Search results for ""TAYLOR FRANCIS""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Silver Bream: Britain’s most neglected freshwater fish
This book is dedicated to the Silver Bream, a fish too long neglected by anglers, wildlife enthusiasts and science.In fact, this is the first book ever devoted to this freshwater fish. Scientist, author and broadcaster Dr Mark Everard introduces the biology of the silver bream, angling for this fish, and its diverse social quirks and values.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Seamless 3D Navigation in Indoor and Outdoor Spaces
This book presents the current research on space-based navigation models and the contents of spaces used for seamless indoor and outdoor navigation. It elaborates on 3D spaces reconstructed automatically and how indoor, semi-indoor, semi-outdoor, and outdoor spaces can mimic the indoor environments and originate a network based on the 3D connectivity of spaces. Case studies help readers understand theories, approaches, and models, including data preparation, space classification and reconstruction, space selection, unified space-based navigation model derivation, path planning, and comparison of results.Features: Provides novel models, theories, and approaches for seamless indoor and outdoor navigation path planning Includes real-life case studies demonstrating the most feasible approaches today Presents a generic space definition framework that can be used in research areas for spaces shaped by built structures Develops a unified 3D space-based navigation model that allows the inclusion of all types of spaces as 3D spaces and utilizes them for seamless navigation in a unified way Intended to motivate further research and developments, this book suits students, researchers, and practitioners in the field, and serves as a helpful introductory text for readers wanting to engage in seamless indoor/outdoor navigation research and teaching.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Atlas of Forensic and Criminal Psychology
Presents a provocative look at various syndromes familiar to forensic psychologists, as applied to criminal cases and the pathology of suicide and homicide victims Provides information previously available only in the Spanish-language edition Combines the work of world-renowned experts to look at the criminal, legal, and psychological facets of various diagnoses and case examples Offers insight into the psychological state of suicide victims, considering their state of mind as a “psychological autopsy”
Taylor & Francis Ltd Near-infrared Speckle Contrast Diffuse Correlation Tomography for Noncontact Imaging of Tissue Blood Flow Distribution
Imaging of tissue blood flow (BF) distributions provides vital information for the diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of various vascular diseases. The innovative near-infrared speckle contrast diffuse correlation tomography (scDCT) technique produces full 3D BF distributions. Many advanced features are provided over competing technologies including high sampling density, fast data acquisition, noninvasiveness, noncontact, affordability, portability, and translatability across varied subject sizes. The basic principle, instrumentation, and data analysis algorithms are presented in detail. The extensive applications are summarized such as imaging of cerebral BF (CBF) in mice, rat, and piglet animals with skull penetration into deep brain. Clinical human testing results are described by recovery of BF distributions on preterm infants (CBF) through incubator wall, and on sensitive burn tissues and mastectomy skin flaps without direct device-tissue interactions. Supporting activities outlined include integrated capability for acquiring surface curvature information, rapid 2D blood flow mapping, and optimizations via tissue-like phantoms and computer simulations. These applications and activities both highlight and guide the reader as to the expected abilities and limitations of scDCT for adapting into their own preclinical/clinical research, use in constrained environments (i.e., neonatal intensive care unit bedside), and use on vulnerable subjects and measurement sites.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Scottish Locomotive History: 1831-1923
Originally published in 1970, this volume is a valuable source of extensive data concerning Scotland’s railways and locomotives. Material that has appeared in books, technical journals, society and institutional proceedings is here gathered together, enabling the reader to easily trace details of design and construction on the five main railways of Scotland from 1831 until 1923 when all the railways in Britain came together under English control. As well as being of interest to engineers, this volume will also appeal to railway and social historians.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Scotland Before the Scots: Being the Rhind Lectures for 1944
Originally published in 1946, this book presents in what can arguably be described as an unusual way, a slice of Scottish social life by applying to prehistory the principles of Marxism as practised by Soviet scholars of Russian prehistory. Using archaeological evidence, the author distinguishes 6 stages – from the earliest definable groups of immigrants to the Iron Age. There are 10 appendices, devoted to the typology and classification of tombs, pottery, implements and fortifications.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Making of The Wandering Earth: A Film Production Handbook
1) This is a comprehensive volume discussing various facets of one of the highest grossing Chinese science fiction film ever made, 'The Wandering Earth'.2) This translated volume provides step by step idea of the production process of a science fiction movie.3) This book will be of interest to departments of literature and film studies globally.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Urban Soundscapes
Sound and listening are intrinsically linked to how we experience and engage with places and communities. This guide puts forward a new conceptual framework of embodied affectivity that emphasises listening in urban research and design and advances new ways of knowing and making. The guide invites landscape architects and urban designers to become soundscape architects and offers practical advice on sound and listening applicable to each stage of a design project: from reading the environment to intervening on it.Urban Soundscapes foregrounds listening as an affective mediator between subjects and multispecies environments, and a vehicle to think and conceptualise environmental research and design beyond prevailing visual and human-centred modes. The guide expands landscape architects' and urban designers' tools and skills to assess existing soundscapes, predict how those soundscapes will be altered through their designs, consider sound as a creative and activ
