Search results for ""Author MIGUEL""
Vintage Publishing Don Quixote
WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY HAROLD BLOOM. Widely regarded as the world's first modern novel, and one of the funniest and most tragic books ever written, Don Quixote chronicles the famous picaresque adventures of the noble knight-errant Don Quixote de La Mancha and his faithful squire, Sancho Panza, as they travel through sixteenth-century Spain. Unless you read Spanish, you've never read Don Quixote.
La Fragatina Historia de Un Calcetín Desparejado
Quarto Publishing PLC Bruce Lee
University Press of America The Velazquez Christ: Poem
This book is a new translation, in contemporary English, of Miguel de Unamuno's 1920 masterpiece book-length poem about another masterpiece of Western Civilization, Diego Velázquez's "The Christ of San Plácido," which is commonly known as "The Christ of Velázquez." The translation by William Thomas Little is accompanied by a full scholarly introduction and poem-by-poem commentary. Unamuno, Spain's foremost public intellectual of the early twentieth century, considered this book his masterpiece. This is a book of poetry and religious devotion as well as an ekphrasis, that is, a detail-by-detail meditation on one of the world's greatest paintings. Composed of eighty-nine poems that are fully integrated one with the other, the result is a masterpiece of spiritual meditation via poetical expression.
Penguin Putnam Inc Don Quixote
Emerald Publishing Limited Juvenile Delinquency, Crime and Social Marginalization: Social and Political Implications
This book examines the psychosocial, legal, and familial factors at play in the persistence in crime and social marginalization in adults with a history of juvenile delinquency, setting out the political and social implications, and delineating new lines of research. Presenting, for the first time, a summary of the main findings and conclusions of The Portuguese Study on Delinquency and Social Marginalization (PSDSM), this study addresses the following topics: the role of youth psychosocial factors on desistance from crime during adulthood in individuals with a history of juvenile delinquency; the relationship between serious adverse childhood experiences (e.g., having lived with a person with mental illness, physical abuse, emotional neglect) and juvenile justice involvement, persistence in crime, and psychosocial problems; the mechanisms involved in the link between serious childhood adversity and delinquency; the role of the juvenile justice system on psychosocial problems and persistence in crime during young adulthood; and finally the relation between adult psychosocial problems and criminal indicators in individuals with official record of juvenile criminal offenses. Findings from PSDSM have resulted in an extensive list of political and social recommendations for child protection services, justice system, mental health services, schools and universities. This timely title explores these findings and recommendations.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Global Capitalism: A Sociological Perspective
The global financial crisis has challenged many of our most authoritative economic ideologies and policies. After thirty years of reshaping the world to conform to the market, governments and societies are now calling for a retreat to a yet undefined new economic order. In order to provide a guide to what the twenty-first-century economy might look like, this book revisits the great project of Global Capitalism. What did it actually entail? How far did it go? What were its strengths and failings? By deconstructing its core ideas and examining its empirical record, can we gain clues about how to move forward after the crisis? Miguel Centeno and Joseph Cohen define capitalism as a historically-evolving and socially-constructed institution, rooted in three core economic activities trade, finance and marketing and identify the three key challenges that any new economic system will need to surmount inequality, governance, and environmental sustainability. This accessible and engaging book will be essential reading for students of economic sociology, and all those interested in the construction of our economic future.
Europe Books GITAGOVINDA: 2020
El Gitagovinda, “el poema cantado”, es uno de los grandes escritos de amor del eros indio, el poema lírico más famoso de la India; muy popular en toda Asia. Celebración de la voluptuosidad y a la vez del matrimonio del alma con Dios, que aparece aquí como el joven Krishna encarnación de Vishnu y, como el Cantar de los Cantares, es para muchos un poema místico. Una delicadeza increíble, la capacidad de vivir lo divino “a través del amor entre Radha y Krishna”, nos llegan desde estas deslumbrantes páginas que parecen pulverizarse, con un mínimo gesto de Krishna. La traducción se distingue por la fidelidad al texto original y por la necesidad de transmitir la belleza y la poesía de la pluma original, manteniendo el equilibrio entre la escritura literaria y la voluntad de exportar la musicalidad de las palabras.
