Search results for ""Author Todd""
Ohio University Press Sports in Africa, Past and Present
These groundbreaking essays demonstrate how Africans past and present have utilized sports to forge complex identities and shape Africa’s dynamic place in the world. Since the late nineteenth century, modern sports in Africa have both reflected and shaped cultural, social, political, economic, generational, and gender relations on the continent. Although colonial powers originally introduced European sports as a means of “civilizing” indigenous populations and upholding then current notions of racial hierarchies and “muscular Christianity,” Africans quickly appropriated these sporting practices to fulfill their own varied interests. This collection encompasses a wide range of topics, including women footballers in Nigeria, Kenya’s world-class long-distance runners, pitches and stadiums in communities large and small, fandom and pay-to-watch kiosks, the sporting diaspora, sports pedagogy, sports as resistance and as a means to forge identity, sports heritage, the impact of politics on sports, and sporting biography.
Stanford University Press Anatomy of the Passions
The study of facial expression and its musculature undertaken by Guillaume-Benjamin Duchenne de Boulogne in 1862, an attempt to secure biological meaning in the natural language of the emotions, resulted in the pioneering Méchanisme du physiognomie humaine. Duchenne, who used photography to document his experiments, inspired Charles Darwin's Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872) and had a significant influence on artists (his teachings were incorporated into the curriculum of the École Normale Supérieur des Beaux Arts). Through Duchenne, François Delaporte provides a remarkable philosophical and historical examination of expressive physiology during the mid-nineteenth century and considers the science of emotion as a means of revealing inner life upon the surface of the face. The central concern of Anatomy of the Passions is how techniques of studying facial musculature became a point of contact between existing and novel understandings of the body's expressive anatomy. Delaporte shows that Duchenne entirely reordered the knowledge and limits of expressive physiology in science and art. The face became a site where the signs of inner life are silently revealed, not yet betrayed by speech, but brought forth by reflexive physiology or by technical manipulation.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Impossible Objects
Impossible objects are those about which the philosopher, narrowly conceived, can hardly speak: poetry, film, music, humor. Such "objects" do not rely on philosophy for interpretation and understanding; they are already independent practices and sites of sensuous meaning production. As Elvis Costello has said, "writing about music is like dancing about architecture." We don't need literary theory in order to be riveted by the poem, nor a critic's analysis to enjoy a film. How then can philosophy speak about anything outside of itself, namely all of those things which actually matter to us in this world? In Impossible Objects, Simon Critchley - one of the most influential and insightful philosophers writing today - extends his philosophical investigation into non-philosophical territories, including discussions on tragedy, poetry, humor, and music. In a series of engaging and enlightening conversations, Critchley reflects on his early work on the ethics of deconstruction; the recurring themes of mortality and nihilism; his defense of neo-anarchism; and his recent investigation into secular faith, or "a faith of the faithless". Essential reading for artists, academics, and general readers alike, this book explores the relationship between the philosophical world and those complex and fascinating "impossible objects" which give life meaning.
Image Comics Spawn Compendium, Color Edition, Volume 1
FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FULL COLOR!TODD McFARLANE unleashed his signature creation, SPAWN, in 1992. In doing so, he created the most successful independent comic book in history. Add in collaborations with industry giants ALAN MOORE, FRANK MILLER, TONY DANIEL, and GRANT MORRISON, and SPAWN’s future as alegend was sealed.Collected now in full color, McFARLANE’s hyper-detailed artwork comes to life like never before. Relive all the excitement of everyone’s favorite anti-hero with this new collection.Collects SPAWN #1-50
Image Comics Spawn Origins Volume 13
Fresh from surviving the tortures of hell, Spawn learns he harbors many souls within him that help him beat back the monsters of Armageddon. Meanwhile, God is not in his Heaven, and all is wrong with the world. The goddess Kali is doing some head-hunting in India, while the Angel Zera takes on the Forgotten Ones in a battle to control the hosts of Heaven. Wanda's family is being torn apart as Spawn bares his heart to Cyan, and a new foe; The Disciple stands between Spawn and preventing the apocalypse. Collects Spawn Issues #152 - 163
Pearson Education (US) Unlocking Business Agility with Evidence-Based Management: Satisfy Customers and Improve Organizational Effectiveness
