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John Wiley and Sons Ltd Annals Meeting Reports - Biomarkers in Nutrition, Revolution in Toxicology, Neuroprotection after Ischemia, Volume 1278
This Annals volume presents three scholarly meeting reports: (1) Dissecting signaling and functions of adhesion G protein–coupled receptors; (2) Scientific considerations for complex drugs in light of established and emerging regulatory guidance; ; and (3) Fetal programming and environmental exposures: implications for prenatal care and preterm birth. G protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs) comprise an expanded superfamily of receptors in the human genome. Adhesion class G protein–coupled receptors (adhesion-GPCRs) form the second largest class of GPCRs. Despite the abundance, size, molecular structure, and functions in facilitating cell and matrix contacts in a variety of organ systems, adhesion-GPCRs are by far the most poorly understood GPCR class. The “6th International Adhesion-GPCR Workshop,” held at the Institute of Physiology of the University of Würzburg on September 6–8, 2012, assembled a majority of the investigators currently actively pursuing research on adhesion-GPCRs, including scientists from laboratories in Europe, the United States, and Asia. The meeting featured the nascent mechanistic understanding of the molecular events driving the signal transduction of adhesion-GPCRs, novel models to evaluate their functions, and evidence for their involvement in human disease. On March 9, 2012, the New York Academy of Sciences brought together experts representing a variety of perspectives—including academic, industrial, regulatory, as well as those from physicians and consumers—to discuss considerations for the non-biological complex drug (NBCD) regulatory approval pathway, given the emerging regulatory guidelines for biosimilars (follow-on biological complex drugs). Plenary sessions addressed the most recent regulatory developments, experimental design, interchangeability, and immunogenicity issues for follow-on versions of complex drugs from the perspective of key audiences, including industry, regulatory agencies, physicians, and consumers. This report summarizes various perspectives on NBCDs and the scientific and regulatory considerations associated with complex drug categories. Sponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, with support from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and Life Technologies, “Fetal Programming and Environmental Exposures: Implications for Prenatal Care and Preterm Birth” was held on June 11–12, 2012 at the New York Academy of Sciences in New York City. The meeting, comprising individual talks and panel discussions, highlighted basic, clinical, and translational research approaches, and highlighted the need for specialized testing of drugs, consumer products, and industrial chemicals, with a view to the unique impacts these can have during gestation. Speakers also discussed many other factors that affect prenatal development, from genetics to parental diet, revealing the extraordinary sensitivity of the developing fetus. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or a s a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full-text access to Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information about becoming a member.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Lose Weight by Eating: Detox Week: Twice the Weight Loss in Half the Time with 130 Recipes for a Crave-Worthy Cleanse
Most people think of dietary detoxes as bland starvation strategies that leave them feeling hungry and deprived— after which they will binge on all the foods they have been trying to avoid. Audrey Johns created this detox plan for the readers on her popular blog, Lose Weight By Eating, because she wanted to encourage people to eat for their cravings, not deprive themselves. This crave-worthy detox arms readers with their favorite naughty recipes made over so nice that they’re actually healthier for you than any fancy juice cleanse. Audrey’s detox quickly became the most popular page on the website, with people writing in to say they’d lost large amounts of weight, some up to 18 pounds in a single week! In Lose Weight by Eating: Detox Week, Audrey has taken her popular online post one step further and turned it into an expanded, customizable plan that will accelerate weight loss and help raise metabolism naturally. In this program, you’ll abstain from any food or drink that is not natural, you’ll replace fried foods with baked, sugars will be minimized, and carbohydrates will be replaced with healthier versions. We’ll set aside the alcoholic beverages and introduce some festive mocktails, but most important, you’ll fill your diet with food that actually helps ride the body of toxins. This is not a fast. This is a chance to reset your view on food and shed pounds without feeling deprived. Audrey lays out 4 plans to choose from and provides a Detox Quiz to help you find the best plan for you. All the plans work together so you can try one and perhaps work up to a harder plan in time. The plans include: • Detox Diet Week: the original 7-day plan by which readers lose an average of 10 pounds. • Detox Diet Month: this 30-day plan is great for losing the last 10 to 25 pounds you’ve been trying to lose for years. • The 3 Month Detox Diet Power Weight Lose Plan: this plan is a great way to drop weight fast, and you can expect to lose up to 50 pounds in 90 days! • The Detox Lifestyle: this 365-day plan is ideal for all ages and stages of life, and it’s a great way to maintain your current weight after weight loss. Each plan will include exercise goals, recommended hours of sleep, and mediation, as well as how much to drink daily. Filled with 125 recipes, many fast and easy enough to make any day of the week, Lose Weight by Eating: Detox Week will contain delicious crave-worthy recipes such as: • Pineapple Mango Green Sorbet • English Muffin Sandwiches with Homemade Sausage Patties • Ceviche Tostadas with Homemade Salsa and Guacamole • Chili Casserole with Cornbread Topping • Avocado Club Cheeseburgers • Chocolate Dipped Key Lime Popsicles • Mango Cucumber Basil Detox Water All the recipes will be under 500 calories per meal! Audrey will also provide tips and tricks for motivation and ease, success stories from real people who have shed the pounds, and helpful shopping lists and meal planners to stay on track.
Little, Brown Book Group Arthritis: A Practical Guide to Getting on With Your Life
Become an expert patient and learn how to best manage your arthrtisArthritis is one of the most common causes of disability, affecting areas in and around the joints and bringing misery to a staggering 10 million people in the UK and 46 million in the USA. Arthritis occurs not just amongst older age groups but across all age ranges, and impacts hugely on the lives of sufferers and their families. Dr Chris Jenner's easy-to-read and highly informative book shows that much of the suffering experienced as a result of this painful condition is unnecessary. Starting with a no-nonsense look at the condition itself, Dr Jenner focuses on the many ways in which arthritis can affect daily life and leads the reader through the variety of options available to sufferers. He shows how the effects of this potentially debilitating disease can be minimised so that quality of life is restored.Contents: Preface; Part I Understanding Arthritis; 1. What is Arthritis?; 2. Arthritis - The Statistics; 3. Types of Arthritis; 4. Related and Secondary Medical Conditions; 5. What Causes Arthritis?; 6. Diagnosing Arthritis; 7. Aggravating Factors; 8. Top Arthritis Myths; Part II Living with Arthritis; 9. The Physical, Emotional and Psychological Impacts of Arthritis; 10. Acceptance Issues; 11. How Relationships Are Affected; 12. Work Issues; 13. Mobility and Disability Issues Benefits and Allowances; 14. Image Issues; 15. Parenting a Child with Arthritis; 16. Support for Arthritis Sufferers; Part III Treating and Managing Arthritis; 17. Pain Management; 18. Medications and Contraindications; 19. Non-Pharmaceutical Treatments 20. The Role of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; 21. Diet and Lifestyle; 22. Caring for Your Joints; 23. How to Control Stress; Part IV Understanding Medico-Legal Implications; 24. Personal Injury Claims and Arthritis; 25. Medico-Legal Experts and Personal Injury Solicitors; Conclusion; Index.
American Nurses Publishing Genetics/Genomics Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice
Completely updated by genetics/genomics nurses for genetics/genomics nurses. The first best resource for the RN or APRN genetics/genomics nurse at any level and in any setting. Essential for all involved in this nursing practice specialty now and throughout this decade. Genetics/genomics nursing practice and care focuses on the actual and potential impact of genetic and genomic influences on health. These nurses advise and educate clients and families on such influences that might impact their health, identify and manage physiologic responses. The goals of their nursing interventions: to optimize health, reduce health risks, treat disease, and promote wellness. Their research and evidence-based practice also includes interprofessional collegiality and collaboration with other genetics/genomics professionals and other healthcare professionals to provide quality patient care.A workgroup of genetics/genomics nurse experts, convened by ISONG and ANA, completely updated and expanded the previous edition. With input from nurses nationwide, their revision addressed and incorporated ongoing and anticipated changes in genetics/genomics nursing as well as in nursing and health care in general. The revised scope of genetics/genomics nursing practice - the who, what, where, when, why, and how of practice - sets the context for understanding and using the standards: the underlying assumptions, characteristics, environments and settings, education and training requirements, key issues and trends, and ethical and conceptual bases of genetics/genomics nursing.The updated 16 standards frame any evaluation of the outcomes and goals of, and measure the accountabilities for, general, graduate-level prepared, and advanced practice genetics/genomics nurses. By meeting each standard's competencies, these nurses can demonstrate compliance with that standard.A foundational volume primarily for those directly involved with genetics/genomics nursing practice, education, and research, other nurses and allied healthcare providers, researchers, and scholars will find value in its content.About ANA's Specialty Nursing StandardsSince the late 1990s, ANA has partnered with other nursing organizations to establish a formal process for recognition of specialty areas of nursing practice. This includes the criteria for approving the specialty itself and the scope statement, and an acknowledgment by ANA of the standards of practice for that specialty. Because of the significant changes in the evolving nursing and healthcare environments, ANA's approval of specialty nursing scope statements and its acknowledgment of specialty standards of practice remain valid for five years, starting from the publication date of the documents.The standards in this publication are based on language from ANA's Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, Second Edition, a helpful supplement to this specialty text, which in turn is of optimal use with two complementary ANA texts: Nursing's Social Policy Statement and Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses. Together, these three books help guide nursing practice, thinking, and decision-making. The set is proving useful as a professional reference, classroom textbook, in-service training guide, and credentialing exam resource.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ethics and Urban Design: Culture, Form, and Environment
"The city," according to urban design scholar Gideon Golany, is"the largest and most complicated project ever produced byhumankind." In Ethics and Urban Design, he challenges designprofessionals to reexamine their basic assumptions about the urbanenvironment and offers design strategies based on enduring humanvalues. In search of answers to the paradoxical problems of the moderncity, Golany takes the reader through the sweep of humansettlements from the dawn of civilization to the present. Hisauthoritative examination of the genesis of the city is illuminatedby instructive examples of early urban centers. Mesopotamia, theIndus River Valley, the Egyptian cities of the Nile, and thecapital cities of ancient China--all are examined in the light ofwhat made them work as major centers of human activity. What Golany finds in the success stories of the past are cohesivesociocultural values that shaped the design of homes,neighborhoods, and cities. These ethical values helped to maintainan equilibrium within the society that permeated its natural,social, and human-made environments. In the present era,conversely, he finds a major disconnection between human values andthe ethics of technology, which has resulted in confusion,imbalance, and dehumanization. To help designers gain a perspective on possible solutions, Golanyexplains leading comprehensive design strategies, including thevalley theory, the urban border zone concept, and the regionalconcept of Patrick Geddes. In the case study of contemporaryHolland, he details what a small, densely populated country hasbeen able to achieve through design planning rooted inenvironmental ethics. "Future Frontiers for Urban Design," the culminating section ofthis groundbreaking book, opens with Golany's vision of the futurecity. He examines the issues of thermal performance and climate asthey relate to urban design and offers the concept of"geospace"--the earth-enveloped habitat. Buttressing hispresentation with detailed information on the mechanics ofgeospace, Golany describes case studies of the successful use ofearth-enveloped habitats in China and Tunisia. He makes a powerfulargument for the geospace city as a renewal of ancient traditionsthat can restore the vital equilibrium between nature and humansettlements that we seem to have lost. Ethics and Urban Design is a distinguished scholar's analysis andprescription for the city; it offers an abundance of stimulatingideas for the architects, designers, and planners who have assumedresponsibility for its future. Ethics & Urban Design draws on historical examples andcontemporary case studies from around the world to illustrate urbandesign strategies that can help restore equilibrium to the natural,social, and built environments of the city. In this stimulatingbook, urban design scholar Gideon Golany offers architects,designers, and planners both an in-depth analysis of thefundamental issues of urban design and practical options for thedesign of the future city. * Examines the genesis and development of the city from theearliest presettlements to the rise of urban society * Presents urban design strategies based on historical examples ofearly urban centers, including Mesopotamia, the Indus River Valley,Egypt, and China * Offers case studies of environmental success stories from Europe,Asia, and Africa * Details geospace design options--the use of underground space fordiversified land use, housing, and transportation * Fully illustrated, with over 80 photographs, drawings, anddiagrams
American University in Cairo Press Women in Ancient Egypt: Revisiting Power, Agency, and Autonomy
Cutting-edge research by twenty-four international scholars on female power, agency, health, and literacy in ancient EgyptThere has been considerable scholarship in the last fifty years on the role of ancient Egyptian women in society. With their ability to work outside the home, inherit and dispense of property, initiate divorce, testify in court, and serve in local government, Egyptian women exercised more legal rights and economic independence than their counterparts throughout antiquity. Yet, their agency and autonomy are often downplayed, undermined, or outright ignored. In Women in Ancient Egypt twenty-four international scholars offer a corrective to this view by presenting the latest cutting-edge research on women and gender in ancient Egypt.Covering the entirety of Egyptian history, from earliest times to Late Antiquity, this volume commences with a thorough study of the earliest written evidence of Egyptian women, both royal and non-royal, before moving on to chapters that deal with various aspects of Egyptian queens, followed by studies on the legal status and economic roles of non-royal women and, finally, on women’s health and body adornment. Within this sweeping chronological range, each study is intensely focused on the evidence recovered from a particular site or a specific time-period. Rather than following a strictly chronological arrangement, the thematic organization of chapters enables readers to discern diachronic patterns of continuity and change within each group of women.· Clémentine Audouit, Paul Valery University, Montpellier, France· Anne Austin, University of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri, USA· Mariam F. Ayad, The American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt· Romane Betbeze, Université de Genève, Switzerland, and Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, PSL, France· Anke Ilona Blöbaum, Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany· Eva-Maria Engel, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany· Renate Fellinger, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK· Kathrin Gabler, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland· Rahel Glanzmann, independent scholar, Basel, Switzerland. · Izold Guegan, Swansea University, UK, and Sorbonne University, Paris, France· Fayza Haikal, The American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt· Janet H. Johnson, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, Il, USA· Katarzyna Kapiec, Institute of the Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland· Susan Anne Kelly, Macquarie University Sydney, Sydney, Australia· AnneMarie Luijendijk, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA· Suzanne Onstine, University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, USA· José Ramón Pérez-Accino Picatoste, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain· Tara Sewell-Lasater, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA· Yasmin El Shazly, American Research Center in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt· Reinert Skumsnes, Centre for Gender Research, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway· Isabel Stünkel, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York, USA· Inmaculada Vivas Sainz, National Distance Education University), Madrid, Spain· Hana Vymazalová, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, Czeck Republic· Jacquelyn Williamson, George Mason University, Fairfax, Viriginia, USA· Annik Wüthrich, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austrian Archaeological Institute, Vienna, Austria
