Search results for ""Debate""
The University of Chicago Press Black Visions: The Roots of Contemporary African-American Political Ideologies
This book represents the most comprehensive analysis to date of the complex relationships between black political thought and black political identity and behaviour. Ranging from Frederick Douglass to rap artist Ice Cube, Michael C. Dawson illuminates the history and current role of black political thought in shaping political debate in America.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Fiscal Policy in Economic and Monetary Union: Theory, Evidence and Institutions
This book explores the origins, rationale, problems and prospects of the European fiscal policy framework. It provides the reader with a roadmap to EMU's budgetary framework by exploring its theoretical and empirical foundations, uncovering its historical roots and emphasising its supranational nature.The authors, who have been at the forefront of the academic and policy debate on economic policy in Europe, argue that fiscal policy has always been at the core of the EMU debate. The Maastricht criteria and the Stability and Growth Pact are the most contentious building blocks of EMU's institutional architecture: they have aroused heated controversies between academics and policymakers ever since their adoption. As EMU's budgetary rules undergo their first severe shock, Europe is still searching for its fiscal soul. The book's basic premise is that one cannot fully understand EMU's fiscal framework and the recent debate on its reform without placing them in a historical and institutional perspective and abstracting from the uniqueness of EMU, where sovereign countries retain a large degree of fiscal independence, and monetary policy is entrusted to an independent central bank with the overriding mission of maintaining price stability.Analysing all aspects of EMU's fiscal rules and institutions, this book will strongly appeal to students, academics and researchers of macroeconomic policy and European integration. Policymakers and fiscal policy experts at both national and international levels will also find the book to be of great interest.
Stanford University Press Explanation and Progress in Security Studies: Bridging Theoretical Divides in International Relations
Explanation and Progress in Security Studies asks why Security Studies, as a central area of International Relations, has not experienced scientific progress in the way natural sciences have—and answers by arguing that the underlying reason is that scholars in Security Studies have advanced a range of different notions of "explanation" or different criteria of "explanatory superiority" to show that their positions are better than rival positions. To demonstrate this, the author engages in in-depth content analysis of the generally recognized exemplars of explanation and explanatory superiority in three of the core debates in the disciplines: Why do states pursue policies of nuclear proliferation? Why do states choose to form the alliances they do? And why do liberal democratic states behave the way they do toward other liberal democracies?The book reveals that authors in the debates that have shown the most progress use similar criteria in arguing for and against the key explanations. In the nuclear proliferation debate, there is wide divergence in the criteria the most visible authors use, and there is wide divergence in the explanations offered. In the alliance formation/balance-of-power debate, there is some overlap of criteria the most important authors use, and there has been some limited movement toward consensus. In the democratic peace debate there has been much more overlap of criteria the most prominent authors use, and there is agreement on both some positive and negative conclusions.
Princeton University Press Chimpanzee Culture Wars: Rethinking Human Nature alongside Japanese, European, and American Cultural Primatologists
The first ethnographic exploration of the contentious debate over whether nonhuman primates are capable of cultureIn the 1950s, Japanese zoologists took note when a number of macaques invented and passed on new food-washing behaviors within their troop. The discovery opened the door to a startling question: Could animals other than humans share social knowledge—and thus possess culture? The subsequent debate has rocked the scientific world, pitting cultural anthropologists against evolutionary anthropologists, field biologists against experimental psychologists, and scholars from Asia against their colleagues in Europe and North America. In Chimpanzee Culture Wars, the first ethnographic account of the battle, anthropologist Nicolas Langlitz presents first-hand observations gleaned from months spent among primatologists on different sides of the controversy.Langlitz travels across continents, from field stations in the Ivory Coast and Guinea to laboratories in Germany and Japan. As he compares the methods and arguments of the different researchers he meets, he also considers the plight of cultural primatologists as they seek to document chimpanzee cultural diversity during the Anthropocene, an era in which human culture is remaking the planet. How should we understand the chimpanzee culture wars in light of human-caused mass extinctions?Capturing the historical, anthropological, and philosophical nuances of the debate, Chimpanzee Culture Wars takes us on an exhilarating journey into high-tech laboratories and breathtaking wilderness, all in pursuit of an answer to the question of the human-animal divide.
Skyhorse Publishing Cancel This Book: The Progressive Case Against Cancel Culture
Examining a phenomenon that is sweeping the country, Cancel This Book shines the spotlight on the suppression of open and candid debate. The public shaming of individuals for actual or perceived offenses, often against emerging notions of proper racial and gender norms and relations, has become commonplace. In a number of cases, the shaming is accompanied by calls for the offending individuals to lose their jobs, positions, or other status. Frequently, those targeted for “cancellation” simply do not know the latest, ever-changing norms (often related to language) that they are accused of transgressing—or they have honest questions about issues that have been deemed off-limits for debate and discussion. Cancel This Book offers a unique perspective from Dan Kovalik, a progressive author who supports the ongoing movements for racial and gender equality and justice, but who is concerned about the prevalence of “cancelling” people, and especially of people who are well-intentioned and who are themselves allied with these movements. While many progressives believe that “cancelling” others is a form of activism and holding others accountable, Cancel This Book argues that “cancellation” is oftentimes counter-productive and destructive of the very values which the “cancellers” claim to support. And indeed, we now see instances in the workplace where employers are using this spirt of “cancellation” to pit employees against each other, to exert more control over the workforce and to undermine worker and labor solidarity. Kovalik observes that many progressives are quietly opposed to this “Cancel Culture” and to many instances of “cancellation” they witness, but they are afraid to air these concerns publicly lest they themselves be “cancelled.” The result is the suppression of open debate about important issues involving racial and gender matters, and even issues related to how to best confront the current COVID-19 pandemic. While people speak in whispers about their true feelings about such issues, critical debate and discussion is avoided, resentments build, and the movement for justice and equality is ultimately disserved.
