Search results for ""author manus"
Faber & Faber Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Preserved on a single surviving manuscript dating from around 1400, composed by an anonymous master, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight was rediscovered only 200 years ago, and published for the first time in 1839. One of the earliest great stories of English literature, after Beowulf, the poem narrates the strange tale of a green knight on a green horse, who rudely interrupts the Round Table festivities one Yuletide, casting a pall of unease over the company and challenging one of their number to a wager. The virtuous Gawain accepts, and decapitates the intruder with his own axe. Gushing blood, the knight reclaims his head, orders Gawain to seek him out a year hence, and departs. Next Yuletide Gawain dutifully sets forth... His quest for the Green Knight involves a winter journey, a seduction scene in a dream-like castle, a dire challenge answered - and a drama of enigmatic reward disguised as psychic undoing.
Little, Brown Book Group Death In The Latin Quarter
Early one morning among the magnificent honey-coloured buildings of the Sorbonne, the tranquillity of the university is shattered by a death. But why would Albert Cadas, a quiet, crumpled professor of medieval literature, have any reason to kill himself? Meanwhile in another part of Paris, Valentine Savi, a talented young restorer, receives a visit in her studio from an enigmatic elderly gentleman with a unique commission: to restore a priceless medieval palimpsest whose timeworn pages promise to reveal the truth of a mystery that has fascinated scholars and writers for hundreds of years. Valentine soon learns that the shadowy figures who seek to possess the secrets of the manuscript are far darker and more ruthless than she could ever have imagined...Together with her friend Hugo Vermeer -- aristocrat, epicure and incorrigible wheeler-dealer -- and David Scotto, Cadas's doctoral student, Valentine finds herself on a terrifying and thrilling adventure through the narrow streets and gloomily palatial mansions of the Latin Quarter.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die Offenbarung des Johannes: Neubearbeitung
Der Kommentar stellt den Abschluss einer lebenslangen Beschäftigung des Verfassers mit der Johannes-Offenbarung dar. In konzentrierter Textauslegung wird die Lebensnähe des letzten Buches der christlichen Bibel prägnant herausgearbeitet, einerseits mit Blick auf seine Entstehung in den bedrängenden Lebensverhältnissen christlicher Gemeinden in Kleinasien am Ende des 1. Jahrhunderts n.Chr., andererseits mit Blick auf Erfahrungen des Glaubens und Lebens in einer globalen Gesellschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts. Die theologische Reflexion der Erfahrungen geschichtlicher, politischer und geistiger Umbrüche des 20. Jahrhunderts schlägt sich in der vorliegenden Auslegung in einer Weise nieder, die den Blick öffnet für das Wirken Gottes in der Geschichte des einzelnen glaubenden Menschen ebenso wie in den geschichtlichen Gegebenheiten, die seinen Lebenshorizont bestimmen.Die eigene Übersetzung des Autors regt durch ihre bisweilen ungewohnte und originelle Wortwahl zu eigenständigem Bedenken der Textaussagen an. Die exegetische Einzelforschung zur Johannes-Offenbarung bleibt ganz im Hintergrund, leitet aber durchgängig das Textverständnis, das der allgemeinverständlichen Auslegung zu Grunde liegt. Besonderes Gewicht kommt dabei alttestamentlichen Vorstellungen und Begriffen sowie frühjüdischen, zur Johannes-Offenbarung zeitgenössischen Quellen zu.Der Kommentar wurde von Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr aufgrund des nachgelassenen Manuskripts von Traugott Holtz bearbeitet.
Editorial el Pirata Pascual el dragón descubre África
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Pascual el dragó n viaja a Á frica. ¡ Y lo harÁ acompañ ado de la dragoncita Xipu! VerÁ elefantes, jirafas y ayudarÁ a sus nuevos amigos masÁ is a conseguir que llueva.Un libro infantil interactivo en españ ol, en el que el propio dragoncito cuenta la historia y, de vez en cuando, hace preguntas al niñ o.Es un buen libro para inculcar el valor del ahorro del agua y que debemos ayudar a los demÁ s.Este es el tercer tí tulo de la colecció n Pascual el dragó n descubre el mundo, en letra ligada o manuscrita.Se recomienda para explicar a niñ os a partir de 3 añ os o bien para leerlo ellos mismos a partir de 5 añ os.Tí tulos de la colecció n: 1- Pascual el dragó n descubre AntÁ rtida2- Pascual el dragó n descubre Asia3- Pascual el dragó n descubre Á frica4- Pascual el dragó n descubre Amé rica5- Pascual el dragó n descubre Europa6- Pascual el dragó n descubre Oceaní a LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL._________________________________________SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Pascual the dragon travels to Africa. And he will go there in company of the little dragon Xipu! He will see elephants, giraffes and help his new Maasai friends to make it rain.An interactive children's book in Spanish, in which the little dragon himself tells the story and, from time to time, asks the child questions.It is a good book to instill the value of saving water and that we should help others.This is the third title in the collection Pascual el dragó n descubre el mundo, in handwriting.It’ s recommended to explain to children from 3 years old or to read it themselves from 5 years old.Tí tulos de la colecció n: 1- Pascual el dragó n descubre AntÁ rtida2- Pascual el dragó n descubre Asia3- Pascual el dragó n descubre Á frica4- Pascual el dragó n descubre Amé rica5- Pascual el dragó n descubre Europa6- Pascual el dragó n descubre Oceaní aORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.
Archaeopress Offa's Dyke Journal: Volume 3 for 2021
Providing a dedicated venue for new research on the early medieval frontiers and borderlands of the island of Britain, the Offa’s Dyke Journal (ODJ) is also the first and only open-access peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the investigation of frontiers and borderlands in deep-time perspective. The journal’s remit spans detailed and original explorations into landscapes, earthworks, monuments and material culture. Exploring specific themes and issues in the archaeology, history and heritage of frontiers and borderlands in comparative and global perspective, ODJ is edited and produced under the auspices of the interdisciplinary research network, the Offa’s Dyke Collaboratory, and funded by the University of Chester and the Offa’s Dyke Association. Each volume to date includes both original peer-reviewed work as well as ‘classics revisited’ papers. The latter are articles which have been re-edited, formatted and re-published with permission, often with revised and augmented maps and images. The aim is to make these works of enduring merit available to fresh audiences and accessible through an open-access digital format for the first time. ODJ’s existing editorial board has been further enhanced by leading experts in relevant themes and debates central to the journal’s remit working across disciplines (see masthead for details). The editorial board will provide expert guidance and support for the editors as well as shape the direction of the journal into the future. Each issue is supported by the hard work of expert anonymous referees. Their invaluable evaluations of manuscripts have sustained the journal’s character and quality.