Human Kinetics Publishers Dynamic Human Anatomy
Dynamic Human Anatomy, Second Edition With Web Study Guide, is back—with a new title, significant new material and learning aids, and the same goals: to cover concepts not found in traditional anatomy texts and to help students apply those concepts. Formerly titled Dynatomy, the new edition of this introductory to upper-level biomechanics and anatomy text sets itself apart from other texts in this field by connecting biomechanical principles with applications in sports and dance, strength training, work settings, and clinical settings. Dynamic Human Anatomy offers applied dance- and sport-specific information on how the body performs dynamic movement, providing students an understanding of the body’s structure and function as it explores the elegance and complexity of the body’s functional movement anatomy. New Tools and Learning AidsDynamic Human Anatomy comes with many tools and learning aids, including a web study guide and new instructor resources, each featuring new material and tools. The web study guide offers the following: • Tables that indicate articulations for the spine and upper and lower extremities • Tables that list the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for all major muscle groups • Practice problems that allow students to apply the muscle control formula discussed in chapter 6 • Critical thinking questions The instructor resources include: • A presentation package with slides that present the key concepts from the text and can be used for class discussion and demonstration • An image bank that includes the figures and tables from the book to develop a custom presentation • An instructor guide that includes a sample syllabus, chapter summaries, lecture outlines, ideas for additional assignments, and answers to the critical thinking questions presented in the web study guide • A test package that includes 330 questions Dynamic Human Anatomy also offers a full-color design and learning aids that include an updated glossary, chapter objectives, summaries, and suggested readings. Each chapter has Applying the Concept sidebars, which provide practical examples of concepts, and Research in Mechanics sidebars, which highlight recent research in biomechanics and human movement. Organized Into Four PartsDynamic Human Anatomy is organized into four parts. Part I provides a concise review of relevant anatomical information and neuromechanical concepts. It covers the dynamics of human movement, the essentials of anatomical structure and the organization of the skeletal system. Part II details the essentials of a dynamic approach to movement, including a review of mechanical concepts essential to understanding human movement, the muscle control formula, and topics relevant to movement assessment. In part III, the focus is on fundamental movements as the chapters examine posture and balance, gait, and basic movement patterns. Part IV explores movement-related aspects for strength and conditioning applications, sport and dance applications, clinical applications, and ergonomic applications. Brings Anatomy to LifeDynamic Human Anatomy, Second Edition, explores the potential of the human body to express itself through movement, making it a highly valuable text for students who have taken, or are taking, introductory anatomy and who need a more detailed exposure to concepts in human movement anatomy.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Gender in History: Global Perspectives
A concise yet comprehensive account of the roles and influences of gender over the millennia, featuring new and updated content throughout Gender in History: Global Perspectives, Third Edition, explores the construction and evolution of gender in many of the world’s cultures from the Paleolithic era to the COVID pandemic of the twenty-first century. Broad in geographic and topical scope, this comprehensive volume discusses the ways families, religions, social hierarchies, politics, work, education, art, sexuality, and other issues are linked to various conceptions of gender. Now organized chronologically rather than topically, this extensively revised edition presents a wealth of up-to-date information based on the scholarship of the last decade. New and expanded chapters offer insights on the connections between gender and key events and trends in world history, including domestication and the development of agriculture, the growth of cities and larger-scale political structures, the spread of world religions, changing ideas of race, class, and sexuality, colonialism and imperialism, capitalism, wars, revolutions, and more. Written by a distinguished scholar in the field of women's and gender history, this third edition of Gender in History: Examines how gender roles were shaped by family life, religious traditions, various other institutions, and how the institutions were influenced by gender Considers why gender variations developed in different cultures and in diverse social, ethnic, and racial groups within a single culture Addresses ideas in different cultures that shaped both informal societal norms and formalized laws Explores debates about the origins of patriarchy, the development of complex gender hierarchies, and contemporary movements for social change Discusses the gender implications of modern issues including the global pandemic and ongoing cultural and economic shifts Includes an accessible introduction to key theoretical and methodological issues and an instructor’s website site with visual and written original sources Gender in History: Global Perspectives, Third Edition, is essential reading for undergraduate and graduate students in courses such as those on women’s history, women in world history, and gender in world history, and a valuable supplement for general survey courses within History and Women’s and Gender Studies programs.
Baker Publishing Group The Wisdom of Your Body – Finding Healing, Wholeness, and Connection through Embodied Living
2022 Word Guild Award, Culture and Life Stories categories Globe and Mail Bestseller List, November 2021 (Self-Improvement) Many of us have a complicated relationship with our body. Maybe you've been made to feel ashamed of your body or like it isn't good enough. Maybe your body is riddled with stress, pain, or the effects of trauma. Maybe you think of your body as an accessory to what you believe you really are--your mind. Maybe your experiences with racism, sexism, ableism, heterosexism, ageism, or sizeism have made you believe your body isn't the right kind of body. Whatever the reason, many of us don't feel at home in our bodies. But being disconnected from ourselves as bodies means being disconnected from truly living and from the interconnection that weaves us all together. Psychologist and award-winning researcher Hillary McBride explores the broken and unhealthy ideas we have inherited about our body. Embodiment is the way we are in the world, and our embodiment is heavily influenced by who we have been allowed to be. McBride shows that many of us feel disembodied due to colonization, racism, sexism, and patriarchy--destructive systems that rank certain bodies as less valuable, beautiful, or human than others. Embracing our embodiment can liberate us from these systems. As we come to understand the world around us and the stories we've been told, we see that our perspective of reality often limits how we see and experience ourselves, each other, and what we believe is Sacred. Instead of the body being a problem to overcome, our bodies can be the very place where we feel most alive, the seat of our spirituality and our wisdom. The Wisdom of Your Body offers a compassionate, healthy, and holistic perspective on embodied living. Weaving together illuminating research, stories from her work as a therapist, and deeply personal narratives of healing from a life-threatening eating disorder, a near-fatal car accident, and chronic pain, McBride invites us to reclaim the wisdom of the body and to experience the wholeness that has been there all along. End-of-chapter questions and practices are included.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Bristol and Bath Art Book: The cities through the eyes of their artists
Bristol and Bath are two beautiful, closely connected cities. They are portrayed through the eyes of their artists in a delightful variety of styles in this stunning book. The Bristol and Bath Art Book portrays two very different cities. The beautiful images in the book capture the breath-taking landscape of rivers, hills and gorges which they share, but also the cities’ sights that are so unique. Bristol is painted as busy, quirky and vibrant, where Bath glows in more tranquil hues. These important cities in the history of the world are intimately connected. The river Avon that flows through both cities, gouges the spectacular Avon Gorge at Bristol, which is where its international maritime connections begin. The regenerated old docks (the ’floating harbour’), Wapping Wharf and the quayside are lovingly depicted by various artists. Now that the main docks are outside the city, the harbour-side now bustles with shops, bars and offices, but there are still cranes to be seen at the M shed. Underfall boatyard remains a home to maritime businesses and is also pictured in this lovely book, along with pleasure craft and houseboats in the harbour. John Cabot’s The Matthew is the ship that put America on the map. The reconstruction is depicted in drawings and paintings. She may have been a pirate ship at one time, too, as Bristol was the birthplace of Blackbeard and had a thriving piracy business. From this Atlantic connection, the list of items traded expanded from wool, wine and grain to tobacco and alas, to slaves. The profits from this trade endowed many of the fine public monuments drawn and painted here. Like many places, Bristol is undertaking a new reckoning with its history. The great engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel designed the Clifton Suspension Bridge to span the deep Avon Gorge. In the book, there are many images of this vertiginous bridge: ringed by balloons, luminous in the gloaming, stark in the snow, or painted to resemble a cathedral arch from below. It is a much-loved, living monument to the great man. His Great Western Railway terminus at Temple Meads features here in drawings and prints, along with his pioneering Bristol-built steamship, the SS Great Britain. Crossing Brunel’s famous bridge over the Avon, you will find yourself in the tranquil Leigh woods, painted as a hotspot for bluebells in spring. The old Railway Path, flat, traffic-free and lined with greenery, takes you from Bristol to Bath, where you will find more gorgeous parks: the Georgian garden in the town centre, Alexandra Park with panoramas of the city and the Botanical Gardens with its aerial walkway. Bath is a UNESCO world heritage site because of its Roman remains and exquisite Georgian architecture. Its famous Roman Baths were built around a hot spring the Romans believed sacred to the Goddess Sulis and the city became a centre for health and an inspiration for artists. Its 18th-century architecture: The Royal Crescent, The Circus, Pulteney Bridge and Assembly Rooms, are all examples of Bath’s heyday as a Georgian spa town and are featured in the art book in stunning paintings, drawings and collages. They capture the Bath that Jane Austen would have known from her time in the city. Here, movies of some of her novels have been filmed, along with many other Regency era series e.g. the record-breaking series Bridgerton.
Odyssey Publications,Hong Kong Mekong River: From Source to Sea Featuring Laos
This title includes: regional map of mighty Mekong river from source to sea; UNESCO World Heritage sites; French colonial Vientiane; exquisite Luang Prabang; Pak Ou Caves; Khone Pha Pheng Falls; and, coffee-growing regions. Laos has been discovered. Pristine and exotic in a changing world where other Asian cultures have been affected by rapid development, Laos is still green. The rivers mostly run free through sites well worth visiting, from the ancient Khmer temple of Vat Phou in the south to the former royal capital of Luang Prabang in the north. But if you want to see the old Laos you have to move fast. Luang Prabang, an exquisite little town on the banks of the life-giving Mekong, is a UNESCO World Heritage site and the main Mecca for tourists. The town is home to some of the finest Buddhist temples anywhere. Charming old colonial mansions are now hotels, trendy restaurants, or upscale boutiques. Al fresco restaurants serving spicy Lao fare line the riverside. A night bazaar with dozens of stalls offers high-quality woven silk scarves, silver jewellery, and embroidered Hmong bedspreads, just a few of the popular wares available. Laos has a long, rich tradition of silk weaving, and textiles are not just a "best buy" for tourists. They represent the most important craftwork done in the country and in some ways define the Lao nation. Also on the Mekong, the capital Vientiane still has the look of a French provincial town complete with tree-lined streets, fading colonial buildings, and sidewalk cafes. Its trendy restaurants offer fusion cuisine as a counterpoint to traditional fiery Lao fare. The city's most prominent monument, Patuxai, closely resembles the pride of Paris, the Arc de Triomphe. Upstream from Luang Prabang, at the confluence of the Ou River, are the Pak Ou Caves, an easy day trip by long-tail boat through pastoral countryside and jungle-covered mountains. The two caves, etched over millennia out of limestone karst cliffs, contain hundreds of images of the Buddha donated by generations of believers. To get away from the heat along the river, travellers head to the Bolaven Plateau, a fertile upland area known for its cooler climate, dramatic waterfalls, and (thanks to the French) some of the best coffee in the world. This is the gateway to the higher mountains to the east and the hill tribes. A trip to southern Laos should include a visit to the spectacular the Khone Pha Pheng Falls, where the usually languid Mekong boils and tumbles through eight miles of wild cataracts that effectively close the river to navigation. One of the key attractions of Laos is the people. Sixty percent of the population is ethnic Lao, who migrated from China a millennium ago. The rest are largely upland people representing about fifty hill tribes. The Lao are mostly Theravada Buddhists who live in the valleys and are famed for being easy-going, party-loving and affable. A precious pearl of a country blessed with pristine natural beauty, exotic flora and rare fauna, Laos hosts the mighty Mekong for a significant distance during its almost 5,000 kilometre journey from the Tibetan Plateau to the sea. Whether you chose to travel by land or by water or both, Odyssey's "Illustrated "Map will enhance your journey both as a pre-trip planner and as a post-trip souvenir. Unfolded map size 991mm x 686mm.
Ideapress Publishing Leveraged Learning: How the Disruption of Education Helps Lifelong Learners, and Experts with Something to Teach
“Leveraged Learning is a tour de force of education - how it evolved, what it delivered and where it is going”—Srikumar Rao In a world where education is broken, everyone loses. But big disruption (and transformation) is coming to higher education, and there will be many winners. This is the book that explores a model of education that’s not only robust enough for the modern world, it’s also affordable for students. It’s viable for businesses who long to finally hire the skills that are hard to find. And it’s distributed to the experts who are at the cutting edge of their fields rather than being confined to the purely intellectual and theoretical realms of the ivory tower. Gone are the days when education was something that only happened at the start of your career. The name of today's game, both personally and professionally, is to be CONSTANTLY LEARNING: just enough, just in time, and never stopping. But where can knowledge workers, professionals, and lifelong learners go to find the training and education they need to stay current and thrive? It's no secret that universities and colleges are struggling to keep pace and stay current. Often OUT OF TOUCH, exorbitantly overpriced, and slowed by unwieldy infrastructures, bureaucracies and tenure, these institutions are fundamentally designed to deliver a mode of education that still serves an important purpose, but leaves many of our individual and collective needs for learning and growth sorely unmet. This crisis is an OPPORTUNITY FOR THE EXPERTS AND PROFESSIONALS who possess the knowledge and skills that are so sorely needed by so many. The solution is to package their expertise into leveraged learning programs. These online courses will create transformation for the lifelong learners who need them, and profit for the experts who create them. Danny Iny, a successful educator and entrepreneur, has been leading the charge in the growing movement of course building and online education. And in Leveraged Learning, he lays out the guidebook for navigating and thriving in this new world – both as a lifelong learner, and as an expert with something to teach. As a lifelong learner, you'll gain the skills and acquire the tools that you need to grow and thrive: How education has changed and the implications for knowledge workers and professionals. Why the education system is failing you and what alternatives to consider. How to hack your patterns of behavior to support and accelerate your learning. The three layers of learning that you must stack together to achieve mastery. Which mental habits are critical to achieving ongoing, sustained success. How to tell which online courses are worth taking, and which to avoid. Why most online courses have single-digit completion rates, and how to transcend the statistics. And as an expert with something to teach, you'll learn how to package your expertise for others' benefit, and your profit: What it really takes to develop a lucrative revenue stream from your expertise. The piloting methodology that has worked for thousands of successful online course creators. How to design a curriculum that engages students and leads to mastery. What to test, measure, and iterate as your course grows and evolves. Research-based techniques to help every student perform at the 98th percentile of success. Methodologies for peer-based feedback that cost-effectively support student learning. How to engineer student success with accountability, gamification, and artificial intelligence. All this and much, much more is yours for the taking. Leveraged Learning is your indispensable guide to staying current, growing, and thriving in the modern world. Whether you will be one of the course creators or one of the lifelong learners (or both), you’ll benefit when you come along for the journey. Scroll up and buy the book today.
