Search results for ""Birkhauser""
Birkhauser Digital Processes: Planning, Designing, Production
these days a computer is as much a part of every household's standard equipment as a refrigerator, and yet the explosion of computer technology in the last several decades has transformed the daily life of every member of society far more than even utopians would ever have allowed themselves to dream. No wonder, then, that from design to production, architecture too is becoming more and more subject to digital influences. The range of those influences stretches from the classical computer programs used in design and presentation to media-supported design processes all the way to computerized production techniques, to say nothing of industrialized bricklayer "robots." From measurement to planning and production, architecture is the product of a closely coordinated digital process chain. What influence do digital design digital design and production methods have on contemporary architecture? How are these methods changing architecture and the way it ist created? Where does the potential of digital media for architecture lie? What are the areas in which every individual firm can begin to use them? What are the advantages of working electronically? How and at what cost can these methods be integrated into the day-to-day work of the professional architect? This publication offers answers to these and many other questions on all aspects of the digital design and construction process.
Birkhauser Light and Emotions: Exploring Lighting Cultures. Conversations with Lighting Designers
In addition to its practical functions, such as helping to optimize safety and security, lighting also has another principal task – creating emotions. Light and color can be used to achieve the most varied and astonishing effects. These effects are dependent on the project and spatial environment, but they also depend in large measure on cultural context. This study is based on forty-seven interviews with leading lighting designers from North and South America, Europe, and Asia. For the first time, it explores in a systematic fashion what aesthetic, emotional, and atmospheric tasks a good lighting design can accomplish. The international diversity of the interviewed designers makes for surprising insights. Universal constants are pointed out, but so are the remarkable differences in reception and effect that are occasioned by different societies and cultures. It is imperative, then, for professional lighting designers and architects to familiarize themselves with these "lighting cultures," and this book offers an informative and stimulating opportunity to do so.
Birkhauser Thought Machines
Organized by the department for Graphics & Printmaking at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, the exhibition “Thought Machines” includes student work from Vienna as well as from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest; the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava; the Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig and the Royal College of Art, London. All participants in the exhibition share a platform in being students of printmaking. From this point of departure they develop projects which inhabit the whole range of contemporary art-making possibilities. What binds these projects together is that they all address the concept of “Thought Machines” which is discussed by Jan Svenungsson in an introductory text.
Birkhauser Accountability Technologies: Tools for Asking Hard Questions
A growing part of the public is concerned about cities being designed and governed in a responsible way. In the contemporary information society, however, the democratic obligation of the citizens to inform themselves thoroughly, so that they can participate in public affairs has become impossible to fulfill. Rather than submitting to the opinions of self-proclaimed experts, citizens need new ways to make sense of what is going on around them. Accountability technologies stand for new innovative approaches to bottom-up governance: technologies to monitor those in power and hold them accountable for their actions. Accountability technologies are designed to coordinate citizen-led data collection, visualization and analysis in order to achieve social change. This book takes a close look at initiatives that have succeeded in making an impact on the reality of the city, as well as the motivations, strategies and tactics of the people who create and use these technologies. How can data generated by citizens be put into action?
Birkhauser NiVo: Journal for Architecture and Cement Composite
Keeping alive the tradition of Eternit AG's architectural journals, this book presents new directions in architecture, design and art: a panorama sweeping the multifaceted world of cement composite, illustrated with photographic essays.
Birkhauser B. Traven - Die unbekannten Jahre
Birkhauser Housing Density
Verdichteter Wohnbau gilt als ein Indikator fur die soziale Verfasstheit einer Gesellschaft. Lasst sich dieser Wohnbau mit dem weitverbreiteten Wunsch nach einem Eigenheim in Einklang bringen? Uber 400 Studenten der Technischen Universitat Wien sind im Rahmen eines Entwurfsstudios dieser Frage nachgegangen. Der Band dokumentiert ausgewahlte Projekte unterschiedlicher Dichten und Milieus zusammen mit Beitragen renommierter Architekten und einer Einleitung zu den kontraren Konzepten horizontaler und vertikaler Verdichtung im Wohnbau.
Birkhauser Mediatecture: The Design of Medially Augmented Spaces
Through the growing importance of electronic media and the services provided by the internet, the delimitation between physical and virtual spaces is becoming increasingly fuzzy. This volume explores the phenomena known as "mediatexture" by looking at the basic knowledge on mediatectonic work.
