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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Guide to EU Renewable Energy Policy: Comparing Europeanization and Domestic Policy Change in EU Member States
The European Union's renewable energy policy is one of the most ambitious attempts to facilitate a transition towards more sustainable energy systems. This book provides a comprehensive guide to the policy and its implementation. It contains key case studies for understanding how member states have shaped the policy, how the EU has affected the policies of its member states and how renewable energy policies have diffused horizontally. An analysis of its external dimension is also included. This remarkable guide is the first comprehensive attempt to shed light on the complex dynamics of renewable energy promotion in the European multilevel system. Theoretically driven, the study employs Europeanization as an analytical framework for assessing policy change, both at the EU level and in the member states, and compares the development of renewable energy policies in the electricity and transport sectors from the 1980s to the present. Comprising contributions from leading scholars, the book is an indispensible guide for academics, researchers and students interested in EU energy and climate policies in general and EU renewable energy policy specifically, as well as practitioners and stakeholders involved in renewable energy policy and climate protection.Contributors include: A. Ancygier, M. Bechberger, P. Bocquillon, S. Davidescu, L. Di Lucia, M.R. Di Nucci, H. Dyrhauge, G. Escribano, A. Evrard, J. Fairbrass, R. Fernandez, B. Hirschl, R. Hiteva, T. Hoppe, K. Jankowska, H. Jörgens, T. Maltby, D. Ohlhorst, E. Öller, D. Russolillo, I. Solorio, E. van Bueren, T. Vogelpohl
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship Education
'The long-standing debate about entrepreneurship education has been given renewed impetus by the advent of experiential learning and student entrepreneurship. It is imperative therefore that entrepreneurship education research can make a contribution to our understanding about the direction and effectiveness of entrepreneurship education. In this volume, Alain Fayolle and an eminent set of contributors lay out frameworks and directions to guide much needed rigorous future research in this important area.'- Mike Wright, Imperial College London, UK'This book offers insightful and actionable ideas for improving entrepreneurship education, its evaluation and its underlying research process. Alain's compendium offers readers a deep dive into the underlying issues in teaching entrepreneurship, and goes beyond North American efforts to showcase European approaches. A worthwhile read for every entrepreneurship educator.'- Jerome A. Katz, Saint Louis University, US Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary.Edited by Alain Fayolle, this Research Agenda tackles the need for additional and robust intellectual foundations in entrepreneurship education, both at theoretical and methodological levels. The authors show that it is essential to connect entrepreneurship education more firmly with societal demands. Identifying two key issues, the eminent authors first question what the current pedagogies and practices in entrepreneurship education are. Secondly, the authors question what knowledge is known about the relevancy, usefulness and efficiency of the current practices in entrepreneurship education. This book calls for a pragmatic and critical approach in the development of perspectives in entrepreneurship education. This book presents innovative ideas and provocative contributions to the debate with the intention of generating significant new concepts for future researchers, policy makers and practitioners in entrepreneurship. Contributors include: N. Alabduljader, Y. Baggen, A. Bernal, R. Bliss, S. Bureau, D. De Clercq, A. Donnellon, A. Fayolle, M. Fetters, J. Gabrielsson, P. Greene, G. Hagg, B. Honig, B. Johannisson, P. Kyrö, H. Landstrom, T. Lans, F. Linan, M. Loi, B. Martin, J. McNally, L. Ploum, D. Politis, R. Ramani, G. Solomon
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Trust, Social Capital and the Scandinavian Welfare State: Explaining the Flight of the Bumblebee
Denmark exemplifies the puzzle of socio-economic success in Scandinavia. Populations are thriving despite the world s highest levels of tax, generous social benefits and scarce natural resources. It would appear to be a land of paradise for free-riders and those who want 'money for nothing'. However, the national personality is characterized both by cooperation in everyday life and the numerous 'hard-riders' who make extraordinary contributions. Applying Bourdieuconomics, the authors focus on contemporary case studies to explain how social capital and trust are used to counteract free-riding and enable the flight of the Scandinavian welfare state 'bumblebee'.Insightful and interdisciplinary, the authors' approach offers qualitative case studies which explore trust, social capital and wealth in the Scandinavian welfare state. Key to the topic is the authors' discussion of free-riders versus 'hard-riders' as well as civic engagement in the welfare state. The application of Bourdieuconomics, a new theoretical approach, to a range of examples using economics, sociology, anthropology and history, will make this highly cross-disciplinary book accessible to a broad group of readers.This unique work will be of great value to researchers, students, policy makers and all of those who are interested in the fundamental question of how economies work, specifically how people build, exchange and convert tangible as well as intangible forms of capital.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Recent Economic Methodology
Economic methodology has traditionally been associated with logical positivism in the vein of Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, Imre Lakatos and Thomas Kuhn. However, the emergence and proliferation of new research programs in economics have stimulated many novel developments in economic methodology. This impressive Companion critically examines these advances in methodological thinking, particularly those that are associated with the new research programs which challenge standard economic methodology. Bringing together a collection of leading contributors to this new methodological thinking, the authors explain how it differs from the past and point towards further concerns and future issues. The recent research programs explored include behavioral and experimental economics, neuroeconomics, new welfare theory, happiness and subjective well-being research, geographical economics, complexity and computational economics, agent-based modeling, evolutionary thinking, macroeconomics and Keynesianism after the crisis, and new thinking about the status of the economics profession and the role of the media in economics. This important compendium will prove invaluable for researchers and postgraduate students of economic methodology and the philosophy of economics. Practitioners in the vanguard of new economic thinking will also find plenty of useful information in this path-breaking book.Contributors: A. Alexandrova, E. Angner, R.E. Backhouse, B.W. Bateman, P.L. Borrill, L. Bruni, D. Colander, J.B. Davis, K. Dopfer, P. Garcia Duarte, D.W. Hands, D.M. Haybron, F. Heukelom, G.M. Hodgson, K. Juselius, U. Mäki, C. Marchionni, T. Mata, P. Mirowski, P.L. Porta, D. Ross, A.C. Santos, L. Tesfatsion, P. Tubaro, K. Vela Velupillai, J. Vromen, L.R. Wray, S. Zambelli
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Public Subsidies and Policy Failures: How Subsidies Distort the Natural Environment, Equity and Trade and How to Reform Them
The allocation of subsidies is often regarded as a fundamental role of governments in order to realise and maintain benefits to society. The possibility that public subsidies could actually be counterproductive contradicts common perception. The authors of this challenging book present recent evidence which, in their view, suggests that subsidies may in fact turn out to be a contemporary plague. Public Subsidies and Policy Failures provides extensive analysis of the theory and political economy of public support policies, demonstrating how subsidies can harm the environment, distort trade, and benefit those in society who do not require support. Furthermore, they often fail to achieve the desired and expected goals. The authors employ a theoretical framework to illustrate the impact of subsidies on developed and developing economies, as well as on international trade. They examine public subsidies in various natural resource and industrial sectors and discover that many turn out to be policy failures. They also investigate the various barriers and lock-in mechanisms by which subsidies become entrenched in economic and political structures. The book goes on to propose concrete actions, policy strategies and international 'Grand Deals' which will engender effective subsidy reforms.Scholars, researchers and students will welcome this rigorous investigation into the political and economic costs and benefits of public subsidies. International trade organisations and policymakers will also benefit from the strategic emphasis.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Multinational Enterprises and the Challenge of Sustainable Development
