Search results for ""Vertical""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation and Production Ecosystems
“We do not know where Silicon Valley is really located”, Feldman writes, because these types of organization, when they are dynamic, are moving and fluid. Innovation and production ecosystems or clusters are proliferating today because they seem to be adapted to the demands of innovation, growth and employment. The process leading to their institutionalization escapes a summary analysis of the behavior triggered by monetary incentives or, at the very least, makes it richer. The relational aspect becomes predominant, the interactions between the participants testify to the difficulty of separating the geographical and social dimensions. In the most prominent American clusters, public/private linkages and the building of social links express the centrality of networks in the innovation process. The European vision seeks to articulate entrepreneurial discoveries with vertical public interventions. The competitiveness poles in France suffer from the fact that public choices seem to be torn between two contradictory objectives: efficiency and equity.
Simon & Schuster The Future of Us
A fascinating look at the cutting-edge science and technologies that are on the cusp of changing everything from where we’ll live, how we’ll look, and who we’ll be, by the popular science broadcaster and bestselling author Jay Ingram.Where will we live? How will we get around? What will we look like? These are just some of the questions bestselling author and popular science broadcaster Jay Ingram answers in this exciting examination of the science and technologies that will affect every aspect of human life. In these pages, Ingram explores the future of our technological civilization. He reports on cutting-edge research in organ and limb regeneration, advances in prosthetics, the merging of the human and the synthetic, and gene editing. Vertical farming and lab-grown food might help feed millions and alleviate pressure on the planet. Cities could accommodate green space and the long-awaited flying car. Finally, he speculates on the futur
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Siblings: Sex and Violence
Siblings and all the lateral relationships that follow from them are clearly important and their interaction is widely observed, particularly in creative literature. Yet in the social, psychological and political sciences, there is no theoretical paradigm through which we might understand them. In the Western world our thought is completely dominated by a vertical model, by patterns of descent or ascent: mother or father to child, or child to parent. Yet our ideals are ‘liberty, equality and fraternity’ or the ‘sisterhood’ of feminism; our ethnic wars are the violence of ‘fratricide’. When we grow up, siblings feature prominently in sex, violence and the construction of gender differences but they are absent from our theories. This book examines the reasons for this omission and begins the search for a new paradigm based on siblings and lateral relationships. This book will be essential reading for those studying sociology, psychoanalysis and gender studies. It will also appeal to a wide general readership.
Greystone Books,Canada Finding the Fox
An intimate portrait of a mysterious and misunderstood animal.“Tjernshaugen writes in an easy-to-read style that is full of insight and understanding. I felt like I was sitting beside him as he described fox behavior.” —Rick McIntyre, Yellowstone wolf researcher and author of The Rise of Wolf 8If you look into the fox''s amber eyes, you''ll notice vertical pupils. With such feline eyes in a slender canine body, the fox is a relative of the dog and the wolf, but it hunts alone, like a cat. The fox lives close to people, both in the city and in the country, but it’s wild, shy, and secretive.Taking long walks in the early morning, equipped with wildlife cameras—and sometimes with his dog Topsy by his side—Andreas Tjernshaugen journeys into the forest hoping to encounter the foxes living just outside his small town in Norway. He knows the telltale signs of how to find a fox den, how to identify a paw
Cambridge University Press Conquerors, Employers and Arbiters: States and Shifts in Labour Relations, 1500–2000
Starting from a broad definition of labour relations as the full range of vertical and horizontal social relations under which work is performed, both within and outside the household, this volume examines the way states have shaped and interacted with labour relations in a wide range of periods and places, from the sixteenth-century silver mines of Potosí in the Andes to late twentieth-century Sweden, and from seventeenth-century Dzungharia to early twentieth-century colonial Mozambique. The articles presented look at very different types of states, from local and regional power holders to nation states and empires, and explore the activities of these states and their impact on labour relations in three roles, as conquerors, employers and arbiters. The volume finds diversity, but also a remarkable degree of similarity across space and time in the mechanisms deployed by states to extract and allocate the labour required to carry out their essential tasks.
University of California Press Conglomerate Mergers and Market Competition
Business mergers are nowadays much in fashion and in the news, but relatively litte is known about their effects on different aspects of business enterprise, especially their effects on market competition. Narver her distinguishes among three main types of corporate merger: the horizontal, involving firms that produce generally similar items; the vertical, involving a successive (e.g. supplier-customer) relationship between firms and the conglomerate, involving any merger that is neither horizontal nor vertical. Economist have yet to agree on a general definition of the essential aspects of conglomerate mergers or on an adequate description of their effects on competition. the present book derives a precise meaning of conglomerate mergers by analyzing the legislative concern in the 1950 Amendment to Section 7 of the Clayton Act. The book then carefully considers the several factors in conglomerate merges that lead to their ability to affect competition. Most importantly, this analysis suggests under what conditions conglomerate mergers increase competition in a market and under what conditions they lessen it. With notable vigor and patience the author has pieced together various aspects of statistics on conglomerate merge activity, managerial behavior in a diversified firm, and market structure, and has produced the most useful analysis available on the competitive effects of conglomerate mergers. Not everyone will agre with its findings, but here can be no question that legislators, antitrust lawyers, economists, and business people will find them useful. Narver's book is timely because of wide concern with the current wave of mergers, appropriate public policy, and efficient private decision-making. Serval important conglomerate merger cases are now before the courts, and the public policy issues involved are still in the process of clarification. The analysis presented in this book should be important in the discussions of the next several years. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1967.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Agricultural Research Updates. Volume 28: Volume 28
In the opening study of Agricultural Research Updates. Volume 28, the capillarigation system's applications in vertical gardens were explored. The vertical garden model was designed for growing vegetables in home yards or within the vicinity of farming households, so they can have a regular supply of safe and nutritious food, especially during periods where water supply is scarce, excessive, or when maximizing the use of stored rainwater or kitchen wastewater. Next, this compilation describes recent progress and findings on the physiology of petal growth in cut rose flowers. To increase the ornamental value of cut roses, it is desirable that the timeframe for complete flower opening be relatively slow; therefore, understanding the mechanism by which rose flowers open is necessary to improve flower quality. The objective of the subsquent chapter is to present some recent findings about the influence of processing operations on the properties and bioactive compounds in carrots. To achieve this , different pre-treatments and processing operations are discussed, and their effects on some typical carrot products are described. Additionally, the authors discuss theoretical aspects and recent developments in ready-to-eat spinach, with the goal of improving the preservation of nutritional quality after harvest and extendiung its shelf-life. The authors also analyse 30 samples of fresh, frozen and IV range spinach, with the aim of identifying and quantifying nitrate and nitrite levels. Following this, a study is presented on the scientific validation of the medicinal and edible utility of fruits of A. moschatus using standard protocols sin order to account for potential commercial utilization. About 15 nutritional and five anti-nutritional constituents of the fruits of A. moschatus were tested and compared with those found in A. esculentus. In the penultimate chapter, the authors describe the current global status of conservation of cattle genetic resources and the cryo-technologies that are available to facilitate the protection of bovine genetic diversity. Worldwide adoption of such a policy has led to unique adaptations by cattle to a variety of local environments. The final chapter summarizes the following research progresses: the structure and components of Nox complex, the functions of these components, and control strategies for B. cinerea.