Penguin Publishing Group Theaetetus Penguin Classics
Set immediately prior to the trial and execution of Socrates in 399 BC, Theaetetus shows the great philosopher considering the nature of knowledge itself, in a debate with the geometrician Theodorus and his young follower Theaetetus. Their dialogue covers many questions, such as: is knowledge purely subjective, composed of the ever-changing flow of impressions we receive from the outside world? Is it better thought of as true belief? Or is it, as many modern philosophers argue, justified true belief, in which the belief is supported by argument or evidence? With skill and eloquence, Socrates guides the debate, drawing out the implications of these theories and subjecting them to merciless and mesmerising criticism. One of the founding works of epistemology, this profound discussion of the problem of knowledge continues to intrigue and inspire.For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1
Peeters Publishers Euthanasia and Palliative Care in the Low Countries
Belgium and the Netherlands - the Low Countries - are the first countries in the world to have legalized euthanasia. Physicians who terminate life at the patient's request no longer have to fear criminal prosecution. However, end-of-life legislation in the Low Countries has provoked diverse responses and sparked vigorous and divisive ethical debate. For some, the new legislation has become a shining example; for others it is a lamentable materialization of a culture of death. A"Euthanasia and Palliative Care in the Low CountriesA" provides an overview and comparison of the legal specifics of the Belgian and Dutch Euthanasia Acts, a discussion of palliative care initiatives and an ethical examination of the new legislation. In addition, the book provides an in-depth analysis of the arguments used in the end-of-life debate and a critical examination of the positions taken by the churches. The book concludes with an overview of how Christian health-care institutions accommodate to this new legal situation.
GEDISA Heidegger y los nazis
La defensa entusiasta que Heidegger hizo del nazismo dejó huellas discordantes en la cultura política de la posmodernidad. Como filósofo, elaboró un pensamiento extraordinario con el que trató de superar la tradición filosófica occidental. Su obra se convirtió en una fuente inspiración primordial para las anti-filosofías, los anti-esencialismos y los movimientos de la era posmoderna, atrayendo a pesadores tan emblemáticos como Foucault, Lacan, Derrida, Deleuze y Baudrillard. Sin embargo, los críticos vieron en las obras de estos autores una falta peligrosa de juicio político y de responsabilidad. Su aclamación de Heidegger parece altamente sintomática.Heidegger y los nazis reconstruye los hechos y argumentos en torno a la actitud política de Heidegger y los sitúa en el debate de crítica política que caracteriza el paso al siglo xxi . La razón, la modernidad, el humanismo, la subjetividad y la identidad son algunas de las cuestiones más importantes de este debate. Pero lo que
Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch Delitos de odio derecho comparado y regulación española
Los delitos de odio han irrumpido con fuerza en el espacio público, si bien el torbellino mediático y esta presencia en el debate político contrastan, en España, con la escasa aplicación de dichos preceptos penales por los tribunales de justicia y una cierta desorientación sobre sus contornos. La demanda de aplicar la justicia penal ?contra el odio? se enfrenta al mismo tiempo con la sospecha y el riesgo de que el derecho penal lamine derechos fundamentales como la libertad de expresión. Este libro busca contribuir a aclarar los términos del debate, disipando dudas sobre lo que pueden considerarse ?zonas oscuras? del ámbito de prohibición y orientando sobre cuál ha de ser la línea de interpretación que maximice la función protectora de las libertades en un Estado social y democrático de Derecho. Para ello, se despliega un estudio exhaustivo, completo y actualizado de derecho comparado que abarca el estado de la cuestión en países clave y con gran tradición en hacer frente a problemas r
La desfachatez intelectual
La desfachatez intelectual está muy extendida en nuestra esfera pública. Muchos de los intelectuales españoles de mayor prestigio y visibilidad, casi siempre escritores y hombres de letras, se caracterizan por participar en el debate político con ideas superficiales y frívolas, expuestas en un tono tajante y prepotente. La desfachatez intelectual se sostiene sobre una impunidad generalizada, que nace de la ausencia de una crítica explícita a las opiniones de las principales figuras de nuestra clase intelectual. En este libro se presentan abundantes ejemplos de opiniones mal planteadas, sin atención a los hechos ni a las reglas básicas de la argumentación, en temas diversos como el nacionalismo, el terrorismo y la crisis. Nuestros intelectuales de mayor fama no salen bien parados. Frente a la figura del intelectual que pontifica sobre cualquier asunto, se apuesta por una esfera pública más plural, menos personalista y con filtros más eficaces que eleven el nivel de nuestro debate políti
