Search results for ""author akira toriyama""
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Saga del gran rey de los demonios Piccolo
El autoproclamado rey de los demonios, Piccolo Daimao, ha llegado a la Tierra dispuesto a convertirse en gobernante absoluto. Para convencer a los humanos de que deben rendirle pleitesía, con un simple gesto, destruye una ciudad entera. No queda más remedio que rendirse ante el inmenso poder de este ser.
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Lunivers Guanyador 2
A instancias de los dioses de la destrucción, se celebra un torneo de artes marciales entre las selecciones del sexto universo y del séptimo universo, al cual pertenece Goku, para determinar quién se hará con las superbolas de dragón. En el equipo rival figuran un saiyano y Frost, un individuo idéntico a Freezer. Hasta dónde llega el poder del caballeroso Frost, al que Goku debe enfrentarse!?
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Bola de Drac color origen i cinta vermella 1
En Son Goku és un vailet molt especial que viu tot sol al bosc després de la mort del seu avi. Però tot canvia quan coneix la Bulma, una noieta malcriada de la gran ciutat que està buscant les Boles de Drac, unes esferes màgiques que poden concedir qualsevol desig. Com que en Son Goku és molt fort, la Bulma el convenç perquè lacompanyi en la seva aventura. . .Així comença el millor manga shônen de tots els temps, ara a tot color!!
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Kajika
Con la intención de librarse de la maldición del zorro, el joven Kajika está inmerso en un viaje en el que tiene que salvar mil vidas! Tras salvar a Haya, una chica a la que los esbirros de Gibachi perseguían, el huevo del último dragón del mundo cae en sus manos...! Título original: Kajika
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Dragon Ball Z Anime saga de los Sayanos 2
Cinco años después de la encarnizada batalla de Son Goku contra Majunior, la otra identidad del gran rey de los demonios Piccolo, el mundo ha recuperado la paz. En uno de esos apacibles días llega un hombre procedente del espacio. Su nombre es Raditz y se presenta como el hermano mayor de Goku y miembro de la raza saiyana, una estirpe de guerreros espaciales. Qué secreto esconde el nacimiento de Goku!? Adaptación al manga de la famosa serie de animación de Akira Toriyama (basada a su vez en el manga del mismo autor).Título original: Dragon Ball Animes series
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Dragon Ball Z La batalla de los dioses
Años después de la batalla con Majin Buu, Bils, el dios de la destrucción y responsable de mantener el equilibrio del universo, se ha despertado de un largo sueño. Al escuchar la historia sobre un saiyajin de nombre Goku que ha vencido a Freezer, Bils inicia su búsqueda. Goku, animado por el hecho de que haya aparecido, después de tanto tiempo, un oponente tan poderoso, ignora los consejos de Kaito y decide combatir contra Bils. Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods fue un impresionante éxito en Japón: más de un millón de espectadores y casi 19 millones de dólares en su segunda semana en cines. En sólo 328 salas, se colocó como la quinta película más taquillera de su semana de estreno en todo el mundo.Título original: Dragon Ball Z Battle of Gods
Bola de Drac 24
La nova etapa d'aquest manga shonen s'inicia amb nous adversaris a punt de posar a prova el poder d'en Vegeta, en Krilín, en Cor Petit i la resta de lluitadors disposats a defensar la Terra (encara que alguns d'ells no hagin nascut al planeta).Aquesta vegada, els que amenacen destruir el món són androides carregats de poder, uns éssers que acumulen un nivell d'energia incalculable i que són capaços de derrotar els guerrers més experimentats. Servirà d'alguna cosa l'ajuda que arriba des del futur?
Bola de Drac 7
En Son Goku ha pujat a la interminable torre que porta al temple d'en mixet murri guardià de aigua sagrada i ha fet un intensiu entrenament de tres dies. A baix, el petit indi Upah plora la mort del seu pare i espera un miracle.Però els perills empaiten a l'heroi d'aquest manga shonen. En Tao-Pai-Pai, l'assassí més mortal i despietat del món, es prepara per eliminar-lo i prendre-li les boles de drac. Podrà en Son Goku esquivar els seus atacs? Sobreviurà per ressucitar al pare de lUpah?
