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Nova Science Publishers Inc A Closer Look at U.S. Territories
There are 14 U.S. territories, or possessions, five of which are inhabited: Puerto Rico (PR), Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI), American Samoa (AS), and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). These inhabited territories, like U.S. states in some cases, borrow through financial markets. For each U.S. territory, Chapter 1 updates trends in public debt, its composition, and drivers; trends in revenue and its composition, and overall financial condition; and what is known about the ability to repay public debt. Each of these inhabited territories has a local tax system with features that help determine each territory's local public finances. Chapter 2 summarizes U.S. tax policy related to the territories, including a general discussion of how federal taxes apply to territorial residents and how federal law affects the different territorial tax systems in similar or different ways. When the ICA was enacted in 1940, Congress determined that it would be problematically costly for the SEC to travel to and inspect investment companies located beyond the continental United States in U.S. territories, such as, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. As a result, mutual funds organized in those locales were exempted from the ICA and were not required to register with the SEC. As reported in Chapter 3, several legislative proposals would change this territorial exemption from the ICA. Participation in Medicaid is voluntary, though all states, the District of Columbia (DC), and the territories (i.e., American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands [CNMI], Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) choose to participate. The territories operate Medicaid programs under rules that differ from those applicable to the 50 states and DC. These rules are discussed in chapter 4. Chapter 5 describes the factors that contributed to Puerto Rico's financial condition and levels of debt and federal actions that could address these factors. Small businesses play an important role in the U.S. and Puerto Rican economies. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, over 99 percent (about 44,000) of the businesses in Puerto Rico are small. Chapter 6 examined trends in small business contracting and the use of SBA programs in Puerto Rico that provide contracting preferences to small businesses and stakeholder views on any challenges that small businesses in Puerto Rico face in obtaining federal contracting opportunities. The United States took control of the Northern Mariana Islands from Japan during the latter part of World War II. The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands' (CNMI) inflation-adjusted gross domestic product (GDP) has grown each year since 2012, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Chapter 7 discusses recent trends in the CNMI economy and preliminary observations about the number of approved CW-1 permits and characteristics of permit holders, drawn from GAO's ongoing work. The 1976 covenant defining the political relationship between the CNMI and the United States exempted the CNMI-a U.S. territory north of Guam-from certain federal immigration laws. Chapter 8 discusses DHS's implementation of selected CNRA provisions regarding foreign workers, among others, in the CNMI and its discretionary parole authority under the INA as applied in the CNMI. GAO In September 2017, two major hurricanes-Irma and Maria-struck the USVI, causing billions of dollars in damage to its infrastructure, housing, and economy. Chapter 9 describes the status of FEMA's Public Assistance program funding provided to the USVI in response to the 2017 hurricanes as of October 1, 2018, and the USVI's transition to implementing the Public Assistance alternative procedures in the territory. Chapter 10 provides an overview of economic and fiscal conditions in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI).
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Closer Look at Russia and its Influence in the World
In 1939, Churchill described Russia as "a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma," distilling what an uncomprehending West feels as the 'otherness' of an eccentric power. Many Westerners have but a shallow understanding of Russia. They project onto it characteristics that are not necessarily consistent with reality, or they see only part of the picture, adopting unexamined, stereotypical views. As a result, we often assess Russia on the basis of Western standards, over- or underestimating it and failing to fully understand the trends and dynamics that supervene within the country to influence its foreign policy. President Putin may not have definitively altered the face of his country, but he did regain for it a standing and prestige disproportionate to its actual capabilities, reviving national pride. There are opportunities as well as risks for Moscow in the post-Western world of multiple uncertainties. Putin the pragmatist, while not in a position to proffer an alluring alternative to Western ideology, exploits every opportunity to call into question the foundations of the existing system, which was shaped in the wake of the Second World War and further consolidated after the dissolution of the USSR, and serves first and foremost the interests of the U.S. and its European allies. Russia is seen by many in the West as a revisionist power, but it carefully chooses when, where and how it acts to further its revisionist agenda. It is manifestly more assertive in its near abroad -- the post-Soviet space -- but is becoming more confident in medium-abroad regions like the Middle East, where it is filling the gap left by Washington's reluctance to intervene. Moscow has even begun to leave its mark on the African region. Today's Russia seems more comfortable communicating with authoritarian regimes worldwide and capitalises on many Westerners' disappointment in and outrage at the policies of the Western establishment. Likewise, populists and extremists (eg: Le Pen in France, Salvini in Italy, Orban in Hungary) have reached an understanding with Moscow, but we can't tell (despite the obvious indications) to what extent they coordinate their actions with the Kremlin. At the same time, Russia's economy, while not in straits as dire as some would have us believe, is not in a position to support Moscow's ambitions and certainly needs to be decentralised and become less dependent on exports of raw materials, investing in innovation and new technologies, with a focus that goes beyond the defense sector. In the current volume, we try to shed light on many factors that will define Russia's fate and its relations with the world. Twenty-six authors from diverse backgrounds and nine countries provide insightful answers to the following questions: What is the identity of Putin's Russia? How does the country's economy influence its international position? What are the main vectors of its foreign policy, and to what extent is this policy shaped by an underlying ideology? What soft-power, hard-power and hybrid tools does it employ, and what role does energy play? How are its relations with key global and regional players (the U.S., the EU, Germany, China, Egypt) shaped? And how and why is it asserting itself on the regional level: in the post-Soviet space, the Middle East and the Southeast Europe?
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Black Twitter, Blitz and a boerie as long as your leg: And other South African national treasures
Add a twist of humour to South African nostalgia with Hagen Engler's latest offering. Black Twitter, Blitz and a Boerie as long as your leg is a light-hearted, humorous read of multiple entries that can be dipped into at will. Optimistic, topical and definitely tongue-in-cheek, this book could easily be that last-minute gift that you pick up at the airport before you head back to the parental home for the holidays. Not too politically edgy - so as not to offend any sensitive elephants in the room - it draws on the great many things that South Africans do have in common, and that will give us all a moment to agree on something, for a change. Black Twitter, Blitz and a Boerie as long as your leg lists and celebrates the tiny, subtle aspects of South African life that we all experience but don't always notice. Engler looks at icons of our shared South Africanness but drills a little deeper to make them more specific, a bit more ridiculous, a bit funnier, and hopefully to induce an excited exclamation from the reader of, "Yoh! That's so true!" Even if the entry is ostensibly negative, Engler will find a poignant aspect of it that is lovable and help us laugh at ourselves. Some of the book's 150 to 200 entries include "Pearl Thusi's Afro", "The Corner Cafe", "Stoney Hiccups", "A Long, Steel Urinal", "AB de Villiers's Hairline", "Getting a proper vuvuzela blast going", "The instep of Siphiwe Tshabalala's left foot", "Jaywalking with impunity", "Black Twitter", "Trevor Noah's dimples", "The smell of Blitz", "Kurt Darren's chest", "The frog in Gwede Manthashe's throat" and "Building a ten-year relationship with the guy at your robots". For example, Stony Hiccups... As involuntary as a tweet the minute you show up to see #BlackPanther. The Stoney hiccup just comes out of you the very instant you sip a mouthful of South Africa's tangiest, most refreshing ginger beer. It is followed by the sweet, sweet flavour rave and then the pleasant tickle down the back of the throat. And then the irresistible urge to have another swig, perhaps another hiccup until you have consumed your 330 ml allocation. Stoney hiccups mean you are human. In fact they will be an excellent zombie test once the apocalypse kicks in properly. If Stoney ginger beer doesn't make you hiccup, you are an emissary from the dark side and must be executed with a shotgun blast to the head... Or would that be a bit harsh? Black Twitter... or just Twitter, to be fair, seeing as the social media platform has pretty much achieved full transformation over the past few years. From the militant feminist wing to the reflexive irony of #AsinamadodaTwitter and the #Beyhive Beyonce prayer group to the online health advice of doctor @SindivanZyl, to the edges of #wokeTwitter where it segues into #WakandaForever Twitter, there is a world inside the world that is Twitter as practised by South Africa's black people. Any brave white person who sticks his or her head above the parapet and attempts to weigh in on a subject beyond the field of white expertise will be sent scurrying back to #Woolworths and #Parenting Twitter with well-practised barbs about bringing the land back and perhaps something about Ed Sheeran. It's tomorrow's news, now, seeing as whatever Black Twitter is discussing will show up in the media in the course of tomorrow, you can bet the last of your vibranium on it!.
McGraw-Hill Education What Should I Do with My Money?: Economic Insights to Build Wealth Amid Chaos
An eye-opening panoramic guide providing the economic literacy you need to be in control of your money decisions and get on the path to long-term financial independenceEverything that happens in the world—even things we don’t see or understand—affects our abilities to earn, invest, and make money. And believe it or not, affecting the change in the world that you would like to see is driven by what you choose to do with your money. But how do you know what to do? Where do you begin to answer the question “What Should I Do with My Money?” Certified Financial Planner™ and podcast host Bryan M. Kuderna—a nationally recognized advisor and millennial who made his first million by the age of 30—knows first-hand that the key to making wise investment decisions is to know how current issues drive the economy and vice versa.What Should I Do with My Money? provides a sweeping look at how economies and markets are directly affected by the way people live, work, play, love, and hate: these issues, he explains, are the same ones that determine how groups, corporations, and nations make money or lose money. Kuderna demystifies the future of economics by breaking it down into the most important categories and how they impact markets: Population: Population and migration over the past 100 years, the pros and cons of a crowded planet, and how the supply and demand of givers and takers within society affect everything Entitlements: A thorough look at the past, present, and future of entitlements and government support (i.e., Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, pensions, stimulus) Education: The history of higher education, student loan issues, and future of college in U.S. versus other developed nations Economic Philosophy: Socialism vs. Capitalism, political systems, and the history of various countries’ economies and future outlook Environment: The green movement, global warming, plastics, and natural resources Technology: Opportunities and threats from the fastest-growing sector of the stock market War: Analysis of superpowers U.S. and China, potential threats to both, opportunities for collaboration, and the use of proxy wars, civil military fusion, and nontraditional warfare Religion: The timeless philosophies that have impacted world views, governance, family, and their effects on prior chapters Personal Finances: Career advice in attaining 3 I’s: impact, independence, and income Each chapter includes special features explaining the “macro problem,” and what that looks like on your personal “micro” scale—helping you connect the dots of the global issues to your own financial life. Now more than ever you might feel overwhelmed, the victim of existing economic structures, but wait and see how there has been no better time for you to take control and gain wealth. Introspective questions throughout, along with the same financial and economic insights Kuderna offers to his own clients, help you apply your newfound understanding of why what you do with your money goes beyond the kitchen table and is critical to develop your own goals and strategies.What Should I Do with My Money? provides a thorough look at history, current events, and economics, so you can finally understand the important, holistic relationship between the global economy and individual decisions for your financial future.
McGraw-Hill Education Conéctate: Introductory Spanish ISE
The philosophy behind Conéctate is simple: take what we know about second-language learning, combine it with the best practices in second-language teaching, and infuse it throughout with stimulating cultural content that challenges students to see themselves and the world in new ways. The overarching goal is to help instructors teach a highly effective, consistently engaging, and truly inspirational course in Spanish that is based on solid research.•Meaning-based activities: At its core, language is a way of expressing meaning, so all activities in Conéctate guide students through the process of using Spanish meaningfully, either by understanding sentences that they hear or see, or by producing sentences that express what they want to communicate. Students are given myriad opportunities to engage in meaningful activities within a rich cultural context in all four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. •Active-learning approach: Students learn best when they are fully engaged with the material and are actively participating in every stage of the learning process. There is strong evidence that learning improves when students try to anticipate what is about to be learned or when they test themselves on what they have just learned. To this end, Conéctate incorporates these techniques in every chapter. Rather than simply presenting students with a vocabulary list, for instance, vocabulary activities in Conéctate ask students to figure out which word goes with which meaning, requiring students to engage actively with the material. Grammar activities, similarly, have students use a grammar point in meaningful ways right from the start, allowing them to uncover some basic grammatical properties on their own before these have been explained to them. As the research literature and everyday experience show, this type of challenge leads to better learning outcomes. •Input-to-output sequence: In every section of Conéctate, students focus first on comprehension and then transition to production. This sequencing of activities ensures that students are fully prepared to do each activity and follows a fundamental principle of language acquisition: you learn to understand before you learn to produce. Whether focused on input or output, though, all activities are solidly meaning-based. In the initial activities, students see or hear the words and need to understand them, while in later activities, they need to speak or write the words in order to express an idea. •Review: Students learn best when they revisit topics on a regular basis, so Conéctate builds in review as an integral part of the program. Each grammar section, for instance, is preceded by a brief active-learning activity that refreshes students' awareness of a related grammatical point that they have already seen. In addition, for certain topics that are known to be challenging, such as object pronouns, students build up their knowledge incrementally over the course of several chapters, always reviewing what they have seen previously before proceeding. •Authentic language and culture: Students will ultimately be using their Spanish in the real world, not in a classroom, so Conéctate is infused throughout with videos of Spanish-speakers from all over the world, telling their stories in a spontaneous, unscripted, and natural way. From the very beginning, students learn to understand buenos días, for example, the way people really say it, and as they proceed, they learn to understand more extended discourse. The activities are carefully designed so that beginning students can understand and engage with this natural speech, despite the fact that it is “real Spanish,” not language artificially created for a textbook.