Leverage Evidence-Based Management, a scientific method, to enable organizations to achieve goals under conditions of uncertainty. Organizations often believe in the certainty of their plans and see every deviation from the plan as a sign of failure. They view the organization as a machine for creating and executing plans instead of looking at it as a responsive organism, attentive to the changes in its environment. In a world of uncertainties, organizations need to be capable of reinventing themselves every day based on new information. In Unlocking Business Agility with Evidence-Based Management, authors Patricia Kong, Todd Miller, Kurt Bittner, and Ryan Ripley use the framework developed by called Evidence-Based Management (EBM). EBM is an empirical approach that helps organizations use experimentation and rapid feedback to progress toward goals. This path is not always obvious or straightforward, but that is a benefit: in a complex and changing world, the path toward goals will always be uncertain. EBM helps organizations use new data to adapt their plan toward their goals. Throughout the book, the authors present stories and experiences that illustrate how EBM can be applied to set better goals and then leverage empiricism to achieve those goals using feedback, learning, and evidence. This definitive guide will help your organization identify its true purpose, improve its ability to reach goals, and build a culture of trust, transparency, and growth. Clarify goals and demonstrate value, success, and progress using agile metrics Progress toward goals in uncertain and rapidly changing circumstances Embrace empiricism and experimentation to find solutions for complex problems Find real-world anonymized case studies on how to articulate goals and measurements in a way that fosters self-management and business agility Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The Fascial Distortion Model: Philosophy, Principles and Clinical Applications
Chronicle Books Tools
This is the book for answering all your tool questions, gaining knowledge before hiring a professional, or simply flipping through just for the joy of learning something new about the objects that shape our world. This expansive guide catalogs more than 700 tools for measuring, cutting, fastening, and shaping - from hammers and saws to wrenches, welders, and drawknives. Throughout these illustrated pages, you'll learn how to care for each tool so it can last a lifetime, as well as learn intriguing tidbits and fascinating histories of each object along the way.
Image Comics Spawn: Origins Volume 16
While Spawn is busy battling his inner demons, real demons are on the prowl and want a piece of him, too. Enter the historic battle with Urizen and the advent of Ab and Zab. Plus... Wanda's pregnant?! Add another baby to your Spawn: Origins family and re-live the excitement of one of the best-selling independent comics of all time! Collecting classic issues of everyone's favorite anti-hero and featuring impossible pencils by Greg Capullo, this is the stuff legends are made of. Reprints Spawn #93-98
Edinburgh University Press Katherine Mansfield and Bliss and Other Stories
This book celebrates the centennial of Bliss's publication by offering new readings of some of Mansfield's most well-known stories, revealing not only the depth and innovation of her work but also the extent to which she was instrumental in revisioning the potential of the short story form. It includes the publication of a newly discovered short story potentially by Mansfield, with an explanatory essay. It also presents a selection of new poetry and a new short story by acclaimed New Zealand author Paula Morris, all inspired by Mansfield.
Harvard University Press HyperCities: Thick Mapping in the Digital Humanities
The prefix “hyper” refers to multiplicity and abundance. More than a physical space, a hypercity is a real city overlaid with information networks that document the past, catalyze the present, and project future possibilities. Hypercities are always under construction.Todd Presner, David Shepard, and Yoh Kawano put digital humanities theory into practice to chart the proliferating cultural records of places around the world. A digital platform transmogrified into a book, it explains the ambitious online project of the same name that maps the historical layers of city spaces in an interactive, hypermedia environment. The authors examine the media archaeology of Google Earth and the cultural–historical meaning of map projections, and explore recent events—the “Arab Spring” and the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster—through social media mapping that incorporates data visualizations, photographic documents, and Twitter streams. A collaboratively authored and designed work, HyperCities includes a “ghost map” of downtown Los Angeles, polyvocal memory maps of LA’s historic Filipinotown, avatar-based explorations of ancient Rome, and hour-by-hour mappings of the Tehran election protests of 2009.Not a book about maps in the literal sense, HyperCities describes thick mapping: the humanist project of participating and listening that transforms mapping into an ethical undertaking. Ultimately, the digital humanities do not consist merely of computer-based methods for analyzing information. They are a means of integrating scholarship with the world of lived experience, making sense of the past in the layered spaces of the present for the sake of the open future.