Historic Environment Scotland An Inventory for the Nation
On 2 August 1908, Alexander Ormiston Curle, a 41-year-old solicitor and antiquarian, set off by bicycle from the Borders fishing village of St Abbs on a mission to inspect ''all the ancient monuments of Scotland''. Three months later, he announced that his first survey, of the County of Berwickshire, was complete. ''I have inspected over 200 objects'' he wrote ''and written up notes on them. My bicycle has carried me almost 300 miles; five times only have I hired a trap and twice a motor car. The number of miles I have tramped by moorland and meadow I have no reckoning of but they are many. It has never been anything but the most intense pleasure to me''.Curle was the first Secretary of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland: tasked by letters patent of Edward VII with making an ''inventory'' of sites and constructions ''connected with or illustrative of the culture of the people of Scotland from earliest times''. At the Commission''s very first meetin
Gallaudet University Press,U.S. Deaf Epistemologies, Identity, and Learning: A Comparative Perspective
Goedele A. M. De Clerck presents cross-cultural comparative research that examines and documents where deaf flourishing occurs and how it can be advanced. She spotlights collective and dynamic resources of knowledge and learning; the coexistence of lived differences; social, linguistic, cultural, and psychological capital; and human potential and creativity. Deaf Epistemologies, Identity, and Learning argues for an inclusive approach to the intrinsic human diversity in society, education, and scholarship, and shows how emotions of hope, frustration, and humiliation contribute to the construction of identity and community. De Clerck also considers global to local dynamics in deaf identity, deaf culture, deaf education, and deaf empowerment. She presents empirical research through case studies of the emancipation processes for deaf people in Flanders (a region of Belgium), the United States (specifically, at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC), and the West African nation of Cameroon. These three settings illuminate different phases of emancipation in different contexts, and the research findings are integrated into a broader literature review and subjected to theoretical reflection. De Clerck's anthropology of deaf flourishing draws from her critical application of the empowerment paradigm in settings of daily life, research, leadership, and community work, as she explores identity and well-being through an interdisciplinary lens. This work is centered around practices of signed storytelling and posits learning as the primary access and pathway to culture, identity, values, and change. Change driven by the learning process is considered an awakening and through this awakening, the deaf community can gain hope, empowerment, and full citizenship. In this way, deaf people are allowed to shape their histories, and the result is the elevation of all aspects of deaf lives around the world.
Columbia University Press Laid Off, Laid Low: Political and Economic Consequences of Employment Insecurity
Laid Off, Laid Low provides a sobering portrait of the ailing American labor system and the social and political consequences of increasing job insecurity. It proves that the health of the labor market is not a transitory issue brought low by the factors of recession, but a serious concern reflecting deep structural problems in American society. In this book, economists, sociologists, and public policy and political scientists reveal how the American labor market has grown particularly problematic for new job-seekers, trends that are not obvious when averaging the entire population. The contributors to this volume focus instead on changing job patterns between generations, which show that the job prospects for young Americans are more short-term than their predecessors, and that white-collar managers, once members of the most privileged sector, are now experiencing a faster negative rate of change. As this book makes clear, Americans will soon face epic job losses, irreversible trends in downward mobility, and long-lasting economic insecurity-politically polarizing outcomes that will cause even more anxiety among families. Encompassing a number of different disciplines, the prominent scholars of Laid Off, Laid Low provide a full analysis of today's most pressing economic issues. Contributors: Sheldon Danziger and Ben Keys: "Unemployment Risk among Low Wage Workers: 1970-2000"; Hank Farber: "Employment Insecurity: The Decline in Worker-Firm Attachment in the United States"; Elizabeth Jacobs and Katherine Newman: "Rising Angst? Change and Stability in Perceptions of Insecurity"; Philipp Rehm: "Partisan Politics and Labor Market Risks"; Ann Huff Stevens: "Holding Firm: The Stability of Long-Term Employment in the US, 1969-2004"
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets Flipped Classroom with Student Workbook
Nancy Caroline’s Emergency Care in the Streets, Ninth Edition is the newest evolution of the premier paramedic education training program. This legendary paramedic textbook was first developed by Dr. Nancy Caroline in the early 1970s and transformed paramedic education. Today, lead editors Bob Elling and Barb Aehlert, along with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, are proud to continue this legacy and set the new gold standard for the paramedics of tomorrow. The Ninth Edition offers cutting-edge, evidence-based content that meets or exceeds the most current scientific recommendations developed by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and the ECC Guidelines established by the American Heart Association and other resuscitation councils around the world. Clear chapter objectives align with the 2019 National EMS Scope of Practice Model and 2021 EMS Education Standards. Thoroughly reviewed by medical doctors and subject-matter experts, the Ninth Edition teaches students the technical skills required of today’s paramedic while emphasizing other important professional attributes, including critical thinking, empathy, teamwork, communication, problem solving, and personal well-being. Taking a systemic approach to the assessment and management of traumatic and medical emergencies, and devoting entire chapters to special topics, such as mass-casualty incidents, the Ninth Edition covers the full scope of paramedic practice. Some of the key high-level updates to the Ninth Edition include the following: Language carefully reviewed throughout text to ensure gender neutrality, racial inclusivity, and nonstigmatizing descriptions of patient conditions NEW Street Smarts boxes throughout the text to emphasize the “soft skills” expected of today’s paramedics Images updated to reflect appropriate PPE in the current COVID-19 setting Added emphasis on current spinal motion restriction guidelines Thoroughly reviewed and updated references, statistics, and case studies CPR and ACLS algorithms updated throughout text to reflect the current AHA guidelines
Andrews McMeel Publishing Japanese Farm Food
Japanese Farm Food, now available in paperback, offers a unique look into life on a Japanese farm through 165 simple, clear-flavored recipes along with personal stories and over 350 stunning photographs. It is a book about love, community, and life in rural Japan. Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2012: USA Winner, Best Japanese Cuisine Book "Our life centers on the farm and the field. We eat what we grow." --Nancy Singleton Hachisu,Japanese Farm Food offers a unique window into life on a Japanese farm through the simple, clear-flavored recipes cooked from family crops and other local, organic products. The multitude of vibrant images by Kenji Miura of green fields, a traditional farmhouse, antique baskets, and ceramic bowls filled with beautiful, simple dishes are interwoven with Japanese indigo fabrics to convey an intimate, authentic portrait of life and food on a Japanese farm. With a focus on fresh and thoughtfully sourced ingredients, the recipes in Japanese Farm Food are perfect for fans of farmers' markets, and for home cooks looking for accessible Japanese dishes. Personal stories about family and farm life complete this incredible volume.American born and raised, Nancy Singleton Hachisu lives with her husband and teenage sons on a rural Japanese farm, where they prepare these 165 bright, seasonal dishes. The recipes are organized logically with the intention of reassuring you how easy it is to cook Japanese food. Not just a book about Japanese food, Japanese Farm Food is a book about love, life on the farm, and community. Covering everything from pickles and soups to noodles, rice, and dipping sauces, with a special emphasis on vegetables, Hachisu demystifies the rural Japanese kitchen, laying bare the essential ingredients, equipment, and techniques needed for Japanese home cooking."Nancy Hachisu is...intrepid. Outrageously creative. Intensely passionate. Committed. True and real. I urge you to cook from this book with abandon, but first read it like a memoir, chapter by chapter, and you will share in the story of a modern-day family, a totally unique and extraordinary one." --Patricia Wells"This book is both an intimate portrait of Nancy's life on the farm, and an important work that shows the universality of an authentic food culture." --Alice Waters"The modest title Japanese Farm Food turns out to be large, embracing and perhaps surprising. Unlike the farm-to-table life as we know it here, where precious farm foods are cooked with recipes, often with some elaboration, real farm food means eating the same thing day after day when it’s plentiful, putting it up for when it's not, and cooking it very, very simply because the farm demands so much more time in the field than in the kitchen. This beautiful, touching, and ultimately common sense book is about a life that's balanced between the idea that a life chooses you and that you in turn choose it and then live it wholeheartedly and largely. Thank you, Nancy, for sharing your rich, intentional and truly inspiring life." --Deborah Madison"Nancy Hachisu’s amazing depth of knowledge of Japanese food and culture shines through in every part of this book. You will feel as if you live next door to her...savoring and learning her down-to-earth approach to cooking and to loving food." --Hiroko Shimbo"Taking a peek into Nancy Hachisu's stunning Japanese Farm Food is like entering a magical world. It's a Japan that used to be, not the modern Japan defined by the busyness of Tokyo, but a more timeless place, a place whose rhythms are set by seasons and traditions and the work of the farm. Japanese Farm Food is so much more than a cookbook. This book has soul. Every vegetable, every tool has a story. Who grew this eggplant? Who made this soy sauce? Nancy doesn't have to ask, "Where does my food come from?" She knows. Here's a woman who grows and harvests her own rice, grain by grain. Not that she asks or expects us to do the same at all. What she does offer is a glimpse into her life in rural Japan, with its shoji screens and filtered light, and recipes from her farm kitchen that you can't wait to try." --Elise Bauer,"Japanese Farm Food is a lovely book about the culture, landscape, and food of Japan, a true insider's view of the Japanese kitchen, from farm to table, by a passionate and talented writer." --Michael Ruhlman
Kent State University Press In the Heart of It All: An Unvarnished Account of My Life in Public Service
Former Ohio governor Richard Celeste's remarkable journey from humble beginnings in northeast Ohio to Yale, Oxford, Washington DC, India, the governor's residence, and beyond"Dick, remember this admonition: to whom much is given, much is expected." As the eldest child in his Italian American family, Richard F. Celeste frequently heard his maternal grandmother repeat this aphorism. His paternal grandmother's advice was, "Bresta your cards." This divergent advice reverberated within him for years to come, informing Celeste's approach to what has become a life of serving others.In the Heart of it All recounts Celeste's childhood in Lakewood, Ohio, where his politically ambitious father eventually served as mayor. Awarded a scholarship to attend Yale University, Celeste studied history and later became a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford; while living overseas, he met and quickly married his first wife, Dagmar Braun. Upon returning from Oxford, Celeste expected to begin a teaching career but was recruited to serve as a liaison for Peace Corps volunteers in Latin America, and the young couple relocated to Washington, DC, where they became friendly with Chet and Steb Bowles. When President Kennedy appointed Chet Bowles US ambassador to India, he invited Dick to work as his personal assistant. There, under Bowles's tutelage, Dick began to consider a political career of his own.Celeste returned to Ohio and successfully ran for the Ohio House of Representatives as a Democrat in 1970. After serving two terms, he was elected lieutenant governor in 1974 but lost the 1978 governor's race by a slim margin. Celeste worked in DC as director of the Peace Corps while plotting his next move, and in 1982, his gubernatorial campaign resulted in a landslide victory. He served two terms as Ohio's governor, tackling an epic savings and loan crisis along with mental health reform and job creation.Celeste describes candidly why he considered and dismissed a presidential campaign in 1988. He went on to serve as ambassador to India under President Clinton, traveling there with his second wife, Jacqueline Lundquist, and bringing his career full circle. Shortly after that position ended, Celeste became president of Colorado College, serving from 2002 to 2011.In each position, Celeste has used his grandmothers' wisdom to guide his decision making, putting the needs of his various constituents—Ohio citizens, Peace Corps volunteers, diplomatic colleagues, and college students—above his ego and popularity ratings, and, as he poignantly reflects, sometimes even before his family. In the Heart of It All offers a remarkably frank and expansive account of Celeste's personal and professional life, including his disappointing defeats and thrilling victories.
Antoni Bosch Editor, S.A. Experimentos con los principios económicos, 2ª ed.