Bola de Drac 13
En Ten Shin Han, guanyador de l'última edició del Torneig de les Arts Marcials, aquest cop ha perdut abans d'arribar a la final! El protagonista d'aquest manga shonen ha demostrat una força extraordinària i es classifica per al combat final. En el sisè es decidirà laltre finalista.Serà fabulós! Els dos rivals són desconeguts, però sabem que són un parell de grans experts: en Cor Petit Junior i en Xen!
Bola de Drac Definitiva 2
En Son Goku, la Bulma i l'Ulong continuen a la recerca de les boles de drac. Quan en queda una per trobar, arriben a un poble atemorit per una curiosa banda de conills. Però això no ha fet més que començar; els nostres herois cauran en mans d'un malvat que les vol aconseguir per a dominar el món.Què passarà si les roben? I quin estrany fenomen li ocorre a en Goku les nits de lluna plena? Endinsa't en les pàgines d'aquest volum manga shonen i descobreix-ho!
Dragon Ball ultimate 30
La lista de participantes del Gran Torneo de Artes Marciales es impresionante: Son Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Videl, A-18, Son Gohan,Krilín?Dividido en dos categorías, infantiles y adultos, este torneo podríaser histórico en la larga lista de concursos de luchadores porque los seres más poderosos del planeta compartirán tatami de nuevo, y quizá sea por última vez.Pero no será una lucha pacífica. Alguien querrá jugar sucio, y la vida de algunos de nuestros amigos podría peligrar.Quiénes son los nuevos enemigos que quieren conquistar la Tierra?.
Dragon Ball ultimate 19
Vegeta ha arrebatado a Krilín la Bola de Dragón que le dio el Gran Anciano. . . Pensó que así completaría las siete, pero no tardó en descubrir que Gohan había encontrado la que él mismo había escondido, impidiéndole así cumplir sus deseos. . .Cambiando de escondite, Krilín, Bulma y Gohan han logrado huir de la ira de Vegeta. Para despertar la fuerza que duerme en su interior, Gohan vuela con Krilín hacia la casa del Gran Anciano. Lograrán llegar?
Dragon Ball Ultimate n 1334 Manga Shonen Spanish Edition
El participante Ten Shin Han, vencedor de la última edición del Torneo de Artes Marciales, esta vez ha perdido antes de llegar a la final! El participante Son Goku, que ha demostrado tener una fuerza extraordinaria, se ha clasificado para la final.En el sexto combate se decidirá el segundo luchador de la final. Será otro combate fabuloso. Aunque esta vez los dos participantes son totalmente desconocidos, sabemos, sin embargo, que son grandes expertos. Ma Junior contra Shen
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball 06 Das Monster Nummer 8
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Toriyama A Toriyama Short Stories 8
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball Massiv 11 Die Originalserie als 3in1Edition
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball 42 Der Abschied
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball 26 Bardock
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball 29 Super Saiyajin Vegeta
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball 24 Der Gestaltwechsler
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball 21 Auf nach Namek
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball 08 Der Meister des Turms
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball Massiv 3
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball Massiv 2
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball Complete Box Set: Vols. 1-16 with premium
Goku and friends battle intergalactic evil in the greatest action-adventure-fantasy-comedy-fighting series ever! The Dragon Ball Complete Box Set contains all 16 volumes of the original manga that kicked off the global phenomenon. Also includes an exclusive double-sided poster and collector’s booklet featuring fun Dragon Ball trivia and guides as well as an interview with its legendary creator. Legend has it that if all seven of the precious orbs called “Dragon Balls” are gathered together, an incredibly powerful dragon god will appear to grant one wish. Unfortunately, the orbs are scattered across the world, making them extremely difficult to collect. Enter 16-year-old Bulma, a scientific genius who has constructed a radar to detect the exact locations of the Dragon Balls. She’s on a mission to find all seven orbs, but first she must convince young Son Goku to join her on her quest. With a monkey tail, superhuman strength and a magic staff for a weapon, Son Goku is ready to set out on the adventure of a lifetime…
Viz Media Dragon Ball Z Vizbig Edition Vol. 6
Synopsis coming soon.......
