Search results for ""author manus"
Heirs Publishing Company Dieta Cetogénica, 3 Manuscritos: 1-Libro de cocina Keto Vegetariano Súper Fácil 2-Ayuno Intermitente para Mujeres Dieta 3-Cetogénica y Ayuno Intermitente
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. CXIV - Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019: Volume 11: John Chrysostom through Manuscripts, Editions and History
The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford. These papers range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Harrassowitz The Dunhuang Region During Tibetan Rule (787-848): A Study of the Secular Manuscripts Discovered in the Mogao Caves
Brepols N.V. An Index of Images in English Manuscripts: From the Time of Chaucer to Henry VIII, c. 1380 ~ c. 1509
Liverpool University Press The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript in Modern English Prose Translation: Pearl, Cleanness, Patience, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
For students of Middle English, Andrew and Waldron’s The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript has been the key edition of the four Pearl poems for over thirty years. With the changing needs of today's students in mind, the editors produced a complete prose translation of the four poems - the best known of which is Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The near-literal translations are intended to facilitate understanding of the four poems - to lead readers to, rather than away from, the original texts. The translations are based faithfully on Andrew and Waldron’s fifth edition of The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript.
Liverpool University Press The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript in Modern English Prose Translation: Pearl, Cleanness, Patience, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
For students of Middle English, Andrew and Waldron’s The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript has been the key edition of the four Pearl poems for over thirty years. With the changing needs of today's students in mind, the editors produced a complete prose translation of the four poems - the best known of which is Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The near-literal translations are intended to facilitate understanding of the four poems - to lead readers to, rather than away from, the original texts. The translations are based faithfully on Andrew and Waldron’s fifth edition of The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Death and Beyond in Ancient Tibet: Archaic Concepts and Practices in a Thousand-Year-Old Illuminated Funerary Manuscript and Old Tibetan Funerary Documents of Gathang Bumpa and Dunhuang
Peeters Publishers Le Conte du Portefaix et des Trois Jeunes Femmes dans le Manuscrit de Galland (XIVe-XVe Siecles): Edition, Traduction et Etude du Moyen Arabe d'un Conte des Mille et une Nuits
Se limiter, comme l'a fait B. Halflants, en presence d'une edition critique deja realisee avec beaucoup de soin, a l'etude approfondie du moyen arabe d'un seul manuscrit arabe essentiel des Mille et Une Nuits, comme celui dit A" de Galland A", permet non seulement de mettre en evidence un grand nombre de traits communs au moyen arabe des juifs, des chretiens et des musulmans, mais aussi de traits propres au moyen arabe des Mille et Une Nuits. Nul doute que cette approche fructueuse sera appliquee a l'avenir a d'autres textes de moyen arabe et qu'elle permettra d'offrir aux arabisants un corpus de textes aussi etendu pour le moyen arabe des musulmans que pour celui des juifs et des chretiens.
Museum Tusculanum Press Care & Conservation of Manuscripts 4: Proceedings of the fourth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen 13th-14th October 1997
Care & Conservation of Manuscripts 4 - Proceedings of the fourth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen 13th-14th October 1997
Peeters Publishers A Polyglot Edition of the Book of Ben Sira with a Synopsis of the Hebrew Manuscripts: Incorporating contributions by Ingrid Krammer, Stefan C. Reif, Friedrich V. Reiterer and Aho Shemunkasho
In Jerusalem of the early second century, a Jewish teacher, later widely, and simply, known as Ben Sira, wrote, in contemporary Hebrew, a collection of proverbs designed to advise his co-religionists how to express and maintain their Jewishness and values in the face of a dominant Hellenistic culture. His proverbs were later translated into Greek by his grandson. Because the early Church, but not Rabbinic Judaism, included the book in its scriptural canon, the original Hebrew gradually gave way to the Greek, Latin and Syriac versions and was virtually lost in the late medieval and early modern periods. The late nineteenth-century discoveries from the Cairo Genizah restored Hebrew versions of much of the book. Academic use of Ben Sira’s work is now greatly facilitated by this scientific polyglot of all four versions, originally planned and initiated by Friedrich V. Reiterer at the University of Salzburg, and now brought to fruition by the painstaking scholarly efforts of Renate Egger-Wenzel, who has also provided a text edition of the Hebrew manuscripts and a guide to the project and to the volume.
