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V&R unipress GmbH Arbeiten zur Religionspädagogik (ARP).: Kriterien ihrer Auswahl
V&R unipress GmbH Arbeiten zur Religionspädagogik (ARP).: Eine qualitative Studie zur Religiosität Jugendlicher
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Synthesis and Assessment of the Public Debate on the Reform of the Cap After 2013
Birkhauser Refurbishment Manual: Maintenance, Conversions, Extensions
Planning tasks involving existing structures are currently among the most common types of contract, and almost every structure makes different demands and raises individual problems. Reflecting this state of affairs, there are a dizzying number of publications on the market, most of which are quite specialized. The Refurbishment Manual cuts through this jungle of publications. It defines terms and concepts, combines the narrowly focused perspectives of the specialists, and offers concrete approaches to this wide-ranging topic. The Refurbishment Manual closes the gap between basic constructional literature and one-sided, highly specialized technical literature. It constitutes a practical planning aid on the subject of refurbishment, providing a basic introduction to the relevant aspects of building physics, fire protection, sustainability and energy, hazardous materials, construction materials for interior and façade, historic preservation, and technical building equipment. It offers concrete tips on planning steps, methods of building analysis, and cost benchmarks, as well as clear constructional solutions with built projects as examples. A unique feature of the volume is the specially developed timeline, which allows the planner to quickly grasp, categorize, and evaluate a concrete building task and thus obtain an efficient planning overview. Planungsaufgaben im Bestand gehören derzeit zu den häufigsten Auftragsarten und nahezu jedes Bauwerk stellt andere Anforderungen und weist individuelle Probleme auf. Analog dazu gibt es auf dem Markt eine fast unüberschaubare Anzahl Publikationen in meist sehr spezialisierter Form. Der Sanierungsatlas möchte Licht in diesen Publikationsdschungel bringen: Er definiert Begrifflichkeiten, vereint die fokussierenden Betrachtungsweisen der Fachleute und vermittelt konkrete Herangehensweisen an diese weit gefächerte Thematik. Der Sanierungsatlas schließt die Lücke zwischen grundlegender Baukonstruktions- und sehr einseitig spezialisierter Fachliteratur. Das Buch stellt eine praktische Planungshilfe zum Thema Sanierung dar – und zwar in Form von relevanter Grundlagenvermittlung zu Bauphysik, Brandschutz, Nachhaltigkeits- und energetischen Aspekten, Schadstoffen, Baustoffen im Innenraum und an der Fassade, zu Aspekten der Denkmalpflege ebenso wie zur technischen Gebäudeausstattung. Er liefert konkrete Hinweise zu Planungsschritten, Methoden der Bauanalyse und Kostenkennwerten sowie anschauliche Konstruktionslösungen am Beispiel gebauter Projekte. Einzigartig ist die speziell entwickelte Zeitschiene, mit deren Hilfe eine konkrete Bauaufgabe schnell erfasst, kategorisiert und bewertet werden kann – und die dem Planer somit einen effizienten Planungsüberblick verschafft.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Smart Regulation: Theorie- und evidenzbasierte Politik
Disruptive Technologien, globale Krisen und hochkomplexe Wechselwirkungen zwischen Wirtschaft, Recht und Gesellschaft stellen nationale wie supranationale Regulierungsinstanzen vor wachsende Herausforderungen. Insbesondere im Kontext der COVID-19-Pandemie ist daher die Frage nach der Rolle theorie- und evidenzbasierter Grundlagen politischer und unternehmerischer Entscheidungen verstärkt in den Mittelpunkt der Diskussion gerückt. Vor diesem Hintergrund entwickeln die Beiträger des vorliegenden Tagungsbandes innovative Regulierungsansätze, die theorie- und evidenzbasiert eine effiziente und zugleich ethisch-wertorientierte Verwirklichung von Regulierungszielen ermöglichen. Behandelt werden fünf Themenblöcke: Gesundheitspolitik, Steuerpolitik, Kartellrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht und Unternehmensrechnung. Auf der Grundlage der Perspektiven aus Rechtswissenschaft, Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Psychologie und Philosophie werden effektive Strategien für eine theorie- und evidenzbasierte Regulierung in den vorgestellten Bereichen entwickelt.