Viz Media Dragon Ball VIZBIG Edition Vol. 5
Synopsis coming soon.......
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Quest Illustrations: 30th Anniversary Edition
Celebrate the imaginative art of 30 years of the Dragon Quest video games, as designed and illustrated by Akira Toriyama, legendary creator of Dragon Ball. Akira Toriyama (Dragon Ball) brought the world of the renowned Dragon Quest video games to life through his creative, fun and inventive design work. Thirty years of genius are on display in this stunning comprehensive hardcover collection of over 500 illustrations from the Dragon Quest video games, from Dragon Quest (originally released as Dragon Warrior in English) to Dragon Quest Heroes II. Includes fold-out poster of the Dragon Quest timeline.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 18
The day of the Cell Game has come - the day when Earth's champions must compete to save the entire human race from destruction. All along, Cell has longed for a match with Goku, to crush the world's mightiest hero and establish its supremacy over all creation. Both of them have enough power flowing through their bodies to destroy the earth. But Goku knows something that Cell doesn't...he isn't the world's mightiest hero. That hero is Gohan, Goku's son...
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball, Vol. 16
Eath's greatest from outerspace!Dragon Ball introduces a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku (a wry update of the classic Chinese "Monkey King" legend), whose quiet life changes when he meets a girl named Bulma who is on a quest to collect seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and Bulma could use the help of a certain super-strong boy... (In Japan, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were originally a single 42-volume series. VIZ Media's Dragon Ball contains vols. 1-16 of the original Japanese Dragon Ball, from the beginning of the series to the climax of Goku's last fight with Piccolo.)As the "Strongest Under the Heavens" martial arts tournament draws to a close, only Goku, Piccolo, and Shen--the disguised Kami-sama--remain! But even a god is no match for Piccolo's new powers, and soon Goku finds himself fighting...alone... in a battle which will decide not just who is strongest, but who or what will rule the world! The audience flees for their lives as the struggle shakes the heavens apart in the gripping conclusion of Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball, Vol. 13
Eath's greatest from outerspace!Dragon Ball introduces a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku (a wry update of the classic Chinese "Monkey King" legend), whose quiet life changes when he meets a girl named Bulma who is on a quest to collect seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and Bulma could use the help of a certain super-strong boy... (In Japan, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were originally a single 42-volume series. VIZ Media's Dragon Ball contains vols. 1-16 of the original Japanese Dragon Ball, from the beginning of the series to the climax of Goku's last fight with Piccolo.)With a wish on the Dragon Balls, Piccolo restores his youth, becoming more powerful than ever! Flying to the palace of the King of the World, he announces that he is the new King, and broadcasts his reign of terror on international TV!Only Tenshinhan and Goku have a chance to stop Piccolo: Tenshinhan by mastering a martial arts move that can kill the one who uses it, and Goku by drinking a magic potion that might make him stronger--or kill him too! Two heroes risk death to save the planet--and meanwhile, Yajirobe eats too much and gets sick!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball, Vol. 14
Eath's greatest from outerspace!Dragon Ball introduces a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku (a wry update of the classic Chinese "Monkey King" legend), whose quiet life changes when he meets a girl named Bulma who is on a quest to collect seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and Bulma could use the help of a certain super-strong boy... (In Japan, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were originally a single 42-volume series. VIZ Media's Dragon Ball contains vols. 1-16 of the original Japanese Dragon Ball, from the beginning of the series to the climax of Goku's last fight with Piccolo.)Goku is the world's only hope--the only being on Earth capable of fighting Piccolo, the Great Demon King! But the city-demolishing battle ends with Piccolo birthing a younger, even tougher version of himself, who will return in three years time to finish the destruction wrought by his father! In search of a way to defeat the new Piccolo, Goku's gaze turns skyward--to the heavenly realm of Kami-sama, creator of the Dragon Balls, deity of the Dragon Ball world. But Piccolo and Kami-sama share a shocking secret...
