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Enitharmon Press Duino Elegies
Perhaps no cycle of poems in any European language has made so profound and lasting an impact on an English-speaking readership as Rilke's Duino Elegies. These luminous new translations by Martyn Crucefix make it marvellously clear how the poem is committed to the real world observed with acute and visionary intensity. Completed in 1922, the same year as the publication of Eliot's The Waste Land, the Elegies constitute a magnificent godless poem in their rejection of the transcendent and their passionate celebration of the here and now. Troubled by our insecure place in this world and our fractured relationship with death, the Elegies are nevertheless populated by a throng of vivid and affecting figures: acrobats, lovers, angels, mothers, fathers, statues, salesmen, actors and children. This bilingual edition offers twenty-first century readers a new opportunity to experience the power of Rilke's enduring masterpiece.
Little, Brown Book Group The Art of Being
How can we realise and actualise love, reason and meaningful, productive work? If the Art of Being - the art of functioning as a whole person - can be considered the supreme goal of life, a breakthrough occurs when we move from narcissistic selfishness and egotism - from having - to psychological and spiritual happiness - being. The Art of Being remains one of the most important and sought-after works in the Fromm canon.Fromm here offers a path to true wellbeing and a way of living based on authentic self-awareness that comes only through honest self-analysis. He warns of the pitfalls of our attaining enlightenment without effort, or believing that life can be lived without pain. The tantalising 'spiritual smorgasbord' offered by our consumer-oriented world, Fromm maintains, only feeds our illusions of 'easy awareness'. Confronting the psycho-gurus who preach these shortcuts to enlightenment, Fromm offers another way to self-awareness through meditation rather than material gain.This volume is a sequel to one of Erich Fromm's most popular works, To Have or to Be. In this book, Fromm examines the true paths - as opposed to false directions - that will lead us to self-knowledge and enlightenment. This edition, commemorating thirty years since the first English publication of The Art of Being, features an updated introduction from editor Rainer Funk.
Harrassowitz Tall Munbaqa-Ekalte IV, Die Bronzezeitliche Keramik
Aschendorff Verlag Orientierungssuche: Zur Bedeutung Von Kirche Und Glauben 1945-1950
Kohlhammer Das Fischereirecht in Baden-Wurttemberg
New Directions Publishing Corporation Ann Craven: Twelve Moons
Penguin Books Ltd Letters to a Young Poet
'What matters is to live everything. Live the questions for now.'A hugely influential collection for writers and artists of all kinds, Rilke's profound and lyrical letters to a young friend advise on writing, love, sex, suffering and the nature of advice itself.One of 46 new books in the bestselling Little Black Classics series, to celebrate the first ever Penguin Classic in 1946. Each book gives readers a taste of the Classics' huge range and diversity, with works from around the world and across the centuries - including fables, decadence, heartbreak, tall tales, satire, ghosts, battles and elephants.
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Heinrich Bullinger. Werke: 2. Abteilung: Briefwechsel. Band 6: Briefe Des Jahres 1536
Random House USA Inc Letters to a Young Poet
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Visualize This!
Sie möchten mit Ihren Daten überzeugen statt mit Tortendiagrammen langweilen? Nathan Yau zeigt Ihnen in diesem Buch, wie Sie das schaffen. Neben wertvollen allgemeinen Dos & Don'ts zur Diagrammgestaltung gibt er Ihnen zunächst einen Überblick über die Tools und Technologien, die Sie benötigen: von Excel über Illustrator bis hin zu HTML, JavaScript und ArcGIS. Anschließend lernen Sie die besten Möglichkeiten zur Visualisierung von Proportionen, Unterschieden, räumlichen Beziehungen und Mustern über einen Zeitverlauf kennen - natürlich alles an eindrucksvollen Beispielen und komplett in Farbe erklärt!