De Gruyter Enteignungsentschädigung
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Essential Rilke
Yale University Press How to Make an Entrepreneurial State: Why Innovation Needs Bureaucracy
WINNER OF THE ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT'S 2023 GEORGE R. TERRY BOOK AWARD A groundbreaking account which shows how the public sector must adapt, but also persevere, in order to advance technology and innovation From self-driving cars to smart grids, governments are experimenting with new technologies to significantly change the way we live. Innovation has become vitally important to states across the world. Rainer Kattel, Wolfgang Drechsler, and Erkki Karo explore how public bodies pursue innovation, looking at how new policies are designed and implemented. Spanning Europe, the USA and Asia, the authors show how different institutions finance new technologies and share cutting-edge information. They argue for the importance of “agile stability,” demonstrating that in order to successfully innovate, state organizations have to move nimbly like start-ups and yet ensure stability at the same time. And that, particularly in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic, governments need both long-term policy and dynamic capabilities to handle crises. This vital account explores the complex and often contradictory positions of innovating public bodies—and shows how they can overcome financial and political resistance to change for the good of us all.
Egypt Exploration Society Akhenaten's Workers: The Amarna Stone Village Survey, 2005-9: Volume II: The Faunal and Botanical Remains, and Objects
From 2005 to 2009, a survey and excavation project was undertaken at the Stone Village, a small settlement on the eastern desert plain of Amarna, not far from the Workmen's Village. This was the first concerted effort to record this site and introduce it into the story of Amarna. The fieldwork revealed a community of labourers likely engaged in tomb-cutting and related tasks, including at the Royal Tombs, but of lesser social standing than the occupants of the Workmen's Village. The piecing together of diverse strands of archaeological evidence sheds light on their experiences, the Stone Village serving jointly as a new source for the study of Amarna's vernacular urban architecture. The results of the fieldwork are presented in two volumes, the first devoted to the survey, excavation and architecture, and the second to the faunal and botanical remains, and objects.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Social Innovation in Urban and Regional Development: Perspectives on an Emerging Field in Planning and Urban Studies
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Panorama der Mathematik
„Was ist Mathematik?” – auf diese Frage gibt dieses dicke Buch zahllose Antworten. Mathematik ist eben viel mehr als ein Schul- und Studienfach oder Rechnen: Es ist Teil der menschlichen Kultur, ein riesiges aktives Forschungsgebiet und ein nützlicher Werkzeugkasten. „Was ist Mathematik?” – statt einer einzelnen Antwort zeichnen die Autoren ein Panorama, bunt und vielfältig. Da geht es um Philosophie, Beweise, große und kleine Probleme, fundamentale Konzepte, Teilgebiete, Forschungspraxis, Anwendungen der Mathematik. Und um Geschichten aus der Geschichte. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die wissen und darüber nachdenken wollen, was Mathematik ist, insbesondere auch an Studierende der Mathematik. Es begleitet eine Vorlesung, die an der Freien Universität Berlin jährlich vor allem für Lehramtsstudierende angeboten wird.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Religion im Dialog: Klasse 9/10
â Religion im Dialogâ bedeutet, Begegnungen anzuregen. Wie? Das neue Lehrwerk für den Religionsunterricht verfolgt einen konfessionell-kooperativen Ansatz, der immer wieder auch den Dialog zu anderen Religionen und Weltanschauungen sucht. So wird der Vielfalt der Schülerschaft und der Realität des Religionsunterrichts optimal Rechnung getragen. â Religion im Dialogâ bezieht durchgängig evangelische und katholische Perspektiven bei Materialien und Aufgaben ein. Gleichzeitig werden andere religiöse sowie verschiedene weltanschauliche Perspektiven eingebracht. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf gelebter Religion. Damit entstehen Lernarrangements, die dazu einladen, miteinander ins Gespräch zu kommen und sich auszutauschen. So können die Schülerinnen und Schüler sehen, wie verschieden sie sind und wo sie vielleicht auch etwas verbindet. Konkret zeichnet sich "Religion im Dialog" durch vielfältige anregende Materialien und offen formulierte, anwendungsbezogene und methodisch abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben aus. Das Buch ermöglicht vernetzendes Lernen durch entsprechende Verweise bei Aufgaben und Materialien. Ziel ist, den Schülerinnen und Schülern ein möglichst eigenständiges Arbeiten zu ermöglichen. Das Lehrwerk besteht aus sieben Kapiteln: 1. Freiheit und Verantwortung, 2. Glaube ohne Zweifel?!, 3. Alles vergeben durch Christus?, 4. Der Tod â Anfang oder Ende?, 5. Wie politisch darf die Kirche sein?, 6. Verantwortung der Religionen, 7. Was gibt meinem Leben Sinn? Der Band wird durch einen Methodenanhang abgerundet. Auf unserer Contentplattform finden Sie die digitale Version unserer Schulbücher:
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Private Law in Eastern Europe: Autonomous Developments or Legal Transplants?
