Search results for ""author editorial board, v"
Edinburgh University Press The New Soundtrack: v. 1, Issue 1
The New Soundtrack brings together leading edge academic and professional perspectives on the complex relationship between sound and moving images. Former editors of The Soundtrack, Stephen Deutsch, Larry Sider and Dominic Power, bring their expertise to this project, providing a new platform for discourse on how aural elements combine with moving images. The New Soundtrack also encourages writing on more current developments, such as sound installations, computer-based delivery, and the psychology of the interaction of image and sound. The journal has an illustrious Editorial Board containing some of the most prominent people working with sound in the arts and media and the discourse which surrounds it. The New Soundtrack includes contributions from recognised practitioners in the field, including composers, sound designers and directors, giving voice to the development of professional practice, alongside academic contributions. Each issue also features a short compilation of book and film reviews on recently released publications and artefacts.
Lawrence & Wishart Ltd Anarchist Studies: v. 21, Pt. 2
In this issue, Sureyya Evren's editorial examines the causes and consequences of the Gezi resitance in Istanbul in June 2013. Identifying the two-week occupation of Taksim Square and Gezi Park as the formulation of an temporary autonomous zone (TAZ), Evren discusses the police violence, state conservatism and threats to public space that led to this anarchist moment. Federico Campagna offers a poetic anarchist reading of the works of poet Fernando Pessoa. Pessoa lived through heteronyms, and Campagna explores how these different personalities offered Pessoa the potential to finally achieve 'free will'. Roy Krovel's article takes a theoretical approach in analysing how left libertarians and anarchists might develop a deeper understanding of global warming. Emphasising the urgency of locating such an understanding, Krovel argues that we need to fundamentally rethink our relationship to nature. Also in this issue, John Asimakopoulos identifies the failure to bridge the gap between utopian economic models of society and reality. Via the suggestions that corporations have boards of directors filled by lottery from the demos and the workers for the company, Asimakopoulos suggests that institutions of production need to be modified in order to achieve a society that resembles a distant utopia. Duane Rousselle and Saul Newman debate postanarchism, exploring the ethics of the movement and the fact that it is not located in a specific temporal period.
Archaeopress KOINON V, 2022: The International Journal of Classical Numismatic Studies
As the name indicates, KOINON is a journal that encourages contributions to the study of classical numismatics from a wide variety of perspectives. The journal includes papers concerning iconography, die studies, provenance research, forgery analysis, translations of excerpts from antiquarian works, specialized bibliographies, corpora of rare varieties and types, ethical questions on laws and collecting, book reviews, and more. The editorial advisory board is made up of members from all over the world, with a broad range of expertise covering virtually all the major categories of classical numismatics from archaic Greek coinage to late Medieval coinage.
V & S Publishers World Famous Unsolved Mysteries: Unusual Facts of Science That Will Surprise Youscience Funnies
The book highlights some of the astonishing features of numbers, such as how to make a magic box, guessing the number in a friend's mind, telling the year printed on a coin etc. The book is not only fun and informative, but also aweinspiring. It is a priceless treasure of your knowledge and entertainment. #v&spublishers
Taylor & Francis Ltd European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 17
The European Review of Social Psychology is an annual series that reflects the dynamism of social psychology in Europe and has been widely accepted as one of the major international series in social psychology.The series is open to authors from all nations and its major purpose is to further the international exchange of ideas by providing an outlet for substantial accounts of theoretical and empirical work. However, even though the series is worldwide in terms of the nationality of the authors, it is European in terms of the nationality of the editors who select the contributions and shape the editorial policies.With the help of an editorial board consisting of senior scholars from various European countries, Australasia, and North America, the editors invite outstanding researchers to contribute to these volumes. Invitations are based either on suggestions from editorial board members or made in response to proposals submitted to the editors.The emphasis of these contributions is on critical assessment of major areas of research and of substantial individual programmes of research as well as on topics and initiatives of contemporary interest and originality.
Taylor & Francis Ltd European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 14
The European Review of Social Psychology is an annual series that reflects the dynamism of social psychology in Europe and has been widely accepted as one of the major international series in social psychology. The series is open to authors from all nations and its major purpose is to further the international exchange of ideas by providing an outlet for substantial accounts of theoretical and empirical work. However, even though the series is worldwide in terms of the nationality of the authors, it is European in terms of the nationality of the editors who select the contributions and shape the editorial policies. With the help of an editorial board consisting of senior scholars from various European countries, Australasia, and North America, the editors invite outstanding researchers to contribute to these volumes. Invitations are based either on suggestions from editorial board members or made in response to proposals submitted to the editors. The emphasis of these contributions is on critical assessment of major areas of research and of substantial individual programmes of research as well as on topics and initiatives of contemporary interest and originality.
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Sonata in C minor, Op. 13 (Pathétique): from Vol. I
This edition of Op. 13 (Pathétique) comes from the complete three-volume edition of Beethoven's 35 piano sonatas published by ABRSM, edited by Professor Barry Cooper, renowned Beethoven specialist. Includes an introduction covering editorial method and commentary to the sonata including history, full assessment of the sources and detailed notes on interpretation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 15
The European Review of Social Psychology is an annual series that reflects the dynamism of social psychology in Europe and has been widely accepted as one of the most important international series in social psychology. The series is open to authors from all nations and its primary purpose is to further the international exchange of ideas by providing an outlet for substantial accounts of theoretical and empirical work. With the help of an editorial board consisting of senior scholars from various European countries, Australasia and North America, the editors invite outstanding researchers to contribute to these volumes. Invitations are based either on suggestions from editorial board members or made in response to proposals submitted to the editors. The emphasis of these contributions is on critical assessment of major areas of research and of substantial individual programmes of research as well as on topics and initiatives of contemporary interest and originality.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Die Werke von Jakob Bernoulli: Bd. 2: Elementarmathematik
Correction to the text about C.S. Roero printed on the inside front cover page: Clara Silvia Roero began her research with Tullio Viola, full Professor of Analysis at Turin University. From 1987 to 2000 she was associate professor of Matematiche Complementari and of History of Mathematics at the University of Cagliari (1987-1990) and at the University of Turin (1990-2000). From 2000 she is full professor of History of Mathematics at Turin University, Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences. She is currently President of the Italian Society of History of Mathematics (Società Italiana di Storia delle Matematiche). She is author of several articles and books on the history of mathematics from antiquity to 20th century, in particular on the history of the Leibnizian Calculus; and she is a member of the editorial board of the Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Syntheses, Volume 91
The demand for synthetic procedures that can be duplicated may be less egregious today than in 1921, but there is still a need. To date, Organic Syntheses has filled this need with 90 volumes of "checked" experimentals; and with the culmination of Kay Brummond's term as a member of the editorial board, the addition of Volume 91.