University of California Press Painting With Light
Few cinematographers have had as decisive an impact on the cinematic medium as John Alton. Best known for his highly stylized film noir classics "T-Men", "He Walked by Night", and "The Big Combo", Alton earned a reputation during the 1940s and 1950s as one of Hollywood's consummate craftsmen through his visual signature of crisp shadows and sculpted beams of light. No less renowned for his virtuoso color cinematography and deft appropriation of widescreen and Technicolor, he earned an Academy Award in 1951 for his work on the musical "An American in Paris". First published in 1949, "Painting With Light" remains one of the few truly canonical statements on the art of motion picture photography, an unrivaled historical document on the workings of postwar American cinema. In simple, non-technical language, Alton explains the job of the cinematographer and explores how lighting, camera techniques, and choice of locations determine the visual mood of film. Todd McCarthy's introduction provides an overview of Alton's biography and career and explores the influence of his work on contemporary cinematography and the foreword, written expressly for this edition by award-winning cinematographer John Bailey, explores Alton's often contentious relationships with colleagues, the American Society of Cinematographers, and the movie industry itself.
Image Comics Gunslinger Spawn, Volume 3
Gunslinger's time in the present day has gone from bad to worse. Now, enemies from his past have allied themselves with some of his newfound acquaintances. Getting the upper hand on them won’t be easy and may force him to go on the run again. All the while Gunslinger’s memories start clearing up and revealing a new path of vengeance! Collects Gunslinger Spawn issues #13 – 18
Image Comics Spawn: Omega
First Medieval Spawn is discovered alive! Now, a stranger walks into a bar in New Mexico with a revolver on his hip... It sounds like the start of a bad joke but trust me, Gunslinger Spawn is no joke.Collects SPAWN #308-315
New York University Press After Obama: African American Politics in a Post-Obama Era
Examines the complicated political legacy of our first black president Written during the presidency of Donald Trump, After Obama examines the impact President Barack Obama and his administration have continued to have upon African American politics. In this comprehensive volume, Todd C. Shaw, Robert A. Brown, and Joseph P. McCormick II bring together more than a dozen scholars to explore his complex legacy, including his successes, failures, and contradictions. Contributors focus on a wide range of topics, including how President Obama affected aspects of African American politics, how his public policies influenced the quality of Black citizenship and life, and what future administrations can learn from his experiences. They also examine the present-day significance of Donald Trump in relation to African American politics. A timely and thorough work, After Obama provides the first examination of the Obama administration in its entirety, and the lasting impact it has had on African American politics.
Image Comics Spawn: Origins Deluxe Edition 3
Spawn Origins Deluxe Edition Volume 3 features the iconic stories of Spawn creator Todd McFarlane and is chock-full of superstar artist Greg Capullo's pencil work. This limited edition, deluxe, oversized, slip-cased, hardcover tome presents 25 previously released, sold-out issues of classic Spawn stories in all-new size and format. Additional material includes color and black-and-white cover galleries, never-before-seen art, and all bonus material from the six-issue trade paperbacks and 12-issue hardcovers as well! This is the absolute top tier of the Spawn Origins family of books! It doesn't get any better than this!
Grim Oak Press Unfettered: Tales by Masters of Fantasy
For Beginners Libertarianism for Beginners
Image Comics Invincible Universe Volume 2
In the aftermath of Invincible : The Death of Everyone, Dinosaurus has left his mark on the world. Can heroes from across the universe — Invincible, the Guardians of the Globe, Tech Jacket, the Astounding Wolf-Man, and more — contain the damage? Or are the end times of the Invincible Universe ahead? The greatest heroes in the Invincible Universe take on their greatest threats: Red Eye, the Lizard League, and...marriage?!
Image Comics Invincible Universe Volume 1
In the aftermath of Invincible: The Death of Everyone, Dinosaurus has left his mark on the world. Can heroes from across the universe — Invincible, the Guardians of the Globe, Tech Jacket, the Astounding Wolf-Man, and more — contain the damage? Or are the end times of the Invincible Universe ahead?
Image Comics Spawn: Origins Volume 18
In 1992, legendary writer and artist Todd McFarlane unleashed his iconic antihero, Spawn, on the world. In so doing, he launched the most successful independent comic book in history — and the world would never be the same. Spawn: Origins Volume 18 features the stories and artwork that helped cement the Spawn legacy. Relive the excitement of this groundbreaking series, collected in this accessibly priced format with exclusive bonus content, including cover galleries, b/w art, classic quotes, and an exclusive digitally painted cover by Clayton Crain. Reprints issues #105-110 of the Spawn series.
