Search results for ""birkhauser""
Birkhauser Upon Entropy: Architectonics of the Image in the Age of Information
In his 1979 essay The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge philosopher Jean-François Lyotard noted that the advent of the computer opened up a stage of progress in which knowledge has become a commodity. Modernity and postmodernity appear as two stages of a process resulting from the conflict of science and narrative. As science attempts to distance itself from narrative, it must create its own legitimacy. This paper takes up this challenge with a focus on the question of imagery. The image is precisely what modern science seeks to free itself from in its quest for absolute transparency. This transparency is examined from the perspective of architecture, drawing on arguments from philosophy, quantum mechanics, theology and information theory. Natural science in the context of postmodernism Quantum mechanics and information theory New volume in the Applied Virtuality Book Series
Birkhauser Heterogeneous Constructions
Sustainable, circular, up-to-date Most modern buildings are built from diverse materials, but few confront their manifold composition as a question of both design and performance. This book takes a close look at a series of global building traditions and contemporary practices to uncover the possibilities and challenges of working with mixed materials. Visually stunning, color-coded drawings reveal the materials and construction for every project. Through case studies, design experiments and writings, the authors examine the opportunities of heterogeneous construction for contemporary, sustainable, circular, and culturally situated architecture. With contributions by Jeannette Kuo, Ajay Manthripragada, and Jesús Vassallo, and photography by Naho Kubota. Graphic design by Andrew LeClair. Richly illustrated case studies of lesserknown hybrid construction techniques Beautiful graphic design and unique spot color printing reveal t
Birkhauser Hybrid, Mauerwerk, Beton, Holz, Stahl
Details today Methods of construction are evolving rapidly, driven by sustainability demands, new technical possibilities, the optimization of materials, and more efficient processes. This precise and detailed analysis of 25 Swiss projects render visible the often-hidden innovation within contemporary architecture. Five different construction methods are documented using photographs and isometric analytical drawings of building shells at a scale of 1:15. This book is intended to stimulate a profound discussion of future developments. Detailed insight into construction methods using the example of contemporary Swiss architecture Isometric detail drawings and a unique photo essay Buildings by EMI, Caruso St John, Peter Märkli, Meier Hug, Esch Sintzel, and many more
Birkhauser Le Corbusier on Camera: The Unknown Films of Ernest Weissmann
The book is based on amateur films, shot by the architect Ernest Weissmann (1903-1985) with a Pathé Motocamera in the years 1929-1933 at, among other places, the Atelier Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret. These films capture moments from Le Corbusier's life that have never been seen before. It also documents his friendships with Pierre Jeanneret, Lluis Sert, Charlotte Perriand, Norman Rice, Kunio Maekawa, Sigfried Giedion and others. Across six chapters, the book shows impressive stills from these films and places them in the respective historical and personal context of Le Corbusier in introductory texts. Two introductions are devoted to the history of these pioneering amateur films and to Ernest Weissmann's life and his life-long relationship with Le Corbusier. A documentary treasure trove on the life of Le Corbusier Featuring 80 previously unpublished film stills Available as softcover (9783035627282), hardcover (9783035627299) and limited special edition with three photographic prints (9783035627305)
Birkhauser Dieter Kienast - Die Poetik des Gartens: Über Chaos und Ordnung in der Landschaftsarchitektur
The central question animating Dieter Kienast’s anthology is: "Where better can we practice attentive interaction with the natural world than in its microcosm, the garden?"From the start of his career as a landscape architect Kienast also wrote prolifically. Once he intensified his collaboration with architects and urban planners in the 1980s, his essays, commentaries, and statements found their true subject: landscape architectural design in the human habitat, beyond the ecological dogma of a supposedly untouched and self-unfolding nature.Anyone looking for answers to the fundamental questions of the designed environment that are both profound and thought-provoking will enjoy this classic of contemporary landscape architecture. A classic that has finally been republished A collection of texts by one of the most important thinkers in contemporary landscape architecture With an up-to-date commentary on Kienast’s ideas and work by Prof. Udo Weilacher
Birkhauser Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky. Architecture. Politics. Gender.: New Perspectives on Her Life and Work
A pioneer of architectural history Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky (1897–2000) entered the modernist canon with her “Frankfurt Kitchen.” She is also considered a pioneer of social architecture, a women’s rights activist, and, last but not least, a heroine of the resistance to the Nazi dictatorship. In this book, available in English for the first time, recent research in the fields of art history, contemporary history, pedagogy, and gender studies provides a nuanced picture of Schütte-Lihotzky, whose estate is archived at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. The volume explores her rich architectural oeuvre, her transnational experiences and professional networks, her political development as a Communist, and her current reception. It breaks through the mythology to present a rounded picture of Schütte-Lihotzky, an icon of architectural history. First comprehensive publication on Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky in English Cross-disciplinary research contributions by renowned authors; foreword by Juliet Kinchin Illuminates Schütte-Lihotzky’s fascinating work alongside the Frankfurt Kitchen
