Search results for ""Vertical""
McGraw-Hill Education Managerial Economics & Business Strategy ISE
Managerial Economics and Business Strategy has been revised to include updated examples and problems, but it retains all of the basic content that made previous editions a success. By teaching managers the practical utility of basic economic tools such as present value analysis, supply and demand, regression, indifference curves, isoquants, production, costs, and the basic models of perfect competition, monopoly, and monopolistic competition. This 10th edition retails the emphasis on real-world examples and modern topics along with unique coverage found nowhere else: oligopoly, penetration pricing, multistage and repeated games, foreclosure, contracting, vertical and horizontal integration, networks, bargaining, predatory pricing, principal agent problems, raising rival’s costs, adverse selection, auctions, screening and signaling, search, limit pricing, and a host of other pricing strategies for firms enjoying market power. This balanced coverage of traditional and modern microeconomic tools makes it appropriate for a wide variety of managerial economics classrooms.
Princeton University Press Religion in Essence and Manifestation
In this book van der Leeuw discusses the horizontal path to God and the vertical paths descending from God and ascending to Him. If God Himself appears, it is in a totally different manner, which results not in intelligible utterance, but in proclamation; and it is with this that theology has to deal." Originally published in 1986. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Union Square & Co. Mensa® Kakuro
What could be more appealing to Mensa members - or anyone who enjoys a good challenge - than a cunning test of intelligence and logic? That's exactly what these 250 puzzles provide. The trick to kakuro is in making it all add up: the game begins with a grid that looks like a crossword, except that some squares contain small numbers in the corner. Fill in all the empty boxes using the numbers 1 to 9 without repeats so that the sum of each horizontal set of digits equals the number in the black triangle to its left. Don't forget though that the sum of each vertical set of digits must also equal the number in the triangle above it! The kakuro puzzles start out simple...and get more difficult as the book progresses, a perfect way to strengthen up those mental muscles.
Amsterdam University Press Dynasties and State Formation in Early Modern Europe
In state formation research, princely houses have been a blind spot. The development of states has been discussed from many perspectives, like interstate competition, internal social conflicts, fiscal-military developments, etc., but at the centre of most European states, there was a princely house. These ruling houses have been overlooked in studies about state formation. What’s more, when discussing such dynasties, the vertical chronological perspective (grandfather-father-son) is all dominating, for instance in the focus on dynastic continuity, dynastic culture and representation, and the like. This collection of essays highlights the horizontal perspective (ruler, all children, siblings, cousins), in asking how the members of a princely family acted as a power network. The quest is to develop an understanding how this family network interplayed with other factors in the state formation process. This volume brings together existing knowledge of the topic with the aim of exchanging insights and furthering knowledge.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd U.S. Aerial Armament in World War II - The Ultimate Look: Vol.3: Air Launched Rockets, Mines, Torpedoes, Guided Missiles and Secret Weapons
Following his previous “Ultimate Look” volumes on the B-29, B-32, B-18, and B-25, and volumes one and two in this series, Wolf continues his definitive history of U.S. aerial armament in World War II. Drawing from his extensive library, microfilm archives, and technical manuals Wolf covers: Dive Bombers, Fighter Bombers, Rockets, Napalm, Torpedoes, Depth Charges, Aerial Mines, GT-1 Glide Pattern Torpedo, Speedee Bomb, Hydrobomb, Disney Rocket-Assisted Bomb, Very Heavy Conventional Bombs, Atomic Bomb, Poison Gas and Biological Bombs, Leaflets, Animal Aerial Weapons. There is an extensive chapter on guided missiles including GB (Glide Bomb) Series, VB (Vertical Bomb) Series, Drones (Aphrodite, Anvil, Castor, Willie Orphan, XBQ-1/2/3 and PQ Series, and USN TDR drones), SWOD (Special Weapons Ordnance Device) Series (Robin, Pelican, Moth, and Bat/SWOD Mk9), Glomb, Gargoyle, Gorgon, JB: Jet Bomb Series (JB-1 through 10).
HarperCollins Publishers Floyd Around the Med
A paperback edition of Keith Floyd’s bestselling book which accompanied the television series of the same name. Floyd tours around the Mediterranean countries, looking at the different cuisines, lifestyles and countries, and cooking as he goes. In Floyd around the Med, Keith Floyd shares his experiences of travelling around the Mediterranean, exporing the food, drink and people of each region. He mixes with the glamorous jet-setters of Monte Carlo, endures a vertical mule ride in the Greek Islands, and shares wine with the monks of Saint Honorat off the Riviera coast. He barters in Turkish bazaars and Tunisian souks, explores undiscovered pueblos of Spain, checks out the North African coast and shares pink gins with the ex-pats of Marbella. And in each place of course Floyd cooks up delicious dishes using local produce. The countries he visits are Greece, France, Spain, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt.
El que mira
RAFAEL CAMARASA (Valencia, 1963) ha publicado los poemarios Cromos (2007), El sitio justo (2008), Cabos sueltos (2018) y Sin noticias de Liliput (2019), y los libros de relatos Feos (2009), Lo normal (2017) y El día que fui Bill Murray (2021).Poeta siempre atento a lo grande y lo menudo, notario de nuestro deambular por este accidente vertical y transitorio que llamamos vida, Rafael Camarasa nos ofrece en El que mira una muy lúcida reflexión sobre el amor y el paso del tiempo. Bien acompañado con el epígrafe ?Dentro de mi botella vacía fui construyendo un faro, mientras que todos los demás se construían barcos? de Charles Simic, que abre este libro sin alardes vacuos, sabe que ?hay dolores que duelen dos veces?, y así nos lo cuenta con escritura minuciosa. Lo cotidiano, que siempre es lo esencial, es aquí la ocupación del que primero mira para luego ver. Desde su faro, el poeta da cumplida respuesta con un lenguaje bien tallado donde nada sobra. RAFAEL SOLER
Editorial Sexto Piso Escritos sobre Foucault
Un complemento donde Miguel Morey termina de abarcar el resto de la obra foucaultiana. El saber ?dejó dicho Foucault? no está hecho para comprender, está hecho para cortar. Por lo tanto, si en Lectura de Foucault se trataba de seguir paso a paso la línea horizontal del desarrollo progresivo de su discurso, de la arqueología a la genealogía, los textos que se recogen aquí atienden ante todo a los cortes que ensayó Foucault en el espacio de lo que, según se nos dice, es obvio, natural y razonable. Analizar la vertical de esos gestos mayores, sobre qué apoyos se llevan a cabo, mediante la puesta en tela de juicio de qué prejuicios o la suspensión de qué postulados, y abrir la pregunta acerca de qué podría pensarse, no tanto a partir de lo que Foucault dijo, cuanto a partir de lo que hizo, tal es el objetivo de estos textos: aislar la dimensión sagital de un pensamiento tajante.
WW Norton & Co 50 Hikes in the Lower Hudson Valley
Only a short distance outside of the bustling metropolis that is the Big Apple, the lower Hudson Valley offers views of rolling green hills, jagged cliffs, and bubbling bodies of water, while hikers can also observe the Manhattan skyline off in the distance. With hikes of all types and difficulties from lower Westchester County to the Shawangunks, 50 Hikes in the Lower Hudson Valley has something for hikers of every experience level. Each hike provides a difficulty rating, approximate walking time, distance, vertical rise, maps, and trailhead GPS coordinates outlined at the beginning of the chapter, and provides tips and suggestions for getting to the trail, resting, and observing views throughout the hike. Whether the reader is heading to the nature center and wildflower sanctuary at Teatown Lake Reservation, trekking through dense woods and observing interesting boulders on the Breakneck Mountain Loop, or taking in the spectacular views of mighty Storm King, 50 Hikes in the Lower Hudson Valley is the ideal guide.
Baker Publishing Group Practices of Love – Spiritual Disciplines for the Life of the World
Spiritual disciplines are often viewed primarily as a means to draw us closer to God. While these practices do deepen and enrich our "vertical" relationship with God, Kyle David Bennett argues that they were originally designed to positively impact our "horizontal" relationships--with neighbors, strangers, enemies, friends, family, animals, and even the earth. Bennett explains that this "horizontal" dimension has often been overlooked or forgotten in contemporary discussions of the spiritual disciplines. This book offers an alternative way of understanding the classic spiritual disciplines that makes them relevant, doable, and meaningful for everyday Christians. Bennett shows how the disciplines are remedial practices that correct the malformed ways we do everyday things, such as think, eat, talk, own, work, and rest. Through personal anecdotes, engagement with Scripture, and vivid cultural references, he invites us to practice the spiritual disciplines wholesale and shows how changing the way we do basic human activities can bring healing, renewal, and transformation to our day-to-day lives and the world around us.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Shallow Foundations: Discussions and Problem Solving
Shallow Foundations: Discussions and Problem Solving is written for civil engineers and all civil engineering students taking courses in soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering. It covers the analysis, design and application of shallow foundations, with a primary focus on the interface between the structural elements and underlying soil. Topics such as site investigation, foundation contact pressure and settlement, vertical stresses in soils due to foundation loads, settlements, and bearing capacity are all fully covered, and a chapter is devoted to the structural design of different types of shallow foundations. It provides essential data for the design of shallow foundations under normal circumstances, considering both the American (ACI) and the European (EN) Standard Building Code Requirements, with each chapter being a concise discussion of critical and practical aspects. Applications are highlighted through solving a relatively large number of realistic problems. A total of 180 problems, all with full solutions, consolidate understanding of the fundamental principles and illustrate the design and application of shallow foundations.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Governance of Global Competition: Competence Allocation in International Competition Policy
The globalization of market competition and business behaviour fosters globalization of cartels and monopolising mergers that can lead to abusive and predatory strategies. The globalization of competition therefore also demands an internationalization of competition policy. However, Oliver Budzinski is realistic in his assertion that supranational competition governance must be built upon the existing, predominantly national, regimes. The resulting multilevel system of antitrust institutions and authorities, he argues, is problematic for the horizontal and vertical allocation of competences. This book employs the economics of federalism to create an analytical framework which can be used for comparative analysis of stylised competence allocation rules. The result is a proposal for a sound international multilevel competition policy system that combines elements of both centralized and decentralized governance.This book provides an innovative and unique perspective on international competition policy and will be of interest to economists, legal scientists and competition authorities as well as academics and practitioners of international governance and international relations and politics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation and Production Ecosystems
“We do not know where Silicon Valley is really located”, Feldman writes, because these types of organization, when they are dynamic, are moving and fluid. Innovation and production ecosystems or clusters are proliferating today because they seem to be adapted to the demands of innovation, growth and employment. The process leading to their institutionalization escapes a summary analysis of the behavior triggered by monetary incentives or, at the very least, makes it richer. The relational aspect becomes predominant, the interactions between the participants testify to the difficulty of separating the geographical and social dimensions. In the most prominent American clusters, public/private linkages and the building of social links express the centrality of networks in the innovation process. The European vision seeks to articulate entrepreneurial discoveries with vertical public interventions. The competitiveness poles in France suffer from the fact that public choices seem to be torn between two contradictory objectives: efficiency and equity.
