Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Innovative Pathways for University Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century
The complex global environment for entrepreneurship and innovation has experienced significant change during the past decade requiring a deeper understanding of economic, capital, technological, environmental, and social forces in order for this generation to realize sustained success. University based entrepreneurship is at the nexus of this environment. Students of entrepreneurship and the faculty that are educating the innovation workforce are uniquely positioned as agents in the movement of discovery and innovation. This volume seeks to demonstrate how the entrepreneurship field looks to reshape and prepare tomorrow's highly sophisticated entrepreneurial generations. ASEIEG is a product of organized university-based entrepreneurship programs through the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC). The GCEC stands as the premier leadership organization addressing the emerging topics of importance to the world's university-based centers for entrepreneurship. GCEC has become the principal vehicle by which the top and emerging centers can work together to share information with one another in advancing and strengthening the contributions and impact of individual centers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Public and Third Sector Leadership: Experience Speaks
For those bold enough to lead in this age of austerity, the challenges are immense. Seismic shifts have taken place in the public and third sectors. Political, economic, technological, and social change are driving profound transformation of organizational models, making predictability and stability elusive. The combined effects of the economic downturn and cutbacks in spending are hitting leaders in the public and third sectors hard. Written by leaders in these sectors, this book provides an opportunity for the voices of those rarely considered in the literature on leadership to be heard. Each leader has contributed their personal reflections of what leadership means to them and their experience of it. They also consider the complex challenges they face as they grapple with changes in the economy, polity and society. Public and Third Sector Leadership: Experience Speaks provides an analysis of the research in the public and third sectors and the reflections written by each leader, highlighting the key themes from each sector. This is a unique opportunity to hear from the men and women who have demanding leadership positions in the public and third sectors in the UK today.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Power of Resistance: Culture, Ideology and Social Reproduction in Global Contexts
Recent history has documented a phenomenal surge in global unrest. From Missouri to the Middle East, the world has watched waves of momentum build, peak, and dip around events such as the shooting of Michael Brown and the acquittal of Hosni Mubarak. There have been waves of mass protests of resistance, vivid expressions of human agency through the use of technology and social media, and the clear search for finding voice in spaces where the culture of silence has been the norm for decades. This quest for humanization has led, in some cases, to macro-level changes such as the fall of governments, the collapse of economic stability, and the production of immense refugee populations. It has also led to micro-level changes within individuals’ decisions to no longer be silenced or accept the status quo. Although separated by vast geographic space, this book serves to link these struggles through developing understandings of common patterns within and interconnections across oppressive societal structures. While these dynamic forms of human agency can be studied from multiple perspectives, this book is guided through the powerful ideological frameworks of culture and social reproduction and looks specifically to the role of schooling as a vehicle for catalysing change.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Research Annual and Documents Related to John Maynard Keynes Institutionalism at Chicago Frank H. Knight
This Book Set consists of:*9781783500581 - A Research Annual (Part A)*9781783500604 - Documents Related to John Maynard Keynes, Institutionalism at Chicago & Frank H. Knight (Part B)Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology is an annual research series which presents materials in two fields, both broadly considered: the history of economic thought and the methodology of economics. The annual A-volume contains peer-reviewed articles comparable to other academic journals in the history of economics, except that long pieces are welcome. The A-volume also publishes symposia, and review essays on new works in the history of economic thought, methodology and related fields (philosophy of science, sociology of science, rhetoric of science, and intellectual history), including multiple reviews of the same work. The annual B-volume are archival supplement that present previously unpublished materials -- lecture notes, papers, longer manuscripts, correspondence, etc.- of intere
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Media in Strategic Management
Social media are changing the way businesses interact in technology-mediated ways with most of their stakeholders. Strategically-minded manager s, researchers and students cannot afford to ignore the new ways in which interactions with customers, employees, shareholders, and many other important constituents are taking place as a result of the widespread availability and creative use of these new technologies. Conventional wisdom is being challenged and virtual workspaces that had never been conceptualized are opening at blistering speed. This volume in the Advanced Series in Management series bridges empirical and theoretical approaches to identifying and demystify this set of emerging, exciting new family of user-gene rated content technologies. With contributions from and about a wide diverse range of countries, from emerging to established, researchers and informed practitioners will find intriguing, diverse perspectives on how the social media revolution challenging managers and management scholars. Involving disciplines as different as management, communications, information technology, personnel, finance and others, contributions in this boo k will be cited in future research projects or used in classrooms and other training settings by those more likely stay in the leading edge of this family of innovative tools.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Organizational Change and Development
Research in Organizational Change and Development provides a special platform for scholars and practitioners to share new research-based insights. Volume 21 continues the tradition of providing insightful and thought-provoking chapters. Papers bring new perspectives to classic issues in the field such as organizational complexity, change leadership, emotional intelligence and interorganizational change.