Editorial el Pirata El loro verde
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Cada capí tulo es un caso diferente del comisario Caramba, en españ ol. Al final de cada caso, una pregunta te hará hacer de detective. ¿ Será s capaz de contestarla correctamente y resolver el caso? La respuesta a la pregunta está cifrada, ¡ y solo podrá s leerla con la ayuda de la lupa de superdetective incluida en el libro! Recomendado para mejorar la comprensió n lectora. Los libros del comisario Caramba son distintos, los niñ os se lo pasan genial haciendo de detectives a la vez que leen con atenció n para ser capaces de entender la historia y resolver cada caso. ¡ Y despué s deberá n utilizar la lupa de superdetective para descifrar la solució n!El comisario Isidoro Caramba sube, en el ú ltimo instante, en el expreso de Parí s, donde deberá poner fin a las actividades de una peligrosa banda internacional de contrabandistas de diamantes. Por suerte, el polí glota loro verde le ayudará a resolver el caso. Tambié n un pingü ino, un hipopó tamo y un canario provocan descubrimientos de lo má s sorprendentes en este volumen lleno de casos emocionantes.El comisario Caramba tiene los siguientes tí tulos: - El calcetí n rojo- La má scara naranja- La maleta amarilla- El loro verde- El manubrio lila- El caso Cobra- El dragó n doradoSUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Each chapter is a different case for Inspector Caramba, in Spanish. At the end of each case, a question will make you do some detective work. Will you be able to answer it correctly and solve the case? The answer to the question is encoded, and you will only be able to read it with the help of the super detective’ s magnifying glass included in the book! Recommended to improve reading comprehension.The Comisario Caramba books are different, children have a fantastic time becoming detectives while they read carefully to be able to understand the story and solve each case. And afterwards they have to use the super detective magnifying glass to crack the solution!Last minute, Inspector Caramba boards the Paris express where he must put an end to the activities of a dangerous international gang of diamond smugglers. Luckily, the multilingual green parrot will help him to solve the case. A penguin, hippopotamus and canary also bring about some very surprising discoveries in this volume full of wonderfully exciting cases.El comisario Caramba has the following titles: - El calcetí n rojo- La má scara naranja- La maleta amarilla- El loro verde- El manubrio lila- El caso Cobra- El dragó n dorado
Taylor & Francis Ltd European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 30
The European Review of Social Psychology (ERSP) is an international open-submission review journal, published under the auspices of the European Association of Social Psychology. It provides an outlet for substantial, theory-based reviews of empirical work addressing the full range of topics covered by the field of social psychology. Potential authorship is international, and papers are edited with the help of a distinguished, international editorial board. Articles published in ERSP typically review a program of the author’s own research, as evidenced by the author's own papers published in leading peer-reviewed journals. The journal welcomes theoretical contributions that are underpinned by a substantial body of empirical research, which locate the research program within a wider body of published research in that area, and provide an integration that is greater than the sum of the published articles. ERSP also publishes conventional reviews and meta-analyses. All published review articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial screening and refereeing by the Editors and at least two independent, expert referees.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Language Variation and Change
This new five-volume anthology of major works has been produced in consultation with an editorial advisory board of distinguished scholars. It brings together the key texts of language variation and change to provide a comprehensive collection that represents the field''s development and showcases the diverse communities that have been the subjects of investigation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 25
The European Review of Social Psychology (ERSP) is an international open-submission review journal, published under the auspices of the European Association of Social Psychology. It provides an outlet for substantial, theory-based reviews of empirical work addressing the full range of topics covered by the field of social psychology. Potential authorship is international, and papers are edited with the help of a distinguished, international editorial board. Articles published in ERSP typically review a programme of the author’s own research, as evidenced by the author's own papers published in leading peer-reviewed journals. The journal welcomes theoretical contributions that are underpinned by a substantial body of empirical research, which locate the research programme within a wider body of published research in that area, and provide an integration that is greater than the sum of the published articles. ERSP also publishes conventional reviews and meta-analyses. All published review articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial screening and refereeing by the Editors and at least two independent, expert referees.
Taylor & Francis Ltd European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 26
The European Review of Social Psychology (ERSP) is an international open-submission review journal, published under the auspices of the European Association of Social Psychology. It provides an outlet for substantial, theory-based reviews of empirical work addressing the full range of topics covered by the field of social psychology. Potential authorship is international, and papers are edited with the help of a distinguished, international editorial board. Articles published in ERSP typically review a programme of the author’s own research, as evidenced by the author's own papers published in leading peer-reviewed journals. The journal welcomes theoretical contributions that are underpinned by a substantial body of empirical research, which locate the research programme within a wider body of published research in that area, and provide an integration that is greater than the sum of the published articles. ERSP also publishes conventional reviews and meta-analyses. All published review articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial screening and refereeing by the Editors and at least two independent, expert referees.