Este libro está pensado para un primer curso de economía. Puede utilizarse como texto principal en un curso de introducción o como complemento de un libro de texto tradicional de principios de economía. El libro alterna los “capítulos experimentales” con “capítulos analíticos”. La alternancia de un experimento y un debate marca el ritmo de la clase. En el laboratorio, los estudiantes participan y experimentan en un tipo de mercado, por ejemplo, o en una determinada interacción social. Los informes de laboratorio que tienen que escribir les permiten poner en orden sus reflexiones sobre lo que ha ocurrido. En la clase siguiente, están preparados para debatir los resultados experimentales y examinar las explicaciones teóricas de estos resultados.Los capítulos experimentales normalmente contienen una introducción, las instrucciones para realizar un experimento en clase y un “informe de laboratorio”. Los experimentos se realizan “a mano”, sin ordenadores o aparatos complejos. En el informe de laboratorio, los alumnos anotan los resultados, realizan un análisis elemental de los datos y responden a algunas preguntas que los animan a pensar sobre la importancia de lo que han observado. Los capítulos analíticos introducen las teorías económicas que explican, en todo o en parte, los resultados experimentales. También contienen trabajos para casa en los que se pide a los alumnos que comparen los resultados experimentales con las predicciones teóricas y analicen las consecuencias que las teorías y los experimentos permiten extraer para su aplicación a los problemas del mundo real.Los módulos de análisis están pensados para ser lo suficientemente independientes unos de otros de tal manera que los profesores puedan cambiar el orden de presentación de los temas u omitir los que deseen.Para un estudiante, cursar una asignatura de economía experimental es un poco como estar invitado a comer en casa de un caníbal. Puede ocurrir que sea simplemente un comensal, que sea parte de la comida o que sea ambas cosas a la vez.En un curso de laboratorio de ciencias naturales, los estudiantes tienen que mezclar sustancias químicas o andar tirando de poleas o diseccionar la proverbial rana, pero siempre son ellos quienes experimentan y nunca son los sujetos del experimento. En cambio, en los experimentos que se realizan en esta clase, los estudiantes son a la vez los participantes en los mercados, y los observadores científicos que tratan de entender los resultados de estos mismos mercados experimentales.Es difícil imaginar que un químico pueda ponerse en el lugar de una molécula de hidrógeno. Es improbable que un biólogo que estudia la conducta animal sepa lo que sienten los patos. El estudiante de este curso es más afortunado. Estudiará la conducta y las interacciones de la gente en situaciones económicas. Y siendo uno de estos agentes económicos, podrá experimentar de primera mano los problemas con los que se encuentra uno de ellos. Sospechamos que su experiencia como participante en el experimento le permitirá comprender los principios económicos casi tanto como su análisis como observador del experimento.
Orenda Books Dashboard Elvis is Dead: The epic, extraordinary new novel from one of Scotland's most exceptional novelists
A failed writer connects the murder of an American journalist, a drowned 80s musician and a Scottish politician’s resignation, in a heart-wrenching novel about ordinary people living in extraordinary times. ‘A dazzling, time-hopping patchwork of pop and politics, sewn together with wit and compassion’ Kirstin Innes ‘This amiable and ambitious transatlantic extravaganza is a busy social tapestry pegged to real-life events in Scotland and the US … Ross’s affection for his characters shines through. There’s so much going on here that value for money is pretty much all but guaranteed’ Daily Mail ‘A mesmerising road trip through the America of Kerouac, Warhol and Reagan. Dashboard Elvis may be dead, but this book is full of vibrant, authentic, colourful life’ Stuart Cosgrove **David F. Ross was shortlisted for Scottish Fiction Book of the Year in the Scottish Book Awards** ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Renowned photo-journalist Jude Montgomery arrives in Glasgow in 2014, in the wake of the failed Scottish independence referendum, and it’s clear that she’s searching for someone. Is it Anna Mason, who will go on to lead the country as First Minister? Jamie Hewitt, guitarist from eighties one-hit wonders The Hyptones? Or is it Rabbit – Jude’s estranged foster sister, now a world-famous artist? Three apparently unconnected people, who share a devastating secret, whose lives were forever changed by one traumatic night in Phoenix, forty years earlier. Taking us back to a school shooting in her Texas hometown, and a 1980s road trip across the American West – to San Francisco and on to New York – Jude’s search ends in Glasgow, and a final, shocking event that only one person can fully explain… An extraordinary, gritty and tender novel about fate and destiny, regret and absolution – and a road trip that changes everything… ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ‘Few do raw, authentic, almost palpably believable characters better than David F. Ross' The Times ‘A masterclass in transatlantic intertwining storytelling from one of Scotland’s finest writers’ Derek Steel, Razur Cuts ‘A rich and rewarding novel that takes in the culture and social history of both Scotland and the USA, beautifully weaving stories together over decades … devastating’ Alistair Braidwood, Scots Whay Hae ‘An ambitious, sweeping novel … Taut and gritty, Dashboard Elvis Is Dead interrogates truth, and pulses with life’ Donna McLean ‘An irresistible story of chances taken and missed, and of last-ditch hopes of redemption … the writing is exquisite’ Katie Allen ‘Gripping, gritty and gloriously written, David F. Ross captures characters, places and moods like few other writers … a triumph of a novel’ Martin Geissler ‘A rawness and sensitivity that is so visceral … another extraordinary novel from David F. Ross’ Anne Cater ‘Simultaneously intimate and epic … my head and heart are spinning’ From Belgium with Booklove
Princeton University Press Suburbs under Siege: Race, Space, and Audacious Judges
In Suburbs under Siege Charles Haar argues passionately that all people--rich or poor, black or white--have a constitutional right to live in the suburbs and that a socially responsible judiciary should vigorously uphold that right. For various reasons, American courts have generally failed to question local zoning regulations that trap the urban poor in the squalor of inner cities, away from decent housing and jobs in the suburbs. No U.S. Supreme Court case, for instance, has confronted exclusionary zoning rules, as Brown v. Board of Education once attacked school segregation. Instead, judges at all levels have most often reinforced the residential segregation that may well destroy American society. In this provocative book on the landmark Mount Laurel cases, Haar shows how the N.J. state judiciary broke out of this pattern of judicial behavior. These courageous, innovative judges attracted nationwide attention by challenging the forces of affluence that ruled the suburbs (and the legislature) of their state. Furthermore, they based their reasoning on the N.J. state constitution in order to protect their rulings from invalidation by the U.S. Supreme Court. In the early 1970s, when the cases began, the plaintiffs, Ethel Lawrence and her daughter Thomasene, were barely making ends meet in the Philadelphia suburb of Mount Laurel, a town where their African-American ancestors had lived for seven generations. The Lawrences' dream was to live in a Mount Laurel garden apartment planned by a grassroots reform group as affordable housing: in their way stood a typical minimum acreage zoning ordinance. The eventual court victory of the Lawrences and their young public interest attorneys inspired other N.J. suits and a process of remediation that continues to this day, as judges, experts (special masters), the state legislature, and other citizens work to carry out the Mount Laurel principles. Haar's book is a bold attack on conventional doctrines of the separation of powers limitations on the judicial branch and a plea that judges across the country assume their proper responsibilities for fair housing before it is too late. Originally published in 1996. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Princeton University Press Chesapeake Invader: Discovering America's Giant Meteorite Crater
Thirty-five million years ago, a meteorite three miles wide and moving sixty times faster than a bullet slammed into the sea bed near what is now Chesapeake Bay. The impact, more powerful than the combined explosion of every nuclear bomb on Earth, blasted out a crater fifty miles wide and one mile deep. Shock waves radiated through the Earth for thousands of miles, shaking the foundations of the Appalachians, as gigantic waves and winds of white-hot debris transformed the eastern seaboard into a lifeless wasteland. Chesapeake Invader is the story of this cataclysm, told by the man who discovered it happened. Wylie Poag, a senior scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey, explains when and why the catastrophe occurred, what destruction it caused, how scientists unearthed evidence of the impact, and how the meteorite's effects are felt even today. Poag begins by reviewing how scientists in the decades after World War II uncovered a series of seemingly inexplicable geological features along the Virginia coast. As he worked to interpret one of these puzzling findings in the 1980s in his own field of paleontology, Poag began to suspect that the underlying explanation was the impact of a giant meteorite. He guides us along the path that he and dozens of colleagues subsequently followed as--in true scientific tradition--they combined seemingly outrageous hypotheses, painstaking research, and equal parts good and bad luck as they worked toward the discovery of what turned out to be the largest impact crater in the U.S. We join Poag in the lab, on deep-sea drilling ships, on the road for clues in Virginia, and in heated debates about his findings. He introduces us in clear, accessible language to the science behind meteorite impacts, to life and death on Earth thirty-five million years ago, and to the ways in which the meteorite shaped the Chesapeake Bay area by, for example, determining the Bay's very location and creating the notoriously briny groundwater underneath Virginia. This is a compelling work of geological detective work and a paean to the joys and satisfactions of a life in science. Originally published in 1999. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Prometheus Books King David and Boss Daley: The Black Disciples, Mayor Daley and Chicago on the Edge
In Chicago in mid-twentieth century amid the haze and smoke of urban renewal and the sounds of the wrecking balls and bulldozers, there lived two men, both street-savvy, one Black, one Irish, one young, one old and both leaders of their clans. Each ruled with an iron fist. Each embodied the fighting spirit of the turbulent 1960s. One was David Barksdale, the Black Disciples leader, a Black youth club that would give birth to America's largest street gang; the other was Richard J. Daley, the legendary Mayor of the City of Chicago. He was one of the longest-serving, most prominent mayors in American history and the last of the big-city "bosses." Although the two never met, at least not face-to-face, their fates were linked by a time of change, an era of protest, which was a decisive moment of transformational power that was on the verge of a violent uprising in America's second-largest city. This is a book that is as lively as its subject. A braided narrative of two larger than life people, it has the boldness to combine two oddly related 1960s stories into a single narrative that is both intimate and epic. One captures the unlikely story of a Negro boy whose share-cropping family migrated from rural Mississippi to Chicago, where he started a street gang that became the largest in America. The book's other path follows America's last big city "boss," whose persona is legendary and bigger than life. While historians, political pundits, and those who knew him speak of "Hizzonor" as being a proud, Irish-Catholic who was the long-time godfather of the Chicago Democratic Party and Mayor who saved Chicago from becoming another Detroit or Cleveland, they also acknowledge that he was a fierce segregationist. He had a contentious relationship with civil rights leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Richard Daley also played a significant role in the history of the United States Democratic Party.Williams an internationally recognized gang expert and interventionist, eloquently tells the story of these men, their clans, and their on-going struggle for power, status, and legacy. However unheard of and unimaginable, some of the incidents may seem, this is not a work of fiction. Everything written comes from archival documents, official reports, focus groups, in-depth interviews, or first-hand accounts. The action takes place mostly in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood. Still, there are some occasions where the action takes place in Bronzeville, the Woodlawn community, on the West Side of the City and downtown.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Research Advances in the Fungal World: Culture, Isolation, Identification, Classification, Characterization, Properties and Kinetics
Fungi are the renowned eukaryotic organisms. They are heterotrophs like animals, plants and most of the bacteria and studied under the separate branch of science 'Mycology'. They are abundantly found worldwide as yeasts, moulds, mushrooms etc. Due to the discovery of the different types of fungi, their working styles, habitats, their growing style, culture, sources and optimum locality, fungi have been classified separately from the other eukaryotes like animal and plants. In modern time, there are a number of diseases known which have been caused by fungi but many more significant and useful functions of them are also known and well discovered. Their various positive roles in medicines, remediation, food industries, agriculture, paper and pulp industries, chemical industries, biological researches etc. make them highly significant objectives for researchers and scientists. They also secrete a number of biologically valuable enzymes which further enhance their utility in the field of biotechnology. Their worldwide distributions make them easily available for the research. A number of researches in the field of fungal biotechnology are currently running in order to explore their momentous properties related to their nutraceutical and pharmaceutical values. In this regard, the deep study of their detailed properties, sources, culture, secretion of enzymes, isolation techniques, characterization, kinetics etc. are highly required. Handy nature, very easy language, scientific writing style and advanced research materials of this book make this interesting and highly helpful for the readers and researchers of the field of life sciences, biochemistry and biotechnology to conduct their research. Students of undergraduate and post graduate courses of life sciences/biochemistry/biotechnology will also highly benefit from this book. This book has recent, descriptive as well as up to date information on the recent developments in the world of fungi in the form 17 chapters (divided in two sections: section A and section B) prepared by admirable scientific collaborations. Each chapter has been written by worldwide eminent experts of their scientific research fields. This book covered several valuable and promising topics: (i) Diversity, distribution and classification of fungi. (ii) Isolation, identification and characterization of fungi. (iii) Study of the fungal culture, growth, production, optimization etc. (iv) Rhizospheric fungi, endophytic fungi, lichens, pathogens and secondary metabolites. (v) Fungal properties and applications, biologically potential mushrooms, nutraceutical applications, pharmaceutical applications and bioconversions of wastes materials etc. (vi) Secretion of the different enzymes from fungi (vii) Fungal enzymes, their purification, characterization, kinetics, properties and applications in the field of biotechnology.
