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SteinerBooks, Inc The Turning Point: Star Wisdom Volume 5: With Monthly Ephemerides and Commentary for 2023
This annual publication features articles on star wisdom (astrosophy) and a guide to the correspondences between stellar configurations during the life of Christ and those of today. The guide includes a complete sidereal ephemeris and aspectarian, geocentric and heliocentric for each day of the year for 2023.According to Rudolf Steiner, each step taken by Christ during his ministry, from the Baptism in the Jordan to his Resurrection, was in harmony with, and an expression of, the cosmos. The Star Wisdom series is concerned with these heavenly correspondences during the life of Christ and is intended to help in building a foundation for cosmic Christianity, the cosmic dimension of Christianity. It is this approach that, until now, has been largely missing from Christianity and its 2,000-year history.Readers can begin this path today by contemplating the movements of the Sun, Moon, and planets against the background of the zodiacal constellations (sidereal signs) in relation to corresponding stellar events during the life of Christ. In this way, the possibility is opened for attuning in a living way to the life of Christ, who since the beginning of his Second Coming in 1933 is now spiritually present in the etheric aura of the Earth.This edition of Star Wisdom focuses on the year 2023 as the 100-year commemoration of Rudolf Steiner laying the Foundation Stone Meditation at the founding of the General Anthroposophical Society during the Christmas Conference in 1923 -- a 'turning point of time'.Additionally, this edition looks to the year 2023 in the light of its potential for being a turning point in today's cultural crisis, as indicated by the position of Neptune on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces. This volume also features articles by Robert Powell, Joel Park, Krisztina Cseri and Natalia Haarahiltunen.This guide to direct interaction between human beings on Earth and angels and other heavenly beings connected with the stars is intended to help the reader develop the capacity to receive the wisdom-filled teachings of the spiritual hierarchies.
Cornell University Press Fear and Fortune: Spirit Worlds and Emerging Economies in the Mongolian Gold Rush
Mongolia over the last decade has seen a substantial and ongoing gold rush. The widespread mining of gold looks at first glance to be a blessing for a desperately poor and largely pastoralist country where people's lives were disrupted by the end of the USSR and tens of millions of livestock were killed in devastating droughts in the early 2000s. Volatility and uncertainty as well as political and economic turmoil led many people to join the hopeful search for gold. This activity, born out of uncertain times, poses an intense moral problem; in the "land of dust," disturbing the ground and extracting the precious metal is widely believed to have calamitous consequences. With gold retaining strong ties to the landscape and its many spirit beings, the fortune of the precious metal is inseparable from the fears that surround mining. Tracing the continuities and discontinuities between human and nonhuman worlds, Mette M. High follows the paths of gold as it is excavated and converted into "polluted money," entering local shops and Buddhist monasteries, joining the illegal gold trade, and returning as "renewed" money for the "big bosses" of the gold mines. High has done several years of fieldwork in Mongolia, spending time with the "ninjas," as the miners are known locally, as well as the people who disapprove of their illegal activities and warn of the retribution that the land and its inhabitants may suffer as a result. This book is about radical change, or as many Mongolians put it, when life becomes "strange" and "chaotic." High has gained a deep understanding of the processes by which Mongolians square a morally questionable activity with the lure of profit. How do they involve themselves with tainted sources of money, and can it ever be cleansed and made usable? Addressing how our lives and those of others are intimately intertwined, Fear and Fortune offers an expansive and capacious approach to understanding the high stakes involved in human economic life.
Johns Hopkins University Press Misinformation Nation: Foreign News and the Politics of Truth in Revolutionary America
Fundamentally reshapes our understanding of the causes of the American Revolution and the pivotal role foreign news and misinformation played in driving colonists to revolt.Runner-up of the Journal of The American Revolution Book of the Year Award by the Journal of The American Revolution"Fake news" is not new. Just like millions of Americans today, the revolutionaries of the eighteenth century worried that they were entering a "post-truth" era. Their fears, however, were not fixated on social media or clickbait, but rather on peoples' increasing reliance on reading news gathered from foreign newspapers. In Misinformation Nation, Jordan E. Taylor reveals how foreign news defined the boundaries of American politics and ultimately drove colonists to revolt against Britain and create a new nation.News was the lifeblood of early American politics, but newspaper printers had few reliable sources to report on events from abroad. Accounts of battles and beheadings, as well as declarations and constitutions, often arrived alongside contradictory intelligence. Though frequently false, the information that Americans encountered in newspapers, letters, and conversations framed their sense of reality, leading them to respond with protests, boycotts, violence, and the creation of new political institutions. Fearing that their enemies were spreading fake news, American colonists fought for control of the news media. As their basic perceptions of reality diverged, Loyalists separated from Patriots and, in the new nation created by the revolution, Republicans inhabited a political reality quite distinct from that of their Federalist rivals. The American Revolution was not only a political contest for liberty, equality, and independence (for white men, at least); it was also a contest to define certain accounts of reality to be truthful while defining others as false and dangerous. Misinformation Nation argues that we must also conceive of the American Revolution as a series of misperceptions, misunderstandings, and uninformed overreactions. In addition to making a striking and original argument about the founding of the United States, Misinformation Nation will be a valuable prehistory to our current political moment.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Principles and Practice of Laser Dentistry
Successfully expand the use of lasers in your dental practice! With vibrant, detailed clinical images and easy-to-follow writing, Principles and Practice of Laser Dentistry, 3rd Edition walks you through the most common uses of lasers in areas such as periodontal surgery, dental implants, prosthetic and cosmetic reconstruction and describes how lasers work, how they interact with tissues, and how this knowledge may be applied to dental practice with a focus on technology, surgical techniques, and key steps in treatment. Written by laser dentistry pioneer Dr. Robert A. Convissar and a team of leading experts, this edition includes an ebook free with each purchase of a print book, three new chapters, and new case histories and clinical tips. It contains everything you need to know to build your skills in the rapidly growing field of laser dentistry. Authoritative information is written by experts from all areas of dentistry, including periodontics, orthodontics, prosthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, implants, endodontics, pediatric dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and practice management. Revised case studies reflect treatment planning and the use of lasers in treating a variety of pathologies. Detailed photographs clearly illustrate preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative procedures. Guidelines to the use of lasers in procedures are validated with evidence-based, peer-reviewed literature. Revised Clinical Tips and Caution boxes highlight key information. Summary tables and boxes simplify essential information. Chapter on Introducing Lasers into the Dental Practice includes guidelines for investing in lasers. Glossary provides definitions of key laser terminology. NEW! Chapters cover snoring and sleep apnea, photodynamic therapy, and infant tongue tie procedures. NEW! More clinical photos, equipment photos, and conceptual illustrations are included. NEW! eBook version is included with print purchase, allowing you to access all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Roberts and Hedges' Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine and Acute Care
Comprehensive, detailed, and up to date, Roberts and & Hedges' Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine and Acute Care, 7th Edition, provides highly visual coverage of both common and uncommon procedures encountered in emergency medicine and acute care practice. It clearly describes the ins and outs of every procedure you're likely to consider, such as how, why, when to, and when not to perform them, and recommends other emergency or acute care procedures that may be an option. Thoroughly revised and updated throughout, the 7th Edition remains the most well-known and trusted procedures manual in its field. Provides clear, detailed information for practitioners at all levels of experience, - from trainees who are unfamiliar with a specific procedure to those with experience in the technique. Covers the latest equipment, devices, drug therapies, and techniques you need to know for the effective practice of emergency medicine and acute care. Features new and updated information on ultrasound throughout the text, including Ultrasound Boxes that are expertly written and richly illustrated with photographs and clinical correlative images. Includes more Procedure Boxes that allow you to see entire procedures at a glance, functioning as a mini-atlas that allows you to quickly grasp how to perform a procedure. Contains more than 100 new figures-of more than 3,500 images total-including new color photographs, new Ultrasound Boxes, and new algorithms. Features a new chapter on Procedures in the Setting of Anticoagulation. Covers hot topics such as novel loop abscess drainage technique, ENT techniques, and ophthalmology techniques, as well as procedures performed by acute care practitioners such as sedation of the agitated patient, alternate methods of drug delivery, and common errors and complications in the acute care setting. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. You'll also have access to nearly 250 procedural videos.
University of Texas Press Negotiating for the Past: Archaeology, Nationalism, and Diplomacy in the Middle East, 1919-1941
The discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922 was a landmark event in Egyptology that was celebrated around the world. Had Howard Carter found his prize a few years earlier, however, the treasures of Tut might now be in the British Museum in London rather than the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. That's because the years between World War I and World War II were a transitional period in Middle Eastern archaeology, as nationalists in Egypt and elsewhere asserted their claims to antiquities discovered within their borders. These claims were motivated by politics as much as by scholarship, with nationalists seeking to unite citizens through pride in their ancient past as they challenged Western powers that still exercised considerable influence over local governments and economies. James Goode's analysis of archaeological affairs in Turkey, Egypt, Iran, and Iraq during this period offers fascinating new insight into the rise of nationalism in the Middle East, as well as archaeological and diplomatic history. The first such work to compare archaeological-nationalistic developments in more than one country, Negotiating for the Past draws on published and archival sources in Arabic, English, French, German, Persian, and Turkish. Those sources reveal how nationalists in Iraq and Iran observed the success of their counterparts in Egypt and Turkey, and were able to hold onto discoveries at legendary sites such as Khorsabad and Persepolis. Retaining artifacts allowed nationalists to build museums and control cultural heritage. As Goode writes, "Going to the national museum became a ritual of citizenship." Western archaeologists became identified (in the eyes of many) as agents of imperialism, thus making their work more difficult, and often necessitating diplomatic intervention. The resulting "negotiations for the past" pulled patrons (such as John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and Lord Carnarvon), archaeologists (James Breasted and Howard Carter), nationalist leaders (Ataturk and Sa'd Zaghlul), and Western officials (Charles Evan Hughes and Lord Curzon) into intractable historical debates with international implications that still resonate today.