Emerald Publishing Limited Individual sources, Dynamics and Expressions of Emotions
Research on Emotion in Organizations is the publication of the Emonet listserv, which hosts the biennial International Conference on Emotion and Worklife. Chapters in the series include a selection of peer-reviewed papers from the conference, together with invited chapters by leading scholars in the field of emotion in organizational settings.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
Volume 16 exemplifies this focus by including nine different chapters spanning topics such as auditor liability, ethical decision-making of accounting professionals, taxpayers' perceptions of tax policy, and the effect of auditor changes on commercial lenders' decision-making. The first three chapters focus on liability effects of accounting information: the effect of web disclosure of environmental information on liability assessments, the effect of identifying and investigating fraud risks on assessments of auditor liability, and the effect of offshoring audit tasks on assessments of auditor liability. The next four chapters relate to ethical aspects of judgment and decision-making: the influence of peer honesty in a managerial accounting setting, the influence of individual characteristics in a financial accounting setting, the influence of moral reasoning in a tax setting, and the relationship between political ideology and moral reasoning of accounting professionals. The next chapter investigates taxpayers' perceptions related to innocent spouse provisions and the final chapter considers the role of auditor changes on commercial lenders' decisions to extend credit.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethics, Values and Civil Society
This volume is a selection of papers from the 19th annual 'Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics' Conference. Topics covered include journalism ethics, organ donation, as well as an essay drawn from Daniel Wueste's keynote address on the conditions and implications of trust for the professions. Other papers include research on the ethical perils of university researchers, a values based approach to ethical culture, the ethics of hospitality-tourism practice and pedagogy, and ethical decision making processes for research in Small and Medium Enterprises.
Emerald Publishing Limited Developing People's Information Capabilities: Fostering Information Literacy in Educational, Workplace and Community Contexts
Developing People's Information Capabilities: Fostering Information Literacy in Educational, Workplace and Community Contexts is Vol 8 of the well regarded Library and Information Science Series. This book hones in on accessible issues across different work and educational contexts and is of value to both academic and practitioner.
Emerald Publishing Limited Can Tocqueville Karaoke?: Global Contrasts of Citizen Participation, the Arts and Development
Are you sceptical about the importance of arts and culture, especially about their possible impact on politics and the economy? This volume outlines a new framework for analysis of democratic participation and economic growth and explores how these new patterns work around the world. The new framework joins two past traditions; however, their background histories are clearly separate. Democratic participation ideas come mostly from Alexis de Tocqueville, while innovation/bohemian ideas driving the economy are largely inspired by Joseph Schumpeter and Jane Jacobs. New developments building on these core ideas are detailed in the first two sections of this volume. But these chapters in turn show that more detailed work within each tradition leads to an integration of the two: participation joins innovation. This is the main theme in the book's third section, the buzz around arts and culture organizations, and how they can transform politics, economics, and social life.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contradictions: Finance, Greed, and Labor Unequally Paid
This volume analyzes two decisive factors that have become embedded in the world spread of capitalism, a shift toward dominance of the financial sector, now entailing massive greed and calling into question whether the 'rules' of capitalism have been broken, and of global wage differentials so deep that recognition of a labor aristocracy cannot be avoided. These chapters are supplemented by two additional showing that gold still regulates the dollar's value, and that unpaid reproductive labor of women adversely affects labor productivity. Analysis of finance engenders discussion of its place in value theory, posed around the rate of profit, and is more complex than often presented. Furthermore, the varying rates of profit at the firm level, not just for financials, are distributed in a manner exhibiting more frequent extreme cases than a Bell-curve would suggest. Implications for incorporation of randomization into political economy are drawn. The final chapters provide evidence that Marx was more correct than Kalecki and Minsky when arguing the lead of profits for investment, and that product innovations can mitigate problems of over-production resulting from process innovations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Principles and Strategies to Balance Ethical, Social and Environmental Concerns with Corporate Requirements