La montaña resplandeciente
Es un plan absurdo. Aun así, si conseguís escalar esa pared, creo que será lo más difícil que se haya hecho nunca en el Himalaya. Estas fueron las palabras de Chris Bonington cuando en 1976 Peter Boardman y Joe Tasker le explicaron su plan de intentar la escalada de la cara Oeste del Changabang, la Montaña Resplandeciente. Y la respuesta de Bonington fue una de las más optimistas. La mayor parte de los personajes consultados pensaban que aquella escalada sería casi imposible para una expedición de solo dos personas extremadamente comprometida. Al fin y al cabo esa imponente pared de granito quizá era el mayor desafío técnico en el Himalaya de Garhwal, y su ascensión, especialmente si se conseguía en estilo ligero, sería de lo más relevante hecho hasta la fecha. La idea partió de Joe Tasker que, en el transcurso de una expedición anterior, tuvo la oportunidad de fotografiar aquella pared de granito vertical, blanco y resplandeciente, y le pidió a Pete que volviera con él al año siguient
Pitch Publishing Ltd The Team that Could Have Been
The Team that Could Have Been: The Rise and Fall of Crystal Palace's Team of the 80s looks back on a fascinating period for Palace, with meticulous research and supporter memories bringing the story to life.Under the leadership of Malcolm Allison and assistant Terry Venables, the Croydon side embarked on a project later dubbed the Team of the Eighties' to transform a mediocre side into one of the most glamorous in the land. As part of the transformation, Allison changed the club nickname from The Glaziers' to The Eagles', and the club colours from claret and blue to the red and blue vertical stripes we know today, to emulate Barcelona.Set in a troubled area of London against a backdrop of racism, hooliganism, despair and a government working against its citizens, it's a story filled with colourful characters, cup runs and the hopes and dreams of a club punching above its weight for a short period of time.This is the first-ever book on the extr
Profile Books Ltd Jump Attack: The Formula for Explosive Athletic Performance and Training Like the Pros
THE ELITE TRAINER FEATURED IN MICHAEL JORDAN DOCUSERIES THE LAST DANCE A fitness bible for athletes around the world, this three-phase, twelve-week program has exercises and workouts as well as cutting-edge information on training, nutrition, longevity, injury prevention, and more. Tim Grover began training Michael Jordan in 1989, and since then hundreds of elite athletes have turned to Grover to become stronger, faster, and more powerful, both physically and mentally. From increasing Michael Jordan's vertical leap to keeping Kobe Bryant and countless other superstars in peak physical shape, Grover's methods have made the best even better, year after year. Devised for explosive performance in any sport, this challenging workout pushes athletes out of their comfort zones, and allows anyone to train like a professional. This is how my pros do it. If you want to become more explosive, stronger, and faster, if you want to jump higher and improve your overall athletic performance in any sport, this is exactly how we do it today: This program is the difference between jumping and taking flight.'
WW Norton & Co Grow Food at Home: Simple Methods for Small Spaces
Grow food for freshness. Grow food organically. Grow food to connect with nature. Whatever the goal, you don’t need a lot of space to enjoy the benefits of homegrown veggies, herbs, and fruits. In Grow Food at Home, gardening expert John Tullock shows readers just how easy it is to enjoy “farm”-fresh produce grown right on the windowsill, the porch, or in a tiny backyard. Covering artificial lighting, hydroponics, vertical gardening, straw-bale planters, and more, the book offers even the most confined apartment dwellers plenty of options to get growing. Tullock shares all the tips and tricks readers need to make small-space gardening a success, with information on starting seeds, transplanting, succession planting, “crop” rotation, and other procedures—all tailored to the small-space garden—plus recipes to make the most of the harvest. Readers will be energized to grow a mouth-watering selection of micro-crops, from lettuces and herbs to tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, and even small fruits—no matter how little room they have available.