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 10
As Freeza changes into new forms, each more powerful than the last, the desperate heroes - Gohan, Kuririn, Piccolo and the self-serving Vegeta - find themselves struggling merely to stay alive. Desperate for a trump card, Vegeta asks Kuririn to mortally wound him, so that his auto-evolving mechanism will turn him into the legendary strongest fighter in the universe - the Super Saiyan! On the other side of the planet, Goku awakens from within his healing capsule and streaks to the battlefield to turn the tide. But even in his final, supposedly deadliest form, Freeza has an ace up his sleeve...
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 5
Sci-Fi martial arts action!After years of training and adventure, Goku has become Earth's ultimate warrior. And his son, Gohan, shows even greater promise. But the stakes are increasing as even deadlier enemies threaten the planet. DRAGON BALL Z is the ultimate science fiction-martial arts manga.In the aftermath of his battle with Goku, Vegeta retreats from Earth, vowing revenge. In search of a way to resurrect their dead friends, Kuririn, Gohan, and Bulma go into space in search of Namek--Piccolo's home planet where the Dragon Balls were originally made. But Namek has become a battleground, where evil emperor Freeza and his minions are slaughtering the peaceful Namekians to fulfill Freeza's wish for immortality! Stranded on a planet full of enemies, the three astronauts radio back to Earth...but "help" comes from an unexpected source as Vegeta turns against his former master Freeza in order to get the Dragon Balls for himself!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 8
Forced to ally with Vegeta against their common enemy, Gohan and Kuririn fight desperately against Freeza's elite troops, the seemingly unstoppable Ginyu Force! But the tables may be turning as Son Goku finally arrives on Planet Namek, his strength and speed increased ten-fold by training under 100 times Earth's gravity! Could Goku have become the legendary "Super Saiyan"!? And even if they defeat Captain Ginyu, can they prevent Freeza from wishing for immortality on the Dragon Balls - and Vegeta from betraying them and doing the same?
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball, Vol. 2
Eath's greatest from outerspace!Dragon Ball introduces a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku (a wry update of the classic Chinese "Monkey King" legend), whose quiet life changes when he meets a girl named Bulma who is on a quest to collect seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and Bulma could use the help of a certain super-strong boy... (In Japan, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were originally a single 42-volume series. VIZ Media's Dragon Ball contains vols. 1-16 of the original Japanese Dragon Ball, from the beginning of the series to the climax of Goku's last fight with Piccolo.)With the (reluctant) help of the shapeshifting pig Oolong, Goku and Bulma have found almost all the Dragon Balls they need to get their wish! To get the sixth Dragon Ball, the fearsome Ox King sends Goku on a mission: to find Kame-Sen'nin, the Turtle Hermit, whose mighty powers can put out the raging fires of Fry-Pan Mountain! But the sleazy old martial artist might just make it more trouble than it's worth! Then, with the bandits Yamcha and Pu'ar on their trail, our heroes continue their quest for the seventh and final Dragon Ball. But can they get it from little Emperor Pilaf, who wants to use his wish to rule the world?!!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball Full Color Freeza Arc, Vol. 4
After years of training and adventure, Goku has become Earth's ultimate warrior. And his son, Gohan, shows even greater promise. But the stakes are increasing as even deadlier enemies threaten the planet. Now experience this legendary manga classic in full color!. Captain Ginyu has exchanged bodies with Goku, and Gohan and Kuririn must use the seven Dragon Balls of Namek to summon the mighty Dragon Lord, who can grant any three wishes. But if they do summon the Dragon Lord, can they prevent Vegeta and Freeza from wishing for immortality for themselves?
