Search results for ""Author Herv"
Aschendorff Verlag Dominican Theology at the Crossroads: A Critical Edition and Study of the Prologues to the Commentaries on Peter Lombard's Sentences by James of Metz and Hervaeus Natalis
Columbia University Press Building a Meal: From Molecular Gastronomy to Culinary Constructivism
An internationally renowned chemist, popular television personality, and bestselling author, Herve This heads the first laboratory devoted to molecular gastronomy--the scientific exploration of cooking and eating. By testing recipes that have guided cooks for centuries, and the various dictums and maxims on which they depend, Herve This unites the head with the hand in order to defend and transform culinary practice. With this new book, Herve This's scientific project enters an exciting new phase. Considering the preparation of six bistro favorites--hard-boiled egg with mayonnaise, simple consomme, leg of lamb with green beans, steak with French fries, lemon meringue pie, and chocolate mousse--he isolates the exact chemical properties that tickle our senses and stimulate our appetites. More important, he connects the mind and the stomach, identifying methods of culinary construction that appeal to our memories, intelligence, and creativity. By showing that the creation of a meal is as satisfying as its consumption, Herve This recalibrates the balance between food and our imaginations. The result is a revolutionary perspective that will tempt even the most casual cooks to greater flights of experimentation.
Yale University Press The Yale Editions of Horace Walpole's Correspondence, Volume 31: With Hannah More, Lady Browne, Lady Mary Coke, Lady Hervey, Mary Hamilton, Lady George Lennox, Anne Pitt, and Lady Suffolk
These two volumes of Horace Walpole's correspondence illustrate the breadth and variety of Walpole's friendships. The rakes, wits, and politicians of Volume 30 are the intimates of his younger days as an active member of the Young Club at White's and of Parliament, although correspondences with George Selwyn and Henry Fox continue until their deaths. Walpole's subjects in these letters are politics and gossip, occasionally dispensed with asperity and witty allusions to entertain Sir Charles Williams and Lord Lincoln. Volume 31 shows Walpole the attendant of wise and spirited dowagers and later, of pretty young women with good minds and literary tastes. Here he is soliciting the reminiscences of Lady Suffolk, comforting and entertaining Lady Hervey, squiring Lady Browne, teasing Lady Mary Coke and Hannah More, dispensing gaiety and gifts to all.Eighty-one of the letters from Walpole in these two volumes are printed for the first time and seven others first printed in full; the correspondences with Lord Lincoln, Selwyn, Hannah More, and Lady Browne are particularly rich in this new material. Seventy-seven other Walpole letters, although printed in supplements to the previous edition of Walpole letters, are integrated here for the first time with the main body of his correspondence, as are all of sixty-three letters to him. The appendices contain several of his biographical sketched and other writings as well as his will.
Walker Books Ltd Help! We Need a Title!
An interactive picture book from the internationally acclaimed author Hervé Tullet.Someone has been opening this book... I think they’re looking for a story! The characters are still only sketches, there’s a setting and a few ideas about colour, but who can they turn to for the story? It's not long until they go after the author and disturb him in the middle of his work...
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Command-control for Real-time Systems
A real-time system is a complex system which is an integral part of an industrial or experimental system, a vehicle or a construction machine. The peculiarity of these systems is that they are driven by real-time targets in distributed environments. Command-control for Real-time Systems presents the calculation of correction for industrial systems of different physical natures, their implementation on real-time target industrial systems (PLC-SCADA, embedded systems with distributed networks, Networked Control Systems) and their validation by simulation. It optimizes industrial processes by the use of automatic tools, industrial computing and communications networks and aims to successively integrate new control laws (linear, nonlinear and fuzzy controllers) so that users can leverage the power of engineering science as an automatic service process optimization while maintaining their high maintainability facilities. Contents 1. Introduction. 2. Modeling Tools, Sébastien Cabaret and Mohammed Chadli. 3. Control Tools, Mohammed Chadli and Hervé Coppier. 4. Application to Cryogenic Systems, Marco Pezzetti, Hervé Coppier and Mohammed Chadli. 5. Applications to a Thermal System and to Gas Systems, Sébastien Cabaret and Hervé Coppier. 6. Application to Vehicles, Elie Kafrouni and Mohammed Chadli. 7. Real-time Implementation, Marco Pezzetti and Hervé Coppier. About the Authors Mohamed Chadli is a senior lecturer and research supervisor at the University of Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) in France. His main research interests lie in robust control, the diagnosis and fault tolerant control of polytopic systems and applications for automobiles. He is a senior member of the IEEE, and Vice President of the AAI Club as part of SEE-France. He is the author/co-author of 3 books, book chapters and more than 100 articles published in international journals and conferences. Hervé Coppier is a lecturing researcher at ESIEE-Amiens in France. He has collaborated with industrialists in the field of automation and industrial computing, particularly with CERN, and has spearheaded various international European projects.