O'Reilly Media Colors, Backgrounds and Gradients
One advantage of using CSS3 is that you can apply colors and backgrounds to any element in a web document, create your own gradients, and even apply multiple backgrounds to the same element. This practical guide shows you many ways to use colors, backgrounds, and gradients to achieve some pretty awesome effects. Short and sweet, this book is an excerpt from the upcoming fourth edition of CSS: The Definitive Guide. When you purchase either the print or the ebook edition of Colors, Backgrounds, and Gradients, you'll receive a discount on the entire Definitive Guide once it's released. Why wait? Learn how to bring life to your web pages now. Define foreground colors for a border or element with the color property Combine foreground and background colors to create interesting effects Position and repeat one or more images in an element's background Fix an image to a screen's viewing area, rather than to the element that contains it Use color stops to define vertical, horizontal, and diagonal linear gradients Create spotlight effects, circular shadows, and other effects with radial gradients
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Practical Early Orthodontic Treatment: A Case-Based Review
A comprehensive guide to orthodontic treatment for children Practical Early Orthodontic Treatment: A Case-Based Review delivers exhaustive instruction in the evaluation and treatment of childhood malocclusions and dentofacial deformities. Written as a “mini-residency,” this book uses a question-and-answer format to encourage the reader to think critically and gauge the progress of his/her understanding. It provides the reader with a robust foundation for making the best possible childhood evaluation and treatment decisions. The book offers: A thorough overview of general early treatment principles An extensive discussion of facial skeleton, airway, and dentition growth and development concepts Comprehensive explorations of early crowding, eruption problems, and missing succedaneous teeth Extensive presentations of early anteroposterior, vertical, and transverse problems with treatment solutions A vast collection of high-quality images illustrating the conditions and appropriate therapies Perfect for orthodontists, pediatric dentists, and dentists in general practice, Practical Early Orthodontic Treatment: A Case-Based Review is also useful to residents and dental students with an interest in orthodontic care.
The University of Chicago Press A Certain Justice: Toward an Ecology of the Chinese Legal Imagination
A much-needed account of the hierarchy of justice that defines China’s unique political-legal culture. To many outsiders, China has an image as a realm of Oriental despotism where law is at best window dressing and at worst an instrument of coercion and tyranny. In this highly original contribution to the interdisciplinary field of law and humanities, Haiyan Lee contends that this image arises from a skewed understanding of China’s political-legal culture, particularly the failure to distinguish what she calls high justice and low justice. In the Chinese legal imagination, Lee shows, justice is a vertical concept, with low justice between individuals firmly subordinated to the high justice of the state. China’s political-legal culture is marked by a mistrust of law’s powers, and as a result, it privileges substantive over procedural justice. Calling on a wide array of narratives—stories of crime and punishment, subterfuge and exposé, guilt and redemption—A Certain Justice helps us recognize the fight for justice outside the familiar arenas of liberal democracy and the rule of law.
Tusquets Editores Edades de Lulu Las Can II V3
Las edades de Lulú, que obtuvo el IX Premio La sonrisa vertical, es una larga historia de amor que, como cualquier historia de amor que no se resigna a dejar de serlo, va haciéndose más compleja y envolvente.Sumida todavía en los temores de una infancia carente de afecto, Lulú, una niña de quince años, sucumbe a la atracción que ejerce sobre ella un joven, amigo de la familia, a quien hasta entonces ella había deseado vagamente. Después de esta primera experiencia, Lulú, niña eterna, alimenta durante años, en solitario, el fantasma de aquel hombre que acaba por aceptar el desafío de prolongar indefinidamente, en su peculiar relación sexual, el juego amoroso de la niñez. Crea para ella un mundo aparte, un universo privado donde el tiempo pierde valor. Pero el sortilegio arriesgado de vivir fuera de la realidad se rompe bruscamente un día, cuando Lulú, ya con treinta años, se precipita, indefensa pero febrilmente, en el infierno de los deseos peli
Ediciones Tutor, S.A. Natación para niños
Encuadernación: RústicaFormato:Avalado por más de 20 años de difusión del libro en su edición original en inglés, Natación para niños, ahora revisado y actualizado, es un manual de obligada referencia para la enseñanza de la natación a los niños. Con más de 200 actividades y juegos, ofrece ideas divertidas y originales para estimular a los niños de todos los niveles y edades.? Para los no nadadores y los principiantes se incluye un programa de autoconfianza con juegos para practicar la respiración, el equilibrio, la flotación, la inmersión y el movimiento en el agua.? Para los nadadores que necesitan desarrollar sus habilidades en el agua, se proponen multitud de actividades avanzadas para practicar las remadas, la patada para mantener la posición vertical y el buceo.? Esta edición incluye ilustraciones actualizadas, además de ofrecer consejos prácticos para la programación de una clase, utilizar la música, organizar concursos o campeonatos y la enseñanza de habilidades
TINTA Volumen 2. Dibujo y composición para narradores visuales
Tinta 2, la muy esperada segunda parte de Tinta, de Marcos Mateu-Mestre, nos ilustra sobre otra herramienta de composición que este artista usa todos los días para crear su increíble obra: la energía dentro del marco de trabajo. Independientemente de su formato, en cada obra de arte se deben considerar factores esenciales, tales como las dualidades empuje-tracción, tensión-relajación, presión-liberación y equilibrio-desequilibrio, desarrolladas dentro del área de trabajo para apoyar nuestra narración. Todos estos elementos se aplican en cualquier relación de aspecto, ya sea horizontal, vertical o cuadrado, tres de los formatos habituales del trabajo para las industrias del cine, los videojuegos, la animación y las novelas gráficas, presentados en la actualidad a través de una gran variedad de medios: desde una sala de cine o una sesión de cine en casa, hasta las redes sociales y una variada serie de dispositivos personales.Marcos nos anima y nos enseña a
Springer International Publishing AG Sponge City Hybrid Infrastructure
This book focuses on the access to water in the building and its surroundings, to infer the mutual interaction and the complex interconnection of green/blue infrastructures. This book is a tool for understanding the multifunctional functionality of urban waste water to recognize their efficient and strategically useful potential in the form of aesthetic and functional architectural elements—vertical gardens, waterproof roof systems, rain gardens, retention rainwater recirculation tanks, biomarkers for wastewater treatment, and other progressive technologies and technical solutions. The originality of the proposed book and the innovation of the proposed objectives lies in the complexity and interdisciplinary of the problem solved, with clear continuity and utilization in professional building, environmental, and psychosocial practice. Understanding the quality of life as a category influenced by several objective and subjective conditions, this manuscript draws up recommendations on how to build “green buildings”—progressively supplied with water, connecting infrastructures—from existing buildings (administrative or training).
