Search results for ""Debate""
Trans Un alegato por un mundo más justo y más libre
POR QUÉ TODO EL MUNDO HABLA DE LO TRANS?Podría extrañarnos de entrada ese interés sospechosamente repentino por la liberación de una minoría. Y sin embargo el debate, partidista e ignorante, sobre riesgos y supuestos anecdóticos, predomina en los medios. Un debate y una polémica que a menudo pasan por alto el sufrimiento y la dignidad de sus protagonistas. Este libro es el texto definitivo para entender el debate, pero sobre todo para empezar a escuchar a las personas.También es la historia de una lucha que debería ser de todxs. Por todxs y por todo. Que va más allá de la escena en el vestuario deportivo o en el baño de un bar. Que tiene que ver con la vivienda, la sanidad, el trabajo, el amor, la vida. Que tiene que ver con el mundo en el que queremos vivir.EL ENSAYO DEFINITIVO SOBRE LA CUESTIÓN TRANSGÉNEROUna obra monumental sobre cómo debería ser el mundo. JUDITH BUTLERShon Faye nos muestra con valentía y lucidez que la lucha trans es la lucha de todxs. OWEN JONES<
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Why Are There Still Creationists?: Human Evolution and the Ancestors
The evidence for the ancestry of the human species among the apes is overwhelming. But the facts are never “just” facts. Human evolution has always been a value-laden scientific theory and, as anthropology makes clear, the ancestors are always sacred. They may be ghosts, or corpses, or fossils, or a naked couple in a garden, but the idea that you are part of a lineage is a powerful and universal one. Meaning and morals are at play, which most certainly transcend science and its quest for maximum accuracy. With clarity and wit, Jonathan Marks shows that the creation/evolution debate is not science versus religion. After all, modern anti-evolutionists reject humanistic scholarship about the Bible even more fundamentally than they reject the science of our simian ancestry. Widening horizons on both sides of the debate, Marks makes clear that creationism is a theological, not a scientific, debate and that thinking perceptively about values and meanings should not be an alternative to thinking about science – it should be a key part of it.
Faithlife Corporation Controversy of the Ages
Few topics have generated as much heat amongst evangelicals as the age of the earth and the doctrine of creation. Three camps have emerged to offer solutions: young-earth creationists (Answers in Genesis), old-earth creationists (Reasons to Believe), and evolutionary creationists (BioLogos). Controversy of the Ages carefully analyzes the debate by giving it perspective. Rather than offering arguments for or against a particular viewpoint on the age of the earth, the authors take a step back to put the debate in historical and theological context. The authors of this book demonstrate from the history of theology and science controversy that believers are entitled to differ over this issue, while still taking a stand against theistic evolution. But by carefully and constructively breaking down the controversy bit by bit, they show why the age issue is the wrong place to draw a line in the sand. Readers will find the content stimulating, the tone charitable, and the documentation impressive. The goal of this book is to bring unity and charity to a complicated and contentious debate.
Rowman & Littlefield The Future is Now: America Confronts the New Genetics
Who could have imagined that President Bush's first special address to the nation would be about the coming genetic revolution? Or that one of the defining issues in American Politics would be stem cell research? Clearly, a national debate has begun that will not soon end -- one that will force America to confront whether genetics advances will contribute to human dignity or threaten it, whether there are moral limits to scientific progress, and in general what life will look like in the genetic age. Welcome to the politics of the 21st century. This collection, edited by William Kristol and Eric Cohen, chronicles the start of this great national debate. It looks back, beginning with selections from Aldous Huxley and C.S. Lewis, who first imagined the possibility of a Brave New World many decades ago. It looks forward, moving on to the current debate over human cloning and stem cells, including articles, essays, speeches and testimony from genetic enthusiasts and critics, scientists and moralists, politicians and scholars. An original introduction by Kristol and Cohen maps out the major disagreements, the questions ahead, and their own view that America's unchecked faith in technological progress needs a radical reconsideration. Other selections include essays by Leon Kass, Francis Fukuyama and Charles Krauthammer; testimony from Geron president Thomas O'Karma, bioethicist Daniel Callahan and actor-activist Michael J. Fox; speeches from the House of Representatives debate on human cloning; and the President's address to the nation.