Plural Publishing Inc Writing Scientific Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Writing Scientific Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders is a comprehensive guide to the preparation and publication of research papers for researchers in communication sciences and disorders. Individual chapters address the structure, content, and style of the introduction, method, results, and discussion sections of a research paper. The balance of the text examines the writing process, including the nuts and bolts of preparing tables and graphs, reviewing different voices and grammar issues, editing your own work, working with editors and peer reviewers, and getting started toward becoming a productive writer. Each topic is illustrated with informative examples, with clear, direct, and often humorous discussion of what makes the examples good or bad.Writing is essential in nearly every profession and particularly in communication sciences and disorders, where researchers must be able to express complex ideas to a variety of audiences--from colleagues to members of health care teams to clients and family members. Therefore, competency in written expression is required for certification and entry into clinical practice in communication sciences and disorders.Writing Scientific Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders will be a valuable supplementary text for undergraduate and graduate students in courses that include writing assignments and critical assessment of research literature, such as research methods and evidence-based clinical methods courses, as well as in thesis and dissertation preparation. Researchers looking for a guide to help improve their own writing will also find this text to be an invaluable resource that answers the big and little questions that arise in preparing manuscripts.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Homiletic Writings of Archbishop Wulfstan
First full study of the homilies of Archbishop Wulfstan, bringing out their most characteristic themes and concerns. The prodigious writings of Archbishop Wulfstan (d. 1023) encompass secular laws, religious canons, political theory, and homilies (sermons); despite their importance, however the homilies have not received the critical attention they deserve, a gap which this book seeks to fill. It focuses on three particular aspects: the re-establishment of the Wulfstan homiletic canon, Wulfstan's processes of composition and revision as manifested in their manuscript variants, and his characteristic themes and concerns. These include adherence to secular and divine law; the keeping of Christian feasts and fasts; the payment of church dues and tithes; social justice for the poor; absolute clericalcelibacy and sexual continence for the laity; repentance, prayer and penance; and the continual reminder, both pre- and post-millennium, that the end of the world is close at hand. Wulfstan's homilies indicate that for the English to heed his warnings, they would have to be persuaded or if necessarily legally coerced to adhere to the dictates of a "Holy Society"; and their influence can be seen in his law codes, where the book argues that even in coercionthe archbishop sought to teach and to persuade. JOYCE TALLY LIONARONS teaches in the English Department at Ursinus College, Pennsylvania.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The London Chronicles of the Fifteenth Century: A Revolution in English Writing. With an annotated edition of Bradford, West Yorkshire Archives MS 32D86/42
The first attempt by ordinary lay people - merchants, scriveners, craftsmen - to write their own history, and its effect on the growth and development of London. The early fifteenth century witnessed the first attempt made by ordinary lay people - merchants, scriveners, craftsmen - to write their own history, in the so-called "London chronicles", which have had a profound effect upon the growth and development of London. The earliest of the extant chronicles represents the first generation of historical writing to be undertaken in English since the Anglo-Saxon chronicle, and reflects an important shift in the movement from a primarily oral to a literate culture. However, despite their significance for evidence of this change, and as a secular and largely vernacular voice, much about the London chronicles remain a mystery. This study, the first for over 80 years, includes manuscripts unknown to Kingsford in his 1913 survey, studies them in relation to each other, and draws together what can be known about their origins, purpose and effect upon their audience. It alsoprovides an annotated edition of the previously unpublished text of Bradford, West Yorkshire Archives, MS 32D86/42, while a selection of crucial events recorded in the chronicles -- such as the Rising of 1381 and Cade's Rebellion-- is presented in an appendix. MARY-ROSE McLAREN gained her Ph.D. from the University of Melbourne.
Princeton University Press Religions of India in Practice
The inaugural volume of Princeton Readings in Religions brings together the work of thirty scholars of the religions of India in a new anthology designed to reshape the ways in which the religious traditions of India are understood. The book contains translations of forty-five works, most of which have never before been available in a Western language. Many of these highlight types of discourse (especially ritual manuals, folktales, and oral narratives) and voices (vernacular, esoteric, domestic, and female) that have not been sufficiently represented in previous anthologies and standard accounts of Indian religions. The selections are drawn from ancient texts, medieval manuscripts, modern pamphlets, and contemporary fieldwork in rural and urban India. They represent every region in South Asia and include Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, and Muslim materials. Some are written texts reflecting elite concerns, while others are transcriptions of oral narratives told by nonliterate peasants. Some texts are addressed to a public and pan-Indian audience, others to a limited coterie of initiates in an esoteric sect, and still others are intended for a few women gathered in the courtyard for a household ceremony. The editor has reinforced this diversity by arranging the selections within several overarching themes and categories of discourse (hymns, rituals, narratives, and religious interactions), and encourages us to make our own connections.
Pennsylvania State University Press Speaking to Body and Soul: Instructions for the Moravian Choir Helpers, 1785–1786
Dating back to 1785, the Moravian “Instructions for the Choir Helpers” contain detailed advice for the spiritual counselors of the men, women, and children in Moravian congregations on how to address concerns about one’s body and soul. In this volume, Katherine Faull presents an annotated, translated edition of the original German manuscript.In monthly “speakings”—regularly scheduled dialogues between the choir helper and individual church members to determine whether the congregant could be admitted to communion—men and women received spiritual guidance on topics as varied as the physical manifestations of puberty, sexual attraction, frequency of intercourse, infant care, and bereavement. From their founding in 1722, the Moravians were remarkable for their positive evaluation of the body; they held that the natural manifestations of masculinity and femininity were integral elements of spiritual consciousness. The “Instructions for the Choir Helpers”—which were highly confidential at the time and passed on only by permission of the church administration—reflect that philosophy, providing insights into an interpretation of the body as a holistic system that should be cared for as a vessel for the spirit.A unique resource for scholars of religious history, gender studies, and colonial American church history, Faull’s translation of this fascinating set of documents provides an unprecedented glimpse into a period of foundational change in Moravian history.
University of Notre Dame Press Arabic Literary Salons in the Islamic Middle Ages: Poetry, Public Performance, and the Presentation of the Past
Arabic literary salons emerged in ninth-century Iraq and, by the tenth, were flourishing in Baghdad and other urban centers. In an age before broadcast media and classroom education, salons were the primary source of entertainment and escape for middle- and upper-rank members of society, serving also as a space and means for educating the young. Although salons relied on a culture of oral performance from memory, scholars of Arabic literature have focused almost exclusively on the written dimensions of the tradition. That emphasis, argues Samer Ali, has neglected the interplay of oral and written, as well as of religious and secular knowledge in salon society, and the surprising ways in which these seemingly discrete categories blurred in the lived experience of participants. Looking at the period from 500 to 1250, and using methods from European medieval studies, folklore, and cultural anthropology, Ali interprets Arabic manuscripts in order to answer fundamental questions about literary salons as a social institution. He identifies salons not only as sites for socializing and educating, but as loci for performing literature and oral history; for creating and transmitting cultural identity; and for continually reinterpreting the past. A fascinating recovery of a key element of humanistic culture, Ali’s work will encourage a recasting of our understanding of verbal art, cultural memory, and daily life in medieval Arab culture.