Birkhauser Fenster
The authors approach the window first and foremost from an architectural perspective, as a wall opening. They present a structural overview of common window types and take a systematic look at its structural elements in terms of construction, norms, and physics. Considering technological developments, they place modern windows and their structural interactions within the genealogy of this construction element. This third edition has been reviewed and corrected, and is up to date in terms of standards, technologies, and materials. Shading, triple glazing, installation details related to construction physics such as vapor impermeability and moisture diffusion are given special consideration. Window types and their use in construction projects Construction and building physics Textbook and reference work in one Anton Pech, Vienna University of Applied Sciences Georg Pommer, Head of the Structural Engineering Laboratory, Vienna Johannes Zeininger, Camillo Sitte Building Technology Center, Vienna
Birkhauser Die Baumgartnerhäuser: Basel 1926-1938
Residential Quality and Urbanity: Baumgartner Houses in Basel Between 1926 and 1938, the construction development company Baumgartner & Hindermann built around 300 apartment buildings in Basel, grouped in five quarters that form a ring around the city center. They are still known in Basel today as the “Baumgartner Houses”. People appreciate their natural urban integration and the high quality of living provided by their well proportioned, polyvalent rooms and solid building materials. This detailed documentation proves that en-trepreneurial motives and rationalization of the design and construction processes are not inimical to good architecture. This series of apartment blocks is still exemplary by today’s standards; though it consciously pursued “mediocrity”, it ultimately achieved an advanced expression of urbanity and quality. The only comprehensive monograph on the Baumgartner houses in Basel Now republished in its third edition: historical documentation of a series of successful apartment buildings Still setting standards today in terms of residential quality and urbanity
Birkhauser Who Are Godwin and Hopwood
First comprehensive monograph about the tropical architecture of Godwin and Hopwood in Nigeria After studying at the Architectural Association in London, John Godwin and Gillian Hopwood moved to Nigeria, where they significantly shaped the country''s architectural landscape for more than sixty years. When Nigeria became independent in 1960 following British dominance since the 19th century, the couple worked to create architecture that was site-specific, modern, and adapted to the climate relevant to Nigeria''s aspirational political and economic policies. In this richly illustrated monograph, organised by typology, Ben Tosland examines Godwin and Hopwood''s form of tropical modernism and illuminates its contemporary meanings and concluding with its relevance in times of the climate crisis. First comprehensive monograph about the architecture of Godwin and Hopwood Image-rich publication on one of the most im
Birkhauser Architektur konstruieren: Vom Rohmaterial zum Bauwerk. Ein Handbuch
Das Handbuch in erweiterter 6. Auflage Die erweiterte deutsche 6.Auflage dieses Standardwerks für die Baukonstruktion wurde inhaltlich weiterentwickelt: Das neu hinzugefügte Kapitel „Anschauungen zum Klima" thematisiert die Grundlagen des klimagerechten Bauens. Historische und aktuelle Bautypen werden auf ihre architektonischen, bauphysikalischen und haustechnischen Strategien hin untersucht, um daraus Grundlagen für eigene nachhaltige Klimamaßnahmen zu entwickeln. Systematisch gegliedert und didaktisch aufbereitet, vermittelt das Buch auch weiterhin in einem Band das nötige technische und konstruktive Grundlagenwissen, um vielfältige Entwurfsziele baulich umzusetzen. Es hat sich deshalb in über 20 Jahren nicht nur bei Studierenden und Dozierenden, sondern auch bei Architektinnen und Architekten zu einem unverzichtbaren Handbuch zum Nachschlagen und Vertiefen etabliert. Das weltweit anerkannte Konstruktionsbuch für Architekturschaffende in erweiterter Auflage Neues Kapitel "Anschauungen zum Klima" Bewährt systematisch gegliedert und didaktisch aufbereitet, mit Plakat im Weltformat als Navigationshilfe Auch als Softcover (978-3-0356-2663-6) sowie auf Englisch (978-3-0356-2665-0) und Französisch (978-3-0356-2667-4) erhältlich
Birkhauser Constructing Architecture: Materials, Processes, Structures. A Handbook
The English 5th Edition of the Handbook Systematically structured and didactically prepared, the book conveys in one volume the necessary basic technical and constructive building knowledge to enable readers to implement a wide range of designs. or this reason, over the last 18 years, it has developed into an indispensable information and reference handbook, not only for students and teachers, but also for architects. The English 5th edition of this standard work for building design has also been further revised in terms of content and expanded by 16 pages on sustainable building. The worldwide recognized construction handbook for architects Systematically structured and prepared with the student in mind, with an overview poster as navigation aid in world format Additional 16 pages "Basics of sustainable construction" Also available as hardcover and in German (978-3-0356-2663-6) and