Edaf Antillas Atlas de Imperios
Menoscuarto Ediciones El club de la lite
Un grupo de poderosos políticos, policías y magistrados se reúne una vez al mes en el chalé que posee en Guadalajara un alcalde. El motivo? Algo en apariencia tan inocente como un club de lectura: charlar sobre una novela negra que acuerdan leer... Sin embargo, días después de la primera reunión, el autor del libro fallece en un accidente de tráfico. La viuda del escritor desconfía de la versión oficial y contrata a un detective privado, que también muere de forma extraña. La amistad de Sonia Ruiz y Pau con su colega investigador les empujará a indagar en el caso de ese misterioso 'club de la élite', nombre con el que el mismísimo CNI bautizó al grupo.
Les Belles Lettres Nouveau Ciel - Nouvelle Terre: La Revolution Copernicienne Dans l'Allemagne de la Reforme (1530-1630)
Picture Window Books Jack and the Beanstalk: A Discover Graphics Fairy Tale
The Catholic University of America Press Karol Wojtyla's Personalist Philosophy: Understanding 'Person and Act'
An important milestone of 20th Century philosophy was the rise of personalism. After the crimes and atrocities against millions of human beings in two World Wars, especially the Second, some philosophers and other thinkers began to seek arguments showing the value of each human being, to expose and denounce the folly of political structures that violate the inalienable rights of the individual person.Karol Wojty?a appeals to the ancient concept of 'person' to emphasize the particular value of each human being. The person is unique because of their subjectivity by which they possesses an unrepeatable interior world in the history of humanity. Their rational nature grants them a special character among living beings, among which is the transcendence to the infinite. Wojty?a magisterially shows how each human being's personhood is rooted in a conscious and free subjectivity, which is marked also by personal and social responsibility. Wojty?a's original philosophical analysis takes for its starting point the human act, in which consciousness and experience consolidate voluntary choices, which are objectively efficacious. By their acts, the person determines their own personhood. This self-dominion manifests the person and enables them to live together in a community in which one's neighbor can be a companion on the voyage of life.This work provides a clear guide to Karol Wojty?a's principal philosophical work, Person and Act, rigorously analyzing the meaning that the author intended in his exposition. An important feature of the work is that the authors rely on the original Polish text, Osoba i czyn, as well as the best translations into Italian and Spanish, rather than on a flawed and sometimes misleading English edition of the work.Besides the analysis of Wojty?a's masterwork, this volume offers three chapters examining the impact of Wojty?a's anthropology on the relationship between faith and reason.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Giants
Edaf Antillas Atlas Histórico de España
Wisdom Publications,U.S. I Wanna Be Well: How a Punk Found Peace and You Can Too
Yale University Press Writings on Art
The first collection of Mark Rothko’s writings, which range the entire span of his career While the collected writings of many major 20th-century artists, including Barnett Newman, Robert Motherwell, and Ad Reinhardt, have been published, Mark Rothko’s writings have only recently come to light, beginning with the critically acclaimed The Artist’s Reality: Philosophies of Art. Rothko’s other written works have yet to be brought together into a major publication. Writings on Art fills this significant void; it includes some 90 documents—including short essays, letters, statements, and lectures—written by Rothko over the course of his career. The texts are fully annotated, and a chronology of the artist’s life and work is also included. This provocative compilation of both published and unpublished writings from 1934--69 reveals a number of things about Rothko: the importance of writing for an artist who many believed had renounced the written word; the meaning of transmission and transition that he experienced as an art teacher at the Brooklyn Jewish Center Academy; his deep concern for meditation and spirituality; and his private relationships with contemporary artists (including Newman, Motherwell, and Clyfford Still) as well as journalists and curators. As was revealed in Rothko’s The Artist’s Reality, what emerges from this collection is a more detailed picture of a sophisticated, deeply knowledgeable, and philosophical artist who was also a passionate and articulate writer.
