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University of Minnesota Press The Face of Minnesota
“Ducks in a stream, the bridge at St. Anthony Falls, streets of cities and towns, a fish in a net, the glittering lakes seen under low skies. The Face of Minnesota is a fresh, simple, unpretentious statement of a place and time by people who know what Minnesota is because they live there.” —Minor White, Aperture, 1958 “John Szarkowski is the single most important curator that photography has ever had. Looking at his photographs created over the last fifty years makes me want to weep. They are truly American pictures; one feels his desire to show not just what America was but what it still can be.” —Ingrid Sischy, Vanity Fair, 2005 Originally commissioned to commemorate Minnesota’s centennial in 1958 and out of print for nearly forty years, The Face of Minnesota is a lost masterpiece of photography and an eloquent tribute to the people and places of the North Star state. Republished in celebration of the state’s sesquicentennial, this beautifully produced edition includes contemporary essays about John Szarkowski’s impact on American photography and introduces his work to new generations of Minnesotans. Featuring more than 175 arresting photographs as well as essays filled with wit and affection, The Face of Minnesota opens with this statement: “This book is about Minnesota now. But as a mature man carries on his face and in his bearing the history of his past, so does the look of a place today show its past-what it has been and what it has believed in.” Though Minnesota has changed dramatically during the past fifty years, The Face of Minnesota reveals the simple beauty of the imprint of the past and its deep resonance today. John Szarkowski (1925–2007) was director of the photography program at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, where he transformed our understanding of the art of photography through influential exhibitions and books, including Looking at Photographs (1973). In 2005 his work was surveyed in a traveling exhibition, accompanied by the book John Szarkowski: Photographs. Verlyn Klinkenborg joined the editorial board of the New York Times in 1997. He is the author of several works, including The Rural Life. Richard Benson has worked as a photographer and printer since 1966. He teaches at Yale University and is the coauthor, with John Szarkowski, of A Maritime Album: 100 Photographs and Their Stories.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of High Field Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
Addresses Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) as a technique for sensitivity-enhancement in solid-state NMR spectroscopy This comprehensive handbook is a compendium of the current state-of-the art of high field Dynamic Nuclear Polarization—from long-proven, early developments, up to today’s hot topics. It covers all the relevant subjects that have made a direct or indirect contribution toward advancing this field, and focuses on topics such as: the theory behind the effects seen within DNP; instrumentation required for carrying out DNP; and specific applications of DNP including protein monitoring, catalysis, nanoparticles, biological and clinical studies. Development and application of techniques that have indirectly contributed to advancing MAS DNP NMR, such as DNP experiments on static solids within microwave resonant structures, and high-field EPR, are also examined. Handbook of High Field Dynamic Nuclear Polarization is presented in three sections—Theoretical Aspects, DNP Development (instrumentation / radical / sample), and DNP NMR Applications. The first section offers chapters on; solid and cross effect DNP; thermal mixing; Overhauser; and dissolution DNP. The second looks at: microwave technology, gyrotron, and IOE; homebuilt and commercial DNP spectrometers; and glassing vs. solvent-free DNP. The final section provides information on; amyloid, membrane, and nanocrystalline proteins; metals, and surface enhanced DNP; pharmaceuticals; nanoparticles; and much more. Covers one of the biggest developing fields in magnetic resonance Relevant to students, academics, and industry within the physical, materials, medical, and biochemical sciences An excellent starting point and point-of-reference for researchers in the field Edited by a widely respected team with contributions from key researchers in the NMR community Part of the eMagRes Handbook Series Handbook of High Field Dynamic Nuclear Polarization is an ideal reference for all researchers and graduate students involved in this complex, interdisciplinary field. About eMagRes Handbooks eMagRes publishes a wide range of online articles on all aspects of magnetic resonance in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The existence of this large number of articles, written by experts in various fields, is enabling the publication of a series of eMagRes Handbooks on specific areas of NMR and MRI. The chapters of each of these handbooks will comprise a carefully chosen selection of eMagRes articles. In consultation with the eMagRes Editorial Board, the eMagRes Handbooks are coherently planned in advance by specially-selected Editors, and new articles are written to give appropriate complete coverage. The handbooks are intended to be of value and interest to research students, postdoctoral fellows and other researchers learning about the scientific area in question and undertaking relevant experiments, whether in academia or industry. Have the content of this Handbook and the complete content of eMagRes at your fingertips! Visit:
John Wiley & Sons Inc European Review of Social Psychology, Volume 12