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Central Banking in the Modern World: Alternative Perspectives
Monetarism is dead! Central bankers are all Wicksellians now! They target low inflation rates, with no regard to monetary aggregates whatsoever, by acting upon short-term real rates of interest. This is the New Consensus in monetary economics, or simply the New Keynesian Synthesis. Yet, this synthesis still hinges on variants of the long-run vertical Phillips curve originally proposed by Milton Friedman, the father of old-line monetarism.Contributors to the volume question this New Consensus. While they agree that the money supply should be conceived as endogenous, they carefully examine the procedures pursued by central banks, the monetary policy transmission mechanisms suggested by central bankers themselves, and the assumptions imbedded in the New Consensus. They propose alternative analyses that clearly demonstrate the limits of modern central banking and point to the possible instability of monetary economies. Heterodox and orthodox monetary macroeconomists alike will find this illuminating book of great interest.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transforming Healthcare: A focus on Consumerism and Profitability
Shedding light on current transformations in payment mechanisms and transparency of hospital performance data and prices, this volume of Advances in Health Care Management presents findings on hospital profitability, cost, and organizational structures. Divided into two sections: 'Reimbursement, Cost and Profitability' and 'The Move Towards Transparency', the chapters employ a variety of research methodologies to explore the impact of transformation in payment and debt structures, profitability, and horizontal or vertical integration on outcomes such as price, clinical outcomes, and health plan selection. The authors examine recent changes including the redesign of the U.S. health care system to achieve higher value, and the establishment of mechanisms that transform reimbursement models and promote consumerism through transparency of data. Additionally, the volume takes a look at the emerging trend of transparency between health care stakeholders such as patients, health care staff, hospitals, insurance companies, and the government, providing a valuable insight into how the future might look.
Faber & Faber Playing With Water: Alone on a Philippine Island
'One June day in 1953 aged twelve I sat in a classroom and drew a map.' The map that the young Hamilton-Paterson drew was of a tropical island, and it prefigured with uncanny accuracy the Philippine island on which, thirty years later, he would spend a full third of each year, entirely alone. It had a coral strand, a field of grass, vertical volcanic cliffs and no water. He survived by fishing and by drinking rainwater. This is a book about a remarkable and self-sufficient writer's 'desire to be lost', and the journey of a conventionally educated Englishman to an island on the far side of the world that aroused in him a feeling of discovering a place he always knew. Hamilton-Paterson writes with incomparable skill about the hard beauty of the sea, of coral reefs and the animals that live in them, and about the fishermen who eke a living among the labyrinth of islands that make up the Philippines.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Lateral Marketing: New Techniques for Finding Breakthrough Ideas
A revolutionary new system for generating the next big marketing ideas and opportunities According to Philip Kotler, the widely acknowledged "father" of modern marketing, and Fernando Trias de Bes the marketing techniques pioneered in the 1960s and '70s have worked too well. Fierce competition among products with little or nothing to distinguish one from another, along with modern product positioning and targeted marketing techniques, have led to increasing market segmentation. If the trend continues, individual market segments soon will be too small to be profitable. In Lateral Marketing, Kotler and Trias de Bes unveil a revolutionary new model to help readers expand beyond vertical segmentation and generate fresh marketing ideas and opportunities. Philip Kotler (Chicago, IL) is the S. C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management. Fernando Trias de Bes (Barcelona, Spain) is the founder of Salvetti & Llombart whose clients include Pepsico, Sony, Hewlett-Packard, Nestlé, Credit Suisse, and other top corporations.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Thief of the Heights
A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard SelectionEnter the world of Muqadas, where the climb to the top of this vertically stacked city—away from disease-ridden waters of the lower levels—is paved with betrayal, secrets, and rebellion in this debut graphic novel from author Son M. and artist Robin Yao.Lifelong friends Basem, Mustafa, and Aarfah have carved out a place for themselves in their corner of Muqadas, where they dream of climbing from their place in the city’s lowest level, above the limb-snatching, disease-infested waters, to the very top of their vertical city. Young inventors who’ve seen firsthand the havoc the Habar infection causes set out to dazzle the masses with their innovative prosthetics and escape the dangers of Lake Saha.When their inventions catch the eye of a scout who is on the hunt for new talent to bring to the higher tiers, their dreams are suddenly within reach. But as the wonder
Oro Editions Visual Discoveries: A Collection of Sections
There are three standard methods to visually represent a building: the plan, elevation, and section. The section drawing is a vertical slice of a building, depicting the relationships between interior and exterior as well as any level changes. While the section can serve as merely a functional drawing for construction, it can also be an exciting, revelatory drawing that can artfully depict a building, landscape, or object. Throughout history, many individuals have used the cross section as a tool to create, explore, or investigate. Visual Discoveries: A Collection of Sections is an image-forward book that is devoted to showcasing notable section drawings throughout history and demonstrating that the section drawing, while having roots in architecture, has spread to many other professions and disciplines. These professions include medicine, transportation, product design, geology, and landscape architecture. Some of the greatest thinkers and inventors in history like Leonardo da Vinci, Charles Darwin, and Robert Fulton, have created remarkable section drawings for their investigations, research, and work.