More than 20 years have passed since the downfall of socialist systems. To accelerate transformation processes utmost priority was given to the recognition of property rights, an indispensable requirement for free market economies. Regulators soon came to realize that the success of transformation was conditioned on a more systematic approach towards codified civil law and business law. Numerous comparative law studies on individual Eastern European states have been undertaken, but they fail to portray the dynamic in its full scope. Studies adopting long-term perspectives and offering multi-nation comparisons are particularly rare. In March 2009, a symposium was held at the Hamburg Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Law to address these shortcomings. In this conference volume Christa Jessel-Holst, Rainer Kulms, and Alexander Trunk assemble the contributions by international policy advisors and scholars from Eastern and South Eastern Europe (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine) assessing codification processes in classic civil law fields and company and capital market laws. In spite of comparable transformation problems, the individual processes are moving forward quite disparately, oscillating between 'old' socialist codifications, legislative projects faithful to the acquis communautaire and new codifications with a distinctly autonomous approach. Nonetheless, most transformation states are united in their effort to establish efficient court systems which can handle the acquis without being positivistic.Contributors:Jürgen Basedow, Rainer Kulms, Michel Nussbaumer, Frederique Dahan, Thomas Meyer, Alexander Komarov, Volodymyr Kossak, Jelena Perović, Camelia Toader, Verica Trstenjak, Christian Takoff, Tatjana Josipović, Meliha Povlakić, Dušan Nikolić, Mirko Vasiljević, Alexandra Makovskaya, Oleg Zaitsev, Ionuţ Raduleţu, Tania Bouzeva, Radu Catană, András Kisfaludi, Krzysztof Oplustil, Arkadiusz Radwan
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Rainer Maria Rilke's The Book of Hours: A New Translation with Commentary
A superb new (and complete) translation of Rilke's luminously lyrical early book of poems, with scholarly introduction and commentary. Rainer Maria Rilke is arguably the most important modern German-language poet. His New Poems, Duino Elegies, and Sonnets to Orpheus are pillars of 20th-century poetry. Yet his earlier verse is less known. The Bookof Hours, written in three bursts between 1899 and 1903, is Rilke's most formative work, covering a crucial period in his rapid ascent from fin-de-siècle epigone to distinctive modern voice. The poems document Rilke'stour of Russia with Lou Andreas-Salomé, his hasty marriage and fathering of a child in Worpswede, and his turn toward the urban modernity of Paris. He assumes the persona of an artist-monk undertaking the Romantics' journey into the self, speaking to God as part transcendent deity, part needy neighbor. The poems can be read simply for their luminous lyricism, captured in Susan Ranson's superb new translation, which reproduces the music of the original German with impressive fluidity. An in-depth introduction explains the context of the work and elucidates its major themes, while the poem-by-poem commentary is helpful to the student and the general reader. A translator's note treating the technical problems of rhythm, meter, and rhyme that the translator of Rilke faces completes the volume. Susan Ranson is the co-translator, with Marielle Sutherland, of Rainer Maria Rilke, Selected Poems (Oxford World's Classics, 2011). Ben Hutchinson is Reader in Modern German at the University of Kent, UK.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Microscopic Anatomy of Invertebrates, Chelicerate Arthropoda
The award winning Microscopic Anatomy of Invertebrates (MAI) series covers the basic physiology of Chelicerate Arthropodia, a diverse class of invertebrates that includes mites, ticks, spiders, scorpions and related forms.