Herder Editorial Por una mística de ojos abiertos cuando irrumpe la espiritualidad
El propósito de la presente obra es incidir, desde una perspectiva teológica, en el discurso de la espiritualidad y las espiritualidades, un discurso tan generalizado como poco o mal definido en muchas ocasiones. En esta propuesta de una mística de ojos abiertos, el autor no hablará solo del perfil irrenunciable de la espiritualidad cristiana, sino que también irrumpirá en el debate actual, marcado por la crisis, sobre Dios y la Iglesia, sobre las religiones y los ámbitos seculares.Según Metz, la espiritualidad cristiana no debe rehuir dicho debate ni neutralizar las decepciones ocasionadas por las fallidas reformas de la Iglesia. Estas decepciones, muy arraigadas ya en gran parte de la sociedad, degeneran a menudo en una gran indiferencia con respecto a la vida de la institución. Puede contribuir una espiritualidad teológicamente imbuida a que la Iglesia recupere lo que ha perdido a lo largo de la historia? El autor ha escrito estas páginas porque cree en esa posibilidad y no consi
La filosofía de Marx
Giovanni Gentile ha pasado a la posteridad como el filósofo del fascismo y su figura se asocia inevitablemente a la de Benito Mussolini. Esto ha contribuido a que demasiadas veces se pase por alto la profundidad y riqueza de matices de su producción teórica.En particular, no siempre se ha prestado la suficiente atención a su ?memorable participación?, en palabras de Miguel Candioti, en el debate sobre las ideas de Marx que protagonizó junto con Antonio Labriola, Benedetto Croce y Georges Sorel, en el umbral mismo que separa los siglos xix y xx.Sin duda, el testimonio más acabado de las tesis defendidas por Gentile en aquel debate este libro, La filosofía de Marx, publicado originalmente en 1899. Además, esta edición, precedida de un notabilísimo estudio de Miguel Candioti, tiene por corolario un esclarecedor apéndice: los fragmentos de la correspondencia a propósito del materialismo histórico que Gentile mantuvo con Croce, Labriola y Sorel.Este libro de juventud, muy anteri
Johns Hopkins University Press Rethinking Realism in International Relations: Between Tradition and Innovation
This volume draws on the work of international scholars from diverse perspectives to provide a timely, focused debate on the future of realist theory in international relations. Part I presents novel contributions to realist theory building, including suggested elaborations of Mearsheimer's offensive realist variant, a reconsideration of the role of revisionism in structural realist theory, a bridge to the English School of international relations, and a critique of trends in realist theorizing since the end of the Cold War. In part II, structural and neoclassical realists provide empirical analyses of foreign policy behavior, the role of geopolitics, and the grand strategies of major powers. The chapters in part III assess the viability of the ways forward for realism from realist, critical, and feminist perspectives. This tightly integrated intellectual exchange presents a transnational overview of the evolution and potential future of the realist paradigm. The volume editors conclude with an assessment of the current state of realism and suggest ways for the debate to progress.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Is Affirmative Action Fair?: The Myth of Equity in College Admissions
Affirmative action in college admissions – considering whether an applicant is part of an underrepresented group when making selection decisions – has long been a topic of heated public debate. Some argue that it undermines racial equity. Others advocate for its ability to promote equal opportunity in a racially unequal society. Who is right? Natasha Warikoo dives into the arguments for and against a policy that has made it to the US Supreme Court many times. She digs into the purposes of higher education and the selection process itself to argue that it is a mistake to equate college admissions with personal merit and reward. College admissions should be based on furthering the mission of higher education: contributing to our shared democracy and to the human condition. Ultimately, Warikoo concludes that a focus on individual fairness conceals much more important questions about justice. No matter what their perspective, readers will find themselves thinking anew and asking the deeper questions that underlie this emotive debate.
