Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited The Exorbitant Burden: The Impact of the U.S. Dollar's Reserve and Global Currency Status on the U.S. Twin-Deficits
Many economists and experts interpret the U.S. twin-deficits, the twin-wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the 2008 Great Recession that escalated the US debt to vertiginous altitudes" as the signs of time that the dollar is now set to repeat the history of the British Pound. But is really the role of the dollar" as a global currency and an international reserve asset" actually rewarded the United States with an exorbitant privilege? This book focuses on the opposite end of exorbitant privilege spectrum: the exorbitant burden the cost the very dollar reserve status impacts on the U.S. economy through the twin deficits. This economic and political science work is a rigorous quantitative analysis that demonstrates that although it is a privilege and a benefit for the US to have its currency, the dollar, as the leading world reserve currency, the privilege also proves to be a very significant economic and security burden imposed on the nation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Community Management of Urban Open Spaces in Developing Economies
Dr. Bharati Mohapatra examines the social, functional, physical and emotional aspects of neighborhood Open Space and the attitude of people for community participation in managing the Open Space, as well as development of a framework for community participation by integrating the social, psychological and spatial attributes. The key interlinked parameters examined are: Place Use (Functional content), Place Quality (Spatial content), Place Attachment (Emotional content), Place Management (Environmental Behavior) and Levels of Participation. The book presents both qualitative studies and quantitative methods and techniques of analyzing the social and spatial parameters. Mohapatra shows how her work can be applied to formulate environmental management strategies, and location-specific issues and complexities in the people-park relationship can be addressed. Suggestions and recommendations based on the findings for effective planning and sustainable management of neighborhood open space are presented.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mastering Digital Transformation: Towards a Smarter Society, Economy, City and Nation
The information and communication technology revolution offers the promise of transforming economies and societies, and the risks of missing on a powerful techno-economic revolution and wasting scarce resources without much developmental impact. Some countries have mastered the process of digital transformation, and continue to realize substantial economic benefits. Others made substantial investments in the ICT infrastructure, with marginal impact. What makes for these differences among countries? Nagy Hanna presents a systematic approach to integrate ICT into development policies and programs across sectors of economy and society. This book bridges the current disconnect between the ICT specialists and their development counterparts in various sectors so as to harness the ongoing ICT revolution to maximize development impact and minimize downside risks. Posing a holistic and strategic framework that draws on lessons learned across all sectors to guide national leaders and development practitioners interested in moving from vision to action, it is an important work for researchers and students of ICT who aim to pursue innovative, inclusive and sustainable development paradigms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainability after Rio
It is now 20 years since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, better known as the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro. An important achievement of the conference was an agreement on the Climate Change Convention which in turn led to the Kyoto Protocol. Another was agreement to 'not carry out any activities on the lands of indigenous peoples that would cause environmental degradation or that would be culturally inappropriate'. Recently we have seen an updated and revised conference in Rio where the same issues were again discussed. Since then ideas about sustainability have changed considerably and to some extent they have merged with ideas about corporate social responsibility and about governance, determined by the economic and political fortunes of the actors involved. It is now time therefore to re-examine the concept of sustainability in the aftermath of this conference and to consider what issues are now considered pertinent around the world. This book therefore takes different positions concerning different aspects of this vital topic.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Corporate Governance
Advances in Financial Economics, volume 18, will present research on corporate governance both in the US and globally. Papers will deal with the role played by boards of directors, internal organization design and governance mechanisms, franchise agreements, the effect of regulation and policy, the market for corporate control, and strategic alliances. The volume will aim at providing a deeper understanding of corporate governance practices, trends, innovations and challenges using international data.