Hippocrene Books Inc.,U.S. The Best of Afghan Cooking
The most comprehensive collection of authentic Afghan recipes published in English, this cookbook brings the legendary hospitality and foods of the Afghan table to readers everywhere. Since ancient times, Afghanistan’s location in the heart of Central Asia has made it a crossroads for multiple cultures and culinary influences. The ancient city of Kabul was a hub for European, Chinese and Indian merchants as well as intellectuals and spiritual leaders. In this context, Afghanistan’s rich and multifaceted culinary identity evolved. To this day, Afghans retain the tradition of preparing food with freshly harvested ingredients. In most villages, flour is still ground in local mills and cows are milked daily, and the milk is then processed into fresh butter or yogurt. Kabobs, ranging from chicken, beef, lamb and fish, are seasoned with delicate spices before grilling. A variety of fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs, along with lentils and meat, are used to prepare traditional stews called qurmas. Considered Afghanistan’s national food, rice dishes called palow are cooked with meat, onions, and distinctive spices such as cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and black pepper. Dough prepared with fresh ingredients is shaped into bread, cookies, and cakes before being baked in a preheated ground oven called a tandoor. Aromatic spices and crunchy roasted nuts combined with fresh milk and wheat create unique desserts that are simple to prepare but deliver impressive results Kabul native Zarghuna Adel brings a lifetime of cooking experience and years of research into this unique cookbook, which features authentic Afghan recipes that were lost or forgotten in the course of four decades of war and displacement. This volume features over 225 recipes, each with easy-to-follow instructions and a color photograph. Fifteen chapters cover the range of Afghan culinary offerings, from appetizers, soups, salads, and main dishes to condiments and desserts, and each chapter includes a detailed introduction to the history, origins, and cultural traditions that surround the recipes. Sample recipes: · Ashak (leek dumplings with yogurt and ground beef) · Kabob Teka (marinated lamb and vegetable kabobs) · Badenjan Borani (eggplant appetizer with tomatoes and yogurt) · Chapli Kabob (fried spicy ground beef patties) · Qabeli Palow (long grain rice with onions, spices and tender meat) · Halwa Ardi (wheat flour halwa with cardamom and nuts) · Rout (fluffy sweet bread with sesame and nigella seeds) · Chai Chawa (green tea with ginger, fennel and walnuts)
Island Press Urban Street Design Guide
The NACTO Urban Street Design Guide shows how streets of every size can be reimagined and reoriented to prioritise safe driving and transit, cycling, walking, and public activity. Unlike older, more conservative engineering manuals, this design guide emphasises the core principle that urban streets are public places and have a larger role to play in communities than solely being conduits for traffic. The well-illustrated guide offers blueprints of street design from multiple perspectives, from the bird's eye view to granular details. Case studies show how to implement best practices, as well as provide guidance for customizing design applications to a city's unique needs. Urban Street Design Guide outlines five goals and tenets of world-class street design: Streets are public spaces - streets play a much larger role in the public life of cities and communities than just thoroughfares for traffic; Great streets are great for business - well-designed streets generate higher revenues for businesses and higher values for homeowners; Design for safety - traffic engineers can and should design streets where people walking, parking, shopping, cycling, working, and driving can cross paths safely; and, Streets can be changed - transportation engineers can work flexibly within the building envelope of a street, and many city streets were created in a different era and need to be reconfigured to meet new needs. Elaborating on these fundamental principles, the guide offers substantive direction for cities seeking to improve street design to create more inclusive, multi-modal urban environments. It is an exceptional resource for redesigning streets to serve the needs of 21st century cities, whose residents and visitors demand a variety of transportation options, safer streets, and vibrant community life.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Becoming the Best: Build a World-Class Organization Through Values-Based Leadership
What does it mean in practice to be a values-based leader? When faced with real situations, how can you be your best self and create best teams—while also being a best partner with customers and vendors, a best investment for your stakeholders, and a best citizen making a difference in the world? It's a tall order, but these are the expectations for world-class organizations today. In his bestselling book From Values to Action, Harry Kraemer showed how self-reflection, balance, true self-confidence, and genuine humility are the traits of today's most effective leaders. In Becoming the Best, his highly anticipated follow-up, Kraemer reveals how, in practical terms, anyone can apply these principles to become a values-based leader and to help create values-based organizations. Drawing on his own experiences as the former CEO and chairman of Baxter International, as well as those of other notable leaders and organizations, Kraemer lays out a pathway for understanding the principles and putting them into practice, showing specifically, how to: Use self-reflection to become your "best self" as you lead yourself and others more effectively Create a "best team" that understands and appreciates what they're doing, and why Forge "best partnerships" through win/win collaboration with vendors and customers that enhance the end user's experience Support the mission, vision, and values of the organization to generate returns that distinguish a "best investment" Make a difference in the world beyond the organization by becoming a "best citizen" Powerful case studies from Campbell's Soup, Ernst & Young, Target, Northern Trust, and many others demonstrate the four principles of values-based leadership in action and show how thinking beyond the corporation can trigger positive outcomes for both the company and the world. Regardless of level or job title, individuals can make a difference in their organization and beyond by embodying the essential traits of a great leader. Becoming the Best offers a definitive, actionable guide to show anyone how to apply in practice the principles of values-based leadership personally and professionally, making it an indispensable manual for the new wave of better leaders.All of Harry’s proceeds from the book sales are donated to the One Acre Fund in Africa.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NET Abide Bible Journal - Exodus, Paperback, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
Do you yearn for life-giving, intimate communion with God? The Abide Bible Journals are designed to help you experience the peace, hope, and growth that come from encountering the voice and presence of God in Scripture. This journal volume of the Book of Exodus will help you develop Scripture-engagement habits to help you know the power and spiritual nourishment of abiding in the Word.This Abide Bible Journal is designed to help you focus on the message of this section of the Bible. The format is ideal for personal or group study as each handy journaling paperback includes individual book introductions, a single-column Scripture layout, and powerful passage-specific prompts with light journaling lines opposite each page of Scripture.Created in partnership with Bible Gateway and the Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement, the Abide Scripture engagement prompts are based on four ways of engaging deeply with the Bible: Praying Scripture: Pattern your prayers after biblical texts Picture It: Place yourself in a biblical narrative as a bystander or participant Journal: Focus and reflect on Scripture and its meaning for your life Contemplate: Follow the simple 4-step practice of feasting in God’s Word Features include: Clear and readable Thomas Nelson NET Typeface Thick paper suited for journaling Brief book introductions Innovative Scripture-engagement prompts Handheld size for personal and group study Flexible sewn binding Stunning cover artwork by Stephen Crotts
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc AAOS Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care
Every new print copy of Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care, Sixth Edition includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access which unlocks a complete, interactive eBook with nearly 250 embedded procedure videos, new Skills Checklists to accompany videos in PDF format, and Home Exercise step-by-step instructions in PDF format. Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care, Sixth Edition is a robust educational resource focused on how to evaluate and manage common musculoskeletal conditions. This text is used for immediate, point-of-care guidance in decision making and intervention and is a powerful educational product for many health professions dealing with the care of the musculoskeletal system. The easy-to-understand content and crisp presentation appeal to health care professionals and students. It is also a powerful tool to help educate patients regarding conditions and treatment. Up-to-date, step-by-step instruction and helpful illustrations to offer visual confirmation Consistent information throughout each section includes definitions, symptoms, tests, differential diagnosis, treatments, adverse outcomes, referral decisions and red flags. Physical Examination shows photographs and step-by-step descriptions of physical examination maneuvers; inspection and palpation, range of motion, muscle testing, and special tests. Home Exercise Program sections include a concise table of exercises along with step-by-step instruction and illustrations Clinical Case Studies can be found at the end of each section and allow readers to apply the knowledge they have learned in a realistic case scenario. Every new copy includes Navigate Premier with a full eBook, hundreds of procedure videos, Home Exercise instructions in PDF format, slides in PowerPoint format and more!
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA Rock Art at Little Lake: An Ancient Crossroads in the California Desert
Recipient of the Jo Anne Stolaroff Cotsen Prize The product of ten years of fieldwork at Little Lake Ranch in the Rose Valley, the southern gateway to the Owens Valley, this book presents the results of intensive rock art analyses carried out by the interdisciplinary research team of the UCLA Rock Art Archive. The research attempts to establish a connective web of associations to break down traditional but artificial barriers between rock art and the rest of archaeology. Through time-honored methods of stylistic analysis, the focus is on recent breakthroughs in the analysis of meaning and religion in the context of landscape attributes and ecological opportunities. Regional or ethnic differences suggested by the rock art record has made it possible to create a flexible analytical framework containing previously unpublished or overlooked archaeological excavation and object data. This book describes the occurrence, concentration, distribution, and formal variation of pecked and painted motifs. Scratched, pecked, and painted patterns are analyzed separately. Full-color illustrations throughout enhance the physical appeal of this beautiful book.
Duke University Press The Dukes of Durham, 1865-1929
This is the history of Washington Duke and two of his sons, Benjamin Newton Duke and James Buchanan Duke. Although numerous other members of the family play their parts in the story it focuses primarily on the three men who were at the center of the economic and philanthropic activities which made the Dukes of Durham one of America's famous families. The Dukes operated closely and constantly as a family, and only in that context is their full story told.In the years after the Civil War, Washington Duke proved to be an unusually able industrialist and a conscientious, Methodist philanthropist. He was, in fact, a major Southern pioneer in both industry and philanthropy. His two sons by a second marriage were remarkably devoted to each other as well as to their father. Both sons also reflected traits of thier father. While Benjamin N. Duke and James B. Duke had life-long involvement with the business world—first in tobacco, then textiles, and finally electric power—as well as with philanthropy, they actually developed complementary specializations. Benjamin N. Duke, the older of the two, served as the family's primary agent for philanthropy from his early manhood in the late 1800's until he gradually became semi-invalid after 1915. James B. Duke, on the other hand, early displayed a marked talent, even a genius, for business. Toward the end of his life, with the establishment of The Duke Endowment late in 1924, he emerged as one of the nation's major philanthropists, ranking alongside Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller. A central theme of this book is, however, that the Endowment, despite its magnitude and far-reaching scope, was essentially the institutionalization and culmination of a pattern of family philanthropy that emerged in the 1890's and for which the older brother, Benjamin N. Duke, had always been the primary agent. Thus, the story of James B. Duke, who was and has remained much the more well-known of the two brothers, cannot properly be told out of the family context from which he emerged and in which occurred most of the important phases of his life.Washington Duke, as a small, land-owning yeoman farmer, was typical of the great majority class not only in antebellum North Carolina but in the South as a whole. Only after the war, when he and his sons emerged as large-scale industrialists and philanthropists, did the Dukes become atypical. Their story is, then, both agricultural and industrial, both Southern and national. Born North Carolinians, they moved onto a national, even global, stage. Yet all the while they kept deep roots, as well as vast investments of capital, in the Old North State, and they poured many millions into philanthropy, largely in the two Carolinas. Based largely on manuscript sources, many of them hitherto unused, this is the first study of the Duke family. The "New South," as recent historians have told us, may not have been so new—but it was certainly different in important ways, and the Dukes loomed large among those who helped to make it so.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bioinformatics for Geneticists: A Bioinformatics Primer for the Analysis of Genetic Data
Praise from the reviews: "Without reservation, I endorse this text as the best resource I've encountered that neatly introduces and summarizes many points I've learned through years of experience. The gems of truth found in this book will serve well those who wish to apply bioinformatics in their daily work, as well as help them advise others in this capacity." CIRCGENETICS "This book may really help to get geneticists and bioinformaticians on 'speaking-terms'... contains some essential reading for almost any person working in the field of molecular genetics." EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS "... an excellent resource... this book should ensure that any researcher's skill base is maintained." GENETICAL RESEARCH “… one of the best available and most accessible texts on bioinformatics and genetics in the postgenome age… The writing is clear, with succinct subsections within each chapter….Without reservation, I endorse this text as the best resource I’ve encountered that neatly introduces and summarizes many points I’ve learned through years of experience. The gems of truth found in this book will serve well those who wish to apply bioinformatics in their daily work, as well as help them advise others in this capacity.” CIRCULATION: CARDIOVASCULAR GENETICS A fully revised version of the successful First Edition, this one-stop reference book enables all geneticists to improve the efficiency of their research. The study of human genetics is moving into a challenging new era. New technologies and data resources such as the HapMap are enabling genome-wide studies, which could potentially identify most common genetic determinants of human health, disease and drug response. With these tremendous new data resources at hand, more than ever care is required in their use. Faced with the sheer volume of genetics and genomic data, bioinformatics is essential to avoid drowning true signal in noise. Considering these challenges, Bioinformatics for Geneticists, Second Edition works at multiple levels: firstly, for the occasional user who simply wants to extract or analyse specific data; secondly, at the level of the advanced user providing explanations of how and why a tool works and how it can be used to greatest effect. Finally experts from fields allied to genetics give insight into the best genomics tools and data to enhance a genetic experiment. Hallmark Features of the Second Edition: Illustrates the value of bioinformatics as a constantly evolving avenue into novel approaches to study genetics The only book specifically addressing the bioinformatics needs of geneticists More than 50% of chapters are completely new contributions Dramatically revised content in core areas of gene and genomic characterisation, pathway analysis, SNP functional analysis and statistical genetics Focused on freely available tools and web-based approaches to bioinformatics analysis, suitable for novices and experienced researchers alike Bioinformatics for Geneticists, Second Edition describes the key bioinformatics and genetic analysis processes that are needed to identify human genetic determinants. The book is based upon the combined practical experience of domain experts from academic and industrial research environments and is of interest to a broad audience, including students, researchers and clinicians working in the human genetics domain.