Taylor & Francis Ltd Ruby, Rafa and Riz: Understanding Behaviour and Emotions
- A unique resource to explore the internal world of feelings and thoughts and the external world of behaviour - An inclusive resource proven to appeal to mixed ability children with activities to develop empathy and original thinking - Children’s book and adult resource with clear, detailed, accessible lesson / session plans and photocopiable activity sheets all together
Taylor & Francis Inc Forensic Human Identification: An Introduction
Identity theft, criminal investigations of the dead or missing, mass disasters both by natural causes and by criminal intent – with this as our day to day reality, the establishment and verification of human identity has never been more important or more prominent in our society. Maintaining and protecting the integrity of out identity has reached levels of unprecedented importance and has led to international legislation to protect our human rights.Forensic Human Identification: An Introduction examines the variety of biological indicators that are available to investigators and illustrates the basic principles of each discipline. While DNA and fingerprints are clearly the favored methods of identification, they require a prior record and verifiable baseline for comparison. When these tools cannot be used it is necessary to employ those biological factors with higher variation and lower diagnostic probability. This reference introduces a number of different specialties such as, foot- and earprinting, dental interventions, skeletal anomalies, tattoos, facial reconstruction, personal effects, and handwriting. While recognizing that no single factor is an absolute indicator of identity, the contributors explain how a multitude of factors taken into summative consideration can establish a probability for confirmation. They discuss the difference between positive and probable identification and the use of exclusion to confirm identity. Using three high profile case studies, the book addresses the context of human identification in today’s society and illustrates the use of techniques described in the text. Heavily referenced and using more than 120 charts, figures, photographs, and tables, Forensic Human Identification: An Introduction provides detailed introductory and extended information to newcomers and experts alike on the wide range of identification techniques in international practice.
Taylor & Francis Inc Jeremy Bentham
Jeremy Bentham's (1748-1832) writings in social and political thought were both theoretical and practical. As a theorist, he made important contributions to the modern understanding of the principle of utility, to ideas of sovereignty, liberty and justice and to the importance of radical reform in a representative democracy. As a reformer, his ideas regarding constitutionalism, revolution, individual liberty and the extent of government have not only played an important role in eighteenth and nineteenth century debates but also, together with his theoretical work, remain relevant to similar debates today. This volume includes essays from leading Bentham scholars plus an introduction, surveying recent scholarship, by Frederick Rosen, formerly Director of the Bentham Project and Professor Emeritus of the History of Political Thought, University College London.
Taylor & Francis Inc Operative Pediatric Surgery
The eighth edition of the acclaimed text Operative Pediatric Surgery continues to provide a unique level of comprehensive detail on the full range of surgically treatable conditions presented in neonate and childhood as well as in utero. Written by expert international authors, all chapters cover both minimal access and open surgery, with operative techniques illustrated by both high-quality colour line artwork, operative photographs, and a library of video clips. Encompassing the full range of pediatric surgery operations that both trainee and experienced pediatric surgeons require, this established operative guide is the standard reference for the pediatric surgeon and will ensure that they can access the most up to date and authoritative information to benefit their clinical practice.• ensures authoritative coverage of all aspects of pediatric surgery•includes the latest operative techniques•reviews alternative surgical approaches•aids visualisation by the inclusion of over 1000 illustrations•establishes total confidence
Taylor & Francis Inc Gene Control
The new edition of Gene Control has been updated to include significant advances in the roles of the epigenome and regulatory RNAs in gene regulation. The chapter structure remains the same: the first part consists of pairs of chapters that explain the mechanisms involved and how they regulate gene expression, and the second part deals with specific biological processes (including diseases) and how they are controlled by genes. Coverage of methodology has been strengthened by the inclusion more explanation and diagrams.The significant revision and updating will allow Gene Control to continue to be of value to students, scientists and clinicians interested in the topic of gene control.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Crime, Drugs and Social Theory: A Phenomenological Approach
Do criminal cultures generate drug use? Crime, Drugs and Social Theory critiques conventional academic and policy thinking concerning the relationship between urban deprivation, crime and drug use. Chris Allen outlines an innovative constructionist phenomenological perspective to explore these relationships in a new light. He discusses how people living in deprived urban areas develop ’natural attitudes’ towards activities, such as crime and drug use, that are prevalent in the social worlds they inhabit, and shows that this produces forms of articulation such as ’I don’t know why I take drugs’, ’I just take them’ and ’drugs come naturally to me’. He then draws on his constructionist phenomenology to help understand the ’natural attitude’ towards crime and drugs that emerge from conditions of urban deprivation, as well as the non-reasoned forms of articulation that emerge from this attitude. The book argues that understanding the conditions in which drug users deviate from their ’natural attitude’ can help effective intervention in the lives of drug users.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Advertising: Critical Approaches