Advances in Sustainability & Environmental Justice Volume 12: Principles and Strategies to Balance Ethical Social and Environmental Concerns with Corporate Requirements brings together a range of practitioners and academics from the world of business who examine corporate social responsibility in policy and practice in a series of case studies from across the globe. This volume, co-edited by Dr. Liam Leonard and Dr. Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, is the second in the series (formerly Advances in Ecopolitics) dedicated to Corporate Social Responsibility within the scope of international business. Both books in this pair of studies bring together contributions from authors located in 13 countries in the 5 continents, and this second volume on the topic specifically incorporates academic works from 21 researchers representing institutions from Australia, Canada, Colombia, England, Ireland, Kenya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Romania, and the United States. As such, these studies represent one of the most comprehensive collections on contemporary business practices in the significant area of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Issue: Who Belongs?: Immigration, Citizenship, and the Constitution of Legality
The 60th volume of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society edited by Austin Sarat, is an essential text for legal scholars with a unique focus on the disciplines of sociology, politics and the humanities. This special issue interrogates how law defines identity. It addresses the key themes of immigration and citizenship, and examines the criteria that produces the label of "American". Articles discuss birthright citizenship and immigrant membership in the US, early immigration histories, sovereignty, and citizenship policies with current examples from Europe. Are all those born or naturalized in the US "American" and all those born or naturalized elsewhere not? How does law identify and decide who belongs? How does dealing with "outsiders" challenge the law? This volume answers these questions and explores how citizens are not born through accidents of geography but are made through law.
Emerald Publishing Limited Increasing Student Engagement and Retention Using Immersive Interfaces: Virtual Worlds, Gaming, and Simulation
"Increasing Student Engagement and Retention Using Immersive Interfaces: Virtual Worlds, Gaming, and Simulation" uses case studies, surveys, and literature reviews to critically examine how gaming, simulation, and virtualization are being used to improve teamwork and leadership skills in students, create engaging communities of practice, and as experiential learning tools to create inter-cultural, multi-perspective, and global experiences. Chapters include how to increase learner engagement using serious games, using game features for classroom engagement, using client-based peer assessment in multi-role, whole-enterprise simulations, using virtual worlds to develop teacher candidate skills, enhancing leadership skills through virtual simulation, using online video simulation for educational leadership, using augmented reality in education, using open source software in education, using educational robotics laboratories to enhance active learning, and utilizing the virtual learning environment to encourage faculty reflection. This volume will also discuss a framework for deploying and assessing these technologies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Early Education in a Global Context
This volume of "Advances in Early Education and Day Care" examines early education from perspectives around the globe. The eight chapters come from a variety of locations including China, Israel, Sweden, Italy, Greece, Zambia, The United States and Canada. These chapters discuss professional development in several contexts, children's understandings and programs for children. This volume should give the reader an idea of the range of work that is being done around the globe. The unique feature of this volume is that it brings together insider perspectives on early education in different contexts. Each author/s has discussed what is going on in their own context. The Reggio Emilia educational program from Northern Italy has over the last 3 decades had a global impact on early education. This volume seeks to add to the knowledge brought from other diverse sources. The target audience for this book are educational researchers and program developers who are seeking information about international programs.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Policy Challenges For European Multinationals
This volume takes stock of the latest international business research on the relationship between European multinational enterprises (MNEs) and their policy environment. The volume brings together a variety of scholarly contributions from an European perspective. European MNEs were amongst the earliest to internationalize and many now command globally dispersed operations. European MNEs pioneered the multi-centric organizational form, which can be interpreted in part as an effort to address the policy challenges facing these firms in environments fraught with natural and government-imposed market imperfections. The volume covers four dimensions of MNE corporate strategy in the face of complex policy environments: corporate strategic responses to national policy institutions; pro-active institution-oriented strategies; dynamics of international business-government relations; and, corporate strategies in turbulent times.