Emerald Publishing Limited Theoretical Engagements in Geopolitical Economy
This work advances geopolitical economy as a new approach to understanding the evolution of the capitalist world order and its 21st century form of multipolarity. Neither can be explained by recently dominant approaches such as 'U.S. hegemony' or 'globalization': they treat the world economy as a seamless whole in which either no state matters or only one does. Today's 'BRICs' and 'emerging economies' are only the latest instances of state-led or combined development. Such development has a long history of repeatedly challenging the unevenness of capitalism and the international division of labour it created. It is this dialectic of uneven and combined development, not markets or imperialism, which has spread productive capacity around the world. It also ensured that the 'hegemony' of the UK would end and attempts to create that of the US would peter out into multipolarity. This two part volume paves the way, advancing Geopolitical Economy as a new approach to the study of international relations and international political economy. They expose the theoretical limitations of the latter in Part I and the analytical limitations in Part II.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Taxation
Advances in Taxation publishes relevant, high-quality manuscripts from around the world addressing problems arising from federal, state, local and international taxation. The series uses a wide variety of research methods, including archival, experimental, survey, qualitative and legal approaches to address the problems and issues associated with taxation. Volume 22 of Advances in Taxation continues this approach to taxation, looking at issues concerning challenges in tax administration, taxpayer decisions, ethical issues in taxation, and college savings plans.
Emerald Publishing Limited Food Security in a Food Abundant World: An Individual Country Perspective
Food insecurity can result from various events. When food is abundant, the entitlement to food is limited by endowments, the ability to trade, and potential transfers from family or the government. This volume utilizes a country and regional perspective to examine food insecurity. We consider the interaction between income and the share of household expenditures on food. The epidemiological risk assessment approach to food security issues is utilized as a function of agricultural and production, food distribution, and health policies. The interdependence of food security and climate change is examined. Overall trends in economic growth and poverty reduction, constraints and bottlenecks in agricultural productivity growth, regional trade agreements, and other influential policies are reviewed and discussed. We also consider food security as related to food consumption patterns and obesity. The role of income diversification as well as the impact of Farmer School Fields on food security are examined. The impact of inheritance and transfer entitlements is examined as we consider the role of remittances as well as 'ganyu' or casual labor in determining food security.
Emerald Publishing Limited The School to Prison Pipeline: The Role of Culture and Discipline in School
This edited volume focuses on the role that school climate and disciplinary practices have on the educational and social experiences of students of color. Drawing from quantitative, qualitative, and theoretical studies, it brings to bear a number of topics such as racialized school experiences; criminology, discursive deviance and punishment and carceral studies; urban studies; school administration and leadership; and, a number of critical theorist frameworks. Practical insights are offered to assist administrators, teachers, school counsellors, and other school and non-school based professionals on how to address not only disparities in school discipline, but also create and promote an inclusive, affirming positive school culture and climate. With applications in disciplinary studies and criminology, leadership studies, critical race theory and other critical frameworks, this volume is a valuable resource advancing new theoretical concepts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Patrimonial Capitalism and Empire
There is today a new interest in empires past and present. Scholars seek fresh ways of understanding a form of power far older than the modern nation state. Others see empire, not long ago assumed to be a mode of governance on the way out, as having a surprising new lease on life, and want to better understand the reasons why. This volume focuses on the interconnected formations of patrimonialism, colonialism/empire and capitalism. Leading scholars analyze patrimonial politics in empires in regions throughout the world, including the United States, Latin America, China, South Africa, North Africa, West Africa, India, Australia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia. The articles show that patrimonial practices, which often form the backbone of empire, are present throughout history, including in global capitalist modernity. This volume will appeal to students of politics, and to a multidisciplinary scholarly audience in political sociology; historical social science; history; social theory, and area studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Black Males and Intercollegiate Athletics: An Exploration of Problems and Solutions
This book is needed to help guide the conversation around ways to address the great disparities that impact African American males in intercollegiate athletics. In particular, scholars and practitioners have grappled with issues surrounding the climate and opportunities presented to African American males as student-athletes and coaches. Yet, there has not been a single text dedicated to identifying issues pertaining to the success and pitfalls of Black males not just as student-athletes, but also as coaches, administrators, and academic support staff in intercollegiate athletics. By addressing such topics as the economic realities of athletic competition, academic achievement, mental health, job opportunities, and identity, a new discourse will emerge on the role of African American males in college sports. This work will revisit old issues and explore the new complexities surrounding Black males in the realm of athletics in higher education with the purpose of improving their plight.