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Anthropologists
‘Savaş’ prose is an X-ray – an acute portrait of the tender frequencies that make a life.’ Raven Leilani, author of Luster Asya and Manu are looking at apartments, envisioning their future in a foreign city. Removed from the web of family and its obligations, what traditions and rituals should they establish together? As they dream about the possibilities of each new listing, Asya, a documentary filmmaker, spends her days gathering footage from the neighbourhood park like an anthropologist observing local customs, anxious to know how people really live. ‘Forget about daily life,’ chides her grandmother on the phone, ‘no one cares about that.’ Meanwhile, life back in Asya and Manu's respective home countries continues – parents age, grandparents get sick, nieces and nephews grow up – all just slightly beyond their reach. But the world they're making in their new cit
Editorial Almuzara Rihla relato de un viaje por la curva del Níger y los desiertos del Sáhara en pos de un sueño llamado AL Ándalus según se narra en los manuscritos de Tombuctú
La mítica biblioteca andalusí de Tombuctú, creada por el sabio Mahmud Kati se presentó ante el mundo cuando el siglo XX tocaba su fin, después de siglos de permanecer en el seno de la familia Kati, descendientes de Alí ben Ziyad, un andalusí exiliado en el siglo XV. Esta importantísima colección de antiguos manuscritos era conocida a través de referencias bibliográficas e históricas, aunque la práctica totalidad de los especialistas internacionales descartaba su existencia, dado que fue dispersada y ocultada en el siglo XIX para protegerla de los expolios de los peules y los colonizadores franceses. El Fondo Kati de Tombuctú maravilló a la opinión pública gracias a la odisea histórica que había protagonizado durante más de quinientos años, y sobre todo, por el enorme potencial de fuente histórica inédita que suponen sus más de tres mil documentos. Hoy presentamos, como exclusiva mundial, la primera traducción de un manuscrito del Fondo Kati de Tombuctú. La Rihla de Abana narra la perip
Bod Third Party Titles Die Soziale Arbeit als wichtigste Aufgabe der modernen Gesellschaft Manuskript eines individuellen Verstndnisses der Profession Soziale Arbeit mit dem eigenen Berufsprofil
Museum Tusculanum Press Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 10: Proceedings of the Tenth International Seminar Held at the University of Copenhagen 19th-20th October 2006
Peeters Publishers Repertorium of Middle Dutch Sermons Preserved in Manuscripts from Before 1550 / Repertorium Van Middelnederlandse Preken in Handschriften Tot En Met 1550 (i-vii): I. Antwerpen-Brussel. II. Den Haag - Leiden. III. Appendices - Indices. IV. A
De preek is een van de belangrijke genres van de Middelnederlandse geestelijke literatuur, naast de mystieke literatuur, het heiligenleven, het gebed en de bijbelvertaling. De preek is ook een prominente historische bron, doordat zij bij uitstek een middel was om religieuze, morele en culturele normen, waarden en attitudes te verbreiden. Overgeleverde preken zijn daarom niet alleen waardevol voor kerk- en literatuurgeschiedenis, maar ook voor de cultuurgeschiedenis in het algemeen, de ideeen- en mentaliteitsgeschiedenis. De studie van de Middelnederlandse preek is sterk achtergebleven bij het historisch belang ervan. Dit komt ondermeer doordat vooralsnog een goed overzicht van de bewaarde preken ontbrak. Het Repertorium van Middelnederlandse preken, voortgekomen uit het VNC-project 'Middelnederlandse preken' (Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam en Universiteit Antwerpen - UFSIA) wil deze leemte opvullen. De delen IV, V en VI geven samen met de reeds in 2003 gepubliceerde delen I en II een nagenoeg volledig overzicht van alle Middelnederlandse preken bewaard in handschriften tot 1550 in alle Nederlandse en Belgische collecties, alsmede in alle ons bekende bewaarplaatsen in Europa en de Verenigde Staten. Deel VII bevat de indexen op deze vijf repertoriumdelen en vervangt daarmee het in 2003 gepubliceerde deel III. Het geheel vormt een compleet en onmisbaar instrument voor iedereen die zich bezighoudt met dit deel van de geestelijke volkstalige literatuur van de middeleeuwen.
Heirs Publishing Company Ketogenic diet meal plan with Easy low-carb recipes for beginners: Includes 2 Manuscripts Keto Cookies and Snacks + Keto Seafood and Fish Recipes
Gale Ecco, Print Editions The Chrsitian [sic] Oeconomy. Translated From the Original Greek of an old Manuscript Found in the Island of Patmos, Where St John Wrote his Book of Revelation. With a Remarkable Account how it was Discovered
Henry Bradshaw Society The Hereford Breviary, Edited from the Rouen edition of 1505 with Collation of Manuscripts by Walter Howard Frere of the Community of the Resurrection and Langton E.G. Brown, Sub-Librarian of the Chapter Library, Hereford, Vol.3.
The Rouen edition of 1505 published by Inghelbert Haghe (BB 2275; STC 15793; copies in Worcester, Cathedral Library, I.k.14; Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gough Missals, 69, pars aestivalis only) with use of MSS London, British Library, Harley MS 2983; Hereford, Cathedral Chapter Library, P.9.VII; Oxford, Balliol College, MS 321; Oxford, University College, MS 7; Worcester, Cathedral Chapter Library, MS Q.86. See also volumes 26 and 40 in the present series.