Elsevier Health Sciences Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis
See how energy therapies can normalize physiology and restore your patients' health! Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, 2nd Edition provides a deeper understanding of energy and energy flow in the human body. Using well-established scientific research, this book documents the presence of energy fields, discerns how those fields are generated, and determines how they are altered by disease, disorder, or injury. It then describes how therapeutic applications can restore natural energy flows within the body. Written by recognized energy medicine expert Dr. James Oschman - who is also a physiologist, cellular biologist, and biophysicist - this resource shows how the science of energetics may be used in healing diseases that conventional medicine has difficulty treating. Easy-to-understand coverage simplifies the theory of energy medicine and the science behind it, providing detailed, coherent explanations for a complex subject. Well-established scientific research shows why and how energy medicine works. Multi-disciplinary approach covers energy medicine as it applies to various healthcare disciplines, from acupuncture to osteopathy to therapeutic touch and energy psychology. NEW! Additional views of the Living Matrix in this edition increase the number to 10 views, more accurately showing physiological and regulatory processes - the web of factors that determine our health. NEW Basic Physics and Biophysics chapters introduce and simplify the concepts of electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism, and resonance. NEW chapters on medical devices and inflammation bring to light the connection between energy medicine and inflammation, showing effective energy techniques such as devices that use energy fields and hands-on techniques in combating disease. UPDATED research on acupuncture and related therapies showcases exciting new work from prestigious laboratories in the U.S. and abroad on the anatomy and biophysics of the acupuncture meridian system. NEW Sciences of the Subconscious and Intuition and The Energetic Blueprint of Life and Health chapters cover the important topics of energy psychology and epigenetics. NEW Regulatory Energetics chapter includes topics such as communication, control, regulation, coordination, integration, feedback, and energy flow - all crucial to understanding living systems and the healing process. NEW Energy Medicine in Daily Life chapter includes examples of simple energy medicine tools that can sustain health, happiness and longevity, and why and how they are so effective. NEW evidence from quantum physics describes the latest implications of quantum principles and quantum mechanics as related to devices and therapies in energy medicine. NEW content on the mechanisms involved in intuition and the unconscious mind emphasizes the emerging topics of trauma energetics and energy psychology, along with the importance of intuition in therapeutics. NEW chapters on the history of developments in electrobiology and electrophysiology discuss neuroscience applications in diagnosis and therapeutics, linking the new inflammation model of disease with energy medicine. NEW historical content covers the individuals who have created the field of energy medicine, with descriptions of their techniques and references to their literature. NEW Appendix I summarizes the regulations governing devices used in the practice of energy medicine. NEW Appendix II lists legal, ethical, and other CAM resources available to energy practitioners.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Maths — No Problem! Addition and Subtraction, Ages 9-10 (Key Stage 2)
A colourful workbook that helps children learn addition and subtraction using the Maths Mastery approach!It's time to master the world of maths with this brand new series of workbooks developed by experts to cover all the essential skills for children in the first stages of their maths journey. Specifically designed for children aged 9-10, this maths exercise book will help your child learn to add, subtract and compare 5-digit and 6-digit numbers using a variety of methods.Let Maths - No Problem! open your eyes to the wonderful world of numbers! So what are you waiting for? Dive straight in to discover: -Character-led learning with fun and friendly illustrations-Comprehensive and thorough coverage of key concepts-Helpful hints for extra practice-Topics include numbers up to 1,000,000, rounding numbers, and different mental strategies for addition and subtractionHeard of Maths Mastery but don't know where to begin? Don't worry, DK has got you covered!Maths Mastery is a transformational approach to maths teaching developed in Singapore and now used around the world, including in thousands of schools across the UK. Children are taught multiple methods to solve maths problems, enabling them to gain a thorough and adaptable understanding of topics, making it easier for them to apply their knowledge to different scenarios. Each topic is studied in depth to develop a secure understanding of maths concepts. This leads to greater progress in maths learning, as topics are well understood and therefore don't need to be revised in great detail, meaning each new concept builds on prior learning.Based on this widely successful approach, this collection of exercise books are full of top-tips led by appealing characters who offer useful guidance to parents and children alike with the goal of making learning maths both accessible and interesting. This workbook is part of a new series developed in partnership with the award-winning educational publisher Maths - No Problem! The books encourage a deep knowledge of core maths concepts without fostering a reliance on memorisation or rote learning.In fact, Maths - No Problem! is widely used in schools in the UK and its Teacher Hub receives 4,000 daily visits on average during term time!A must-have series for children aged 9-10 at a Key Stage 2 level, as well as for adults who wish to become more familiar with maths taught in schools, to better support their children at home.From adding and subtracting with renaming, to number patterns and self-check quizzes, this workbook covers it all, incorporating an inclusive approach which builds self-confidence so that no child feels they 'can't do maths'.From solving word problems to self-check quizzes, this helpful workbook covers it all whilst incorporating an inclusive approach which builds self-confidence so that no child feels they 'can't do maths'.At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why not explore the rest of the workbooks in our Maths - No Problem! Master Maths At Home series? Each workbook can be bought individually or as part of a collection, specifically targeted to learners aged 9-10 at a Key Stage 2 level. Multiply like a magician with Maths - No Problem! Multiplication and Division, Ages 9-10 (Key Stage 2) and join the geometry journey with Maths - No Problem! Geometry and Shape, Ages 9-10 (Key Stage 2).It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!
United Nations Arab human development report 2022: expanding opportunities for an inclusive and resilient recovery in the post-COVID era
The Arab Human Development Report 2022 focuses on post-COVID recovery, assessing long standing development challenges across the spheres of governance, society, and economy-tackling aspects of gender; youth; education and health; multi-dimensional poverty; impacts on economic sectors, MSMEs and labour markets; displacement and migration; and nature and climate change challenges, to put the region on a resilient and sustainable human development path. The report also assesses adequacy and efficacy of response policies especially where the pandemic has led to widening inequalities and exacerbated existing challenges in such areas as public service provision, including social protection, care, education, healthcare and vaccine rollout. The report provides concrete recommendations on how to guide a resilient, sustainable, equitable, and inclusive recovery. It calls on Arab States to act quickly, decisively and at scale, to assess, evaluate, and strengthen capabilities and capacities and build effective and trustworthy institutional structures that can support a new social contract to better help societies cope with future shocks and disasters
New Harbinger Publications Mindful Motherhood: Practical Tools for Staying Sane During Pregnancy and Your Child's First Year: Practical Tools for Staying Sane During Pregnancy and Your Child's First Year
From hormones to stretch marks, labor pains to diaper changes, motherhood is an adventure like none other. The rapid changes in your body, your lifestyle, and your very identity call for a certain mental and emotional agility. Mindfulness can help you meet the challenge and approach every experience with your new baby with open eyes and an open heart. Based on research conducted at California Pacific Medical Center, and with a foreword by beloved meditation teacher Sylvia Boorstein, Mindful Motherhood: Practical Tools for Staying Sane During Pregnancy and Your Child's First Year (New Harbinger/Noetic Books, May 2009, $16.95) by psychologist and mom Cassandra Vieten, has been acclaimed by women's health experts, mindfulness teachers, and psychologists alike.Mindful Motherhood provides pregnant women and new moms with a brief, low-cost, easy to implement set of tools to deal with stress, difficult moments, depressed or anxious moods, and negative thought patterns during pregnancy and early motherhood. Based on the principles of mindfulness, this book also provides information, exercises, and ideas to enhance the positive emotions that are part of the experience of motherhood and improve the quality of mother-infant interactions, bringing more attention and awareness to the deep joy and satisfaction that motherhood can bring.Mindful Motherhood provides pregnant women and early moms with:1) accessible information based on science and sound clinical theory,2) practical tools for practicing mindfulness in everyday life,3) stories and examples to inspire interest and clarify points, and4) experiential exercises that will help readers integrate the informationand experiences they have.Mindful Motherhood also offers current insights into the positive psychology of motherhood and mother-infant attachment, translating science and theory into jargon-free language and immediately applicable tools. This book is aimed specifically toward pregnant women and mothers with infants, who would like to deal more effectively with stress and mood during pregnancy and postpartum, who are interested in being the best parent they can be, and who want to cultivate a deeper connection to themselves and their children.The goal is to help women become the kind of present, authentic, connected, emotionally competent, psychologically-balanced, and loving mothers they want to be not to mention enjoying the extraordinary experience of motherhood to its fullest extent.Why it is ImportantA large body of evidence in both animal and human studies indicates that stress and mood disturbance experienced during pregnancy increases the risk for preterm birth, low birth weight, and other pregnancy-related complications, and may adversely affect the developing fetus. Postnatal mood disturbance can interfere with attachment, healthy parenting behaviors, and child development. While a wealth of evidence supports all these facts, surprisingly little information is available to women and clinicians for reducing stress and improving mood in pregnancy and postpartum.Mindful Motherhood is the only book oriented toward teaching research-based mindfulness principles to reduce stress and improve mood in pregnant women and new moms. It is an easy but informative read that gives new moms the psychology, science and health facts behind how mindfulness can enhance mother-infant attachment, and be used in childbirth.
MAIRDUMONT GmbH & Co. KG Vietnam Marco Polo Pocket Travel Guide - with pull out map
Marco Polo Pocket Guide Vietnam: the Travel Guide with Insider Tips Explore Vietnam with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips. Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the country's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget. There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place. Let Marco Polo show you all that Vietnam has to offer… Vietnam is a country caught between the past and a new dawn. Moss and patina might cover the ancient sites but the streets of Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi are a bustle with all the trappings of modernity, and visitors cannot quite believe their eyes. Beyond all the traditional views of Vietnam, of the War, opium pipes and snake wine, this practical, pocket-sized guide leads you to National Parks rich in wildlife, and to natural wonders that will leave you awestruck, whether at Halong Bay in the north or in the flooded world of the Mekong Delta. In between there are 3,200km (2,000 miles) of coast with islands, beaches and hidden hideaways to explore… This is Vietnam! Your Marco Polo Vietnam Pocket Guide includes: Insider Tips – we show you the hidden gems and little-known secrets that offer a real insight into this wonderful country. Discover how you can support a children's aid project by staying at a Baguette & Chocolat guesthouse, or where you can ride an elephant through the jungle. Best of – find the best things to do for free, the best ‘only in’ Vietnam experiences, the best things to do if it rains and the best places to relax and spoil yourself. Sightseeing – all the top sights are organised by area so you can easily plan your trip. Discovery Tours – specially tailored tours will get you to the heart of Vietnam. Experience all of Vietnam’s vivid character with these personal tours. Vietnam in full-colour – Marco Polo Pocket Guide Vietnam includes full-colour photos throughout the guide bringing the country to life offering you a real taste of what you can see and enjoy on your trip. Touring App – you can download any of the Discovery Tours to your smartphone, complete with the detailed route description and map exactly as featured in the guide, free of charge. The maps can be used offline too, so no roaming charges. The perfect navigational tool with distance indicators and landmarks highlighting the correct direction to travel in as well as GPS coordinates along the way. Enjoy stress-free sightseeing and never get lost again! Road Atlas and pull-out map – we’ve included a detailed road atlas and a handy, pull-out map so you can pop the guide in your bag for a full-on sightseeing day or head out with just the map to enjoy your Discovery Tour. Useful Vietnamese phrases – the essential words and phrases are included to help you get by. Trust Marco Polo Pocket Guide Vietnam to show you around this wonderful country. The comprehensive coverage and unique insights will ensure you experience everything Vietnam has to offer and more. The special tips, personal insights and unusual experiences will help you make the most of your trip - just arrive and enjoy.
Little, Brown Book Group The World's 100 Weirdest Sporting Events: From Gravy Wrestling in Lancashire to Wife Carrying in Finland
When we think of the world's great sporting events, we tend to focus on spectacles such as the World Cup, the Olympics, the Derby, the Monaco Grand Prix or the University Boat Race. Yet there is also an alternative world of competition where participants risk life, limb and often dignity for meagre rewards in truly weird sporting pursuits. Step forward the Indonesian sport of sepak bola api, a variation of football in which the barefoot players kick a ball that is on fire; Germany's Mud Olympics, at which competitors play soccer, volleyball and handball while knee-deep in mud; yak racing from Mongolia; Oregon's Pig-N-Ford Races where drivers speed around the track while carrying a live pig under one arm; and Australia's variation of the Boat Race, the Henley-on-Todd Regatta, where, instead of rowing, teams carry their boats along the dry bed of the River Todd. This book lists geographically the world's 100 weirdest sports events, giving full details of their rules and colourful history. They include the grotesque (the national sport of Afghanistan is buzkashi, in which riders on horseback aim to drag the headless carcass of a dead goat towards their opponents' goal), the dangerous (Japanese hardcore wrestlers batter each other with glass fluorescent light tubes instead of their bare hands), and the downright daft in the form of the World Black Pudding Throwing Championships, the World Flounder Tramping Championships, the World Gravy Wrestling Championships and the World Shin-Kicking Championships. Races are staged in all kinds of transportation. Canada is home to the Great Klondike Outhouse Race (for portable toilets), the Vancouver Bathtub Race, and the Windsor Pumpkin Regatta; Colorado hosts the annual Emma Crawford Coffin Races; and the pride of Yorkshire is the Great Knaresborough Bed Race, where teams push a bed (containing human occupant) along a 2.4-mile course that requires a wet crossing of the River Nidd. Animals feature heavily, too. As well as traditional races for ostriches (complete with jockeys), cockroaches (no jockey required), armadillos, sheep, and Oklahoma City's splendid Dachshund Dash, rubber-duck racing is one of the fastest growing sports of recent years with events being held in several countries. Other competitions test an animal's ability to do more than just run or float, such as elephant polo, dog surfing, camel wrestling, rabbit show jumping and pig diving. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that in the near future we may even be treated to synchronized pig diving. Although the plunging porkers might disagree, the appeal of many of these sports is enhanced by taking part. If cheese rolling or volcano boarding are too energetic for your taste, ice golf or underwater hockey too uncomfortable, and lingerie football wouldn't show off your legs to best effect, you could always enjoy more leisurely pursuits like the world championships in rock, paper, scissors or pooh sticks. If, on the other hand, you prefer a watching brief, you could try your hand at cow patty bingo, a North American contest where a field is divided into numbered squares, and contestants bet on which square the cow will take a poop. It is probably the only occasion in life when you can make money from one number two on top of another.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Making Living Lovely: Free Your Home with Creative Design
Changing Rooms design duo Russell and Jordan present their interiors bible of tips and techniques for restoring design confidence. Making interior design choices can be daunting in a world flooded with trend-setting Instagram posts and Pinterest boards. Russell and Jordan specialize in designing homes for clients who know what they love but struggle to know where to start. Their fresh approach is nothing short of a design revolution, enabling readers to free their homes by creating interiors that express their personality and address their needs. This essential companion will equip readers with new ways to see their interiors and give them the confidence to create a home that helps them to live better. In eight chapters, Russell and Jordan cover everything from how to handle original features, use colour, pattern and texture, choose materials and curate objects. Focusing on people and how we use our spaces, this book also covers finding one’s style, cohabiting and design compromises, exploring one’s creativity and rediscovering the fun in interior design. Box-outs and tips throughout offer practical guidance on where to start, as well as a range of examples from the designers’ own work and that of key designers around the world.