Transnational corporations play a role in the design, diffusion, and consolidation of sustainable development in the context of globalization and multinational firms. In this timely book European and American contributors analyze this role and explore the complex and dynamic phenomena of economic, political, cultural and legal interactions involved. In order to understand this interplay, the authors examine the practices and organizational behaviors used by multinationals in sustainable development. They also discuss the evolving concepts that multinationals hold about sustainable development and corporate social responsibility and how companies reaffirm these philosophies through their strategy and organizational practices such as human resource development, marketing, supply chain, information technology, law, and communications. The authors outline an approach to help identify the key details and motivating factors in decision making.Scholars, students and policy analysts in the fields of business, ecology, economic development and developmental economics and consultants focusing in corporate planning and strategic analysis will find this original collection of great value.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Employee Voice
This Handbook is an important contribution to knowledge about employee voice which combines a variety of approaches to the subject by drawing on different disciplines, forms and philosophies. It provides new research from a wide range of national and international experience and covers both collective and individual means of expressing the views of employees in the workplace. A feature of the Handbook is that it covers not only employment relations perspectives on the subject but also draws upon human resource management as well as organizational studies. The editors are leading authors in the subject area and have brought together both established authors and emerging scholars who have fresh approaches to the role of employee voice in organizations and society. I am sure that the Handbook will become a standard reference in the future.'- Russell Lansbury, University of Sydney, Australia'Given that employee voice has become more important recently across a range of disciplines, this book is very timely indeed. It brings together contributions from 50 well-known academics from different countries who provide a comprehensive account of employee voice from a variety of historical and contemporary angles. Crucially it also raises key questions for current and future research and practice. In my view this book should be compulsory reading for academics, policy-makers, practitioners and students in the subject area.'- Michael Marchington, University of Strathclyde and University of Manchester, UKThe term 'employee voice' refers to the ways and means through which employees can attempt to have a say and influence organizational issues that affect their work and the interests of managers and owners. The concept is distinct, but related to and often overlapping with issues such as participation, involvement and, more recently, engagement. This Handbook provides an up-to-date survey of the current research into employee voice, sets this research into context and sets a marker for future research in the area.The contributors are all expert in their field. The book examines the theory and history of employee voice and what voice means to various actors, including employers, middle managers, employees, unions and policy-makers. The authors observe how these actors engage in various voice processes, such as collective bargaining, grievance procedures, task-based voice, partnership and mutual gains. The efforts that have been made to date to evaluate voice across and between firms are then assessed, before the contributors go on to open up the debate on potential new areas for voice research, with a focus on voice and its relationship to organizational inclusion and exclusion.Contributors: B. Abbott, M.M.C. Allen, A.C. Avgar, N. Balnave, A. Barnes, C. Benassi, J. Benders, C.T. Brinsfield, A. Bryson, J.W. Budd, S. Chillas, N. Cullinane, T. Dobbins, V. Doellgast, J. Donaghey, T. Dundon, J. Foley, R.B. Freeman, P.J. Gollan, R. Gomez, M.G. Menéndez, J.A. Gruman, B. Harley, E. Heery, P. Holland, S. Johnstone, S. Kaine, B.E. Kaufman, T. Kretschmer, D. Lewin, A.A. Luchak, M.M. Lucio, C. MacMillan, A. Marks, W. Nienhüser, S. Owens, M.F. Ozbilgin , G. Patmore, D.M. Pohler, S. Procter, A. Pyman, A.M. Saks, M. Sameer, J. Syed, L. Thornthwaite, K. Townsend, A. Wilkinson, S. Williams, P. Willman, Y. Xu
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Employee Voice
This Handbook is an important contribution to knowledge about employee voice which combines a variety of approaches to the subject by drawing on different disciplines, forms and philosophies. It provides new research from a wide range of national and international experience and covers both collective and individual means of expressing the views of employees in the workplace. A feature of the Handbook is that it covers not only employment relations perspectives on the subject but also draws upon human resource management as well as organizational studies. The editors are leading authors in the subject area and have brought together both established authors and emerging scholars who have fresh approaches to the role of employee voice in organizations and society. I am sure that the Handbook will become a standard reference in the future.'- Russell Lansbury, University of Sydney, Australia'Given that employee voice has become more important recently across a range of disciplines, this book is very timely indeed. It brings together contributions from 50 well-known academics from different countries who provide a comprehensive account of employee voice from a variety of historical and contemporary angles. Crucially it also raises key questions for current and future research and practice. In my view this book should be compulsory reading for academics, policy-makers, practitioners and students in the subject area.'- Michael Marchington, University of Strathclyde and University of Manchester, UKThe term 'employee voice' refers to the ways and means through which employees can attempt to have a say and influence organizational issues that affect their work and the interests of managers and owners. The concept is distinct, but related to and often overlapping with issues such as participation, involvement and, more recently, engagement. This Handbook provides an up-to-date survey of the current research into employee voice, sets this research into context and sets a marker for future research in the area.The contributors are all expert in their field. The book examines the theory and history of employee voice and what voice means to various actors, including employers, middle managers, employees, unions and policy-makers. The authors observe how these actors engage in various voice processes, such as collective bargaining, grievance procedures, task-based voice, partnership and mutual gains. The efforts that have been made to date to evaluate voice across and between firms are then assessed, before the contributors go on to open up the debate on potential new areas for voice research, with a focus on voice and its relationship to organizational inclusion and exclusion.Contributors: B. Abbott, M.M.C. Allen, A.C. Avgar, N. Balnave, A. Barnes, C. Benassi, J. Benders, C.T. Brinsfield, A. Bryson, J.W. Budd, S. Chillas, N. Cullinane, T. Dobbins, V. Doellgast, J. Donaghey, T. Dundon, J. Foley, R.B. Freeman, P.J. Gollan, R. Gomez, M.G. Menéndez, J.A. Gruman, B. Harley, E. Heery, P. Holland, S. Johnstone, S. Kaine, B.E. Kaufman, T. Kretschmer, D. Lewin, A.A. Luchak, M.M. Lucio, C. MacMillan, A. Marks, W. Nienhüser, S. Owens, M.F. Ozbilgin , G. Patmore, D.M. Pohler, S. Procter, A. Pyman, A.M. Saks, M. Sameer, J. Syed, L. Thornthwaite, K. Townsend, A. Wilkinson, S. Williams, P. Willman, Y. Xu