Columbia University Press Tough Liberal: Albert Shanker and the Battles Over Schools, Unions, Race, and Democracy
In Woody Allen's 1973 film, Sleeper, a character wakes up in the future to learn that civilization was destroyed when "a man by the name of Albert Shanker got hold of a nuclear warhead." Shanker was condemned by many when he shut down the New York City school system in the bitter strikes of 1967 and 1968, and he was denounced for stirring up animosity between black parents and Jewish teachers. Later, however, he built alliances with blacks, and at the time of his death in 1997, such figures as Bill Clinton celebrated Shanker for being an educational reformer, a champion of equality, and a promoter of democracy abroad. Shanker lived the lives of several men bound into one. In his early years, he was the "George Washington of the teaching profession," helping to found modern teacher unionism. During the 1980s, as head of the American Federation of Teachers, he became the nation's leading education reformer. Shanker supported initiatives for high education standards and accountability, teacher-led charter schools, and a system of "peer review" to weed out inadequate teachers. Throughout his life, Shanker also fought for "tough liberalism," an ideology favoring public education and trade unions but also colorblind policies and a robust anticommunism--all of which, Shanker believed, were vital to a commitment to democracy. Although he had a coherent worldview, Shanker was a complex individual. He began his career as a pacifist but evolved into a leading defense and foreign policy hawk. He was an intellectual and a populist; a gifted speaker who failed at small talk; a liberal whose biggest enemies were often on the left; a talented writer who had to pay to have his ideas published; and a gruff unionist who enjoyed shopping and detested sports. Richard D. Kahlenberg's biography is the first to offer a complete narrative of one of the most important voices in public education and American politics in the last half century. At a time when liberals are accused of not knowing what they stand for, Tough Liberal illuminates an engaging figure who suggested an alternative liberal path.
The University of Chicago Press The First Moderns: Profiles in the Origins of Twentieth-Century Thought
A lively and accessible history of Modernism, The First Moderns is filled with portraits of genius, and intellectual breakthroughs, that richly evoke the fin-de-siècle atmosphere of Paris, Vienna, St. Louis, and St. Petersburg. William Everdell offers readers an invigorating look at the unfolding of an age."This exceptionally wide-ranging history is chock-a-block with anecdotes, factoids, odd juxtapositions, and useful insights. Most impressive. . . . For anyone interested in learning about late 19th- and early 20th- century imaginative thought, this engagingly written book is a good place to start."—Washington Post Book World"The First Moderns brilliantly maps the beginning of a path at whose end loom as many diasporas as there are men."—Frederic Morton, The Los Angeles Times Book Review"In this truly exciting study of the origins of modernist thought, poet and teacher Everdell roams freely across disciplinary lines. . . . A brilliant book that will prove useful to scholars and generalists for years to come; enthusiastically recommended."—Library Journal, starred review"Everdell has performed a rare service for his readers. Dispelling much of the current nonsense about 'postmodernism,' this book belongs on the very short list of profound works of cultural analysis."—Booklist"Innovative and impressive . . . [Everdell] has written a marvelous, erudite, and readable study."-Mark Bevir, Spectator"A richly eclectic history of the dawn of a new era in painting, music, literature, mathematics, physics, genetics, neuroscience, psychiatry and philosophy."—Margaret Wertheim, New Scientist"[Everdell] has himself recombined the parts of our era's intellectual history in new and startling ways, shedding light for which the reader of The First Moderns will be eternally grateful."—Hugh Kenner, The New York Times Book Review"Everdell shows how the idea of "modernity" arose before the First World War by telling the stories of heroes such as T. S. Eliot, Max Planck, and Georges Serault with such a lively eye for detail, irony, and ambiance that you feel as if you're reliving those miraculous years."—Jon Spayde, Utne Reader
Oxford University Press A History of the County of Somerset: Volume V
The fifth volume of the history of Somerset contains the histories of twenty-two parishes in the eastern part of the hundred of Williton and Freemanors and of one parish, Holford, part of which was in Whitley hundred. The parishesoccupy a roughly triangular area of western Somerset includ-ing the southern and eastern part of the Brendon hills as far as the Devon border, the north-western end of the Quantock ridge, the wide valley between them, and some ofthe coastal strip to the north which faces the Bristol Channel. Extensive grazing on the Hangman Grits of the Quantocks and the slates of the Brendons was an important feature of the economy, and the Quantocks still retain largetracts of uncultivated heath land. Mining for copper on the Quantocks and for iron ore on the Brendons, and quarrying limestone for burning in most parishes, provided an important industrial element in the 18th and 19th centuriesbeside an agrarian system which in the 17th century and earlier had concentrated on sheep and cattle on the higher ground and arable in the valleys and coastal strip. Cloth-making was of significance in many parishes until the earlier 19th century. The nucleated villages in the east of the area contrast with the scattered pattern of Brendon settlement. Stogumber and St. Decumans had Saxon minster churches; boroughs were formed in the Middle Ages at Crowcombe, Nether Stowey, and Watchet. A castle was built at Nether Stowey, a monastery in Old Cleeve parish. Williton emerged as an urban centre in the 19th century. Among the large houses featured are Nettlecombe Court, Orchard Wyndham, St. Audries, and Court House, East Quantoxhead. The Acland-Hoods, the Carews, the Luttrells, the Trevelyans, and the Wyndhams were prominent in land ownership and government; also important in the local economy were the 17th-century country shopkeepers selling figs and canary seed, the seaweed burners and paper-makers of the 18th century, and the shippers of grain, flour, and timber in the 19th.
Paul Holberton Publishing Ltd Isabella Stewart Gardner, Dog Lover
Isabella Stewart Gardner was a force to be reckoned with. She routinely went toe-to-toe with major museums and titans of industry to purchase masterpieces, created a museum unlike any other, and was famous for consistently flouting the social conventions that governed women of her time. However, this book shows another side of Isabella that readers may not expect: her love of dogs. Richly illustrated with images from the collection and museum archives, this volume allows readers to meet Isabella’s favorite dogs (Kitty Wink and Patty Boy), see the litters of puppies she bred, and discover how her dogs were a comfort toward the end of her life. Usually stern in photographs, Isabella - like many people - could not help grinning when posing for photos with puppies. This enthusiasm for dogs is also evident in her correspondence. As she wrote excitedly to her art advisor Bernard Berenson: “Part of my morning’s work has been to try to induce two 9 days old fox terrier pups to open their eyes again. They did once; and then clapped them to, with a vim that seemed to say that the box they found themselves in was not the ideal they had come to this world to see!” Even the dogs of celebrities - both celebrities she knew personally, and others she admired from afar - drew her attention. This book also features some of the many photographs she collected of notable people and their dogs, like the painter Anders Zorn and his adorable pup Mouche and Caesar, the regal and loyal terrier who belonged to King Edward VII and even marched in the monarch’s funeral parade. From gathering Renaissance masterpieces to raising Fox Terriers, this book shows that Isabella approached all her tasks with enthusiasm and dedication. By learning about her love of her canine companions, this book presents a more human side of Isabella than typically on display.
Archaeopress Athens from 1920 to 1940: A true and just account of how History was enveloped by a modern City and the Place became an Event
During the short interwar period of the early 20th century, Athens entered into a process of meteoric urban transformation which gave her a unique place among European capital cities of the time. The implementation of a settlement programme for hundreds of thousands of refugees, following the 1922 Smyrna catastrophe, effected social and economic metamorphoses, which, in their early steps, were not devoid of patterns of social and spatial segregation. During the 1930s, notwithstanding manifold adversities, the capital city encountered modernity, but she did so on her own terms. On the ideological level, the place acquired a world-wide reputation for two reasons. First, by the ambitious venture of unearthing antiquities in the ancient agora and revealing the glory of ancient Greece, even if a whole neighbourhood standing on the spot, which for centuries had teemed with social exchange and commercial transactions, had to be erased for that purpose. Second, by imprinting her name on the ‘Charter of Athens’, the document concluding the results of the 4th Congress of Modern Architecture which she hosted, intrinsically linking her with the avant-garde architectural theory and practice of the time. Furthermore, state/governmental involvement in the production of the built environment, occasionally supporting the private sector and landowners in particular in their speculative intentions, provided Athens with the infrastructure she demanded for exercising her role as the capital city of Greece. The Marathon Dam, the underground railway, the steam-powered electric plants, and many other projects, implied advances through which the average man and woman in the street could rejoice that modernization had taken deep roots within Athenian daily life. Yet, it seems Athens walked alongside modernism not within it. Very much like Narcissus, the handsome young man from Boeotia, it might be that Athens looked at her beautiful face mirrored as if in the still water of a lake; overwhelmed by a strong feeling of exaltation and delight, she stood there until she died.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Critical Research Techniques in Animal and Habitat Ecology: Examples from India
This book covers selected topics on research methods in modern ecology, through the lens of 8 chapters, focusing on animal ecology, landcover assessment and habitat change, human perspectives and management, and research techniques, with examples taken from the Indian subcontinent. This area has emerged as one of the pivotal zones where cutting edge applications may be tested. Topics examined include the development and management of computer software techniques and the syntheses of these into pre-existing research methods, chemical analyses, including studies of animal dietary and foraging patterns, landcover, habitat and plant ecological change and even human/animal relations, and genetic studies. Remote sensing and geographical information systems are considered as cutting-edge research methods, at small, medium and large-scale levels, including more accurate positioning systems, more sensitive tracking systems, the removal of obstacles to clearer observation and species identification, such as darkness and poor lighting, dense vegetation and coarse image resolution and more comparative studies across different local contexts and global ecosystems. The topics cover geoinformatics applications to forest management in India, the paradigm shifts in this area, and the promotion and integration of sustainable forest management (SFM) and geoinformatics within the National Working Plan Code. Another case study is of Geoinformatics, Climate Change, Habitat Dynamics and a Case of Vultures in Central India, focusing on vulture ecology and related climatic variables, assessed with geoinformatics, Species Distribution Models (SDMs) and Global Circulation Models (GCMs). Other topics concern the use of tracking technologies including drones, the use of thermal and infrared drones in the study of large mammalian carnivores, the role of remote sensing and GIS in the assessment of natural resource development, clustering around the central concept of change detection, and the monitoring of agricultural development using socio-cultural parameters. This book presents these issues as some factors among the vast number of current ecological issues.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd More More More: Making Maximalism Work in Your Home and Life
Let master of Maximalism Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen tell you how to create and curate a space that you can truly love spending time in.Changing Rooms' flamboyant lead designer has made a great living out of being himself, having spent his entire career encouraging people to reject decorative modesty. More More More is a rejection of so-called "good taste" that leaves people being so in control of their own home that even life feels out of place within it, and instead celebrates exuberance, lavish living, and individuality. It's all about giving yourself the confidence you lack by curating your own perfect haven of chaos, so that you can live and love your stuff - in surroundings that are anything but beige!With this book, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen will not only explain how to adopt maximalism in the home, but promises to change your outlook on living happily in it. Structured within a complete timeline of maximalism, there's something for everyone to love!Dive into this decor book to discover a whirlwind of topics, including: - The Principles of Layering- Asymmetry - A Tricky Balancing Act- Using Pattern like a pro- Storage - to store or not to store- Collecting vs. AqcuiringMore More More is overflowing with Laurence's signature style, exuberance and a lifetime's experience in lavish living and take-no-prisoners individuality. Part narrative treatise, part visual celebration of Maximalism through the ages, it is rich in history, anecdotes and quite a few rules, most of which are to be broken!. Having spent his entire career encouraging people to reject decorative modesty, he will not only inform the reader how to embrace Maximalism in their home, but promises to change how they live within it.Minimalists beware!A must-have home decor book for Fans of Laurence Llewlyn-Bowen, a new generation of home-owners and renters who want to rebel against the mass-market principles from minimalist as well as those trying to create a healthy work-life environment. Doubling up as the perfect coffee-table book, More More More is sure to delight.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Woke Salaryman Crash Course on Capitalism & Money: Lessons from the World's Most Expensive City