Emerald Publishing Limited Narrative Inquirers in the Midst of Meaning-Making: Interpretive Acts of Teacher Educators
"Narrative Inquirers in the Midst of Meaning-making: Interpretive Acts of Teacher Educators" illustrates interim narrative field texts of identity as "teacher educator stories" and demonstrates how researchers utilize common places of temporality, sociality, and place in analyzing narratives. It describes conceptualizations of narrative research processes, bringing forward narrative tools and methods of layering narratives from experienced narrative researchers. Through the metaphor of braided rivers, the chapters are woven together through unique chapter interim dialogues which spotlight the insights discovered within the three-dimensional inquiry space. From chapters on the temporal dimension of narrative inquiry, on burrowing and broadening through narrative, on openness and inconclusivity in interpretation, on plotlines discovered through the interpretive tool of chronotypes, and on the cross-cultural interpretation of field texts, researchers and teacher educators can reach new conclusions about the ontology and epistemology of narrative research, in the midst of meaning-making.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disputes in Everyday Life: Social and Moral Orders of Children and Young People
Volume 15 of "Sociological Studies of Children and Youth" investigates the interactional procedures used by children and young people as disputes arise in varying contexts of their everyday life. Disputes are a topic of angst and anxiety for children, young people and adults alike, and yet are important times for interactional matters to be addressed. A particular intention of the book is its ethnomethodological focus, bringing a fine-grained analysis and understanding to disputes and related interactional matters. Such analysis highlights the in situ competency of children and young people as they manage their social relationships and disputes to offer insight into how children arrange their social lives within the context of school, home, neighbourhood, correctional, club and after school settings. This volume offers a contemporary understanding of the relational matters of children's peer cultures to better understand and address the complex nature of children and young people's everyday lives in today's society. Papers include: when verbal disputes get physical; conditional threats in young children's peer interaction; and young children's disputes during computer game playing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global History of Accounting Financial Reporting and Public Policy
The Global Accounting History four volume set aims to establish a benchmark reference source that covers the evolution of accounting, financial reporting and related institutions for all major economies in the world in a comparable way.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Finance
The theme of this volume is "Dealing with Volatility and Enhancing Performance". The lead chapter sets the theme by giving insight into using the Chicago Board Option Exchange Volatility Index (CBOE VIX) futures in hedging strategies for equity market investors (and hedge funds). During a time when there is much concern about the perceived volatility of global equity markets, the insights offered here could be reassuring as well as useful. The second chapter offers insights into the efficiency (or lack thereof) of attempts for forecast global earnings. Then, the third chapter offers new insights into an issue that has been important for many decades, but which promises to become more topical in the years to come. That is the question of when and why the people who make the business work should also be the owners. Remaining chapters offer further insights into recent trends in "in-house" mergers/acquisitions activity, purchases and sales of real options, project risk, electricity derivatives, corporate governance in Europe, and emerging markets.
Emerald Publishing Limited Religion, Work, and Inequality
Work behaviours and inequality in work-based rewards are essential to financial security and general well-being. Although the benefits of receiving work-based rewards, such as income, benefits and retirement packages, are significant, they are not enjoyed uniformly. Scholars have invested considerable resources in studying the processes that lead to differential work outcomes, and we know a considerable amount about what places people in the distributions of income and wealth. However, religion is a critical determinant of these outcomes that has attracted little attention. It seems logical that a person's general approach to the world - their religious beliefs or cultural orientation - would be an important determinant of their wealth. After all, the things we consider important and our operating assumptions about how the world does work and how it should work are certain to affect the goals we pursue, our decisions about critical life events, and, ultimately, how well-off we are. This volume brings together major thinkers in the field of religion, work and inequality to explore current research and to articulate an agenda for better understanding these essential social processes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Volume 37 in the bi-annual series "Studies in Symbolic Interaction" is divided into three distinct parts: Part One, Theoretical Openings, focuses on new theoretical work in the interactionist tradition by leading interdisciplinary scholars. It examines the mesodomain of welfare reform through re-negotiating the order of economic inequality, provides a grounded fractal analysis into the medicalization of homelessness and the sociology of the self, and looks at the labeling of immigrant men as criminals. In Part Two, Studies in Social Construction, focus shifts to issues of gender, ethnicity, illness and the urban situation including articles on the social constructions of the non-prejudiced white self, women's interaction with romantic comedies and the impact on their relationship, and engaging cultural narratives of the ethnic restaurant. The third and final part, Autoethnographic Interventions, turns inward to autoethnographic reflections on identity, technology, family, work and self including contributions on the digital evolution of an American identity and nursing's moral imperative as the flexible professional and the discourse of unexpected evidence.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium: Strategic and Educational Options