Columbia University Press Kitchen Mysteries: Revealing the Science of Cooking
An international celebrity and founder of molecular gastronomy, or the scientific investigation of culinary practice, Herve This is known for his ground-breaking research into the chemistry and physics behind everyday cooking. His work is consulted widely by amateur cooks and professional chefs and has changed the way food is approached and prepared all over the world. In Kitchen Mysteries, Herve This offers a second helping of his world-renowned insight into the science of cooking, answering such fundamental questions as what causes vegetables to change color when cooked and how to keep a souffle from falling. He illuminates abstract concepts with practical advice and concrete examples--for instance, how sauteing in butter chemically alters the molecules of mushrooms--so that cooks of every stripe can thoroughly comprehend the scientific principles of food. Kitchen Mysteries begins with a brief overview of molecular gastronomy and the importance of understanding the physiology of taste. A successful meal depends as much on a cook's skilled orchestration of taste, odors, colors, consistencies, and other sensations as on the delicate balance of ingredients. Herve then dives into the main course, discussing the science behind many meals' basic components: eggs, milk, bread, sugar, fruit, yogurt, alcohol, and cheese, among other items. He also unravels the mystery of tenderizing enzymes and gelatins and the preparation of soups and stews, salads and sauces, sorbet, cakes, and pastries. Herve explores the effects of boiling, steaming, braising, roasting, deep-frying, sauteing, grilling, salting, and microwaving, and devotes a chapter to kitchen utensils, recommending the best way to refurbish silverware and use copper. By sharing the empirical principles chefs have valued for generations, Herve This adds another dimension to the suggestions of cookbook authors. He shows how to adapt recipes to available ingredients and how to modify proposed methods to the utensils at hand. His revelations make difficult recipes easier to attempt and allow for even more creativity and experimentation. Promising to answer your most compelling kitchen questions, Herve This continues to make the complex science of food digestible to the cook.
Chronicle Books Say Zoop!
PRESS HERE, MIX IT UP!, LET'S PLAY! and now SAY ZOOP! Collect all four interactive books from best-selling children's book author Hervé Tullet!Make some noise! Shout "OH!" Whisper "oh!" Say "Zoop"? Yes! "Zoop!" "Zoop!" "Zoop!" The newest book from Hervé Tullet magically responds with bursts of color and moving shapes, empowering children by letting their imaginations liberate and direct each page's reaction. Tullet's books define the genre of participatory bookmaking, encouraging readers to explore and interact with the physical book in all its dimensions. The reward is tremendous: a journey of whimsy and sheer fun that extends well beyond the book's pages. In this worthy and exhilarating companion to the bestselling trio launched with Press Here, Tullet's beloved dots will have readers literally "Ooh"-ing and "Ahh"-ing out loud in a happy collective encore. Say Zoop! is an ideal interactive book for toddlers and young children Helps children learn colors and participation Excellent as a preschool read aloud book Parents and children who have enjoyed I Have an Idea!, The Game of Finger Worms, and The Book with A Hole will love this latest and greatest from Hervé Tullet. Additional reading categories include: Preschool Prep Books Beginner Reading Books Early Reader Books Preschool and Kindergarten Books
Chronicle Books Museum in a Book
From Hervé Tullet, the New York Times bestselling creator of Press Here, Museum in a Book invites young and old to unleash their creativity!At once an endlessly playful tabletop exhibition and a hands-on guide to enable one and all to create their very own art, this book is a physical kaleidoscope of the imagination. Using only his favorite tools—four bold colors, a brush, sheets of paper, and a pair of scissors—and applying a few straightforward principles and directions from his revolutionary art-making project, The Ideal Exhibition, Hervé provides simple instructions to create art that can be used to fill a huge space . . . or squeezed into a matchbox. But the best expression of Hervé’s prodigious creativity is this book itself: An interactive marvel that readers will arrange and rearrange in a dazzling display of shapes, colors, and patterns.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co Miraculous Abundance: One Quarter Acre, Two French Farmers, and Enough Food to Feed the World
Farmers like Charles and Perrine Hervé-Gruyer are among the beacons of light. Their work allows the rest of the world to see that there is another life, there is another way. From the foreword by Eliot Coleman, author of The New Organic Grower This book, more about philosophy than a how-to, describes how two inexperienced beginners succeeded in creating a gorgeous, productive, self-sustaining farm Marion Nestle, author of Food Politics What began as a simple dream in an historic Normandy village has turned into one of the world’s most radical, innovative experiments in small-scale farming. When Charles and Perrine Hervé-Gruyer set out to create their farm in a historic Normandy village, they had no idea just how much their lives would change. Neither one had ever farmed before. Charles had been traveling the globe teaching students about ecology and indigenous cultures. Perrine had been an international lawyer in Japan. Their farm Bec Hellouin has since become an internationally celebrated model of innovation in ecological agriculture. Miraculous Abundance is the eloquent tale of the couple’s quest to build an agricultural model that can carry us into a post-carbon future. The authors dive deeper into the various farming methods across the globe that contributed towards the creation of the Bec Hellouin model, including: Permaculture and soil health principles Korean natural farming methods Managing a four-season farm Creating a productive agroecosystem that is resilient and durable Using no-dig methods for soil fertility Modelling an agrarian system that supports its community in totality; from craft, restaurants and shared work spaces to jobs, agritourism, energy and ecological biodiversity Perfect for aspiring and experienced farmers, gardeners and smallholders, Miraculous Abundance is a love letter to a future where ecological farming is at the centre of every community.
Phaidon Press Ltd The Finger Travel Game
Highly interactive book with die-cuts throughout that are ideal for developing visual awareness, creativity, and imagination. To play with this book, all you need is your finger. Take a pen, draw two eyes and a mouth, and there you are — your very own finger worm! Follow finger worm around the world and beyond - gazing at the Eiffel tower, skiing down snow-capped mountains, flying to outer space and more! Pop a finger through this fun, interactive book ideal for infants and toddlers and watch them travel around the world and beyond! Take a pen, draw two eyes and a mouth, and there you are - your very own finger worm! From the innovative children's author, Hervé Tullet, and part of the beloved Let's Play Games series of board books, The Finger Travel Game will expand a child's creativity, stimulating thought and imagination. Featuring thick board pages that are perfect for little hands to hold and turn. Encourages young ones to exercise fine motor skills in the context of humour and play. From the hand and mind of Hervé Tullet, author of Press Here (over 1 million copies sold worldwide and a The New York Times bestseller for 3 years running). Part of the 'Let's Play Games' series, which offers a range of thought-provoking concepts, formats, and visuals for young children, and has sold more than 250,000 copies worldwide. Ages 1-3
Chronicle Books Draw Here
Experiment, play, and draw—but most of all, just have fun—inside and outside the box with bestselling author Hervé Tullet's new activity book! Tullet's signature bold dots bounce, spin, and splatter across spread after spread, brilliantly communicating the foundations of whimsical imagination. More than 135 pages brimming with activities invite readers to fill in, connect, decorate, and above all, reimagine the dots, opening up eyes and minds to see things differently, playfully, and creatively!
