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John Wiley & Sons Inc Total Quality Management: Strategies and Techniques Proven at Today's Most Successful Companies
To understand and profit from Total Quality Management, companies must pay particular attention to the first word in the phrase-total. The spectacular rewards enjoyed by top companies like 3M, FedEx, and Ben & Jerry's were earned through a total commitment to achieving superior quality and customer satisfaction across all company functions and processes. Total Quality Management, Second Edition gives you a completely up-to-date look at how 51 of the world's most successful companies put the total into TQM. Each of these companies, including 13 new additions and 23 Baldrige Award winners, is cited as a benchmark performer in a particular business function. Their examples help you set your sights on specific goals and learn a variety of ways to go about achieving each goal. Each chapter features the best practices of one manufacturing company, one service company, and one small business. Following the examples set by these overachievers, you'll discover how to: * Lead the transition from traditional management to management by quality * Identify customer needs and use that knowledge to drive the organization * Integrate strategic quality and business planning into a single strategic process * Communicate customer and company requirements throughout your organization * Recognize and reward employee efforts and promote improved quality * Establish uniform measurement systems and manage by fact, not fiction * Borrow shamelessly from industry leaders to encourage breakthrough thinking * Build strengths and eliminate weaknesses through an annual assessment process. Fully updated-the book that puts the total into. Total Quality Management. In this book, the former chairman of the Baldrige Award panel of judges teams up once again with a leading quality consultant to bring you a Baldrige-based TQM model that covers every aspect of your business. Built from the best practices of 51 companies (including 23 Baldrige Award winners) whose star performances have made them benchmark corporations, this book brings you: * Best practices and TQM applications from small businesses, huge corporations, and everything in between * TQM practices from retail stores, service companies, manufacturers, and more * Hundreds of real-world examples, tested processes, and innovative techniques * Proven ways to boost profits, inspire workers, and delight customers. Praise for the First Edition "Alive . . . vivid, entertaining, successful. . . . Even the most inexperienced can understand and implement TQM using this book."-Charles A. Aubrey Vice President, Juran Institute. "If you read only one book about quality management, read this one . . . the definitive management handbook of the decade."-Lynn A. Moline Former Executive Director, Minnesota Council for Quality. "A great book about a better way to run a company."-Bob G. Gower President and CEO, Lyondell Petrochemical Co. "Packed with strategies that can be implemented in any organization . . . must reading for those interested in proven quality strategies."-Ellen Gaucher Senior Associate Director, University of Michigan Medical Center "Get it. This book is jammed full of practical case studies from a management and profitability perspective."-C. Jackson Grayson Jr. Chairman, American Productivity and Quality Center. Supplemented with an updated list of resources and a contact list for all profiled companies, Total Quality Management, Second Edition shows you how to lead your organization straight to the cutting edge of quality and keep it there.
National Academies Press Healthy, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities After Disasters: Strategies, Opportunities, and Planning for Recovery
In the devastation that follows a major disaster, there is a need for multiple sectors to unite and devote new resources to support the rebuilding of infrastructure, the provision of health and social services, the restoration of care delivery systems, and other critical recovery needs. In some cases, billions of dollars from public, private and charitable sources are invested to help communities recover. National rhetoric often characterizes these efforts as a "return to normal." But for many American communities, pre-disaster conditions are far from optimal. Large segments of the U.S. population suffer from preventable health problems, experience inequitable access to services, and rely on overburdened health systems. A return to pre-event conditions in such cases may be short-sighted given the high costs - both economic and social - of poor health. Instead, it is important to understand that the disaster recovery process offers a series of unique and valuable opportunities to improve on the status quo. Capitalizing on these opportunities can advance the long-term health, resilience, and sustainability of communities - thereby better preparing them for future challenges. Healthy, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities After Disasters identifies and recommends recovery practices and novel programs most likely to impact overall community public health and contribute to resiliency for future incidents. This book makes the case that disaster recovery should be guided by a healthy community vision, where health considerations are integrated into all aspects of recovery planning before and after a disaster, and funding streams are leveraged in a coordinated manner and applied to health improvement priorities in order to meet human recovery needs and create healthy built and natural environments. The conceptual framework presented in Healthy, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities After Disasters lays the groundwork to achieve this goal and provides operational guidance for multiple sectors involved in community planning and disaster recovery. Healthy, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities After Disasters calls for actions at multiple levels to facilitate recovery strategies that optimize community health. With a shared healthy community vision, strategic planning that prioritizes health, and coordinated implementation, disaster recovery can result in a communities that are healthier, more livable places for current and future generations to grow and thrive - communities that are better prepared for future adversities. Table of Contents Front Matter Abstract Summary PART I: A HEALTHY COMMUNITY APPROACH TO DISASTER RECOVERY 1 Introduction 2 Post-Disaster Opportunities to Advance Healthy, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities 3 A Framework for Integrating Health into Recovery Planning 4 Leveraging Recovery Resources in a Coordinated Manner to Achieve Healthier Post-Disaster Communities PART II: OPERATIONAL GUIDANCE TO SUPPORT A HEALTHY COMMUNITY APPROACH TO DISASTER RECOVERY 5 Public Health 6 Health Care 7 Behavioral Health 8 Social Services 9 Place-Based Recovery Strategies for Healthy Communities 10 Healthy Housing PART III: APPENDIXES Appendix A: The Federal Policy Environment Influencing Disaster Recovery Appendix B: Disaster Recovery Funding: Achieving a Resilient Future? Appendix C: Additional Resources Appendix D: Measures and Tools for Healthy Communities Appendix E: Committee-Identified Research Needs Appendix F: Key to Select Terms Used to Describe Primary Actors and Key Partners in Chapter 510 Checklists Appendix G: Public Committee Meeting Agendas Appendix H: Committee Biosketches
Carus Books Anyone Can Taste Wine: (You Just Need This Book)
If you love wine, this book will give you all the knowledge and self-confidence you need to become a world-class wine taster. It reveals in methodical steps exactly how to acquire essential wine-tasting skills. Cees (it’s pronounced ‘Case’) van Casteren is a brilliant scientist, author, and international wine competition judge, as well as one of the global super-elite (less than 500 top experts worldwide) who have been able to earn the supreme title, Master of Wine.Anyone Can Taste Wine first appeared in Dutch and instantly established itself in the Netherlands as far and away the most authoritative and popular book on the subject.From the book’s introductory chapter:“Many people typically believe that the ability to taste comes from some kind of inborn, innate aptitude—as though ‘taste’ were a genetic hand-me-down—something that you either have, or you don’t have. But that’s not true.“Wine tasting is a skill. Anyone can taste wine, as long as they have normally functioning senses of smell and taste. Anyone (that is) who is motivated to learn and practice—a lot—can become a good wine taster. Genes or no genes.“Much of this skill will involve awareness of how to train your senses. While there are genetic differences between humans in terms of smelling and tasting, these innate differences do not make one taster better than another. Research by taste professor Linda Bartoshuk, previously at the University of Yale, has shown that a wine taster’s ability to taste is mainly due to the amount of training that the taster has experienced. Specifically, exercises dedicated to recognizing wine scents and developing an attendant wine language are the main contributing factors in developing wine tasting abilities. The difficulty that most besets inexperienced tasters is a lack of suitable vocabulary that would enable them to name and describe the flavors and scents that they taste and smell. This vital skill, being able to describe flavors and aromas in words, remains a common problem, even for the most experienced of wine tasters. According to Professor Tim Jacob of Cardiff University, a method that will enable you to associate smells and flavors with a suitable repertoire of words will contribute greatly to the enhancement of tasting skills . . . that is . . . you just need a method. The more user-friendly, the easier it will be to learn and remember.And that’s exactly what I realized at the start of my Master of Wine studies. The method had to be user-friendly in order to help me to remember all relevant aspects for tasting, describing, and analyzing the wine. In search of these aspects, I started with . . . the wine itself. With this fascinating blend of water (colorless, odorless, tasteless), alcohol (colorless, odorless, slightly sweet), acids, sugars, pigments, aromas, and tannins which together give wine its color, smell, and taste.“And I was quite quick to learn that this very curious and complex combination of color, aromas, alcohol, acids, sugars and tannins actually were the ‘relevant aspects’ I was looking for, and therefore the targets of my attention while developing a method. The answer to my quest was indeed in the wine itself!”
Nova Science Publishers Inc Hydraulic Heritage in Ibero-America
The hydraulic heritage and water culture in Ibero-America result in a man-made cultural landscape, century after century, where the legacies of several peoples are superimposed. Water is here an element of landscape differentiation and constitutes, therefore, as a distinctive mark in the territory and local memory. The approach to the theme of water from the patrimonial point of view as a material and immaterial good, whose cultural manifestations, derived from its use and application by the peoples, require efforts for its conservation and diffusion. In this context, this work intends to understand the past, present and future of Water Heritage and Culture in its interrelationship with multiculturalism and to promote the investigation of the processes of constitution of memory, identities and local values in Ibero-America. "Claiming water as a world heritage and also as a fundamental human right" is a statement included in the European Union's 2000 Water Framework Directive which serves as a motivation in the presentation of this work highlighting the patrimonial nature of water associated with culture of the people. Water as patrimony is an inexhaustible subject of studies that exceeds the pretensions of this work. The approach to the theme of water from the patrimonial point of view as a material and immaterial good, whose cultural manifestations, derived from its use and application by the peoples, require efforts for its conservation and diffusion. This work will be supported by the research characterized by the difficulty to find the information and to deepen the knowledge related to the water heritage and culture. The explanation lies in the scarcity of materials elaborated on this subject and the difficulty in accessing the respective files and sources. The cultural heritage associated with water is immense. There are innumerable objects associated with water heritage, not least the offices of those who work with this resource in traditional occupations, which only remain in the memory of older people or in cultures that keep their traditions alive. For centuries, human intervention has harnessed the resources and natural environments related to water, resulting in a series of high quality heritage elements that contain important cultural, environmental, landscape and socio-economic values. The consideration of water as heritage includes both material culture: objects, technologies, places, infrastructures ... and the immaterial culture that has been appearing throughout history. Water forms part of the territory. It determines the so-called landscapes of water, defined by the physiognomy of the territory with its natural and anthropogenic elements linked to the emotions that awaken its contemplation. Water landscapes have gained notoriety and, at times, exclusive spatial prominence, given that they are cultural footprints present in many of the municipalities of the Ibero-American countries that are still less well perceived and considered by social collectives. The development of a civic conscience on the conservation of water heritage and culture, which presses to declare them as goods of Community interest and to include them in the heritage of the Ibero-American regions, is therefore absolutely necessary and falls within the scope of this work
Wild Strawberry Your Spine, Your Yoga: Developing stability and mobility for your spine
Your Spine, Your Yoga is arguably the first book that looks at the spine from both the Western anatomical/biomechanical point of view and the modern yoga perspective. It is filled with detail, discussion, illustrations, and practical advice for spines of all types. This emphasis on variety is welcome and necessary: no two spines are exactly alike, and no two people have the same biology and biography. What your spine is able to do may be vastly different from what other yoga students’ or teachers’ spines can do. The human spine is unique in its structure and function. Primarily, it provides stability through the core of our body, allowing forces to be transmitted from the upper body (arms and shoulders) to the lower body (pelvis and legs) and vice versa. Secondarily, the spine allows tremendous range of movement. Unfortunately, in modern yoga practice we find the primacy of these two functions reversed, with flexibility prized over stability. This focus on spinal mobility comes at a grave cost to many students. Stability is lost, and when that happens, dysfunction and pain often follow. Just as all tissues and areas of the body need a healthy amount of stress to regain and maintain optimal health, so too our spine needs the appropriate levels of stress to remain functional throughout our lives. How we choose to exercise the spine makes a difference, though. Knowing the way the spine is built, specifically, how your spine is built, will allow you to tailor your exercises wisely to match your goals. Your Spine, Your Yoga is the second book in the Your Body, Your Yoga series and focuses on the axial body―the core, from the sacral complex, which includes the pelvis, sacrum, and sacroiliac joint, through the lumbar and thoracic segments of the spine, to the cervical complex, which includes the neck and head. The structural components of each segment are examined: from the bones, to the joints, ligaments, fascia, tendons, muscles, and even the neurological and blood systems. The range and implications of human variations are presented, as well as the ways these variations may affect individual yoga practices. The sources of restrictions to movement are investigated through answering the question “What Stops Me?” The answers presented run through a spectrum, beginning with various types of tensile resistance to three kinds of compressive resistance. Whether the reader is a novice to yoga, anatomy, or both, or a seasoned practitioner with an in-depth knowledge in these fields, this book will be valuable. For the novice, there are easily understood illustrations and photographs, as well as sidebars highlighting the most important topics. For the anatomy geek, other sidebars focus on the complexity of the topic, with hundreds of references provided for further investigation. For the yoga teacher, sidebars suggest how to bring this knowledge into the classroom. Your Spine, Your Yoga can be used as a resource when specific questions arise, as a textbook to be studied in detail, or as a fascinating coffee-table book to be browsed at leisure for topics of current interest.