This volume is the latest edition of an international edited book series based on the formation and growth problems of High Technology Small Firms (HTSFs) begun in 1993. This body of work is unique, and maps the evolution of research in this area through almost two decades of academic research and government policy towards a sector that is the key to future prosperity of developed and developing notational economies throughout the world. In this the latest Volume, there is one major and two subsidiary themes that have emerged from the best papers to be presented at the HTSF Conference held at the University of Twente at Enshede in May 2008. Following a contextual introduction by the editors, seven of the chapter are concerned with the key issue of strategy, which is always a key concern for HTSFs as they seek to find the best way to getting their products to the market. Indeed, a further two papers are concerned with the requirements of international marketing, while a final three papers deal with aspects of education for HTSF founders.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Well-Being, Peer Cultures and Rights of Children
This volume is comprised of empirical research and theoretical papers within three key areas, namely children's well being, children and youth peer cultures, and the rights of children and youth. These empirical studies include children's voices and experiences from four continents (Asia, Europe, North America and South America) and a range of methodological and theoretical orientations. A clear connection to social policy at a national and international level is made in many of these studies. Topics are wide-ranging and include: Praetorian militarization; school mobility; math and reading achievement gaps; dating and the developmental discourse in a summer camp; and, school and social exclusion for urban young people. Altogether, these studies highlight how structure and culture both limit and enable the life chances of children, how children interpret and construct their social relations and environments, and how children view themselves as well as how others view the rights of children. This volume is a further example of how the "Sociological Studies of Children and Youth" series successfully showcases major strands of current thinking on children and youth in our world today.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Social Science Methodology
"Advances in Social Science Methodology: Volume 4" is separated into two parts: factor analytic methods and non-factor analytic methods. The first section begins with an examination of basic issues in classical measurement and correlation, forming a foundation for subsequent discussions. Further chapters discuss explained-variance partitioning, repeated measures designs, canonical correlation analyses and selected parametric solutions to the Behrens-Fisher problem. Part two focuses on diverse aspects of factor analysis including an exploration of contemporary analytic and reporting practices in counselling psychology research, factor analyses of entities other than variables, confirmatory extraction and rotation and finally, an incisive treatment of higher-order exploratory methods.
Emerald Publishing Limited Web of Leadership: Presidency in Higher Education
The 3rd volume of Contemporary Ethnographic Studies focuses on the Web of Leadership and Presidency in Higher Education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Community and Mental Health
Research in Community and Mental Health
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Community and Mental Health
Research in Community and Mental Health
Emerald Publishing Limited Dynamics of Globalization: Location-Specific Advantages or Liabilities of Foreignness?
Cross-border flows of goods, services, capital, knowledge, and ideas have substantially increased over the last decades. These developments have increased the interdependencies among previously separated economies, given rise to arguments regarding the flattening of the world. Yet, firms investing overseas continue to experience substantial liabilities stemming from their foreignness. At the same time new locations are appearing on the global map that offers very attractive location-specific advantages. In addition, the range of participants in international competition has widened, in terms of both the number of countries involved and the types of firms competing, to encompass developed market firms expanding beyond industrialized countries, and emerging market firms joining global competition. The focus of this volume is on how the interface between firm-specific advantages, liability of foreignness, and location-specific advantages are spelled out in the more global world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Globalization of Management Education: Changing International Structures, Adaptive Strategies, and the Impact on Institutions
Rarely, if ever, have business schools experienced change as far-reaching and powerful as during the current wave of globalization. Understanding these changes, and their implications, was the charge given to an AACSB Task Force on Globalization of Management Education. In this comprehensive report, the Task Force explores broad globalization trends in management education that command the attention of any individual or institution striving to navigate in today's environment. Then, by exploring individual business school strategies, it provides valuable insights into how business schools can and should respond. The report aims to encourage and guide business schools to embrace globalization in ways that are mission-appropriate, manageable given available resources, and meaningful to the stakeholders being served. For organizations serving business schools, it will be a catalyst for action that elevates and improves business schools' capabilities. Readers will be left with the conviction that great opportunities exist for business schools to move from keeping pace with the sweeping changes of globalization, to leading the way.
Emerald Publishing Limited Droughts in Asian Monsoon Region
Drought is a slow-onset disaster. The impacts are invisible and are often reflected as a complex socio-economic phenomenon. Due to changes in the climatic conditions droughts are increasingly occurring in non-traditional drought prone areas. The Asian monsoon region is one of these areas where consecutive years of droughts are causing severe problems for the lives and livelihoods of the communities. The impacts are becoming increasingly more visible, and drawing the attention of policy makers and professionals from national and international levels. In this context, this book outlines the characteristics and challenges of the Asian monsoon drought and highlights innovative solutions and approaches undertaken in different parts of the region. A ready-reference for field practitioners it combines academic research and field practices, and builds on actual implementation experiences of drought risk reduction. Providing a thorough examination of the subject and region, chapters cover droughts in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. It concludes with an article on cross-cutting experiences and drought risk reduction in the Asian Monsoon Region.
