Search results for ""author akira toriyama""
Dr Slump n 0215 Nueva edicin
Nuevos personajes llegan a la aldea: el terrible alienígena Nikochan, cuya cabeza es un culo enorme y que sueña con conquistar la Tierra, sin que nunca llegue a ser tomado en serio; Donbe, un gracioso zorro transformista que tiene un feroz odio hacia los humanos, e incluso un insoportable niño de 5 años totalmente víctima de la moda.Naturalmente, Arale y Gatchan harán enloquecer, involuntariamente, a aquellos que se crucen en su camino. Un excepcional tomo manga shonen que incluye nada menos que 75 páginas originales en color!
Dragon Ball color Piccolo 4
El participante Ten Shin Han, vencedor de la última edición del Torneo de Artes Marciales, esta vez ha perdido antes de llegar a la final! El participante Son Goku, que ha demostrado tener una fuerza extraordinaria, se ha clasificado para la final.
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Se proclama el universo campeón 2
A instancias de los dioses de la destrucción, se celebra un torneo de artes marciales entre las selecciones del sexto universo y del séptimo universo, al cual pertenece Goku, para determinar quién se hará con las superbolas de dragón. En el equipo rival figuran un saiyano y Frost, un individuo idéntico a Freezer.
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Dragon Ball Color origen y Red Ribbon 2
Son Goku, Bulma y Oolong continúan con la búsqueda de las Bolas de Dragón. Cuando sólo les falta una bola, llegan a un extraño pueblo atemorizado por una singular banda de conejos.Pero esto es sólo el principio de la aventura: nuestros héroes caerán en manos de un siniestro villanoque desea hacerse con las Bolas de Dragón para dominar el mundo.Qué ocurrirá cuando robe las Bolas? Qué es lo que le pasa a Son Goku las noches de luna llena?Entra y descúbrelo?
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Dragon Ball Color origen y Red Ribbon 1
Son Goku es un chico muy especial que, tras la muerte de su abuelo, vive solo en el bosque. Posee una fuerza prodigiosa y parece bastante satisfecho con su vida al aire libre hasta que conoce a Bulma, una niña pija que está buscando las Bolas de Dragón, siete esferas mágicas que, una vez reunidas, pueden conceder cualquier deseo.Casualmente, Goku posee una de ellas, la de cuatro estrellas, por lo que a Bulma le cuesta un poco convencerle de que se una a ella en su búsqueda. . . Así empieza el manga shônen más popular de todos los tiempos!
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Dragon Ball Compendio 3
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Dragon Ball color cell 3
Después de la batalla contra Freezer, llega una nueva amenaza. Se trata del doctor Gero, antiguo miembro de la Red Ribbon y sus poderosos androides, fabricados por él para acabar con su odiado Goku. De entre todos, destaca Cell, una verdadera pesadilla para Goku y los demás supersaiyanos...
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Dragon Ball Color Cell 1
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Dragon Ball Color Cell 2
Después de la batalla contra Freezer, llega una nueva amenaza. Se trata del doctor Gero, antiguo miembro de la Red Ribbon y sus poderosos androides, fabricados por él para acabar con su odiado Goku. De entre todos, destaca Cell, una verdadera pesadilla para Goku y los demás supersaiyanos...Título original: Dragon Ball Full Color Cell Saga 2
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Dragon Ball Saiyan 2
Cinco años después de la encarnizada lucha contra Piccolo Daimao,cuando el mundo volvía a estar en paz, descubriremos una nueva razallegada del espacio. En los planetas cuyos habitantes tienen una importante fuerza de combate, emplean adultos. Pero en el caso de planetas como la Tierra, donde la gente tiene menos poder, envían a bebés. Su objetivo: la invasión total, sin piedadSon Goku es uno de ellos.Se acordará de ello?Título original: Dragon Ball Full Color 2
Bola de Drac 14
Cinc anys després de la lluita aferrissada amb en Cor Petit, al món hi ha pau, però descobrirem una nova raça arribada de l'espai exterior. Als planetes que tenen un nivell datac molt alt hi envien adults; però a aquells que són com la Terra, hi envien bebés.El seu objectiu: invasió total, sense pietat. Resulta que el protagonista d'aquest manga shonen és un dells. Senrecordarà?