French (978-3-0356-2667-4) La 4ème édition française du Manuel Nouvelle édition, enrichie du chapitre « Considérations autour du climat » consacré aux principes de base de la construction adaptée au climat. De quel savoir technique et constructif a-t-on besoin pour réaliser des projets architecturaux variés ? Construire l’architecture propose dans cette quatrième édition française une vue d’ensemble des principes fondamentaux de la conception architecturale. Couronné par plusieurs prix internationaux et traduit en sept langues, cet ouvrage s’est imposé comme manuel de cours dans de nombreuses grandes écoles depuis sa parution en 2005. Il constitue par ailleurs un instrument de référence indispensable pour tous les architectes qui conçoivent le processus de construction comme un rapport dialectique complexe entre conception et mise en œuvre des matériaux. Optant pour une approche globale de la construction, cet ouvrage combine connaissances techniques et questions esthétiques et les envisage conjointement dans la perspective de l’histoire des civilisations. La construction n’y est pas conçue comme une simple question de technique ou de technologie, mais aussi comme le résultat d’une intention artistique qui se concrétisera avec d’autant plus de cohérence et de force que l’architecte maîtrisera les principes techniques et constructifs de base. Le livre se subdivise en quatre chapitres – Matériaux – Modules, Éléments, Structures, Édifices – et contient en annexe un catalogue présentant les éléments de construction. Tous les immeubles cités satisfont à de hautes exigences esthétiques ou jouent un rôle de premier plan dans l’histoire de l’architecture. D’une grande richesse iconographique, cet ouvrage contient plus de 1500 illustrations, plans et dessins de détails légendés. Le catalogue permet de comparer les détails de construction à l’échelle 1:20. Un index détaillé et des titres courants à toutes les pages facilitent l’orientation et la recherche ciblée d’informations.
Birkhauser Continued Building on the Village, the Settlement, the City: A Plea
Skilful architecture without gloss and bling bling In this book, Albert Kirchengast looks at three projects that may serve as models of further construction: Max Dudler, Franz Riepl, and Jonathan Sergison demonstrate an analogous approach to further construction at the scale levels of village, town and city. With their elementary “constructedness”, clean proportions and elegant interplay of volumes in the urban space, these projects embody a permanence without affectation and fashionable elements and provide a meaningful and unassuming background to everyday life. In doing so, they not only answer the pressing question of the ecology of coexistence, but also provide a benchmark within our heterogeneous design culture. Photos by Hélène Binet, David Schreyer and Stefan Müller as well as historical illustrations accompany the plea for a masterful ‘middle way’ in architecture. Architecture of permanence, without affectation and modish elements Three projects by Max Dudler, Franz Riepl, and Jonathan Sergison Photo spreads by Hélène Binet, David Schreyer, and Stefan Müller Albert Kirchengast, architectural theorist, author and lecturer at ETH Zurich
Birkhauser MOVE and NEW MOVE: Architecture in Motion
The two volumes provide an overview of dynamic and adaptive building components in architecture, a field of growing importance in view of the complex demands placed on today's buildings. The focus is on the following challenges: How can the energy demand of buildings be reduced? How can usage possibilities be expanded? How can dynamic movements in buildings be mapped, absorbed and controlled? The spectrum of designs presented ranges from movable elements for the use of solar energy or dynamic light designs to components that can be swivelled, rotated, folded or flapped. The contributors show innovative solutions from leading architects worldwide.
Birkhauser Pionierinnen der Wiener Architektur: Das Archiv der Zentralvereinigung der ArchitektInnen Österreichs (ZV)
Not enough research has been conducted on the pioneering work of Austria’s female architects and, as a result, many of them remain in relative obsurity. Most were members of ZV Österreich, until 1959 Austria’s main guild of freelance architects. It is therefore worthwhile delving into the archives of the ZV. This publication is dedicated to these women, documents their names, and presents their lives and careers as examples. The international work of these women ranges from homes to churches and factories, interior design and urban planning, and even extends to the construction of power plants. Documents the exciting careers of Vienna’s women architects between 1938 and 1959 Educational paths, professional practice, historical backgrounds, and contexts With exceptional essays by renowned experts
Birkhauser Experiment in Architecture: Thinking the Unthinkable and Realizing the Impossible
Dare experiments! The book documents the teaching philosophy developed at the chair of experimental design by Frank Stepper and his team at the University of Kassel. The approach places an emphasis on fostering and developing aesthetic and formal imagination through experimentation. Thinking the "impossible" helps to formulate architectural concepts that progress beyond predictable causalities and functional constraints. For the emergence of innovative designs and novel construction typologies analogue models are augmented with computational strategies and digital fabrication methods. 20 Years of teaching Experimental Architecture, from introductory to thesis level projects Experimental videos with QR code links With contributions by Hitoshi Abe, Marie Therese Harnancourt-Fuchs, Steffanie Hennecke and others
Birkhauser On Digital Architecture in Ten Books: Vol. 1: Books I–III.
