Search results for ""Author MIGUEL""
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Pepitas de oro: Ana Frank / Gold Nuggets: Anne Frank
Urano World Camino del Duelo, El
Vegueta Ediciones Rosalind Franklin: El Secreto de la Vida
Vegueta Ediciones Einstein: El Genio de la Luz
Orbis Books (USA) Trails of Hope and Terror: Testimonies on Immigration
Orbis Books (USA) Reading the Bible from the Margins
Feiwel and Friends This Is Baby
These are Baby's EYES. This is Baby's NOSE. These are Baby's FINGERS. These are Baby's TOES. #1 New York Times-bestselling author and late-night superstar Jimmy Fallon returns with his third picture book. Jimmy's sweet-and-simple text, once again paired with lively and charming artwork by Miguel Ordonez, will help little ones learn the words for the various parts of their body in no time.
Tundra Books Great Dog
Cinebook Ltd Last Templar the Vol. 2 the Knight in the Crypt
The investigation onto the museum raid continues, but it's a difficult one. One of the four 'knights' has already died in his - guarded - hospital room, and FBI Agent Reilly is unknowingly engaged in a race to find the other thieves before the mysterious assassins trying to eliminate them. Meanwhile, young archaeologist Tess Chaykin is following up the Templar lead - one that the FBI considers too far-fetched to be worth looking into...
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Comparative Constitutional Theory
The need for innovative thinking about alternative constitutional experiences is evident, and readers of Comparative Constitutional Theory will find in its pages a compendium of original, theory-driven essays. The authors use a variety of theoretical perspectives to explore the diversity of global constitutional experience in a post-1989 world prominently marked by momentous transitions from authoritarianism to democracy, by multiple constitutional revolutions and devolutions, by the increased penetration of international law into national jurisdictions, and by the enhancement of supra-national institutions of governance. Scholars around the globe will be interested in this book's unique discussion of comparative constitutional theory, and students and college professors will appreciate the accessibility of the chapters and the placement of the United States in comparative focus.Contributors include: W.-C. Chang, J.I. Colón-Riós, V. Ferreres Comella, J.E. Finn, S. Gardbaum, M.A. Graber, G. Halmai, J. Hiebert, G. Jacobsohn, J. King, H. Klug, D. Landau, D.S. Law, J. McLean, J.-W. Müeller, D. Robertson, Y. Roznai, C. Saunders, M. Schor, H. Schweber, S. Tierney, A. Torres Pérez, M. Tushnet, J. Weinrib
Fordham University Press The Government of Life: Foucault, Biopolitics, and Neoliberalism
Foucault’s late work on biopolitics and governmentality has established him as the fundamental thinker of contemporary continental political thought and as a privileged source for our current understanding of neoliberalism and its technologies of power. In this volume, an international and interdisciplinary group of Foucault scholars examines his ideas of biopower and biopolitics and their relation to his project of a history of governmentality and to a theory of the subject found in his last courses at the College de France. Many of the chapters engage critically with the Italian theoretical reception of Foucault. At the same time, the originality of this collection consists in the variety of perspectives and traditions of reception brought to bear upon the problematic connections between biopolitics and governmentality established by Foucault’s last works.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc FGTeeV Presents: Into the Game!
It’s game time! Press start on Into the Game, the awesome-packed, New York Times bestselling graphic novel adventure by YouTube’s favorite family of gamers, FGTeeV!The FGTeeV family gamers have played hundreds of games together. Which is why Moomy decides to make a new game called My Pet Fish. Just one problem: the game is SUPER boring. And one other problem: Moomy and Duddy accidentally got sucked into it—and now they’re trapped!It’s up to the kids, Lexi, Mike, Chase, and Shawn, to jump into the gaming console and rescue their parents. But first, they have to battle their way through their favorite games until they find the one their parents are stuck in. Can the kids take on a vicious pack of vampire prairie dogs, flying doody diapers, some spooky ghouls, and one incredibly dull fish before Moomy and Duddy are bored to death? Game like never before in this exhilarating graphic novel adventure from YouTube sensation FGTeeV, with more than 11 million subscribers and over 11 billion views!