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball Full Color Freeza Arc, Vol. 5
Goku and his friends journey to the planet Namek to confront the deadliest enemies Earth has ever seen—in full color! After years of training and adventure, Goku has become Earth's ultimate warrior. And his son, Gohan, shows even greater promise. But the stakes are increasing as even deadlier enemies threaten the planet. Now experience this legendary manga classic in full color! Freeza’s transformation is complete, and his power is unbelievably immense. The Dragon Balls have been gathered, the Dragon Lord summoned and one final wish remains. But before anyone can make that wish, it’s time for the final showdown between Freeza and Goku, the Super Saiyan!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball Full Color Freeza Arc, Vol. 2
Gohan and Kuririn struggle to keep the last Dragon Ball from falling into Freeza and Vegeta’s possession, but how will they fare against Freeza’s Ginyu Force—a group of five of the strongest fighters in the galaxy? If they want to survive, they may have to do the unthinkable and team up with Vegeta!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 11: Includes vols. 31, 32 & 33
Dragon Ball introduces a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku (a wry update of the classic Chinese Monkey Kinglegend), whose quiet life changes when he meets a girl named Bulma who is on a quest to collect seven Dragon Balls. If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and Bulma could use the help of a certain super-strong boy... Earth faces its deadliest threat ever! Cell is a biologically engineered abomination constructed from the universe's most powerful beings, including Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo and even Freeza! To increase his power and achieve his perfect form, Cell must absorb powerful warriors and steal their energy. Now Cell is about to issue a terrible ultimatum to Earth: produce one warrior who can stand up to Cell one-on-one or he will destroy every living thing on Earth!
Viz Media Dragon Ball Z VIZBIG Edition Vol. 4
Synopsis coming soon.......
Viz Media Dragon Ball VIZBIG Edition Vol. 1
Synopsis coming soon.......
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 1
Sci-Fi martial arts action!After years of training and adventure, Goku has become Earth's ultimate warrior. And his son, Gohan, shows even greater promise. But the stakes are increasing as even deadlier enemies threaten the planet. DRAGON BALL Z is the ultimate science fiction-martial arts manga.Son Goku is the greatest hero on Earth. Five years after defeating the demon king Piccolo, he's grown up and had a family--he's married, and he has a child, Son Gohan. But what is the real reason for Goku's incredible strength? A visitor from outer space arrives bearing terrible news--Goku is an alien, and the visitor, Raditz, is Goku's brother! When Raditz turns out to be a ruthless killer, Goku must fight his incredibly strong brother to save his family and the entire human race. A surprising alliance may be Earth's last hope: Goku will team up with his old enemy Piccolo...archenemies united to save the world!
Viz Media Dragon Ball Z VIZBIG Edition Vol. 2
Synopsis coming soon.......
Viz Media Dragon Ball Z VIZBIG Edition Vol. 1
Synopsis coming soon.......
Dragon Ball Compendio 4
El cuarto compendio expande todavía más la información aparecida en ediciones anteriores, añadiendo más datos de varias producciones de Dragon Ball y guías que se publicaron a lo largo de los años. En este volumen encontrarás información sobre las líneas temporales, personajes, niveles de poder, lista de ataques y técnicas, objetos, lugares?
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Dr. Slump 6
A Midori Yamabuki le ha picado un mosquito que amenaza con absorberle toda la sangre! Para salvarla, Senbei no tiene otra opción que reducir su tamaño con el fin de luchar contra la infame criatura que se ha instalado en el cuerpo de su querida dama.
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Dr. Slump 5
De nuevo, más personajes disparatados rompen con la rutina de Villa Pingüino. Entre ellos, el terrible doctor Mashirito, rival de Senbei, cuya ambición de dominar el mundo encuentra un obstáculo: Arale, la protagonista de este manga shonen. Otra novedad es Chibil Pipi, un irresistible diablito que busca llenar su cuota de almas malditas.