Emerald Publishing Limited Assessment and Intervention
The recent emphasis on accountability in policy and practice for individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities has placed a renewed focus on issues in assessment. However, assessment in itself is of little value unless it leads to more effective and systematic interventions. In this volume, a distinguished group of international authors provide important insights on recent advances on assessment and intervention, and the relation between the two. Included in this volume are chapters on curriculum based measurement and response to intervention, dynamic assessment and working memory, diagnostic accuracy and functional diagnosis, assessment of social behavior, assessment and intervention in reading and writing, assessment and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and assessment and intervention in social and emotional competence and self-determination. Taken together, these chapters provide significant new information that will be of interest to graduate students, clinicians, teachers, and other professionals concerned with effective assessment and intervention for individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Diversity of Social Theories
Since the time when Talcott Parsons pursued the project of one overarching "general theory of society", the landscape of social theory has vastly changed, and the pluralism and multidimensionality increased tremendously. Today, with so many different approaches in and to social theory, and multiple ways of defining and describing their relationship to and relevance for the social sciences, there has been a growing danger of diversity and pluralism tipping into fragmentation, making the prospect of social scientists and sociologists being able to communicate with the expectation of reaching some kind of understanding, ever less likely. This volume presents alternative trajectories for how to take steps toward achieving a theoretically informed understanding of the present analytical and practical challenges (in terms of social, sociological, and critical theory), and looks beyond pluralism and fragmentation to the kind of roles social theorists may be playing in the future. These essays revisit the issue of common agenda (or lack thereof) in social theory and provide critical overviews by specialists working in social theory, sociological theory, and critical theory.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Featured in Volume 19 are articles on a call for future research on management accounting service quality; budget ratcheting and performance; effect of trust-in-superior and trustfulness on budgetary slack; relationship between purposes of budget use and budgetary slack; selection bias and endogeneity issues on the relationship between IT and firm performance; strategic budgeting in public schools; using a management accounting perspective to evaluate the production of future accounting professionals; the links between management control approaches and performance measurement systems; and, antecedents and consequences of cost.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Librarianship
This volume of "Advances in Librarianship" makes contributions to three largely unexplored areas in the field: managing intellectual capital in libraries, reporting on the effects of spatial factors and cooperation and competition upon intellectual capital utilization in libraries; Native American Libraries, offering findings which can apply in any country with ethnically or culturally isolated libraries; and the nature and extent of the engagement of humanities scholars with electronic texts. Other topics explored in this volume include the growth and decline of Operations Research both in general and within academic libraries, approaches to intellectual capital in libraries, and an historical analysis of the two streams of library education in Australia over 40 years. "The Advances in Librarianship" book series presents current international research and professional issues in libraries, the information industry, education and development of information professionals. The series is a key resource for practitioners, researchers, students and faculty members seeking in-depth literature and solutions to current and emerging issues in library and information science and related fields.
Emerald Publishing Limited Who Loses in the Downturn?: Economic Crisis, Employment and Income Distribution
Economic events such as the recent global economic crisis can have substantial effects on the distribution of resources at the individual and household levels. Identification of appropriate and timely policy responses that support vulnerable groups is hampered by how little is known about the likely patterns of losses early on during the downturn. This volume contains fresh knowledge on the effects of the economic downturn on employment and income distribution. It contains 9 original research papers from both Europe and the US, including illustrations of forward-looking simulation methods that can be used before detailed data on actual household experiences become available. These papers offer new insights into issues such as how wages, employment and incomes are affected by the crisis, which demographic groups are most vulnerable in the recession, how well the welfare system protects the newly unemployed and how consumption and income poverty change over the business cycle.