Kerber Verlag Miguel Rothschild: Premonition
In the monograph with the title Premonition, Miguel Rothschild (*1963) presents a selection of works from his two most recent series. The Berlin-based, Argentine artist occupies himself in them with spirits and the apocalypse. The mystically connoted photographs of skies and forests are given a second level — in terms of both content and the visual — by means of burn holes. Here, the spirits of the forest ascend between the treetops, there it is a baroque or romantic sky that receives these demonic and at the same time alluring souls. Rothschild’s ambiguous visions prompt us to interrogate our relationship to nature.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Terrorists, Enemy Combatant Detainees & the Judicial System
Nova Science Publishers Inc Protein Purification
Hachette Children's Group Going to the Volcano
Buckle up and jump on board for the funniest, most EXPLOSIVE picture book of the year - you'll want to read it again and again-o!Join two intrepid explorers as they take a train-o, jump on a plane-o, ride a Great Dane-o (down the lane-o) on their way to look at the volcano. Nothing could possibly go wrong - could it?!A hilariously anarchic rhyming story from multi-award-winning author Andy Stanton.Andy has won a string of awards for his Mr Gum books, including the Red House Children's Book Award, the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, and the Blue Peter Book Award for Best Book With Pictures (twice).Miguel Ordonez is the illustrator of the New York Times bestselling Your Baby's First Word Will Be Dada, written by Jimmy Fallon, the Emmy and Grammy award-winning host of NBC's The Tonight Show.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc FGTeeV: Game Break!
New York Times bestselling author and YouTube family gaming sensation FGTeeV need YOU. Help them to victory by gaming your way through 128 pages of fun-filled, full-color activities!Join YouTube sensation FGTeeV as they game their way to victory! Help them fight their way through mazes, unscramble the word searches, and break into the game with these awesome activities. Featuring all your favorite characters from FGTeeV, this book promises hours of adventure, with connect-the-dots, spot-the-differences, word scrambles, and much, much more.This full-color paperback standalone activity book features all of your favorite FGTeeV characters while putting you in the center of the adventure!Go on an laugh-filled journey with FGTeeV, one of the most popular YouTubers in the world with more than 18 MILLION subscribers!
HarperCollins Publishers Inc FGTeeV Saves the World!
It’s game time! Press start on FGTeeV Saves the World!, the second graphic novel in the awesome-packed, New York Times bestselling series by YouTube’s favorite family of gamers, FGTeeV! The FGTeeV family gamers really, really love playing games! But for Duddy, one game is by far best: Super Realistic (And Totally Not Made Up) Zombie Battles from the War of 1812. Even though in Duddy’s opinion the updated version doesn’t stand up to the classic original, it doesn’t mean that he can’t quickly rack up all the power-ups, bonuses, and achievements to show the kids—Lexi, Mike, Chase, and Shawn—how it’s done. That is until the game freezes! The family heads to the Shady Acres Mall to fix their controller, but while at the game store, one wrong click causes all the characters from the Zombie Battles game to explode into the real world. It’s total mayhem! Now Duddy, Moomy, Lexi, Mike, Chase, and Shawn have to fight their own avatars in order to save the world—but will they be able to stop the army of world-conquering video game villains before the bad guys level up? Game like you never gamed before in the fun-filled second graphic novel adventure from YouTube sensation FGTeeV, with more than 18 MILLION subscribers and over 18.6 BILLION views!
Editorial Edinumen Una desaparicion misteriosa (Level A1): Illustrated comic in Easy Read Spanish from Malamute
Oxford University Press The Digits: Odds Vs Evens
Join the Digits for another action-packed adventure! When the Digits start squabbling over whether odd or even numbers are best, Ten challenges everyone to a football match to settle the argument. Ideal for understanding odds and evens - you can count on the Digits to make numbers fun! This playful picture book series about a group of number friends is ideal for developing early maths skills.
Ediciones Lea Las aventuras de Don Quijote de la Mancha para niños
Don Quijote is a voracious reader of chivalrous novels, those ones in which men travel on horseback across the countryside fighting giants and freeing princesses. Nothing in the stories is true, but Don Quijote doesn’t know that. He’s determined to become a knight-errant himself. Together with his faithful squire Sancho Panza, he’ll cross the Spanish kingdom in search of adventure! This greatest classic of Spanish literature has been adapted for readers ages 9-12.Don Quijote es un voraz lector de novelas de caballerÍa, esas donde los hombres van a caballo por los campos, combatiendo contra gigantes y liberando princesas que fueron secuestradas por hombres malvados. Nada de lo que cuentan esas historias es cierto, pero Don Quijote no lo sabe. ¡Él mismo quiere convertirse en un valiente caballero andante! Junto con su fiel escudero Sancho Panza, recorrerÁ los reinos de EspaÑa en busca de aventuras que lo hagan famoso, mientras suspira por el amor de su amada, la bella doncella Dulcinea del Toboso. Una adaptaciÓn para chicos de entre 9 y 12 aÑos del mayor clÁsico de la literatura en espaÑol. Una obra ilustrada a todo color para lectores curiosos y aventureros.