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Heinrich Bullinger. Werke: 2. Abteilung: Briefwechsel. Band 6: Briefe Des Jahres 1536
Random House USA Inc Letters to a Young Poet
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Visualize This!
Sie möchten mit Ihren Daten überzeugen statt mit Tortendiagrammen langweilen? Nathan Yau zeigt Ihnen in diesem Buch, wie Sie das schaffen. Neben wertvollen allgemeinen Dos & Don'ts zur Diagrammgestaltung gibt er Ihnen zunächst einen Überblick über die Tools und Technologien, die Sie benötigen: von Excel über Illustrator bis hin zu HTML, JavaScript und ArcGIS. Anschließend lernen Sie die besten Möglichkeiten zur Visualisierung von Proportionen, Unterschieden, räumlichen Beziehungen und Mustern über einen Zeitverlauf kennen - natürlich alles an eindrucksvollen Beispielen und komplett in Farbe erklärt!
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Mein Leben und die Bibel: Lebensrelevante Konfi-Arbeit mit erfahrungsorientierten Methoden
Lebendige Konfi-Arbeit setzt bei den Jugendlichen mit ihren Lebenserfahrungen und -themen an. Durch erfahrungsorientierte kreative Bibelarbeit entdecken sie in biblischen Geschichten und christlichen Traditionen Bezëge zu ihrem eigenen Leben.Rainer Franke und Astrid Thiele-Petersen gehen von relevanten Erfahrungen dieser Lebensphase aus und fragen, welche biblischen und christlichen Texte, Themen und Rituale den Jugendlichen Möglichkeiten zur Entwicklung eröffnen, um ihre Idee vom Sinn im Leben weiter zu entfalten.Neben dem Ansatz von Lebensrelevanz und dessen Verknëpfung mit biblischen Traditionen zu symbolischer Erfahrung werden darstellerische und gestalterische Methoden beschrieben und vorgestellt. Der Praxisteil bietet 25 Konfi-Einheiten zu unterschiedlichen Lebenserfahrungen Jugendlicher - von Ablösung, Anerkennung und Angst bis zu Selbstbewusstsein, Vertrauen und Wut - mit Bibeltexten und kreativen Methoden.
World Poetry Books Where The Paths Do Not Go
Random House USA Inc Duino Elegies & The Sonnets to Orpheus: A Dual-Language Edition
Peter Lang AG Menschen Und Staedte: Ausgewaehlte Aufsaetze
Random House USA Inc Dark Interval
Taschen GmbH Chagall
For Marc Chagall (1887–1985), painting was an intricate tapestry of dreams, tales, and traditions. His instantly recognizable visual language carved out a unique early 20th-century niche, often identified as one of the earliest expressions of psychic experience. Chagall’s canvases are characterized by loose brushwork, deep colors, a particular fondness for blue, and a repertoire of recurring tropes including musicians, roosters, rooftops, flowers, and floating lovers. For all their ethereal charms, his compositions were often rich and complex in their references. They wove together not only colors and forms, but also his Jewish roots with his present encounters in Paris, markers of faith with gestures of love and symbols of hope with testimonies of trauma. Across scenes of birth, love, marriage, and death, this dependable artist introduction explores the many versions of Chagall’s rich vocabulary. From visions of his native Vitebsk in modern-day Belarus to images of the Eiffel Tower, we explore the unique aesthetic of one of the most readily identifiable modern masters and one of the most influential Jewish artists of all time.