Treatise on digital architecture Hovestadt’s treatise strictly follows the model of the famous treatises by Vitruvius (De architectura) and Alberti (De re aedificatoria), based on the supposition that we find ourselves in a comparable situation today. Vitruvius and Alberti expressed the meaning of architecture in their eras: Roman antiquity and the Renaissance. Hovestadt has done the same for the present day, incorporating considerations of physics, mathematics, technology, literature, and philosophy. Books I to III deal with the role of the architect and the objectivity of architecture. Books IV to VI address the modalities of speaking about and encoding architecture: the secret, the public, and the private. Books VII to X are dedicated to actual digital mechanisms: artificial intelligence, natural communication, gnomonics, and cultural heritage. An architectural treatise for our age in 10 books Inspired by the works of Vitruvius and Alberti Published in three volumes in the Applied Virtuality Book Series Ludger Hovestadt, professor of architecture and CAAD, ETH Zurich
Birkhauser Delugan Meissl Associated Architects – DMAA: Non Endless Space
On space and nature Non endless space links roughly 20 buildings and projects completed by the architecture firm DMAA to three themes: Biodiversity in Artificial Ecosystems, Limited Resources, and Architecture in the Anthropocene. The projects include hybrid uses as well as buildings described as principally residential or public, and complementary landscape architecture. Dynamic in form, DMAA's projects reflect spatial content and social processes that give shape to form. This book offers inspiration, discussion, and an updated monograph of DMAA. Its diverse concept is complemented by the work of the French graphic design firm Spassky Fischer, which opens up new associative dynamics between reading and visual appreciation. New buildings and projects by DMAA Essays on ecology, resources, and the Anthropocene Spatial planning and form in residential, museum, and landscape architecture
Birkhauser LAVA Laboratory for Visionary Architecture: What If
Monograph questioning What if research, science and architecture were merged? LAVA is an architecture studio founded by Tobias Wallisser, Chris Bosse, and Alexander Rieck with offices in Germany, Vietnam, and Australia. The German Pavilion for Expo 20 is an example of the eloquence with which LAVA responds to issues of the day. The three core themes of the book – Cities of the Future, Biodiversity, as well as Energy and Sustainability – are complemented by the subjects “Connecting Minds,” meaning social and political architecture, “Digital Processes and Technologies,” and “New Work” and explored together throughout the six chapters of this book. In addition to projects and their derivation, architectural and sociological thinkers elaborate on their ideas on these topics – creatively, speculatively, and thoughtfully. Themes: City – Energy – Biodiversity – Connecting – Work – Digital Processes Selected projects as case studies With contributions by Amy Frearson, Georg Vrachliotis, Giovanna Carnevali, Maria Aiolova, Gilles Retsin, André Wilkens, Marjan Colletti, and Raoul Bunschoten
Birkhauser River.Space.Design: Planning Strategies, Methods and Projects for Urban Rivers Third and Enlarged Edition
Urban riverbanks are attractive locations and highly prized recreational environments. However, they must meet the requirements of flood control, open space design and ecology at the same time, often a challenging task for the designer in very confined spaces. The book, the result of a study lasting several years, subjects more than 60 exemplary projects to a comparative analysis. The result is a systematic catalogue of strategies and innovative design tools. The designer and planner thus obtains an overview of the range of design possibilities. Eight new case studies from China, Italy, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland were selected and added for the enlarged edition of this reference work on riverbank design.
Birkhauser Space Tessellations: Experimenting with Parquet Deformations
Tackling a topic that has particular appeal in the age of digital design, this well-founded introduction to the subject of parquet deformation fills a gap. These subtle, intricate geometric transformations, best known through the "Metamorphosis" series by M. C. Escher, were introduced to design curricula by American professor William S. Huff in the 1960s. The book brings together scholarly articles by the most important authors in the field and material collected in the archives of the Ulm School of Design in Germany, juxtaposed with extensive illustrations of two- and three-dimensional works created at the Vienna University of Technology. Written for anyone interested in the fields of design and geometry, this book aims to inform and inspire.
