Search results for ""author andrea"
Globe Law and Business Ltd Mergers & Acquisitions: A Practical Global Guide
The M&A market is expanding significantly year on year. Due to increasing globalisation, even the business of small to medium-sized companies transcends national borders. In the case of major M&A transactions, the parties involved must generally now comply with the legal systems of several different jurisdictions. This practical title features 27 chapters by leading experts on the various factors to consider when acquiring a company in their jurisdictions, including the pitfalls to avoid and proposed solutions. In addition to dealing with the advantages and disadvantages of asset and share deals, chapters cover the structure of the M&A agreement, seller's and buyer's liabilities, arbitration agreements, choice of law clauses, and acquisitions of insolvent companies and listed companies. This book is a comprehensive guide to the legal framework applicable internationally in the field of M&A for companies, banks, private equity funds and private investors and their legal advisers.
Imprint Academic Lord Kames: Selected Writings
David Fickling Books Toby and the Pixies Worst King Ever
Shy and anxious schoolboy Toby accidentally becomes king of a pixie kingdom at the bottom of his garden! These chaos-creating magical critters cause havoc for Toby at home and at school with their ridiculously silly powers (despite them only trying to help!), much to Toby's embarrassment and frustration. But when his extrovert friend Mo discovers Toby's secret double life, Toby realises that maybe being king of the pixies isn't so bad after all... Relentlessly hilarious and full of zany slapstick, this new series will be loved by readers of Bunny vs Monkey, Dog Man, Star Cat, and Evil Emperor Penguin.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Renewable Energy: Economics, Emerging Technologies & Global Practices
Nova Science Publishers Inc Atopic Dermatitis: From Diagnosis to Treatment
Hirmer Verlag BMWi: Visionary Mobility
Electro - mobility is the number one topic when it comes to our mobility in the future. What does the vision of the BMW Group, Germany’s main pioneer in the field, l ook like? For the first time providing extensive insight into BMW’s workshop of ideas, this volume presents the multi - faceted concept for sustainable and visionary mobility right up to autonomous driving. In the spring of 2008, a think tank of engineers, d esigners, trend researchers, and financial experts met on a factory floor of BMW’s parent plant in Munich to rethink mobility. This volume traces the exciting venture in its complex development, while also looking at the future. A main focus is on the major challenges of our time — climate change, scarcity of resources, megacities — and the solution approaches: technological innovations, networked mobility, and the use of renewable materials. Autonomous driving plays a particularl y important role. Terrific close - ups and design drawings present all models from the BMW i3 and the BMW i8 to the BMW i Vision Future Interaction.
Pearson Education Limited The Purple Violet of Oshaantu
This is the story of a woman who refuses to mourn her husband's death. The village knew she was an unhappy wife, but she is still expected to weep and speak the praises of her husband. Her story reveals the value of friendship between women, based on liking rather than traditional beliefs.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Divided Gulf: The Anatomy of a Crisis
This book discusses the various critical dimensions of the Qatar Crisis as a development that has fundamentally reshaped the nature of regional integration for the near future. It represents the first academic attempt to challenge the commonly propagated binary view of this conflict. Further, the book explains the Gulf Crisis in the context of the transformation of the Gulf in the early 21st century, with new alliances and balances of power emerging. At the heart of the book lies the question of how the changing global and regional order facilitated or even fuelled the 2017 Crisis, which it argues was only the most recent climax in an ongoing crisis in the Gulf, on that had been simmering since 2011 and is rooted in historical feuds that date back to the 1800s. While contextualizing the crisis historically, the book also seeks to look beyond historical events to identify underlying patterns of identity security in connection with state and nation building in the Gulf.
Equinox Publishing Ltd Textbook Gods: Genre, Text and Teaching Religious Studies
In recent years there has been a renewed interest in textbooks, partly because they have maintained their position as an important genre. Not too many years ago - and perhaps currently as well - many considered textbooks outdated or archaic compared with technological advances such as the Internet and different kinds of educational software. Despite these changes, textbooks for school subjects and for academic studies continue to be in demand. Textbooks seem to constitute a genre in which established truths are conveyed, and may thus represent stable forces in a world of flux and rapid changes. Textbook Gods offers perspectives on representations of religion and religions in textbooks. The contributions emerge from different contexts, ranging from European countries, to North America, Japan and Australia.
Penguin TB Verlag VIKING Kampf in Vinland
Verlag G. Mainz Artificial Metalloproteins for NonNatural Reactions
Organometallic chemistry has shown tremendous success in developing new metal catalysts for industrial applications, e.g. polymerization, organic synthesis or fine chemical synthesis. Nowadays, several active and selective catalysts are known and still, the issue of activity and selectivity remains a challenge. Nature has solved this issue by evolving selective enzymes. These enzymes have excellent catalytic properties with high substrate specificity and product selectivity due to their specialized active site. However, the advantage of high product selectivity comes at the cost of a limited substrate scope. The shape of the active site is crucial for selectivity since it is responsible for highly efficient substrate recognition and orientation together with stabilization of reactive intermediates. The number of enzymatic processes in industry increased due to an increased demand of enantiopure products. The concept of biohybrid catalysts, also named artificial metalloproteins/-enzy
Amazon Publishing Guiltless
The tiny Swedish island of Sandhamn has always been a haven for lawyer Nora Linde. With trouble brewing in her marriage, she finds its comforts more welcome than ever, even in the depths of winter. That is, until her two young sons trip across a severed arm in the woods. The boys' gruesome discovery will once again connect Nora with her childhood friend Thomas Andreasson, now a local police detective. When the limb is identified as belonging to a twenty-year-old woman who disappeared without a trace months earlier, what had been a missing persons case takes on a whole new urgency. Nora and Thomas delve deeply into the woman's final hours, each of them wrestling not only with the case but with the private demons it awakens in them. As they do, they'll find themselves drawn into the history of Sandhamn and the tensions that have been simmering just below the surface for more than a hundred years.