Policy Press Changing Adolescence: Social Trends and Mental Health
The general well-being of British adolescents has been the topic of considerable debate in recent years, but too often this is based on myth rather than fact. Are today's young people more stressed, anxious, distressed or antisocial than they used to be? What does research evidence tell us about the adolescent experience today and how it has changed over time? And how do trends in adolescent well-being since the 1970s relate to changes in education, leisure, communities and family life in that time? This unique volume brings together the main findings from the Nuffield Foundation's Changing Adolescence Programme and explores how social change may affect young people's behaviour, mental health and transitions toward adulthood. As well as critiquing research evidence, which will be of interest to a wide academic audience, the book will inform the wider debate on this subject among policy makers and service providers, voluntary organisations and campaign groups.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Feminism Art Theory: An Anthology 1968 - 2014
Charting over 45 years of feminist debate on the significance of gender in the making and understanding of art, the long-anticipated new edition of Feminism-Art-Theory has been extensively updated and reworked. Completely revised, retaining only one-third of the texts of the earlier edition, with all other material being new inclusions Brings together 88 revealing texts from North America, Europe and Australasia, juxtaposing writings from artists and activists with those of academics Embraces a broad range of threads and perspectives, from diverse national and global approaches, lesbian and queer theory, and postmodernism, to education and aesthetics Includes many classic texts, but is particularly notable for its inclusion of rare and significant material not reprinted elsewhere Provides a uniquely flexible resource for study and research due to its scale and structure; each of the seven sections focuses on a specific area of debate, with texts arranged chronologically in order to show how issues and arguments developed over time
Edinburgh University Press Islam and the Foundations of Political Power
This is the first English translation of this controversial essay that challenged fundamental ideas about political power. Egypt, 1925: the Muslim world is in turmoil over Mustapha Kamal Ataturk's proposal to abolish the caliphate in Turkey. The debate over Islam and politics re-ignites as traditional political systems dissolve under pressure from European powers and most Muslim countries lose their sovereignty. Into this debate enters Ali Abdel Razek, a religious cleric trained at Al-Azhar University, arguing in favour of secularism in his essay 'Islam and the Foundations of Political Power', translated here and published in paperback for the first time. It includes a substantial introduction that places the essay in its context and explains its impact. It features an appendix of Razek's sources with full publication details. It includes explanatory notes beside Razek's original footnotes. There are additional notes about particular people, events or vocabulary that may be unfamiliar to modern readers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Capital Culture: Gender at Work in the City
The changing nature of waged work in contemporary advanced industrial nations is one of the most significant aspects of political and economic debate. It is also the subject of intense debate among observers of gender. Capital Culture explores these changes focusing particularly on the gender relations between the men and women who work in the financial services sector. The multiple ways in which masculinities and femininities are constructed is revealed through the analysis of interviews with dealers, traders, analysts and corporate financiers. Drawing on a range of disciplinary approaches, the various ways in which gender segregation is established and maintained is explored. In fascinating detail, the everyday experiences of men and women working in a range of jobs and in different spaces, from the dealing rooms to the boardrooms, are examined. This volume is unique in focusing on men as well as women, showing that for men too there are multiple ways of doing gender at work.
Rowman & Littlefield Early Modern Europe: From Crisis to Stability
Fifty years after the beginning of the debate about the 'general crisis of the seventeenth century,' and thirty years after Theodore K. Rabb's reformulation of it as the 'European struggle for stability,' this volume returns to the fundamental questions raised by the long-running discussion: What continent-wide patterns of change can be discerned in European history across the centuries from the Renaissance to the French Revolution? What were the causes of the revolts that rocked so many countries between 1640 and 1660? Did fundamental changes occur in the relationship between politics and religion? Politics and military technology? Politics and the structures of intellectual authority? A central figure in the general crisis debate, J. H. Elliott, opens the volume with a remarkable retrospective assessment of it. Nine essays by prominent historians then explore important facets of these questions, some on a broad continent-wide canvas, others through studies of individual countries from Spain to Scandinavia.
Little, Brown Book Group The Social Brain: How Diversity Made The Modern Mind
Is conflict caused by an inherently hostile human nature? Are efforts to promote peaceful co-existence fated to fail? Is the story of human history destined to play out a clash of civilizations?These are the questions framing contemporary debate over diversity, immigration and multiculturalism. The Social Brain provides an entirely new psychological perspective on this debate. It argues that diversity is critical to our very survival as a species; that contact with different cultures was, and is, the essential element that fuels our creativity, innovation and growth. It asserts that diversity was the key to our intellectual evolution and will be integral to helping us tackle the most pressing social, political and economic concerns of our time.The Social Brain ties the origins of the modern mind to the evolution of human society, and provides an entirely new insight into how we can harness the ingenuity and invention that reside within us all.
Reflexiones VIIXI Cuadernos negros 19381939
Los Cuadernos negros, especie de diario filosófico, enlazan las reflexiones más estrictamente teóricas con referenciasa la situación personal y profesional de Martin Heidegger, así como a acontecimientos tanto históricos como cotidianos. Representan en este sentido un estilo de escritura y meditación filosófica extremadamente singular.Esta segunda entrega permite profundizar en el trasfondo del debate generado por su publicación. Recoge la continuación de las Reflexiones (los números VII-XI), unas anotaciones que comienzan en el año 1938 y acaban poco antes del inicio de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en las postrimerías del verano de 1939. En ellas, Heidegger desarrolla la discusión de la visión del mundo ligada al nacionalsocialismo a la luz de la realidad efectiva de este movimiento. Distingue así entre el pueblo alemán y su circunstancia presente, dejando traslucir su distancia hacia la revolución que vive Alemania.Otros aspectos reseñables de este volumen son el debate con el
Inter-Varsity Press He came down from heaven: The Pre-Existence Of Christ And The Christian Faith
Accompanying all the new studies of the life of Jesus has been the question of Jesus' identity. Was he anything more than a human creature? A key issue in this debate is the claim of Jesus' pre-existence as the divine, uncreated Son of God before his incarnation on earth. Doug McCready provides a thorough survey of the doctrine, covering New Testament teaching, Jewish and Hellenistic background and historical development. He carefully weighs the evidence and engages the arguments for and against the orthodox Christian conviction of Christ's pre-existence. Drawing on expert scholarship McCready makes this important subject of debate accessible to students and other non-experts who want to know the evidence and arguments for this central doctrine of Christian faith. This book will be especially useful as a supplementary text for theology courses on Christology or in biblical studies courses on the New Testament witness to Jesus Christ.