Learn the rules of the game of capitalism so you can play to win and build wealth Crash Course on Capitalism and Money: Lessons from the World's Most Expensive City is not your typical personal finance guide. Written by the founders of the top personal finance blog in Singapore, this book acknowledges the frustrations many young people feel as they enter the world of money, and it shows you how to develop the mindset necessary to thrive for the rest of your life. Through visual storytelling, Crash Course on Capitalism and Money melds personal finance, economics, sociology, and psychology to create a book that shows you the path to financial success. If you're ready to rise above discontentment, accept the reality you find yourself in, and put in the work it takes to survive, then thrive in today's world—then this is the book for you. In this book, you'll find a collection of the most popular comics by The Woke Salaryman. The stories are accompanied by commentaries that offer additional context on how each story fits within the bigger framework of approaching the daunting challenge of navigating money, life and purpose in these times. Why you should get the book: It's a guided tour from the perspective of the disillusioned youth who feel like the game is rigged and the odds are stacked against their favor. The comics and illustrated essays make the technical and boring aspects of personal finance more accessible and interesting. Actionable step-by-step tips on how to make your first steps after graduation. The point is not just to make as much money as possible, but rather to think about personal finance as an important strategic aspect in your life, from which you can then achieve your life goals. For young people just beginning their personal finance journeys, as well as anyone who wants to make better financial and life choices while navigating the rules of capitalism and wealth, Crash Course on Capitalism and Money is a fun and enlightening read.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth
Conquer the most essential adaptation to the knowledge economy The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth offers practical guidance for teams and organizations who are serious about success in the modern economy. With so much riding on innovation, creativity, and spark, it is essential to attract and retain quality talent—but what good does this talent do if no one is able to speak their mind? The traditional culture of "fitting in" and "going along" spells doom in the knowledge economy. Success requires a continuous influx of new ideas, new challenges, and critical thought, and the interpersonal climate must not suppress, silence, ridicule or intimidate. Not every idea is good, and yes there are stupid questions, and yes dissent can slow things down, but talking through these things is an essential part of the creative process. People must be allowed to voice half-finished thoughts, ask questions from left field, and brainstorm out loud; it creates a culture in which a minor flub or momentary lapse is no big deal, and where actual mistakes are owned and corrected, and where the next left-field idea could be the next big thing. This book explores this culture of psychological safety, and provides a blueprint for bringing it to life. The road is sometimes bumpy, but succinct and informative scenario-based explanations provide a clear path forward to constant learning and healthy innovation. Explore the link between psychological safety and high performance Create a culture where it’s “safe” to express ideas, ask questions, and admit mistakes Nurture the level of engagement and candor required in today’s knowledge economy Follow a step-by-step framework for establishing psychological safety in your team or organization Shed the "yes-men" approach and step into real performance. Fertilize creativity, clarify goals, achieve accountability, redefine leadership, and much more. The Fearless Organization helps you bring about this most critical transformation.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Veterinary Medical Terminology
Reader-friendly and organized by body system, Veterinary Medical Terminology, 3rd Edition helps you quickly gain a solid understanding of veterinary terminology. Essential word parts and terms are presented in the context of basic anatomy, physiology, and disease conditions, giving you the tools to immediately apply new terminology to practical clinical situations. This new edition features learning exercises at the end of each chapter to reinforce content and test your knowledge, challenging you to go beyond simple memorization and become fluent in the language of veterinary medicine. Updated coverage includes advancements in the vet tech field, new medications, treatments of today's most prevalent diseases, and the latest procedures in orthopedics. With additional online material that reinforces the text, this third edition is an essential resource for learning the medical terms and basic principles of veterinary medicine. A logical body-systems approach and consistent chapter format help students find information quickly and learn more effectively. UNIQUE! Goals and objectives at the beginning of each chapter help students focus their study time and check their recall and understanding of key facts and terminology. Over 200 illustrations clearly demonstrate key anatomy and physiology concepts and terminology. Helpful appendices in text provide information on chemical symbols and elements and common veterinary medical abbreviations. A complete glossary of word parts gives students quick access to the spelling and meaning of every prefix, suffix, root, and combining form covered in the book. Presentation of anatomic, physiologic, and/or pathophysiologic concepts and principles in all chapters enhances your students' ability to quickly apply newly learned terms. Self-test exercises at the end of each chapter allow students to thoroughly review content. NEW! Coverage of the latest advancements in the vet tech field, include all-new drugs, today's most prevalent diseases, and state-of-the-art procedures in orthopedics. NEW and UNIQUE! Learning exercises at the end of each chapter test your students' knowledge and challenge them to use newly learned terms.
National Academies Press We're Friends, Right?: Inside Kids' Culture
Sociologists often study exotic cultures by immersing themselves in an environment until they become accepted as insiders. In this fascinating account by acclaimed researcher William A. Corsaro, a scientist "goes native" to study the secret world of children. Here, for the first time, are the children themselves, heard through an expert who knows that the only way to truly understand them is by becoming a member of their community. That's just what Corsaro did when he traded in his adult perspective for a seat in the sandbox alongside groups of preschoolers. Corsaro's journey of discovery is as fascinating as it is revealing. Living among and gaining the acceptance of children, he gradually comes to understand that a child's world is far more complex than anyone ever suspected. He documents a special culture, unique unto itself, in which children create their own social structures and exert their own influences. At a time when many parents fear that they don't spend enough time with their children, and experts debate the best path to healthy development, seeing childhood through the eyes of a child offers parents and caregivers fresh and compelling insights. Corsaro calls upon all adults to appreciate, embrace, and savor their children's culture. He asks us to take a cue from those we hold so precious and understand that "we're all friends, right?" Table of Contents Front Matter Introduction: The Importance and Autonomy of Kids' Culture 1. "Yeah, You're Big Bill": Entering Kids' Culture 2. "We're Friends, Right?": Sharing and Social Participation in Kids' Culture 3. "You Wanna Know What Happend Because You're My Best Friend": Making and Being Friends in Kids Culture 4. "You Can't Talk If You're Dead": Fantasy and Pretend Play 5. "When I Grow Up and You Grow Up, We'll Be The Bosses": Role-Play in Kids' Culture 6. "Arriva La Banca": Kids' Secondary Adjustments to Adult Roles 7. "You Can't Come To My Birthday Party": Conflict in Kids' Culture 8. "Appreciating Childhood": Suggestions for Supporting and Sharing in Kids' Culture Notes Further Reading Index
Ideapress Publishing Leveraged Learning: How the Disruption of Education Helps Lifelong Learners, and Experts with Something to Teach
“Leveraged Learning is a tour de force of education - how it evolved, what it delivered and where it is going”—Srikumar Rao In a world where education is broken, everyone loses. But big disruption (and transformation) is coming to higher education, and there will be many winners. This is the book that explores a model of education that’s not only robust enough for the modern world, it’s also affordable for students. It’s viable for businesses who long to finally hire the skills that are hard to find. And it’s distributed to the experts who are at the cutting edge of their fields rather than being confined to the purely intellectual and theoretical realms of the ivory tower. Gone are the days when education was something that only happened at the start of your career. The name of today's game, both personally and professionally, is to be CONSTANTLY LEARNING: just enough, just in time, and never stopping. But where can knowledge workers, professionals, and lifelong learners go to find the training and education they need to stay current and thrive? It's no secret that universities and colleges are struggling to keep pace and stay current. Often OUT OF TOUCH, exorbitantly overpriced, and slowed by unwieldy infrastructures, bureaucracies and tenure, these institutions are fundamentally designed to deliver a mode of education that still serves an important purpose, but leaves many of our individual and collective needs for learning and growth sorely unmet. This crisis is an OPPORTUNITY FOR THE EXPERTS AND PROFESSIONALS who possess the knowledge and skills that are so sorely needed by so many. The solution is to package their expertise into leveraged learning programs. These online courses will create transformation for the lifelong learners who need them, and profit for the experts who create them. Danny Iny, a successful educator and entrepreneur, has been leading the charge in the growing movement of course building and online education. And in Leveraged Learning, he lays out the guidebook for navigating and thriving in this new world – both as a lifelong learner, and as an expert with something to teach. As a lifelong learner, you'll gain the skills and acquire the tools that you need to grow and thrive: How education has changed and the implications for knowledge workers and professionals. Why the education system is failing you and what alternatives to consider. How to hack your patterns of behavior to support and accelerate your learning. The three layers of learning that you must stack together to achieve mastery. Which mental habits are critical to achieving ongoing, sustained success. How to tell which online courses are worth taking, and which to avoid. Why most online courses have single-digit completion rates, and how to transcend the statistics. And as an expert with something to teach, you'll learn how to package your expertise for others' benefit, and your profit: What it really takes to develop a lucrative revenue stream from your expertise. The piloting methodology that has worked for thousands of successful online course creators. How to design a curriculum that engages students and leads to mastery. What to test, measure, and iterate as your course grows and evolves. Research-based techniques to help every student perform at the 98th percentile of success. Methodologies for peer-based feedback that cost-effectively support student learning. How to engineer student success with accountability, gamification, and artificial intelligence. All this and much, much more is yours for the taking. Leveraged Learning is your indispensable guide to staying current, growing, and thriving in the modern world. Whether you will be one of the course creators or one of the lifelong learners (or both), you’ll benefit when you come along for the journey. Scroll up and buy the book today.
Island Press Urban Street Design Guide
The NACTO Urban Street Design Guide shows how streets of every size can be reimagined and reoriented to prioritise safe driving and transit, cycling, walking, and public activity. Unlike older, more conservative engineering manuals, this design guide emphasises the core principle that urban streets are public places and have a larger role to play in communities than solely being conduits for traffic. The well-illustrated guide offers blueprints of street design from multiple perspectives, from the bird's eye view to granular details. Case studies show how to implement best practices, as well as provide guidance for customizing design applications to a city's unique needs. Urban Street Design Guide outlines five goals and tenets of world-class street design: Streets are public spaces - streets play a much larger role in the public life of cities and communities than just thoroughfares for traffic; Great streets are great for business - well-designed streets generate higher revenues for businesses and higher values for homeowners; Design for safety - traffic engineers can and should design streets where people walking, parking, shopping, cycling, working, and driving can cross paths safely; and, Streets can be changed - transportation engineers can work flexibly within the building envelope of a street, and many city streets were created in a different era and need to be reconfigured to meet new needs. Elaborating on these fundamental principles, the guide offers substantive direction for cities seeking to improve street design to create more inclusive, multi-modal urban environments. It is an exceptional resource for redesigning streets to serve the needs of 21st century cities, whose residents and visitors demand a variety of transportation options, safer streets, and vibrant community life.
