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Taylor & Francis Ltd Food Packaging: Advanced Materials, Technologies, and Innovations
Food Packaging: Advanced Materials, Technologies, and Innovations is a one-stop reference for packaging materials researchers working across various industries. With chapters written by leading international researchers from industry, academia, government, and private research institutions, this book offers a broad view of important developments in food packaging. Presents an extensive survey of food packaging materials and modern technologies Demonstrates the potential of various materials for use in demanding applications Discusses the use of polymers, composites, nanotechnology, hybrid materials, coatings, wood-based, and other materials in packaging Describes biodegradable packaging, antimicrobial studies, and environmental issues related to packaging materials Offers current status, trends, opportunities, and future directions Aimed at advanced students, research scholars, and professionals in food packaging development, this application-oriented book will help expand the reader’s knowledge of advanced materials and their use of innovation in food packaging.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Essential Notes in Basic Sciences for the MRCPsych: Pt. 2
* Fast access to useful facts for GPs and health planners. * Vital data on the NHS and GP workload condensed into a readable format. * Detailed information drawn from many varied sources. * Concise and easy to read. * Especially useful for GP registrars and candidates preparing for the MRCGP. * Doctors nurses pharmacists and healthcare professionals can digest the data without creating unnecessary dyspepsia or reflux!
Taylor & Francis Ltd Problem-Based Learning for Health Improvement: Practical Public Health for Every Professional
Problem-based Learning for Health Improvement provides a new insight into public health perspectives. Illustrated throughout with practical examples that can easily be incorporated into daily practice, this book highlights, and if used effectively will help develop, the knowledge and skills required to tackle the daily challenges concerning public health facing all health professionals. Individual chapters explore the ten areas of public health competence outlined by the Faculty of Public Health Medicine. Doctors, nurses, social workers and all those involved in promoting public health will find this book invaluable. ‘There is a positive context for public health practice in the United Kingdom which is unparalleled. This is a climate which demands a positive and proactive response from the public health community. This new text is an important part of the endeavour to `make it happen'. Practical, problem-orientated and insightful, each chapter addresses one of the ten areas of public health competency defined by the Faculty of Public Health Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Understanding Narcissism in Clinical Practice
Understanding Narcissism in Clinical Practice is a new volume in the eagerly anticipated clinical practice monograph series from the Society of Analytical Psychology. Aimed primarily at trainees on psychotherapy and psychodynamic counselling courses, these compact editions will be invaluable to all who wish to learn the basics of major psychoanalytic theories from an integrated viewpoint. The authors are Jungian analysts trained at the SAP; highly experienced in both theory and practice.Narcissism is one of the most important contributions of psychoanalysis, as well as one of the most confusing. This monograph presents the clinical condition of narcissistic disorder in a clear, concise and easy-to-read style. The myth of Narcissus, from where the term 'narcissism' originates, is presented and discussed. Several brief case studies, plus one in-depth, illustrate the manifestations of narcissistic disorder that are detailed throughout. The book ends with a summary of the leading theories that have evolved since Freud and takes an intriguing look at the narcissistic traits in Jung's personality and the impact these had on his life and work.This is an engaging and thorough introduction to the concept of narcissism-an essential addition to your analytic library.
Taylor & Francis Inc Manual of Complex Abdominal Wall Reconstruction
This book provides a useful guide for the management of complex abdominal wall problems from the perspective of a general surgeon, with sensible, practical clinical advice for the management of problems as they arise. Starting from managing the open abdomen and optimising the chances of achieving later definitive fascial closure, through to dealing with incisional and parastomal hernias throughout the abdomen. Expert guidance supported by an evidence-based review of the literature aids higher surgical trainees and consultant general surgeons who wish to expand their practice in this area. Focuses on the needs of the general surgeon Offers practical tips and advice for handling difficult cases Based on current best evidence Complemented by high quality images
Taylor & Francis Ltd New Reproductive Technologies and Disembodiment: Feminist and Material Resolutions
With attention to the ways in which new reproductive technologies facilitate the gradual disembodiment of reproduction, this book reveals the paradox of women's reproductive experience in patriarchal cultures as being both, and often simultaneously, empowering and disempowering. A rich exploration of birth appropriation in the West, New Reproductive Technologies and Disembodiment investigates the assimilation of women's embodied power into patriarchal systems of symbolism, culture and politics through the inversion of women's and men's reproductive roles. Contending that new reproductive technologies represent another world historical moment, both in their forging of novel social relations and material processes of reproduction, and their manner of disembodying women in unprecedented ways - a disembodiment evident in recent visual and literary, popular and academic texts - this volume locates the roots of this disembodiment in western political discourse. A call to feminist political theory to re-remember the material dimensions of bodies and their philosophical significance, New Reproductive Technologies and Disembodiment will appeal to scholars of sociology, gender studies, political and social theory and the study of science, technology and health.