Bola de Drac 8
Hi ha tatamis per a tots es gustos, però en Son Goku es disposa a lluitar en un de molt singular. La culminació de diferents combats contra monstres de tota mena el durà a enfrontar-se amb algú molt especial, una persona que torna des del passat i, potser, des dun altre món.I parlant de món, sabeu qui és el petit tirà amb més aspiracions de dominació mundial? Doncs sí, en Pilaf. Amb l'ajuda dels seus criats i de tota mena d'enginys mecànics, el dictador en potència torna a la càrrega disposat a fer el ridícul més que mai. O no? Seguiu el fil de l'aventura en aquest volum manga shonen.
Dragon Ball ultimate 28
Después de combates de todo tipo, llega la hora de Son Gohan. Goku se ha rendido para cederle esa responsabilidad. Él sabe que posee una fuerza increíble cuando se enfada de verdad, pero Cell no lo hace rabiar lo suficiente!Cell tiene golpes escondidos (réplicas en miniatura, pequeñas porciones de su cuerpo que tienen la capacidad de regenerarlo totalmente, etcétera) y la lucha se volverá cada vez más sangrienta.Uno de nuestros héroes podría morir! Mucha atención, porque este es un auténtico final de etapa para Dragon Ball. Aunque la historia, claro, continuará?
Dragon Ball ultimate 23
Está a punto de llegar el fin de la Tierra? Freezer y un aliado sorpresa, su padre, llegan a nuestro planeta. No les importa la suerte que corran los terrestres, lo que realmente quieren es eliminar a todos los Supersaiyanos sea como sea.El número uno del universo tiene que ser alguien de su familia, y nadamejor que asesinar a los competidores para adjudicarse el título. La fuerza conjunta de Freezer y su padre puede acabar con cualquier héroe que intente interponerse en su camino.
Dragon Ball Ultimate n 0734
Son Goku ha trepado a la interminable torre que lleva al templo de Karin, donde le espera el Agua Sagrada y un duro entrenamiento de tres días. Abajo, el pequeño indio Upa vela el cuerpo de su padre, en espera de un milagro.Pero los peligros no cesan de acosar a nuestro héroe: Tao Pai Pai, el asesino más mortal y despiadado del mundo, se prepara para eliminar a Goku y arrebatarle las Bolas de Dragón.Podrá esquivar Son Goku los ataques de Tao Pai Pai? Sobrevivirá para resucitar al padre de Upa?Siete bolas mágicas con estrellas en su interior guardan un gran secreto: quien las reúna invocará a un dragón mágico con el poder de conceder cualquier deseo. Con esa motivación la joven Bulma inicia un viaje por un mundo lleno de peligros y aventuras hasta que su camino se cruza con el del joven Son Goku.
Dragon Ball Ultimate n 0534 Manga Shonen Spanish Edition
Son Goku debe infiltrarse en la torre de acero del Ejercito de la Red Ribbon para liberar al alcalde de un pueblo, prisionero en el último piso. Pero el temible ninja Murasaki, tan patético como mortal, espera al chico para hacerlo servir como entrenamiento para sus tácticas secretas de asesino.Son Goku luchará en cada nivel de la torre contra monstruos, aberraciones y toda la fuerza de una organización paramilitar temida en toda laregión. Esto no es un Torneo de Artes Marciales; es un combate a vida o muerte...
Dragon Ball Ultimate n 0434 Manga Shonen Spanish Edition
Para Son Goku, participar en el Torneo de Artes Marciales es un sueño hecho realidad. Pero sobre el tatami se encontrará todo tipo de amenazasque deben combatirse con agilidad, destreza y fuerza.Y, además, quién es el misterioso Jackie Chun? Por qué parece saber tantas cosas sobre Goku y sus amigos? Cuando termine el torneo, sobrevivirá nuestro héroe al Ejército de la RedR ibbon, empeñados también en encontrar las Bolas de Dragón?