Birkhauser Oswald Oberhuber: Kunsterfindungen
Birkhauser Artists-in-Labs: Processes of Inquiry
This book verifies the need for the arts and the sciences to work together in order to develop more creative and conceptual approaches to innovation and presentation. By blending ethnographical case studies, scientific viewpoints and critical essays, the focus of this research inquiry is the lab context. For scientists, the lab context is one of the most important educational experiences. For contemporary artists, laboratories are inspiring spaces to investigate, share know-how transfer and search for new collaboration potentials. The nine labs represented in this book are from the natural, computing and engineering sciences. An enclosed comprehensive DVD documents the results, the problems and serves as a guideline for the future of true Art/Sci experiments.
Birkhauser Basics Stadtanalyse
Basics Urban Analysis is a new addition to the module on city planning. Building on the elements of cities as described in the volume Basics Urban Building Blocks, it provides techniques for analyzing cities. As a basis for city planning and architectural design work, a solid understanding of the existing and surrounding urban structures is indispensable. This volume not only explains the possible approaches; it also describes in practical terms how to implement those approaches in the areas analyzed and how to evaluate the data one has collected.
Birkhauser Systembau: Prinzipien der Konstruktion
For a number of years, modular construction – the use of prefabricated elements in architecture – has once again become a subject of lively discussion and debate. Long written off as monotonous, today’s building components are actually highly differentiated and capable of supporting and enhancing the architect’s creativity. Numerous structures work with prefabricated components; for single-family homes the figure is ninety-eight percent, and modular systems are available that meet high aesthetic standards.This book provides an overview of the various different systems and their possible uses, particularly in the areas of housing, office, and industrial buildings. It explains the processes and components of modular construction and the behavior of the various materials when this construction approach is used. The authors offer strategies for planning and designing with prefabricated systems so that the architect can use them productively.Numerous drawings explain the principles of modular construction, while built examples forge a link between those principles and the practical activity of building.
Birkhauser Universal Design: Solutions for a barrier-free living
The future is looking old. We are currently at the threshold of the largest demographic transformation of modern times, the advent of the age of the senior citizen. What awaits us – what kinds of products, what kinds of houses? The fifty-and-over generation represents an enormous potential: in Germany alone, twenty million seniors have hundreds of billions of euros, but they hardly spend them for lack of suitable products. This book provides answers from a sociological and design perspective for architects, designers, decision-makers, and firms who wish to respond to the demands of this diverse and discriminating target group. It investigates the various aspects of senior citizens’ lives from tip to toe and offers technical articles as well as authentic case studies and reports. Attractively laid out, fully illustrated, and with pointedly written texts, it is also aimed at the silver agers themselves, especially those who would like to find out what architecture and design can do to make their lives as pleasant and independent as possible.
Birkhauser Basics Designing with Water
Water is a special design element in open space planning and one that lends a decidedly distinguished touch. But it is not enough merely to insert water basins and fountains at the appropriate spots in architectural drawings. As early as the design stage the planner must begin to think about where the water is going to come from, where it is going to drain, and how it is going to be cleaned.
Birkhauser Basics Facade Apertures
Facade apertures represent the realm of the exterior wall or facade, which establishes the connection between inside and out and makes it possible to illuminate and ventilate the spaces behind it. This volume deals with the various forms of openings, such as doors, windows, ventilation elements, and fixed glass panes, and their materialization, which also varies according to function; special attention is given to the subject of edges.Themes: Types and positions of openings Technical requirements Construction types Connections/edges
Birkhauser Basics Conduite de travaux
Site management is an important and interesting field of activity for architects. This volume describes the various tasks that fall to architects in construction supervision in practical and understandable terms. It addresses construction supervision and quality control in general as well as individual subjects such as quantity survey, account settlement, and cost and supplemental services management. Subjects: General construction supervision, Quality assurance, Progress and cost management, Acceptance and delivery, Quantity survey und account settlement.