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Mein Leben und die Bibel: Lebensrelevante Konfi-Arbeit mit erfahrungsorientierten Methoden
Lebendige Konfi-Arbeit setzt bei den Jugendlichen mit ihren Lebenserfahrungen und -themen an. Durch erfahrungsorientierte kreative Bibelarbeit entdecken sie in biblischen Geschichten und christlichen Traditionen Bezëge zu ihrem eigenen Leben.Rainer Franke und Astrid Thiele-Petersen gehen von relevanten Erfahrungen dieser Lebensphase aus und fragen, welche biblischen und christlichen Texte, Themen und Rituale den Jugendlichen Möglichkeiten zur Entwicklung eröffnen, um ihre Idee vom Sinn im Leben weiter zu entfalten.Neben dem Ansatz von Lebensrelevanz und dessen Verknëpfung mit biblischen Traditionen zu symbolischer Erfahrung werden darstellerische und gestalterische Methoden beschrieben und vorgestellt. Der Praxisteil bietet 25 Konfi-Einheiten zu unterschiedlichen Lebenserfahrungen Jugendlicher - von Ablösung, Anerkennung und Angst bis zu Selbstbewusstsein, Vertrauen und Wut - mit Bibeltexten und kreativen Methoden.
World Poetry Books Where The Paths Do Not Go
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group Duino Elegies The Sonnets to Orpheus A DualLanguage Edition Vintage International
Available for the first time in a single volume, Ranier Maria Rilke’s two most beloved sequences of poems rendered by his most faithful translator. Rilke is unquestionably the twentieth century’s most significant and compelling poet of romantic transformation and spiritual quest. His poems of ecstatic identification with the world exert perennial fascination. In Stephen Mitchell’s versions of Rilke’s two greatest masterpieces readers will discover an English rendering that captures the lyric intensity, fluency, and reach of his poetry. Stephen Mitchell adheres impeccably to Rilke’s text, to his formal music, and to the complexity of his thought; at the same time, Mitchell’s work has authority and power as poetry in its own right.
Peter Lang AG Menschen Und Staedte: Ausgewaehlte Aufsaetze
Random House Publishing Group The Dark Interval
From the writer of the classic Letters to a Young Poet, reflections on grief and loss, collected and published here in one volume for the first time.“A great poet’s reflections on our greatest mystery.”—Billy Collins“A treasure . . . The solace Rilke offers is uncommon, uplifting and necessary.”—The Guardian Gleaned from Rainer Maria Rilke’s voluminous, never-before-translated letters to bereaved friends and acquaintances, The Dark Interval is a profound vision of the mourning process and a meditation on death’s place in our lives. Following the format of Letters to a Young Poet, this book arranges Rilke’s letters into an uninterrupted sequence, showcasing the full range of the great author’s thoughts on death and dying, as well as his sensitive and moving expressions of consolation and condolence.Presented with care and authority by master
Taschen GmbH Chagall
For Marc Chagall (1887–1985), painting was an intricate tapestry of dreams, tales, and traditions. His instantly recognizable visual language carved out a unique early 20th-century niche, often identified as one of the earliest expressions of psychic experience. Chagall’s canvases are characterized by loose brushwork, deep colors, a particular fondness for blue, and a repertoire of recurring tropes including musicians, roosters, rooftops, flowers, and floating lovers. For all their ethereal charms, his compositions were often rich and complex in their references. They wove together not only colors and forms, but also his Jewish roots with his present encounters in Paris, markers of faith with gestures of love and symbols of hope with testimonies of trauma. Across scenes of birth, love, marriage, and death, this dependable artist introduction explores the many versions of Chagall’s rich vocabulary. From visions of his native Vitebsk in modern-day Belarus to images of the Eiffel Tower, we explore the unique aesthetic of one of the most readily identifiable modern masters and one of the most influential Jewish artists of all time.
