Search results for ""Peter Lang GmbH""
Peter Lang GmbH Wittgenstein Archived: Bergenser Essays
Peter Lang GmbH Representing Gender in Cultures
Peter Lang GmbH Metamorphosis of the Administrative Welfare State: From Depoliticisation to Political Rationality
The book's conceptual framework is built upon an analysis of different varieties of rationality. A conception of political rationality is elaborated. First, orientations of contemporary administrative theory and research are analysed from the point of view of that rationality. Next, the same viewpoint is applied to an analysis of an entity called the 'administrative welfare state'. This concept is used to cover the typical institutional shape of the leading highly developed countries until the 1980s. The strengths and the weaknesses of the contemporary 'new public management' reforms are also evaluated from the point of view of political rationality. Finally, steps are taken to define elements of actual reform programmes in the terms of the political rationality.
Peter Lang GmbH Research on the Chinese Work Unit Society
The book concentrates on the problem of the phenomena of the Chinese work unit. In this book we try to answer the question why the Chinese society can be treated as a work unit society. How do the work unit organizations influence the every day life of Chinese people? What are their social functions? Where do they come from? How does the work unit organization affect the social integration and social control in the Chinese society? Part one is a general literature review about the work unit organization which is concerned with the problem of how it motivates people. Part two is a cognitive description of the current work unit organization: its characteristics, its historical roots, and its development. Part three is a historical study about the Chinese traditional clan system. It argues that striking similarities exist between the Dan Wei organization and the clan system. Part four and five are case studies about this work unit society from a different point of view, based on the surveys in 1987 and 1993.
Peter Lang GmbH Rheinlandfrage Und Rheinlandbewegung (1918-1933): Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Regionalistischen Bestrebungen in Deutschland
Peter Lang GmbH Politische Symbole Der Europaeischen Integration: Fahne, Hymne, Hauptstadt, Pass, Briefmarke, Auszeichnungen
Peter Lang GmbH Freud and the Media: The Reception of Psychoanalysis in Viennese Medical Journals 1895-1938
Peter Lang GmbH Combining Functional Linguistics and Skopos Theory: A Case Study of Greek Cypriot and British Folktales
Peter Lang GmbH Feeding Culture: The Pleasures and Perils of Appetite
Peter Lang GmbH Lied-Bibliographie Song Bibliography: Die Literatur Ueber Das Kunstlied Reference to Literature on the Art Song
Peter Lang GmbH Sino-theology and the Thinking of Juergen Moltmann Sino-theologie Und Das Denken Juergen Moltmanns
Peter Lang GmbH The Rites of Initiation in Christian Liturgy and in Igbo Traditional Society: Towards the Inculturation of Christian Liturgy in Igbo Land
Peter Lang GmbH Learning Discourse: Learning Biographies,Embedded Speech and Discourse Identity in Students' Talk
Peter Lang GmbH Africa, Philosophy and the Western Tradition: An Essay in Self-understanding
This book examines the notion of an African philosophy, beginning with a critique of the assumptions behind this phrase and of the existing debate about African philosophy. This leads to enquiry about the rise, establishment and maintenance of philosophy. Relations between consent to a theory of truth presupposed to philosophy and Western truth-claims in science, religion and human rights are studied. The relation of this to successful technology as vital for African development, but calling for the corresponding mental approach, is insisted upon. The book ends with stress on the central role of analogy in philosophical science and as a point of contact with African mythical tradition.
Peter Lang GmbH Barriers and Bridges: Media Technology in Language Learning - Proceedings of the 1993 CETaLL Symposium on the Occasion of the 10th AILA World Congress in Amsterdam
The papers that make up this collection were either presented at the CETaLL (Commission on Educational Technology and Language Learning) Colloquium The Autonomous Learner and the Media held as part of the 10th AILA World Congress in Amsterdam, August 8-15, 1993, or were presented in other sections at the same congress. Not only do they all share the common theme of exploring how media technology can be used to enhance language learning and teaching, but more than that, they relate the excitement of breaking down barriers and building bridges with the help of both old and new technology. Papers from Austria, Finland, Germany, Japan, Thailand, Britain and the United States cover a wide range of topics, from the latest hi-tech multi-media project to the humble radio with its potential for interactivity.