Pitch Publishing Ltd Marcelo Bielsa: Thirteen Steps to the Premier League
In June 2018 Leeds United made an appointment that shocked the footballing world. Despite being stuck in the second tier of English football and tagged the Championship's perennial chokers, they attracted one of the most revered coaches in world football. What followed captivated the hearts and minds of Leeds United's legion of passionate supporters worldwide. Marcelo Bielsa has crafted a team in his image, a team that plays in an almost bewildering attacking style with fluidity across the pitch. Leeds have become synonymous with exciting, attacking, vertical football and this style has seen them promoted back to the Premier League. Professional football analyst Lee Scott explains how, breaking down the tactics that have made Leeds so successful during Bielsa's time. He shows just how they occupy spaces and overload defences; how they press and cut off passing lanes to deny the opposition space to attack in the defensive phase; and more than that, he delves into Bielsa's mindset, to explain what makes the Argentine mastermind tick.
Abbeville Press Inc.,U.S. Larry Poons
Larry Poons (b. 1937) shot to fame while still in his twenties, on the strength of his dot paintings, in which dots or ellipses were meticulously arranged on brightly coloured fields, creating a rhythmic, pulsating effect. But within a few years, Poons first loosened the hard-edged precision of the dot paintings and then abandoned them entirely for an organic mode of abstraction based on vertical drips of flung paint. This marked the beginning of an uncompromising five-decade evolution that has finally led the artist back to a more intimate mode of painting with brushes and his own hands. At every stage, Poons''s career has compelled the attention of critics and, in particular, other artists.This handsome volume, the first full-length biocritical monograph on Poons, reproduces more than 140 of his most important works in full colour, some as spectacular gatefolds. The incisive text a collaboration between four leading critics and historians traces the development of the ar
O'Reilly Media CSS Text
As a web designer, you probably spend more time working with text than any other element. With this concise guide, you'll learn CSS3 properties for changing the appearance of text without altering the font face - including horizontal and vertical alignment, text transformation, word and letter spacing, text wrapping, and the direction of text flow. This book is an excerpt from the upcoming fourth edition of CSS: The Definitive Guide. When you purchase either the print or the ebook edition of CSS Text, you'll receive a discount on the entire Definitive Guide once it's released. Why wait, when you can start manipulating text on your pages right away? Use properties for indenting and aligning lines of text Control the leading between lines of text beyond the font's size Change the amount of space between words and individual characters Add underlines, overlines, strike-throughs, shadows, and other effects Instruct browsers to prioritize speed, legibility, or geometric precision when rendering text Learn how and when to suppress automatic hyphenation Determine the direction that text flows, including left-to-right and top-to-bottom
Lars Muller Publishers Ultimate Atlas: Logbook of Spaceship Earth
With Ultimate Atlas, Theo Deutinger—architect, designer and author of the acclaimed Handbook of Tyranny— illustrates the basic data of Earth and its inhabitants to create a total portrait of the planet. How can we keep track of everything that happens on the Earth? How can we share this information with its inhabitants, despite their different languages and cultural backgrounds? Expanding on the visions of Buckminster Fuller and Stewart Brand, Ultimate Atlas answers these questions by radically levelling graphic data. Breaking down planet earth into 12 sections, the book gives a page spread to information pertaining to themes like ethnic groups, religions, nuclear warheads, and number of motor vehicles per country. The white pages of the book are divided by vertical black lines, in decreasing percentages from left to right. In this way Ultimate Atlas charts the planet with an impressive simplicity and clarity. The territorial size of Earth’s countries; the planet’s most commonly spoken languages; the places where the most chickens are raised; all this information is lucidly displayed for ready comprehension. Here is truly “planet earth in a book.”
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Market Dominance and Antitrust Policy, Second Edition
Market dominance - encompassing single firm dominance, overt and tacit collusion, mergers and vertical restraints - raises many complex analytical and policy issues, all of which continue to be the subject of theoretical research and policy reform. This second edition of a popular and comprehensive text extends the arguments and combines an analysis of the issues with a discussion of actual policy and case studies.This new edition addresses the recent fundamental changes in antitrust law, especially in the UK and the EU, and reviews some high profile and controversial cases such as the Boeing-McDonnell Douglas merger and the Microsoft monopoly. The author moves on to deal with several unresolved questions including the conflicts between trade and antitrust policy, the foreign take-over of domestic assets and extra-territorial claims made by certain countries.Market Dominance and Antitrust Policy will be of considerable value to students and scholars of economics, law and business, as well as researchers, policymakers and practitioners with an interest in competition policy and international trade.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Euro Crisis and Constitutional Pluralism: Financial Stability but Constitutional Inequality
This insightful book assesses the theory of constitutional pluralism in light of the events of the Eurozone crisis of the past decade. Based on an analysis of how national courts reviewed the crisis response mechanisms and participated in the European-level political process, Tomi Tuominen argues that constitutional pluralism is not a valid normative theory of European constitutionalism.The analysis of crisis response mechanisms focuses on how the lack of a proper economic policy competence for the EU affected the formation of the measures and is at the root of the criticism concerning these mechanisms. Furthermore, the author connects discussions on the Eurozone crisis and constitutional pluralism in an innovative fashion, whilst also explaining how asymmetry and pluralism are linked. A novel reading on the horizontal and vertical aspects of Article 4(2) TEU is also developed throughout.Utilizing up-to-date and original analyses, The Euro-Crisis and Constitutional Pluralism will be an important read for scholars and students of European law, EU constitutional law and public policy.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Marine Radioecology, Volume 6
The marine environment, in addition to a not insignificant background of "natural" radioactivity, has continued to receive inputs of radionuclides directly or indirectly through atomic fallout, discharges from the nuclear industry or from nuclear accidents. After their introduction, the fate of these radionuclides is complex with modifications of physicochemical forms, dispersion in marine water masses and adsorption onto sedimentary particles. Marine organisms then bioaccumulate these radionuclides to a greater or lesser extent, dispersing them via their burrowing activities, horizontal and vertical migrations or through food webs. All of these phenomena lead to very variable radioactive contamination, depending on location and the nature of the marine environments concerned, and consequently, to very different doses of irradiation to marine organisms. The harmful effects of ionizing radiation on living marine organisms are felt at varying levels of biological organization from the molecule to the ecosystem, passing through the cell, the organ, the individual and the population. In the end, the radioactive risk for marine organisms can decline according to several situations, which can be normal, programmed or accidental.