Open University Press Inspiring Science in the Early Years: Exploring Good Practice
This book explores the science inherent in good early years practice and provides a rich range of ideas to inspire you to ‘have a go’ in your setting. It provides a balance between theory which underpins good practice and plenty of ideas of how you might put the theory into practice. With a focus on how children learn about the world they live in and activities intended to develop scientific understanding the book offers an holistic approach, with key topics including:How children construct scientific meaning Tuning into children's initial scientific understanding How play supports the development of children's science ideas Providing a rich environment for learning early years science Developing children's scientific experiences This handy guide is ideal to support you if you are studying on an early years course, or if you are an established early years professional who wishes to enrich early scientific learning in your setting. Lois Kelly and Di Stead are Education Consultants specializing in primary science. This clearly written and engaging book examines Science in the Early Years through a variety of activities, including role-play, toys and technology. The vital importance of sensory experiences and language is emphasized throughout. The wide experience and knowledge of the authors guarantees a highly enjoyable read. The links to all curricula in the UK are extremely beneficial and I particularly liked the way that photographs and Key Points text boxes have been used throughout the book. The breadth and depth of writing about science makes this a highly desirable book for any practitioner working or studying in the Early Years.Kathy Brodie, Independent Early Years Consultant As an Early Years consultant who is passionate about children's thinking, exploring, questioning, investigating and most of all engaging…I really enjoyed this book. I especially liked it because it provokes practitioners to think about 'science' as the discovery and exploration of the world around us and not just as a National Curriculum subject. The mix of authors, their writing styles and the content of each chapter makes it a really easy and engaging read. Definitely one to add to your reading list if you work with children in the Early Years.Alistair Bryce-Clegg, Early Years Consultant As the title suggests, this book from the first page onwards inspires the reader to learn more about how to develop, enhance and incorporate effective practice in science in the early years. In addition to developing an understanding of how to approach the teaching of science, it gives a clearly articulated and accessible theoretical insight into how young children learn. To compliment this there are points of reflection, case studies, practical tasks and examples from the field. This is a valuable book for both students and practitioners alike as it goes beyond just giving suggestions for what to do; it explains the why and the how as well.Joanne McNulty, Manchester Metropolitan University This is a warm, accessible book, strongly grounded in research. It interweaves real life examples of science in the early years with underlying pedagogic principles and inspires new possibilities. The enthusiasm of the authors is contagious! Kendra McMahon, Bath Spa University
Open University Press Quantitative Health Research: Issues and Methods
This book is a detailed and comprehensive guide to undertaking quantitative health research at postgraduate and professional level. It takes you through the entire research process, from designing the project to presenting the results and will help you execute high quality quantitative research that improves and informs clinical practice.Written by a team of research experts, this book covers common practical problems such as applying theory to research and analysing data. It also includes chapters on communicating with ethics committees, recruiting samples from vulnerable populations, audit as a research approach, quasi-experimental designs and using cognitive interviewing, making it a new and innovative offering for health researchers. Other topics covered in this book include: Ethical considerations of research Designing and planning quantitative research projects Data measurement and collection Analyzing and presenting resultsWith a strong practical focus, each chapter features examples of real-life research to illustrate the quantitative research process, as well as tips and insights into research planning and execution. This book is an essential guide for all health care professionals undertaking a postgraduate degree, as well as health researchers and practitioners who need to carry out research as part of their professional role. Contributors: Ruth Belling, Michelle Butler, Catherine Comiskey, Siobhan Corrigan, Gloria Crispino, Orla Dempsey, Suzanne Guerin, Maree Johnson, Carmel Kelly, Elaine Lehane, Maria Lohan, Susan McLaren, Deirdre Mongan, Corina Naughton, Rhona O'Connell, Elaine Pierce, Gary Rolfe, Eileen Savage, Anne Scott, Emma Stokes, Roger Watson "“Learning quantitative research is taken much for granted. This is probably why there are fewer generic books on quantitative than qualitative research. This book is long overdue. Clearly- written and well structured, it takes us through the whole journey of a research project from developing 'research questions' to 'presenting the findings', passing through philosophical underpinnings, recruitment of participants and ethical considerations. Written by an array of well-known researchers and teachers, this book will certainly appeal to new as well as seasoned researchers. Those who will use it, will not be disappointed."Kader Parahoo, University of Ulster "The title of this text is somewhat misleading. It is not only an excellent and thorough guide to quantitative health research methods; it is also an excellent introduction to all forms of quantitative research. It takes the reader gently through theoretical and ethical concerns to the practicalities and benefits of utilising quantitative approaches. As such it is that rare thing; a text that can be used by novice researchers to learn their craft, and a key reference resource for experienced research practitioners." Dr. John Cullen, School of Business, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, UK"This is a first-rate collection of essays that promotes an informed understanding of both underpinning principles and widely used techniques. A great deal of effort has clearly been invested in co-ordinating the contributions, and this has delivered clarity, complementarity and effective coverage. This is a welcome, carefully-crafted and very accessible resource that will appeal to students and researchers in healthcare and beyond." Martin Beirne, Professor of Management and Organizational Behaviour, University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School, UK
Dorling Kindersley Ltd My Encyclopedia of Very Important Sport: For little athletes and fans who want to know everything
A charming children's encyclopedia bursting with fun facts about the world of sport, for little learners who want to know everything!The world is so much bigger than young minds can fathom and there is always more to learn. My Encyclopedia of Very Important Sport is a vibrant encyclopedia for curious 5-9 year olds, with a unique approach to the subject of sport that combines facts and figures with the inspiring stories of sporting legends and icons.This exciting book for children is packed with fun facts about a range of popular sportssuch as football, karate, badminton, and skiing, as well as ones you might never have heard of like biathlon or cheese rolling. Whether you're a fan of team sports, winter sports, water sports, extreme sports, and even board games such as chess and go, this reference book has it all! My Encyclopedia of Very Important Sport also celebrates the unique talents, lives, and careers of sportingheroes such as Usain Bolt, Serena Williams, Yuna Kim, Lin Dan, and Donald Bradman, and chronicles the most celebrated stories in sporting history, such as breaking the Four-minute mile, Nadia Comaneci's Perfect 10, and Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics. Featuring everything from obscure rules and strange equipment, to moments of triumph and sporting events like The World Cup, Superbowl, Olympics, Paralympics, and more - this is the perfect book for budding superstars everywhere.Celebrate your child's curiosity as they:- Read all about individual sports, team sports, motor sports, and winter sports- Learn the stories of sporting legends such as Usain Bolt, Serena Williams and more- Discover key moments in sporting historyOur encyclopedia for children is the perfect blend of striking illustrations and educational text, written in a friendly, witty and fun manner, featuring a combination of fact-files, detailed paragraphs, labels, and speech bubbles. Topics are simple to navigate - perfect for knowledgeable sports fans who want to read about their favourites as well as readers who are unfamiliar with sport and are looking to learn.Encourage early learners to go on a journey to explore a world of information, making this the ideal first reference book for kids aged 5-9 to enjoy for hours on end, whether for shared reading with the family or reading alone, this fun fact book for children also doubles up as the perfect gift for curious kids who love to learn. Tell the story of the world one page at a time, by uncovering: - Educational content written in a friendly and fun manner - Beautifully padded cover with several high-quality finishes, including padding and foil- Features a built-in ribbon bookmark so you never lose your place whilst reading More in the SeriesMy Encyclopedia of Very Important Sport is part of the educational kid's book series My Very Encyclopedia series. Complete the series and nurture your child's curiosity with My Encyclopedia of Very Important Adventures, teach them about different species with My Encyclopedia of Very Important Animals, or let them walk with the dinosaurs who ruled the earth before them in My Encyclopedia of Very Important Dinosaurs.
MAIRDUMONT GmbH & Co. KG Sicily Marco Polo Pocket Travel Guide - with pull out map
Marco Polo Pocket Guide Sicily: the Travel Guide with Insider Tips Explore Sicily with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips. Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the island's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget. There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place. Let Marco Polo show you all this wonderful Italian island has to offer... People have been arriving on Sicily's shores for millennia, merging their cultures and lifestyles together - Greeks, Romans, Arabs, North Africans, Spaniards and others. The sea is never very far away, you can see it from almost every mountain. This practical pocket-sized guide provides a close-up look at lemon-scented gardens, rugged volcanic landscapes and lively piazzas, all of it set amidst the ancient and the modern against a backdrop of glorious scenery...This is Sicily! Your Marco Polo Sicily Pocket Guide includes: Insider Tips - we show you the hidden gems and little-known secrets that offer a real insight into this beautiful island. Discover where the Mafia had their hideouts and where you can watch flamingos up close. Best of - find the best things to do for free, the best 'only in' Sicily experiences, the best things to do if it rains and the best places to relax and spoil yourself. Sightseeing - all of the top sights are organised by areas of the island so you can easily plan your trip. Discovery Tours - specially tailored tours that will get you to the heart of Sicily. Here are inspirational itineraries that will help you enjoy authentic Sicily from the most beautiful stretches of coast, through the melancholic capital Palermo; into bastions of the Baroque and on the trail of the ancients. Sicily in full-colour - Marco Polo Pocket Guide Sicily includes full-colour photos throughout the guide bringing the island to life offering you a real taste of what you can see and enjoy on your trip. Touring App - you can download any of the Discovery Tours to your smartphone, complete with the detailed route description and map exactly as featured in the guide, free of charge. The maps can be used offline too, so no roaming charges. The perfect navigational tool with distance indicators and landmarks highlighting the correct direction to travel in as well as GPS coordinates along the way. Enjoy stress-free sightseeing and never get lost again! Road Atlas and pull-out map - we've included a detailed road atlas and a handy, pull-out map so you can pop the guide in your bag for a full-on sightseeing day or head out with just the map to enjoy your Discovery Tour. Useful Italian phrases - the essential words and phrases are included to help you get by. Trust Marco Polo Pocket Guide Sicily to show you around this fabulous Mediterranean island. The comprehensive coverage and unique insights will ensure you experience everything Sicily has to offer and more. The special tips, personal insights and unusual experiences will help you make the most of your trip - just arrive and enjoy.
MAIRDUMONT GmbH & Co. KG Lisbon Marco Polo Pocket Travel Guide - with pull out map
Marco Polo Pocket Guide Lisbon: the Travel Guide with Insider Tips Explore Lisbon with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips. Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the city's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget. There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place. Let Marco Polo show you all this wonderful Portuguese city has to offer… Lisbon offers visitors a warm, open and relaxed welcome. The Portuguese city enjoys a majestic setting on the mouth of the Tejo. Imbued with the charm of times gone by, Portugal's capital pulsates with life. Take a stroll through picturesque narrow streets and up and down steep steps and be enchanted by quaint nooks and crannies and magical squares. This practical guide book, small enough to slip into your pocket, takes you to magnificent palaces and monasteries bearing witness to the splendour of colonial times; but also to a nostalgic city on the south-western edge of Europe which is dynamic, modern and cosmopolitan…This is Lisbon! Your Marco Polo Lisbon Pocket Guide includes: Insider Tips – we show you the hidden gems and little-known secrets that offer a real insight into the city. Discover where you can bump into the seven dwarves in the Sintra forests and where fado lovers get together. Best of – find the best things to do for free, the best ‘only in’ Lisbon experiences, the best things to do if it rains and the best places to relax and spoil yourself. Sightseeing – all the top sights are organised by area of the city so you can easily plan your trip. Discovery Tours – specially tailored tours will get you to the heart of Lisbon. Experience all of Lisbon’s unique character with these personal tours. Lisbon in full-colour – Marco Polo Pocket Guide Lisbon includes full-colour photos throughout the guide bringing the region to life offering you a real taste of what you can see and enjoy on your trip. Touring App – download any of the Discovery Tours to your smartphone, complete with the detailed route description and map exactly as featured in the guide, free of charge. The maps can be used offline too, so no roaming charges. The perfect navigational tool with distance indicators and landmarks highlighting the correct direction to travel in as well as GPS coordinates along the way. Enjoy stress-free sightseeing and never get lost again! Street Atlas and pull-out map – we’ve included a detailed street atlas and a handy, pull-out map so you can pop the guide in your bag for a full-on sightseeing day or head out with just the map to enjoy your Discovery Tour. Useful Portuguese phrases – the essential words and phrases are included to help you get by. Trust Marco Polo Pocket Guide Lisbon to show you around this fabulous Portuguese city. The comprehensive coverage and unique insights will ensure you experience everything Lisbon has to offer and more. The special tips, personal insights and unusual experiences will help you make the most of your trip - just arrive and enjoy.
Lantern Publishing Ltd Being a Nurse: A personal guide from graduation to revalidation
Packed full of personal accounts, hints and tips to help student nurses and newly qualified nurses as they progress from graduation to revalidation. Being a Nurse will help both student nurses and newly qualified nurses in their progression from graduation to revalidation. It takes a special sort of person to be a nurse and starting a new career can be a daunting prospect for anyone – this book will prepare you for the transition from student to registered nurse and help you make the most of your time as a newly qualified nurse. The book provides advice to new starters on dealing with the challenges of being a nurse. It covers important topics such as: first-day nerves the value of teamwork how to avoid burnout coping with a bad day how to know when you’re ready to progress. The author takes a jargon-free, supportive approach that aims to help you develop your confidence as a nurse so that you in turn can offer the best care for your patients. Lauren Philpott recently qualified as a registered nurse and has drawn on her own experience to write “the book I wish I’d had”. In the words of one reviewer, “it’s like she’s taking you by the hand and helping you through the transition that she went through herself”. From reviews: “Being a Nurse is a great resource for anyone starting out in their nursing careers. It offers sensible down to earth advice, drawing on the author’s real life experience of what it is like to work as a Registered Nurse for the first time. The author tackles some really challenging topics, such as dealing with difficult situations/people, burnout, having a bad day (and importantly how to get over it!) as well as emphasising the many positives that nursing brings. She takes the new graduate through their nursing journey, from the first day on the job, to developing in confidence and how to work towards revalidation, taking a pragmatic, yet very readable approach. This would make a great gift for any soon to graduate or recently qualified nurse.” Liz Williams, Assistant Professor, Year 2 Clinical Skills, University of Nottingham “What I like about ‘Being a Nurse’ is that it is a first-hand guide to being a newly registered nurse; it gives helpful information about all those things you didn’t learn about when you were a student nurse. To name a few; annual leave, revalidation, finding your role within the team and CPD. ...The content of ‘Being a Nurse’ is written in such a way that it very much feels like an informal chat with Lauren herself, and this makes for a comforting read. Its easy layout is set with bullet points and ‘top tip’ sections which can help you easily summarise each chapter. There are also quotes of real-life situations and cases, which always helps put theory ideas into reality. Although Lauren is a children’s nurse, the topics discussed in the book are easily transferable to other branches of nursing. I would recommend this book to any student nurses, especially students about to qualify.” Online review from Diary of a Chief Nurse Junior Fellow
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Effectuation: Elements of Entrepreneurial Expertise
To effectuate is to engage in a specific type of entrepreneurial action. It has special importance for situations where the future is truly unknowable or human agency is of primary importance. In this new and updated edition of the bestselling Effectuation, Saras Sarasvathy explores the theory and techniques of non-predictive control for creating new firms, markets and economic opportunities.Using empirical and theoretical work done in collaboration with Nobel Laureate Herbert A. Simon, the author employs methods from cognitive science and behavioral economics to develop the notion of entrepreneurial expertise and effectuation. Supportive empirical evidence is provided by the author’s study of 27 entrepreneurs as well as other independent studies. The book then traces the consequences of effectuation for business management, economics and social philosophy. The author finds that effectuators generate constraint-satisfying solutions rather than searching for optimal ones, make rather than find opportunities, and in a deep sense, convert ‘as-if’ propositions into ‘even-if’ ones. The way they accomplish this is the central discussion of the book.Students and scholars of entrepreneurship will find this path-breaking research of great value. The book’s conclusions will also be of interest to those in the fields of behavioral and evolutionary economics, cognitive science and management.Praise for the first edition:‘The concept of effectuation is as subtle as it is profound. On the one hand, it challenges long held beliefs about the nature of cause and effect in social science. On the other hand, it generates a host of new insights about social phenomena. This concept is particularly well suited to analyzing entrepreneurial behavior – behaviors undertaken in settings where the relationship between cause and effect is understood, at best, very poorly.’– Jay B. Barney, The Ohio State University, US‘Things rarely turn out as we expected or intended. Neither rational choice between well-defined prospects nor commitment to a vision, which can be realised by will power or persuasion, offers a credible representation of much human activity – even the activities of entrepreneurs. But although uncertainty (or unknowledge) is inescapable it may be productively managed. If we understand our present circumstances and some of its possibilities, build constructive relationships with others, and be ready to adjust both our objectives and the means of achieving them in order to take advantage of new contingencies, then we can at least participate in shaping our own future. By taking this perspective Saras Sarasvathy makes entrepreneurship a natural human activity, expressing the limitations and potential of human motivation and human intelligence.’– Brian J. Loasby, University of Stirling, UK‘In Effectuation Saras Sarasvathy presents a carefully researched and reasoned view of entrepreneurial behavior that both challenges and extends prevailing wisdom in the field. There is little doubt that these ideas will serve as an important foundation for anyone desirous of stimulating positive action in the world. With Effectuation we are equipped to provide a generation of students and managers with the methods to make and find opportunities that create value. . . everywhere.’– Leonard A. Schlesinger, President, Babson College, US
APA Publications The Rough Guide to Mallorca & Menorca (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
Practical travel guide to Mallorca & Menorca with a free eBook featuring points-of-interest structured lists of all sights and off-the-beaten-track treasures, with detailed colour-coded maps, practical details about what to see and to do in Mallorca & Menorca. The Rough Guide to Mallorca & Menorca also includes details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information, as well as top time-saving tips, like a visual list of things not to miss in Mallorca & Menorca, expert author picks and itineraries to help you plan your trip. This guide book has been fully updated post-COVID-19 and it comes with a free eBook.The Rough Guide to Mallorca & Menorca covers: Palma and around; Western Mallorca; Northern Mallorca; Southern Mallorca; Menorca.Inside this travel guide you'll find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLERExperiences for every kind of trip to Mallorca & Menorca, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in the Serra de Tramuntana to family activities in child-friendly places, like Jardines d'Alfábia or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like The Palma Cathedral.PRACTICAL TRAVEL TIPSEssential pre-departure information including Mallorca & Menorca entry requirements, getting around, health information, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, food and drink, festivals, culture and etiquette, shopping, tips for travellers with disabilities and more.TIME-SAVING ITINERARIESCarefully planned routes covering the best of Mallorca & Menorca give a taste of the richness and diversity of the destination, and have been created for different time frames or types of trip.DETAILED REGIONAL COVERAGEClear structure within each sightseeing chapter includes regional highlights, brief history, detailed sights and places ordered geographically, recommended restaurants, hotels, bars, clubs and major shops or entertainment options.INSIGHTS INTO GETTING AROUND LIKE A LOCALTips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots for hiking, exploring sandy beaches, quiet villages or prehistoric remains.HIGHLIGHTS OF THINGS NOT TO MISSRough Guides' rundown of Palma, Valldemossa, Soller and Ciutadella's best sights and top experiences helps to make the most of each trip to Mallorca & Menorca, even in a short time.HONEST AND INDEPENDENT REVIEWSWritten by Rough Guides' expert authors with a trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, to help to find the best places in Mallorca & Menorca, matching different needs.BACKGROUND INFORMATIONComprehensive 'Contexts' chapter features fascinating insights into Mallorca & Menorca, with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary.FABULOUS FULL COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHYFeatures inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Port d'Alcúdia and the spectacular Monestir de Lluc.COLOUR-CODED MAPPINGPractical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys for quick orientation in Petra, Maó and many more locations in Mallorca & Menorca, reduce the need to go online.USER-FRIENDLY LAYOUTWith helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time.FREE EBOOKFree eBook download with every purchase of a printed book allows you to access all of the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.