Peter Lang GmbH Methodological and Analytical Issues in Language Maintenance and Language Shift Studies
The phenomenon of language maintenance and shift (LMLS) discusses how one particular language pervades the domain of another and eventually replaces that particular language. This book examines a number of methodological and analytical issues in LMLS studies. The writers discuss analytical constructs and review theoretical issues in LMLS citing studies from Borneo, Britain, Brunei, Malaysia, Mexico, and Singapore. A range of variables affecting LMLS in these sites are reviewed. The writers offer a substantial amount of systematically collected empirical data from a number of geographically diverse sites. The studies of LMLS analysed and reported here are invaluable not only to sociolinguists but also to scholars of related fields such as anthropology and communication.
Peter Lang GmbH Sailing on the Next Tide: Missions, Missiology, and the Third Reich
When German missiologists started to re-import their dream of a dominant Christianity to central Europe, there were more similarities between the missionary and the national socialist utopias than the post-war consensus would like to admit. Fascism to many missiologists became the desired breaking point of modernity, a revival of the Volk's deep emotions and a breakthrough of the archaic spirituality they had long been waiting for. Upon this tide they wanted to sail and conquer new territories for Christ. This study, therefore, will address the issue of mission and Nazism primarily in the light of the struggle of Christianity for a place or a home within and vis-a-vis the culture of the West as it was approaching the end of modernity.
Peter Lang GmbH Baptism and Faith: Their Relationship in Our Salvific Encounter with God Today in the Light of the New Testament Baptismal Theology and Vatican II Sacramental Theology
Baptism is the sacrament of faith par excellence, and Christian faith, the principal and fundamental factor of our salvific process, is ordinarily baptismal. Our Christian existence through faith is, therefore, fundamentally baptismal, that then lives on the Eucharist. This work expounds this theological fact in the light of the New Testament baptismal theology and Vat. II sacramental theology, with corresponding theological-pastoral perspectives, in view of strengthening the baptismal consciousness of today's Christians and Christian communities.
Peter Lang GmbH The Importance of Economic Literacy
In the world of globalization, international markets and world-wide competition it is important for students to be well informed about the underlying economic concepts. Knowledge about economics, termed 'economic literacy', has become as important as being literate in reading, writing and arithmetic. For each country and educational system the importance of economic literacy is tied to educating its youth to be capable of understanding, thinking and acting according to basic economic principles. Based on the Australian setting this book sheds light on the growing importance of economic literacy as reflected in the States' curricula and as measured in a recent survey conducted across Queensland.
Peter Lang GmbH Comprehensive School Experiment Revisited: Evidence from Western Europe
Comprehensive schooling and associated policies striving for a greater equality of educational opportunity have been at the centre of debate in many Western countries, since the 1950s. In this volume, the educational and social outcomes of several decades of comprehensive school reform in Sweden, Great Britain, France and the Federal Republic of Germany are examined by recognized social scientists from each of the countries concerned. Particular attention is given to the issue of social selectivity. The contributions, originally prepared for an international symposium organized by the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Education in Berlin, are all based on original research. They have been thoroughly revised and updated, and, in some cases, even completely rewritten. This new edition represents the most recent state of research on the topic.