City Lights Books A Quilt for David
The hidden history of a vulnerable gay man whose life and death were turned into tabloid fodder.In the early 1990s, eight people living in a small conservative Florida town alleged that Dr. David Acer, their dentist, infected them with HIV. David's gayness, along with his sickly appearance from his own AIDS-related illness, made him the perfect scapegoat and victim of mob mentality. In these early years of the AIDS epidemic, when transmission was little understood, and homophobia rampant, people like David were villainized. Accuser Kimberly Bergalis landed a People magazine cover story, while others went on talk shows and made front page news.With a poet's eulogistic and psychological intensity, Steven Reigns recovers the life and death of this man who also stands in for so many lives destroyed not only by HIV, but a diseased society that used stigma against the most vulnerable. It's impossible not to make connections between this story and how the twenty-first century pandemic has also been defined by medical misinformation and cultural bias.Inspired by years of investigative research into the lives of David and those who denounced him, Reigns has stitched together a hauntingly poetic narrative that retraces an American history, questioning the fervor of his accusers, and recuperating a gay life previously shrouded in secrecy and shame."Much too long, suffering has been part of our collective queer legacy. We weather the storm of insult to character and seemingly irreconcilable injustice in tandem with the hope that the arc of time will bend towards justice; our time is now. A Quilt for David is a posthumous journal of vindication."—Brontez Purnell, author of 100 Boyfriends"A stunning homage to people with AIDS."—Sarah Schulman, author of Let the Record Show: A Political History of ACT UP New York, 1987-1993"I found this an incredibly moving book. Reigns deals in hard truths, revisioning one man's life and death, and our collective queer history."—Justin Torres, author of We the Animals"A Quilt for David is amazing and so powerful, filled with anger and frustration . . . It's an unforgettable book."—Marie Cloutier, Greenlight Bookstore, Brooklyn, NY"Told in short, occasionally haiku-like entries, Reigns has done what literature should: put the reader into the mind, the suffering, of another human being."—Andrew Holleran, author of Chronicle of a Plague, Revisited"Steven Reigns lifts David Acer thirty years after his death to show the naked cost of violent, unexamined public opinion around the catastrophe of AIDS. This poetry masterfully documents the tangle of hatred and lies haunting a generation of survivors. I am often grateful for what poems give to me, most especially the ones in this book."—CAConrad, author of AMANDA PARADISE: Resurrect Extinct Vibration"This writing is energetic, alive, and uncensored. Through poetry and prose we glean a deep understanding of a life misunderstood and mischaracterized. Reigns goes to the mat to find out what really happened, and with his expert pacing we're right there with him."—Natalie Goldberg, author of Writing Down the Bones"One of the most important roles a poet can assume is that of emotional historian. Reigns certainly understands that notion in this necessary and genre-bending book."—Richard Blanco, 2013 Presidential Inaugural Poet, author of How to Love a Country
City Lights Books The Green New Deal and Beyond: Ending the Climate Emergency While We Still Can
A clear and urgent call for the national, social, and individual changes required to prevent catastrophic climate change.“An iconoclast of the best kind, Stan Cox has an all-too-rare commitment to following arguments wherever they lead, however politically dangerous that turns out to be.”—Naomi Klein, author of On Fire: The (Burning) Case for the New Green Deal"Moving to zero net carbon emissions, and fast, is the point of Stan Cox’s important new study, The Green New Deal and Beyond. Cox advocates on behalf of the GND as one step of several we need to take to stabilize the planet."—Noam Chomsky, from the book's forewordThe prospect of a Green New Deal is providing millions of people with a sense of hope, but scientists warn there is little time left to take the actions needed. We are at a critical point, and while the Green New Deal will be a step in the right direction, we need to do more—right now—to avoid catastrophe. In The Green New Deal and Beyond, author and plant scientist Stan Cox explains why we must abolish the use of fossil fuels as soon as possible, and how it can be done. He addresses a host of glaring issues not mentioned in the GND and guides us through visionary, achievable ideas for working toward a solution to the deepening crisis. It’s up to each of us, Cox writes, to play key roles in catalyzing the necessary transformation."A strictly science-based plan for effectively addressing the dire realities of climate change. . . . Convincing, painful, and a long shot—but better than the alternative."—Kirkus Reviews "His is a warning well worth heeding."—Raj Patel, co-author of A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things: A Guide to Capitalism, Nature, and the Future of the Planet"In The Green New Deal and Beyond, Stan Cox presents a smart, sane, and plausibly optimistic alternative to abandoning all hope."—David Owen, author of Volume Control: Hearing in a Deafening World "The teachings of Indigenous Peoples are still here, and it's up to the present generation to muster the courage and resources to follow those instructions. Stan Cox reminds us of this historic dialogue and development of the Green New Deal, and helps us find the path back to those instructions."—Winona LaDuke (Anishinaabe), author of All Our Relations: Native Struggles for Land and Life and LaDuke Chronicles"Stan Cox suggests remedies that should ignite lively discussion and intense debate, which is sorely needed. A must-read for those who care about our shared planetary future."—Mary Evelyn Tucker, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, co-author, Journey of the Universe"An invaluable contribution to what must become an unprecedented international revolution."—Will Potter, author of Green Is the New Red: An Insider’s Account of a Social Movement Under Siege"Cox argues that this is not idealism, but necessity. By 2030 or 2040, if our aims and policies turn out to have been insufficient, as he points out, it will have been too late."—Natalie Suzelis, Uneven Earth"In this important and readable book, Stan Cox moves the Overton window away from false hope and toward a more realistic path for avoiding climate catastrophe."—Dr. Peter Kalmus, NASA climate scientist and author of Being the Change
Open University Press New Coach: Reflections from a Learning Journey
"Lis Paice's positivity shines through on every page of this book. She writes in a beautifully simple and accessible style. The book will be a tremendous introduction for those setting out on the same path as new coaches, or for more experienced coaches who want to compare their journey with hers." Dr John Launer, Honorary Consultant and Senior Clinical Lecturer at the Tavistock Clinic, London, UK"I love this book. I've not seen a book before that uses the experience of the one who is learning rather than just telling you how to do it. It will be so useful in taking away the inevitable anxiety that comes when you are about to learn a new skill - and learn it in public. The author's honesty about her own pitfalls will help you know what to expect, and the light bulb moments that she has as she progresses will undoubtedly light up the occasional bulb for you too. It might be a book about learning, but it's also a book that outlines the skills of coaching in a whole new way."Jenny Firth-Cozens, Imperial College London, UK"This is a marvellous record of the journey recorded by a senior doctor-educationalist as she strived to gain the skills of a coach. Any new coach will find it difficult to put down as it will resonate with many of their own first reflections. She is open about her mistakes from the start. On her first day of coach training she had a moment of kairos, and she set her goal to train to the highest level, which she continues to do."Dr Rebecca Viney, Coaching and Mentoring Lead, London Deanery, UK"There are many books on coaching that give advice on what coaches should do. This book is different. Describing herself as a 'self-critical learner', Liz traces her journey into becoming a coach, telling a uniquely honest story, 'warts and all' that all of us can learn from. This is like reading someone's personal, reflective diary, rather than a recipe book on 'how to coach'. The result is both engaging and highly illuminating." David E Gray, Professor of Leadership and Organisational Behaviour, University of Greenwich, UKYou can't summarize if you haven't been listening.Coach and client share the encounter, not the experience.The better you get, the less you say.The client is the hero, not the coach. Coaching is a skill for life. This frank account of one leader's journey to become a coach is a must have for beginner coaches. It will strike a chord with anyone who has been on a similar journey or has just begun professional training, discovering the disappointments, triumphs and surprises of learning to coach and coming to their own personal insights. Lis Paice's easy conversational style and rich supply of real-life examples make this an enjoyable read even for the absolute beginner. The questions she raises about coaching will also stimulate reflection for experienced coaches, trainers and supervisors. Topics include: What coaching is all about How coaching differs from other ways of helping What the role of the coach entails Getting to grips with the principles of coaching; Learning by experience why the rules matter Trying out different tools and techniques Finding ways of helping the client to new perspectives and insights Avoiding complacency
Open University Press Understanding Autism in the Early Years
This book provides an introduction to the autism spectrum and explores some of the theories and research which help in understanding the characteristics of young children who may be on the autism spectrum and the likely impact on their development and learning. It offers in-depth information on some of the key features which can lead to a child being diagnosed with autism and discusses the diversity of the spectrum, as well as presenting information on available screening tools. The book considers the main areas of difficulties that children with autism display - social interaction, social communication, and imagination and play - and explores the role that early years practitioners have in supporting the child and helping them to develop appropriate communication and social skills. As well as advice on key aspects of early years practice such as working with parents, other professionals and preparing the children for the move to primary school, there are specific chapters on the pertinent aspects of behaviour and sensory issues. Each chapter includes reflective activities which enable you to apply the information within your own context. Key points and further sources of information are indicated at the end of each chapter, helping you to check your understanding and expand your knowledge on specific topics.With its practical strategies for supporting children with autism during the early years, this book is key reading for students studying early years or special education, as well as for practitioners working with children on the autism spectrum in early years settings. "This is a timely and very practical book addressed to all those working in early years settings who are working with, or who will be working with, children on the autism spectrum (i.e. all staff in any early years setting). It gives clear and authoritative information on current understanding of the autism spectrum, and draws on a wide range of literature to do so, while being written in a clear direct style that should be accessible to all. It would also be of benefit to family members who want to understand their child and how to best work with the systems and services they encounter. The book is realistic about the challenges but is also full of practical positive suggestions which respect the contribution of all to enabling effective practice: staff in the early years setting, support services, the family and, not least, the children themselves."Professor Rita Jordan BSc.MSc.MA.PhD.C.Psychol.AFBPS.OBEEmeritus Professor in Autism Studies,University of Birmingham, UK"Early years practitioners are absolutely vital partners in recognising autism and in adjusting their practice in response to the needs of children with autism. The impact they can make on families and outcomes for children is immeasurable, therefore a book like this which gives a mixture of practical strategies underpinned by evidence is a wonderful tool. With a prevalence rate of 1 in 100 all early years practitioners will encounter young children with autism in their careers. The difference they can make by being able to recognise the condition, support families and adapt their practice is immeasurable. This clear and easy to read book will be a real boon to all early years practitioners." Carol Povey, Director of the Centre for Autism, National Autistic Society"Understanding Autism in Early Years is a clearly written and very useful book. Early years practitioners will find it helpful for recognising the signs of autism spectrum conditions in young children, working with families, and adapting their practice in ways that will help those they care for learn and develop."Dr Mitzi WaltzSenior Lecturer in Autism, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
MAIRDUMONT GmbH & Co. KG Norway Marco Polo Pocket Travel Guide - with pull out map
Marco Polo Pocket Guide Norway: the Travel Guide with Insider Tips Explore Norway with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips. Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the country's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget. There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place. Let Marco Polo show you all that Norway has to offer… Norway is a paradise for nature lovers, shaped by environmental and climatic extremes. The beauty of the landscape, the culture rooted in ancient traditions and the hospitable people make Norway a fascinating destination. This practical, pocket-sized guide leads you to the beaches and islands, to mighty glaciers and vast plateaus, and along the spectacular fjords that cut right in to the mountains. Norway offers a wide range of attractions: skiing and hiking can be just as much a part of your holiday as the unique stave churches or a cruise along the endless coast… This is Norway! Your Marco Polo Norway Pocket Guide includes: Insider Tips – we show you the hidden gems and little-known secrets that offer a real insight into this wonderful country. Discover Scandinavia’s smallest church or explore an ice tunnel beneath Galdhøpiggen Mountain in the world’s first climate park. Best of – find the best things to do for free, the best ‘only in’ Norway experiences, the best things to do if it rains and the best places to relax and spoil yourself. Sightseeing – all the top sights are organised by area so you can easily plan your trip. Discovery Tours – specially tailored tours will get you to the heart of Norway. You can experience all of Norway’s unique character with these personal tours including a trip along Norway’s longest and most beautiful road, Coastal Route 17, and a 9-day tour of Norway’s diverse countryside. Norway in full-colour – Marco Polo Pocket Guide Norway includes full-colour photos throughout the guide bringing the country to life offering you a real taste of what you can see and enjoy on your trip. Touring App – you can download any of the Discovery Tours to your smartphone, complete with the detailed route description and map exactly as featured in the guide, free of charge. The maps can be used offline too, so no roaming charges. The perfect navigational tool with distance indicators and landmarks highlighting the correct direction to travel in as well as GPS coordinates along the way. Enjoy stress-free sightseeing and never get lost again! Road Atlas and pull-out map – we’ve included a detailed road atlas and a handy, pull-out map so you can pop the guide in your bag for a full-on sightseeing day or head out with just the map to enjoy your Discovery Tour. A small street map of Oslo is also included. Useful Norwegian phrases – the essential words and phrases are included to help you get by. Trust Marco Polo Pocket Guide Norway to show you around this wonderful country. The comprehensive coverage and unique insights will ensure you experience everything Norway has to offer and more. The special tips, personal insights and unusual experiences will help you make the most of your trip - just arrive and enjoy.
Orenda Books Beautiful Shining People: Discover this year's most extraordinary, breathtaking, MASTERFUL speculative novel … SFX Book of the Month
A damaged teenage tech prodigy meets an enigmatic waitress in a tiny Tokyo café, sparking an epic journey across Japan that will change everything, forever … a captivating, masterful novel with an extraordinary mystery at its heart… ‘Set against a tech heavy backdrop Beautiful Shining People blooms into an emotional and soulful tale that reckons with the isolation we can all feel as outsiders’ SciFi Now Book of the Month ‘That Beautiful Shining People isn’t just a slipstream novel with pretensions to being literature is in great part down to the deftness and tenderness with which Grothaus draws his central relationship … to let us explore a world of robots and deepfakes that’s just unfamiliar enough to be exotic’ SFX Magazine Book of the Month ‘A fascinating exploration of what it means to be human in a world where everything can be faked … wonderful, insightful and thoughtful’ James Oswald –––––––––––––This world is anything but ordinary, and it’s about to change forever… It’s our world, but decades into the future… An ordinary world, where cars drive themselves, drones glide across the sky, and robots work in burger shops. There are two superpowers and a digital Cold War, but all conflicts are safely oceans away. People get up, work, and have dinner. Everything is as it should be… Except for seventeen-year-old John, a tech prodigy from a damaged family, who hides a deeply personal secret. But everything starts to change for him when he enters a tiny café on a cold Tokyo night. A café run by a disgraced sumo wrestler, where a peculiar dog with a spherical head lives, alongside its owner, enigmatic waitress Neotnia… But Neotnia hides a secret of her own – a secret that will turn John’s unhappy life upside down. A secret that will take them from the neon streets of Tokyo to Hiroshima’s tragic past to the snowy mountains of Nagano. A secret that reveals that this world is anything ordinary – and it’s about to change forever… ––––––––––––– ‘Poetically written, every word of this adventure leaps off the page with passion. A wonderful and enlightening trip’ The Sun ‘Cyberpunk meets bildungsroman – a real joy’ Oscar de Muriel ‘Exquisite world-building, this book had me invested from the very first page. Vivid plot and irresistible characters and a real tug at the soul … you'll drown in it’ Lisa Bradley ‘A life-affirming, epic book about what it is to be human: to live, to dream, to hope, to love … at a time when we most need reminding of these things’ David F Ross ‘Totally engrossing from the start – the story, characters and settings will linger in your imagination long after you're finished … truly wonderful’ Jonathan Whitelaw ‘Masterful … truly breathtaking and achingly beautiful. It builds anticipation and suspense before coming together in a thrilling, captivating conclusion’ The Bookbag ‘Outstanding! Sci-fi showing how the past might impact on the future … a glimpse into a (very plausible) terrifying future’ Michael J Malone What readers are saying… ***** ‘A beautiful, emotional and thought-provoking read’ ‘A striking and strange novel – and a searing statement about the dangerously thin lines between utopia and dystopia’ ‘Just devastatingly beautiful’ ‘My book of the year … no question’ ‘Masterful storytelling’ ‘Grothaus has a bewitching ability to stop time in a moment, and then run seemlessly into action with unstoppable momentum’ ‘Succinctly captured the feeling of Japanese fiction. I was very much put in mind of Haruki Murakami or Toshikazu Kawaguchi’
APA Publications The Rough Guide to Europe on a Budget (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
The Rough Guide to Europe on a Budget is the definitive guide to making the most of this great region without breaking the bank. Backpackers, career-breakers, gap-year travellers and those who simply want more bang for their buck will find in-depth information catering to their needs, with in-depth, area-by-area comprehensive listings covering the whole Europe. This guide book has been fully updated post-COVID-19 and it comes with a free eBook.The Rough Guide to Europe on a budget covers: Albania, Austria, Belgium & Luxembourg, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Morocco, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.Inside this travel guide you'll find:INFORMATION FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLER Practical information for budget-conscious explorations of Europe, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in Berlin to city breaks in big-hitting tourist areas, like Paris.PRACTICAL TRAVEL TIPSPacked with essential pre-departure information including all relevant country entry requirements, how to get around, health guidance, food and drink, festivals, culture and etiquette, tips for travellers with disabilities and more.TIME-SAVING ITINERARIESCarefully planned routes around different regions, which help inspire and inform your on-the-road experiences. Whether you have a week, 10 days or more, our suggested itineraries will help you make the most of your trip in Europe within your time frame.DETAILED REGIONAL COVERAGECombined with in-depth descriptions of all the key sights and painstakingly researched recommendations for the best hostels, hotels, campsites, cafés, restaurants, bars and clubs in Poland, Portugal, Spain, Finland and many more - The Rough Guide to Europe on a Budget reveals the continent in all its glory, without breaking the bank.DETAILED REGIONAL COVERAGEClear structure within each sightseeing chapter includes regional highlights, brief history, detailed sights and places ordered geographically, recommended restaurants, hotels, bars, clubs and major shops or entertainment options.INSIGHTS INTO GETTING AROUND LIKE A LOCAL Tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots for wild swimming, hiking or exploring beaches, cafés and bars. HONEST AND INDEPENDENT REVIEWSWritten by our expert authors with Rough Guides' trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, this budget guide to Europe will help you make the most of your trip to Europe.FABULOUS FULL COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHYFeatures inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Parthenon in Greece and the spectacular Duomo in Florence.METICULOUS MAPPINGPractical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys. Find your way around Budapest, Rome and many more locations in Europe without needing to go online.HIGHLIGHTS OF THINGS NOT TO MISSRough Guides' rundown of London, Berlin, Paris, Florence's best sights and top experiences will help you make the most of your trip to Europe even if time is short.BACKGROUND INFORMATIONEach country chapter provides a fascinating overview of the place's history, plus there is a handy language section for each tongue spoken.FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of a printed book allows you to access all of the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.