Birkhauser Basics Matérialité
The Materiality of buildings and constructions is an important aspect of architectural design. The approach to and use of materials is a fundamental building block of architectural training. Themes: Subjective effect of materials Haptic influences Use of materials Creative use of classical construction materials
Birkhauser Frei Otto. Das Gesamtwerk: Leicht bauen – natürlich gestalten
Frei Otto ist einer der innovativsten deutschen Architekten der zweiten Hälfte des 20.Jahrhunderts. Er lehrte am MIT in Cambridge, bevor er 1964 in Stuttgart das Institut für leichte Flächentragwerke gründete, ein Forschungsinstitut mit Weltruf. Seine intensive Beschäftigung mit der Natur und das Studium der Naturformen haben ihn sinnvolle Strukturen entwickeln lassen, die sich – erarbeitet in zahllosen Experimenten am Modell – aus den Gegebenheiten bildeten und nie dem Gebäude auferlegt wurden. Zu seinen Hauptwerken gehören der Deutsche Pavillon für die Weltausstellung 1967 in Montreal; das Münchner Olympiadach (mit G.Behnisch), die Ökohäuser der IBA 1985 in Berlin, zahlreiche Zeltbauten für Saudi-Arabien, temporäre Zelt- und Schirmkonstruktionen, z.B. für die «Pink Floyd»-Tournee 1977, Mitarbeit am japanischen Pavillon für die EXPO 2000 in Hannover und am Großprojekt Hauptbahnhof Stuttgart In Einzelkapiteln werden die wichtigen Aspekte seines Schaffens von namhaften Autoren diskutiert, ferner beinhaltet das Buch ein ausführliches Werkverzeichnis der 200 Bauten und Projekte aus den Jahren 1951 bis 2004.
Birkhauser Le Corbusier 1910–65
In this classic, the authors present Le Corbusier's most important buildings, projects, and urban planning designs. The spectrum ranges from the early house studies and buildings, such as the "Citrohan" houses, the Weissenhof houses, the housing estate in Pessac to large residential and commercial buildings such as the various Unités d'Habitation and the house of the Centrosoyus in Moscow, from theoretical works such as the development of the "Modulor", to the urban plans presented in detail, for example: for Algiers, Rio de Janiero, Berlin or Chandigarh. Each project is presented through photographs, plan material, documents, and sketches by Le Corbusier. The volume also includes a selection of his paintings. A biography and a complete list of works (buildings and projects) add to the content to create a concise overview of Le Corbusier's vast oeuvre.
Birkhauser Collage City
Birkhauser Le Corbusier - Œuvre complète Volume 7: 1957-1965: Volume 7: 1957-1965
This exceptional Complete Works edition documents the enormous spectrum in the oeuvre of one of the most influential architects of the 20th Century. Published between 1929 and 1970, in close collaboration with Le Corbusier himself, and frequently reprinted ever since, the eight volumes comprise an exhaustive and singular survey of his work.
Birkhauser Le Corbusier - Œuvre complète Volume 6: 1952-1957: Volume 6: 1952-1957
This exceptional Complete Works edition documents the enormous spectrum in the oeuvre of one of the most influential architects of the 20th Century. Published between 1929 and 1970, in close collaboration with Le Corbusier himself, and frequently reprinted ever since, the eight volumes comprise an exhaustive and singular survey of his work.
Birkhauser Le Corbusier - Œuvre complète Volume 5: 1946-1952: Volume 5: 1946-1952
This exceptional Complete Works edition documents the enormous spectrum in the oeuvre of one of the most influential architects of the 20th Century. Published between 1929 and 1970, in close collaboration with Le Corbusier himself, and frequently reprinted ever since, the eight volumes comprise an exhaustive and singular survey of his work.
Birkhauser Le Corbusier - Œuvre complète Volume 1: 1910-1929: Volume 1: 1910-1929
This exceptional Complete Works edition documents the enormous spectrum in the oeuvre of one of the most influential architects of the 20th Century. Published between 1929 and 1970, in close collaboration with Le Corbusier himself, and frequently reprinted ever since, the eight volumes comprise an exhaustive and singular survey of his work.
Birkhauser Aussenraume Open Spaces
This volume presents public spaces created by Kienast, revealing aspects of his philosophy on landscape architecture.
Birkhauser Jean Prouvé – Œuvre complète / Complete Works: Volume 4: 1954–1984
Jean Prouvé (1901–1984) is widely recognised as one of the most extraordinary engineers of the twentieth century. His constructions and inventions in the fields of industrial manufacturing, prefabrication, and the use of new materials like aluminum and corrugated iron as well as his design sketches are an abiding and significant influence on many architects and engineers today. The fourth volume of the complete works deals with Prouvé’s creative period from 1954 to 1984, covering 200 projects, including such major works as the Alpexpo exhibition halls in Grenoble, gas stations for Total, the pump room in Evian, curtain walls – for example for the Freie Universität (Free University) in Berlin and the Medical School of Erasmus University in Rotterdam – and his final work, the radar tower in Ouessant. From 1957 to 1970 Prouvé was also professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris.