Columbia University Press The Science of the Oven
Mayonnaise "takes" when a series of liquids form a semisolid consistency. Eggs, a liquid, become solid as they are heated, whereas, under the same conditions, solids melt. When meat is roasted, its surface browns and it acquires taste and texture. What accounts for these extraordinary transformations? The answer: chemistry and physics. With his trademark eloquence and wit, Herve This launches a wry investigation into the chemical art of cooking. Unraveling the science behind common culinary technique and practice, Herve This breaks food down to its molecular components and matches them to cooking's chemical reactions. He translates the complex processes of the oven into everyday knowledge for professional chefs and casual cooks, and he demystifies the meaning of taste and the making of flavor. He describes the properties of liquids, salts, sugars, oils, and fats and defines the principles of culinary practice, which endow food with sensual as well as nutritional value. For fans of Herve This's popular volumes and for those new to his celebrated approach, The Science of the Oven expertly expands the possibilities of the kitchen, fusing the physiology of taste with the molecular structure of bodies and food.
Chronicle Books Tap! Tap! Tap!: Dance! Dance! Dance!
Read, play, and DANCE on the pages of this interactive and definitely out-of-the box picture book! New from the New York Times bestselling creator, Herve Tullet! Harnessing his love of dance, the passion of his illustrations and the generous trim size of this book, Herve invites you to a very special dance: your hand becoming the dancer and the book the dance floor. Starting with a gentle glide, growing in complexity and animation, finally building to a crescendo of color, action, and movement - here's a book perfect for kids bursting with energy. A celebration not only of releasing emotion but also of carefully controlling motion and dexterity: the perfect book for getting your ya-yas out and a welcome boon for parents, gift-givers, and teachers looking for an ultra-creative way of channeling energy.
Chronicle Books Lets Play
From the creator of the New York Times bestsellers Press Here and Mix It Up!, this brilliant companion is now available as a board book.In Hervé Tullet’s third interactive outing, there’s a yellow dot. And a thin black line. Adventure definitely awaits! Press a finger to the page to embark on a new journey of color, shape, motion, and imagination. Follow the yellow dot’s invitation, turn the page, and you are on your way! Filled with artistry and delight, the Let's Play! journey lets you leap headlong into a completely new dimension: emotion. Connecting to the mind and the heart, this dot expresses an extraordinary sense of humor, fear, joy, and more as it pushes, lurches, wiggles, and slides its way through—and even off!—the pages. Hervé’s hallmark graphic style and irrepressible whimsy take young readers on a spectacular ride in this new compact, toddler-friendly
Phaidon Press Ltd The Finger Sports Game
Highly interactive book with die-cuts throughout that are ideal for developing visual awareness, creativity, and imagination. Featuring thick board pages that are perfect for little hands to hold and turn. Encourages young ones to exercise fine motor skills in the context of humour and play. From the hand and mind of Hervé Tullet, author of Press Here (over 1 million copies sold worldwide and a The New York Times bestseller for 3 years running). Part of the 'Let's Play Games' series, which offers a range of thought-provoking concepts, formats, and visuals for young children, and has sold more than 250,000 copies worldwide. Ages 1-3
Columbia University Press Molecular Gastronomy: Exploring the Science of Flavor
Herve This (pronounced "Teess") is an internationally renowned chemist, a popular French television personality, a bestselling cookbook author, a longtime collaborator with the famed French chef Pierre Gagnaire, and the only person to hold a doctorate in molecular gastronomy, a cutting-edge field he pioneered. Bringing the instruments and experimental techniques of the laboratory into the kitchen, This uses recent research in the chemistry, physics, and biology of food to challenge traditional ideas about cooking and eating. What he discovers will entertain, instruct, and intrigue cooks, gourmets, and scientists alike. Molecular Gastronomy, This's first work to appear in English, is filled with practical tips, provocative suggestions, and penetrating insights. This begins by reexamining and debunking a variety of time-honored rules and dictums about cooking and presents new and improved ways of preparing a variety of dishes from quiches and quenelles to steak and hard-boiled eggs. He goes on to discuss the physiology of flavor and explores how the brain perceives tastes, how chewing affects food, and how the tongue reacts to various stimuli. Examining the molecular properties of bread, ham, foie gras, and champagne, the book analyzes what happens as they are baked, cured, cooked, and chilled. Looking to the future, Herve This imagines new cooking methods and proposes novel dishes. A chocolate mousse without eggs? A flourless chocolate cake baked in the microwave? Molecular Gastronomy explains how to make them. This also shows us how to cook perfect French fries, why a souffle rises and falls, how long to cool champagne, when to season a steak, the right way to cook pasta, how the shape of a wine glass affects the taste of wine, why chocolate turns white, and how salt modifies tastes.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Catholic Dogmatic Theology A Synthesis Book 1 On the Trinitarian Mystery of God
Every discipline, including theology, requires a synthetic overview of its acquisitions and open questions, a kind of ""topography"" to guide the new student and refresh the gaze of specialists. In his Synthese dogmatique, Fr. Jean-Herve Nicolas, OP (1910-2001) presents just such a map of Thomistic theology.