Taylor & Francis Ltd European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 31
The European Review of Social Psychology (ERSP) is an international open-submission review journal, published under the auspices of the European Association of Social Psychology. It provides an outlet for substantial, theory-based reviews of empirical work addressing the full range of topics covered by the field of social psychology. Potential authorship is international, and papers are edited with the help of a distinguished, international editorial board. Articles published in ERSP typically review a program of the author’s own research, as evidenced by the author's own papers published in leading peer-reviewed journals. The journal welcomes theoretical contributions that are underpinned by a substantial body of empirical research, which locate the research program within a wider body of published research in that area, and provide an integration that is greater than the sum of the published articles. ERSP also publishes conventional reviews and meta-analyses. All published review articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial screening and refereeing by the Editors and at least two independent, expert referees.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Syntheses, Volume 83
Organic Syntheses consists of protocols for the synthesis of useful chemical compounds. Each protocol is repeated in the laboratory of one of the editorial board members for accuracy or for missing experimental details prior to publication. For each reaction, source of reagents, waste disposal information, a discussion of the results, references to the primary literature, and an appendix of nomenclature and registry numbers are discussed. Volume 83 continues the tradition of providing significant and interesting procedures, which will prove worthwhile to many synthetic chemists working in increasingly diverse areas.
Archaeopress Offa's Dyke Journal: Volume 3 for 2021
Providing a dedicated venue for new research on the early medieval frontiers and borderlands of the island of Britain, the Offa’s Dyke Journal (ODJ) is also the first and only open-access peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the investigation of frontiers and borderlands in deep-time perspective. The journal’s remit spans detailed and original explorations into landscapes, earthworks, monuments and material culture. Exploring specific themes and issues in the archaeology, history and heritage of frontiers and borderlands in comparative and global perspective, ODJ is edited and produced under the auspices of the interdisciplinary research network, the Offa’s Dyke Collaboratory, and funded by the University of Chester and the Offa’s Dyke Association. Each volume to date includes both original peer-reviewed work as well as ‘classics revisited’ papers. The latter are articles which have been re-edited, formatted and re-published with permission, often with revised and augmented maps and images. The aim is to make these works of enduring merit available to fresh audiences and accessible through an open-access digital format for the first time. ODJ’s existing editorial board has been further enhanced by leading experts in relevant themes and debates central to the journal’s remit working across disciplines (see masthead for details). The editorial board will provide expert guidance and support for the editors as well as shape the direction of the journal into the future. Each issue is supported by the hard work of expert anonymous referees. Their invaluable evaluations of manuscripts have sustained the journal’s character and quality.
Edinburgh University Press Northern Scotland: New Series Volume 4
Northern Scotland is an established scholarly journal that has been in existence since 1972. Initially produced by the University of Aberdeen, and latterly by the UHI Centre for History and Aberdeen University, it is now being relaunched as a fully peer-reviewed publication whose editorial board, contributors, reviewers and referees are drawn from a wide range of experts across the world. While it carries material of a mainly historical nature, from the earliest times to the modern era, it is a cross-disciplinary publication, which also addresses cultural, economic, political and geographical themes relating to the Highlands and Islands and the north-east of Scotland. It contains substantial articles and book reviews, as well as interviews and reports of research projects in progress.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Fitzpatrick's Dermatology, Ninth Edition, 2-Volume Set
The gold-standard text in dermatology – completely updated for today’s practice by an all-new editorial board Encyclopedic in scope, yet skillfully edited to make it easy to read and understand, this trusted classic delivers everything clinicians need to know about skin, skin symptoms, and skin diseases. Presented in full color, Fitzpatrick’s covers all the essentials, from the basic science of skin to the day-to-day clinical issues of managing common skin disorders such as acne, skin cancer, and psoriasis. Backed by the expertise of more than 500 world-renowned contributors, and the reference of choice for clinicians, students, and educators, Fitzpatrick’s is enhanced by thousands of full-color photographs and a wealth of newly enhanced tables and diagrams. The Ninth Edition is bolstered by a new global editorial team; a reorganized table of contents; a more simple, readable, and direct writing style, the incorporation of more genetic, syndromic, and treatment information into each chapter; the addition of first, second, and third line treatment options; and improved table presentation. The reorganized table of contents reflects how disease presents rather than its cause.
Vehicule Press Global Poetry Anthology: 2017
Global Poetry Anthology 2017 is a one-of-a-kind collection of contemporary poems, previously unpublished, gathered from all corners of the English-speaking world. The international editorial board ensures the present volume's cosmopolitan palette and the blind selection process guarantees that selections have been made according to poetic caliber alone. VÉhicule Press's Signal Editions is proud to offer the third volume in the Global Poetry Anthology series—a rich and exciting mix of established and emerging voices.
Mandel Vilar Press Zion's Fiction: A Treasury of Israeli Speculative Literature
This anthology showcases the best Israeli science fiction and fantasy literature published since the 1980s. The stories included come from Hebrew, Russian, and English-language sources, and include well-known authors such as Shimon Adaf, Pesach (Pavel) Amnuel, Gail Hareven, Savyon Liebrecht, Nava Semel and Lavie Tidhar, as well as a hot-list of newly translated Israeli writers. The book features: an historical and contemporary survey of Israeli science fiction and fantasy literature by the editors; a foreword by revered SF/F writer Robert Silverberg,; an afterword by Dr. Aharon Hauptman, the founding editor of Fantasia 2000, Israel’s seminal SF/F magazine; an author biography for each story included in the volume; and illustrations for each story by award winning American-born Israeli srtist, Avi Katz. PRAISE FOR ZION’S FICTION“Zion’s Fiction will supply a distinctive bright line to the spectrum of futuristic fiction, which stands in sore need of broadening, in the cause of promoting cross-cultural understanding as well as showcasing exciting new talent.”– Brian Stableford, author of over 70 novels and renowned SF historian“Zion’s Fiction explores the unlimited dreams of a people who have learned to stand on shifting ground. To face a future filled with danger and hope, forging into territory that can only be surveyed with the lamp of imagination on our brows.”– David Brin, multiple Hugo and Nebula award-author of EARTH and Existence“When my collection Wandering Stars: An Anthology of Jewish Fantasy and Science Fiction was published in 1974,[It] became a classic. And now…we have the first ever anthology in the entire universe of Israeli fantasy and science fiction: Zion’s Fiction…Go forth and read…and may you find Zion’s Fiction unexpected, delightful, and delirious!” –Jack Dann, award winning author and editor of over 75 books including The Memory Cathedral and The Silent“The basic joy in science fiction and fantasy is the chance to look inside minds different from your own. Here’s your chance. Some bright minds in the nation of Israel have been exercising their imaginations, sharing their different dreams and nightmares, and the results are ours to enjoy.” – Larry Niven, a multiple Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author of the Ringworld Series Sheldon Teitelbaum, an award-winning Los Angeles-based Canadian/American/Israeli writer, and former member of the Editorial Board of Fantasia 2000, is a longtime commentator on Jewish and Israeli science fiction and fantasy literature who has published widely in the Los Angeles Times, Cinefantastique, The Jerusalem Report, Foundation: The Review of Science Fiction, and The Encyclopedia of Science FictionEmanuel Lottem, a central figure in Israeli science fiction and fantasy scene and former member of the Editorial Board of Fantasia 2000, is the translator and editor of some of the best SF/F books published in Hebrew, and a moving force in the creation of the Israeli Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy.Avi Katz, an award-winning American-born Israeli illustrator, cartoonist, and painter, is the staff illustrator of Jerusalem Report magazine. He has illustrated over 170 books in Israel and the United States.
