Search results for ""Peter Lang GmbH""
Peter Lang GmbH Kaiserbild Und Literarisches Programm: Untersuchungen Zur Tendenz Der Historia Augusta
Peter Lang GmbH Cyclical Learning Processes in Second Language Production
This study of adult second language learning focuses on those aspects of syntactic development which show that the orders in which structures appear reflect principles of behaviour organization in language production. These principles facilitate learning under conditions where attentional capacity is limited. Learning to put the structures of a language into practice is characterised by recurrent orders of automation through repetition. Orders of emergence may be only indirectly related to orders of acquisition.
Peter Lang GmbH Denkerische Und Dichterische Erkenntnis ALS Einheit: Eine Untersuchung Zur Symbolik in Hermann Brochs «Tod Des Vergil»
Peter Lang GmbH Komoedie Im Atomzeitalter: Gestaltung Und Funktion Des Komischen Bei Friedrich Duerrenmatt
Peter Lang GmbH Stressbewaeltigungstraining 1: Entwicklung: Herausgegeben Von Johannes C. Brengelmann
Peter Lang GmbH The Western Balkans on Their Way to the EU?
Peter Lang GmbH Spinning the Commercial Web: International Trade, Merchants, and Commercial Cities, C. 1640-1939
Peter Lang GmbH Lasset Uns Bruecken Bauen...: Collected Communications to the XVth Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, Cambridge 1995
This tome explains the newest research results scientists obtained during their scientific dissertation of the Old Testament, as well as the scientific fields connected with it. The themes of the individual compositions are widely spread; they concern both, exegetical and literary questions, as well as historical and religious history problems and central questions regarding the theology of the Old Testament. Relevant suggested reading invites the reader to go in for such themes. In den Beitraegen dieses Bandes werden neueste Forschungsergebnisse dargelegt, die weltweit in der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit am Alten Testament sowie in den mit ihm in Verbindung stehenden Wissenschaftsgebieten erzielt wurden. Die Themen der einzelnen Aufsaetze sind breit gefaechert; sie betreffen sowohl exegetische und literarische Fragen als auch historische und religionsgeschichtliche Probleme sowie zentrale Fragen der Theologie des Alten Testaments. Einschlaegige Literaturangaben leiten gut zur weiterfuehrenden Beschaeftigung mit den behandelten Themen an.
Peter Lang GmbH Das Bild Des Koerperbehinderten in Der Deutschsprachigen Literatur Des 19. Und 20. Jahrhunderts
Peter Lang GmbH Sustainability Creates New Prosperity: Basis for a New World Order, New Economics and Environmental Protection: 2004
Peter Lang GmbH Der Kronzeuge Unter Besonderer Beruecksichtigung Von 31 Btmg
Peter Lang GmbH Venedig Im Spiegel Der Décadence-Literatur Des Fin de Siècle
Peter Lang GmbH Hans Kelsen Im Kriegseinsatz Der K.U.K. Wehrmacht: Eine Kritische Wuerdigung Seiner Militaertheoretischen Angebote
Peter Lang GmbH Multicentrism as an Emerging Paradigm in Legal Theory
The contemporary legal theory is gradually departing from traditional theory of the hierarchical legal system. Some authors announce the supposed death of the concept of law within the state. The so-called multicentrism might become an attractive alternative to the traditional monocentric approach. The essence of multicentrism may be characterized as coexistence of many adjudicating bodies, especially courts, whose verdicts are equally effective within the national legal system. Such a situation takes place e. g. within the European legal area where multicentrism could be perceived as the existence of sensitive liaisons, entanglements and relations of dependence between the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, the European Court of Justice in Luxemburg and national (especially constitutional) courts in member states. The coexistence of many centres of adjudication may thus become a constant feature of the system of regional and global law.
Peter Lang GmbH Internationality in American Fiction: 3
Peter Lang GmbH Thought and Vision: Zinaida Hippius's Letters to Greta Gerell: Compiled, Edited, with Annotations and Introductions by the Author
Peter Lang GmbH Wittgenstein Archived: Bergenser Essays
Peter Lang GmbH Representing Gender in Cultures
Peter Lang GmbH Metamorphosis of the Administrative Welfare State: From Depoliticisation to Political Rationality
The book's conceptual framework is built upon an analysis of different varieties of rationality. A conception of political rationality is elaborated. First, orientations of contemporary administrative theory and research are analysed from the point of view of that rationality. Next, the same viewpoint is applied to an analysis of an entity called the 'administrative welfare state'. This concept is used to cover the typical institutional shape of the leading highly developed countries until the 1980s. The strengths and the weaknesses of the contemporary 'new public management' reforms are also evaluated from the point of view of political rationality. Finally, steps are taken to define elements of actual reform programmes in the terms of the political rationality.