Birkhauser Die Schwerkraft Von Ideen Band 1 Und 2
Vom Druckknopf bis zur Weltraumsonde: So weit erstreckt sich der Horizont von Produktdesign. Weil Design viel mehr ist als Linienführung, geht diese Designgeschichte der Frage nach, wie sich die Ansprüche an die Gestaltung von Gebrauchsobjekten im Lauf der Zeit fortentwickelt haben. Die Frage des Wozu (Gebrauchsfunktion) verbindet sich mit der des Woraus und Womit (Materialien und Produktionsmethode) und der nach dem Wie (der konstitutiven Beschaffenheit des Gegenstandes). Darunter zeigen sich die Schichten geschichtlich bedingter kultureller Mentalitäten, und darüber erhebt sich die Frage nach den Wirkungen von Design in Gesellschaft und Umwelt. Die Schwerkraft von Ideen entfaltet diese vieldimensionale Matrix in zwei Bänden und schafft so Orientierung im Kosmos der Ideen und ihrer gestalterischen Umsetzung.
Birkhauser Visualizing Complexity: Handbuch modulares Informationsdesign
Design system for information design explained step by step How can you turn dry statistics into attractive and informative graphs? How can you present complex data sets in an easily understandable way? How can you create narrative diagrams from unstructured data? This handbook of information design answers these questions. Nicole Lachenmeier and Darjan Hil condense their extensive professional experience into an illustrated guide that offers a modular design system comprised of 80 elements. Their systematic design methodology makes it possible for anyone to visualize complex data attractively and using different perspectives. At the intersection of design, journalism, communication and data science, Visualizing Complexity opens up new ways of working with abstract data and invites readers to try their hands at information design New standard work for information design - Joseph Binder Award 2022, Winner Gold in the category "Information Design" Attractively designed and illustrated manual Innovative presentation solutions for analog and digital media Available in German and English (ISBN 9783035625042)
Birkhauser Linke Waffe Kunst: Die Kommunistische Studentenfraktion am Bauhaus
Internal criticism of the Bauhaus For a long time, the topic of far-left currents within Bauhaus was one of controversy. Thanks to recent research on the Communist Student Fraction (Kostufra), the leftist students are finally coming into focus. Their magazine: bauhaus. sprachrohr der studierenden. organ der kostufra was a venue for unsparing critique of events, curricula, and teachers. The journal was published between 1930 and 1932 in Dessau and Berlin in 15 hectographed issues in a loose-leaf collection and is critically discussed here for the first time by researchers from art and cultural studies, architecture, and editorial studies. It clearly demonstrates that the experimental value of Bauhaus cannot be separated from its political radicalism. First detailed reappraisal of communism in Bauhaus With contributions by Peter Bernhard, Marcel Bois, Magdalena Droste, Elizabeth Otto, Patrick Rössler, and others
Birkhauser Das Holz und seine Verbindungen: Traditionelle Bautechniken in Europa, Japan und China
Two millennia of wood architecture There is a long tradition of using wood as a distinct and ecologically sound building material. Wooden architecture conveys for today’s world the breadth of knowledge held in Western and Eastern cultures about the creative use of this unique material. The typical technique of building with wood, joinery, requires that elements are connected only by the skillful interlocking of the constructive parts. In this book, the history of wooden architecture is described in detail using hundreds of examples from Japan, China and Europe. From a holistic understanding, a picture emerges that is informative for architects, and designers, reopens an almost lost world to builders, and will enthrall laypeople.
Birkhauser Artur Paul Duniecki Architekt
Artur Paul Duniecki praktizierte bei Karl Schwanzer und Wilhelm Holzbauer, bevor er 1975 sein Büro in Wien gründete. Nach einer Lehrtätigkeit an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien 1977–1980 zu theoretischen Grundlagen des Entwurfs widmete er sich eigenen Entwürfen. Seine Projekte umfassten Messedesigns, Ladenbau und Bankfilialen, aber auch Teamplanungen wie U-Bahn-Stationen. Es folgten städtebauliche Entwürfe, Industrie- und Wohnbauten. Sein gestalterischer Ansatz gründet in der Tradition Oswald Haerdtls und Karl Schwanzers und entwickelt im Laufe der Zeit eine markante Gestik. Neben der Biografie bietet das Buch eine detaillierte Darstellung der wichtigsten Projekte Dunieckis und ein Essay von Otto Kapfinger über die Architekturproduktion im Wien des späten 20. Jahrhunderts, das Leben und Werk des Architekten kontextualisiert.