Penguin Books Ltd Letters to a Young Poet
Introducing Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith.Celebrating the range and diversity of Penguin Classics, they take us from snowy Japan to springtime Vienna, from haunted New England to a sun-drenched Mediterranean island, and from a game of chess on the ocean to a love story on the moon. Beautifully designed and printed, these collectible editions are bound in colourful, tactile cloth and stamped with foil.Over the course of six years, Maria Rilke wrote a series of letters to a young officer cadet, advising him on writing, love, suffering and the nature of advice itself; these profound and lyrical letters have since become hugely influential for writers and artists of all kinds. This volume also contains the 'Letter from a Young Worker', a striking polemic against Christianity written too in letter form.
Pushkin Press Poems to Night
In 1916, Rainer Maria Rilke presented his friend Rudolf Kassner with a notebook, containing twenty-two poems meticulously inscribed in his own hand and bearing the title Poems to Night. This evocative sequence of poems, which echoes some of the great themes of German romanticism, is now thought to represent one of the key stages in the creative breakthrough and spiritual evolution of the preeminent European poet of the twentieth century. This collection brings all the poems together in English for the first time and is enhanced by a rich selection of further poems Rilke dedicated to night at various stages of his life. The Poems to Night and the background to them are illuminated by the translator's valuable introduction.
Johns Hopkins University Press Fassbinder: Plays
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Burgerliches Gesetzbuch: Rom-Verordnungen - Euguvo - Eupartvo - Hup - Euerbvo: Band 6
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Excel Makros für Dummies
Excel-Makros sind ein Mysterium für Sie? Sie haben das Ziel, selbst Makros zu schreiben? Oder wollen wissen, wie Sie mit Excel Makros wertvolle Zeit sparen können? In dieser aktualisierten Auflage hat Michael Alexander die 70 gebräuchlichsten Excel-Makro-Anwendungen für Sie zusammengestellt. Er beginnt mit einer knappen Einführung in die Makrogrundlagen und VBA, erläutert aber auch, wie Sie Makros anwenden, an Ihre Bedürfnisse anpassen und sie selbst schreiben. So lernen Sie Makros effizient einsetzen und das Fehlerpotenzial manueller Eingaben reduzieren.
Human Kinetics Publishers Successful Coaching
Successful Coaching has helped more than a million coaches—aspiring, new, and seasoned coaches alike—develop and expand their knowledge of coaching to provide the best, most fulfilling sport experience for their athletes. In the revised fifth edition, author and sport psychologist Rainer Martens is joined by coauthor Robin Vealey, longtime professor of sport psychology at Miami University (Ohio). Together they bring to the text their knowledge and proficiency, gleaned from decades of personal experiences as coaches, athletes, and educators.Successful Coaching will help you think critically about your approach to coaching and develop the skills and wisdom to fulfill your many responsibilities as coach: Identify your coaching philosophy and coaching objectives Build relationships with players and staff and promote teamwork Nurture positive decision making and sportsmanship to develop more mature individuals Coach athletes of diverse backgrounds, characteristics, interests, and abilities Teach and practice sport skills and strategies using the games approach Train, condition, and fuel athletes using sound principles and methods Organize and guide your team and sport program Manage relationships with administrators, officials, parents, and media Minimize risk and meet your legal duties as a coach The fifth edition of Successful Coaching has been carefully revised in accordance with recommendations of the National Standards for Sport Coaches. Updates and additions include the latest scientific research in physical training and nutrition, plus best practices, guidelines, and insights from successful coaches addressing today’s foremost topics of concern: Mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and disordered eating Race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation in youth sport Sexual harassment and abuse Motivation, corrective discipline, and burnout Alcohol consumption, drug use, and vaping Chapters are punctuated with supplemental content to underscore key concepts. Current insights, innovations, and quotes from recognized coaches demonstrate how to overcome common and challenging coaching situations. Coaching Yourself sidebars and end-of-chapter Questions for Reflection challenge you to think critically about your own coaching style and how to apply key principles in real coaching situations. Sample coaching forms that can be modified for personal use are provided online. Written by coaches for coaches, Successful Coaching is a practical, readable, and useful resource that you’ll refer to throughout the season and cherish more than your playbook.Successful Coaching is the text for Human Kinetics’ Coaching Principles course. Coaching Principles is recognized by numerous state high school and athletic directors’ associations, school districts, national governing bodies, and other sport organizations as meeting coaching education and certification requirements. In addition, hundreds of colleges and universities have adopted Coaching Principles for graduate and undergraduate coaching programs. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all print books.