Birkhauser Le Corbusier - Œuvre complète Volume 2: 1929-1934: Volume 2: 1929-1934
This exceptional Complete Works edition documents the enormous spectrum in the oeuvre of one of the most influential architects of the 20th Century. Published between 1929 and 1970, in close collaboration with Le Corbusier himself, and frequently reprinted ever since, the eight volumes comprise an exhaustive and singular survey of his work.
Birkhauser Erfolgreich als Designer – Designleistungen bewerten und kalkulieren
Dieses »Kopfbuch« für Designleistungen gibt Orientierung in relevanten Fragen der Selbst- und Fremdbewertung in der Designwirtschaft – aus Perspektiven, die für die Branche nicht selbstverständlich sind. Vom Selbstwert über Leistungsund Nutzenwerte bis zum Kalkulationswert werden die Leistungen im Design ausführlich analysiert. Statt Formeln und Zahlen stehen Bewertungen und Kalkulationen unter konzeptionellen und strategischen Aspekten im Vordergrund – also mehr Mente- und Soziofakte, weniger Artefakte. In themenspezifischen Interviews kommen Experten und Profis aus den verschiedenen Designbereichen und designrelevanten Disziplinen zu Wort, unter anderem Erik Spiekermann oder Stefan Sagmeister. Die umfangreichen Literaturempfehlungen, Personen- und Sach-Indexe bereichern die Lektüre und dienen der zusätzlichen Orientierung. Joachim Kobuss ist als Autor, Coach, Dozent und Publizist aktiv. Er betreibt unter seiner Marke DesignersBusiness® ein Büro für designökonomische Entwicklung und unter © Unternehmen:Design ein Institut für designpolitische Entwicklung. Er berät Designer aller Designbereiche, Unternehmen in ihrer Zusammenarbeit mit Designern, ist in der Lehre an Design-Hochschulen tätig, in Netzwerken aktiv, kooperiert mit Förderinstitutionen und engagiert sich als Experte für die Designwirtschaft im Rahmen der Initiative Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft der Bundesregierung in Deutschland. Alexander Bretz ist Rechtsanwalt in Berlin und spezialisiert auf die Beratung und Vertretung von Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmern aus den Bereichen Mode-, Produkt-, und Kommunikationsdesign sowie Visual Merchandising. Er ist als Redner und Dozent an Hochschulen tätig und als Verwaltungsdirektor der MD. H Mediadesign Hochschule am Standort Berlin, dort auch als Dozent für Recht, Management und Ökonomie im Mode- und Medienbereich.
Birkhauser Urban Commons: Moving Beyond State and Market
Urban space is a commons: simultaneously a sphere of human cooperation and negotiation and its product. Understanding urban space as a commons means that the much sought-after productivity of the city precedes rather than results from strategies of the state and capital. This approach challenges assumptions of urbanization as capital-driven, an idea which resonates with a range of recent urban social movements, from the Arab Spring and the Occupy movement to the “Right to the City” alliance. However commons exist in a tense relationship with state and market, both of which continually seek to exploit and control them. Initiatives to create “commons” are welcomed and even facilitated by governments in order to (re-)valorize urban space and lessen the impacts of economic restructuring, while, at the same time, the creative and reproductive potential of the urban commons is undermined by continuing attempts to commodify them. This volume examines these topics theoretically and empirically through a wide spectrum of international case studies providing perspectives from a variety of cities as diverse as Berlin, Hyderabad and Seoul. A wider discussion of commons in current scientific and activist literature from housing, public space, to urban infrastructure, is explored through the lens of the urban condition.
Birkhauser Platzatlas: Stadträume in Europa
The question of composition and spatial qualities arises in every urban design concept or intervention in the spatial structure of urban public squares. How are the essential elements involved: dimension, proportion, alignment, cohesion, accesses, shaping of focus point and of edges like surfaces and materials? How do they contribute to a character of urban space with which residents can identify? Comparing historical examples with current designs aids one in visualizing spatial effect. Similar to a floor planmanualfor buildings,Platzatlas allows the user to evaluate spatial conditions for movement and rest based on comparable existing urban squares. The book offers the planner a comparative example for most conditions (shape, size, location, topography, and so on). Seventy European urban squares are presented and explained with the most important characteristics in a consistent manner in as-built plan, ground plan, section, and axonometric projection.