Amis du Centre d'histoire et de civilisation de Byzance Mnogosloznyj Svitok: The Slavonic Letter of the Three Patriarchs to Emperor Theophilos
One of the most mysterious texts from the Second Byzantine Iconoclasm (815-843) is the so-called Synodical Letter, purportedly sent by Patriarchs Christopher of Alexandria, Job of Antioch, and Basil of Jerusalem to Emperor Theophilos in 836. The earliest reference thereto is dated 945, whereas the oldest extant manuscript fragment is written in the ninth-century uncial. But was it a real missive or pious forgery? Several Greek texts deriving from the lost original do not prove sufficient ground for a confident answer. Among the main problems is the lack of protocol elements indispensable for a document of this kind. Those elements, however, are present in the Slavonic text entitled Mnogosloznyj Svitok, which corresponds to "Polustichos tomos" in Greek. A thorough scrutiny has revealed that this is the closest version we possess to the original Letter. The Slavonic, besides indications of place (Jerusalem) and date (836) within the main text, contains two solid termini ante quos, 837 and 838, and names the actual compiler of the Letter - a certain monk Basil, who can very well be identical with the hagiographer Basil of Emesa. The latter in his Life of Theodore of Edessa claims to have attended a synod in Jerusalem, presumably that of 836. This book presents a critical edition of the Slavonic text together with corresponding Greek fragments, English translation, and Glossary. Russian translation is also attached.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NET Bible, Full-notes Edition, Leathersoft, Black, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
The most translator notes in any Bible to help you clearly understand how the Bible was translated. Ever feel lost in translation? With the NET Full-notes Edition of the Holy Bible, you don’t need to be. Modern readers can find it challenging to connect with the ancient words and cultural contexts of the biblical writers. The NET offers a completely new solution: pairing a readable, everyday English translation with the largest set of translators’ notes ever created for a Bible. The NET’s 60,000 notes bring complete transparency to every major translation decision and invite you to look over the translators’ shoulders, allowing you to come to your own understanding of the Scriptures. It is an indispensable resource for every Bible reader.Trusted by Bible readers worldwide, The NET Full Notes has been recognized with the ECPA Bronze Award for selling over 100,000 copies.Features include: The newest complete English translation based on the most up-to-date manuscript discoveries and scholarship A translation that explains itself—over 60,000 translators’ notes offer unprecedented transparency Durable Smyth-sewn binding lays flat in your hand or on your desk Full-color maps show the layout of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Easy-to-read 8.75-point NET Comfort Print
Thomas Nelson Publishers NET Bible, Full-notes Edition, Leathersoft, Black, Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
The most translator notes in any Bible to help you clearly understand how the Bible was translated. Ever feel lost in translation? With the NET Full-notes Edition of the Holy Bible, you don’t need to be. Modern readers can find it challenging to connect with the ancient words and cultural contexts of the biblical writers. The NET offers a completely new solution: pairing a readable, everyday English translation with the largest set of translators’ notes ever created for a Bible. The NET’s 60,000 notes bring complete transparency to every major translation decision and invite you to look over the translators’ shoulders, allowing you to come to your own understanding of the Scriptures. It is an indispensable resource for every Bible reader.Trusted by Bible readers worldwide, The NET Full Notes has been recognized with the ECPA Bronze Award for selling over 100,000 copies.Features include: The newest complete English translation based on the most up-to-date manuscript discoveries and scholarship A translation that explains itself—over 60,000 translators’ notes offer unprecedented transparency Durable Smyth-sewn binding lays flat in your hand or on your desk Full color maps show the layout of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Easy-to-read 8.75-point NET Comfort Print
Tuttle Publishing Samurai and Ninja: The Real Story Behind the Japanese Warrior Myth that Shatters the Bushido Mystique
The myths of the noble Samurai and the sinister Ninja are filled with romantic fantasy and fallacy.Samurai and Ninja expert Antony Cummins shatters the myths and exposes the true nature of these genuine—and very lethal—medieval Japanese warriors. The Samurai and Ninja were, in fact, brutal killing machines trained in torture and soaked in machismo. Many were skilled horsemen and sword-fighting specialists, while others were masters of deception and sabotage. Some fought for loyalty, others for personal gain. What these warriors all shared in common was their unflinching personal bravery, skill and brutality.In Samurai and Ninja, Cummins separates myth from reality and shows why the Japanese were the most skilled warriors of all time: He describes the Samurai and the Ninja as they were in earlier times when battles raged across Japan—not in later times when war became obsolete and Japanese warriors became philosophers, scholars and courtiers. He describes the social context of the day and the feudal world into which the warriors were trained to fight and die for their lords. He exposes the fundamentally brutal nature of warfare in medieval Japan. This book is illuminated by many rare Japanese manuscripts and texts which are translated into English for the very first time.
Leamington Books Voice Without Restraint: Bob Dylan's Lyrics 1961 - 1979
Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in June 2016, and seldom in recent years has it been more richly deserved. That a song writer's lyrics should be regarded as literature was an idea at which many were surprised. Others have felt that to isolate the lyrics of a song from its musical context is unreal. Ultimately that is true: a song is an indefeasible whole, an inseparable marriage of words and music which achieves its overall emotional effect by that symbiosis and not otherwise. Yet it can also be said that the two components can be separately considered as two elements in the artist's creative utterance, and discussed as such. The evidence of Dylan's manuscripts supports the view that in writing his lyrics his way of going about things is not always widely different from that of a poet. Bob Dylan commented on the Nobel Prize in Literature which was awarded to him "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition": "When I first received this Nobel Prize for Literature, I got to wondering exactly how my songs related to literature. I wanted to reflect on it and see where the connection was." Voice Without Restraint, refers to and is from the song "I dreamed I saw St Augustine" on John Wesley Harding, and is a phrase chosen to evoke the full-blooded commitment to his artistic utterance which is the hallmark of Bob Dylan's voice - in all senses.
Edinburgh University Press A Short History of the Gibb Memorial Trust and its Trustees: A Century of Oriental Scholarship
Provides an unusual history of an important institution promoting Islamic scholarship in Britain Presents authoritative biographies of leading scholars by those working in the same field Brings together leading scholars of Middle Eastern history, literature, Islamic mysticism and religious studies to discuss their influential predecessors in these fields Draws on the unpublished archives of the Gibb Memorial Trust and first-hand memoirs Reveals how the Gibb Memorial Trust was able to promote and support the publication and study of key Middle Eastern sources for over a century The Gibb Memorial Trust, founded at the start of the 20th century, comprised among its trustees some of the most celebrated and prominent orientalists of their day. Together, they sponsored and supported research on editing and translating Arabic, Persian and Turkish manuscripts on a range of subjects, from history, literature, geography and poetry to Sufism and the Islamic sciences. This volume covers the development of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies over the last 120 years or so, as seen through the biographies of the leading scholars of the period. It opens with a short history of the Trust, before presenting a series of short biographical and often personal appreciations of these eminent Middle Eastern scholars of the past, written by existing trustees. In providing a history of this important institution, the book shines a light on the history and development of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Britain more broadly.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, Thinline Bible, Large Print, Leathersoft, Brown, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New King James Version
A balance of being both easy-to-read and easy-to-carry, this Bible is an ideal choice to take with you wherever you go.This edition is published in large NKJV Comfort Print type, which was designed exclusively for Thomas Nelson to be the most readable at any size.The go-anywhere New King James Version Bible, lightweight and portable, now with the enhanced readability of Thomas Nelson’s custom NKJV font in large print. That’s the NKJV Value Thinline Large Print Bible, and it’s the Bible you’ll want to take with you throughout your day. Featuring the popular and reliable text of the New King James Version in a variety of compelling cover designs, you will enjoy the beautiful new layout, helpful reading plan, and words of Christ in red.Features Include: Line-matched classic 2-column format Presentation page to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or a note Words of Christ in red help you quickly identify Jesus’ teachings and statements Translation notes provide a look into the thinking of the translators with alternative translations that could have been used and textual notes about manuscript variations Reading plan guiding you through the entire Bible in a year Ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Durable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding for years of use Easy-to-read 10.5-point NKJV Comfort Print