Peter Lang GmbH Research on the Chinese Work Unit Society
The book concentrates on the problem of the phenomena of the Chinese work unit. In this book we try to answer the question why the Chinese society can be treated as a work unit society. How do the work unit organizations influence the every day life of Chinese people? What are their social functions? Where do they come from? How does the work unit organization affect the social integration and social control in the Chinese society? Part one is a general literature review about the work unit organization which is concerned with the problem of how it motivates people. Part two is a cognitive description of the current work unit organization: its characteristics, its historical roots, and its development. Part three is a historical study about the Chinese traditional clan system. It argues that striking similarities exist between the Dan Wei organization and the clan system. Part four and five are case studies about this work unit society from a different point of view, based on the surveys in 1987 and 1993.
Peter Lang GmbH Incentives in Community-based Health Insurance Schemes
Peter Lang GmbH European Perspectives on Disabled People Behinderte Menschen Aus Europaeischen Blickwinkeln
Peter Lang GmbH Paedagogik ALS Praxis Der Vernunft: Ueber Die Sokratische Methode, Das Lernen Zu Lehren
Peter Lang GmbH Der Ruhetag: Sinngehalte Einer Fast Vergessenen Gottesgabe
Peter Lang GmbH Die Stellung des Ehegatten im Nordischen Erbrecht
Peter Lang GmbH Agricultural Policy and Soil Fertility Management in the Maize-based Smallholder Farming System in Malawi
Peter Lang GmbH Pleasing to the I: The Culture of Personality and Its Representations in Theodore Dreiser and F. Scott Fitzgerald
Peter Lang GmbH Urbanism and Globalization: v. 2
Peter Lang GmbH Nikolaj Gumilev and Neoclassical Modernism: The Metaphysics of Style
Nikolaj Gumilev occupies a paradoxical place within the history of Russian modernism. Although he is well known as the founder of Acmeism and is regarded as an important poet and critic, much of his work is difficult to reconcile with prevailing concepts of modernism. The present study seeks to explain this marginal position by reinterpreting Gumilev's work within the broader context of a modernist aesthetic of order, or neo-classical modernism. The term refers to an aesthetic line within modernism that sought to reconcile certain features of traditional rhetoric - in particular the triadic style system - with modernist strategies of innovation. Although primarily devoted to Gumilev, the study also touches on Russian and French writers adhering to comparable aesthetic values, among them Annenskij, Kuzmin, Gautier, Leconte de Lisle, Valery and Gide.
Peter Lang GmbH The Middle Eastern Press as a Forum for Literature
Peter Lang GmbH Transplanting Liberal Education: The Foundation and Development of Liberal Arts Colleges in Western India
Peter Lang GmbH Locative Class in Shengologa (Kgalagadi)
Shengologa (Kgalagadi) is a Bantu language spoken in the Republic of Botswana. The present volume describes a set of nouns in Shengologa. This set of nouns is distinguished within a synchronic analysis from other grammatical categories on purely formal grounds and reanalysed as one class only: the locative class. The extent to which prefixes of this class interact with other parts of grammar leads to the establishment of several form classes. All established form classes coincide with the semantic reference locative.
Peter Lang GmbH Food Security and Innovations: Success and Lessons Learned, International Symposium 1996
Central to food security and agricultural growth are innovations. As land resources are becoming increasingly scarce, production growth has to come mainly from intensification and productivity increases, particularly of smallholders as the main food producers in developing countries. The innovation process involves generation and acceptance of sustainable innovations by farmers requiring effective agricultural research, a conducive agricultural policy framework and improved institutional and infrastructural conditions for innovation acceptance. This volume summarizes the large body of experiences gained and discussed during the Hohenheim symposium. It places particular emphasis on the discussion of case studies of successful and failed innovations. Learning from both, successes and failures, is part of a science-based innovation process.
Peter Lang GmbH Die Parallelen Von Lukas-Evangelium Und Apostelgeschichte
Peter Lang GmbH Medienkonsum Und Sprachverhalten: Eine Erhebung in Rheinland-Pfalz Und Im Saarland, Repraesentativ Fuer Die Bundesrepublik