Simon & Schuster The Future of Us
A fascinating look at the cutting-edge science and technologies that are on the cusp of changing everything from where we’ll live, how we’ll look, and who we’ll be, by the popular science broadcaster and bestselling author Jay Ingram.Where will we live? How will we get around? What will we look like? These are just some of the questions bestselling author and popular science broadcaster Jay Ingram answers in this exciting examination of the science and technologies that will affect every aspect of human life. In these pages, Ingram explores the future of our technological civilization. He reports on cutting-edge research in organ and limb regeneration, advances in prosthetics, the merging of the human and the synthetic, and gene editing. Vertical farming and lab-grown food might help feed millions and alleviate pressure on the planet. Cities could accommodate green space and the long-awaited flying car. Finally, he speculates on the futur
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Siblings: Sex and Violence
Siblings and all the lateral relationships that follow from them are clearly important and their interaction is widely observed, particularly in creative literature. Yet in the social, psychological and political sciences, there is no theoretical paradigm through which we might understand them. In the Western world our thought is completely dominated by a vertical model, by patterns of descent or ascent: mother or father to child, or child to parent. Yet our ideals are ‘liberty, equality and fraternity’ or the ‘sisterhood’ of feminism; our ethnic wars are the violence of ‘fratricide’. When we grow up, siblings feature prominently in sex, violence and the construction of gender differences but they are absent from our theories. This book examines the reasons for this omission and begins the search for a new paradigm based on siblings and lateral relationships. This book will be essential reading for those studying sociology, psychoanalysis and gender studies. It will also appeal to a wide general readership.
Greystone Books,Canada Finding the Fox
An intimate portrait of a mysterious and misunderstood animal.“Tjernshaugen writes in an easy-to-read style that is full of insight and understanding. I felt like I was sitting beside him as he described fox behavior.” —Rick McIntyre, Yellowstone wolf researcher and author of The Rise of Wolf 8If you look into the fox''s amber eyes, you''ll notice vertical pupils. With such feline eyes in a slender canine body, the fox is a relative of the dog and the wolf, but it hunts alone, like a cat. The fox lives close to people, both in the city and in the country, but it’s wild, shy, and secretive.Taking long walks in the early morning, equipped with wildlife cameras—and sometimes with his dog Topsy by his side—Andreas Tjernshaugen journeys into the forest hoping to encounter the foxes living just outside his small town in Norway. He knows the telltale signs of how to find a fox den, how to identify a paw
Cambridge University Press Conquerors, Employers and Arbiters: States and Shifts in Labour Relations, 1500–2000
Starting from a broad definition of labour relations as the full range of vertical and horizontal social relations under which work is performed, both within and outside the household, this volume examines the way states have shaped and interacted with labour relations in a wide range of periods and places, from the sixteenth-century silver mines of Potosí in the Andes to late twentieth-century Sweden, and from seventeenth-century Dzungharia to early twentieth-century colonial Mozambique. The articles presented look at very different types of states, from local and regional power holders to nation states and empires, and explore the activities of these states and their impact on labour relations in three roles, as conquerors, employers and arbiters. The volume finds diversity, but also a remarkable degree of similarity across space and time in the mechanisms deployed by states to extract and allocate the labour required to carry out their essential tasks.
Rizzoli International Publications Garden Style: A Book of Ideas
A comprehensive visual sourcebook for creating your perfect garden style with over 600 images of inspiring design ideas and solutions for every type of gardenRichly illustrated with hundreds of full-color images, this volume is a comprehensive trove of ideas and solutions for every type of garden that explore the possibilities for every situation, from challenging small spaces to expansive plots. Design tools are explained, planting styles explored, and inspiration is drawn from a wide variety of locations and climates to appeal to gardeners and designers everywhere.This is also a valuable style catalogue and sourcebook, encouraging and inspiring readers to discover their own garden style—contemporary or traditional, from cottage whimsy to classic formality or modern minimalism. A wealth of stylish design ideas for every kind of outdoor setting are included, whether inspired by the past or aspiring towards the future. Every conceivable topic is covered: paths and walkways, beds and borders, patios and entertainment spaces, water elements, vertical gardens, edibles, and much more.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Supernova Advisor Teams: A Pathway to Excellence
Strengthen and unify your Financial Advisor Team Teams are the principle building blocks of the strategy of successful organizations. The focus of your organization may be on service, quality, cost, value, speed, efficiency, performance, or any other similar goals, but teams remain the central methodology of most organizations across sectors. Vertical teams and horizontal teams can transcend organizational silos and boundaries if properly focused and supported. Building collaborative teams can improve the client experience. In Supernova Teams: Effective Team Strategies for Financial Advisors, you’ll discover the macro rationale and justification for teams, as well as the micro benefits of team formation. • Boost your team’s effectiveness • Discover different leadership styles • Write winning team vision statements • Get familiar with communication strategies From on-boarding a new team member to finding effective ways to bolster the ones you already have, this book shows you how to turn any team into a cohesive, productive unit with like-minded goals.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cognitive Radio and Dynamic Spectrum Access
Cognitive Radio for Dynamic Spectrum Access gives a comprehensive overview of the main concepts behind radio spectrum regulation, dynamic spectrum access and cognitive radio. Spectrum measurements are introduced to illustrate the inefficiencies in today’s spectrum usage and the book also discusses enablers for horizontal and vertical spectrum sharing. Among others a game-theory-based approach for spectrum sharing is described and evaluated. Institution and standardisation approaches in academic research and industry are highlighted including IEEE SCC41, 802.11k/n/s/y and 802.22 which lead towards commercial exploitation of cognitive radio. In conclusion, this book looks at the initial steps towards the vision of true cognitive radio and the potential impact on telecommunication business. Introduces the benefits and challenges of cognitive radio Presents cognitive radio in research and industry and covers implications for operators from the perspective of a telecom operator Examines how cognitive radio techniques will considerably change the wireless communication market.
