Search results for ""Author William Shakespeare""
Firestone Books Romeo and Juliet: Dyslexia-Friendly Edition
Arcturus Publishing Ltd The Tempest
Oxford University Press Romeo and Juliet
''A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life''This edition provides a clear and accessible introduction to Shakespeare''s enduring tale of ill-fated lovers. Hannah August pays particular attention to the dramatic function of the famous prologue and the significance of the play''s ending. August also explores ways of reading the play as a text that queries rather than validates the tenets of heterosexual romantic love, proving that at multiple points throughout the play''s four-hundred-years-plus stage history, Verona has been more queer than the prevailing view of Romeo and Juliet as a core text of heterosexual love might lead us to believe. It includes a substantial section which addresses the play''s early modern production and reception history in both print and performance, as well as providing an overview of later performance traditions drawing on up-to-date examples of key productions.The New Oxford Shakespeare offers authoritative editions of Shakespeare''s works with introdu
Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd. Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare
Wartelsteiner GmbH Henry VIII Minibook
Renard Press Ltd Venus and Adonis
Long before Shakespeare's name was synonymous with the stage he built a name as a poet, and Venus and Adonis was likely the first work to be published by the same quill that gave the world Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet and the rest of the canon.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Romeo and Juliet
With a foreword by Jennifer Niven, author of All the Bright Places and BreathlessFor never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo'A bloody feud. A tangled love. A senseless tragedy that brings two families to their knees. After a chance meeting at a ball, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet fall desperately in love. But their families are locked in a bitter rivalry, their love forbidden. Worse still, Juliet's family already expect her to marry her suitor, Count Paris.Determined to save their love, Romeo and Juliet wed in secret. But when a fight erupts that leaves Montagues and Capulets dead, Romeo is banished from Verona, forcing Juliet to take desperate measures that spell tragedy for the star-crossed lovers.Romeo and Juliet is Shakespeare's masterclass in tales of love and loss, and the origin of the lovestruck, star-crossed lovers.Discover STAGED, a limited collectio
Oxford University Press Oxford Bookworms Library Level 2 Romeo and Juliet Playscript audio pack
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. Listen along with downloadable MP3 audio.This is the most famous of all Shakespeare''s plays - a story of young love. What''s in a name? Does it really matter if you are called Montague or Capulet? When Romeo, son of Lord Montague, falls in love with the most beautiful girl he''s ever seen, he finds that it does matter. It makes all the difference in the world, because both families hate each other. For a time, Romeo and Juliet manage to keep their love secret. But when Romeo is sent away from Verona, hope begins to die. Can any of their friends help the young lovers to be together for ever?CEFR A2/B1Word count 6,306
Readerlink Distribution Services, LLC William Shakespeare Comedies
Dover Publications Inc. Macbeth
Dover Publications Inc. Hamlet
HarperCollins Publishers The Merchant of Venice (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. 'The quality of mercy is not strain'd,It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven’ Bassiano, a noble Venetian, hopes to woo the beautiful heiress Portia. However, he requires financial assistance from his friend Antonio. Antonio agrees, but he, in turn, must borrow from the Jewish moneylender Shylock. As recourse for past ills, Shylock stipulates that the forfeit on the loan must be a pound of Antonio’s flesh. In the most renowned onstage law scene of all time, Portia proves herself one of Shakespeare’s most cunning heroines, disguising herself as a lawyer and vanquishing Shylock’s claims; meanwhile, Shylock triumphs on a humanitarian level with his plea for tolerance: ‘Hath not a Jew eyes?’ Viewed paradoxically as anti-Semitic, while at the same time powerfully liberal for its time, The Merchant of Venice is at its core a bittersweet drama, exploring the noble themes of prejudice, justice and honour.
HarperCollins Publishers Macbeth (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'Stars, hide your fires!Let not light see my black and deep desires.' One of Shakespeare's darkest and most violent tragedies, Macbeth's struggle between his own ambition and his loyalty to the King is dramatically compelling. As those he kills return to haunt him, Macbeth is plagued by the prophecy of three sinister witches and the power hungry desires of his wife.