Inter-Varsity Press Mission in Action: A Biblical Description Of Missional Ethics
Missional ethics is concerned with the way in which the believing community’s behaviour is in and of itself a witness to the wisdom and goodness of God. The debate surrounding the relationship between word and deed, or evangelism and social action, remains a significant issue within evangelical missiology. Martin Salter seeks to address one aspect of that debate, namely the missional significance of ethics, by conducting detailed exegesis of key biblical texts. He argues that biblical ethics is neither entirely separate from, nor merely preparatory for mission, but is an integral part of the church’s mission. Missional ethics is a theme which arises from the biblical texts and is not imposed upon them. The church as both organism and institution embody a missional ethic which includes worship, justice, and charity. Word and deed belong together as an integral whole. Salter’s valuable study concludes by offering a definition of missional ethics.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Are Filter Bubbles Real?
There has been much concern over the impact of partisan echo chambers and filter bubbles on public debate. Is this concern justified, or is it distracting us from more serious issues? Axel Bruns argues that the influence of echo chambers and filter bubbles has been severely overstated, and results from a broader moral panic about the role of online and social media in society. Our focus on these concepts, and the widespread tendency to blame platforms and their algorithms for political disruptions, obscure far more serious issues pertaining to the rise of populism and hyperpolarisation in democracies. Evaluating the evidence for and against echo chambers and filter bubbles, Bruns offers a persuasive argument for why we should shift our focus to more important problems. This timely book is essential reading for students and scholars, as well as anyone concerned about challenges to public debate and the democratic process.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Reassessing New Labour: Market, State and Society under Blair and Brown
An authoritative evaluation of the long-term legacy of New Labour. The first book-length retrospective assessment of New Labour in government which ranges across academic commentary and political debate Features brand-new essays from political figures associated with the Labour party, senior commentators and leading academics, all reflecting upon key policy areas and themes in relation to the New Labour administrations Includes a Foreword from Baron Neil Kinnock, former leader of the Labour Party; an edited conversation regarding the prospects for social democracy between Baroness Shirley Williams, leading Lib Dem politician, and Tony Wright (former Labour MP); and fresh evaluations of the Labour government's record and failings from the Shadow Minister John Denham MP Raises highly topical and important questions about the purpose and future of the Labour Party, and is designed to stimulate debate about the political challenges facing the centre-left in Britain
New York University Press Liberalism and Its Critics
A classic collection of writings on political philosophy from leading thinkers of the late 20th century Much contemporary political philosophy has been a debate between utilitarianism on the one hand and Kantian, or rights-based ethics on the other. However, in recent decades liberalism has faced a growing challenge from a different direction, from a view that argues for a deeper understanding of citizenship and community than the liberal ethic allows. The writings collected in this volume present leading statements of rights-based liberalism and of the communitarian, or civic republican alternatives to that position. With contributions from leading theorists such as Isaiah Berlin, John Rawls, Alasdair MacIntyre, Liberalism and Its Critics shifts the focus from the familiar debate between utilitarians and Kantian liberals to consider a more powerful challenge to the rights-based ethic—a challenge indebted to Aristotle, Hegel, and the civic republican tradition.
DK Dear Cisgender People
Conversations on the transgender experience may be becoming more commonplace but the topic is still all too often the subject of fierce debate. But behind the shock headlines, what does it really mean to be trans?In this powerful, extensively researched, and deeply personal memoir, Kenny Ethan Jones, trans activist and writer, offers an authentic and in-depth insight into the trans experience.Drawing on his own experience, experts and the stories of others, Kenny unpacks the reality of living with gender dysphoria, navigating the difficult intersection of being Black and trans, the complexities of accessing gender-affirming care, the big debate about trans youth and so much more.Dear Cisgender People is a powerful call-to-arms, equipping all its readers with the tools to step forward as allies and bring about meaningful change in creating a safer, equal and more accepting world for trans people everywhere.
Princeton University Press Relative Justice: Cultural Diversity, Free Will, and Moral Responsibility
When can we be morally responsible for our behavior? Is it fair to blame people for actions that are determined by heredity and environment? Can we be responsible for the actions of relatives or members of our community? In this provocative book, Tamler Sommers concludes that there are no objectively correct answers to these questions. Drawing on research in anthropology, psychology, and a host of other disciplines, Sommers argues that cross-cultural variation raises serious problems for theories that propose universally applicable conditions for moral responsibility. He then develops a new way of thinking about responsibility that takes cultural diversity into account. Relative Justice is a novel and accessible contribution to the ancient debate over free will and moral responsibility. Sommers provides a thorough examination of the methodology employed by contemporary philosophers in the debate and a challenge to Western assumptions about individual autonomy and its connection to moral desert.