Image Comics Spawn: Origins Volume 14
Relive the excitement of one of the bestselling independent comics of all time and grow your Spawn: Origins collection! In this volume, the ghost of slain child killer Billy Kincaid returns to taunt Spawn! Possessing human souls, Kincaid carries out his dirty work vicariously through innocents. Sam and Twitch find themselves knee deep in it when current police officers become victims to Kincaid's torment. Can they help Spawn save the people without killing all of them too!? Collects Spawn #81-86
Image Comics Haunt Volume 2
Due to his unique ability to bond with Kurt's ghost, priest Daniel Kilgore joins forces with the undercover agency, and tries to get used to his new life of murder and espionage. Featuring original Haunt layout artist and master storyteller Greg Capullo stepping up to full-time penciling duties, this volume collects Haunt issues #6-12, and includes a special stand-alone issue, Haunt #6, told from Mirage's perspective.
Heyday Books The Battle for People's Park, Berkeley 1969
“Resplendent.... A masterwork of history.”—Ron Jacobs, CounterpunchIn eyewitness testimonies and hundreds of remarkable photographs, The Battle for People's Park, Berkeley 1969 commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of one of the most searing conflicts that closed out the tumultuous 1960s: the Battle for People's Park. In April 1969, a few Berkeley activists planted the first tree on a University of California-owned, abandoned city block on Telegraph Avenue. Hundreds of people from all over the city helped build the park as an expression of a politics of joy. The University was appalled, and warned that unauthorized use of the land would not be tolerated; and on May 15, which would soon be known as Bloody Thursday, a violent struggle erupted, involving thousands of people. Hundreds were arrested, martial law was declared, and the National Guard was ordered by then-Governor Ronald Reagan to crush the uprising and to occupy the entire city. The police fired shotguns against unarmed students. A military helicopter gassed the campus indiscriminately, causing schoolchildren miles away to vomit. One man died from his wounds. Another was blinded. The vicious overreaction by Reagan helped catapult him into national prominence. Fifty years on, the question still lingers: Who owns the Park?
Abrams Monsters of the Week: The Complete Critical Companion to The X-Files
In 1993, Fox debuted a strange new television show called The X-Files. Little did anyone suspect that the series would become one of the network’s biggest hits—and change the landscape of television in the process. Now, on the occasion of the show’s 25th anniversary, TV critics Zack Handlen and Todd VanDerWerff unpack exactly what made this haunting show so groundbreaking. Witty and insightful reviews of every episode of the series, revised and updated from the authors’ popular A.V. Club recaps, leave no mystery unsolved and no monster unexplained. This crucial collection even includes exclusive interviews with some of the stars and screenwriters, as well as an original foreword by X-Files creator and showrunner Chris Carter. This complete critical companion is the book about The X-Files, the definitive guide whether you’re a lifelong viewer wanting to relive memories of watching the show when it first aired or a new fan uncovering the conspiracy for the first time.
University Press of Kansas Place Matters: Metropolitics for the Twenty-First Century
How can the United States create the political will to address our major urban problems—poverty, unemployment, crime, traffic congestion, toxic pollution, education, energy consumption, and housing, among others? That’s the basic question addressed by the new edition of this award-winning book. Thoroughly revised and updated for its third edition, Place Matters examines the major trends and problems shaping our cities and suburbs, explores a range of policy solutions to address them, and looks closely at the potential political coalitions needed to put the country’s “urban crisis” back on the public agenda. The problem of rising inequality is at the centre of Place Matters. During the past several decades, the standard of living for the American middle class has stagnated, the number of poor people has reached its highest level since the 1960s, and the super-rich have dramatically increased their share of the nation’s wealth and income. At the same time, Americans have grown further apart in terms of where they live, work, and play. This trend—economic segregation—no longer simply reflects the racial segregation between white suburbs and minority cities. In cities and suburbs alike, poor, middle class, and wealthy Americans now live in separate geographic spaces. The authors have updated the case studies and examples used to illustrate the book’s key themes, incorporated the latest Census data, and drawn on exit polls and other data to examine the voting patterns and outcomes of the 2012 elections. They have expanded their discussion of how American cities are influenced by and influence global economic and social forces and how American cities compare with their counterparts in other parts of the world. And they draw upon the latest research and case studies not only to examine the negative impacts of income inequality and economic segregation but also assess the efforts that civic and community groups, unions, business, and government are making to tackle them. Fully up to date and far richer and more provocative, this new version surpasses its previous editions and will continue to be an essential volume for all who study urban politics and care about our cities.