Milkweed Editions Vandal Love: A Novel
An astonishing novel of epic ambition, Vandal Love--winner of the prestigious Commonwealth Writers' Prize for best first book in 2007--follows generations of a unique French-Canadian family across North America and through the twentieth century. A family curse--a genetic trick resulting from centuries of hardship--causes the Herve children to be born either giants or runts. Book One follows the giants' line, exploring Jude Herve's career as a boxer in Georgia and Louisiana in the 1960s, his escape from that brutal life alone with his baby daughter Isa, and her eventual decision to enter into a strange, chaste marriage with a much older man. Book Two traces a different kind of life entirely, as the runts of the family discover that their power lies in a kind of unifying love. Francois seeks the identity of his missing father for years, while his own son, Harvey, flees from modern society into spiritual quests. But none of the Herves can abandon their longing for a place where they might find others like themselves. In assured and mystically powerful prose, Deni Y. Bechard tells a wide-ranging, spellbinding story of a family trying to create an identity in an unwelcoming landscape. Imbued throughout with a deep sensitivity to the physical world, Vandal Love is a breathtaking literary debut about the power of love to create and destroy--in our lives, and in our history.
Silvana Wall Paintings: Icônes urbaines
Edited by French street artist Julien Malland (known as Seth) and Hervé Perdriolle, a specialist in vernacular Indian art, this book offers a world tour of street art by artists entirely outside of any art discourse or public profile beyond the public evidence of the work itself. Text in French.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Catholic Dogmatic Theology A Synthesis Book 2 On the Incarnation and Redemption
Every discipline, including theology, requires a synthetic overview of its acquisitions and open questions, a kind of ‘topography’ to guide the new student and refresh the gaze of specialists. In his Synthese dogmatique, Jean-Herve Nicolas presents just such a map of Thomistic theology, focusing on the central topics of Dogmatic Theology.
Chronicle Books Mix It Up!: Board Book Edition
The New York Times bestselling book, a brilliant companion to the mega-selling classic Press Here, is now gently compressed into a toddler-friendly board book. With the graphic intensity of Eric Carle, the whimsy of Leo Lionni, the humor of The Day the Crayons Quit, but a vision all his own, Hervé Tullet invites readers to MIX IT UP in a dazzling adventure of color and tones, filled with magic and wonder. This New York Times bestselling book from the creator of Press Here is now available in an ever-so-toddler-friendly board book edition. Follow the artist's simple instructions, and suddenly colors appear . . . mix . . . splatter . . . and vanish in a vivid world powered only by the reader's imagination. The result is not only enchantment and giggles, but a real and deeper understanding of colors brought by a true master of his craft. Just as in Press Here, Hervé Tullet sets readers on an extraordinary journey of color, motion, and interactivity without ever relying on the bells and whistles of technology, but rather by working within the confines of the flat surface of an unassuming printed page. Hervé once again displays his unique genius and vision, creating a work that is a glorious and richly satisfying companion to Press Here. Mix It Up! is the perfect gift book for parents and their little ones to cherish and read again and again, as well as an invaluable teaching tool for pre-K classrooms. • AWARD-WINNING BOOK: Mix It Up! was a Junior Library Guild Selection, a Buzzfeed Best Book of the Year, a PBS Parents Best Picture Book, an ACL Distinguished Book, and selected as a Best Book of the Year by Chicago Public Library. • AN INNOVATIVE, INTERACTIVE WAY TO TEACH KIDS ABOUT COLOR: Each delightful page turn mixes colors and teaches kids basic color theory. • AN EDUCATIONAL GIFT: The gorgeous graphic visuals make this book an irresistible choice for gift-giving, while the educational concept is an appealing bonus. • STIMULATES THE IMAGINATION: Celebrates the magic of imagination of three simple colors transforming into an entire rainbow of possibilities. A tour-de-force of imagination that mixes the whimsical minimalism of Duck! Rabbit! with the graphic intensity of Eric Carle. Perfect for: • The millions of child and adult fans of Hervé Tullet and Press Here in both its hard cover and board book incarnations • Fans of Eric Carle's Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Leo Lionni's magical Little Blue and Little Yellow, other books about color • Anyone looking to demonstrate the power of a physical book or looking for books to open the imagination • Pre-schools, nurseries, kindergartens, art programs
Sourcebooks, Inc Don't Push the Button! Let's Say Good Night
Larry the monster is up to his usual shenanigans in this bedtime spinoff from USA Today bestselling author Bill Cotter! A great read-aloud, interactive board book that kids will go back to time and again.There's only one rule in Larry's book: don't push the button.Larry's had a busy day, but now it's time to go to bed. Larry knows he shouldn't push the button…but he can't resist one tap before going to sleep. Or maybe two…or three! Each push helps him get ready to cuddle up for the night.Readers of The Monster at the End of this Book and Press Here by Herve Tullet will love this funny, interactive book for toddlers!Why readers love the Don't Push the Button series:Celebrate curiosity with this silly monster bookA fun read-aloud and bedtime bookScreen-free fun for kidsMakes a great gift for children!
Editorial Kókinos Oh un libro con sonidos
Este es un libro con sonidos: no tienes más que apretar con el dedo y hacer que suene! De la mano de Hervé Tullet nos adentramos en el mundo de los sonidos, aprendemos a dar un significado a una figura abstracta, empezamos a comprender la música.
