Search results for ""Author Todd""
Image Comics Spawn Origins, Volume 27
As Armageddon consumed the world, Spawn turned against his masters, destroying all life on Earth. While God and Satan continue their endless conflict in a parallel universe, Spawn has re-created the world and resurrected the human race, in what has become known as the White Light. The portals to Heaven and Hell are closed, leaving humanity free from the influence of angels and demons. Collects Spawn Issues #161 – 166
Image Comics Spawn Shadows
Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled ride through the world of SPAWN! Omega Spawn’s lair is the site of an epic showdown, but when the Plague arrives, all bets are off. Meanwhile, Spawn and Medieval Spawn team up to escape the island, but trust is in short supply. And that’s just the beginning! Spawn’s Universe is more intense than ever with new shadow players and shocking revelations. Don’t miss a moment of the action! Collects Spawn Issues #316 - 323
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Religious Competition in the Third Century CE: Jews, Christians, and the Greco-Roman World
The essays in this work examine issues related to authority, identity, or change in religious and philosophical traditions of the third century CE. This century is of particular interest because of the political and cultural developments and conflicts that occurred during this period, which in turn drastically changed the social and religious landscape of the Roman world. The specific focus of this volume edited by Jordan D. Rosenblum, Lily Vuong, and Nathaniel DesRosiers is to explore these major creative movements and to examine their strategies for developing and designating orthodoxies and orthopraxies. Contributors were encouraged to analyze or construct the intersections between parallel religious and philosophical communities of the third century, including points of contact either between or among Jews, Christians, pagans, and philosophers. As a result, the discussions of the material contained within this volume are both comparative in nature and interdisciplinary in approach, engaging participants who work in the fields of Religious Studies, Philosophy, History and Archaeology. The overall goal was to explore dialogues between individuals or groups that illuminate the mutual competition and influence that was extant among them, and to put forth a general methodological framework for the study of these ancient dialogues. These religious and philosophical dialogues are not only of great interest and import in their own right, but they also can help us to understand how later cultural and religious developments unfolded.
Guilford Publications The Therapist's Guide to Psychopharmacology, Third Edition: Working with Patients, Families, and Physicians to Optimize Care
Now in a revised and updated third edition, this noted practitioner guide and text incorporates the latest knowledge about psychopharmacology and collaborative care. Therapists and counselors learn when and how to make medication referrals and how to address patients' questions about drug benefits, side effects, safety, and more. Organized around frequently encountered mental health disorders, the book explains how medications work (including what they can and cannot accomplish). Strategies for collaborating successfully with patients, their family members, and prescribers are discussed in detail. Written for optimal practical utility, the text features case examples, sample referral letters, checklists, and a glossary. New to This Edition *Chapter on the therapeutic relationship. *New separate chapter on bipolar disorder. *Expanded discussions of distinguishing psychiatric illness from normal distress, optimizing collaboration with psychiatrists, how medications work in the brain, treatment of chronic pain, and more. *Additional case vignettes and psychopharmacology principles.