Chiltern Publishing The Sonnets
Classical Comics Romeo and Juliet (Classical Comics)
This is the full play in quick modern English for a fast-paced read! 'But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Juliet is the sun'! This title presents the tragic tale of doomed love, set in Verona, Italy, where the Montagues and the Capulets constantly feud and bring unrest to the city. So how could love possibly survive between this pair of star-crossed lovers, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet? Only Shakespeare could take such a romantic story and turn it into a soul-searching tragedy.
Everyman Tragedies Volume 2
The second volume of the Everyman Signet Shakespeare completes the survey of Shakespeare's tragic output with Titus Andronicus, Troilus and Cressida, Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, Timon of Athens and Coriolanus. The authoritatively edited texts of the plays are supplemented with extensive bibliographies, a chronology of Shakespeare's life and times, and a substantial introduction in which Professor Tony Tanner examines Shakespeare's evolution as a tragedian while also providing detailed discussions of the individual plays.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd A Midsummer Night's Dream (Collector's Edition)
Its lyricism, comedy (both broad and subtle) and magical transformations have long made A Midsummer Night’s Dream one of the most popular of Shakespeare’s works. The supernatural and the mundane, the illusory and the substantial, are all shimmeringly blended. Love is treated as tragic, poignant, absurd and farcical. ‘Lord, what fools these mortals be!’, jeers Robin Goodfellow; but the joke may be on him and on his master Oberon when Bottom the weaver, his head transformed into that of an ass, is embraced by the voluptuously amorous Titania. Recent stage-productions of A Midsummer Night’s Dream have emphasised the enchanting, spectacular, ambiguous and erotically joyous aspects of this magical drama which culminates in a multiple celebration of marriage.
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Romeo and Juliet: Large Print
Dover Publications Inc. Much ADO About Nothing
Oxford University Press Oxford School Shakespeare: Richard II
Oxford School Shakespeare is an acclaimed edition especially designed for students, with accessible on-page notes and explanatory illustrations, clear background information, and rigorous but accessible scholarly credentials. Richard II is a popular text for study by secondary students the world over. This edition includes illustrations, preliminary notes, reading lists and classroom notes. This title is suitable for all exam boards and for the most recent AS/A level specifications.
Oxford University Press RSC School Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing
Working in partnership with the RSC, this brand new series is ideal for introducing students to Shakespeare's plays. Using trusted and established RSC approaches, Shakespeare's plays come to life in the classroom and establish a deeper understanding and lasting appreciation of his work. Comprising the most popular plays used in schools, these full-colour editions include the RSC's active approaches to exploring the text, vibrant RSC performance photographs, page summaries, glosses, contextual information and much more. This unique series aims to motivate and inspire students in their early encounters with Shakespeare's plays whilst giving students confidence for all stages of their study of Shakespeare.
Oxford University Press Oxford School Shakespeare: Twelfth Night
Oxford School Shakespeare is an acclaimed edition especially designed for students, with accessible on-page notes and explanatory illustrations, clear background information, and rigorous but accessible scholarly credentials. Twelfth Night is a popular text for study by secondary students the world over. This edition includes illustrations, preliminary notes, reading lists (including websites) and classroom notes. This title is suitable for all exam boards and for the most recent GCSE and AS/A level specifications.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Shakespeare in Autumn Seasons Edition Fall
Shakespeare in Autumn: Select Plays and the Complete Sonnets, by William Shakespeare, the greatest writer in the English language, is available in a fine exclusive collector’s edition featuring a laser-cut jacket on a textured book with foil stamping, making it ideal for fiction lovers and book collectors alike. Each collectible volume will be the perfect addition to any well-appointed library.The Shakespeare in Autumn Seasons Edition--Fall: Features selected works from William Shakespeare, history’s greatest and most influential writer of the English language. His poetry and plays have been recited and studied for generation upon generation and remain iconic works of literature Presents a small yet wide-reaching collection of the Bard’s finest works, including The Taming of the Shrew, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, As You Like It,
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is acknowledged as the greatest dramatist of all time. He excels in plot, poetry and wit, and his talent encompasses the great tragedies of Hamlet, King Lear, Othello and Macbeth as well as the moving history plays and the comedies such as A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Taming of the Shrew and As You Like It with their magical combination of humour, ribaldry and tenderness. This volume is a reprint of the Shakespeare Head Press edition, and it presents all the plays in chronological order in which they were written. It also includes Shakespeare's Sonnets, as well as his longer poems Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece.