Emerald Publishing Limited Increasing Student Engagement and Retention
This collection is comprised of seven key books on the topic of increasing student engagement. These titles provide international coverage on the subject with a variety of practical applications and how they can be used in real settings by students and teachers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence
This Book Set consists of:*9781783501106 - Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence (Part A)*9781783508938 - Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence (Part B)The chapters in this two-part volume offer understandings of the relationship between violence and gender from the global to the domestic level. In Part A the contributors address the ways in which wartime rape is treated in international courts, why and how the gender language used at the United Nations matters, how asylum-seekers fleeing gendered violence are treated, how the press and the courts frame rape and other acts of violence, perceptions and responses of and to disabled and LGBTQ people who are victims of gendered violence, the ways we respond to the perpetrators of violence, and the relationship of military service to nationalism. In Part B, authors trace the history of feminist antiviolence efforts, theorize the reproduction of symbolic gender violence, and show how violence might be re-conceptualized in c
Emerald Publishing Limited Field Guide to Case Study Research in Business-to-Business Marketing and Purchasing
This accessible field guide covers practical steps and contributes to behavioral theory by reporting intricate details on the strategies implemented by business-to-business firms within an inter-firm context. The coverage is deep, broad, and unique - the authors of the 14 papers all adopt the understanding that researchers need direct viewing - 'eyes-on-the-context' - that goes beyond the use of paper-and-pencil 5-pont and 7-point survey items to achieve accurate descriptions of how decisions are made and progress achieved. Following the customary introductory chapter, the titles of the 13 remaining chapters promise the reader new insights and tools to apply when studying B2B contexts. This new volume in the Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing series is a must for B2B scholars and executives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Labor Relations in Globalized Food
In recent years labor relations have altered significantly and new and more serious forms of labor marginalization and control have emerged. This book looks at labor in agriculture and food in a global era by studying salient characteristics of the conditions and use of labor in global agri-food. Written by experienced and also emerging scholars, the chapters present a wealth of empirical data and robust theorizations that allow readers to grasp the complexity of this topic. The volume stresses the new and emerging dimensions of labor and its continuous importance under globalization. Relevant to those studying the use and position of labor in neoliberal globalization, topics addressed include: Globalization and change in labor relations, mobility of agricultural labor, social upgrading, labor relations and resistance in the value chain.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Economics of International Airline Transport
Liberalization of regulatory policy on international air transportation through the use of bilateral and multilateral open skies agreements contributes to a business environment that presents air carriers with the opportunity to take advantage of greater access to aviation markets world-wide. Chapters in this volume of Advances in Airline Economics provide in-depth analysis of open skies agreements. In addition, contributions present empirical analysis of the effect of greater availability of international air transportation services on air fares, export flows, operating efficiency, and passenger demand for international flights. The influence of international airports on local metropolitan areas' economic development is also examined. Regulation of international air transportation, however, is not limited to the erosion of entry barriers. Companies providing international air transportation services also face restrictions on pollution emissions. This volume provides a more complete analysis of the economics of international air transportation by presenting research on the costs borne by air transportation companies due to pollution regulation in Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
Emerald Publishing Limited Opera North: Historical and Dramaturgical Perspectives on Opera Studies
This illustrated study is a resource for opera scholars, opera workers and opera lovers. It explores the field of opera studies in three ways: Through history: Opera North is presented through a historical lens within the UK operatic landscape. The chapter amalgamates extensive archival resources and interview material, including many illustrations from its 35 year history. Through ethnography: the day-to-day workplace behaviour of an opera company is explored in its rehearsal and performance spaces, and the production cycle from first music rehearsal to first night is traced through detailed observation and photographic records. Through production analysis: selected productions of recent years are given a dramaturgical focus, with aspects of conceptual, textual and visual analysis. Opera North was founded as English National Opera North in 1978. It became independent from English National Opera in 1981 and holds a reputation for fostering artistic talent, for adventurous programming choices and for high production values. This study explores universal issues relating to the production of opera, based on the very specific example of our National Opera Company in the North.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations
The purpose of the series is to explore the central and unique role of organizational ethics in creating and sustaining a pluralistic, free enterprise economy. The primary goal of the research studies published here is to examine how profit seeking and not for profit organizations can be conceived and designed to satisfy legitimate human needs in an ethical and meaningful way.