NewSouth, Incorporated The Road to Healing: A Civil Rights Reparations Story in Prince Edward County, Virginia
Prince Edward County, Virginia closed its public school system in 1959 in "massive resistance" to the U.S. Supreme Court's historic Brown v. Board decision of 1954. The editorial pages of the local family-owned newspaper, The Farmville Herald, led the fight to lock classrooms rather than integrate them. The school system remained closed until the fall of 1964, when the County was forced by federal courts to comply with the school integration ordered by Brown. The vast majority of white children had continued their education in a private, whites-only academy. But more than 2,000 black students were left without a formal education by the five-year closure. Their lives were forever changed.A Civil Rights Reparations Story: The Road to Healing in Prince Edward County, Virginia, by Ken Woodley, is his first-person account of the steps taken in recent years to redress the wound. The book's centerpiece is the 18-month fight to create what legendary civil rights activist Julian Bond told the author would become the first Civil Rights-era reparation in United States history; it was led by Woodley, then editor of The Farmville Herald, still owned by the original family. If the 2003-04 struggle to win passage of a state-funded scholarship program for the casualties of massive resistance had been a roller coaster, it wouldn't have passed the safety inspection for reasons of too many unsafe political twists and turns. But it did.The narrative unfolds in Virginia, but it is a deeply American story. Prince Edward County's ongoing journey of racial reconciliation blazes a hopeful and redemptive trail through difficult human terrain, but the signs are clear enough for a divided nation to follow. The history is as important for its insights about the past as it it about what it has to share about a way into our future.
Edinburgh University Press The New Soundtrack: Volume 5, Issue 1
The New Soundtrack brings together leading edge academic and professional perspectives on the complex relationship between sound and moving images. Former editors of The Soundtrack, Stephen Deutsch, Larry Sider and Dominic Power, bring their expertise to this project, providing a new platform for discourse on how aural elements combine with moving images. The New Soundtrack also encourages writing on more current developments, such as sound installations, computer-based delivery, and the psychology of the interaction of image and sound. The journal has an illustrious Editorial Board containing some of the most prominent people working with sound in the arts and media and the discourse which surrounds it. The New Soundtrack includes contributions from recognised practitioners in the field, including composers, sound designers and directors, giving voice to the development of professional practice, alongside academic contributions. Each issue also features a short compilation of book and film reviews on recently released publications and artefacts.
Edinburgh University Press The New Soundtrack: Volume 5, Issue 2
The New Soundtrack brings together leading academic and professional perspectives on the complex relationship between sound and moving images. Former editors of The Soundtrack, Stephen Deutsch, Larry Sider and Dominic Power, bring their expertise to this project, providing a new platform for discourse on how aural elements combine with moving images. The New Soundtrack also encourages writing on more current developments, such as sound installations, computer-based delivery, and the psychology of the interaction of image and sound. The journal has an illustrious Editorial Board containing some of the most prominent people working with sound in the arts and media and the discourse which surrounds it. The New Soundtrack includes contributions from recognised practitioners in the field, including composers, sound designers and directors, giving voice to the development of professional practice, alongside academic contributions.
Archaeopress KOINON VI, 2023: The International Journal of Classical Numismatic Studies
As the name indicates, KOINON is a journal that encourages contributions to the study of classical numismatics from a wide variety of perspectives. The journal includes papers concerning iconography, die studies, provenance research, forgery analysis, translations of excerpts from antiquarian works, specialized bibliographies, corpora of rare varieties and types, ethical questions on laws and collecting, book reviews, and more. The editorial advisory board is made up of members from all over the world, with a broad range of expertise covering virtually all the major categories of classical numismatics from archaic Greek coinage to late Medieval coinage. Volume VI includes nine papers on Greek coinage and three in the Byzantine, Medieval, and Early Modern section, followed by a catalog of varieties.
Vintage Publishing Love, Guilt and Reparation
Love, Guilt and Reparation shows the growth of Melanie Klein`s work and ideas between 1921 and 1945. The earlier papers reveal her intense proccupation with the impact of infant anxieties upon child development. She traces these influences on criminality and childhood psychosis, symbol formation and intellectual inhibition and the early development of conscience. In the final paper on the Oedipus complex, Klein develops her theories of the earliest infant stages of development, extending Freud`s analysis of the Oedipus complex and laying a basis for her own subsequent conceptualising of the paranoid-schizoid position in the first six months of life. The volume also contains a foreward by Dr Hanna Segal and explanatory notes by the Editorial Board of the Melanie Klein Trust.
Edinburgh University Press Northern Scotland: Volume 8, Issue 1
Considers historical, cultural, economic, political and geographical themes relating to Northern Scotland. Northern Scotland is an established scholarly journal that has been in existence since 1972. It is a fully peer-reviewed publication whose editorial board, contributors, reviewers and referees are drawn from a wide range of experts across the world. While it carries material of a mainly historical nature, from the earliest times to the modern era, it is a cross-disciplinary publication, which also addresses cultural, economic, political and geographical themes relating to the Highlands and Islands and the north-east of Scotland. This issue looks at a wide range of topics, including satire, the Highland clearances, Alexander Mackenzie and diaspora. Combining a range of articles from a variety of experts, this issue seeks to explore the history and culture of northern Scotland. Key Features Considers issues of social change, colonialism, emigration and migration. Provides fresh readings of Northern Scotland’s established history. Contributors are drawn from a wide range of experts across the world.