Emerald Publishing Limited Access To Care and Factors That Impact Access, Patients as Partners In Care and Changing Roles of Health Providers
This volume in the highly-regarded "Research in the Sociology of Health Care" series, deals with both macro-level system issues and micro-level issues involving access to care, factors that impact access, patients as partners in care and changing roles of health providers. It includes: an examination of factors that impact access to care such as racial/ethnic, social, demographic and structural sources, a discussion of changing patterns of care and changing patterns of interaction between patients and providers of care, and an investigation of changing roles of health care providers within the health care delivery system. Key contributions focus on linkages to policy, population concerns and patients and/or providers of care as ways to meet health care needs of people both in the US and in other countries. This volume relates to issues of consumers of health care services, providers of such services and policy perspectives. It also raises issues of the availability of services, access to those services, quality of services and the role of government in services provision.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Role of Individual Differences in Occupational Stress and Well Being
This annual research series is devoted to the examination of occupational stress, health and well being, with particular emphasis on the multi-disciplinary nature of occupational stress. Titles pull together the various streams of research from a variety of disciplines to better capture the significant bodies of work in occupational stress and well being. Volume 9 specifically examines the role of individual difference in occupational stress, health and well being. Individual differences include emotion, personality and even differences in cognition. Seven chapters by authors from three countries and six states, from professions including psychology, sociology and management, analyse topics such as: emotion regulation; narcissism; cognitive adaptation; resiliency; individual differences as they relate to high-risk professions; and, resources as they relate to entitled employees. This volume provides a thorough and critical assessment of knowledge, and gaps in knowledge, in this engaging area of interest in the field of occupational stress. It is highly recommended reading for academic and government researchers in psychology, business, health and well being, education and sociology.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms
This volume includes theoretical and empirical research into changing institutions and employee participation. Topics covered in this title include: the experience with employee ownership in relation to the fast change of institutions in transitional countries including those in Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union, and China; the influence of the specific institutional setting on development; e.g. for the Mondragon Group of coops or the Italian Cooperative Associations, development as affected both by the institutional structure within the group and the surrounding institutions; and, the influence of legislation in different countries of conditions for the development of different types of employee participation. It includes: the re-shaping of the role of the employees as company stakeholders and the impact of these changes on employee motivation, effort and productivity; the impact of new employee incentive schemes, reward structures or other incentive mechanisms (if any) on firm productivity and financial performance; evidence of the implementation and effects of the 'employee share-ownership education'; and, the impact of different informal institutions (culture) on the development and performance of different forms of employee participation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Government Secrecy
Government secrecy (GS) is a significant social, political, and policy issue and often presents as a barrier to civic participation, public right-to-know, historical understanding, and institutional accountability. This volume examines GS in a variety of contexts, including comparative examination of government control of information, new definitions, categories, censorship, ethics, and secrecy's relationship with freedom of information and transparency. It investigates GS in terms of its current theoretical descriptions as power over and concealment of information (Bok 1983), a 'tampering of communications' (Friedrich 1972), the 'compulsory withholding of knowledge, reinforced by the prospects of sanctions for disclosure' (Shils), or Georg Simmel's (1906) idea of secrecy creating the 'possibility of a second world'. Following the introduction this book is divided into the following six sections: Government Secrecy: Theoretical Musings; Government Secrecy and the Media; Government Secrecy and Technology; Freedom of Information; Government Secrecy: Current Policy; and Ethics. Articles are sourced from around the world and include some from USA, Mexico, Africa, Israel and Britain.
Emerald Publishing Limited Innovating Women: Contributions to Technological Advancement
This book focuses on the challenges facing women who seek to create innovative entrepreneurial ventures, whilst also celebrating their scientific activities and contribution to technological advancement, society and economic development as a whole. It investigates and demonstrates the innovative and inventive achievements of women in the knowledge based society. It is almost universally accepted that scientific activities and discoveries are the most important sources of productivity growth and increased material welfare. Throughout history, women have been making significant contributions to scientific discoveries, innovation and inventions. However, they do not feature prominently in the inventive and innovative literatures except as exceptional examples. Current literature on scientific activities and discoveries, various facets of R&D or the management of technological change and scientific activities tends to ignore the gender dimension. This book seeks to redress this balance and contribute to current research and debate.
Emerald Publishing Limited Markets On Trial: The Economic Sociology of the U.S. Financial Crisis
Since the mid-20th century, organizational theorists have increasingly distanced themselves from the study of core societal power centers and important policy issues of the day. This has been driven by a shift away from the study of organizations, politics, and society and towards a more narrow focus on instrumental exchange and performance. As a result, our field has become increasingly impotent as a critical voice and contributor to policy. For a contemporary example, witness our inability as a field to make sense of the recent U.S. mortgage meltdown and concomitant global financial crisis. It is not that economic and organizational sociologists have nothing to say. The problem is that while we have a great deal of knowledge about finance, the economy, entrepreneurship and corporations, we fail to address how the knowledge in our field can be used to contribute to important policy issues of the day. This double-volume brings together some of the very top scholars in the world in economic and organizational sociology to address the recent global financial crisis debates and struggles around how to organize economies and societies around the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Fairness and Groups
Concerns about justice and fairness are ubiquitous within and between communities, social groups, organizations and states. People are concerned with the fairness of how decisions are made, how outcomes are allocated between and within groups, and how they are treated by authorities. This volume introduces cutting-edge justice theorizing and research at the intersection of justice and groups. Contributors to this volume explore topics such as: how group members come to have a shared understanding of the level of fairness within their group (i.e., justice climate), how social emotions influence justice judgments, the relationships between trust, respect, fairness, and group-serving behavior, resource allocation, reactions to injustice, appropriate ways to restore justice following transgressions, and perceptions of and remedies for intergroup inequality. "The Fairness and Groups" volume in the "Research on Managing Groups and Teams" series will be of interest to students and scholars in psychology, sociology, law and organizational behavior.