Emerald Publishing Limited Structural Econometric Models
This volume of Advances in Econometrics focuses on recent developments in the use of structural econometric models in empirical economics. The papers in this volume are divided in to three broad groups. The first part looks at recent developments in the estimation of dynamic discrete choice models. This includes using new estimation methods for these models based on Euler equations, estimation using sieve approximation of high dimensional state space, the identification of Markov dynamic games with persistent unobserved state variables and developing test of monotone comparative static in models of multiple equilibria. The second part looks at recent advances in the area empirical matching models. The papers in this section look at developing estimators for matching models based on stability conditions, estimating matching surplus functions using generalized entropy functions, solving for the fixed point in the Choo-Siow matching model using a contraction mapping formulation. While the issue of incomplete, or partial identification of model parameters is touched upon in some of the foregoing chapters, two chapters focus on this issue, in the context of testing for monotone comparative statics in models with multiple equilibria, and estimation of supermodular games under the restrictions that players' strategies be rationalizable. The last group of three papers looks at empirical applications using structural econometric models. Two applications applies matching models to solve endogenous matching to the loan spread equation and to endogenize marriage in the collective model of intrahousehold allocation. Another applications looks at market power of condominium developers in the Japanese housing market in the 1990s.
Emerald Publishing Limited Religion and Organization Theory
Both history and current events attest to the continued significance of religion in society. Despite the role and importance of the institution of religion, and the profound influence that religious organizations continue to exert, it occupies a curiously marginal place in organization theory. At the same time, organization theory has been criticized for its narrow focus on corporations and there have been calls to study a much broader range of organizational forms (e.g., Bamberger and Pratt, 2010). Interestingly, the small number of studies on religious organizations to have published have had a disproportionate impact on the field. This suggests that religious organizations deserve more attention, and that attending to them will have significant benefits for our understanding of organizations. This volume brings together leading organization theorists with an interest in religion. The aim is to consolidate and make available in one place existing knowledge on religion and organizations, as well as encouraging more organization theorists to include religion as part of their research activities and agenda.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transformational and Charismatic Leadership: The Road Ahead
This is the 10th anniversary edition of "Transformational and Charismatic Leadership: The Road Ahead." In the current compendium, we seek to update the theoretical and empirical work and professional practice issues associated with transformational and charismatic leadership that have transpired over the past decade. To accomplish this purpose, we asked authors from the original volume to provide an addendum to their original chapters updating what has occurred in their work realm over the last 10 years and what still needs to be done. In this way, we chose to leave the original "classic" chapters intact, while getting targeted updates to the work in each chapter. The author-teams highlight past work and offer new research ideas, insights, and directions for future work in their new contributions. In addition, we discuss these author-team contributions, take stock to date of the forecasts (predictions and projections) made in the original volume on future trends in leadership research and practice, take stock of the issues raised about what is missing from this leadership realm, and provide our views of new directions for theory, research and practice on transformational and charismatic leadership. In this way, we hope to participate in re-setting the stage for the next decade of theory and research on transformational and charismatic leadership.