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, Value Thinline Bible, Large Print, Burgundy Leathersoft, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New King James Version
A balance of being both easy-to-read and easy-to-carry, this Bible is an ideal choice to take with you wherever you go.This edition is published in large NKJV Comfort Print type, which was designed exclusively for Thomas Nelson to be the most readable at any size.The go-anywhere New King James Version Bible, lightweight and portable, now with the enhanced readability of Thomas Nelson’s custom NKJV font in large print. That’s the NKJV Value Thinline Large Print Bible, and it’s the Bible you’ll want to take with you throughout your day. Featuring the popular and reliable text of the New King James Version in a variety of compelling cover designs, you will enjoy the beautiful new layout, helpful reading plan, and words of Christ in red.Features Include: Line-matched classic 2-column format Presentation page to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or a note Words of Christ in red help you quickly identify Jesus’ teachings and statements Translation notes provide a look into the thinking of the translators with alternative translations that could have been used and textual notes about manuscript variations Reading plan guiding you through the entire Bible in a year Ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Durable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding for years of use Easy-to-read 10.5-point NKJV Comfort Print
Hachette Children's Group Secret Breakers: Orphan of the Flames: Book 2
The team of code-crackers face a new code that has never been solved. Brodie, Hunter and Tusia are back at Station X, the secret code-cracking station at Bletchley Park. And they are still wrestling with the great unanswered question: what secret lies behind the ancient, coded Voynich Manuscript? Their first adventure left them with a musical box that plays a tune by the composer, Elgar. Elgar loved codes. At once they are off on a new search which takes them to the stories behind Elgar's famous music and a coded letter he wrote to a young friend, Dorabella. The 'Dorabella Cipher' has never, ever been solved. Now our team of code-breakers are on a twisting trail via medieval book burnings in Florence, a mysterious boy known as the Orphan of the Flames, and a one-time famous prisoner in London's Newgate Prison who wrote about King Arthur. Where is it all leading? And will they survive, when hot on their trail is a secret organisation that has always thwarted the search for Truth and is prepared to kill to stop them ... The second story in this highly original puzzle-solving series - a Da Vinci Code for kids. The reader races along with the Secret Breakers team to break the code ... Enter the world of the Secret Breakers at' resources and full reading guide available here:
Pennsylvania State University Press Visualizing Household Health: Medieval Women, Art, and Knowledge in the Régime du corps
In 1256, the countess of Provence, Beatrice of Savoy, enlisted her personal physician to create a health handbook to share with her daughters. Written in French and known as the Régime du corps, this health guide would become popular and influential, with nearly seventy surviving copies made over the next two hundred years and translations in at least four other languages. In Visualizing Household Health, art historian Jennifer Borland uses the Régime to show how gender and health care converged within the medieval household.Visualizing Household Health explores the nature of the households portrayed in the Régime and how their members interacted with professionalized medicine. Borland focuses on several illustrated versions of the manuscript that contain historiated initials depicting simple scenes related to health care, such as patients’ consultations with physicians, procedures like bloodletting, and foods and beverages recommended for good health. Borland argues that these images provide important details about the nature of women’s agency in the home—and offer highly compelling evidence that women enacted multiple types of health care. Additionally, she contends, the Régime opens a window onto the history of medieval women as owners, patrons, and readers of books. Interdisciplinary in scope, this book broadens notions of the medieval medical community and the role of women in medieval health care. It will be welcomed by scholars and students of women’s history, art history, book history, and the history of medicine.
The University of Chicago Press Political Philosophy and the Challenge of Revealed Religion
Heinrich Meier's guiding insight in Political Philosophy and the Challenge of Revealed Religion is that philosophy must prove its right and its necessity in the face of the claim to truth and demand obedience of its most powerful opponent, revealed religion. Philosophy must rationally justify and politically defend its free and unreserved questioning, and, in doing so, turns decisively to political philosophy. In the first of three chapters, Meier determines four intertwined moments constituting the concept of political philosophy as an articulated and internally dynamic whole. The following two chapters develop the concept through the interpretation of two masterpieces of political philosophy that have occupied Meier's attention for more than thirty years: Leo Strauss's Thoughts on Machiavelli and Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Social Contract. Meier provides a detailed investigation of Thoughts on Machiavelli, with an appendix containing Strauss's original manuscript headings for each of his paragraphs. Linking the problem of Socrates (the origin of political philosophy) with the problem of Machiavelli (the beginning of modern political philosophy), while placing between them the political and theological claims opposed to philosophy, Strauss's most complex and controversial book proves to be, as Meier shows, the most astonishing treatise on the challenge of revealed religion. The final chapter, which offers a new interpretation of the Social Contract, demonstrates that Rousseau's most famous work can be adequately understood only as a coherent political-philosophic response to theocracy in all its forms.
Medieval Institute Publications William Caxton's "Paris and Vienne" and "Blanchardyn and Eglantine"
These texts are English versions of romances well known in medieval and early Renaissance Europe, but outside the modern canon of early English literature. Unlike Caxton's other romances, they do not belong to the matters of the Nine Worthies; they are independent narratives of love and adventure presenting two differing but complementary accounts of chivalry and courtly love. Following fifteenth-century fashions, they treat conventional materials with a degree of realism and imbue characters with subjectivity. "Blanchardyn," published at the behest of Margaret, mother of Henry VII, is militaristic and attentive to governance, and notable for its affective, redundant narration and sophisticated style. "Paris" features a linear plot, lively characters, and employs generic motifs to explore issues of social mobility, family dynamics, and female autonomy. Blanchardyn and Eglantine and Paris and Vienne were last edited in 1890 and 1957, respectively. This edition incorporates recent scholarship and criticism, including new critical editions of French texts closely related to Caxton's sources for both romances. Other relevant scholarly traditions include: studies of the two romances and late medieval romance in England and France; gender studies, especially the role of women in these narratives; scholarship relating to the owners and readers of Caxton's romances and associated manuscripts; studies of courtesy literature and its relationship to romance; and scholarship on Caxton, his career, publications, prose style, and language.
Ohio University Press Memoirs of a Bookman
These memoirs are the reminiscences of Jack Matthews: his adventures in seeking out, collecting, and reading old and rare books, along with reflections upon time, memory, and other mysteries. In one piece, he measures the psychological distance from when he first saw Lake Erie at the age of four—the sight of which “took his breath away”—to many decades later, when, as he was flying from Detroit to Cleveland, Lake Erie revealed both shores and gave his breath back, depriving him of the first absolute he can remember. Elsewhere, he ponders upon how strangely our lifespans overlap others, telling about his father driving in his Model T and picking up an old Indian who said he’d been a scout for Custer, surviving Big Horn by hiding under corpses. Such purviews, Matthews believes, give a sense of mythic reach-much as do the old books and manuscripts he loves to collect. Other pieces in his Memoirs tell of a famous English poet’s last years in a tiny Ohio town; an old frontier medical book that prescribes such medicines as snake root, sawdust, and rye whiskey; an 1863 Unionist Kentucky newspaper advertising a slave auction; and 150 year old jest books, filled with such dreary specimens that one wonders how desperate people were to find mirth in them. In these reflections, old books and human realities are inextricably mingled, providing warm and thoughtful insights by a self-described “philosophical sentimentalist.”