Penguin Books Ltd Letters to a Young Poet
Introducing Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith.Celebrating the range and diversity of Penguin Classics, they take us from snowy Japan to springtime Vienna, from haunted New England to a sun-drenched Mediterranean island, and from a game of chess on the ocean to a love story on the moon. Beautifully designed and printed, these collectible editions are bound in colourful, tactile cloth and stamped with foil.Over the course of six years, Maria Rilke wrote a series of letters to a young officer cadet, advising him on writing, love, suffering and the nature of advice itself; these profound and lyrical letters have since become hugely influential for writers and artists of all kinds. This volume also contains the 'Letter from a Young Worker', a striking polemic against Christianity written too in letter form.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Change Management
Penguin Putnam Inc Letters to a Young Poet
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Smart Regulation: Vertrag, Unternehmung und Markt
Smart Regulation steht für innovative Regulierungsansätze und -formen. Die interdisziplinäre Erforschung von Smart Regulation nimmt sich der Herausforderungen und Chancen der Digitalisierung an, berücksichtigt neue Erkenntnisse zu menschlichem Verhalten und erschließt zukunftsweisende Regulierungstechniken. Der vorliegende Band führt die Beiträge zum gleichnamigen Symposium an der Universität Graz vom 2. Oktober 2020 zusammen. Behandelt werden vier Themenblöcke: Digitalisierung als Herausforderung für den Verbraucherschutz, Publizität zur Steuerung sozialen Unternehmertums, automatisiertes Entscheiden zwischen Markt und Regulierung sowie Standardbildung und -durchsetzung im Unternehmensbereich. Die hierzu eingebrachten Perspektiven aus Rechtswissenschaft, Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Psychologie, Philosophie und Theologie schaffen eine inhaltliche und methodische Grundlage für die weitere Diskussion von Smart Regulation.
Birkhauser Neue Holzbautechnologien: Materialien, Konstruktionen, Bautechnik, Projekte
The “old” material of wood has been used to construct dwellings of different types since the dawn of mankind. And not without reason. Its low density combined with high rigidity, good processability, and its resistance makes it an excellent building material. There is currently a pioneering renaissance of the timber construction, for two distinct reasons: first, wood is increasingly being rediscovered as one of the most important renewable raw materials for sustainable construction. Moreover, a revolution in the construction of timber structures began several years ago with the ever-progressive use of three-dimensional CAD models for digitally controlled robot manufacturing. The book documents these developments, in particular the engineering bonding techniques, the introduction of digital production techniques, and the innovative material developments of this material. The chapter on composite structures and experimental structures specifically address trends toward the future-oriented dimensions of timber construction. In the final section, outstanding designs are documented in detail, such as the Club House of Haesley Nine Bridges Golf Course designed by Shigeru Ban in Yeoju, South Korea, and the double gymnasium in Borex-Crassier, Switzerland, by Graeme Mann and Patricia Capua Mann .
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development
The Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development explores the theories and approaches which, over a prolonged period of time, have existed as viable alternatives to today?s mainstream and neo-classical tenets. With a total of 40 specially commissioned chapters, written by the foremost authorities in their respective fields, this volume represents a landmark in the field of economic development. It elucidates the richness of the alternative and sometimes misunderstood ideas which, in different historical contexts, have proved to be vital to the improvement of the human condition. The subject matter is approached from several complementary perspectives. From a historical angle, the Handbook charts the mercantilist and cameralist theories that emerged from the Renaissance and developed further during the Enlightenment. From a geographical angle, it includes chapters on African, Chinese, Indian, and Muslim approaches to economic development. Different schools are also explored and discussed including nineteenth century US development theory, Marxist, Schumpeterian, Latin American structuralism, regulation theory and world systems theories of development. In addition, the Handbook has chapters on important events and institutions including The League of Nations, The Havana Charter, and UNCTAD, as well as on particularly influential development economists. Contemporary topics such as the role of finance, feminism, the agrarian issue, and ecology and the environment are also covered in depth. This comprehensive Handbook offers an unrivalled review and analysis of alternative and heterodox theories of economic development. It should be read by all serious scholars, teachers and students of development studies, and indeed anyone interested in alternatives to development orthodoxy.Contributors: M. Alacevich, R. Arocena, J.G. Backhaus, E.B. Barbier, R. Bielschowsky, C.N. Biltoft, R. Boyer, L. Burlamaqui, C.P. Chandrasekhar, M. Cimoli, A.M. Daastøl, G. Derluguian, W. Drechsler, S. Endresen, M.S. Erkek, M.S. Floro, J. Ghosh, J.-C. Graz, J.P. Hochard, I. Ianos, P. Jha, A. Kadri, R. Kattel, J.A. Kregel, B.-Å. Lundvall, A.C. Macedo e Silva, J.A. Mathews, L. Mjøset, S. Moyo, R.R. Nelson, G. Omkarnath, E. Özveren, J.G. Palma, P. Patnaik, G. Porcile, E.S. Reinert, S.A. Reinert, P.R. Rössner, A. Saltelli, M. Shafaeddin, A. Singh, I.G. Shivji, J. Sutz, Y. Tandon, E. Thurbon, F. Tregenna, H.S. Ünal, L. Weiss, T. Xu, P. Yeros, X. Zhao
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Duino Elegies
Rilke's great cycle of ten elegies, perhaps his most profound poetic achievement, had its inception on the morning of January 21, 1912, but was interrupted by the First World War and not completed until a decade later. The Duino Elegies are not only the result of an extraordinary kind of contact with the unseen world; they are an attempt to understand that world in its holistic relationship to the visible, tangible world. This powerful rendering ofthe cycle is a product of the collaboration between a poet, Norris, and a Germanist, Keele.