Advertising: Critical Approaches explores a broad range of critical theories and perspectives to shed new light on the organisation, workings and effects of the advertising industry today.Chris Wharton presents the social, cultural and economic role of advertising across history, with chapters tracking the process of advertising from production to reception.Split into three sections covering Foundations, Frameworks and Applications, the book’s chapters explore a range of areas central to an insight into the development of modern advertising, including: advertising history cultural, critical and political economy approaches to advertising texts in advertising the reception of advertising advertising in the home and outdoor advertising consumer culture. Case studies explore the diversity in the uses of advertising throughout history, from Ostia and the Square of the Corporations in the ancient Roman world to the UK Border Agency’s ‘Go Home’ campaign and contemporary City branding throughout Europe.Assessing the impact of the works of key critical thinkers including Marx, Morris, Lyotard, Barthes, Saussure, Williams and Hall have had on our understanding of consumption and advertising’s societal impact, Advertising: Critical Approaches illuminates and enhances our understanding and engagement with one of the most vital cultural and economic forces in contemporary society.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Who's Who in Jewish History
From Karl Marx to the Marx brothers, the Routledge Who's Who in Jewish History presents a complete reference guide to over a thousand prominent men and women who have shaped Jewish culture. Covering twenty centuries of Jewish history it provides:* detailed biographical information on each leading figure* analysis of their role and significance both in Jewish life and the wider culture* a comprehensive chronological table displaying the history of the Jewish race* a useful glossary giving precise definitions of Jewish words.
Taylor & Francis Ltd On Immigration and Refugees
Michael Dummett, philosopher and social critic, was one of the sharpest and most prominent commentators and campaigners for the fair treatment of immigrants and refugees in Britain and Europe. This book insightfully draws together his thoughts on this major issue for the first time.Exploring the confused and often highly unjust thinking about immigration, Dummett then carefully questions the principles and justifications governing state policies, pointing out that they often conflict with the rights of refugees as laid down by the Geneva Convention. With compelling and often moving examples, On Immigration and Refugees points a new way forward for humane thinking and practice about a problem we cannot afford to ignore.
Taylor & Francis Ltd China-Africa Relations: Building Images through Cultural Co-operation, Media Representation and on the Ground Activities
The recent rapid growth in China’s involvement in Africa is being promoted by both Chinese and African leaders as being conducted in a spirit of cooperation, friendship and equality. In the media and informally, however, a different, less harmonious picture emerges. This book explores how China and Africa really regard each other, how official images are manufactured, and how informal images are nevertheless shaped and put forward. The book covers a wide range of areas where China-Africa exchange exists, including diplomacy, technological cooperation, sport, culture and arts exchange. The book also discusses the historical development of the relationship and how it is likely to develop going forward.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives
Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives is an award-winning and groundbreaking exploration of the fundamental elements of the taxonomy, systematics, physiology, and ecology of sharks, skates, rays, and chimera. This edition presents current research as well as traditional models, to provide future researchers with solid historical foundations in shark research as well as presenting current trends from which to develop new frontiers in their own work. Traditional areas of study such as age and growth, reproduction, taxonomy and systematics, sensory biology, and ecology are updated with contemporary research that incorporates emerging techniques including molecular genetics, exploratory techniques in artificial insemination, and the rapidly expanding fields of satellite tracking, remote sensing, accelerometry, and imaging. With two new editors and 90 contributors from the US, UK, South Africa, Portugal, France, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, India, Palau, United Arab Emirates, Micronesia, Sweden, Argentina, Indonesia, Cameroon, and the Netherlands, this third edition is the most global and comprehensive yet. It adds six new chapters representing extensive studies of health, stress, disease and pathology, and social structure, and continues to explore elasmobranch ecological roles and interactions with their habitats. The book concludes with a comprehensive review of conservation policies, management, and strategies, as well as consideration of the potential effects of impending climate change. Presenting cohesive and integrated coverage of key topics and discussing technological advances used in modern shark research, this revised edition offers a well-rounded picture for students and researchers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Image of Environmental Harm in American Social Documentary Photography
With an emphasis on photographic works that offer new perspectives on the history of American social documentary, this book considers a history of politically engaged photography that may serve as models for the representation of impending environmental injustices. Chris Balaschak examines histories of American photography, the environmental movement, as well as the industrial and postindustrial economic conditions of the United States in the 20th century. With particular attention to a material history of photography focused on the display and dissemination of documentary images through print media and exhibitions, the work considered places emphasis on the depiction of communities and places harmed by industrialized capitalism.The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, visual studies, photography, ecocriticism, environmental humanities, media studies, culture studies, and visual rhetoric.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Human Rights in Democracies