APA Publications The Rough Guide to Dorset, Hampshire & the Isle of Wight (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
Practical travel guide to Dorset, Hampshire & the Isle of Wight with a free eBook featuring points-of-interest structured lists of all sights and off-the-beaten-track treasures, with detailed colour-coded maps, practical details about what to see and to do in Dorset, Hampshire & the Isle of Wight. The Rough Guide to Dorset, Hampshire & the Isle of Wight also includes details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information, as well as top time-saving tips, like a visual list of things not to miss in Dorset, Hampshire & the Isle of Wight, expert author picks and itineraries to help you plan your trip. This guide book has been fully updated post-COVID-19.The Rough Guide to Dorset, Hampshire & the Isle of Wight covers: Bournemouth and Poole, the Isle of Purbeck, Central Dorset, Western Dorset, East Dorset and the Avon Valley, the New Forest, Winchester and Northern Hampshire, Southampton, Portsmouth and around, the Isle of Wight.Inside this travel guide you'll find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLERExperiences selected for every kind of trip to Dorset, Hampshire & the Isle of Wight, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in Durdle Door to family activities in child-friendly places, like Poole Harbour or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like Highclere Castle.PRACTICAL TRAVEL TIPSEssential pre-departure information including Dorset, Hampshire & the Isle of Wight entry requirements, getting around, health information, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, food and drink, festivals, culture and etiquette, shopping, tips for travellers with disabilities and more.TIME-SAVING ITINERARIESCarefully planned routes covering the best of Dorset, Hampshire & the Isle of Wight give a taste of the richness and diversity of the destination, and have been created for different time frames or types of trip.DETAILED REGIONAL COVERAGEClear structure within each sightseeing chapter includes regional highlights, brief history, detailed sights and places ordered geographically, recommended restaurants, hotels, bars, clubs and major shops or entertainment options.INSIGHTS INTO GETTING AROUND LIKE A LOCALTips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots for going on a boat trip or visiting majestic castles.HIGHLIGHTS OF THINGS NOT TO MISSRough Guides' rundown of Bournemouth, Southampton, Portsmouth and Shanklin's best sights and top experiences helps to make the most of each trip to Dorset, Hampshire & the Isle of Wight, even in a short time.HONEST AND INDEPENDENT REVIEWSWritten by Rough Guides' expert authors with a trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, to help to find the best places in Dorset, Hampshire & the Isle of Wight, matching different needs.BACKGROUND INFORMATIONComprehensive 'Contexts' chapter features fascinating insights into Dorset, Hampshire & the Isle of Wight, with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary.FABULOUS FULL COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHYFeatures inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Lyme Regis and the spectacular Osborne House.COLOUR-CODED MAPPINGPractical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys for quick orientation in New Forest, Chichester and many more locations in Dorset, Hampshire & the Isle of Wight, reduce the need to go online.USER-FRIENDLY LAYOUTWith helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time.FREE EBOOKFree eBook download with every purchase of a printed book allows you to access all of the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.
Titan Books Ltd Harry Potter: Page to Screen: Updated Edition
Harry Potter Page to Screen: Revised and Expanded now has more pages devoted to the legacy of the Harry Potter films. In addition to the complete history of all eight Harry Potter films, the book now explores the theme parks in Florida, California and Japan, the sets and props in Leavesden, England and the House of MinaLima, founded by the graphic designers on all of the films, and located in London. With 1200 photographs, sketches, and diagrams, the book provides unbridled access to every aspect of the film-making process. It tells the stories behind each individual film and covers the design and technology behind all the astounding effects. This book pays homage to how one film became eight, how a few months became a decade, and how one author’s fantasy became the project of many individuals’ lifetimes-told by the people who were there, the people who made the magic real. Harry Potter Page to Screen: Revised and Expanded will start from the very beginning, describing how the book was optioned, the casting of Harry, Ron and Hermione, and the assembling of a creative team with the vision to tackle a world we had previously seen only in our imaginations. Interviews, quotes, and stories from the directors, producers, screenwriters, and actors discuss the making of all eight films at length, including the last film, film number 8, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. Daniel Radcliffe and his personal narrative from set to set is used as the life line that connects all aspects of this memoir, giving structure to the many voices of the Harry Potter family who orate this tale. All of the movies were filmed at the Leavesden Studio in Hertfordshire, England and these pages describe how the Leavesden family dealt with numerous cast, crew, and production dramas, replacements, technical difficulties and countless narrative and visual decisions. This book will touch on subjects such as J.K. Rowling’s private comments to her young cast, the impact of Richard Harris’ (the original Dumbledore) death on the cast and crew, the effects of 9/11 on the Leavesden family (during the filming of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets), the reality of "growing up Potter" for the young starlets who experienced their adolescence on a hugely public stage, and reflections from the cast and crew on the end of the film series. In addition to stories on and off set, Harry Potter Page to Screen: Revised and Expanded pays tribute to the stunning physical, visual and technological genius that went into making an unbelievable story believable, showcasing more than a decade’s worth of art and special effects, including never-before-seen photos of the costumes, sets, props, and creatures, as well as early concept art, drawings and designs. The book is fully supported by Warner Bros. and is being put together with the same group as Harry Potter Film Wizardry: The Updated Edition. While Film Wizardry provided a whimsical and informative scrapbook for Harry Potter fans and was published prior to the release of the last film, this mammoth book gives readers a more complete account of the entire film-making process, designed in a more classical, sophisticated package. Harry Potter Page to Screen: Revised and Expanded is a publishing event. This book is the Bible for everything Potter and will stand as the most complete and final visual history of the Harry Potter movie story ever to be published.
Human Kinetics Publishers Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills: A Tactical Games Approach
This worldwide top-selling text on the tactical games approach is stronger than ever. The fourth edition of Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills: A Tactical Games Approach adds four new chapters, more lesson and unit plans, and more detailed guidance in addressing broad ranges of student abilities than ever before. It offers the same stellar foundation for understanding the principles behind the approach, and instruction in applying the approach, to help students learn the concepts and develop the skills involved in a variety of sports. Elementary school teachers will use games to teach the basic concepts and tactics of invasion sports, net and wall sports, striking and fielding sports, and target sports. Middle school and high school instructors will guide students in developing sport-specific technical skills for 12 sports, including soccer, lacrosse, flag football, tennis, basketball, and volleyball. The book has four new chapters that will help you do the following: Align the tactical games approach to content standards in the United States and other countries Use technology in tactical games teaching and assessment Use the games to teach social justice Develop approaches to teaching social and emotional learning (SEL) through tactical games Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills offers more than 350 detailed lesson and unit plans that can be used as is or be easily modified and incorporated into an existing curriculum. More than 240 diagrams throughout the lessons make it easy to set up and execute the games. There are 14 video clips, delivered on HKPropel, that show some lessons in action—for example, the volleyball segments show complete question-and-answer sessions, highlighting an effective way to make sure students are understanding the lesson. Also available on HKPropel are reproducible forms, including a team contract, assessments, and game scenario worksheets for tactical problem solving. (For each thumbnail reproducible worksheet shown in the book, readers can download the full-size versions from HKPropel.) These resources will help teachers put concepts from the text into use with their students.Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills is organized into three parts: Part I offers a thorough understanding of the tactical games approach—preparing and teaching students, transferring tactical knowledge, planning the curriculum, assessing learner performance, using games to teach social justice and to take social emotional learning into account, and more. Part II provides lesson plans for varying levels of complexity—with modifications and progressions—for invasion games, net and wall games, striking and fielding games, and target games, all at the elementary school level. The authors take great care in helping readers understand how to individualize instruction for novice, developing, and advanced performers by either reducing or increasing the challenges involved with the tasks. In part III, secondary-level teachers can choose from lesson plans for various levels of play in 12 sports. Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills offers expert instruction and an array of multilevel games that provide an exciting and interactive environment for learning in all domains. Current and future teachers will learn how to structure positive and engaging learning experiences that set the stage for students to improve their performance, develop problem-solving skills, and enhance their lifelong enjoyment of sport. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with this ebook.
Orion Publishing Co The Steel Remains: This is fantasy - just harder, faster and bloodier
Ringil, the hero of the bloody slaughter at Gallows Gap is a legend to all who don't know him and a twisted degenerate to those that do. A veteran of the wars against the lizards he makes a living from telling credulous travellers of his exploits. Until one day he is pulled away from his life and into the depths of the Empire's slave trade. Where he will discover a secret infinitely more frightening than the trade in lives.Archeth - pragmatist, cynic and engineer, the last of her race - is called from her work at the whim of the most powerful man in the Empire and sent to its farthest reaches to investigate a demonic incursion against the Empire's borders.Egar Dragonbane, steppe-nomad, one-time fighter for the Empire finds himself entangled in a small-town battle between common sense and religious fervour. But out in the wider world there is something on the move far more alien than any of his tribe's petty gods. Anti-social, anti-heroic, and decidedly irritated, all three of them are about to be sent unwillingly forth into a vicious, vigorous and thoroughly unsuspecting fantasy world. Called upon by an Empire that owes them everything and gave them nothing.Richard Morgan brings his trademark visceral writing style, turbo-driven plotting and thought provoking characterisation to the fantasy genre and produces a landmark work with his first foray.******Praise for The Steel Remains'A brilliant book! This has to be one of the best books I've read this. A raw, gritty fantasy that pulls no punches.' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Well, wow. A gay aristocratic war hero fallen into rough living, a bisexual knife-wielding black woman from a race of near-immortal engineers, and a hard-hitting, tough-talking, dragon-slaying warleader from the steppes who is immensely loyal to them both.' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Fantastic book! I love Morgan's twisted world and his complicated characters. A gritty, shocking, refreshing, dark epic fantasy. I can't wait to read the next one.' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'So... What does this book do right? Everything. Gay main characters - done to perfection. A truly dark, grotesque, yet realistic and complex world. Action? Suspense? Horror? All of them.' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'One of the best fantasy novels I have ever read. Better than Tolkein, better than A Game of Thrones, better than A Wheel of Time. It's a relatively simple story that involves the right amount of backstabbing, bloodshed and political intrigue.' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Wow what more do you want from a fantasy? Viciously smart humour with a sort of dry, tongue in cheek delivery, paired with rich worldbuilding that subtly unfolds, a trio of broken heroes with complex inner worlds grappling with the mess of human existence in a dangerous world, all propelled at breathless breakneck speeds - yet nothing rushed. Well developed secondary characters, sexual politics that I can't get behind, rape recognized as the disgusting horror it is, yet plenty of violent fun to be had. Damn I can't wait to start the next, this is just picking up speed' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
HarperCollins Publishers Inc You Got Anything Stronger?: Stories
Included in Time's 100 Must Read Books of 2021 list * A New York Times Best Seller * One of Audible's Best of The Year * AV Club's Best Books to Buy “Funny, tender, and so good.” — Mindy Kaling, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Why Not Me?Remember when we hit it off so well that we decided We’re Going to Need More Wine? Well, this time you and I are going to turn to our friend the bartender and ask, You Got Anything Stronger? I promise to continue to make you laugh, but with this round, the stakes get higher as the conversation goes deeper.So. Where were we?Right, you and I left off in October 2017, when my first book came out. The weeks before were filled with dreams of loss. Pets dying. My husband leaving me. Babies not being born. My therapist told me it was my soul preparing for my true self to emerge after letting go of my grief. I had finally spoken openly about my fertility journey. I was having second thoughts—in fact, so many thoughts they were organizing to go on strike. But I knew I had to be honest because I didn’t want other women going through IVF to feel as alone as I did. I had suffered in isolation, having so many miscarriages that I could not give an exact number. Strangers shared their own journeys and heartbreak with me. I had led with the truth, and it opened the door to compassion. When I released We’re Going to Need More Wine, the response was so great people asked when I would do a sequel. The New York Times even ran a headline reading “We’re Going to Need More Gabrielle Union.” Frankly, after being so open and honest in my writing, I wasn’t sure there was more of me I was ready to share. But life happens with all its plot twists. And new stories demand to be told. This time, I need to be more vulnerable—not so much for me, but anyone who feels alone in what they’re going through.A lot has changed in four years—I became a mom and I’m raising two amazing girls. My husband retired. My career has expanded so that I have the opportunity to lift up other voices that need to be heard. But the world has also shown us that we have a lot we still have to fight for—as women, as black women, as mothers, as aging women, as human beings, as friends. In You Got Anything Stronger?, I show you how this ever-changing life presents challenges, even as it gives me moments of pure joy. I take you on a girl’s night at Chateau Marmont, and I also talk to Isis, my character from Bring It On. For the first time, I truly open up about my surrogacy journey and the birth of Kaavia James Union Wade. And I take on racist institutions and practices in the entertainment industry, asking for equality and real accountability.You Got Anything Stronger? is me at my most vulnerable. I have recently found true strength in that vulnerability, and I want to share that power with you here, through this book.
Prim-Ed Publishing Reading for Success: Book 4
Reading for success is a series of four books designed to support teacher-directed lessons and independent pupil activities in the five key elements of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Titles in this series are: Reading for success (Book 1) Reading for success (Book 2) Reading for success (Book 3) Reading for success (Book 4)Reading and the teaching of reading have always been at the forefront of discussions in education and recent discussions are no different. Some, such as the media, criticise schools for not knowing how to effectively teach reading, and yet we know more today than ever about effective reading instruction. Research has identified five key elements of reading instruction: Sound and letter knowledge Phonemic awareness (sounds of language) Sounds and alphabet knowledge Interpreting, analysing and evaluating Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension strategies The terminology below is commonly used when discussing reading instruction and will be helpful in understanding and discussing the five elements of reading. Phonemic awareness phonemic awareness-an individual's ability to attend to the sounds of spoken words phonological awareness-ability to recognise phonemes, graphemes, rhymes, syllables etc. phonemes-sounds in spoken language graphemes-the smallest parts of written language phonics-relationship between the sounds and symbols of spoken and written language syllable-part of a word that contains a vowel or vowel sound onset-the initial consonant in a syllable rime-the syllable part that contains a vowel (Example: In dog, the onset is d and the rime is og.) Phonics synthetic phonics-the ability to convert letters into sounds and blend them together analytic phonics-the ability to analyse the letters and sounds in words analogy-based phonics-using knowledge of word families to read unfamiliar words phonics through spelling-the ability to break words into sounds for writing embedded phonics-the instruction of letters and sounds within text onset-rime phonics-instruction that involves the identification of the initial sound in a word part (onset) and the remaining part of the word (rime) Fluency fluency-reading quickly and accurately automaticity-the quick recognition of words Vocabulary specific word instruction-the teaching of individual words word-learning strategies-the instruction of strategies that help pupils determine word meaning word parts-using parts of words (prefixes, suffixes, base words) to determine meanings of words context clues-surrounding phrases, sentences and words that provide hints that lead to a word's meaning Comprehension metacognition-thinking about one's thinking or the ability to identify what is known and not known when reading semantic organisers-maps or webs used to illustrate the connection between concepts or ideas direct explanation-a teacher's explanation of the use of comprehension strategies modelling-teacher demonstration of the use of strategies guided practice-guidance by the teacher as a pupil applies strategies application-reading strategies used by pupils General terminology explicit instruction-direct instruction of strategies by the teacher implicit instruction-indirect instruction, often embedded in context Book format This book is divided into five sections featuring each of the elements of reading. Within each section there are activities for teacher-directed instruction, as well as small-group and individual practice of reading skills. Many of the activities include follow-up games and copymasters intended to provide additional practice of skills. The use of these activities, games and practice sheets, in addition to a comprehensive reading programme, will give pupils the skills necessary for reading success.
Canelo Stand Up Guy: The most uplifting romance you'll read this year
Dumped by Instagram post. Not a whiff of a social life. Can it get any worse?After a string of failed relationships - romantic and platonic - Lea’s had enough of watching life happen without her. When she bumps into Shep, a comedian at the Edinburgh festival in need of accommodation, it feels like destiny. And voilá – Lea now has a lodger and some company.The two get on like a flat on fire, and Lea can’t resist falling for outgoing Shep. But she knows it’s a mistake that will cost her heart – he’s just another guy passing through, after all. And with Shep’s stand up routine edging him closer to his big break, there’s no way he’ll stick around.Love is no laughing matter as the festival draws to a close. Can Lea find the confidence to step up and confess her feelings to Shep? Will he want to stay?A feel-good, heartwarming romance for anyone desperate to break out of their shell and find their true self. Perfect for fans of Beth O’Leary, Laura Jane Williams and Miranda Dickinson.Praise for Stand Up Guy ‘A heartwarming, laugh-out-loud romance with all the feels’ Sandy Barker‘Warm, witty, with just the right balance of poignancy ... Nina Kaye’s writing really brings the setting, story, and characters to life.’ Zoe Allison‘Nina Kaye has done it again, with another of her trademark warm, funny reads that also shines a gentle light on social issues. I really felt for the main character Lea, and rooted for her all the way to the heartwarming conclusion’ Fiona Leitch‘A 5-star read that nestles into your heart, leaving you with that lovely afterglow of a beautifully told story – a true gem for any bookworm.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘The banter back and forth between the characters is great. A story of romance, friendship, chasing your dreams and finding self-confidence. Definitely give this book a read!’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘Full of laughter and tears, this book took me on a journey. There is so much that you can relate to… brilliant!’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘This is genuinely my new favorite romance novel. No miscommunication tropes, just two adults telling each other how they’re feeling consistently. Amazingly well-written.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘This book had me in tears twice in the first three chapters… I really related to Lea and was totally invested in her story. Deserves to be a smash hit.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘I didn’t want it to end, but equally couldn’t put it down – I read it in a day… the best rom-com I’ve read all year. Lea and Shep are one of my favourite bookish couples ever.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘This is a great book. I was able to both laugh and have some tears.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘I have hoovered up all of Nina Kaye’s books so far, and Stand Up Guy was no different. The romance that develops is a brilliant ‘will they/won’t they?’ story. A wonderful read and highly recommended.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review
Canelo The African Samurai: The incredible story of Yasuke
'Fierce, vivid and richly detailed' Daily Mail'Gripping. Fans of Shogun will love it' Conn Iggulden'A necessary tale that’s been masterfully told' Femi Kayode, author of GaslightThe incredible story of the slave who became a Japanese samurai.In 1579, a Portuguese trade ship sails into port at Kinchotsu, Japan, loaded with European wares and weapons. Also aboard is an East African slave. Taken from his village as a boy, sold to mercenaries and forced to fight in Indian wars that meant nothing to him, he is a young but experienced soldier.Serving as the protector for a high-ranking Italian priest, the young man joins an expedition pushing inland towards the capital city of Kyoto.There they meet Oda Nobunaga, the most powerful warlord in Japan, who is preparing a campaign to unify the country after more than a hundred years of civil war. Under the tutelage of Nobunaga, the young African soldier becomes the great warrior Yasuke, Japan’s first foreign samurai, and the only one ever of African descent. His preoccupation is not a question of power, as it is for Nobunaga, but one of freedom.A timeless, epic story, a magnificent reconstruction and moving study of a lost historical figure, and a truly enthralling narrative, thrilling in its dramatization of the making of modern Japan, from which rises the most unlikely of heroes.Praise for The African Samurai 'Breathtakingly visual with dialogue that’s filled with insights and wisdom … Written with compassion and an authenticity brought on by painstaking research, Shreve is the rarest of writers: one who can evoke varied emotions in the reader with few words and attention to detail. I experienced sixteenth-century Japan like never before despite being a huge fan of the novels of Eric Van Lustbader and the seminal Shogun by James Clavell. Yet, it is Yasuke’s journey that pulls me fully and completely into that world, with a sensitivity that’s unparalleled and which will most certainly guarantee The African Samurai’s stellar position in the literary space.'Violent, raw, visceral, incisive and deftly plotted, Shreve has given us a hero we did not know we needed. He has given voice to someone who has been silenced throughout history, and in the process he has offered us (the reader) hope. In Yasuke, we have found a hero as broken as he is brave and as strong as he is flawed.'A necessary tale that’s been masterfully told, and an essential read for lovers of great literature' Femi Kayode, author of Gaslight'Shreve tells an extraordinary story with dramatic intensity, sensitivity, and consummate imagination. Like all the best historical novels, it feels relevant and even essential to our present moment. Of the many admirable things about this novel, perhaps the greatest is Shreve’s feat of breathing life into Yasuke, its central character, and rescuing this remarkable man from obscurity' David Bezmozgis, award-winning author of Immigrant City and The Betrayers'A complex and deeply moving story . . . that powerfully resonates with our current times. The deftly drawn characters of European, Asian and African origin inhabit a sometimes frightening but ultimately hopeful story due to Shreve’s immense skills at illuminating the power of the human spirit' Jeffrey Colvin, award-winning author of Africville'A sweeping historical epic anchored by one man's fight for survival and the search for a home and identity ripped away. Fearlessly told and painstakingly crafted, The African Samurai explores rare literary territory and tells a singular, visceral tale of discovery and endurance' — Kevin Hardcastle, award-winning author of In the Cage and Debris
Canelo The Brother: A heart-stopping, twisty, addictive thriller that will keep you up all night
‘Perfectly plotted, sharply sophisticated and the most original thriller I’ve read this year. I couldn’t put it down!’ Jane IsaacIs murder in her DNA?My mother lied to me. My family is not my own. If it wasn’t for the genealogy test, I would never have known I was the child of another woman.Now I’m learning that I have four brothers I have never met. And one of them is a serial killer.My brother is taunting me to play his vicious game – solving his clues before he spills more blood.Who can I trust? How can I find and stop him before it is too late? And what if it is me he really wants?A read-in-one-sitting, utterly nail-biting thriller that you will not be able to put down…Fans of Chris Carter and M.W. Craven will love this.‘Dark, chilling, original and compulsive, I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough!’ A A Chaudhuri, author of The Loyal FriendReaders are hooked on The Brother:‘Geez! What a book!…suspense, intrigue, action, murder, a crazy serial killer, a great whodunit, great sleuthing and great police work… a few crazy twists and turns! I definitely recommend’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘Wow, what a book…I could not put it down. Would definitely recommend to others’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘An intense and twisted page-turner…This book had me on the edge of my seat from start to finish, I couldn’t put it down… a truly thrilling read.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘…near perfection in every way. This is one of those top tier murder mysteries that keeps you guessing. There are so many twists and turns…I was…captivated.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘Oh. Whoa. This book…The tension is immediate and slowly ratchets up with each chapter…making it impossible to put down…The ending left me literally reeling. The world will go away as you read this… Clever, diabolical and completely delicious…Colour me a lifetime fan.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review'What a nerve-wracking read! interesting and believable and quite different from other psychological thrillers I've read recently.' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review'This was such a gripping read with an interesting plot that kept the pages turning.' Reader ReviewPraise for N V Peacock:‘A twisty-turny original take on the serial killer thriller. A truly captivating and, at times, chilling read.’ C.J. Skuse, author of Sweetpea‘A twisted, chilling journey to the darkest side of human nature. I burned through Little Bones in a day.’ Chris Whitaker, author of We Begin at the End‘An exciting new voice in thriller fiction.’ Sarah Pinborough, author of Behind Her Eyes‘Wow – this deftly plotted, twisty – and twisted – thriller got under my skin and chilled me to the bone! Excellent from the first page until the last. This is a debut not to be missed.’ Sam Carrington, author ofThe Open House‘Darkly addictive and creepy as hell… lingers long after the last page.’ Jane Isaac, author of Hush Little Baby‘One of the best books I’ve read in a long time. Fantastic characterisation, gripping plot and totally unexpected twists and turns…Loved it!’ Suzy K Quinn, author of Don’t Tell Teacher
Canelo 77 North
In Siberia, revenge is served ice cold.The epic third instalment from the author of the acclaimed Anthrax Island and Times book of the month, Black Run.An agent the world thinks is dead can be useful. John Tyler has gone rogue, pursuing an international vendetta against those responsible for killing his brother.But he’s lured back by the CIA for one final mission to wipe the slate clean. Simple, for a man like Tyler: journey to an old Soviet-era hotel on an ice-locked island in the frozen wastes of Siberia to obtain information from a Russian scientist about a double agent within NATO. But strange things are afoot, events related to the hotel’s grisly past and the KGB’s Cold war experiments into psychic phenomena...Unexplained deaths revolve around the scientist, and with enemies from Tyler’s own past emerging from the rotting woodwork, he must fight to keep the man alive against the odds. But a killer stalks the hotel’s dilapidated corridors, able, apparently, to kill through concrete walls and sealed doors. As Tyler homes in on the NATO double agent, he quickly realises nothing is as it seems, no-one can be trusted, and his own past is coming back to haunt him...From the steaming jungles of central Africa to the bustling streets of London via the frozen tundra, this is the heart-stopping final instalment in the John Tyler trilogy. Perfect for fans of Alistair MacLean and Robert Ludlum.Praise for the John Tyler series'Sharp enough to cut glass, 77 North is a bullet-quick, best-of-breed action thriller' James Swallow, author of Dark Horizon'Riotously thrilling and deftly intelligent, turning the mayhem up to eleven whilst surgically exploring ideas of duty and honour and betrayal and revenge' Dominic Nolan, author of Past Life'Epic action, mind-twisting mystery and relentless fun. The tension ratchets up page by page until it feels like the book is going to explode in your hands' Tim Glister, author of A Loyal Traitor‘D.L. Marshall is a master of weaving thrilling action set-pieces through an enthralling murder mystery. Impossible to put down, 77 North may just be the best yet!’ Chris McGeorge, author of Half-Past Tomorrow'Think Alistair MacLean but turbo-charged' Ian Rankin on Anthrax Island'A first class thriller with an international cast of characters led by the inimitable and unstoppable John Tyler. Tense, intriguing and deadly' Mari Hannah, author of Without a Trace on Anthrax Island‘It’s like the bastard son of Agatha Christie and Ian Fleming watched The Thing on repeat before bashing out a pacy, locked-room, action-adventure thriller’ Trevor Wood, author of One Way Street on Anthrax Island‘Seriously, if Hercule Poirot and James Bond had a baby and sent him to the Jason Bourne School he would grow up to be John Tyler. Cars, cash, poison, guns, thrills chills and murder – this book has the lot’ SE Moorhead, author of The Treatment on Anthrax Island‘Smart, rocket-paced and super twisty this phenomenal debut thriller is like a cross between Jack Reacher, Bond, and And Then There Were None. A real must read!’ Steph Broadribb on Anthrax Island'Fans of spy fiction will love this. Fans of detective fiction will love this. Fans of thrillers will love this... Everyone's going to love this! I wish I'd written it.’ Russ Thomas, author of Firewatching on Anthrax Island
Canelo A Blind Eye: A twisty and gripping detective thriller
The Scots Magazine Book of the Month May 2023‘Tartan Noir at its nail-biting, brutal, bloody best’ Helen Fields, author of The InstitutionCan DI Clare Mackay unravel a dead man’s secrets?Harry Richards, a local solicitor, is found in his car, throat slit.DI Clare Mackay is on the case. She soon learns that Harry was not the upstanding man he seemed to be. Finding the killer should be easy.Then the wife of one of Harry’s colleagues is discovered dead in her car, and Clare realises there is something more sinister at play…Can she find out who’s behind the murders before they turn their attention to her?An utterly gripping addition to the bestselling crime series by much-loved Scottish author, Marion Todd. Perfect for fans of Alex Gray, Caro Ramsay and the Karen Pirie series.Praise for A Blind Eye ‘Grips you from the start and never lets you go. Todd sparkles in what could be her best tartan noir yet.’ The Sun‘Marion Todd masterfully weaves mystery and intrigue through every page. Top tier Scottish crime fiction.’ JD Kirk, author of the DCI Logan Crime Thrillers‘The central characters feel like being in the company of old friends while the brisk plot and the immediacy of the writing really draw the reader along. An enthralling and engaging read.’ Caro Ramsay, author of the Detectives Anderson and Costello Mystery series‘Clever and intriguing, with a cast of characters to root for – a brilliant St Andrews set mystery!’ Susi Holliday, author of The Hike‘A smart plot, wonderful St Andrews setting, and a main character who feels real and engaging all make for a hugely enjoyable read.’ Lisa Gray, author of Lonely Hearts‘A deeply absorbing mystery, brimming with complex characters, sinister secrets and ingenious reveals. One of the best crime novels I’ve read this year.’ B.P. Walter, author of The Dinner Guest‘If you’re looking for a fabulous, fast-paced murder mystery, don’t miss this absolute gem!’ Carla Kovach, author of Her Deadly Promise‘Like a literary Michelin star chef, Marion serves up a tale full of surprise and delight: a recipe of murder and deception that gets more delicious with each page.’ Morgan Cry, author of Six Wounds‘Marion Todd goes from strength to strength... Every bit as cunning, twisty and satisfying as I would expect from such a talented writer.’ Alison Belsham, author of Her Last Breath‘Pacy and enthralling, keeps you turning the pages at great speed... reminds me of the brilliant crime drama Unforgotten.’ The Scots Magazine‘I love this series so much! Marion’s writing is brilliant and I look forward to each instalment with anticipation. The story was gripping and I couldn’t stop reading!’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘Once again, Marion has written a gripping story full of plot twists and turns. The threads of the plot are woven skillfully and the story is fast paced.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘An engaging, fluid and well thought out pacy police procedural with a solid mystery at heart, a deftly crafted cast of wholly credible characters, a firm sense of place and a compelling plot. The series shows no signs of flagging whatsoever.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review
Hodder & Stoughton You Get That From Me: The perfect heartwarming and emotional read for summer 2023
A heartwarming and hilarious novel about family, stories and second chances - perfect for fans of Debbie Johnson, Lucy Diamond and Jill Mansell*THE TIMES BOOK OF THE MONTH*''A delight . . . her wry humour can induce proper snort-laughs' The Times'Funny, clever and sharply observed, You Get That From Me is a story about love, family and the secrets we keep. I laughed, shed more than a few tears, and I rooted for its fabulous cast of strong female characters. One of the best books I've read in ages' Fiona Lucas, author of The Last Goodbye'Funny, warm and wise, You Get That From Me is a captivating read about love, family, and journeying into motherhood. A beautifully-crafted novel, spanning three generations of women whose stories and secrets are sure to steal your heart' Holly Miller, author of The Sight of You'An absolute page-turner . . . no matter which path you choose, it's how you love that truly matters. A truly life-affirming read'Sheila McClure, author of The Break-Up Agency'Heartwarming' Heat***You can't choose your family... Stella thought she knew how her life would turn out. A stellar career, the perfect husband (not like her own good-for-nothing dad), two gorgeous children, a dog to take on muddy countryside walks. But here she is: forty, single, living with her mum and grandmother, and trying to choose the ideal sperm donor out of a catalogue. Bonnie might be an expert in genetics, but she knows there are some things you shouldn't hand down to your children - like the secret of what really happened in her marriage forty years ago. Florence has raised two generations of wonderful women in this house - but her life, and the story of her blissful marriage, are more complicated than she's ever admitted. When all three women start writing down their stories for Stella's unborn child, the secrets and memories woven into the house begin to resurface. You can't choose your family - but maybe you can choose what you make of it...Full of warmth, wisdom and laugh-out-loud humour, You Get That From Me is a story about love, mothers and daughters, and the unexpected paths that life can take us down.***Readers are falling in love with YOU GET THAT FROM ME:'I absolutely loved this book . . . you'll find yourself laughing and smiling, shouting and crying whilst reading the same page. It is all so beautifully written' 'An utterly delightful family drama that will capture the hearts of even the toughest readers! Loved this wonderful story' 'This is the perfect book!''An absorbing, page-turning novel... about motherhood, love and all that life throws at us. A recommended read''The characters are extremely likeable and relatable and I couldn't put it down. The story has humour throughout whilst covering real issues from the aspect of each character''Absolutely fantastic read that I couldn't put down and have been thinking about since it finished''This was such a great read! I loved the perspective of the three different women and sharing their advice''This was a brilliant generational story about relationships and parenthood . . . entertaining and uplifting''Lovely story set around 3 generations of women. Discovering secrets, reliving past decisions and reaching conclusions' 'What a beautiful book'
Orion Publishing Co The Ember Blade: A breathtaking fantasy adventure
'The Ember Blade is hands down the best fantasy novel I've ever read' Grimdark MagazineEmpires rise, civilisations fall and one culture comes to subsume another. It's the way of the world . . . sometimes ways of life are improved, sometimes they are not. But the progression of change is huge and - usually - unstoppable.In this story, the Ossian way of life is fading and the Dachen way is taking its place and Aren is comfortable with that. Even when his parents are accused of treason he supports the establishment and maintains there's been some mistake . . . which is all it takes to get himself and his best friend arrested . . .Thrown into a prison mine they plan their escape - only to be overtaken by events when they're rescued, and promptly find themselves in the middle of an ambush. By the time they've escaped, they're unavoidably linked to Garric - their unwelcome saviour - and his quest to overturn to Dachen way of life.If they leave Garric now, they'll be arrested or killed by their pursuers. If they turn him in, Garric will kill them. If they stay with him, they'll be abetting a murderous quest they don't believe in. There are no good options - but Aren will still have to choose a path . . .Designed to return to classic fantasy adventures and values, from a modern perspective, this is a fast-moving coming-of-age trilogy featuring a strong cast of diverse characters, brilliant set-pieces and a strong character and plot driven story.Readers can't put down The Ember Blade:'I am absolutely in love with this book! . . . I was on the edge of my seat a few times. I laughed and I cried . . . I loved the characters, loved the story' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'One of the best in the genre for a very long time . . . a masterful balancing of new and old . . . a rather grand first instalment in a trilogy that could be one of the best epic fantasy has ever seen' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'The island of goodness and hope for humanity in the sea of grimdark' Ed McDonald, author of The Daughter of Redwinter'Clever and challenging, but also funny . . . The explosive finale has more than enough bang for anyone . . . a group forged in blood and betrayal, bonded by their oaths do what needs to be done against any and all odds' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'One of the best fantasy books I've read in years. An instant classic!' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Strikes a magnificently fine balance between classic epic fantasy and grimdark fantasy, making this an amazing start to a new trilogy' Novel Notions'What classic fantasy is all about - a slow build-up and an exciting pay-off - and I think this book as exactly that' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'The world is big . . . Different cultures, magics, demons, politics - a whole new world to explore! . . . I was hooked from the start to the very last line' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Wooding is a master of worldbuilding . . . it's so rich and complex and I drank all of it in . . . refreshingly written, full of thought and provoking themes' The Fantasy Hive
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Battle of Stalingrad: Then and Now
Stalingrad was not only the most-crucial battle on the Eastern Front, it was the main turning point of the whole Second World War in Europe. The Third Reich had suffered setbacks earlier, notably at El Alamein in North Africa in October 1942, but the scale of the fighting on the Eastern Front was incomparably larger than any of the other war fronts and it was the fate of the armies there that decided the outcome of the global conflict. After the demise of the German 6. Armee at Stalingrad in February 1943 it was clear that Nazi Germany would lose the war. This book brings together three After the Battle stories devoted to that historic struggle. It opens with a detailed account of the fight for the city of Voronezh. Lying on the great Don river, it was a prime initial objective of the German summer offensive towards the Caucasus launched on June 28, 1942. Possession of Voronezh would secure an eastern anchor point for a northern defensive line needed for the southward advance to Stalingrad. The city was taken with relative ease in early July but, when the Soviets launched a counter-offensive, the Heeresgruppe S d commander, Generalfeldmarschall Fedor von Bock, allowed his panzer and motorised divisions to be drawn into the protracted fight. This week-long delay which infuriated Hitler severely disrupted the timetable for the main offensive, and fatally contributed to the failure to seize Stalingrad in a surprise raid. The main part of the book is taken up by a comprehensive description of the gargantuan seven-month battle for Stalingrad itself. All stages are described in detail: the advance of the German armies to the city in August, the stubborn and heroic defence of the besieged Soviet 62nd Army against overwhelming German superiority in September-November; and the subsequent encirclement and annihilation of the doomed 6. Armee in the winter, ending in total capitulation on February 2, 1943. Due to the wholesale destruction of the embattled city, it was long thought impossible to apply After the Battle s then and now format to Stalingrad but with the help of a local expert and acknowledged student of the battle, Alexander Trofimov, we managed to match up numerous combat photos taken all over the city, giving full treatment to the months-long struggle for the city on the Volga. The same goes for Voronezh where we found another local expert, Sergey Popov, who achieved equally astounding comparisons. Without them, this book could not have been made. The German catastrophe at Stalingrad, with around 150,000 men killed or succumbing to the winter cold and around 100,000 taken prisoner (of whom only some 5,000 survived captivity), remained a national trauma in Germany. Coming to terms with the event proved difficult, the sorrow over the loss of so many German lives being surmounted by guilt over the fact that Germany had been the aggressor. In many ways, Stalingrad became a taboo, remembered in silence but avoided in public discussion. Illustrative of this is the fact that it took a full 50 years before a major feature film on Stalingrad could be produced in Germany. It was only in 1992 that the German film industry felt the time was ripe and produced and released Stalingrad, the first full-fledged war movie on the battle. We include the story of the making of this film as an epilogue to the main story.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Misty Mornings at The Potting Shed: An absolutely heartwarming gardening romance!