V&R unipress GmbH Arbeiten zur Religionspädagogik (ARP).: Eine Analyse zu Kinderbibeln in der Aufklärungszeit
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Sophisten in Hellenismus und Kaiserzeit: Orte, Methoden und Personen der Bildungsvermittlung
Der Forschung geläufig ist die Rede von einer ersten (5./4. Jh. v. Chr.) und der sog. Zweiten Sophistik (2. Jh. n. Chr). Aber auch die Literatur des Hellenismus und der frühen Kaiserzeit kennt zahlreiche Sophisten. Der Sophist, verstanden als (schlechter) Lehrer und Redner, Gegenspieler des Philosophen oder Vertreter der griechischen Bildung, bildet deshalb den Dreh-und Angelpunkt der Beiträge, die Schlaglichter auf Orte, Methoden und Personen der Bildungsvermittlung werfen. Sophisten wirken im Gymnasion, im Museion in Alexandreia, in Tempeln in Rom oder privaten Schulen in Ägypten und Judäa. Der vorliegende Band diskutiert neben diesen Orten die Methoden der Bildungsvermittlung und die soziale Herkunft der Lehrer. Weitere wichtige Aspekte sind die Konkurrenz als strukturierendes Element des Lebens eines Sophisten und das Bankett als Ort der Bildungsvermittlung. Die Beiträge zeigen, wie pagane und jüdische Denker, Platoniker und Stoiker Bildung als Weg zum richtigen Welt- und Gottesverständnis verstehen.
Pushkin Press Duino Elegies
In 1931, Virginia and Leonard Woolf's Hogarth Press published a small run of a beautiful edition of Rainer Maria Rilke's Duino Elegies, in English translation by the writers Vita and Edward Sackville-West. This marked the English debut of Rilke's masterpiece, which would eventually be rendered in English over 20 times, influencing countless poets, musicians and artists across the English-speaking world. Published for the first time in 90 years, the Sackville-Wests' translation is both a fascinating historical document and a magnificent blank-verse rendering of Rilke's poetry cycle. Featuring a new introduction from critic Lesley Chamberlain, this reissue casts one of European literature's great masterpieces in fresh light.
WW Norton & Co Letters to a Young Poet: With the Letters to Rilke from the ''Young Poet''
For more than ninety years, eager writers and young poets, even those simply looking for a purpose in life, have embraced the wisdom of Rainer Maria Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet, first published in 1929. Most readers and scholars assumed that the letters from young poet were forever lost to posterity. Yet, shockingly, the letters were recently discovered by Erich Unglaub, a Rilke scholar, and published in German in 2019. The acclaimed translator Damion Searls has now not only retranslated Rilke’s original letters but also translated the letters by Franz Xaver Kappus, an Austrian military cadet and aspiring poet. This timeless edition, in addition to joining the two sets of letters together for the first time in English, provides a new window into the workings of Rilke’s visionary poetic and philosophical mind, allowing us to re-experience the literary genius of one of the most inspiring works of twentieth-century literature.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Handbuch des Bodenschutzes: Bodenökologie und -belastung / Vorbeugende und abwehrende Schutzmaßnahmen
Umfassendes Handbuch über die Eigenschaften und Funktionen von Böden, deren Veränderungen durch verschiedene Faktoren wie Erosion, Be- und Entwässerung, Düngung, Überbelastung durch Metalle, Säuren, Salze, organische Verbindungen, Radionuklide, Sickerwasser u. a.; Schutz und Sanierungsmethoden; zahlreiche Tabellen und Schwarz-Weiß-Zeichnungen sowie Farbaufnahmen.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Investment Law and General International Law: Radiating Effects?