Violations of the right to the physical integrity of the person, such as torture, cruel and unusual punishment, extra-judicial executions, disappearances, and political imprisonment have long been treated as an anomaly in democratically governed societies. In the current literature on human rights, violations of this right are by-and-large seen as the hallmark of autocratic and repressive regimes.This study takes on this dominant paradigm and shows not only that the common assumption that democratic countries effectively limit human rights abuse is simply wrong, but that its widely accepted theory of what drives human rights violations accounts for only a small part of these abuses at best. Haschke shows that despite the increasing numbers of countries that are democracies, and despite growing numbers of national signatories to international treaties prohibiting human rights abuse, the number of allegations has not declined. This book also demonstrates that the bulk of this abuse, which takes the form of torture and ill-treatment, extra-judicial killings, rape, and the like, is committed against marginal members of society, seeming to reveal environments that enable agents of the state to abuse those with whom they are in contact. This violence is found in democracies and dictatorships alike.This work will be of interest to students and scholars of international relations, human rights and comparative politics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Handbook of Visual Optics TwoVolume Set
Handbook of Visual Optics offers an authoritative overview of encyclopedic knowledge in the field of physiological optics. It builds from fundamental concepts to the science and technology of instruments and practical procedures of vision correction, integrating expert knowledge from physics, medicine, biology, psychology, and engineering. The chapters comprehensively cover all aspects of modern study and practice, from optical principles and optics of the eye and retina to novel ophthalmic tools for imaging and visual testing, devices and techniques for visual correction, and the relationship between ocular optics and visual perception.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Property Rights and Climate Change: Land use under changing environmental conditions
Property Rights and Climate Change explores the multifarious relationships between different types of climate-driven environmental changes and property rights. This original contribution to the literature examines such climate changes through the lens of property rights, rather than through the lens of land use planning. The inherent assumption pursued is that the different types of environmental changes, with their particular effects and impact on land use, share common issues regarding the relation between the social construction of land via property rights and the dynamics of a changing environment. Making these common issues explicit and discussing the different approaches to them is the central objective of this book. Through examining a variety of cases from the Arctic to the Australian coast, the contributors take a transdisciplinary look at the winners and losers of climate change, discuss approaches to dealing with changing environmental conditions, and stimulate pathways for further research. This book is essential reading for lawyers, planners, property rights experts and environmentalists.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Memory Politics in Contemporary Russia: Television, Cinema and the State
This book examines the societal dynamics of memory politics in Russia. Since Vladimir Putin became president, the Russian central government has increasingly actively employed cultural memory to claim political legitimacy and discredit all forms of political opposition. The rhetorical use of the past has become a defining characteristic of Russian politics, creating a historical foundation for the regime’s emphasis on a strong state and centralised leadership.Exploring memory politics, this book analyses a wide range of actors, from the central government and the Russian Orthodox Church, to filmmaker and cultural heavyweight Nikita Mikhalkov and radical thinkers such as Aleksandr Dugin. In addition, in view of the steady decline in media freedom since 2000, it critically examines the role of cinema and television in shaping and spreading these narratives. Thus, this book aims to gain a better understanding of the various means through which the Russian government practices its memory politics (e.g., the role of state media) and, on the other hand, to sufficiently value the existence of alternative and critical voices and criticism that existing studies tend to overlook. Contributing to current debates in the field of memory studies and of current affairs in Russia and Eastern Europe, this book will be of interest to scholars working in the fields of Russian Studies, Cultural Memory Studies, Nationalism and National Identity, Political Communication, Film, Television and Media Studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd City Branding and Promotion: The Strategic Approach
This book explores theoretical concepts of strategic promotion and place branding in cities. It outlines the issues associated with strategic management of urban territories and highlights various types of development strategies that seek to encourage socio-economic development, growth and city branding, particularly within the tourism industry. It examines the rules and methods for analysing the current branding of a city and how new branding and promotion strategies are created. Through a range of international examples the book considers the missions, aims and implementation of branding strategies and the importance of monitoring and controlling procedures. The first part of the book provides theoretical context, followed by a detailed exploration of the promotional and branding strategy prepared for the city of Tomaszów Mazowiecki in Poland.This book provides the reader with theoretical and practical insights on city branding and will appeal to scholars and students in urban studies, geography, tourism, management and economics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Politics of Resilience and Transatlantic Order: Enduring Crisis?