Emerald Publishing Limited Going Global: Identifying Trends and Drivers of International Education
Following the success of the 2012 publication 'Going Global: the landscape for policy makers and practitioners in tertiary education', Emerald Group Publishing Limited are delighted to present 'Going Global: identifying trends and drivers of international education'. 'Going Global: identifying trends and drivers of international education' is edited by Mary Stiasny of the Institute of Education and Tim Gore OBE of the University of London. Published in collaboration with the British Council, the book showcases a selection of edited papers drawn from this year's highly successful Going Global 2012 international education conference in London. Each chapter features contributions from many of the foremost policy makers and industry leaders across the global education industries; offering fresh and diverse perspectives, exploring and reassessing the driving forces, barriers and common strategies of internationalised education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Youth Engagement: The Civic-Political Lives of Children and Youth
In recent years, civic and political institutions have stepped up their efforts to encourage youth participation: schools promote volunteerism, non-profits provide opportunities for service, local governments create youth councils, and social movement organizations discuss the need to encourage a new generation of activists. This volume adopts a critical approach to the civic and political socialization projects which aim to transform children and youth into upstanding citizens. By synthesizing the study of young people's civic and political socialization under the rubric of "Youth Engagement", the interplay of the civic and the political throughout young people's lives is considered. Chapters critically examine the multiple and contested meanings of ideal citizenship and reveal how children and youth craft active citizenship as they encounter and respond to the various institutions and organizations designed to encourage their civic and political development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Nonviolent Conflict and Civil Resistance
This volume of Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change analyzes examples of nonviolent resistance from across the globe. It covers how regime changes, political movements and nonviolent unrest develop and then shape the political decisions of both civil society and the state. Section one is focused on the strategic interactions between nonviolent movements and the state. This includes discussions on the civil rights movement in Northern Ireland, youth movements in Post-Communist states and nonviolent Islamic movements in Turkey. The second and third sections examine regime conflicts and the global diffusion of nonviolent movements. Here chapters center on the Iranian Revolution, social psychological approaches to nonviolent civil resistance, the Palestinian human rights movements, the efforts of nonviolent INGOs and the Nashville civil rights movement. This volume introduces new analytical concepts and theoretical frameworks for understanding nonviolent resistance, merging social movement scholarship with nonviolent studies in fresh and exciting ways.
Emerald Publishing Limited Politics and Public Policy
This volume highlights the ways in which scholarly analysis has contributed to a rich understanding of the links between spreading democracy, gender equality, and environmental protection. Combining theoretical, empirical, and policy perspectives, the volume includes cutting-edge debates on the meaning of democracy and the processes of its development, as well as the response of democracies to environmental and gender concerns. In particular, the volume answers questions applicable to the situation of women in the democratizing world as well as to environmental problems, linking together the issues of gender and environment. It discusses the difference between democratic and non-democratic countries in terms of protection and care for their citizens; security of women's rights and women's opportunities offered by democratic vs. non-democratic states; relations between environmental issues and gender; and women's response to environmental problems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies
Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Law and Economics
Since 1979 Research in Law and Economics has been presenting original research that explores the extent to which the constraints of law explain economic behavior and the role of economics in forming the law. The first chapter in this volume proposes three different definitions for market power from an antitrust perspective. Chapter two suggests a new means of measuring market power by moving away from traditional indicators of averaging industry profits. The third chapter is an analysis of efforts exerted and utilities obtained in a double lawsuit. Chapter four surveys recent developments in economics of contract interpretation. The fifth chapter examines the impact of changes in foreign exchange legislation on the levels of R&D undertaken by pharmaceutical firms in India. Chapter six addresses the role of transaction costs in explaining governance in environmental economics can play in helping choose environmental policy tools. The final chapter is an examination of economic evidence relating to the allegations in litigation against cigarette manufacturers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Documents on Government and the Economy
This volume includes archival documents and essays exploring the inter-relationship between the government and the economy. In the first piece, Levy, Peart, and Albert examine the one-sided controversy generated by Rose Wilder Lane and V. Orval Watts against a new generation of Keynes-influenced textbooks which focused on governmental policy and the scope of government activity. In addition to their essay, Levy et al. include significant and interesting historical documents as part of the story. The second piece, by Warren J. Samuels, examines Heinrich von Treitschke's view on property as a function of politics using archival documents. The last three pieces include a detailed examination of Warren J. Samuels' views on the economic role of government, based on his course notes in the area. Two sets of notes are published in addition to the introductory essay.