Emerald Publishing Limited Current Issues in Health Economics
Across the globe every nation wrestles with how it will pay for, provide, regulate and administer its healthcare system. Health economics is the field of economics that deals with every one of those issues and the difficult issue of allocating resources where the allocation can literally mean life or death, alleviating suffering or not. A key issue that is always mentioned, but little acted on, is the role that preventive measures play in the battle against disease and using limited healthcare resources more efficaciously. This book brings together leading researchers in the healthcare economics field presenting new research on some of these key issues such as the impact of obesity on health, children's' healthcare policies, education and health; and many more.
Emerald Publishing Limited Decade Ahead: Theoretical Perspectives on Motivation and Achievement
Volume 16 of "Advances in Motivation and Achievement" is presented in two books. In both books, leading researchers in the field review the current state of the knowledge in their respective sub-disciplines and offer their prognostications about where the research is likely to proceed in the decade ahead. In this book, Volume 16A, seven prominent theories of motivation are examined, including research on self-efficacy, achievement goal theory, expectancy-value theory, self-determination theory, self-concept research, implicit motives, and interest. In the second book, Volume 16B, chapters examining the associations between motivation and other constructs, such as emotion and self-regulation, are presented. In addition, Volume 16B includes chapters examining sociocultural approaches to the study of motivation, the motivation of African American students and teachers' motivation, the application of motivation research in classrooms, and the policy implications of motivation research. By providing chapters that both summarize and look forward, the two books in this volume offer a useful roadmap for the future of motivation research in a variety of areas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: A Research Annual
This collection includes both refereed articles and review essays. The articles highlight research on the role of western economic advisors in China before the Communist Revolution (Paul Trescott), John Ryan on minimum wage legislation, a symposium on Clement Juglar, and a comparison of recent work in the history of economics and the history of science. Review essays on new publications examine a range of subjects, including: David Hume's political economy; conceptions of economic morality in American thought; Frank Knight and the Austrians on institutions; Friedrich Engels; Austrian views on entrepreneurship; Coase and Pigou on government intervention; Hayek and conservatism; the history of the 'living wage' notion; methodological consideration of economics and econometrics; and, Paul Heyne's essays on economic and ethics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inequalities and Disparities in Health Care and Health: Concerns of Patients, Providers and Insurers
This volume deals with the topic of health inequalities and health disparities. The volume is divided into five sections. The first section includes an introductory look at the issue of health care inequalities and disparities and also an introduction to the volume. One of the backdrops to this topic in the United States was The National Healthcare Disparities Report and its focus on the ability of Americans to access health care and variation in the quality of care. Disparities related to socioeconomic status were included, as were disparities linked to race and ethnicity and the report also tried to explore the relationship between race/ethnicity and socioeconomic position, as explained in more detail in the first article in the book. The second article discusses a newer overall approach to issues related to health inequalities and health disparities. The remaining four sections of the book address more specific topics relating to inequalities and disparities. The second section examines racial and ethnic inequalities and disparities. The third section includes articles that address the issue from the perspective of research about health care providers and health care facilities. The last two sections of the book focus on consumers and topics of health care disparities, with Section 4 focused on issues related to substance abuse, mental health and related concerns. Section 5 includes articles looking at issues of vulnerable women, women with breast cancer and people with colorectal cancer. "Inequalities and Disparities in Health Care and Health" is important reading for medical sociologists and people working in other social science disciplines studying health-related issues. The volume also provides vital information for health services researchers, policy analysts and public health researchers. The chapters focus on the topics of health inequalities and health disparities. The book is essential for medical sociologists and others in social science industries studying health-related issues.