American Academy of Pediatrics PCEP Book Volume 1: Maternal and Fetal Evaluation and Immediate Newborn Care
The fourth edition of this popular resource features step-by-step skill instruction and practice-focused exercises covering maternal and fetal evaluation and immediate newborn care. Developed by a distinguished editorial board, the Perinatal Continuing Education Program (PCEP) is a comprehensive, self-paced education program in 4 volumes. This book features 8 units covering information and skills for obstetric evaluation and neonatal resuscitation (consistent with AAP guidelines) as well as units to provide the necessary information for initial stabilization of a newborn. The neonatal resuscitation unit has been updated to reflect the new NRP®, 8th Edition, guidelines. TOPICS INCLUDE Is the Mother Sick? Is the Fetus Sick? Fetal Age, Growth, and Maturity Fetal Well-being Is the Baby Sick? Recognizing and Preventing Problems in the Newborns Pulse Oximetry Resuscitating the Newborn Gestational Age- and Size-Associated Risk Factors Thermal Environment Hypoglycemia Blood Glucose Screenings And more…
Oxford University Press Oxford Studies in Epistemology Volume 7
Oxford Studies in Epistemology is a periodical publication which offers a regular snapshot of state-of-the-art work in this important field. Under the guidance of a distinguished editorial board composed of leading philosophers in North America, Europe, and Australasia, it publishes exemplary papers in epistemology, broadly construed. Topics within its purview include: - traditional epistemological questions concerning the nature of belief, justification, and knowledge, the status of scepticism, the nature of the a priori, etc; - new developments in epistemology, including movements such as naturalized epistemology, feminist epistemology, social epistemology, and virtue epistemology, and approaches such as contextualism; - foundational questions in decision-theory; - confirmation theory and other branches of philosophy of science that bear on traditional issues in epistemology; - topics in the philosophy of perception relevant to epistemology; - topics in cognitive science, computer science, developmental, cognitive, and social psychology that bear directly on traditional epistemological questions; - work that examines connections between epistemology and other branches of philosophy, including work on testimony and the ethics of belief. Anyone wanting to understand the latest developments at the leading edge of the discipline can start here.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications, 5 Volume Set
Engineers have long required a comprehensive yet concise resource to turn to for reliable, up-to-date information on the continually evolving field of telecommunications. In five easily searched volumes, the Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications provides a broad, clear overview of both the fundamentals of and recent advances in telecommunications. This essential reference-the only one dedicated to telecommunications for electrical engineers-is available in print and online formats. Topics Include: Optical communications Modulation and demodulation Coding and decoding Communication networks Antennas John G. Proakis is the Series Editor for the Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing. In preparing this Encyclopedia, Dr. Proakis been assisted by an editorial board of five leading telecommunications engineers from academia and industry to bring you: Approximately 300 articles on various topics in telecommunications Articles are written by experts in their fields A broad, clear overview of both the fundamentals and recent advances in telecommunications Cutting edge topics covering the entire field of telecommunications and signal processing For more information regarding the online edition of this major reference work, please visit:
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 8 Volume Set
The Encyclopedia received the 2011 RUSA Award for Outstanding Business Reference Source AN UNPARALLELED UNDERTAKING The Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science is the first multi-volume encyclopedia devoted to advancing the areas of operations research and management science. The Encyclopedia is available online and in print. The Encyclopedia was honored with the distinction of an "Outstanding Business Reference Source" by the Reference and User Services Association DETAILED AND AUTHORITATIVE Designed to be a mainstay for students and professionals alike, the Encyclopedia features four types of articles at varying levels written by diverse, international contributors. Introductory articles provide a broad and moderately technical treatment of core topics. Advanced articles review key areas of research in a citation-rich format similar to that of leading review journals. Technical articles provide more detailed discussions of key concepts addressed in related articles. Case Studies/Historical Interludes present successful and/or interesting examples of operations research and management science methodology in practical or historical contexts. KEY FEATURES OF THE ENCYCLOPEDIA Offers the only cohesive multi-volume reference devoted to operations research and management science theory, methodology, and applications Includes over 600 articles with contributions from over 1,000 authors from 45 countries. Features an Editorial Board comprised of experts in the field who have vast experience in academia, industry, and government Designed to make the content useful and accessible to the widest possible readership Provides practical tools to maximize benefits and minimize cost and risk
Verso Books Promise of a Dream: Remembering the Sixties
At the beginning of the decade renowned historian Sheila Rowbotham was a rebellious sixteen-year-old at a Methodist boarding school in the north-east of England, reading Sartre and dreaming of Paris. By the end of the sixties she was a seasoned political activist, planning Britain's first-ever women's liberation conference, and beginning to find her voice as a writer.Her story of the intervening years moves from coffee bars in Leeds to the Sorbonne and Oxford University, where she arrives wearing frayed Levis and clutching a volume of Rimbaud. A participant in the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, she was also a member of the editorial board of the notorious revolutionary newspaper Black Dwarf.While faithful to the exhilaration and enthusiasm of the sixties, Rowbotham is also wryly amusing about her younger self. When Jean-Luc Godard wanted to film her in the nude, she dithered between principle and vanity. Wearing the shortest of mini skirts she argued passionately for women's liberation.Promise of a Dream is a moving, witty and poignant recollection of a time when young women were breaking all the rules about sex, politics and their place in the world. Sheila Rowbotham was, and remains, one of their most effective and endearing voices.