O'Reilly Media SVG Text Layout
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an image format, so text isn't the first thing you might think of when considering its uses. But one of SVG's key features is its ability to encode text in a machine-readable form. This book takes a deep dive into the use of text within SVG to explore the creative possibilities as well as the potential pitfalls. You'll start with SVG's text basics, and then learn methods for using SVG to generate complex layouts. If you're an intermediate SVG developer familiar with CSS-styled HTML text, you're ready to get going. This book covers: The SVG text and tspan elements, and basic attributes for positioning simple text labels within a graphic SVG's fill and stroke properties for controlling text's visual appearance Complex text layouts, using formatted poetry as examples Features to set the position and orientation of individual text characters Multidirectional text, including right-to-left horizontal text and vertical text Curved or complex text layouts with the textPath element Font options for your SVG, including web fonts, and their impact on text layout
University of Toronto Press The Capacity to Innovate: Cluster Policy and Management in the Biotechnology Sector
In The Capacity to Innovate, Sarah Giest provides insight into the collaborative and absorptive capacities needed to provide public support to local innovation through cluster organizations. The book offers a detailed view of the vertical, multi-level, and horizontal dynamics in clusters and cluster policy and addresses how they are managed and supported. Using the biotechnology field as an example, Giest highlights challenges in the collaborative efforts of public bodies, private companies, and research institutes to establish a successful ecosystem of innovation in this sector. The book argues that cluster policy in collaboration with cluster organizations should focus on absorptive and collaborative capacity elements missing in the cluster context in order to improve performance. Currently, governments operate at different levels – from the local to the supranational – in order to support clusters, and cluster policies are often pursued alongside other programs, leading to uncoordinated efforts and ineffective cluster strategies. The Capacity to Innovate advocates for a coordinated effort by government and cluster organizations to support capacity elements lacking within the specific cluster context.
Quarto Publishing PLC New Small Garden: Contemporary principles, planting and practice
Learn the secret to transforming a small space into a blooming array of verdant life in this indispensible and handy guide. Small gardens are a challenge to design and to keep looking good but now help is on hand! This practical guide seeks to inspire and inform gardeners to make the most of their small spaces. Featuring more than 50 contemporary and inspirational gardens, the handbook examines both how their designers created them and how their owners use and develop them. This serious review of the perennial subject explains the theory and practice of planting a small garden, as well as design tricks, storage solutions and vertical planting to help small garden owners maximise their small spaces. With advice for embracing sustainability, the use of recycled materials and the scope for bio-diversity, this is the go-to guide to ensure you are getting the most from your small garden.Stunningly illustrated with photos by Dutch garden photographer and former fashion stylist Maayke de Ridder, this is a must for anyone looking to be creative with their small garden.
University of California Press The Biology and Ecology of Giant Kelp Forests
This is the largest seaweed, giant kelp (Macrocystis) is the fastest growing and most prolific of all plants found on earth. Growing from the seafloor and extending along the ocean surface in lush canopies, giant kelp provides an extensive vertical habitat in a largely two-dimensional seascape. It is the foundation for one of the most species-rich, productive, and widely distributed ecological communities in the world. Schiel and Foster's scholarly review and synthesis take the reader from Darwin's early observations to contemporary research, providing a historical perspective for the modern understanding of giant kelp evolution, biogeography, biology, and physiology. The authors furnish a comprehensive discussion of kelp species and forest ecology worldwide, with considerations of human uses and abuses, management and conservation, and the current and likely future impacts of global change. This volume promises to be the definitive treatise and reference on giant kelp and its forests for many years, and it will appeal to marine scientists and others who want a better appreciation and understanding of these wondrous forests of the sea.
Yale University Press Tomma Abts
Examines both the art-historical framework of Tomma Abts’s painting as well as its deep philosophical and psychological dimensions With a rigorous approach and self-imposed limitations to both scale and composition, Tomma Abts (b. 1967) has reinvigorated painterly abstraction and its relevance within contemporary art. Using a fixed canvas size and a vertical format, Abts deploys basic formal elements such as arcs, circles, planes, and stripes to create powerful works that are at once subtle and eccentric. This extraordinary book, designed in collaboration with the artist herself, is a substantial and deeply insightful treatment of her career to date and features sixty works made over the past decade. Essays not only contextualize Abts’s work within an art-historical framework of methods, process, and style, but also examine her paintings’ philosophical and psychological dimensions and their embodiment of a creative process that transcends the specifics of any particular work. Distributed for the Art Institute of ChicagoExhibition Schedule:Serpentine Galleries, London (06/06/18–09/09/18) Art Institute of Chicago (10/18/18–02/17/19)
Kerber Verlag Alexandre da Cunha. Sunset, Sunrise, Sunset
To mark one year from opening the new station, Art on the Underground launch a new publication on the work of Alexandre da Cunha at Battersea Power Station in London. Sunset, Sunrise, Sunset is a monumental kinetic sculpture for the Underground station. Stretching 95m and 60m in length, the artwork incorporates two friezes that face each other along the length of the ticket hall. The artwork was inspired by the former control room at Battersea Power Station and its system of vertical bars that regulated the production and output of electricity into the city. Combining this with resonances of the daily flow of dawn to dusk, Sunset, Sunrise, Sunset refers to cycles, routine, the everyday and eternity. Designed by Fraser Muggeridge Studio, the book features essays from art historian Dr Lisa Blackmore exploring the artist’s practice, a geographical and social history of the local area from architecture and design writer Gillian Darley, an essay on commissioning the work by Eleanor Pinfield and a creative prose work from experimental writer Rebecca Watson.