This edited volume bridges the "analytical divide" between studies of transatlantic relations, democratic peace theory, and foreign policy analysis, and improves our theoretical understanding of the logic of crises prevention and resolution.The recent rise of populism and polarization in both the U.S.A and Europe adds to a host of foreign policy crises that have emerged in transatlantic relations over the last two decades. Through examining how democracies can manage to sustain and maintain mechanisms of crisis resilience that are embedded in the democratic peace, and particularly transatlantic relations, this book helps enhance the understanding of inter-democratic crisis resolution across issue areas. In doing so, it addresses some of the most important and prevalent crises of our time, such as anti-terrorism intervention in Afghanistan; Iran’s nuclear program; burden-sharing within North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO; key aspects of the international order, such as binding norms for cyber security and the integration of China into the Western-led international economic order; as well as domestic order shifts, such as the British vote to leave the European Union (EU) and the impact of the Trump administration populist foreign policy on transatlantic crisis resolution. This book will be of key interest to students and scholars of International Relations, Transatlantic Studies, Foreign Policy Analysis, and Comparative Politics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Introduction to Geopolitics
written in an engaging and accessible manner, it is not too long, it includes some helpful illustrations and visuals it is not too theory-heavy, it spans contexts and examples across the world, offers an up-to-date perspective on what is simultaneously an academic field and an everyday topic of interest Introduces and uses human geographic concepts Strong in the application of concepts to many current and historical cases which makes for an engaging and accessible text Effective at raising questions about contemporary events in a way that is not divisive or off-putting chiefly by incorporating international and long term historical perspectives
Taylor & Francis Ltd American Art in Asia: Artistic Praxis and Theoretical Divergence
This book challenges existing notions of what is "American" and/or "Asian" art, moving beyond the identity issues that have dominated art-world conversations of the 1980s and the 1990s and aligning with new trends and issues in contemporary art today, e.g. the Global South, labor, environment, and gender identity.Contributors examine both historical and contemporary instances in art practices and exhibition-making under the rubric of "American art in Asia." The book complicates existing notions of what constitutes American art, Asian American (and American Asian) art. As today’s production and display of contemporary art takes place across diffused borders, under the fluid conditions of a globalized art world since transformed by the COVID-19 pandemic, new contexts and art historical narratives are forming that upend traditional Euro-American mappings of center-margins, migratory patterns and community engagement.The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, American studies, Asian studies and visual culture.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Security Blurs: The Politics of Plural Security Provision
Security Blurs makes an important contribution to anthropological work on security. It introduces the notion of “security blurs” to analyse manifestations of security that are visible and identifi able, yet constructed and made up of a myriad and overlapping set of actors, roles, motivations, values, practices, ideas, materialities and power dynamics in their inception and performance. The chapters address the entanglements and overlaps between a variety of state and non-state security providers, from the police and the military to vigilantes, community organisations and private security companies. The contributors offer rich ethnographic studies of everyday security practices across a range of cultural contexts and reveal the impact on the lives of ordinary citizens. This book presents a new anthropological approach to security by explicitly addressing the overlap and entanglement of the practices and discourses of state and non-state security providers, and the associated forms of cooperation and confl ict that permit an analysis of these actors’ activities as increasingly “blurred”.
Taylor & Francis Ltd British Art and the Environment: Changes, Challenges, and Responses Since the Industrial Revolution
This book explores the nature of Britain-based artists’ engagement with the transformations of their environment since the early days of the Industrial Revolution.At a time of pressing ecological concerns, the international group of contributors provide a series of case studies that reconsider the nature–culture divide and aim at identifying the contours of a national narrative that stretches from enclosed lands to rising seas. By adopting a longer historical view, this book hopes to enrich current debates concerning art’s engagement with recording and questioning the impact of human activity on the environment.The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, contemporary art, environmental humanities, and British studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Multi-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography: Principles, Practice, and Applications
Demonstrates the conditions under which a 2D-LC method should be considered as an alternative to a 1D-LC method. Establishes a sound fundamental basis of the principles of the technique, followed by guidelines for method optimization. Provides a single source for technical knowledge advances and practical guidance described in recent literature. Assists with the initial decision to develop a 2D-LC method. Guides the reader in developing a high-quality method that meets the needs of their application.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Beginner’s Guide to Opera Stage Management: Gathering the Tools You Need to Work in Opera
The first book devoted to stage managing opera productions. Perfect for aspiring and professional stage managers looking to expand their skillset into another genre of production. Features experience and advice from a variety of stage managers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Technique