WW Norton & Co Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge: A Novel
A ground-breaking masterpiece of early European modernism originally published in 1910, The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge unspools the vivid reflections of the titular young Danish nobleman and poet. From his Paris garret, Brigge records his encounters with the city and its outcasts, muses on his family history and lays bare his earliest experiences of fear, tenderness and desolation. With a poet’s feel for language and a keen instinct for storytelling, Rainer Maria Rilke forges a dazzlingly fractured coming-of-age narrative, kaleidoscopic in its alternation of vivid present encounters and equally alive memories of childhood. Strikingly contemporary, The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge reveals a writer metabolising his own experiences to yield still-essential questions about fiction and reality, empathy and psychosis, and—above all—life, love and death. In a fascinating introduction, award-winning translator Edward Snow explores the overlaps between Rilke’s experiences and those of his protagonist, and shows with granular attention the novel’s capacity for nuance and sympathy. Snow’s exquisite translation captures as never before the astonishing cadences and musical clarity of the poet’s prose. It reveals The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge as an urgent contemporary achievement, more than one hundred years after it was written.
WW Norton & Co Duino Elegies: A New and Complete Translation
Rainer Maria Rilke’s Duino Elegies are one of the great literary masterpieces of the twentieth century. Begun in 1912 while the poet was a guest at Duino Castle on the Adriatic Sea and completed in a final bout of feverish inspiration in 1922, the ten elegies survey the mysteries of consciousness, whether human or animal, earthly or divine. Poet and translator Alfred Corn offers a fresh take on this cornerstone of German lyric poetry, bringing us closer to Rilke’s meaning than ever before and illuminating the elegies’ celebration of life and love. Also included are a critical introduction exploring the nuances of the translation, several thematically linked lyrics and two of the Letters to a Young Poet to complete the volume.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division On Call Pediatrics: On Call Series
Ideal for any on-call professional, resident, or medical student, this popular reference covers the common problems you'll encounter while on call without direct supervision in the hospital. On Call Pediatrics, 4th Edition, fits perfectly in your pocket, ready to provide key information in time-sensitive, challenging situations. You'll gain speed, skill, and knowledge with every call - from diagnosing a difficult or life-threatening situation to prescribing the right medication. Features a logical, highly templated format so you can locate key information quickly. Reviews the indications for, and complications of, common neurodiagnostic tests. Delivers consistent, easy-to-follow coverage of the most common on-call problems and approaches, including what to do from the initial phone call, questions you should ask to assess the urgency of each situation, "Elevator Thoughts," how to immediately identify major threats to life, what to do at the bedside, and how to avoid common mistakes for every call. Provides updated content and references, as well as an up-to-date drug formulary, keeping you on the cutting edge of current, evidence-based information. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Random House USA Inc The Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke: Bilingual Edition
Daimon Verlag Duino Elegies
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Ukrainian Private Law and the European Area of Justice
The present collection of essays addresses the development of Ukrainian private law in the course of its ongoing Europeanization. This process is determined by the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine, which was concluded in 2014 and obliges Ukraine to implement a diverse number of European legal acts in its national legal system, aiming to achieve the economic integration of Ukraine into the EU internal market. Nevertheless, it would be inaccurate to describe the process of integrating Ukrainian private law into the European Area of Justice as solely the implementation of the Community acquis. Rather, the Europeanization of Ukrainian private law is part of a value-based Europeanization of the entire Ukrainian society.