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Freunde Jnger Und Herausgeber Zur Geschichte Der Ersten NietzscheEditionen 733 Europische Hochschulschriften European University Studies Publications Universitaires Europenn
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Psychische Strungen Und Ihre Begutachtung Im Ehenichtigkeitsprozess 48 Adnotationes in Ius Canonicum
Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Studien Zur Spinozarezeption in Deutschland Im 18 Jahrhundert 451 Europaeische Hochschulschriften European University Studie
Im 1. Teil dieser Arbeit wird nach der Darstellung der verschiedenen Kommunikationswege spinozanischer Ideen die Reaktion auf das Denken Spinozas untersucht. Mit dem Terminus Spinozismus stand ein Begriff zur Verfügung, mit dem Abweichungen vom traditionellen Denken angezeigt werden konnten. Die Analyse des Begriffsgebrauchs belegt, daß Spinozismus nicht als beliebig anwendbarer Ketzertitel eingesetzt wurde, sondern einerseits identitätstheoretischen und andererseits deterministischen Denkfiguren vorbehalten war. Der zweite Teil behandelt den Streit um die Bedeutung und das richtige Verständnis Spinozas, der in den achtziger Jahren des 18. Jahrhunderts ausgetragen wurde. Anhand von systematisch orientierten Einzelstudien werden die unterschiedlichen Positionen insbesondere der weniger bekannten Autoren rekonstruiert.
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Die Rueckkehr Des Subjekts: Neues Autorenkino in Der Romania
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Werner Holtfort: Biographie Eines Anwalts Und Politikers in Den 70er Und 80er Jahren Des 20. Jahrhunderts in Niedersachsen
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Dolmetschen Im Psychotherapeutischen Setting: Eindruecke Aus Der Praxis
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften The Unruly Garden Robert Duncan and Eric Mottram Letters and Essays 6 American Studies Culture Society the Arts
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Das Leben Mit Dem Silber: Die Bergbauregion Schwaz in Der Fruehen Neuzeit
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Individuelles Lernen Und Kollaborative Wissenskonstruktion Mit Wikis ALS Ko-Evolution Zwischen Kognitiven Und Sozialen Systemen
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Der Fastenmonat Ramadan Und Das Fastenabschlußfest 'id Al-Fitr in Damaskus: Zur Sozialen Wirkungsweise Islamischer Rituale Und Zu Aspekten Des Traditionswandels
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Energiemangel ALS Antrieb Der Menschheitsgeschichte: Eine Energetische Gesellschafts- Und Geschichtstheorie
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Bindungsstile Bei Koreanischen Erwachsenen: Eine Vergleichende Studie Ueber Bindungsstile in Suedkorea
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Zwischen Anspruch Und Wirklichkeit: Die Aesthetisierung Kriegerischer Ereignisse in Der Fruehen Neuzeit
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Die Fdp in Hamburg 1945-1953: Start ALS Buergerliche Linkspartei
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Die Ministererlaubnis in Der Fusionskontrolle: Entstehungsgeschichte Und Kritische Auseinandersetzung
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Das Staatsrecht in Der Rechtslehre Kants
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Geschichte Im Exil: Deutschsprachige Historiker Nach 1933
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Preemptive Self-Defense: Die Bush-Doktrin Und Das Voelkerrecht
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Literatur Veranstalten: Lesung, Vortrag, Event: Ein Ratgeber Zu Konzept, Organisation Und Durchfuehrung
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Community Interpreting in Deutschland: Gegenwaertige Situation Und Perspektiven Fuer Die Zukunft
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Das Dialogische Lernmodell: Grundlagen Und Erfahrungen Zur Einfuehrung Einer Komplexen Didaktischen Innovation in Den Gymnasialen Unterricht
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Lingua E Letteratura Italiana 150 Anni Dopo l'Unità: Atti del Convegno Internazionale Di Studi Presso l'Università Di Zurigo 30 Marzo - 1 Aprile 2011
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Reisen Um 1800
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Kulturwissenschaft(en): Konzepte Verschiedener Disziplinen
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Politik Ist Die Praxis Der Wissenschaft Vom Notwendigen: Helmut Ridder (1919-2007)
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Mediterraner Kulturtransfer Am Beginn Der Neuzeit: Die Rezeption Der Italienischen Renaissance in Kastilien Zur Zeit Der Katholischen Koenige
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Heinrich Manns Opernroman Die Kleine Stadt: Korrespondenz Der Kuenste Im Europaeischen Kontext
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Helvetismen: Deutsches Kulturwoerterbuch Der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft