Search results for ""Debate""
Pen & Sword Books Ltd American Expeditionary Forces in the Great War: Montfaucon
Any visitor to the site of the bloodiest battle in the history of the United States will be drawn to Montfaucon, for it is here that General Pershing, the Commander in Chief, determined that the major memorial to the American Expeditionary Forces would be sited. The impressive classical column, erected on the summit of Montfaucon Hill, can be seen from many parts of the battlefield of the Meuse-Argonne 1918. The village of Montfaucon, perched on and around one of the most notable heights in the Argonne area, was a first day objective for the First American Army in its massive offensive that was launched on 26 September 1918 and which rumbled on until the Armistice. Montfaucon had been the scene of bitter fighting between the French and the Germans in the early stages of the war, finally staying securely in German hands. The attack started well, with the great numbers of Doughboys easily moving through the first line of the German defence system; and, indeed, good progress was made all along the front, even if final objectives were not attained that would have brought the Americans up to the Hindenburg Line defences. The most notable setback was the failure to capture Montfaucon, an objective given to the 79th Division. Why the task of capturing this key part of the German line to a 'green' division, composed of draftees and which had only had six weeks or so of training time in France, instead of the prescribed three months, has never been adequately explained. What has proved to be controversial ever since is why the 4th Division, a regular formation that had already been engaged in battle on the Western Front and which gained its objectives on the first day, did not seek to assist the 79th when it was clear that it was facing significant difficulties in overcoming the Montfaucon defences. The outcome was that the village and hill did not fall on the first day. How significant this setback was to the success and the duration of the offensive has also been the subject of considerable discussion. Montfaucon was an important observation point for much of the war, providing distant views over considerable amounts of ground and thus invaluable for the German artillery. How much its loss mattered to the Germans when fighting a defensive battle, with the defence lines south of it already lost, is more open to debate, given the vantage points that the Germans continued to enjoy from high ground to the north-west and east. Maarten Otte sets the importance of Montfaucon and the ultimately successful effort to capture it within a succinct narrative. In the tours section he takes the visitor on a number of routes so that they can see for themselves the problems on the ground that faced the 79th Division and puts Montfaucon in the context of the wider battle. He also provides a detailed tour of the village and hill itself, including the magnificent memorial and the preserved defences and ruins which surround it.
Taylor & Francis Ltd System Innovation for Sustainability 2: Case Studies in Sustainable Consumption and Production - Mobility
The EU-funded project "Sustainable Consumption Research Exchanges" (SCORE!) consists of around 200 experts in the field of sustainable innovation and sustainable consumption. The SCORE! philosophy is that innovation in SCP (sustainable consumption and production) policy can be achieved only if experts that understand business development, (sustainable) solution design, consumer behaviour and system innovation policy work together in shaping it. Sustainable technology design can be effective only if business can make the products profitably and consumers are attracted to them. To understand how this might effectively happen, the expertise of systems thinkers must be added to the mix. The publication in 2008 of System Innovation for Sustainability 1 was the first result of a unique positive confrontation between experts from all four communities. It examined what SCP is and what it could be, provided a state-of-the-art review on the governance of change in SCP policy and looked at the strengths and weaknesses of current approaches. System Innovation for Sustainability 2 is the first of three books of case studies covering, respectively, the three key consumption areas of: mobility; food and agriculture; and energy use and housing. These three areas are responsible for 70% of the life-cycle environmental impacts of Western societies. These case studies aim to stimulate, foster or force change to SCP theory in practice. System Innovation for Sustainability 2 focuses on change towards sustainable personal mobility based on implemented cases analysed from a system perspective. It examines what changes can be made to help us reduce our need for mobility, or start to make use of more sustainable mobility systems. This is clearly a critical and highly problematic area, as increasing living standards of a growing global population have resulted in rapid rises in both car and air travel along with the associated pollution. Uniquely, this book approaches the problems and solutions from a systems perspective, explaining the meta-trends, specific issues for the mobility sector, socioeconomic trends, political considerations, socio-cultural developments and environmental issues. As well as the mobility system itself, other societal systems that impact the need for mobility, such as labour and taxation, are addressed in order to provide sustainable solutions to our current "lock-in" problems. Three major problem areas are considered (the "three Cs"): carbon emissions (and the growing contribution of mobility to the climate change crisis), congestion, and casualties. And each strategy proposed addresses one or more of these problem areas. Among the cases discussed are: Norway's carbon compensation scheme for air travel; Madrid's high-occupancy vehicle lanes; London's congestion charge scheme; market-based instruments such as eco-labelling for cars; and taxation. The book identifies opportunities for actors such as governments, manufacturers and consumers to intervene in the complex system to promote sustainable mobility. It concludes with a reflection on problems, trends and action needed. The System Innovation for Sustainability series is the fruit of the first major international research network on SCP and will set the standard in this field for some years to come. It will be required reading for all involved in the policy debate on sustainable production and consumption from government, business, academia and NGOs for designers, scientists, businesses and system innovators.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Understanding Ponzi Schemes: Can Better Financial Regulation Prevent Investors from Being Defrauded?
Ponzi schemes are a particularly vicious form of financial fraud, in that the overly trusting victims, who are often wiped out, typically share an affiliation with the fraudster. They are interesting, in that they share some features with legitimate financial phenomena (such as stock manias) and shed light on the human tendency towards behaving foolishly, especially when encouraged or modeled by others. In Understanding Ponzi Schemes, Mervyn Lewis has written what is probably the best and most comprehensive book on the topic. Extremely readable, this book uses both theoretical models and real-life case studies to provide readers with an answer to two questions: 'How do Ponzi schemes work and why are they successful?' Lewis also provides useful answers to a third question: 'What can regulators and individuals do to be protected from future incarnations of Charles Ponzi?'''- Stephen Greenspan, University of Connecticut, US and author of Annals of Gullibility'Starting with very readable (and well-referenced) accounts of various Ponzi fraudsters from Ponzi himself through to Madoff and Stanford, lessons are drawn from such diverse disciplines such as psychology and statistical analysis to advocate novel approaches to the regulation of Ponzi schemes. A 'must read' for regulatory policy-makers and a fascinating read for the general reader, Professor Lewis is to be congratulated for advancing the debate on this age-old phenomenon by suggesting distinctive and innovative strategies to tackle it.'- Eva Lomnicka, Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College London, UK'Readers looking for a clear explanation of how Ponzi schemes work and description of recent and historical examples, both large and small scale, will find that in this very readable book. But the author, Professor Mervyn Lewis, goes well beyond those topics by drawing on behavioural economics and psychology to help understand how 'victims' get caught in such schemes, and the motives and behaviours of the scheme operators. That analysis also provides a valuable checklist for readers to help them avoid becoming victims.'- Kevin Davis, University of Melbourne, AustraliaA Ponzi scheme is one of the simplest, albeit effective, financial frauds to engineer, and new schemes keep coming forward. Despite this, however, people continue to invest in them. How are we to account for the seemingly never-ending lure of such schemes? In providing answers to this central question, this concise and well-researched book examines how Ponzi schemes operate, how they differ from pyramid schemes, Ponzi finance and other financial arrangements.The author questions whether the victims have only themselves to blame, why fraudsters think that they can avoid detection, and what important insights behavioural finance theory and psychology can add. Particular attention is paid to the reasons behind the failure of financial regulation, and the types of regulatory changes needed to protect investors and avoid repetitions. The analysis is informed by case studies of 11 Ponzi schemes in the US, UK, Australia and New Zealand.Finance and business academics interested in the operation of Ponzi schemes, and how they differ from pyramid schemes, will find this book invaluable, as will students of economics, finance, behavioural decision-making and psychology. Lawyers, psychologists, regulatory agencies and financial institutions will also benefit considerably from the analysis.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Challenging Neoliberalism: Globalization and the Economic Miracles in Chile and Taiwan
In examining countries that have experienced rapid economic growth and development, the proper role of the state vis-a-vis the market has been intensely scrutinized and debated. Engaging this literature through the lenses of neoliberalism and globalization, the authors provide a thorough and compelling study of the varying developmental experiences of Chile and Taiwan. This excellent book is a valuable reading for scholars and students of the politics and economics of development.'- Alexander C. Tan, University of Canterbury, New Zealand'Challenging Neoliberalism provides an excellent analysis of the characteristics, contradictions and limits of neoliberalism and globalization. And it is a brilliant investigation of two exemplary cases of free-market based development: Chile and Taiwan. Employing institutionalist theory, Cal and Evelyn Clark provide a precise and penetrating study of the neoliberalization of these two countries and their divergent socio-economic growth policies that engendered equally important 'economic miracles.' The authors' ability to convincingly illustrate the ultimate incompatibility of neoliberalism and globalization makes Challenging Neoliberalism a novel and timely addition to the debate on neoliberal globalization.'- Alessandro Bonanno, Sam Houston State University, US'Clark and Clark do an excellent job of pointing to the paradoxes inherent in neoliberal economic policies through a case study of Chile and Taiwan. It is unusual to see an analysis that involves two countries so different from one another. Clark and Clark argue that, despite their similar strategies of opening their markets to the global economy and pursuing export-led growth, there are tremendous differences in the outcomes in Chile and Taiwan. This book would be a great addition to courses on globalization and political economy. It renders complex concepts clear and presents substantial background information such that readers unfamiliar with Chile and/or Taiwan can make sense of their economic and social policies.'- Tanya Maria Golash-Boza, University of California, Merced, USNeoliberalism, which advocates free markets without government interference, has become increasingly utilized and controversial over the last three and a half decades. This book presents case studies of Chile and Taiwan, two countries that seemingly prospered from adopting neoliberal strategies, and finds that their developmental histories challenge neoliberalism in fundamental ways.From one perspective, the political economies of Chile and Taiwan might appear to be poster children for neoliberalism. Both took aggressive policy actions (Taiwan in the 1960s and Chile in the 1970s) to create market-driven economies that were well integrated into the capitalist global economy. Subsequently, these two countries were cited as 'economic miracles' that opened their markets, resulting in rapid economic growth and development. A closer examination of the two nations, however, turns up very significant differences between them. In particular, Taiwan, with its much more statist approach to development, outperformed Chile by a considerable margin; and some of the experiences of Chile departed markedly from neoliberal predictions. The authors argue that Taiwan s strategy was the more successful of the two, primarily because it discarded the ideology of neoliberalism and unfettered laissez-faire.Scholars, educators, and students studying globalization, political economy, and/or economic development will find this book an irreplaceable addition to the discussion of neoliberalism.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd From Uneconomic Growth to a Steady-State Economy
This timely collection of essays is a magnificent testament to Daly's pioneering work over four decades. Armed with clear scientific principles and an unfailing logic, Daly sets out on an urgent quest to develop an economics fit for purpose on a finite planet. The originality and clarity of thought revealed in this new collection is extraordinary. It cements Daly's status as the most visionary economist of our time.'- Tim Jackson, Centre for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey, UK'Herman Daly has been leading the way on uneconomic growth and steady-state economics for nearly 50 years, and still is. His numerous contributions are increasingly relevant and influential, deeply insightful and unusually accessible to readers from all walks of life. How fortunate we are to have in a single volume so many of Daly's most important papers. Re-reading them is a pleasure and an inspiration, reading them for the first time could very well change your life.'- Peter A. Victor, York University, Canada'Herman Daly has helped us to realize that there is economic growth and uneconomic growth. In so doing, he reminds us that the only viable long-term option is a steady-state economy.'- Lester R. Brown, President of Earth Policy Institute and author of Full Planet, Empty PlatesIn this important book, Herman E. Daly lays bare the weaknesses of growth economics and explains why, in contrast, a steady-state economy is both necessary and desirable. Through the course of the book, Daly develops the basic concept and theory of a steady-state economy from the 1970s limits to growth debates. In doing so, he draws on work from the classical economists, through both conflicts and agreements with neo-classical and Keynesian economists, as well as recent debates on uneconomic growth.Editorial-style policy essays substantiate Daly's argument and he provides specific application of steady-state economics to important current issues, including monetary reform, tax reform, international trade and population. The book also includes discussion and critique of ethical, as well as biophysical, presuppositions of growth.From Uneconomic Growth to a Steady-State Economy is essential reading for academics, students and researchers in the fields of ecological economics, environmental studies, economic development, resource economics and public policy.Contents: Preface 1. Introduction : Envisioning a Successful Steady-State Economy Part I: Early Discussion of Basic Steady-State Concepts 2. The Economics of the Steady State 3. In Defense of a Steady-State Economy Part II: Later Extensions into Standard Economics 4. Towards an Environmental Macroeconomics 5. Growth, Debt, and the World Bank Part III: Recent Revival of the Growth Debate, and Policies for a Steady State 6. A Further Critique of Growth Economics 7. Moving from a Failed Growth Economy to a Steady State Economy 8. Climate Policy: From 'Know How' to 'Do Now' Part IV: Ethical Foundations of a Steady-State Economy 9. Incorporating Values in a Bottom-Line Ecological Economy 10. Ethics in Relation to Economics, Ecology, and Eschatology Part V: Short Essays on Current Issues Related to Growth versus Steady State Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Collaborative Strategy: Critical Issues for Alliances and Networks
Collaborative Strategy enables you to move past thinking about alliances based on hunches and move toward real empirical insight into the use, creation, and management of successful alliances. It is a comprehensive review of the current cutting-edge thinking about alliances, which are becoming such an increasingly pervasive part of both private and public industry. Whether you are contemplating a new equity joint venture, entry into a new market, or reassessing your current alliance portfolio you'll find this book full of useful insights into what it takes to succeed at the alliance game. One of the most comprehensive looks at alliances I've seen, delivered succinctly and organized to be easily navigated.'- Russ Buchanan, Xerox Corporation'Alliances and networks present a broad range of challenges as well as opportunities for executives. Academics have studied these relationships from various disciplinary perspectives while employing diverse research methodologies. This volume unpacks this breadth and complexity, and covers many of the cutting-edge research questions in the field. The contributors are the ''Who's Who'' of the top scholars in the field. The volume is particularly valuable to scholars as well as students who are new to the area, and seek concise and insightful summaries of the many different streams of research on alliances and networks.'- Riitta Katila, Stanford University'For managers forming or having formed partnerships with other institutions, this is a must read. Collaborative Strategy reveals what we are doing and why, and how we can do it better, in a seldom-achieved style that addresses the complexity of the academic debate whilst presenting key implications for practitioners.'- Andreas Moosdorf, Pan-European Processes, AmazonThis book provides approachable and insightful chapters that summarize state-of-the-art thinking and research on alliances and networks. Contributions by leading scholars cover foundations or fundamentals as well as frontier areas through a diverse range of perspectives. Topics include: the theoretical foundations of collaborative strategy firms' partner selection and investment decisions contractual foundations of collaboration relational and behavioral aspects of collaboration, networks and portfolios novel collaborative relationships such as ecosystems and public-private partnerships, and the consequences of inter-organizational collaborations. For doctoral and masters students, as well as managers new to the area of collaborative strategy, this collection provides concise chapters and literature reviews that make it an invaluable resource. Business practitioners and consultants who want to learn about this area and the underlying theory will also find this book a useful reference.Contributors: A. Ariño, B. Arslan, N. Asgari, R.P. Bremner, S.M. Bruhs, C. Butter, S. Cabral, L. Capron, T. Chi, J. Choi, F.J. Contractor, Y. Doz, P. Dussauge, J. Dyer, K.M. Eisenhardt, D.W. Elfenbein, A. Gambardella, F. Habasche, J. Hagedoorn, D.P. Hannah, K.R. Harrigan, W. Hesterly, M.A. Hitt, W.H. Hoffmann, P. Kale, A. Keller, I. Kivleniece, T. Kretschmer, D. Lavie, S. Lazzarini, D. Li, J. Li, R. Madhavan, X. Martin, O.J. Martinez, K.J. Mayer, T. Mellewigt, L.F. Mesquita, W. Mitchell, K. Neumann, T. Nguyen, J.E. Oxley, C. Panico, L. Poppo, J. Prescott, B.V. Quélin, R. Ragozzino, J.J. Reuer, M. Rivera-Santos, A. Seth, B.S. Silverman, H. Singh, K. Singh, I. Stern, M. Stienstra, M. Sytch, S. Tallman, B.S. Vanneste, F. Wohlgezogen, X. Zhe, M. Zollo
Temple University Press,U.S. Heidegger And Nazism
Originally published in a French translation in 1987, this controversial work has received a tumultuous reception throughout Europe and continues to be the object of intense debate. In this first English edition, Victor Farias tracks the career of Martin Heidegger - one of the most influential figures in twentieth-century philosophy - and documents his intimate involvement with Nazism for much of his professional life. Although scholars have long known about Heidegger's early commitment to National Socialism, it was generally thought that he became disenchanted with Hitler well before the outbreak of World War II. After more than a decade of solitary study in a variety of archives, Farias presents a carefully constructed case in which he reveals Heidegger's initial adherence to Hitler's Nazism and his subsequent development of a more personal version of National Socialism. Heidegger's devotion to those themes was always at the center of his mature thought, appears to have preceded his election as rector of the University of Freiburg, and was sustained to the end of his life. Farias examines with great care and persistence the charge that Heidegger, who died in 1976, was a life-long anti-Semite. He notes that the philosopher praised Hitler to his colleagues and refused, even after the war, to criticize Nazi atrocities and genocide, or to recant his earlier Nazism. While Heidegger previously had appeared at worst naive by his acceptance of the Third Reich, Farias' evidence shows him to be the only major philosopher who freely embraced Nazism - the undisputed example of absolute evil in modern times. This damage to the official myth about Heidegger's involvement raises questions about the relationship between politics and philosophy, about the presumed link between philosophy and virtue, and about what we may understand by the betrayal of reason in our time. "Heidegger and Nazism" transforms the setting in which Heidegger's standing will henceforth be assessed. From his earliest intellectual and emotional influences to the last posthumously published interview with Der Spiegel, Heidegger's connection to National Socialism is shown to be a matter of conviction rather than necessary compromise as apologists still contend. Farias shows the reasonableness of linking the ideology and the philosophy and suggests where to probe to draw out detailed connections. The book forces us to ponder the question of whether certain philosophical strategies and doctrines - particularly associated with Heidegger's existential hermeneutics and the effect of his themes on the development of deconstruction - are not merely indefensible but peculiarly hospitable to the kind of "principled" falsification that fascists require. Providing the context for a close re-reading of Heidegger, this significant and historic work challenges the philosophical community to assess the full import of Heidegger's life on his influential conception of philosophy and his resolution of particular philosophical problems. Author note: Chilean scholar Victor Farias teaches in the Latin American Institute at the Free University of Berlin. A one-time student of Heidegger's, he holds a Doctorate in Philosophy. Joseph Margolis is Laura Carnell Professor of Philosophy at Temple University. Tom Rockmore is Professor of Philosophy at Duquesne University.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Employee Voice
This Handbook is an important contribution to knowledge about employee voice which combines a variety of approaches to the subject by drawing on different disciplines, forms and philosophies. It provides new research from a wide range of national and international experience and covers both collective and individual means of expressing the views of employees in the workplace. A feature of the Handbook is that it covers not only employment relations perspectives on the subject but also draws upon human resource management as well as organizational studies. The editors are leading authors in the subject area and have brought together both established authors and emerging scholars who have fresh approaches to the role of employee voice in organizations and society. I am sure that the Handbook will become a standard reference in the future.'- Russell Lansbury, University of Sydney, Australia'Given that employee voice has become more important recently across a range of disciplines, this book is very timely indeed. It brings together contributions from 50 well-known academics from different countries who provide a comprehensive account of employee voice from a variety of historical and contemporary angles. Crucially it also raises key questions for current and future research and practice. In my view this book should be compulsory reading for academics, policy-makers, practitioners and students in the subject area.'- Michael Marchington, University of Strathclyde and University of Manchester, UKThe term 'employee voice' refers to the ways and means through which employees can attempt to have a say and influence organizational issues that affect their work and the interests of managers and owners. The concept is distinct, but related to and often overlapping with issues such as participation, involvement and, more recently, engagement. This Handbook provides an up-to-date survey of the current research into employee voice, sets this research into context and sets a marker for future research in the area.The contributors are all expert in their field. The book examines the theory and history of employee voice and what voice means to various actors, including employers, middle managers, employees, unions and policy-makers. The authors observe how these actors engage in various voice processes, such as collective bargaining, grievance procedures, task-based voice, partnership and mutual gains. The efforts that have been made to date to evaluate voice across and between firms are then assessed, before the contributors go on to open up the debate on potential new areas for voice research, with a focus on voice and its relationship to organizational inclusion and exclusion.Contributors: B. Abbott, M.M.C. Allen, A.C. Avgar, N. Balnave, A. Barnes, C. Benassi, J. Benders, C.T. Brinsfield, A. Bryson, J.W. Budd, S. Chillas, N. Cullinane, T. Dobbins, V. Doellgast, J. Donaghey, T. Dundon, J. Foley, R.B. Freeman, P.J. Gollan, R. Gomez, M.G. Menéndez, J.A. Gruman, B. Harley, E. Heery, P. Holland, S. Johnstone, S. Kaine, B.E. Kaufman, T. Kretschmer, D. Lewin, A.A. Luchak, M.M. Lucio, C. MacMillan, A. Marks, W. Nienhüser, S. Owens, M.F. Ozbilgin , G. Patmore, D.M. Pohler, S. Procter, A. Pyman, A.M. Saks, M. Sameer, J. Syed, L. Thornthwaite, K. Townsend, A. Wilkinson, S. Williams, P. Willman, Y. Xu
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Employee Voice
This Handbook is an important contribution to knowledge about employee voice which combines a variety of approaches to the subject by drawing on different disciplines, forms and philosophies. It provides new research from a wide range of national and international experience and covers both collective and individual means of expressing the views of employees in the workplace. A feature of the Handbook is that it covers not only employment relations perspectives on the subject but also draws upon human resource management as well as organizational studies. The editors are leading authors in the subject area and have brought together both established authors and emerging scholars who have fresh approaches to the role of employee voice in organizations and society. I am sure that the Handbook will become a standard reference in the future.'- Russell Lansbury, University of Sydney, Australia'Given that employee voice has become more important recently across a range of disciplines, this book is very timely indeed. It brings together contributions from 50 well-known academics from different countries who provide a comprehensive account of employee voice from a variety of historical and contemporary angles. Crucially it also raises key questions for current and future research and practice. In my view this book should be compulsory reading for academics, policy-makers, practitioners and students in the subject area.'- Michael Marchington, University of Strathclyde and University of Manchester, UKThe term 'employee voice' refers to the ways and means through which employees can attempt to have a say and influence organizational issues that affect their work and the interests of managers and owners. The concept is distinct, but related to and often overlapping with issues such as participation, involvement and, more recently, engagement. This Handbook provides an up-to-date survey of the current research into employee voice, sets this research into context and sets a marker for future research in the area.The contributors are all expert in their field. The book examines the theory and history of employee voice and what voice means to various actors, including employers, middle managers, employees, unions and policy-makers. The authors observe how these actors engage in various voice processes, such as collective bargaining, grievance procedures, task-based voice, partnership and mutual gains. The efforts that have been made to date to evaluate voice across and between firms are then assessed, before the contributors go on to open up the debate on potential new areas for voice research, with a focus on voice and its relationship to organizational inclusion and exclusion.Contributors: B. Abbott, M.M.C. Allen, A.C. Avgar, N. Balnave, A. Barnes, C. Benassi, J. Benders, C.T. Brinsfield, A. Bryson, J.W. Budd, S. Chillas, N. Cullinane, T. Dobbins, V. Doellgast, J. Donaghey, T. Dundon, J. Foley, R.B. Freeman, P.J. Gollan, R. Gomez, M.G. Menéndez, J.A. Gruman, B. Harley, E. Heery, P. Holland, S. Johnstone, S. Kaine, B.E. Kaufman, T. Kretschmer, D. Lewin, A.A. Luchak, M.M. Lucio, C. MacMillan, A. Marks, W. Nienhüser, S. Owens, M.F. Ozbilgin , G. Patmore, D.M. Pohler, S. Procter, A. Pyman, A.M. Saks, M. Sameer, J. Syed, L. Thornthwaite, K. Townsend, A. Wilkinson, S. Williams, P. Willman, Y. Xu
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Kaiser's U-Boat Assault on America: Germany's Great War Gamble in the First World War
Why did a long time reluctant US President Wilson finally enter World War I on the side of the Allies in April 1917? In retaliation of the British naval blockade of Germany since August 1914, the German Admirals determined at the beginning of 1915 to create a counter-blockade of the British Isles with their submarines. The U-boat commanders got – without knowledge of the government - a secret order to sink Allied passenger liners. The British Admiralty discovered the hunt for passenger liners by deciphering W/T messages to the U-boats. The sinking of the Lusitania on May, 6th, 1915, was no coincidence – the Royal Navy knew about the intentions of the U-boats and, after doing everything to protect the passenger liners in the beginning, they simply left the Lusitania alone in in the first week of May, to create frictions between America and the German Empire. A diplomatic quarrel between US President Wilson and Germany about U-boat warfare commenced. In spring of 1916 the German Navy acted again against the instructions of the Kaiser and ordered secretly the sinking of allied and neutral vessels in the British Channel, thereby opening an unrestricted U-boat war. When the channel ferry Sussex was attacked, Wilson threatened to break off of diplomatic relations with Germany. Under massive diplomatic pressure the German government had to give in. Further on, their U-boats only conducted a “soft”, restricted warfare, following the internationally agreed maritime rules and tolerated by Wilson. In Germany a heated debate set in after the Sussex case. The Navy promised the quick defeat of England by unrestricted U-boat war, and the Army joined this campaign end of 1916. The intention of the “war party” was to rule out any possibility of a negotiated peace and to set the German Empire on a – risky - course for definitive victory. But the government doubted the Navy’s capability for all-out U-boat warfare and argued that the only definitive result would be an America siding the Allies, leading to ultimate defeat. In the last months of 1916 it sent out peace feelers to Wilson, warning him, that in the case of a failure of his peace mediation they would get under unbearable pressure of the “military opposition” to begin unrestricted U-boat war again. At this time Britain was – like Germany – economically with its back against the wall: it suffered terribly by the sinking of its merchant ships, the moral of its Admiralty in Anti-Submarine-Warfare had completely broken down. Collapse was threatening. But the British government got wind of the conflicts inside Germany by the deciphering of the diplomatic cables between Wilson and the Germans. The new Prime Minster, David Lloyd George, chose a risky strategy – by rebuffing all American peace efforts he wanted to encourage the radical party in Germany to enforce total U-boat war. Finally this British strategy payed out: German Navy and Army pressed the Kaiser to declare unrestricted U-boat war from 1st of February 1917 on, and Wilson broke off diplomatic relations. But he still bristled to enter the war on Allied side – as long as American ships would be treated correctly by the Germans, he wouldn’t come in, not even after the publication of the Zimmermann-telegram. The tipping point came in the middle of March, when U-boats torpedoed American vessels without warning. This forced the American Declaration of War against the German Empire on April 6, 1917.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Criminal Judges: Legitimacy, Courts and State-Induced Guilty Pleas in Britain
In this important book, two knowledgeable and perceptive observers offer a damning indictment of British criminal justice. McConville and Marsh repeatedly skewer the pious pronouncements of panglossian judges with down-to-earth views of the assembly line. They describe a world of state-induced guilty pleas in which defendants are subjected to extraordinary pressure to 'freely' and 'voluntarily' bring about their own convictions, and they explain how this world came into being. These authors tell it like it is.'- Albert W. Alschuler,The University of Chicago, US'McConville and Marsh mount a powerful attack on the institutions of criminal justice: they examine a range of practices known as 'plea-bargaining' in the broader context of policing and the work of the CPS, defence solicitors and the Bar. Their detailed and historically-grounded study challenges the role of the courts in developing and refining the procedural framework for the guilty plea discount, and raises questions about the claim of the judiciary to be guardians of the right to a fair trial. A disturbing book for criminal justice.'- Andrew Ashworth, University of Oxford, UK'This is no ordinary esoteric lawyers textbook. It is a hard hitting, trenchant analysis of a system that has been seriously eroded and undermined over the course of my 46 years of practice in the criminal justice arena. Basic principles and protections have been ditched or watered down to accommodate the exigencies of political and economic dogma. Every citizen who stands by the need for due process, and the rule of law as mainstays of any democratic system, must read this carefully researched and well argued work.'- Michael Mansfield QC'A timely and sobering account of the realities of criminal justice. McConville and Marsh provide an important and informed critique of the manner in which the 'adversary ideal' and the principles on which the fairness of the criminal justice system is traditionally understood to rest are routinely and systematically undermined in practice.'- Sarah Summers, The University of Zurich, SwitzerlandThis provocative and powerful book provides a critical review of Britain's criminal justice process through its practices, culture and traditions, revealing a landscape in ruins under the dominance of State-induced Guilty Pleas.Against a backdrop of a dysfunctional criminal justice system, the authors bring an avalanche of legal and empirical material to question the legitimacy of the relationship between judges, lawyers, politicians and defendants in modern Britain. Examining existing legal structures and court practices through the lens of what used to be called plea bargaining the authors provide a graphic picture of why case disposals through enforced guilty pleas promote injustice, feed discrimination and skew the judicial function. This is the most comprehensive examination to date of case disposition methods in England, Wales and Scotland., underpinned by a new socio-legal theory on the criminal process.Criminal Judges is sure to provoke debate on the forces which drive the criminal justice process and will therefore be of great interest to all those concerned about the future of criminal justice policies and practices. It will appeal to academics, researchers, policy advisors and practitioners of criminal law.Contents: 1. Criminal Justice: System, Process and Legitimacy 2. Helping the Police with their Inquiries 3. State-Induced Guilty Pleas and Legitimacy 4. Lowering the Bar 5. Institutional Distress: the State 6. Institutional Distress: the Defence 7. Scotland: Coercion and Discourse 8. Conclusion Bibliography Index
Harvard University Press Pamphlets of the American Revolution, 1750-1776: Volume I: 1750–1765
This is the first volume of a four-volume set that will reprint in their entirety the texts of 72 pamphlets relating to the Anglo-American controversy that were published in America in the years 1750–1776. They have been selected from the corpus of the pamphlet literature on the basis of their importance in the growth of American political and social ideas, their role in the debate with England over constitutional rights, and their literary merit. All of the best known pamphlets of the period, such as James Otis’s Rights of the British Colonies (1764), John Dickinson’s Farmer’s Letters (1768), and Thomas Paine’s Common Sense (1776) are to be included. In addition there are lesser known ones particularly important in the development of American constitutional thought: Stephen Johnson’s Some Important Observations (1766), John Joachim Zubly’s An Humble Enquiry (1769), Ebenezer Baldwin’s An Appendix Stating the Heavy Grievances (1774), and Four Letters on Interesting Subjects (1776). There are also pamphlets illustrative of the sheer vituperation of the Revolutionary polemics, and others selected for their more elevated literary merit. Both sides of the Anglo-American dispute and all genres of expression—poetry, dramatic dialogues, sermons, treatises, documentary collections, political “position papers”—that appeared in this form are included.Each pamphlet is introduced by an essay written by the editor containing a biographical sketch of the author of the document, an analysis of the circumstances that led to the writing of it, and an interpretation of its contents. The texts are edited for the convenience of the modern reader according to a scheme that preserves scrupulously the integrity of every word written but that frees the text from the encumbrances of eighteenth-century printing practices. All references to writings, people, and events that are not obvious to the informed modern reader are identified in the editorial apparatus and where necessary explained in detailed notes.This first volume of the set contains the texts of 14 pamphlets through the year 1765. It presents, in addition, a book-length General Introduction by Bernard Bailyn on the ideology of the American Revolution. In the seven chapters of this essay the ideological origins and development of the Revolutionary movement are analyzed in the light of the study of the pamphlet literature that went into the preparation of these volumes. Bailyn explains that close analysis of this literature allows one to penetrate deeply into the colonists’ understanding of the events of their time; to grasp more clearly than is otherwise possible the sources of their ideas and their motives in rebelling; and, above all, to see the subtle, fundamental transformation of eighteenth-century constitutional thought that took place during these years of controversy and that became basic doctrine in America thereafter.Bailyn stresses particularly the importance in the development of American thought of the writings of a group of early eighteenth-century English radicals and opposition politicians who transmitted to the colonists most directly the seventeenth-century tradition of anti-authoritarianism born in the upheaval of the English Civil War. In the context of this seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century tradition one sees the political importance in the Revolutionary movement of concepts the twentieth century has generally dismissed as mere propaganda and rhetoric: “slavery,” “conspiracy,” “corruption.” It was the meaning these concepts imparted to the events of the time, Bailyn suggests, as well as the famous Lockean notions of natural rights and social and governmental compacts, that accounts for the origins and the basic characteristics of the American Revolution.
Open University Press Inclusive Education Theory and Policy: Moving from Special Educational Needs to Equity
“This book, co-authored by long time practitioners, brilliantly demonstrates that an inequitable, illiberal education system can be changed to become inclusive and equitable. With one part examining the system over the decades since the Warnock report, and a second part presenting policy and practice for a fairer system with an end to a SEND industry, it presents a state-maintained education system desperately in need of radical reform that can be renewed to serve all children and young people."Professor Sally Tomlinson, Emeritus Professor Goldsmiths at the University of London, UK, Honorary Fellow at the Department of Education, University of Oxford, UK“This book is a wake-up call to us all to the ‘liberation’ of our current system… it invit[es] active engagement in change through review and reflection… I would recommend this book to my teachers.”Dr Stella Scharinger, Primary School Executive Head Teacher, The Stour Academy Trust, UK "This is an important and imaginative book written by two experts whose writing is always both clear and engaging. It is both theoretically sound but also very practical. It deals with extremely important issues and deserves a wide readership."Professor Adrian Furnham, Professor of Psychology, Norwegian Business School, Norway“Dr Sue Soan and Prof Jeremy J Monsen have written what is undoubtedly one of the most thought-provoking books on inclusive education of our time. They have captured perfectly the evolution of the education system in England to date demonstrating how good intentions have too often failed to deliver good outcomes... No stone is left unturned by Sue and Jeremy. From teacher education and technology to teacher retention and the curriculum, excellent insights and ideas are provided in abundance. It is a book that is itself built on inclusive principles designed for a broad readership extending beyond educators and into the general public.This is a book that everybody should read at least once, and probably more than once.”Professor Adam Boddison, Chief Executive of the Association for Project Management, UKThis book provides a critical overview of the development of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) ‘industry’ within the English state education system. It connects the work of earlier educational thinkers with the challenges faced by school leaders, teachers, parents, carers and policy makers today. Moving from separate systems towards a truly integrated and inclusive educational system, the authors explore which areas have been undervalued and why. Instead they encourage debate and the chance to explore new ideas away from the constant cycle of reforms without improvements. The book: • Proposes how to move beyond inclusion vs. exclusion • Provides guiding principles to create true equity within education • Analyses past and present issues in the sector across policy and practiceInclusive Education Theory and Policy is essential reading for anyone interested in building an education system that is for every child. It provides an incisive analysis of how to make SEND truly equitable and is relevant across all career stages.Sue Soan is Senior Lecturer at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK and the facilitator of the research group Action for Collaborative Transformation (ACT), which is working to improve collaborative practice across the statutory professions. Previously, Sue worked as a teacher and SENCo for over 25 years.Jeremy Monsen is Executive Principal Educational and Child Psychologist for the London boroughs of Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea. He is also Visiting Professor at the University of Strathclyde, UK, Lecturer (Honorary) to University College Lon
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Primary Care
The book emphasises the collaborative relationship with the patient, explaining the nature of the problem and working out a treatment plan. At the end of each chapter there are useful lists of references and recommended further reading, including leaflets and other useful information for patients. There also many helpful appendices on subjects such as self-help for anxiety, coping with panic attacks, deep muscle relaxation, and Masters and Johnson therapy. Not only does this book describe a form of therapy, but it also enters the debate on the reorganisation of mental health services, advocating A model where a clinical psychologist practitioner is part of the primary health care team.'- International Journal Of Psychiatry In Clinical Practice'This is a good resource book, giving information about materials ranging from a CD-ROM on enuresis to contracts for British Airways fear-of-flying courses. On balance, I would say buy it for all your primary carers.'- Clinical Psychology Forum'This is a very readable and useful text... a wonderful introductory text for those new to the technique, and offers a basic framework for practice and source of reference for those specialising in other techniques. There are many gems within the book, which is written by a GP and a clinical psychologist... well structured, makes good use of cross-referencing, and contains additional material in the appendices. The book also includes a useful list of contact addresses, suggested further reading and a comprehensive index.'- Mental Health Care'A well organised and coherent presentation of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy applied in primary care...the authors have managed to include anxiety, depression, habit and appetite, as well as sexual and relationship problems. Each problem is extensively explored with provision of examples of contracts and clear stages of progression through treatment. A chapter also covers problems of childhood and adolescence, which sensitively and clearly explains approaches to bed-wetting, nightmares and sleepwalking as well as tantrums and feeding difficulties. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is shown to provide clear and positive guidelines for both parents and health workers. This is a valuable book providing both extensive and consistent guidelines for the primary care worker and other professional groups.'- Psychotherapy and CounsellingDespite increased recognition of the importance of psychological factors in the treatment of physical illness there have been surprisingly few practical guides published on the subject of behavioural therapy in primary care. In 1986, in response to this need, Richard France and Meredith Robson created a practical manual for those with limited time at their disposal, who still wish to use behavioural methods with their patients or clients. Ten years on, 'Behaviour Therapy in Primary Care'(originally published by Chapman and Hall) has become a well established and highly thought of work within this field. In this new and updated guide the authors have incorporated recent research in the area of cognitive behaviour therapy, including:* advances in the general field of cognitive behaviour therapy* fundamental changes in certain established problem areas, such as sexual and marital therapy* additional work in 'core' areas, such as anxiety and depression* work in problem areas that have recently come to the fore, such as post traumatic stress disorder, HIV and stillbirth/abortion trauma.France and Robson explore a great diversity of issues within this practical guide, creating a reference work that will be indispensable to those needing a comprehensive introduction to this developing field.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The Overweight Patient: A Psychological Approach to Understanding and Working with Obesity
`Kathy Leach provides a thoughtful, well-written text that addresses the `great weight debate' in an engaging and compassionate way.'-The Psychologist, Vol. 20, March 2007`The main body of the book focuses on clinical work, offering insightful ways of thinking about and working with obese individuals. The text is punctuated with some very useful case examples and transcripts which guide and enlighten the readers thinking.'-The Psychologist, Vol.20, March 2007`An excellent, clear and accessible introduction to basic transactional analysis theory and principles, providing useful examples of how this form of therapy can be particularly useful and effective when working with people who overeat.'-The Psychologist, Vol.20, March 2007`An important contribution in helping clinicians and clients understand the psychological aspects that prevent people form losing weight or maintaining weight loss. It is a `must-have' text for anybody working with this client group.'-The Psychologist, Vol.20, March 2007`The Overweight Patient provides a practical framework to psychological management of obesity. Kathy Leach employs a model of Transactional Analysis psychotherapy to the treatment of obesity. She clearly writes from her considerable clinical experience. The factual information presented in this interesting book conveys the sense of someone steeped in that patient population. It is well written, with a light touch, and I found myself reading it in a single sitting. To any practitioner of transactional analysis, this will be a `must read.''-European Eating Disorders Review, 2007`The Overweight Patient explores the underlying beliefs and behaviours that may contribute to obesity, including psychological needs, addiction, fear of deprivation, parental influences and sexual fears. Kathy Leach draws a useful distinction between the need to eat and the need to maintain a large body size, and addresses the reasons for both long-term obesity and short-term weight gain. She provides a clear and accessible introduction to the psychoanalytic theory of Transactional Analysis and details how this approach can be used with overweight people, and as a self-help methodology. Kathy Leach offers sensitive advice on methods to help clients increase their self - esteem, self- awareness and motivation to develop healthier lifestyles.'-Transactions (TSTA)`Illustrated with patient histories, exercises and worked examples of techniques, this book enables therapists and health practitioners to help obese people to understand why they reach for food or maintain a large body weight, and to change their eating behaviour or live more comfortably with their size.'-Transactions (TSTA)This practical guide approaches obesity and overeating from a psychological perspective, and offers sensitive methods to increase patients' sense of self-worth, self-knowledge, and motivation to lose weight.The Overweight Patient explores the underlying beliefs and behaviours that may contribute to obesity, including psychological needs, addiction, fear of deprivation, parental influences and sexual fears. Kathy Leach draws a useful distinction between the need to eat and the need to maintain a large body size, and addresses the reasons for both long-term obesity and short-term weight gain. She provides a clear and accessible introduction to the psychoanalytic theory of Transactional Analysis and details how this approach can be used with overweight people.Illustrated with patient histories, exercises and worked examples of techniques, this book enables therapists and health practitioners to help obese people come to terms with their size, or to support their decision to change their behaviour and reduce their need to eat.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Lawyers, Markets and Regulation
The question of how we can best regulate the all-important markets for legal services is rarely investigated with the benefit of good empirical evidence about what's wrong and what works. The challenge of doing empirical work in this area is steep, given a lack of data and the complexity of comparing across very different jurisdictions and legal environments. In this much-needed contribution, Frank Stephen usefully brings together a set of empirical studies and an overview of the recent regulatory reforms that have been pursued in the UK and other European jurisdictions in the past two decades. The result will help policymakers make further progress in the increasingly urgent effort to establish efficient and accessible markets for legal services worldwide.'- Gillian K. Hadfield, USC Gould School of Law, US'Frank Stephen draws on thirty years' experience of working on the regulation of the legal professions, and on several empirical studies, to provide a fascinating account of the evolving attempts to introduce competition into the supply of legal services and how such attempts have sometimes been thwarted. It also makes a major contribution to the theoretical debate on the justifications, modes and likely impacts of regulation.'- Anthony Ogus, University of Manchester, UK and University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands'Professor Stephen's book provides a wonderfully concise, accessible and insightful review of both the theory and the empirical evidence (much of it his) on regulatory restrictions on the provision of legal services and challenges traditional arguments for the self-regulation of the legal profession. His economic/consumer welfare perspective provides a stimulating reference point in ongoing debates on the appropriate regulation of the market for legal services and the case for self-regulation, which (unlike the UK) is still very strongly espoused in North America, but under increasing scrutiny. Professor Stephen s book will intensify this scrutiny.'- Michael Trebilcock, University of Toronto, CanadaFrank H. Stephen's evaluation of public policy on the legal profession in UK and European jurisdictions explores how regulation and self-regulation have been liberalized over the past 30 years.The book surveys where the most recent and radical liberalization involving the ownership of law firms by non-lawyers is likely to lead, and appraises the economic literature on the costs and benefits of regulating markets for professional services. It challenges socio-legal views on professional legislation and highlights the limitations of regulatory competition, as well as the importance of dominant business models. The author reviews the empirical work underpinning these theories and policies. He also evaluates the effectiveness of regulatory competition as a response to regulatory capture.Lawyers, Markets and Regulation will be of interest to academics focusing on professional regulation in the fields of economics and law. Lawyers, legal policymakers, competition authorities and regulators will also find the book to be an enlightening read.Contents: Preface 1. Introduction Part I: Why Do We Regulate Lawyers? 2. Why Regulate Lawyers? 3. How Lawyers are Regulated 4. Lawyers and Incentives Part II: Deregulation of Legal Markets in the UK and Europe 5. Liberalization of Legal Markets in UK and EU Jurisdictions 6. Evidence on Effects of Deregulation Part III: The Future of 'Lawyering' 7. Legal Services Act 2007 and the Promotion of Regulatory Competition 8. A Technological Revolution in 'Lawyering'? 9. Summary and Conclusions References Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Lawyers, Markets and Regulation
The question of how we can best regulate the all-important markets for legal services is rarely investigated with the benefit of good empirical evidence about what's wrong and what works. The challenge of doing empirical work in this area is steep, given a lack of data and the complexity of comparing across very different jurisdictions and legal environments. In this much-needed contribution, Frank Stephen usefully brings together a set of empirical studies and an overview of the recent regulatory reforms that have been pursued in the UK and other European jurisdictions in the past two decades. The result will help policymakers make further progress in the increasingly urgent effort to establish efficient and accessible markets for legal services worldwide.'- Gillian K. Hadfield, USC Gould School of Law, US'Frank Stephen draws on thirty years' experience of working on the regulation of the legal professions, and on several empirical studies, to provide a fascinating account of the evolving attempts to introduce competition into the supply of legal services and how such attempts have sometimes been thwarted. It also makes a major contribution to the theoretical debate on the justifications, modes and likely impacts of regulation.'- Anthony Ogus, University of Manchester, UK and University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands'Professor Stephen's book provides a wonderfully concise, accessible and insightful review of both the theory and the empirical evidence (much of it his) on regulatory restrictions on the provision of legal services and challenges traditional arguments for the self-regulation of the legal profession. His economic/consumer welfare perspective provides a stimulating reference point in ongoing debates on the appropriate regulation of the market for legal services and the case for self-regulation, which (unlike the UK) is still very strongly espoused in North America, but under increasing scrutiny. Professor Stephen s book will intensify this scrutiny.'- Michael Trebilcock, University of Toronto, CanadaFrank H. Stephen's evaluation of public policy on the legal profession in UK and European jurisdictions explores how regulation and self-regulation have been liberalized over the past 30 years.The book surveys where the most recent and radical liberalization involving the ownership of law firms by non-lawyers is likely to lead, and appraises the economic literature on the costs and benefits of regulating markets for professional services. It challenges socio-legal views on professional legislation and highlights the limitations of regulatory competition, as well as the importance of dominant business models. The author reviews the empirical work underpinning these theories and policies. He also evaluates the effectiveness of regulatory competition as a response to regulatory capture.Lawyers, Markets and Regulation will be of interest to academics focusing on professional regulation in the fields of economics and law. Lawyers, legal policymakers, competition authorities and regulators will also find the book to be an enlightening read.Contents: Preface 1. Introduction Part I: Why Do We Regulate Lawyers? 2. Why Regulate Lawyers? 3. How Lawyers are Regulated 4. Lawyers and Incentives Part II: Deregulation of Legal Markets in the UK and Europe 5. Liberalization of Legal Markets in UK and EU Jurisdictions 6. Evidence on Effects of Deregulation Part III: The Future of 'Lawyering' 7. Legal Services Act 2007 and the Promotion of Regulatory Competition 8. A Technological Revolution in 'Lawyering'? 9. Summary and Conclusions References Index
New Harbinger Publications The Nature of Consciousness: Essays on the Unity of Mind and Matter
Our world culture is founded on the assumption that the Big Bang gave rise to matter, which in time evolved into the world, into which the body was born, inside which a brain appeared, out of which consciousness at some late stage developed. As a result of this "matter model," most of us believe that consciousness is a property of the body. We feel that it is "I," this body, that knows or is aware of the world. We believe and feel that the knowing with which we are aware of our experience is located in and shares the limits and destiny of the body. This is the fundamental presumption of mind and matter that underpins almost all our thoughts and feelings and is expressed in our activities and relationships.The Nature of Consciousness suggests that the matter model has outlived its function and is now destroying the very values it once sought to promote. For many people, the debate as to the ultimate reality of the universe is an academic one, far removed from the concerns and demands of everyday life. After all, life happens independently of our models of it. However, The Nature of Consciousness will clearly show that the materialist paradigm is a philosophy of despair and, as such, the root cause of unhappiness in individuals. It is a philosophy of conflict and, as such, the root cause of hostilities between families, communities, and nations. Far from being abstract and philosophical, its implications touch each one of us directly and intimately.An exploration of the nature of consciousness has the power to reveal the peace and happiness that truly lie at the heart of experience. Our experience never ceases to change, but the knowing element in all experience-consciousness, or what we call "I"-itself never changes. The knowing with which all experience is known is always the same knowing. Being the common, unchanging element in all experience, consciousness does not share the qualities of any particular experience: it is not qualified, conditioned, or limited by experience. The knowing with which a feeling of loneliness or sorrow is known is the same knowing with which the thought of a friend, the sight of a sunset, or the taste of ice cream is known. Just as a screen is never disturbed by the action in a movie, so consciousness is never disturbed by experience; thus it is inherently peaceful. The peace that is inherent in us-indeed that is us-is not dependent on the situations or conditions we find ourselves in. In a series of essays that draw you, through your own direct experience, into an exploration of the nature of this knowing element that each of us calls "I," The Nature of Consciousness posits that consciousness is the fundamental reality of the apparent duality of mind and matter. It shows that the overlooking or ignoring of this reality is the root cause of the existential unhappiness that pervades and motivates most people's lives, as well as the wider conflicts that exist between communities and nations. Conversely, the book suggests that the recognition of the fundamental reality of consciousness is the first step in the quest for lasting happiness and the foundation for world peace.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Marketing Unwrapped