Indiana University Press Islam, Charity, and Activism: Middle-Class Networks and Social Welfare in Egypt, Jordan, and Yemen
Throughout the Middle East, Islamist charities and social welfare organizations play a major role in addressing the socioeconomic needs of Muslim societies, independently of the state. Through case studies of Islamic medical clinics in Egypt, the Islamic Center Charity Society in Jordan, and the Islah Women's Charitable Society in Yemen, Janine A. Clark examines the structure and dynamics of moderate Islamic institutions and their social and political impact. Questioning the widespread assumption that such organizations primarily serve the poorer classes, Clark argues that these organizations in fact are run by and for the middle class. Rather than the vertical recruitment or mobilization of the poor that they are often presumed to promote, Islamic social institutions play an important role in strengthening social networks that bind middle-class professionals, volunteers, and clients. Ties of solidarity that develop along these horizontal lines foster the development of new social networks and the diffusion of new ideas.
CSIRO Publishing Chainsaw Operator's Manual: Chainsaw Safety, Maintenance and Cross-cutting Techniques
The Chainsaw Operator's Manual is an essential safety tool for chainsaw operators. It is the ultimate guide to basic chainsaw operating techniques covering safety, maintenance and cross-cutting, but not tree felling. Detailed diagrams illustrate horizontal, vertical and boring cuts, as well as trimming and cross-cutting techniques. Safety considerations are discussed, including workplace safety, occupational hazards, kick-back and identifying dangerous trees. An explanation of the 'tension' and 'compression' forces in timber is also provided to help you understand where tobegin cutting to avoid jamming the saw. The book covers chainsaw maintenance in detail, explains all aspects of the equipment and helps you select the right chainsaw and personal protection equipment for your needs. Trouble-shooting charts are included to help you solveoperating problems. This manual has been updated to take into account the most recent changes in nationally accredited competency standards. It is a must-have for anyone operating a chainsaw.
Gregory R Miller & Company Martin Puryear Lookout
Inspired by global masonry techniques and Hudson Valley history, Martin Puryear's installation for Storm King Art Center opens its oculi onto the museum groundsThis catalog documents the construction and unveiling of American artist Martin Puryear''s (born 1941) monumental site-specific installation, Lookout, at Storm King Art Center in New Windsor, New York. The 20-foot-tall sculpture is built of layers of red clay bricks laid using thin-shell masonry techniques. Rather than straight lines and vertical walls, however, the work curves inward and upward, opening to allow entry from one side while producing a swelling form on the opposite end. In Lookout, Puryear evokes brickmaking as a once-primary industry in the Hudson Valley and references the vernacular structures that dot the local landscape.Inside the structure, Puryear uses the work's form and setting to encourage a heightened sense of presence. The brick surface is punctuated by a con
INSTAP Academic Press Pseira VII: The Pseira Cemetery 2. Excavation of the Tombs
Richard B. Seager excavated the Minoan cemetery at Pseira in 1907, but the work was never published. The Temple University excavations (1985-1994) under the direction of Philip P. Betancourt and Costis Davaras conducted an intensive surface survey of the cemetery area, cleaned and drew plans of all visible tombs, and excavated tombs that had not been previously excavated. The results of the cemetery excavations on the small island off the northeast coast of Crete are published in two volumes. Pseira VII presents the results from the excavation and cleaning of the 19 tombs that still exist at the Pseira cemetery. The cemetery is remarkable for the diversity of its tomb types. Burials were in cist graves built of vertical slabs (a class with Cycladic parallels), in small tombs constructed of fieldstones, in house tombs, and in jars. Burials were communal, as is usual in Minoan cemeteries. Artifacts included clay vases, stone vessels, obsidian, bronze tools, jewelry, and other objects.
University of Minnesota Press Dark Deleuze
French philosopher Gilles Deleuze is known as a thinker of creation, joyous affirmation, and rhizomatic assemblages. In this short book, Andrew Culp polemically argues that this once-radical canon of joy has lost its resistance to the present. Concepts created to defeat capitalism have been recycled into business mantras that joyously affirm “Power is vertical; potential is horizontal!” Culp recovers the Deleuze’s forgotten negativity. He unsettles the prevailing interpretation through an underground network of references to conspiracy, cruelty, the terror of the outside, and the shame of being human. Ultimately, he rekindles opposition to what is intolerable about this world. Forerunners is a thought-in-process series of breakthrough digital works. Written between fresh ideas and finished books, Forerunners draws on scholarly work initiated in notable blogs, social media, conference plenaries, journal articles, and the synergy of academic exchange. This is gray literature publishing: where intense thinking, change, and speculation take place in scholarship.