Editorial Castalia, S.A. Primer romancero gitano. Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías
The gypsy is the starting point. The gypsy in its association with cante jondo. The influence that the gypsy may have had as a transmitter of the traditional romancero cannot be ruled out either.
Castalia Ediciones San Manuel bueno, mártir
Editorial Kairos Curación Emocional: Acabar Con El Estrés, La Ansiedad Y La Depresión Sin Fármarcos Ni Psicoanálisis
Editorial Universidad de Sevilla-Secretariado de Publicaciones Maquetas de Le Corbusier tcnicas objetos y sujetos
Le Corbusier supervisó la ejecución de cientos de maquetas, un material poco estudiado en su conjunto, y ahora analizado no sólo como herramientas de un arquitecto, sino también como parte de la producción de un artista plástico. En estos objetos se alcanza así la deseada 'Síntesis de las Artes'.
Picture Window Books Two Heads Are Better Than One
Santillana Educacion, S.L. Don Quijote de la Mancha
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Constitutional Economics and Public Institutions
This extensive book explores in detail a wide range of topics within the public choice and constitutional political economy tradition, providing a comprehensive overview of current work across the field.The expert contributions are underpinned by the notion of moving economic thinking away from the analysis of the logic of a situation given a set of well-established and well-enforced 'rules of the game', towards a deeper analysis of the logic behind the selection of the rules of the game themselves. Within this context, the theme of choice between rules (as well as the more conventional analysis within rules) across historical time and place, and in various thought experiments and conceptual situations, is explored in detail. Extensive case studies back theory with empirical evidence, and topics discussed include: the foundations of constitutional economics; constitutional political economy; political competition and voting; public choice and public policy; and extensions to public choice theory.This stimulating book will prove a thought-provoking read for academics and both under- and post-graduate students in the fields of economics (particularly public choice and Austrian economics), public policy and political science.Contributors: P. Bernholz, V.K. Borooah, G. Brennan, G. Brosio, J.M. Buchanan, F. Cabrillo, R.D. Congleton, G. Eusepi, S. Fedeli, M. Ferrero, S. Fitzpatrick, F. Forte, B.S. Frey, J. Helin, M.J. Holler, J.D. Montoro-Pons, S. Neckermann, H. Nurmi, M. Paldam, M.A. Puchades-Navarro, G.C. Romagnoli, P. Salmon, V.J. Vanberg, B.-A. Wickström
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Mineral Elements in Food
Mineral elements are found in foods and drink of all different types, from drinking water through to mothers’ milk. The search for mineral elements has shown that many trace and ultratrace-level elements presented in food are required for a healthy life. By identifying and analysing these elements, it is possible to evaluate them for their specific health-giving properties, and conversely, to isolate their less desirable properties with a view to reducing or removing them altogether from some foods. The analysis of mineral elements requires a number of different techniques – some methods may be suitable for one food type yet completely unsuited to another. The Handbook of Mineral Elements in Food is the first book to bring together the analytical techniques, the regulatory and legislative framework, and the widest possible range of food types into one comprehensive handbook for food scientists and technologists. Much of the book is based on the authors’ own data, most of which is previously unpublished, making the Handbook of Mineral Elements in Food a vital and up-to-the-minute reference for food scientists in industry and academia alike. Analytical chemists, nutritionists and food policy makers will also find it an invaluable resource. Showcasing contributions from international researchers, and constituting a major resource for our future understanding of the topic, the Handbook of Mineral Elements in Food is an essential reference and should be found wherever food science and technology are researched and taught.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion
Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion, 2nd edition, examines the importance of ethnic and cultural factors for community health practice. Edited and written by a stellar list of contributors who are experts in field, this book describes essential theories, models, and practices for working with race, ethnicity, gender, and social issues. The authors cover a wide range of topics including demographics, disparities, complementary and alternative medicine, spiritually grounded approaches, multicultural populations, culturally competent needs assessment and planning, communication, workforce, program planning, aging, sexual orientation, and future challenges. This edition has substantially expanded coverage on working with diverse groups, social determinants of health, spirituality, theoretical models for multicultural populations, planning and program evaluation, and aging, with new content includes coverage of disability and health literacy. This edition also reflects the latest standards for Certified Health Education Specialist certification and national standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS), from Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health