Birkhauser Home Smart Home: Wie wir wohnen wollen
Welcome to the hybrid home, in which the bathroom has become a temple of wellness, the living room an online couch, and the kitchen a lounge. Everything appears tidy and chic, perfect for social media. In the Instagram Age, even micro-apartments are mutating into semi-public places. The German journalist Oliver Herwig has been studying the transformation of living spaces and dream interiors for years. In this book, he portrays a society in the throes of digital transformation. The lines between work, leisure and rest have been blurred, as our homes become temporary, multipurpose work, fun and multimedia spaces; the office has invaded the home, and the world of smart shopping is always just a word away thanks to Alexa. Nothing quite fits anymore, yet everything must have its place. Welcome to the hybrid home. Easy reading about the difficult transitions in our living spaces Smart and analytical, the book reveals the hidden desires that shape how we live Designed and illustrated by Studio für Gestaltung, Cologne Available in English and German
Birkhauser Frauen Bauen Stadt: The City Through a Female Lens
Im Jahr 2030 werden weltweit 2,5 Milliarden Frauen in Städten leben und arbeiten. Traditionell war die Arbeit am Lebenskonzept Polis in ihrer Beauftragung, Planung und Ausführung jedoch männlich dominiert. Frauen Bauen Stadt porträtiert 18 Städtebauerinnen aus aller Welt und wirft einen anderen Blick auf die künftige Stadt: Internationale Autorinnen aus den Bereichen Architektur, Stadtplanung, Kunst, Architekturtheorie und -vermittlung gehen der Frage nach, wie sich die Stadtplanung in Theorie und Praxis aus weiblicher Perspektive darstellt. Und sie diskutieren, inwiefern die Zukunft auf die Wünsche und Bedürfnisse von Frauen zugeschnitten sein wird und welche Rolle Gestalterinnen, Architektinnen und Stadtplanerinnen spielen werden.
Birkhauser City, Climate, and Architecture: A Theory of Collective Practice
The publication rethinks climate control – a key concern of the discipline of architecture – through the lens of city climate phenomena over the course of the 20th century. Based on a history of climate control on urban scales, it promotes the integration of indoors and outdoors in order to reduce environmental and thermal loads in cities. Just as heating and cooling practices inside the buildings are affecting the (urban) climate outdoors, urban heat islands are influencing the energy requirements and thermal conditions inside the buildings.While the first part of the book focuses on the interwar period in Europe, the publication’s second part considers examples from all over the globe, tracing the growing significance of ecological thinking for the design of urban environments.
Birkhauser Stadt vermitteln: Methoden und Werkzeuge für gemeinschaftliches Planen
Collective Urban Planning in Research, Teaching and Practice This practice orientated handbook aims at all urban actors wishing to develop and realise complex urban planning concepts. It sets out a series of techniques, methods and process models that range from analytical approaches and concept strategies to the creation of participatory projects. Creative open-ended experiments have been proven as effective academic practice driven methods within applied participatory urban mediation. The book proposes a method-catalogue of immediately realisable approaches for experimental urban research as part of a design and planning procedure within education and practice. Cross-disciplinary methods and working methods for urban planning Case studies from Berlin, Düsseldorf, Cologne, London, Madrid and Wuppertal Foreword Barbara-Ann Campbell-Lange and contributions by Theo Lorenz, Mohamed Fezazi, Alexia Radounikli and Vera San Payo de Lemos
Birkhauser Play Among Books: A Symposium on Architecture and Information Spelt in Atom-Letters
How does coding change the way we think about architecture? This question opens up an important research perspective. In this book, Miro Roman and his AI Alice_ch3n81 develop a playful scenario in which they propose coding as the new literacy of information. They convey knowledge in the form of a project model that links the fields of architecture and information through two interwoven narrative strands in an “infinite flow” of real books. Focusing on the intersection of information technology and architectural formulation, the authors create an evolving intellectual reflection on digital architecture and computer science.
Birkhauser NERD - New Experimental Research in Design 2: Positions and Perspectives
Design is inextricably interwoven with all aspects of life and has even produced its own astonishing genre of research. Design research opens up new perspectives of interdisciplinary empiricism, joining with economics, sociology, technology, and philosophy to produce analyses and syntheses that get to the heart of daily life. The twelve contributions from international authors that comprise this book vividly make this case. They cover the relationship between subject and object, animation, all forms of representation, design activism, and many other themes. This book is intended to inspire discussion. Its target reader is anyone seeking to expand their understanding of design, to fundamentally improve their praxis, and to more deeply appreciate life in all of its aspects.
Birkhauser Aalto im Detail: Ein Katalog der Bauteile
For the Aalto Moments in Your Projects This carefully curated catalog celebrates the rich detail in the work of Aino, Elissa, and Alvar Aalto. Every support, railing, and handle is the result of intensive formal and functional research. The authors document 50 Aalto buildings – some well-known and others less so – and arrange their photographs by component into 20 chapters. The result is a rich photographic record that will serve as a source of inspiration for every architect. From door handles to skylights: Aalto's infinite wealth of components Inspiring documentation with 400 systematically arranged photos Unconventionally detailed solutions with special attention paid to technical feasibility Also available in English (ISBN 978-3-0356-2332-1)
Birkhauser Türen und Tore
Der Band stellt den Einsatz von Außen- und Innentüren sowie Torkonstruktionen für den Wohn- und Geschäftsbereich dar. Die systematisch aufgebaute Einführung vermittelt Grundlagen, Funktionen und Anforderungen, Materialien, Beschläge und Zusatzbauteile und schließlich die gängigen Tür- und Torkonstruktionen. Behandelt werden Bauphysik, gebräuchliche Werkstoffe, Klimaschutzklassen und Funktionsweisen. Kapitel über Sonderkonstruktionen wie einbruchshemmende Türen, Schallschutz-, Brandschutz- und Schutzraumtüren sowie ein Kapitel über die Architektur ergänzen den Band. Die zweite Auflage wurde rundum aktualisiert: Beispiele, Normen und Berechnungen sind auf dem neuesten Stand.