United Nations Arab human development report 2022: expanding opportunities for an inclusive and resilient recovery in the post-COVID era
The Arab Human Development Report 2022 focuses on post-COVID recovery, assessing long standing development challenges across the spheres of governance, society, and economy-tackling aspects of gender; youth; education and health; multi-dimensional poverty; impacts on economic sectors, MSMEs and labour markets; displacement and migration; and nature and climate change challenges, to put the region on a resilient and sustainable human development path. The report also assesses adequacy and efficacy of response policies especially where the pandemic has led to widening inequalities and exacerbated existing challenges in such areas as public service provision, including social protection, care, education, healthcare and vaccine rollout. The report provides concrete recommendations on how to guide a resilient, sustainable, equitable, and inclusive recovery. It calls on Arab States to act quickly, decisively and at scale, to assess, evaluate, and strengthen capabilities and capacities and build effective and trustworthy institutional structures that can support a new social contract to better help societies cope with future shocks and disasters
Peeters Publishers La Pensee Premiere a La Triple Forme (NH XIII, 1)
L'ecrit intitule "La Pensee Premiere a la triple forme" nous a ete conserve dans une version copte par un seul temoin manuscrit, le codex XIII de la collection des papyri decouverts en Haute-Egypte, pres de Nag Hammadi, en 1945. Comme le suggere son titre, copie en grec ("Protennoia trimorphos"), et certains autres traits, cet ecrit a ete compose dans cette langue, mais aucun temoin de l' original grec ne nous a ete transmis. Sur le plan litteraire, le traite n'appartient a aucun des genres largement atestes dans le corpus de Nag Hammadi, traites didactiques, apocalypses, apocryphes vetero- ou neotestamentaires. Il s'agit plutot d'un texte hybride, a la fois hymne et discours didactique autodeclaratoire a la premiere personne du singulier, qui integre des interpellations, des interventions des destinataires et des developpements narratifs. Comme pour mieux refleter la nature triadique de son protagoniste, l'ecrit est divise en trois parties ou discours, clairement identifies par un sous-titre propre a chacun. Ce protagoniste est en fait un personnage feminin ou plutot androgyne, dont l'identite ne fait pas de doute: il s'agit litteralement de la "premiere pensee", ou de la premiere emanation, de l'Invisible ou du Pere, donc du second principe superieur. Cette Premiere Pensee doit etre identifiee a la puissance dont l'emergence depuis l'eon paternel est relatee dans le "Livre des secrets de Jean", qui l'appelle Pronoia et Barbelo. La mise en scene que fait notre traite de ce personnage, si elle depend de celle du "Livre des secrets", est neanmoins originale, dans la mesure ou le redacteur, pour representer la triple manifestation de la Premiere Pensee, combine deux structures triadiques, celle du Pere, de la Mere et du Fils, et celle du Son, de la Voix et de la Parole ou Logos. Ce faisant, il construit une relecture polemique du prologue de l'Evangile de Jean, tout comme il integre nombre de materiaux traditionnels, ce qui nous amene a fixer sa composition dans la premiere moitie du IIIe siecle, dans un milieu ou on lisait et commentait le "Livre des secrets de Jean" et d'autres oeuvres gnostiques et non gnostiques, un milieu ouvert a des influences religieuses et philosophiques diverses, manifestement chretien. On situera volontiers ce milieu de culture chretienne dans le bassin oriental de la Mediterranee, en Egypte grecque ou en Syrie.Le present ouvrage offre une edition du texte copte de l'ecrit precedee d'une ample introduction et accompagnee d'une traduction francaise, d'un commentaire detaille et d'index lexicographiques et grammaticaux. On y trouvera une interpretation nouvelle d'un texte tout aussi fascinant qu'enigmatique.
Washington State University Press The Last Lookout on Dunn Peak: Fire Spotting in Idaho's St. Joe National Forest
Some summers are destined to generate cherished memories. For married high school sweethearts Don and Nancy Hammond, they happened in 1972 and 1973, when Don's lifelong dream of being a United States Forest Service fire lookout came true.Don's first post, the Dunn Peak Lookout, was located eight miles northwest of Avery in Idaho's St. Joe National Forest. Once they arrived, they breathlessly lugged provisions and water up steep stairs to its fifteen-by-fifteen-foot cab two stories above the forest floor. Furnishings included a single bed, small bookcase, cabinet, and table, and a wood stove. There was no electricity or running water. A battery powered two-way Motorola radio would be their only connection to the outside world. That night--engulfed by lightning strikes and filled with adrenalin--they faced their first storm.Unless it was foggy or raining, the Forest Service required Don to conduct binocular searches from the catwalk at least twenty minutes of every hour while he was on duty. He watched for smoke during the day and the glow of fire at night, and learned to distinguish between blue smoke plumes and white wisps of fog. Despite the primitive conditions, Don, Nancy, and their Dalmatian, Misty, settled in and came to love their lookout life. They spotted wildfires, were startled by their first cougar scream, encountered a wide variety of human and animal visitors, discovered delectable huckleberry patches, and simply enjoyed the enchanting beauty all around them.The Forest Service decided to close the Dunn Peak Lookout, so the couple spent the summer of 1973 at the Middle Sister Peak tower, ten miles southeast of Avery. In The Last Lookout, Nancy shares stories from those two exciting, magical fire seasons, along with their return as volunteers 37 years later. Interspersing regional fire history as well as dangers and details of the work, she journeys back to the narrow catwalks and stunning panoramas--a place where storms are building, the forest is dry, and any lightning strike could ignite a raging wildfire.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Great Society Subway: A History of the Washington Metro
Drivers in the nation's capital face a host of hazards: high-speed traffic circles, presidential motorcades, jaywalking tourists, and bewildering signs that send unsuspecting motorists from the Lincoln Memorial into suburban Virginia in less than two minutes. And parking? Don't bet on it unless you're in the fast lane of the Capital Beltway during rush hour. Little wonder, then, that so many residents and visitors rely on the Washington Metro, the 106-mile rapid transit system that serves the District of Columbia and its inner suburbs. In the first comprehensive history of the Metro, Zachary M. Schrag tells the story of the Great Society Subway from its earliest rumblings to the present day, from Arlington to College Park, Eisenhower to Marion Barry. Unlike the pre-World War II rail systems of New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia, the Metro was built at a time when most American families already owned cars, and when most American cities had dedicated themselves to freeways, not subways. Why did the nation's capital take a different path? What were the consequences of that decision? Using extensive archival research as well as oral history, Schrag argues that the Metro can be understood only in the political context from which it was born: the Great Society liberalism of the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations. The Metro emerged from a period when Americans believed in public investments suited to the grandeur and dignity of the world's richest nation. The Metro was built not merely to move commuters, but in the words of Lyndon Johnson, to create "a place where the city of man serves not only the needs of the body and the demands of commerce but the desire for beauty and the hunger for community." Schrag scrutinizes the project from its earliest days, including general planning, routes, station architecture, funding decisions, land-use impacts, and the behavior of Metro riders. The story of the Great Society Subway sheds light on the development of metropolitan Washington, postwar urban policy, and the promises and limits of rail transit in American cities.