Random House USA Inc There's a Monster in Your Book: A Funny Monster Book for Kids and Toddlers
UH OH! There's a MONSTER in YOUR book! Shake, wiggle, and tickle the monster out in this interactive bedtime read-aloud that launched the Who's In Your Book series! With the irresistible pull of Hervé Tullet’s Press Here and the charm of The Monster at the End of This Book, this inviting and interactive read-aloud will have kids tilting, spinning, and shaking the book to get the adorable little monster out! That’s right! He’s out of the book . . . and in their room somewhere. OH-NO!! Bestselling author and musician Tom Fletcher and illustrator Greg Abbott have created a monster that readers will fall in love with—and want to play with—again and again! It will get your own little monster tuckered out and snuggled in! Don't miss a single story in the Who's In Your Book series! • There's a Monster In Your Book • There's a Dragon In Your Book • There's an Elf In Your Book • There's an Alien in Your Book ...and more books to come! Children's Choice Award Honor Book (K-2nd grade) "Playful, engaging, and full of opportunities for empathy—a raucous storytime hit." —Kirkus Reviews
Stanford University Press Parts of an Andrology: On Representations of Men’s Bodies
The subject of this original and provocative work is the white male body, a counterpoint in gender studies to the many readings of the representation of the female body. To look at the construction of this figure, the author examines a group of discontinuous works that are representative of the discontinuity in the intermittent representation of the male body. Especially in nineteenth-century narrative, where Edgar Allan Poe and Guy de Maupassant write astutely on the subject, there is never continuity in representing the male body. "The Pit and the Pendulum" and Bel-Ami are flickering, episodic investigations into the male body as subject, as sentient feeling, as the subject of torture or of adulation. Not until the twentieth century can this male subject be continuously represented. Though the male body is often at center stage, in works that treat it as a metonymy of its own phallic and phallocentric power, this body has less often been seen relative to pleasure and pain, to aesthetics, to human vulnerability. An introductory chapter explores a work by Alberto Moravia, Io e lui, as well as various manifestations of the male body's most salient part, the penis, in contemporary discourse and aesthetics. Another chapter deals with writings about the forbidden activity of masturbation and focuses on the work of three disparate writers: Paul Bonnetain, Michel Tournier, and Philip Roth. In the final chapter, the author discusses several works that focus on the representation of the male body during the gay liberation movement in France and the subsequent celebration of the male body, ending with the inscription of the male body in the literature of AIDS. Among the authors discussed are Guy Hocquenghem, Hervé Guibert, and Michel Foucault.
O'Reilly Media Cooking for Geeks, 2e
Why do we cook the way we do? Are you the innovative type, used to expressing your creativity instead of just following recipes? Do you want to learn to be a better cook or curious about the science behind what happens to food as it cooks? More than just a cookbook, Cooking for Geeks applies your curiosity to discovery, inspiration, and invention in the kitchen. Why do we bake some things at 350 F/175 C and others at 375 F/190 C? Why is medium-rare steak so popular? And just how quickly does a pizza cook if we overclock an oven to 1,000 F/540 C? Author and cooking geek Jeff Potter provides the answers to these questions and more, and offers his unique take on recipes -- from the sweet (a patent-violating chocolate chip cookie) to the savory (slow-cooked brisket). This book is an excellent and intriguing resource for anyone who enjoys cooking or wants to experiment in the kitchen. Discover what type of cook you are and calibrate your tools Learn about the important reactions in cooking, such as protein denaturation, Maillard reactions, and caramelization, and how they impact the foods we cook Gain firsthand insights from interviews with researchers, food scientists, knife experts, chefs, writers, and more, including author Harold McGee, TV personality Adam Savage, and chemist Herve This
Select Books Inc The Heart of Hospitality: Great Hotel and Restaurant Leaders Share Their Secrets
Success in today’s rapidly changing hospitality industry depends on understanding the desires of guests of all ages, from seniors and boomers to the newly dominant millennial generation of travelers. Help has arrived with a compulsively-readable new standard, The Heart of Hospitality: Great Hotel and Restaurant Leaders Share Their Secrets by Micah Solomon, with a foreword by The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company’s president and COO Herve Humler.This up-to-the-minute resource delivers the closely guarded customer experience secrets and on-trend customer service insights of today’s top hoteliers, restaurateurs, and masters of hospitality management including:Four Seasons Chairman Isadore Sharp: How to build an unsinkable company cultureUnion Square Hospitality Group CEO Danny Meyer: His secrets of hiring, onboarding, training, and moreTom Colicchio (Craft Restaurants, Top Chef): How to create a customer-centric customer experience in a chef-centric restaurantVirgin Hotels CEO Raul Leal: How Virgin Hotels created its innovative, future-friendly hospitality approachRitz-Carlton President and COO Herve Humler: How to engage today’s new breed of luxury travelers Double-five-star chef and hotelier Patrick O’Connell (The Inn at Little Washington) shares the secrets of creating hospitality connectionsDesigner David Rockwell on the secrets of building millennial-friendly restaurants and hotel spaces (W, Nobu, Andaz) that resonate with today’s travelersRestaurateur Traci Des Jardins on building a narcissism-free” hospitality cultureLegendary chef Eric Ripert’s principles of creating a great guest experiences, simultaneously within a single dining room.The Heart of Hospitality is a hospitality management resource like no other, put together by leading customer service expert Micah Solomon. Filled with exclusive, first-hand stories and wisdom from the top professionals in the industry, The Heart of Hospitality is an essential hospitality industry resource.As Ritz-Carlton President and COO Herve Humler says in his foreword to the book, If you want to create and sustain a level of service so memorable that it becomes an unbeatable competitive advantage, you’ll find the secrets here.”