Emerald Publishing Limited Beyond the Nation-State: The Reconstruction of Nationhood and Citizenship
The book examines the effects of education in creating global citizens who share a world culture. This occurs within an international system that still remains decentralized, composed of independent nation-states as major actors. Prof. Kamens argues that as globalization intensifies, this system of nation-states becomes more saturated and dense with structure. Intensified globalization has produced a world society, thanks to the spread of global capitalism, education, democracy and bureaucracy. The upshot is that world culture travels quickly and produces 'recipes' for the development of an 'imagined community' that has increasing commonalities across societies. The book examines the role of education in diffusing such attitudes and models, as global citizens confront national institutions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Behavioral Disorders: Identification, Assessment, and Instruction of Students with EBD
Along with volume 23 of the same series, this book addresses the most current perspectives and issues related to behavior disorders and it involves leaders in the behaviour disorders field. This book specifically addresses identification, assessment and instruction. This book is organized to allow readers to follow behavioral disorders in a very logical and thoughtful process. Topics addressed include legal issues, assessment, placement prevention, culturally and linguistically diverse students, English Language learners, behaviour modification as well as differentiated instruction. Chapters can be read in order or independently since they have considerable versatility. We feel that this volume of "Advances in Special Education" will be an excellent resource for special education professionals who teach and serve students with behavioral disorders.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions
What makes the "Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions" series stand out is its focus on all three characteristics that make up this research field - studies from scholars in different countries, with different research questions, relying on different theoretical perspectives. Such a broad, and inclusive, approach to mergers and acquisitions is not easily replicated in academic journals, with much narrower mandates and metrics. The collections published each year provide cutting edge ideas by leading scholars on a global scale. Doing so not only broadens the questions being studied, but also helps researchers consider the inter-relationships among different perspectives. In the final analysis, the best way to build understanding around a topic as diffuse as mergers and acquisitions is to be both integrative, and expansive, in choice of research questions and theoretical underpinnings. "Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions" offers this unique perspective, not easily found elsewhere, that will help scholars think about mergers and acquisitions in new ways, building our knowledge base on this critical topic.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
"Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research" publishes high-quality research encompassing all areas of accounting that incorporates theory from, and contributes knowledge and understanding to applied psychology, sociology, management science, and behavioral economics. Research published in this series encompasses all areas of accounting and covers a broad range of issues that affect the users, preparers and assurers of accounting information. This volume focuses primarily on developing psychometric measures that can be useful for future research. This includes research focused on developing an instrument for measuring taxpayer locus of control, developing a scale for examining social norms related to tax compliance, identifying characteristics of audit partners that might predict 'risky' behavior, and identifying facets of culture that influence employee satisfaction. Further, the quality of auditors' decisions as judged by engagement quality reviewers and jurors are examined. Finally, an investigation of the factors that influence coauthorship provides interesting insight into the habits of the most productive accounting researchers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Wisconsin, Labor, Income, and Institutions: Contributions from Commons and Bronfenbrenner
This volume publishes notes from Martin Bronfenbrenner's course in the Distribution of Income as taken by Warren J. Samuels at the University of Wisconsin in 1954. Bronfenbrenner, who received his PhD from the University of Chicago in 1939, was an unusually prolific author with wide ranging interests. 'The New Palgrave' entry on Bronfenbrenner notes that he was probably unique in holding simultaneous membership in both the Mt Pelerin Society and the Union of Radical Political Economists. Bronfenbrenner's work on income distribution is particularly important as it modified neoclassical theory to be able to address questions raised by both classical and neo-Marxian analysis. He described his own work as being 'summed up in the proposition that the distribution of income and wealth is an important factor in judging an economic system on welfare grounds, but that such emotive terms as 'maldistribution', 'exploitation', and 'poverty' are all subjective.' This volume thus provides an important archival source for economists working in mid-20th century history of economic thought as well as those interested in the evolution of neoclassical theory and the nexus between economics and Cold War politics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Asian Economic Studies
This is the sixth volume in the series on research in Asian economic studies. This volume takes as its main theme the idea of economic regionalization in this area and develops it in a series of essays.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in International Comparative Management
This series summarizes current thinking in the field of comparative management. The series is intended to make an academic contribution through focused essays, presenting material in a fashion suitable for both scholars and advanced students.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth
This is the first volume in a series which explores current research, and theoretical and methodological efforts in the field of entrepreneurship, and its related disciplines of small business, family business, and population ecology. The book considers various demographic issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management is designed to promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management. The series is published yearly and includes papers on issues of cutting edge importance by some of the very best scholars in the field. It is considered to be one of the most respectable publications in the field of human resources management and acts as a primary resource to both individuals and libraries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Innovation in New Markets: The Impact of Deregulation on Airlines, Financial Markets, and Telecommunications
Editorial Objectives This series aims to present the latest research on entrepreneurship, innovation and the impact on economic performance. Topicality Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth (ASEIEG) provides a timely and relevant discussion and exploration of entrepreneurial topics, their impact, and ties to key values in today’s society, such as social, environmental and economic issues and challenges. Topics range from aspects of entrepreneurial behavior to determinants of entrepreneurial research with contributions from top scholars across the US and the globe. Key Benefits Organization and history of series allows a rich, multi faceted foundation for entrepreneurial topics in a rapidly changing information age. Research can be disseminated in a clear and effective manner to promote communication between the business and academic communities and to foster entrepreneurship within the society. Key Audiences Key audiences range from private industry to policy officials to researchers and educators. The role and understanding of entrepreneurship, the implications for current critical conditions and sustained vibrant economies, is rapidly growing. This series provides each with a highly useful blend of topics and scholarly perspectives. Coverage The series includes related articles and papers, frequently driven by organized colloquia and other business/academic exchange, with interdisciplinary perspectives including those of economics, marketing, law, finance, management, history, science, higher education administration and sociology. Coverage includes but is not limited to: Institutional entrepreneurial development Intellectual property concerns, patenting, and other property rights issues Environmental entrepreneurship and innovation Innovation within and across firms Effect of government regulation and tax policies Organizational factors, market structure effects and marketing strategies Entrepreneurship programmes and other educational activities Relative performance of entrepreneurial firms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
This 7th volume in the series discusses a variety of topics in the field of symbolic interaction.
Emerald Publishing Limited An International Compilation of Awards Prizes and Recipients: Public Relations and Business, 1900-50
Industrial Development and the Social Fabric
Emerald Publishing Limited Comparing European Workers: Policies and Institutions
This second of two companion volumes places the labor markets, workplaces, jobs and workers of Europe in comparative perspective. It focuses on the politics, economics, sociology, and history of work and workers in Europe. It contains both qualitative and quantitative studies as well as explicitly theoretical work, and compares contemporary patterns and the recent history of European workers with other models of work worldwide. Authors contribute a variety of methodological and theoretical perspectives, with papers that push the boundaries of evidence and argument. Specific topics in "Comparing European Workers Volume 2: Policies and Institutions" include: the political economy of active social policy in postindustrial democracies; social protection dualism, deindustrialization and cost containment; organized labor in Europe; and, unionization in East European ex-communist countries. It asks such questions as 'does European-style welfare generosity discourage single mother employment?', 'whose interests do unions represent?' and 'are trade unions still redistributive?'.
Emerald Publishing Limited Critical Aspects of Gender in Conflict Resolution, Peacebuilding, and Social Movements
This volume of "Research in Social Movements, Conflicts, and Change" investigates gendered aspects of social activism and peacebuilding, an area of research that continues to be undertheorized. Gender cuts across all forms of conflict and all aspects of society politically, economically, and socially. As a basic organizing principle in society, gender roles, relations, and inequalities impact social processes. From a gender perspective, the transformation of society requires investigating the overlapping and intertwined root causes of conflict from the interpersonal to the community and structural level, and the critical role that women play in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and social movements. With a focus on the agency of grassroots citizens, refugee, indigenous, and ethnic minority women, this volume seeks to bring light to gendered aspects of practice that will assist scholars and practitioners in research and policy development. From reconciliation commissions in Sierra Leone, environmental activists in the Czech Republic, women's organizations in Burmese refugee camps, women's work in conflict resolution rituals in Laos, Minutewomen's e-activism in the United States, to women's social networks in Uzbekistan, this book explores complex contexts and critical issues central to women's grassroots activism, peacebuilding, and social movements.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global History of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Eurasia, Middle East and Africa
The Global Accounting History four volume set aims to establish a benchmark reference source that covers the evolution of accounting, financial reporting and related institutions for all major economies in the world in a comparable way. Volume Four examines seven nations from Eurasia, the Middle East and Africa, including Egypt, Iran, Israel, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Turkey. Each chapter is authored by a specialist from its respective country.