University of California Press Terrestrial Vegetation of California, 3rd Edition
This thoroughly revised, entirely rewritten edition of what is the essential reference on California's diverse and ever-changing vegetation now brings readers the most authoritative, state-of-the-art view of California's plant ecosystems available. Integrating decades of research, leading community ecologists and field botanists describe and classify California's vegetation types, identify environmental factors that determine the distribution of vegetation types, analyze the role of disturbance regimes in vegetation dynamics, chronicle change due to human activities, identify conservation issues, describe restoration strategies, and prioritize directions for new research. Several new chapters address statewide issues such as the historic appearance and impact of introduced and invasive plants, the soils of California, and more.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Handbook of Patient Care in Vascular Diseases
Now in full color, Handbook of Patient Care in Vascular Diseases is a concise quick-reference guide to effectively diagnosing and treating patients with common arterial and venous vascular diseases. Chapter by chapter, content is presented in a convenient online format, and covers everything from the latest diagnostic methodologies to current catheter-based basics to post-op patient management. Diseases and conditions include diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, obesity, and more. Emphasizes patient management and care rather than the technicalities of surgical interventions. Thoroughly updated, incorporating recent advancements in endovascular technologies and procedures. Disease-specific chapters cover pathophysiology, pre-op management, diagnosis, examination, procedural planning, and follow-up. Practical, no-nonsense writing style designed for easy and quick absorption of material. Includes management checklists, referenced to current literature, that facilitate efficient care planning and activities. Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience: Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
SAGE Publications Inc Creating an Actively Engaged Classroom: 14 Strategies for Student Success
Make your lessons interesting, interactive, and engaging Successful lessons are explicit, yet also inspire active learning and opportunities to respond. As the one shaping lessons, can you do better? Probably, and you’re not alone. Research shows teachers consistently offer students far fewer than the recommended opportunities to respond, leaving all students—including those with special needs and behavior challenges—less than engaged and falling short of their best chance for success. With this book, you’ll discover 14 strategies you can translate directly to your classroom, complete with descriptions, advantages and disadvantages of each, and how and when best to use them. Divided into three parts, you will be guided through Verbal engagement strategies, such as whip around, choral responding, quick polls, and individual questioning Non-verbal engagement strategies, such as stop and jot, guided notes, response cards, and hand signals Partner and teaming strategies, such as turn & talk, cued retell, four corners, and classroom mingle Dive into these strategies and transform your classroom into a rich and interactive environment—no matter the subject, context, or age of your students.
Workman Publishing Mushrooms of the Southeast
An essential reference for mushroom enthusiasts, hikers, and naturalistsMushrooms of the Southeast is a compact, beautifully illustrated guide packed with descriptions and photographs of hundreds of the region’s most important mushrooms. In addition to profiles on individual species, the book also includes a general discussion and definition of fungi, information on where to find mushrooms and collection guidelines, an overview of fungus ecology, and information on mushroom poisoning and how to avoid it. ·Fully illustrates 330 species and discusses more than 1,000 of the region’s most conspicuous, distinctive, interesting, and ecologically important mushrooms ·Covers northern Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia ·Helpful keys for identification ·Clear, color-coded layout
Baylor University Press With Radiant Hope: Timely and Timeless Reflections from George W. Truett
With Radiant Hope is a collection of thirty-four messages that George W. Truett wrote at the close of each year to his congregation while serving as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. Truett's famed ministry at the now well-known church extended from 1897 to 1944; the messages contained in this volume span the period from 1910 to 1944. The abiding value of these magnanimous missives, from beginning to end, is their pastoral tone, literary quality, biblical basis, and theologically robust character.There is, of course, no single right way to read the messages that comprise this collection. Some will want to read them from beginning to end in swift succession, perhaps in a single sitting. Others will want to savor them, reading one a day, or a handful a day, over a stretch of time. Beginning during Advent and continuing through Christmastide holds promise for being an especially meaningful way to use this book. Although Truett's letters are situated at year's end, they are for all seasons and offer an edifying read time and time again.