Chronicle Books Press Here
The longest-running picture book on the New York Times bestseller list, now available in a board book!Press the yellow dot on the cover of this interactive children's book, follow the instructions within, and embark upon a magical journey! Each page of this surprising touch book instructs the reader to push the button, shake it up, tilt the book, and who knows what will happen next! Children and adults alike will giggle with delight as the dots multiply, change direction, and grow in size! Especially remarkable because the adventure occurs on the flat surface of the simple, printed page, this unique interactive picture book about the power of imagination and interactivity will provide read-aloud fun for all ages! This interactive board book teaches kids how to interact with the world around them Perfect as a read aloud book for preschool or bedtime Surprising and fun, Hervé Tullet's adventures are great for the whole family PRESS HERE, MIX IT UP!, LET'S PLAY!, and SAY ZOOP! Collect all four interactive books from Hervé Tullet.Additional categories for this children's book include: Books for Toddlers Teach Baby to Read Books Classic Picture Books
Canongate Books Silk
In 1861 French silkworm merchant Hervé Joncour travels to Japan, where he encounters the mysterious Hara Kei. He develops a painful longing for Kei's beautiful concubine - but they cannot touch; they don't even speak. And he cannot read the note she sends him until he has returned to his own country. But the moment he does, Joncour is enslaved.Subtle, tender and surprising, Silk is an evocative tale of erotic possession.
Nightboat Books Skyland
On the Greek island of Patmos, where St. John received the Book of Revelation, two writers find themselves mired in an uneasy sense of timelessness, where history and the present jumble together. As they hunt for a lost portrait of the iconic gay novelist Hervé Guibert, they discover that the island’s insistent isolation from the global catastrophe surrounding it, from the refugees interned on nearby Samos to the fascist rise in Europe and the United States, is more pose than reality.
Random House USA Inc There's A Monster in Your Book: A Funny Monster Book for Kids and Toddlers
UH OH! There's a MONSTER in YOUR book! Shake, wiggle, and tickle the monster out in this interactive bedtime read-aloud that launched the Who's In Your Book series! With the irresistible pull of Hervé Tullet’s Press Here and the charm of The Monster at the End of This Book, this inviting and interactive read-aloud will have kids tilting, spinning, and shaking the book to get the adorable little monster out! That’s right! He’s out of the book . . . and in their room somewhere. OH-NO!! Bestselling author and musician Tom Fletcher and illustrator Greg Abbott have created a monster that readers will fall in love with—and want to play with—again and again! It will get your own little monster tuckered out and snuggled in! Don't miss a single story in the Who's In Your Book series! • There's a Monster In Your Book • There's a Dragon In Your Book • There's an Elf In Your Book • There's an Alien in Your Book ...and more books to come! Children's Choice Award Honor Book (K-2nd grade) "Playful, engaging, and full of opportunities for empathy—a raucous storytime hit." —Kirkus Reviews
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Managerial Logic
The publication of the first book by Kenneth Arrow and Hervé Raynaud, in 1986, led to an important wave of research in the field of axiomatic approach applied to managerial logic. Managerial Logic summarizes the prospective results of this research and offers consultants, researchers, and decision makers a unified framework for handling the difficult decisions they face. Based on confirmed results of experimental psychology, this book places the problem in a phenomenological framework and shows how the influence of traditional methods has slowed the effective resolution of these problems. It provides a panorama of principal concepts and theorems demonstrated on axiomatized methods to guide readers in choosing the best alternatives and rejecting the worst ones. Finally, it describes the obtained extensions, often paradoxical, reached when these results are extended to classification problems. The objective of this book is also to allow the decision maker to find his way through the plethora of “multicriterion methods” promoted by council organizations. The meta-method it proposes will allow him to distinguish the wheat from the chaff. The collaboration with Kenneth Arrow comes essentially from the fact that his work influenced all subsequent works quoted in this book. His famous impossibility theorem, his gem of a PhD thesis, and his various other works resulted in him receiving the Nobel Prize for economy just before meeting Hervé Raynaud who was at that time a visiting professor at Berkeley University in California. Their mutual publications serve as the basis for the axiomatic approach in multicriterion decision-making.
Union Square & Co. I Cannot Draw a Horse
Award-winning author and illustrator Charise Mericle Harper delivers a fantastically funny picture book about doing the impossible: drawing a horse. A children’s metafiction book about creativity and imaginative play centered around an art lesson, Harper cleverly shows readers how drawings are a collection of recognizable shapes put together to create something new. Elementary-aged readers will delight as the simple “nothing shape” becomes a cat, a squirrel, a beaver, a bunny, a dog, a turtle, and a bear. But what about a horse? The cat really wants a horse. But . . . the book cannot draw a horse. Can the quick-draw book appease the horse-obsessed cat with an impressive collection of horse-y alternatives (all created from the same “nothing shape”)? Or will the cat finally get a horse? Harper’s quirky, contemporary voice and kid-friendly comic illustration style is on full display in this hilarious picture book with art education appeal. I Cannot Draw a Horse invites young readers into the narrative fun, as do such modern classics as Press Here by Hervé Tullet, Never Let a Unicorn Scribble by Diane Alber and The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt. Hardcover picture book; 48 pages; 10 x 10 in.