Random House Publishing Group Letters to a Young Poet Modern Library Classics
Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet are arguably the most famous and beloved letters of the twentieth century. Written when the poet was himself still a young man, with most of his greatest work before him, they were addressed to a student who had sent Rilke some of his own writing, asking for advice on becoming a writer. The two never met, but over a period of several years Rilke wrote him these ten letters, which have been cherished by hundreds of thousands of readers for what Stephen Mitchell calls in his Foreword the 'vibrant and deeply felt experience of life' that informs them. Eloquent and personal, Rilke’s meditations on the creative process, the nature of love, the wisdom of children, and the importance of solitude offer a wealth of spiritual and practical guidance for anyone. At the same time, this collection, in Stephen Mitchell’s definitive translation, reveals the thoughts and feelings of one of the greatest poets and most distinctive sensibilities of
Penguin Books Ltd Letters to a Young Poet
At the start of the twentieth century, Rainer Maria Rilke wrote a series of letters to a young officer cadet, advising him on writing, love, sex, suffering and the nature of advice itself; these profound and lyrical letters have since become hugely influential for writers and artists of all kinds. This book also contains the 'Letter from a Young Worker', a striking polemic against Christianity written in letter-form, near the end of Rilke's life. In Lewis Hyde's introduction, he explores the context in which these letters were written and how the author embraced his isolation as a creative force. Charlie Louth's afterword discusses the similarities and contrasts of the two works, and Rilke's religious and sexual wordplay. This edition also contains a chronology, notes, and suggested further reading.
Bohlau Verlag Die Familien-Fideikommissbibliothek des Hauses Habsburg-Lothringen 1835-1918: Metamorphosen einer Sammlung
North Point Press The Book of Images: Poems / Revised Bilingual Edition
Open Letter Sonnets to Orpheus
WW Norton & Co Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge: A Novel
A ground-breaking masterpiece of early European modernism originally published in 1910, The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge unspools the vivid reflections of the titular young Danish nobleman and poet. From his Paris garret, Brigge records his encounters with the city and its outcasts, muses on his family history and lays bare his earliest experiences of fear, tenderness and desolation. With a poet’s feel for language and a keen instinct for storytelling, Rainer Maria Rilke forges a dazzlingly fractured coming-of-age narrative, kaleidoscopic in its alternation of vivid present encounters and equally alive memories of childhood. Strikingly contemporary, The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge reveals a writer metabolizing his own experiences to yield still-essential questions about fiction and reality, empathy and psychosis and—above all—life, love and death. In a fascinating introduction, award-winning translator Edward Snow explores the overlaps between Rilke’s experiences and those of his protagonist, and shows with granular attention the novel’s capacity for nuance and sympathy. Snow’s exquisite translation captures as never before the astonishing cadences and musical clarity of the poet’s prose. It reveals The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge as an urgent contemporary achievement, more than one hundred years after it was written.
Taschen GmbH Van Gogh. The Complete Paintings
Today, the works of Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) are among the most well known and celebrated in the world. In paintings such as Sunflowers, The Starry Night, and Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear, we recognize an artist uniquely dexterous in the representation of texture and mood, light and place. Yet in his lifetime, van Gogh battled not only the disinterest of his contemporary audience but also devastating bouts of mental illness. His episodes of depression and anxiety would eventually claim his life, when, in 1890, he committed suicide shortly after his 37th birthday. This comprehensive study of Vincent van Gogh offers a complete catalogue of his 871 paintings, alongside writings and essays, charting the life and work of a master who continues to tower over art to this day.