"Key skills for marketers in the 21st century, which we have now cautiously embarked upon, conjures up images of great technological advances, of a world utterly transformed, a world perhaps ultimately dominated by Artificial Intelligence. This book thankfully does not indulge in the whole "what might be" debate, but instead sensibly takes a long hard look at where marketing stands today, setting out the key skills marketers must master to succeed over the next decade or so. Written by CIM's Director of Marketing, Ray Perry, in a very accessible, sometimes amusing manner, the book outlines the evolution of marketing basics in the 20th century before swiftly moving on to the issues that face the 21st century marketer. These range from the proliferation of media and the choices this now presents the marketer, to consumers' concerns over privacy and data protection. These and other key themes are outlined, demonstrating how they will impact and shape the marketing function. What becomes clear is that in order to succeed in the future, "marketers will need to be flexible, adaptable and multi-skilled". Pan-marketing, measuring metrics, knowledge management, CRM and integrated supply chain management will all be important, and it is likely many of them will become specialist marketing roles in their own right. The case for each role is argued well and supported by a range of well-researched figures and examples, before giving sound advice on how to execute the role. The chapters on the media marketer and metrics marketer are particularly good. Key skills and competencies are laid out with a useful summary of things to remember.The book will help today's marketers face up to the challenges of the 21st century, and help them develop the marketing skills they need for the new connected economy." --John Ling, The Chartered Institute of Marketing "Ray Perry looks at the wider perspective of new marketing and identifies key success factors - a good read for all marketers" --Andy Jones, Marketing Operations Director, Vauxhall Motors "To business people this is a breath of fresh air, a disciplined and data driven approach to marketing" --Raoul Pinnell, VP Global Brands Communications, Shell International "Marketing Unwrapped captures the key issues and challenges facing marketers today and the wider skill set required as marketing increasingly becomes a boardroom issue." --Debbie Brown, Head of Marketing Communications BT plc The marketing function has long striven to be taken seriously at board level. Much work has been undertaken in recent years to measure the effectiveness of marketing and to make it accountable at 'the bottom line'. However, if marketing is really to find its place at the top of an organization, marketers themselves need to understand and develop some core skills to give credence to their positions. Marketing Unwrapped literally unwraps the role of today's marketer. Ray Perry creates a blueprint for each facet of the marketer's role in relationship to an organization and highlights the key skills, knowledge, disciplines and competencies necessary for marketers to succeed. Compiled in the form of a matrix, this book unwraps the role of a marketer and introduces the range of 'co-functions' from relationship marketer to metrics marketer that the marketer will need to master to succeed in business in the future. This step-by-step guide to developing your own portfolio of skills will give you the confidence to sit at board level with a holistic understanding of the workings of business in general, and a clear idea of the difference you in your marketing capacity can make.
Kitchen Press The Seafood Shack: Food & Tales from Ullapool
Winner of 2021 National Geographic Traveller Reader Award for 'Best Food & Travel Book' Shortlisted for the Guild of Food Writers First Book and Single Subject Book Awards 2021 Gourmand Cookbook Award Winner 2020 In 2016 two locals, frustrated at the lack of opportunities to eat the seafood landed in Ullapool, started a seafood shack on the harbour of the North West Highlands town. Serving up whatever their fishermen friends brought them every day, Kirsty Scobie and Fenella Renwick’s crowd funded project was an instant success and a new book, to be published in November, brings this to life. In their first book, Kirsty and Fenella tell the story of Ullapool’s Seafood Shack and bring together the recipes for the fresh, vibrant, ballsy dishes that have made The Seafood Shack such a Scottish treasure: from their famed Haddock & Pesto Wrap and the super-luxe Lobster Mac & Cheese to incredible super-local delicacies like Spiney Popcorn. The Seafood Shack was born out of a conversation between Kirsty and Fenella out at sea with their fishermen partners. Ullapool has around twelve local boats fishing in the clear, icy waters of The Minch: five prawn trawlers and seven inshore creel boats, with a further two crabbing boats coming in each week and ten or so white fish boats landing regularly. The vast majority of this huge variety of seafood landing daily was then transferred straight onto the back of a lorry, making it difficult to source it locally. Eager to keep a little fresh seafood for their hometown, Kirsty and Fenella opened up The Seafood Shack. The shack swiftly went onto win recognition, winning the BBC Food & Farming Award for Best Street food or Takeaway in 2017 and hosting visits from the likes of Mary Berry and Albert Roux. Kirsty says: “Many tonnes of seafood are caught in our Scottish seas and then transported straight out of Ullapool. We wanted to play a part in keeping some of our seafood local and so the Seafood Shack was born. What we really love now is being behind the hatches, cooking away and chatting to our customers as they devour a haddock wrap or peel open some fresh buttery langoustines. The book tells this story and shares our approach. What makes the Shack so wonderful to us is its relaxed feel and we don’t have to be stuck in a kitchen behind closed doors, we can be involved in every aspect. The food we cook is simple, quick but most importantly fresh and delicious.” Punctuated by the voices of local fishermen, the book celebrates the fishing industry that has been the beating heart of Ullapool’s village life for 230 years. With both Fenella and Kirsty’s partners actively involved in fishing, The Seafood Shack also reflects the debate around sustainable fishing. Fenella says: “The people behind our seafood are a huge part of our story: from Josh’s langoustines and lobsters, Gary’s hand-dived scallops and Stephen’s white fish to the team at our local smokehouse or Joe our oyster producer. These amazing people have been a massive part of our success: at the end of the day we’re not amazing chefs, we’re just two girls who love to cook and having such fantastic and fresh produce is what makes the Shack work.” The Seafood Shack provides over 80 down to earth recipes and tips for cooking white fish, smoked fish and shellfish. Kirsty and Fenella’s work on the book was recognised when they were announced as winners of the Jane Grigson Trust Award for New Writers earlier this year.
De Gruyter The Face Mask In COVID Times: A Sociomaterial Analysis
The simple fabric face mask is a key agent in the fight against the global spread of COVID-19. However, beyond its role as a protective covering against coronavirus infection, the face mask is the bearer of powerful symbolic and political power and arouses intense emotions. Adopting an international perspective informed by social theory, The Face Mask in COVID Times: A Sociomaterial Analysis offers an intriguing and original investigation of the social, cultural and historical dimensions of face-masking as a practice in the age of COVID. Rather than Beck’s ‘risk society’, we are now living in a ‘COVID society’, the long-term effects of which have yet to be experienced or imagined. Everything has changed. The COVID crisis has generated novel forms of sociality and new ways of living and moving through space and time. In this new world, the face mask has become a significant object, positioned as one of the key ways people can protect themselves and others from infection with the coronavirus. The face mask is rich with symbolic meaning as well as practical value. In the words of theorist Jane Bennett, the face mask has acquired a new ‘thing-power’ as it is coming together with human bodies in these times of uncertainty, illness and death. The role of the face mask in COVID times has been the subject of debate and dissension, arousing strong feelings. The historical and cultural contexts in which face masks against COVID contagion are worn (or not worn) are important to consider. In some countries, such as Japan and other East Asian nations, face mask wearing has a long tradition. Full or partial facial coverings, such as veiling, is common practice in regions such as the Middle East. In many other countries, including most countries in the Global North, most people, beyond health care workers, have little or no experience of face masks. They have had to learn how to make sense of face masking as a protective practice and how to incorporate face masks into their everyday practices and routines. Face masking practices have become highly political. The USA has witnessed protests against face mask wearing that rest on ‘sovereign individualism’, a notion which is highly specific to the contemporary political climate in that country. Face masks have also been worn to make political statements: bearing anti-racist statements, for example, but also Trump campaign support. Meanwhile, celebrities and influencers have sought to advocate for face mask wearing as part of their branding, while art makers, museums, designers and novelty fashion manufacturers have identified the opportunity to profit from this sudden new market. Face masks have become a fashion item as well as a medical device: both a way of signifying the wearer’s individuality and beliefs and their ethical stance in relation to the need to protect their own and others’ health. The Face Mask in COVID Times: A Sociomaterial Analysis provides a short and accessible analysis of the sociomaterial dimensions of the face mask in the age of COVID-19. The book presents seven short chapters and an epilogue. We bring together sociomaterial theoretical perspectives with compelling examples from public health advice and campaigns, anti-mask activism as well as popular culture (news reports, blog posts, videos, online shopping sites, art works) to illustrate our theoretical points, and use Images to support our analysis.
SAGE Publications Inc Developing the Emotionally Literate School
`As someone with an interest in emotional literacy and in developing emotional literacy work in schools, I found this book an impressive resource. I would recommend it for those interested in this area, those working within schools on emotional literacy, and for school staff interested in developing their schools as emotionally literature organizations′ - Debate `This is an authoritative and scholarly book that does not attempt to offer a simple fix-it solution but one that should lead to an informed and workable approach that will address the needs and circumstances of individual schools as such . I would recommend it as an essential read for anyone contemplating the research or promotion of emotional literacy in school′ - Special Children `There is much to encourage exploration by schools, educators and managers in an informed way. Helpful appendices list experienced agencies schools may approach in their work on emotional well-being′- Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties `The book provides a useful guide to ways in which school policies for promoting emotional wellbeing can be developed′ - Times Educational Supplement, Teacher `This book is written in a refreshingly well-balanced style and it deserves a similarly even-handed review. Katherine Weare never exaggerates a point or pretends to have found the Holy Grail. Instead; each argument is carefully counter pointed by a caveat′ - Nurturing Potential `This is a handbook for teachers and LEAs with clearly headed sections, useful tables and list of resources and contacts. There are helpful suggestions for auditing emotional literacy in schools, deciding whether to use off-the-shelf programmes, tailoring programmes to the school′s own needs, and working with the wider community′ - The Psychology of Education Review ′Visionary and easy to read. This vision resides in the authors′ convictions about the vital role schools can play in developing and widening the literacy of emotions... worth reading... opens up a picture of what can achieved in schools in the best interests of the children′ - Young Minds Magazine `Katherine Weare brings a good track record to this useful handbook. The full list of contacts, sources of support and resources and the useful bibliography are clearly a product of her comprehensive knowledge of the field in UK and beyond. They provide a solid platform for future researches′ - Journal of In-Service Education Emotional literacy refers to our ability to understand and use information about our own and others′ emotional states, with skill and competence. It is increasingly accepted in schools, and this book shows how it is central to mainstream education. The author defines concepts and terms in ways that make sense to practitioners, outlines the scientific evidence behind the concept, explores ways in which schools can become more emotionally literate, and demonstrates the educational benefits. The book is a practical and up-to-date account of ways in which schools can use emotional literacy to realize their goals of school improvement and effectiveness, increased learning, more efficient management of teaching and learning and improved relationships. Katherine Weare shows how emotional literacy can help address persistent educational problems, such as emotional and behavioural disturbance, school exclusion, and teacher stress and disaffection. Emotional literacy is relevant to mainstream education, is most effective when it permeates the whole school culture, ethos, relationships and management. It is as relevant for secondary as it is for primary students, and applies to teachers and parents as well as to students.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Annals Meeting Reports - Omics Platforms, Prioritizing Health Disparities in Medical Education, Paradox of Overnutrition, and Vitamin D BB, Volume 1287
This Annals volume presents four scholarly meeting reports: (1) Application of combined omics platforms to accelerate biomedical discovery in diabesity; (2) Prioritizing health disparities in medical education to improve care; (3) The paradox of overnutrition in aging and cognition; and vitamin D: beyond bone. Diabesity has become a popular term to describe the specific form of diabetes that develops late in life and is associated with obesity. While there is a correlation between diabetes and obesity, the association is not universally predictive. Defining the metabolic characteristics of obesity that lead to diabetes, and how obese individuals who develop diabetes different from those who do not, are important goals. The use of large-scale omics analyses (e.g., metabolomic, proteomic, transcriptomic, and lipidomic) of diabetes and obesity may help to identify new targets to treat these conditions. This report discusses how various types of omics data can be integrated to shed light on the changes in metabolism that occur in obesity and diabetes. Despite yearly advances in life-saving and preventive medicine, as well as strategic approaches by governmental and social agencies and groups, significant disparities remain in health, health quality, and access to health care within the United States. The determinants of these disparities include baseline health status, race and ethnicity, culture, gender identity and expression, socioeconomic status, region or geography, sexual orientation, and age. In order to renew the commitment of the medical community to address health disparities, particularly at the medical school level, we must remind ourselves of the roles of doctors and medical schools as the gatekeepers and the value setters for medicine. Within those roles are responsibilities toward the social mission of working to eliminate health disparities. This effort will require partnerships with communities as well as with academic centers to actively develop and to implement diversity and inclusion strategies. Besides improving the diversity of trainees in the pipeline, access to health care can be improved, and awareness can be raised regarding population-based health inequalities. Populations of many countries are becoming increasingly overweight and obese, driven largely by excessive calorie intake and reduced physical activity; greater body mass is accompanied by epidemic levels of comorbid metabolic diseases. At the same time, individuals are living longer. The combination of aging and the increased prevalence of metabolic disease is associated with increases in aging-related comorbid diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, cerebrovascular dementia, and sarcopenia. Here, correlative and causal links between diseases of overnutrition and diseases of aging and cognition are explored. In recent years, vitamin D has been received increased attention due to the resurgence of vitamin D deficiency and rickets in developed countries and the identification of extraskeletal effects of vitamin D, suggesting unexpected benefits of vitamin D in health and disease, beyond bone health. The possibility of extraskeletal effects of vitamin D was first noted with the discovery of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) in tissues and cells that are not involved in maintaining mineral homeostasis and bone health, including skin, placenta, pancreas, breast, prostate and colon cancer cells, and activated T cells. However, the biological significance of the expression of the VDR in different tissues is not fully understood, and the role of vitamin D in extraskeletal health has been a matter of debate. This report summarizes recent research on the roles for vitamin D in cancer, immunity and autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular and respiratory health, pregnancy, obesity, erythropoiesis, diabetes, muscle function, and aging. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or as a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full-text access to Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information about becoming a member.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Agent-based Models and Causal Inference
Agent-based Models and Causal Inference Scholars of causal inference have given little credence to the possibility that ABMs could be an important tool in warranting causal claims. Manzo’s book makes a convincing case that this is a mistake. The book starts by describing the impressive progress that ABMs have made as a credible methodology in the last several decades. It then goes on to compare the inferential threats to ABMs versus the traditional methods of RCTs, regression, and instrumental variables showing that they have a common vulnerability of being based on untestable assumptions. The book concludes by looking at four examples where an analysis based on ABMs complements and augments the evidence for specific causal claims provided by other methods. Manzo has done a most convincing job of showing that ABMs can be an important resource in any researcher’s tool kit.—Christopher Winship, Diker-Tishman Professor of Sociology, Harvard University, USA Agent-based Models and Causal Inference is a first-rate contribution to the debate on, and practice of, causal claims. With exemplary rigor, systematic precision and pedagogic clarity, this book contrasts the assumptions about causality that undergird agent-based models, experimental methods, and statistically based observational methods, discusses the challenges these methods face as far as inferences go, and, in light of this discussion, elaborates the case for combining these methods’ respective strengths: a remarkable achievement.—Ivan Ermakoff, Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Agent-based models are a uniquely powerful tool for understanding how patterns in society may arise in often surprising and counter-intuitive ways. This book offers a strong and deeply reflected argument for how ABM’s can do much more: add to actual empirical explanation. The work is of great value to all social scientists interested in learning how computational modelling can help unraveling the complexity of the real social world.—Andreas Flache, Professor of Sociology at the University of Groningen, Netherlands Agent-based Models and Causal Inference is an important and much-needed contribution to sociology and computational social science. The book provides a rigorous new contribution to current understandings of the foundation of causal inference and justification in the social sciences. It provides a powerful and cogent alternative to standard statistical causal-modeling approaches to causation. Especially valuable is Manzo’s careful analysis of the conditions under which an agent-based simulation is relevant to causal inference. The book represents an exceptional contribution to sociology, the philosophy of social science, and the epistemology of simulations and models.—Daniel Little, Professor of philosophy, University of Michigan, USA Agent-based Models and Causal Inference delivers an insightful investigation into the conditions under which different quantitative methods can legitimately hold to be able to establish causal claims. The book compares agent-based computational methods with randomized experiments, instrumental variables, and various types of causal graphs. Organized in two parts, Agent-based Models and Causal Inference connects the literature from various fields, including causality, social mechanisms, statistical and experimental methods for causal inference, and agent-based computation models to help show that causality means different things within different methods for causal analysis, and that persuasive causal claims can only be built at the intersection of these various methods. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough comparison between agent-based computation models to randomized experiments, instrumental variables, and several types of causal graphs A compelling argument that observational and experimental methods are not qualitatively superior to simulation-based methods in their ability to establish causal claims Practical discussions of how statistical, experimental and computational methods can be combined to produce reliable causal inferences Perfect for academic social scientists and scholars in the fields of computational social science, philosophy, statistics, experimental design, and ecology, Agent-based Models and Causal Inference will also earn a place in the libraries of PhD students seeking a one-stop reference on the issue of causal inference in agent-based computational models.