Oxford University Press Inc The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Religion
The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Religion offers a comprehensive and compelling review of research in religious beliefs and practices from an evolutionary perspective on human psychology. The chapters, written by renowned experts on human behavior and religion, explore a number of subtopics within one of three themes: (1) the psychological mechanisms of religion, (2) evolutionary perspectives on the functionality of religion, and (3) evolutionary perspectives on religion and group living. This handbook unites the theoretical and empirical work of leading scholars in the evolutionary, cognitive, and anthropological sciences to produce an extensive and authoritative review of this literature. Its interdisciplinary approach makes it an important resource for a broad spectrum of researchers, graduate students, and advanced undergraduates who are interested in studying the factors and mechanisms that underlie and/or affect religious beliefs and behaviors.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Austrian Law and Economics
The original contributions in this Handbook provide an introduction to the application of Austrian economics to law. The book begins with chapters on the methodology of law and economics before moving on to chapters which discuss key concepts in Austrian economics such as; dynamic competitive processes, spontaneous order, subjective value, entrepreneurship, and the limited nature of individual knowledge - as they relate to topics in evolutionary law and basic law.This book presents contributions from both economists and legal scholars on topics ranging from methodology of analysis and the evolution of contemporary legal practice, to the teachings of basic law. Taken as a whole, this Handbook provides a strong overview of contemporary research in the Austrian school of law and economics. It is an approach that reflects both the examination of how alternative legal arrangements impact economic performance, and how to use the tools of basic economic reasoning to study the operation of legal rules.Scholars working in the fields of law, jurisprudence, economics, and public policy will find this an important resource on the cutting edge of Austrian political economy in application to law and economics.Contributors include: B.L. Benson, P.J. Boettke, D.J. Boudreaux, H.N. Butler, E.R. Claeys, C.J. Coyne, M. DeBow, M.T. Henderson, S. Horwitz, P.G. Klein, M. Krause, T.A. Lambert, P.T. Leeson, J. Parker, G.J. Postema, S. Rajagopalan, D. Skarbek, E.P. Stringham, R.E. Wagner, T.J. Zywicki
Quercus Publishing A Possibility of Violence: An Inspector Avraham Avraham Novel
*A Possibility of Violence has now been adapted for television in a new series called The Calling out in November 2022*The threat to the innocent. An explosive device is found outside a nursery in Tel Aviv. The children are taken to safety; a man is caught fleeing the scene. The fear of the father. Chaim Sara, taking care of his children alone, watches with anticipation as the police search for clues and his sons grow more unsettled. The suspicion of the guilty. Inspector Avraham is sure that off the street, and in the home, a darker possibility hides. If he is right, a child is in danger. If he is right.
Guilford Publications The Psychology of Prejudice, Third Edition
Addressing core questions about prejudice and stereotyping--their causes, consequences, and how to reduce them--this noted text is now in a thoroughly revised third edition with 50% new material. Written in an engaging, conversational style, the book brings social-psychological theories and research to life with compelling everyday examples. The text explores the personal and societal impacts of different forms of prejudice. Students learn about the cognitive, emotional, motivational, contextual, and personality processes that make stereotyping and prejudice more (or less) likely to occur. The book reviews anti-bias interventions and critically evaluates the evidence for their effectiveness. Every chapter concludes with an instructive glossary and discussion questions. New to This Edition *Full chapter on implicit prejudice. *Chapters on anti-gay and anti-fat prejudice. *New or updated discussions of timely topics: how children develop prejudice, structural racism, benevolent versus hostile sexism, how contact reduces prejudice, and more.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ageism 2005
Humans automatically categorize others in social perception. Some categorizations race, gender, and age -- are so automatic that they are termed "primitive categories." As we categorize, we develop stereotypes about the categories. Researchers know much about racism and sexism, but comparatively little about prejudice based on age. The papers in this issue highlight the current empirical and theoretical work on understanding the origins and consequences of stereotyping and prejudice against older adults. With the aging baby boomer demographic, it is especially timely for researchers to work to understand how society can shed its institutionalized ageism and promote respect for elders.