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Games and Strategic Behaviour: Theory and Application
Economic Games and Strategic Behaviour is a seminal volume which introduces a model providing solutions to economic games subject to repeated play. It develops a link between strategic bargaining and the theory of self-enforcing contracts to give insights into the long-term relationships between two parties, such as firms or governments, who meet in a negotiating situation.The author provides an original approach to strategic bargaining to find a solution to economic games in which cooperation cannot be enforced by a third party. He then applies this approach to a wide range of real life situations including international environmental agreements, bilateral trade agreements, collusion between firms in industry and bargaining between buyers and sellers in the market place. The author also discusses important policy implications as well as setting an agenda for future research.Economic Games and Strategic Behaviour is an original contribution to the existing literature which will be welcomed for providing accurate outcomes for situations in which conventional theories produce ambiguous results. It will be of great interest to students and scholars of microeconomics, game theory and industrial economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Effectuation: Elements of Entrepreneurial Expertise
To effectuate is to engage in a specific type of entrepreneurial action. It has special importance for situations where the future is truly unknowable or human agency is of primary importance. In this new and updated edition of the bestselling Effectuation, Saras Sarasvathy explores the theory and techniques of non-predictive control for creating new firms, markets and economic opportunities.Using empirical and theoretical work done in collaboration with Nobel Laureate Herbert A. Simon, the author employs methods from cognitive science and behavioral economics to develop the notion of entrepreneurial expertise and effectuation. Supportive empirical evidence is provided by the author’s study of 27 entrepreneurs as well as other independent studies. The book then traces the consequences of effectuation for business management, economics and social philosophy. The author finds that effectuators generate constraint-satisfying solutions rather than searching for optimal ones, make rather than find opportunities, and in a deep sense, convert ‘as-if’ propositions into ‘even-if’ ones. The way they accomplish this is the central discussion of the book.Students and scholars of entrepreneurship will find this path-breaking research of great value. The book’s conclusions will also be of interest to those in the fields of behavioral and evolutionary economics, cognitive science and management.Praise for the first edition:‘The concept of effectuation is as subtle as it is profound. On the one hand, it challenges long held beliefs about the nature of cause and effect in social science. On the other hand, it generates a host of new insights about social phenomena. This concept is particularly well suited to analyzing entrepreneurial behavior – behaviors undertaken in settings where the relationship between cause and effect is understood, at best, very poorly.’– Jay B. Barney, The Ohio State University, US‘Things rarely turn out as we expected or intended. Neither rational choice between well-defined prospects nor commitment to a vision, which can be realised by will power or persuasion, offers a credible representation of much human activity – even the activities of entrepreneurs. But although uncertainty (or unknowledge) is inescapable it may be productively managed. If we understand our present circumstances and some of its possibilities, build constructive relationships with others, and be ready to adjust both our objectives and the means of achieving them in order to take advantage of new contingencies, then we can at least participate in shaping our own future. By taking this perspective Saras Sarasvathy makes entrepreneurship a natural human activity, expressing the limitations and potential of human motivation and human intelligence.’– Brian J. Loasby, University of Stirling, UK‘In Effectuation Saras Sarasvathy presents a carefully researched and reasoned view of entrepreneurial behavior that both challenges and extends prevailing wisdom in the field. There is little doubt that these ideas will serve as an important foundation for anyone desirous of stimulating positive action in the world. With Effectuation we are equipped to provide a generation of students and managers with the methods to make and find opportunities that create value. . . everywhere.’– Leonard A. Schlesinger, President, Babson College, US
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Law, Economics and Cyberspace: The Effects of Cyberspace on the Economic Analysis of Law
This book argues that the Internet revolution should exert a far more significant influence on economic thinking and on the perception of law. The authors acknowledge that the economic analysis of law provides a potentially powerful framework for evaluating regulatory approaches to the Internet. However, they question the capacity of traditional law and economics models to define the scope of legal intervention, both in cyberspace and in other more traditional markets which have also been influenced by the recent technological revolution.The book examines the conventional application of law and economics, and contends that the new reality of cyberspace transforms the basic theoretical tenets of this approach and requires fresh conceptual thinking. It challenges fundamental concepts such as the notion of work as linked to the workplace, the notion of community as linked to geographical space, the sources of law and their traditional connection with the state, the belief that proxies and representatives are indispensable for collective action and public decision-making processes, and the role of technology and its relationship with the law. It covers the analysis of both economic and non-economic markets, and includes a thorough examination of legislation, case law and the academic literature relating to cyberspace. The authors conclude that there is pressing need for re-evaluating the analytical tools used to study the information environment, and propose an innovative approach for the role of technology within the law and economics framework.This book represents a groundbreaking attempt to critically analyze the suitability of traditional law and economics for the new digital environment. Scholars and students working in the field of law and economics, and lawyers interested in technology, intellectual property, cyberlaw and governance will find this a stimulating and thought-provoking volume.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd ECONOMIC THEORY AND CAPITALIST SOCIETY: The Selected Essays of Shigeto Tsuru, Volume I
Economic Theory and Capitalist Society is a collection of Shigeto Tsuru's most important essays written over the period of the past 60 years in the fields of general economic theory, development and environmental economics, and Marxian political economy. Professor Tsuru has been a leading critic of the major tenets of modern economic theory and has been credited in particular for his comparative studies of aggregate concepts, such as those of Quesnay, Keynes and Marx. Essentially an institutionalist, the author reviews the methodological significance of Marx's contribution, taking up in detail the latter's unique concept of the 'fetishism of commodities' and discussing the relevance of Marxian methodology to the analysis of present-day capitalism. The author's critique of the fundamental equation of growth accounting developed by Robert Solow, 'Effects of Technology on Productivity', is one of a number of theoretical papers included in this volume. It also features a series of important essays on environmental economics which the author, as a founder of the Japanese environmental movement, has written over the past half century.This collection of key articles by one of the most distinguished Japanese economists will be welcomed by students and practitioners in the fields of institutional and radical economics, environmental economics and the history of economic thought. The volume also includes an autobiographical essay which explains the development of Professor Tsuru's thought, his education at Harvard in the 1930s and his experience of post-war Japan. The Economic Development of Modern Japan, the second volume of Shigeto Tsuru's selected essays, is also published by Edward Elgar.