Gregory R Miller & Company The Soul of a Nation Reader: Writings by and about Black American Artists, 1960–1980
A comprehensive compendium of artists and writers confronting questions of Black identity, activism and social responsibility in the age of Malcolm X and the Black Panthers, based on the landmark traveling exhibition A New York Magazine 2021 holiday gift guide pick What is “Black art”? This question was posed and answered time and time again between 1960 and 1980 by artists, curators and critics deeply affected by this turbulent period of radical social and political upheaval in America. Rather than answering in one way, they argued for radically different ideas of what “Black art” meant. Across newspapers and magazines, catalogs, pamphlets, interviews, public talks and panel discussions, a lively debate emerged between artists and others to address profound questions of how Black artists should or should not deal with politics, about what audiences they should address and inspire, where they should try to exhibit, how their work should be curated, and whether there was or was not such a category as “Black art” in the first place. Conceived as a reader connected to the landmark exhibition Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power, which shone a light on the vital contributions made by Black artists over two decades, this anthology collects over 200 texts from the artists, critics, curators and others who sought to shape and define the art of their time. Exhaustively researched and edited by exhibition curator Mark Godfrey, who provides the substantial introduction, and Allie Biswas, included are rare and out-of-print texts from artists and writers, as well as texts published for the first time ever. Contributors include: Lawrence Alloway, Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, Tomie Arai, Ralph Arnold, Dore Ashton, Malcolm Bailey, Amiri Baraka, Romare Bearden, Fred Beauford, Cleveland Bellow, LeGrace G. Benson, Dawoud Bey, Camille Billops, Gloria Bohanon, Claude Booker, Frank Bowling, David Bradford, Peter Bradley, Gwendolyn Brooks, Kay Brown, Milton Brown, Vivian Browne, Linda Goode Bryant, Margaret G. Burroughs, Debbie Butterfield, Steve Cannon, Yvonne Parks Catchings, Elizabeth Catlett, Dana Chandler, Claudia Chapline, Charles Childs, Edward Clark, A.D. Coleman, Dan Concholar, John Coplans, Hugh M. Davies, Douglas Davis, Bing Davis, Alonzo Davis, Dale Davis, Melvin Dixon, Jeff Donaldson, Robert Doty, Emory Douglas, John Dowell, Louis Draper, David C. Driskell, Tony Eaton, Eugene Eda, Melvin Edwards, Ray Elkins, Ralph Ellison, Marion Epting, Elton Fax, Elsa Honig Fine, Frederick Fiske, Babatunde Folayemi, Clebert Ford, Edmund Barry Gaither, Addison Gayle, Henri Ghent, Ray Gibson, Sam Gilliam, Robert H. Glauber, Lynda Goode-Bryant, Allan M. Gordon, Earl G. Graves, Carroll Greene, Abdul Alkalimat, David Hammons, David Henderson, Napoleon Henderson, M.J. Hewitt, Richard Hunt, Sam Hunter, Josine Ianco-Starrels, Nigel Jackson, Jay Jacobs, Jae Jarrell, Wadsworth Jarrell, Daniel LaRue Johnson, Marie Johnson, Walter Jones, Lois Mailou Jones, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Cliff Joseph, Paul Keene, Martin Kilson, Wee Kim, April Kingsley, Hilton Kramer, Jacob Lawrence, Carolyn Lawrence, Don L. Lee, Hughie Lee-Smith, Samella Lewis, Tom Lloyd, Al Loving, Howard Mallory, Earl Roger Mandle, Jan van der Marck, Phillip Mason, James Mellow, Paul Mills, Evangeline J. Montgomery, Toni Morrison, Keith Morrison, Larry Neal, Cindy Nemser, Senga Nengudi, Robert Newman, Lorraine O'Grady, Ademola Olugebefola, John Outterbridge, Joe Overstreet, Marion Perkins, Marcy S. Philips, Howardena Pindell, Mimi Poser, Helaine Posner, Noah Purifoy, Ishmael Reed, Gary Rickson, Clayton Riley, Faith Ringgold, Mark Rogovin, Barbara Rose, Victoria Rosenwald, Joseph Ross, Bayard Rustin, Betye Saar, Raymond Saunders, Robert Sengstacke, Jeanne Siegel, Lowery Stokes Sims, Steve Smith, Beuford Smith, Frank Smith, Val Spaulding, Edward Spriggs, Nelson Stevens, James Stewart, Edward K. Taylor, Alma Thomas, Ruth Waddy, William Walker, Francis and Val Gray Ward, Timothy Washington, Burton Wasserman, Diane Weathers, John Weber, JoAnn Whatley, Charles White, Jack Whitten, Roy Wilkins, William T. Williams, Gerald Williams, Randy Williams, William Wilson, Hale Woodruff and Cherilyn C. Wright.
Open University Press Coaching and Mentoring at Work: Developing Effective Practice
The third edition of this popular, practical and authoritative book has been revised and updated, with two new chapters. It is aimed at coaches, mentors and clients and features:Nine key principles of effective coaching and mentoring, showing how to apply themDiscussion of differences between coaching and mentoring across different contexts and sectorsIdeas about how to be an effective coach or mentor and how to be an effective clientSelf-development checklists and prompts, and a wealth of interactive case materialNew chapter on useful approaches and modelsThe Skilled Helper model and how to apply it to coaching and mentoringA range of tried and tested tools and techniquesEthical issues, reflective practice and supervisionNew chapter in which coaches and mentors share experiences from Business, Health, Education & the Public Sector"So many people think that mentoring is simple – you just pass on what you know from the pinnacle of your wisdom and experience. In fact when well done it is the art that conceals art. Similarly there is an art in making what is not simple sound accessible and do-able, which is exactly what this book does. It breaks the news very gently and very clearly that successful mentoring and coaching is nothing like as easy as it looks, either to be a good mentor or to be a good mentee. Throughout the book the message is clear: being a coach or mentor is very different from the expert helper role familiar to most managers - a lot more difficult and a lot more effective and here is how to do it."Jenny Rogers, Executive Coach and author of Coaching Skills: The Definitive Guide to Being a Coach, Fourth Edition (Open University Press, 2016), UK"The third edition of Coaching & Mentoring at Work has been revised and updated. There are two new chapters: 'Coaching & Mentoring Approaches and Models', and 'Glimpses of Coaches and Mentors at Work'. Readers of the previous editions have valued the focus on effective and ethical practice as well as the clear links between principles, approaches, skills, tools, techniques and interactive case examples. This latest edition continues to be an excellent resource for coaching and mentoring purchasers, providers and students."Gerard Egan, Professor Emeritus, Loyola University, Chicago, USA"It is great to see this new updated edition of Mary Connor and Julia Pokora’s book, which shows how much is developing and changing in this fast moving field."Peter Hawkins, Professor of Leadership, Henley Business School, Chairman of Renewal Associates, author of many books including Creating a Coaching Culture (Open University Press, 2012) and Leadership Team Coaching (2014), UK"This new edition from Connor and Pokora has some new and interesting additions. In the ten years since the first edition, much has happened in the coaching and mentoring world. The highlighting of ethical issues in Part 1 of the book recognises that the coaching and mentoring worlds have become much more aware of ethical concerns. The addition of insights into the variety of models for coaching and mentoring and the practical nature of Part 2 of the book is welcome and the shift of focus in Part 3 to Coach and Mentor Development reflects contemporary debate. Written in a practical and accessible style, this book is a must for those working with coaching and mentoring."Professor Bob Garvey, Managing Partner, The Lio Partnership, UK"When this book was first published in 2007 it immediately became an invaluable reference and source of guidance for the part of my work involved with the development mentoring of engineers and engineering project management professionals. The restructured content and additional material provided by the third edition
Nova Science Publishers Inc Congressional Powers: Contempt, Subpoenas and Impeachment
Congress's contempt power is the means by which Congress responds to certain acts that in its view obstruct the legislative process. Chapter 1 examines the source of the contempt power, reviews the historical development of the early case law, outlines the statutory and common law basis for Congress's contempt power, and analyzes the procedures associated with inherent contempt, criminal contempt, and the civil enforcement of subpoenas. It also includes a detailed discussion of two recent information access disputes that led to the approval of contempt citations in the House against then-White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten and former White House Counsel Harriet Miers, as well as Attorney General Eric Holder. Congress gathers much of the information necessary to oversee the implementation of existing laws or to evaluate whether new laws are necessary from the executive branch. While executive branch officials comply with most congressional requests for information, there are times when the executive branch chooses to resist disclosure. When Congress finds an inquiry blocked by the withholding of information by the executive branch, or where the traditional process of negotiation and accommodation is inappropriate or unavailing, a subpoena-either for testimony or documents-may be used to compel compliance with congressional demands as reported in chapter2. As reported in chapter 3, the Committee on the Judiciary (''the Committee'') is currently engaged in an investigation into alleged obstruction of justice, public corruption, and other abuses of power by President Donald Trump, his associates, and members of his Administration. Few provisions in the U.S. Constitution grant the President an authority as free from legislative constraint as the Pardon Clause. While the pardon power has been wielded in numerous instances throughout American history, there is limited case law interpreting it. This lack of judicial guidance has beget various unsettled legal questions concerning the pardon power's scope and breadth. For instance, whether the President may issue a self-pardon has been the subject of conflicting views and debate as discussed in chapter 4. Chapter 5 examines the broad constitutional authority of Congress to establish and shape the federal bureaucracy. Congress may use its Article I lawmaking powers to create federal agencies and individual offices within those agencies, design agencies' basic structures and operations, and prescribe, subject to certain constitutional limitations, how those holding agency offices are appointed and removed. Congress also may enumerate the powers, duties, and functions to be exercised by agencies, as well as directly counteract, through later legislation, certain agency actions implementing delegated authority. The Trump Administration has recently questioned the legal validity of numerous investigative demands made by House committees. These objections have been based on various grounds, but two specific arguments will be addressed in chapter 6. First, the President and other Administration officials have contended that certain committee demands lack a valid "legislative purpose" and therefore do not fall within Congress's investigative authority. Second, the President has made a more generalized claim that his advisers cannot be made to testify before Congress, even in the face of a committee subpoena. House Democrats have introduced a resolution that, if approved by the House, would formally "censure and condemn" President Trump for disparaging comments on immigration issues he allegedly made during a meeting with Members of Congress. Chapter 7 will discuss examples of congressional censure of the President before addressing its constitutional validity. Under the U.S. Constitution, the House of Representatives has the power to formally charge a federal officer with wrongdoing, a process known as impeachment. The House impeachment process generally proceeds in three phases: (1) initiation of the impeachment process; (2) Judiciary Committee investigation, hearings, and markup of articles of impeachment; and (3) full House consideration of the articles of impeachment. Chapter 8 provides an overview of the procedures and should not be treated or cited as an authority on congressional proceedings.