Oak Spring Garden Library An Oak Spring Herbaria: Herbs and Herbals from the Fourteenth to the Nineteenth Centuries: A Selection of the Rare Books, Manuscripts and Works of Art in the Collection of Rachel Lambert Mellon
This magnificent compendium is the fourth in a series of catalogues describing selections of rare books and other material in the Oak Spring Garden Library, a collection assembled by Mrs. Rachel “Bunny” Lambert Mellon. Herbaria describes sixty-three books and manuscripts about herbs and includes exquisite illustrations selected from the works themselves. Spanning the fourteenth to nineteenth centuries, and featuring works by Brunfels, Culpeper, Monardes, and Linnaeus, among others, this authoritative catalogue will prove fascinating to botanists, bibliophiles, garden historians, and herbalists alike.
Henry Bradshaw Society The Hereford Breviary, Edited from the Rouen edition of 1505 with Collation of Manuscripts by Walter Howard Frere of the Community of the Resurrection and Langton E.G. Brown, Sub-Librarian of the Chapter Library, Hereford, Vol.I.
The Rouen edition of 1505 published by Inghelbert Haghe (BB 2275; STC 15793; copies in Worcester, Cathedral Library, I.k.14; Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gough Missals, 69, pars aestivalis only) with use of MSS London, British Library, Harley MS 2983; Hereford, Cathedral Chapter Library, P.9.VII; Oxford, Balliol College, MS 321; Oxford, University College, MS 7; Worcester, Cathedral Chapter Library, MS Q.86. See also volumes 40 and 46 in the present series.
Harvard University Press The Greek Anthology, Volume V: Book 13: Epigrams in Various Metres. Book 14: Arithmetical Problems, Riddles, Oracles. Book 15: Miscellanea. Book 16: Epigrams of the Planudean Anthology Not in the Palatine Manuscript
A gathering of poetic blossoms.The Greek Anthology (literally, “Gathering of Flowers”) is the name given to a collection of about 4500 short Greek poems (called epigrams but usually not epigrammatic) by about 300 composers. To the collection (called Stephanus, literally, “wreath” or “garland”) made and contributed to by Meleager of Gadara (1st century BC) was added another by Philippus of Thessalonica (late 1st century AD), a third by Diogenianus (2nd century), and much later a fourth, called the Circle, by Agathias of Myrina. These (lost) and others (also lost) were partly incorporated, arranged according to contents, by Constantinus Cephalas (early 10th century?) into fifteen books now preserved in a single manuscript of the Palatine Library at Heidelberg. The grand collection was rearranged and revised by the monk Maximus Planudes (14th century) who also added epigrams lost from Cephalas’ compilation.The fifteen books of the Palatine Anthology are: I, Christian Epigrams; II, Descriptions of Statues; III, Inscriptions in a temple at Cyzicus; IV, Prefaces of Meleager, Philippus, and Agathias; V, Amatory Epigrams; VI, Dedicatory; VII, Sepulchral; VIII, Epigrams of St. Gregory; IX, Declamatory; X, Hortatory and Admonitory; XI, Convivial and Satirical; XII, Strato’s “Musa Puerilis”; XIII, Metrical curiosities; XIV, Problems, Riddles, and Oracles; XV, Miscellanies. Book XVI is the Planudean Appendix: Epigrams on works of art.Outstanding among the poets are Meleager, Antipater of Sidon, Crinagoras, Palladas, Agathias, Paulus Silentiarius.
Barefoot Books Ltd Our World Colombia
The Our World series continues to pack quite a bit of culture for the youngest readers into an easy-to-handle board book Booklist Hola! Come along for a day of exploring the sights and sounds of Colombia from the farm to the city. Join Bebé and Perrito as they snack on arepa con chocolate, visit the market, dance cumbia, and count whales in the waves. Colombian author Alexandra Alessandri and illustrator Manu Montoya draw on their personal experiences to create this vibrant board book as part of the Our World series for very young readers.
Manuscriptum Wladimir W. Putin
Manuscriptum Fr ein Ende der Halbwahrheiten Korrekturen an unserem Bild von Judentum und Nationalsozialismus
Manuscriptum Rote Linien
Manuscriptum Griechentum und deutscher Geist
Manuscriptum Das unheimliche Jahrhundert
Manuscriptum Rom im Banne deutscher Identität
Manuscriptum Auf Kosten der Dritten Welt
Manuscriptum Land der Wunder
Manuscriptum Jahreszeitliches Wanderbuch IIV I Vorfrhling II Frhling III Sommer und Herbst IV Winter
Manuscriptum Volksverletzung
Manuscriptum Finis Germania
Manuscriptum Versuch über das Scheitern