Oxbow Books Building for Eternity: The History and Technology of Roman Concrete Engineering in the Sea
One marker of the majesty of ancient Rome is its surviving architectural legacy, the stunning remains of which are scattered throughout the circum-Mediterranean landscape. Surprisingly, one truly remarkable aspect of this heritage remains relatively unknown. There exists beneath the waters of the Mediterranean the physical remnants of a vast maritime infrastructure that sustained and connected the western world’s first global empire and economy. The key to this incredible accomplishment and to the survival of structures in the hostile environment of the sea for two thousand years was maritime concrete, a building material invented and then employed by Roman builders on a grand scale to construct harbor installations anywhere they were needed, rather than only in locations with advantageous geography or topography.This book explains how the Romans built so successfully in the sea with their new invention. The story is a stimulating mix of archaeological, geological, historical and chemical research, with relevance to both ancient and modern technology. It also breaks new ground in bridging the gap between science and the humanities by integrating analytical materials science, history, and archaeology, along with underwater exploration. The book will be of interest to anyone interested in Roman architecture and engineering, and it will hold special interest for geologists and mineralogists studying the material characteristics of pyroclastic volcanic rocks and their alteration in seawater brines. The demonstrable durability and longevity of Roman maritime concrete structures may be of special interest to engineers working on cementing materials appropriate for the long-term storage of hazardous substances such as radioactive waste.A pioneering methodology was used to bore into maritime structures both on land and in the sea to collect concrete cores for testing in the research laboratories of the CTG Italcementi Group, a leading cement producer in Italy, the University of Berkeley, and elsewhere. The resulting mechanical, chemical and physical analysis of 36 concrete samples taken from 11 sites in Italy and the eastern Mediterranean have helped fill many gaps in our knowledge of how the Romans built in the sea. To gain even more knowledge of the ancient maritime technology, the directors of the Roman Maritime Concrete Study (ROMACONS) engaged in an ambitious and unique experimental archaeological project – the construction underwater of a reproduction of a Roman concrete pier or pila. The same raw materials and tools available to the ancient builders were employed to produce a reproduction concrete structure that appears to be remarkably similar to the ancient one studied during ROMACON’s fieldwork between 2002-2009.This volume reveals a remarkable and unique archaeological project that highlights the synergy that now exists between the humanities and science in our continuing efforts to understand the past. It will quickly become a standard research tool for all interested in Roman building both in the sea and on land, and in the history and chemistry of marine concrete. The authors also hope that the data and observations it presents will stimulate further research by scholars and students into related topics, since we have so much more to learn in the years ahead.
APA Publications The Rough Guide to Greece (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
Practical travel guide to Greece with a free eBook featuring points-of-interest structured lists of all sights and off-the-beaten-track treasures, with detailed colour-coded maps, practical details about what to see and to do in Greece, how to get there and around, pre-departure information, as well as top time-saving tips, like a visual list of things not to miss in Greece, expert author picks and itineraries to help you plan your trip. This guide book has been fully updated post-COVID-19.The Rough Guide to Greece covers: Athens and Around, the Peloponnese, the Central Mainland, the Northern Mainland, the Argo-Saronic Islands, the Cyclades, Crete, the Dodecanese, the East and North Aegean, the Sporades and Evvia, and the Ionian IslandsInside this travel guide you'll find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLER Experiences selected for every kind of trip to Greece, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in the Dodecanese to family activities in child-friendly places, like Crete or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like Athens.PRACTICAL TRAVEL TIPS Essential pre-departure information including Greece entry requirements, getting around, health information, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, food and drink, festivals, culture and etiquette, shopping, tips for travellers with disabilities and more.TIME-SAVING ITINERARIESCarefully planned routes covering the best of Greece give a taste of the richness and diversity of the destination, and have been created for different time frames or types of trip.DETAILED REGIONAL COVERAGEClear structure within each sightseeing chapter includes regional highlights, brief history, detailed sights and places ordered geographically, recommended restaurants, hotels, bars, clubs and major shops or entertainment options.INSIGHTS INTO GETTING AROUND LIKE A LOCALTips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots for sunbathing, watersports and eating out.HIGHLIGHTS OF THINGS NOT TO MISSRough Guides' rundown of Athens, Crete, the Argo-Saronic Islands and the Cyclades's best sights and top experiences helps to make the most of each trip to Greece, even in a short time.HONEST AND INDEPENDENT REVIEWSWritten by Rough Guides' expert authors with a trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, to help to find the best places in Greece, matching different needs.BACKGROUND INFORMATIONComprehensive 'Contexts' chapter features fascinating insights into Greece, with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary.FABULOUS FULL COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHYFeatures inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Ionian Islands and the spectacular East and North Aegean.COLOUR-CODED MAPPINGPractical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys for quick orientation in the Central Mainland, the Sporades and Evvia and many more locations in Greece, reduce the need to go online.USER-FRIENDLY LAYOUT With helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time.FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of a printed book allows you to access all of the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.
APA Publications The Rough Guide to Ireland (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
Practical travel guide to Ireland with a free eBook featuring points-of-interest structured lists of all sights and off-the-beaten-track treasures, with detailed colour-coded maps, practical details about what to see and to do in Ireland. The Rough Guide to Ireland also includes details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information, as well as top time-saving tips, like a visual list of things not to miss in Ireland, expert author picks and itineraries to help you plan your trip. This guide book has been fully updated post-COVID-19.The Rough Guide to Ireland covers: Dublin; Around Dublin: Wicklow, Kildare and Meath, Louth, Monaghan and Cavan, The Midlands: Westmeath, Longford, Offaly and Laois, Kilkenny, Carlow and Wexford, Waterford and Tipperary, Cork, Kerry, Limerick and Clare, Galway and Mayo, Sligo, Leitrim and Roscommon, Donegal, Belfast, Antrim and Derry, Down and Armagh, Tyronne and FermanaghInside this travel guide you'll find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLERExperiences selected for every kind of trip to Ireland, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in Trinity College to family activities in child-friendly places, like Tullan Strand or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like Titanic Belfast.PRACTICAL TRAVEL TIPSEssential pre-departure information including Ireland entry requirements, getting around, health information, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, food and drink, festivals, culture and etiquette, shopping, tips for travellers with disabilities and more.TIME-SAVING ITINERARIESCarefully planned routes covering the best of Ireland give a taste of the richness and diversity of the destination, and have been created for different time frames or types of trip.DETAILED REGIONAL COVERAGEClear structure within each sightseeing chapter includes regional highlights, brief history, detailed sights and places ordered geographically, recommended restaurants, hotels, bars, clubs and major shops or entertainment options.INSIGHTS INTO GETTING AROUND LIKE A LOCALTips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots for hiking or dancing along to traditional Irish music.HIGHLIGHTS OF THINGS NOT TO MISSRough Guides' rundown of Cork, Dublin, Kerry and Sligo's best sights and top experiences helps to make the most of each trip to Ireland, even in a short time.HONEST AND INDEPENDENT REVIEWSWritten by Rough Guides' expert authors with a trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, to help to find the best places in Ireland, matching different needs.BACKGROUND INFORMATIONComprehensive 'Contexts' chapter features fascinating insights into Ireland, with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary.FABULOUS FULL COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHYFeatures inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Dunaff and the spectacular Woodstock Gardens & Arboretum.COLOUR-CODED MAPPINGPractical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys for quick orientation in Dublin, Belfast and many more locations in Ireland, reduce the need to go online.USER-FRIENDLY LAYOUTWith helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time.FREE EBOOKFree eBook download with every purchase of a printed book allows you to access all of the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.
Faber & Faber Unnatural Causes
THE THIRD NOVEL IN THE MULTIMILLION-COPY BESTSELLING ADAM DALGLIESH SERIES FROM THE 'QUEEN OF ENGLISH CRIME' (Guardian) 'An ingenious plot wrapped up beautifully in language. Vividly pictured characters as well as the beauty of the land made this gripping story most enjoyable to read.' 5* reader review'You would be hard pressed to solve this one until the very end.' 5* reader review'We're hooked.' Evening StandardPERFECT FOR FANS OF VAL MCDERMID, RUTH RENDELL AND ELLY GRIFFITHS__________________________________________________________________________________An unfinished manuscript. A murder stranger than fiction. Battered by the conclusion of a particularly brutal murder case in London, Superintendent Adam Dalgliesh has escaped for a hard-earned break, which he plans to spend taking long walks with his aunt and doing a little bird-watching in the Suffolk countryside. But all hope of peace is shattered by murder, when the mutilated body of local crime writer Maurice Seaton is discovered floating in a dinghy near Dalgliesh's rural idyll. Faced with such a macabre crime, Dalgliesh feels compelled to join the investigation - but as he delves into the dead man's secrets, the case seems poised to take another murderous turn . . .__________________________________________________________________________________'Wonderful evocative writing - a thriller of the highest calibre. Just loved this book and would recommend to anyone who enjoys superbly crafted detective fiction.' 5* reader review 'A very engrossing whodunit with a real sense of location and character. It left me wanting to visit Suffolk and hear a wind coming off the sea, so fierce that you cannot stand upright against it . . . Thoroughly enjoyable.' 5* reader review'What a perfect read.' 5* reader review**Now a major Channel 5 series**__________________________________________________________________________________READERS LOVE THE ADAM DALGLEISH SERIES:'Adam Dalgleish is one of the best characters in modern detective fiction.' 5* reader review'If you are not already an Adam Dalgliesh fan, I urge you to become one . . . James can describe a scene or delineate a character with precision and depth, like no other writer I have read . . . I usually stay up all night to read a P. D. James novel once I start one.' 5* reader review'I would never give less than 5 stars to any P. D. James book. She is one of a kind, always constant, always wonderful writing, always great characters, and always a good mystery that you cannot put down.' 5* reader review'P. D. James writes mysteries for ordinary people. Her characters are relatable and her hero is dynamic. But don't expect cell phones or computers. Her stories are strictly old school, which is what I love about them.' 5* reader review'Crime writing at its very best!' 5* reader reviewPRAISE FOR P. D. JAMES:'A legend.' VAL MCDERMID'James manages a depth and intelligence that few in her trade can match.' THE TIMES'One of the literary greats. Her sense of place was exquisite, characterisation and plotting unrivalled.' MARI HANNAH'There are very few thriller writers who can compete with P. D. James at her best.' SPECTATOR'P. D. James [was] simply a wonderful writer.' NEW YORK TIMES'The queen of English crime.' GUARDIAN
John Wiley & Sons Inc Psychology for Leaders: Using Motivation, Conflict, and Power to Manage More Effectively
Willy Brandt once said that every good leader is also an amateurpsychologist. Nowhere is that more true than in today's new breedof business organization. In the high-involvement, high-commitmentorganization of the 1990s, every manager is called upon to assumethe role of leader, and the most successful leaders are those whopossess the psychological insight and skills needed to motivate andempower their staffs, facilitate teamwork and cooperation, andunite all those working under them in a common cause. Now Psychology for Leaders arms you with the core psychologicalknowledge and skills you need to be an effective leader of adepartment, multilevel organization, or small business. Written by two authors whose considerable expertise spans theworlds of both psychology and business, this book taps into thelatest research findings on the psychology of leadership and givesthem to you in a highly accessible, action-oriented form. Inaddition to gaining profound insights into human behavior in theworkplace and its underlying motivations, you'll learn how todevelop a motivating, uniting bottom line, how to strengthencooperation, foster teamwork and develop self-managing teams,improve your communication skills, express your feelings moreeffectively, manage conflict as a means of improving performanceand productivity, and much more. In writing Psychology for Leaders, Dean and Mary Tjosvold also drewon material gleaned from interviews with dozens of managers in awide range of organizations in the U.S. and Canada, Europe andPacific Asia, as well as their experiences managing their ownmultimillion dollar health services corporation. As a consequence,throughout this fascinating and instructive book, the authors bringpsychological abstractions to life with many inspiring real-lifesuccess stories and vignettes that vividly illustrate psychology inaction in the workplace. Psychology for Leaders was designed to provide managers with thepsychological training they need to be effective leaders. Readingit could very well prove to be one of the most important careermoves you'll ever make. In today's "synergistic," team-oriented business organization,every manager is a leader. Now this fascinating and instructivebook schools you in the core psychological knowledge and skillsthat every manager/leader needs to motivate, empower, and unitetheir people effectively. "I wish this book was available when we were designing a trainingprogram for new program managers. Although most leaders aretypically content experts, they have not studied the psychology ofleadership and this is what seems to cause them problems in theircareers. Psychology for Leaders provides insight into thesechallenges and recommends sound, practical approaches to achievingtheir business objectives."--Candice L. Phelan, PhD Human ResourceDevelopment Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Inc. AustinDivision "Dean and Mary Tjosvold have created a new, distinctly differentlearning approach to the elusive subject of leadership. Written ineveryday, understandable language and richly illustrated withpractical cases, it is a valuable guide to developing and enhancingleadership skills. I would urge anyone from the newest to the mostexperienced manager/executive to read and absorb this book. It willbe time profitably spent."--Richard J. Haayen Retired Chairman ofthe Board & CEO Allstate Insurance CompanyExecutive-in-Residence Southern Methodist University "There are many books about leadership on the market. This oneprovides insight into the 'whys' behind the actions of successfulleaders. It's a practical how-to guide providing value for anyonewho wants to accept the leadership challenge."--Sue Elliot VicePresident of Human Resources TGI Friday Inc.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Studies in International Economics and Finance: Essays in Honour of Prof. Bandi Kamaiah
This festschrift volume presents discussions on contemporary issues in international economics and finance. It is aimed to serve as a reference material for researchers. There are two broad sections of the book -- International Macroeconomics and International Finance. The chapters in the International Macroeconomics section discuss critical topics like aggregate level macro model for India with a new Keynesian perspective, balance of payments, service sector exports, foreign exchange constraints for import demands, foreign direct investment and knowledge spill over, the relationship between forex rate fluctuation and investment, Institutional quality-trade openness-economic growth nexus, currency crises and debt-deficit relationship in the BRICS countries in the backdrop of COVID-19. Apart from these, various analytical issues related to macroeconomic policies are also covered in this section. The topics discussed includes the nature of forex market interventions, the issue of disinvestment and privatization, changing nature of fiscal policy, the inflation-growth nexus, macroeconomic simulation modelling, measuring core inflation, central bank credibility, monetary policy, inflation targeting, Infrastructure, trade, unemployment and inequality nexus. In the International Finance section, topics such as COVID-19 induced financial crisis, commodity futures volatility, stock market connectivity, volatility persistence, determinants of sovereign bond yields, FII and stock market volatility, cryptocurrency price formation, financialization of Indian commodity market, and a Keynesian view of the financial crisis are discussed. Overall, thirty two chapters in the volume discuss cutting edge research in the areas of the two sections. A tour de force... a lucid guide to some of the diverse and complex issues in International Macroeconomics and Finance. This collection of scholarly works is a fitting tribute to respected Prof. Bandi Kamaiah and his enviable academic contributions.- Prof. Y V Reddy, Former Governor, Reserve Bank of India This volume comprising thoughtful essays by our leading scholars on some of important policy issues that India is facing is indeed a rich tribute to Professor Bandi Kamaiah . This book will greatly benefit the academic community as well as our policy makers.- Prof. Vijay Kelkar, Chairman, 13th Finance Commission of India; Chairman, India Development Foundation, Mumbai, India Noted economists from India and abroad gather to apply the rigorous searchlight that Professor Bandi Kamaiah used so effectively in his career. Major current topics in macroeconomics and international finance are effectively explored in the volume.- Prof. Ashima Goyal, Emeritus Professor, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India; and Member, Monetary Policy Committee of Reserve Bank of India This volume of 32 papers in macroeconomics, international economics, and international finance is intended as a tribute to the eminent econometrician , Prof B Kamaiah. Post-graduate students and researchers will find much valuable literature in the volume, which is a fitting tribute to Prof Kamaiah. The editors and authors deserve rich compliments.- Prof. K L Krishna, Former Director, Delhi School of Economics, New Delhi, India I am so happy to hear that Dr. Kamaiah's colleagues and ex-students are bringing out a special volume of articles in his honor. Nothing can be more appropriate. Dr. Kamaiah, being a man of tremendous publications, deserves this tribute. I wish all the luck and success to the new book. - Prof. Kishore Kulkarni, Distinguished Professor of Economics, Metropolitan State University of Denver, USA
Archive Publishing To Heaven with Dante: A Transpersonal Journey
Many English-speaking people who want to be educated try to read Dante, the 'best known, least read' of all the classical poets, and find him impossible. In my thirties I did just that: 'Where do I begin?' The library yielded a translation of 'The Divine Comedy' - a great fat epic in three volumes. Wading into the Inferno, I struggled through a couple of sections and decided this wasn't for me. Too gloomy, too stilted, too difficult to grasp - and above all - too many words. I gave up almost at once. I cannot be the only one who as a result of that kind of experience thinks the work of this great Master is exclusively about Hell. 'Dante? - oh, you mean Dante's Inferno!' they say. NO! That's not it. There's far, far more. Dante wrote in Italian in order to reach ordinary people who, like me, needed the story itself. He wrote in the vernacular about the famous of the time - well-known entertainers and politicians, poets and artists, churchmen and musicians, the great and the awful. He wanted to be understood by everyone, including those not too well-versed in Latin. 'What a story this is,' I thought, when finally I was properly introduced to it. 'Why don't we all know this story? Dante is so warm-hearted, so exciting, so full of hope and humour, justice and joy - but, like me, my friends hardly ever get into Hell, let alone out of it and on.' My aim is to tell Dante's story in the way I remember it - not primarily for its history, or its theology, or even its most gracious poetry, but for the unfolding journey he made through those amazing landscapes. It was all in his imagination, yet so vividly brought to life in his poem that irresistibly it invites us to accompany him on a life-changing, life-saving adventure of our own. The tale begins when, depressed and lost in a Dark Wood, Dante meets Virgil, his hero among much earlier poets. At the request of Beatrice - his great love, now in Heaven - Virgil has come from Limbo to guide him on a huge journey. Sure enough, they start by going down through Hell; but they emerge, ascend the Mountain of Purgatory through many adventures, and rise to the threshold of Paradise. There, human knowledge fails and Virgil leaves him. Meeting people all the way, he flies on into Heaven with Beatrice, and up through the stars to God. I hope that by travelling with him, we too may come to find in the poetry something of the depth of the vision. I hope we may come to love Dante as a person, with all his directness, his immense compassion for those he meets on the way, and his chuckling ability to laugh at himself. I hope we shall rejoice that his passion for Beatrice, who leads him through Heaven, is at last so blissfully fulfilled in the divine. May our own landscape of the mind be enhanced - even transformed - by the journey.