Taylor & Francis Inc Analytical Chemistry for Technicians
Written as a training manual for chemistry-based laboratory technicians, this thoroughly updated fourth edition of the bestselling Analytical Chemistry for Technicians emphasizes the applied aspects rather than the theoretical ones. The book begins with classical quantitative analysis and follows with a practical approach to the complex world of sophisticated electronic instrumentation commonly used in real-world laboratories. Providing a foundation for the two key qualities—the analytical mindset and a basic understanding of the analytical instrumentation—this book helps prepare individuals for success on the job.Chapters cover sample preparation; gravimetric analysis; titrimetric analysis; instrumental analysis; spectrochemical methods, such as atomic spectroscopy and UV-Vis and IR molecular spectrometry; chromatographic techniques, including gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography; electroanalytical methods; and more. Incorporating an additional ten years of teaching experience since the publication of the third edition, the author has made significant updates and enhancements to the fourth edition. More than 150 new photographs and either new or reworked drawings spanning every chapter to assist the visual learner A new chapter on mass spectrometry, covering GC-MS, LC-MS, LC-MS-MS, and ICP-MS Thirteen new laboratory experiments An introductory section before chapter 1 to give students a preview of general laboratory considerations, safety, laboratory notebooks, and instrumental analysis Additional end-of-chapter problems, expanded "report"-type questions, and inclusion of relevant section headings in the Questions and Problems sections Application Notes in each chapter An appendix providing a glossary of quality assurance and good laboratory practice (GLP) terms
Taylor & Francis Inc Practical Forensic Digital Imaging: Applications and Techniques
Well-documented scenes can prove to be invaluable pieces of evidence at trial, and the ability to take compelling photographs is a critical skill for forensic scientists and investigators. Practical Forensic Digital Imaging: Applications and Techniques is an up-to-date and thorough treatment of digital imaging in the forensic sciences. Balancing practical considerations with scientific and standards-based requirements, the book’s clear, concise presentation illustrates the essentials of digital imaging required by professionals in the field. Enhanced with crisp color photos, the book covers a host of critical topics, including:The fundamentals of photographing crime scenesThe history of photography and the transition to digital imagingDigital camera hardware and photographic techniquesLight, filters, and macro/micro imagingLay, professional, and expert witnesses, and the implications of Frye and Daubert Enhancement of images and digital panoramic camera scanningStorage of digital mediaUltraviolet and infrared imagingDigital photo imaging microscopes Covering the full range of scenarios that forensic professionals encounter, the author includes special sections dedicated to photography involving footwear and tire impressions, vehicles, death and morgue scenes, and taphonomic and entomological imaging, as well as fingerprints, burglaries, fire and arson, sex offenses, blood, and trace evidence and microscopy. The techniques in this volume enable photographers to capture the images that will not only tell the story, but will also stand up in court. Watch Patrick Jones in his laboratory on the CRC Press YouTube channel.
Taylor & Francis Inc Beyond Malice: The Media's Years of Reckoning
The national news media, as now practiced, were born in the 1950s, revealed their strength in the 1960s (Vietnam), asserted it in the 1970s (Watergate), and were hammered for it in the 1980s. By the mid- and late 1980s, after historic libel suits, with the press knocking off presidential candidates and Supreme Court nominees, unraveling the Reagan presidency, and in a position to overwhelm any individual or institution, a new era in press-public tension had arisen from the depths of America's civic religion: fair play.In this account of the media mandarins' rise to uneasy domination, Richard M. Clurman gives an intimate critical report of the media in the 1980s, the stormiest years in press history until the present time, and a harbinger of the present day. Beginning with the invasion of Grenada, he takes his readers - event by event - through the biggest uproars in history, raising questions from both the media's and the public's perspective on the key troubling press issues of our time. Why is the press accused of being so negative, so biased, so left-wing, so anti-establishment? Whenever people read or see something they know about, why is it so often wrong, naive, unfair, or all of the above? Why do the media arrogantly try to tell people what to think? Is there no line between privacy and the people's "right to know"? How can the public and government answer back after the media have spoken?Using the Westmoreland v. CBS and the Sharon v. Time trials as emblematic of how things go wrong, the author draws graphic lessons for improved press conduct and wiser public perception. This is an insider's look at what is right and what is wrong with the media's attitudes toward their work played against public and government expectations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Train Your Gaze: A Practical and Theoretical Introduction to Portrait Photography
Focusing on the presence of the photographer’s gaze as an integral part of constructing meaningful images, Roswell Angier combines theory and practice, to provide you with the technical advice and inspiration you need to develop your skills in portrait photography.Fully updated to take into account advances in creative work and photographic technology, this second edition also includes stunning new visuals and a discussion on the role of social media in the practice of portraiture.Each chapter includes a practical assignment, designed to help you explore various kinds of portrait photography and produce a range of different styles for your creative portfolio.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Melanotropic Peptides: Volume II: Biological Roles
The three volumes on "The Melanotropic Peptides" are the outcome of a conference of the same name that was held in Tucson, Arizona, from October 11-12, 1986. Volume II disdcusses the diverse putative physiologial roles of MSH and MCH. A concluding chapter of this volume provides a discussion of the possible evolutionary relationships between MSH and MCH in the control of color change.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Temporary Gardens
The last 30 years have seen a surge in temporary gardens. The flexibility and new challenges invested in non-permanent landscapes has made them a creative and stimulating testing ground for professionals and impromptu designers. Raffaella Sini examines the historical evolution of the genre, exploring theory, narratives, and strategies informing 80 temporary gardens built in France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore, and the United States.Key topics include:• temporary gardens in 1970s avant-garde art and 1980s public art;• temporary gardens as opportunities to work with live processes, practiceinclusion, and explore concepts of social justice and ecology;• temporary gardens to redefine the vocabulary of garden design; and• temporary gardens in tactical urbanism.The book comprehensively decodifies the full range of ephemeral gardens: uprooted, mobile, itinerant, movable, postmodern, installation, exhibited, conceptual, theme, pop-up, guerrilla, grassroots, meanwhile, interim, provisional, activist, community, and parklet.Beyond physical duration, time-focused design in gardens affects the entire process of conceiving, building, experiencing, and managing green spaces; using short-term formats, anyone can invent, trial, and experiment in a condensed experience of landscape.The temporary garden emerges as critical cultural ground for the discourse in landscape architecture, art, ephemeral urbanism, and in urban, landscape, and garden design. It is inspirational reading for designers and students alike.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Resisting Boundaries: The Subject of Naturalism in Brazil