Image Comics Spawn: Origins Volume 17
In 1992, legendary writer and artist Todd McFarlane unleashed his iconic antihero, Spawn, on the world. In so doing, he launched the most successful independent comic book in history — and the world would never be the same. Spawn Origins Volume 17 features the stories and artwork that helped cement the Spawn legacy. Relive the excitement of this groundbreaking series — collected in this accessibly priced format with exclusive bonus content, including cover galleries, black-and-white art, classic quotes, and an exclusive, digitally painted cover by Clayton Crain. Reprints issues #99-104 of this classic series — including the landmark, double-sized issue #100!
Cornell University Press I Love Bill and Other Stories
I Love Bill and Other Stories showcases the work of Wang Anyi, one of China's most prolific and highly regarded writers, in two novellas and three short stories. A young artist's life spirals out of control when she drops out of school to pursue a series of unfulfilling relationships with foreign men. A performance troupe struggles to adapt to a changing China at the end of the Cultural Revolution. The head of an isolated village arranges a youth's posthumous marriage to an unknown soldier, only to have the soldier's former lover unexpectedly turn up. A fun trip takes an unexpected turn when two young women are kidnapped and sold off as brides. A boy's bout with typhoid provides an intimate look at family life in Shanghai's longtang alleys. In this thoughtful translation by Todd Foley, I Love Bill and Other Stories offers poignant and nuanced portrayals of life during China's economic and cultural transition at the turn of the millennium.
University of Nebraska Press Think of Lampedusa
A collection of serial poems, Think of Lampedusa addresses the 2013 shipwreck that killed 366 Africans attempting to migrate secretly to Lampedusa, an Italian island in the Mediterranean Sea. The crossing from North Africa to this island and other Mediterranean way stations has become the most dangerous migrant route in the world. Interested in what is producing such epic displacement, Josué Guébo’s poems combine elements of history and mythology. Guébo considers the Mediterranean not only as a literal space but also as a space of expectation, anxiety, hope, and anguish for migrants. He meditates on the long history of narratives and bodies trafficked across the Mediterranean Sea. What did it—and what does it—connect and separate? Whose sea is it? Ultimately he is searching for what motivates a person to become part of what he calls a “seasonal suicide epidemic.” This translation of Guébo’s Songe à Lampedusa, winner of the Tchicaya U Tam’si Prize for African Poetry, is a searing work from a major African poet.
Edinburgh University Press Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf
These comparative essays explore the shared terrain of these modernist women writers and shed new light on their 'curious & thrilling' literary relationship.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Professional SharePoint 2013 Administration
SharePoint admin author gurus return to prepare you for working with the new features of SharePoint 2013! The new iteration of SharePoint boasts exciting new features. However, any new version also comes with its fair share of challenges and that's where this book comes in. The team of SharePoint admin gurus returns to presents a fully updated resource that prepares you for making all the new SharePoint 2013 features work right. They cover all of the administration components of SharePoint 2013 in detail, and present a clear understanding of how they affect the role of the administrator. Compares and contrasts SharePoint 2013 to earlier versions Helps make your SharePoint 2013 installation smooth and successful Addresses managing customizations Looks at SharePoint 2013 for Internet sites Includes an introduction to SQL Server 2012 Professional SharePoint 2013 Administration enhances your SharePoint skill set and immerses you in the new content of the platform.
Fordham University Press Writings on Medicine
At the time of his death in 1995, Georges Canguilhem was a highly respected historian of science and medicine, whose engagement with questions of normality, the ideologization of scientific thought, and the conceptual history of biology had marked the thought of philosophers such as Michel Foucault, Louis Althusser, Pierre Bourdieu, and Gilles Deleuze. This collection of short, incisive, and highly accessible essays on the major concepts of modern medicine shows Canguilhem at the peak of his use of historical practice for philosophical engagement. In order to elaborate a philosophy of medicine, Canguilhem examines paramount problems such as the definition and uses of health, the decline of the Hippocratic understanding of nature, the experience of disease, the limits of psychology in medicine, myths and realities of therapeutic practices, the difference between cure and healing, the organism’s self-regulation, and medical metaphors linking the organism to society. Writings on Medicine is at once an excellent introduction to Canguilhem’s work and a forceful, insightful, and accessible engagement with elemental concepts in medicine. The book is certain to leave its imprint on anthropology, history, philosophy, bioethics, and the social studies of medicine.
