Search results for ""Author William Shakespeare""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Life of the Author: William Shakespeare
Discover an invigorating new perspective on the life and work of William Shakespeare The Life of the Author: William Shakespeare delivers a fresh and exciting new take on the life of William Shakespeare, offering readers a biography that brings to the foreground his working life as a poet, playwright, and actor. It also explores the nature of his relationships with his friends, colleagues, and family, and asks important questions about the stories we tell about Shakespeare based on the evidence we actually have about the man himself. The book is written using scholarly citations and references, but with an approachable style suitable for readers with little or no background knowledge of Shakespeare or the era in which he lived. The Life of the Author: William Shakespeare asks provocative questions about the playwright-poet’s preoccupation with gender roles and sexuality, and explores why it is so challenging to ascertain his political and religious allegiances. Conservative or radical? Misogynist or proto-feminist? A lover of men or women or both? Patriot or xenophobe? This introduction to Shakespeare’s life and works offers no simple answers, but recognizes a man intensely responsive to the world around him, a playwright willing and able to collaborate with others and able to collaborate with others, and, of course, his exceptional, perhaps unique, contribution to literature in English. The book covers the entirety of William Shakespeare’s life (1564-1616), taking him from his childhood in Stratford-upon-Avon to his success in the theatre world of London and then back to his home town and comfortable retirement. The Life of the Author: William Shakespeare sets his achievement as a writer within the dangerous, vibrant cultural world that was Elizabethan and Jacobean England, revealing a writer’s life of frequent collaboration, occasional crisis, but always of profound creativity. Perfect for undergraduate students in Literature, Drama, Theatre Studies, History, and Cultural Studies courses, The Life of the Author: William Shakespeare will also earn a place in the libraries of students interested in Gender Studies and Creative Writing.
Plutón Ediciones KING LEAR ENGLISH
Editorial de la Luna Libros The tempest
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Julio César / Julius Caesar (Spanish Edition)
Valdemar Otelo el moro de Venecia
Grupo Anaya, S.A. Romeo y Julieta
Macbeth Ctedra base Spanish Edition
" Macbeth " se erige por méritos propios como una de las grandes tragedias de Shakespeare. Podríamos decir que el conjuro mágico de Shakespeare se basa en crear historias inolvidables que desnudan el alma humana, por eso siguen siendo disfrutadas por el público de cualquier época y resultan tan de actualidad, más de cuatrocientos años después de haber sido escritas y representadas por primera vez. " Macbeth " cuenta con todos los elementos para configurar una apasionante historia épica: ambición desmedida por el poder, guerras, brujas, fantasmas, engaños, traiciones y muchos asesinatos. Nos relata cómo la perspectiva de llegar a lo más alto convierte a un hombre aparentemente noble en un tirano sanguinario y cómo esa maldad acaba conduciendo a la perdición, la paranoia y la locura.
Ediciones Cátedra Sueño de una noche de verano
Sueño de una noche de verano es una de las creaciones más personales de William Shakespeare. En el singular bosque del dramaturgo, siguiendo el modelo de las pastorales desde Sannazaro hasta Spencer, los elementos son los aprendidos de esas fuentes: alejamiento de la sociedad y adopción de un disfraz y de una existencia rústica, hasta que el equilibrio y la justicia sean restablecidos. Pero los amantes del Sueño de una noche de verano pierden su identidad sexual; están sometidos a una especie de disfraz colectivo en el que nadie es el que era; en el que todos podrán expresarse más allá de lo que ellos mismos hubieran podido sospechar. El bosque es el lugar para la celebración lírica de un pasado lleno de nostalgia y ambigüedad.
Ediciones Cátedra Macbeth Macbeth 55 Letras Universales Universal Letters
La fecha de composición de " Macbeth " puede fijarse con bastante certeza en la segunda mitad del año 1606; como en otros de sus dramas históricos, Shakespeare se sirvió de antiguas crónicas y es posible que la elección del tema estuviese determinada por el interés que Jacobo I sentía en aquel momento por las cuestiones genealógicas de la familia Estuardo y por los fenómenos de brujería.En una tragedia en que no cabe duda sobre dónde se sitúa el bien y dónde el mal, el extraordinario genio de Shakespeare logra que lady Macbeth sea algo más que un personaje perverso. En el culpable siempre se trasluce el ser humano que sufre también con el mal, y así se transmite al espectador la inquietud que provoca la relación entre fatalidad, voluntad personal y culpabilidad.
Alianza Editorial Sonetos
Adesiara Editorial Tots els sonets
William Shakespeare (Stratford-upon-Avon, 1564-1616) ha estat, és i serà un referent ineludible de la literatura universal de tots els temps. Segons el prestigiós i polèmic crític literari Harold Bloom, fou l?inventor de la condició humana, i hem d?entendre el conjunt de la seva obra dramàtica com les Sagrades Escriptures secularitzades. La seva producció s?ha de veure com un tot orgànic indivisible que va des de les tragèdies de joventut fins a les comèdies de l?extrema maduresa. Shakespeare va excellir en les tres formes literàries establertes pels grecs: la poesia narrativa Venus i Adonis i La violació de Lucrècia, la poesia dramàtica comèdies, tragèdies i històries i la poesia lírica, en la qual sobresurten els Sonets.