Canelo Christmas at Conwenna Cove
Can Christmas wishes come true at Conwenna Cove?When Grace Phillips arrives in Conwenna Cove to help her parents move in, she has no intention of staying. It’s not hard to see why they’ve fallen in love with the place, but it’s definitely not for her. But the festive decorations, carols in the air and constant supply of delicious mince pies certainly make it difficult to leave… not to mention the mysterious local vet Oli Davenport.Oli lost his wife to cancer two years ago. His world revolves around his children, Amy and Tom, but being both mum and dad isn’t easy and his romantic life has taken the hit. When Oli and Grace cross paths, sparks fly but both are holding onto the fear of letting someone else into their heart. As the snow falls on Conwenna Cove, can Oli and Grace find the happiness they both deserve?A magical and uplifting Christmas romance, perfect for fans of Jenny Hale and Heidi Swain.Praise for Christmas at Conwenna Cove ‘Cosy up by the fire with a mug of steaming hot chocolate and drift off to Conwenna... you won’t regret it. Another superb book from Darcie who seems to keep getting better and better. All my expectations were surpassed, this is a bundle of love, hope and Christmas joy…’ Ali – The Dragon Slayer‘I just loved this book, such a festive treat and what a magical story!!… Will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy inside – really did love this one!!’ Donna’s Book Blog‘I was giggling to myself in a few short minutes of starting the book… Brill! Once you get started with this read it may very well get stuck to your hands. It's a superglue read.’ Blooming Fiction‘It was a treat to return to Conwenna Cove… I want to pack my case and have my own Conwenna Cove hug… A wonderful, heartfelt, festive read that left me sighing with contentment.’ KraftiReader‘A delightfully romantic festive read… left me feeling warm and fuzzy with its wonderful characters, beautiful settings and in depth story lines.’ Lozza’s Book Corner‘This is a fantastic festive read I have no hesitation whatsoever in highly recommending. I've loved other books by this author in the past but I think this is my favourite title from her so far!’ Splashes into Books‘I don’t say this lightly, but this is the perfect Christmas read.’ Reviewerlady: Good ‘n’ Read-y‘Oh what a truly wonderful and delightful read.’ Goodreads reviewer‘Brilliant! Love love love this! Finished last night, couldn’t go to bed until it was ended! Fabulous writing and a touching story. A few tears were shed in a good way!’ Goodreads reviewer‘If you have never read a book by Darcie Boleyn you are definitely missing out. They really are a warm and loveable treat, I can't recommend them enough! Conwenna Cove is once again the perfect place to heal and find yourself. There is so much to love about this story with a beautiful sprinkling of hope, love and family – perfect!’ Rae Reads
Cornerstone Christmas at Liberty's
The first novel in the Liberty Girls series will be loved by fans of Elaine Everest, Nancy Revell and Mr Selfridge.‘A wonderful, uplifting story of friendship and courage. Characters that you can't help falling in love with! This new saga series will surely touch the hearts of saga readers everywhere’ Nancy Revell, author of the Shipyard Girls series'A Liberty treasure chest of silks, satin, lace and ribbons with gritty wartime passion at its very core. A gem!' - Daisy Styles, author of the Bomb Girls series'I loved the warmth of the friendship between Mary and her friends and the wonderful world of Liberty’s. It’s a page turner of a book with twists and turns than make you keep on reading to find out what happens next.' - Rosie Hendry, author of the East End Angels series___________________September, 1941: Mary arrives in war-torn London nursing a broken heart and a painful secret.When she is offered her dream post as an assistant in the fabric department at Liberty store, she knows this is the fresh start she needs. Amid the store’s vibrant prints and sumptuous interiors, Mary finds a new family who can help her to heal.But not everyone will give Mary such a warm welcome, and the trauma of her past will soon catch up with her.As Mary and the Liberty Girls endure the heartache and uncertainty of war, it will take a steady heart to keep the magic of Christmas alive.___________________It's only the first book in the Liberty Girls series, but fans are already falling in love:'By far one of the best books I've read in a long time''The perfect story for historical and saga fiction fans... I cannot wait for the next book in this exciting new series!''Utterly brilliant... I was so impressed by this and felt completely involved in the story and characters!''heartwarming and inspiring... I look forward to reading more''I really enjoyed this story... this was a real festive treat for me! ... The author really transports you back to London during World War II in the book and you feel at times as though you are there with the characters.''Joyous. Charming. Uplifting... a wonderful new series that is packed with charm and warmth... these women lift their chins, put on a brave face and put the show on the road.''a wonderful, magical book that I absolutely loved... The staff are a wonderful team... the lovely sense of togetherness that the staff had was fabulous to read about''Christmas At Liberty's is a must-read for all who love the saga genre and for all who are looking to be part of something that is special and something that just glows with goodness and integrity''The story develops at a great pace that allows the reader to understand more about the characters and their lives so that they start to feel like old friends''The girls from Liberty’s had plenty of ups and downs before Christmas arrived, but I felt every emotional moment with them.'
Cornerstone Red Sky at Noon
‘An epic adventure story set against the most awful war in history. Ridiculously good’ Dan Snow'The black earth was already baking and the sun was just rising when they mounted their horses and rode across the grasslands towards the horizon on fire …’Imprisoned in the Gulags for a crime he did not commit, Benya Golden joins a penal battalion made up of Cossacks and convicts to fight the Nazis. He enrols in the Russian cavalry, and on a hot summer day in July 1942, he and his band of brothers are sent on a desperate mission behind enemy lines.Switching between Benya's war in the grasslands of Southern Russia, and Stalin's plans in the Kremlin, between Benya's intense affair with an Italian nurse and a romance between Stalin's daughter and a journalist also on the Eastern Front, this is a sweeping story of passion, bravery and human survival where personal betrayal is a constant companion, and death just a heartbeat away.Praise for Red Sky at Noon'Red Sky at Noon is an epic adventure story set against the backdrop of the most awful war in human history. The master historian shape-shifting into the brilliant novelist. Ridiculously good’. Dan Snow'Mythic and murderous violence in Russia…there are power-drunk Nazis and Soviet traitors, including a particularly memorable villain …Written with brio & deep knowledge of its fascinating subject matter… a deeply satisfying pageturner.' - Book of the Month, The Times'In this third volume of The Moscow Trilogy, the fate of combatants and civilians is often harsh. With his feel for vivid and immediate drama and impressive research, the author evokes the extreme turbulence and violence impacting on individuals. Writing with passion, Montefiore makes the point that, up against the huge forces of war, the struggle for personal resolution can be tragic - but never wasted.' - Daily Mail'The final instalment of Montefiore's loosely connected Moscow Trilogy: amidst the killing and the chaos, a group of prisoners are offered a chance of redemption on a secret mission behind enemy lines on horseback. Montefiore has a keen sense of place and an eye of unexpected details. Switching between the frontline on the Russian steppes and Stalin in the Kremlin, this is an EXCITING FAST-PACED ADVENTURE AND A LAMENT FOR LOVE IN DARK AND BRUTAL TIMES.' - Mail on Sunday'I devoured Red Sky at Noon. A heartstopping, heartbreaking, technicolour epic. A grand homage to the Russian masters Babel & Grossman, echoes of Hemingway & Dostoevsky, and a propulsive delight that is entirely Montefiore's own. Gripping storytelling allied with intimate, unsqueamish knowledge of Russian history - a special combination.' - AD Miller, author of Snowdrops'The gripping final instalment of the Moscow Trilogy tells of a man wrongly imprisoned in the Gulags and his fight for redemption. Love in dark times, meticulously researched... In this searing tale of love and war, most moving is the redemptive relationship between a soldier and a nurse that blooms amid the brutality. An homage to the author's favourite Russian writers and the Western masterpieces of Larry McMurtry, Cormac McCarthy and Elmore Leonard, such influences pervade this atmospheric tale told in the author's distinct own voice.' - Observer
Little, Brown Book Group Delilah Green Doesn't Care: A swoon-worthy, laugh-out-loud queer romcom
A clever and steamy queer romantic comedy about taking chances and accepting love - with all its complications. Perfect for fans of Alexandria Bellefleur, Casey McQuiston and Rosie Danan.Delilah Green swore she would never go back to Bright Falls - nothing is there for her except memories of a lonely childhood. Her life now is in New York, with her photography career finally gaining steam and her bed never empty. Sure, it's a different woman every night, but that's just fine with her.When Delilah's estranged stepsister pressures her into photographing her wedding with a guilt trip and a large check, Delilah finds herself back in Bright Falls once more. She plans to breeze in and out, but then she sees Claire Sutherland, one of Astrid's stuck-up besties, and decides that maybe there's some fun (and a little retribution) to be had, after all.Having raised her daughter mostly on her own while dealing with her unreliable ex and running a bookstore, Claire depends upon a life without surprises. And Delilah Green is an unwelcome surprise . . . at first. Though they've known each other for years, they don't really know each other - so Claire is unsettled when Delilah figures out exactly what buttons to push. And when they're forced together during the many wedding preparations, Claire isn't sure she has the strength to resist Delilah's charms. Even worse, she's starting to think she doesn't want to . . .Why readers love Delilah Green...'A hot, frothy romcom with a relatable heart beating at its centre. I loved every hilarious character, every outrageous shenanigan - and most of all, I loved Delilah Green. I can't wait for the rest of the series!' Talia Hibbert, New York Times bestselling author of Act Your Age, Eve Brown'A truly exquisite romance about second chances, new beginnings, and the fragile joy of letting people in. I'm wildly in love with this book' Rachel Lynn Solomon, author of The Ex Talk'A classic in the making, Ashely's adult debut is a warm welcome home from the first page. A swoon-worthy, laugh-out-loud romp of a romance' Kosoko Jackson, author of I'm So Not Over You'A spectacular debut brimming with yearning, swooning, and healing. Delilah Green Doesn't Care reads the way realizing your crush likes you back feels. Ashley Herring Blake is a romance star on the rise' Rosie Danan, bestselling author of The Roommate'Delilah Green Doesn't Care is the dreamy, steamy, utterly satisfying answer to your craving for an outcast-and-former-mean-girl romance. And let's not forget the snappy banter and seriously scorching chemistry; you'll need a very cold shower after this read!' Lana Harper, author of Payback's a Witch'Charming and entertaining, Delilah Green Doesn't Care entrances the reader with the redemptive power of love. Blake's masterful blend of sexual tension and growing affection will have readers swooning' Karelia Stetz-Waters, author of Satisfaction Guaranteed'What an absolute joy to read! Snarky, steamy, and swoony in equal measure, I never wanted this book to end, but there's an easy momentum to Blake's writing that made it impossible to put down' Meryl Wilsner, author of Something to Talk About
Little, Brown Book Group The Last Romeo: A BBC 2 Between the Covers Book Club Pick
Pre-order the new sharp, hilarious Justin Myers novel, LEADING MAN, now!'If you liked Bridget Jones's Diary, try this' BBC News*****James is 34 and fed up. His six-year relationship with Adam has imploded, he hates his job making up celebrity gossip, and his best friend Bella has just announced she's moving to Russia.Adrift and single in loved-up London, James needs to break out of his lonely, drunken comfort zone. Encouraged by Bella, he throws himself headlong into online dating, blogging each encounter anonymously as the mysterious Romeo.After meeting a succession of hot/weird/gross men, James has fans and the validation he's always craved. But when his wild night with a closeted Olympian goes viral and sends his Twitter-fame through the roof, James realises maybe, in the search for happy-ever-after, some things are better left un-shared. Seriously, wherefore art thou Romeo . . . From Justin Myers, author of sensational blog The Guyliner, this razor-sharp and cringingly candid account of one man's quest for The One is as sad, fearless and funny as dating itself.*****'If you liked Bridget Jones's Diary, try this' BBC News'So funny and sharp, yet tender and emotional too. I loved it!' Jill Mansell'I adored The Last Romeo . . . funny, clever and warm' Adam Kay, author of This is Going to Hurt'Funny, smart, tart' Russell T Davies, creator of BBC drama Torchwood'A savagely funny and poignant journey' Red Magazine'A frothy and insightful debut . . . an all-too-recognisable tale of the horrors and joys of attempting to find that special someone' Emerald Street'A razor-sharp tale, with fabulously drawn characters, crackling dialogue, real emotional heft and a wonderfully acerbic turn of phrase. Great fun' Sunday Mirror'A book we can all relate to . . . Myers' original take on modern dating is refreshing and timely' GQ'Myers has a wonderful style... [his] lines are sharp enough to murder' Independent'Sex and the City meets Bridget Jones's Diary in this sharp and pacey queer rom-com gone wrong for the digital age' Attitude'We can't remember the last time there was this much buzz in the literary world over a same-sex love story' Indy100'It's Bridget Jones meets Gossip Girl, and if you loved those, you'll adore this' Look Magazine'Insightful, heartfelt and witty' Laura Jane Williams'Myers is a natural raconteur and The Last Romeo is replete with the sharp wit and tenderness that made The Guyliner such a success' Sydney Morning Herald'What would you get if you were to combine Adrian Mole and almost any Marian Keyes novel? Justin Myers's brilliant debut novel and its lead, James' Sunday Times South Africa'Extremely funny, with real heart, depth and resonance' Daisy Buchanan'Warm, witty, wicked and wonderful . . . What an amazing debut' John Marrs, author of The One'Justin's writing is razor-sharp and so funny . . . I inhaled it in one sitting' Francesca Hornak, author of Seven Days of Us'Hilarious and insightful, The Last Romeo is the perfect blend of heart, spark and snark' Isabel Costello, Literary Sofa'Predictably wise, beautifully written and enormous fun' Marina O'Loughlin
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Knockout Interview
Why do you want to leave your current role?Where have you had to work under pressure?If our roles were reversed, what questions would you ask?Tough questions like these can unnerve even the most confident jobseeker, proving that it’s not always the best candidate who gets the job, it’s the best interviewee.Whether a first-time jobseeker, career-changer, or returning after a break, Knockout Interview is your indispensable toolkit.Now thoroughly revised and updated to reflect today’s demanding job market, featuring:• 125 of the most common interview questions• A ‘fast-track’ preparation option if your interview is TOMORROW!• More sample answers to challenging questions• New insights into what goes wrong in an interview and why"This book is a fantastic way to develop your interview capability, giving yourself the best shot of getting the job you want".Kevin Green, Chief Executive, Recruitment and Employment Confederation"When I read John's writing, two things happen. First, I feel as if he's standing right there, personally advising me. And second, I always come away thinking over the issue in a new way. It's a rare, but very useful, gift."Sarah Green, Associate Editor, Harvard Business Review "Knock your interviewer out with this insider’s guide to landing the job you love! You have in your hands the wisdom of years of interviewing! So, the next time you walk into the ‘ring’ be sure you are prepared…with Knockout Interview.”Ajaz Hussein, International Career Counsellor"John takes you step by step through every question you could face in an interview, from the deceptively simple, to some of the toughest. Not only will you learn how to answer them with ease, but also the reasons behind why they are being asked, allowing you to perform at your best and get the job. A must read for any job seeker."James Curran, Career coach and podcast host at"If you are anxious about an upcoming interview or want to improve your performance in the future, reading Knockout Interview will be an ideal solution. The questions cover almost any eventuality and each question is followed by excellent guidance on how to decode the question and structure your answer."David Levinson, Careers Manager, University of Glasgow, UK"Easy to read, relevant and straightforward, the book offers so much more than standard self help books - it provides practical steps to get readers started and give them confidence to take ownership of their careers."Denise Nesbitt, Senior Change Delivery Manager, Talent & Development, Lloyds Banking Group"This book is a great source of information and advice for anyone approaching a job interview. By helping you to understand your own strengths in the context of your future employer’s requirements, John Lees' suggestions will make sure you prepare effectively for any style of interview."Gary Argent, Director of the Career and Skills Development Centre, City University London, UK"Once again, John shows how to be at your very best in front of a prospective employer. This latest edition covers every aspect of interview preparation and is a must read for anyone in job search."Sophie Rowan, Coaching Psychologist at Pinpoint, author of Brilliant Career Coach
Canelo Bollywood Wives