This book consists of the study of five Brazilian novels produced in the last decades of the nineteenth century: O mulato (1881), O cortigo (1890), both by Aluisio Azevedo, A came (1888), by Julio Ribeiro, Bom-Crioulo (1895), by Adolfo Caminha, and Dona Guidinha do Pogo (1897) by Manoel de Oliveira Paiva. These novels, traditionally considered naturalist, portray tensions caused by the realignment, or, better still, the sudden visibility of people such as strong women, blacks, mulattoes, and homosexuals in Brazilian fiction.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Dravidian Languages
The Dravidian language family is the world's fourth largest with nearly 250 million speakers across South Asia from Pakistan to Nepal, from Bangladesh to Sri Lanka. This authoritative reference source provides a unique description of the languages, covering their grammatical structure and historical development, plus sociolinguistic features. Each chapter combines a modern linguistic perspective with traditional historical linguistics, and a uniform structure allows for easy typological comparison between the individual languages. New to this edition are chapters on Beṭṭa Kuṟumba, Kuṛux, Kūvi and Malayāḷam, and enlarged sections in various existing chapters, as well as updated bibliographies and demographic data throughout.The Dravidian Languages will be invaluable to students and researchers within linguistics, and will also be of interest to readers in the fields of comparative literature, areal linguistics and South Asian studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Wheels and Deals: The Automotive Industry in Twentieth-Century Australia
This title was first published in 2001. The emergence and development of automobile production in Australia was a long, drawn out and costly business for car buyers and taxpayers. Wheels and Deals, is the story of some of the causes and effects of Australian Government policies on the local development of one of the most significant industries of the 20th century.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Technology Transfer
This title was first published in 2000: The theme of this collection of essays is "technology transfer". The topic has three major aspects: the interchange of technologies between military and civilian applications - "spin-off", "dual use", "conversion" and "diversification" fall under this heading; the proliferation of military arms, which could occur either through arms races between developed nations or through the transfer of military technology from developed arms industries to less developed nations - "proliferation", "arms races" and "arms control agreements" fall under this heading; and the transfer of civilian technologies from developing nations to less developed nations. The expression, "North-South transfer" and the idea of "development" come under this final section. The essays offer examination of all three aspects.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mystical Experience of God: A Philosophical Inquiry
This title was first published in 2001: Engaging contemporary discussion concerning the validity of mystical experiences of God, Jerome Gellman presents the best evidential case in favor of validity and its implications for belief in God. Gellman vigorously defends the coherence of the concept of a mystical experience of God against philosophical objections, and evaluates attempts to provide alternative explanations from sociology and neuropsychology. He then carefully examines feminist objections to male philosophers' treatments of mystical experience of God and to the traditional hierarchal concept of God. Gellman finds none of the objections decisive, and concludes that while the initial evidential case is not rationally compelling for some, it can be rationally compelling for others. Offering important new perspectives on the evidential value of experiences of God, and the concept of God more broadly, this book will appeal to a wide range of readers including those with an interest in philosophy of religion, religious studies, mysticism and epistemology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Following Reason: A Theory and Strategy for Rational Leadership
Throughout history, humanity has regularly followed anti-rational figures and forces: demagogic rulers, perverted deities, exploitative economic systems, and so on. Such leadership and followership have wrought all kinds of oppression and conflict. What if this pattern could be altered? What if society were led by Reason instead? Prompted by Cicero’s exhortation to "follow reason as leader as though it were a god", Following Reason: A Theory and Strategy for Rational Leadership explores this intriguing and potentially transformative possibility. Manolopoulos uniquely blends leadership psychology with a deep understanding of philosophical reasoning theory to show how leaders can bravely reimagine and reconstruct society. The book retraces leadership mis-steps in history, and proposes a more "logicentric" theory of leadership, built on compelling philosophical axioms and arguments. Following Reason emphasizes the weight of philosophy and cognition in leadership, and advocates for a diverse network that can create, uphold, and implement a blueprint for a better global society. This wide-ranging and timely book is ideal for leadership, management, and philosophy students at undergraduate and graduate levels.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Human Factors and Aerospace Safety: An International Journal: Volume 1
This title was first published in 2001. There have been significant advances in the engineering design and production standards of the hardware and electronics in commercial aircraft. It is now uncommon for the principal (or sole) cause of an aircraft accident to be a component failure. Human error is now implicated in up to 80 per cent of all civil and military aviation accidents. The human being is now arguably the least reliable component left in the system. This basic premise forms the basis for this international journal. The journal focuses specifically on the human element in the aerospace system and its role in either causing accidents or incidents, or in promoting safety. The journal solicits contributions from both academic researchers and practitioners from industry. Human factors and safety are applied sciences and this is reflected in the tone and composition of the papers in the journal.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Quantitative Bioimaging: An Introduction to Biology, Instrumentation, Experiments, and Data Analysis for Scientists and Engineers
Comprises four parts, the first of which provides an overview of the topics that are developed from fundamental principles to more advanced levels in the other parts.Presents in the second part an in-depth introduction to the relevant background in molecular and cellular biology and in physical chemistry, which should be particularly useful for students without a formal background in these subjects. Provides in the third part a detailed treatment of microscopy techniques and optics, again starting from basic principles.Introduces in the fourth part modern statistical approaches to the determination of parameters of interest from microscopy data, in particular data generated by single molecule microscopy experiments.Uses two topics related to protein trafficking (transferrin trafficking and FcRn-mediated antibody trafficking) throughout the text to motivate and illustrate microscopy techniques
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Sense of Beauty