Hay House Inc More Beautiful Than Before: How Suffering Transforms Us
Every one of us sooner or later walks through hell. The hell of being hurt, the hell of hurting another. The hell of cancer, the hell of a reluctant, thunking shovel full of earth upon the casket of someone we deeply loved, the hell of betrayal, the hell of betraying, the hell of divorce, the hell of a kid in trouble . . . the hell of knowing that this year, like any year, may be our last. We all walk through hell. The point is not to come out empty-handed. . . . There is real and profound power in the suffering we endure if we transform that suffering into a more authentic, meaningful life. In the spirit of such classics as When Bad Things Happen to Good People, A Grief Observed, and When Things Fall Apart, More Beautiful Than Before: How Suffering Transforms Us examines the many ways we can transform physical, psychological, or emotional pain into a more beautiful and meaningful life. As the leader of Wilshire Boulevard Temple, one of America’s largest and most important congregations, located in the heart of Los Angeles, Rabbi Leder has witnessed a lot of pain: "It’s my phone that rings when people’s bodies or lives fall apart," he writes. "The couch in my office is often drenched with tears." After 27 years of listening, comforting, and holding so many who suffered, he thought he understood pain and its challenges—but when it struck hard in his own life and brought him to his knees, a new understanding unfolded before him as he felt pain’s profound effects on his body, spirit, and soul. In this elegantly concise, beautifully written, and deeply inspiring book, Rabbi Leder guides us through pain’s stages of surviving, healing, and growing to help us all find meaning in our suffering. Drawing on his experience as a spiritual leader, the wisdom of ancient traditions, modern science, and stories from his own life and others’, he shows us that when we must endure, we can, and that there is a path for each of us that leads from pain to wisdom. "Pain cracks us open," he writes. "It breaks us. But in the breaking, there is a new kind of wholeness." This powerful book will inspire in us all a life worthy of our suffering; a life gentler, wiser, and more beautiful than before.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Whole30's Food Freedom Forever: Letting Go of Bad Habits, Guilt, and Anxiety Around Food
The New York Times best-selling book, available in paperback for the first time. End the yo-yo dieting cycle . . . forever. Millions of people have successfully completed the groundbreaking Whole30 program and radically transformed their energy, sleep, cravings, waistline, and health. But after your Whole30, how do you make sure those new, healthy habits actually stick In this New York Times best-selling book, available in paperback for the first time, Melissa Hartwig defines "food freedom" as being in control of the food you eat, instead of food controlling you. The Whole30 helps you jump-start the process, but as anyone who's dieted knows, holding on to that freedom and creating healthy habits that last is the hard part. The Whole30's Food Freedom Forever offers real solutions for breaking the cycle of yo-yo dieting and the resulting stress, weight gain, uncontrollable cravings, and health complaints. In her detailed 3-part plan, Melissa shows you how to discover food freedom for yourself, no matter how out of control you feel; walk a self-directed path that keeps you in control for months on end; gracefully recover when you slip back into old habits; and create the kind of food freedom that stays with you for the rest of your life. The Whole30's Food Freedom Forever walks you through the Whole30 program and teaches you how customize your reset for improving and stabilizing energy, getting a handle on stubborn sugar cravings, reducing systemic inflammation, and fine-tuning your vegan diet. You’ll learn how to spot your specific triggers before they’re pulled and new strategies for dealing with temptation, strengthening your new healthy habits, and boosting your willpower. Melissa also shares advice for retaining your food freedom during holidays, vacations, periods of life stress, social pressure, and skepticism from friends and family. By the last page, you’ll have a detailed plan for creating the perfect diet for you, finding your own healthy balance, and maintaining the kind of control that brings you real food freedom every day.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Biochemie: Eine Einführung für Mediziner und Naturwissenschaftler - Unter Mitarbeit von Ulrich Brandt, Oliver Anderka, Stefan Kerscher, Stefan Kieß und Katrin Ridinger
Die 3., korrigierte Auflage der bewährten Einführung in die Biochemie präsentiert erneut die Schlüsselkonzepte des Faches in verständlicher Form - kompakt, anschaulich, didaktisch durchdacht. Das bestens eingeführte Lehrbuch richtet sich an Studierende der Medizin, Biologie und Chemie, die einen fundierten und leicht zugänglichen Überblick über das Gesamtgebiet der Biochemie suchen, ohne in der Fülle der modernen biochemisch-molekularbiologischen Erkenntnisse den Boden unter den Füßen zu verlieren. Dem Autor gelingt es, die Grundlagen, Leitmotive und Schlüsselkonzepte der Biochemie herauszuarbeiten und dem Leser somit das Rüstzeug für erfolgreiche Prüfungen wie auch für die spätere Vertiefung in die weiterführende Literatur zu liefern. Konzeptionell durchdacht vermittelt das Buch in fünf Teilen I: Molekulare Architektur des Lebens II: Struktur und Funktion von Proteinen III: Speicherung und Ausprägung von Erbinformation IV: Signaltr ansduktion und zelluläre FunktionV: Energiewandlung und Biosynthesenicht nur das Grundwissen der Biochemie, sondern veranschaulicht auch das Gedankengebäude dieser dynamischen Disziplin. Schlüsselbegriffe und wichtige Biomoleküle sind im Text hervorgehoben. Eine Fülle von Querverweisen schafft Zusammenhänge zwischen den Abschnitten und Kapiteln. Ausformulierte Zwischenüberschriften können als Merksätze zur schnellen Rekapitulation dienen. Maus-Symbole verweisen auf Websites, die in einer umfangreichen Link-Sammlung im Internet zur Verfügung stehen und weiterführende Informationen zu einzelnen Themen liefern. Zahlreiche Exkurse werfen Schlaglichter auf interessante biochemische und pathobiochemische Phänomene - ob es sich um die molekulare Basis menschlicher Krankheiten, wichtige Untersuchungsmethoden, spezielle Molekülstrukturen oder zellbiologische Prozesse handelt. Zur schnellen Orientierung sind die wichtigsten Biomoleküle nach Gruppen geordnet auf 15 ganzseitigen Tafeln dargestellt sowie sämtliche im Buch aufgeführten Hormone mit ihren Rezeptoren und Signalwegen als kompakte Übersicht im Tafelteil präsentiert.Eine Besonderheit des Buches sind die mehr als tausend Grafiken, die eine unverwechselbare Handschrift - plakativ, klar, verständlich - tragen und in dichter Folge die im Text vorgestellten Phänomene und Prozesse veranschaulichen.Die vorgegebenen Ausbildungsinhalte für Mediziner in der Biochemie sind durch das Buch nahezu vollständig abgedeckt. Auch das - in der neuen Approbationsordnung betonte - Zusammenwachsen von Biochemie und Molekularbiologie spiegelt sich im Buch wider.Mit diesem klar gegliederten und verständlich geschriebenen Lehrbuch macht es einfach Spaß, Biochemie zu lernen!
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Religion and the Demographic Revolution: Women and Secularisation in Canada, Ireland, UK and USA since the 1960s
A much-awaited new book by the foremost scholar of secularisation and religion in the modern world. In the 1960s, two great social and cultural changes of the western world began. The first was the rapid decline of Christian religious practice and identity and the rise of the people of 'no religion'. The second was the transformation in women's lives that spawned a demographic revolution in sex, family and work. Both phenomena were sudden though not uniform in their impact. The argument of this book is that the two were intimately connected, triggered byan historic confluence of factors in the 1960s. Canada, Ireland, UK and USA represent different stages of secularisation for the book's study. The religious collapse in mainland Britain and most of Canada was sharp and spectacular but contrasted with the more resilient religious cultures of the United States, the Canadian Maritimes, Ireland and Northern Ireland. Using statistical evidence from government censuses, the book demonstrates how secularisation was deeply linked to demographic change. Starting with the distinctive features of the 1960s, the book quantifies secularisation's scale, timing and character in each nation. Then, the intense links of women's sexual revolution to religious decline are explored. From there, women's changing patterns of marriage, coupling and birthing are correlated with diminishing religiosity. The final exploration is into the secularising consequences of economic change, higher education and women's expanding work roles. This book transforms the way in which secularisation is imagined. Religion matters more than mere belief, practice and the churches; it shapes how populations construct their sexual practices, families and life-course. In nations where religion has been dissolving since 1960 into apathy and atheism, the process has been part of a demographic revolution built on new moral codes. Connecting religious history with the history of population, this volume unveils how the historian and sociologist need to engage with the demographic enormity of the decline of Christendom. CALLUM G. BROWN is Professor of Religiousand Cultural History at the University of Dundee.
University of Minnesota Press Nellie Francis: Fighting for Racial Justice and Women's Equality in Minnesota
The life and work of an African American suffragist and activist devoted to equality and freedom At her last public appearance in 1962, at 88 years old, a frail, deaf, and blind Nellie Francis was honored for her church and community service in Nashville, Tennessee. No mention was made of her early groundbreaking work as an activist in Minnesota and nationally. Even today, while her advocacy for women’s suffrage and racial justice resonates through current issues, her efforts remain largely unrecognized. In telling Nellie Francis’s complete story for the first time, William D. Green finally brings the remarkable accomplishments of her complicated life into clear view, detailing her indefatigable work to advance the causes of civil rights, anti-lynching, and women’s suffrage. Green’s account follows Francis’s path from her first public event (giving a speech on race relations to a white audience at her high school graduation) to her return to Nashville and retirement from the national stage. In the years between, she campaigned in Minnesota for racial dignity, women’s suffrage, an anti-lynching law (after the infamous lynching in Duluth in 1920), and interracial collaboration through the women’s club movement. She came to know most of the prominent civil rights leaders of the twentieth century and met three presidents and countless business leaders of both Black and white societies. But she also faced intense and vicious reprisals, as when, as leader of the local chapter of the NAACP, she and her husband, a prominent African American civil rights lawyer, experienced the fury of the Ku Klux Klan after moving into a white neighborhood in St. Paul. Green retrieves Nellie Francis’s story from obscurity, giving this pioneer for gender and racial equality her due and providing a long-awaited service to the history of Black activism and civil rights, both regional and national. His book offers welcome insight into the universal, yet often unacknowledged, challenges that strong and engaged Black women are forced to endure when their drive to enact justice confronts racism, cultural pressure, and societal expectations.
New York University Press The Poverty Industry: The Exploitation of America's Most Vulnerable Citizens
The shocking truth about how state governments and their private industry partners are profiting from the social programs meant to support disadvantaged Americans Government aid doesn’t always go where it’s supposed to. Foster care agencies team up with companies to take disability and survivor benefits from abused and neglected children. States and their revenue consultants use illusory schemes to siphon Medicaid funds intended for children and the poor into general state coffers. Child support payments for foster children and families on public assistance are converted into government revenue. And the poverty industry keeps expanding, leaving us with nursing homes and juvenile detention centers that sedate residents to reduce costs and maximize profit, local governments buying nursing homes to take the facilities’ federal aid while the elderly languish with poor care, and counties hiring companies to mine the poor for additional funds in modern day debtor’s prisons. In The Poverty Industry, Daniel L. Hatcher shows us how state governments and their private industry partners are profiting from the social safety net, turning America’s most vulnerable populations into sources of revenue. The poverty industry is stealing billions in federal aid and other funds from impoverished families, abused and neglected children, and the disabled and elderly poor. As policy experts across the political spectrum debate how to best structure government assistance programs, a massive siphoning of the safety net is occurring behind the scenes. In the face of these abuses of power, Hatcher offers a road map for reforms to realign the practices of human service agencies with their intended purpose and to prevent the misuse of public taxpayer dollars. With more Americans than ever before seeking unemployment benefits, it is essential to remedy the nefarious practices that will impede them from receiving the full government support they are due. The Poverty Industry shows us the path to rectify this systemic inequality to ensure that government aid truly gets to those in need.
Johns Hopkins University Press Chickenizing Farms and Food: How Industrial Meat Production Endangers Workers, Animals, and Consumers
Over the past century, new farming methods, feed additives, and social and economic structures have radically transformed agriculture around the globe, often at the expense of human health. In Chickenizing Farms and Food, Ellen K. Silbergeld reveals the unsafe world of chickenization-big agriculture's top-down, contract-based factory farming system-and its negative consequences for workers, consumers, and the environment. Drawing on her deep knowledge of and experience in environmental engineering and toxicology, Silbergeld examines the complex history of the modern industrial food animal production industry and describes the widespread effects of Arthur Perdue's remarkable agricultural innovations, which were so important that the US Department of Agriculture uses the term chickenization to cover the transformation of all farm animal production. Silbergeld tells the real story of how antibiotics were first introduced into animal feeds in the 1940s, which has led to the emergence of multi-drug-resistant pathogens, such as MRSA. Along the way, she talks with poultry growers, farmers, and slaughterhouse workers on the front lines of exposure, moving from the Chesapeake Bay peninsula that gave birth to the modern livestock and poultry industry to North Carolina, Brazil, and China. Arguing that the agricultural industry is in desperate need of reform, the book searches through the fog of illusion that obscures most of what has happened to agriculture in the twentieth century and untangles the history of how laws, regulations, and policies have stripped government agencies of the power to protect workers and consumers alike from occupational and food-borne hazards. Chickenizing Farms and Food also explores the limits of some popular alternatives to industrial farming, including organic production, nonmeat diets, locavorism, and small-scale agriculture. Silbergeld's provocative but pragmatic call to action is tempered by real challenges: how can we ensure a safe and accessible food system that can feed everyone, including consumers in developing countries with new tastes for western diets, without hurting workers, sickening consumers, and undermining some of our most powerful medicines?
