Search results for ""Author Schott"
Duke University Press Henri Bergson
Appearing here in English for the first time, Vladimir Jankélévitch's Henri Bergson is one of the two great commentaries written on Henri Bergson. Gilles Deleuze's Bergsonism renewed interest in the great French philosopher but failed to consider Bergson's experiential and religious perspectives. Here Jankélévitch covers all aspects of Bergson's thought, emphasizing the concepts of time and duration, memory, evolution, simplicity, love, and joy. A friend of Bergson's, Jankélévitch first published this book in 1931 and revised it in 1959 to treat Bergson's later works. This unabridged translation of the 1959 edition includes an editor's introduction, which contextualizes and outlines Jankélévitch's reading of Bergson, additional essays on Bergson by Jankélévitch, and Bergson's letters to Jankélévitch.
Duke University Press Henri Bergson
Appearing here in English for the first time, Vladimir Jankélévitch's Henri Bergson is one of the two great commentaries written on Henri Bergson. Gilles Deleuze's Bergsonism renewed interest in the great French philosopher but failed to consider Bergson's experiential and religious perspectives. Here Jankélévitch covers all aspects of Bergson's thought, emphasizing the concepts of time and duration, memory, evolution, simplicity, love, and joy. A friend of Bergson's, Jankélévitch first published this book in 1931 and revised it in 1959 to treat Bergson's later works. This unabridged translation of the 1959 edition includes an editor's introduction, which contextualizes and outlines Jankélévitch's reading of Bergson, additional essays on Bergson by Jankélévitch, and Bergson's letters to Jankélévitch.
Indiana University Press Birth, Death, and Femininity: Philosophies of Embodiment
Issues surrounding birth and death have been fundamental for Western philosophy as well as for individual existence. The contributors to this volume unravel the gendered aspects of the classical philosophical discourses on death, bringing in discussions about birth, creativity, and the entire chain of human activity. By linking their work to major thinkers such as Heidegger, Nietzsche, Beauvoir, and Arendt, and to major philosophical currents such as ancient philosophy, existentialism, phenomenology, and social and political philosophy, they challenge prevailing feminist articulations of birth and death. These philosophical reflections add an important sexual dimension to current thinking on identity, temporality, and community.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die Bereitung zum Sterben: Studien zu den fr|hen reformatorischen Sterbeb|chern
Luise Schottroff summarises the history of theological writings on the preparation for dying in the 16th Century. Luther's "Sermon On Preparing To Die" (1519) was widely commented by contemporary theologians.
Columbia University Press Queer Terror: Life, Death, and Desire in the Settler Colony
After Sept. 11, 2001, George W. Bush declared, “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” Bush’s assertion was not simply jingoist bravado—it encapsulates the civilizationalist moralism that has motivated and defined the United States since its beginning, linking the War on Terror to the nation’s settlement and founding.In Queer Terror, C. Heike Schotten offers a critique of U.S. settler-colonial empire that draws on political, queer, and critical indigenous theory to situate Bush’s either/or moralism and reframe the concept of terrorism. The categories of the War on Terror exemplify the moralizing politics that insulate U.S. empire from critique, render its victims deserving of its abuses, and delegitimize resistance to it as unthinkable and perverse. Schotten provides an anatomy of this moralism, arguing for a new interpretation of biopolitics that is focused on sovereignty and desire rather than racism and biology. This rethinking of biopolitics puts critical political theory of empire in dialogue with the insights of both native studies and queer theory. Building on queer theory’s refusal of sanctity, propriety, and moralisms of all sorts, Schotten ultimately contends that the answer to Bush’s ultimatum is clear: dissidents must reject the false choice he presents and stand decisively against “us,” rejecting its moralism and the sanctity of its “life,” in order to further a truly emancipatory, decolonizing queer politics.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Statistik und quantitative Methoden für Gesundheitsfachberufe