Pharmaceutical Press Introduction to Statistics in Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials
This book is a self-contained introduction to Statistics, presented in the context of clinical trials and pharmaceutical drug development. It focuses on the statistical analyses most commonly used in drug development and is therefore an ideal introduction to pharmaceutical statistics. Instead of introducing a series of statistical techniques, the book's organizational structure follows the order in which numerical information and statistical analyses are used in trials and new drug development.All students taking classes in pharmaceutical sciences and clinical research need a solid knowledge and understanding of the nature, methods, application and importance of Statistics. They need to understand:why, and how data are collected in clinical trials; how these data are summarized and analyzed; what the results mean in the context of the clinical research question; and, how the results are communicated to regulatory agencies and to scientific and medical communities.This title therefore adopts a unique approach and concept in organization of the content. It begins with an introduction to statistical theory, analysis and interpretation. This is followed by a discussion of t-tests and confidence intervals. Readers are then taken through the whole process of new drug development (using one specific example throughout) that is meaningful in the context of their broader studies. Throughout this process, statistical techniques and analyses are introduced in the order in which they are employed during the process.The book's realistic scientific and progressive organization from pre-clinical trials to clinical pharmacology through clinical trials is novel, meaningful and educationally powerful. The book emphasises the importance of descriptive statistics as well as inferential statistics, something that is rarely done.Supplementary material is included for this text on the PharmPress website in the form of PowerPoint lecture notes on Statistics (based on content of this book) that can be downloaded by lecturers.
Birkhauser Building Sharjah
Building Sharjah reveals how modern architecture unfurled across the United Arab Emirates’ third-largest city. An oil discovery in 1972 positioned Sharjah as one of the world’s final cities shaped by transformative fortune. In the footsteps of Kuwait, Riyadh, and Dubai, Sharjah faced a metamorphosis: either one that repeated the past’s mistakes or one that reimagined how wealth can build a city. Sharjah’s potential enticed an international cast of experts to create a bold, new city. As their projects begin to vanish, this book preserves them through unseen photographs and recovered documents. New writing chronicles how local and arriving residents arranged the designed, concrete environment into a home. Beyond just a local artifact, this book examines the confident promises made by global practices of urbanization.
Chaosium Inc Gateways to Terror: Three Portals Into Nightmare
Vault Comics Failsafe
"Rockets along with the intensity of an action movie and the conceptual bite of a great sci-fi thriller. I'm hooked." -- Brenden Fletcher, MOTOR CRUSH, BLACK CANARY, GOTHAM ACADEMY "An action-loaded fever dream of a world that's just around the corner' perfect popcorn paranoia for suspicious times." -- Ehren Kruger, screenwriter of THE RING, TRANSFORMERS, GHOST IN THE SHELL An action-packed science fiction thriller, with a timely political bite, FAILSAFE is written by comics writer and film producer F.J. DeSanto (CYBORG 009, HITMAN AGENT 47), and fan-favorite screenwriter Todd Farmer (JASON X, MY BLOODY VALENTINE 3D), with art by Federico Dallocchio (SUICIDE SQUAD, BATMAN: ARKHAM UNHINGED.) Publisher's Synopsis: When he executed the last nanotech-enhanced super soldier, John Ravane thought that was the end of the haywire Insurgence Program. Ten years later, in the wake of social unrest, its true legacy is revealed. As sleeper agents scattered throughout the country activate, Ravane must stand between a government he cannot trust and the soldiers he once hunted.
Sports Publishing LLC Fabric of the Game: The Stories Behind the NHL's Names, Logos, and Uniforms
An in-depth look into the origins of how each NHL team was named, received their logo and design, with interviews by those responsible. Written by those most knowledgeable, you'll learn why every hockey team to every play in the National Hockey League looks the way it does. Nothing unites or divides a random assortment of strangers quite like the hockey team for which they cheer. The passion they hold within them for the New York Rangers, Toronto Maple Leafs, Montreal Canadiens, or Boston Bruins allows them to look past any differences which would have otherwise disrupted a perfectly fine Thanksgiving dinner and channels it into a powerful, shared admiration for their team. We decorate our lives with their logos, stock our wardrobe with their jerseys, and, in some cases, even tattoo our bodies with their iconography and colors. They’re so ingrained in our lives we don’t even think to ask ourselves why Los Angeles celebrates royalty; why Buffalo cheers for not one, but two massive cavalry swords; or why the Broadway Blueshirts named themselves for a law enforcement agency in Texas (or why they even wear blue shirts, for that matter). All that and more is explored in Fabric of the Game, authored by two of the sports world’s leading experts in team branding and design: Chris Creamer and Todd Radom. Tapping into their vast knowledge of the whys and hows, Creamer and Radom explore and share the origin stories behind these and more, talking directly to those involved in the decision processes and designs of the National Hockey League’s team names, logos, and uniforms, pouring through historical accounts to find and deliver the answers to these questions. Learn more about the historied Detroit Red Wings and Chicago Blackhawks, as well as the lost but not forgotten Hartford Whalers and Quebec Nordiques, all the way to the lesser-known Kansas City Scouts and Philadelphia Quakers. Whichever team you pledge allegiance, Fabric of the Game covers them in-depth with research and knowledge for any hockey fan to enjoy.