Columbia University Press To Write as if Already Dead
To Write As If Already Dead circles around Kate Zambreno’s failed attempts to write a study of Hervé Guibert’s To the Friend Who Did Not Save My Life. In this diaristic, transgressive work, the first in a cycle written in the years preceding his death, Guibert documents with speed and intensity his diagnosis and disintegration from AIDS and elegizes a character based on Michel Foucault.The first half of To Write As If Already Dead is a novella in the mode of a detective story, searching after the mysterious disappearance of an online friendship after an intense dialogue on anonymity, names, language, and connection. The second half, a notebook documenting the doubled history of two bodies amid another historical plague, continues the meditation on friendship, solitude, time, mortality, precarity, art, and literature.Throughout this rigorous, mischievous, thrilling not-quite study, Guibert lingers as a ghost companion. Zambreno, who has been pushing the boundaries of literary form for a decade, investigates his methods by adopting them, offering a keen sense of the energy and confessional force of Guibert’s work, an ode to his slippery, scarcely classifiable genre. The book asks, as Foucault once did, “What is an author?” Zambreno infuses this question with new urgency, exploring it through the anxieties of the internet age, the ethics of friendship, and “the facts of the body”: illness, pregnancy, and death.
New York University Press Game Theory for the Social Sciences
The second edition of Herve Moulin's highly successful book outlines the fundamental concepts of game theory—one of the most provocative and fruitful applications of mathematics to the human sciences—and demonstrates its uses in economic and political discourse. Thoroughly revised, and now published with an accompanying workbook of 89 exercises, this rigorous yet accessible test explains the uses of game theory in largely nontechnical terms. Moulin carefully discusses the behavioral scenarios underlying the various equilibrium concepts. He provides a self-contained exposition of basic equilibrium concepts for strategic games: perfect (sophisticated) equilibrium, Nash's noncooperative example, Aumann's strong and correlated example, and several versions of the core. The author is concerned less with mathematical refinements than with helping the reader understand the strategic stories backing these concepts. His examples therefore give a fair account of the current game models used in economics, politics, and sociology. Addressed here are oligopoly theory, the provision of public goods, auctions, voting procedures, and cost allocation problems, as well as the classic prisoner's dilemma, tic-tac-toe, and Marienbad games. Extremely popular in its original French edition and in its first English version, Moulin's excellent introductory text is now, more than ever, the book to answer the essential questions about the application of game theory to the social sciences.
Columbia University Press To Write as if Already Dead
To Write As If Already Dead circles around Kate Zambreno’s failed attempts to write a study of Hervé Guibert’s To the Friend Who Did Not Save My Life. In this diaristic, transgressive work, the first in a cycle written in the years preceding his death, Guibert documents with speed and intensity his diagnosis and disintegration from AIDS and elegizes a character based on Michel Foucault.The first half of To Write As If Already Dead is a novella in the mode of a detective story, searching after the mysterious disappearance of an online friendship after an intense dialogue on anonymity, names, language, and connection. The second half, a notebook documenting the doubled history of two bodies amid another historical plague, continues the meditation on friendship, solitude, time, mortality, precarity, art, and literature.Throughout this rigorous, mischievous, thrilling not-quite study, Guibert lingers as a ghost companion. Zambreno, who has been pushing the boundaries of literary form for a decade, investigates his methods by adopting them, offering a keen sense of the energy and confessional force of Guibert’s work, an ode to his slippery, scarcely classifiable genre. The book asks, as Foucault once did, “What is an author?” Zambreno infuses this question with new urgency, exploring it through the anxieties of the internet age, the ethics of friendship, and “the facts of the body”: illness, pregnancy, and death.
Stanford University Press Parts of an Andrology: On Representations of Men’s Bodies
The subject of this original and provocative work is the white male body, a counterpoint in gender studies to the many readings of the representation of the female body. To look at the construction of this figure, the author examines a group of discontinuous works that are representative of the discontinuity in the intermittent representation of the male body. Especially in nineteenth-century narrative, where Edgar Allan Poe and Guy de Maupassant write astutely on the subject, there is never continuity in representing the male body. "The Pit and the Pendulum" and Bel-Ami are flickering, episodic investigations into the male body as subject, as sentient feeling, as the subject of torture or of adulation. Not until the twentieth century can this male subject be continuously represented. Though the male body is often at center stage, in works that treat it as a metonymy of its own phallic and phallocentric power, this body has less often been seen relative to pleasure and pain, to aesthetics, to human vulnerability. An introductory chapter explores a work by Alberto Moravia, Io e lui, as well as various manifestations of the male body's most salient part, the penis, in contemporary discourse and aesthetics. Another chapter deals with writings about the forbidden activity of masturbation and focuses on the work of three disparate writers: Paul Bonnetain, Michel Tournier, and Philip Roth. In the final chapter, the author discusses several works that focus on the representation of the male body during the gay liberation movement in France and the subsequent celebration of the male body, ending with the inscription of the male body in the literature of AIDS. Among the authors discussed are Guy Hocquenghem, Hervé Guibert, and Michel Foucault.
Hervé Tullet vuelve a dejar su huella más minimalista en este mini film. Página a página, nos cuenta como crecen flores en el prado y luego vuelven a desparecer. Minihistorias que el niño podrá animar y colorear. Un instante de poesía visual i fugitiva dirigida a un público a partir de 3 años. Una nueva propuesta de Coco Books de la mano del Museo de Diseño y Artes Aplicadas Contemporáneas de Lausanne (Suiza).