Turner Publishing Company American Animals: A True Crime Memoir
AS SEEN IN THE MAJOR MOTION PICTURE “One of the most esoteric and far-fetched crimes in 21st-century annals.” —The Hollywood Reporter “A rare book heist that Danny Ocean may have applauded—except for one mistake.” —Vanity Fair “A tragicomedy of errors.” —Salon “They are the young people, the people with the idealism, the passion, the courage to do something interesting with their lives: an act of daring almost artistic in its originality. They are almost right.” —The Guardian “One of the biggest art heists in FBI history.” —The Times of London American Animals is a coming-of-age crime memoir centered around three childhood friends: Warren, Spencer, and Eric. Disillusioned with freshman year of college and determined to escape from their mundane Middle-American existences, the three hatch a plan to steal millions of dollars’ worth of artwork and rare manuscripts from a university museum. The story that unfolds is a gripping adventure of teenage rebellion; from page-turning meetings with black-market art dealers in Amsterdam to the opulent galleries of Christie’s auction house in Rockefeller Center. American Animals ushers the reader along a gut-wrenching ride of adolescent self-destruction. Providing a front-row seat to the inception, planning, and execution of the heist, while offering a rare glimpse into the evolution of a crime—all narrated by one of the perpetrators in a darkly comic, action-packed, true-crime caper.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Harry Potter – A History of Magic: The Book of the Exhibition
Harry Potter: A History of Magic is the official book of the exhibition, a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between Bloomsbury, J.K. Rowling and the brilliant curators of the British Library. It promises to take readers on a fascinating journey through the subjects studied at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry – from Alchemy and Potions classes through to Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. Each chapter showcases a treasure trove of artefacts from the British Library and other collections around the world, beside exclusive manuscripts, sketches and illustrations from the Harry Potter archive. There’s also a specially commissioned essay for each subject area by an expert, writer or cultural commentator, inspired by the contents of the exhibition – absorbing, insightful and unexpected contributions from Steve Backshall, the Reverend Richard Coles, Owen Davies, Julia Eccleshare, Roger Highfield, Steve Kloves, Lucy Mangan, Anna Pavord and Tim Peake, who offer a personal perspective on their magical theme. Readers will be able to pore over ancient spell books, amazing illuminated scrolls that reveal the secret of the Elixir of Life, vials of dragon’s blood, mandrake roots, painted centaurs and a genuine witch’s broomstick, in a book that shows J.K. Rowling’s magical inventions alongside their cultural and historical forebears. This is the ultimate gift for Harry Potter fans, curious minds, big imaginations, bibliophiles and readers around the world who missed out on the chance to see the exhibition in person.
The University of Chicago Press Conquest of Abundance – A Tale of Abstraction Versus the Richness of Richness
From Homeric gods to galaxies, from love affairs to perspective in painting, Paul Feyerabend revelled in the physical and cultural abundance that surrounds us. He found it equally striking that human senses and human intelligence are able to take in only a fraction of these riches. From this fraction, scientists, artists, all of us construct encompassing abstractions and stereotypes. This basic human trait is at the heart of "Conquest of Abundance", the book on which Feyerabend was at work when he died in 1994. Prepared from drafts of the manuscript left at his death, working notes, and lectures and articles Feyerabend wrote while the larger work was in progress, "Conquest of Abundance" offers up exploration and startling insights with the charm, lucidity, and sense of mischief that are his hallmarks. Feyerabend is fascinated by how we attempt to explain and predict the mysteries of the natural world, and he describes ways in which we abstract experience, explain anomalies, and reduce wonder to formulas and equations. Through his exploration of the positive and negative consequences of these efforts, Feyerabend reveals the "conquest of abundance" as an integral part of the history and character of Western civilization. Paul Feyerabend (1924-1994) was educated in Europe and held numerous teaching posts throughout his career, including at the University of California, Berkeley, from 1959 to 1990. His "Against Method" - translated into 17 languages - is a classic of modern philosophy of science. The University of Chicago Press published his autobiography, "Killing Time", in 1995.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on International Conflict and Security Law: Jus ad Bellum, Jus in Bello and Jus post Bellum
This innovative Research Handbook brings together leading international law scholars from around the world to discuss and highlight the contemporary debate regarding issues of conflict prevention and the legality of resorting to the use of armed force through to those arising during an armed conflict and in the phase between conflict and peace.The Handbook covers key conceptual topics drawn from across the three areas of jus ad bellum, jus in bello and jus post bellum. The subject matter of the included chapters range from conflict prevention through to reparation and compensation, via coverage of issues such as disarmament, the role of the Security Council, self-defense, humanitarian intervention and the responsibility to protect, targets, war crimes, private military contractors, peacekeeping, and the protection of human rights.Being the first to examine topics under these areas in one volume, the book will be of interest to scholars, academics, postgraduate and research students as well as government lawyers from various disciplinary backgrounds looking for a contemporary grounding in issues under the broad theme of international conflict and security law.Contributors: C. Bell, R. Cryer, C. De Cock, C. Gray, V. Hadzi-Vidanovic, M. Happold, C. Henderson, K. Hulme, D. Kritsiotis, C. Lehnardt, K. Manusama, M. Milanovic, M.E. O'Connell, A. Orakhelashvili, N. Ronzitti, T. Ruys, M. Sossai, N. Tsagourias, D. Turns, N.D. White, R. Wilde
Canongate Books Queen Of Science: Personal Recollections of Mary Somerville
Born in Jedburgh in 1780, Mary Fairfax was the daughter of one of Nelson's captains, and in common with most girls of her time and station she was given the kind of education which prizes gentility over ability. Nevertheless, she taught herself algebra in secret, and made her reputation in celestial mechanics with her 1831 translation of Laplace's Mécanique céleste as The Mechanism of the Heavens.As she was equally interested in art, literature and nature Somerville's lively memoirs give a fascinating picture of her life and times from childhood in Burntisland to international recognition and retirement in Naples. She tells of her friendship with Maria Edgeworth and of her encounters with Scott and Fenimore Cooper. She remembers comets and eclipses, high society in London and Paris, Charles Babbage and his calculating engine, the Risorgimento in Italy and the eruption of Vesuvius.Selected by her daughter and first published in 1973, these are the memoirs of a remarkable woman who became one of the most gifted mathematicians and scientists of the nineteenth century. Oxford's Somerville College was named after her, and the present volume, re-edited by Dorothy McMillan, draws on manuscripts owned by the college and offers the first unexpurgated edition of these revelatory writings.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on International Conflict and Security Law: Jus ad Bellum, Jus in Bello and Jus post Bellum
This innovative Research Handbook brings together leading international law scholars from around the world to discuss and highlight the contemporary debate regarding issues of conflict prevention and the legality of resorting to the use of armed force through to those arising during an armed conflict and in the phase between conflict and peace.The Handbook covers key conceptual topics drawn from across the three areas of jus ad bellum, jus in bello and jus post bellum. The subject matter of the included chapters range from conflict prevention through to reparation and compensation, via coverage of issues such as disarmament, the role of the Security Council, self-defense, humanitarian intervention and the responsibility to protect, targets, war crimes, private military contractors, peacekeeping, and the protection of human rights.Being the first to examine topics under these areas in one volume, the book will be of interest to scholars, academics, postgraduate and research students as well as government lawyers from various disciplinary backgrounds looking for a contemporary grounding in issues under the broad theme of international conflict and security law.Contributors: C. Bell, R. Cryer, C. De Cock, C. Gray, V. Hadzi-Vidanovic, M. Happold, C. Henderson, K. Hulme, D. Kritsiotis, C. Lehnardt, K. Manusama, M. Milanovic, M.E. O'Connell, A. Orakhelashvili, N. Ronzitti, T. Ruys, M. Sossai, N. Tsagourias, D. Turns, N.D. White, R. Wilde
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Medieval Art: Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe
A fully updated and comprehensive companion to Romanesque and Gothic art history This definitive reference brings together cutting-edge scholarship devoted to the Romanesque and Gothic traditions in Northern Europe and provides a clear analytical survey of what is happening in this major area of Western art history. The volume comprises original theoretical, historical, and historiographic essays written by renowned and emergent scholars who discuss the vibrancy of medieval art from both thematic and sub-disciplinary perspectives. Part of the Blackwell Companions to Art History, A Companion to Medieval Art, Second Edition features an international and ambitious range of contributions covering reception, formalism, Gregory the Great, pilgrimage art, gender, patronage, marginalized images, the concept of spolia, manuscript illumination, stained glass, Cistercian architecture, art of the crusader states, and more. Newly revised edition of a highly successful companion, including 11 new articles Comprehensive coverage ranging from vision, materiality, and the artist through to architecture, sculpture, and painting Contains full-color illustrations throughout, plus notes on the book’s many distinguished contributors A Companion to Medieval Art: Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe, Second Edition is an exciting and varied study that provides essential reading for students and teachers of Medieval art.