Europe is passing through a dramatic period in which issues of international integration and disintegration are of crucial importance. Transforming Economies and European Integration is the first book to focus on the inter-dependence between the pattern and prospects of economic transformation in Eastern and Central Europe and the wider issue of European integration. Important aspects of this process are addressed from both scholarly and political perspectives. The distinguished group of authors, including leading figures from universities and institutions across Europe, reviews the current state-of-the-art in the process of East-West European integration, including bottlenecks and obstacles to the process. The authors analyse the most widely-debated issues and developments in East-West economic relations including the widening and deepening of the European Union, East-West trade, industrial restructuring and labour market adjustment, and the role of financial reforms and financial flows in this process.Highlighting key economic issues relating to the reintegration of Central and Eastern Europe into the European Community, Transforming Economies and European Integration will be welcomed by students, researchers and policymakers concerned with the emergence of a wider, more integrated Europe.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Henry George’s Legacy in Economic Thought
Henry George's Progress and Poverty sold more than 3 million copies by the time of its 50th anniversary in 1929 - outselling all other works on economics - yet today economics students can complete their courses without ever having heard of the author's name. This collection redresses this neglect, by presenting a range of perspectives on Henry George's fertile ideas which, it is increasingly argued, merit revisiting in terms of their capacity to contribute towards solutions to current problems including runaway land values, nationalization of land, monopoly control of public assets and environmental degradation. The book also discusses George's significant theoretical contributions, including the 'Henry George Theorem' - named after him by two Nobel prize winning economists - and important insights bearing on the relation of evolutionary theory to economics. The authors also discuss George's powerful influence on the economic development of Australia and New Zealand, and the affinity he felt for these countries is also considered.Henry George's Legacy in Economic Thought will appeal in particular to upper level students and scholars of the history of economic thought and the public sector but also to economists more widely.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Political Economy of Financial Market Regulation: The Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion
This book focuses on recent financial market reforms, and their implications for social, economic and political exclusion. In particular it considers the hitherto under-researched question of whose interests govern the design of regulatory mechanisms and who influences the decision-making process. This process is set out as contested terrain, in which there are winners and losers, and in which there are inevitably circles of exclusion. The authors, comprising financial authority experts and academic specialists, expand the concept of exclusion beyond its typical social dimension to incorporate all actors, be they individuals or institutions not permitted to contribute to financial market regulation as a public good. As they point out, this may take the form of political, economic or indeed cultural exclusion. The book examines the conflicts that arise between various interests and how these are managed within the process of regulation. The book has a focus on political financial sector reforms at the global level with special emphasis on how these reforms are implemented in the EU. The authors conclude that financial governance has to be embedded in broad legitimization structures, encompassing the participation or representation of a variety of interests affected by it, if they are to be deemed democratically legitimate. Furthermore, inclusion also has to show substantive effects on governance outcomes. This volume opens up the debate about the future of financial market regulation and hence, policy makers, NGOs, researchers and scholars will find this interdisciplinary book of great interest. It will also appeal to political scientists, economists, financial market participants, regulators and economic policy makers in general and academics of sociology, political science, economics and finance in particular.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Instruments for a Low-carbon Future
Critically assessing recent developments in environmental and tax legislation, and in particular low-carbon strategies, this timely book analyses the implementation of market-based instruments for achieving climate stabilisation objectives around the world. Through case studies and broader analysis, international experts examine taxes and subsidies in energy intensive sectors including stationary energy and transport in Europe and South America, and low-carbon strategies in Australia and East Asia. They also address cross-cutting policy issues involving water pollution and biodiversity protection. This work illustrates how economic instruments for a low-carbon transition need to align with other governmental policies and together influence behaviour in multiple domains such as energy, mobility, trade, land use and innovation. Providing a rich economic modelling of environmental fiscal policies, this topical book will be an engaging read for environmental tax scholars and professionals, as well as academics across energy and environmental economics, law and policy. Policy makers and practitioners in energy and climate policy will also benefit from its problem-solving approach. Contributors include: M.S. Andersen, E. Aydos, E. Belletti, M. Bisogno, C. Cámara Barroso, Q. Changbo, G. Chazhong, J. Dellatte, B. Fenfen, L. Feng, S. Geringer, E. Guglyuvatyy, T. Iliopoulos, T. Kawakatsu, D. Kortschak, K. Kratena, V. Kulmer, A. Lerch, I. Meyer, M. Molinos-Senante, M. Pizzol, S. Rudolph, K. Schlegelmilch, S. Seebauer, M. Sommer, C. Sotiriou, N.P. Stoianoff, H. Thodsen, A. Tomo, J. Tumpel, M. Villar Ezcurra, Z. Zachariadis, J.M.M. Zanocchi
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Monetary Transmission in Europe: The Role of Financial Markets and Credit
The formulation of a common European monetary policy offers an important challenge to policymakers both in Europe and around the globe. The analysis of monetary transmission mechanisms in Europe, and the US, provides insights of great importance as the institutional environment of monetary policy changes.Historically, it has been proved difficult to empirically establish the effects of monetary policy measures on the economy. This study of the monetary transmission mechanism pays close attention to the role of financial markets in the transmission process. The author analyses aspects of monetary transmission, such as interest rates and exchange rates, with evidence from several European countries including the Netherlands, UK and Germany as well as from the US. This research on monetary transmission greatly increases our understanding of the effect, or ineffectiveness, of monetary policy on economies in general.The author presents a comprehensive discussion of the outcomes of empirical research along with an extensive survey of the literature and a discussion of the methods used, since interest in the subject was renewed in the 1980s. This work will be invaluable to policymakers in central banks and government ministries as well as academic researchers and economists alike.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Theory for the Environment: Essays in Honour of Karl-Göran Mäler
Karl-Goran Maler's work has been a mainstay of the frontiers of environmental economics for more than three decades. This outstanding book, in his honour, assembles some of the best minds in the economics profession to confront and resolve many of the problems affecting the husbandry of our national environments.This book investigates many of the recent advances in economics, in terms of the management of natural resources and environments. The authors also concentrate on other important issues such as control theory for non-convex economic problems, duopoly theory, game theory, local public finance, patent races and population control. In addition, they investigate the difficulties involved in constructing environmental agreements, and detail the potential benefits of marrying together the disciplines of ecology and economics. As a whole, the book effectively illustrates both the power and limitations of economics to shed light on many of today's pressing environmental issues.The diverse range of topics and exceptional quality of the authors - including contributions by Nobel Laureates Kenneth J. Arrow and Robert M. Solow - will make this book essential reading for academics and advanced level students of environmental and resource economics, as well as natural scientists with an interest in resource allocation issues.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd New Directions in the Effective Enforcement of EU Law and Policy
The EU is faced with the perpetual challenge of guaranteeing effective enforcement of its law and policies. This book brings together leading EU scholars in law, politics and regulation, to explore the wealth of new legal and regulatory strategies, practices, and actors that are emerging to complement the classic avenues of central and decentralised enforcement. The contributors evaluate the traditional 'dual vigilance' framework of enforcement before examining network(ed) enforcement from theoretical, empirical and legal perspectives. They assess innovations in key EU policy fields such as the environment, consumer protection, competition, freedom, security and justice, and economic governance. This multi-disciplinary book will be of use to students and academics in law, political science, regulation and public policy. It will also interest policy makers in EU institutions, national administrations and courts engaged in the implementation and enforcement of EU law and policy.Contributors: E. Baker, P. Cortés, S. Drake, M. Eliantonio, M. Hobolth, M. Lottini, D.S. Martinsen, R. Murphy, C. Petrucci, J. Polak, M. Smith, J. Van der Heijden, E. Versluis
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Agglomeration