From antiquity to the present, many have written on the subject of beauty, but precious few have done so with the capacity themselves to write beautifully. The Sense of Beauty is that rare exception. This remarkable early work of the great American philosopher, George Santayana, features a quality of prose that is as wondrous as what he had to say. Indeed, his summation remains a flawless classical statement. "Beauty seems to be the clearest manifestation of perfection, and the best evidence of its possibility. If perfection is, as it should be, the ultimate justification of being, we may understand the ground of the moral dignity of beauty. Be'auty is a pledge of the possible conformity between the soul and nature, and consequently a ground of faith in the supremacy of the good."The editor of this new edition, John McGormick, reminds us that The Sense of Beauty is the first work in aesthetics written in the United States. Santayana was versed in the history of his subject, from Plato and Aristotle to Schopenhauer and Taine in the nineteenth century. Santayana took as his task a complete rethinking of the idea that beauty is embedded in objects. Rather beauty is an emotion, a value, and a sense of the good. In this, aesthetics was unlike ethics: not a correction of evil or pursuit of the virtuous. Rather it is a pleasure that resides in the sense of self. The work is divided into chapters on the materials of beauty, form and expression. A good many of Santayana's later works are presaged by this early effort. And this volume also anticipates the development of art as a movement as well as a value apart from other aspects of life.The work is written without posturing, without hectoring. Santayana is nonetheless able to give expression to strong views. His preferences are made perfectly plain. Perhaps the key is a powerful belief that beauty is an adornment not a material necessity. But that does mean art is trivial. Quite the contrary, the good life is precisely the extent to which such "adornments" as painting, poetry or music come to define the lives of individuals and civilizations alike. This is, in short, a major work that can still inform and move us a century after its first composition.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Public Health Approach to Cardiovascular Disease Prevention & Management
Key Features:1. Covers existing and emerging issues in cardiovascular disease epidemiology and prevention.2. Has a multi-disciplinary approach in content and audience.3. Connects with health systems and relevant sustainable development goals4. Provides case studies for enabling readers to understand and apply evidence-based solutions to key public health issues.5. Has inputs from globally renowned public health experts.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Operational Excellence in Your Office: A Guide to Achieving Autonomous Value Stream Flow with Lean Techniques
Operational Excellence is achieved when all employees in your organization can see the flow of value to your customers and can make adjustments to that flow before it breaks down. Operational Excellence in Your Office: A Guide to Achieving Autonomous Value Stream Flow with Lean Techniques presents nine time-tested guidelines for designing business process flow that enable Operational Excellence in the office. Each chapter describes one guideline by using text, illustrations, and practical examples to provide a comprehensive understanding of why creating flow in the office is essential and how to achieve it.Accounting for the reality that most office employees are required to work on many different projects throughout the day, this book details a step-by-step methodology for leveraging traditional value stream flow to establish Operational Excellence in an office environment. In addition, it describes a more advanced form of flow called "self-healing" flow in which employees are capable of identifying and fixing problems with the flow without requiring management intervention.Explaining how to achieve Operational Excellence and self-healing flow with the nine guidelines, the book also introduces new concepts such as part-time continuous flow processing cells, workflow cycles, takt capability, integration events, pitch in the office, and ways to tell whether your office is on time.With this book, you will be able to take the knowledge provided and immediately apply it by following the step-by-step checklists included at the end of each chapter. In addition to the lists of action items for implementing each guideline, the book includes "acid tests" you can use to determine if you have implemented each guideline correctly.When finished, you will have designed an end-to-end flow for the services in your office as well as visual systems to help employees distinguish normal flow from abnormal flow s
Taylor & Francis Ltd Practical Cold Case Homicide Investigations Procedural Manual
Designed for use by investigators in any agency, large or small, Practical Cold Case Homicide Investigations Procedural Manual provides an overview of the means and methods by which previously reported and investigated yet unresolved homicides might be solved. Written by an experienced cold case investigator and consultant, this convenient handbook is drawn from the author‘s previous work, Cold Case Homicides: Practical Investigative Techniques and follows the successful format of Vernon Geberth‘s Practical Homicide Investigation: Checklist and Field Guide. The book examines the basics of case identification and reactivation, providing insight into file retrieval and review. It discusses the legal aspects of cold case investigation and prosecution and explores how to take advantage of technology and forensics advances developed since the case went cold including forensic and people-searching databases. Readers will learn how techniques used in current homicide investigations have an expanded role in cold case investigations. The convenient format features a summary and checklist template and includes simple, step-by-step instructions. While cold cases are frustrating for investigators and victims families, this book shows how modern cold case homicide investigation can best exploit the primary solvability factors of changes in technology and changes in relationships turning the concept of time as an enemy into time as a friend.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Local Politics, Global Impacts: Steps to a Multi-disciplinary Analysis of Scales
Serving as a touchstone for a much-needed research program on social scales, this volume challenges disciplinary boundaries and brings into focus a paradoxical state of affairs in contemporary thought: the domain of local-global interactions has not yet been identified as an object of analysis in its own right, despite engaging a large, multi-disciplinary research community with strong potential for cross-fertilization. Bringing together internationally renowned as well as emerging scholars, this book presents concrete case studies framed by theoretical concern with the issue of scale. It demonstrates that a diverse array of theoretical, methodological and empirical perspectives can productively converge on a common set of problems related to social, temporal and spatial scales and contemporary globalization. Local Politics, Global Impacts will stimulate empirical and theoretical research that focuses on understanding how political concepts, practices, and instruments translate across scales, and contribute to the emergence of a self-aware community of scholars and practitioners focusing explicitly on modelling the dynamics of local-regional-global interactions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Emotional Literacy: Supporting Emotional Health and Wellbeing in School