This annual series reflects the dynamism of social psychology inEurope and the attention now being paid to European ideas andresearch. This review will further the international exchange of ideas byproviding an outlet for substantial accounts of theoretical andempirical work The most-up-to-date, authoritative view of contemporary socialpsychology today, encompassed in a indispensable reference text. Geographical spread and theoretical diversity of authors to givebroad coverage The series has an experienced editorial board consisting of seniorscholars from various European countries and the United States. All chapters are carefully edited to give consistency andaccessibility to an international exchange of information
Taylor & Francis Ltd Oceanography and Marine Biology: An annual review. Volume 60
Celebrating its 60th volume (and thus 60 years of publication), this series remains one of the most cited sources in marine science and oceanography. This anniversary volume includes an Editorial discussing the UN Decade of Ocean Science as well as appreciation notes on the work of previous Editor-in-Chiefs. Chapters are authored by leading experts from around the world, including Greece, Chile, Australia, Canada and Australia, while an international Editorial Board ensures continued high quality and rigorous peer review of published articles. The ever increasing interest in work in oceanography and marine biology and its relevance to global environmental issues, especially global climate change and its impacts, creates a demand for authoritative reviews summarizing the results of recent research. Supplementary online videos as well as additional Tables and Appendices are available on the Support Tab of the book's Routledge webpage. This volume is available Open Access.
John Wiley & Sons Inc European Review of Social Psychology, Volume 6
The EUROPEAN REVIEW OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY is an annual series thatreflects the dynamism of social psychology in Europe and theattention now paid to European ideas and research. Although open to authors from all nations, one of its majorpurposes is to further the international exchange of ideas byproviding an outlet for substantial accounts of theoretical andempirical work that has not been previously published in English.With the help of an editorial board consisting of senior scholarsfrom various European countries and the USA, the editors inviteoutstanding researchers to contribute to these volumes. Theemphasis of these contributions is on critical assessment of majorareas of research and of substantial individual programmes ofresearch as well as on topics and initiatives of contemporaryinterest and originality. The authors of this sixth volume are drawn from Europe and theUnited States, and represent the international scope and qualitywhich are the hallmarks of this series.
John Wiley & Sons Inc European Review of Social Psychology, Volume 10
The European Review of Social Psychology is an annual series thatreflects the dynamism of social psychology in Europe and theattention now paid to European ideas and research. Although open to authors from all nations, one of its majorpurposes is to further the international exchange of ideas byproviding an outlet for substantial accounts of theoretical andempirical work that has not been previously published in English.With the help of an editorial board consisting of senior scholarsfrom various European countries and the USA, the editors inviteoutstanding researchers to contribute to these volumes. Theemphasis of these contributions is on critical assessment of majorareas of research and of substantial individual programmes ofresearch as well as on topics and initiatives of contemporaryinterest and originality The authors of this tenth volume are drawn form Europe and theUnited States, and represent the international scope and qualitywhich are hallmarks of this series.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Physiological Basis of Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology
The diversity of species in which drugs are used for clinical purposes and the emphasis on various classes of drugs make veterinary pharmacology a complex subject. Anatomical and physiological features influence the pharmacokinetic behaviour of a drug in a particular animal and the dosage required. This book is concerned with the basis of species differences, the selection of pharmacokinetic parameters and the interpretation of values obtained. There are chapters on bioavailability and its application to veterinary dosage forms, changes in drug disposition and interspecies scaling, clinical selectivity and stereoisomerism, drug permeation, antimicrobial disposition and specifics related to neonatal animals. The author has gathered all this information together in one place so allowing the reader to make better selection of drug preparations for animal dosages to effectively treat animal diseases. The book will prove valuable to clinical researchers in the areas of pharmacology, anaesthesia, microbial infections and, internal medicine as well as postgraduate students of these disciplines. The Author J Desmond Baggot (MVM, PhD, DSc, FRCVS, DipECVPT) is currently Visiting Professor of Veterinary Pharmacology at the School of Veterinary Medicine, St George's University, Grenada, West Indies. He was a contributing author and co-author of Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine, 3rd Edition (2000) and Development and Formulation of Veterinary Dosage Forms, 2nd Edition (1998) and the author of Principles of Drug Disposition in Domestic Animals (1977). Elucidations of the processes that underline species variation in the disposition of drugs and interpretation of the influence of disease states on drug disposition have been the focus of his research endeavours. He was a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics from 1978 to 1996. He is a former Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis and Preclinical Veterinary Studies at the University of Zimbabwe, Harare.