Vendome Press Isabel López-Quesada: At Home
Austin Macauley Publishers Elias and Daddy Go to the Park
Ediciones Lea Las aventuras de Don Quijote de la Mancha para niños
Don Quijote is a voracious reader of chivalrous novels, those ones in which men travel on horseback across the countryside fighting giants and freeing princesses. Nothing in the stories is true, but Don Quijote doesn’t know that. He’s determined to become a knight-errant himself. Together with his faithful squire Sancho Panza, he’ll cross the Spanish kingdom in search of adventure! This greatest classic of Spanish literature has been adapted for readers ages 9-12.Don Quijote es un voraz lector de novelas de caballerÍa, esas donde los hombres van a caballo por los campos, combatiendo contra gigantes y liberando princesas que fueron secuestradas por hombres malvados. Nada de lo que cuentan esas historias es cierto, pero Don Quijote no lo sabe. ¡Él mismo quiere convertirse en un valiente caballero andante! Junto con su fiel escudero Sancho Panza, recorrerÁ los reinos de EspaÑa en busca de aventuras que lo hagan famoso, mientras suspira por el amor de su amada, la bella doncella Dulcinea del Toboso. Una adaptaciÓn para chicos de entre 9 y 12 aÑos del mayor clÁsico de la literatura en espaÑol. Una obra ilustrada a todo color para lectores curiosos y aventureros.
Castalia Ediciones San Manuel bueno, mártir
Editorial Kairos Curación Emocional: Acabar Con El Estrés, La Ansiedad Y La Depresión Sin Fármarcos Ni Psicoanálisis
Picture Window Books Two Heads Are Better Than One
Santillana Educacion, S.L. Don Quijote de la Mancha
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Constitutional Economics and Public Institutions
This extensive book explores in detail a wide range of topics within the public choice and constitutional political economy tradition, providing a comprehensive overview of current work across the field.The expert contributions are underpinned by the notion of moving economic thinking away from the analysis of the logic of a situation given a set of well-established and well-enforced 'rules of the game', towards a deeper analysis of the logic behind the selection of the rules of the game themselves. Within this context, the theme of choice between rules (as well as the more conventional analysis within rules) across historical time and place, and in various thought experiments and conceptual situations, is explored in detail. Extensive case studies back theory with empirical evidence, and topics discussed include: the foundations of constitutional economics; constitutional political economy; political competition and voting; public choice and public policy; and extensions to public choice theory.This stimulating book will prove a thought-provoking read for academics and both under- and post-graduate students in the fields of economics (particularly public choice and Austrian economics), public policy and political science.Contributors: P. Bernholz, V.K. Borooah, G. Brennan, G. Brosio, J.M. Buchanan, F. Cabrillo, R.D. Congleton, G. Eusepi, S. Fedeli, M. Ferrero, S. Fitzpatrick, F. Forte, B.S. Frey, J. Helin, M.J. Holler, J.D. Montoro-Pons, S. Neckermann, H. Nurmi, M. Paldam, M.A. Puchades-Navarro, G.C. Romagnoli, P. Salmon, V.J. Vanberg, B.-A. Wickström
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Mineral Elements in Food
Mineral elements are found in foods and drink of all different types, from drinking water through to mothers’ milk. The search for mineral elements has shown that many trace and ultratrace-level elements presented in food are required for a healthy life. By identifying and analysing these elements, it is possible to evaluate them for their specific health-giving properties, and conversely, to isolate their less desirable properties with a view to reducing or removing them altogether from some foods. The analysis of mineral elements requires a number of different techniques – some methods may be suitable for one food type yet completely unsuited to another. The Handbook of Mineral Elements in Food is the first book to bring together the analytical techniques, the regulatory and legislative framework, and the widest possible range of food types into one comprehensive handbook for food scientists and technologists. Much of the book is based on the authors’ own data, most of which is previously unpublished, making the Handbook of Mineral Elements in Food a vital and up-to-the-minute reference for food scientists in industry and academia alike. Analytical chemists, nutritionists and food policy makers will also find it an invaluable resource. Showcasing contributions from international researchers, and constituting a major resource for our future understanding of the topic, the Handbook of Mineral Elements in Food is an essential reference and should be found wherever food science and technology are researched and taught.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion
Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion, 2nd edition, examines the importance of ethnic and cultural factors for community health practice. Edited and written by a stellar list of contributors who are experts in field, this book describes essential theories, models, and practices for working with race, ethnicity, gender, and social issues. The authors cover a wide range of topics including demographics, disparities, complementary and alternative medicine, spiritually grounded approaches, multicultural populations, culturally competent needs assessment and planning, communication, workforce, program planning, aging, sexual orientation, and future challenges. This edition has substantially expanded coverage on working with diverse groups, social determinants of health, spirituality, theoretical models for multicultural populations, planning and program evaluation, and aging, with new content includes coverage of disability and health literacy. This edition also reflects the latest standards for Certified Health Education Specialist certification and national standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS), from Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health
Nova Science Publishers Inc Fungicides: Classification, Role in Disease Management & Toxicity Effects
Nova Science Publishers Inc Pregnancy: Risk Factors, Management & Recovery
Nova Science Publishers Inc Child Welfare: Federal Role in Assistance & Improvement
Quarto Publishing PLC Bruce Lee: Volume 29
In this book from the critically acclaimed, multimillion-copy bestselling Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the life of Bruce Lee, the martial artist and Hollywood film star. Born in San Francisco but raised in Hong Kong, Bruce Lee was the child star of Hong Kong cinema. But, after getting into trouble as a teenager, his father sent him to live in America. Starring roles were hard to come by for Asian-American actors in Hollywood, but Bruce went on to act in blockbuster hits, featuring his skill as a martial artist. This inspiring book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the great actor's life.Little People, BIG DREAMS is a bestselling biography series for kids that explores the lives of outstanding people, from designers and artists to scientists and activists. All of them achieved incredible things, yet each began life as a child with a dream. This empowering series of books offers inspiring messages to children of all ages, in a range of formats. The board books are told in simple sentences, perfect for reading aloud to babies and toddlers. The hardback and paperback versions present expanded stories for beginning readers. With rewritten text for older children, the treasuries each bring together a multitude of dreamers in a single volume. You can also collect a selection of the books by theme in boxed gift sets. Activity books and a journal provide even more ways to make the lives of these role models accessible to children.Inspire the next generation of outstanding people who will change the world with Little People, BIG DREAMS!
Nova Science Publishers Inc Adenocarcinoma: Pathogenesis, Treatment & Prognosis
Editorial Berenice El Corn ayer y hoy perspectivas actuales sobre el islam estudios en honor del profesor Julio Corts
Coordinadores: Miguel Hernando de Larramendi es profesor de Mundo Árabo-Islámico en la Facultad de Humanidades de Toledo, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Su trabajo se centra en el ámbito de las relaciones hispano-marroquíes, la política exterior española con los países árabes, y los sistemas políticos magrebíes e inmigración magrebí en España. De entre sus obras destacan Inmigración, traducción y culturas y Elecciones, Participación y Transiciones Políticas en el Norte de África. Salvador Peña Martín es profesor de Traducción en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Málaga. Su trabajo se centra en el islam medieval, la numismática árabe medieval y el pensamiento andalusí. De entre sus obras destacan El mensaje de las monedas almohades: numismática, traducción y pensamiento islámico; Maarri según Batalyawsi: Crítica y poética en Al-Andalus, Siglo XI, y Traductología.
Editorial Popular Educación de adultos iniciación a lenguaje temas sociales geografía y matemáticas
Estos métodos son básicos para la iniciación a las diferentes materias que en ellos aparecen: Lenguaje/Temas Sociales, Geografía y Matemáticas.Han sido elaborados para ser utilizados en grupo, aunque también pueden usarse individualmente. Creemos que la dinámica propia de los grupos de adulto conseguirá el mejor rendimiento de estos métodos.