One of the five books in the Mental Health and Wellbeing Teacher Toolkit for teachers and other professionals working with children, this practical resource focuses on the topic of ‘Emotional Literacy’ and how to support children and young people on a journey of self-discovery where they learn to recognise, understand, share and manage a range of emotions. Promoting a proactive rather than a reactive approach to dealing with the social and emotional aspects of learning and managing the world of today, Emotional Literacy addresses the increasing number of mental health issues arising among young people. Chapters span key topics including Recognising Emotions, Understanding Emotions, Self-Regulation and Empathy. This book offers:• Easy to follow, and flexible, lesson plans that can be adapted and personalised for use in lessons or smaller groups or 1:1 work.• Resources that are linked to the PSHE and Wellbeing curriculum for KS1, KS2 and KS3.• New research, ‘Circles for Learning’, where the introduction of baby observation into the classroom by a teacher is used to understand and develop self-awareness, skills for learning, relationships, neuroscience and awareness of others.• Sections on the development of key skills in communication, skills for learning, collaboration, empathy and self-confidence.• Learning links, learning objectives and reflection questions.Offering research-driven, practical strategies and lesson plans, Emotional Literacy is an essential resource book for educators and health professionals looking to have a positive impact on the mental health and wellbeing of the children in their care; both now and in the future.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Routledge Revivals: Economic Control (1955)
First published in 1955, this book offers a detailed history from the past to the mid-20th century on economic control. The book examines economic competition, particularly regarding the British economic system, and Fogarty looks at its scope, as well as its limits. This analysis considers working conditions in the mid-20th century, examining the impacts of industry on the life and work of the British agricultural population. The book first examines production decisions, arguing that a systematic and periodic overhaul of control mechanisms are required. Fogarty goes to give a detailed analysis on decisions about industry objectives. Ultimately, a broader look is given on the wider economic setting, and the definition of the economist is itself examined, taking into account the wider role that economics played in 20th century society.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Women's Travel Writings in India 1777–1854: Volume III: Mrs A. Deane, A Tour through the Upper Provinces of Hindustan (1823); and Julia Charlotte Maitland, Letters from Madras During the Years 1836-39, by a Lady (1843)
The ‘memsahibs’ of the British Raj in India are well-known figures today, frequently depicted in fiction, TV and film. In recent years, they have also become the focus of extensive scholarship. Less familiar to both academics and the general public, however, are the eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century precursors to the memsahibs of the Victorian and Edwardian era. Yet British women also visited and resided in India in this earlier period, witnessing first-hand the tumultuous, expansionist decades in which the East India Company established British control over the subcontinent. Some of these travellers produced highly regarded accounts of their experiences, thereby inaugurating a rich tradition of women’s travel writing about India. In the process, they not only reported events and developments in the subcontinent, they also contributed to them, helping to shape opinion and policy on issues such as colonial rule, religion, and social reform.This new set in the Chawton House Library Women’s Travel Writing series assembles seven of these accounts, six by British authors (Jemima Kindersley, Maria Graham, Eliza Fay, Ann Deane, Julia Maitland and Mary Sherwood) and one by an American (Harriet Newell). Their narratives – here reproduced for the first time in reset scholarly editions – were published between 1777 and 1854, and recount journeys undertaken in India, or periods of residence there, between the 1760s and the 1830s. Collectively they showcase the range of women’s interests and activities in India, and also the variety of narrative forms, voices and personae available to them as travel writers. Some stand squarely in the tradition of Enlightenment ethnography; others show the growing influence of Evangelical beliefs. But all disrupt any lingering stereotypes about women’s passivity, reticence and lack of public agency in this period, when colonial women were not yet as sequestered and debarred from cross-cultural contact as they would later be during the Raj. Their narratives are consequently a useful resource to students and researchers across multiple fields and disciplines, including women’s writing, travel writing, colonial and postcolonial studies, the history of women’s educational and missionary work, and Romantic-era and nineteenth-century literature.This volume includes two texts, Ann Deane, A Tour Through the Upper Provinces of Hindostan (1823) and Julia Maitland, Letters from Madras (1846).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Ten Steps to Complex Learning: A Systematic Approach to Four-Component Instructional Design
Ten Steps to Complex Learning presents a path from an educational problem to a solution in a way that students, practitioners, and researchers can understand and easily use. Students in the field of instructional design can use this book to broaden their knowledge of the design of training programs for complex learning. Practitioners can use this book as a reference guide to support their design of courses, curricula, or environments for complex learning. Now fully revised to incorporate the most current research in the field, this third edition of Ten Steps to Complex Learning includes many references to recent research as well as two new chapters. One new chapter deals with the training of 21st-century skills in educational programs based on the Ten Steps. The other deals with the design of assessment programs that are fully aligned with the Ten Steps. In the closing chapter, new directions for the further development of the Ten Steps are discussed.
Taylor & Francis Ltd How to Make Maps: An Introduction to Theory and Practice of Cartography
The goal of How to Make Maps is to equip readers with the foundational knowledge of concepts they need to conceive, design, and produce maps in a legible, clear, and coherent manner, drawing from both classical and modern theory in cartography.This book is appropriate for graduate and undergraduate students who are beginning a course of study in geospatial sciences or who wish to begin producing their own maps. While the book assumes no a priori knowledge or experience with geospatial software, it may also serve GIS analysts and technicians who wish to explore the principles of cartographic design.The first part of the book explores the key decisions behind every map, with the aim of providing the reader with a solid foundation in fundamental cartography concepts. Chapters 1 through 3 review foundational mapping concepts and some of the decisions that are a part of every map. This is followed by a discussion of the guiding principles of cartographic design in Chapter 4—how to start thinking about putting a map together in an effective and legible form. Chapter 5 covers map projections, the process of converting the curved earth’s surface into a flat representation appropriate for mapping. Chapters 6 and 7 discuss the use of text and color, respectively. Chapter 8 reviews trends in modern cartography to summarize some of the ways the discipline is changing due to new forms of cartographic media that include 3D representations, animated cartography, and mobile cartography. Chapter 9 provides a literature review of the scholarship in cartography. The final component of the book shifts to applied, technical concepts important to cartographic production, covering data quality concepts and the acquisition of geospatial data sources (Chapter 10), and an overview of software applications particularly relevant to modern cartography production: GIS and graphics software (Chapter 11). Chapter 12 concludes the book with examples of real-world cartography projects, discussing the planning, data collection, and design process that lead to the final map products.This book aspires to introduce readers to the foundational concepts—both theoretical and applied—they need to start the actual work of making maps. The accompanying website offers hands-on exercises to guide readers through the production of a map—from conception through to the final version—as well as PowerPoint slides that accompany the text.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Stories of Art