Ammo Books Sad Stuff on the Street
Hal Leonard Corporation Billy Joel: A Step-by-Step Breakdown of Billy Joel's Keyboard Style and Techniques
Simon & Schuster Woodlawn: One Hope. One Dream. One Way.
Now a major motion picture starring Jon Voight, Nic Bishop, and C. Thomas Howell. This riveting true story of courage, strength, and football at the height of racial tension in Birmingham, Alabama tells the story of Coach Tandy Gerelds, his running back Tony Nathan, and a high school football game that healed a city.In the midst of violent, impassioned racial tensions in Birmingham, Alabama, new football coach, Tandy Gerelds, was struggling to create a winning football team at Woodlawn High School—one of the last schools in Birmingham to integrate. The team he was handed did not have the caliber of players he needed to win—until he saw Tony Nathan run. But Tony was African American and Coach Gerelds knew that putting him in as running back would be like drawing a target on his own back and the back of his soon-to-be star player. But Coach Gerelds saw something in Tony, and he knew that his decision to let him play was about more than football. It was about doing what was right for the school—and the city. And soon, the only place in the city where blacks and whites got along was on Coach Gerelds’s football team. With the help of a new school chaplain, Tony learned to look beyond himself and realized that there was more at stake than winning a game. In 1974, Coach Gerelds’s interracial team made Alabama history drawing 42,000 fans into the stadium to watch them play. It was this game that triggered the unity and support of the Woodlawn High School Colonels and that finally allowed a city to heal and taught its citizens how to love.
Cengage Learning, Inc The Democratic Debate: American Politics in an Age of Change
Focusing on the tension between elite and popular models of democracy, individuals and movements that made a difference, and recent events, THE DEMOCRATIC DEBATE makes American democracy become more relevant, compelling, and lively.
Fordham University Press Selected Writings: On Self-Organization, Philosophy, Bioethics, and Judaism
Best known for his pioneering work in theories of self-organization and complexity, the biophysicist and philosopher Henri Atlan has during the past thirty years been a major voice in contemporary European philosophical and bioethical debates. In a massive oeuvre that ranges from biology and neural network theory to Spinoza’s thought and the history of philosophy, and from artificial intelligence and information theory to Jewish mysticism and contemporary medical ethics, Atlan has come to offer an exceptionally powerful philosophical argumentation that is as hostile to scientism as it is attentive to biology’s conceptual and experimental rigor, as careful with concepts of rationality as it is committed to rethinking the human place in a radically determined yet forever changing world. This is the first volume to bring together the major strands of Atlan’s work for an English-language audience. It is an indispensable compendium for those seeking to clarify the joint stakes and shared import of philosophy and science for questions of life and the living—today and tomorrow.
