Search results for ""Author Schott"
Editions Schortgen Le concerto de Varsovie
Editions Schortgen Sasha and Flint
Editions Schortgen Das Warschauer Konzert oder der letzte Gang
Editions Schortgen PALEO
Editions Schortgen DPippi gtt Inselprinzessin Pippi Langstrumpf
Editions Schortgen La transition sera sociale ou ne sera pas Die soziale Dimension des ökologischen Wandels
Editions Schortgen Die Familie Bofferding Bierbrauer in Käerjeng
Editions Schortgen Wéi de Mënsch ass
Editions Schortgen Vun der Long op dZong
Editions Schortgen Ketty Thull A Sense of Home
Editions Schortgen Véier kleng Cousineën am Mëllerdall Wanteraventuren am Bësch
Editions Schortgen Françoise Groben
Zeitvogel-Schönthier-Verl Aquatraining Die PoolPosition
Dover Publications Inc. Playing the Harpsichord Dover Books on Music
Editions Schortgen Lamour qui enraya la haine Comment ma famille survcut au gnocide du Rwanda
Editions Schortgen Focus on Women in Jazz
Editions Schortgen Sasha et Flint
Editions Schortgen Im Labyrinth der Gefahr
Editions Schortgen Costa del Sol
Editions Schortgen Annes Kitchen englische Ausgabe Home Sweet Home My Luxembourg
Editions Schortgen Gréidi
Editions Schortgen De klenge Chef
Logos Verlag Berlin Frege: Freund(e) Und Feind(e): Proceedings of the International Conference 2013
Klett Kinderbuch Fritzi war dabei
Bertz + Fischer Lob der offenen Beziehung ber Liebe Sex Vernunft und Glck
The Peterson Institute for International Economics Free Trade Agreements – US Strategies and Priorities
The Peterson Institute for International Economics The WTO After Seattle
Cornerstone Jeeves and the King of Clubs
'Peerless in its wit, elegance and silliness.’ Evening Standard BOOKS OF THE YEAR A Sunday Times PAPERBACK OF THE YEAR__________________________________________________________________Storm clouds loom over Europe. Treason is afoot in the highest social circles. The very security of the nation is in peril. Jeeves, it transpires, has long been an agent of British Intelligence, but now His Majesty's Government must turn to the one man who can help . . . Bertie Wooster.'A most thrilling return of Wodehouse's Jeeves and Wooster . . . it vibrates with the spirit and the rhythms of his heart.''Remarkably good . . . in its similes, pace and general zing, this yarn is eerily Wodehousian.'
Editions Schortgen DSasha an de Flint
Editions Schortgen Liebe besiegt Hass
Editions Schortgen Ketty Thull Un bout de chez nous
Editions Schortgen Sasha and Flint
Editions Schortgen De Félix dMimi an dLëtzebuerger Traditionen
Editions Schortgen KACHEN Luxemburgische Spezialitten Plats luxembourgeois
Editions Schortgen Four little cousins in the Mullerthal A winter adventure in the woods
Editions Schortgen Lëtzebuergesch richteg schreiwen
Stanford University Press Reconstructing Women’s Thoughts: The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Before World War II
A study of the women who led the United States section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in the interwar years, this book argues that the ideas of these women—the importance of nurturing, nonviolence, feminism, and a careful balancing of people's differences with their common humanity—constitute an important addition to our understanding of the intellectual heritage of the United States. Most of these women were well educated and prominent in their chosen fields: they included Jane Addams and Emily Greene Balch, the only two United States women to win Nobel Prizes for Peace; Jeannette Rankin, the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress; and Dorothy Detzer, the woman who prompted the investigation of the munitions industry in the 1930's. The ideas of these women were not usually expressed in forms conventionally studied by intellectual historians. On the whole, their ideas must be teased out of organizational records, statements of principle and policy, and personal correspondence. When combined with an understanding of the personal backgrounds of the WIL leaders and placed in the context of early-twentieth-century America, these documents tell us what these women thought was important and why. The ideas of the WIL leaders are also analyzed in the context of the intellectual themes of Victorianism and modernism. Our understanding of these themes has been based largely on the work of privileged European and American men, and the ideas of women often fit uncomfortably into these traditional categories. A reconstruction of the ideas of the WIL leaders suggests that historians have overlooked an important, alternative intellectual tradition in the United States. To understand and appreciate women's thoughts, we must dissolve the old constructs and let new, multifaceted ones replace them.
The Peterson Institute for International Economics NAFTA and Climate Change
de Gruyter Canon Fanfiction
ECW Press,Canada Fifty-Four Pigs: A Dr. Bannerman Vet Mystery
Verlag an der Ruhr GmbH Große Fragen für junge Denker
Atlantis Das Weihnachtsliederbuch
Auer Verlag i.d.AAP LW 55 Stundeneinstiege Musik einfach kreativ motivierend 5 bis 10 Klasse
ECW Press,Canada The Battle Cry Of The Siamese Kitten: Even More Tales from the Accidental Veterinarian
Springer International Publishing AG Resilience: Militaries and Militarization
This book explores the concept of ‘resilience’ in the context of militaries and militarization. Focusing on the U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia, and continental Europe, it argues that, post-9/11, there has been a shift away from ‘trauma’ and towards ‘resilience’ in framing and understanding human responses to calamitous events. The contributors to this volume show how resilience-speech has been militarized, and deeply entrenched in imagined communities. As the concept travels, it is applied in diverse and often contradictory ways to a vast array of experiences, contexts, and scientific fields and disciplines. By embracing diverse methodologies and perspectives, this book reflects on how resilience has been weaponized and employed in highly gendered ways, and how it is central to neoliberal governance in the twenty-first century. While critical of the use of resilience, the chapters also reflect on more positive ways for humans to respond to unforeseen challenges.
Edinburgh University Press Deleuze'S Philosophy of Law
Aggregates and assesses Deleuze's claims about law, decision, judgement and related themes for the first time Develops a complete and self-sustaining Deleuzian philosophy of law where others have found only fragmentation Examines and uses various interdisciplinary connections, including law and literature, law and political theory, law and metaphysics, law and history of philosophy, and legal history Critiques several approaches to the question of Deleuze's legal thought Promises to ignite debate and draw attention to the importance of legal theory for other fields, including social and political philosophy Gilles Deleuze has provided the most fascinating account of law of the 20th century. Yet it is hidden in a just a few clues dispersed throughout his work and no complete reconstruction of it has ever been produced before. Laurent de Sutter gathers all the elements that compose Deleuze's philosophy of law and articulates them for the first time in a real system. The result is the most devastating critique of the very idea of law. But it is also surprising, praising the actual practice of jurisprudence. This is not simply a practice of judgment; it is a practice of radical creation and leads to an intriguing question: what if lawyers were the only true revolutionaries of our time?