This book presents the theories and observations of each major contributor to the discussion of psychoanalytic technique and reveals the particular advantages and disadvantages which fall to the various theoretical positions and orientations adopted by each contributor.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Delinquency and Drift Revisited, Volume 21: The Criminology of David Matza and Beyond
Fifty years ago, David Matza wrote Delinquency and Drift, challenging the ways people thought about the development of criminals. Today, Delinquency and Drift Revisited reminds criminologists that they ignore Matza’s writings at their own intellectual peril. Matza’s work shows his insights on a range of core criminological issues, such as: the complex nature of culture and its connection to criminality; the extent to which rule-breakers are truly different from the "rest of us"; the importance of focusing on human agency in understanding the subjective side of offending; the interaction of propensity and peer influences in criminal involvement; the role of the state in signifying individuals as deviant and entrapping them in criminal roles; and the processes that lead offenders to desist from crime. This volume was not written to pay homage to Matza, but to show how his ideas remain relevant to criminology today by continuing to question conventional wisdom, by making us pay attention to realities we have overlooked, and by inspiring us to theorize more innovatively.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Essentials for Aesthetic Dermatology in Ethnic Skin: Practice and Procedure
Key Features:• Features the geo-ethnic skin types of Asians, South-east Asians, Africans and Hispanics.• Explores the topics through case-based discussions.• Provides comprehensive details about the use of machines on skin of color.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mapping Paradigms in Modern and Contemporary Art: Poetic Cartography
Mapping Paradigms in Modern and Contemporary Art defines a new cartographic aesthetic, or what Simonetta Moro calls carto-aesthetics, as a key to interpreting specific phenomena in modern and contemporary art, through the concept of poetic cartography. The problem of mapping, although indebted to the "spatial turn" of poststructuralist philosophy, is reconstructed as hermeneutics, while exposing the nexus between topology, space-time, and memory. The book posits that the emergence of "mapping" as a ubiquitous theme in contemporary art can be attributed to the power of the cartographic model to constitute multiple worldviews that can be seen as paradigmatic of the post-modern and contemporary condition. This book will be of particular interest to scholars in art history, art theory, aesthetics, and cartography.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Brand Management: Mastering Research, Theory and Practice
Brand Management: Mastering Research, Theory and Practice is a valuable resource for those looking to understand how a brand can be conceptualized and thus managed in all its complexity. Going beyond the 'quick fixes' of branding, it offers a comprehensive overview of brand management theories from the last 35 years.A highly regarded textbook, this fully updated third edition brings fresh perspectives on the latest research in, and analysis of, the various approaches to brand management. More than 1,000 academic sources have been carefully divided into a taxonomy with eight schools of thought – offering depth, breadth and precision to one of the most elusive management disciplines of our time.Perfectly marrying theory with practice, this comprehensive text is particularly useful for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of brand management, strategy and marketing.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dictionaries British and American
This book presents a detailed explanation of the essential facts of dictionaries in general. It includes information on the origin of English dictionaries and the authority and choice of a dictionary.
Taylor & Francis Ltd CSF Rhinorrhoea: Management and Practice
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhea is a rare but potentially devastating condition that can lead to significant morbidity and mortality. CSF Rhinorrhea: Management and Practice covers the current concepts in the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of the condition, as well as long-term management of patients following successful treatment. It provides broad insight into the causes for leakage of CSF from the nose and helps in diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Its multidimensional approach caters to medical undergraduates and postgraduates along with specialists in various fields such as ENT, neurosurgery, neurology, medicine and endocrinology, thus providing a comprehensive plan for management of CSF rhinorrhea.Key features Focuses on trans-nasal endoscopic repair of CSF rhinorrhea Explores minimally invasive techniques and recent advances in CSF rhinorrhea Reviews clinical presentation and case diagnosis with special emphasis pertaining to general practitioners Discusses post-operative care in an exclusive chapter Includes videos of surgical procedures Dr Jyotirmay S Hegde is currently a consultant ENT, head and neck and endoscopic skull base surgeon at Columbia Asia Hospital, Whitefield, Bangalore, India. He has also worked as a faculty member in various capacities at the Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER), Pondicherry, India. Dr Hegde completed his Masters in Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli, Karnataka, India and his Fellowship in Rhinology and Endoscopic skull base surgery from Aintree University Hospital, Liverpool, UK. Dr Hegde is a fellow of the European Board of Otolaryngology (FEBORL). He has published in several peer-reviewed scientific publications and presented in national and international conferences, courses, and workshops. Dr Hemanth Vamanshankar graduated from K.S. Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore, India in 2008 and completed a diploma in Otolaryngology from St John’s Medical College, Bangalore, India in 2011 and DNB-ENT from Southern Railway Hospital, Ayanavaram, Chennai, India in 2014. He was awarded MRCS-ENT from the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, UK. He has to his credit 25 indexed publications of national and international repute. He is currently working as a medical officer and consultant ENT surgeon at the Divisional Railway Hospital, Bangalore, India (South Western Railway).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Motivational Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Distinctive Features