Vertebrate Publishing Ltd Alps Mountain Biking: From Aosta to Zermatt: The best singletrack, enduro and downhill trails in the Alps
Alps Mountain Biking is a guide to the western Alps. It reveals epic rocky descents, high-altitude blasts and hidden Alpine singletrack, all set against a backdrop of snowy peaks, pine forests and clear blue skies. This is some of the greatest singletrack, enduro and downhill riding the mountains have to offer.Featuring the Alpine hot spots alongside the best lesser-known areas, you can ride the main lines of Morzine and Chamonix, and then escape the crowds and head to La Plagne, Martigny or Sauze d'Oulx. Using lifts, buses and good old pedal power, you can really exploit the massive vertical gains each area has to offer and enjoy trails that cater for every taste and ability.Alps Mountain Biking has everything you need to get out of the concrete resorts and plan a great riding trip. Written by Samoëns-based guide Steve Mallett, it gives you the local riders' inside knowledge on trails, and information on accommodation, lifts and travel. Packed with fantastic photography, it is guaranteed to inspire you to get out and explore this huge mountain bike playground.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who Main Range 211 and You Will Obey Me
A special solo adventure for Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor, in the first of three stories focusing on his arch enemy: The Master: wanted for crimes without number, across five galaxies. The Master: escaped his pursuers. Last known location: rural Hexford, England, Earth. The Master: dead and buried in an unmourned grave, in a lonely churchyard. Apparently. Forever kept busy, Peter Davison's most recently been seen on the London stage in the critically acclaimed The Vertical Hour, and in the musical Gypsy opposite Imelda Staunton. One of Big Finish's last outings with The Fifth Doctor was in Doctor Who - The Fifth Doctor Boxed Set, one story from which (Iterations of I) won the Scribe Award at the 2015 San Diego Comic Con. Geoffrey Beevers has played the Master for Big Finish across several ranges, but his first time in the role was for Doctor Who on TV in 1981. CAST: Peter Davison (The Doctor), Geoffrey Beevers (The Master), Sheena Bhattessa (Annie), Alex Foley (Colin), Peta Cornish (Helen/Jade Nymph), Russ Bain (Mikey/Grigor), Tessa Coates (Janine), Nick Ellsworth (Gomphus/Auctioneer)
Schofield & Sims Ltd Handwriting Practice Book 2: KS2, Ages 7-11
The Handwriting Practice books support literacy in schools by giving children practice in forming and joining letters, helping them to develop handwriting that is neat, fluent, legible and fast. Fully compatible with any school handwriting scheme, Handwriting Practice works methodically through the different letters and joins, and features workbook style exercises for children to complete. The simple format of the books makes them easily accessible, enabling all children to work independently - though support from an adult helper is always beneficial. FOCUS points at the foot of each page highlight key points for helpers to look out for. Handwriting Practice 2 focuses on joining letters to form words, beginning with letters of a particular shape, those found in common combinations, and themed word practice. By the end of Handwriting Practice 2, children should be able to write fluently on lined paper. Children are supported by shaded lines to write over as they begin to practise joining letters, guidelines indicating the height of small letters and the vertical stroke and real-life copying tasks, including writing instructions, a letter and a postcard.
La escalada imposible
El libro que narra la vertiginosa historia del documental -Free solo-, ganador del Oscar y el Bafta 2019. Escalar no depende de la cuerda. En esta exclusiva visión de Mark Synnott sobre la esencia de la escalada, el principal protagonista es el asombroso solo integral -es decir, en libre, sin cuerda ni compañero o material de protección alguno- de su amigo Alex Honnold en los 900 metros de la vertical pared de granito de -El Capitán- (Yosemite). Cuando Honnold llegó arriba a las 9:28 de la mañana del 3 de junio de 2017, tras emplear menos de cuatro horas, su escalada se convirtió en histórica dejando asombrado al mundo entero. El -New York Times- la describió como una de las mayores proezas deportivas jamás lograda. Un relato entrelazado con la historia personal de Synnott, sobre su propia obsesión por la escalada desde que era adolescente, con sus logros y fracasos profesionales y los dilemas que sobrevienen, que convierten a este libro en una revelación fascinante y muy documentada s
Rowman & Littlefield Rock Climbing Utah
Utah is a magnificent landscape of startling diversity and beauty, manifested for climbers in more cliff miles of exposed rock than any other state. Fragile sandstone towers pierce the sky amid endless miles of vertical cliffs sometimes more than a half mile high; wondrous canyon walls of cobblestone and limestone overhang at dizzying angles; and granite domes and slabs recline on sunny mountain slopes. Rock Climbing Utah is the only guide available that covers all the major climbing areas in the state. Traditional and sport climbers from the beginner to expert will find a superb sampling of hundreds of routes in the 25 areas covered--including 300 new routes that were not in the first edition. This fully revised and expanded guidebook offers first-hand information for climbers, including area overviews and climbing histories, route betas and topos, color maps and photos, equipment recommendations, approach and descent information, and listings for shops, gyms, and guide services. Stunning action photos round out the package to make Rock Climbing Utah an essential source for visitng and local climbers alike.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Vertically Differentiated Markets
This original new book offers a comprehensive and engaging perspective on the theory of vertical differentiation. It enables the reader to grasp the key concepts and effects that product quality has both on firms' behaviour and market structure, and the ways in which this relationship has evolved.With contributions from prominent figures in the field, the book investigates a number of important topics, such as the choice of the optimal product range, profit sharing, the existence of equilibrium in duopoly games, positional effects attached to status goods, international trade, collusion, advertising and the dynamics of capital accumulation for quality improvement and product innovation. Using both static and dynamic approaches, these aspects are assessed in relation to the manifold issues of regulation, competition policy and trade policy.Product differentiation and its influence on consumer behaviour and the performance of firms is a core topic in the existing literature in the fields of industrial organization, international trade and economic growth. This book will be an essential read for researchers, students and professional scholars working in these areas, especially those with an interest in antitrust regulation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Market Dominance and Antitrust Policy, Second Edition