Culturea Othello
Alianza Editorial El rey Lear
Escrita en 1605, " El rey Lear " es una de las obras pertenecientes a la etapa de plenitud creadora de William Shakespeare (1574-1616). Ambientada en la Inglaterra pagana anterior al cristianismo, esta historia de las desgracias desencadenadas cuando Lear, por vengar su vanidad herida, arroja de su lado a la menor de sus hijas, corre paralela a otros temas que enriquecen el catálogo de los grandes retratos shakespearianos. La presente edición, a cargo de M. Á. Conejero, ha sido realizada por el equipo del Instituto Shakespeare de la Universidad de Valencia.
Editorial Edaf, S.L. El Mercader De Venecia Coriolano Clasicos Universales Universal Classics
Editorial Iberia, S.A. Dramas.
Ningún otro escritor de la literatura clásica inglesa ha sabido como Shakespeare captar tan plena y profundamente el íntimo latido del alma humana, darnos con más vigor y a la vez con menos esfuerzo la expresión más intensa de los efectos del hombre y de sus sentimientos. Los dramas de Shakespeare (dice Goethe) son libros abiertos del Destino, sobre los cuales sopla el viento de la vida agitada y los deshoja aquí y allá con violencia.
Ediciones Cátedra Sonetos
William Shakespeare no tuvo nada en contra de la publicación de sus propias obras, que constituía una fuente de ingresos para su negocio. Pero en lo relativo a los poemas su actitud fue muy variable:se ocupó con sumo cuidado de la publicación de los poemas narrativos que dedicó al conde de Southampton ( " Venus y Adonis " y " El rapto de Lucrecia " ), de los cuales se realizaron numerosas reimpresiones que los hicieron muy populares, pero, según parece, no intervino en la recopilación ni en la publicación de los sonetos. El autor se comportó con sus composiciones líricas más breves de manera despreocupada y negligente, y se limitó a distribuirlos entre sus allegados.La autoría de Shakespeare en lo que respecta a los sonetos nunca ha sido seriamente puesta en entredicho. La fuerza, la belleza y el brillo del lenguaje, la complejidad de la sintaxis y la sutileza de los ritmos parecen perfectamente acordes con la variedad estilística de la mejor poesía que despliegan sus obras de
Alianza Editorial Otelo
Dentro de la amplia galería de personajes que a lo largo de las obras de William Shakespeare (1564-1616) encarnaron las más universales y comunes pasiones que mueven la naturaleza humana, Otelo ha pasado a representar el hombre destruido por los celos. Sin embargo, el tema crucial y más general de la obra es la desconfianza. Movida por este veneno que se esparce por sus diálogos e impregna las relaciones entre parejas, ya sean hombres y mujeres, ya jefes y subordinados, esta tragedia sigue resultando, hoy como ayer, una lectura tan subyugante como poderosa.
Planeta Publishing El Mercader de Venecia / Como Gustéis
ReadZone Books Limited Twelfth Night
Hal Leonard Corporation Much Adoe About Nothing
Hal Leonard Corporation The Life of Tymon of Athens
Hal Leonard Corporation Twelfe Night, Or What You Will
Capstone Press Julius Caesar
Kessinger Publishing The Tragedie Of Romeo And Juliet
University of Chicago Press The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Simon & Schuster Henry VI Part 3 Folger Shakespeare Library
Dover Publications Inc. Four Great Tragedies: Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello and Romeo and Juliet
Penguin Putnam Inc Four Great Tragedies: Revised Edition
Penguin Putnam Inc Antony And Cleopatra
Penguin Putnam Inc King Lear
Penguin Putnam Inc Twelfth Night
Campfire The Merchant Of Venice
Luftschacht Verlag Der Sturm
Ars Vivendi Titus Andronicus Gesamtausgabe 37