‘I absolutely LOVED this book!’ Donna’s Book BlogZara Das is Bollywood’s hottest actress, stalked by paparazzi wherever she goes. But behind the glamour lies the truth of how she reached the top. Zara’s new film, a Bollywood version of Pride and Prejudice being shot in London, should overcome the scandal that threatens her career - until a dead body is found in her hotel room.Someone is determined to take Zara down - and will stop at nothing to expose her darkest secrets.Zara has spent years running from her past. But now it’s caught up with her…A sexy, gripping novel set in the world of Bollywood, for fans of Jackie Collins and Crazy Rich Asians.Everyone’s talking about Bollywood Wives:‘Wow!! Sexy, mysterious, suspenseful and full of delicious and devious surprises…Loved it!’ Angela Marsons, author of Dead Memories and Silent Scream‘Bollywood Wives is so fresh and exciting…If you enjoy books filled with drama and characters that will keep you entertained and gripped, then I highly recommend it. Hooked From Page One‘This is a sultry, sexy and rather dark thriller that pulls out all the stops!...There were some very steamy scenes and some rather unexpected twists as well.’ My Chestnut Reading Tree‘This is an engrossing read…It speaks up for strong female role-models’ Jan’s Book Buzz‘this is a real bonk buster of a novel…A great book for reading on a hot beach somewhere – and it certainly took me back to my Jackie Collins days!’ Always Need More Books‘Bollywood Wives is a melting pot of thriller, crime, feminism, Real Housewives and Sex & the City, dressed in a sari’ From Belgium With Book Love‘This is a sexy, thrilling and often tense story which brings Bollywood to London and will keep readers hooked from the very explosive start.’ Jen Med’s Book Reviews ‘a firecracker of a story with something for everyone, from romance to suspense, and this is a book that is vibrant and addictive in all of the right ways!’ Books of All Kinds‘Bollywood Wives is a well-made soap-operatic melodrama with a powerful cultural kick to it…Hooray for Bollywood and these wives.’ Silver Screen Videos‘SO much drama, gossip, and angst. SO much fun to read! The perfect escapist story, a book to lose yourself in.’ Audio Killed the Bookmark‘Wow – I don’t think I have ever read a book like this before!... An addictive, glamorous and intense read.’ The Writing Garnet‘I loved it… Highly addictive, classic storytelling and a huge dose of heart. Very good indeed.’ Liz Loves Books‘Real Housewives meets Bollywood in a dangerous mix of sex, glamour and revenge. It’s a real showstopper of a read.’ Steph Broadribb, author of Deep Dirty Truth ‘Full of glitz and glamour...I read it in a day.’ Ayisha Malik – author of This Green and Pleasant Land‘Sex, mystery and a fascinating peek beyond the gold thread and jewel-coloured silks of Asia's own Tinsel Town. Move over, Jackie Collins!’ Marnie Riches, author of The Girl Who Wouldn’t Die
Baen Books Jigsaw Assassin
Selei City is the capital of the Imerialte and one of the most desired locales in all of the Skolian Empire. But its thin veneer of civilization is cracked when a series of brutal crimes implicates those in political power in a vast conspiracy. Three prominent scientists have lost their lives to a serial killer—and notes at the scenes of the crimes lead to a connection to the Royalist political party. Major Bhaajan, former military officer turned private detective, is called back to Selei City to solve the crime. Bhaaj and her crew of Undercity Dust Knights plunge into the Byzantine world of Imperial politics—a jigsaw world where none of the pieces seem to fit. As the assassination plot becomes more and more convoluted, Bhaaj is kidnapped, threatened with death, and must fight for her life against the growing number of people threatened by her investigation. Bhaaj has faced all this and more, but now she must deal with something far deadlier—interstellar politics. About The Vanished Seas: “Catherine Asaro continues exploring the underbelly of her baroque, decadent Skolian Empire with this latest adventure of Major Bhaajan, private eye to the highest nobility. . . . It’s a story full of intrigue, mystery, and action. Along with Asaro’s trademark deeply human characters and intricate politics comes a noir-flavored plot that drips with menace and secrets. Major Bhaajan is a compelling character, smart and sympathetic, and both the squalid Undercity and the decadent City of Cries are engrossing. Those who are familiar with the Skolian Empire will find much to like here. For those who aren’t, the Major Bhaajan books make a fine jumping-on point to this vast and convoluted universe.”—Analog About the Major Bhaajan series: “. . . riveting. . . . The world is rich and vivid, with two distinct cultures in the Undercity and the aboveground City of Cries. This exciting novel stands alone for anyone who enjoys science fiction adventure.”—Publishers Weekly starred review “Asaro plants herself firmly into that grand SF tradition of future history franchises favored by luminaries like Heinlein, Asimov, Herbert, Anderson, Dickson, Niven, Cherryh, and Baxter . . . They don't write em like that anymore! Except Asaro does, with . . . up-to-the-minute savvy!”—Locus “Baahjan, who starts out keeping an emotional distance from the people in the Undercity soon grows to think of them as her community once more. Asaro . . . returns to the Skolian empire's early history to tell Bhaajan's story.”—Booklist “Asaro delivers a tale rich with the embedded history of her world and bright with technical marvels. Her characters are engaging and intriguing and there is even a bit of romance. What really touched my heart was Bhaaj's interaction with the children of the aqueducts. I spent the last fifty pages of the book sniffling into a tissue.”—SFcrowsnest “I‘m hooked, both on her writing and her Skolian universe. This book had everything I wanted: strong characters, a new and unique world, and a plot that isn't as simple as it first appears.”—TerryTalk About the Skolian Saga: “Entertaining mix of hard SF and romance.”—Publishers Weekly “Asaro’s Skolian saga is now nearly as long and in many ways as compelling as Dune, if not more so, featuring a multitude of stronger female characters.”—Booklist “Rapid pacing and gripping suspense.”—Publishers Weekly
Simon & Schuster So Help Me God
The New York Times bestselling autobiography of former Vice President Mike Pence.Loyalty is a Vice President’s first duty; but there is a greater one—to God and the Constitution. Mike Pence spent more hours in the Oval Office than any of his predecessors. On the surface, the affable evangelical Christian from a gas-station-owning family in Indiana wouldn’t seem to have much in common with a brash real estate mogul from New York. But the unlikely duo formed a tight bond. Pence was at Donald Trump’s side when he enacted historic tax relief, when he decided to take more assertive stances toward China and North Korea, and when he appointed three Supreme Court justices. But the relationship broke down after the 2020 election. On January 6, 2021, as the president pressured him to overturn the election, a mob erected a gallows on Capitol Hill and its members chanted “Hang Mike Pence!” as they rampaged through the halls of Congress. The vice president refused to leave the Capitol, and once the riot was quelled, he reconvened Congress to complete the work of a peaceful transfer of power. So Help Me God is the chronicle of the events and people who forged Mike Pence’s character and led him to that historic moment. His father, a Korean War combat veteran, was a formidable influence, but so was the Indiana history professor who inspired his devotion to the Constitution. And it was in college and law school that he embraced his Christian faith and met the love of his life, Karen—the two pillars that support him every day. You will read how his early political career was full of missteps that humbled him and how, as a talk radio host, Pence found his voice and the path that led him to Congress, the governor’s office in Indiana, and back to Washington as vice president. This is the inside story of the Trump administration by its second highest official—what he said to the president and how he was tested. The relationship begins in Indiana, when Pence sees how Trump connects with working-class voters. After the election, the vice president comes to appreciate how Trump maintains that connection through unvarnished tweets and how his unorthodox style led to historic breakthroughs, from tax cuts to trade deals, from establishing the United States Space Force to the first new peace agreement in the Middle East in more than twenty-five years. This is the most robust defense of the Trump record of anyone who served in the administration. But it is also about the private moments when Pence pushed back forcefully, how he navigated through the Mueller investigation, his damage control after Charlottesville, and his work on healing racial rifts after the murder of George Floyd. Pence was at the forefront when “history showed up” in the form of a devastating pandemic, and he provides a detailed account of leading the task force that circumvented bureaucracies to slow the disease in its tracks. Yes, it sometimes involved brokering peace between a president with an itchy Twitter finger and an agitated New York governor, but above all, it meant giving states and America’s eager entrepreneurs the power to come up with the solutions we needed. The result was the fastest development of life-saving vaccines in history. In So Help Me God, Pence shows how the faith that he embraced as a young man guided his every decision. It is a faith that guided him on that historic day and that keeps him happily at peace, ready to accept the next challenge.
Baen Books Today I Am Carey
TODAY Mildred has Alzheimer's. As memories fade, she acquires the aid of a full-time android to assist her in everyday life. Carey. Carey takes care of Mildred, but its true mission is to fill in the gaps in Mildred’s past. To bring yesterday into today by becoming a copy. But not merely a copy of a physical person. A copy from the inside out. I AM After Mildred passes, Carey must find a new purpose. For a time, that purpose is Mildred’s family. To keep them safe from harm. To be of service. There is Paul Owens, the overworked scientist and business leader. Susan Owens, the dedicated teacher. And Millie, a curious little girl who will grow up alongside her android best friend. And Carey will grow up with her. Carey cannot age. But Carey can change. CAREY Carey struggles. Carey seeks to understand life’s challenges. Carey makes its own path. Carey must learn to live. To grow. To care. To survive. To be. Praise for Today I Am Carey: "Kindness, love, and compassion make Carey an empathetic character through which to view Shoemaker's complex, beautiful world."—Publishers Weekly “. . . takes readers on a journey of self-discovery, coming of age, and ultimately life itself. . . . Carey’s development as a character is fascinating. VERDICT This exploration of artificial life in the vein of Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot provides fresh insight into the human experience.”—Library Journal “Shoemaker's story of an artificial life coming to terms with its own emotional world finds its place among the long and varied tradition of explorations of robot–human relations. . . . Recommended for any reader, genre or otherwise, looking for a pleasant and engaging read.”—Booklist "Martin Shoemaker proves conclusively that while a science fiction novel must have the trappings of science fiction, it is at its strongest when it is about people, even an artificial (but emotional) person named Carey."—Mike Resnick “A dazzling ride through the near future. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I’ve never seen anything remotely like it.”—Jack McDevitt “Martin Shoemaker is a rare writer who can handle the challenges of dealing with future technology while touching the human heart. This is a must-read!"—David Farland, New York Times Best-selling Author “Carey is one of the most delightful robots to come along in a while, and Today I Am Carey is a fine addition to science fiction’s century-long conversation about our mechanical servants.”—Analog "Today I Am Carey is a rare thought-provoking novel"—The Daily News of Galveston County “….this book is like an onion. As time passes, the world expands from the center, the core of the onion, moving from layer to layer, new stratum larger than the last. Each richly detailed…Recommended for fans of Asimov, classic science fiction, and anyone who just enjoys a well-told tale.”—Future Science Fiction Digest (Recommended fot book fo the Month) Praise for the work of Martin L. Shoemaker: "Martin Shoemaker’s ‘Black Orbit’ is a more conventional Analog adventure, and a very good example of such . . . a really solid story." — Rich Horton, Locus Online "['Bookmark'] is an exceptional example of how to discuss deep moral and philosophical issues while maintaining a tight narrative that brings the reader along. This story will be added to the required readings for my SF classes."—Robert L. Turner III, Tangent Online
Hay House Inc Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life beyond Your Wildest Dreams
** NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! ** ARE YOU READY TO LIVE IN ALIGNMENT WITH THE UNIVERSE ANDTHE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE? The #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Universe Has Your Back shows you how. SUPER ATTRACTOR WILL TEACH YOU ESSENTIAL METHODS FOR MANIFESTING A LIFE BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS Identified as “a new role model” by The New York Times and featured on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday as a “next-generation thought leader," Gabrielle Bernstein lays out the exact steps for living in alignment with the Universe and manifesting your greatest self--more fully than you've ever done before. This book is a journey of remembering where your true power lies. You’ll learn how to co-create the life you want. You’ll accept that life can flow, that manifesting miracles is fun, and that you don’t have to work so hard to get what you want. Most importantly, you’ll feel good. And when you feel good, you give off a presence of joy that elevates everyone around you. I've always known that there is a nonphysical presence beyond my visible sight," Gabby writes. "All my life I've intuitively tuned in to it and used it as a source for good...What we call it is irrelevant. Connecting to it is imperative. Super Attractor is a manifesto for making that connection and claiming your desires with confidence, marrying your spiritual life with your day-to-day experience. In these magical pages, you'll learn how to: * Move beyond dabbling in your practice, when it's convenient, to living a spiritual life all the time * Take practical steps to create an aligned life filled with purpose, happiness, and freedom * Feel a sense of awe each day as you witness miracles unfold * Release the past and live without fear of the future * Tap into the infinite source of abundance, intuition, joy, and well-being that is your birthright * Bring more LIGHT to your own life and the world around you Chapter Titles Include: · The Universe Always Delivers · It's Good to Feel Good · There's More Than Enough to Go Around · Have Fun along the Way · Lift the Veil · Invisible Guidance is Available to You · Do Less and Attract More · Taking Spiritually Aligned Action · Appreciate and Appreciate More · Let the Universe Catch Up with Your Dreams · Unwavering Faith in the Universe This book is a journey of remembering where your true power lies. You'll learn how to co-create the life you want. You'll accept that life can flow, that attracting is fun, and that you don't have to work so hard to get what you want. Most important, you'll feel good. And when you feel good, you'll give off a presence of joy that can elevate everyone around you. After reading this book, you will know how to fulfill your function: to be a force of love in the world. Accepting that you are a Super Attractor will change everything. You’ll trust that it’s safe to release the past and you’ll no longer fear the future. You’ll tap into an infinite source of abundance, energy, happiness and well-being. This well-being will become the norm for you and you’ll know intuitively how to show up for life and bring more light to the world around you. “Gabrielle is the real thing. I respect her work immensely.” — Dr. Wayne Dyer
Pear Press Zero to Five: 70 Essential Parenting Tips Based on Science (and What Ive Learned So Far)
"The coolest--and easiest--book for new parents" (Parents magazine) Pregnancy? Newborn baby? Partway through parenthood with a toddler or preschooler? No matter your stage, you could use more calm, more confidence. You could read dozens of parenting books on pregnancy, baby sleep, picky eaters, child psychology, child development, potty training, and discipline. Or you could read Zero to Five: 70 Essential Parenting Tips Based on Science. Journalist Tracy Cutchlow cuts to the chase, summarizing the best parenting research in bite-sized chunks. She knows from her own experience with motherhood: new parents are too busy and sleep-deprived. One tip per page + beautiful photographs = cool + easy. Research With the premise that science isn't perfect, but it's the best guide we've got, Zero to Five draws on scientific research and studies from experts such as Dimitri Christakis (screen time), Diana Baumrind (parenting styles), Adele Diamond (neuroscience and executive function), Carol Dweck (growth mindset), Alison Gopnik (child psychology), John Gottman (marriage and conflict resolution), Megan McClelland (executive function), Patricia Kuhl (language acquisition and brain development), Ellyn Satter (feeding children), Dan Siegel (emotions), Paul Torrance (creative thinking), Grover Whitehurst (literacy and reading comprehension), and more. Then Cutchlow makes it all readable, for that 2-minute break you've got during the day. This parenting book is for you ...if you like to research all the options so you can find the best ...if you are feeling scared, anxious, or unsure of yourself as a parent (who isn't?) ...if you like the idea of using science as a filter for the crazy amount of parenting advice out there ...if you want practical, how-to ideas for applying the research -- not just what to do, but ideas for how to do it or how to say it ...if you want to do things differently than your parents did, even though you love them . ..if you want word-for-word examples for dealing with specific discipline scenarios (hitting, biting, not sharing, talking back, refusing requests, not listening, and more) ...if you are wondering how to handle television and screen time ...if you are interested in positive discipline or positive parenting ...if you are a dad (or you are with a partner) who probably wouldn't read parenting books ...if you are a grandparent wanting to be up with the latest knowledge about raising kids ...if you are studying for your CDA, or working in early childhood education, and want a reference ...if you work with families and want to recommend or provide evidence-based resources to them ...if you want to feel like you're enjoying parenting, not just surviving it Who is using Zero to Five besides, of course, parents, we've heard from: Pediatricians. Many keep their copy in the exam room. Some private-practice pediatricians give a copy of Zero to Five to all new parents. Parent educators. "The best I've seen in a long time." "My go-to source." Parenting support groups. Seattle's largest network,, uses Zero to Five as part of the weekly curriculum, in a "brain development break." Child-care providers. Agencies that train child-care providers. One agency created a training based on Zero to Five. Home visitors. Family therapists and psychologists. "Your book is a big part of my practice." "I recommend it all the time." Childbirth-class teachers. Early-learning advocates. Graduate students in child development. Zero to Five is your quick and easy guide to the best practices in parenting.