Abrams Edible Selby
Photographer Todd Selby is back, this time focusing his lens on the kitchens, gardens, homes, and restaurants of more than 40 of the most creative and dynamic figures working in the culinary world today. He takes us behind the scenes with Noma chef René Redzepi in Copenhagen; to Tokyo to have a slice with pizza maker Susumu Kakinuma; and up a hilltop to dine at an inn without an innkeeper in Valdobbiadene. Each profile is accompanied by watercolor illustrations and a handwritten questionnaire, which includes a signature recipe. Reveling in the pleasures of a taco at the beach, foraging for wild herbs, and the art of the perfectly cured olive, Selby captures the food we love to eat and the people who passionately grow, cook, pour, and serve these incredible edibles every day.Praise for Edible Selby:“Todd Selby has turned his curious eye to the kitchens of some of the world’s most imaginative cooks, artisans, and foragers. Far too often, food and the people who produce it are hidden behind closed doors or lost in an industrial food system, so it’s heartening to see this book champion those who have nothing to hide. With Todd’s trademark good humor and disarmingly quirky style, Edible Selby is a pure celebration of the creativity and authenticity of the wonderful individuals who are bringing real food to the table.”- Alice Waters, owner of Chez Panisse Restaurant“Todd Selby’s foray into the world of food is every bit as intriguing as his eccentric take on the world of interiors. Long live Signor Selby!”- Simon Doonan, Barneys New York creative ambassador“Edible Selby captures the energy and excitement of today's food world. This book is pure Selby.”- Thomas Keller, The French Laundry“Books On My Gifts List…Photographer Todd Selby’s scrapbook reportage on passionate cooks and famous chefs around the world. Messy, magnificent, inspiring.”—Food & Wine magazine“Exploring the world for food, that’s what Edible Selby is all about…and hopefully, you get really hungry when you read it.”—New York Daily News“Photographer Todd Selby has an uncanny eye for the beauty of the unconventional kitchen; in his second book, he features cooks, chefs, and other culinary creative types in their workspaces—complete with recipes and witty hand-drawn illustrations.” —Saveur“This is a book to read on the couch and leave there. Next you’ll want to go to the kitchen and get crazy and make a mess. You will let your hair down, and the meal will be infused with life.” —
O'Reilly Media Subject to Change
To achieve success in today's ever-changing and unpredictable markets, competitive businesses need to rethink and reframe their strategies across the board. Instead of approaching new product development from the inside out, companies have to begin by looking at the process from the outside in, beginning with the customer experience. It's a new way of thinking-and working-that can transform companies struggling to adapt to today's environment into innovative, agile, and commercially successful organizations.Companies must develop a new set of organizational competencies: qualitative customer research to better understand customer behaviors and motivations; an open design process to reframe possibilities and translate new ideas into great customer experiences; and agile technological implementation to quickly prototype ideas, getting them from the whiteboard out into the world where people can respond to them. In "Subject to Change: Creating Great Products and Services for an Uncertain World", Adaptive Path, a leading experience strategy and design company, demonstrates how successful businesses can - and should - use customer experiences to inform and shape the product development process, from start to finish.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Rich's Vascular Trauma
For more than 40 years, Rich's Vascular Trauma has been surgeons' #1 reference for the diagnosis and treatment of vascular injury in both civilian and military settings across the globe. Published in association with the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS),the fully updated 4th Edition reflects recent changes in vascular injury patterns, wounds, and trauma care, drawing from current research and a wide variety of peer-reviewed publications to keep you up to date with the latest evidence-based management strategies and techniques. Written and edited by vascular surgeons who are also trauma specialists-civilian and military experts who have proficiency in both open-surgical and endovascular techniques-this must-have reference offers a global perspective on every aspect of the broad spectrum of vascular trauma. Covers all vascular surgery procedures required to stop hemorrhage and restore perfusion in vessels in the limbs, junctional areas, torso and neck, including damage control techniques such as shunting, and endovascular techniques such as REBOA and stenting. Addresses pre-hospital, emergency department, surgical, and endovascular