Statistik lernen leicht gemacht!Statistik verstehen und anwenden - dabei unterstützt dieses Buch Bachelor-Studierende und Angehörige der Gesundheitsfachberufe durch verständliche Vermittlung der Theorie und zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele aus und für die Praxis.Das Statistiklehrbuch vermittelt den Lesenden ein vertieftes Verständnis von grundlegenden statistischen Verfahren. Es gibt ihnen die notwendigen Werkzeuge an die Hand, eigene Datensätze statistisch auszuwerten und fremde Daten besser zu verstehen. Zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben (und deren Auflösung) sowie Online-Material zur Verwendung von Statistik-Software erleichtern das Lernen, Verstehen und Anwenden dieses wichtigen und (zu Unrecht!) von vielen auch gefürchteten Fachs.Aus dem Inhalt- Wissenschaftstheoretische Einführung – wozu Statistik?- Aller Anfang ist schwer – von der Idee zur Publikation- Deskriptive Statistik – von Merkmalen, Skalen und Verteilungen- Induktive Statistik – kann das alles Zufall sein?- Entscheidungsbäume für die Testauswahl – welcher Test für welche Fragestellung?- Glossar und Formelsammlung – das Wichtigste auf einen BlickDie AutorenDr. Axel Schäfer hat eine Professorenstelle für Physiotherapie an der Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst in Hildesheim mit mehrjähriger Erfahrung in der Wissensvermittlung von Statistik an Studierende der GesundheitsfachberufeThomas Schöttker-Königer, MSc, Physiotherapeut und FBL-Instruktor, Dozent an der Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst in Hildesheim
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die "Annales"-Historiker und die deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft
Dass Historiker ihren Beruf heute anders begreifen als vor hundert Jahren, verdanken sie nicht zuletzt einem wissenschaftlichen Paradigmenwechsel, der mit dem Namen "Annales" verbunden ist. Vor allem nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde diese 1929 von Marc Bloch und Lucien Febvre gegründete Zeitschrift zum Inbegriff einer nonkonformistischen, interdisziplinären Geschichtsschreibung. Darin war nicht mehr von großen Männern, Kriegen und Diplomatie die Rede, sondern von ökonomischen Interessen und sozialen Klassen, von technologischen Entwicklungen und Mentalitäten. Mit dem Erfolg der "Annales" entstand allerdings auch ein Mythos, den es zu historisieren gilt. Dabei kommt dem Verhältnis der "Annales" zu Deutschland und zur deutschen Geschichtsschreibung eine zentrale Bedeutung zu. Denn zum einen galt die deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts als führend, zum anderen haben sich Bloch, Febvre und die anderen "Annales"-Historiker mit keiner anderen Historiographie so intensiv auseinandergesetzt, wobei sie immer wieder betonten, dass man angesichts von Weltkrieg und "Pangermanismus" nicht nur "von Deutschland lernen", sondern auch "verlernen" müsse. Diesen schwierigen, konfliktuellen Beziehungen und Verflechtungen zwischen französischen und deutschen Historikern, vor allem in den Zwischenkriegsjahren und während der NS-Zeit, spürt der deutsch-französische Historiker Peter Schöttler in diesem Buch nach.Für den vorliegenden Band wurden Beiträge aus etwa fünfundzwanzig Jahren zusammengestellt, gegebenenfalls übersetzt und überarbeitet.
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Junger-Debatte: Band 1 (2017): Ernst Junger Und Das Judentum
Kohlhammer 1 Corinthians
Harrassowitz Trading Networks in Early Modern East Asia
Kalaniot Books Not So Fast Max A Rosh Hashanah Visit with Grandma
Amalthea Signum Verlag Niederösterreich für Entdecker
Amalthea Signum Verlag Burgenland für Entdecker
Edinburgh University Press Hieroglyphic Modernisms Writing and New Media in the Twentieth Century Edinburgh Critical Studies in Modernist Culture
Hieroglyphic Modernisms explores this conjunction of hieroglyphs and modernist fiction and film, revealing how the challenge of new media spurred a fertile interplay among practitioners of old and new media forms.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Maritime Governance And South Asia: Trade, Security And Sustainable Development In The Indian Ocean
'The editor has grouped the 15 substantive chapters into one of four themes: order, leadership, institutions, and prospects and perspectives. She succinctly expresses the unifying challenge within the region as one of managing rapid growth but also confronting its vulnerability. There is much of value in this volume …'Journal of the Indian Ocean RegionFive out of the eight South Asian countries have direct access to the Indian ocean, yet research tends to focus instead on the region's landmass. Much less attention is paid to the extensive maritime space that links South Asian countries, provides their populations with vital access to resources, connects their economies to global trade networks and perhaps most importantly, contributes to law and order at sea.At a time when the Indian Ocean has gained great interest and relevance for many global actors, the role and location of South Asia will have critical implications for strategic calculation and alignment. Furthermore, if trade imbalances are to be tackled and economic globalization to regain steam, enhancing South Asia's ability to export and import through the oceans is essential. Finally, climate change is projected to impact South Asia massively. Coping with humanitarian crises and natural disasters will need critical investments in maritime capacities and cooperation.This edited volume brings together multiple perspectives on contemporary maritime governance in South Asia, from practitioners, policy-makers and academics around the world. They examine India's role as South Asia's leading naval and economic power and the capacity of key actors to shape maritime order in the Indian Ocean.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Reisebriefe: 1877-1914. Ausgewählte Briefe I