Princeton University Press Turkish Folk Music from Asia Minor
This book is a substantial and thorough musicological analysis of Turkish folk music. It reproduces in facsimile Bartok's autograph record of eighty seven vocal and instrumental peasant melodies of the Yuruk Tribes, a nomadic people in southern Anatolia. Bartok's introduction includes his annotations of the melodies, texts, and translations and establishes a connection between Old Hungarian and Old Turkish folk music. Begun in 1936 and completed in 1943, the work was Bartok's last major essay. The editor, Dr. Benjamin Suchoff, has provided an historical introduction and a chronology of the various manuscript versions. An afterword by Kurt Reinhard describes recent research in Turkish ethnomusicology and gives a contemporary assessment of Bartok's field work in Turkey. Appendices prepared by the editor include an index of themes compiled by computer. Originally published in 1976. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Faber Music Ltd Picture a day like this (Limited Edition Full Score)
Shortlisted for Deluxe Edition of the Year at the Presto Music Awards 2023 Picture a day like this is the fourth operatic collaboration between George Benjamin and Martin Crimp, whose acclaimed partnership produced Written on Skin, Lessons in Love and Violence, and Into the Little Hill. This limited edition of the full score is one of only one hundred and fifty, presented in a cloth-bound hard cover. It is signed by George Benjamin and Martin Crimp and includes facsimile reproductions of pages from the manuscript, sketches by Benjamin and Crimp, and a photograph of Benjamin, Crimp and directors Daniel Jeanneteau and Marie-Christine Soma in rehearsal at the Aix-en-Provence Festival. In this bittersweet fable of grief and renewal. Benjamin and Crimp tell the story of a Woman who has lost her child: if, before nightfall, she meets one truly happy person and cuts a button from their sleeve, her child will live again. In her search she meets a pair of lovers, a Composer and their Assistant, an Artisan, Collector, and, in a beautiful garden, the mysterious Zabelle. ‘Benjamin proves with this taut, sharp miniature that he is the finest opera composer of today…a work of depth of feeling, humanistic artistry and expressive rigor…a drama that is miraculously condensed.’ Süddeutsche Zeitung (Reinhard J. Brembeck) 9 July 2023
Johns Hopkins University Press Evergreen: The Garrett Family, Collectors and Connoisseurs
Evergreen-the long-time home of the Garrett family in north Baltimore-offers a preeminent example of antebellum-American Italianate architecture. It also houses a remarkably diverse collection of over 50,000 objects, including paintings, furniture, sculpture, ceramics, and rare books. Acquired by two generations of the prominent Garrett family, self-described "collectors by instinct and by education," the assemblage of fine and decorative arts is remarkable in scope and inventiveness. Now part of the Johns Hopkins University, the mansion endures as a rare visual encyclopedia, representative of nearly all major architectural and design movements indicative of America's transition from a predominantly agrarian society to a world industrial power. This meticulously researched and handsomely illustrated volume honors the distinct and richly layered collections that characterize Evergreen. The book opens with a history of the philanthropic family itself, which helped run the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and develop many of the Monument City's most important civic and cultural institutions. Tracing their evolution as collectors and philanthropists, the book charts the family's artistic tastes and aesthetic sensibilities from the Gilded Age to the World Wars while also describing the physical landscape and architecture of Evergreen. The Asian Art section explores the world renowned Garrett Collection of Chinese and Japanese art. As one of the earliest American collections of Japanese art assembled, it provides an important insight into collecting habits of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Among its highlights is one of only a half dozen examples of blue lacquer known to exist, as well as examples of Chinese Imperial porcelain. The Decorative Arts section highlights the furniture, textiles, and other applied arts largely commissioned or collected by the Garretts. Beginning with the Aesthetic Movement of the 1880s and the talents of renowned design firms such as Herter Brothers, Liberty & Company, and Louis C. Tiffany and Company, Evergreen's interiors have embraced each succeeding decorative trend-including the Bourbon, Colonial, Empire, and Renaissance revivals, the Arts and Crafts movement, and European modernism. The Fine Arts section showcases modernist art assembled by Alice Warder Garrett and her husband, Ambassador John Work Garrett. Credited as the first Baltimore "gallery" to exhibit a Picasso, Evergreen's collection of drawings, paintings, and sculpture document the couple's aesthetic appreciation and connoisseurship, which began at the threshold of World War I. Included are works by such artists as Pierre Bonnard, Jean-Edouard Vuillard, Leon Bakst, Miguel Covarrubias, Raoul Dufy, Herbert Haseltine, Amedeo Modigliani, and Ignacio Zuloaga. Evergreen's John Work Garrett Library, built between the years immediately following the American Civil War and World War II, ranks among the most extensive private American collections of its kind from that period. Highlights include a recently discovered and ambitious rare book desiderata manuscript from the headiest period of John Work Garrett's book collecting in 1929; an original John James Audubon engraved metal plate for his double-elephant folio Birds of America, a complete copy of which is also held by the library; the Garrett Zafarnama, a sumptuously illustrated fifteenth-century Persian illuminated manuscript by the renowned artist Bihzad; and all four seventeenth-century folios of Shakespeare's collected plays. A celebration of one of Baltimore's grandest nineteenth-century mansions, Evergreen reveals fascinating life stories through the richly preserved family archive and the historical context that remains through Evergreen's evolving architectural spaces and growing collections. This volume will appeal to art collectors and lovers of historic houses, museums, and libraries, as well as readers fascinated by the intersection of art and architecture, literature and history, and the history of ideas and collecting.
Desclée De Brouwer Judas y el evangelio de Jess del Judas de la fe al Iscariote de la historia
El "Evangelio de Judas" se descubrió en los 70 del pasado siglo y ha tardado cerca de 30 años en llegar al dominio público y al análisis crítico. El renombrado erudito bíblico y obispo de Durham (Inglaterra) Tom Wright, dirige su atención hacia este fascinante manuscrito. Wright se pregunta qué nos dice el texto acerca del antiguo gnosticismo y del moderno entusiasmo por retomar el contacto con este movimiento. Se puede afirmar que este excepcional documento ha desvelado, con una claridad no exenta de la máxima crudeza, aquello en lo que creían los gnósticos? Y por qué razón algunos de los más grandes autores dentro del ámbito de los primeros cristianos rechazaron con pasión el mensaje alternativo que aducían estas personas?Sin dejar de reconocer que se trata de un hallazgo arqueológico del máximo interés, Tom Wright sostiene que el "Evangelio de Judas" no nos dice nada del Jesucristo real ni del Judas real. Por el contrario, el entusiasmo con el que algunos lo han acogido habla más
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Medieval Lyric: Middle English Lyrics, Ballads, and Carols
Medieval Lyric is a colourful collection of lyrical poems, carols, and traditional British ballads written between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries, together with some twentieth-century American versions of them. A lively and engaging collection of lyrical poems, carols, and traditional British ballads written in between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries, together with some twentieth-century American versions of them. Introduces readers to the rich variety of Middle English poetry. Presents poems of mourning and of celebration, poems dedicated to the Blessed Virgin and to Christ, poems inviting or disparaging love, poems about sex, and more. Reader-friendly - uses modernized letter forms, punctuation and capitalization, and side glosses explaining difficult words. Opens with a substantial introduction by the editor to the medieval lyric as a genre, and features short introductions to each section and poem. Also includes an annotated bibliography, glossary, index of first lines, and list of manuscripts cited.