Emerald Publishing Limited Experiments on Energy, the Environment, and Sustainability
This volume will present experimental economics research focusing on issues of environmental quality and sustainability. Specific topics will include institutions for cap-and-trade, eco-tourism, urban sprawl, and optimal pollution control strategies. In addition to the traditional 'introduction', we are asking an expert on engineering issues in energy, the environment, and sustainability to write an essay highlighting the benefits to scientists and engineers of understanding human behaviour.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Control: Informal, Legal and Medical
There has been a revitalization of interest in social control over the last decade, and this volume contributes to renewed attempts to explain and conceptualize social control in all its diversity. It provides a broad conceptualization of social control which is unique. Rather than concentrating solely on law and legal control (the criminal justice system), there are also treatments of informal control (socialization, group formation and the controls exerted in everyday life) as well as medical control (norms regarding health and illness, particularly with regard to notions of 'normal' behaviour). This volume brings together cutting edge analyses - both theoretical and empirical - of social control from leading scholars in the fields of sociology, criminology, and related social sciences. "Perspectives on Social Control" is of interest not only to sociologists and criminal justice practitioners, but also to medical professionals (primarily for the focus on medical control or medicalization), as well as a wide array of scholars from a variety of disciplines concerned with the socialization process and the pressures toward conformity exerted by social groups in everyday life.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organizational Culture, Business-to-Business Relationships, and Interfirm Networks
This volume provides in-depth understanding about business-to-business (B2B) and organizational relationships. Studies included identify real-life relationship paradoxes and explain how firms manage - not solve - these paradoxes. Two research reports are the result of three years of intensive face-to-face data collection of how interfirm relations form, operate, and change. They include unedited direct quotes from suppliers, focal firms, and customers on their interfirm relationships and provide a profound understanding of quality relationships. Additional articles include: Discourses in Organizational Culture; Organizational Innovation and Outcomes in SMEs; Anatomy of Relationship Significance; a review of Markets-as-Networks Theory; and Meta-theories in Research. The volume highlights that making mistakes is inherent in organizational innovations and understanding how organizations work through such mistakes is an important key to understanding success versus failure in innovation outcomes. It provides rich descriptions on how B2B networks form, function and develop and is for readers who want to delve into how B2B relationships actually work and, frequently, do not work.
Emerald Publishing Limited Markets on Trial: The Economic Sociology of the U.S. Financial Crisis
This Book Set of A & B. Since the mid-20th century, organizational theorists have increasingly distanced themselves from the study of core societal power centers and important policy issues of the day. This has been driven by a shift away from the study of organizations, politics, and society and towards a more narrow focus on instrumental exchange and performance. As a result, our field has become increasingly impotent as a critical voice and contributor to policy. For a contemporary example, witness our inability as a field to make sense of the recent U.S. mortgage meltdown and concomitant global financial crisis. It is not that economic and organizational sociologists have nothing to say. The problem is that while we have a great deal of knowledge about finance, the economy, entrepreneurship and corporations, we fail to address how the knowledge in our field can be used to contribute to important policy issues of the day. This double-volume brings together some of the very top scholars in the world in economic and organizational sociology to address the recent global financial crisis debates and struggles around how to organize economies and societies around the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Taxation
"Advances in Taxation" publishes articles dealing with all aspects of taxation. Articles can address tax policy issues at the federal, state, local, or international level. The series primarily publishes empirical studies that address compliance, computer usage, education, legal, planning, or policy issues. These studies generally involve interdisciplinary research that incorporates theories from accounting, economics, finance, psychology, and sociology.