This research review discusses some of the most essential papers encompassing agglomeration economies. Agglomeration economies are manifested in cities and industry clusters shaping the neighborhoods and the regions that contain them. The review analyses econometric methods and data improvements, geographic scales at which agglomeration economies operate, micro-neighborhoods and mega-regions. The author also uncovers the forces driving the field including labor markets, input markets and dynamic phenomena such as innovation, technology change and growth.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Social Security Outside the Realm of the Employment Contract: Informal Work and Employee-like Workers
Over recent years, the inability of social security protection to reach workers without a formal employment contract has become an inconvenient reality in both the global north and south. This book explores how provisions for income security can be revised to effectively meet the needs of the labour force in varying economies. In developing economies, informal employment has traditionally accounted for a high proportion of overall employment and this trend looks set to continue. In the global north, the increasing use of flex-contracts and 'dependent self-employment' has led to a rise in the number of workers with limited income protection. An additional challenge for countries in both hemispheres is the rise of the 'gig' economy. This book is the first to open up a dialogue about social security coverage in the developed and developing world. Authors from both sides of the divide have contributed chapters and present a variety of insights, experiments and practices with the aim of identifying better ways to combat the growing social security challenge. Academic researchers with an interest in labour law and social policy will find this book to be an engaging source of innovative research. Practicing lawyers and policy makers will also benefit from the insights and examples provided from a number of different jurisdictions. ntributors include: C. Barnard, A. Blackham, E. Fourie, A. Govindjee, T. Gyulavári, D. Hofmeyr, L. Jianfei, A. Johansson Westregård, L. Lamarche, J. Li, J. Masabo, M. Olivier, P.A. Ortiz, A. Paz-Fuchs, M. Westerveld, M. Wynn
Fonthill Media Ltd The Last Years of Steam Around North Wales: From the Photographic Archive of Ellis James-Robertson
Robert Ellis James-Robertson (always known as Ellis) was born in Wales but lived at Worcester from the mid-1950s and travelled extensively around the country building up a large railway collection. In the 1960s a few of Ellis’s photographs were published in books and magazines and the credit ‘R. E. James-Robertson’ may be familiar to some. This book of mainly unpublished colour and black & white photographs has been created entirely from Ellis’s North Wales archives, it will appeal to railway enthusiasts, modellers, and those interested in local history. The time period covered is from the mid-1950s through to the mid-1960s with steam being the predominant motive power. Much of North Wales is covered and in addition to BR standard-gauge lines, the narrow-gauge Penrhyn and Padarn slate systems are also seen. Ellis and his wife Norah celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary in 2013, and Ellis passed on in April 2015 aged 92. Their daughters, Louisa and Fiona, contacted film-maker and author Michael Clemens whose late father was a friend of Ellis’s. Ellis’s collection lives on today at films shows around the country given by the author and now in this second of a number of books using his photographic archive.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Promises, Promises: Contracts in Russia and other Post-Communist Economies
Promises, Promises examines from a libertarian perspective, the differing methods and levels of success of adapting contract law in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and especially Russia in the wake of political change. The author analyses the roles of government power and policy, opportunism and private regulatory mechanisms within the pattern of change.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Corporate Entrepreneurship
Corporate entrepreneurship is about remaking organizations; it affects organizational cultures and systems which, in turn, influence the magnitude, direction and content of corporate entrepreneurship activities. This Handbook hopes to synthesize what we know and clarify what we need to know about key issues such as strategic renewal, innovation and venturing activities within established companies, giving direction to future research.This Handbook combines conceptual and empirical contributions covering a wide gamut of theories and perspectives that include: opportunity discovery vs. creation, the behavioral theory of the firm, learning, human capital, agency, and dynamic capabilities. The chapters uncover who the corporate entrepreneur is, how corporate entrepreneurs vary from their independent counterparts, how corporate entrepreneurship influences organizational performance, and the effect of incremental versus radical strategic renewal undertaken within corporate entrepreneurship on financial performance. They also investigate what an organization learns from corporate entrepreneurship, as well as the types of innovation that companies gain through corporate venturing capital investments. The diversity of authors, perspectives and foci of the chapters highlight the growing depth and breadth of the worldwide research on corporate entrepreneurship and the growing maturity of this research. This book will appeal to scholars and students of entrepreneurship and/or strategic management, as well as managers of established firms.Contributors: S. Basu, H. Burgers, J.J. Chrisman, D. Day, G. Dushnitsky, S. Georgoulas, J. Hayton, C. Heavey, S.A. Hill, M. Hughes, M. Jelinek, T. Keil, S. Kotha, M. Lewis, M. Maula, E. Memili, D.O. Neubaum, G.C. O'Connor, E.L. Scifres, M. Shaver, Z. Simsek, D. Ucbasaran, V. Van De Vrande, A. Wadhwa, S.A. Zahra
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Limited Liability: A Legal and Economic Analysis
'Bainbridge and Henderson have given us one of the most important books on one of the most important contemporary legal issues, the liability of individual and corporate shareholders for corporate debts. There is no issue in corporate law more subject to uncertainty and no issue more likely to be litigated. No single book has ever attempted, much less carried off, the complete historical, international, economic and legal theoretical exegesis of limited liability, which these two authors do with range, depth, confidence and even a bit of panache. This monograph, of crucial interest both to scholars and practitioners, will become an instant classic and an immediate authority.'Stephen B. Presser, Northwestern University and the author of Piercing the Corporate VeilThe modern corporation has become central to our society. The key feature of the corporation that makes it such an attractive form of human collaboration is its limited liability. This book explores how allowing those who form the corporation to limit their downside risk and personal liability to only the amount they invest allows for more risks to be taken at a lower cost.This comprehensive economic analysis of the policy debate surrounding the laws governing limited liability examines limited it not only in an American context, but internationally, as the authors consider issues of limited liability in Britain, Europe and Asia. Stephen Bainbridge and M. Todd Henderson begin with an exploration of the history and theory of limited liability, delve into an extended analysis of corporate veil piercing and related doctrines, and conclude with thoughts on possible future reforms. Limited liability in unincorporated entities, reverse veil piercing and enterprise liability are also addressed. This comprehensive book will be of great interest to students and scholars of corporate law. The book will also be an invaluable resource for judges and practitioners.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Governance and Politics
The Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Governance and Politics surveys the broad range of environmental and sustainability challenges in the emerging Anthropocene and scrutinizes available concepts, methodological tools, theories and approaches, as well as overlaps with adjunct fields of study.This comprehensive reference work, written by some of the most eminent academics in the field, contains 68 entries on numerous aspects across 7 thematic areas, including concepts and definitions; theories and methods; actors; institutions; issue-areas; cross-cutting questions; and overlaps with non-environmental fields. With this broad approach, the volume seeks to provide a pluralistic knowledge base of the research and practice of global environmental governance and politics in times of increased complexity and contestation.Providing its readers with a unique point of reference, as well as stimulus for further research, this Encyclopedia is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in the politics of the environment, particularly students, teachers and researchers.Contributors: K.W. Abbott, C. Adelle, L. Andonova, S. Andresen, W.F. Baber, K. Bäckstrand, R.V. Bartlett, I. Baud, S. Bauer, S. Beck, M. Beisheim, D. Benson, S. Bernstein, K. Biedenkopf, F. Biermann, K. Booth, U. Brand, P.-O. Busch, S. Chan, K. Chelminski, J. Clapp, D. Compagnon, D. Cordell, V. Cornelissen, E. Dellas, S. Dietz, R. Eckersley, R. Floyd, D.J. Frank, V. Galaz, K. Genskow, S. Godin-Beekman, A. Gupta, J. Gupta, R. Haluza-DeLay, A. Hironaka, M. Isailovic, M. Ivanova, A. Jerneck, K. Jönsson, A. Jordan, S. Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, M. Kok, A. Kronsell, M. Lang, S. Lim, J. Lister, K. Magyera, A. Mert, D. Moran, G. Nagtzaam, T. Nielsen, M. Nilsson, C. Okereke, T. Oliver, L. Olsson, P.H. Pattberg, J. Pinkse, A. Prakash, O. Renn, K. Rosendal, M.A.F. Ros-Tonen, D. Rothe, E. Schofer, B. Siebenhüner, N. Simon, J. Stel, H. Stevenson, O.S. Stokke, K. Szulecki, M.W.Tvedt, A. Underdal, T. Van de Graaf, D. Van Vuuren, P. Vellinga, P. Wapner, E. Weinthal, J. Wettestad, S. White, O. Widerberg, F. Zelli
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Exchange and Development: An Anatomy of Economic Transactions