Birkhauser WerteWandel: Prozesse, Strategien und Konflikte in der gebauten Umwelt
Within the architectural design, planning, and construction processes, new valuations and revaluations are constantly taking place. Every decision is made based on existing reference values, even if the respective action is future-oriented and geared towards the creation of the new. At the same time, the preservation or further development of building structures is based on traditional thought patterns and continuously internalized value systems. This means that values are never static, even in building, but are subject to a process. This interdisciplinary volume focuses on processes of value appropriation, value internalization, and value formation. These processes are illustrated using selected examples from the history of building and planning from modern times to the present.
Birkhauser Basics Mauerwerksbau
Birkhauser Structures of Displacement
Structures of Displacement documents a joint project of the [applied] Foreign Affairs lab of the Institute of Architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). The project involved the conception and design of an agricultural training center at Harsham Camp, a refugee camp in Erbil in the Kurdistan region of Iraq (2016–2019). This book presents [a]FA’s mapping of the Harsham Camp to identify and describe its economic networks and habitats, and provides insights into the individual biographies of the camp’s residents. The project was conducted as part of the UN mandate to stabilize Iraq and support economic recovery and reconstruction for displaced persons and returnees.
Birkhauser Extended Urbanisation: Tracing Planetary Struggles
Extended methods of analysis for urbanisation processes illustrated in eight world regions. Urbanisation processes are unfolding far beyond the realm of agglomerations, profoundly transforming agrarian areas, rain forests, deserts and oceans. Inextricably bound to the earth’s ecologies, these developments are causing manifold planetary crises which require urgent scrutiny and call for new conceptions and cartographies of the urban beyond-the-city. Through detailed analysis and fieldwork captured in text, photographs and hand-drawn maps, the book portrays the effects of extended urbanisation in eight world regions. It offers a redefinition of the very notions of the “city”, “urban” and “urbanisation” and outlines new urban agendas developed to address planetary challenges. This book decenters the perspective on the urban, foregrounds urban struggle, and transcends rural-urban and north-south divides. Fundamental book for urbanism studies Redefinition of the terms “city”, “urban” and “urbanisation” Analysis of urbanisation processes in eight world regions
Birkhauser Open Building Research
Edizione Italiano/Italian edition Architectural work in dialogue with different disciplines Founded by Paolo Brescia and Tommaso Principi as a design network between Milan, London and Mumbai, OBR explores new modes of contemporary living, developing an architecture that responds sensitively to and stimulates interaction with its environment, while adapting to the changing needs of society. OBR’s work strives to promote a sense of community enhancing individual identities. In this book, the architects present their work as a communal endeavor. They engage influential people in transdisciplinary dialogues that extend beyond architecture itself, questioning its autonomy and offering new perspectives on its potential and relevance. The monograph showcases a selection of twenty-four international projects by OBR that address key social issues through the medium of architecture. The first monograph on OBR’s work Selection of 24 international projects presented in texts, plans and photographs Transdisciplinary dialogues with Roni Horn, Michel Desvigne, Giovanna Borasi, and Georges Amar La prima monografia sul lavoro di OBR Una selezione di 24 progetti internazionali presentati in testi, piani e fotografie Dialoghi transdisciplinari con Roni Horn, Michel Desvigne, Giovanna Borasi e Georges Amar
Birkhauser Rechte Räume: Politische Essays und Gespräche
Gibt es eine architektonische und städtebauliche Agenda hinter der Politik zeitgenössischer rechtspopulistischer, rechtsradikaler, rechtsextremistischer und (neo-)faschistischer Kräfte? Und wenn ja: Inwieweit macht sich hierfür die sogenannte "Mitte der Gesellschaft" zur unfreiwilligen Helferin? Diese Leitfragen ziehen sich durch die in diesem Band versammelten, teils vieldiskutierten Essays und Gespräche von Stephan Trüby. Ihr Hintergrund: Viele westlich-liberal geprägte Demokratien erfahren derzeit einen bis vor wenigen Jahren kaum für möglich gehaltenen gesellschaftlichen Rollback. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie die politische Rechte in Deutschland und darüber hinaus die Architektur, die Stadt und das Land zu formen versucht.