Scholastic US Bob Books: Emerging Readers Workbook
Workbook Ages: 4 to 6 Stage 2: Emerging Readers Don't miss the companion workbook to the bestselling learn-to-read boxed sets! Millions of books have been sold in the Bob Books program thanks to its silly stories, familiar artwork, and easy-to-comprehend text. For the first time, children can now extend their reading journey into these jumbo workbooks, which feature custom content built around each Bob Books storybook. Complete with full-colour art and two sheets of stickers, the Bob Books: Emerging Readers Workbook is the perfect way to engage young readers, increase reading comprehension, and nurture pride and confidence in their reading skills. This jumbo workbook corresponds with three Bob Books box sets: Advancing Beginners Sight Words: Year 1 (Kindergarten) Sight Words: Year 2 (First Grade) ABOUT BOBS BOOKS Bob Books is America's no.1, award-winning, learning-to-read series trusted for over 40 years. Bob Books is a true first reader series, designed to make helping children learn to read simple and straightforward. The clean layout, short words, and simple phonics make learning to read a fun and natural step for a child that knows the alphabet. Companion workbooks extend children's reading journey by allowing them to practice the skills learned in the books. Bob Books is designed to give young children the tools to cross from learning letters to reading words. The award-winning beginning reader book sets start slowly and progress from books with three letter words, to books with more than one sentence per page. By meeting children at the right level, parents are often amazed at how quickly their child is able to sound out words when reading their first Bob Book. Bob Books covers four reading stages... Pre-Readings Skills Recognize shapes, patterns, and other pre-reading skills Stage 1: Starting to Read From learning the alphabet to sounding out your first words Stage 2: Emerging Readers Sentences become longer and sight words are introduced Stage 3: Developing Readers Words and sentences become longer, and new rules are introduced
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Comparing Christianities: An Introduction to Early Christianity
A ground-breaking introductory textbook for the study of the New Testament and the first Christians, written for the next generation of students Comparing Christianities: An Introduction to the New Testament and the First Christians maps the historical rise of Christianity out of a network of early Christian movements. This major new textbook systematically explores the struggles to define the faith by presenting Christianity as the result of a lengthy process of religious consolidation which emerged from a landscape of persistent Christian diversity. The book delves into the history of the first five generations of Christians, from Paul to Origen. The first chapter considers the challenges of constructing Christian histories and offers a new model of Christian families to organize and explain the emergence and competition of different varieties of Christianity. Each successive chapter focuses on key issues that Christian leaders engaged over the centuries, demonstrating how the questions they posed and the answers they provided gave Christianity its distinct shape. As the movements competed for social advantage, Christians began identifying certain Christian movements as enemies and consolidated against them. The final chapter schematizes the Christians studied in the book into three families of Christian movements based on the particular God they worshipped and other shared patterns of thought and practice. This chapter also explains where the varieties of Christianities came from and how the process of consolidation undertaken by some churches shaped Christian identity within a forge of intolerance that still affects us today. Comparing Christianities explores the answers to questions: Who were the early Christians and what did they write? What did Christians think about sex, women, immortality, Judaism, suffering and death? What rituals did the first Christians practice, and what did their religious experiences mean to them? How did Christians live in a Roman-dominated world? How did the first Christians explain the origins of their movement? Comparing Christianities: An Introduction to the New Testament and the First Christians serves as an excellent primary textbook in undergraduate classrooms for Introduction to Christianity, Introduction to Religion, New Testament Studies, Christian Origins, World Religions, and Western World Religions, and a thought-provoking resource for anyone wishing to know more about Christianity.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Concise Companion to Confucius
This authoritative collection surveys the teachings of Confucius, and illustrates his importance throughout Chinese history in one focused and incisive volume. A Concise Companion to Confucius offers a succinct introduction to one of East Asia’s most widely-revered historical figures, providing essential coverage of his legacy at a manageable length. The volume embraces Confucius as philosopher, teacher, politician, and sage, and curates a collection of key perspectives on his life and teachings from a team of distinguished scholars in philosophy, history, religious studies, and the history of art. Taken together, chapters encourage specialists to read across disciplinary boundaries, provide nuanced paths of introduction for students, and engage interested readers who want to expand their understanding of the great Chinese master. Divided into four distinct sections, the Concise Companion depicts a coherent figure of Confucius by examining his diverse representations from antiquity through to the modern world. Readers are guided through the intellectual and cultural influences that helped shape the development of Confucian philosophy and its reception among late imperial literati in medieval China. Later essays consider Confucius’s engagement with topics such as warfare, women, and Western philosophy, which remain fruitful avenues of philosophical inquiry today. The collection concludes by exploring the significance of Confucian thought in East Asia’s contemporary landscape and the major intellectual movements which are reviving and rethinking his work for the twenty-first century. An indispensable resource, A Concise Companion to Confucius blazes an authoritative trail through centuries of scholarship to offer exceptional insight into one of history’s earliest and most influential ancient philosophers. A Concise Companion to Confucius: Provides readers with a broad range of perspectives on the ancient philosopher Traces the significance of Confucius throughout Chinese history—past, present, and future Offers a unique, interdisciplinary overview of Confucianism Curated by a team of distinguished scholars in philosophy, history, religious studies, and the history of art A Concise Companion to Confucius is an ideal text for undergraduate and graduate courses on Confucius and Confucianism. It is also fascinating and informative reading for anyone interested in learning more about one of history’s most influential philosophers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Promises, Oaths, and Vows: On the Psychology of Promising
Considering that getting along in civil society is based on the expectation that (most) people will do what they say they will do, i.e., essentially live up to their explicit or implicit promises, it is amazing that so little scientific attention has been given to the act of promising. A great deal of research has been done on the moral development of children, for example, but not on the child’s ability to make and keep a promise, one of the highest moral achievements. What makes it possible developmentally, cognitively, and emotionally to make a promise in the first place? And on the other hand, what compels one to keep a promise (or vow or threat) when there seems to be no personal advantage in doing so, and even when harm can be predicted? How do we know when a promise is offered seriously to be taken at face value, and how do we understand that another is only a polite gesture, not to be taken seriously? In Promises, Oaths, and Vows: On the Psychology of Promising, Herbert Schlesinger addresses these questions, drawing on the literature of moral development in children; the psychotherapy of a patient who regularly broke promises that were unnecessary in the first place; those who were regarded as "promising youngsters" who did not fulfill their "promise"; and those who feared making a promise, a commitment, or a threat out of fear that, once made, the utterance would take on a life of its own and could never be taken back. Furthermore, he illustrates his conclusions by examining the widespread use of promising in classical literature, such as Greek drama and the plays of Shakespeare, as well as the motivating and reifying power of the promise in Western religious traditions. With a style honed over the penning of two previous books, Schlesinger once again produces a work grounded in a firm analytic sensibility, but which also retains the wit and candor of the seasoned analyst. His seminal investigation of this all but neglected topic in the clinical literature is as timely as it is scholarly, and – with the title firmly in mind – Promises, Oaths, and Vows is assured to be a worthy addition to any clinician’s library and a provoking investigation into Nietzsche’s notion of man as "the animal who makes promises."
Fordham University Press Giving Beyond the Gift: Apophasis and Overcoming Theomania
This book explores the co-dependency of monotheism and idolatry by examining the thought of several prominent twentieth-century Jewish philosophers—Cohen, Buber, Rosenzweig, and Levinas. While all of these thinkers were keenly aware of the pitfalls of scriptural theism, to differing degrees they each succumbed to the temptation to personify transcendence, even as they tried either to circumvent or to restrain it by apophatically purging kataphatic descriptions of the deity. Derrida and Wyschogrod, by contrast, carried the project of denegation one step further, embarking on a path that culminated in the aporetic suspension of belief and the consequent removal of all images from God, a move that seriously compromises the viability of devotional piety. The inquiry into apophasis, transcendence, and immanence in these Jewish thinkers is symptomatic of a larger question. Recent attempts to harness the apophatic tradition to construct a viable postmodern negative theology, a religion without religion, are not radical enough. Not only are these philosophies of transcendence guilty of a turn to theology that defies the phenomenological presupposition of an immanent phenomenality, but they fall short on their own terms, inasmuch as they persist in employing metaphorical language that personalizes transcendence and thereby runs the risk of undermining the irreducible alterity and invisibility attributed to the transcendent other. The logic of apophasis, if permitted to run its course fully, would exceed the need to posit some form of transcendence that is not ultimately a facet of immanence. Apophatic theologies, accordingly, must be supplanted by a more far-reaching apophasis that surpasses the theolatrous impulse lying coiled at the crux of theism, an apophasis of apophasis, based on accepting an absolute nothingness—to be distinguished from the nothingness of an absolute—that does not signify the unknowable One but rather the manifold that is the pleromatic abyss at being’s core. Hence, the much-celebrated metaphor of the gift must give way to the more neutral and less theologically charged notion of an unconditional givenness in which the distinction between giver and given collapses. To think givenness in its most elemental, phenomenological sense is to allow the apparent to appear as given without presuming a causal agency that would turn that given into a gift.
University of Minnesota Press Total Liberation: The Power and Promise of Animal Rights and the Radical Earth Movement
When in 2001 Earth Liberation Front activists drove metal spikes into hundreds of trees in Gifford Pinchot National Forest, they were protesting the sale of a section of the old-growth forest to a timber company. But ELF’s communiqué on the action went beyond the radical group’s customary brief. Drawing connections between the harms facing the myriad animals who make their home in the trees and the struggles for social justice among ordinary human beings resisting exclusion and marginalization, the dispatch declared, “all oppression is linked, just as we are all linked,” and decried the “patriarchal nightmare” in the form of “techno-industrial global capitalism.” In Total Liberation, David Naguib Pellow takes up this claim and makes sense of the often tense and violent relationships among humans, ecosystems, and nonhuman animal species, expanding our understanding of inequality and activists’ uncompromising efforts to oppose it. Grounded in interviews with more than one hundred activists, on-the-spot fieldwork, and analyses of thousands of pages of documents, websites, journals, and zines, Total Liberation reveals the ways in which radical environmental and animal rights movements challenge inequity through a vision they call “total liberation.” In its encounters with such infamous activists as scott crow, Tre Arrow, Lauren Regan, Rod Coronado, and Gina Lynn, the book offers a close-up, insider’s view of one of the most important—and feared—social movements of our day. At the same time, it shows how and why the U.S. justice system plays to that fear, applying to these movements measures generally reserved for “jihadists”—with disturbing implications for civil liberties and constitutional freedom. How do the adherents of “total liberation” fight oppression and seek justice for humans, nonhumans, and ecosystems alike? And how is this pursuit shaped by the politics of anarchism and anticapitalism? In his answers, Pellow provides crucial in-depth insight into the origins and social significance of the earth and animal liberation movements and their increasingly common and compelling critique of inequality as a threat to life and a dream of a future characterized by social and ecological justice for all.