Random House USA Inc Oh, the Lavas That Flow!: All About Volcanoes
An introduction to one of the most awe-inspiring spectacles on Earth--with the Cat in the Hat as your guide!With a little help from Thing One and Thing Two, the Cat in the Hat travels the Earth--and beyond--to introduce beginning readers to the science and history of volcanoes. From how they are formed to how they errupt, kids will learn why we wouldn't have rain, sleet, or snow without them; the difference between lava and magma; how most volcanoes are under water; and much, much more! Also included is a look at specific volcanoes from around the world (and Mars) including Mt. Vesuvius, Mt. Etna, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Pinatubo, Mt. Krakatoa, Mt. Erebus, Castle Rock, Mauna Loa, and Olympus Mons. Perfect for nurturing a love of science and reading in a young child, this is a great choice for fans of the hit PBS show The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!The Cat in the Hat's Learning Library is a nonfiction, unjacketed hardcover series that introduces beginning readers ages 5-8 to important basic concepts. Featuring beloved characters from Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat, the Learning Library titles explore a range of topics about the world we live in and include an index, glossary, and suggestions for further reading.
Image Comics Spawn: Origins Volume 20
Spawn: Origins Volume 20 features the stories and artwork that helped cement the Spawn legacy. Relive the excitement of this groundbreaking series in this accessibly priced format with exclusive bonus content, including cover galleries, black and white art, classic quotes from Todd McFarlane, and an exclusive digitally painted cover by Clayton Crain.
Edinburgh University Press Christianity in East and Southeast Asia
Taking the analysis of worldwide Christianity to a deeper level of detail, this volume focuses on Christianity in East and Southeast Asia, covering every country and offering both reliable demographic information and original interpretative essays by indigenous scholars and practitioners.
Edinburgh University Press Christianity in South and Central Asia
This comprehensive reference volume covers every country in South and Central Asia, offering reliable demographic information and original interpretative essays by indigenous scholars and practitioners.
Edinburgh University Press Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf
These comparative essays explore the shared terrain of these modernist women writers and shed new light on their 'curious & thrilling' literary relationship.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Integrated Tactical Planning: Respond to Change, Increase Competitiveness, and Reduce Costs
The experts at Oliver Wight provide business leaders with invaluable information for integrating the tactical planning process Integrated Tactical Planning (ITP) is an essential process for regularly re-aligning product, demand, and supply plans in the short term, thereby giving the Executive team the confidence that operational activities are being well managed, unless they formally hear otherwise. This cross-functional re-planning process is vital to responding to change, increasing competitiveness, and reducing costs. Integrated Tactical Planning: Respond to Change, Increase Competitiveness and Reduce Costs helps senior executives devote more time to strategy and other value-added activities by deploying ITP practices throughout their organization. Written by the leadership team at Oliver Wight, one of the world’s most respected firms for effectively integrating business processes and improving business outcomes, this authoritative resource offers a contemporary view of the processes, behavior change methods, and new technology for implementing ITP processes. Throughout the text, the authors share business-proven concepts, define fundamental terms, and provide real-life examples of how Integrated Tactical Planning has been applied in various industries and businesses. Clear and accurate chapters cover essential topics including strategy alignment, product and demand plan execution, supply scheduling, performance improvement, and more. Presenting the information necessary to get an organization started on its Integrated Tactical Planning journey, this book: Describes how to manage and align product portfolio changes and new products within a single management process Explains the mechanisms and behavioral requirements for an organization to successfully execute Integrated Tactical Planning Offers methods for improving reaction time and cost-effectively responding to changes in Demand and Supply Reviews different design and deployment strategies, structures and roles, and the key ITP elements such as process definition and sustainability Features a comprehensive case study that details the challenges and results experienced by an Oliver Wight client company that implemented Integrated Tactical Planning Integrated Tactical Planning: Respond to Change, Increase Competitiveness and Reduce Costs is a must-have book for senior executives, leaders, managers, and planners at organizations of any size across all industries.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Governing Latin America
Governing Latin America is a concise yet comprehensive introduction to the contemporary politics of the region. Focusing on the enduring difficulties of achieving democratic stability, it explores the conduct of government through classic concepts like authority, accountability, and participation. The book brings Latin America into mainstream, comparative politics. The book combines regional and international perspectives into an original synthesis. The book is organized around comparative topics, not particular countries. The focus is on government and the difficulties of achieving democratic stability. The approach is thematic and uses classic concepts of political science.