Hiermit liegt der erste Band einer Auswahl von Briefen Max Webers auf der Grundlage der Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe vor. Dieser erste Band Reisebriefe enthält mehr als siebzig Briefe und Karten, die Max Weber auf seinen zahlreichen Reisen innerhalb Europas und in Nordamerika geschrieben hat. Der Band setzt mit Webers Jugendbriefen ein, denn er war früh eingeübt in die Kulturpraxis des Bürgertums, Anderen von seinen Reiseerfahrungen ausführlich und anschaulich Mitteilung zu machen.Schon von den Reisen mit Vater und Brüdern berichtete der junge Max lebhaft seiner Mutter. Über die ausgedehnten, mit Marianne Weber unternommenen Reisen nach Schottland und Irland 1895, Frankreich und Spanien 1897 und die berühmte Reise quer durch die Vereinigten Staaten 1904 erhielt Helene Weber eingehende Berichte. Es sind kulturhistorische Momentaufnahmen mit dem Blick auf Clans und Sozialstrukturen in Schottland und Irland, auf den Erzabbau im Baskenland, den "Brutstätten des Capitalismus", oder die amerikanischen Sekten. Wir können Max Weber, stets mit Manuskripten und Lektüre unterwegs, bei seinem Besuch des Rijksmuseums in Amsterdam und in den mediterranen Süden begleiten. Der Band endet 1914 mit der letzten Reise in den Süden, wenige Monate vor Ausbruch des 1. Weltkriegs.Eingeleitet wird die Auswahl der Reisebriefe durch einen Essay von Hinnerk Bruhns (Paris); ein biografisches Personenregister erschließt die Briefe, die gegenüber der zugrundeliegenden Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe vereinfacht zum Abdruck gelangen. Die Briefauswahl wird durch einen weiteren Band Gelehrtenbriefe fortgeführt.
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Global English Stage 3 Cambridge Elevate Digital Classroom Access Card (1 Year): for Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language
Cambridge Global English (1-6) is a six-level Primary course following the Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language Curriculum Framework developed by Cambridge English Language Assessment. This card gives you access to your Digital Classroom resource on the Cambridge Elevate platform. The perfect accompaniment to the course, share projectable versions of the coursebook and workbook with your whole class and get your learners talking about topics from dinosaurs to deserts with videos, animations and images. Support learners' use of English with short activities including drag and drop, multiple choice questions and spelling and grammar practice. Quickly and easily display answers to the activities on screen in a pop up window. Our glossary feature helps learners develop essential vocabulary. Available as a 12-month single user licence.
Marshall Cavendish Passover Magic
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Geheimsache Siel oder kann Wasser bergauf fließen?: Entwässerung im Norddeutschen Tiefland
Thema des vorliegenden Buches ist der Umgang mit dem Wasser an der niedersächsischen Küste (hier: die Entwässerung der niedrig liegenden Landschaft), eine fundamentale Angelegenheit für die Menschen, die hier leben und arbeiten. Für ein junges Zielpublikum wird unterhaltsam erläutert, wohin das Wasser fließt und welche Anstrengungen unsere Vorfahren unternommen hatten, damit wir in dieser Landschaft (über)leben können. Darüber hinaus werden Veränderungen, die z. B. über den Klimawandel auf diese Landschaft einwirken, in die Entdeckungsreise der vier Protagonisten eingebunden.
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Ernst Junger-Joseph Wulf: Der Briefwechsel 1962-1974
Random House USA Inc The Boy Who Loved Words
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Global English Stage 2 Cambridge Elevate Digital Classroom Access Card (1 Year): for Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language
Cambridge Global English (1-6) is a six-level Primary course following the Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language Curriculum Framework developed by Cambridge English Language Assessment. This card gives you access to your Digital Classroom resource on the Cambridge Elevate platform. The perfect accompaniment to the course, share projectable versions of the coursebook and workbook with your whole class and get your learners talking about topics from measurements to mini-beasts with videos, animations and images. Support learners' use of English with short activities including drag and drop, multiple choice questions and spelling and grammar practice. Quickly and easily display answers to the activities on screen in a pop up window. Our glossary feature helps learners develop essential vocabulary. Available as a 12-month single user licence.
Kohlhammer Der Anfang Des Neuen Testaments: Matthaus 1-4 Neu Entdeckt. Ein Kommentar Mit Beitragen Zum Gesprach
Scholastic Inc. Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street
Little, Brown & Company Hanukkah!