City Lights Books The Violence of Organized Forgetting: Thinking Beyond America's Disimagination Machine
"Giroux refuses to give in or give up. The Violence of Organized Forgetting is a clarion call to imagine a different America--just, fair, and caring--and then to struggle for it."--Bill Moyers "Henry Giroux has accomplished an exciting, brilliant intellectual dissection of America's somnambulent voyage into anti-democratic political depravity. His analysis of the plight of America's youth is particularly heartbreaking. If we have a shred of moral fibre left in our beings, Henry Giroux sounds the trumpet to awaken it to action to restore to the nation a civic soul."--Dennis J. Kucinich, former US Congressman and Presidential candidate "Giroux lays out a blistering critique of an America governed by the tenets of a market economy...He cites French philosopher Georges Didi-Huberman's concept of the 'disimagination machine' to describe a culture and pedagogical philosophy that short-circuits citizens' ability to think critically, leaving the generation now reaching adulthood unprepared for an 'inhospitable' world. Picking apart the current malaise of 21st-century digital disorder, Giroux describes a world in which citizenship is replaced by consumerism and the functions of engaged governance are explicitly beholden to corporations."--Publishers Weekly In a series of essays that explore the intersections of politics, popular culture, and new forms of social control in American society, Henry A. Giroux explores how state and corporate interests have coalesced to restrict civil rights, privatize what's left of public institutions, and diminish our collective capacity to participate as engaged citizens of a democracy. From the normalization of mass surveillance, lockdown drills, and a state of constant war, to corporate bailouts paired with public austerity programs that further impoverish struggling families and communities, Giroux looks to flashpoints in current events to reveal how the forces of government and business are at work to generate a culture of mass forgetfulness, obedience and conformity. In The Violence of Organized Forgetting, Giroux deconstructs the stories created to control us while championing the indomitable power of education, democracy, and hope. Henry A. Giroux is a world-renowned educator, author and public intellectual. He currently holds the Global TV Network Chair Professorship at McMaster University in the English and Cultural Studies Department and a Distinguished Visiting Professorship at Ryerson University. The Toronto Star has named Henry Giroux "one of the twelve Canadians changing the way we think." More Praise for Henry A. Giroux's The Violence of Organized Forgetting: "I can think of no book in the last ten years as essential as this. I can think of no other writer who has so clinically dissected the crisis of modern life and so courageously offered a possibility for real material change."--John Steppling, playwright, and author of The Shaper, Dogmouth, and Sea of Cortez "A timely study if there ever was one, The Violence of Organized Forgetting is a milestone in the struggle to repossess the common sense expropriated by the American power elite to be redeployed in its plot to foil the popular resistance against rising social injustice and decay of political democracy."--Zygmunt Bauman, author of Does the Richness of the Few Benefit Us All? among other works Prophetic and eloquent, Giroux gives us, in this hard-hitting and compelling book, the dark scenario of Western crisis where ignorance has become a virtue and wealth and power the means of ruthless abuse of workers, of the minorities and of immigrants. However, he remains optimistic in his affirmation of radical humanity, determined as he is to relate himself to a fair and caring world unblemished by anti-democratic political depravity."--Shelley Walia, Frontline
Orenda Books Turbulent Wake
As a young man comes to terms with his father’s death, he is forced to face his own demons, and confront the possibility of change… A stark, eye-opening and exquisitely poignant novel spanning the globe and probing the issues that define our times, by the author of the critically acclaimed Claymore Straker series… ‘This is a remarkably well-written, sophisticated novel in which the people and places all come alive on the page…’ Literary Review ‘Searing … at times achieves the level of genuine poetry’ Publishers Weekly ____________________ Ethan Scofield returns to the place of his birth to bury his father. Hidden in one of the upstairs rooms of the old man’s house he finds a strange manuscript, a collection of stories that seems to cover the whole of his father’s turbulent life. As his own life starts to unravel, Ethan works his way through the manuscript, trying to find answers to the mysteries that have plagued him since he was a child. What happened to his little brother? Why was his mother taken from him? And why, in the end, when there was no one else left, did his own father push him away? Swinging from the coral cays of the Caribbean to the dangerous deserts of Yemen and the wild rivers of Africa, Turbulent Wake is a bewitching, powerful and deeply moving story of love and loss … of the indelible damage we do to those closest to us and, ultimately, of the power of redemption in a time of change. ____________________ ‘The quality of Hardisty’s writing and the underlying truth of his plots sets this above many other thrillers’ West Australia ‘Turbulent Wake is moving, it caused me to ache deep inside … a rather beautiful read’ LoveReading ‘The writing is sublime! So different from the Claymore Straker series but just as compelling – a round-the-world journey through a lifetime of regrets. Wow!’ Off-the-Shelf Books ‘If you like literary fiction with heart then you MUST read the stunning Turbulent Wake – powerful, evocative, profound; I savoured every word’ Karen Cole ‘A truly beautiful story … what a special book this is’ Jen Med’s Book Reviews ‘Evocative, compelling, a pull-at-your-heartstrings page turning read! A book that you will absorb into your very soul! Go and get a copy today!’ Crime Book Junkie ‘Powerful, evocative, profound; I savoured every word’ Hair Past a Freckle ‘Compelling and inspiring, it is an adventure, a journey, a exploration of life, a fascinating novel’ Swirl & Thread ‘Heartbreaking, honest, wonderful. This novel needs to be read by many, so they can see what damage they cause’ Steph’s Book Blog Praise for Paul E. Hardisty ‘A stormer of a thriller – vividly written, utterly tropical, totally gripping’ Peter James ‘A fast-paced action thriller, beautifully written’ Tim Marshall, author of Prisoners of Geography ‘Hardisty is a fine writer and Straker is a great lead character’ Lee Child ‘A trenchant and engaging thriller that unravels this mysterious land in cool, precise sentences’ Stav Sherez, Catholic Herald ‘Gripping and exciting … the quality of Hardisty’s writing and the underlying truth of his plots sets this above many other thrillers’ West Australian ‘Beautifully written, blisteringly authentic, heart-stoppingly tense and unusually moving’ Paul Johnston ‘The plot burns through petrol, with multiple twists and turns’ Vicky Newham
Peepal Tree Press Ltd Hour of the Mango Black Moon
'We began by speaking in our own voices and tongues / then other voices / might take possession of our throats, our / Souls, for however brief or prolonged a moment'. These lines describing the inner world of Stanley Greaves' painting 'Morning Mangoes' also describe the intensity and inwardness of Laurence Lieberman's meeting with the paintings of Greaves and two others of the Caribbean's visionary masters, Ras Akyem and Ras Ishi. In their language and reference, these poems are utterly contemporary, but gain resonance from being part of a poetic tradition of 'pictorialism' that perhaps reached its height in the 19th century with Browning and Ruskin's poetic prose.It is no accident that Lieberman focuses on the work of these three painters, for he clearly finds in them qualities that express his own psyche. In each there is a subversive, speculative, heterogeneous view of the world that challenges 'the lull of the everyday', the homogenising imperialism of western rationalism, consumerism and the market. Each of the painters has his own rich cosmology in which Lieberman finds part of himself.To label these poems as 'descriptions' of the thirty or so paintings focused on in this collection gives no hint of their multiple rewards. They begin, indeed, in the kind of description found only in the very best art criticism: infectiously enthusiastic, exact, clear in the distinction between observation and speculation. They create rewarding and very human connections between the paintings and their makers. We meet them as vivid characters - Greaves with his oblique charm, Akyem's combative, restless energy, Ishi's elusive, enigmatic intensity - and Lieberman finds acutely appropriate and different dramatic styles to represent each painter and their work. But these poems are not merely commentaries on paintings but meditations that begin in the encounter with the art work and grow from that point. Above all, these are poems that work as poems in finding the language and architecture to capture the moment of engagement with the paintings in all its mixture of exactness and provisionality.The collection is illustrated with sixteen colour plates of paintings described in the book."His is a poetry of such awe, a nearly orthodox Romantic ecstasy, that is verges on the plangent... Leiberman's poems look and act like Marianne Moore's syntactical precessions mated with Roethke's nervous green world of passion. He has the grace to make his voyage into the eye of the world and back a communion for the reader."Dave Smith, American Poetry Review"There's a remarkable sensibility guiding these poems, an inquisitiveness, a strong sense of humor and compassion. Lieberman's really is a singular achievement. His subjects, his style and syntax, his syllabic lines and cascading stanza - all are impossible to imitate or mistake for anyone else's... At sixty, he has become one of our truly indispensable poets."Thomas Swiss, The Southern Review"In purpose and effect, Lieberman's writing is without boundary. Indeed, it's hard to name a more distinctive and original American poet working today."G.E. Murray, Chicago Sun-Times"Laurence Lieberman is perhaps the finest American poet writing in patterned free verse form. The style is sensuously narrative and descriptive. It exudes joy and vitality... a true American original."Charles GuentherLaurence Lieberman is an American poet with deep Caribbean affiliations. He has published twelve collections of poetry and three volumes of literary essays.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Male Victims of Elder Abuse: Their Experiences and Needs
The findings from the study are a significant contribution to the growing international body of knowledge on the abuse of vulnerable adults. Pritchard's work is rooted in anti-ageist practice. Her passion and commitment to older people is evident throughout this book and she tackles the assumptions made about older men effectively.'- Social Work Education'The purpose of this book is to give attention to the problems of elder men in abusive situations, so that those in helping capacities may better understand these men and the help that they need. The use of case illustrations is very effective in the discussion of reactions and responses to abuse. In some cases the, the negligence in follow through is noted for professionals working with the elderly persons. Importantly, too, the author describes her efforts in creating a milieu within focus groups for the men to articulate feelings about their experiences... Jacki Pritchard has written a book that can well be considered an important antecedent effort in identifying a problem that heretofore has not received needed attention... [An] informative and sensitively written book'- Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect'This is a neat little book, and I recommend it... Jacki Pritchard is clearly an expert in the field. As a former social worker, she brings practicality and a common-sense approach to her research, which `rings true' to the jobbing clinician. Moreover, Ms Pritchard writes clearly and concisely, and her quantitative and qualitative research techniques pass muster.'- International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry'This book is a useful addition to our knowledge of the subject, as it covers the abuse experienced by older men, a topic that until recently has received little attention... This is an important book for practitioners working in the field of elder abuse. Whilst the research is not representative, the rich descriptions of the respondents' experiences are full of information and emotion. The book is also useful as a first step from which other, in-depth studies can be undertaken into abuse as experienced by older men... Pritchard's style is conversational and accessible. Material is introduced in a friendly and informal way.'- Ageing & SocietyOlder men may, like older women, be victims of abuse - yet there has been little in either research or service provision to reflect this. Drawing on in-depth interviews with twelve older men who have experienced abuse, Jacki Pritchard presents much-needed practical guidance for care professionals, managers and policy makers working with this group.She describes the different kinds of abuse experienced by the men, which can include not only financial, physical, emotional and sexual abuse, but also physical and emotional neglect, and goes on to establish in detail the needs of older male victims of abuse and how they should be addressed. As well as having their emotional needs and their need for support over past abuse met, the men need a physical place of safety, medical care and the cultural awareness and continuous support of professional carers.This book presents clear guidelines for both the initial assessment of need and for good practice in the long term. It will enable all those working with older people to understand better the phenomenon of the abuse of older men and to apply this understanding to effective service provision.
APA Publications The Rough Guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland (Compact Guide with Free eBook) - Guide to travelling by electric vehicle (EV)
Practical travel guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland with a free eBook featuring points-of-interest structured lists of all sights and off-the-beaten-track treasures, with detailed colour-coded maps, practical details about what to see and to do in Green Britain & Northern Ireland. The Rough Guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland also includes details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information, as well as top time-saving tips, like a visual list of things not to miss in Green Britain & Northern Ireland, expert author picks and itineraries to help you plan your trip. This guide book has been fully updated post-COVID-19.The Rough Guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland covers: London & the Southeast, the Southwest, Central England, Northern England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.Inside this travel guide you'll find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLERExperiences selected for every kind of trip to Green Britain & Northern Ireland, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in The White Cliffs of Dover to family activities in child-friendly places, like Northumberland National Park or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like The Eden Project in Cornwall.PRACTICAL TRAVEL TIPSEssential pre-departure information including Green Britain & Northern Ireland entry requirements, getting around, health information, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, food and drink, festivals, culture and etiquette, shopping, tips for travellers with disabilities and more.TIME-SAVING ITINERARIESCarefully planned routes covering the best of Green Britain & Northern Ireland give a taste of the richness and diversity of the destination, and have been created for different time frames or types of trip.DETAILED REGIONAL COVERAGEClear structure within each sightseeing chapter includes regional highlights, brief history, detailed sights and places ordered geographically, recommended restaurants, hotels, bars, clubs and major shops or entertainment options.INSIGHTS INTO GETTING AROUND LIKE A LOCALTips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots for the nearest EV charge points to each listing or wild swimming.HIGHLIGHTS OF THINGS NOT TO MISSRough Guides' rundown of Snowdonia, Cumbria, Dorset, Suffolk's best sights and top experiences helps to make the most of each trip to Green Britain & Northern Ireland, even in a short time.HONEST AND INDEPENDENT REVIEWSWritten by Rough Guides' expert authors with a trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, to help to find the best places in Green Britain & Northern Ireland, matching different needs.BACKGROUND INFORMATIONComprehensive 'Contexts' chapter features fascinating insights into Green Britain & Northern Ireland, with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary.FABULOUS FULL COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHYFeatures inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Land's End and the spectacular John O'Groats.COLOUR-CODED MAPPINGPractical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys for quick orientation in Northern England, Northern Ireland and many more locations in Green Britain & Northern Ireland, reduce the need to go online.USER-FRIENDLY LAYOUTWith helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time.FREE EBOOKFree eBook download with every purchase of a printed book allows you to access all of the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.