A thoughtful, engaging, and intimate history of art that offers a critical analysis of the assumptions on which the entire discipline of art history depends.Concise and original, this accessible second edition continues to act as an antidote to the behemoth art history textbooks of the past. Cultures have their own stories about themselves, about other cultures and to hear them all is one way to hear the multiple stories that art tells. James Elkins persuasively demonstrates there can never be one story of art now that art historians are concerned with gender, diversity, inclusiveness, and decolonization. Stories of Art is an interactive, iconoclastic text, encouraging readers to imagine how they would present art history in an age of multiple narratives. Elkins discusses decolonizing the discipline, representing race and ethnicity, Eurocentrism, post-nationalism, and indigenous voices while examining histories of art written in China, Persia, Turkey, and I
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Cultural History of Physics
While the physical sciences are a continuously evolving source of technology and of understanding about our world, they have become so specialized and rely on so much prerequisite knowledge that for many people today the divide between the sciences and the humanities seems even greater than it was when C. P. Snow delivered his famous 1959 lecture, The Two Cultures. In A Cultural History of Physics, Hungarian scientist and educator Károly Simonyi succeeds in bridging this chasm by describing the experimental methods and theoretical interpretations that created scientific knowledge, from ancient times to the present day, within the cultural environment in which it was formed. Unlike any other work of its kind, Simonyi's seminal opus explores the interplay of science and the humanities to convey the wonder and excitement of scientific development throughout the ages. These pages contain an abundance of excerpts from original resources, a wide array of cle
Taylor & Francis Ltd Spon's Architects' and Builders' Price Book 2024
Compiled by AECOM, the 2024 edition has been updated with the latest pricing information to help you manage your projects over the next 12 months through this challenging period of high inflation and financial uncertainty. It includes 20,000 prices for the most frequently specified construction items, the majority with labour constants and detailed build-ups. All prices have been updated via comprehensive supplier engagement combined with AECOM’s market intelligence and a short-term inflationary forecast to ensure you have the most accurate cost data available. Activity descriptions and build ups have been updated to reflect changes to standard specifications, Building Regulation changes, emerging practices, and changing outputs. Although it suits a wide range of project sizes, this is the only price book which sets out a detailed cost base for contracts exceeding £4,000,000 in value.All the standard features you have come to expect from SPON's are also included: Hundreds of alternative materials prices for the more unusual items Detailed guidance on wage rates, daywork, cost limits and allowances, property insurance and professional fees, plus useful formulae, design criteria and trade association addresses Included within the inside front cover of every book is a VitalSource® eBook redemption code giving one user access to the content digitally until the end of December 2024.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Jin Chinese Grammar
In providing an analysis of the grammar of the dialect of seven counties along the Yellow River, this two-volume set synchronically and diachronically studies the Jin dialect of China's Northern Shaanxi Province.The Jin dialect of Northern Shaanxi is one of the most ancient, complicated, and representative dialects of the Yellow River region and figures prominently in our understanding of the Jin dialect and northern Chinese dialects as a whole. The first volume focuses on pronouns, aspect and appearance and tenses; while the second volume focuses on aspects including the subjunctive mood, expressions of complex sentence relationships, embedded sentence patterns, complex interrogative sentences, the formation of the imperative modal particle zhe, and the phonetic variation of grammatical constituents. Hence, it gives insight into the peculiarity of the Jin dialect in terms of grammar, the significant role of diachronic comparative studies of dialectal grammar, and the
Taylor & Francis Ltd Histopathologic Diagnosis of Invasive Mycoses
Written by one of the very few pathologists who has real expertise in this field, this book is a comprehensive key for the identification of fungal infections in tissues. With updated terminology and presentation, all invasive mycoses-types are covered, detailing their epidemiology, pathology, histomorphology of fungal elements, and differential diagnoses. Each of the separate fungal groups has a good combination of text and high-quality illustrations which is a critical feature for clinicians to state the mycopathological diagnoses.Key Features:1. Elaborates on the histological observations of both the pathological reaction and the histomorphology of fungal elements, guiding the reader in the right direction for obtaining a diagnosis of the infection.2. Includes key observations that can be a game-changer for infectious diseases specialists and histopathologists studying the combination of fungal morphology and host response.3. Follows a logical layout, structure, and organization with a wealth of high-quality illustrations of the various fungi in tissues elucidated by different stains.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Histopathologic Diagnosis of Invasive Mycoses
Written by one of the very few pathologists who has real expertise in this field, this book is a comprehensive key for the identification of fungal infections in tissues. With updated terminology and presentation, all invasive mycoses-types are covered, detailing their epidemiology, pathology, histomorphology of fungal elements, and differential diagnoses. Each of the separate fungal groups has a good combination of text and high-quality illustrations which is a critical feature for clinicians to state the mycopathological diagnoses.Key Features:1. Elaborates on the histological observations of both the pathological reaction and the histomorphology of fungal elements, guiding the reader in the right direction for obtaining a diagnosis of the infection.2. Includes key observations that can be a game-changer for infectious diseases specialists and histopathologists studying the combination of fungal morphology and host response.3. Follows a logical layout, structure, and organization with a wealth of high-quality illustrations of the various fungi in tissues elucidated by different stains.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Artistic Cartography and Design Explorations Towards the Pluriverse
This edited volume uses an interdisciplinary approach to art and design that not only reframes but also repositions agendas and actions to address fragmented global systems. Contributors explore the pluriverse of art and design through epistemological and methodological considerations. What kinds of sustainable ways are there for knowledge transfer, supporting plural agendas, finding novel ways for unsettling conversations, unlearning and learning and challenging power structures with marginalised groups and contexts through art and design? The main themes of the book are art and design methods, epistemologies and practices that provide critical, interdisciplinary, pluriversal and decolonial considerations. The book challenges the domination of the white logic of art and design and shifts away from the Anglo-European one-world system towards the pluriverse. The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, visual studies, arts-based research, and design studies.The Open Access version of this book, available at www.taylorfrancis. com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Catania’s Primary Care of the Anterior Segment