New York University Press Parenting Out of Control: Anxious Parents in Uncertain Times
They go by many names: helicopter parents, hovercrafts, PFHs (Parents from Hell). The news media is filled with stories of well-intentioned parents going to ridiculous extremes to remove all obstacles from their child’s path to greatness . . . or at least to an ivy league school. From cradle to college, they remain intimately enmeshed in their children’s lives, stifling their development and creating infantilized, spoiled, immature adults unprepared to make the decisions necessary for the real world. Or so the story goes. Drawing on a wealth of eye-opening interviews with parents across the country, Margaret K. Nelson cuts through the stereotypes and hyperbole to examine the realities of what she terms “parenting out of control.” Situating this phenomenon within a broad sociological context, she finds several striking explanations for why today’s prosperous and well-educated parents are unable to set realistic boundaries when it comes to raising their children. Analyzing the goals and aspirations parents have for their children as well as the strategies they use to reach them, Nelson discovers fundamental differences among American parenting styles that expose class fault lines, both within the elite and between the elite and the middle and working classes. Nelson goes on to explore the new ways technology shapes modern parenting. From baby monitors to cell phones (often referred to as the world’s longest umbilical cord), to social networking sites, and even GPS devices, parents have more tools at their disposal than ever before to communicate with, supervise, and even spy on their children. These play important and often surprising roles in the phenomenon of parenting out of control. Yet the technologies parents choose, and those they refuse to use, often seem counterintuitive. Nelson shows that these choices make sense when viewed in the light of class expectations. Today’s parents are faced with unprecedented opportunities and dangers for their children, and are evolving novel strategies to adapt to these changes. Nelson’s lucid and insightful work provides an authoritative examination of what happens when these new strategies go too far.
University of Nebraska Press Alejandro Tsakimp: A Shuar Healer in the Margins of History
In the heavily forested foothills of the Andes Mountains in Ecuador, a Shuar healer named Alejandro Tsakimp leads many lives. He is a peasant who sells cattle and lumber, a member of the Shuar Federation, a son and a brother, a husband and a father, a student and a worker, and, finally, a troubled shaman. Being a healer has long been both a burden and a resource, for the power to cure is also the power to kill, and shamans like Tsakimp are frequently in danger from accusations of witchcraft. But the situation of the Shuar today is especially perilous, and Tsakimp must constantly negotiate relations of power not only with rival shamans and his patients, but with the better-educated and richer officials of the Shuar Federation and his own siblings as well. In his own words, Alejandro Tsakimp tells of his lives and relationships, the practice of shamanism, and the many challenges and triumphs he has encountered since childhood. He was born at the time when Shuar were first confronting the impact of Ecuadorian colonialism, which had triggered devastating intertribal conflict over the production and trade of shrunken heads and intratribal feuding fueled by accusations of witchcraft. Tsakimp was first exposed to healing practices when he was cured in the womb by a shaman. Later he actively pursued this knowledge in the hopes of curing his father, another shaman, who was ill from witchcraft. His father's death in 1990 created conflict among his heirs, who were the first generation of Shuar to inherit property. Tsakimp's family fiercely competed for the property and eventually accused one another of witchcraft and parricide.Anthropologist Steven Rubenstein, who began working with Tsakimp in 1989, has skillfully edited Tsakimp's stories and provides essential background information. Ruben-stein argues that although these stories reveal tensions between individual and collective autonomy on the colonial frontier, they also resist simplistic dichotomies such as state versus indigene and modern versus traditional.Alejandro Tsakimp provides a revealing look at the relationship between anthropologist and shaman and an insightful glimpse into the complicated lives of South American Indians today.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Herbal Internet Companion: Herbs and Herbal Medicine Online
A comprehensive guide to using the Internet for research into all aspects of herbal medicine!This valuable and timely book will help you navigate the sea of information about herbs and herbal remedies on the Internet. In recent years, alternative medicine has come to the forefront of American culture. As editor David J. Owen points out, “It sometimes seems that not a day goes by without the appearance of another newspaper article or television news item about St. John’s wort or Ginkgo biloba. Once confined largely to health food stores, herbal preparations are now prominently displayed on the shelves of modern pharmacies and can be readily purchased via the Internet. They are now widely used to treat a variety of conditions, from depression to sexual dysfunction.” Today, a great deal of the most reliable information about herbal medicine is available only in scattered sources like trade journals, pamphlets, conference proceedings, and market research reports. Many of these are available online if you know how to find them. The Herbal Internet Companion: Herbs and Herbal Medicine Online will show you how to find the information you need! This book groups the Web sites and other Internet sources it lists based on the type of information you’ll find there, providing you with ways to quickly access information about: criteria for assessing the quality of health information on the Internet consumer/patient needs and frequently asked questions mailing lists, chat rooms, and newsgroups providing herbal information laws, standards, and regulations associations and organizations dealing with herbal medicine consumer protection, health fraud, and quackery clinical trials and evidence about specific products Internet resources in specialized health areas such as cancer and AIDS side effects, adverse reactions, and drug interactions online indexes and databases such as MEDLINE . . . and much more! Complete with easy-to-read tables and charts as well as a glossary of terms you’ll encounter on these Web sites, The Herbal Internet Companion: Herbs and Herbal Medicine Online is the resource that puts the power of the Internet in your hands!
University Press of Kansas Making Rocky Mountain National Park: The Environmental History of an American Treasure
On September 4, 1915, hundreds of people gathered in Estes Park, Colorado, to celebrate the creation of Rocky Mountain National Park. This new nature preserve held the promise of peace, solitude, and rapture that many city dwellers craved. As Jerry Frank demonstrates, however, the park is much more than a lovely place. Rocky Mountain National Park was a keystone in broader efforts to create the National Park Service, and its history tells us a great deal about Colorado, tourism, and ecology in the American West. To Frank, the tensions between tourism and ecology have played out across a natural stage that is anything but passive. At nearly every turn the National Park Service found itself face-to-face with an environment that was difficult to anticipate—and impossible to control. Frank first takes readers back to the late nineteenth century, when Colorado boosters—already touting the Rocky Mountains’ restorative power for lung patients—set out to attract more tourists and generate revenue for the state. He then describes how an ecological perspective came to Rocky in fits and starts, offering a new way of imagining the park that did not sit comfortably with an entrenched management paradigm devoted to visitor recreation and comfort. Frank examines a wide range of popular activities including driving, hiking, skiing, fishing, and wildlife viewing to consider how they have impacted the park’s flora and fauna, often leaving widespread transformation in their wake. He subjects the decisions of park officials to close but evenhanded scrutiny, showing how in their zeal to return the park to what they understood as its natural state, they have tinkered with its features—sometimes with less than desirable results. Today’s Rocky Mountain National Park serves both competing visions, maintaining accessible roads and vistas for the convenience of tourists while guarding its backcountry to preserve ecological values. As the park prepares to celebrate its centennial, Frank’s book advances our understanding of its past while also providing an important touchstone for addressing its problems in the present and future.
Princeton University Press American Health Quackery: Collected Essays of James Harvey Young
James Harvey Young, the foremost expert on the history of medical frauds, finds quackery in the 1990s to be more extensive and insidious than in earlier and allegedly more naive eras. The modern quack isn't an outrageous-looking hawker of magic remedies operating from the back of a carnival wagon, but he knows how to use antiregulatory sentiment and ingenious promotional approaches to succeed in a "trade" that is both bizarre and deceitful. In The Toadstool Millionaires and The Medical Messiahs, Young traced the history of health quackery in America from its colonial roots to the late 1960s. This collection of essays discusses more recent health scams and reconsiders earlier ones. Liberally illustrated with examples of advertising for patent medicines and other "alternative therapies," the book links evolving quackery to changing currents in the scientific, cultural, and governmental environment. Young describes varieties of quackery, like frauds related to the teeth, nostrums aimed at children, and cure-all gadgets with such names as Electreat Mechanical Heart. The case of Laetrile illustrates how an alleged vitamin for controlling cancer could be ballyhooed and lobbied into a national mania, half the states passing laws giving the cyanide-containing drug some special status. And AIDS is the most recent example of an illness that, tragically, has panicked some of its victims and members of the general public into putting their hopes in fake cures and preventives. Young discusses the complex question of vulnerability--why people fall victim to health fraud--and considers the difficulties confronting governmental regulators. From the late 1960s to the early 1990s, the annual quackery toll has escalated from two billion to over twenty-five billion dollars. Young helps us discover why. Originally published in 1992. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
The University of Alabama Press Mark Twain and Money: Language, Capital, and Culture
This groundbreaking volume explores the importance of economics and prosperity throughout Samuel Clemens’s writing and personal life.Mark Twain and Money: Language, Capital, and Culture focuses on an overlooked feature of the story of one of America’s most celebrated writers. Investigating Samuel Clemens’s often conflicting but insightful views on the roles of money in American culture and identity, this collection of essays shows how his fascination with the complexity of nineteenth-century economics informs much of Mark Twain’s writing. While most readers are familiar with Mark Twain the worldly wise writer, fewer are acquainted with Samuel Clemens the avid businessman. Throughout his life, he sought to strike it rich, whether mining for silver in Nevada, founding his own publishing company, or staking out ownership in the Paige typesetting machine. He was ever on the lookout for investment schemes and was intrigued by inventions, his own and those of others, that he imagined would net a windfall. Conventional wisdom has held that Clemens’s obsession with business and material wealth hindered his ability to write more and better books. However, this perspective fails to recognize how his interest in economics served as a rich source of inspiration for his literary creativity and is inseparable from his achievements as a writer. In fact, without this preoccupation with monetary success, Henry B. Wonham and Lawrence Howe argue, Twain’s writing would lack an important connection to a cornerstone of American culture. The contributors to this volume examine a variety of topics, such as a Clemens family myth of vast landholdings, Clemens’s strategies for protecting the Mark Twain brand, his insights into rapidly evolving nineteenth-century financial practices, the persistence of patronage in the literary marketplace, the association of manhood and monetary success, Clemens’s attitude and actions toward poverty, his response to the pains of bankruptcy through writing, and the intersection of racial identity and economics in American culture. These illuminating essays show how pecuniary matters invigorate a wide range of Twain’s writing from The Gilded Age, Roughing It,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Prince and the Pauper, and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, to later stories like “The £1,000,000 Banknote” and the Autobiography.