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball SD 2
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball Massiv 10
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball Massiv 9
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball 35 Beistand aus dem Jenseits
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball 20 Vegetas Niederlage
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball 09 Uranai Babas Krieger
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball 05 Die Suche nach Grovater
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball 16 Duell der Giganten
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball 13 Das magische Wasser
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball 01 Das Geheimnis der Drachenkugeln
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball 14 Piccolos Geheimnis
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball Massiv 8
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball Massiv 6
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Dragon Ball Massiv 5
Viz Media Dragon Ball VIZBIG Edition Vol. 4
Synopsis coming soon.......
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball Z Complete Box Set: Vols. 1-26 with premium
Goku and friends battle intergalactic evil in the greatest action-adventure-fantasy-comedy-fighting series ever! The Dragon Ball Z Complete Box Set contains all 26 volumes of the manga that propelled the global phenomenon that started with Dragon Ball into one of the world’s most recognizable and best-selling manga. Also includes an exclusive double-sided poster and collector’s booklet featuring fun Dragon Ball Z trivia and guides as well as an interview with its legendary creator. Son Goku is the greatest hero on Earth. Five years after defeating the demon king Piccolo, he’s grown up and had a family—he’s married, and he has a child, Son Gohan. But what is the real reason for Goku’s incredible strength? A visitor from outer space arrives bearing terrible news—Goku is an alien, and the visitor, Raditz, is Goku’s brother! When Raditz turns out to be a ruthless killer, Goku must fight his incredibly strong brother to save his family and the entire human race. A surprising alliance may be Earth’s last hope: Goku will team up with his old enemy Piccolo...archenemies united to save the world!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Akira Toriyama's Manga Theater
An extensive collection of imaginative and action-packed short stories from the creator of Dragon Ball, Akira Toriyama!From Akira Toriyama, the legendary manga creator of Dragon Ball, comes this special collection of short stories spanning the first few decades of his career. Serving as both a collection of his early works and a history of his life as a manga writer and illustrator, this giant tome is packed with everything you could ever want as a fan of classic shonen manga.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 6
After years of training and adventure, Goku has become Earth's ultimate warrior. And his son, Gohan, shows even greater promise. But the strikes are increasing as even deadlier enemies threaten the planet. More action-packed than the stories of Goku's youth, Dragon Ball Zis the ultimate science fiction martial arts manga. Get ready for action as time travellers, aliens, deities and the mighty Super Saiyans clash over the fate of the universe! On the green skies and blue plains of Planet Namek, a war rages between two equally evil forces: Emperor Freeza, who wants to use Namek's Dragon Balls to become immortal, and Vegeta, last prince of the Saiyans, who has betrayed his former master in search of the same prize. Trapped between these two mighty enemies are the peaceful Namekians, and Earth's heroes Kuririn, Gohan and Bulma! As Freeza's henchmen Dodoria and Zarbon trade blows with the ever-stronger Vegeta, the Earthlings put their own lives at risk to protect the Namekians until Son Goku's spaceship arrives. But can even Goku's new training regimen - under 20 times Earth's gravity - prepare him for what awaits on this alien world?