This book has become an iconic textbook in eye care over many years with multiple editions having originally published in 1986. Considered one of the classic, definitive books for comprehensive anterior segment diagnosis, treatment, and management, this new third edition includes a new chapter on pre- and postoperative management of cataract and refractive surgery and glaucoma, which are major parts of primary care optometry today, along with updates on proprietary therapeutic drugs, and technology additions such as amniotic membranes, injectables, and minor in-office procedures. It contains high-quality photos, six appendices, 336 clinical photos/diagrams/illustrations, and 74 tables throughout the textbook. Key Features• Provides immediate and succinct information necessary for diagnosing, treating, and managing all anterior segment, primary glaucoma, pre- and postoperative management of cataract and refractive surgery, and non-surgical ocular conditions• Includes 215 color photos to allow the clinician to use the clinical knowledge and assist with diagnosis and treatment options in the clinical setting• Features a unique presentation format as all the clinical information is organized in the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) format for quick referencing and practical use by the primary eye care practitioners
Taylor & Francis Ltd Hypoxic Respiratory Failure in the Newborn: From Origins to Clinical Management
We have all been hypoxic. Fetal tolerance for intrauterine hypoxia arises from evolutionarily conserved physiological mechanisms, the antecedents of which can be learned from diving mammals or species at high altitudes. Understanding fetal hypoxia leads to understanding the huge physiological shifts of neonatal transition and the dangers of perinatal hypoxia.This comprehensive volume of topical review articles by expert authors addresses the origins of hypoxia tolerance, the impact of oxygen on circulatory transition at birth, and the biochemistry of hypoxia in the pulmonary circuit, as well as the classification, diagnosis, and clinical management of hypoxic respiratory failure and persistent pulmonary hypertension in the term neonate.The goal of Hypoxic Respiratory Failure in the Newborn is to connect our understanding of hypoxia from animals in extreme environments, with how the human fetus handles its hypoxic environment; and why the human newborn suddenly cannot. The book will educate health care professionals on how to care for newborns with hypoxic respiratory failure, including the use of up-to-date diagnostic tools and therapies. It also highlights areas of controversy and ongoing research in hypoxic respiratory failure and pulmonary hypertension of the newborn, including challenging case studies.Key Features Explores evolutionary context and comparative physiology of hypoxia tolerance in the fetus and neonate, from basic research to clinical scenarios Provides guidance to trainees, physicians, and allied health professionals engaged in NICU care; pediatricians, cardiologists, pulmonologists, anesthesiologists, neonatologists, and physiologists to effectively manage infants in hypoxic respiratory failure Includes case scenarios emphasizing current diagnostic and therapeutic controversies and algorithmic approaches to decipher difficult clinical cases
Taylor & Francis Ltd RCSI Handbook of Clinical Surgery for Finals
Developed over previous editions by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland to support students attending the three RCSI universities, this convenient handbook provides pragmatic guidance to the principles and practice of surgery that students can expect to encounter during undergraduate studies. Spanning the full range of surgical specialties, information is presented in a convenient and clinically relevant format that takes the students through the patient journey from presenting symptoms and aetiology to investigations, management and follow-up. The text, written as easy-to-read and easy-to-remember bullet lists, is supplemented throughout by tables, management algorithms and colour illustrations. Key Features:• Concise – specifically for the undergraduate medical student by a highly experienced team of surgical educators• Accessible – bullet text ideal for rapid reference• Flexible – for use when on the ward and during finals revision• Complete - print book supplemented by video clips, online question and answer material and an image library for the full learning and revision packageThoroughly updated, this fifth edition has enhanced pedagogy and, for the first time, is accompanied by video clips and questions for self-testing. Covering the core surgical knowledge needed to become a safe and competent doctor, the book will be an invaluable companion for clinical placements and during the critical run-up to final examinations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Venice Arsenal: Between History, Heritage, and Re-use
This book reviews four decades of debate about restoring an industrial heritage site of inestimable value – the Venice Arsenal. Focusing on the challenges of economic, financial and institutional feasibility, it reveals how failing to address these aspects has undermined potential solutions from both technicians and heritage professionals.With a deep connection to the city over centuries, the Arsenal was the very basis of La Serenissima’s sea power, enabling its economic expansion. Later, it maintained a vital military function through shipbuilding until World War II. But the slow process of abandonment of the traditional site’s uses and spaces continues to pose questions regarding its preservation and re-use. Drawing on original research from urban planners, architects and historians, the book provides a critical investigation into the organizational and managerial challenges of this unique site, and crucially, why so little has been achieved compared with potential opportunities.Featuring numerous color photographs and exploring the particular challenges of restoration and re-use facing the Venice Arsenal, this insightful evaluation of the history of this site provides a uniquely informative case for the discipline of industrial heritage.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Changing Scottish Landscape: 1500-1800
Originally published in 1991 and focussing on the countryside, this book examines patterns of settlement and agriculture in Scotland and considers how these were increasingly altered during the 17th and 18th Centuries by the first Improvers and then by the more widespread impact of the Agricultural Revolution. It considers the effect on the landscape of the changing role of the church, the development of improved communications and the rise of new industries. The book analyses in detail the ways in which the landscape changed in Scotland’s transition from a medieval, impoverished country and an undeveloped economy to a modern society and one of the most highly urbanised countries in Europe.
Taylor & Francis Inc Strategic Planning in Local Government: A Casebook
This book shows how and why strategic planning is working in cities around the country. It illustrates how this technique enables a city to plan its future proactively and shows how local governments use it to solve current problems and make sure they continue to reach their goals. Using seventeen case studies from a diverse mix of cities, it outlines the components of successful strategic planning, including program design, needs and capabilities assessment, implementation, and ongoing evaluation. In this book, you'll see how planners use strategic planning to synthesize population trends, economic conditions, business trends, strategies, and objectives. The authors emphasize that the planning process is not entirely theoretical; real world factors-like support from politicians-is crucial. This casebook includes discussion questions with each case. Also included is a chapter devoted solely to a strategic planning model. These features make the book valuable not only to planners on the job but also to students in planning and public administration.