stages of treatment in developed, austere and deployed settings, including a rich section on vascular trauma in multiple international settings that provides important context for the global surgical community. Includes nine new chapters covering prehospital management, endovascular suites, stent-grafts, selective aortic arch perfusion, extracorporeal systems and gathering evidence in vascular trauma, and more. Presents surgical techniques in step-by-step, highly illustrated detail, as well as high level, strategic decision-making such as the logistics of setting up an endovascular trauma service. Includes a new, rapidly digestible "Tips and Tricks" section summarizing how to execute essential vascular maneuvers and management steps to ensure that patients get the best outcomes. Emphasizes the current management of civilian vascular injuries while drawing upon the best available evidence, experience, and lessons learned from Afghanistan, Iraq, and the "urban battlefield. Contains an innovative chapter on the systems approach and quality improvement in vascular trauma, offering information and tactics for all providers wishing to understand how clinical systems underpin patient outcome and recovery. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Damiani Alexis Rockman: Works on Paper
With a career spanning over three decades, internationally acclaimed artist Alexis Rockman is well known for his complex, large scale paintings and works on paper depicting the collision between civilization and nature. The artist synthesizes elements of human history, natural science and landscape painting; a passionate interest in climate change and globalization; and a healthy dose of art history and science fiction, to create images that reveal our world balancing on the precipice. Beyond their lush surfaces, radiant washes of color, and technical inventiveness belies a dark humor, an intense curiosity and a probing intelligence that serves to heighten the power and urgency of his invented narratives. Works on Paper is the first comprehensive survey of the artist’s graphic work, documenting his extraordinary accomplishments as a draftsman through a meticulous selection of watercolors, gouaches, oil drawings, field studies, and sketchbooks. Designed in close collaboration with the artist, the book reproduces 120 works, many of which have never before been published. Included are his earliest watercolors from the 1980s, often of hybrid and mutated animals; Field Drawings, created in Guyana and other remote locations from mud sourced on site; the ominously beautiful and apocalyptic Weather Drawings; painterly works relating to his epic The Great Lakes Cycle; and Lost at Sea, his most recent body of work reimagining famed and historic shipwrecks. The book includes a visual appendix of Rockman's graphic influences, with commentary by the artist. Works on Paper is a valuable addition to scholarship on the artist, providing a critical understanding of a visionary oeuvre made at the intersection of art, nature and science.
Image Comics Spawn Compendium, Volume 4 Color Edition
TODD MCFARLANE unleashed his signature creation, SPAWN, in 1992. In doing so, he created the most successful independent comic book in history. Now for the first time Issues 151-200 are collected in FULL Color. Some of these issues have never been collected before! SPAWN COMPENDIUM VOL. 4 presents the continued tales of Spawn, as he discovers the true meaning of becoming a Hell spawn. He settles on a path of bloody revenge in search of a way back to his humanity! Collects SPAWN #151-200
Thomas Nelson Publishers Every Little Win: How Celebrating Small Victories Can Lead to Big Joy
What does a forty-two-year-old, small-town pastor do when he wins one of the most popular singing competitions in the world? Todd Tilghman and his wife, Brooke, share how decades of unrelenting challenges have taught them a joyful mindset of embracing not only winning The Voice but also "every little win" along the way.When Todd Tilghman, pastor and father of eight from Meridian, Mississippi, auditioned for The Voice,he counted it as a win simply to sing in front of an audience other than family and church members. Despite no music or vocal training, he not only made it through the blind audition--with all four celebrity judges vying to coach him--he also won the show's entire eighteenth season. Fans were drawn to Todd's tremendous joy on stage, giving them much-needed inspiration during the hard challenges of a global pandemic.In their first book, Todd and Brooke share how their focus on joy and celebrating every little win has helped them to overcome numerous challenges over their twenty-plus-year marriage. From adopting two children from South Korea to fighting for their newborn son's life to pastoring a small congregation through periods of adversity, Todd and Brooke share the lessons they've learned and the strategies that have moved them from fear to faith to ever-present joy.