Don't miss out on the third lovely book in the totally heartwarming gardening café series by #1 Kindle bestselling author Jenny Kane. Welcome back to The Potting Shed! As Maddie and Sabi re-open the doors of their family-run garden centre. Business is booming, and it’s time to give back to the community that has kept The Potting Shed afloat, by opening the Forget-Me-Not dementia café. But, as the doors to the café open, Sabi is offered the chance of a lifetime, that could take her away from The Potting Shed for weeks, café manager Jo’s frail, elderly mother is taken ill, and Maddie’s partner, Ed, takes a job in a faraway city just when Maddie needs him more than ever. A new member of staff is desperately required – who will join Sara, Jo and Ivan as the busy autumn season fast approaches? Read this heart-warming tale of community spirit to see what The Potting Shed can do next... Readers love Jenny Kane! 'What a treat this was!... It's a sentimental and heart warming read exploring loss, family relationships and of course a whole load of festive cheer thrown in for good measure. An absolute delight to read!' NetGalley Reviewer, 5* 'Goodness, how much do I adore this book?! Full of romance and friendship, and there is so much warmth threaded through the story... Such a charming and feel-good story of love... A definite must read!' NetGalley Reviewer, 4* 'What a great story! Really enjoyed reading this and couldn't put it down... A real cosy Christmas book that kept me guessing until virtually the end as to which way this story would go.' NetGalley Reviewer, 5* 'Absolutely loved this book, couldn't put it down no matter how hard I tried.' NetGalley Reviewer, 5* 'Adore this story! A true delight! Look forward to reading more of Ms. Kane's books.' NetGalley Reviewer, 4* 'Grabbed me from the first chapter. I would have read it in one sitting if I had been able to... Brilliantly done!' NetGalley Reviewer, 4* 'Absolutely delightful... Captivating from start to finish... Charming and witty... Highly recommend this fun and quick holiday read!' NetGalley Reviewer, 5* 'Had the loveliest time reading Frost Falls at The Potting Shed! It was a wonderful heart-warming read to prepare me for the holidays, with warm characters, festive spirit, and a moving story of family... The perfect read for lovers of cosy women's fiction and romance, and it's sure to be a hit with fans of Kate Forster, Linn B Halton, and Rachel Burton.' NetGalley Reviewer, 4* 'Sweet holiday read with moments to pull you in from the start. I felt so cozy reading this book wishing for Christmas!' NetGalley Reviewer, 5* 'Adorably, cozy read... A lovely wintery feel... Really looking forward to the second book in this series.' NetGalley Reviewer, 4* 'I REALLY enjoyed this story... This book has a lot of heart and shows the kindness that can occur between humans. Would read it again as well as more stories by this author!!!' @tales.of.tammy, 4* 'Gave me the warm fuzzies... A sweet read and a few hours of escapism... So lovely.' NetGalley Reviewer, 5* 'Sweet, fun story... Great. A fast read for me!' NetGalley Reviewer, 5* 'Amazing cast of characters... A brilliant start to a new series.' NetGalley Reviewer, 5* 'Loved the story... It was easy to keep turning the pages and root for the underdog.' 27 book street, 5*
American Bar Association Mastering Voir Dire and Jury Selection: Gain an Edge in Questioning and Selecting Your Jury, Fourth Edition
The voir dire and jury selection process is one of the most challenging aspects of a jury trial. It is at this time that lawyers must identify and remove potential jurors who harbor some bias or hold beliefs that would make them less beneficial than others. Success in jury selection requires lawyers to draw upon a number of basic skills. These skills include the ability to: Operate effectively within the jury selection system in the trial jurisdiction Attain the major goals of voir dire (i.e., gathering info, rapport, education, and persuasion) Identify critical opinions, biases, and experiences of jurors that can influence their decisions Encourage jurors to reveal important information about themselves Utilize the information about their opinions and feelings that potential jurors communicate through their nonverbal behavior Develop and ask the questions on voir dire necessary to uncover desired information Employ methods for handling common situations and problems (e.g., reluctant jurors, difficult jurors, stealth jurors, negative spirals, and pretrial publicity) that arise during voir dire Capitalize on the information available through the use of juror questionnaires Effectively utilize information available on jurors through Internet sources and minimize potential threats to jury trials posed by the Internet ¦ Operate effectively in courts-martial member selections ¦ Exercise peremptory challenges and challenges for cause in a manner that removes the least desirable potential jurors The goal of this book is to promote the skills needed to be successful in the area of voir dire and jury selection. It is through the sharpening of these skills that lawyers take a major step in improving the chances of a favorable verdict at trial. Mastering Voir Dire and Jury Selection: Gain an Edge in Questioning and Selecting Your Jury goes beyond other books on jury selection in its focus on the skills needed to conduct effective voir dire and jury selection. Having a list of questions to ask is only a starting point. Conducting effective voir dire and jury selection requires developing strategies that secure the necessary information and adapt to the unique circumstances that lawyers face in their trial jurisdictions. Effective jury selection does not result from memorizing questions from a book. It is a dynamic process that places a premium on knowing what is needed and how to get it. Praise for Mastering Voir Dire and Jury Selection "Jury selection is the most important and often the least known trial lawyer skill. Mastering Voir Dire is by far the most complete and effective jury selection guide available. ... It has simple, short examples from real trials tied to hard-core research and common sense. I have tried many cases, but what I used to know has changed in this digital world. Thanks for Mastering Voir Dire." --Morris Dees, Founder and Chief Trial Attorney, Southern Poverty Law Center "The much anticipated Fourth Edition of Mastering Voir Dire and Jury Selection confirms Dr. Jeffrey Frederick as America’s foremost jury expert. With this thoroughly updated and lucidly written work, Frederick moves the needle in demonstrating how practicing lawyers can identify open-minded jurors and craft winning case narratives. A must-read book for the trial bar if ever there was one." --John Monahan, Shannon Distinguished Professor of Law and Psychology, University of Virginia School of Law
City Lights Books On to the Next Dream
Paul Madonna's popular comic, "All Over Coffee" had been running for twelve years in the San Francisco Chronicle when he was evicted from his longtime home and studio in the Mission District, ground-zero in the "tech wars" transforming the city. Suddenly finding himself yet another victim of San Francisco's overheated boomtown housing market, with its soaring prices and rampant evictions, Madonna decided to use his comic as a cathartic public platform to explore the experience, and to capture the complex, highly charged atmosphere of a city--and a life--being forced through a painful transition. In a series of drawings and stories, Madonna evokes the sense of vertigo induced by being forced from his home, and the roil of emotions that ensue as he enters into the city's brutal competition for a place to live. The line between reality and surreality begins to blur almost immediately, in real life and in his comic. Absurd, maddening, and all-too-poignant, these drawings and stories capture the spirit of not just San Francisco, but a cultural epidemic that has now spread to cities around the world. "For years I've been intrigued and charmed by Paul Madonna's careful and thoughtful drawings of overlooked nooks and by-ways of San Francisco. In his new book he now combines them with manic, delirious, and increasingly paranoid writings as he struggles with the all-consuming City dilemma of gentrification; of who came first, who gets to stay, which wave of usurpers is more 'real' and deserving than the next, and finally, what happens when someone decides it's your turn to go. Beautiful and engaging."--Sandow Birk, visual artist "Madonna has created a kind of San Francisco Realism, details so absurd, cruel, and beautiful that they can only come from our infuriating home. If Charlie Kaufman squatted in an illegal sublet in Armistead Maupin's mind, this would be the lovely tenant."--Joshua Mohr, author of All This Life "Paul Madonna's On to the Next Dream is bleak, terrifying, hilarious and lovely."--MariNaomi, author and illustrator of Turning Japanese "Simply delightful. I really don't like much out there, I really don't, but On to the Next Dream I couldn't put down. It was sharp, clever, honest, and maybe the funniest book on eviction ever written." --New Yorker cartoonist and New York Times bestselling author, Bob Eckstein, Footnotes from the World's Greatest Bookstores Praise for Everything is its own reward by Paul Madonna: "The book is fantastic. Of time and tenderness. Beautiful drawings. Beautiful text. Ethereal and serious at once. The book is its own reward."--Maira Kalman, illustrator "Mesmerizing ...When his international images are paired with his sparse, poetic words--sometimes thought-provoking one-liners such as 'You don't get anywhere without searching' and sometimes long, meandering sections of dialogue and story--the effect is haunting." Paul Madonna is a San Francisco-based artist and writer. He is the creator of the comic series "All Over Coffee" and the author of two books, All Over Coffee and Everything is its own reward. His drawings and stories have appeared in numerous books and journals as well as galleries and museums, including the San Francisco Contemporary Jewish Museum and the Oakland Museum of California.
City Lights Books Shoot an Iraqi: Art, Life and Resistance Under the Gun
Wafaa Bilal's childhood in Iraq was defined by the horrific rule of Saddam Hussein, two wars, a bloody uprising, and time spent interned in chaotic refugee camps in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Bilal eventually made it to the United States to become a professor and a successful artist, but when his brother was killed by an unmanned U.S. Predator drone, he decided to use his art to confront those in the comfort zone with the realities of life in a conflict zone. His response was "Domestic Tension," an unsettling interactive performance piece: for one month, Bilal lived alone in a prison cell-sized room in the line of fire of a remote-controlled paintball gun and a camera that connected him to Internet viewers around the world. Visitors to the gallery and a virtual audience that grew by the thousands could shoot at him twenty-four hours a day. The project received overwhelming worldwide attention and spawned provocative online debates; ultimately, Bilal was named Chicago Tribune's Artist of the Year. Structured in two parallel narratives, the story of Bilal's life journey and his "Domestic Tension" experience, Shoot an Iraqi is for anyone who seeks insight into the current conflict in Iraq and for those fascinated by interactive art technologies and the ever-expanding world of online gaming. "Once I picked up this book, i could not put it down. There is something so urgent and compelling about Bilal's story, as though he is speaking to our time. His story is not just for those interested in the arts; it is a human story of the horror, frustration, and tragedies of war." -Mary Flanagan, artist and author of re:skin "This is an unsettling and gripping book. It poignantly recounts a dark and imaginative experiment inspired by an excruciating and ghastly reality. Its unsettling effects couldn't be more welcome: we desperately need to be shocked out of our collective zombification, and this book does that by leading us through a wild labyrinth at once aesthetic, political, and existential. Potent stuff." -Danny Postel, author of Reading "Legitimation Crisis" in Tehran "Who in their right mind would allow the internet to shoot at them? Shoot an Iraqi: Art, Life, and the Resistance Under the Gun tells the story of Wafaa Bilal. When his brother was killed by an unmanned Military device during the Iraq war, Bilal took it locked himself in a room, a camera showing him to the world with a remote controlled paintball gun connected to the internet, in the name of art and political statement. Bilal explains himself quite well, making Shoot an Iraqi fascinating reading." -Midwest Book Review "Weaving together accounts of Iraq and America, art and violence, performance and reality, past and present, this gripping account all but shakes the reader by the lapels." -Publishers Weekly Iraqi-born artist Wafaa Bilal has exhibited his art worldwide, and traveled and lectured extensively to inform audiences of the situation of the Iraqi people, and the importance of peaceful conflict resolution. Bilal's 2007 dynamic installation "Domestic Tension" gained global recognition, being named Artist of the Year by the Chicago Tribune. Bilal has held exhibitions in Baghdad, the Netherlands, Thailand and Croatia; as well as at the Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago, the Milwaukee Art Museum and various other US galleries. His residencies have included Montalvo Arts Center in Saratoga, California; Catwalk in New New York; and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
The Catholic University of America Press Steadfast in the Faith: The Life of Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle
Cardinal Patrick O'Boyle (1896-1987) is largely remembered as the controversial leader of the Archdiocese of Washington during its first, formative quarter century. Combining considerable foresight about the Church's social concerns with a stubborn resistance to innovation, he countered opposition from those who reviled his progressive stand, especially his steadfast demand for racial equality and support of organized labor. At the same time he earned the opprobrium of those who resisted his firm support of the magisterium, in particular his controversial defense of the pope's ban on artificial birth control and his rejection of liturgical experimentation in the wake of the Second Vatican Council.Often overlooked is the fact that O'Boyle's Washington years followed a quarter-century participation in the modernization of the American Church's charity apparatus and the organization of its international relief effort. Such assignments placed him at the epicenter of the debate over the proper roles of church and state in providing social services. A product of the Catholic ghettoization of the early twentieth century, he was expected to lead his Church into fruitful partnerships with government and other organizations in support of society's most needy.This engaging biography seeks to explain O'Boyle's apparent contradictions by placing special emphasis on his formative years as the only child in an immigrant, staunchly pro-labor family in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and his training as a seminarian and curate in the rigidly traditional Church of his adopted New York. These influences, combined with his subsequent work with the poor and orphaned, instilled in him a progressive economic and social outlook as well as a lifetime sympathy for society's neglected. At the same time they strengthened an unquestioned obedience and loyalty to those in authority that figured so prominently in his later Washington years, where he came to embody the paradox of simple faith and complex humanity.ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Morris J. MacGregor is the author of several books, including A Parish for the Federal City: St. Patrick's in Washington, 1794-1994 and The Emergence of a Black Catholic Community: St. Augustine's in Washington.FROM THE BOOK:""Today there are poor people--too many people--who are really poor, miserably poor. . . . To a great extent poverty resulted from injustice in the past and it continues to exist because of injustices we have not yet taken the trouble to end. . . . More important than money are the lives salvaged, the homes and families preserved, the young given a chance, the aged sheltered and cared for.""--Cardinal O'BoylePRAISE FOR THE BOOK:""Steadfast in the Faith is a detailed and accurate picture of a complicated man, placed in the context of his times. It is both excellent biography and history. Kudos to Morris J. MacGregor for his faithful stewardship of both disciplines!""--Tracy Dowling, Catholic Standard""This biography presents a fair, balanced picture of a key bishop at a critical time in the Church who founded a new diocese, fought for civil rights, responded to Vatican II, and faced dissent over Humanae vitae. It should be in every Catholic library.""--John Shewmaker, Catholic Library World""This volume, an important addition to any serious library of United States church history, provides an important window through which to gain an understanding of the many significant transitions which took place in the national Catholic experience during the twentieth century, an insight into the episcopal world of that time, and much information on the foundational period of the Archdiocese of Washington. . . . [H]istorians will be grateful to MacGregor for providing us with this biography.""--James Garneau, American Catholic Studies""[A] very readab
Oxford University Press Inc Disaster Preparedness and Response
Disaster medicine has occupied an increasingly important niche within the specialty of emergency medicine over the latter half of the 20th century. Regardless of whether an event was natural, anthropogenic, or a combination of both, emergency medicine was and is the ideal discipline to develop the human resources, the strategies, the tactics, and the evidence- based research to elevate the field of disaster medicine. It began, organizationally speaking, with Hurricane Hugo in 1989 and it is continuing through the 2019 COVID- 19 pandemic and beyond. Now that we are well into the 21st century, we must steady our footing as a specialty on the 20th century's foundation so that we can wrestle with the more intricate challenges of the future. In the past two decades our global populations have experienced sectarian violence, wars, genocide, migration, terrorism, emerging infectious diseases, and pandemics. These natural and anthropogenic events will only worsen exponentially as we become intrinsically trapped by the effects of climate change. The United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has recently concluded that regardless of how we try to reverse the effects of global warming, what we are experiencing now in terms of hurricanes, floods, and droughts will continue to worsen over the next 30 years. Should we, as a species, continue to equivocate and as global temperatures climb, these events will become more frequent and more catastrophic. "Catastrophic" may even be too mild a term. It is possible that over the next few years, the academic arm of emergency medicine may need to consider developing a curriculum devoted to "Cataclysmic Medicine." To confront these possibilities, there first needs to be a knowledge of disaster medicine and disaster management at its most basic level. It begins with crisis leadership, command and control, communications, and coordination. When all these pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are fitted together properly and enclosed by a proper ethical frame, then the best and most ethical and moral disaster medical can will be provided to the patient and to the community. The intent of this book is to introduce these concepts using diverse viewpoints and scenarios. Readers are challenged to cogitate, create, and layer their own set of building blocks upon the preexisting foundation, thereby reinforcing and sustaining their own capacity to prepare for and respond to any adverse eventuality, mass casualty or otherwise. I hope that the experiential and evidence- based contents of this book will inspire readers to delve deeper into the nuances of disaster medicine and will serve as an impetus for a more profound quest for knowledge and a desire to serve those who will be experiencing the worst moments of their lives. The intent of this book is to introduce these concepts using diverse viewpoints and scenarios. Readers are challenged to cogitate, create, and layer their own set of building blocks upon the preexisting foundation, thereby reinforcing and sustaining their own capacity to prepare for and respond to any adverse eventuality, mass casualty or otherwise. It is hoped that the experiential and evidence- based contents of this book will inspire readers to delve deeper into the nuances of disaster medicine and it will serve as an impetus for a more profound quest for knowledge and a desire to serve those who will be experiencing the worst moments of their lives.
