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Reclam Philipp Jun. Weimarer Verhältnisse
Westermann Berufl.Bildung Der Gast ich HotelfachmannHotelfachfrau Schlerband
Karl Haug EMDR fr Heilpraktiker
Klett Lerntraining Bibi Tina Wo ist Kätzchen Sissi
De Gruyter Vermeer und Epikur: Lebenslust in der Kunst der Frühaufklärung
Vermeer van Delft gilt als der bedeutendste Schilderer holländischen Lebens im sog. Goldenen Zeitalter. Viele Studien zu seinen Gemälden haben sich mit der Entschlüsselung verborgener Zusammenhänge und symbolischer Bezüge beschäftigt. Bisher ging die Forschung dabei davon aus, dass die Philosophie Spinozas und Descartes' den Maler beeinflusst haben könnte. Andeas Prater zeigt hingegen, dass und wie bestimmte Maximen und Sentenzen Epikurs und seines lateinischen Herolds Lukrez in Vermeers Malerei Eingang gefunden haben. Epikur wurde im 17. Jahrhundert wiederentdeckt und hinsichtlich seiner lange in Verruf geratenen Lehre von Freude und Lust rehabilitiert. Die bisher völlig unbeachteten und unbekannten Aspekte lassen das Werk des großen holländischen Malers in einem ganz neuen Licht erscheinen.
De Gruyter Ludwig Feuerbach: Das Wesen des Christentums
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Technisches Zeichnen
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fundamente der Mathematik 6. Schuljahr SchleswigHolstein G9 Schülerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fundamente der Mathematik 9 Schuljahr Gymnasium Niedersachsen Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fundamente der Mathematik 9 Schuljahr Hessen Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fundamente der Mathematik 7. Schuljahr Hessen Schülerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fundamente der Mathematik 8 Schuljahr Gymnasium SachsenAnhalt Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fundamente der Mathematik 7 Schuljahr Schlerbuch Gymnasium Niedersachsen
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Das groe Tafelwerk interaktiv 20 Mathematik Informatik Astronomie Physik Chemie Biologie Schlerbuch Allgemeine Ausgabe auer Niedersachsen und Bayern
AT Verlag Pure Tiefe
AT Verlag Pure Frische
Park Books reflektieren interpretieren realisieren
gesunde Menschenversand Fêrhêldnismêssig onmessfêrschdändlîch
Weber Verlag Am erschten Ougschten uf em Menchspifful
NZZ Libro Adel in der Schweiz
Springer Nature Switzerland AG An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Inverse Problems
This graduate-level textbook introduces the reader to the area of inverse problems, vital to many fields including geophysical exploration, system identification, nondestructive testing, and ultrasonic tomography. It aims to expose the basic notions and difficulties encountered with ill-posed problems, analyzing basic properties of regularization methods for ill-posed problems via several simple analytical and numerical examples. The book also presents three special nonlinear inverse problems in detail: the inverse spectral problem, the inverse problem of electrical impedance tomography (EIT), and the inverse scattering problem. The corresponding direct problems are studied with respect to existence, uniqueness, and continuous dependence on parameters. Ultimately, the text discusses theoretical results as well as numerical procedures for the inverse problems, including many exercises and illustrations to complement coursework in mathematics and engineering. This updated text includes a new chapter on the theory of nonlinear inverse problems in response to the field’s growing popularity, as well as a new section on the interior transmission eigenvalue problem which complements the Sturm-Liouville problem and which has received great attention since the previous edition was published.
Emerald Publishing Limited Higher Education at the Crossroads of Disruption: The University of the 21st Century
The digital transformation of higher education has the same reputation as the higher education sector itself: rigid and reluctant to change. Covid-19 has radically changed this rigidity, with thousands of Universities compelled to go 100 percent online in just a few days. Threatened by edtech start-ups, big tech corporations increasingly interested in academia, as well as venture capitalists attracted by the sector's high profit margins, Universities need to change their way of doing business to stay in business. Higher Education at the Crossroads of Disruption: The University of the 21st Century looks at the various areas of higher education that will likely undergo radical changes. Learning and teaching approaches will increasingly move into the digital sphere; advances in artificial intelligence as well as (big) data availability, will change the way academia works. This books examines how teaching formats will vary, and how curricula and course content will evolve. Higher education will most likely focus on skills development, with a stronger emphasis on inter- and multidisciplinary study content, and a steady turn toward society's well-being and sustainability. This is essential reading for those holding a leadership position in higher education, researchers with a focus on higher education, and to anyone interested in the evolution and future of higher education.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Economic Nationalism
This cutting-edge Handbook puts economic nationalism in its historical context, from early industrialization to globalization. It explores how economic nationalism has emerged to new prominence in the post-globalization era as states are trying to protect their economies, societies, and cultures from unwanted external influences. Drawing together contributors from a wide range of disciplines, the Handbook demonstrates the many ways in which nationalisms and national cultures affect and are affected by the economy, paying attention to the different contexts in which they emerge. Chapters consider key topics including economic nationalism and climate change, resource nationalism, economic nationalism in left-wing ideologies and far-right party discourse, and dimensions of economic nationalism in the US, Russia, India and Japan. Providing a comprehensive analysis of the historical, theoretical, and geographical dimensions of economic nationalism, this Handbook will be a key resource for scholars and students of political economy, international economics and the history of economic thought. Its use of case studies from a range of countries will also be beneficial for policy makers and practitioners in these fields.