Birkhauser Schools and Kindergartens: A Design Manual
As a new generation of educational environments are designed and built, this Design Manual illustrates the most up-to-date educational strategies and how they are realized in built form. Concepts such as working with small teams of students, interdisciplinary learning and inclusion of SEN students all require specific spation solutions. This specialized field is explained in all its relevant aspects such as role in the community, outdoor spaces, sustainability and technical requirements such as lighting and acoustics. With over 70 case studies from Europe, North America and the Pacific Region, this is an essential guide for architects involved in the design of schools and kindergartens. For the revised edition six groundbreaking new best-practice examples were selected such as Primary School Niederheide near Berlin, the first plus-energy school in Germany, the education center “Tor zur Welt”, one of the key projects of building exhibition IBA 2013 in Hamburg and “Children’s House for All” by Maki Onisha and Toyo Ito, conceived for use in refugee camps.
Birkhauser Building from Waste: Recovered Materials in Architecture and Construction
”Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Recover“ is the sustainable guideline that has replaced the ”Take, Make, Waste“ attitude of the industrial age. Based on their background at the ETH Zurich and the Future Cities Laboratory in Singapore, the authors provide both a conceptual and practical look into materials and products which use waste as a renewable resource. This book introduces an inventory of current projects and building elements, ranging from marketed products, among them façade panels made of straw and self-healing concrete, to advanced research and development like newspaper, wood or jeans denim used as isolating fibres. Going beyond the mere recycling aspect of reused materials, it looks into innovative concepts of how materials usually regarded as waste can be processed into new construction elements. The products are organized along the manufacturing processes: densified, reconfigured, transformed, designed and cultivated materials. A product directory presents all materials and projects in this book according to their functional uses in construction: load-bearing, self-supporting, insulating, waterproofing and finishing products.
Birkhauser Gute Gestaltung – Good Design 13
Gute Gestaltung / Good Design 13 presents prizewinning designs from all disciplines. Whether architecture, corporate design, digital media, graphic fine arts, product design, photo, or film, the works awarded prizes by the German Design Council (DDC) in its annual “Gute Gestaltung” (Good Design) competition demonstrate design excellence and skillful use of form. They document the high level of quality maintained by the contributing designers and firms.This book invites comparison, both within and between the various categories, making it a valuable and handy compendium of project assignments and creative solutions.
Birkhauser Architectural Atmospheres: On the Experience and Politics of Architecture
Architecture is increasingly understood to be a sensual, spatial experience, which means that the experience of buildings and spatial constellations is also a perception of atmospheres that are rated as positive or negative. Architects, planners, investors, and politicians must produce effects such as these according to intersubjective and communicable criteria, and not intuitively or randomly.Architectural Atmospheres addresses the growing awareness of the atmospheric dimension of architecture and provides a current, programmatic discussion of this topic. What possibilities does this approach open to architecture, what value does this knowledge have? Three essays and a conversation lead a cross-discipline discussion on the impact of architecture, and contribute to the debate first initiated by Peter Zumthor. The texts are accompanied by thirty-five color images that capture architectural moods in a variety of ways.Gernot Böhme is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Darmstadt Technical University and Director of the Institute for Practical Philosophy, e.V., Ipph, in Darmstadt, Germany.Christian Borch is Professor of Political Sociology at the Department of Management, Politics, and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.Olafur Eliasson is a Danish-Icelandic artist. Eliasson incessantly explores our modes of perceiving. His work spans photography, installation, sculpture, and film.Juhani Pallasmaa is one of Finland's most distinguished architects and architectural thinkers.
Birkhauser Learning from Logistics: How Networks Change our Cities
In the 19th century railroads and canals provided both structure and motor for city development. This role has been taken over today by the global flow of data and products, as the author argues. Flow of material and communication is the DNA of contemporary environments. This development has enormous and partially unfathomable implications for our city fabric. Logistics networks and their complex structure increasingly bear upon many urban spheres. Counter trends to the ubiquitous internet retail trade – to name one of the most palpable phenomena – are gaining momentum as well, exemplified by the criticism of labor conditions in e-commerce and the trend to buy regional products from local stores. The author describes the current development and its impact on architecture, landscape architecture and urbanism: Aspects such as today’s hypermobility of both products and people have repercussions in design work and create new paradigms for architecture and urban design. Concepts for the integration of these new issues are introduced by a number of exemplary urban design projects.