Indiana University Press The UN and Global Political Economy: Trade, Finance, and Development
Against the backdrop of a 20-year revolt against free trade orthodoxy by economists inside the UN and their impact on policy discussions since the 1960s, the authors show how the UN both nurtured and inhibited creative and novel intellectual contributions to the trade and development debate. Presenting a stirring account of the main UN actors in this debate, The UN and Global Political Economy focuses on the accomplishments and struggles of UN economists and the role played by such UN agencies as the Department of Economic (and Social) Affairs, the United Nations Commission on Trade and Development, and the Economic Commission for Latin America (and the Caribbean). It also looks closely at the effects of the Latin American debt crisis of the 1980s, the growing strength of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the 1990s, and the lessons to be drawn from these and other recent developments.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Making Sense of Online Pornography
Pornography has always been central to debates about sex and emerging new media technologies. Today, debate is increasingly focused on online pornographies. This collection examines pornography’s significance as a focus of definition, debate, and myth; its development as a mainstream entertainment industry; and the emergence of the new economy of Porn 2.0, and of new types of porn labor and professionalism. It looks at porn style behind the scenes of straight hardcore, in gay, lesbian, and queer pornographies, in shock sites, and in amateur erotica, and investigates the rise of the online porn fan community, the sex blogger, the erotic rate-me site and the visual cultures of swingers. Treating these developments as part of a broader set of economic and cultural transformations, this book argues that new porn practices reveal much about contemporary and competing views of sex and the self, the real and the body, culture, and commerce.
Manchester University Press The Ignorant Bystander?: Britain and the Rwandan Genocide of 1994
The ignorant bystander: Britain and the Rwandan genocide uses a case study of Britain's response to the genocide to explore what factors motivate humanitarian intervention in overseas crises. The Rwandan genocide was one of the bloodiest events in the late twentieth century and the international community's response has stimulated a great deal of interest and debate ever since. In this study, Dean White provides the most thorough review of Britain's response to the crisis written to date. The research draws on previously unseen documents and interviews with ministers and senior diplomats, and examines issues such as how the decision to intervene was made by the British Government, how media coverage led to a significant misunderstanding of the crisis, and how Britain shaped debate at the UN Security Council. The book concludes by comparing the response to Rwanda, to Britain's response to the recent crises in Syria and Libya.
Ediciones Akal Estudios sobre la Revolución Francesa y el final del Antiguo Régimen
Este importante libro recoge una serie de trabajos en torno a la Revolución francesa y el final del Antiguo Régimen, sin pretender hacer una historia lineal de la Revolución, sino plantear la existencia real de un debate que continúa en la actualidad y que cada día adquiere mayor virulencia. El motivo de la virulencia que adquiere el tema día a día no es una simple discusión erudita, sino que bajo el debate subyacen importantes problemas políticos y sociales que interesan a las sociedades capitalistas desarrolladas de hoy. Para algunas corrientes historiográficas, los conceptos de clase social deben ser sustituidos por el de elite, quedando así difuminado el agente histórico real de la Revolución: la burguesía es sustituida en este enfoque por una elite imprecisa, que desbordan en un momento muy concreto las masas populares en una intervención que esa historiografía califica de salvaje y nefasta. Otra corriente historiográfica representada en este volumen mantiene, aunque no sin fisura
Narcea, S.A. de Ediciones Teólogas musulmanas feministas
Este libro aborda en profundidad el debate actual sobre el feminismo musulmán, a través del pensamiento de las teólogas musulmanas. A partir de la experiencia y el análisis filológico, y ante un mundo en plena ebullición, prueba la necesidad de emancipación y modernización de la condición individual, colectiva y política de las mujeres.A las corrientes religiosas tradicionales, que mantienen un concepto inamovible de la mujer, se suman hoy interpretaciones que defienden que el papel asignado a la mujer por el derecho islámico tradicional responde más a condicionamientos culturales e históricos y, por tanto, puede replantearse sin traicionar los principios religiosos. La realidad tan cercana del Islam en Europa, por la creciente presencia de inmigrantes de religión musulmana, exige prestar atención a este debate con una actitud dialogante.Este libro contribuye a acortar distancias y a acercar a las personas a través del conocimiento y el respeto mutuo. Se dirige a quienes se inter
La interrupción
El concepto de interrupción es uno de los elementos centrales de la teoría de la publicidad. El debate sobre la interrupción pasó al primer plano con la aparición de internet. Dos de los creativos más prestigiosos del mundo, Toni Segarra y Edu Pou, se suman a este debate en el libro que tienes en tus manos.La interrupción se encuentra en el centro de las dos corrientes publicitarias que Toni y Edu representan. Sin embargo, Segarra es hijo de la publicidad tradicional, en la que mandaba el imperio absoluto del spot de televisión, y que consideraba la interrupción como algo necesario para captar la atención de una audiencia desinteresada. Pou, por su parte, pertenece a la generación siguiente: es nativo digital e inició su carrera con el despegue de internet, entendiendo que la publicidad posdigital aspira a crear contenido lo suficientemente atractivo para que la audiencia acuda a ella de forma voluntaria.Pragmatismo frente a idealismo. En términos generales, esta es la dic
Molinos y gigantes
La cuestión de la energía se halla más que nunca en el corazón del debate público y la agenda política. Sabemos que la transición energética es inevitable porque es el único modo que tenemos de luchar contra el cambio climático, pero ésta no es un mero asunto técnico que deba dejarse en manos de empresas y tecnócratas, sino una cuestión política que requiere de amplio debate, participación ciudadana y luchas populares. Porque transiciones puede haber muchas: por ejemplo, las que busquen un enésimo enriquecimiento de los gigantes del oligopolio eléctrico o las que aspiren a la democratización de los recursos y la protección de la naturaleza.Así, Molinos y gigantes es, en primer lugar, una invitación a conocer la historia política y económica que hay detrás del sector eléctrico español, desde los acuerdos personales del caudillo con el presidente ultracatólico de Hidrola (actual Iberdrola) hasta la liberalización del sector decretada por el Gobierno de Aznar y la imbricación posterio