Thieme Publishing Group An Evidence-Based Approach to Vitamins and Minerals: Health Benefits and Intake Recommendations
The latest and most accurate, peer-reviewed information on the role of vitamins and minerals in health and disease An Evidence-Based Approach to Vitamins and Minerals: Health Benefits and Intake Recommendations is a trusted resource for the health professional who needs to interpret the explosion of studies on the role of micronutrients in health and disease and who is concerned about the proliferation of dietary supplements now available to the consumer. This evidence-based reference, now in a second edition, presents the most current scientific, epidemiological and clinical research on the role of vitamins and minerals in preventing disease and promoting optimal health. Organized by micronutrient, the book covers biological function, deficiency, recommended daily allowance, role in disease prevention and treatment, sources, safety, and interactions with other micronutrients and drugs--all endorsed by the internationally acclaimed Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. Special Features: Each chapter reviewed by a recognized expert in the field, who also served on the book's Editorial Advisory Board Contains the latest intake recommendations from the Linus Pauling Institute, as well as the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute for Medicine Provides a complete index by disease or disorder that facilitates easy location of condition-specific information found in multiple chapters Extensively referenced, with hundreds of citations from the most current experimental, clinical and epidemiological studies Includes useful appendices covering drug-nutrient interactions and nutrient-nutrient interactions, a glossary of terms, a units conversion table, and the Linus Pauling Institute "Prescription for Health," summarizing its recommendations for a healthy diet, lifestyle, and supplement use Taking the approach that micronutrients play a significant role not only in
Lockwood Press Journal of the International Qur'anic Studies Association Volume 1
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Journal of the International Qur'anic Studies Association (JIQSA). In support of the association’s mission of fostering scholarship on the Qur'an, the journal will publish twice annually. Articles will be rigorously peer-reviewed through a double-blind review process, with reviewers appointed by the Co-Editors and the international Editorial Board. The journal is being launched at a time of particular vitality and growth in Qur'anic Studies, and its primary goal is to encourage the further development of the discipline in innovative ways. Methodologies of particular interest to the journal include historical-critical, contextual-comparative, and literary approaches to the Qur'an. We welcome articles that explore the Qur'an’s origins in the religious, cultural, social, and political contexts of Late Antiquity; its connections to various literary precursors, especially the scriptural and parascriptural traditions of older religious communities; the historical reception of the Qur'an in the west; the hermeneutics and methodology of Qur?anic exegesis and translation (both traditional and modern); the transmission and evolution of the textus receptus and the manuscript tradition; and the application of various literary and philological modes of investigation into Qur'anic style and compositional structure.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Renewable Energy: Four Volume Set
This four-volume set, edited by a leading expert in the field, brings together in one collection a series of papers that have been fundamental to the development of renewable energy as a defined discipline. Some of the papers were first published many years ago, but they remain classics in their fields and retain their relevance to the understanding of current issues. The papers have been selected with the assistance of an eminent international editorial board. The set includes a general introduction and each volume is introduced by a new overview essay, placing the selected papers in context. The range of subject matter is considerable, including coverage of all the main renewable technologies, the fundamental principles by which they function, and the issues around their deployment such as planning, integration and socio-economic assessment. Overall, the set provides students, teachers and researchers, confronted with thousands of journal articles, book chapters and grey literature stretching back decades, with a ready-made selection of and commentary on the most important key writings in renewable energy. It will be an essential reference for libraries concerned with energy, technology and the environment.
Lockwood Press Journal of the International Qur'anic Studies Association: Volume 3 (2018)
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Journal of the International Qur'anic Studies Association (JIQSA). In support of the association’s mission of fostering scholarship on the Qur'an, the journal will publish twice annually. Articles will be rigorously peer-reviewed through a double-blind review process, with reviewers appointed by the Co-Editors and the international Editorial Board. The journal is being launched at a time of particular vitality and growth in Qur'anic Studies, and its primary goal is to encourage the further development of the discipline in innovative ways. Methodologies of particular interest to the journal include historical-critical, contextual-comparative, and literary approaches to the Qur'an. We welcome articles that explore the Qur'an’s origins in the religious, cultural, social, and political contexts of Late Antiquity; its connections to various literary precursors, especially the scriptural and parascriptural traditions of older religious communities; the historical reception of the Qur'an in the west; the hermeneutics and methodology of Qur'anic exegesis and translation (both traditional and modern); the transmission and evolution of the textus receptus and the manuscript tradition; and the application of various literary and philological modes of investigation into Qur'anic style and compositional structure.
The University of Chicago Press Luisa Miller: Melodramma tragico in Three Acts by Salvadore Cammarano
Luisa Miller, a milestone in the maturation of Verdi's style, is the fifth work to be published in The Works of Giuseppe Verdi. Following the strict requirements of the series, this edition is based on Verdi's autograph and other authentic sources, and has been reviewed by a distinguished editorial board—Philip Gossett (general editor), Julian Budden, Martin Chusid, Francesco Degrada, Ursula Günter, Giorgio Pestelli, and Pierluigi Petrobelli. It is available as a two-volume set: a full orchestral score and a critical commentary. The newly set score is printed on acid-free paper and beautifully bound in an oversized format. The introduction to the score discusses the work's genesis, sources, and performance history as well as performance practice, instrumentation, and problems of notation. The critical commentary discusses editorial decisions and identifies the sources of alternate readings of the music and libretto.