Rowman & Littlefield The Future is Now: America Confronts the New Genetics
Who could have imagined that President Bush's first special address to the nation would be about the coming genetic revolution? Or that one of the defining issues in American Politics would be stem cell research? Clearly, a national debate has begun that will not soon end — one that will force America to confront whether genetics advances will contribute to human dignity or threaten it, whether there are moral limits to scientific progress, and in general what life will look like in the genetic age. Welcome to the politics of the 21st century. This collection, edited by William Kristol and Eric Cohen, chronicles the start of this great national debate. It looks back, beginning with selections from Aldous Huxley and C.S. Lewis, who first imagined the possibility of a Brave New World many decades ago. It looks forward, moving on to the current debate over human cloning and stem cells, including articles, essays, speeches and testimony from genetic enthusiasts and critics, scientists and moralists, politicians and scholars. An original introduction by Kristol and Cohen maps out the major disagreements, the questions ahead, and their own view that America's unchecked faith in technological progress needs a radical reconsideration. Other selections include essays by Leon Kass, Francis Fukuyama and Charles Krauthammer; testimony from Geron president Thomas O'Karma, bioethicist Daniel Callahan and actor-activist Michael J. Fox; speeches from the House of Representatives debate on human cloning; and the President's address to the nation.
Bristol University Press The Future Is Now: An Introduction to Prefigurative Politics
First edited collection to systemise the debate on prefigurative politics from a transdisciplinary perspective, offering an overview for researchers and students interested in deploying the concept of prefiguration in their work.
SPCK Publishing Living in the Light
Living in the Light is part of the highly popular series of open-minded York Courses for discussion groups and individual reflection, crammed with questions to stimulate thought and lively debate.
La construcción de una política exterior y de seguridad común en Europa por qué es tan problemática
El origen de este libro reside en un debate recurrente y en la necesidad de poner algo de orden en el mismo. Periódicamente sale a la palestra la intención de la Unión Europea de convertirse en un actor estratégico, además del anuncio, que suele ir de la mano del primero, de que ?ya tenemos un ejército europeo?. Recientemente, a caballo entre la retirada de los Estados Unidos de Afganistán y la entrada de Rusia en Ucrania, ese debate ha arreciado. Aun así, como no puede ser de otro modo dada la enjundia del tema, son muchos, tanto civiles como militares, quienes se preguntan las razones por las cuales la Unión Europea no logra despegar como un actor estratégico digno de tal nombre ni es tenido por tal entre las grandes potencias.Christian Villanueva, en el prólogo, argumenta que ?[?] pretendemos no tanto ofrecer recetas como abrir un debate sobre los verdaderos problemas de fondo que han venido lastrando ?y condenando? los intentos por construir una defensa común. Para ello, el pro
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Abortion Politics
Abortion has remained one of the most volatile and polarizing issues in the United States for over four decades. Americans are more divided today than ever over abortion, and this debate colors the political, economic, and social dynamics of the country. This book provides a balanced, clear-eyed overview of the abortion debate, including the perspectives of both the pro-life and pro-choice movements. It covers the history of the debate from colonial times to the present, the mobilization of mass movements around the issue, the ways it is understood by ordinary Americans, the impact it has had on US political development, and the differences between the abortion conflict in the US and the rest of the world. Throughout these discussions, Ziad Munson demonstrates how the meaning of abortion has shifted to reflect the changing anxieties and cultural divides which it has come to represent.Abortion Politics is an invaluable companion for exploring the abortion issue and what it has to say about American society, as well as the dramatic changes in public understanding of women’s rights, medicine, religion, and partisanship.
Pluto Press Scotland Rising: The Case for Independence
The Scottish independence debate has consequences for Scotland, British politics, the future of the UK - and internationally. In Scotland Rising, Gerry Hassan addresses the key questions in this debate with a deep dive into its history, beyond the usual references to Thatcherism, Toryism and Westminster, by analysing the relative decline of the UK, the nature of the British state, its capitalist economy and politics that underpin it. At the same time, a distinctive, autonomous Scotland has emerged beyond Nichola Sturgeon’s SNP and independence that has demanded more self-government. Scotland Rising highlights the importance of culture, stories and collective voices in reshaping how people see Scotland, both in during the first referendum in 2014 and again today. This debate is of relevance to everyone in the UK, including England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Can politics and democracy liberate people from the wreckage of Westminster? And if the Scots can, could it inspire others? Scotland Rising is a must-read for anyone with an interest in the future of Scotland and the UK.