Bohlau Verlag Die Reichenauer Evangelienbücher: Anlagekonzepte, liturgische Lesenutzung und ihr visualisiertes Offenbarungsverständnis
Melissa Publishing House Athens and Attica: History and Archaeology
Melissa Publishing House Archaiologia: Peloponnesos
Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki La Divina Commedia Di Antonio Maria Esposito: Tra Miniatura, Scultura E Spiritualita
Dr Ludwig Reichert Agyptische Mumienmasken in Wurzburg
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft The Economic Ethics of World Religions and Their Laws: An Introduction to Max Weber's Comparative Sociology
Gmeiner Verlag Lieblingspltze in und um GarmischPartenkirchen
De Gruyter Gynäkologische Onkologie
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Deleuze
This book provides a clear and concise introduction to the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. It analyses his key theoretical concepts, such as difference and the body without organs, and covers all the different areas of his thought, including metaphysics, the history of philosophy, psychoanalysis, political theory, the philosophy of the social sciences and aesthetics. As the first book to offer a comprehensive analysis of Deleuze's writings, it reveals both the internal coherence of his philosophy and its development through a series of distinct phases. Reidar Due offers an entirely new interpretation of Deleuze's philosophy, centred around the notion of thought as a capacity to form relations. These relations are embodied in nature, in language and in the unconscious; in art, science and social practice. With this concept of embodied thought, Deleuze challenges our most entrenched beliefs about the self and about signs whether linguistic or social. He develops an original theory of power and social systems and presents a method for understanding any signifying practice, from language and ritual to the unconscious, including cinema, literature and painting. Due analyses the different strands in this theoretical edifice and shows its implications for a wide range of human sciences, from history and psychology to political theory and cultural studies.
Turia + Kant, Verlag Psychoanalyse versus Psychotherapie
Sutton Verlag GmbH Dinner off Düringisch
edition krimi Der Henker mit dem Totenkopf
edition krimi Leichentuch
Meyer + Meyer Fachverlag Einradfahren Basics und erste Tricks
Kopp Verlag George Soros
Patrimonium Aachen Wie die Mönchsgemeinde leben soll
Gmeiner Verlag Lieblingspltze Donau PassauWien
Dorling Kindersley Verlag memo Wissen entdecken Kriminalistik Tatort Spuren Detektive Das Buch mit Poster
Stiebner Verlag GmbH Klompelompes Kindermaschen Klompelompes Kindermaschen Luftige Strickprojekte fr 0 bis 12 Jahre Kreativ praktisch Strickkleidung fr den Sommer Kleider Strampler fr Mdchen und Jungs
Herder Verlag GmbH Weil Bücher unsere Welt verändern
Wissenschaftliche Cannabis
Hansebooks Die Amazonen: Ein Beitrag zur unbefangenen Prüfung und Wärdigung der ältesten Überlieferungen
Emons Verlag Hildegard von Bingen und das Siegel des Königs
Emons Verlag Eifeldeal
Motorbuch Verlag Navigation mit Smartphone Co.
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Koran erklrt Wichtige Verse kurz und verstndlich erlutert
J.B. Metzler Nietzsche und die Folgen
Nietzsches Welt.- Nietzsches Nachwelt.- Nietzsches Zukunft.
Heymanns Verlag GmbH FormularKommentar GmbHRecht
Herder Verlag GmbH Entscheide dich
De Gruyter Emil Orlik: Das druckgraphische Werk
Vier Bände im Schuber Emil Orlik (1870–1932) war Maler, Grafiker, Fotograf, Exlibris-Künstler, Medailleur und Kunsthandwerker: ein Allround-Talent. Entscheidend für seine künstlerische Entwicklung wurde eine Reise nach Japan 1900/1901, wo er bei japanischen Meistern die Kunst des Holzschneidens erlernte. In Wien war er Mitglied der Secession. 1904 erhielt er einen Ruf als Professor nach Berlin, wo er für Max Reinhardt Bühnenbild- und Kostümentwürfe schuf. In Berlin war Orlik eine feste gesellschaftliche Größe. Seine Porträts von Persönlichkeiten aus Kunst, Theater, Musik, Literatur, Film, Kabarett und Politik sind ein Kaleidoskop des geistigen, kulturellen und Wirtschaftslebens der Weimarer Republik. Orlik unternahm zahlreiche Reisen, die ihn neben Europa und der USA nach China, Korea, Ägypten, Nubien und erneut nach Japan führten. Sein Werk spiegelt seine Neugier auf die Welt und die Vielfältigkeit dieses Ausnahmekünstlers. Sein umfangreiches druckgrafisches Werk – Holzschnitte, Radierungen und Lithografien – wird nun erstmals ausführlich dokumentiert und im vorliegenden Werkverzeichnis präsentiert. Das erste Werkverzeichnis des umfangreichen druckgrafischen Werks (ca. 2.300 Arbeiten) von Emil Orlik Bibliophile Ausgabe – 4 Bände, Leinenumschlag mit Prägung, im bezogenen Schuber Blick ins BuchBand IBand IIBand IIIBand IV
Arena Verlag GmbH Tilda Apfelkern. Die schönsten Abenteuer aus dem Heckenrosenweg Sonderausgabe zur TVSerie