Taylor & Francis Inc Effective Writing Strategies for Engineers and Scientists
This easy-to-read, concise book is filled with examples, hints, reminders and reviews designed to help engineers and scientists develop effective writing skills. Use the book to learn to write better reports, memos, and journal articles and keep it close at hand when you have questions about organization, clarity and style, writing and revising rough drafts, graphics, workplace writing, computers in writing, and legal issues in writing. The book also contains four helpful appendices on common errors, equations and abbreviations, preparing manuscripts for publication, and documenting information sources. Effective Writing Strategies for Engineers and Scientists provides easy training for the type of writing required of engineers and scientists, gives specific advise for conveying complicated information, and describes how to synthesize information according to specific writing strategies. It is a "must" for every scientist's and engineer's bookshelf.
University of Toronto Press Teaching in a Cold and Windy Place: Change in an Inuit School
Joanne Tompkins travelled to the Baffin Island community of Anurapaqtuq to take on the job of principal at the local school. This is the fascinating story of her experiences in the four years she spent there and the many challenges she faced.On her arrival in the Inuit village, Tompkins found struggling teachers and failing students in a community that was grappling with social and economic change. Outlining strategies that worked and others that failed, she gives a vivid account of the day-to-day trials and rewards that she and community members experienced as they worked to create a productive and exciting school environment.This engaging and informative account of change in an Inuit school will be of great use to educators and administrators, and appeal to general readers as well. One educator who read the manuscript paid it the compliment of comparing it to Sylvia Ashton-Warner's classic tale of teaching Maori children, Teacher.
City Lights Books City Bird and Other Poems
An underground denizen of San Francisco soars above it in a state-of-the-art long poem."These poems about San Francisco challenge the media narrative of a city in decline, paying tribute to its joys. Dunagan weaves in allusions to artists, including Joan Brown and Jay DeFeo, poets Bill Berkson and Lew Welch, and local landmarks O''Farrell Street and St. Anne of the Sunset."—Publishers WeeklyOver a decade ago, Patrick James Dunagan stoically refused to be published in the Spotlight series, citing his desire to maintain critical independence as a prolific reviewer of contemporary poetry. Finally, he has been prevailed upon to turn over a manuscript, City Bird and Other Poems. Defying the media narrative of the city''s demise, the poems of City Bird celebrate the joys of San Francisco, invoking artists like Joan Brown and Jay DeFeo, poets like Bill Berkson and Lew Welch, and local landmarks like O'
Oxford University Press Seneca: De Beneficiis (L. Annaei Senecae De beneficiis: Libri VII, De clementia: Libri II, Apocolocyntosis)
This is the first new critical edition of De beneficiis in almost 100 years, based on a fresh examination of the extant archetype (N) and on more extensive familiarity with the later medieval and humanist manuscripts than any previous edition. Each work in the edition is provided with a critical apparatus that is both informative and economical. The apparatus fontium et testium standing between the text and the critical apparatus on each page provides full references to the texts Seneca himself cites and extensive cross-references among the three works in the edition and between those works and Seneca's other prose writings, along with many parallel passages beyond the Senecan corpus. An appendix critica to De beneficiis contains much information on the text's documentary basis and critical history that future editors should find useful to have at hand even if it was not judged worthy of inclusion in this edition's critical apparatus.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Vernacular Literary Theory from the French of Medieval England: Texts and Translations, c.1120-c.1450
Excerpts from texts (with translation) from the French of medieval England offer a guide to medieval literary theory. From the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries, French was one of England's main languages of literature, record, diplomacy and commerce and also its only supra-national vernacular. As is now recognised, the large corpus of England'sFrench texts and records is indispensable to understanding England's literary and cultural history, the multilingualism of early England, and European medieval French-language culture in general. This volume presents a full, representative collection of texts and facing translations from England's medieval French. Through its selection of prologues and other excerpts from works composed or circulating in England, the volume presents a body of vernacular literary theory, in which some fifty-five highly various texts, from a range of genres, discuss their own origins, circumstances, strategies, source materials, purposes and audiences. Each entry, newly edited from a single manuscript, is accompanied by a headnote, annotation, and narrative bibliography, while a general introduction and section introductions provide further context and information. Also included are essays on French in England and onthe prosody and prose of insular French; Middle English versions of some of the edited French texts; and a glossary of literary terms. By giving access to a literate culture hitherto available primarily only to Anglo-Norman specialists, this book opens up new possibilities for taking English francophony into account in research and teaching. JOCELYN WOGAN-BROWNE is Thomas F.X. and Theresa Mullarkey Chair in Literature, English Department, Fordham University, New York, and formerly Professor of Medieval Literature, University of York; THELMA FENSTER is Professor Emerita of French and Medieval Studies, Fordham University; DELBERT RUSSELL is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of French, University of Waterloo.
HarperCollins Publishers The History of the Hobbit: One Volume Edition
Brand new deluxe edition of this definitive companion to The Hobbit, quarter-bound, stamped in gold foil with a unique design inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien’s own artwork, featuring a ribbon marker and housed in a matching custom-built slipcase. The Hobbit was first published on 21 September 1937. Like its sequel, The Lord of the Rings, it is a story that ‘grew in the telling’, and many characters and plot threads in the published text are quite different from the story J.R.R. Tolkien first wrote to read aloud to his young sons as one of their ‘fireside reads’. Together in one volume, The History of the Hobbit presents the complete text of the unpublished manuscript of The Hobbit, accompanied by John Rateliff’s lively and informative account of how the book came to be written and published. Recording the numerous changes made to the story both before and after publication, he examines – chapter by chapter – why those changes were made and how they reflect Tolkien’s ever-growing concept of Middle-earth. As well as reproducing the original version of one of the world’s most popular novels – both on its own merits and as the foundation for The Lord of the Rings – this book includes many little-known illustrations and draft maps for The Hobbit by Tolkien himself. Also featured are extensive commentaries on the dates of composition, how Tolkien’s professional and early mythological writings influenced the story, the imaginary geography he created, and how Tolkien came to revise the book years after publication to accommodate events in The Lord of the Rings. Endorsed by Christopher Tolkien as a companion to his essential 12-volume The History of Middle-earth, this thoughtful and exhaustive examination of one of the most treasured stories in English literature offers fascinating new insights for those who have grown up with this enchanting tale, and will delight any who are about to enter Bilbo’s round door for the first time.
Batsford Ltd King Arthur - French
What is the origin of the stories of the Round Table, of Excalibur and the Holy Grail, of Sir Launcelot and Guinevere? And where was Camelot? King Arthur’s name has echoed down the centuries, conjuring up rich images of mystery and power, chivalry and romance. But did he exist at all? There is no evidence to prove he reigned in the fifth and sixth centuries; no eye-witness accounts of his coronation and no reliable manuscripts outlining his deeds. This full-colour guide examines the facts of the legends in the tantalising puzzle of King Arthur and his knights. Learn about the origins of the Round Table, the cult of chivalry and conflict between knights, and Arthur's shape-shifting half-sister Moran le Fay. From the origins of Arthurian legend to the new phase in the Arthurian cyce in the romantic revival of the early nineteenth century, read about the tantalizing puzzle that is King Arthur. Look out for more Pitkin guides on the very best of British history, heritage and travel.