Nova Science Publishers Inc Fungicides: Classification, Role in Disease Management & Toxicity Effects
Nova Science Publishers Inc Pregnancy: Risk Factors, Management & Recovery
Nova Science Publishers Inc Child Welfare: Federal Role in Assistance & Improvement
Quarto Publishing PLC Bruce Lee: Volume 29
In this book from the critically acclaimed, multimillion-copy bestselling Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the life of Bruce Lee, the martial artist and Hollywood film star. Born in San Francisco but raised in Hong Kong, Bruce Lee was the child star of Hong Kong cinema. But, after getting into trouble as a teenager, his father sent him to live in America. Starring roles were hard to come by for Asian-American actors in Hollywood, but Bruce went on to act in blockbuster hits, featuring his skill as a martial artist. This inspiring book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the great actor's life.Little People, BIG DREAMS is a bestselling biography series for kids that explores the lives of outstanding people, from designers and artists to scientists and activists. All of them achieved incredible things, yet each began life as a child with a dream. This empowering series of books offers inspiring messages to children of all ages, in a range of formats. The board books are told in simple sentences, perfect for reading aloud to babies and toddlers. The hardback and paperback versions present expanded stories for beginning readers. With rewritten text for older children, the treasuries each bring together a multitude of dreamers in a single volume. You can also collect a selection of the books by theme in boxed gift sets. Activity books and a journal provide even more ways to make the lives of these role models accessible to children.Inspire the next generation of outstanding people who will change the world with Little People, BIG DREAMS!
Nova Science Publishers Inc Adenocarcinoma: Pathogenesis, Treatment & Prognosis
Editorial Kairos Estos Recuerdos Que Gobiernan Nuestra Vida
Ma Non Troppo Cómo Montar Un Espectáculo Teatral
Prh Grupo Editorial Quijote Liberado Quixote
Sternberg Press Citizens of the Cosmos
Tiger Tales The Eyebrows of Doom
Other Press LLC Heritage: A Novel
Orbis Books (USA) From the Heart of Our People
Periplus Editions Island of Bali
Island of Bali is now available with a foreword by Professor Adrian Vickers which puts the book into context for a modern audience.First published in 1937, Island of Bali is still regarded by many as the most authoritative text on Bali and its fascinating people. Included is a wealth of information on the daily life, art, customs and religion of this magical "Island of the Gods." In the author's own words it presents a "bird's-eye view of Balinese life and culture."Miguel Covarrubias, the author, was a noted painter and caricaturist as well as a student of anthropology. He lived in Bali for a total of three years in the early 1930s, and today his account is as fresh and insightful as it was when it was originally published. Introducing the island with a survey of hits history, geography and social structure, Covarrubias goes on to present a captivating picture of Balinese art, music and drama. Religion, witchcraft, death and cremation are also covered.Island of Bali will appeal to anyone with interest in this unique island, from general Eat, Pray, Love readers to serious anthropologist alike. Complementing the text are 90 drawings by Covarrubias and countless others by Balinese artists. Also included are 114 half-tone photographs, and five full-color paintings by the author.
Springer International Publishing AG Design and Architecture for Signal and Image Processing: 16th International Workshop, DASIP 2023, Toulouse, France, January 16–18, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed conference proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Design and Architecture for Signal and Image Processing, DASIP 2023, held in Toulouse, France in January 2023.The 9 full included in the volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 17 submissions. They are organized in the following topical sections: Methods and Applications, Hardware Architectures and Implementations and others.
Feiwel & Friends This Is Baby
Feiwel and Friends Everything Is Mama
#1 New York Times Bestseller!Jimmy Fallon, one of the most popular entertainers in the world and NBC''s Tonight Show host, was on a mission with his first children''s book to have every baby''s first word be DADA. And it worked! A lot of babies'' first words were DADA.However, everything after that was MAMA.Everything is . . .MAMA!So take a lighthearted look at the world from your baby''s point of view as different animals try to teach their children that there are other words in addition to MAMA for familiar objects and activities.
William B Eerdmans Publishing Co Resisting Apartheid America: Living the Badass Gospel