Random House USA Inc Wacky Weather: All About Odd Weather Events
An introduction to oddball weather events—with the Cat in the Hat as your guide!With a little help from Thing One and Thing Two, the Cat in the Hat travels the planet—and beyond—to introduce beginning readers to 17 strange but true weather events, among them waterspouts, dust devils, ball lightning, snow donuts, fire whirls, red sprites, sundogs, ice tsunamis, clouds shaped like UFOs and cinnamon rolls, diamond rain, metallic snow, and a storm so wide three Earths could fit INSIDE it!Perfect for nurturing a love of science and reading in a young child, this is a great choice for fans of the hit PBS show The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!
Macmillan Learning College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 & 2 Courses
Nova Science Publishers Inc Information & Intelligence (Including Terrorism) Fusion Centers
Image Comics Spawn Origins, Volume 12
The Redeemer rushes to Nyx’s side to protect her from Spawn’s spurn revenge. As the truth unfolds, things are not what they seem. Spawn, Nyx and The Redeemer have all been playing right into Mammon's hands. Collects Spawn Issues #139 - 151
Image Comics Spawn Cover Gallery Volume 1
Bring the artistic legacy of TODD McFARLANE'S record-breaking independent comic home! This hardcover collection gathers the classic cover artwork for the FIRST 100 ISSUES of SPAWN!!! All the action! All the detail! All the capes! And spikes! And demons! And guns! Part celebration! Part Inspiration! It's a gallery AND an artbook! A MUST HAVE for any SPAWN fan!
Cengage Learning, Inc American Corrections in Brief
A condensed but equally compelling version of the best-selling corrections book on the market, AMERICAN CORRECTIONS IN BRIEF, 3rd Edition, introduces you to the dynamics of corrections in a way that captures your interest and encourages you to enter the field. Complete with valuable career-based material, insightful guest speakers who share their frontline perspectives, illuminating real-world cases, and uniquely even-handed treatment of institutional and community sanctions, the text examines the U.S. correctional system from the perspectives of both the corrections worker and the offender, providing you with a well-rounded, balanced introduction to corrections.
Manning Publications GitOps and Kubernetes: Continuous Deployment with Argo CD, Jenkins X, and Flux
GitOps and Kubernetes introduces a radical idea—managing your infrastructure with the same Git pull requests you use to manage your codebase. In this in-depth tutorial, you’ll learn to operate infrastructures based on powerful-but-complex technologies with the same Git version control tools most developers use daily. GitOps and Kubernetes is half reference, half practical tutorial for operating Kubernetes the GitOps way. Through fast-paced chapters, you’ll unlock the benefits of GitOps for flexible configuration management, monitoring, robustness, multi-environment support, and discover tricks and tips for managing secrets in the unique GitOps fashion. Key Features · Multiple-environments management with branching, namespace, and configuration · Access Control with Git, Kubernetes, and Pipeline · Using Kubernetes with Argo CD, JenkinsX, and Flux · Multi-step deployment strategies like Blue-Green, Canary in a declarative GitOps model For developers familiar with Continuous Delivery principles and the basics of Git and Kubernetes. About the technology The tools to monitor and manage software delivery and deployment can be complex to set up and intimidating to learn. But with the “GitOps“ method, you can manage your entire Kubernetes infrastructure with Git pull requests, giving you a single control interface and making it easy to assess and roll back changes! Billy Yuen, Alexander Matyushentsev, Todd Ekenstam, and Jesse Suen are principal engineers for the Intuit platform. They are widely recognized as industry leads in GitOps for Kubernetes, having presented numerous related talks at industry conferences.