Karnac Books Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China: Volume 1
Psychoanalysis took root in many countries around the world in the twentieth century, but China has special significance. It was, of course, the largest country from which analysis was completely excluded, from 1949 until the Chinese opening up began in the 1980s. It was not only the banning of psychoanalytic thought that marked China in this period. There was also an absence of an effective mental health system during times of great need in China because of war, famine, industrial collapse, enormous population growth, and changes in social structure. This was followed with further changes in family structure through the one child policy, new policies of entrepreneurship, economic growth, urbanisation, and increasing exposure to the West. This journal is conceived as a meeting place of cultures, as a place in which the issues of this important world encounter can be documented and examined. It is intended to be an intercultural journal in which theory and clinical experience can be presented and discussed. At a practical level, the editorial board is composed equally of eminent Chinese and Western colleagues who share an interest in the introduction and development of psychoanalysis in China. It contains articles from both Chinese and Western contributors, with discussion of ideas, and is a must-read for those with an interest in the development of psychoanalytic therapy in China.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The International Encyclopedia of Ethics, 11 Volume Set
The new edition of the definitive reference work on ethics, featuring hundreds of new and revised entries Unmatched in scholarship and scope, the International Encyclopedia of Ethics is the most comprehensive and authoritative ethics resource of its kind. Available online or as an eleven-volume print set, the Encyclopedia espouses a broad vision of ethics that creates links to many other disciplines, including medicine, technology studies, computer science, business, religion, and law. Entries range in size from shorter definitions and biographies to extended treatments of major topics, and have been blind-reviewed by both the editorial team and an independent review board to ensure exceptional balance and accuracy throughout. Building on its established strengths, the second edition of the Encyclopedia covers topics, movements, arguments, and figures in normative ethics, metaethics, and applied ethics, containing over 850 fully-cross-referenced A-Z entries which emphasize the richness and diversity of the field. New to this edition are more than 300 original and updated entries which add coverage of contemporary topics including voting ethics, artificial intelligence, moral uncertainty, police bias, narcissism, structural injustice, bullying, biopolitics, legal moralism, and intellectual virtue. In its state-of-the-art electronic form, each entry is hyperlinked to other entries and to electronic editions of the renowned Blackwell Companions and Guides ¯ in all, more than 1,500 scholarly articles. The electronic version will continue to receive annual updates, continuing the legacy of the International Encyclopedia of Ethics as the preferred resource for research-active scholars, students, and general readers wanting to engage with ethics in their professional lives. This work is also available as an online resource at
The University of Chicago Press Messa da Requiem for the Anniversary of the Death of Manzoni, 22 May 1874
Messa da Requiem is the fourth work to be published in The Works of Giuseppe Verdi. Following the strict requirements of the series, this edition is based on Verdi's autograph and other authentic sources, and has been reviewed by a distinguished editorial board—Philip Gossett (general editor), Julian Budden, Martin Chusid, Francesco Degrada, Ursula Günther, Giorgio Pestelli, and Pierluigi Petrobelli. It is available as a two-volume set: a full orchestral score and a critical commentary. The appendixes include two pieces from the compositional history of the Requiem: an early version of the Libera me, composed in 1869 as part of a collaborative work planned as a memorial to Rossini; and the Liber scriptus, which in the original score of the Manzoni memorial Requiem was composed as a fugue in G minor. The score, which has been beautifully bound and autographed, is printed on high-grade paper in an oversized format. The introduction to the score discusses the work's genesis, instrumentation, and problems of notation. The critical commentary, printed in a smaller format, discusses the editorial decisions and traces the complex compositional history of the Requiem.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy In Vivo: MRS Theory, Practice and Applications
This handbook covers the entire field of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), a unique method that allows the non-invasive identification, quantification and spatial mapping of metabolites in living organisms–including animal models and patients. Comprised of three parts: Methodology covers basic MRS theory, methodology for acquiring, quantifying spectra, and spatially localizing spectra, and equipment essentials, as well as vital ancillary issues such as motion suppression and physiological monitoring. Applications focuses on MRS applications, both in animal models of disease and in human studies of normal physiology and disease, including cancer, neurological disease, cardiac and muscle metabolism, and obesity. Reference includes useful appendices and look up tables of relative MRS signal-to-noise ratios, typical tissue concentrations, structures of common metabolites, and useful formulae. About eMagRes Handbooks eMagRes (formerly the Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance) publishes a wide range of online articles on all aspects of magnetic resonance in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The existence of this large number of articles, written by experts in various fields, is enabling the publication of a series of eMagRes Handbooks on specific areas of NMR and MRI. The chapters of each of these handbooks will comprise a carefully chosen selection of eMagRes articles. In consultation with the eMagRes Editorial Board, the eMagRes Handbooks are coherently planned in advance by specially-selected Editors, and new articles are written to give appropriate complete coverage. The handbooks are intended to be of value and interest to research students, postdoctoral fellows and other researchers learning about the scientific area in question and undertaking relevant experiments, whether in academia or industry. Have the content of this handbook and the complete content of eMagRes at your fingertips!Visit the eMagRes Homepage
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion, 4 Volume Set
An unprecedented multi-volume reference work on philosophy of religion, providing authoritative coverage of all significant concepts, figures, and movements Unmatched in scope and depth, The Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion provides readers with a well-balanced understanding of philosophical thought about the nature of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and other religious traditions around the globe. Spanning across four comprehensive volumes, this groundbreaking resource contains hundreds of specially commissioned entries covering the key themes, thinkers, works, and ideas in the field. Organized alphabetically, the Encyclopedia addresses an unmatched range of both historical and contemporary topics which reflect a diversity of theoretical and cultural perspectives. The entries encompass an extraordinary range of topics, from Aquinas and Kierkegaard, to teleological and ontological arguments, to cognitive science and psychology of religion, and many more. Each peer-reviewed entry is written by an acknowledged expert on the topic and includes short bibliographies, suggestions for further reading, and extensive cross-references. Accessible to scholars and non-specialist readers alike, this invaluable reference work: Provides balanced coverage of Abrahamic religions as well as different traditions from Asia, Africa, and other geographic regions Presents more than 450 entries which have been carefully reviewed by an editorial advisory board of world-renowned scholars Explores topics in various historical contexts, such as Jewish and Islamic contributions to medieval philosophy Discusses recent developments and new approaches to the study of philosophy of religion Examines significant theories and concepts including free will, atonement, moral argument, natural law, process theology, evolutionary theory, and theism Offers a fully cross-referenced and searchable online edition; The first work of its kind, The Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion is an indispensable resource for scholars and advanced students in philosophy, theology, religious studies, and relevant areas of humanities and sciences at both secular universities and theological colleges and seminaries.