Pan Macmillan No One Gets Out Alive: Now a major NETFLIX film
Now a major Netflix film.Winner of the August Derleth Award, No One Gets Out Alive is the ultimate haunted house thriller from horror writer Adam Nevill. Darkness lives within . . .Cash-strapped, working for agencies and living in shared accommodation, Stephanie Booth feels she can fall no further. So when she takes a new room at the right price, she believes her luck has finally turned. But 82 Edgware Road is not what it appears to be.It’s not only the eerie atmosphere of the vast, neglected house, or the disturbing attitude of her new landlord, Knacker McGuire, that makes her uneasy – it’s the whispers behind the fireplace, the scratching beneath floors, the footsteps in the dark, and the young women weeping in neighbouring rooms. And when Knacker’s cousin Fergal arrives, the danger goes vertical.But this is merely a beginning, a gateway to horrors beyond Stephanie’s worst nightmares. And in a house where no one listens to the screams, will she ever get out alive?
HarperCollins Publishers The Times Train Tracks Book 3: 200 challenging visual logic puzzles (The Times Puzzle Books)
Challenge yourself at home with visual puzzles A challenging visual puzzle which will appeal to lovers of logic and deduction brain teasers. Use your mental agility to complete the grids using the train tracks. Puzzles included cover three levels of difficulty, 30 easy, 130 medium, 40 hard. How To Play: A map grid shows two towns, typically A and B. The objective of the puzzle is to lay down tracks to connect the two towns. Numbers around the outside of the grid tell you how many pieces of track are to be placed in each row and column. You can only use straight (horizontal and vertical) and curved (right and left) rails and the track cannot cross over itself. There is something very satisfying in the laying down of tracks. The puzzles are arranged in Easy, Medium and Hard, where difficulty is largely dependent on the size of the map grid (6x6, 8x8 and 10x10).
Springer International Publishing AG Managing Water, Soil and Waste Resources to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals: Monitoring and Implementation of Integrated Resources Management
This book explores how integrated management of environmental resources via a Nexus Approach can help to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It takes a process-oriented view on what should or needs to be done to implement a Nexus Approach and how this relates to SDGs. After sketching the background and conceptual outline, contributions to the book explore key aspects of monitoring and implementation. Specifically, they: focus on the importance of monitoring resource use and how to advance it at the international level to support SDG implementation, exemplify the resources perspective on the nexus approach by exploring how to close the nitrogen cycle and stay within planetary boundaries, elaborate on proven and emerging strategies for nexus implementation, highlighting means to enhance, monitor and analyse stakeholder participation, explain how the horizontal and vertical nexus dimensions interact and can support SDG implementation. The book sheds new light on key aspects of the interrelation between SDGs and the Nexus Approach and provides specific recommendations how to advance it.
WW Norton & Co 50 Hikes on Tennessee's Cumberland Plateau
Tennessee’s Cumberland Plateau, a wide tableland cut with a dizzying array of deep gorges, is a geological wonderland. It is a place to behold and savor. This updated second edition covers hikes from the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area near Kentucky to the fascinating Walls of Jericho astride the Alabama state line; from the thousand-foot gorge cut by the mighty Tennessee River down Chattanooga way to the watery beauty of Virgin Falls by Sparta. Specific emphasis is placed on the most scenic destinations and the unique places that make the plateau so special, places like the Great Stone Door, with its sandstone formations and vertical rock walls, and Cumberland Mountain State Park, with its ancient trees and evidence of ancient human history. Also included are comprehensive maps for each hike, scenic photos, and a hikes-at-a-glance table that makes choosing your desired hike a breeze.
Birkhauser Living Systems: Innovative Materialien und Technologien für die Landschaftsarchitektur
Revolutionizing landscape architecture through the use of intelligent materials and technologies Living Systems surveys a wide array of innovative approaches to material technologies within the field of landscape architecture. The selected projects and materials exhibit a contemporary demand for technological landscapes and the collaboration between designers, engineers, scientists and ecologists. The book proposes a synthesis between technology and theory,focusing on growth, flow, metabolism, climate, and atmospheric phenomena. Projects and materials are cross-referenced according to performance criteria, processes, and properties. Each of the 36 international projects and 23 material technologies is presented with drawing details and construction photographs. Descriptions of key processes and adaptive qualities provide an analysis of the various complex systems featured, such as vertical growth structures, flood prevention, stormwater infiltration and erosion control. Projects featured include works by West8, GROSS.MAX, Weiss-Manfredi Architects, Field Operations, Kathryn Gustafson, and Vogt Landschaftarchitekten.
Rutgers University Press American Cinema of the 1910s: Themes and Variations
It was during the teens that filmmaking truly came into its own. Notably, the migration of studios to the West Coast established a connection between moviemaking and the exoticism of Hollywood.The essays in American Cinema of the 1910s explore the rapid developments of the decade that began with D. W. Griffith's unrivaled one-reelers. By mid-decade, multi-reel feature films were profoundly reshaping the industry and deluxe theaters were built to attract the broadest possible audience. Stars like Mary Pickford, Charlie Chaplin, and Douglas Fairbanks became vitally important and companies began writing high-profile contracts to secure them. With the outbreak of World War I, the political, economic, and industrial groundwork was laid for American cinema's global dominance. By the end of the decade, filmmaking had become a true industry, complete with vertical integration, efficient specialization and standardization of practices, and self-regulatory agencies.