Skyhorse Publishing Nixon's Secrets: The Rise, Fall, and Untold Truth about the President, Watergate, and the Pardon
"We appreciate Roger Stone, he is one tough cookie." - President TrumpLearn the inside scoop on Watergate, the Ford Pardon, and the 18 ½ minute Gap.Roger Stone, The New York Times bestselling author of The Man Who Killed Kennedythe Case Against LBJ, gives the inside scoop on Nixon’s rise and fall in Watergate in his new book Nixon’s Secrets. Stone charts Nixon’s rise from election to Congress in 1946 to the White House in 1968 after his razor-thin loss to John Kennedy in 1960, his disastrous campaign for Governor of California in 1962 and the greatest comeback in American Presidential history.Just as the assassination of JFK prevents a balanced analysis of Kennedy and his times, the myth of Watergate prevents a reappraisal of our 37th President.” said Stone who’s book on LBJ was the second biggest selling book during the 50th anniversary of Kennedy’s murder.Stone reveals how the Kennedy’s wiretapped Nixon’s hotel room the night before the Nixon-Kennedy debate, and stole Nixon's medical records from his psychiatrist’s office. Stone lays out how Kennedy running mate Lyndon Johnson stole Texas from JFK through vote fraud while Mayor Richard Daley stole Illinois, and how JFK actually lost the popular vote. Stone looks at the Nixon Presidency: the desegregation of the public schools, the progressive social programs, Nixon's struggle to end the war in Vietnam, the historic SALT arms reduction agreement with Russia, the saving of Israel in the Six Days War, the opening to China, and the disastrous decision to take America off the Gold standard.The mainstream media’s interpretation of the facts surrounding the Watergate episode are a fantastic and grotesque distortion of historical truth,” said Stone. Cursory examination of the facts in Watergate will reveal that the actions which caused the fall of Nixon cannot be reduced to the simplistic account summarized by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post.”The author outlines how White House Counsel John Dean, planned, pushed and covered-up the Watergate break-in , then sought to avoid responsibility for it. Stone examines the bungled Watergate break-in to determine what exactly Nixon’s agents were looking for and how the CIA infiltrated the burglar team and sabotaged the break-in to gain leverage over Nixon. Find out why Nixon demanded the CIA turn over the records of the Bay of Pigs and Kennedy Assassination.Learn how a cabal of military and intelligence hard-liners spied on andundermined Nixon to stop his pro-peace détente foreign policy, his withdrawal of troops from Vietnam, his arms limitation agreement with the Soviets, and his opening to Red China. Discover how Vice President Spiro Agnew was setup to move him out of the line of presidential succession. Stone makes the compelling case that General Alexander Haig orchestrated Nixon’s removal from office in a coup d’état and brokered the deal for his pardon. Finally the public will learn what is on the 18 ½ minute gap in the White House Tapes.Stone, a Washington Insider for forty years, outlines why FBI Man Mark Felt is not deep throat, why there is no deep throat, and why Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein lie about it even today.Stone reveals how Nixon used the dark secrets he knew to avoid prosecution by blackmailing Gerald Ford for a full, free and unconditional pardon. Nixon’s secret would not only destroy his presidencyit would save him from prison and allow him to launch his final comebackadvising President Bill Clinton on Foreign Affairs despite Hillary’s attempts to block him and her being fired from the 1974 House Impeachment Committee for lying and violating Nixon’s rights.Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Arcade imprint, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in history--books about World War II, the Third Reich, Hitler and his henchmen, the JFK assassination, conspiracies, the American Civil War, the American Revolution, gladiators, Vikings, ancient Rome, medieval times, the old West, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Thinkers Publishing The Modernized Ruy Lopez - Volume 2: Complete Opening Repertoire for White
I would like to thank you for purchasing this book, I really appreciate it. It also means that you found an interest in my work of trying to crack the Ruy Lopez. As I said in the introduction to the first volume, I had no idea what I was signing up for when deciding to write a book on Ruy Lopez. This opening has such a rich history and good reputation that proving advantages in many lines is nearly impossible. Writing the first volume on this opening was a Herculean effort and I thought “it cannot be more difficult”. After all, I was covering such solid variations as the Berlin and the Open Spanish. Well, I got surprised again! I am not exaggerating when I say that writing the second volume was at least as hard as writing the first one. This second volume on the Ruy Lopez consists of two parts. In the first part I focus on modern systems with …Bc5, attempting to dissect both the Archangelsk and Moller Variations. These two variations have quite a rich history but in 2020 there have been several developments. If I had to name one person that contributed the most to the developments in those lines it is, without a doubt, Fabiano Caruana. His encounters in the Candidates Tournament in Ekaterinburg, then his theoretical discussion in those lines with Leinier Dominguez, revised my opinion on many of those lines and led to interesting discoveries that I analyze in this bookIn the subsequent part I discuss the Closed Ruy Lopez. It is easily one of the most popular openings throughout the history of chess with many games occuring as early as the 1800s. I suggest going for 9.h3 which usually leads to a positional battle. I present new trends and find new paths and ideas in such evergreen variations as the Zaitsev, Breyer, Chigorin and others. Additionally, I attempt to crack the Marshall Attack by suggesting the Anti-Marshall lines with 8.a4. I must admit that I thought that it would be a pretty easy task to analyze those openings having some prior analysis and experience with both colors. However, time after time I was encountering new challenges and new ideas from both sides that I had to resolve. My conclusions, based on careful analysis with the most powrful engines currently available is presented in this book. This book completes my series on the Ruy Lopez. I would like to take a moment and recall what I said in the introduction to the first volume. When both sides play very good and sound chess, it is normal that games end in a draw. It is especially true for such sound openings as Ruy Lopez. I do not attempt to dismiss one line or another because somewhere with best play Black can make a draw by force on move number 30, playing sometimes ridiculous moves that are only found during the analytical work. Over the board the reality is way different – practical aspect plays an important role in chess. Some positions are easier to play, some harder. Similarly to what I did in the first volume, I try to offer the most playable positions. I do not mind if the positions are equal, provided it is easier to paly with White or the chance of an error by Black is quite large. Sometimes I go into forced variations (e.g. in Moller Defense or Archangelsk Defense), sometimes into more positional battles (like in the Zaitsev) but I truly believe that the positions I aim to reach have potential and are tricky for Black. With proper knowledge I think White can put pressure on Black in the Ruy Lopez. I hope that you will find my approach to tackling the Ruy Lopez interesting. I am aware that there is only so much I can analyze and someone may say that I did not analyze some positions deeply enough but that is the nature of chess – possibilities are pretty much unlimited and there will always be theoretical debate!Finally, I wish you, dear Reader, good luck and I hope you can successfully use the ideas that I present in this book in your games. Dariusz Swiercz February 2021.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Papers of George Catlett Marshall: "The Finest Soldier," January 1, 1945–January 7, 1947
The two years covered in the fifth volume of The Papers of George Catlett Marshall were among the most momentous in the life of Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall-and in the course of the twentieth century. A year of transitions for Marshall, 1945 witnessed the final assault on Nazi Germany and the use of atomic weapons against Japan. Allied forces under the command of Marshall's protege, Dwight D. Eisenhower, had contained Hitler's Ardennes offensive at the beginning of the year and launched the final drive to smash the German regime. The war against Japan seemed far from over, however, and Marshall was deeply involved in planning for the massive and difficult redeployment of troops and materials from Europe to the Pacific. The debate with the U.S. Navy over supreme command of the invasion of Japan continued through the first six months of the year until Marshall secured Douglas A. MacArthur's appointment. In May and June, the chief of staff was involved in the decision to use the new atom bomb. Military-related political problems continued to consume much of Marshall's time as the Second World War drew to a close, although he was only peripherally involved in the Big Three conferences at Yalta and Potsdam. Instead, demobilization and readying U.S. Army ground and air forces for the postwar era were Marshall's chief concerns. He pressed for a unified military department against navy opposition and also lobbied incessantly for universal military training for all physically fit eighteen-year-old males as the key element in the nation's military readiness and deterrent value. After the fighting ceased, Marshall expected to retire, having served on active duty since 1902, but President Truman kept him in office until late November 1945. The day after his retirement, the president asked him to go to China to mediate in that country's increasingly violent civil war. Despite his initial success in negotiating a cease-fire between the Nationalists and Communists, irreconcilable differences soon led to renewed fighting. Marshall's continued hopes for achieving a political compromise, along with knowledge that his mission was the only hope for avoiding a disaster in China, kept him in the country until early 1947. He returned to the United States only when the president announced that General Marshall would join his cabinet as secretary of state.From The Papers of George Catlett Marshall "The one great element in continuing the success of an offensive is maintaining the momentum. This was lost last fall when shortages caused by the limitation of port facilities made it impossible for us to get sufficient supplies to the armies to continue their sweep into Germany when they approached the German border. Once additional ports had been captured and reopened there was a shortage of rail and transportation facilities with which to get supplies forward. Now the port facilities and the interior supply lines are adequate. Subject to the worldwide shortage of both cargo and personnel shipping, there is no foreseeable shortage which will be imposed by physical events in the field."-Speech to the Overseas Press Club, March 1, 1945 "Today we celebrate a great victory, a day of solemn thanksgiving. My admiration and gratitude go first to those who have fallen, and to the men of the American armies of the air and ground whose complete devotion to duty and indomitable courage have overcome the enemy and every conceivable obstacle in achieving this historic victory."-Marshall V-E Day Radio Address, May 8, 1945 "Just a few months ago the world was completely convinced of the strength and courage of the United States. Now they see us falling back into our familiar peacetime habits. They witness the tremendous enthusiasm with which we mount demobilization and reconversion, but they see as yet no concrete evidence that we are determined to hold what we have won-permanently. Are we already at this early date inviting that same international disrespect that prevailed before this war? Are we throwing away today what a million Americans died or were mutilated to achieve? Are we already shirking the responsibility of the victory?"-Speech to the New York Herald Tribune Forum, October 29, 1945
St Augustine's Press The Good Is Love – The Body and Human Acts in Humanae Vitae and John Paul II
John Paul II in his personalist approach to moral questions reaffirmed that as sin offends that which is good, if we truly know what human love is––and that it is good––we would thereby see how certain acts can never be acceptable insofar as they in all cases wound this love. Yet in moral debates surrounding love, sex and contraception Adrian Reimers observes that we are not using this approach and these debates are not advancing the cause of real love. Reimers draws upon the encyclical Humanae Vitae and John Paul II’s catechesis known as the theology of the body to respond to the stalled development of moral theology on the issues most crucial to human love and intimacy. “It is time, we are told, for a ‘paradigm shift’ in the Catholic Church’s moral teaching, such shift representing a more pastoral and less dogmatic approach to moral issues,” writes Reimers. His claim that “a paradigm shift in moral theology and philosophy may be valuable––perhaps vital––to scholars who think and write about these sciences and to teachers who communicate moral truth” is not an exhortation to redefine moral truths. Rather, he argues that an approach to contraception, for example, that relies exclusively on natural law is a hackneyed one and often “tedious.” John Paul II’s series of catechetical addresses known as the theology of the body was originally composed in the 1970s after Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae. Albeit derived from the writing of an archbishop and not yet pope, Reimers identifies John Paul II’s perspectives on love, sex and contraception as an essential force behind this so-called paradigm shift in continuity with the profound and unchanging truths set forth in Humanae Vitae. As Reimers states, “Moral truths do not change, even if our ways to understand them improve.” How, then, is our sense of the goodness or badness of contraception meant to be helped by such a development of thought? Ethics grounded philosophically tends to lean toward legalism in the context of moral actions, says Reimers, as it emphasizes conformity to God’s law and largely overlooks “the relationship between moral behavior and the human person’s ultimate end of beatitude with God.” The important principle of the necessarily two-fold description that natural law gives to sex––namely, as unitive and procreative––must not be the authoritative end of the discussion regarding the moral nature of contraception. In an age where technology has given human beings new power it seems there must be new rules as well, and the conquest of procreative acts changes the human perception of the limitations once associated with harmful acts. Herein lies the importance of John Paul II’s catechesis––the goodness or badness of acts is not just concerned with end of a particular act. As Reimers writes, “If we are to understand the complex relationships among love, marriage, and their sexual expression, we must situate these within the context of the end of the human being.” A position on contraception and human sexuality cannot be comprehensive without a concept of love properly understood. Human acts must bring us closer to sanctity, not to comfort or possession. Holiness is the perfection of love, and its pursuit aims at ultimate beatitude. This end, the truest love human can know, is the end which ultimately condemns contraception once and for all, as “contracepted sex is contrary to holiness.” Reimers unpacks this sometimes difficult truth in eight chapters, which begin with love and conclude with faithfulness to moral norms and a spirituality of marriage. The arguments surrounding contraception and “good sex” seem to have set the grounds for coherently choosing a side rather than to have succeeded in presenting certain human acts as definitively immoral. As Reimers notes, a natural law position on contraception often fails to employ its greatest ally: the reality of authentic human love and “victory” of the individual in one’s sanctity as achieved through that love. This work will reorient the objectives and claims of the moral debate, as well as influence the popular notion of what love is and what it cannot be. It is an aid to scholars, students and study groups, humanists, and those who seek to deepen the sense of love’s highest physical expression.
St Augustine's Press The Good Is Love – The Body and Human Acts in Humanae Vitae and John Paul II
John Paul II in his personalist approach to moral questions reaffirmed that as sin offends that which is good, if we truly know what human love is––and that it is good––we would thereby see how certain acts can never be acceptable insofar as they in all cases wound this love. Yet in moral debates surrounding love, sex and contraception Adrian Reimers observes that we are not using this approach and these debates are not advancing the cause of real love. Reimers draws upon the encyclical Humanae Vitae and John Paul II’s catechesis known as the theology of the body to respond to the stalled development of moral theology on the issues most crucial to human love and intimacy. “It is time, we are told, for a ‘paradigm shift’ in the Catholic Church’s moral teaching, such shift representing a more pastoral and less dogmatic approach to moral issues,” writes Reimers. His claim that “a paradigm shift in moral theology and philosophy may be valuable––perhaps vital––to scholars who think and write about these sciences and to teachers who communicate moral truth” is not an exhortation to redefine moral truths. Rather, he argues that an approach to contraception, for example, that relies exclusively on natural law is a hackneyed one and often “tedious.” John Paul II’s series of catechetical addresses known as the theology of the body was originally composed in the 1970s after Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae. Albeit derived from the writing of an archbishop and not yet pope, Reimers identifies John Paul II’s perspectives on love, sex and contraception as an essential force behind this so-called paradigm shift in continuity with the profound and unchanging truths set forth in Humanae Vitae. As Reimers states, “Moral truths do not change, even if our ways to understand them improve.” How, then, is our sense of the goodness or badness of contraception meant to be helped by such a development of thought? Ethics grounded philosophically tends to lean toward legalism in the context of moral actions, says Reimers, as it emphasizes conformity to God’s law and largely overlooks “the relationship between moral behavior and the human person’s ultimate end of beatitude with God.” The important principle of the necessarily two-fold description that natural law gives to sex––namely, as unitive and procreative––must not be the authoritative end of the discussion regarding the moral nature of contraception. In an age where technology has given human beings new power it seems there must be new rules as well, and the conquest of procreative acts changes the human perception of the limitations once associated with harmful acts. Herein lies the importance of John Paul II’s catechesis––the goodness or badness of acts is not just concerned with end of a particular act. As Reimers writes, “If we are to understand the complex relationships among love, marriage, and their sexual expression, we must situate these within the context of the end of the human being.” A position on contraception and human sexuality cannot be comprehensive without a concept of love properly understood. Human acts must bring us closer to sanctity, not to comfort or possession. Holiness is the perfection of love, and its pursuit aims at ultimate beatitude. This end, the truest love human can know, is the end which ultimately condemns contraception once and for all, as “contracepted sex is contrary to holiness.” Reimers unpacks this sometimes difficult truth in eight chapters, which begin with love and conclude with faithfulness to moral norms and a spirituality of marriage. The arguments surrounding contraception and “good sex” seem to have set the grounds for coherently choosing a side rather than to have succeeded in presenting certain human acts as definitively immoral. As Reimers notes, a natural law position on contraception often fails to employ its greatest ally: the reality of authentic human love and “victory” of the individual in one’s sanctity as achieved through that love. This work will reorient the objectives and claims of the moral debate, as well as influence the popular notion of what love is and what it cannot be. It is an aid to scholars, students and study groups, humanists, and those who seek to deepen the sense of love’s highest physical expression.