Orenda Books Beton Rouge
Hamburg State Prosecutor Chastity Riley and her new sidekick Ivo investigate the case of newspaper executives who have been caged and tortured outside their offices … on a trail that leads them to the hothouse world of boarding schools and some harrowing secrets… You loved Dark … now meet Chastity Riley ‘Caustic, incisive prose. A street-smart, gutsy heroine. A timely and staggeringly stylish thriller’ Will Carver ‘With plenty of dry humour and a good old dash of despair, Simone Buchholz is an unconventional, refreshing new voice’ Crime Fiction Lover ‘Lyrical and pithy’ Sunday Times ***WINNER of the CWA Crime in Translation Dagger 2022******WINNER of the German Crime Book of the Year Award*** _______________ On a warm September morning, an unconscious man is found in a cage at the entrance to the offices of one of Germany’s biggest magazines. He’s soon identified as a manager of the company, and he’s been tortured. Three days later, another manager appears in a similar way. Chastity Riley and her new colleague Ivo Stepanovic are tasked with uncovering the truth behind the attacks, an investigation that goes far beyond the revenge they first suspect … to the dubious past shared by both victims. Travelling to the south of Germany, they step into the hothouse world of boarding schools, where secrets are currency, and monsters are bred … monsters who will stop at nothing to protect themselves. A smart, dark, probing thriller, full of all the hard-boiled poetry and acerbic wit of the very best noir, Beton Rouge is both a classic whodunit and a scintillating expose of society, by one of the most exciting names in crime fiction. _______________ ‘Stripped back in style and deadpan in voice, this is a scintillating romp’ Doug Johnstone, Big Issue ‘With brief, pacy chapters and fizzling dialogue, this almost feels like American procedural noir and not a translation’ Maxim Jakubowski, CrimeTime ‘There is a fantastic pace to the story which keeps you hooked from the first sentence all the way to the end. Once again Simone Buchholz holds no punches, with a unique voice that delivers a stylish story’ New Books Magazine ‘The follow-up to Blue Night is a smart and witty book that shines a probing spotlight on society’ CultureFly ‘Fans of Brookmyre could do worse than checking out Simone Buchholz, a star of the German crime lit scene who has been deftly translated into English by Rachel Ward’ Goethe Institute ‘Beton Rouge is a killer read, original, unusual and yet I felt that a part of it, in fact a part of Chastity, lodged itself deeply within my soul, it’s quite simply fabulous’ LoveReading ‘Great sparkling energy, humour and stylistic verve’ Rosie Goldsmith Praise for the Chastity Riley series 'Combines nail-biting tension with off-beat humor ... Elmore Leonard fans will be enthralled' Publishers Weekly 'Buchholz doles out delicious black humor ... interwoven in a manner that ramps up the intrigue and tension' Foreword Reviews ‘Fans of Brookmyre could do worse than checking out Simone Buchholz, a star of the German crime lit scene who has been deftly translated into English by Rachel Ward’ Goethe Institute ‘By turns lyrical and pithy, this adventure set in the melting pot of contemporary Hamburg has a plot and a sensibility that both owe something to mind-altering substances. Lots of fun’ Sunday Times
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Brain Injury and Returning to Employment: A Guide for Practitioners
`Brain Injury and Returning to Employment attempts to give the professional a broad introduction to dealing with clients who have suffered a brain injury of some sort. Although aimed at a wide range of professionals, from careers guidance workers through to social workers, the focus of the book is always on how the injury incurred affects the person's ability to return to work…This book certainly provides the reader with a thorough introduction to this complex area. The information provided is detailed and holistic; never does Japp focus on just the physical implications of an injury. He sees the injury in the broadest sense how it affects the person emotionally and then how this impacts on their ability to work…It provides good practical advice: for example, when to pass to other professionals, such as occupational psychologists. There is also an excellent section on health and safety that takes the guidance worker through the items that would need thinking about when helping a person back to the working world.' - Newscheck`Japp has a talent for cutting straight through to the heart of a particular problem for a TBI client and for their case manager. He helps us to understand the problem and offers practical suggestions…He describes the importance of introducing appropriate strategies to overcome potential difficulties. This is where Japp admirably fills the gap between the assessment and the practice. It is in this respect that Japp's book is so exceptional. He takes a factor such as concentration - a problem which the practitioner invariably encounters in cases of TBI - and he helps to unpick some of the difficulties in understanding its effects and how to help a client…Japp goes on with many valuable suggestions about working with employers. He remains positive and encouraging to the client and the practitioner throughout…It is especially gratifying to find such an exceptional book in the British canon of brain injury vocational rehab where the market has tended to be dominated for so long by American studies.' - Rehabilitation Network (`This is thought to be the first ever guide on how healthcare and professionals from other sectors can support people with acquired brain injury to return to employment…In this publication, Japp offers effective occupational techniques to address impaired memory, attention and cognitive functions, the difficulties people have with planning and organising themselves, and speech and communication difficulties. He also deals with the environmental, emotional, physical and psychological barriers to work re-integration. This should be of use not only to healthcare professionals, but also to professionals in social care, careers and training settings in general.' - Care and Health MagazineThe multi-disability nature of acquired brain injury and its complex effects make the return to employment particularly problematic. Brain Injury and Returning to Employment provides a clear overview of the cognitive and psychological difficulties associated with brain injury and discusses how people affected by it can prepare for and remain in employment.The author offers effective occupational techniques to address impaired memory, attention and executive functions, and difficulties with organisation and planning skills, as well as the speech impairments commonly associated with acquired brain injury. He also examines the environmental, emotional, physical and psychological barriers to work reintegration and offers a range of solutions to these problems, including mentoring relationships with colleagues.This book will be essential reading for professionals working with brain-injured individuals in the fields of psychology, occupational therapy, employment advisory services and human resources.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Love at First Fight: The perfect binge-read romcom
Inspired by Much Ado About Nothing, this is a hilarious and uplifting romantic comedy perfect for fans of 10 Things I Hate About You and The Hating Game. Bridie Morgan is giving love one last chance – she's going on twenty dates in twenty days. If this 'love' thing really is a numbers game, then surely she'll find The One. And if not? Well, at least the memory will be enough to put her off for life. But being love's biggest sceptic is a challenge in the face of best friend Hattie's upcoming nuptials. And as maid of honour, she really has to give it a chance. Then Bridie's lifelong nemesis Ben Kemp returns home to join the wedding party. Ben, who triggered the sorry state of affairs that has been Bridie's love life since high school. Ben, the best man to her maid of honour. As old enemies reunite, sparks fly – in ways Bridie could never have seen coming... Readers love Love at First Fight! 'OMG SUCH A SWEET READ. I LOVED IT!! This book is super sweet and I totally loved the main characters!!... An amazing story!' @lifeinbooksnow, 5* Review 'A fantastic five-star read. This is funny, and sweet... I adore this author and can't wait to see what they will come up with next' NetGalley 5* Review 'Mary Jayne Baker take a bow! This is definitely going to be high on the list of favourites for this year! This is a book that has made me laugh out, cry a whole lot and fall in love with the characters that have filled the pages... This is without a doubt a book worthy of all the stars. All Hail Mary Jayne Baker – queen of romance and one of the few authors that can almost read my mind and create the perfect man' Little Miss Book Lover 87, 5* Review 'Hilarious and heartwarming read!... This was the first time I've read a book by Mary Jayne but definitely won't be the last!' The Literary Space, 5* Review 'Just the perfect kind of a book to cuddle up with and let it comfort you. It made me feel so much better and happier, and after finishing I had a smile on my face because gosh that ending!... A classic enemies to lovers... Gah! So adorable ... Feel-good rom-com in all aspects!' NetGalley 5* Review 'Fantastically adorable and has a bit of everything. From enemies to lovers, wonderful banter... Had me turning pages until I was done far sooner than I wanted to be. I couldn't put this book down... You'll smile, you'll laugh' NikkiHRose Writing, 5* Review 'The perfect frenemies to lovers romcom and I really enjoyed it' @katiethebooklover, 5* Review 'I absolutely loved this book as the fun rom-com is something every girl needs!' NetGalley 5* Review 'So much fun! I definitely had LOL moments and I couldn't stop reading it; I had to rush to the end to see what happened... Highly recommended!' NetGalley 5* Review 'I read in under 24 hours. It would have been one sitting, if I hadn't slept in the middle of it!... This is a lighthearted romcom book that was very enjoyable' @neverlandbooks, 5* Review 'Great lighthearted summer read! Cute and fun! I loved the characters and the romance was beautiful to see develop' NetGalley 5* Review 'What a fun book!... There was laughter, friendship, and several tender moments... If you are looking for a light, fun read that's hard to put down, this is for you' NetGalley 5* Review
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Mastering Creativity in Organizations
'The digital age provide tremendous opportunities for organizations who adapt new technologies, implement disruptive business models, introduce new ways of working and who drive on innovation. There is no doubt that one of the most important capabilities for 21st century organizations is ''mastering creativity''. Andres Hatum has done a fabulous job in taking readers of his latest book on a journey where they learn how to build and include creativity in the DNA of their organizations. A must-read for every business and talent profession.'-Nick van Dam, Global Chief Learning Officer, McKinsey & Company, Nyenrode Business University, the Netherlands and the University of Pennsylvania, US'This book is a welcome addition to the steadily growing literature on creativity and organization. The author achieves the twin hurdles of rigorous analysis for the academics and practice-based relevance for practitioners. The book provides ample frameworks and case examples to identify key factors which influence and enhance creativity in organizations. These factors range from individual characteristics through organizational factors such as structure and culture to more contextual and environmental conditions. The author then shows how developing creativity, as a key organizational competence, can positively influence strategic decision making to enhance exploration rather than exploitation, to increase agility and to facilitate proactive change.'- David Wilson, Open University, UK'Mastering Creativity in Organizations offers a comprehensive and pedagogical treatise of the forces and factors that facilitate creativity in organizations and the numerous challenges that this involves. The book is richly illustrated with a variety of cases from a range of different sectors, including sports, advertising, manufacturing, consulting, primary education, the entertainment industry, and the culinary industry. Thanks to his fantastic access, Professor Hatum takes us behind the scenes and gives us an inside look into a number of iconic organizations such as Cirque de Soleil, FC Barcelona and Tetra Pak - exploring their leadership practices, HR strategies, office design and several other key issues. However, as the authors attests, creativity is not just for the exceptionally talented genius or for the people working in these extraordinary organizations. Everybody, and every organization, can learn to work in more creative ways from the unique cases in this book.'- Torkild Thanem, Stockholm University, SwedenThis book identifies best practices, leadership styles, and organizational structures for the stimulation of organizational creativity. Andrés Hatum first explains what creativity means in an organizational context. He then explores the ways in which an organization can foster it, with an aim to help any company - not just companies in creative fields or industries - become an organization in which new ideas flow, new processes are developed, and new products are brought to market. In doing so, he provides scholars with a solid framework for studying and understanding the deeper meaning of creativity.Andrés Hatum's new framework for understanding organizational creativity offers examples from a rich variety of companies and situations. The book balances theory and practice for a multifaceted approach that brings its analysis into the real world. In-depth case studies include FC Barcelona, elBulli, Almodovar, and Cirque du Soleil.Managers will find case studies describing exceptional organizational creativity and practical takeaways that can be applied in their own firms. Students will find concrete analytical frameworks for thinking about creativity in organizations, and academics will find a different approach to the study of creativity, one that is grounded in practice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Red Sea Geothermal Provinces
“Today, over two billion people in developing countries live without any electricity. They lead lives of misery, walking miles every day for water and firewood, just to survive. What if there was an existing, viable technology, that when developed to its highest potential could increase everyone’s standard of living, cut fossil fuel demand and the resultant pollution” said Peter Meisen, President, Global Energy Network Institute in 1997. Even though energy is available, technology was not matured enough to tap this energy in the nineties. Now, with the advancement of drilling technology, extracting heat from hot rocks has become a reality. Very soon when CO2 replaces the circulation fluid to extract heat from granites then both fossil fuel based and renewable energy sources will coexists balancing the CO2 emissions and providing energy, food and water security to the rich and the poor countries. Red Sea rift represents the youngest spreading ridges in the world with a vast amount of heat energy stored on either side. The Red Sea is surrounded by countries with a weak economy. Developing a geothermal energy based economy in countries like Eritrea, Djibouti and Ethiopia will provide food and water security to these countries while for other countries, geothermal energy will help in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Although geothermal energy sources are available in all the countries since the opening of the Red Sea, millions of years ago, this was not brought to the light. Oil importing countries became highly dependent on the oil rich countries to sustain their economy and growth and thus remained poor. This book unfolds the huge energy source, hydrothermal and EGS, for the benefit of the poor countries to reduce poverty and lift the socio economic status of these countries. The book deals with i) future energy demand, ii) CO2 emissions associated with fossil fuel based power plants, iii) black carbon emissions associated biomass energy source and iv) strategies to reduce CO2 emissions by using geothermal energy as energy source mix in all the countries—oil exporting and oil importing countries— around the Red Sea. The amount of energy available from hot granites in all the countries is well documented. EGS being the future energy source for mankind, this book will form the basis for future research by young scientists and academicians. Availability of fresh water is a matter of concern for all countries. The only way to satisfy the thirst of a growing population, to meet drinking water demand and food security, is to depend on seawater. A large volume of CO2 is being emitted from desalination plants supported by fossil fuel based energy sources. This book describes the advantages of using geothermal energy sources for the desalination process to meet the growing water and food demand of the countries around the Red Sea. Oil rich countries, using its geothermal resources, can now reduce food imports and become self sufficient in food production.This book gives hope for millions of children living in the underdeveloped countries around the Red Sea to satisfy their hunger and live a decent life with a continuous source of electricity, water and food available. This book ends with a note on the economic benefits of geothermal energy vs other renewables. With the signing of the GGA (Global Geothermal Alliance) by several countries during the December 2015 CoP 21 summit in Paris, policy makers and administrators will work together in implementing the necessary infrastructure and support to develop this clean energy source.