This innovative and important book develops a new framework for analysing exchange that takes place within and outside markets over the course of development. The authors argue that development and social and economic progress are greatly enhanced by a fluent and efficient exchange system. Conversely, the process of development encourages and facilitates trade. The authors introduce the concept of exchange configurations to capture the multiplicity of settings within which exchange occurs and the many different forms exchange and transactions can take. The book shows how exchange configurations can help to identify the factors that constrain the exchange process and lead to the formulation of effective reforms. It then uses a historical analysis of systems of exchange during different phases of development over the last two millennia to illustrate different exchange configurations. Exchange and Development will appeal to students at both the graduate and undergraduate level in the fields of economic development, international trade, microeconomics, institutional economics and economic history. Researchers in universities and policy makers in governments and international agencies will also draw much benefit from the entirely novel approach formulated in this book.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Star Wars Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Don't know your Wookiees from your Wampas? If the Star Wars saga has you stumped, we've got your back. Star Wars Made Easy gives you everything you need to get you around the galaxy. Star Wars is a global phenomenon and the Force has truly reawakened. So where to start if you have never actually gotten around to watching the movies? Or if you find yourself dating an avid Star Wars fan? Or your kids keep asking you tricky questions about the dark side? Don't worry! We have you covered. In a world where it seems everyone but you has seen Star Wars, it's tough not knowing your Lukes from your Leias.Star Wars Made Easy is aimed at Star Wars novices who want to get up to speed and make sense of the Star Wars references that permeate modern culture. Get to grips with the world's most popular movie saga with quick Q&As and at-a-glance illustrations. This book will answer questions about the movies, the Star Wars universe, and much more. You'll never confuse a Jedi and a Jawa again!© & TM 2017 LUCASFILM LTD. Used Under Authorization.
Equinox Publishing Ltd Writing the Pandemic: An Instructor's Reflections on a New Era in Education
Writing the Pandemic addresses the many challenges that writing instructors and students have faced since the arrival of COVID-19 and their ramifications for teaching and learning, including: Instructional Delivery – in-person, hybrid, and remote classes; Campus and Classroom Protocols – masking, distancing, and cleaning; Safety – quarantining, isolating, and reporting; and Justice – antiracism, political divides, and implications for education. The book is intended for an audience of first-year college composition teachers and other English and language arts instructors at the postsecondary and secondary levels who have experienced the seismic shifts in writing instruction and education more generally that have been necessitated by the pandemic. The author paints portraits of the pandemic experience that writing teachers and their students will relate to and offers practical learning material that can be used in writing courses. An original compilation of material on this theme, Writing the Pandemic includes reflections by a highly experienced writing instructor and his students together with ready-to-use assignments. It is written in a lively style by the author of English Composition Teacher’s Guidebook, Tom Mulder, an award-winning instructor who teaches at Grand Rapids Community College in Michigan. With each chapter, the author offers selected notes blogged at intervals during critical incidents in the unfolding coronavirus as well as individual students’ stories along with their photographs, both inside composition classrooms adapted for distanced learning and writing or working from home. He also presents questions for reflection and his own speculations about the future that are sure to stimulate readers’ own thoughts about what has changed, and how much, as a result of the pandemic, and about what writing instruction will look like going forward.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd EU Policymaking at a Crossroads: Negotiating the 2021–2027 Budget
For readers interested in an overview of what led to the adoption of the European Union’s Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and its aftermath, this book traces the discursive dynamics and milestones of the negotiations around the MFF and the new recovery instrument, aimed at alleviating the economic crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.Covering the negotiations of the current MFF, contributions by both scholarly experts in their respective policy areas and authors close to the policy community in Brussels provide a well rounded insight into this discerning topic. Chapters explore the issues that unfolded during the negotiations of the MFF and recovery package against the backdrop of conflicts over solidarity, identity and sovereignty and thus the scope of cooperation and membership as well as institutional design and authority. EU Policymaking at a Crossroads anticipates, describes and discursively explains changes in selected policy areas, looking into the negotiations, effects and reflections surrounding them.This timely book will be a highly beneficial read for academics and students in the fields of international relations, European politics and public policy. Scholars specializing in multilevel governance of different policy areas such as sustainability, agriculture and migration will also profit from this comprehensive book.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Taxes and the Economy: A Survey on the Impact of Taxes on Growth, Employment, Investment, Consumption and the Environment
This book discusses the impact of taxation on economic growth, employment, investment, consumption and the environment. The public finance literature commonly distinguishes between three major functions of taxation: the traditional function of raising revenue to finance government expenditure; the distributional function as an instrument to alter the distribution of income and wealth amongst households; and the regulatory function that uses taxation at the benefit of stabilization and other economic policies. Especially after the Second World War, OECD countries have increasingly used taxation to achieve a variety of economic and social objectives. Today many governments use the tax system to stimulate economic growth and employment. Fiscal measures also play a role in creating a favourable climate for business investment and to promote a long-term sustainable environmental policy. Currently, in the debate on global warming, the use of tax instruments to tackle climate change is on the top of the international agenda.The authors aim to provide the reader with the necessary empirical information, while at the same time presenting an overview of the latest theory and best practices. In doing so, many relevant policy issues are touched upon. Based on theoretical and empirical studies and practical experiences in OECD countries, the book establishes guidelines for effective tax policy. The book offers tools for tax design in a globalising economy and the world of the internet with increasing tax competition and a growing battle for companies and brains between countries. The book also presents a 'carrot and stick' model to promote clean technologies, reduce pollution and combat climate change. The message from the authors is straightforward: broad, low, simple, and a shift from income to consumption taxation. These principles are illustrated in a concept proposal for a so-called Second Life Tax system.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Organizational Effectiveness
This comprehensive volume identifies the foundations and scholarly development of the construct of organizational effectiveness, charting its emergence and maturing in organizational studies literature. Kim Cameron, a leading authority figure, has made a careful selection of papers that explore successive models of organizational effectiveness from the goal and system resource models to the multiple constituencies and competing values models. The final section considers the introduction of alternative approaches to and definitions of effectiveness that remain vibrant and relevant. This book is an essential source of reference, and will be an invaluable resource to scholars and practitioners concerned with this topical field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Employment, Technology and Economic Needs: Theory, Evidence and Public Policy
After more than twenty years of orthodox economic policy in Europe the scourge of unemployment remains. This impressive book goes beyond the neoclassical theory of employment and develops sound policy guidelines to tackle the global problem of unemployment.Employment, Technology and Economic Needs provides the latest thinking on issues of employment, unemployment and economic policy. The book is explicitly interdisciplinary in scope and international in coverage, including European and US country case studies. Its authors include economists, management scientists, sociologists and economic geographers. Together they provide the most comprehensive analysis to date of the problems of unemployment and poor economic performance from a broadly institutional and evolutionary perspective. The book reports the latest academic research, whilst clearly documenting the implications for public policy. The authors discuss the effectiveness of policy prescriptions such as negative income taxes, the International Labour Organization agenda, a fiscal system based on eco-taxation, a reduction of working time, and developing a 'corporatist' system as a means to develop employment opportunities. Written in an accessible style, this book will be vital reading for all those interested in the fields of employment, technology, and macroeconomic and industrial policy. It will also be of interest to anyone concerned with economic policy issues and human welfare.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Explaining Prices in the Global Economy: A Post-Keynesian Model