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball, Vol. 7
Eath's greatest from outerspace!Dragon Ball introduces a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku (a wry update of the classic Chinese "Monkey King" legend), whose quiet life changes when he meets a girl named Bulma who is on a quest to collect seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and Bulma could use the help of a certain super-strong boy... (In Japan, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were originally a single 42-volume series. VIZ Media's Dragon Ball contains vols. 1-16 of the original Japanese Dragon Ball, from the beginning of the series to the climax of Goku's last fight with Piccolo.)Only Goku, Bulma and Kuririn stand between the Red Ribbon Army and the seven Dragon Balls which can grant any wish in the world! Using a submarine loaned by Kame-Sen'nin, the heroic trio explores a pirate's undersea cave in search of the next Dragon Ball, but gun-toting bad guys are on their tail! Now they must face not only perilous pirate traps but the sinister General Blue, a martial artist with powers even Goku doesn't have! Can they escape the cave alive? As the battle continues, Goku and General Blue go to Penguin Village, the home of the weird scientist Dr. Slump and one of the strangest places on Earth!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball, Vol. 8
Eath's greatest from outerspace!Dragon Ball introduces a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku (a wry update of the classic Chinese "Monkey King" legend), whose quiet life changes when he meets a girl named Bulma who is on a quest to collect seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and Bulma could use the help of a certain super-strong boy... (In Japan, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were originally a single 42-volume series. VIZ Media's Dragon Ball contains vols. 1-16 of the original Japanese Dragon Ball, from the beginning of the series to the climax of Goku's last fight with Piccolo.)Tired of losing their best operatives to Son Goku, the commanders of the Red Ribbon Army hire Taopaipai, the world's greatest assassin, to "take care" of him permanently! To have a chance of defeating this new opponent, Goku must climb the miles-high Karin Tower, where a mysterious hermit guards a jug of magic water which will grant the one who drinks it super strength. And while Goku struggles to get the magic water, time is running out...because Commander Red only needs two more Dragon Balls to make his deepest, darkest wishes come true!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball, Vol. 3
Eath's greatest from outerspace!Dragon Ball introduces a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku (a wry update of the classic Chinese "Monkey King" legend), whose quiet life changes when he meets a girl named Bulma who is on a quest to collect seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and Bulma could use the help of a certain super-strong boy... (In Japan, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were originally a single 42-volume series. VIZ Media's Dragon Ball contains vols. 1-16 of the original Japanese Dragon Ball, from the beginning of the series to the climax of Goku's last fight with Piccolo.)With the Dragon Balls gone and Bulma's summer vacation over, Goku goes to the remote house of the Turtle Hermit, Kame-Sen'nin, to be trained in the martial arts. There, the girl-ogling old master promises to teach Goku everything he knows...and prepare him for the Tenka'ichi Budôkai, the great tournament to determine the Strongest Fighter in the World! But Goku's fellow student, the Shaolin monk Kuririn, isn't above cheating to be the best. Can the two of them get along as they undergo the strangest martial arts training ever?
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball, Vol. 11
Eath's greatest from outerspace!Dragon Ball introduces a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku (a wry update of the classic Chinese "Monkey King" legend), whose quiet life changes when he meets a girl named Bulma who is on a quest to collect seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and Bulma could use the help of a certain super-strong boy... (In Japan, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were originally a single 42-volume series. VIZ Media's Dragon Ball contains vols. 1-16 of the original Japanese Dragon Ball, from the beginning of the series to the climax of Goku's last fight with Piccolo.)The Tenka'ichi Budôkai is heating up, and there can only be one winner! Last tournament's champion Jackie Chun goes up against three-eyed "Crane School" kung fu master Tenshinhan! Then, it's the long-awaited match between former classmates Goku and Kuririn--and guess who has some tricks up his sleeve! But Tenshinhan isn't just fighting to win, he's carrying out a deadly grudge--to avenge his master, the Crane Hermit, whose brother was killed by Goku. It all comes down to a final round so devastating the battlefield itself might not survive intact--let alone the spectators!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 14: Includes vols. 40, 41 & 42
