKPropel Access, introduces students to the study of sport as a social phenomenon. It explores current trends in sport and examines complex connections between sport and politics, economics, religion, race, gender, youth, and more. Author Ronald Woods draws on his experience of more than 40 years as a professor, coach, and sport administrator to explore modern sport from historical and cultural perspectives. New coauthor B. Nalani Butler offers a fresh perspective to the study of sport from an emerging generation of Black female scholars. She draws on her background as an athlete and professor, and leverages her international experience from working with the Center for Sport, Peace and Society and the International Olympic Academy (IOA). The text’s presentation style, full-color design, and ample learning tools are designed to keep students engaged.Social Issues in Sport, Fourth Edition, addresses the Common Professional Component topics outlined by the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA). The text remains grounded in practical application and provides opportunities for students to examine real-world issues through the lens of social theory. The fourth edition also features the following enhancements: Online learning tools delivered through HKPropel: case studies on current events, video lectures, and essay and multiple-choice questions to support applied learning and encourage critical thinking Increased emphasis on emerging issues such as sport wagering, the use of social protest by athletes, sexual harassment of or by athletes, and sport safety Discussions on the rise in popularity of esports and on the exploding influence of social media on athletes, spectators, and fans Updated sidebars that address current topics such as the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on sport, offering a contemporary context to which students can apply the concepts in the text Social Issues in Sport, Fourth Edition, is streamlined into three parts, maintaining an accessible and student-friendly format that aligns with a 16-week semester. Part I sets the stage for studying sport from a sociological perspective by defining key terms and presenting crucial social theories. This section examines participation in sport, from spectators to performers, and explores sport economics through sport management, sport marketing, and sport media. Part II discusses sport institutions at all levels, from youth sport to Olympic competition. Part III is devoted to current issues and critically analyzes the effects of gender, race, economic status, religion, and government on sport. It also offers a detailed look at both ethics and deviance in sport.Social Issues in Sport, Fourth Edition, provides the foundations for critically examining the multifaceted roles of sport and physical activity in society. The information and activities offered by the text invite students to evaluate the sociocultural issues intertwined with sport and relate these themes to their own lives. Through this in-depth examination of sociocultural issues, students will be able to understand and appreciate the development of sport as a part and reflection of our society. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.
Random House USA Inc Feral
Tuttle Publishing Indian Childrens Favorite Stories
Little, Brown & Company Swamp Scarefest!
Twins Aidan and Olivia live in a desolate house on the edge of a dirty, swampy lake. School is out for the summer and with no other kids around, the twins crave some excitement, so they convince their parents to let them camp out by the lakeshore one spooky night under a full moon. Aidan loves to scare his sister and has plenty of funny tricks up his sleeve to creep her out during the campout. But little does he know, Olivia has unwittingly unleashed a swamp monster, courtesy of the Scaremaster, and so the scares that happen during their camp out won't be pretend... and they won't be funny! Can Aidan and Olivia outrace and outsmart the monster and the Scaremaster?For fans of Goosebumps, Eerie Elementary, and the Haunted Library series, B.A. Frade brings frightfully funny tales to life in this thrilling new series.
Shree Publishers & Distributors Public Sector Reforms in India
Deep & Deep Publications Qualitative Education for Tribals: Agenda and Problems
Scientific Publishers Journals Dept Coactions and Competition in Higher Plants
Good & True Media Homer's The Odyssey: A Poetic Primer
Andrews UK Limited The Vigilante Tooth-Fairy
Paiboon Publishing,Thailand Lao for Beginners
Lifeway Christian Resources Biblia Peshitta tapa dura Revisada y aumentada
Biblia basada en el texto Peshitta, un antiguo manuscrito bíblico en arameo, el idioma del Señor Jesús y Sus apóstoles. El resurgimiento del interés actual por el arameo bíblico se manifiesta principalmente en la traducción del texto Peshitta al español. Este texto, obra cumbre de la literatura aramea, dejó registrado para la posteridad el mensaje del evangelio en un idioma claro, sencillo y directo, que es el significado de 'Peshitta'. El lector encontrará notas explicativas a pasajes de relevancia. Bible based on the Peshitta text, an ancient Bible manuscript written in Aramaic, the language spoken by our Lord Jesus and His apostles. The current renewed interest in Biblical Aramaic is mainly conveyed by the translation of the Peshitta text into Spanish. This work, the ultimate masterpiece in Aramaic literature, left the message of the gospel and the apostles as a historical record in a 'clear, simple, straightforwa
Les Belles Lettres Diodore de Sicile, Bibliotheque Historique: Tome III: Livre III
Lifeway Christian Resources RV 1909 Biblia Clsica con Referencia negro imitacin piel
La Biblia Clásica con Referencias RVR 1909 es el regalo perfecto para todos aquellos que aman la tan confiable edición 1909 de las Escrituras en la tradicional versión Reina-Valera. Características: Palabras de Cristo en rojo, subtítulos en cada página, referencias en columna central, concordancia temática de 68 páginas, plan de salvación, mapas a todo color, página de presentación con registro familiar, cinta marcadora (en edición imitación piel). The R e in a- V a l era 1909 Cl a ssi c R e f ere n ce Bi b l e is a perfect gift for anyone who loves the trusted 1909 edition of the Scriptures in the traditional Reina-Valera version. Features:Words of Christ in red, topical subheads, center column references, 68-page topical concordance, plan of salvation, full-color maps, presentation page and family register, ribbon marker (in imitation leather).