Head of Zeus The Advocate's Daughter
'SMART, SOPHISTICATED, SUSPENSEFUL, AND WRITTEN WITH REAL INSIDER AUTHENTICITY. A WINNER' LEE CHILD It's not who you know, it's what you know about them . . . Among Washington D.C. power players, everyone has something to hide, including Sean Serrat, a Supreme Court lawyer. Sean transformed his misspent youth into a model adulthood, and now has one of the most respected legal careers in the country. But just as he learns he's on the short list to be nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court, his daughter, Abby, a talented and dedicated law student, goes missing. When Abby's lifeless body is discovered shoved into a shelf at the Supreme Court Library, Sean is wracked with grief. Does her murder have anything to do with the secret he's been keeping for years? He follows the footsteps of his daughter's last days and stumbles over secrets within his own family - as well as the lies of some of the most powerful people in the country. People who will stop at nothing to prevent Sean from exposing the truth . . . Praise for The Advocate's Daughter: 'Keeps twisting and turning right up until its shock of an ending. Long-buried secrets and shadowy agendas murderously collide - smack in the middle of a heated Supreme Court nomination clash [...] Read and marvel' GREGG HURWITZ 'The tension starts on the very first page, and keeps ratcheting up. Once it grabs you it won't let go' JOSEPH FINDER 'A brilliant thriller that's smart, well-written, and heart-stopping' LINDA FAIRSTEIN 'A taut and twisting thriller ... It crackles with authenticity and moves with an irresistible momentum' LISA UNGER 'A smart, suspenseful thriller filled with insider knowledge of the Supreme Court, D.C. politics, and collisions between the two. It's also an absorbing story about families and the sacrifices we make for the people we love' ALAFAIR BURKE 'Fast paced, sharply plotted ... A blast!' ROBERT DUGONI 'Engaging and riveting ... This no-holds-barred potboiler shines a light on Washington's halls of power only to reveal the darkness lurking within them' PROVIDENCE JOURNAL 'The 'best of the best' when it comes to suspense' SUSPENSE MAGAZINE 'A taut, twisting thriller' HUFFINGTON POST 'This fast-paced thriller will appeal to fans of Brad Meltzer, Joseph Finder, and Scott Turow' BOOKLIST 'Rich and fine in plot background with a flowing narrative style - this is fiction rooted in reality ... Highly recommended' NEW MYSTERY READER MAGAZINE 'Judicial fiction at its finest' FOR THE LOVE OF BOOKS.COM 'A riveting legal thriller that will keep you turning pages until the breathtaking end' ABOVE THE LAW 'Tautly written and expertly put together, if there is one crime thriller you want to add to your collection, then let this be it' CRIMINAL ELEMENT What Amazon reviewers are saying: 'Nobody does it better [...] than Franze. He's perfectly suited to tell this story, himself a starred Supreme Court advocate. And he tells it so well, smoothly slipping in and blending day-to-day Supreme Court realisms with a highly suspenseful tale' 'Best leisure read of my life. Real. Intoxicating. Impactful. Superior. Franze's latest offering is fueled by uncommonly salacious access to many elements of the world's highest and most exclusive secret society' 'A tremendously enjoyable read. Finished in just a couple days - actually a couple very late nights. If you enjoy fast paced thrillers, then you will not be disappointed' 'Franze does a great job drawing in the reader, and rewards them with deep characters and constant action. Definitely recommended!'
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Aggregate Production Function and the Measurement of Technical Change: ‘Not Even Wrong’
'This is an extremely important and long-awaited book. The authors provide a cogent guide to all that is wrong with the theory and empirical applications of the discredited notion of an aggregate production function. Their critique has devastating implications for orthodox macroeconomics.'- Anwar Shaikh, New School for Social Research, US'This is a very important book. Proofs that aggregate production functions do not exist have been around for more than 50 years. This casts doubt not only on macroeconomic theory but also on empirical work and policy. Yet, this has not deterred macro-economists. The authors show in great detail that the apparent 'fit' of such functions to value-based data is a tautology and not a proof that such aggregates exist. One hopes that the profession will finally take note.'- Franklin M. Fisher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US'Felipe and McCombie have gathered all of the compelling arguments denying the existence of aggregate production functions and showing that econometric estimates based on these fail to measure what they purport to quantify: they are artefacts. Their critique, which ought to be read by any economist doing empirical work, is destructive of nearly all that is important to mainstream economics: NAIRU and potential output measures, measures of wage elasticities, of output elasticities and of total factor productivity growth.'- Marc Lavoie, University of Ottawa, CanadaThis authoritative and stimulating book represents a fundamental critique of the aggregate production function, a concept widely used in macroeconomics.The authors explain why, despite the serious aggregation problems that surround it, aggregate production functions often give plausible statistical results. This is due to the use of constant-price value data, rather than the theoretically correct physical data, together with an underlying accounting identity that relates the data definitionally. It is in this sense that the aggregate production function is 'not even wrong': it is not a behavioral relationship capable of being statistically refuted. The book examines the history of the production function and shows how certain seminal works on neoclassical growth theory, labor demand functions and estimates of the mark-up, among others, suffer from this fundamental problem.The book represents a fundamental critique of the aggregate production function and will be of interest to all macroeconomists.Contents: Prologue: 'Not Even Wrong' Introduction 1. Some Problems with the Aggregate Production Function 2. The Aggregate Production Function: Behavioural Relationship or Accounting Identity? 3. Simulation Studies, the Aggregate Production Function and the Accounting Identity 4. 'Are There Laws of Production?' The Work of Cobb and Douglas and its Early Reception 5. Solow's Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function', and the Accounting Identity 6. What does Total Factor Productivity Actually Measure? Further Observations on the Solow Model 7. Why Are Some Countries Richer than Others? A Sceptical View of Mankiw-Romer-Weil's Test of the Neoclassical Growth Model 8. Some Problems with the Neoclassical Dual-Sector Growth Model 9. Is Capital Special? The Role of the Growth of Capital and its Externality Effect in Economic Growth 10. Problems Posed by the Accounting Identity for the Estimation of the Degree of Market Power and the Mark-up 11. Are Estimates of Labour Demand Functions Mere Statistical Artefacts? 12. Why Have the Criticisms of the Aggregate Production Function Generally Been Ignored? On Further Misunderstandings and Misinterpretations of the Implications of the Accounting Identity References Index
Pushkin Press Red Love: The Story of an East German Family
A Sunday Telegraph, Irish Times and Glasgow Herald Book of the Year "Tender, acute and utterly absorbing" Anna Funder, author of Stasiland "A wry and unheroic witness... an unofficial history of a country that no longer exists" Julian Barnes "Beautiful and supremely touching" Keith Lowe, Sunday Telegraph "Compelling ... [Leo] is terrific at elucidating the slow, incremental steps by which people come to lie to themselves... Guile, guilt and disappointment drip from these pages and Red Love is all the more affecting for it" New Statesman Growing up in East Berlin, Maxim Leo knew not to ask questions. All he knew was that his rebellious parents, Wolf and Anne, with their dyed hair, leather jackets and insistence he call them by their first names, were a bit embarrassing. That there were some places you couldn't play; certain things you didn't say. Now, married with two children and the Wall a distant memory, Maxim decides to find the answers to the questions he couldn't ask. Why did his parents, once passionately in love, grow apart? Why did his father become so angry, and his mother quit her career in journalism? And why did his grandfather Gerhard, the Socialist war hero, turn into a stranger? The story he unearths is, like his country's past, one of hopes, lies, cruelties, betrayals but also love. In Red Love he captures, with warmth and unflinching honesty, why so many dreamed the GDR would be a new world and why, in the end, it fell apart. "Tender, acute and utterly absorbing. In fine portraits of his family members Leo takes us through three generations of his family, showing how they adopt, reject and survive the fierce, uplifting and ultimately catastrophic ideologies of 20th-century Europe. We are taken on an intimate journey from the exhilaration and extreme courage of the French Resistance to the uncomfortable moral accommodations of passive resistance in the GDR. "He describes these 'ordinary lies' and contradictions, and the way human beings have to negotiate their way through them, with great clarity, humour and truthfulness, for which the jury of the European Book Prize is delighted to honour Red Love. His personal memoir serves as an unofficial history of a country that no longer exists... He is a wry and unheroic witness to the distorting impact - sometimes frightening, sometimes merely absurd - that ideology has upon the daily life of the individual: citizens only allowed to dance in couples, journalists unable to mention car tyres or washing machines for reasons of state." Julian Barnes, European Book Prize With wonderful insight Leo shows how the human need to believe and to belong to a cause greater than ourselves can inspire a person to acts of heroism, but can then ossify into loyalty to a cause that long ago betrayed its people." Anna Funder, author of Stasiland >>"Leo uses the intimate scope of his family to explore the turbulent political history of East Germany from a perspective that has not been seen before. The result is an absorbing and personal account that gives outsiders an insight into life in the GDR" Shortlist "Affectionate, insightful... Red Love is a fascinating tale... beautifully written and translated" Bookoxygen Maxim Leo was born in 1970 in East Berlin. He studied Political Science at the Free University in Berlin and at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris. Since 1997 he is Editor of the Berliner Zeitung. In 2002 he was nominated for the Egon-Erwin-Kisch Prize, and in the same year won the German-French Journalism Prize. He won the Theodor Wolff Prize in 2006. He lives in Berlin.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Success the LOVEFiLM Way: How to Grow A Fast Growth Business in Fast Changing Times
As you might expect from a company responsible for renting so many thrillers, there’s rarely a dull moment at LOVEFiLM. From start-up, through mergers and fast paced growth, culminating in a takeover by an internet giant, few corporate adventures encapsulate the archetypal modern business story as neatly as that of LOVEFiLM. In the 6 years from inception to the defining deal with Amazon, the company underwent a near constant process of change and evolution. They simply didn’t sit still for a minute. As the chief executive who guided LOVEFiLM through these fast-paced times, Simon Calver tells the story of how they grew the company from a series of small start-ups into a multi-million pound enterprise and well-love household name. Calver offers his personal insights and key lessons on everything from how to manage spectacular growth, to the importance of taking big risks and how small entrepreneurial companies can benefit from big companies thinking. Success the LOVEFiLM Way is an essential read for anybody who wants to start and grow a successful business, and learn how to stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing and growing industry. “The LOVEFiLM story offers interesting insights into the way modern businesses, and particularly those backed by venture capital, succeed. There are useful lessons for anyone looking to start or grow a business using this route. Simon Calver explains both the challenges and opportunities that VC funding raises. Calver is right to describe this as the classic modern business story.” Alex Mitchell, Head of Influencer Relations, IoD “The LOVEFiLM story was a great read. It’s honest, insightful and very entertaining. It shows most importantly the power of leadership to create an exceptional company. Frankly, everyone in the UK needs to read this book right now.” Julie Meyer, Managing Partner, ACE Fund “I met Simon at the annual Real Business awards in 2009, and was delighted when he asked King of Shaves to become a founding member of The Consumer Forum – an association of SME’s that put the customer first. The success of LOVEFiLM, and his leadership of this disrupting business, was entirely down to his ‘putting customers first’ – by giving them what they wanted, when they wanted it, always embracing the latest in cutting edge technology. Firstly by sending the latest film releases through the post, and now by it streaming on demand. I’ve been lucky enough to spend personal quality time with him, and now you can learn how he helped LOVEFiLM grow so astonishingly, in a constantly changing digital environment. If you Lovefilm, and LoveCustomers, then you’ll Love this book!” Will King, Founder, King of Shaves “The LOVEFiLM story shows the importance of organizational agility, trust and the relentless focus of taking customers, stakeholders and employees with you on your journey. Above all it demonstrates the importance of understanding what you do and why you do it, and why it’s important to have a business model that delivers for the customer and the business.” Jo Causon, CEO, Institute of Customer Service “It took Simon’s dedicated hard work bringing together a series of smaller businesses to make LOVEFiLM one of the true internet success stories. In Simon Calver’s book, he shares his business philosophies that led LOVEFiLM to the successful takeover by Amazon. The book is not just a compelling narrative, but lessons that all businesses and entrepreneurs can benefit from.” Mark Florman, CEO, The British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (BVCA)
Fordham University Press A is for Asylum Seeker: Words for People on the Move / A de asilo: palabras para personas en movimiento
A clear and concise A-to-Z of keywords that echo our current human rights crisis As millions are forced to leave their nations of origin as a result of political, economic, and environmental peril, rising racism and xenophobia have led to increasingly harsh policies. A mass-mediated political circus obscures both histories of migration and longstanding definitions of words for people on the move, fomenting widespread linguistic confusion. Under this circus tent, there is no regard for history, legal advocacy, or jurisprudence. Yet in a world where the differences between “undocumented migrant” and “asylum seeker” can mean life or death, words have weighty consequences. A timely antidote to this circus, A is for Asylum Seeker reframes key words that describe people on the move. Written to correct the de-meaning of terms by rhetoric and policies based on dehumanization and profitable incarceration, this glossary provides an intersectional and historically grounded consideration of the words deployed in enflamed debate. Skipping some letters of the alphabet while repeating others, thirty terms cover everything from Asylum-seeker to Zero Tolerance Policy. Each entry begins with a contemporary or historical story for illustration and then proceeds to discuss the language politics of the word. The book balances terms affected by current political debates—such as “migrant,” “refugee,” and “illegal alien”—and terms that offer historical context to these controversies, such as “fugitive,” “unhoused,” and “vagrant.” Rendered in both English and Spanish, this book offers a unique perspective on the journeys, histories, challenges, and aspirations of people on the move. Enhancing the book’s utility as an educational and organizing resource, the author provides a list of works for further reading as well as a directory of immigration-advocacy organizations throughout the United States. ***** Un claro y breve abecedario de palabras clave que hacen eco en nuestra crisis humanitaria presente. Mientras millones son forzados de huir de sus naciones de origen debido a peligro político, económico, y ecológico, racismo y xenofobia han llevado a políticas más y más severas. Un circo político en los medios oculta a ambas las historias de inmigración y las definiciones antiguas de palabras para personas en movimiento, creando confusión lingüística amplia. Bajo esta carpa de circo, no hay consideración para historia, defensa legal, o jurisprudencia. Pero en un mundo donde las diferencias entre “migrante indocumentade” y “solicitante de asilo” pueden ser la diferencia entre vida y muerte, palabras tienen consecuencias graves. Un antídoto oportuno a este circo, A de Asilo re-enmarca palabras claves que describen a personas en movimiento. Escrito para corregir la de-significación de términos por retórica y políticas basadas en deshumanización y encarcelación lucrosa, este glosario provee una consideración interseccional e histórica de las palabras usadas en debate inflamado. Brincando a unas letras del alfabeto mientras repite a otras, treinta términos cubren todo desde Asilo a Tolerancia Cero. Cada artículo empieza con una historia contemporánea u histórica para ilustrar, y después discute la política alrededor de la palabra. El libro balancea términos impactados por debates políticos contemporáneos—como “migrante,” “refugiado” y “extranjero ilegal”—y términos que ofrecen contexto histórico a estas controversias, como “fugitivo” “sin casa” y “vagante.” Escrito en inglés y español, este libro ofrece una perspectiva única en las jornadas, historias, retos, y aspiraciones de personas en movimiento. Aumentando la utilidad del libro como un recurso educacional y organizacional, la autora provee una lista de obras para más lectura, igual que un directorio de organizaciones de defensa de inmigrantes a través de los Estados Unidos.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Supermen: The Story of Seymour Cray and the Technical Wizards Behind the Supercomputer
The SUPERMEN "After a rare speech at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, in 1976, programmers in the audience had suddenly fallen silent when Cray offered to answer questions. He stood there for several minutes, waiting for their queries, but none came. When he left, the head of NCAR's computing division chided the programmers. 'Why didn't someone raise a hand?' After a tense moment, one programmer replied, 'How do you talk to God?'" -from The SUPERMEN The Story of Seymour Cray and the Technical Wizards behind the Supercomputer "They were building revolutionary, not evolutionary, machines. . . . They were blazing a trail-molding science into a product. . . . The freedom to create was extraordinary." -from The Supermen In 1951, a soft-spoken, skinny young man fresh from the University of Minnesota took a job in an old glider factory in St. Paul. Computer technology would never be the same, for the glider factory was the home of Engineering Research Associates and the recent college grad was Seymour R. Cray. During his extraordinary career, Cray would be alternately hailed as "the Albert Einstein," "the Thomas Edison," and "the Evel Knievel" of supercomputing. At various times, he was all three-a master craftsman, inventor, and visionary whose disdain for the rigors of corporate life became legendary, and whose achievements remain unsurpassed. The Supermen is award-winning writer Charles J. Murray's exhilarating account of how the brilliant-some would say eccentric-Cray and his gifted colleagues blazed the trail that led to the Information Age. This is a thrilling, real-life scientific adventure, deftly capturing the daring, seat-of-the-pants spirit of the early days of computer development, as well as an audacious, modern-day David and Goliath battle, in which a group of maverick engineers beat out IBM to become the runaway industry leaders. Murray's briskly paced narrative begins during the final months of the Second World War, when men such as William Norris and Howard Engstrom began researching commercial applications for the code-breaking machines of wartime, and charts the rise of technological research in response to the Cold War. In those days computers were huge, cumbersome machines with names like Demon and Atlas. When Cray came on board, things quickly changed. Drawing on in-depth interviews-including the last interview Cray completed before his untimely and tragic death-Murray provides rare insight into Cray's often controversial approach to his work. Cray could spend exhausting hours in single-minded pursuit of a particular goal, and Murray takes us behind the scenes to witness late-night brainstorming sessions and miraculous eleventh-hour fixes. Cray's casual, often hostile attitude toward management, although alienating to some, was more than a passionate need for independence; he simply thought differently than others. Seymour Cray saw farther and faster, and trusted his vision with an unassailable confidence. Yet he inspired great loyalty as well, making it possible for his own start-up company, Cray Research, to bring the 54,000-employee conglomerate of Control Data to its knees. Ultimately, The Supermen is a story of genius, and how a unique set of circumstances-a small-team approach, corporate detachment, and a government-backed marketplace-enabled that genius to flourish. In an atmosphere of unparalleled freedom and creativity, Seymour Cray's vision and drive fueled a technological revolution from which America would emerge as the world's leader in supercomputing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Intellectual Property, Growth and Trade
In recent years intellectual property rights (IPR) took on major significance as an element of global trade regulation. The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) at the World Trade Organization (WTO) obliges member countries to protect patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. This mandate has great impact in developing nations, which had generally weaker IPR standards prior to TRIPS and subsequent agreements. This emerging international regime for protecting IPR raises thorny questions about how the new rules of the game might affect fundamental economic processes, including innovation, trade and economic development. The governments of many developing countries see the new regime as excessively protectionist and an impediment to their development prospects. They perceive potential problems with abusive monopoly practices, high costs for new medicines, and limited access to scientific and educational materials. Indeed, it is ironic that during a time of significant global liberalization of trade and investment barriers, the IPR system may be raising restrictions on access to the very technology flows that could substantiate the gains from greater trading opportunities. However, expansion of the global IPR regime also bears potential for economic gains. It is possible that the new system will encourage additional investments in R&D and innovation. The ongoing internationalization of commercial R&D could be accelerated. Such investments might increasingly meet the medical, agricultural, and educational needs of people in poor countries. The regime could also improve the mechanisms under which new information goods are transferred across borders, expanding the possibilities for fruitful diffusion of technologies. The implications of these reforms will be far-reaching, complex and hard to predict. It is possible, for example, that stronger patents will simply redistribute incomes across nations, generating significant winners and losers without much overall innovation gains. It is also possible that R&D investments could become more concentrated among the developed and newly industrialized economies but bypass the poorer locations. Ultimately, all such questions need close theoretical and empirical scrutiny. In this volume several economists who are closely involved in such analysis offer comprehensive and analytical literature surveys of the central questions regarding the linkages between intellectual property protection, international trade and investment, and economic growth. The authors range widely over their particular areas of inquiry. At the international level the contributions cover such questions as policy coordination in IPR, dispute resolution, markets for technology and technology transfer, international innovation, parallel trade, and economic development. On the regulatory side there are thoughtful reviews of the legal foundations of IPR, knowledge creation and the public domain, networks and standards, competition policy, access to essential medicines, and agricultural research. The contributions are aimed primarily at economists, who will find ambitious and up-to-date treatments of the most central areas of IPR and globalization. The chapters analyze recent literature, discuss shortcomings and key findings, and indicate where additional research is urgently needed. However, scholars of other disciplines, particularly in law, political science, and international relations, will find much of interest as well. The literature reviews also constitute a valuable resource for students in all these fields who wish to learn more about the economics of international IPR. This book brings together fresh insights from top economists. It considers various aspects of IPRs in the global economy from analytical and empirical perspectives. Areas covered include information technology, trade, investment, agriculture, medicine, firm behavior, and development.