Editorial Renacimiento El peregrino apasionado y otros poemas
Se reúnen en este volumen varios poemas de William Shakespeare (1564-1616), incluidos algunos de autoría dudosa. Entre ellos está el extenso Lamento de una amante, que se publicó por primera vez en 1609 en el mismo volumen que los Sonetos, y el misterioso El fénix y la tórtola, que ha sido objeto de todo tipo de interpretaciones. Más allá de los enigmas que rodean al Bardo, y sin necesidad de especular, he aquí una certeza: la alta poesía del autor de estos versos en el cuarto centenario de su muerte.Antonio Rivero Taravillo (1963) es escritor en diferentes géneros, incluida la poesía. Premio Andaluz a la Traducción Literaria por sus versiones de Keats, ha traducido en verso toda la obra poética de Shakespeare, la de Yeats, y libros de Milton (Sansón agonista), Marlowe (Hero y Leandro) o Donne (Biathanatos), entre muchos otros. En esta misma editorial han aparecido sus libros de poemas La lluvia y Lo que importa, más el resto de sus traducciones de la poesía de Shakespeare.
Prakash Books Greatest Tragedies of Shakespeare
Filiquarian Publishing, LLC. Macbeth Shakespeare Library Classic
Hal Leonard Corporation The Second Part of Henry the Sixth
Capstone Press Midsummer Night's Dream
Simon & Schuster Shakespeares Sonnets Poems Folger Shakespeare Library
Simon & Schuster Three Comedies New Folger Library ShakespeareChinese Edition
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Antony and Cleopatra
Dover Publications Inc. King Lear
Penguin Putnam Inc The Sonnets: Second Revised Edition
Penguin Putnam Inc Henry V
Penguin Putnam Inc Romeo And Juliet
Steerforth Press Macbeth
'Fair is foul and foul is fair' - so said three weird women in ghoulish glee, predicting a subversion of order in fair Scotland...In the reign of King Duncan, Scotland is a just and hospitable land, with loyal, warlike thanes guarding the best interests of people......'Till the very best among them, Macbeth, gives in to a fatal temptation and commits regicide. But will the crown of Scotland sit easy on his head? Will justice be restored to Scotland? Or will Macbeth remain invincible?One of Shakespeare's most famous plays, Macbeth goes beyond a mere tragedy of moral order to a deeply psychological study of a mind preyed on by ambition, insecurities, fear, and regret.
Ars Vivendi Perikles Frst von Tyrus Band 35
Ars Vivendi Knig Heinrich IV Teil 2 King Henry IV Part 2 Zweisprachig Shakespeare Gesamtausgabe Band 18 Band 18
Ars Vivendi Romeo und Julia Gesamtausgabe 5
Hamburger Lesehefte Ein Sommernachtstraum
Bange C. GmbH Macbeth Textanalyse und Interpretation mit ausfhrlicher Inhaltsangabe und Abituraufgaben mit Lsungen
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Macbeth Zweisprachige Ausgabe
Reclam Philipp Jun. Othello the Moor of Venice Fremdsprachentexte Reclam XL Text und Kontext Niveau C2 GER
Philipp Reclam Jun Verlag GmbH Konig Richard Der Dritte
Philipp Reclam Jun Verlag GmbH The Merchant of Venice
Reclam Philipp Jun. Othello
Klett Sprachen GmbH Romeo and Juliet
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Ab 11. Schuljahr Othello
Pan Macmillan The Sonnets
The Sonnets explore many of Shakespeare's most common themes: jealousy, betrayal, melancholy. They ache with unfulfilled longing, and, for many, they are the most complete and moving meditations on love ever written.Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features an afterword by Peter Harness.The Sonnets of William Shakespeare, a cycle of 154 linked poems first published in 1609, are reproduced in full in this Macmillan Collector’s Library edition. Filled with ideas about love, beauty and mortality, the sonnets are written in the same beautiful and innovative language that we have come to know from Shakespeare's plays. The first 126 sonnets are addressed to a young man known as the 'Fair Youth', while others are directed at a 'Rival Poet', and a 'Dark Lady'.
Candlewick Press Shakespeares First Folio All The Plays A Childrens Edition
Created in partnership with Shakespeare’s Birthplace Trust, this remarkable collection includes thirty-six abridged plays from Shakespeare’s First Folio, exuberantly illustrated by Emily Sutton. Young hams, drama queens, and lovers of old-time language, rejoice! Four hundred years after its publication, Shakespeare’s First Folio has found a brand-new crop of enthusiasts. This gorgeous collection comprises all the plays in the original volume—fourteen comedies, ten histories, and twelve tragedies—each edited so it can be performed by eight to twelve children age seven and up in under twenty minutes. Lovingly abridged by Dr. Anjna Chouhan, a senior lecturer at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Shakespeare’s First Folio: The Plays: A Children's Edition uses the original language, allowing kids a taste of choice words such as sluggardized and rampallian as well as famous lines like “Friends, Romans, c
Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies,US The Merry Wives of Windsor
A modern translation that will appeal to new audiences. In her translation of The Merry Wives of Windsor, Dipika Guha updates the language of Shakespeare's comedy through the lens of our current moment. Guha maintains the humor at the heart of the play while making it accessible for both performers and audiences. This translation was written as part of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival's Play On! project, which commissioned new translations of thirty-nine Shakespeare plays. These translations present the work of The Bard in language accessible to modern audiences while never losing the beauty of Shakespeare's verse. These volumes make these works available for the first time in printa new First Folio for a new era.
Dover Publications Inc. Romeo and Juliet
Classical Comics Macbeth Graphic Novel Audio Collection
Everyman Comedies Volume 1
The everyman Signet Shakespeare series continues with the first volume of Comedies containing The Comedy of Errors, The taming of the Shrew, The Two Gentlemen of Verona. It also includes Loves Labour's Lost, Romeo and Juliet (sic) and A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Everyman Histories Volume 2
The Everyman Signet Shakespeare series continues with the second volume of Histories, containing HENRY IV, parts I and II, HENRY V and HENRY VIII. As before, there is an extended introduction by Tony Tanner, a bibliography and author chronology. The plays are lightly annotated and the text is therefore ideal for both students and general readers.