University of Minnesota Press A Measure of Success: The Influence of Curriculum-Based Measurement on Education
Simple in concept, far-reaching in implementation, Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) was developed in the 1980s as an efficient way to assess the progress of struggling students, including those with disabilities. Today, there are few areas of special education policy and practice that have not been influenced by CBM progress monitoring. The impact of CBM is reflected in recent education reforms that emphasize improvements in assessment and data-based decision making. Gathering an international group of leading researchers and practitioners, A Measure of Success provides a comprehensive picture of the past, present, and possible future of CBM progress monitoring. The book will be instrumental for researchers and practitioners in both general and special education, particularly those involved in the rapidly growing Response to Intervention (RTI) approach, an approach used to determine the performance and placement of students with learning difficulties.A Measure of Success presents a nuanced examination of CBM progress monitoring in reading, math, and content-area learning to assess students at all levels, from early childhood to secondary school, and with a wide range of abilities, from high- and low-incidence disabilities to no disabilities. This study also evaluates how the approach has affected instructional practices, teacher training, psychology and school psychology, educational policy, and research in the United States and beyond.Timely and unique, this volume will interest anyone in education who wants to harness the potential advantage of progress monitoring to improve outcomes for students.Contributors: Laurence Bergeron; Lionel A. Blatchley; Renee Bradley; Mary T. Brownell, U of Florida; Todd W. Busch, U of St. Thomas; Heather M. Campbell, St. Olaf College; Ann Casey; Theodore J. Christ, U of Minnesota; Kelli D. Cummings, U of Oregon; Eric Dion, U du Québec à Montréal; Isabelle Dubé, U du Québec à Montréal; Hank Fien, U of Oregon; Anne Foegen, Iowa State U; Douglas Fuchs, Vanderbilt U; Lynn S. Fuchs, Vanderbilt U; Gary Germann; Kim Gibbons; Roland H. Good III, U of Oregon; Anne W. Graves, San Diego State U; John L. Hosp, U of Iowa; Michelle K. Hosp; Joseph R. Jenkins, U of Washington; Ruth A. Kaminski; Panayiota Kendeou, Neapolis U Pafos, Cyprus; Dong-il Kim, Seoul National U, South Korea; Amanda Kloo, U of Pittsburgh; Danika Landry, U du Québec à Montréal; Erica Lembke, U of Missouri; Francis E. Lentz Jr., U of Cincinnati; Sylvia Linan-Thompson, U of Texas at Austin; Charles D. Machesky; Doug Marston; James L. McLeskey, U of Florida; Timothy C. Papadopoulos, U of Cyprus; Kelly A. Powell-Smith; Greg Roberts, U of Texas at Austin; Margaret J. Robinson; Steven L. Robinson, Minnesota State U, Mankato; Catherine Roux, U du Québec à Montréal; Barbara J. Scierka; Edward S. Shapiro, Lehigh U; Jongho Shin, Seoul National U, South Korea; Mark R. Shinn, National Louis U; James G. Shriner, U of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Paul T. Sindelar, U of Florida; Deborah L. Speece, U of Maryland; Pamela M. Stecker, Clemson U; Martha L. Thurlow, U of Minnesota; RenátaTichá, U of Minnesota; Gerald Tindal, U of Oregon; Paul van den Broek, Leiden U, the Netherlands; Sharon Vaughn, U of Texas at Austin; Dana L. Wagner, Augsburg College; Teri Wallace, Minnesota State U, Mankato; Jeanne Wanzek, Florida State U; Mary Jane White, U of Minnesota; Mitchell L. Yell, U of South Carolina; Naomi Zigmond, U of Pittsburgh.
Baker Publishing Group The Words between Us – A Novel
2020 Christy Award finalist *** Robin Windsor has spent most of her life under an assumed name, running from her family's ignominious past. She thought she'd finally found sanctuary in her rather unremarkable used bookstore just up the street from the marina in River City, Michigan. But the store is struggling and the past is hot on her heels. When she receives an eerily familiar book in the mail on the morning of her father's scheduled execution, Robin is thrown back to the long-lost summer she met Peter Flynt, the perfect boy who ruined everything. That book--a first edition Catcher in the Rye--is soon followed by the other books she shared with Peter nearly twenty years ago, with one arriving in the mail each day. But why would Peter be making contact after all these years? And why does she have a sinking feeling that she's about to be exposed all over again? With evocative prose that recalls the classic novels we love, Erin Bartels pens a story that shows that words--the ones we say, the ones we read, and the ones we write--have more power than we imagine. ***** "Alternating between flashbacks and the present day, The Words Between Us is a story of love found in the written word and love found because of the written word. It is also a novel of the consequences of those words that are left unsaid. Bartels' compelling sophomore novel (after We Hope for Better Things, 2019) will satisfy fans and new readers alike."--Booklist "Erin Bartels drew me in with a unique premise and held me there with her strong storytelling and complex characters. . . . Bartels has given her readers a novel to read slowly and contemplate. It shows a true love for literature that all book-lovers will enjoy and a deeply rich storyline that will keep you engaged until long after the final page is closed."--Life Is Story "The Words between Us is a story to savor and share: a lyrical novel about the power of language and the search for salvation. A secondhand bookstore owner hiding from a legacy of scandal, tragedy, and heartbreak must unlock the secrets of the past to claim her happiness. I loved every sentence, every word."--Barbara Claypole White, bestselling author of The Perfect Son and The Promise between Us "Erin Bartels has done it again. She's created a story that has set up camp in my mind and now feels more like a memory, something I lived, than a piece of fiction. The added benefit is that it's a story about books, some of the best ones ever written. If you are the kind of person who finds meaning and life in the written word, then you'll find yourself hidden among these pages."--Shawn Smucker, author of Light from Distant Stars "Vividly drawn and told in expertly woven dual timelines, The Words between Us is a story about a woman who has spent years trying to escape her family's scandals and the resilience she develops along the way. Erin Bartels's characters are a treat: complex, dynamic, and so lifelike I half expected them to climb straight out of the pages."--Kathleen Barber, author of Are You Sleeping
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Write Away! Poetry: A Guided Poetry Journal with over 101 Writing Exercises
Begin your epic poetry adventure today with engaging writing prompts that will have you turning out verse in no time. No doubt you’ve fallen in love with a poem at some point in your life. Whether it was a nursery rhyme from childhood or something you read in a high school English class, something about poetry’s form has captured your attention. And now you’d like to try writing a poem yourself. But where do you start?From the moment you put pen to paper, you’re a poet! And like other poets, your goal is to express yourself in a way that’s different from how you would write a short story or letter. But it’s easy to let your inner critic take over and silence your creative voice before you even begin. That’s where the Write Away! Poetry journal comes in. The 101+ writing prompts and exercises will help you find inspiration, try new approaches to writing, and learn to play with language. They’ll encourage you to think creatively and look at your world (and yourself) in a new way. Use these prompts to get your creative juices flowing and shut down that inner critic. Remember, this is your journal—there is no right way to follow these prompts. Do them in order or jump around; do one a day or several in a row. Featuring a layflat binding for easy writing and a compact size perfect for writing on the go, Write Away! Poetry includes prompts like: Write a poem about lost or forgotten things. Write an acrostic poem—a poem in which the first letter of each line spells out a word—to your parent or grandparent, using their first name. Write a poem about your favorite season. Write a poem that plays around with onomatopoeia (a word that sounds like its meaning, such as “sizzle”). Write a poem to your 13-year-old self with advice for living a good life (or avoiding heartache). Write a poem using couplets, which are two-line stanzas. Write a poem that describes how it sounds when snow, leaves, or rain falls. Write a poem that is not about food or cooking but written in the form of a recipe. Once you’ve gone through the book, challenge yourself by going back and writing fresh material in response to the prompts to see how your writing has evolved. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find the start of a brand-new poem to fall in love with. With so much of our lives and contact going digital, the Guided Workbooks offer an intimate way to nurture your connection with yourself and the people around you. An entertaining way to get off your screen, the pages in these guided prompt books are great for writers and first-timers alike. Each workbook offers content around a different, compelling theme, filled with thoughtful questions, inspiration for composition, and interactive prompts to learn about yourself and the world around you. Beautifully designed on high-quality paper stock and full of mindful prompts, channel your inspiration as you put pen to paper to learn more about what inspires you. Other books in the series include: The Adulting Workbook, Finding Your Authentic Self, Stop Overthinking, 5-Minute Productivity Workbook, 3-Minute Positivity Workbook, 52 Weeks to Better Mental Health, Tarot: A Guided Workbook, Astrology: A Guided Workbook , and Finding Your Balance: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workbook.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery
Over the past three decades, information in the aerospace and mechanical engineering fields in general and turbomachinery in particular has grown at an exponential rate. Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery is the first book, in one complete volume, to bring together the modern approaches and advances in the field, providing the most up-to-date, unified treatment available on basic principles, physical aspects of the aerothermal field, analysis, performance, theory, and computation of turbomachinery flow and heat transfer. Presenting a unified approach to turbomachinery fluid dynamics and aerothermodynamics, the book concentrates on the fluid dynamic aspects of flows and thermodynamic considerations rather than on those related to materials, structure, or mechanical aspects. It covers the latest material and all types of turbomachinery used in modern-day aircraft, automotive, marine, spacecraft, power, and industrial applications; and there is an entire chapter devoted to modern approaches on computation of turbomachinery flow. An additional chapter on turbine cooling and heat transfer is unique for a turbomachinery book. The author has undertaken a systematic approach, through more than three hundred illustrations, in developing the knowledge base. He uses analysis and data correlation in his discussion of most recent developments in this area, drawn from over nine hundred references and from research projects carried out by various organizations in the United States and abroad. This book is extremely useful for anyone involved in the analysis, design, and testing of turbomachinery. For students, it can be used as a two-semester course of senior undergraduate or graduate study: the first semester dealing with the basic principles and analysis of turbomachinery, the second exploring three-dimensional viscid flows, computation, and heat transfer. Many sections are quite general and applicable to other areas in fluid dynamics and heat transfer. The book can also be used as a self-study guide to those who want to acquire this knowledge. The ordered, meticulous, and unified approach of Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery should make the specialization of turbomachinery in aerospace and mechanical engineering much more accessible to students and professionals alike, in universities, industry, and government. Turbomachinery theory, performance, and analysis made accessible with a new, unified approach For the first time in nearly three decades, here is a completely up-to-date and unified approach to turbomachinery fluid dynamics and aerothermodynamics. Combining the latest advances, methods, and approaches in the field, Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery features: The most comprehensive and complete coverage of the fluid dynamics and aerothermodynamics of turbomachinery to date A spotlight on the fluid dynamic aspects of flows and the thermodynamic considerations for turbomachinery (rather than the structural or material aspects) A detailed, step-by-step presentation of the analytical and computational models involved, which allows the reader to easily construct a flowchart from which to operate Critical reviews of all the existing analytical and numerical models, highlighting the advantages and drawbacks of each Comprehensive coverage of turbine cooling and heat transfer, a unique feature for a book on turbomachinery An appendix of basic computation techniques, numerous tables, and listings of common terminology, abbreviations, and nomenclature Broad in scope, yet concise, and drawing on the author's teaching experience and research projects for government and industry, Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery explains and simplifies an increasingly complex field. It is an invaluable resource for undergraduate and graduate students in aerospace and mechanical engineering specializing in turbomachinery, for research and design engineers, and for all professionals who are—or wish to be—at the cutting edge of this technology.
Zondervan Systematic Theology, Second Edition: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine
This new edition of Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem may be the most important resource you can own for helping you understand Scripture and grow as a Christian.The most widely used resource of the last 25 years in its area, Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem has been thoroughly revised and expanded (all 57 chapters) for the first time while retaining the features that have made it the standard in its field: clear explanations, an emphasis on each doctrine's scriptural basis, and practical applications to daily life.Praise for the second edition:"After a quarter century of remarkable usefulness globally . . . it remains remarkable. I thank God for this precious gift to Christ's people worldwide." - John Piper"Stands out for its clarity and accessibility." - Thomas R. Schreiner"One of those rare works that can challenge the scholar and instruct the beginner . . . It is simply indispensable." - Jack DeereWith nearly 250 pages of new content and revisions that took several years, this new edition now includes the following distinctive features, making it even better: Updated, fuller analysis of several recent controversies within evangelicalism, including the eternal relationship between the Father and the Son in the Trinity, the question of God's atemporal eternity, the role of women in the church, "seeker-sensitive" churches, miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit, and contemporary worship music. New, thoughtful critiques of open theism, the "new perspective on Paul," Molinism (or "middle knowledge"), "Free Grace" theology, and the preterist view of Christ's second coming Completely revised, stronger chapter on the clarity of Scripture Completely revised, stronger chapter on creation and evolution, including a longer critique of theistic evolution and an extensive discussion on the age of the earth New discussion of how biblical inerrancy applies to some specific "problem verses" in the Gospels Additional material respectfully explaining evangelical Protestant differences with Roman Catholicism (with extensive interaction with the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church), Protestant liberalism, and Mormonism Completely updated bibliographies All Scripture quotations updated from RSV to ESV An explanation of why monogenes in John 3:16 and elsewhere should be translated as "only begotten" rather than merely "only" (this is a change from the first edition) A contemporary worship song added at the end of each chapter (while retaining the traditional hymns as well) New discussion on the impassibility of God An extensive discussion on the eternal submission of the Son to the Father, taking into account controversies in recent years Updated section on contemporary worship music A discussion of recent criticisms of the penal substitutionary view of the atonement Numerous other updates and corrections that have be prompted by letters and emails from people around the world and by interaction with the students Wayne has taught over the last 26 years both at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and at Phoenix Seminary Part of the brilliance of Systematic Theology over the years has been its simplicity and ease of use. Each chapter follows the same structure. First, there is discussion of the doctrine being considered, such as justification or the Trinity or the deity of Christ. An explanation of that doctrine's biblical support and possible objections follow. Personal application and key terms to know for personal growth are then provided. Chapters also include a Scripture memory passage, references to other literature on the topic, and suggested hymns and worship songs.If you are someone who thinks theology is hard to understand or boring, then this new edition of Systematic Theology will likely change your mind.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Lead Like it Matters...Because it Does: Practical Leadership Tools to Inspire and Engage Your People and Create Great Results