Editorial Kairos Acción Compasiva
Editorial Kairos La gimnasia de la gente felíz: Qi Gong
Workman Publishing I Am a Filipino: And This Is How We Cook
2019 James Beard Award FinalistNamed a Best Cookbook of the Year by The New Yorker, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times Book Review, Houston Chronicle, Food52, PopSugar, and more To eat—and cook—like a Filipino involves puckeringly sour adobos with meat so tender you can cut it with a fork, national favorites like kare kare (oxtail stew) and kinilaw (fresh seafood cured in vinegar), Chinese-influenced pansit (noodles), tamales by way of early Mexican immigrants, and Arab-inflected fare, with its layered spicy stews and flavors of burnt coconut. But it also entails beloved street snacks like ukoy (fritters) and empanadas and the array of sweets and treats called meryenda. Dishes reflect the influence and ingredients of the Spaniards and Americans, among others, who came to the islands, but Filipinos turned the food into their own unique and captivating cuisine. Filled with riotously bold and bright photographs, I Am a Filipino is like a classic kamayan dinner—one long festive table piled high with food. Just dig in!
HarperCollins Publishers Inc FGTeeV Saves the World!
It’s game time! Press start on FGTeeV Saves the World!, the second graphic novel in the awesome-packed, New York Times bestselling series by YouTube’s favorite family of gamers, FGTeeV! The FGTeeV family gamers really, really love playing games! But for Duddy, one game is by far best: Super Realistic (And Totally Not Made Up) Zombie Battles from the War of 1812. Even though in Duddy’s opinion the updated version doesn’t stand up to the classic original, it doesn’t mean that he can’t quickly rack up all the power-ups, bonuses, and achievements to show the kids—Lexi, Mike, Chase, and Shawn—how it’s done. That is until the game freezes! The family heads to the Shady Acres Mall to fix their controller, but while at the game store, one wrong click causes all the characters from the Zombie Battles game to explode into the real world. It’s total mayhem! Now Duddy, Moomy, Lexi, Mike, Chase, and Shawn have to fight their own avatars in order to save the world—but will they be able to stop the army of world-conquering video game villains before the bad guys level up? Game like you never gamed before in the fun-filled second graphic novel adventure from YouTube sensation FGTeeV, with more than 18 MILLION subscribers and over 18.6 BILLION views!
Europa Editions (UK) Ltd The Tyranny of Algorithms
The impact of the digital world and its algorithms on human beings and societyWe read all sorts of things about AI, as the promise of a future happiness or as a threat capable of putting an end to humanity. While we cannot be "for" or "against" AI – it’s already here, and not likely to disappear any time soon - the question we face is how to exist as human beings - individually, socially, collectively - in a world governed by algorithms. Since the dawn of humanity, technological objects have intersected with the human mind: it is we who have shaped them; but as we use them, they in turn shape our brain. With the development of new technologies, this hybridization is becoming more and more apparent, and machines now threaten to colonize us, if we use them badly. AI allows us to make many kinds of work easier, but these benefits often come at the cost of reducing a person to a set of micro-data, far removed from the human characteristics that define him. Worse yet: the whole economy is now subject to the "decisions" suggested by machines. We have entered an era of algorithmic governmentality, in which leaders have deliberately delegated their decision-making to AI.How, then, can we still talk about democracy? And consequently, how can we organize collective action, confronted by a power that is based on the supposed infallibility of machines? Benasayag gives his considered answers in this short but illuminating book, a hybrid of essay and interview.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Comparative Constitutional Theory