York Medieval Press Medieval Cantors and their Craft: Music, Liturgy and the Shaping of History, 800-1500
First full-length study of the role and duties of the medieval cantor. Cantors made unparalleled contributions to the way time was understood and history was remembered in the medieval Latin West. The men and women who held this office in cathedrals and monasteries were responsible for calculating the date of Easter and the feasts dependent on it, for formulating liturgical celebrations season by season, managing the library and preparing manuscripts and other sources necessary to sustain the liturgical framework of time, andpromoting the cults of saints. Crucially, their duties also often included committing the past to writing, from simple annals and chronicles to more fulsome histories, necrologies, and cartularies, thereby ensuring that towns, churches, families, and individuals could be commemorated for generations to come. This volume seeks to address the fundamental question of how the range of cantors' activities can help us to understand the many different waysin which the past was written and, in the liturgy, celebrated across the Middle Ages. Its essays are studies of constructions, both of the building blocks of time and of the people who made and performed them, in acts of ritual remembrance and in written records; cantors, as this book makes clear, shaped the communal experience of the past in the Middle Ages. Katie Ann-Marie Bugyis is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at St. Martin's University; Margot Fassler is Kenough-Hesburgh Professor of Music History and Liturgy at the University of Notre Dame and Robert Tangeman Professor Emerita of Music History at Yale University; A.B. Kraebel is Assistant Professor of English at Trinity University. Contributors: Cara Aspesi, Anna de Bakker, Alison I. Beach, Katie Ann-Marie Bugyis, Margot E. Fassler, David Ganz, James Grier, Paul Antony Hayward, Peter Jeffery, Claire Taylor Jones, A.B.Kraebel, Lori Kruckenberg, Rosamond McKitterick, Henry Parkes, Susan Rankin, C.C. Rozier, Sigbjorn Olsen Sonnesyn, Teresa Webber, Lauren Whitnah
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Arthurian Literature XXXIV
The continued influence and significance of the legend of Arthur are demonstrated by the articles collected in this volume. The enduring appeal and rich variety of the Arthurian legend are once again manifest here. Chrétien's Erec et Enide features first in a case study of the poet's endings and medieval theories of poetic composition. Next follows an essay that comes to the rather surprising-but- convincing conclusion that the "traitor" spoken of in the opening lines of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is neither Aeneas nor Antenor, but Paris. Another essay dealing with Sir Gawain, this time in Malory's Morte Darthur, offers among other things an answer to the question of how Gawain knows the exact hour of his death. Few native Irish Arthurian tales have come down to us: a discussion of "The Tale of the Crop-Eared Dog" shows it to be both bizarre and popular, as witnessed by the many manuscripts in which it is preserved. The materiality of the Arthurian legend is represented here by a detailed treatment of the lead cross supposedly found in the grave of King Arthur at Glastonbury Abbey in 1191. Finally, this volume continues Arthurian Literature's tradition of publishing unfamiliar or previously unknown Arthurian texts, in this instance an original Middle English translation of the story of the sword in the stone, from the Old French Merlin. ELIZABETH ARCHIBALD is Professor of English Studies at Durham University, and Principal of StCuthbert's Society; DAVID F. JOHNSON is Professor of English at Florida State University, Tallahassee. Contributors: Lindy Brady, David Carlton, Neil Cartlidge, Nicole Clifton, Oliver Harris, Richard Moll, Rebecca Newby.
University of Texas Press Transatlantic Dialogue: Selected American Correspondence of Edmund Gosse
The mauve life and times of Edmund Gosse glow warmly in these letters, delightful to even the most casual reader, engrossing to one with an interest in the distinguished correspondents or in the late-Victorian and Edwardian eras. An obscure figure today to all but literary connoisseurs, Gosse was, in his day, a near giant in both England and the United States. Max Beerbohm, that discriminating man, in a mural of prominent figures who were also his friends, sketched Edmund Gosse large among George Bernard Shaw, John Masefield, G. K. Chesterton, John Galsworthy, and Lytton Strachey. This volume consists primarily of a selection of the letters exchanged between Gosse and a number of American writers, notably William Dean Howells, Edmund Clarence Stedman, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Richard Watson Gilder, Edith Wharton, and Henry James. The letters, most of them previously unpublished, contain much of biographical and general historical interest, but the main theme of the book is the exploration of Anglo-American literary relations during the last quarter of the nineteenth century and the early years of the twentieth. The letters that passed between Gosse and Stedman provide valuable evidence for the study of literary taste on the two sides of the Atlantic and also show how each man sought to enhance the other's transatlantic reputation; the correspondence between Gosse and Gilder, particularly during the period when Gosse was London editor of Gilder's Century magazine, is especially revealing of cultural attitudes and antagonisms. A central thread is provided by the warm and long-sustained friendship between Gosse and Howells, the leading American man of letters of his day. The long introduction to the book deals with such topics as Gosse's American reputation, his immensely successful visit to the United States in the winter of 1884–1885 (based on the manuscript diary that Gosse kept during the visit), and his American friendships, with particular attention to the relationship with Howells. The thoroughness and vitality of the annotation are extremely effective in familiarizing the reader with the people and events in the book.
Penguin Books Ltd The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition of the World’s Most Famous Diary
A Hay Festival and The Poole VOTE 100 BOOKS for Women SelectionOne of the most famous accounts of living under the Nazi regime of World War II comes from the diary of a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl, Anne Frank. Today, The Diary of a Young Girl has sold over 25 million copies world-wide; this is the definitive edition released to mark the 70th anniversary of the day the diary begins. '12 June 1942: I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support'The Diary of a Young Girl is one of the most celebrated and enduring books of the last century. Tens of millions have read it since it was first published in 1947 and it remains a deeply admired testament to the indestructible nature of the human spirit.This definitive edition restores thirty per cent if the original manuscript, which was deleted from the original edition. It reveals Anne as a teenage girl who fretted about and tried to cope with her own emerging sexuality and who also veered between being a carefree child and an aware adult.Anne Frank and her family fled the horrors of Nazi occupation by hiding in the back of a warehouse in Amsterdam for two years with another family and a German dentist. Aged thirteen when she went into the secret annexe, Anne kept a diary. She movingly revealed how the eight people living under these extraordinary conditions coped with hunger, the daily threat of discovery and death and being cut off from the outside world, as well as petty misunderstandings and the unbearable strain of living like prisoners.The Diary of a Young Girl is a timeless true story to be rediscovered by each new generation. For young readers and adults it continues to bring to life Anne's extraordinary courage and struggle throughout her ordeal. This is the definitive edition of the diary of Anne Frank.Anne Frank was born on the 12 June 1929. She died while imprisoned at Bergen-Belsen, three months short of her sixteenth birthday. This seventieth anniversary, definitive edition of The Diary of a Young Girl is poignant, heartbreaking and a book that everyone should read.
Coffee House Press Thousand Star Hotel
Bao Phi brings people to poetry who might not be interested or otherwise find it accessible. Though Phi?s poems are incredibly tender; they are colored with first-hand accounts of oppression, discrimination, and blatant, even violent, racism. These poems confront the privilege of white Americans, institutionalized racism, and the often unseen or unacknowledged violence toward minority groups, particularly Asian Americans. Phi is a child of the late 70s and 80s, and an unapologetic nerd?Star Wars movies, sci fi, comics, old-school hip hop?and those enthusiasms provide moments of lightness in the manuscript. How do you learn to be a father, you've been violently removed from your home and the context of your community? These poems are Phi's way of addressing that question. Phi has an extraordinary following in the spoken word community, and his work at the Loft has made him a hero to many, especially young poets of color. A new book should be greeted with real enthusiasm from his substantial audience.