Birkhauser Hints on Landscape Gardening: English Edition with the Hand-colored Illustrations of the Atlas of 1834
Park Muskau, Prince Pückler’s extraordinary nineteenth-century creation on both sides of the River Neisse, together with Hints on Landscape Gardening (Andeutungen über Landschaftsgärtnerei), his instructive 1834 treatise based on the park’s design,are as important to American landscape architects as the work and writings of Frederick Law Olmsted. This thoroughly new and authoritative edition translated by John Hargraves, with an introduction by landscape historian and Pückler authority Linda Parshall, contains the same forty-four images and four maps as the original large-format Atlas accompanying the German text. Published in collaboration with the Foundation for Landscape Studies, the print edition of the book shall be matched by an electronic publication that contains the illustrations in a size corresponding with the original dimensions (approx. 51 x 35 cm) of the Atlas. The page concordance in the margins of the translated text allows for a precise reference to the German original.
Birkhauser Basics Project Management Architecture
The core task of the classic architect, in addition to architectural design and planning work, is management of the construction project: from planning operations and tendering, to scheduling and cost planning and construction management. These important practical tasks are usually only covered during studies by one subject: Construction Management or Construction Economics, and thus treated as less significant. But every architect must master these abilities in order to manage and realize his or her own projects successfully. How are the individual processes interrelated? How are professionals networked? How do the different levels of organization function? Because of tight deadlines and strongly interdependent processes, scheduling is an important prerequisite for successful project implementation. Architects have a duty to control all those involved and to procure their services at the right times.Basics Architectural Project Management brings together the successful individual volumes, Project Planning, Tendering, Construction Scheduling, and Site Management from the student series BASICS into one volume, which is completed by the new, not yet published book Budgeting, and answers in one publication the crucial hows and whys of construction.
Birkhauser Der Wiener Prater. Labor der Moderne
Birkhauser Architecture en temps de crise: Stratégies actuelles et historiques pour la conception de « mondes nouveaux »
In times of crisis: Quo vadis, architecture? Driven by the desire to create better worlds in the face of multiple crises, architects are attempting to rethink society, cities, and forms of living, to renew architecture and its materiality, and to develop a new aesthetic. As “tipping points,” crises offer new perspectives. Using the examples of historical as well as contemporary projects, Susanne Stacher examines different strategies in architecture. Ideas from science and philosophy (including those of Pierre-Henri Castel and Hartmut Rosa) provide a base from which to question ideas of progress, growth, nature, and society, which are represented in the selected architectural projects. This book spans a broad historical arc and includes a plea to reflect on the role of architecture and urbanism in times of ecological crisis. A historical and philosophical examination of architecture in times of crisis From archaism to the pursuit of deceleration, creation through destruction, and the reenchantment of the world Projects/concepts by Hans Hollein, Ebenezer Howard, Bjarke Ingels, Le Corbusier, Adolf Loos, Paul Otlet, Bernard Rudofsky, and others En temps de crise : Quo vadis, architecture ? Animés par le désir de créer des mondes meilleurs en temps de crise, les architectes cherchent à restructurer la société, à repenser le lien entre la ville et la campagne, à réimaginer les villes et les formes d’habitat, à réinventer l’architecture et sa matérialité – et créent ainsi une nouvelle esthétique. Les crises sont des points de basculement, où le temps est comme suspendu, où les attentes vis-à-vis de l’avenir changent, et où s’ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives. Prenant appui sur des projets historiques et contemporains, Susanne Stacher examine différentes stratégies architecturales. De nombreuses positions scientifiques et philosophiques (notamment celles de Pierre-Henri Castel et Hartmut Rosa) permettent de questionner les notions de progrès, de croissance, de nature et de société telles qu’elles s’expriment à travers les projets architecturaux présentés. Ce livre couvre un large spectre historique et constitue un plaidoyer pour une réflexion approfondie sur le rôle de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme face à la crise écologique. Une réflexion historique et philosophique sur l’architecture en temps de crise De l’archaïsme à la recherche de la décélération, de la création par destruction au réenchantement du monde Projets de Hans Hollein, Bjarke Ingels, Ebenezer Howard, Le Corbusier, Adolf Loos, Paul Otlet, Bernard Rudofsky, etc. Susanne Stacher, architecte, professeure en théorie et pratique de la conception architecturale et urbaine à l’ÉNSA Versailles