Bucknell University Press,U.S. 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era (Volume 24)
With issue twenty-four of 1650–1850, this annual enters its second quarter-century with a new publisher, a new look, a new editorial board, and a new commitment to intellectual and artistic exploration. As the diversely inventive essays in this first issue from the Bucknell University Press demonstrate, the energy and open-mindedness that made 1650–1850 a success continue to intensify. This first Bucknell issue includes a special feature that explores the use of sacred space in what was once incautiously called “the age of reason.” A suite of book reviews renews the 1650–1850 legacy of full-length and unbridled evaluation of the best in contemporary Enlightenment scholarship. These lively and informative reviews celebrate the many years that book review editor Baerbel Czennia has served 1650–1850 and also make for an able handoff to Samara Anne Cahill of Nanyang Technological University, who will edit the book review section beginning with our next volume. Most important of all, this issue serves as an invitation to scholars to offer their most creative and thoughtful work for consideration for publication in 1650–1850. About the annual journal 1650-18501650-1850 publishes essays and reviews from and about a wide range of academic disciplines—literature (both in English and other languages), philosophy, art history, history, religion, and science. Interdisciplinary in scope and approach, 1650-1850 emphasizes aesthetic manifestations and applications of ideas, and encourages studies that move between the arts and the sciences—between the “hard” and the “humane” disciplines. The editors encourage proposals for “special features” that bring together five to seven essays on focused themes within its historical range, from the Interregnum to the end of the first generation of Romantic writers. While also being open to more specialized or particular studies that match up with the general themes and goals of the journal, 1650-1850 is in the first instance a journal about the artful presentation of ideas that welcomes good writing from its contributors.First published in 1994, 1650-1850 is currently in its 24th volume.ISSN 1065-3112.Published by Bucknell University Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.
John Wiley & Sons Inc NMR Spectroscopy: A Versatile Tool for Environmental Research
The challenges faced by environmental scientists today are vast, complex, and multi-faceted. For instance, predicting the fate of an environmental pollutant or understanding ecosystem responses to climate change, necessitate a firm understanding of molecular structure and dynamics of environmental media as well as the components that exist and interact within this media. Furthermore, linking information obtained at the molecular-scale to ecosystem-level processes is a major pursuit of modern environmental research. As such, NMR spectroscopy and its scalability from the molecular-scale to the macroscopic-scale, is facilitating rapid growth in environmental science. In addition, the versatility of NMR spectroscopy has resulted in the development and implementation of different types of NMR techniques to examine the structure of various types of environmental samples, living and non-living, as well as the study of critical environmental processes. This comprehensive handbook is a collection of chapters that span from methods to how NMR is used in environmental research to gain insight into various ecosystem properties. It is organized into three parts: Part A focuses on methods used in environmental NMR which span from solution-state to magnetic resonance imaging. Part B emphasizes how NMR spectroscopy plays an essential role in understanding various types of environmental components and related processes, including different forms of organic matter found in soil, water, and air as well as how NMR is used to probe the fate of water, organic pollutants, and metals in the environment. Part C focuses on the growing field of environmental metabolomics which uses NMR as its main discovery platform. This volume highlights the immense potential of NMR spectroscopy to expand our fundamental understanding of environmental processes and how it will continue to do so well into the future. About eMagRes Handbooks eMagRes (formerly the Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance) publishes a wide range of online articles on all aspects of magnetic resonance in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The existence of this large number of articles, written by experts in various fields, is enabling the publication of a series of eMagRes Handbooks on specific areas of NMR and MRI. The chapters of each of these handbooks will comprise a carefully chosen selection of eMagRes articles. In consultation with the eMagRes Editorial Board, the eMagRes handbooks are coherently planned in advance by specially-selected Editors, and new articles are written to give appropriate complete coverage. The handbooks are intended to be of value and interest to research students, postdoctoral fellows and other researchers learning about the scientific area in question and undertaking relevant experiments, whether in academia or industry. Have the content of this handbook and the complete content of eMagRes at your fingertips! Visit:
Peeters Publishers Index Generalis 1982-1997. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium
The present Index Generalis 1982-1997 adopts the same style as the previous one, Tables Generales 1924-1981, in its two main parts: Articuli, Notae et Miscellanea and Recensiones. The section Articuli includes also the articles published in Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium (BETL) and in the series Annua Nuntia Lovaniensa (ANL) and Studiorum Novi Testamenti Auxilia (SNTA). A presentation of the volumes published in these three series is provided in the section 1982-1997. Under the new rubric Personalia, the scientific career and the writings of Professors A. De Halleux (+1994), A. Houssiau and G. Thils (honorary members) are retraced by their successors. Finally, under the title Analysis, the publications of Old Testament, New Testament, Dogmatic Theology, Moral Theology and Sacramental Theology receive a tentative evaluation. The Introduction is written by F. Neirynck, general editor of BETL, and from 1981 to 1997, the devoted secretary and chairperson of the editorial board of ETL.
The University of Chicago Press Metropolitan Museum Journal, Volume 53, 2018
The Metropolitan Museum Journal is issued annually and publishes original research on works of art in the Museum's collection. Highlights of volume 53 include an exquisite pair of 17th-century Chinese birthday-gift portraits of an elderly couple, a hidden painting of a Rococo-inspired nude underneath Manet’s 1862 Portrait de Mlle. V. … en Espada, and a new identification of the central figures in Daumier’s The Third-Class Carriage.
New Harbinger Publications Applied Behavior Analysis Research Made Easy: A Handbook for Practitioners Conducting Research Post-Certification
Learn how you can make a name for yourself in the field of applied behavior analysis research.If you're like many practitioners in the field of applied behavior analysis (ABA), you may encounter barriers when conducting research-including limited resources, competing contingencies, an absence of a formal institutional review board, and rigorous methodology requirements. This book addresses these limitations directly, and offers strategies for contributing to research literature, advancing your career, and making professional scholarly submissions over the course of your career.In this book, you'll find a thorough discussion about the research-to-practice gap, arguments for why ABA practitioners should publish, tips for ensuring ethical research practices, time management skills to help you stay productive, and strategies for overcoming common obstacles in research.Also included are practical ways to conduct research in applied settings, information about receiving mentorship, tips for writing, a quick reference guide to the editorial process, examples of applied studies, and resources to help you getstarted right away.