This informative and straightforward book explores the emergence of motivational interviewing (MI) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), with specific attention given to the increasing focus on the central importance of the therapeutic alliance in improving client outcomes.Comprising 30 short chapters divided into two parts – theory and practice – this entry in the popular "CBT Distinctive Features Series" covers the key features of MI-informed CBT, offering essential guidance for students and practitioners experienced in both MI and CBT, as well as practitioners from other theoretical orientations who require an accessible guide to this developing approach.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sustainable Marketing Planning
There are two major parallel challenges facing managers and leaders: first, how to adapt to global changes in markets, competition and supply, and second, how to grow a business while observing recognisably sustainable practices. Companies must now align their values with customers who increasingly seek people-friendly and planet-friendly products and services. Using sustainable marketing techniques to create value ultimately leads to improved customer satisfaction, better professional relationships and increased effectiveness.With marketing planning absent from the current textbook offering, this book provides practical insights, tools and frameworks to help readers produce tactically and strategically appropriate marketing plans. Showing how to embed sustainability in these strategies and reflecting on the historical and current criticisms aimed at marketing, students will be shown how to implement changes while being encouraged to reflect on why they are needed. Full of tools and frameworks to improve comprehension, including chapter-by-chapter learning outcomes, summaries, exercises, applied activities and mini case studies, it bridges the gap between theory and practice effectively and accessibly. Finally, PowerPoint lecture slides and Multiple Choice Questions sections are provided for each chapter as electronic resources.Presenting contemporary themes and challenges at the cutting edge of business research and practice, this book should be core reading for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of sustainable marketing, marketing planning and marketing strategy, as well as professionals seeking to improve the competitive advantage of their organisations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd 3ds Max Modeling for Games: Volume II: Insider's Guide to Stylized Game Character, Vehicle and Environment Modeling
Learn how to model comic-style à la Pixar™ with the expert techniques found in 3ds Max Modeling for Games Volume 2: Insider’s Guide to Stylized Modeling. This new volume will show you the ins-and-outs of stylized modeling, including characters, vehicles, environments, and much more. Follow the story of cover characters Robert and Robot as their adventure takes you through the world of modeling, vegetation, alpha-maps, and much more! This book is also packed with highly detailed tutorials feared toward enhancing your modeling skills and expanding your portfolio.The companion website ( is unique - an online forum where readers can post and answer questions about their work. In terms of developing a portfolio, online peer critiques are invaluable, and current readers have made use of this feature, in fact some have happily become the forum responders (along with Andy) to coach and develop new artists at work. Also included: step-by-step project files for each chapter; all the relevant texture files and source photos; panoramic skies, small scene objects, bonus texture maps & models so that artists can create whole scenes very quickly without starting from scratch each time; countless examples of what's hot and what's not in 3D modeling and also enough support images and photos to keep the budding artist busy for months. Unrivalled support in over 10,000 current posts - backing up the book with a lively forum and community of readers from all over the world, ready to help your work.
Taylor & Francis Inc Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery: A Practical Guide
Minimally invasive cardiac surgery(MICS) is an integral component of every future cardiac surgeon’s training. There continues to be a growing global demand towards less invasive surgical techniques. Both cardiologist and cardiac surgeon form "heart teams" to provide patients with novel, minimally invasive procedures, with all their benefits. Less invasive techniques are often complex and require special knowhow and skills. This book offers an innovative approach to learning, utilizing QR code technology, which refers the reader to essential audio-visual material, which, along with the didactic text, focuses on practical aspects of minimally invasive cardiac surgery. In modern Heart Teams, and with the advent of the hybrid era, surgeons will only be able to survive if they have state-of-the-art skills in less invasive technologies, which can be incorporated in the hybrid theatre and/or trans-catheter arena. This text accompanies the surgeon along this path, and provides clinical advice and practical solutions, beyond the necessary basic knowledge. Which courses to visit, which videos to watch, which centres to join for serious training? How best to exploit public and multimedia? How to consent a patient into a MICS procedure? How to set up a MICS program or practice? In the era of value driven outcomes, and a shift towards shorter and better patient journeys, MICS is a skill that no heart surgeon can be without. Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery: A Practical Guide is a teaching resource, reference book and manual written by surgeons who both operate and teach the procedures described within. Provides access to online resources via QR codes Includes links to videos and the e-version of the text Acts as a gateway to a huge choice of minimally invasive cardiac surgery materials
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Public Administration Workbook