Image Comics Spawn: Origins Collection Deluxe Edition Volume 4
This limited, deluxe, oversized, and slipcased hardcover edition presents 25 previously-released, sold-out issues of classic Spawn stories — many pencilled by superstar artist Greg Capulllo — in an all-new size and format. Additional material includes color and black-and-white cover galleries, never-before-seen art, and all the bonus material from the six-issue trade paperbacks and 12-issue hardcovers. This is the absolute top tier of the Spawn: Origins family of books! It doesn't get any better than this!
O'Reilly Media Kafka - The Definitive Guide: Real-Time Data and Stream Processing at Scale
Every enterprise application creates data, whether it consists of log messages, metrics, user activity, or outgoing messages. Moving all this data is just as important as the data itself. With this updated edition, application architects, developers, and production engineers new to the Kafka streaming platform will learn how to handle data in motion. Additional chapters cover Kafka's AdminClient API, transactions, new security features, and tooling changes. Engineers from Confluent and LinkedIn responsible for developing Kafka explain how to deploy production Kafka clusters, write reliable event-driven microservices, and build scalable stream processing applications with this platform. Through detailed examples, you'll learn Kafka's design principles, reliability guarantees, key APIs, and architecture details, including the replication protocol, the controller, and the storage layer. You'll examine: Best practices for deploying and configuring Kafka Kafka producers and consumers for writing and reading messages Patterns and use-case requirements to ensure reliable data delivery Best practices for building data pipelines and applications with Kafka How to perform monitoring, tuning, and maintenance tasks with Kafka in production The most critical metrics among Kafka's operational measurements Kafka's delivery capabilities for stream processing systems
Source Point Press Darling
Image Comics The Scorched, Volume 2
The Scorched team is back with a renewed sense of purpose and a new vision for approaching the threats on their horizon. The Sin Devourers return, with their creator K, and his diabolical plan to master humanity at all costs. Will the Scorched be able to stop K before it’s too late? Collects Scorched Issues #7 – 12
Image Comics Spawn Origins, Volume 23
A horrific world where the denizens of Rat City are all turned into Clowns! NYX makes her journey to hell where she stumbles across the man she abandoned there...REDEEMER! Collects SPAWN #135-140
Image Comics The Scorched, Volume 1
From the smash hit new series from the SPAWN UNIVERSE: THE SCORCHED! Hell spawns were never meant to work together. That kind of power is just too volatile, too dangerous. THE SCORCHED however, have no other choice. Hell spawns and Angels working together to save humanity from those that seek to enslave it. She-Spawn, Redeemer, Medieval, Gunslinger & Reaper.Collects THE SCORCHED #1-6
Edinburgh University Press Christianity in SubSaharan Africa
This comprehensive reference volume covers every country in Sub-Saharan Africa, offering reliable demographic information and original interpretative essays by indigenous scholars and practitioners. It maps patterns of growth and decline, assesses major traditions and movements, analyses key themes and examines current trends.
Image Comics Spawn: Origins Volume 19
In 1992, legendary writer and artist Todd McFarlane unleashed his iconic antihero, Spawn, on the world. In so doing, he launched the most successful independent comic book in history — and the world would never be the same! Spawn: Origins Volume 19 features the stories and artwork that helped cement the Spawn legacy. Relive the excitement of this groundbreaking series, collected in this accessibly priced format with exclusive bonus content, including cover galleries, b/w art, classic quotes from Todd McFarlane, and an exclusive, digitally painted cover by Clayton Crain.
Image Comics Spawn Origins: Book 1
With "Spawn", legendary writer and artist Todd McFarlane unleashed his iconic antihero on the world, and launched the most successful comic book in history. "Spawn: Origins Book 1" includes classic "Spawn" stories written by Alan Moore and Frank Miller, as well as the introduction of memorable characters into the Spawn universe. This title collects "Spawn" issues numbered 1-8 and numbered 11-14.