Liverpool University Press The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual: Volume 5
The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual is the leading venue for the critical reassessment of Eliot’s life and work in light of the ongoing publication of his letters, critical volumes of his complete prose, the new edition of his complete poems, and the forthcoming critical edition of his plays. All critical approaches are welcome, as are essays pertaining to any aspect of Eliot’s work as a poet, critic, playwright, or editor. General Editors: Frances Dickey and Julia E. Daniel Editorial Advisory Board: Jewel Spears Brooker, Ronald Bush, David E. Chinitz, Robert Crawford, Anthony Cuda, John Haffenden, Benjamin Lockerd, Gabrielle McIntire, John D. Morgenstern, Jahan Ramazani, Christopher Ricks, Ronald Schuchard, Vincent Sherry, Jayme Stayer, John Whittier-Ferguson
Facet Publishing The New Walford Guide to Reference Resources: Volume 2: The Social Sciences
The New Walford highlights the best resources to use when undertaking a search for accurate and relevant information, saving you precious time and effort. For those looking for a selective and evaluative reference resource that really delivers on its promise, look no further. In addition to print sources, The New Walford naturally covers an extensive range of e-reference sources such as digital databanks, digital reference services, electronic journal collections, meta-search engines, networked information services, open archives, resource discovery services and websites of premier organizations in both the public and private sectors. But rather than supplying a list of all available known resources as a web search engine might, The New Walford subject specialists have carefully selected and evaluated available resources to provide a definitive list of the most appropriate and useful. With an emphasis on quality and sustainability the subject specialists have been careful to assess the differing ways that information is framed and communicated in different subject areas. As a result the resource evaluations in each subject area are prefaced by an introductory overview of the structure of the relevant literature. This ensures that The New Walford is clear, easy-to-use and intuitive. Editorial Board Chair: Ray Lester Peter Clinch; Helen Edwards; Heather Dawson; Susan Tarrant Subject Specialists Wendy Buckle; Patricia Budgen; Peter Chapman; Sheila Corrall; Jonathan Cowley; Heather Dawson; Gillian Dwyer; Tracey Ellis; Gwyneth Price; Lynne Seddon; Angela Upton Compiled by leading subject specialists from internationally renowned organizations, Volume 2 covers 15 broad subject groupings: Social Sciences (generic) Psychology Sociology Social Work & Social Welfare Politics Government Law Finance, Accountancy & Taxation Industries & Utilities Business & Management Education & Learning Sport Media & Communications Information & Library Sciences Tools for Information Professionals.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Impact of Automatic Control Research on Industrial Innovation: Enabling a Sustainable Future
The Impact of Automatic Control Research on Industrial Innovation Bring together the theory and practice of control research with this innovative overview Automatic control research focuses on subjects pertaining to the theory and practice of automation science and technology subjects such as industrial automation, robotics, and human-machine interaction. With each passing year, these subjects become more relevant to researchers, policymakers, industrialists, and workers alike. The work of academic control researchers, however, is often distant from the perspectives of industry practitioners, creating the potential for insights to be lost on both sides. The Impact of Automatic Control Research on Industrial Innovation seeks to close this distance, providing an industrial perspective on the future of control research. It seeks to outline the possible and ongoing impacts of automatic control technologies across a range of industries, enabling readers to understand the connection between theory and practice. The result is a book that combines scholarly and practical understandings of industrial innovations and their possible role in building a sustainable world. The Impact of Automatic Control Research on Industrial Innovation readers will also find: Insights on industrial and commercial applications of automatic control theory. Detailed discussion of industrial sectors including power, automotive, production processes, and more. An applied research roadmap for each sector. This book is a must-own for both control researchers and control engineers, in both theoretical and applied contexts, as well as for graduate or continuing education courses on control theory and practice.Editorial board: Silvia Mastellone, University of Applied Science Northwestern Switzerland; Alex van Delft,, DSM; Tariq Samad, University of Minnesota; Iven Mareels, Federation University Australia, IBM; Scott Bortoff, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs; Stefano Di Cairano, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs; Alisa Rupenyan, ETHZ.