Public administration is a craft that demands real-world application of concepts and theories often learned in a classroom. Yet many students find it difficult to make the leap from theory to practice completely unaided. The Public Administration Workbook, 8e is specifically designed with the theoretically-grounded, practice-minded student in mind. It reviews scholarship in political science, law, industrial psychology, and the sociology of organizations and then allows students to see how these intellectual fields inform the analytical and managerial tasks that comprise public administration. Where standard public administration textbooks examine the nature of public agencies and explain how bureaucracies relate to other institutions, this workbook promotes a more effective way of learning—by doing—and more directly prepares those who will pursue careers in public agencies. Each chapter begins with a discussion of relevant concepts and scholarship before moving into a hands-on exercise analyzing core analytical and management challenges. This edition includes an all-new exercise on contract negotiation, many international examples interwoven throughout the book, and a fully updated HRM section to reflect alternative ranking and compensation systems. Each chapter is further supported by a detailed Instructor’s Manual written by the author to guide instructors on solutions, explanations, and ideas for using or modifying the exercises to fit a variety of course needs, as well as downloadable datasets and exercises, providing students with a unique opportunity to apply and test classroom concepts outside of the job.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Called to Account: Financial Frauds that Shaped the Accounting Profession
Called to Account traces the evolution of the global public accounting profession through a series of scandals leading to voluntary or mandated reforms. Ever entertaining and educational, the book describes 16 of the most audacious accounting frauds of the last 80 years, and identifies the accounting standards and legislation adopted as a direct consequence of each scandal.This third edition offers expanded coverage of the Global Financial Crisis and international auditing. While retaining favorite chapters exposing the schemes of "Crazy Eddie" Antar, "Chainsaw Al" Dunlap, and Barry "the Boy Wonder" Minkow, new chapters describe the accounting problems at Lehman Brothers, Colonial Bank, and Olympus. Students will learn that financial fraud is a global problem, and that accounting reform is heavily influenced by politics. With discussion questions and a chart mapping each chapter to topics covered in popular auditing textbooks, Called to Account is the ideal companion for classes in auditing, fraud examination, advanced accounting, or professional responsibilities.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Psychology of Vampires
Why have vampires become such a feature of modern culture? Can vampire-like conditions be explained by medical research? Is there a connection between vampirism and Freud? The Psychology of Vampires presents a captivating look at the origins of vampires in myth and history, and the psychological theories which try to explain why they fascinate us. It traces the development of vampires from the first ever vampire tale, written by John Polidori in 1819, to their modern cultural legacy. Together with historical detail about Polidori’s eventful life, the book also examines the characteristics of vampires, and explores how and why people might identify as vampires today. From sanguinarians who drink blood, to psychic vampires who suck the energy from those around them, The Psychology of Vampires explores the absorbing connections between vampirism and psychology, theology, medicine and culture.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Seizing the Light: A Social & Aesthetic History of Photography
The definitive history of photography book, Seizing the Light: A Social & Aesthetic History of Photography delivers the fascinating story of how photography as an art form came into being, and its continued development, maturity, and transformation.Covering major events, practitioners, works, and social effects of photographic practice, author Robert Hirsch provides a concise and discerning chronological account of photography, drawing on examples from across the world. This fundamental starting place shows the diversity of makers, inventors, issues, and applications, exploring the artistic, critical, and social aspects of the creative thinking process. This new edition has been fully revised and updated to include the latest advances in technology and digital photography, as well as information on contemporary photographers such as Granville Carroll, Meryl McMaster, Cindy Sherman, Penelope Umbrico, and Yang Yongliang. New topics include the rise of mobile photography and surveillance cameras, drone photography, image manipulation, protest and social justice photography, plus the roles of artificial intelligence and social media in photography. Highly illustrated with over 250 full-color images and contributions from hundreds of artists around the world, Seizing the Light serves as a gateway to the history of photography.Written in an accessible style, it is perfect for those newly engaging with the practice of photography and for experienced photographers wanting to contextualize their own work.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Vocabulary Enrichment Programme: Enhancing the Learning of Vocabulary in Children
This book helps to enhance the understanding and use of vocabulary in secondary school students and young adults. Specifically designed for older children and young adults with language and communication needs, this practical language programme was created by a specialist speech & language therapist with input from secondary school teachers and students.The Vocabulary Enrichments Programme: focuses on enhancing the understanding and expression of vocabulary and word meanings in students aged from 8 to 18 aims to create an awareness of how improved vocabulary knowledge can be used to enhance learning in school and social interactions in school and home environments encourages an awareness and interest in words and language, introduces the concept of words and meanings and identifies their role and use in language, communication and social interaction introduces the word map and explore the rich networks of information attached to each word, including the meanings and make up of words using root and base words, suffixes and prefixes, synonyms and antonyms, and the etymology (origins) of words focuses on themes taken from the National Curriculum, including living and non living organisms, planet Earth and the world, the human body, emotions, healthy living, and occupations enhances the understanding and use of figurative and idiomatic language as well as more compound and complex sentence structures introduces a range of cueing techniques to aid in word retrieval. This book provide effective strategies for word learning to encourage independent word learning skills. It teaches an effective, efficient and realistic use of the dictionary as a tool for word learning and explore the role of the thesaurus in enhancing oral and written work.