Tuttle Publishing More Making Out in Japanese: Completely Revised and Expanded with new Manga Illustrations - A Japanese Language Phrase Book
More Making Out in Japanese is a fun, accessible and thorough guide to the Japanese language as it's really spoken.This prasebook follows the bestselling Making Out in Japanese providing additional (and classic) phrases for travelers, including ones to help you make acquaintances, discuss likes and dislikes, share a meal, go out on the town or develop a romantic relationship.If you are a student, businessman or tourist traveling to Japan and would like to have an authentic and meaningful experience, the key is being able to speak like a local. This friendly and easy-to-use phrasebook makes this possible. More Making Out in Japanese has been completely revised and expanded to be even more helpful as a guide to modern colloquial Japanese for use in everyday informal interactions—giving access to the sort of catchy Japanese expressions that aren't covered in traditional language materials. As well as the Romanized forms (romanji), each expression is now given in authentic Japanese script (kanji and kana with furigana pronunciation clues), so that in the case of difficulties the book can be shown to the person the user is trying to communicate with.This Japanese phrasebook includes: A guide to pronouncing Japanese words correctly Explanations of basic Japanese grammar, such as, intonation, word stress, and particles A guide to male and female usage Romanized forms of words and phrases (romanji) Complete Japanese translations including Japanese characters (kanji) and the Japanese alphabet (kana) Useful and interesting notes on Japanese language and culture Lots of colorful, fun and useful expressions not covered in other phrasebooks Titles in this unique series of bestselling phrase books include: Making Out in Chinese, Making Out in Indonesian, Making Out in Thai, Making Out in Korean, Making Out in Hindi, Making Out in Japanese, Making Out in Vietnamese, Making Out in Burmese, Making Out in Tagalog, Making Out in Hindi, Making Out in Arabic, Making Out in English, More Making Out in Korean, and More Making Out in Japanese.
Image Comics King Spawn, Volume 2
Spawn returns to where his journey began: New York City. This is where the God Throne, the Dead Zones, and the prophecy of King Spawn all collide. Will Spawn take the crown or doom the world instead? Collects King Spawn Issues #7-12
Image Comics King Spawn, Volume 1
When one of the vilest creatures ever imprisoned in Hell is released back onto Earth, Spawn follows the clues right into a trap set just for him. But why does Kincaid want Spawn to ascend the throne of Hell, and what of the prophecy of the KING SPAWN?Collects KING SPAWN #1-6
Image Comics Haunt Volume 1
Robert Kirkman and Todd McFarlane present Haunt! Based around two brothers, one a less-than-perfect priest, the other a government agent, the men struggle to get along, rarely agreeing on anything. An unexpected accident forces them to work together in ways they never thought possible. Struggling with his own personal demons, the priest begrudgingly works alongside the spirit of his recently deceased brother, who possesses him. Together, the brothers form a new superhero, Haunt. Featuring the artistic team of Ryan Ottley, Greg Capullo, and Todd McFarlane, with story by Robert Kirkman. Collects Haunt issues #1-5.
Image Comics Spawn: Origins Volume 3
With Spawn, legendary writer and artist Todd McFarlane unleashed his iconic antihero on the world, and launched the most successful independent comic book in history. Reprinting Spawn #15-20, Spawn: Origins Volume 3 includes stories penned by Grant Morrison, and introduces unforgettable, all-new characters.
Image Comics Spawn: Origins Deluxe Edition Volume 6
This deluxe oversized and slipcase hardcover edition presents twenty-five previously released, sold-out issues of classic SPAWN stories in an all-new size and format. Additional material includes color and black-and-white cover galleries and never-before-seen art, plus all the bonus material from the original collected editions. The absolute top tier of the SPAWN ORIGINS family of books! It doesn't get any better than this! Collects Spawn Issues #126-150!
Image Comics Spawn Origins, Volume 27
As Armageddon consumed the world, Spawn turned against his masters, destroying all life on Earth. While God and Satan continue their endless conflict in a parallel universe, Spawn has re-created the world and resurrected the human race, in what has become known as the White Light. The portals to Heaven and Hell are closed, leaving humanity free from the influence of angels and demons. Collects Spawn Issues #161 – 166
Image Comics Spawn Shadows
Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled ride through the world of SPAWN! Omega Spawn’s lair is the site of an epic showdown, but when the Plague arrives, all bets are off. Meanwhile, Spawn and Medieval Spawn team up to escape the island, but trust is in short supply. And that’s just the beginning! Spawn’s Universe is more intense than ever with new shadow players and shocking revelations. Don’t miss a moment of the action! Collects Spawn Issues #316 - 323
Candlewick Press,U.S. The First Day of Peace
W. H. Freeman College Physics