University of Oklahoma Press The Stations of the Cross in Colonial Mexico: The Via crucis en mexicano by Fray Agustin de Vetancurt and the Spread of a Devotion
Walking the Stations of the Cross, the Christian faithful re-create the Passion, following the sorrowful path of Jesus Christ from condemnation to crucifixion. While this devotion, now so popular in the Catholic Church and many Protestant denominations, first emerged in Jerusalem and began spreading through Western Europe in the fourteenth century, it did not assume its current form, and earn the Church’s formal recognition, until almost three centuries later. It was at this time, in the last decades of the seventeenth century, that a Franciscan friar in colonial Mexico translated a devotional guide to the Stations of the Cross into the native Nahuatl. This little handbook, Fray Agustin de Vetancurt’s Via crucis en mexicano, proved immensely popular, going through two editions, but survives today only in a copy made by a native scribe from Central Mexico. Reproduced here in Nahuatl and English, Vetancurt’s handbook offers unique insight into the history, the practice, and the meaning of the Stations of the Cross in the New World and the Old. With the Via crucis en mexicano as a starting point, John F. Schwaller explores the history of the development and spread of the Stations of the Cross, placing the devotion in the context of the Catholic Reformation and the Baroque, the two trends that exalted this type of religious expression. He describes how the devotion, exported to New Spain in the sixteenth century, was embraced by Spanish and natives alike. For the native Americans, Schwaller suggests, the Via crucis resonated because of its performative aspects, reminiscent of rituals and observances from before the arrival of the Spanish. And for missionaries, the devotion offered a means of deepening the faith of the newly converted. In Schwaller’s deft analysis—which extends from the origins of the devotion, to the processions and public rituals of the Mexica (Aztecs), to the text and illustrations of the Vetancurt manuscript—the Via crucis en mexicano opens a window on the practice and significance of the Stations of the Cross—and of private devotions generally—in Mexico, Hispanic America, and around the world.
Edition Axel Menges Bruno Paul: The Life & Work of a Pragmatic Modernist
At the dawn of the 20th century, Bruno Paul (1874-1968) stood like a colossus astride the landscape of an emerging Modernism. As an illustrator, architect and educator his influence was unequalled. Arguably the most important German designer of his generation, his work was ubiquitous in the technical and professional publications of his day. For five decades, Paul's reputation was unparalleled among progressive German artists. As a young man he was a member of the Munich avant-garde responsible for the creation of the Jugendstil. As a designer of furniture and interiors, he achieved a commercial success unmatched by his illustrious contemporaries. In the light of his professional accomplishments, he was the most influential German architect of his generation, a figure of international significance. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Adolf Meyer and Kem Weber were among his students, and their work developed from the practices of his atelier. Indeed, as director of the Vereinigte Staatsschulen für freie und angewandte Kunst in Berlin he presided over an institution that rivaled the Bauhaus as a centre of progressive instruction in the arts. Despite the renown he enjoyed at the height of his career, Paul's name has been largely absent from the standard histories of the modern movement. Indeed, this book is the first comprehensive study of his life and work. Nevertheless, Paul's story embodies a significant facet of the history of 20th-century design: the development of Modernism in Central Europe and its coalescence from the influences of Jugendstil, Elementarism, Classicism, Expressionism and Functionalism. Paul played a prominent role in this coalescence, and he deserves a place of honour in the history of the modern movement. Yet his biography also encompasses a less familiar, but no less significant, aspect of the history of modern design. It is the story of a pragmatic Modernism that occupied a middle ground between avant-garde experimentation and conservative professional practice, a Modernism that was timeless, practical and principled. It was this pragmatic Modernism that won the patronage of the middle classes and established progressive design as an accepted alternative, and eventually as the preferred alternative to the period styles. Moreover Paul's pragmatic Modernism, and its underlying principles, remain as relevant today as when they were first conceived.
Edition Axel Menges Selected Works/Ausgewahlte Arbeiten 19712023
In his note to the edition of Neue Landschafts-architektur/New Landscape Architecture published 1994 in England as Landscape as Inspiration, Geoffrey Jellicoe compares my drawing considerations with the works of Paul Klee. What at first sounds a bit highfalutin is correct insofar as I do not move exclusively in the banal everyday and functional space in everything I draw, design and realize, but always reflect second and third surrealities as well. Art does not reproduce the visible, but makes visible", how Paul Klee formulated the process. Every viewer and reader could rightly ask the question: What do such expressions of art have to do with every-day architecture? I think: a great deal. And that is because all architectural problems and their solutions are multi-layered. Just like pure works of art. Every building summarizes and redefines its architectural, urban, village and landscape surroundings. Intentionally or unintentionally, exaggerated or restrained, each building can look like a meteorite or bomb strike, an inconspicuous remark or a beautification attack. I am interested in the past, the present and the future of an urban or landscape site. My view wants to integrate archaeological working methods just as much as functional fulfilments and imaginative-surreal, sometimes utopian efflorescence. I would never go so far as to formulate: Architecture is the necessary, and art is the unnecessary. Of course, every artist-architect who embarks on this complicated-complex path will have difficulties with the banal, seemingly superficial everyday reality in nature, the landscape and the city. It is therefore not surprising that I have only been able to realize a few architectural and visual productions and that, in the course of the last decades, I have been increasingly pushed into the areas of stage design and other design areas. At the moment, thanks to the ecological movement, hardly anyone is interested in the connection between art and architecture. More important are sustainability and zeroenergy houses in which the windows can hardly be opened. Could it be that building culture, indeed the whole of culture, will soon sink into green primeval forests and huge wetland biotopes? Or will foreign, warlike peoples destroy or occupy our cities and landscapes and cultivate them anew?
Yale Egyptological Institute Cult and Ritual in Persian Period Egypt: An Analysis of the Decoration of the Cult Chapels of the Temple of Hibis at Kharga Oasis
This book focuses on the decorative schemes of several chapels in the earlier part of the Temple of Hibis, one of the most important temples from Late Period Egypt. The chapels studied here were either established and/or decorated during the first Persian Period (525-404 BCE). 45 b/w illustrations & 20 pages of colour plates. Ancient Egyptian temple walls expressed royal and political ideologies, reflected the ancient Egyptian secular and spiritual world order, supplied a medium for the reenactments of assorted myths, and implied a metaphor for the universe. Despite the conventional overall architecture plan of the Temple of Hibis, it exhibits numerous particularities and, while the more prominent parts of the temple, such as the sanctuary, have been studied by numerous scholars, in other areas the decoration schemes remain largely unexplained. The chapels studied in this book were located around the main sanctuary A, but have rarely been the subject of scholarly discussions. The book concentrates on chapels F and G to the south of sanctuary A on the first level of the temple and all the decorated chapels, E1, E2, H1, and H2, on the second level of the temple. Each chapter begins with a brief description of the scenes and their basic layout and a complete translation of the accompanying texts. A more in-depth analysis regarding both text and image follows in the commentary. It includes the analysis of the different aspects of the gods, their origins, and the development of their cults that are significant to the scenes and to each other. Also discussed are their coherence, any aspects that are especially emphasized, and any other information that could be gleaned from the whole scene. The analysis tries to detail the specific composition that makes up the mosaic of the picture, wall, or room. Attention is paid to both the scenic arrangement and the hieroglyphic inscriptions, as the interpretation of one would be meaningless without the other. Attention is given to investigating the general function of the different rooms by means of their decoration and by identifying the patterns or important themes generated by the layout of the scenes. The results are summarized in the last chapter. A number of line drawings have been inserted into the text beside a described scene as an aid to the reader.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Health and Disease
We are delighted to offer this textbook to the scientific community, entitled Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Health and Diseases, which covers a timely topic in the rapidly evolving discipline of vascular biology. Written primarily for a life science audience and clinicians, the fundamentals of EPCs biology and the latest characterization and definition in health and diseases are introduced, followed by explanations of the most cutting-edge cell therapy methods to cure ischemic diseases. In Section One, endothelial cell progenitor isolation methods and biological characterization were reported. The discovery of this novel endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) concept has overturned the previous dogma which suggested that vasculogenesis could only occur during embryogenesis. In fact, both vasculogenesis and angiogenesis may potentially have a synergistic role in postnatal revascularization. Also, this chapter summarized recent advances in EPC biology such as biological function, origin, definition, and classification. Each EPC culture and isolation method is clearly defined to prevent confusion in EPC biology. Section Two focuses on EPC biological function alteration in cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Several large clinical trials have reported that the number and biological function are strongly associated with major adverse cardiovascular events. The diagnostic and prognostic potential of EPC is crucial in terms of CVD. In Section Three, biological dysfunction mechanisms of EPC and their scarcity in diabetic patients' peripheral blood were clearly described. Preclinical studies have shown that EPC-based therapy is feasible, safe, and efficacious in multiple disease states. Subsequently, this has led to several clinical trials demonstrating the feasibility and safety profile of EPC therapy against cardiovascular ischemic diseases. In Section Four, regenerative medicine pioneers discussed EPCs translation to the clinic and cell transplantation challenges along with their solutions. Personalized stem cell-based therapy approaches employing several clinical biomarkers, disease-related genetic-trait evaluation methods, and advanced analyses with state-of-the-art computational methods such as machine learning-based prediction can increase cell therapies' efficacy and decrease treatment costs. The last chapter in the book describes a therapeutic application of EPC-derived extracellular vesicles to cure CVD.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Innovation Energy: Trends and Perspectives or Challenges of Energy Innovation
This is a source of information for researchers and experts mainly, as well as any party interested of gaining knowledge in this field. The volume brings a new and updated perspective on the current innovations in the energy field regarding technological and strategic approaches. The book is a result of the Second Open Meeting of the Balkan UNESCO Chairs 2017, organised by the UNESCO Chair for Business Administration (Chaire UNESCO pour la formation et la recherche appliquée au développement de l'entreprise dans les pays en conversion économique) within the Faculty of Business Administration, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and Romania in partnership with the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO (CNR UNESCO). This event brought together the Balkan UNESCO Chairs on the topic of topic of "Education for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability in the Knowledge Economy" on the 26-27th October 2017 at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. The book comprises the research of experts and scholars in the field of energy and business from various countries, especially from Europe. The research areas covered by the chapters include topics referring to: the developments of the innovative process in the electrical energy field in Romania, initiatives for promoting new investments in the energy sector, new sources of energy for diminishing hazardous waste, infrastructure protection as a security factor, promoting electricity from renewable energy sources, floating wind turbines, multipurpose hydropower projects under climate change, innovations in landscape of nuclear power, innovations in energy trading, energy policy, patents and its application process in the energy field. This book seeks to bridge an important research gap by questioning and studying the progress of different types of innovations in the energy field and their impact on developing and advanced economies globally. It aims to explore and present trends, dynamics and implications of the innovations and progress in energy technologies and sustainable business, economic and political strategies and the most recent developments in the green energy field. Furthermore, it explores opportunities and threats in the way of innovative challenges in these economies through a wealth of insights by researchers in the field with the objective of emphasizing possible strategies to global sustainability.