This ground-breaking book addresses the problem of price disparities across countries and, for the first time, uses market structures as the central focus. The author also addresses the effects of trade barriers, input-output relations and economies of scale, factors often ignored by other studies, to determine what causes prices to vary across countries.A post-Keynesian markup pricing model incorporating market power, intermediate inputs and productivity differences is developed and tested using regression analysis. New data on sectoral price levels in Japan and the Republic of Korea and data on GDP and investment price levels for a large number of countries are used. The empirical evidence shows that wages, labor productivity, market power and economies of scale are the most important variables for the explanation of differing price levels across countries. The author finds little evidence for the importance of policy-induced trade barriers and competition policy in explaining this.This book will be useful for scholars of post-Keynesian economics and international economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Local Public Finance in Central and Eastern Europe
This book explores the system of financing local governments in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Using evidence from the last two decades, the authors, experts on their particular countries, describe the development of the current local government finance system in each nation, and the major challenges and policy options they face. The contributions in this book provide comprehensive coverage of a transitional Europe that encompasses both modern local public finance theory and specific applications in the target countries.The book is a recommended read not only for students of local government and local public finance, but also practitioners and all those who have to deal with the accountability and financial issues at local government level in Central and Eastern Europe.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The History and Practice of Economics: Essays in Honour of Bernard Corry and Maurice Peston, Volume Two
This second volume of essays in honour of Bernard Corry and Maurice Peston focuses on labour economics, the history of economic thought and the development of the economics profession, specifically addressing teaching and policy advice issues. The authors discuss areas Bernard Corry and Maurice Peston have been particularly influential in. They address issues including labour markets, Malthus's methodology, the relationship between Alfred Marshall and Adam Smith, the eighteenth century origins of modern economics, monetary policy and education.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Spatial Environmental and Resource Economics: Selected Essays of Charles D. Kolstad
Space plays a central role in environmental and resource economics and yet spatial economics has received surprisingly little attention in the literature. This collection of Charles Kolstad's writings on spatial environmental and resource economics from the past two decades aims to fill this gap.The book includes the author's most important work on a variety of topics, including the Hotelling model of spatial competition, as applied to resource economics, jurisdictional tax competition, particularly in the context of resource taxes, and environmental regulation, both theoretical and empirical. This unique collection from one of the world's leading authorities in environmental economics will be welcomed by scholars and students of natural resource economics, environmental management, agricultural and energy economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Yen for Real Estate: Japanese Real Estate Investment Abroad – From Boom to Bust
Japanese overseas investment in real estate has been little analysed, until now, despite its economic scale and political impact. This unique book explores the political economy of Japanese foreign direct investment in real estate in the United States, Australia and other countries from the mid-1980s onwards.In the period between 1985 and 1994, there was a remarkable rise and decline in Japanese real estate investment abroad. The author explains that this experience was important because real estate investment became a focal point of international tension between Japan and other countries.What this book achieves is an understanding of the speed of the advance and the retreat of Japanese real estate FDI. The author also explains its principal causes as well as its impact on host economies and communities. It will be an important new reference source for political economists and international business scholars as well as for scholars of Japanese studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Teaching the Essentials of Law and Economics
Teaching the Essentials of Law and Economics covers the core areas of law and economics, also known as the economic analysis of law, in non-technical terms with guiding notes throughout the text. Replete with cases and illustrations, it may be used both as a lecture guide for instructors, and as a basic text for students. The author provides an up-to-date and succinct account of the application of economic analysis to legal doctrines, institutions and legal reform. Classic cases taken from Anglo-American common law, with some consideration of civil law, along with more recent material, are used to illustrate the analysis. The book has a non-technical, built-in system designed to guide teaching as well as private study of the material. Professors and instructors teaching this growing field of inquiry as well as legal scholars interested in the influence of economics on American law, economists analyzing the incentive structure of legal systems and doctrines, public-policy students considering legal reform and judges and legal personnel seeking a succinct treatment of economics of law will be indebted to the author for this guide to Teaching Essentials of Law and Economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Provision of Public Services in Europe: Between State, Local Government and Market
The book is the first of its kind to provide a comparative analysis of the provision of social and public services in France, Italy, Germany, the UK and Norway. This volume, co-authored by leading national experts, topically examines whether, when, how and why the delivery of social and public services, which was historically a responsibility of local authorities, has been significantly shifted to marketized and commodified forms. However, despite this considerable change, there have been recent indications of remunicipalization in some sectors. Combining both cross-country and cross-policy comparisons in a broad range of pertinent service fields, this volume fills a noticeable gap in the international literature currently available.Mirroring the underlying interdisciplinary approach of the book, the findings will be useful and attractive to students of law and economics as well as political science and sociology. Academic researchers and politicians on all intergovernmental levels will also find this book insightful and stimulating.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Media, Technology and Copyright: Integrating Law and Economics
Media, Technology and Copyright is an interdisciplinary work that applies economic theory to central topical issues in the law of intellectual property. Based on the author's professional experience as a professor, lecturer, and consultant, the volume represents the first full-length consideration of the diverse topics of law and copyright by a professional economist. Opening chapters of the book involve issues in the analog domain, including the economics of infringement, fair use, property damages, liability rules, compulsory licensing, and publicity rights. Chapters on digital rights include topics related to software, databases, and cyber-law, including digital rights management, file-sharing, music licensing, deep linking, framing, and contributory infringement. The author also brings economic insights to competition law for intellectual property, including antitrust, copyright misuse, and applications in the European Union.Written in non-technical language for an interdisciplinary audience of lawyers, economists, students, artists, and professionals in the content industry, the book provides a comprehensive study for anyone interested in the issues surrounding intellectual property rights.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Contingency, Complexity and the Theory of the Firm: Essays in Honour of Brian J. Loasby, Volume II
This is the second book celebrating Brian Loasby's contribution to economics by an internationally renowned group of authors including Mark Casson, G.B. Richardson, Nicolai Foss, Keith Pavitt, Martin Fransman and Richard Day. It extends Brian Loasby's work in the area of the theory of the firm and related methodological issues. This book is mainly concerned with the theory of the firm, a subject central to much of Brian Loasby's work. The authors begin by considering the existence and nature of firms and their internal and external relations, paying special attention to the themes of coordination and communication costs in a world of surprise and change. The discussion then moves on to the way in which firms use and create knowledge and capabilities, referring to questions of organization, with some detailed empirical investigation of high technology industries. The final part focuses on methodological issues including rationality, knowledge, incommensurability and equilibrium, in the context of different traditions. This book will be welcomed by microeconomists especially those interested in the theory of the firm and methodology.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Analysis of International Law
Through original and incisive contributions from leading scholars, this book applies economics and other rational choice methods to understanding public international law, providing a birds-eye view on some of its most fundamental elements from the perspective of economics.The chapters cover a range of topics, beginning with the building blocks of the nation state, and continuing with the sources and the enforcement of international law and its various applications and extensions. The application of economic analysis to public international law is still in its formative stages, and Economic Analysis of International Law provides a useful overview, as well as setting directions for new research.This volume provides a path through recent literature while identifying new areas and issues for research, making it an invaluable resource for scholars of public international law.Contributors include: A. Bell, T. Broude, B.L. Coggins, T. Ginsburg, A. Guzman, I. Kala, E. Kontorovich, J.D. Morrow, F. Parisi, D. Pi, E. Spolaore, P.B. Stephan, A. van Aaken
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Economic Law and the Digital Divide: A New Silk Road?