Ebury Publishing Lateral Thinking: An Introduction
Why do some people always seem to have new ideas while others of equal intelligence never do? Lateral Thinking is Edward de Bono’s original portrayal of what lateral thinking is, how it works and how to use it to develop your own potential for thinking and problem solving.First published in 1967 as The Use of Lateral Thinking, this classic international bestseller remains as relevant to learning, problem solving and creative thinking today as when it was first published. De Bono argues that conventional vertical thinking often inhibits our ability to solve problems and come up with new ideas. He then shows that lateral thinking is a far easier and more natural way to generate simple, sound and effective ideas and offers guidance on how to develop your own ability to think laterally. Lateral thinking is a technique that anyone can learn and benefit from.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd U.S. Aerial Armament in World War II - The Ultimate Look: Vol.2: Bombs, Bombsights, and Bombing
Following his previous “Ultimate Look” volumes on the B-29, B-32, B-18, and B-25, and volumes one and two in this series, Wolf continues his definitive history of U.S. aerial armament in World War II. Drawing from his extensive library, microfilm archives, and technical manuals Wolf covers: Dive Bombers, Fighter Bombers, Rockets, Napalm, Torpedoes, Depth Charges, Aerial Mines, GT-1 Glide Pattern Torpedo, Speedee Bomb, Hydrobomb, Disney Rocket-Assisted Bomb, Very Heavy Conventional Bombs, Atomic Bomb, Poison Gas and Biological Bombs, Leaflets, Animal Aerial Weapons. There is an extensive chapter on guided missiles including GB (Glide Bomb) Series, VB (Vertical Bomb) Series, Drones (Aphrodite, Anvil, Castor, Willie Orphan, XBQ-1/2/3 and PQ Series, and USN TDR drones), SWOD (Special Weapons Ordnance Device) Series (Robin, Pelican, Moth, and Bat/SWOD Mk9), Glomb, Gargoyle, Gorgon, JB: Jet Bomb Series (JB-1 through 10).
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Tapestry Handbook: The Next Generation
This classic book, now completely revised and expanded, has long been a favorite of both teachers and students of tapestry weaving. Learn to weave tapestry on any kind of loom, vertical or horizontal. Take an intriguing journey to make an elaborate, but logical, tapestry sampler. The process is explained step-by-step and illustrated with over 300 beautiful color photographs and diagrams of tapestry techniques. Along the way, color theories applicable to tapestry are explained. You will be inspired by the ancient art form explored on these colorful pages. Treasures from museums and prominent contemporary artists relate the historic significance of tapestries and their limitless range of visual power. Learn how archival finishing and mounting your handwoven textile completes the project. A chapter on designing for tapestry provides tools for translating future concepts into compositions. Be a part of this ancient, yet completely modern, weaving tradition.
Baker Publishing Group Redemptive Kingdom Diversity – A Biblical Theology of the People of God
This book provides a comprehensive biblical and theological survey of the people of God in the Old and New Testaments, offering insights for today's transformed and ethnically diverse church. Jarvis Williams explains that God's people have always been intended to be a diverse community. From Genesis to Revelation, God has intended to restore humanity's vertical relationship with God, humanity's horizontal relationship with one another, and the entire creation through Jesus. Through Jesus, both Jew and gentile are reconciled to God and together make up a transformed people. Williams then applies his biblical and theological analysis to selected aspects of the current conversation about race, racism, and ethnicity, explaining what it means to be the church in today's multiethnic context. He argues that the church should demonstrate redemptive kingdom diversity, for it has been transformed into a new community that is filled with many diverse ethnic communities.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd People Flow in Buildings
Discover how to measure, control, model, and plan people flow within modern buildings with this one-stop resource from a leading professional People Flow in Buildings delivers a comprehensive and insightful description of people flow, analysis with software-based tools. The book offers readers an up-to-date overview of mathematical optimization methods used in control systems and transportation planning methods used to manage vertical and horizontal transportation. The text offers a starting point for selecting the optimal transportation equipment for new buildings and those being modernized. It provides insight into making passenger journeys pleasant and smooth, while providing readers with an examination of how modern trends in building usage, like increasingly tall buildings and COVID-19, effect people flow planning in buildings. People Flow in Buildings clearly defines the terms and symbols it includes and then moves on to deal with the measurement, control, modelling, and planning of people flow within buildings of all kinds. Each chapter contains an introduction describing its contents and the background of the subject. Included appendices describe measured passenger data and performed analyses. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to people-counting methods, including counting technology inside and outside buildings, passenger traffic components, and manual people-counting An examination of the passenger arrival process in building, including the Poisson arrival process and probability density function, and passenger arrivals in batches A consideration of daily vertical passenger traffic profiles, including two-way traffic profiles and the effects of inter-floor traffic An exploration of people flow solutions, including stairs, escalators, and elevators with collective and destination group control systems, as well as double-deck and multicar system People flow calculation and simulation models Elevator planning with ISO simulation method Elevator planning and evacuation of tall buildings Perfect for software designers in the private sector and academia, People Flow in Buildings will also earn a place in the libraries of elevator consultants, manufacturers, and architects who seek a one-stop reference for transportation devices from a functional and design perspective, as opposed to a hardware perspective.