Hodder & Stoughton Tools and Weapons: The Promise and the Peril of the Digital Age
*THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER AND WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM BOOK CLUB PICK*'A clear, compelling guide to some of the most pressing debates in technology today.' Bill Gates'A colourful and insightful insiders' view of how technology is both empowering us and threatening us. From privacy to cyberattacks, this timely book is a useful guide for how to navigate the digital future.' Walter Isaacson, bestselling author of Steve JobsFrom Microsoft's President and one of the tech industry's wisest thinkers, a frank and thoughtful reckoning with how to balance enormous promise and existential risk as the digitization of everything accelerates. With new chapters on the pandemic and beyond. __________Microsoft President Brad Smith operates by a simple core belief: when your technology changes the world, you bear a responsibility to help address the world you have helped create. This might seem uncontroversial, but it flies in the face of a tech sector long obsessed with rapid growth and sometimes on disruption as an end in itself. While sweeping digital transformation holds great promise, we have reached an inflection point. The world has turned information technology into both a powerful tool and a formidable weapon, and new approaches are needed to manage an era defined by even more powerful inventions like artificial intelligence. Companies that create technology must accept greater responsibility for the future, and governments will need to regulate technology by moving faster and catching up with the pace of innovation.In Tools and Weapons, Brad Smith and Carol Ann Browne bring us a captivating narrative from the cockpit of one of the world's largest and most powerful tech companies as it finds itself in the middle of some of the thorniest emerging issues of our time. These are challenges that come with no pre-existing playbook, including privacy, cybercrime and cyberwar, social media, the moral conundrums of artificial intelligence, big tech's relationship to inequality, and the challenges for democracy, far and near. While in no way a self-glorifying "Microsoft memoir," the book pulls back the curtain remarkably wide onto some of the company's most crucial recent decision points as it strives to protect the hopes technology offers against the very real threats it also presents. There are huge ramifications for communities and countries, and Brad Smith provides a thoughtful and urgent contribution to that effort.__________In Tools and Weapons, Brad Smith takes us behind the scenes on some of the biggest stories to hit the tech industry in the past decade and some of the biggest threats we face. From Edward Snowden's NSA leak to the NHS WannaCry ransomware attack, this book is essential reading to understand what's happening in the world around us.Praise for Tools and Weapons: 'The de facto ambassador for the technology industry at large.' The New York Times'In Tools and Weapons, Brad and Carol Ann Browne wrestle with some of the world's toughest technology challenges with common sense and valuable insight reflecting their inside experience. The ideas in Tools and Weapons won't solve all our problems, but they're a very good place to start.' - Reed Hastings, CEO, Netflix'Tools and Weapons is a glimpse behind the curtain as Microsoft reckoned with the Snowden revelations, defended against the vicious cyberattacks, and took both the Obama and Trump administrations to court.' - Rolling Stone
Canelo New Beginnings At Glendale Hall
‘This book is life-affirming, full of surprises, an absolute joy and a real pick-me-up!’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Reader ReviewTwo weddings and a baby…but who will get their happy ever after?Emily Prescott’s life isn’t going to plan. Her dreams of starting a family with fireman boyfriend Greg and opening up her own bakery in London feel like they will never come true. So when a wedding invite arrives from her oldest friend, Beth Williams, Emily is thrilled. Not only will she get to return to her childhood home in Scotland, but best of all – Beth wants her to bake the wedding cake!However, her excitement is cut short when she discovers that Greg has cheated on her. Devastated by his betrayal, Emily flees to Glendale Hall, Beth’s grand estate in the Highlands, and tries to distracts herself with helping with the wedding plans, but that’s not easy when Greg keeps hounding her to forgive him. Then she’s introduced to Glendale’s new young and handsome vicar Brodie, and things become even more complicated.When Emily discovers that Greg’s betrayal runs deeper than she imagined, she finds herself with a whole host of decisions to make, especially when she discovers her long awaited dream is finally being fulfilled – at exactly at the wrong time… Escape to Scotland and fall in love with this gorgeous and inspiring romance from the bestselling author of Coming Home to Glendale Hall! The perfect feel-good read for fans of Holly Martin, Heidi Swain, and Jill Mansell.Readers are loving New Beginnings at Glendale Hall!‘All the characters feel so familiar and it is a lovely warm book…perfect to curl up with on a Sunday afternoon and to just lose yourself in the wonderful story.’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Bookworms and Shutterbugs‘An absolutely gorgeous read that I adored… Walters’ writing is gorgeous, feeling like a nice comfort blanket – all cosy and nice… This was a warm, beautiful book; full of heart and emotion.’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Jenn’s Gifts‘These books are so lovely to read…Such a fab story and really kept me hooked from start to finish.’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Caoimhes Books and Lit‘This book was exactly what I needed: a well written and entertaining read, heart warming and enjoyable.’ Reader Reviewer‘Loved this book. Unputdownable and highly entertaining, with sadness, friendships, happiness and love.’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Reader Review‘an uplifting and heartwarming romantic story about friendships, self-discovery, and chasing your dreams. The story is beautifully written, well-paced, and makes for a fun and relaxing read.’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Reader Review‘A lovely gentle read, a tale skilfully told with characters both old and new that come to life, well worth reading.’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Reader Review‘There is something about Glendale that has an almost magical feel…It’s a lovely comfy, cosy read that offers hope as well as inspiration…Fabulous!’ ☆☆☆☆☆ By The Letter Book Reviews‘This was such an adorable story to read… I totally fell in love with the gorgeous setting, the characters and the storyline’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Asianbookworm Reads‘A BEAUTIFUL book which captured my heart…made me feel all warm and gooey inside like rich chocolate…Beautiful detailing, emotionally captivating, it was simply a heartwarming tale. Book Reviews by Shalini‘Lush details and an amazing setting. I loved the setting and descriptions of everything in Glendale Hall…I loved this book.’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Books Over Everything
Coach House Books Fire Cider Rain
SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2023 ARCHIBALD LAMPMAN AWARDPoetry that navigates the science of cold waterways to consider the warmth of the poet’s Chinese-Mauritian family ties Fire Cider Rain is about the limits to which shared cultural and geographic histories can hold a family together. It follows the lives of three Chinese-Mauritian women on the course of dispersing, settling, and rooting over northern landscapes, and the brittle family bonds that tie them to one another and to their home country. Told from the perspective of the youngest of the three women, the book follows the events leading up to and following the death of her grandmother, an ex-lighthouse keeper and matriarch whose fractured relationship with her own daughter haunts the narrator’s life in soft, painful aftershocks. As she navigates the cold cities and waterways of Southern Ontario, our narrator struggles with conflicting desires to run toward and flee from her island identity, which grows ever distant, ever more difficult to find her way back to. At its core, Fire Cider Rain is a book about parent-child relationships as vessels for cultural identity, and the ways in which expressions of love and non-love within those relationships can rupture sense of place, self, and at times, a collective diaspora. Throughout the book, Ng Cheng Hin explores the geopolitics of island nations, the dilution of family histories over time, and the experience of water as a medium for the cyclical movement of island bodies, stories, and cultures. The Mauritian landscape and waterways of southern Ontario recur through the book as convergence points for its many themes."In this stunning debut, Rhiannon Ng Cheng Hin weaves wondrous verse across geological spaces that extend from Mauritius to Canada. In this poetry, the Indian Ocean converses with northern landscapes to give voice to the (un)settling of diasporic women in search of rootedness. Water becomes a medium, a metaphor, a rhythm, a motif, and a metamorphosing figure through which memory, loss and mourning become bodies. Rhiannon Ng Cheng Hin's sweeping poetry is infused with dexterous and lavish verse that makes the reader want to live within the nuances of each line. Fire Cider Rain is a dazzling debut!" – Kama La Mackarel, author of ZOM-FAM“Mauritian waters of memory migrate through ‘imperial decay’ and ‘calcic dust’ to the cold northern continent where Rhiannon Ng Cheng Hin’s lustrous poetic telemetry manifests a lexical biogeography of uprootedness—her lyrical ‘I’ the connecting thread between past and future, between mother and moth, grandmother and cyclone, selia lover and terra nullius. Fire Cider Rain erupts as ebb and swell, distilling belonging and meaning in postcolonial drift, filling absence with terraqueous inquiry and salvaged wake.” – Jeffrey Yang, author of Line and Light"In reading Rhiannon Ng Cheng Hin’s poetry, I became immersed within a deep sense memory of why I came to love poetry in the first place. Her attunement to language and cadence vibrates, or as she writes 'love – or recognition, catches in my throat and stings.' Hers is a voice that can make nerve endings sing and one that speaks with such artful earnestness to the difficulties there are in a personal history. Ng Cheng Hin’s poetry is cousin to the spider's web, which belies a kind of vulnerability through its delicate beauty, yet each of its strands contains an exceptional tensile strength." – Liz Howard, author of Letters in a Bruised Cosmos
Coach House Books Whitemud Walking
WINNER OF THE 2020/2021 ALCUIN SOCIETY BOOK DESIGN AWARD FOR POETRYWINNER OF THE ROBERT KROETSCH CITY OF EDMONTON BOOK PRIZE WINNER OF THE 2023 STEPHAN G. STEPHANSSON AWARD FOR POETRYWINNER OF THE GERALD LAMPERT MEMORIAL AWARDSHORTLISTED FOR THE DAYNE OGILVIE PRIZE FOR LGBTQ2S+ EMERGING WRITERSLONGLISTED FOR THE RAYMOND SOUSTER AWARDWINNER OF THE INDIGENOUS VOICES AWARD FOR PUBLISHED POETRY IN ENGLISHAn Indigenous resistance historiography, poetry that interrogates the colonial violence of the archive Whitemud Walking is about the land Matthew Weigel was born on and the institutions that occupy that land. It is about the interrelatedness of his own story with that of the colonial history of Canada, which considers the numbered treaties of the North-West to be historical and completed events. But they are eternal agreements that entail complex reciprocity and obligations. The state and archival institutions work together to sequester documents and knowledge in ways that resonate violently in people’s lives, including the dispossession and extinguishment of Indigenous title to land. Using photos, documents, and recordings that are about or involve his ancestors, but are kept in archives, Weigel examines the consequences of this erasure and sequestration. Memories cling to documents and sometimes this palimpsest can be read, other times the margins must be centered to gain a fuller picture. Whitemud Walking is a genre-bending work of visual and lyric poetry, non-fiction prose, photography, and digital art and design."Whitemud Walking is so smart and so ceaselessly innovative. It represents for me a fully assured instantiation of the Indigenous literary project: a confrontation of history's terrors head on and an articulation in the present of our beauty and indomitability. Weigel refuses the archive's efforts to flatten Indigenous subjectivity and, in so doing, opens up a kind of boundless space to remember and grieve but also to hope and imagine otherwise. A deeply felt accomplishment." –Billy-Ray Belcourt, author of A History of My Brief Body"Whitemud Walking is a testament to the power of grief and outrage that so much theft has been allowed to bulldoze Indigenous land rights. Matthew James Weigel's passion for research both honours and mourns what has been trampled and lied about. This is a devastating read but one to learn from. Mahsi cho, Matthew. Your grief is our call to action to learn our own histories and build upon our own Indigenous testimonies of what really happened and when and who was there to witness it. Mahsi cho." –Richard Van Camp, Tlicho Dene author of The Lesser Blessed and Moccasin Square Gardens"Whitemud Walking is a textual ecology, that through archival troubling, sampling, and reframing, allows the material, human, truly cellular historicity of treaty to enter as a living presence in our contemporary moment. Weigel writes, 'Here treaty means reciprocity and obligation. Here, treaty lasts forever'. This book is not the document you may hold in your hands but the shift in consciousness it foments within you. It is a gift." –Liz Howard, author of Infinite Citizen of the Shaking Tent"Echoing the caw and grackle of magpies, Matthew James Weigel’s Whitemud Walking lives the sound of Treaty 6. Voices whisper sanctuary in creekbeds, papers rustle precedence in archives; there’s a buzz in your ear, a catch in your throat – listen." –Derek Beaulieu, Banff Poet Laureate