Orenda Books The Shot: The shocking, searingly authentic new thriller from award-winning ex-CNN news executive Sarah Sultoon
An aspiring TV journalist faces a shattering moral dilemma and the prospect of losing her career and her life, when she joins an impetuous photographer in the Middle East. A shocking, searingly authentic thriller by award-winning ex-CNN news executive Sarah Sultoon.‘Shocking and visceral, this novel deals with the horrors of war … a brave, important and utterly compelling book’ S J Watson ‘Gritty, hard-hitting and often harrowing … a hugely exciting voice in crime fiction’ Victoria Selman‘A powerhouse writer’ Jo Spain––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––An act of mercyOr the ultimate betrayal…Who decides?Samira is an up-and-coming TV journalist, working the nightshift at a major news channel and yearning for greater things. So when she’s offered a trip to the Middle East, with Kris, the station’s brilliant but impetuous star photographer, she leaps at the chanceIn the field together, Sami and Kris feel invincible, shining a light into the darkest of corners … except the newsroom, and the rest of the world, doesn’t seem to care as much as they do. Until Kris takes the photograph.With a single image of young Sudanese mother, injured in a raid on her camp, Sami and the genocide in Darfur are catapulted into the limelight. But everything is not as it seems, and the shots taken by Kris reveal something deeper and much darker … something that puts not only their careers but their lives in mortal danger.Sarah Sultoon brings all her experience as a CNN news executive to bear on this shocking, searingly authentic thriller, which asks immense questions about the world we live in. You'll never look at a news report in the same way again... ‘A powerful story of the brutality of front-line journalism. Authentic, provocative and terrifyingly relevant’ Will Carver ‘A gritty, jarring page-turner’ Peter Hain ‘Passionate, disturbing storytelling at its best’ James Brabazon ‘You won't read another book like this in 2022! Raw, authentic, powerful ... you won't see the end coming!’ E C Scullion ‘Brilliantly conveys both the exhilaration and the unspeakable horror of life on the international news frontline’ Jo Turner ‘Astute and penetrating, evoking feelings that are long lasting and hard to shake off … Sarah Sultoon is a new and welcome voice in what can be a very crowded genre’ Random Things through My Letterbox ‘A masterclass in storytelling and cinematic in scope’ Live & Deadly ‘Brutally honest, extremely thought-provoking, stark and vivid … impossible to put down’ Jen Med’s Book ReviewsPraise for The Source**Winner: Crime Fiction Lover Best Debut Award**‘A brave and thought-provoking debut novel. Sarah Sultoon tackles a challenging and disturbing subject without sensation, and her sensitive handling, tight plotting and authentic storytelling make for a compelling read’ Adam Hamdy‘A taut and thought-provoking book that’s all the more unnerving for how much it echoes the headlines in real life’ CultureFly‘A tense thriller, a remarkable debut, heartbreaking, but ultimately this is a story of resilience and survival’ New Books Magazine‘A powerful, compelling read that doesn’t shy away from some upsetting truths … written with such energy’ Fanny Blake‘Tautly written and compelling, not afraid to shine a spotlight on the darker forces at work in society’ Rupert Wallis‘So authentic and exhilarating … breathtaking pace and relentless ingenuity’ Nick Paton Walsh, CNN‘A powerful, intense whammy of a debut that is both uncomfortable and exhilarating to read … Thought-provoking, tense, and expressive’ LoveReading‘A gripping, dark thriller’ Geoff Hill, ITV‘A cleverly constructed story that offers an authentic view behind the scenes in a British newsroom … an original and wholly engaging debut. Definitely a name to watch’ Crime Fiction Lover‘My heart was racing … fiction to thrill even the most hard-core adrenaline junkies’ Diana Magnay, Sky News ‘Unflinching and sharply observed. A hard-hitting, deftly woven debut’ Ruth Field‘With this gripping, fast-paced debut thriller, it’s easy to see what made Sultoon such a great journalist’ Clarissa Ward, CNN ‘A hard-hitting, myth-busting rollercoaster of a debut’ Eve Smith‘I could picture and feel each scene, all the fear, tension and hope’ Katie Allen For fans of Holly Watt, Sarah Vaughan, Laura Lippman and Karin Slaughter
Nova Science Publishers Inc Contemporary Issues in Childhood Malnutrition
Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances in a person's intake of energy and/or nutrients. Child malnutrition, in all its forms, includes undernutrition, which includes wasting (low weight-for-height), stunting (low height-for-age) and underweight (low weight-for-age), micronutrient-related malnutrition (a lack of important vitamins and minerals) or micronutrient excess, overweight, obesity, and resulting diet-related non-communicable diseases. Malnutrition is one of the most important factors for improper physical and mental development of children. One in every five children in the developing world is malnourished, and poor nutrition is associated with half of all child deaths worldwide. The problem of low or excessive body weight concerns countries with different levels of socio-economic development. This is a medical, social, and economic issue. Every country in the world is affected by one or more forms of malnutrition. Combating malnutrition in all its forms is one of the greatest global health challenges. Infants, children and adolescents are at particular risk of malnutrition. In children, malnutrition has particularly significant health consequences during both early development and adulthood. Malnutrition endangers children's survival, health, growth and development, slows national progress towards the developmental goals and thus diminishes the strength and capacity of nation. Malnutrition in terms of undernutrition is substantially higher in rural than in urban areas and children from indigenous populations often have the poorest nutritional status. The developmental, economic, social, and medical impacts of the global burden of malnutrition are serious and lasting for all involved including individuals and their families, communities and countries. Poor nutrition during the early years of life can also have severe consequences for subsequent skeletal and immunological development. Studies have demonstrated that undernutrition is not caused by food insecurity alone. Other factors range from the length of the breastfeeding period and the availability of milk oligosaccharides, pathogen exposure, and enteric dysfunction marked by villus atrophy and loss of gut barrier function. Differences in the succession of microbial establishment and maturity might contribute to family discordances in nutritional status. Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. The problem is global and is steadily affecting many low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. Its prevalence has increased at an alarming rate. Globally, in 2016, the number of overweight children under the age of five is estimated to be over 41 million. Almost half of all overweight children under 5 lived in Asia. Overweight and obesity have been linked to adverse psychological and physical outcomes during childhood and continuing into adolescence and adulthood. The association between overweight and obesity with psychosocial problems (anxiety, depression and negative self-image), health problems (diabetes and cardiovascular events) and impaired social, educational and economic productivity has been well documented. Moreover, the negative impact of being underweight, overweight, or obese on the health and development of children and adolescents can also extend into adulthood, increasing the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases and disability. Overweight and obesity, as well as their related diseases, are largely preventable. Therefore prevention of childhood obesity is a high priority. The mechanism of development of obesity is not fully understood and it is believed to be a disorder with multiple causes. Environmental factors, lifestyle preferences, and cultural environment play pivotal roles in the rising prevalence of obesity worldwide. In general, overweight and obesity are assumed to be the result of an increase in caloric and fat intake. On the other hand, there are supporting evidence that excessive sugar intake by soft drink, increased portion size, and steady decline in physical activity have been playing major roles in the rising rates of obesity all around the world. Nutritional assessmentis the interpretation of anthropometric, biochemical, clinical and dietary data to determine whether a person or groups of people are well nourished or malnourished (over-nourished or under-nourished). Research can be aimed at identifying the various social, cultural, political, and economic factors of nutrition in order to fully understand the underlying causes of malnutrition. The social determinants of malnutrition can be explored through both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Furthermore, exploring the issues of food security, dietary diversity, and infant-feeding practices can provide a comprehensive understanding of a population's nutritional status.
Little, Brown Book Group The Empty Room: The Sunday Times bestselling thriller
What do you do when your child disappears?'A hugely compelling story of loss, grief and vengeance, The Empty Room is probably the best novel yet by one of our finest mystery writers. Unmissable.' John Connolly'The tension and heartbreak kept me turning the pages' Patricia Gibney'A searing, thrilling and heartbreaking look at life, loss and revenge, expertly handled by a hugely talented storyteller' Chris WhitakerPandora - Dora - Condron wakes one morning to discover her 17-year old daughter Ellie, has not come home after a party.The day Ellie disappears, Dora is alone as her husband Eamon has already left for the day in his job as a long-distance lorry driver. So Dora does the usual things: rings around Ellie's friends... but no one knows where she is. Her panic growing, Dora tries the local hospitals and art college where Ellie is a student - but then the police arrive on her doorstep with the news her daughter's handbag has been discovered dumped in a layby.So begins Dora's ordeal of waiting and not knowing what has become of her girl. Eamon's lack of empathy and concern, Dora realises, is indicative of the state of their marriage, and left on her own, Dora begins to reassess everything she thought she knew about her family and her life. Increasingly isolated and disillusioned with the police investigation, Dora feels her grip on reality slipping as she takes it upon herself to find her daughter - even if it means tearing apart everything and everybody she had ever loved, and taking justice into her own hands. Praise for The Empty Room 'Superb' Natasha Cooper, Literary Review'A finely calibrated account of loss, grief and simmering rage' Irish Times'A powerful portrayal of one mother's desperate ordeal... perceptive' Sunday Independent'The Empty Room has all the elements of great drama - murder, revenge, sacrifice - along with complex moral questions that will keep you engaged long after the final thrilling page' Martina Murphy'A compulsive, addictive, heart rending read, The Empty Room is a tale of grief and loss, and ultimately redemption, that puts Brian McGilloway at the very top of the game. I could not put it down' Sam Blake'Masterful, humane, compelling, beautifully written, utterly convincing - and without a wasted word' Catherine Kirwan 'The Empty Room is a tense, and at times claustrophic, slow-burner which builds to a devastating conclusion' Claire Allan'A tense thriller' Irish Daily Mail'The Empty Room surely secures Brian's place as one of the best writers out there. . . a thoughtful exploration of a mother struggling with a changed world. . . exceptional' Chris MacDonald 'High tension and high emotion make this story a page turner' Roisin Meaney'An utterly gripping and propulsive read, as one would expect from one of Ireland's finest thriller writers' Irish Independent'A terrific thriller. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough, and the final act is going to haunt me for a long time to come' B P Walter Praise for Brian McGilloway 'A compulsive police procedural, but it's so much more than that: thought-provoking, compassionate and beautifully-written. McGilloway is one of the finest crime-writers working today' Ann Cleeves'Blood Ties is one of those rare gems; a beautifully written crime novel that's also brilliantly paced, skillfully plotted and utterly absorbing. Brian McGilloway is, quite simply, a master of his art. Bravo' Jo Spain'Brian McGilloway's police procedurals are a masterclass in crime fictions' Andrea Carter'A clever, engaging and beautifully crafted police procedural' Irish Independent'Some of the very best crime fiction being written today' Lee Child on Bad Blood'This dazzling, labyrinthine debut impresses not only for the authentic depiction of a troubled community and the conflicts of a fallible detective, but also for the intense portrait of the borderlands themselves; as beautiful and terrible as the secrets they keep' Guardian'McGilloway's Borderlands was one of last years most impressive debuts. Does Gallows Lane pass the feared second-novel test? Easily.' The Times'McGilloway skilfully handles the tangled threads of a conspiracy surrounding an old crime, to make a satisfying mystery with an attractive central character.' Sunday Telegraph
Cornerstone My Name is Barbra: The Sunday Times Bestselling Autobiography and Music Book of the Year 2023
A SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER and THE TIMES MUSIC BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023. The exhilarating and startlingly honest autobiography of the living legend.'Over almost a thousand pages, the diva to end them all documents her rise to the top and the tears and joys that went with it … What really brings this alive is Barbra Streisand’s admission of the insecurity that drives her.' The Times'Exhilarating … leaves blood on the page … My Name Is Barbra is 992 pages of startling honesty and self-reflection, deadpan parenthetical asides, encyclopedic recall of onstage outfits, and rigorous analyses of her films' Vanity Fair'I have been patiently waiting for Barbra Streisand’s autobiography for 54 years….My Name is Barbra is a Streisand obsessive’s dream come true. It addresses all the rumours and misrepresentations of her long and extraordinary life, from nearly missing out on A Star is Born to dating Pierre Trudeau, Omar Sharif and Marlon Brando. The wait has been worth every word!' – Richard E Grant, Sunday Times‘The mother of all memoirs’ New Yorker‘A brilliant memoir’ Hillary Clinton‘Glorious, exuberant, chatty and candid, a 970-page victory lap past all who ever doubted, diminished or dissed her . . . generous dollops of chutzpah … Nobody puts Barbra in the corner’ New York Times‘Mystical, messy, bawdy and funny … My Name is Barbra confides her insecurities and a ravening hunger for fame … silent but eloquent and vociferous writing' Peter Conrad, The Observer‘At heart this is a story so bursting with life, fury, unbelievable ambition and food (Streisand loves to eat) that you come away from it exhausted but smiling … hear hear!’ The Guardian‘This enormous, poignant memoir from the ultimate showbusiness trouper shows that you can never have it all (even if you’re Barbra). The writing is great and the likeable formidable personality shines through . . . deeper than the average celebrity memoir’ The Times‘A glorious doorstopper… the sheer ambition of this intricately woven memoir makes it a fascinating read. The delicate pages bring to mind a Russian novel or, perhaps more appropriately for the many who view Streisand as akin to a deity, a bible. And yet, Streisand writes relatively succinctly, with warmth and wit. Behind the sequins, beneath the wigs and through the glass of the recording studio, there’s just a woman who dreamed of being famous and make it happen, on her terms. It’s an accomplished and entrancing walk through a life well lived’ Evening Standard‘No less than a living legend … Streisand’s story is truly inspirational and it’s one that you’ll want to pick up again and again’ GlamourBarbra Streisand is by any account a living legend, a woman who in a career spanning six decades has excelled in every area of entertainment. She is among the handful of EGOT winners (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony) and has one of the greatest and most recognisable voices in popular music. She has been nominated for a Grammy 46 times, and with Yentl she became the first woman to write, produce, direct, and star in a major motion picture. In My Name Is Barbra, she tells her own story about her life and extraordinary career, from growing up in Brooklyn to her first star-making appearances in New York nightclubs to her breakout performance in Funny Girl (musical and film) to the long string of successes in every medium in the years that followed. She recounts her early struggles to become an actress, eventually turning to singing to earn a living; the recording of some of her acclaimed albums; the years of effort involved in making Yentl; her direction of The Prince of Tides; her friendships with figures ranging from Marlon Brando to Madeleine Albright; her political advocacy; and the fulfillment she's found in her marriage to James Brolin. No entertainer's memoir has been more anticipated than Barbra Streisand's, and this engrossing book will be eagerly welcomed by her millions of fans. ST Bestseller, November 2024.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe How to Sail Around the World
Whether you'd like to sail around the entire world or just part of it, the well-tested sea wisdom in "How to Sail Around the World" will make your voyage easier and more successful. Here's clear and authoritative information on how to buy a small sailing yacht at a modest price, how to sail her on a big ocean, and what it's like to live aboard. Hal Roth has been a long-distance sailor for 37 years. He has sailed around the world three times and has logged 200,000 miles at sea either with his wife or by himself. His books "Two Against Cape Horn", "Two on a Big Ocean", and "Always a Distant Anchorage" are recognized classics of voyaging literature, and his instructional book "After 50,000 Miles", published a quarter century ago, ranks among the most influential sailing books ever written.Yet Roth's first sympathies are still 'for the beginner with stars in his eyes and not much money,' and "How to Sail Around the World" emphasizes the simple, the essential, and the affordable for ordinary people who would like to see the world from a new and challenging perspective. To a rare degree, Roth combines a mastery of technical content with an ability to render it in elegant writing that's a pleasure to read. "How to Sail Around the World" is at once authoritative and accessible. Roth's strongly held opinions, convincingly argued (he chooses not to sail with a refrigerator, for example), add to the book's appeal. "How to Sail Around the World" will tell you how sailing yachts are built and rigged, how to handle the sails, and what you need to know about anchors and anchoring. There are details of cooking and eating aboard, sailing at night, planning the trip, foreign paperwork, and exact figures on what it all costs, as well as the clearest and most comprehensive directions ever published on how to deal with storms at sea. In the beginning, voyaging can be a terrifying prospect. The storms, the leaks, the anchoring, handling the sails, deciding on the route - so many unknowns. But what a payoff!You can sail to Venice, London, Sydney, San Francisco, or Hong Kong. You can pick an island in the middle of the Aegean, listen to green and yellow parrots in the wilds of the Amazon, or visit a thousand places in between. It's exciting to sail to a distant landfall at a slow and leisurely pace, and to meet people in foreign lands. Fortunately, yachts travel slowly and give you time to learn the fundamentals of long-distance sailing. With patience you will begin to put it all together; life aboard will suddenly start to click. It will happen sooner than you think, and this book will help you. The big secret of world travel is to do it in a sailing yacht. You take your deluxe hotel with you, which gives you everything you need to exist pleasantly and comfortably - a snug berth, a writing desk, a navigation center, and a compact little galley - all in a small and neat package.Once you have your own boat, you can sail for years without the terrible daily costs and hassles of hotels, restaurants, and airplanes. You entirely sidestep the annoyance of reservations, standing in line, security screening, and dragging around awkward luggage. You do things at your own pace because you're in charge. Where do you begin? Start by reading "How to Sail Around the World". In this guide, based on 200,000 miles of hands-on world-cruising experience, Hal Roth gives you all the information you need to plan, launch, and relish every moment of a journey that is every sailor's dream. You'll learn how to: find a suitable boat for your voyaging ; assemble a versatile sail inventory; select tools and spare parts; plan your route and timing; choose the right anchors and how to use them; minimize costs; stay warm, dry, and well fed; cope with paperwork in foreign ports; and, much more!