Oxbow Books A Date with the Two Cerne Giants
The date of the Cerne Giant has long been a matter for debate, as exemplified by a public and televised debate of March 1996, published as The Cerne Giant: An Antiquity on Trial (1999, Oxbow Books). Excavations were conducted in 2020 by the National Trust in the centenary year of its ownership of the Giant. The excavations were limited and targeted in extent and scope, the aim was to date the actual construction of the iconic figure by absolute dating methods (OSL). As the 1999 publication explained, the jury was still out with advocates for a prehistoric origin, one connected to the period of the Civil War or a more modern one. In the event, the dates were a complete surprise, falling within the Anglo-Saxon period.The research has provided an accurate, scientifically verified date for the Cerne Giant. These unexpected results, together with the land-use history and ominous disappearance' of the Giant for six centuries, provide the platform for reconsideration and new discussion and d
The Crown Publishing Group Render Unto Caesar Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life
“People who take God seriously will not remain silent about their faith. They will often disagree about doctrine or policy, but they won’t be quiet. They can’t be. They’ll act on what they believe, sometimes at the cost of their reputations and careers. Obviously the common good demands a respect for other people with different beliefs and a willingness to compromise whenever possible. But for Catholics, the common good can never mean muting themselves in public debate on foundational issues of human dignity. Christian faith is always personal but never private. This is why any notion of tolerance that tries to reduce faith to private idiosyncrasy, or a set of opinions that we can indulge at home but need to be quiet about in public, will always fail.”—From the IntroductionFew topics in recent years have ignited as much public debate as the balance between religion and politics. Does religious thought have any place in political discourse
Oxford University Press Choosing Normative Concepts
Theorists working on metaethics and the nature of normativity typically study goodness, rightness, what ought to be done, and so on. In their investigations they employ and consider our actual normative concepts. But the actual concepts of goodness, rightness, and what ought to be done are only some of the possible normative concepts there are. There are other possible concepts, ascribing different properties. Matti Eklund explores the consequences of this thought, for example for the debate over normative realism, and for the debate over what it is for concepts and properties to be normative. Conceptual engineering - the project of considering how our concepts can be replaced by better ones - has become a central topic in philosophy. Eklund applies this methodology to central normative concepts and discusses the special complications that arise in this case. For example, since talk of improvement is itself normative, how should we, in the context, understand talk of a concept being better?
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Policy
Economic Policy presents an authoritative selection of articles which have played a key role in influencing the direction of economic theory and methodology and thus the policy presecriptions which macroeconomists give to decision-makers. Volume I contains the most influential articles which have shaped the main debates in macroeconomic theory since its foundation. It covers such topics as the debate between Keynes and the Keynesians, the dispute between Keynes and the monetarists, the rational expectation revolution and critiques of that approach, and the debate between New Classical theorists and 'new' Keynesian theorists. Also included are papers which have defined alternative methodological approaches to modelling the macroeconomy.Volume II investigates some important applications of economic policy analysis. It examines some of the key economic problems on the political agenda such as the record of monetarism, the problems of trade and structural unemployment, European monetary integration and the reform of post-Communist societies and assesses the extent to which economic research throws light on these problems.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Offenders or Citizens?: Readings in Rehabilitation
The punitive prison currently dominates the practice of Anglo-American criminal justice, stigmatising its victims as perpetual 'offenders' and failing to change a majority of them for the better. Books of academic 'readings' sometimes profess neutrality over the controversies they invigilate. Offenders or Citizens? sits on no such fences, its pages reflect the fiercely partisan nature of the contest between rehabilitation and punishment. Probation, social work, youth justice, law, corrections, criminology, journalism, philosophy, politics, popular culture, psychology, anthropology, and sociology – the voices of participants, professionals, and writers from many realms are all represented in this lively selection. Its aim - to stimulate and furnish a debate about the proper place of rehabilitation within a plural, morally defensible, and effective response to crime. This book will be essential reading for both students and practitioners within criminal justice, who have an interest in the rehabilitation of convicted individuals, and providing an essential broader context to the 'what works' debate.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economic North–South Divide: Six Decades of Unequal Development
Since the 1940s, development thinking has been the subject of fierce debate and continual evolution. The authors of this book trace the ideas that have driven changing approaches to development, focusing also on the Prebisch-Singer Thesis, which seeks to explain the widening gaps between rich and poor nations, caused by unequal distribution of trade benefits. They discuss both aid during and after the cold war, and the rise and subsequent liberalisation crisis of the Asian 'Tiger Economies'.The Economic North-South Divide goes on to explore the structural roots of the debt crisis and considers the impact of debt management on North-South economic relations, exposing certain double standards that tilt global markets further against the South. Encouraged by recent successful opposition to neoliberalism, the authors finally propose ideas for a world where people seem to matter. This book is a welcome addition to the debate and will appeal to anyone interested in economic development and history.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Everything and Nothing