John Wiley & Sons Inc RF Coils for MRI
The content of this volume has been added to eMagRes (formerly Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance) - the ultimate online resource for NMR and MRI. To date there is no single reference aimed at teaching the art of applications guided coil design for use in MRI. This RF Coils for MRI handbook is intended to become this reference. Heretofore, much of the know-how of RF coil design is bottled up in various industry and academic laboratories around the world. Some of this information on coil technologies and applications techniques has been disseminated through the literature, while more of this knowledge has been withheld for competitive or proprietary advantage. Of the published works, the record of technology development is often incomplete and misleading, accurate referencing and attribution assignment being tantamount to admission of patent infringement in the commercial arena. Accordingly, the literature on RF coil design is fragmented and confusing. There are no texts and few courses offered to teach this material. Mastery of the art and science of RF coil design is perhaps best achieved through the learning that comes with a long career in the field at multiple places of employment…until now. RF Coils for MRI combines the lifetime understanding and expertise of many of the senior designers in the field into a single, practical training manual. It informs the engineer on part numbers and sources of component materials, equipment, engineering services and consulting to enable anyone with electronics bench experience to build, test and interface a coil. The handbook teaches the MR system user how to safely and successfully implement the coil for its intended application. The comprehensive articles also include information required by the scientist or physician to predict respective experiment or clinical performance of a coil for a variety of common applications. It is expected that RF Coils for MRI becomes an important resource for engineers, technicians, scientists, and physicians wanting to safely and successfully buy or build and use MR coils in the clinic or laboratory. Similarly, this guidebook provides teaching material for students, fellows and residents wanting to better understand the theory and operation of RF coils. Many of the articles have been written by the pioneers and developers of coils, arrays and probes, so this is all first hand information! The handbook serves as an expository guide for hands-on radiologists, radiographers, physicians, engineers, medical physicists, technologists, and for anyone with interests in building or selecting and using RF coils to achieve best clinical or experimental results. About EMR Handbooks / eMagRes Handbooks The Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance (up to 2012) and eMagRes (from 2013 onward) publish a wide range of online articles on all aspects of magnetic resonance in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The existence of this large number of articles, written by experts in various fields, is enabling the publication of a series of EMR Handbooks / eMagRes Handbooks on specific areas of NMR and MRI. The chapters of each of these handbooks will comprise a carefully chosen selection of articles from eMagRes. In consultation with the eMagRes Editorial Board, the EMR Handbooks / eMagRes Handbooks are coherently planned in advance by specially-selected Editors, and new articles are written (together with updates of some already existing articles) to give appropriate complete coverage. The handbooks are intended to be of value and interest to research students, postdoctoral fellows and other researchers learning about the scientific area in question and undertaking relevant experiments, whether in academia or industry. Have the content of this Handbook and the complete content of eMagRes at your fingertips! Visit: View other eMagRes publications here