Birkhauser 225 Farben / 225 Colors: Eine Auswahl für Maler und Denkmalpfleger, Architekten und Gestalter / A Selection for Painters and Conservators, Architects and Designers
Dealing with color is a complex topic: influenced by standards, fashions, and trends, we derive our ideas and concepts from color theories, intuition, and personal preferences. Most color classification systems available today are based on purely quantitative principles and include well over 1,500 colors. So how do we choose a particular color? Building on the success of the first edition, Katrin Trautwein presents a revised selection of 225 colors: new ones that develop a special beauty in the LED-light replaced some previous colors. Each color is presented with a handmade paint sample. Information on each color’s composition and origin is provided, and the features that distinguish it for architecture and design work are described.
Birkhauser Konstruktion: Manual
People involved in architecture need to be familiar with construction methods in order to be in control of their designs. New technical requirements impact on our buildings and call for up-to-date specialist knowledge, which leads to new forms of architecture. This handbook uses clearly comprehensible 3D isometric diagrams to introduce the world of contemporary construction, from concept through to the detail; photographs are used to illustrate the content. The three main chapters deal with the structure, the building envelope, and the fit-out, starting with a clear introduction to the construction principles of modern building methods. Using drawings of selected built examples at scales of 1:10 and 1:20, a deeper examination of details is possible.
Birkhauser Vom Wert des Weiterbauens: Konstruktive Lösungen und kulturgeschichtliche Zusammenhänge
Transformation instead of demolition and new construction, continuing development instead of rupture: the principle of continuing the building process as an antidote to the modernist new-build paradigm is increasingly moving into focus in architecture and construction technology. It understands a building not so much as a product to be completed, but as a continuing process; it focuses on the continuity of places and buildings and poses new questions as to their completeness and authentic authorship, their durability and sustainability. The volume focuses on the technical and artistic processes of conversion and adaptation, as well as on the changing values and interpretation patterns of society that are expressed in the new orientation of existing buildings by the continuation of the construction process.
Birkhauser Impact: The effect of climate change on coastlines
The rise in sea level is a visible and remorseless indicator of global warming, the consequences of which can be experienced worldwide – in contrast to other effects of climate change that are not yet noticeable at a larger scale. The book illustrates, in an impressive way, the ecological, commercial, and social impact associated with the rise in sea levels, taking the examples of the American East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico: the author has documented this region from his Cessna between 2005 and 2018 using large-format aerial photography. The pictures illustrate the different conditions of the areas documented at different times of the year, before and after major weather events, and thereby provide evidence of how dramatically the geography and landscape are altered due to climate change.
Birkhauser Where Dreams Are Born: nonzero\architecture works 2003–2019
studio bau:ton, the practice founded by Swiss architect Peter Grüneisen, designs buildings rooted in the sphere of imagination and creativity. The practice’s main clients are in the music and film production industry in Los Angeles, for whom it designs private houses and work spaces. The focus is on the combination of high-tech entertainment design with glamorous, exclusive architecture. On the occasion of its 30th anniversary, the Los Angeles-based architectural practice nonzero\architecture is publishing the second monograph. The book includes conversations with well known clients including Hans Zimmer, David Lynch, Bruce Botnik, and Paul Lieberstein. The completed projects include residences, mixed residential/work spaces, through to recording studios and public buildings.
Birkhauser Modern Environmental Design: A Project Primer for Complex Forms
Well-being in a building depends on a number of factors. Visuals, ventilation, heat, cooling, and acoustics are all key. Its efficiency relates not only to the design of a building; it can also be optimized and automated using the latest technologies and innovative environmentally friendly low-tech solutions. To build upon and add to the successful Modern Construction Handbook, Andrew Watts details innovative and established examples of interior design in Modern Environmental Design. These are presented with the aid of texts, drawings and 3D renderings.
Birkhauser Keller
Keller, Bauteile unter anschließendem Gelände, stellen spezielle Anforderungen an Planung und Ausführung. Die 2. Auflage dieser Einführung geht ausführlich auf die maßgeblichen mechanischen Einwirkungen und bauphysikalischen Anforderungen ein. Systematisch werden in dem Band Funktion und Anforderung von Kellern, Konstruktionselemente, Feuchtigkeitsschutz und Detailausbildungen behandelt. Der Feuchtigkeitsschutz erdberührender Bauteile wird im Hauptabschnitt von den Grundlagen bis zu Detaillösungen besonders ausführlich dargestellt, aber auch der Planung und Ausstattung von Schutzräumen ist unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Vorgaben ein eigener Abschnitt gewidmet. Beispiele, Bildmaterial und Normhinweise wurden für die 2. Auflage aktualisiert.