Is it possible for reality as a whole to be part of itself? Can the world appear within itself without thereby undermining the consistency of our thought and knowledge-claims concerning more local matters of fact? This is a question on which Markus Gabriel and Graham Priest disagree. Gabriel argues that the world cannot exist precisely because it is understood to be an absolutely totality. Priest responds by developing a special form of mereology according to which reality is a single all-encompassing whole, everything, which counts itself among its denizens. Their disagreement results in a debate about everything and nothing: Gabriel argues that we experience nothingness once we overcome our urge to contain reality in an all-encompassing thought, whereas Priest develops an account of nothing according to which it is the ground of absolutely everything. A debate about everything and nothing, but also a reflection on the very possibility of metaphysics.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Everything and Nothing
Is it possible for reality as a whole to be part of itself? Can the world appear within itself without thereby undermining the consistency of our thought and knowledge-claims concerning more local matters of fact? This is a question on which Markus Gabriel and Graham Priest disagree. Gabriel argues that the world cannot exist precisely because it is understood to be an absolutely totality. Priest responds by developing a special form of mereology according to which reality is a single all-encompassing whole, everything, which counts itself among its denizens. Their disagreement results in a debate about everything and nothing: Gabriel argues that we experience nothingness once we overcome our urge to contain reality in an all-encompassing thought, whereas Priest develops an account of nothing according to which it is the ground of absolutely everything. A debate about everything and nothing, but also a reflection on the very possibility of metaphysics.
Duke University Press The Sublime Perversion of Capital: Marxist Theory and the Politics of History in Modern Japan
In The Sublime Perversion of Capital Gavin Walker examines the Japanese debate about capitalism between the 1920s and 1950s, using it as a "prehistory" to consider current discussions of uneven development and contemporary topics in Marxist theory and historiography. Walker locates the debate's culmination in the work of Uno Kōzō, whose investigations into the development of capitalism and the commodification of labor power are essential for rethinking the national question in Marxist theory. Walker's analysis of Uno and the Japanese debate strips Marxist historiography of its Eurocentric focus, showing how Marxist thought was globalized from the start. In analyzing the little-heralded tradition of Japanese Marxist theory alongside Marx himself, Walker not only offers new insights into the transition to capitalism, the rise of globalization, and the relation between capital and the formation of the nation-state; he provides new ways to break Marxist theory's impasse with postcolonial studies and critical theory.
University of British Columbia Press New Possibilities for the Past: Shaping History Education in Canada
The place of history in school curricula has sparked heated debate in Canada. Is Canadian history dead? Who killed it? Should history be put in the service of nation? Can any history be truly inclusive?New Possibilities for the Past advances the debate by shifting the focus from what should be included in a nation’s history to how we should think about and teach the past. Museum educators, secondary school teachers, historians, and history educators document the state of history education research. They go on to consider the implications of the research for classrooms from kindergarten to graduate school and in other contexts such as museums, virtual environments, and public institutional settings. This book takes into consideration the perspectives of indigenous peoples, the citizens of Quebec, and advocates of citizenship education.This volume sets a comprehensive research agenda for educators, policy-makers, and historians to help students learn about and, more importantly, understand the significance of the past.
Georgetown University Press The Role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Accommodating Pluralism
At the center of the debate over complementary and alternative medicine - from acupuncture and chiropractic treatments to homeopathy and nutritional supplements - is how to scientifically measure the effectiveness of a particular treatment. Fourteen scholars from the fields of medicine, philosophy, sociology, and cultural and folklore studies examine that debate, and the clash between growing public support and the often hostile stance of clinicians and medical researchers. Proponents and critics have different methodologies and standards of evidence - raising the question of how much pluralism is acceptable in a medical context - particularly in light of differing worldviews and the struggle to define medicine in the modern world. The contributors address both the methodological problems of assessment and the conflicting cultural perspectives at work in a patient's choice of treatment. Sympathetic to CAM, the contributors nonetheless offer careful critiques of its claims, and suggest a variety of ways it can be taken seriously, yet subject to careful scrutiny.
Manchester University Press Human Agents and Social Structures
The structure/agency debate has been among the central issues in recent discussions of social theory. It has been widely assumed that the key theoretical task is to find a link between social structures and acting human beings – to reconcile the macro with the micro, society and the individual.The contributors to this book reject this solution to the problem. For them, both the concept of ‘society’ as an entity and the freely-acting ‘individual’ are theoretical fiction. Rather, the immediate task of the social sciences is to take the social world seriously, to understand the ways in which that world emerges dynamically from, and exerts influence on, the interactions of real people in real situations.This timely collection is not intended as an even-handed review of the debate, but as a deliberately polemical intervention which aims to highlight some of the ways in which its central terms have been misconceived.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Shakespeare's Tragedies and Modern Critical Theory
This work contributes to the current debate between traditional humanist approaches to Shakespeare and newer modes of analysis informed by Marxism, poststructuralism, and feminism. The book offers an accessible introduction to the main critical positions now represented in Shakespeare studies, enabling readers unfamiliar with critical theory to gain a purchase on the ideas.