Market dominance - encompassing single firm dominance, overt and tacit collusion, mergers and vertical restraints - raises many complex analytical and policy issues, all of which continue to be the subject of theoretical research and policy reform. This second edition of a popular and comprehensive text extends the arguments and combines an analysis of the issues with a discussion of actual policy and case studies.This new edition addresses the recent fundamental changes in antitrust law, especially in the UK and the EU, and reviews some high profile and controversial cases such as the Boeing-McDonnell Douglas merger and the Microsoft monopoly. The author moves on to deal with several unresolved questions including the conflicts between trade and antitrust policy, the foreign take-over of domestic assets and extra-territorial claims made by certain countries.Market Dominance and Antitrust Policy will be of considerable value to students and scholars of economics, law and business, as well as researchers, policymakers and practitioners with an interest in competition policy and international trade.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Regulation and Competitive Advantage: A Study of Packaging Waste in the European Supply Chain
This study focuses in detail on the environmental compliance/competitiveness relationship with respect to the regulation of packaging waste. An important and innovative feature of the study is its emphasis on backward and forward linkages. An entire supply chain is considered: packaging manufacturers and suppliers, food processors and the food retail sector, to study the competitive effects of environmental standards on manufacturing companies and the vertical links and supply responses. A variety of regulatory regimes is represented by including within the study companies from Germany, Italy, the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom. While it is of note that the relatively strong regulation in Germany has indeed had effects on company behaviour, there is no evidence that environmental regulations hindered companies from achieving competitive performance.Analyses consider: the response of individual firms to different levels of regulation; the cost of compliance; impact on employment; the influence of the supply chain on environmental and competitive performance; the importance of firm size and ownership; and the impact of regulation on competitiveness, and firm competitiveness on the efficiency of adjustment to regulation.
CABI Publishing Hydroponics and Protected Cultivation: A Practical Guide
A comprehensive, practical text which covers a diverse range of hydroponic and protected cropping techniques, systems, greenhouse types and environments. It also details the use of indoor plant factories, vertical systems, organic hydroponics and aquaponics. Worldwide hydroponic cropping operations can vary from large, corporate producers running many hectares of greenhouse systems particularly for crops such as tomato, cucumber, capsicum and lettuce, to smaller-scale growers growing fresh produce for local markets. Included in this book: Detailed technical information to help growers and students to design and run their own hydroponic operations. In-depth research to explain the factors that influence plant growth, produce quality, post-harvest life and hydroponic plant nutrition. New advances such as the use of organic nutrients and substrates, completely enclosed indoor plant factories and the growing number of small-scale, non-commercial applications. Hydroponics and Protected Cultivation is fully illustrated with colour images and photographs to illustrate key topics and help identify problem areas. It is suitable for growers, researchers and students in horticulture.
Taylor & Francis Inc mHealth Multidisciplinary Verticals
An in-depth overview of the emerging concept; Mobile Health (mHealth), mHealth Multidisciplinary Verticals links applications and technologies to key market and vendor players. It also highlights interdependencies and synergies between various stakeholders which drive the research forces behind mHealth. The book explores the trends and directions where this vertical market is headed. Divided into nine sections, the book covers a number of multidisciplinary verticals within the field of mHealth such as: Preventive and curative medicineConsumer and patient-centric approachesPsychological, behavioral, and mental verticalsSocial perspectivesEducation, adoption, and acceptanceAged care and the aging populationRegional, geographical, and public-health perspectivesTechnology implicationsCloud applicationsThe book collates emerging and diverse mHealth applications into a single resource. The result of extensive research, the book is a collaborative effort between experts from more than 20 countries, who have been carefully reviewed and selected by the team of reviewers. It takes a multidisciplinary approach to health informatics and provides a roadmap to current and future directions of mHealth.
Duke University Press Credit, Fashion, Sex: Economies of Regard in Old Regime France
In Old Regime France credit was both a central part of economic exchange and a crucial concept for explaining dynamics of influence and power in all spheres of life. Contemporaries used the term credit to describe reputation and the currency it provided in court politics, literary production, religion, and commerce. Moving beyond Pierre Bourdieu's theorization of capital, this book establishes credit as a key matrix through which French men and women perceived their world. As Clare Haru Crowston demonstrates, credit unveils the personal character of market transactions, the unequal yet reciprocal ties binding society, and the hidden mechanisms of political power. Credit economies constituted "economies of regard" in which reputation depended on embodied performances of credibility. Crowston explores the role of fashionable appearances and sexual desire in leveraging credit and reconstructs women's vigorous participation in its gray markets. The scandalous relationship between Queen Marie Antoinette and fashion merchant Rose Bertin epitomizes the vertical loyalties and deep social divides of the credit regime and its increasingly urgent political stakes.