Arnoldsche Wissendes Gestalten: Die Gestaltungslehre des Bauhäuslers Hanns Hoffmann-Lederer
The topicality of Hanns Hoffmann-Lederer’s (1899–1970) design doctrine, with its claim to a comprehensive aesthetic education, lies in the fact that it represents an important counterbalance to today’s euphoria for digitalisation. For a long time the young Bauhaus Master and design pedagogue opposed the publication of his concept for a fundamental artistic education, one which united and expanded the content of many different trends within the Bauhaus teachings. For him the risk that his exercises could be misunderstood as prescriptive was too great. Yet greater still was the drive of his enthusiastic students, who compiled exemplar images, edited teaching notes, and in 1958 conceived the first draft for a potential publication. Here Justus Theinert and Rainer K. Wick trace the moving life and the distinct pedagogical attributes of this fascinating personality. Text in German.
Taschen GmbH What Great Paintings Say. Masterpieces in Detail
This important addition to our understanding of art history’s masterworks puts some of the world's most famous paintings under a magnifying glass to uncover their most small and subtle elements and all they reveal about a bygone time, place, and culture. Guiding our eye to the minutiae of subject and symbolism, authors Rose-Marie and Rainer Hagen allow even the most familiar of pictures to come alive anew through their intricacies and intrigues. Is the bride pregnant? Why does the man wear a beret? How does the shadow of war hang over a scene of dancing? Along the way, we travel from Ancient Egypt through to modern Europe, from the Renaissance to the Roaring Twenties. We meet Greek heroes and poor German poets and roam from cathedrals to cabaret bars, from the Garden of Eden to a Garden Bench in rural France. As we pick apart each painting and then reassemble it like a giant jigsaw puzzle, these celebrated canvases captivate not only in their sheer wealth of details but also in the witness they bear to the fashions and trends, people and politics, loves and lifestyles of their time.
Taschen GmbH Van Gogh. The Complete Paintings
Vincent van Gogh’s story is one of the most tragic in art history. Today, he is celebrated the world over as one of the most important painters of all time, recognized with sell-out shows, feted museums, and record prices of tens of millions of dollars at auction. Yet as he was painting the canvases that would subsequently become these sell-out modern masterpieces, van Gogh was battling not only the disinterest of his contemporary audiences but also devastating bouts of mental illness, with episodes of depression and paralyzing anxiety which would eventually claim his life in 1890, when he committed suicide shortly after his 37th birthday. This comprehensive study of Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) pairs a detailed monograph on his life and art with a complete catalogue of his 871 paintings.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Interaktionsspiele bei Psychopathie: Antisoziale Manipulation erkennen und konstruktiv bewältigen
Im vorliegenden Buch wird beschrieben, wie manipulatives Handeln von Personen mit Psychopathie erkannt und bewältigt werden kann. Die psychopathische Persönlichkeitsstörung (engl.: Psychopathy) ist definiert durch eine Kombination aus interaktionellen, affektiven, antisozialen und sich im Lebensstil ausdrückenden Besonderheiten, zu denen Egozentrizität, manipulierendes Verhalten, ein Mangel an Mitgefühl, Schuld und Reue, pathologisches Lügen, Verantwortungslosigkeit sowie die kontinuierliche Verletzung sozialer Normen und Erwartungen zählen. Fachleute haben vor allem Schwierigkeiten, mit den interpersonellen Merkmalen dieser Störung umzugehen. Dieses Buch bietet hierfür konkrete Unterstützung. Geschrieben für … Psychotherapeuten, Coaches, Diagnostiker, Psychiater, forensische Psychologen und alle, die beruflich mit Psychopathen zu tun haben. Die Autoren: Prof. Dr. Rainer Sachse ist Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Begründer der „Klärungsorientierten Psychotherapie“ und Leiter des Instituts für Psychologische Psychotherapie (IPP) in Bochum. Fritjof von Franqué ist sexualforensischer Psychotherapeut und leitender Psychologe am Institut für Sexualforschung und Forensische Psychiatrie des Universitätsklinikums Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE).
Universitatsverlag Regensburg GmbH Europeanization Through Private Law Instruments
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Romische Historische Mitteilungen 60/2018