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Political and Economic Dictionary of South Asia
Thanks to its emerging markets, nuclearization and the internet revolution, South Asia is increasingly at the forefront of current affairs. This invaluable reference source seeks to make the region accessible to business travellers as well as to the general reader. The range of subjects to be covered includes major political processes and events of South Asia (elections and electoral politics, political slang, political parties, diplomacy and territorial divisions), domestic and foreign policy, key personalities, political and economic institutions, sub-national groupings and units (regions, cities, provinces and rural entities), ethnicity and identity, and legal systems (laws and court cases).Key features:* Terms, which are frequently misunderstood in the political and economic processes of South Asia, are explained clearly and succinctly* More than 1,000 entries, covering the key debates, issues, concepts and institutions.Entries include:Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Caste System, Corruption, dalits, Electoral System, Federalism, Hindu-Muslim relation, India-US Relation, Kashmir, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Nuclearization, Privatization, Reserve Bank of India, Sikh, Untouchability, Urbanization, Atal Behari Vajpayee.Countries covered in this volume include: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Universitatsverlag Winter The Library of the Other Antiquity / Reading Late Antiquity
Brill China and the Silk Roads (ca. 100 BCE to 1800 CE): Role and Content of Its Historical Access to the Outside World
The book investigates China’s relations to the outside world between ca. 100 BCE and 1800 CE. In contrast to most histories of the Silk Roads, the focus of this book clearly lies on the maritime Silk Road and on the period between Tang and high Qing, selecting aspects that have so far been neglected in research on the history of China’s relations with the outside world.
Verlag Berlin Brandenburg Deutschsein fnfmal anders Erinnerungen eines Unangepassten
Wartberg Verlag Aufgewachsen in Hamburg in den 40er und 50er Jahren
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Arendt und Benjamin Texte Briefe Dokumente
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Global English Workbook 3 with Digital Access 1 Year
Discover our new resources for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum Frameworks. With varied activities including crosswords and matching these workbooks help your learners practise and consolidate what they have learnt. The activities also support the reading, writing and Use of English strands of the Cambridge English as a Second Language Primary curriculum framework. This new edition provides more grammar practice with a short grammar presentation, followed by activities differentiated into three tiers: Focus, Practice and Challenge. Ideal for use in the classroom or for homework.
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Early Years Lets Explore Learners Book 2C
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Early Years Lets Explore Learners Book 3A
It is time for an adventure! From 'Understanding the world', to physical, personal, social and emotional development, children learn through activities such as matching, drawing, stickers and more in the Cambridge Early Years Let's Explore Learner's Book 3A. Learner's will discuss what music they like, learn about plants, and design their own T-shirt. This book is most effective when used alongside our Cambridge Early Years Teaching Resources and the curriculum framework.
Oxford University Press Atlas of Human Brain Connections
One of the major challenges of modern neuroscience is to define the complex pattern of neural connections that underlie cognition and behaviour. Brain connections have been investigated extensively in many animal species, including monkeys. Until recently, however, we have been unable to verify their existence in humans or identify possible tracts that are unique to the human brain. The Atlas of Human Brain Connections capitalises on novel diffusion MRI tractography methods to provide a comprehensive overview of connections derived from virtual in vivo tractography dissections of the human brain. The book introduces the reader to the fundaments of human brain organization as derived from the study of the surface, sectional and connectional anatomy. It starts with an historical overview of the giant steps taken in neuroanatomy, from its birth more than 2000 years ago, to contemporary neuroimaging insights. Next, detailed descriptions of the major white matter connections, their function, and associated clinical syndromes are dealt with in detail. The composite maps of the Atlas are an excellent anatomical resource for teaching, clinical, and research purposes. By reviewing the basic principles of neuroanatomy, its historical roots, and its modern achievements in the field of DTI tractography, the book fills the gap between the detailed connectional anatomy of the monkey brain and the 19th century descriptions of white matter tracts from post-mortem human dissections. Covering a wide range of topics in the field of clinical neuroanatomy, this book constitutes both an excellent introduction to the brain, and a valuable reference work for experienced clinicians and researchers working in the field of neurology, psychiatry, neurosurgery, and neuroradiology.
Humboldt Verlag Der praktische PapaRatgeber Liebevoll begleiten entspannt erziehen Die besten Tipps fr die Jahre 16 Vom Grnder von papade
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Global English Learners Book 3 with Digital Access 1 Year
Discover our new resources for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum Frameworks. With international cross-curricular topics, from inventions and robots to dinosaurs and fossils, the series helps your class develop the skills to study across the curriculum in English. Packed with literature and games, the course helps your learners become confident communicators. Step-by-step writing activities with models support them to develop their writing, while tip boxes help with language and skills. Each unit ends with a ''Project Challenge'' where learners work together on cross-curricular projects like a scrapbook or questionnaire, developing collaboration and critical thinking skills.
Harrassowitz Taiwan - A Bridge Between the East and South China Seas: A Bridge Between the East and South China Seas
Amalthea Signum Verlag sterreich fr Entdecker
Dorling Kindersley Verlag PapaChecklisten
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Was Ist Gewalt?: Philosophische Untersuchungen Zu Einem Umstrittenen Begriff
Kohlhammer Erste Brief an Die Gemeinde in Korinth
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Early Years Lets Explore Learners Book 3C