La cultura de la vivienda en propiedad se consolidó en la población española durante las dos primeras décadas del franquismo. Las políticas de vivienda franquistas reflejaban los prejuicios patriarcales sobre la familia y la mujer del nacionalcatolicismo, y la creencia falangista en el poder moderador de la propiedad sobre el radicalismo social. El régimen de Franco utilizó la vivienda de protección oficial como elemento central de su propaganda social y para encuadrar a los productores en el sindicalismo vertical. La tenencia en propiedad demostró, vía garantía hipotecaria, que era la mejor opción para los negocios. Solo entonces, la iniciativa privada entró en el campo de la vivienda social y, en pocos años, los terrenos se llenaron de torres de pisos. El presente libro intenta explicar el proceso holístico de creación de una cultura de propiedad relacionada con el mercado de la vivienda, y cómo los falangistas se fueron adaptando a los intereses inmobiliarios que habían intentado mo
El universo nos ofrece energía, y de ello todas las civilizaciones han sido por demás conscientes. Los antiguos chinos la denominaron chi y basaron buena parte de su medicina tradicional en ella. Los japoneses, por su parte, la llamaron ki. Los hindúes, a su vez, la denominaron prana. Y es precisamente de la rica tradición hindú de donde se deriva la noción de chakras: núcleos energéticos ubicados en una suerte de línea vertical imaginaria que va desde el perineo hasta la zona del aura, que está por encima de la coronilla. Los chakras son siete (al menos, los que considera como principales la tradición hindú), y cada uno de ellos tiene una vibración energética determinada, se relaciona con un aspecto de nuestra vida; influye sobre una serie de órganos y funciones del organismo; modela parte de nuestro aspecto psicológico, emocional y espiritual, y abre toda una serie de correspondencias. Este libro nos invita a un fascinante recorrido por ellos para alcanzar la verdadera vitalidad ener
JOVIS Verlag Le Corbusier: Unité d’habitation „Typ Berlin“: Konstruktion und Kontext
Le Corbusier’s Unité d’habitation "Typ Berlin"—built 1957–58—is an exceptional testimony to Berlin’s post-war architecture. Although it follows the basic concept of a "vertical village" as envisioned by the architect, the gigantic block, containing 530 apartments, clearly differs from the Marseille original. However, as a result of modifications required by the client, the construction occupies the position of an outsider in Le Corbusier’s oeuvre. Authors from the fields of architecture, urbanism, art history, and cultural studies precisely set out the genesis of the listed building for the first time. In addition, they investigate the development of the "Unité d’habitation" model, the Berlin variant’s unique color concept, and carry out a comparison with the four typologically related buildings in France. In looking at the significance, ingenuity, and creative impact of Le Corbusier’s unique creation in Berlin, the so-called "Corbusierhaus," the publication fills a gap in the literature on post-war modernism and the architect’s body of work.
Hirmer Verlag Fragments of Metropolis - Berlin: Berlin's Expressionist Legacy
Fresh from their success with "Modernism London Style", hailed by The Financial Times on 29.6.13 as 'this gorgeous photographic survey', photographer Niels Lehmann and editor Christoph Rauhut present their latest exciting project. Fragments of Metropolis documents all the remaining Expressionist buildings in Berlin, arguably the movement’s most important architectural centre. The architecture of Expressionism heralded the onset of the roaring twenties. Berlin's remaining Expressionist buildings demonstrate a great creativity of form and a skilful use of light, colour and material. In contrast to the Bauhaus architecture of the same era, they sought complexity, vertical enhancement and drama to create the modern metropolis. Fragments of Metropolis documents 120 buildings in Berlin and its environs with Niels Lehmann's new photographs, drawings, an illustrated index of every building, and maps that divide the locations into areas. In celebrating the birth of the metropolis Berlin, the book is the rediscovery an important part of the city's heritage.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Organizational Change and Development
Volume 27 of Research in Organizational Change and Development introduces thought-provoking insights on inclusivity within organizations. These include: the philosophical foundation of organization development and change; positive organizational scholarship as a scientific base for sustainable change; the practice of humility and humble behaviors; a socio-economic approach to organization development enhancing the compatibility between the human system, stakeholders, and stockholders; the importance of collaborative effort across hierarchies and vertical boundaries, despite tensions that undermine middle managers' role as change agent; the use of top-down and bottom-up processes to link attitudes and enhance levels of engagement; how leaders in social enterprise development continuously respond to common paradoxes of engagement; and, finally, enhancing a culture of inclusive, agile and thriving teams in environments of continuous change. The diverse collaborative contributions by leading scholars and scholar-practitioners from across the globe provide an enriching body of knowledge on contemporary challenges in organizational change and development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reinventing Hierarchy and Bureaucracy: From the Bureau to Network Organizations
This special volume brings together leading scholars in the field of organisation studies to reflect on the universal phenomena of hierarchy (vertical organisation of tasks) and bureaucracy (rule-bound execution of tasks). The result is a colourful kaleidoscope of thought-provoking, critical and refreshingly non-mainstream analysis of hierarchy and bureaucracy. The chapters range from minute accounts of a single case to broader historical analysis, from the 'classical' journal paper to essay-style elaborations. The first section provides fundamentals and historical accounts of bureaucracy, highlighting negative and positive effects of bureaucracy and a differentiated picture with some future outlook. The second section focuses on the analysis of organisational, cultural and socio-psychological aspects of hierarchy and bureaucracy by interrogating hierarchy in contemporary work via a new framework, exploring the cultural fantasy of hierarchy and sovereignty, and examining subordinates' challenges to organisational hierarchy. The final section comprises two chapters which provide some alternative views on, and alternatives to hierarchy. One is alarming, the other is puzzling.