Lifeway Christian Resources RVR 1960 Biblia para Regalos y Premios azul turquesa smil piel
This Gift & Award Bible features a full-color end leaf presentation page to help make any special occasionextra special. Features:• Words of Christ in red• Topical subheadings• Presentation page• 62-page concordance• Full-color maps (except hardcover)• Plan of Salvation Esta Biblia para Regalos y Premios incluye una página de presentación a todo color para que esa ocasión especial sea inolvidable. Características:• Palabras de Cristo en rojo• Subtítulos temáticos• Página de presentación• Concordancia de 62 páginas• Mapas a todo color(excepto en tapa dura)• Plan de salvación
Broadman & Holman Publishers Qué dice la Biblia sobre el perdón: Principales versículos bíblicos sobre el perdón
Broadman & Holman Publishers Promesas Bíblicas de Esperanza y Valor: Promesas de Dios para Tiempos de Dolor, Miedo y Desesperanza
Broadman & Holman Publishers Atributos de Dios: Aspectos fundamentales sobre quién es Dios
Broadman & Holman Publishers El Bautismo
Deep & Deep Publications Trade, Finance and Development
Institute for Justice and Reconciliation Peace in the balance: The crisis in Sudan
The ongoing crisis in Sudan is characteristic of the many challenges of nation-building on the African continent. Yet it has unique dynamics. The legacy of exploitative colonial rule, racialised marginalisation of the majority of its people, ethnic and religious divisions, and a state with a high capacity for repression but little propensity for extending protection and consensual rule to the majority of its population, has resulted in extended conflict. Current attempts to end half a century of war, instability and state repression have led to a fragile peace. Sustaining this peace will demand all the efforts of national, regional and international actors. This title is an attempt to trace the origins of the problems, the ongoing conflicts and the huge challenges confronting the efforts to bring peace and reconciliation to Sudan.
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Hanahan
Simon & Schuster The Boy Who Cried Wolf
"Nothing ever happens here," the shepherd thinks. But the bored boy knows what would be exciting: He cries that a wolf is after his sheep, and the town's people come running. How often can that trick work, though? B.G. Hennessy's retelling of this timeless fable is infused with fanciful whimsy through Boris Kulikov's hilarious and ingenious illustrations. This tale is sure to leave readers grinning sheepishly.
Hal Leonard Corporation B.B. King & Eric Clapton: Riding with the King
Guilford Publications Handbook of Implicit Social Cognition: Measurement, Theory, and Applications
Virtually every question in social psychology is currently being shaped by the concepts and methods of implicit social cognition. This tightly edited volume provides the first comprehensive overview of the field. Foremost authorities synthesize the latest findings on how automatic, implicit, and unconscious cognitive processes influence social judgments and behavior. Cutting-edge theories and data are presented in such crucial areas as attitudes, prejudice and stereotyping, self-esteem, self-concepts, close relationships, and morality. Describing state-of-the-art measurement procedures and research designs, the book discusses promising applications in clinical, forensic, and other real-world contexts. Each chapter both sums up what is known and identifies key directions for future research.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Advances in Dual Integral Equations
The effectiveness of dual integral equations for handling mixed boundary value problems has established them as an important tool for applied mathematicians. Their many applications in mathematical physics have prompted extensive research over the last 25 years, and many researchers have made significant contributions to the methodology of solving and to the applications of dual integral equations. However, until now, much of this work has been available only in the form of research papers scattered throughout different journals.In Advances in Dual Integral Equations, the authors systematically present some of the recent developments in dual integral equations involving various special functions as kernel. They examine dual integral equations with Bessel, Legendre, and trigonometric functions as kernel plus dual integral equations involving inverse Mellin transforms. These can be particularly useful in studying certain mixed boundary value problems involving homogeneous media in continuum mechanics. However, when dealing with problems involving non-homogenous media, the corresponding equations may have different kernels. This application prompts the authors to conclude with a discussion of hybrid dual integral equations-mixed kernels with generalized associated Legendre functions and mixed kernels involving Bessel functions.Researchers in the theory of elasticity, fluid dynamics, and mathematical physics will find Advances in Dual Integral Equations a concise, one-stop resource for recent work addressing special functions as kernel.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Open and Closed Systems
This is the first unified treatment of the properties of thermodynamically open and closed systems. It provides the theory and methodology that are necessary to understand nonlinear processes. The section on Classical Systems covers topics ranging from the evolution of probability to open and closed systems and non-Hamiltonian systems. The concluding section on Quantum Systems is equally detailed, treating the evolution of quantum systems, c-number fluctuations and operator fluctuations. The material covered is applicable to weather systems, ocean currents, dye lasers and many other nonequilibrium systems. The text is also suitable for students in graduate course. Numerous physical chemical examples facilitate self-study.
Little, Brown & Company Werewolf Weekend
Don't make the same mistake Emma made. Don't read my book. Signed,The Scaremaster... Don't say I didn't warn you.Twelve-year-old Emma is excited to spend a night away at best friend Samantha's house for an epic sleepover with Sam's very chic out-of-town cousins - but when the cousins turns out to have a creepy secret, it's up to Emma to solve this wolfish mystery, race against the clock to outwit the Scaremaster, and stop a werewolf in her tracks.For fans of Goosebumps, Eerie Elementary, and the Haunted Library series, debut pseudonymous author B.A. Frade brings frightfully funny tales to life in this new middle grade series.
ISTE Editions Ltd Contrle Et PrcVention Des Risques Biologiques AssocicS La Contamination Des Aliments Transformation Distribution Et Utilisation Par Le Consommateur
Laxmi Publications Manufacturing Technology - I
John Libbey Eurotext Diode Lasers in Neurosurgery
Shambhala Publications Inc Dreaming Yourself Awake: Lucid Dreaming and Tibetan Dream Yoga for Insight and Transformation