This book questions whether investment law influences the wider field of general international law, and more specifically, whether approaches adopted by tribunals in investment arbitrations have radiated, or should radiate, into other fields of international law.To answer this question, the book engages in a detailed analysis of pronouncements by investment tribunals on state responsibility, the law of treaties, and general principles of dispute resolution, and evaluates their impact beyond the narrow field of investment law. The perspectives provided in the book highlight how rules of general international law are concretised, specified, and at times moulded in investment arbitration practice. By doing so, the book enhances our understanding of the relationship between general international law and one its most dynamic sub-disciplines.Combining conceptual and practical perspectives, and offering a detailed analysis of the pertinent case law, the book is a plea for a fuller engagement directed at both general international lawyers and international investment lawyers. It will help investment lawyers better understand the role of general international law in their field of practice. General international lawyers will benefit from paying close attention to how investment lawyers apply and interpret rules of general international law.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Investment Law and the Global Financial Architecture
The global crises of the early 21st century have tested the international financial architecture. In seeking to ensure stability, governments have regulated financial and capital markets. This in turn has implicated international investment law, which investors have invoked as a shield against debt restructuring, bail-ins or bail-outs. This book explores whether investment law should protect against such regulatory measures, including where these have the support of multilateral institutions. It considers where the line should be drawn between legitimate regulation and undue interference with investor rights and, equally importantly, who draws it. Across the diverse chapters herein, expert international scholars assess the key challenges facing decision makers, analyze arbitral and treaty practice and evaluate ways towards a balanced system of investment protection in the financial sector. In doing so, they offer a detailed analysis of the interaction between investment protection and financial regulation in fields such as sovereign debt restructuring and bank rescue measures. Combining high-level analysis with a detailed assessment of controversial legal issues, this book will provide guidance for both academics and legal practitioners working in international economic law, international arbitration, investment law, international banking and financial law.Contributors include: A. Asteriti, P. Athanassiou, C.N. Brower, A. De Luca, A. Goetz-Charlier, A. Gourgourinis, R. Hofmann, H. Kupelyants, Y. Li, M. Mendelson, M.W. Müller, M
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Investment Law and Development: Bridging the Gap
International investment law has often been seen as an obstacle to sustainable development. While the connections between investment and development are plain, for a long time there has been relatively little scholarship exploring them. Combining critical reflection and detailed analysis, this book addresses the relationship between contemporary investment law and development.The book is organized around two competing visions of investment and development - as working either harmoniously or in conflict with one another. The expert contributors reflect on both of these views and analyse the social dimensions of development and its impact on investment law. Coverage includes in-depth discussion on such issues as human rights, poverty reduction, labor standards, and indigenous peoples.Students and scholars of international investment law will benefit from the informed analysis of the links between investment and development. This book will also be of use to practitioners and experts of development law who are looking for an up-to-date perspective of the field.Contributors: W. Ben Hamida, C. Binder, J. Bonnitcha, M.-C. Cordonier Segger, D.A. Desierto, M.G. Desta, I. Feichtner, M.W. Gehring, A.R. Hippolyte, R. Hofmann, K. Magraw, K.Nadakavukaren Schefer, V. Prislan, Y. Radi, A. Saldarriaga, S.W. Schill, M. Sornarajah, C.J. Tams, C. Tan, R. Zandvliet
V&R unipress GmbH Arbeiten zur Religionspädagogik (ARP).: Kulturwissenschaftliche und religionspädagogische Perspektiven
Verlag fur Moderne Kunst Rainer Ganahl: I Wanna Be Alfred Jarry
V&R unipress GmbH Bildung noch immer ein wertvoller Begriff?!
Logos Verlag Berlin Rezepte Schreiben Ist Leicht, Aber ... -- Psychosomatisches Kranksein. Ein Anderes Lesebuch Fur Den Hausarzt