This path-breaking book focuses on the WTO, e-commerce and information communications technologies. It sheds light on how international economic law can be used as a tool in the application of technological processes to facilitate development in developing countries.Rohan Kariyawasam begins by looking predominantly at the rise of international digital networks. He offers an introduction to the networks used in the delivery of electronic products and network-based transactions, and the application of WTO law to the sector. He then suggests how developing countries can use economic law and technology to tap digital markets in the developed world. The book also argues that the advance of basic living standards in some developing countries can be achieved through technological processes, but that this cannot happen without such states paying greater attention to the enforcement of economic, social and cultural rights at home. Picking up the property rights debate (including through bilateral trade), the author argues that ensuring beneficial technology transfer will require balancing foreign investor rights to protect intellectual property. It will also involve restrictions imposed by competition law and WTO surveillance to check the possible misuse of market power by multinational companies. The proposed mixture of measures should, he argues, provide incentives for Foreign Direct Investment.Providing a thorough review of the application of WTO law to the telecommunications sector and the regulation of international digital networks, this book will be of great interest to postgraduate students in international economic law and international development law, as well as those interested in human rights law and technology. It will also appeal to government regulators, NGOs and technologists interested in ICTs and development.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Academic Entrepreneurship in Europe
This book advances our understanding of university spin-off creation and development in environments outside the high-tech clusters of the US. While there has been substantial university spin-off activity internationally in recent years, a number of major aspects are little understood. The authors argue that the nature of universities is changing as reduced public funding reflects a public debate on their role in society. An important aspect of this international phenomenon is an increased emphasis on the commercialization of university research and on academic entrepreneurship. These new ventures therefore involve the spinning-off of technology and knowledge generated by universities. The authors adopt a multi-level approach in their examination of university spin-offs. European case studies are specifically selected to reflect the diversity of the institutional environment. In particular, units of analysis involving universities, technology transfer offices, spin-off firms, finance providers and individual entrepreneurs and teams are extensively analysed in quantitative and qualitative studies. To conclude, policy implications for the future successful development of spin-offs are identified.This fascinating book will appeal to a wide-ranging audience including academics, policy makers, researchers and practitioners with an interest in academic entrepreneurship and university spin-offs, and, more generally, in business and management and entrepreneurship.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Environment in Corporate Management: New Directions and Economic Insights
This book asks an important question of how management of the environment may benefit firms. The authors take an objective, neutral perspective on the extent to which environmental issues should, or should not, be addressed within the management of business corporations.The Environment in Corporate Management includes an up-to-date treatment of business practices, norms and standards, using the tools of microeconomic and industrial organisation analysis to provide an ordered and consistent picture. The analysis is couched within stakeholder theory, which determines how costs and benefits are defined for the firm. Utilising the most recent information the book also focuses on the underlying long-term trends. Actual examples and case studies illustrate the discussions. The authors conclude by highlighting the inevitable need to link environment and finance, for better stakeholder relationships and business performance.This unique book is written clearly and accessibly, but with a firm grounding in academia to challenge scholars and researchers in areas including environmental studies, business, economics and finance. Practitioners will also find the book of great interest.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Food Security in Asia: Economics and Policies
Food security can be defined as the perceived availability of a high-quality, domestically-produced staple food supply which will maintain the existing standard of living. This book provides a forum for a panel of distinguished authors to debate such issues as whether or not many developed countries in Asia - such as Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong and Singapore - have legitimate concerns about their food security. They find, controversially, that this issue is of importance to all countries, not just to developing countries lacking the income to acquire an adequate food supply.The authors analyse the forces affecting the demand for, and supply of, staples such as rice, vegetable oils and protein meals. Rice is the most important staple in Asia and so the authors pay particular attention to the effects of rice production strategies and trade policies on food security. They examine the implications of trade liberalisation in the ASEAN free trade area and in East Asia on agricultural trade and food security. They also discuss the implications of China's ongoing economic transition on its intra-provincial and international agricultural trade, and its policy on self-sufficiency.Food Security in Asia provides a timely evaluation of the food security issue which will be of interest to scholars of Asian studies, agricultural economics and international economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Rationality in Economic Thought: Methodological Ideas on the History of Political Economy
The main theme of this book is the methodological problem of rationality in economic thought. The author investigates the different interpretations of this problem advanced by major figures in the history of economic thought.The book examines the history and rationality of the 'theory of value' from Adam Smith to Alfred Marshall and attempts to understand these arguments and criticisms within a general methodological vein. It goes on to provide a complete historical account of the ideas and arguments on value propounded by Smith, Ricardo, Marx, Jevons, Walras and Marshall as well as by more recent scholars such as Sraffa and Debreu and interprets their methodological differences. The author proposes a novel 'pragmatic-pluralist' methodological interpretation which borrows and creatively synthesizes ideas from many sources, including Wittgenstein (language-games), Searle (performatives), Habermas (communicative reason), hermeneutics, Marx and the pragmatic tradition. Rationality in Economic Thought will be of interest to students and scholars of the history of economic thought, economic methodology and the philosophy of the social sciences.