Birkhauser Architektur des medizinischen Wissens Architecture for Medicine
The Medical University of Vienna together with its teaching hospital, University Hospital Vienna, is one of the world's best-known and most richly traditional medical training and research facilities. Collectively, they form a distinct district that shapes the surrounding cityscape. This built fabric, which has developed over the course of around 250 years, has now been photographed by Stefan Oláh. The book offers a visual parcours through these places of medical knowledge and activity. It also reveals aspects that are otherwise hidden. This aesthetically impressive diagnosis is enhanced by an investigation of the subject from the perspectives of cultural and scientific history. A glimpse behind the scenes of the AKH and MedUni Wien in a series of images by Stefan Oláh Essay by Ulrike Matzer on the cultural significance of this institution Operating rooms, medication robots, disinfection lines, phantom rooms and much more
Birkhauser Basics ClimateSmart Design and Construction
The construction sector currently accounts for a high proportion of CO2 emissions and gray energy use. This will have to change fundamentally if we are to prevent catastrophic climate change and make urban planning and construction fit for the future. In addition to a paradigm shift in how architects work, we need to rethink how they are trained in higher education. Based on a lifecycle approach and an awareness of resource consumption, this volume in the Basics series explains a wide range of climate-friendly concepts in an easy-to-understand way, inspiring readers to take a closer look at solutions and new approaches in their daily practice. The key factors involved in the various planning stages of buildings are presented and placed in the context of the overall planning. Explains a range of current sustainability concepts Foundational knowledge for all students of architecture Interdisciplinary and networked consideration of chall
Birkhauser HOLODECK architects works
Analytical thinking and holistic concepts Low-tech buildings with strong architectural identities Selected works from 25 years of international architectural practice HOLODECK architects work on a wide variety of projects, from urban development to exhibitions. Their impressive body of work is proof that sophisticated architecture need not ignore ecological and social issues. The latter are consciously reflected from concept to realization. For example, HOLODECK have developed strategic solutions as alternatives to single-family homes, apply a sensitive approach to existing structures, and design buildings that make consistent use of natural conditions such as passive solar energy, airflow, cross-ventilation, and natural lighting. This volume also reinterprets the typical architecture book. It consists of two separate yet connected parts; the first presents sketches, plans, studies and models, while the second features texts and lavish photo series.
Birkhauser Über chinesische Gärten: Landschaft und die Poesie der Komposition
A classic in German for the first time China has a long history of garden design, resulting in the emergence of a unique style and diverse forms of expression. Common to all Chinese gardens is that they follow the principle that less is sometimes more, and are designed to evoke a sense of the infinite. Chen wrote his text in five essays between 1978 and 1982, and these appeared in succession in the Journal of Tongji University. Due to continuing demand, they were eventually published as a book with 32 photographs and Chinese calligraphy by Jiang Qiting. This first German edition is based on that edition. Brief history of Chinese garden design Convenient format with calligraphy, over 30 photos and 10 hand drawings by the author A book for anyone who appreciates beautiful gardens Chen Congzhou (1918-2000) was a renowned garden designer and an internationally recognized expert in Chinese architecture and garden history. He advocated the preservation of the natural environment and the restoration of many historic buildings. His numerous publications on traditional Chinese buildings and gardens have also been translated into English.
Birkhauser Interactive Design: Towards a Responsive Environment
Designers and forward thinkers in the field of interactive design share their reflections and show examples of different models of a responsive future environment. Interactive design has exploded in recent years with a number of inspiring projects that have opened up a new field of research and design. This book brings together some of the most prominent actors and thinkers in the field of interactive design, with theoretical articles highlighting different aspects of this work and describing them through current practices and projects. Supplemented with numerous illustrations, this book offers an overview of the emergence of interactive design and architecture based on the theory of cybernetics. At the same time, it introduces models of interactivity ranging from dynamic and shapechanging materials to wearables, architecture, and transdisciplinary and alternative design methods. History of the development of interactive design Overview of the state of the art and its possibilities Models of interactivity in theory and practice