Human Kinetics Publishers Health for Life
Health for Life provides the keys necessary for adopting healthy habits and committing to healthy living in high school and throughout the life span. The text covers all of the components of personal well-being, including physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health. It provides students the knowledge in making healthy choices and fosters the skill development required for taking healthy actions.Health for Life helps students in these ways: Analyze how key influences affect their health and wellness, such as family, peers, media, and technology Explore consumer topics and use appropriate resources to find answers to challenging questions Sharpen their interpersonal communication skills as they share health knowledge; debate controversial topics; demonstrate refusal, negotiation, and refusal skills; manage interpersonal conflicts; and promote healthy living among their peers Use decision-making skills and apply healthy living skills as they identify solutions to problems posed Evaluate their own health habits as they relate to a variety of behaviors Create goals for behavior change and establish plans for healthy living Communicate health information with family and advocate for healthy living at home and in their communities Discover how health and technology intersect on various topics The text is divided into seven units of 20 chapters. The chapters help students explore a range of topics, including mental health, nutrition, physical activity, stress management, healthy relationships, avoiding destructive habits, and making good health choices throughout life.Health for Life has an abundance of features that help students connect with content in personal ways and retain the information. Here’s a glance at some of those features: Lesson Objectives, Lesson Vocabulary, Comprehension Check, and Chapter Review help students prepare to dive in to the material, understand it, and retain it (standard NHES 1). Connect spurs students to analyze various influences on their health and wellness (standard NHES 2). Consumer Corner aids students in exploring consumer health issues (standard NHES 3). Healthy Communication gets students to use and expand their interpersonal communication skills as they share their views about various health topics (standard NHES 4). Skills for Healthy Living and Making Healthy Decisions help students learn and practice self-management so they can make wise choices related to their health and wellness (standard NHES 5). Planning for Healthy Living assists students in applying what they’ve learned as they set goals and establish plans for behavior change (standard NHES 6). Self-Assessment offers students the opportunity to evaluate their health habits and monitor improvement in health behaviors (standard NHES 7). Take It Home and Advocacy in Action prepare students to advocate for health at home and in their communities (standard NHES 8). Health Science and Health Technology focus on the roles of science and technology as they rellate to health and where science and technology intersect regarding health issues. Living Well News challenges students to integrate health literacy, math, and language skills to better understand a current health issue. In addition, Health for Life is reinforced by its online resources for teachers and students. Following are highlights of these two invaluable resources.Teacher Web ResourceThe Teacher Web Resource contains the following: Complete lesson plans; the first three lessons have a corresponding PowerPoint slide show An answer key to all worksheets and quizzes A test package that includes tests for each chapter; tests consist of multiple-choice, true-or-false, fill-in-the-blank, and short essay questions All lesson plans and assessments support identified learning objectives. Each lesson plan includes these features: Preparing the Lesson (lesson objectives and preparation) Bell Ringer (a journal question for students, or a quiz or activity to begin class) Lesson Focus (main points of the lesson paired with a student worksheet) Lesson Application (main activity paired with a worksheet) Reflection and Summary (lesson review) Evaluate (student quiz or test or worksheet review) Reinforcing the Lesson (Take It Home and Challenge activities) Student Web ResourceThe Student Web Resource contains these features: All worksheets, quizzes, and other materials referred to in the lesson plans Vocabulary flip cards and other interactive elements from the iBook edition Expanded discussion of selected topics that are marked by web icons in the text Review questions from the text, presented in an interactive format for students to fill out to check their level of understanding Delivering the content that will help students value and adopt healthy lifestyles, and loaded with the features and online resources that will help students understand and retain the content, Health for Life promises to be one of the most crucial texts for students today.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Political Economy of East Asia
The post-war growth of the East Asian economies is an unprecedented achievement in world economic history. The newly-industrializing countries of Hong Kong, the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Taiwan were first to emulate Japan's economic success; more recently, the People's Republic of China and several Southeast Asian countries have experienced extremely high rates of economic growth and rapid industrial transformation.This comprehensive six volume set brings together the best work published on the political economy of the East Asia region, including studies of Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. The collections will be welcomed by specialists in Asian studies, comparative politics, international political economy and economics.The series can be purchased either by title - each of which consists of two volumes - or as a complete six volume set.JAPANJapan's economic transformation in the postwar period occurred at an historically unprecedented pace. Rapid urbanization accompanied economic growth and brought major changes in the social and political systems.These authoritative volumes analyse the factors behind Japan's economic success and the consequences that it has had both for Japan's political system and for Japan's role in the global economy.Volume I focuses on the process of policy making in Japan, especially on the issue of the relative importance of the bureaucracy and its relations with other key actors. The second part of the volume contains the most important contributions to the debate on whether industrial policy was the principal reason for Japan's economic success.Volume II contains sections on industrial culture and organization that examine Japanese corporate systems, the role of flexible production, the unique nature of Japanese society and the advantages and drawbacks of Japan's industrial groupings, as well as the regulatory framework under which Japan's firms operate. The final readings focus on the question of whether Japan's trading pattern is abnormal for an economy of its level of development and natural resources, and how this pattern will evolve in the future.CHINA, KOREA AND TAIWANThis two volume set focuses on the political economy of Korea, Taiwan, China and Hong Kong four of the most rapidly growing countries in the contemporary world economy.The first chapters in this collection are comparative studies of the political economy of the newly-industrializing countries in general; these construct an East Asian 'model' as a tool for comparative analysis. Later comparative work reproduced in the first volume focuses specifically on Korea and Taiwan and is concerned with explaining the different evolution of state-society relations in these two countries. Among the subjects included are economic adjustment, financial systems, agriculture, trading companies, and policies on foreign direct investment and trade.The second part of Volume II consists of papers on the political economy of China since beginnings of the economic liberalization process in 1978. Besides reviewing the achievements of China in this period, the chapters discuss the continuing contradictions of market liberalization under the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party. The final papers in Volume II review the political economy of Hong Kong, how its economy has been shaped by government policies, and the increasing importance of economic links with mainland China.SINGAPORE, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, THE PHILIPPINES AND THAILANDThis two volume set focuses on the political economy of five of the member states of ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.The readings document how Singapore has enjoyed consistently high rates of growth since the mid-1960s thanks to a mixture of liberal trade policies and judicious government intervention. By the early 1990s it per capita income had surpassed that of many Western European countries.Singapore was the only Southeast Asian country to be included in the original list of newly industrializing countries. In the decade after the mid-1980s, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand also all enjoyed very high rates of economic growth. Their recent success reflects the benefits, first, of policy reform that has reduced economic distortions and, second, of high levels of foreign direct investment from Northeast Asia. The readings identify some of the continuing struggles between proponents of liberalization and advocates of protectionism who have benefited from the patrimonial politics characteristic of these three countries.The reading on the fifth country in this volume, the Philippines, analyse how the country's development has been held back by the 'crony capitalism' of the Marcos years and by the failure to introduce measures that would reduce the power of the traditional landed elites.
St Augustine's Press The French Revolution Confronts Pius VI – Volume 1: His Writings to Louis XVI, French Cardinals, Bishops, the National Assembly, and the People of
The writings of Pope Pius VI, head of the Catholic Church during the most destructive period of the French Revolution, were compiled in two volumes by M.N.S. Guillon and published in 1798 and 1800. But during the Revolution, the reign of Napoleon, and the various revolutionary movements of the 19th century, there were extraordinary efforts to destroy writings that critiqued the revolutionary ideology. Many books and treatises, if they survived the revolution or the sacking from Napoleon’s armies. To this day, no public copy of Guillon’s work exists in Paris. Now, for the first time in English, these works comprising the letters, briefs, and other writings of Pius VI on the French Revolution are available. Volume I treats the first shock of the Revolution and the efforts of the Pope in 1790 and 1791 to oppose the Civil Constitution of the Clergy (which famous revolutionary and shrewd diplomat Talleyrand referred to as “the greatest fault of the National Assembly”). Volume II will be published later, and deals with the aftermath of the Civil Constitution through Pius’s death in exile). Editor and translator Jeffrey Langan presents the materials leading up to and directly connected with these decrees, in which the National Assembly attempted to set up a Catholic Church that would be completely submissive to the demands of the Assembly. Volume I also covers Pius’s efforts to deal with the immediate aftermath of the Constitution after the National Assembly implemented it, including his encyclical, Quod Aliquantum. The letters will show how Pius chose to oppose the Civil Constitution. He did so not by a public campaign, for he had no real temporal power to oppose the violence, but by attempting to work personally with Louis XVI and various archbishops in France to articulate what were the points on which he could concede (matters dealing with the political structures of France) and what were the essential points in which he could not concede (matters dealing with the organization of dioceses and appointment of bishops). Since the 1980s, with the writings and school that developed around François Furet, as well as Simon Schama’s Citizens, a new debate over the French Revolution has ensued, bringing forth a more objective account of the Revolution, one that avoids an excessively Marxist lens and that brings to light some of its defects and more gruesome parts – the destruction and theft of Church property, and the sadistic methods of torture and killing of priests, nuns, aristocrats, and fellow-revolutionaries. An examination of the writings of Pius VI will not only help set the historical record straight for English-speaking students of the Revolution, it will also aid them to better understand the principles that the Catholic Church employs when confronted with chaotic political change. They will see that the Church has a principled approach to distinguishing, while not separating, the power of the Church and the power of the state. They will also see, as Talleyrand himself also saw, that one of the essential elements that makes the Church the Church is the right to appoint bishops and to discipline its own bishops. The Church herself recognizes that she cannot long survive without this principle that guarantees her unity. Pius VI’s efforts were able to keep the Catholic Church intact (though badly bruised) so that she could reconstitute herself and build up a vibrant life in 19th-century France. (He did this in the face of the Church’s prestige having sunk to historic lows; some elites in Europe thought there would be no successor to Pius and jokingly referred to him as “Pius the Last.”) He began a process that led to the restoration of the prestige of the Papacy throughout the world, and he initiated a two-century process that led to the Church finally being able to select bishops without any interference from secular authorities. This had been at least a 1,000-year problem in the history of the Church. By 1990, only two countries of the world, China and Vietnam, were interfering in any significant way in the process that the Church used to select bishops. Pius VI’s papacy, especially during the years of the French Revolution, was a pivotal point for the French Revolution and for the interaction between Church and state in Western history. All freedom-loving people will be happy to read his distinc-tions between the secular power and the spiritual power. His papacy also was important for the internal developments that the Church would make over the next 200 years with respect to its self-understanding of the Papacy and the role of the bishop.
Human Kinetics Publishers Health for Life With Web Resources-Cloth
Health for Life provides the keys necessary for adopting healthy habits and committing to healthy living in high school and throughout the life span. The text covers all of the components of personal well-being, including physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health. It provides students the knowledge in making healthy choices and fosters the skill development required for taking healthy actions.Health for Life helps students in these ways: Analyze how key influences affect their health and wellness, such as family, peers, media, and technology Explore consumer topics and use appropriate resources to find answers to challenging questions Sharpen their interpersonal communication skills as they share health knowledge; debate controversial topics; demonstrate refusal, negotiation, and refusal skills; manage interpersonal conflicts; and promote healthy living among their peers Use decision-making skills and apply healthy living skills as they identify solutions to problems posed Evaluate their own health habits as they relate to a variety of behaviors Create goals for behavior change and establish plans for healthy living Communicate health information with family and advocate for healthy living at home and in their communities Discover how health and technology intersect on various topics The text is divided into seven units of 20 chapters. The chapters help students explore a range of topics, including mental health, nutrition, physical activity, stress management, healthy relationships, avoiding destructive habits, and making good health choices throughout life.Health for Life has an abundance of features that help students connect with content in personal ways and retain the information. Here’s a glance at some of those features: Lesson Objectives, Lesson Vocabulary, Comprehension Check, and Chapter Review help students prepare to dive in to the material, understand it, and retain it (standard NHES 1). Connect spurs students to analyze various influences on their health and wellness (standard NHES 2). Consumer Corner aids students in exploring consumer health issues (standard NHES 3). Healthy Communication gets students to use and expand their interpersonal communication skills as they share their views about various health topics (standard NHES 4). Skills for Healthy Living and Making Healthy Decisions help students learn and practice self-management so they can make wise choices related to their health and wellness (standard NHES 5). Planning for Healthy Living assists students in applying what they’ve learned as they set goals and establish plans for behavior change (standard NHES 6). Self-Assessment offers students the opportunity to evaluate their health habits and monitor improvement in health behaviors (standard NHES 7). Take It Home and Advocacy in Action prepare students to advocate for health at home and in their communities (standard NHES 8). Health Science and Health Technology focus on the roles of science and technology as they rellate to health and where science and technology intersect regarding health issues. Living Well News challenges students to integrate health literacy, math, and language skills to better understand a current health issue. In addition, Health for Life is reinforced by its online resources for teachers and students. Following are highlights of these two invaluable resources.Teacher Web ResourceThe Teacher Web Resource contains the following: Complete lesson plans; the first three lessons have a corresponding PowerPoint slide show An answer key to all worksheets and quizzes A test package that includes tests for each chapter; tests consist of multiple-choice, true-or-false, fill-in-the-blank, and short essay questions All lesson plans and assessments support identified learning objectives. Each lesson plan includes these features: Preparing the Lesson (lesson objectives and preparation) Bell Ringer (a journal question for students, or a quiz or activity to begin class) Lesson Focus (main points of the lesson paired with a student worksheet) Lesson Application (main activity paired with a worksheet) Reflection and Summary (lesson review) Evaluate (student quiz or test or worksheet review) Reinforcing the Lesson (Take It Home and Challenge activities) Student Web ResourceThe Student Web Resource contains these features: All worksheets, quizzes, and other materials referred to in the lesson plans Vocabulary flip cards and other interactive elements from the iBook edition Expanded discussion of selected topics that are marked by web icons in the text Review questions from the text, presented in an interactive format for students to fill out to check their level of understanding Delivering the content that will help students value and adopt healthy lifestyles, and loaded with the features and online resources that will help students understand and retain the content, Health for Life promises to be one of the most crucial texts for students today.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Judaism for Gentiles: Reading Paul beyond the Parting of the Ways Paradigm