Fonthill Media Ltd Gotha Aircraft: From the London Bomber to the Flying Wing Jet Fighter
The Gothaer Waggonfabrik (GWF), originally a German rail vehicle manufacturer, entered the aircraft industry in 1913. The driving force behind this major change in production in this small Thuringian duchy in central Germany was a member of the British royal family. Gotha aircraft managed to make a name for themselves internationally. As with ‘Fokker’ regarding fighter aircraft, the name ‘Gotha’ is synonymous with German bomber aircraft of the Great War. Even successful seaplanes and the world’s first asymmetric aircraft were a part of GWF’s production at this time, and lasted until the post-war Treaty of Versailles forced the abandonment of aircraft production. Aircraft could not be built in Gotha again until 1933. GWF did get development contracts for the Luftwaffe, but they were essentially incidental side issues and not of the lucrative mass construction variety. In 1939 a world altitude record on the sports aircraft Gotha Go 150, provided GWF with a small though internationally significant highlight. During the war the GWF developed cargo gliders and, under licence, built the Messerschmitt Bf 110. In 1945 Gotha was supposed to undertake batch production of the flying wing jet fighter, Horten Ho 229, and even designed its more radical successor. In 1954 the aircraft construction finally ended and once again, the production consisted of gliders and one last proprietary design was created.
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Territorial Cohesion and the European Model of Society
MD - Duke University Press Porous Becomings
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of Global Energy Policy
This is the first handbook to provide a global policy perspective on energy, bringing together a diverse range of international energy issues in one volume. Maps the emerging field of global energy policy both for scholars and practitioners; the focus is on global issues, but it also explores the regional impact of international energy policies Accounts for the multi-faceted nature of global energy policy challenges and broadens discussions of these beyond the prevalent debates about oil supply Analyzes global energy policy challenges across the dimensions of markets, development, sustainability, and security, and identifies key global policy challenges for the future Comprises newly-commissioned research by an international team of scholars and energy policy practitioners
Stanford University Press Present Pasts: Urban Palimpsests and the Politics of Memory
Memory of historical trauma has a unique power to generate works of art. This book analyzes the relation of public memory to history, forgetting, and selective memory in Berlin, Buenos Aires, and New York—three late-twentieth-century cities that have confronted major social or political traumas. Berlin experienced the fall of the Berlin Wall and the city’s reemergence as the German capital; Buenos Aires lived through the dictatorships of the 1970s and 1980s and their legacy of state terror and disappearances; and New York City faces a set of public memory issues concerning the symbolic value of Times Square as threatened public space and the daunting task of commemorating and rebuilding after the attack on the World Trade Center. Focusing on the issue of monumentalization in divergent artistic and media practices, the book demonstrates that the transformation of spatial and temporal experience by memory politics is a major cultural effect of globalization.
Emerald Publishing Limited Fibre-reinforced Concretes for High-performance Structures: Building a more sustainable future
Fibre-reinforced Concretes for High-performance Structures focuses on fibre-reinforced concrete, ultra-high-performance fibre-reinforced concrete and geopolymer concrete and their use in the construction of structures. It deals with recent developments in the area of concrete types for enhanced structural performance and sustainability. Designed as a guide to filling the knowledge gap between research and use in industry, this book presents key information about the development, performance and design of three main materials and critically analyses them to highlight the key mechanical properties and durability characteristics. Design aspects are covered using both research outcomes and available guidelines/code provisions. Critical evaluation of the mechanical properties of all the examined materials are presented in addition to environmental end economic considerations. Selected case studies are also presented for the examined concrete types in a consistent form, focusing on the material properties and on the construction process. Finally, recent findings on the application of the examined materials for the structural strengthening of existing structures are presented and the efficiency of the use of the examined materials is highlighted. This book considers each material in turn focusing on material selection and design of concrete mixes mechanical performance and durability design of structural elements using these materials selected case studies. This title is an essential read for engineers and concrete specialists, from students and technicians to practising engineers and researchers, and those looking for sustainable solutions to civil engineering projects involving the selection of specific concretes.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Nlp: the New Technology of Achievement
John Wiley & Sons Inc Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation
Explore the military and combat applications of modeling and simulation Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation is the first book of its kind to address the three perspectives that simulation engineers must master for successful military and defense related modeling: the operational view (what needs to be modeled); the conceptual view (how to do combat modeling); and the technical view (how to conduct distributed simulation). Through methods from the fields of operations research, computer science, and engineering, readers are guided through the history, current training practices, and modern methodology related to combat modeling and distributed simulation systems. Comprised of contributions from leading international researchers and practitioners, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the engineering principles and state-of-the-art methods needed to address the many facets of combat modeling and distributed simulation and features the following four sections: Foundations introduces relevant topics and recommended practices, providing the needed basis for understanding the challenges associated with combat modeling and distributed simulation. Combat Modeling focuses on the challenges in human, social, cultural, and behavioral modeling such as the core processes of "move, shoot, look, and communicate" within a synthetic environment and also equips readers with the knowledge to fully understand the related concepts and limitations. Distributed Simulation introduces the main challenges of advanced distributed simulation, outlines the basics of validation and verification, and exhibits how these systems can support the operational environment of the warfighter. Advanced Topics highlights new and developing special topic areas, including mathematical applications fo combat modeling; combat modeling with high-level architecture and base object models; and virtual and interactive digital worlds. Featuring practical examples and applications relevant to industrial and government audiences, Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation is an excellent resource for researchers and practitioners in the fields of operations research, military modeling, simulation, and computer science. Extensively classroom tested, the book is also ideal for courses on modeling and simulation; systems engineering; and combat modeling at the graduate level.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Evolutionary Economics
Mollenhauer und Treichel GPS Waypoints Marokko Morocco Maroc
Harpia Publishing, LLC Modern Chinese Warplanes: Chinese Air Force - Aircraft and Units
In 2012 the original Modern Chinese Warplanes set the standard as a uniquely compact yet comprehensive directory of modern Chinese air power, combining magnificent illustrations and in-depth analysis.Now almost six years later, much of the fascination that Chinese military aviation holds for the analyst and enthusiast still stems from the thick veil of secrecy that surrounds it. However, in the time that has passed since the first edition a plethora of new types, systems and weapons has been revealed. What is more, the structure of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) has been completely revised by transforming the former Military Regions into Theatre Commands. In parallel, the general structure has been thoroughly modernised to cope with China’s latest challenges.Consequently, this fully revised edition is organised in three parts: the most important military aircraft and their weapons found in service today; aircraft markings and serial number systems; and orders of battle for the PLAAF. The study includes the latest developments emerging from behind the ‘Great Wall’, including the J-20 stealth fighter programme, Y-20 strategic transport and the latest developments in UAVs that are equipping a rapidly modernising air arm.The centrepiece consists of almost 100 fully illustrated pages detailing the organisational structure of the air force, providing an easy-to-use review of all known flying units, their equipment and their markings.No other book has ever attempted to present this level of accuracy in this way: Modern Chinese Air Power portrays the PLAAF in a degree of detail that was previously unavailable.
University Press of Southern Denmark Beyond Television: TV Production in the Multiplatform Era
Edition Patrick Frey St. Elsewhere
Verlag Barbara Budrich Status and Ethnic Identity: A Study on First- and Second-Generation Migrants: 56
Migrants’ minority and majority identity are controversial political topics, offering insights into challenges of integration and social cohesion. Based on a two-dimensional model of ethnic identity, the book asks about the role of social status for migrants’ identification with their origin group and the majority population. It focuses on intergenerational differences, migrant visibility, status mismatch, and exposure in the receiving country. Results reveal forms of ethnic identity beyond the classical assumption of mutual exclusiveness, which suggests minority identity among status-lower, and majority identity among status-higher migrants.
Taschen GmbH Japanese Woodblock Prints
From Edouard Manet's portrait of naturalist writer Émile Zola sitting among his Japanese art finds to Van Gogh's meticulous copies of the Hiroshige prints he devotedly collected, 19th-century pioneers of European modernism made no secret of their love of Japanese art. In all its sensuality, freedom, and effervescence, the woodblock print is single-handedly credited with the wave of japonaiserie that first enthralled France and, later, all of Europebut often remains misunderstood as an exotic artifact that helped inspire Western creativity.The fact is that the Japanese woodblock print is a phenomenon of which there exists no Western equivalent. Some of the most disruptive ideas in modern artincluding, as Karl Marx put it, that all that is solid melts into airwere invented in Japan in the 1700s and expressed like never before in the designs of such masters as Hokusai, Utamaro, and Hiroshige in the early 19th century.This volume lifts the veil on a much-loved bu
Lit Verlag Media System and News Selection in Namibia
Nova Science Publishers Inc Introduction to Power Generation Technologies
Nova Science Publishers Inc Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Ulysses Press The Liver And Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse
Most people unknowingly suffer from a dangerous buildup of gallstones in the liver and gallbladder. These stones clog up the body''s cleansing organs, creating a toxic environment incapable of maintaining good health. You become fatigued, your tissues inflame, you gain weight, and your immune system stops fighting off illness and disease. Now, The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse teaches you how to easily and painlessly remove gallstones in the comfort of your own home. Ridding your body of these disease - causing stones allows you to reclaim your health and vitality while relieving your suffering from symptoms of toxic gallstone buildup, including: - Constipation - Cirrhosis - High Cholesterol - Depression - Heart Disease - Back Pain - Asthma - Headaches