MASTER THE 4 KEY TENETS OF LEADERSHIP--AND CREATE A "RIPPLE EFFECT" OF POSITIVE CHANGE.A CRASH COURSE IN LEADERSHIP THAT REALLY MAKES A DIFFERENCEWhether you're a manager, executive, or CEO, leadership matters. Whether you're running a large global firm or a small project team, it's the way you communicate and connect to other people that can make or break your success. The secret, according to Roxi Bahar Hewertson, is to make those connections count--to leverage your skills and play on your strengths--to lead like it matters…because it does.A virtual crash course in leadership, Lead Like ItMatters…Because It Does combines three decades of experience and research with Hewertson's revolutionarywork at Cornell to create the definitive workbook. Learn how to: Assess your leadership style and skill set--and make adjustments Create constructive dialogues including "managing up" and delegation Cut wasteful meetings out of your life and lead productive ones Address common interpersonal conflicts, quickly and gracefully Increase productivity, team effectiveness, and accountability Lead change initiatives that aren't dead on arrival, but ready for takeoff As an executive coach, Hewertson knows how to pinpoint the problems, pressures, and pain points that plague managers at every level--and shows you how to fix them. You'll discover the "ripple effect" that negative leadership choices can have throughout an organization--and how to make positive ripples with clear intent and powerful impact. You'll find a wealth of practical, user-ready tips for handling conflicts, reducing turnover,making confident decisions, and instituting changes in the workplace. This book is packed with handy charts, helpful questionnaires, step-by-step checklists, and other must-haves--it's your own personal toolbox of field-tested techniques, right at your fingertips.Take charge of your future. Build the best team you can. Make changes that count. Lead Like It Matters…Because It Does.PRAISE FOR LEAD LIKE IT MATTERS...BECAUSE IT DOES:“Just when you think there is little new to say about leadership, Roxi Hewertson has created this ground breaking work. I’ve never seen anything like it. The conceptual framework is powerful, practical and personal. It introduces an innovative, step-by-step, developmental approach providing the reader not just insightful understanding about how to lead, but a sequence of exercises applying each new concept. It reflects a lifetime of learning by doing. For those who follow its counsel, Lead Like It Matters . . . Because it Does is transformative.”Richard McDaniel, Chairman, Collegiate Retail Alliance, Inc., and coauthor of Measure What Matters"Roxi gets it! If you want a compendium of current thought about leadership, Lead Like It Matters . . . Because it Does is it. Roxi has a keen grasp of where modern leadership is, and she has created a readable roadmap for those who want to take the trip.”Rodney Napier, Ph.D., Principle, The Napier Group, and coauthor of Groups: Theory and Experience"Lead Like It Matters . . . Because it Does is full of 'a-ha' moments and jam packed with practical and deeply researched leadership insights that will positively and immediately transform your work environment."Louise Phipps Senft, Phipps Senft Institute for Relational Leadership “Roxi has given us the valuable and practical must do’s, nice to do’s, and really don’t do’s of being an effective leader and creating an enthusiastic and high performance team based on sound theory and solid experience.”Tom DeCotiis, Ph.D., cofounder of Corvirtus, LLC, and author of Make It Glow
Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson Ltd Imray 2800 Chart Pack: Kintyre to Ardnamurchan Chart Pack: 2021
This edition consists of 11 extra chart sheets, twice the coverage of the previous edition, and incorporates all the latest official bathymetric surveys. Created in association with the Clyde Cruising Club for use alongside their sailing directions, coverage includes detail of this delightful area of Scotland and there is reference to the popular large scale Antares Charts. The 22 chart sheets in this pack provide all the necessary information for passage planning, detailed approach to yacht havens and marinas, and the numerous anchorages and sailing areas recommended for small craft. Coverage includes large scale charts from Kintyre sailing north, with newly included charts of Kintyre, Gigha, Islay, Jura and Colonsay. Large scale coverage continues with Mull, Loch Linnhe, Lock Etive, Lock Sunart Coll, Tiree to Ardnamurchan. Full details of charts and their scales are listed below. Also available wiro bound, see code IC2800-3W. 1st edition charts Y80, Y81, Y82, Y83, Y84, Y85, Y86 and Y87 have been published that replicate charts 2800.4, 2800.10, 2800.11, 2800.12, 2800.13, 2800.15, 2800.17 & 2800.18 respectively and sold individually. These are part of our 'small format Y chart series' that mirror coverage from the corresponding atlas and are A2 size. For details of these please see the relevant page on our website. Charts included: 2800.1 Kintyre to Ardnamurchan (1:350 000) 2800.2 Mull of Kintyre (1:75 000) Plans Campbeltown Loch (1:35 000), Campbeltown Harbour (1:7500), Sanda Island (1:30 000) 2800.3 Port Ellen to the Sound of Jura (1:75 000) Plan Port Ellen (1:25 000) 2800.4 Sound of Gigha (1:25 000) 2800.5 West Islay (1:75 000) 2800.6 Sound of Islay to Colonsay (1:75 000) Plan Scalasaig (1:12 500) 2800.7 Sound of Jura (1:75000) Plans Craighouse Bay (Loch na Mile) (1:25 000), Loch Sween (Tayvallich) (1:25 000) 2800.8 Jura to Oban (1:75 000) 2800.9 Crinan and Loch Craignish (1:30 000) Plan Crinan Approaches (1:10 000) 2800.10 Corryvreckan, Sound of Luing and Garvellachs (1:30 000) 2800.11 Cuan Sound and Loch Melfort (1:30 000) Insh Island to Loch Feochan (1:30 000) Plan Loch Feochan (1:30 000) 2800.12 Sound of Kerrera and Approaches to Oban (1:15 000) 2800.13 Firth of Lorn & Lismore (1:40 000) 2800.14 Loch Etive (1:40 000) Plans Dunstaffnage Bay (1:15 000), Loch Etive Continuation (1:40 000) 2800.15 South Loch Linnhe and Loch Creran (1:40 000) Plan Loch Creran Continuation (1:25 000) 2800.16 North Loch Linnhe, Loch Leven and Loch Eil (1:40 000) Plans Loch Leven Narrows (1:15 000), Continuation of Loch Leven (1:40 000), Corran Narrows (1:15 000), Approaches to Corpach Sea Loch (1:20 000) 2800.17 Sound of Mull (1:40 000) Plan Loch Aline (1:10 000) 2800.18 West Sound of Mull and Loch Sunart (1:40 000) Plans Tobermory (1:20 000), Continuation of Loch Sunart (1:40 000) 2800.19 West Mull to Point of Ardnamurchan (1:75 000) Plan Treshnish Isles (1:37 500) 2800.20 Coll and Tiree (1:75 000) Plans Loch Eatharna (Arinagour) (1:17 500), Gott Bay (1:20 000) 2800.21 Ross of Mull and Iona (1:75 000) Plans Bull Hole (1:25 000), Tinkers Hole (1:25 000) 2800.22 North of Coll Continuation (1:75 000) West Loch Tarbert (1:30 000) Jura Loch Tarbert (1:25 000)
Walker Books Ltd The Midnight Guardians
Discover a world of magical storytelling with Ross Montgomery. SHORTLISTED FOR THE COSTA CHILDREN'S BOOK AWARD WATERSTONES CHILDREN'S BOOK OF THE MONTHHIVE CHILDREN'S BOOK OF THE MONTHTOPPSTA CHILDREN'S BOOK OF THE MONTH“One of our finest children’s writers.” Phil Earle“A master storyteller.” Aisling Fowler“Another absolute triumph from one of my favourite children’s authors.” Catherine Doyle Sometimes at the darkest hour, hope shines the brightest…When Col’s childhood imaginary friends come to life, he discovers a world where myths and legends are real. Accompanied by his guardians – a six-foot tiger, a badger in a waistcoat and a miniature knight – Col must race to Blitz-bombed London to save his sister.But there are darker forces at work, even than the Nazi bombings. Soon Col is pursued by the terrifying Midwinter King, who is determined to bring an eternal darkness down over everything.PRAISE FOR THE MIDNIGHT GUARDIANS"Montgomery's latest is an enthralling, Narnia-flavoured novel with the folkloric feel of a Christmas classic." Guardian"Beautifully drawn fantasy characters ... a story of hope and love underpinned by witty humour.” Daily Mail"A magical slice of historical fantasy fiction.” i Newspaper"This lovely adventure story has the feel of a classic children's book." Book of the Week, The Week Junior“Ross Montgomery’s beautiful writing and epic storytelling weave together a magical adventure set against the backdrop of World War Two.” WRD Magazine"Spectacular. A story of real and rare power - The Midnight Guardians is one of the best books I've read in years." Kiran Millwood Hargrave"The Midnight Guardians is torch-under-the-duvet, can't-stop-reading magic. British folklore rebooted … in an edge-of-your-seat, heart-filled search for hope in the darkest hour." Piers Torday"Embark on a mythic, comic, classic adventure with the finest fellowship since Frodo set a hairy foot beyond the Shire.” David Solomons“Glorious! I think this is Ross Montgomery’s best book yet: an adventure across WWII wintry Britain with a Kindertransportee, a boy dressed in shorts and his three imaginary friends. A joy of a joy of a thing.” Katherine Rundell"A gem of book, jam-packed with heart and humour and one utterly unique set of friends." Peter Bunzl“Pure magic. Storytelling at its very best.” Abi Elphinstone"Brilliant! The Midnight Guardians is the perfect blend of humour, adventure and emotion. Simply beautiful." Lisa Thompson"Funny, thrilling, moving ... everything that is brilliant about children's literature. A triumph." Sophie Anderson“Brimming with imagination and warmth, and powered by the strongest magic of all - hope. Fantastic from first page to last.” Catherine Doyle"Beautiful. A magical, big-hearted adventure full of wit and warmth. One of the best children's books I've read for ages." Anna James“A tale of enchantment and friendship … all the warmth of a timeless story, told between friends round a winter fire … funny and true in the way all good stories are.” Thomas Taylor“The adventure whisks you through wartime trouble and mythical danger like riding a giant tiger through falling snow … A magical story.” Jack Noel“With the spirit of Narnia, but a heart of its own. The Midnight Guardians is totally enchanting. I gobbled up every word.” Aisha Bushby"I inhaled this wonderful book in one sitting ... humour, beautiful writing, heartbreak, hope, and a fat badger in a waistcoat. I'll be recommending it to everyone." Katya Balen"A real triumph of the imagination, blending the appeal of a classic adventure with Montgomery's heart and humour, and a hint of Narnia." Editor's Choice, The Bookseller
Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd Planning and Control Using Oracle Primavera P6 Versions 18 to 23 PPM Professional: 2024
All scheduling software is difficult to learn for a number of reasons. None have the optimal settings when installed and Layouts, User Preferences and default options need to be adjusted to obtain the best possible performance. Usually the Help files do not connect the user to real life situations and do not explain the practical use of functions. Furthermore, there are many flicks and switches with obscure names that are difficult to understand or decide what they do or which are important. These issues make learning the software very difficult without a comprehensive guide written by an experienced user. Investing in a book written by Paul E Harris will address all these issues and allow you to setup the software properly and understand all the obscure functions letting you become productive more quickly and enhance your career opportunities and salary with a solid understanding of the software. This book is an update of the author’s Primavera P6 Version 8 to 22 book and has been written so it may be used with any software industry version. The book is packed with screen shots, constructive tips and contains workshops with solutions at the end of each chapter for the reader to practice the skills taught. It has been written so it may be used with either the Professional Project Management Client version or the Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Optional Client. The book is aimed at: 1. People who wish learn the software but are unable to attend a training course and find the software reference manual hard going. 2. Project management companies who wish to run their own software training courses or provide their employees with an alternative text to the vendor supplied user manual. 3. Training organizations requiring a training manual to run their own training courses. The book is designed to teach planners and schedulers in any industry how to setup and use the software in a project environment. It explains in plain English and in a logical sequence, the steps required to create and maintain an unresourced and resourced schedule. It tackles some of the more complex aspects of the software that the user manual does not address. It highlights the sources of information and the methods that should be employed to produce a realistic and useful project schedule. The book provides advice on how on how the many software options may be applied to projects environments and it aims to teach readers how to plan and control projects created within the software package and stays focused on explaining how to use Primavera to schedule projects by: 1. Concentrating on the core functions required to set up an enterprise environment and how to plan and control projects. 2. Providing command lists at the start of each chapter as a quick reference. 3. Providing a comprehensive table of contents and index of all topics. The book is intended to be used: 1. As a self-teach book, or 2. A user guide, or 3. A training manual for a three-day training course, instructor PowerPoint slide shows are available from the author. This book is written by an experienced scheduler, who has used the software at the sharp end of projects and is not a techo. It draws on the author's practical experience in using the software in a wide variety of industries. It presents workable solutions to real day to day planning and scheduling problems and contains practical advice on how to set up the software and import data.
Intellect Books Curriculum: Contemporary Art Goes to School
There is an urgent focus on education around the world, and this book is pushing directly into this territory. It will appeal to a wide range of readers – to anyone who is passionate about art and or education – and will have a strong international appeal as the contributors have international profiles and the book is poised to address global issues concerning contemporary art, education, and independent practice. In this collection of original essays, the writers engage with the work of the artists who took part in Art School. Each contribution provides a lens through which each writer can focus on specific moments within the evolution of Art School, working outwards to explore how these moments resonate with the wider fields of art-in-education and radical pedagogies. These texts respond to a widespread concern with art and its place in education, while retaining a committed and informed engagement with the phenomena they assess. Art School takes place as a series of independent projects, exhibitions, workshop and residency programmes, bringing active contemporary artists into educational systems to inspire and expand their teachings. Responding to a growing desire to rethink art education at all levels, it is for those committed to new forms of social imagination and social engagement in contemporary art. This book is for curators, schoolteachers and other educators, and also for artists and art students who wish to extend their practice beyond the gallery. Less a manifesto or a declaration of doctrine than an emergent set of experiments, Curriculum considers the school as a zone of artistic and curatorial practice, foregrounding the potential of contemporary art (understood in wide terms) to stimulate students’ creativity in original and open ways. Although the book focuses on a specific project in Ireland, that project exemplifies trends in art and education that are happening around the world and includes contributions from an international group of scholars all well-known in their field. Contributors: Clare Butcher, Gerard Byrne, Juan Canela, Helen Carey, Daniela Cascella, Fiona Gannon, Jennie Guy, Andrew Hunt, Hannah Jickling & Helen Reed, Alissa Kleist, Rowan Lear, Peter Maybury, Annemarie Ní Churreáin, Nathan O’Donnell, Sofia Olascoaga and Priscila Fernandes, Matt Packer and Sjoerd Westbroek. Artists: Sven Anderson, John Beattie, Clare Breen, Sarah Browne, Karl Burke, Rhona Byrne, Ella de Búrca, Vanessa Donoso Lopez, Priscila Fernandes, Hannah Fitz, Jane Fogarty, Kevin Gaffney, Adam Gibney, Fiona Hallinan, Elaine Leader, Maria McKinney, Maeve Mulrennan, Mark O’Kelly, Sarah Pierce, Naomi Sex and Orlaith Treacy. Primary interest will be among educators, artists, curators, academics and students, and others working or studying in a variety of settings including school, universities, museums, and other arts organisations. Of interest to these groups in the following ways: Artists: Learning about how other artists are working in sites of education. Curators: Reading about the curatorial mechanisms that support artists maintaining the ethics and integrity of their practice when working with younger audiences in schools. Gallerists: Extending the horizons of audience and public outreach. Museums: Considering new models of education, outreach, exhibition, and off-site events. Schools: Learning about new models of artist residencies and workshops. Students and Parents: Researching the potential of contemporary artists’ impact on education. Educators: Forming a critical perspective of how contemporary arts practice can be integrated in curricula. Local and National Arts Agencies: Learning about how independent curatorial and artistic practice can co-exist within sites of education. This publication was funded by the Arts Council of Ireland and the Arts Office of Wicklow County Council.
Galaxy Press L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 39
In the world of speculative fiction.Your favorite authors.have selected the best new voices of the year. 24 Award-winning Authors and Illustrators.3 Bonus Short Stories by Kevin J. Anderson, L. Ron Hubbard & S. M. Stirling. Art and Writing Tips by Lazarus Chernik, L. Ron Hubbard & Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Edited by Dean Wesley Smith, Jody Lynn Nye. 16-page color gallery of artwork. Cover art by Tom Wood.Check out the stories Brandon Sanderson, Orson Scott Card, Nnedi Okorafor, Robert J. Sawyer, Kevin J. Anderson, Jody Lynn Nye and others chose as the best of the best.Be amazed. Be amused. Be transported . by stories that take you by surprise and take you further and deeper into new worlds and new ideas than you've ever gone before..Twelve captivating tales from the most exciting new voices in science fiction and fantasy accompanied by three from masters of the genre. A miracle? An omen? Or something else? One day, they arrived in droves?the foxes of the desert, the field, the imagination..- "Kitsune" by Devon BohmWhen a vampire, a dragon and a shape-shifting Chihuahua meet on a beach in Key West, fireworks go off! But that's just the background. - "Moonlight and Funk" by Marianne XenosDan Shamble, Zombie P.I., faces one of his funniest and most perplexing cases ever?an enlightened ogre, a salamander with low self-esteem, and a raging fire dragon terrorizing the Unnatural Quarter! - "Fire in the Hole" by Kevin J. AndersonThe Grim Reaper, trapped in an IRS agent's dying body, must regain his powers before he dies and faces judgment for his original sin. - "Death and the Taxman" by David HankinsIn a metaverse future, a woman who exposes falseness in others must decide what is real to her-the love she lost or the love she may have found. - "Under My Cypresses" by Jason PalmatierVic Harden wasn't lured by glory on a daring mission into the reaches of outer space-he was ordered out there by his editor. - "The Unwilling Hero" by L. Ron HubbardDangerous opportunities present themselves when an alien ship arrives in the solar system seeking repairs. - "White Elephant" by David K. HenricksonWith her spaceship at the wrong end of a pirate's guns, a former war hero must face down her enemies and demons to save Earth's last best chance for peace. - "Piracy for Beginners" by J. R. JohnsonYears after the Second Holocaust, the last surviving Jews on earth attempt to rewrite the past. - "A Trickle in History" by Elaine MidcohWhen I said I'd do anything to pay off my debts and get back home to Earth, I didn't mean survey a derelict spaceship at the edge of the solar system?but here I am. - "The Withering Sky" by Arthur H. MannerHigh-powered telescopes bring galactic life to our TVs, and network tuner Hank Enos figures he's seen everything?until the day an alien boy stares back. - "The Fall of Crodendra M." by T. J. KnightDetermined to save his wife, Tumelo takes an unlikely client through South Africa's ruins to the heart of the Desolation?a journey that will cost or save everything. - "The Children of Desolation" by Spencer SekulinWhen a terrorist smuggles a nuclear weapon into London, a team regresses in time to AD 1093 to assassinate a knight on the battlefield, thereby eliminating the terrorist a millennia before his birth. - "Timelines and Bloodlines" by L. H. Davis You will love this collection of the best new voices because, as Locus magazine puts it, "Excellent writing.extremely varied. There's a lot of hot new talent."Get it now.