For almost two millennia, readers of the New Testament have been trying to figure out Paul. The struggle with his words begins already within the canon itself. While Acts portrays with ease a Torah-observant, Pharisaic-messianic Paul working in partnership with James and other leaders in Jerusalem, the author of 2 Peter famously admitted that the apostle to the nations is difficult to understand. From that moment on debate has ebbed and flowed on all things Pauline; on women as leaders in assemblies and on the status of Jews and Gentiles in God's plan, just to mention two of the contentious topics associated with Paul. For clergy, scholar, and lay person, Paul's letters hold weight and continue to draw in new readers. Anders Runesson seeks to listen to the voice of the historical Paul - a Jew proclaiming a form of Judaism to non-Jews to save them from divine wrath - but also to probe what it means to breathe new life into this historical figure in the twenty-first century. "The Paul-within-Judaism movement is here to stay, and Anders Runesson is arguably its most hermeneutically sophisticated spokesperson. In this remarkable book, Runesson expertly guides us through difficult questions of social history, exegesis, ancient reception history, and modern constructive theology, all of which we need in order to understand Paul ‘beyond the parting of the ways paradigm.’" Matthew V. Novenson, University of Edinburgh "In this compelling book, Anders Runesson incarnates Roman-period types of Judaism—thus, the seedbed of later Christianities—within their institutional matrix, the ancient synagogue. Radically reconceiving the so-called “parting of the ways,” he traces a developmental arc from Paul through Theodosius I to explore how and why this apocalyptic Jewish movement, with its odd outreach to ethnic others, became the anti-Jewish arm of the late Roman state. If new ideas are food for thought, Runesson has served a feast." Paula Fredriksen, author of "Paul, the Pagans’ Apostle" "This is the mature fruit of intensive research over a significant period of time, drawing together Runesson’s explorations on Paul and Pauline theology, locating him firmly within his Jewish context on the one hand, and taking seriously that he is addressing gentiles. The historical depth and methodological rigor as well as the key awareness of hermeneutical presuppositions render this a rich and challenging source for scholars and students alike. But this is not only another academic contribution to the important field of Pauline studies, Runesson demonstrates how this approach to Paul is also relevant for theologizing in contemporary churches and interreligious interaction today. Thus the volume is a must for all engaged in Pauline Studies as well as in contemporary church and interreligious work." Kathy Ehrensperger, Abraham Geiger Kolleg, Potsdam "In recent years, Anders Runesson has emerged as a leading voice in the (distinct but related) projects of reading Matthew and Paul "within Judaism." In this significant volume on Paul, he draws on material from a number of his previous articles and book chapters, working it into a cohesive and comprehensive account of Paul's "Judaism for gentiles" and its place within a larger interpretive horizon. Over against approaches that see Paul as the architect of a "parting of the ways," Runesson understands him as working towards a "joining of the ways"-mixed groups of Jewish and gentile Christ-believers existing within the larger environment of Jewish diaspora synagogues. An impressive achievement, highly recommended." Terence L. Donaldson, Professor Emeritus, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto "In these important essays, Anders Runesson provides readers with an account of a thoroughly embodied and socially embedded Paul, a first-century Jewish Messiah follower seeking to live in the Roman world. The volume is a must read for anyone interested in thinking about the historical Paul." Matthew Thiessen, McMaster University, Hamilton "Anders Runesson takes his readers beyond the familiar constructions of Paul, significantly advancing the discussion of how to understand him and his movement. Historical and textual details are interrogated with clear, methodological discipline. The investigation is thoughtful, engaging, and accessible to informed non-specialists as well as scholars." Mark D. Nanos, PhD, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, author of "Reading Paul within Judaism" "Anders Runesson's essays impress for three reasons: First, by breaking with classical models of explanation, his handling of the reconstruction of early Christianity is not only innovative, but when set against the backdrop of historical and hermeneutical considerations, opens up further approaches and new perspectives. Second, because he is well-versed in dealing with literary and archaeological sources, Runesson is skillfully able to reorganize and interpret these factors. And finally, his contributions provide such a welcome interest in historical and theological research that even those who do not agree with all the results are constantly challenged to revisit well-trodden paths in search of fresh insights." Markus Öhler, University of Vienna
City Lights Books Build Bridges, Not Walls: A Journey to a World Without Borders
Is it possible to create a borderless world? How might it be better equipped to solve the global emergencies threatening our collective survival? Build Bridges, Not Walls is an inspiring, impassioned call to envision—and work toward—a bold new reality."Todd Miller cuts through the facile media myths and escapes the paralyzing constraints of a political 'debate' that functions mainly to obscure the unconscionable inequalities that borders everywhere secure. In its soulfulness, its profound moral imagination, and its vision of radical solidarity, Todd Miller’s work is as indispensable as the love that so palpably guides it."—Ben Ehrenreich, author of Desert Notebooks: A Road Map for the End of Time"The stories of the humble people of the earth Miller documents ask us to also tear down the walls in our hearts and in our heads. What proliferates in the absence of these walls and in spite of them, Miller writes, is the natural state of things centered on kindness and compassion."—Nick Estes, author of Our History Is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous ResistanceBy the time Todd Miller spots him, Juan Carlos has been wandering alone in a remote border region for days. Parched, hungry and disoriented, he approaches and asks for a ride. Miller's instinct is to oblige, but he hesitates: Furthering an unauthorized person’s entrance into the U.S. is a federal crime.Todd Miller has been reporting from international border zones for over twenty-five years. In Build Bridges, Not Walls, he invites readers to join him on a journey that begins with the most basic of questions: What happens to our collective humanity when the impulse to help one another is criminalized?A series of encounters—with climate refugees, members of indigenous communities, border authorities, modern-day abolitionists, scholars, visionaries, and the shape-shifting imagination of his four-year-old son—provoke a series of reflections on the ways in which nation-states create the problems that drive immigration, and how the abolition of borders could make the world a more sustainable, habitable place for all.Is it possible to imagine a borderless world? How could it emerge, and how might it be better equipped to solve the global emergencies that threaten our collective survival? Build Bridges, Not Walls is an inspiring, impassioned call to envision—and work toward—a bold new reality.Praise for Build Bridges, Not Walls:"Todd Miller’s deeply reported, empathetic writing on the American border is some of the most essential journalism being done today. As this book reveals, the militarization of our border is a simmering crisis that harms vulnerable people every day. It’s impossible to read his work without coming away changed."—Adam Conover, creator and host of Adam Ruins Everything and host of Factually!"All of Todd Miller's work is essential reading, but Build Bridges, Not Walls is his most compelling, insightful work yet."—Dean Spade, author of Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During This Crises (And the Next)"Miller calls us to see how borders subject millions of people to violence, dehumanization, and early death. More importantly, he highlights the urgent necessity to abolish not only borders, but the nation-state itself."—A. Naomi Paik, author of Bans, Walls Raids, Sanctuary: Understanding U.S. Immigration for the Twenty-First Century and Rightlessness: Testimony and Redress in U.S. Prison Camps Since World War II"Todd Miller not only makes the case for tearing down the walls of Fortress America, but also for the future of the planet and humanity. The stories of the humble people of the earth he documents ask us to also tear down the walls in our hearts and in our heads. What proliferates in the absence of these walls and in spite of them, Miller writes, is the natural state of things centered on kindness and compassion."—Nick Estes, author of Our History Is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance"Miller lays bare the senselessness and soullessness of the nation-state and its borders and border walls, and reimagines, in their place, a complete and total restoration, therefore redemption, of who we are, and of who we are in desperate need of becoming."—Brandon Shimoda, author of The Grave on the Wall"Miller's latest book is a personal, wide-ranging, and impassioned call for abolishing borders."—John Washington, author of The Dispossessed: A Story of Asylum and the US-Mexican Border and Beyond"Through careful reporting and vivid personal experience, Miller illuminates the immediate need to bring people closer in an era of dehumanizing violence that is at the heart of U.S. political discourse and institutions and which has become painfully condensed in the Trump years."—Oswaldo Zavala, journalist and professor of Latin American literature and culture at the City University of New York and author of Drug Cartels Do Not Exist: Narcotrafficking and Culture in Mexico
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Greatest Story Ever Told...So Far
‘Probably the most readable, exciting and authoritative writer on science we have. A new Lawrence Krauss book always goes to the top of the curious mind’s wish list.’ Stephen Fry “I loved the fight scenes and the sex scenes were excellent.” (Eric Idle) 'In the span of a century, physics progressed from skepticism that atoms were real to equations so precise we can predict properties of subatomic particles to the tenth decimal place. Lawrence Krauss rightly places this achievement among the greatest of all stories, and his book—at once engaging, poetic and scholarly—tells the story with a scientist’s penetrating insight and a writer’s masterly craft.' (Brian Greene, author of The Elegant Universe, and Director, Center for Theoretical Physics, Columbia University) "Unlike some very clever scientists, Lawrence Krauss is not content to bask on the Mount Olympus of modern physics. A great educator as well as a great physicist, he wants to pull others up the rarefied heights to join him. But unlike some science educators, he doesn’t dumb down. In Einstein’s words, he makes it 'as simple as possible but no simpler.'" (Richard Dawkins, author of The Magic of Reality) “In every debate I’ve done with theologians and religious believers their knock-out final argument always comes in the form of two questions: Why is there something rather than nothing? and Why are we here? The presumption is that if science provides no answers then there must be a God. But God or no, we still want answers. In A Universe From Nothing Lawrence Krauss, one of the biggest thinkers of our time, addressed the first question with verve, and in The Greatest Story Ever Told he tackles the second with elegance. Both volumes should be placed in hotel rooms across America, in the drawer next to the Gideon Bible." (Michael Shermer, Publisher Skeptic magazine, columnist Scientific American, Presidential Fellow Chapman University, author The Moral Arc.) "A Homeric tale of science, history, and philosophy revealing how we learned so much about the universe and its tiniest parts." (Sheldon Glashow, Nobel Laureate, 1979 in physics) “The Greatest Story Ever Told—So Far ranges from Galileo to the LHC and beyond. It's accessible, illuminating, and surprising—an ideal guide for anyone interested in understanding our accidental universe.” (Elizabeth Kolbert, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Sixth Extinction) “College students, hippies, squares, Christians, Muslims, democrats, republicans, libertarians, theists, even atheists—all of us—sit around BS-ing like: ‘So, how did all this, I mean everything, all of us, the whole universe, you know, man, everything, how did this all get here?’ While we were doing that, Lawrence Krauss and people like him were doing the work to figure it out. Then Krauss wrote this great book about it. ‘Wow, man, you mean, like we’re getting closer to really knowing? I guess we’ll have to go back to talking about politics and sex.’” (Penn Jillette, author of Presto!) “Discovering the bedrock nature of physical reality ranks as one of humanity’s greatest collective achievements. This book gives a fine account of the main ideas and how they emerged. Krauss is himself close to the field, and can offer insights into the personalities who have led the key advances. A practiced and skilled writer, he succeeds in making the physics ‘as simple as possible but no simpler.’ I don’t know a better book on this subject.” (Martin Rees, author of Just Six Numbers) “It is an exhilarating experience to be led through this fascinating story, from Galileo to the Standard Model and the Higgs boson and beyond, with lucid detail and insight, illuminating vividly not only the achievements themselves but also the joy of creative thought and discovery, enriched with vignettes of the remarkable individuals who paved the way. It amply demonstrates that the discovery that ‘nature really follows the simple and elegant rules intuited by the 20th- and 21st-century versions of Plato’s philosophers’ is one of the most astonishing achievements of the human intellect.” (Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor & Professor of Linguistics (Emeritus), MIT) “Charming... Krauss has written an account with sweep and verve that shows the full development of our ideas about the makeup of the world around us... A great romp.” (Walter Gilbert, Nobel Award, Chemistry, 1980) “History of science with an edge—humorous, personal, passionate, yet intellectually serious and authoritative.” (Frank Wilczek, Nobel Laureate, Physics)In the beginning there was light but more than this, there was gravity. After that, all hell broke loose... This is how the story of the greatest intellectual adventure in history should be introduced - how humanity reached its current understanding of the universe, one that is far removed from the realm of everyday experience. Krauss connects the world we know with the invisible world all around us, which is removed from intuition and direct sensation. He explains our current understanding of nature and the struggle to construct the greatest theoretical edifice ever assembled, the Standard Model of Particle Physics -- and then to understand its implications for our existence. Writing in the critically acclaimed style of A Universe from Nothing, Krauss celebrates the beauty and wonders of the natural world and details our place within it and how this shapes our understanding of it. Krauss makes this story accessible through profiles of the scientists responsible for these advances, and clear explanations of their discoveries. Krauss takes us on a tour of science and the brilliant personalities who shaped it, often against political and religious indoctrination, enduring persecution and ostracism. Krauss creates a captivating blend of research and narrative to invite us into the lives and minds of these figures,creating a landmark work of scientific history.
Canbury Press Missing the Mark: Why So Many School Exam Grades are Wrong – and How to Get Results We Can Trust
UNCOVERED: 1 in 4 EXAM GRADES IS WRONG 'An important contribution to our thinking.’ – Sixth Form Colleges Association 'An uncomfortable but important read.’ – Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference 'Everyone in UK education should reflect upon the problems identified in this powerful book' – Higher Education Policy Institute Every summer one million GCSE and A-Level candidates receive results that define their school years and set them up for their life. But those results are gravely unreliable. In fact, about one grade in four in England is WRONG. That is 1.5 million grades every year. An A-Level grade B might have been an A, or even a C, had a different examiner marked the script. Similarly, a GCSE grade 7 might have received a grade 8 or a 6. For a decade, young people and their friends and families have been unable to grasp the full extent of this randomness. Now, in this definitive and easy to follow book, Dennis Sherwood explains why so many pupils receive final grades that don’t do them justice. And he suggests ways to regain trust, which apply to essay-based exams throughout the world. Reviews ‘Know an A Level student who you were absolutely sure should nail an A* but ended up with a B? Well, they probably should have got that A* but were a victim of this scandal. Sherwood’s work changed my outlook. Let him change yours too.’ – Robert Campbell, former Chief Executive, Morris Education Trust ‘Dennis has been challenging our thinking about assessment and the awarding of grades for many years, combining detailed research with an engaging manner and clear explanations... this is an important contribution to our thinking.’ – Bill Watkin, Chief Executive, Sixth Form Colleges Association ‘Dennis Sherwood asks the questions about exam grades that no one really wants to answer. His analysis suggests that much of what we think we know about school exams is based at best on wishful thinking and at worst on wilful misrepresentation of statistics. But he also has some positive suggestions for improvement. Missing the Mark is an uncomfortable but important read.’ – Melvyn Roffe, Chair, Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference ‘Missing a grade can result in university or college applications being rejected. Dennis Sherwood asks the $64,000 question: ‘Are grades reliable enough for the purposes they are supposed to serve?’ This book presents an insightful analysis of this important matter, including the rules introduced in 2016 to reduce the number of appeals, the controversial grading processes in 2020 and 2021 when exams were cancelled, why ‘real’ grades are so unreliable, and some solutions too.’ – Huy Duong, parent ‘Everyone in UK education should reflect upon the problems identified in this powerful book – and then decide what to do about them.’ – Nick Hillman, Director, Higher Education Policy Institute Anyone with an interest in how examinations are assessed, from those in government, regulators, schools, colleges, universities to employers, teachers, parents and students, should read Dennis Sherwood's incisive analysis. His conclusions will have a profound impact on our idea of the accuracy, reliability and fairness of examinations. – Mike Larkin, Emeritus Professor Queen's University of Belfast and Total Equality For Students ‘Dennis provides a clear, step-by-step outline of what is going so terribly wrong and the easy ways to remedy this.’ – Ollie Green, A-level student About the author Dennis Sherwood is a management consultant with experience of solving complex problems. He has a Physics Masters from the University of Cambridge, an MPhil in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry from Yale University and a PhD in biology from the University of California in San Diego. After being a consulting partner at Deloitte Haskins + Sells, and Coopers & Lybrand, he became an executive director at Goldman Sachs. He now runs his own business, The Silver Bullet Machine Manufacturing Company Limited, specialising in organisational creativity and innovation. He is author of 14 books. Extract - Foreword Gold standard! Well, maybe not! For many years England’s GCSE and A-level qualifications have enjoyed an international reputation as world-leading. They have frequently been cited as ‘gold standard’ examinations. In this book Dennis Sherwood applies forensic analysis, in an accessible format, to one aspect of those qualifications – the grades awarded to each student on results day. His expert commentary leaves us in no doubt that the architecture of reliability is nothing more than a fancy façade on a house that’s built on sand. This is not a book about whether examinations are the best way to assess authentic learning. That’s a different debate, although there’s evidence here that excessive reliance on end-of-course examinations exacerbates the great grading scandal. This is also not a book about whether the content of our examination-driven school and college curriculum is well-designed, fit for purpose or sufficiently visionary for the future needs of students. That too is a long overdue discussion which should inform public policy, but Dennis retains his focus on one pressing issue. Are the grades awarded to students at the end of the examination process a reliable indicator of their performance and ability? Can those grades be trusted to determine suitability for advanced academic study or access to employment? Do they serve to differentiate authentically between one student and the next? We are all familiar with the results day photographs that accompany the headlines in August. Enthusiastic celebrations with beaming smiles. Images that are carefully contrived to align with the supporting text as ‘Camelia’ (or whoever) progresses to a top university with her four A* grades or ‘Daniel’ revealed to be a prodigy as he attains twelve grade 9’s in his GCSEs. Their results may well be impressive and will certainly open doors towards privileged academic opportunities. But what if the student with AAB is actually no better, in any meaningful sense, than the student with BAC? What if these grades lack the precision that they appear to convey? Is there an element of unreliability in how they are awarded – such that two otherwise identical candidates may as well roll a dice alongside completing their examination paper to determine which, say, of two adjacent grades they may ultimately be awarded? If Dennis is right – and I think he is – then a great grading scandal unfolds before our eyes every summer... [Buy the book to continue reading the foreword] Dr Robin Bevan, Headteacher, Southend High School for Boys and NEU Past National President, 2020-21