Duke University Press Spectacular Digital Effects: CGI and Contemporary Cinema
By developing the concept of the "digital effects emblem," Kristen Whissel contributes a new analytic rubric to cinema studies. An "effects emblem" is a spectacular, computer-generated visual effect that gives stunning expression to a film's key themes. Although they elicit feelings of astonishment and wonder, effects emblems do not interrupt narrative, but are continuous with story and characterization and highlight the narrative stakes of a film. Focusing on spectacular digital visual effects in live-action films made between 1989 and 2011, Whissel identifies and examines four effects emblems: the illusion of gravity-defying vertical movement, massive digital multitudes or "swarms," photorealistic digital creatures, and morphing "plasmatic" figures. Across films such as Avatar, The Matrix, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Jurassic Park, Titanic, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, these effects emblems heighten the narrative drama by contrasting power with powerlessness, life with death, freedom with constraint, and the individual with the collective.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Siblings: Sex and Violence
Siblings and all the lateral relationships that follow from them are clearly important and their interaction is widely observed, particularly in creative literature. Yet in the social, psychological and political sciences, there is no theoretical paradigm through which we might understand them. In the Western world our thought is completely dominated by a vertical model, by patterns of descent or ascent: mother or father to child, or child to parent. Yet our ideals are ‘liberty, equality and fraternity’ or the ‘sisterhood’ of feminism; our ethnic wars are the violence of ‘fratricide’. When we grow up, siblings feature prominently in sex, violence and the construction of gender differences but they are absent from our theories. This book examines the reasons for this omission and begins the search for a new paradigm based on siblings and lateral relationships. This book will be essential reading for those studying sociology, psychoanalysis and gender studies. It will also appeal to a wide general readership.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Federalism and the Dictatorship of Power in Russia
Stoliarov presents an analysis of the historical traditions and distinctive features of modern Russian federalism. He reviews the state of affairs in today's Russia as it strives to become a federal democracy securing the rights and liberties of its citizens. By tracing two contrasting ideas - federalism and derzhavnost (dictatorship of power) - in the legacy of the Russian state, and in relations between the modern federal government and the regions, he demonstrates the need for balance in the delimitation of power. The election in 2000 if Vladimir Putin as President raised doubts about the future of federalism among politicians and citizens, but Stoliarov believes that the development of federalism is the only way forward for this multi-ethnic and multi-religious society. He shows that the strengthening of 'vertical power' and 'dictatorship of the law', despite their patriotic appeal, are likely to have a negative effect on the building of democracy and federalism in Russia.
Oxford University Press This Volcanic Isle
From the natural geometry of the Giant''s Causeway to the sarsen slabs used to build Stonehenge, we are surrounded by evidence for the extraordinary geological forces that shaped the British Isles. Running coast to coast through Devon is ''Sticklepath'', Britain''s ''San Andreas'', a geological fault with the two sides displaced horizontally by several kilometres, all within the recent geological past. The Sticklepath Fault is just one manifestation of the rich tectonic history of the British region since the asteroid collision that ended the reign of the dinosaurs, 66 million years ago. Raised out of the Chalk Sea, the original Albion was a thickly forested island a thousand kilometres long, surrounded by chalk cliffs, punctuated with great volcanoes, and the site of two trial ''spreading ridge'' plate-boundaries. As the volcanoes shifted west, and Greenland separated from Europe, the wind-blown volcanic ash laid the strata on which London was founded. The vertical Needles, kn
McFarland & Co Inc Colonel Albert Pope and His American Dream Machines: The Life and Times of a Bicycle Tycoon Turned Automotive Pioneer
A little over a century ago in Hartford, Connecticut, Colonel Albert A. Pope was hailed as a leading automaker in the United States. That his name is not a household word today is the very essence of his story. Students of American business history will know of Pope, but this work also includes Pope's account of his Civil War service at Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Vicksburg and explores in detail his entrepreneurial ventures.Pope's company was the world's largest manufacturer of bicycles (under the Columbia label) in the late 1800s. His production methods pointed the way for the building of automobiles through lightweight metals, rubber tires, precision machining, interchangeability of parts, and vertical integration. The founder of the Good Roads Movement, Pope entered automobile manufacturing while steam, electricity, and gasoline power were still vying for supremacy. The story of his failed dream of dominating U.S. automobile production is an engrossing view into America's industrial history.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Making Concrete Countertops with Buddy Rhodes: Advanced Techniques
The companion volume to Making Concrete Countertops with Buddy Rhodes, this book details the art and craft of creating vertical concrete applications as well as integral sink and drainboard elements and curved-edge counters, for advanced users of the medium. An invaluable manual for contractors, architects, and expert handypersons alike, the project photography within will guide you step-by-step in the creation of an outdoor kitchen project, from the careful process of measuring a template, to building a mold, to casting, curing, and installation. With more than 30 years of experience in concrete art and fabrication, artist Buddy Rhodes shares his skills and experience in this useful, practical book. Most importantly, he shares the process he pioneered for creating the natural, stone-like pressed surfaces that have become his hallmark. As the popularity of concrete in home decor soars, this book will be an indispensable guide for any craftsman who hopes to make his mark on this incredible, expanding market.