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Antiquities Sticker, Color & Activity Book: Over 500 Unique Stickers
Immerse yourself in the intrigue and elegance of the Victorian era with this treasure trove of ephemera—with 500+ stickers, 90+ activity and coloring pages, and calling cards with envelopes. Whether you’re a sticker lover, scrapbooker, crafter, colorer, or letter writer, you’re sure to find something unique in Antiquities Sticker, Color & Activity Book. The Victorian era of the 19th century was known for many things. It brought us the telephone and telegraph, photographs and electricity, Charles Darwin and Charles Dickens, postage stamps and the Industrial Revolution. But it also ushered in a period of imperialism, the dawn of the suffragist movement, and a greater leisure class. Named after Queen Victoria, elements of the Victorian era were seen across Europe—and "across the pond” in the United States. Along with the growing leisure class came a rise in activities such as novel reading, parlor games, and puzzles. Now you, too, can partake in leisurely pastimes with this activity book’s: Exquisitely illustrated stickers, with subjects ranging from birds, animals, and plants to clothes, ornate furnishings, and objets d’art. Use them to decorate envelopes, gift wrap, letters, scrapbooks, photo albums, or the enclosed Victorian calling cards and envelopes that you can personalize. On the backs of the sticker pages are quotations from notable Victorians. Calling cards and easy-to-assemble envelopes. Similar to today’s business cards, calling (or, visiting) cards were carried by well-heeled people in the 18th and 19th centuries to present themselves to others or to leave behind when calling on someone. The cards could also be enclosed with a gift. Create your own by filling in your name, coloring in the designs, and adding stickers. Enchanting coloring pages, featuring line-drawn images of foxes, deer, and rabbits; swans, butterflies, and bees; and fruit, leaves, and summer bouquets. Each full-page design has a meditative pattern on the back that you can color in any way you like, regardless of your artistic abilities. You can even adorn your finished works of art with the stickers. Words games and activities, such as mazes, connect-the-dots, trivia, matching, Victorian name generator, and more! Period-specific pastimes, with instructions on how to read tea leaves and palms, press flowers, and create inkblot poetry. With so many pages to look at, so many things to do, and so much joy to be had in these pages, Antiquities Sticker, Color & Activity Book is the perfect book to have on hand when a free moment strikes. It’s also a darling gift for anyone who enjoys stickers, coloring, word games, and plain old fun.
Little, Brown Book Group The Empty Room: The Sunday Times bestselling thriller
What do you do when your child disappears?'A hugely compelling story of loss, grief and vengeance, The Empty Room is probably the best novel yet by one of our finest mystery writers. Unmissable.' John Connolly'The tension and heartbreak kept me turning the pages' Patricia Gibney'A searing, thrilling and heartbreaking look at life, loss and revenge, expertly handled by a hugely talented storyteller' Chris WhitakerPandora - Dora - Condron wakes one morning to discover her 17-year old daughter Ellie, has not come home after a party.The day Ellie disappears, Dora is alone as her husband Eamon has already left for the day in his job as a long-distance lorry driver. So Dora does the usual things: rings around Ellie's friends... but no one knows where she is. Her panic growing, Dora tries the local hospitals and art college where Ellie is a student - but then the police arrive on her doorstep with the news her daughter's handbag has been discovered dumped in a layby.So begins Dora's ordeal of waiting and not knowing what has become of her girl. Eamon's lack of empathy and concern, Dora realises, is indicative of the state of their marriage, and left on her own, Dora begins to reassess everything she thought she knew about her family and her life. Increasingly isolated and disillusioned with the police investigation, Dora feels her grip on reality slipping as she takes it upon herself to find her daughter - even if it means tearing apart everything and everybody she had ever loved, and taking justice into her own hands. Praise for The Empty Room 'The Empty Room has all the elements of great drama - murder, revenge, sacrifice - along with complex moral questions that will keep you engaged long after the final thrilling page' Martina Murphy'A compulsive, addictive, heart rending read, The Empty Room is a tale of grief and loss, and ultimately redemption, that puts Brian McGilloway at the very top of the game. I could not put it down' Sam Blake'Masterful, humane, compelling, beautifully written, utterly convincing - and without a wasted word' Catherine Kirwan 'The Empty Room is a tense, and at times claustrophic, slow-burner which builds to a devastating conclusion' Claire Allan'A tense thriller' Irish Daily Mail'The Empty Room surely secures Brian's place as one of the best writers out there. . . a thoughtful exploration of a mother struggling with a changed world. . . exceptional' Chris MacDonald 'High tension and high emotion make this story a page turner' Roisin Meaney Praise for Brian McGilloway 'A compulsive police procedural, but it's so much more than that: thought-provoking, compassionate and beautifully-written. McGilloway is one of the finest crime-writers working today' Ann Cleeves'Blood Ties is one of those rare gems; a beautifully written crime novel that's also brilliantly paced, skillfully plotted and utterly absorbing. Brian McGilloway is, quite simply, a master of his art. Bravo' Jo Spain'Brian McGilloway's police procedurals are a masterclass in crime fictions' Andrea Carter'A clever, engaging and beautifully crafted police procedural' Irish Independent'Some of the very best crime fiction being written today' Lee Child on Bad Blood'This dazzling, labyrinthine debut impresses not only for the authentic depiction of a troubled community and the conflicts of a fallible detective, but also for the intense portrait of the borderlands themselves; as beautiful and terrible as the secrets they keep' Guardian'McGilloway's Borderlands was one of last years most impressive debuts. Does Gallows Lane pass the feared second-novel test? Easily.' The Times'McGilloway skilfully handles the tangled threads of a conspiracy surrounding an old crime, to make a satisfying mystery with an attractive central character.' Sunday Telegraph
Dialogue The House of Eve: Totally heartbreaking and unputdownable historical fiction
'Amazing' Reese Witherspoon'Heart-rending' Taylor Jenkins Reid 'Luminous and moving!' Kate Quinn'Unforgettable' Kristen HarmelThe heartbreaking and completely unputdownable instant New York Times bestseller and Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick about the pain and sacrifice of forbidden love, the lengths a mother will go to protect her child, and survival against the toughest of odds.Philadelphia, 1948: Fifteen-year-old Ruby's dreams are almost within reach. She's going to be the first in her family to attend college, despite having a mother more interested in keeping a man than raising her only daughter. But falling madly in love with the one boy she is forbidden from threatens to pull Ruby back into poverty and desperation. When she's imprisoned in a home for unwed mothers - locked in the House of Eve with other 'fallen girls' - everything she's worked so hard for starts slipping through her fingers.Washington, DC, 1948: Eleanor arrives in the city with ambition, hope and a past she's trying her hardest to run from. When she meets William at Howard University, with his inky black eyes and broad shoulders, it's love at first sight. But William hails from one of Washington, DC's elite Black families, who don't let just anyone into their inner circle - especially not a girl from 'the wrong side of the tracks'. Eleanor hopes that a baby will mean they finally accept her, and that her secrets won't see the light of day - but fate has other plans in store...In the dawn of the 1950s, Ruby and Eleanor are complete strangers - until their paths unexpectedly collide. Forced to make the most heartbreaking decisions of their lives, will their choices save them... or be their undoing?Fans of Kate Quinn, Lisa Wingate and Kristin Harmel will fall head over heels for this totally gripping and heart-wrenching historical-fiction page-turner.See what readers are saying about The House of Eve:'All the stars!!!... It absolutely blew me away. I finished it several days ago and am still thinking about it! It packed one powerful punch... I still don't have the exact words to describe how it made me feel... So many emotions... It will hit your heart hard... Will have your heart breaking time and again. I could not put it down' Goodreads reviewer, *****'5 brilliant stars! I'm definitely not crying right now. That's a lie. I totally am. This book was A LOT!' Goodreads reviewer, *****'Everything. This book was everything. The House of Eve will not only be a favourite of the year, but a favourite of all-time. I ADORED THIS BOOK. You can't tell me that Ruby and Eleanor aren't real people because they're real in my heart, and I will never forget them. I'm jealous of you all who get to read this for the first time. ALL THE STARS' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I read this book in one sitting and loved it!!... I was blown away... I couldn't read this fast enough' Goodreads reviewer, *****'WOW! I'm still processing this book! I devoured it in three days' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I LOVED THIS BOOK!... Grabs you from the first page and holds you until the satisfying conclusion. The House of Eve is a timely, redemptive, powerful, beautifully written yet haunting novel of resilience and sacrifices women make for themselves and their families' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I really gobbled up this book. PAGE-TURNER! Pick this book; you won't regret it... I absolutely loved this story... Amazing... This book was impossible for me to put down' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I LOVED THIS BOOK!' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I was completely captivated' Goodreads reviewer, *****
Dialogue The House of Eve: Totally heartbreaking and unputdownable historical fiction
'Amazing' Reese Witherspoon'Heart-rending' Taylor Jenkins Reid 'Luminous and moving!' Kate Quinn'Unforgettable' Kristen HarmelThe heartbreaking and completely unputdownable instant New York Times bestseller and Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick about the pain and sacrifice of forbidden love, the lengths a mother will go to protect her child, and survival against the toughest of odds.Philadelphia, 1948: Fifteen-year-old Ruby's dreams are almost within reach. She's going to be the first in her family to attend college, despite having a mother more interested in keeping a man than raising her only daughter. But falling madly in love with the one boy she is forbidden from threatens to pull Ruby back into poverty and desperation. When she's imprisoned in a home for unwed mothers - locked in the House of Eve with other 'fallen girls' - everything she's worked so hard for starts slipping through her fingers.Washington, DC, 1948: Eleanor arrives in the city with ambition, hope and a past she's trying her hardest to run from. When she meets William at Howard University, with his inky black eyes and broad shoulders, it's love at first sight. But William hails from one of Washington, DC's elite Black families, who don't let just anyone into their inner circle - especially not a girl from 'the wrong side of the tracks'. Eleanor hopes that a baby will mean they finally accept her, and that her secrets won't see the light of day - but fate has other plans in store...In the dawn of the 1950s, Ruby and Eleanor are complete strangers - until their paths unexpectedly collide. Forced to make the most heartbreaking decisions of their lives, will their choices save them... or be their undoing?Fans of Kate Quinn, Lisa Wingate and Kristin Harmel will fall head over heels for this totally gripping and heart-wrenching historical-fiction page-turner.See what readers are saying about The House of Eve:'All the stars!!!... It absolutely blew me away. I finished it several days ago and am still thinking about it! It packed one powerful punch... I still don't have the exact words to describe how it made me feel... So many emotions... It will hit your heart hard... Will have your heart breaking time and again. I could not put it down' Goodreads reviewer, *****'5 brilliant stars! I'm definitely not crying right now. That's a lie. I totally am. This book was A LOT!' Goodreads reviewer, *****'Everything. This book was everything. The House of Eve will not only be a favourite of the year, but a favourite of all-time. I ADORED THIS BOOK. You can't tell me that Ruby and Eleanor aren't real people because they're real in my heart, and I will never forget them. I'm jealous of you all who get to read this for the first time. ALL THE STARS' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I read this book in one sitting and loved it!!... I was blown away... I couldn't read this fast enough' Goodreads reviewer, *****'WOW! I'm still processing this book! I devoured it in three days' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I LOVED THIS BOOK!... Grabs you from the first page and holds you until the satisfying conclusion. The House of Eve is a timely, redemptive, powerful, beautifully written yet haunting novel of resilience and sacrifices women make for themselves and their families' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I really gobbled up this book. PAGE-TURNER! Pick this book; you won't regret it... I absolutely loved this story... Amazing... This book was impossible for me to put down' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I LOVED THIS BOOK!' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I was completely captivated' Goodreads reviewer, *****