Dragon Ball introduces a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku (a wry update of the classic Chinese "Monkey King" legend), whose quiet life changes when he meets a girl named Bulma who is on a quest to collect seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and Bulma could use the help of a certain super-strong boy... With the Saiyans forced to retreat and Goku back in the Underworld, the universe’s ultimate champions desperately train to find a way to stop the evil Boo! Gohan undergoes a bizarre training regimen with the former Lord of Lords, while Trunks and Goten rush to perfect their fusion dance—but will it be enough? If only there was a way to bring Goku and Vegeta back to Earth… Don’t miss the thrilling conclusion to this colossal manga classic!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 12: Includes vols. 34, 35 & 36
Dragon Ball introduces a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku (a wry update of the classic Chinese "Monkey King" legend), whose quiet life changes when he meets a girl named Bulma who is on a quest to collect seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and Bulma could use the help of a certain super-strong boy... Son Goku knows he doesn't stand a chance against a being as powerful as Cell. But when he and his friends train in the Room of Spirit and Time, there's no telling what boundaries of skill and power they will surpass! And when they return to Earth ready to beat Cell at his own game, a surprising champion emerges.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 9: Includes vols. 25, 26 & 27
Captain Ginyu has used his transforming power to exchange bodies with Goku. With Goku's friends in a pinch, and Goku's life hanging by a thread, Gohan and Kuririn must use the the seven Dragon Balls of Namek to summon the mighty Dragon Lord, who can grant any three wishes. Can Goku get his body back and defeat Captain Ginyu? And if the Dragon Lord is summoned, can Gohan and Kuririn prevent Vegeta and Freeza from wishing for immortality for themselves?
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball 3in1 Edition Vol. 1
Akira Toriyama''s groundbreaking, iconic, best-selling series now in an omnibus edition!Dragon Ball introduces a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku (a wry update of the classic Chinese Monkey King legend), whose quiet life changes when he meets a girl named Bulma who is on a quest to collect seven Dragon Balls. If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and Bulma could use the help of a certain super-strong boy...Legend has it that if all seven of the precious orbs called “Dragon Balls” are gathered together, an incredibly powerful dragon god will appear to grant one wish. Unfortunately, the orbs are scattered across the world, making them extremely difficult to collect. Enter 16-year-old Bulma, a scientific genius who has constructed a radar to detect the exact locations of the Dragon Balls. She’s on a mission to find all seven orbs, b
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball: A Visual History
A comprehensive hardcover art book in a collector’s slipcase, showcasing the work of Akira Toriyama’s best-selling manga series, Dragon Ball. Featuring stunning full-color artwork, exclusive creator commentary and rarely seen sketches, Dragon Ball: A Visual History is the definitive journey through the artwork of one of the most influential and popular manga series of all time, Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 3: Includes vols. 7, 8 & 9
The World's Most Evil Crime Organization You do not want to mess with the Red Ribbon Army. To get what they want, they'll sic you with scary thugs, machine gunfire, and even torpedoes! Only Son Goku would think nothing of challenging this evil crime organization-anything to get back the one Dragon Ball his grandfather gave him. As the Red Ribbon Army closes in on Goku and his friends, Goku must face an array of opponents while preventing all seven Dragon Balls from falling into evil hands. First, there's cruel General Blue, who has a mysterious power up his sleeve. Then there's master assassin Taopaipai, so strong that Goku's blasts barely faze him. But neither of these opponents compare to the masked challenger Goku faces at Baba Uranai's-he'll give Goku the shock of his life!
Dr. Slump 12
Midori, la mujer de Senbei, no entiende por qué sigue subiendo de peso. Decidida a luchar contra la báscula, se lanza, gracias a la energía que le da su desesperación, a una carrera continua durante un mes alrededor del mundo
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics Bola de Drac Color origen i Cinta Vermella 2
En Son Goku, la Bulma i lUlong continuen a la recerca de les Boles de Drac. Quan en queda una per trobar, arriben a un poble atemorit per una curiosa banda de "conills". Però això no ha fet més que començar; els nostres herois cauran en mans dun malvat que vol aconseguir les Boles de Drac per dominar el món.Què passarà si roben les Boles? I quin estrany fenomen li passa a en Goku les nits de lluna plena?Entra i descobreix-ho. . .