Taylor & Francis Inc Psychology and Crime: 2nd edition
What does a criminological psychologist actually do? Most people picture a modern-day Sherlock Holmes, helping the police to solve crimes, but the reality is far more interesting and complex. Psychology and Crime offers a fascinating introduction to criminological psychology, providing the reader with a comprehensive grounding in everything from cognitive forensics to police interviewing.Concise, informative and accessible, the book explores a range of theories to understand criminal behaviour, from the physiological to the social. It covers a range of contexts within the criminal justice system where psychology offers unique insights, including police investigation, the perspective of witnesses and victims, and courtroom proceedings. Thoroughly updated throughout to reflect developments in the field, and featuring new chapters covering cybercrime, terrorism and insights from neuroscience, this edition also includes a student-friendly ‘Apply your learning’ feature and case studies to bring the research to life. Accessibly written for all levels, and with concise coverage of both classic and contemporary psychological theory, this is the ideal book for anyone studying criminal or forensic psychology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Systems Biology of Cell Signaling: Recurring Themes and Quantitative Models
How can we understand the complexity of genes, RNAs, and proteins and the associated regulatory networks? One approach is to look for recurring types of dynamical behavior. Mathematical models prove to be useful, especially models coming from theories of biochemical reactions such as ordinary differential equation models. Clever, careful experiments test these models and their basis in specific theories. This textbook aims to provide advanced students with the tools and insights needed to carry out studies of signal transduction drawing on modeling, theory, and experimentation. Early chapters summarize the basic building blocks of signaling systems: binding/dissociation, synthesis/destruction, and activation/inactivation. Subsequent chapters introduce various basic circuit devices: amplifiers, stabilizers, pulse generators, switches, stochastic spike generators, and oscillators. All chapters consistently use approaches and concepts from chemical kinetics and nonlinear dynamics, including rate-balance analysis, phase plane analysis, nullclines, linear stability analysis, stable nodes, saddles, unstable nodes, stable and unstable spirals, and bifurcations. This textbook seeks to provide quantitatively inclined biologists and biologically inclined physicists with the tools and insights needed to apply modeling and theory to interesting biological processes.Key Features: Full-color illustration program with diagrams to help illuminate the concepts Enables the reader to apply modeling and theory to the biological processes Further Reading for each chapter High-quality figures available for instructors to download
Taylor & Francis Inc Misinformation Concerning Child Sexual Abuse and Adult Survivors
Successfully navigate the minefield of misinformation that can prevent justice from being done in child sexual abuse cases!From the Foreword, by Robert Geffner, PhD, editor of the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse: “Too often, the public and some professionals have been misled by media publicity and articles . . . that appear scientific, but in reality, are biased opinions or over-generalized research. Forensic cases are being decided in many courts based upon the recommendations of so-called 'expert witnesses’who do not actually know the clinical research or understand the dynamics of such abusive relationships.”This much-needed book points out and corrects misinformation that everyone who works with victims, offenders, or families in which sexual abuse has occurred needs to understand clearly. Especially vital in today's political climate, Misinformation Concerning Child Sexual Abuse and Adult Survivors gives you state-of-the-science information on such myths as “false memory syndrome,” “recovered memory therapy,” and the “lack of harm” to some sexually abused boys.Misinformation Concerning Child Sexual Abuse and Adult Survivors examines: forensic issues, including the “false memory” defense and how the long-term impact of childhood sexual abuse is often misrepresented in court three separate expert examinations of Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman's well-known--and often misrepresented--review of long-term child sexual abuse outcomes treatment recommendations and guidelines for addressing the memory controversy in clinical practice the fascinating case history/cautionary tale of the child molester Robert Halsey, who was convicted and sentenced to two life sentences in 1993, and how public and academic resources were misused to claim he was wrongly convicted
Taylor & Francis Ltd Theology at Paris, 1316–1345: Peter Auriol and the Problem of Divine Foreknowledge and Future Contingents
Chris Schabel presents a detailed analysis of the radical solution given by the Franciscan Peter Auriol to the problem of reconciling divine foreknowledge with the contingency of the future, and of contemporary reactions to it. Auriol's solution appeared to many of his contemporaries to deny God's knowledge of the future altogether, and so it provoked intense and long-lasting controversy; Schabel is the first to examine in detail the philosophical and theological background to Auriol's discussion, and to provide a full analysis of Auriol's own writings on the question and the immediate reactions to them. This book sheds new light both on one of the central philosophical debates of the Middle Ages, and on theology and philosophy at the University of Paris in the first half of the 14th century, a period of Parisian intellectual life which has been largely neglected until now.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Cinema Raw: Shooting and Color Grading with the Ikonoskop, Digital Bolex, and Blackmagic Cinema Cameras
With the next generation of raw cinema cameras you can finally shoot professionally with uncompressed raw motion pictures—without compromising your image or your budget. In Cinema Raw: Shooting and Color Grading with the Ikonoskop, Digital Bolex, and Blackmagic Cinema Cameras, Lancaster takes you through the birth of these new cameras and includes an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at Digital Bolex. He field tests each camera and discusses the importance of shooting in raw and guides you through the raw color grading process so you can create stunning films. Interviews with professionals who have shot documentaries, shorts, and promotionals with these cameras are featured throughout, allowing you to learn field production techniques under real world conditions. FEATURES: Behind-the-scenes case studies for the next generation of low budget cinema cameras Recommended gear lists to begin your raw shooting experience Full color post workflows that help you realize your boldest cinematic visions A companion website ( featuring raw projects covered in the book; video interviews with the creators of the Digital Bolex, Joe Rubinstein and Elle Schneider; and resources for further study of raw cinema