The need for innovative thinking about alternative constitutional experiences is evident, and readers of Comparative Constitutional Theory will find in its pages a compendium of original, theory-driven essays. The authors use a variety of theoretical perspectives to explore the diversity of global constitutional experience in a post-1989 world prominently marked by momentous transitions from authoritarianism to democracy, by multiple constitutional revolutions and devolutions, by the increased penetration of international law into national jurisdictions, and by the enhancement of supra-national institutions of governance. Scholars around the globe will be interested in this book's unique discussion of comparative constitutional theory, and students and college professors will appreciate the accessibility of the chapters and the placement of the United States in comparative focus.Contributors include: W.-C. Chang, J.I. Colón-Riós, V. Ferreres Comella, J.E. Finn, S. Gardbaum, M.A. Graber, G. Halmai, J. Hiebert, G. Jacobsohn, J. King, H. Klug, D. Landau, D.S. Law, J. McLean, J.-W. Müeller, D. Robertson, Y. Roznai, C. Saunders, M. Schor, H. Schweber, S. Tierney, A. Torres Pérez, M. Tushnet, J. Weinrib
Fantagraphics Milky Way
Taylor & Francis Inc Stinkbugs: Biorational Control Based on Communication Processes
This book presents an overview of the Pentatomidae species, covering their biology, phylogeny and reproductive behavior, main plants used in their diet and their nutritional exigencies, predatory stinkbugs, interactions between herbivores-plants and natural enemies, use of pheromone for monitoring phytophagous populations, and chemical and vibrational communication signals. It also presents possible technologies to be applied in field crops for pest management that could be developed as the basis of the interplay of stink bug communication signals.
Cinebook Ltd Last Templar the Vol. 4: the Falcon Temple
Tess has gone with Vance to look for the Falcon Temple and its precious cargo, convinced that truth must prevail. Meanwhile, the Church persuades Sean to help them keep that truth hidden - at any cost. On the dark waters of the Mediterranean, in a storm so fierce it could be the very wrath of God, a merciless battle will take place for the future of the Christian faith...
Cinebook Ltd Last Templar the Vol.3: the Sunken Church
After being kidnapped by Vance and subsequently escaping, Tess is now officially part of the investigative team alongside Agent Reilly. But despite the constant danger of the lurking assassins who have already nearly killed her once, the young woman refuses to play a passive role. Her research will take her far from New York, under the protection of Sean Reilly-who is about to face a terrible crisis of faith.
Hachette Children's Group Your Baby's First Word Will Be Dada
A bestselling picture book perfect for Father's Day from Tonight Show's Jimmy Fallon.Your baby's first word will be . . ."Dada!"Right?Everyone knows that fathers wage a secret campaign to ensure that their babies' first word is "Dada!" But how does it work? Jimmy Fallon, one of the most popular entertainers in the world and NBC's The Tonight Show host, shows you how.A New York Times bestselling picture book, perfect for Father's Day.'A punchy and deceptively simple story that will make for some fun readalouds.' - Publisher's Weekly
St Martin's Press Everything Is Mama
Everything is ... MAMA! Jimmy Fallon, one of the most popular entertainers in the world and NBC's Tonight Show host, was on a mission with his first children's book to have every baby's first word be DADA. And it worked! A lot of babies' first words were DADA. However, everything after that was MAMA. So take a lighthearted look at the world from your baby's point of view as different animals try to teach their children that there are other words in addition to MAMA for familiarobjects and activities.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc FGTeeV Presents: Into the Game!
It’s game time! Press start on Into the Game, the awesome-packed, New York Times bestselling graphic novel adventure by YouTube’s favorite family of gamers, FGTeeV!The FGTeeV family gamers have played hundreds of games together. Which is why Moomy decides to make a new game called My Pet Fish. Just one problem: the game is SUPER boring. And one other problem: Moomy and Duddy accidentally got sucked into it—and now they’re trapped!It’s up to the kids, Lexi, Mike, Chase, and Shawn, to jump into the gaming console and rescue their parents. But first, they have to battle their way through their favorite games until they find the one their parents are stuck in. Can the kids take on a vicious pack of vampire prairie dogs, flying doody diapers, some spooky ghouls, and one incredibly dull fish before Moomy and Duddy are bored to death? Game like never before in this exhilarating graphic novel adventure from YouTube sensation FGTeeV, with more than 11 million subscribers and over 11 billion views!