Nightboat Books Hatred of Translation
Hatred of Translation thinks through translation with an emphasis on its disaggregation. These pieces address, sometimes obliquely, often with effrontery, the works of René Char, Hervé Guibert, Hilda Hilst, Danielle Collobert, Frankétienne, Mizoguchi Kenji, Ingeborg Bachmann, Kobayashi Masaki, and Marguerite Duras. Resolutely resistant to anything resembling a theory of a thing, these pieces provoke a persistent commitment to thinking in the place of theorizing. Where the French pensée means both of aphoristic thought and of the pansy, Hatred of Translation seeks a garden in the midst of body such as it is occupied by language. FINALIST for the FIRECRACKER AWARDS
Lannoo Publishers Arne Quinze
This is the first monograph on Arne Quinze (b.1971), an internationally known Belgian contemporary artist, painter and sculptor. He is best known for his monumental outdoor sculptures, which can be found all over the world. This book gathers his large-scale work, and includes other mediums he works in, including paintings, smaller sculptures, and light installations. With 500 images, an elaborate essay by Xavier Roland, the director of the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Mons (Belgium), and a revealing and exclusive interview by Hervé Mikaeloff, this beautifully illustrated publication marks the opening of a retrospective of his work at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Mons (Belgium) in May 2021.
Chronicle Books Press Here
PRESS HERE, MIX IT UP!, LET'S PLAY!, and SAY ZOOP! Collect all four interactive books from Hervé Tullet!Press the yellow dot on the cover of this interactive children's book, follow the instructions within, and embark upon a magical journey! Each page of this surprising touch book instructs the reader to push the button, shake it up, tilt the book, and who knows what will happen next! Children and adults alike will giggle with delight as the dots multiply, change direction, and grow in size! Especially remarkable because the adventure occurs on the flat surface of the simple, printed page, this unique interactive picture book about the power of imagination and interactivity will provide read-aloud fun for all ages!
Phaidon Press Ltd The Ball Game
To play this game, scrunch up a piece of paper into a ball and you're off. You can score goals, follow the course or hit the targets. You can throw the ball, flick it, use a rubber band to shoot it or even use the detachable piece of board to help perfect your aim.This book completely unfolds into a game that includes ready-made holes through which readers flick or throw their paper balls. Designed for playing anywhere, this book can be stood up, laid down, or even hung up! Children can follow the story, or make up their own rules.One of the beloved 'Let's Play Games' series books by Hervé Tullet, which stimulate thought and imagination in young children.
Fordham University Press Cytomegalovirus: A Hospitalization Diary
By the time of his death, Herve Guibert had become a singular literary voice on the impact of AIDS in France. He was prolific. His oeuvre contained some twenty novels, including To the Friend Who Did Not Save My Life and The Compassion Protocol. He was thirty-six years old. In Cytomegalovirus, Guibert offers an autobiographical narrative of the everyday moments of his hospitalization because of complications of AIDS. Cytomegalovirus is spare, biting, and anguished. Guibert writes through the minutiae of living and of death—as a quality of invention, of melancholy, of small victories in the face of greater threats—at the moment when his sight (and life) is eclipsed. This new edition includes an Introduction and Afterword contextualizing Guibert’s work within the history of the AIDS pandemic, its relevance in the contemporary moment, and the importance of understanding the quotidian aspects of terminal illness.
Sourcebooks, Inc Don't Push the Button!
A USA Today Bestseller! A great read-aloud, interactive book that kids will go back to time and again.There's only one rule in Larry's book: don't push the button.(Seriously, don't even think about it!)Even if it does look kind of nice, you must never push the button. Who knows what would happen?Okay, quick. No one is looking... push the button.Uh, oh.Readers of The Monster at the End of this Book and Press Here by Herve Tullet will love this funny, interactive book for toddlers!Why readers love Don't Push the Button:Celebrate curiosity with this silly monster bookA fun read-aloud and bedtime bookScreen-free fun for kidsMakes a great gift for children!
Pan Macmillan Colin and Lee, Carrot and Pea
A fantastically funny story that appeals to children of all ages – and makes adults laugh out loud, with the bold simplicity of Herve Tullet or Dick Bruna's Miffy."very funny, very cute"GuardianMade using a collage of supermarket carrier bags, Colin and Lee, Carrot and Pea is an irresistible story about empathy, diversity, and the joy of making friends with people (or vegetables) who are different from you. Boys and girls alike will love Colin and Lee's clear shapes, bright colours and the playful approach to everyday objects that make this book an instant favourite.This paperback edition is satisfyingly large, with shiny, textured peas on the cover!Winner: UK Literacy Association Award 2018An EmpathyLab Read for Empathy book 2018
ISTE Ltd Electromagnetic Waves 2: Antennas
Electromagnetic Waves 2 examines antennas in the field of radio waves. It analyzes the conditions of use and the parameters that are necessary in order to create an effective antenna. This book presents antennas’ definitions, regulations and fundamental equations, and describes the various forms of antennas that can be used in radio: horns, waveguides, coaxial cables, printed and miniature antennas. It presents the characterization methods and the link budgets as well as the digital methods that make the fine calculation of radio antennas possible. Electromagnetic Waves 2 is a collaborative work, completed only with the invaluable contributions of Ibrahima Sakho, Hervé Sizun and JeanPierre Blot, not to mention the editor, Pierre-Noël Favennec. Aimed at students and engineers, this book provides essential theoretical support for the design and deployment of wireless radio and optical communication systems.
Little, Brown & Company Books That Drive Kids CRAZY!: This Book Is Red
This clever companion to This Is a Ball and Did You Take the B from My _ook? is the perfect read-aloud for the giggling masses who love Hervé Tullet's Press Here, Lane Smith's It's a Book!, and BJ Novak's The Book With No Pictures.The Books That Drive Kids CRAZY! series offers parents, teachers, and storytellers a hilarious script for fun reading time with children. In book 3, This Book Is Red, something is clearly bonkers when the narrator insists that frogs and penguins are obviously the same color as lobsters--and the claims get more outrageous from there. What is up with this nonsense? Kids will demand to know--and all readers will be howling with laughter all along the way. With strikingly simple text and art, Books That Drive Kids CRAZY! are ideal picks for emergent readers.