Behrman House Inc.,U.S. Judaism's Great Debates
Argumentation and debate are the lifeblood of Judaism; in fact, our ancestors never shied from arguing with God or other sources of authority when they felt justice and truth demanded it. Judaism's Great Debates aims to reawaken that spirit in the lives of young Jews today.At the heart of the book are ten classic debates from Jewish history, such as Nathan courageously confronting King David over the king's immorality, and Spinoza challenging Jewish communal leaders in Amsterdam about the boundaries of Jewish belief. This book teaches students to analyze the value conflict at the core of each historic debate, and more importantly, it prepares them to apply Jewish values to similar conflicts in our society.Contents: Abraham & God Moses & Korach The Five Daughters & the Twelve Tribes David & Nathan Ben Zakkai & the Zealots Hillel & Shammai The Vilna Gaon & the Ba'al Shem Tov Spinoza & the Amsterdam Rabbis Geiger, Hirsch & Frankel Herzl & Wise Download a free companion PDF - Debating GuideIncludes questions for reflection, discussion, and formal argumentation plus a brief outline explaining how to run a formal debate in the classroom.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Media and the Greek Crisis: Cyberconflicts, Discourses and Networks
This book concentrates on the parallel evolution of debt crisis and digital communications in Greece. By examining four different online and social media platforms, it examines a seven-year period to uncover the impact of digital media on the contentious politics of crisis, as well as the impact of the political economic sphere on the formation of the Greek digital mediascape. The research employs cyberconflict theory to situate online mediated conflict in a geo-political, socio-political and historical context, revealing the dynamic relation between the online media and the offline world. The work provides an updated framework which recommends the use of online data and the study of social media platforms for the examination of cyberconflict. It delves into the political transformations which have emerged in the context of the Greek crisis such as the anti-/pro- austerity debate, the euro-vs-drachma debate, the anti-/pro-governmental debate, or the Grexit discussion, and shines a light on how, in the context of crisis, the online space becomes a magnifying glass which points out conflict, opposition and drives polarization.
SPCK Publishing God Has No Favourites
God Has No Favourites is the latest in the highly popular series of open-minded York Courses for discussion groups and individual reflection, crammed with questions to stimulate thought and lively debate
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Choice with Equity: An Assessment of the Koret Task Force on K–12 Education
This review of the furious national debate over school choice examines the benefits of choice for children, families, and schools—and shows how properly designed choice programs can prevent the harmful outcomes opponents fear.
Ediciones Cátedra El Prado la cultura y el ocio 18191939
Los orígenes y el desarrollo del Museo del Prado son inseparables de los debates sobre el destino del Estado liberal en España, de la evolución de las ideas museísticas en Europa y de la amalgama de experiencias que ofrecía el paseo del Prado.Sin asumir que sus visitantes hubieran llegado a estar de acuerdo alguna vez en cómo interpretar el museo, este libro aborda su historia como la de un debate público a muchas voces. Al igual que aquellos visitantes que cruzaban el umbral del museo y no siempre trazaban una línea clara entre lo que podían ver o hacer dentro y fuera del edificio, en el paseo del Prado y en sus alrededores, los participantes en este debate consideraban la visita al museo como un pasatiempo íntimamente conectado con otras actividades públicas y, por tanto, parte de un debate más amplio sobre ciudadanía y derecho al voto, el ascenso de Madrid a la condición de capital moderna y la creciente brecha entre campo y ciudad.Siguiendo el ritmo agotador de la moderniza
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Confrontation: A Conversation with Aude Lancelin
Everything in their respective positions divides them: Alain Badiou is the thinker of a revitalized communism and Alain Finkielkraut the mournful observer of the loss of values. The two opponents, gathered here for their first-ever debate, have irreconcilable visions. Yet neither is a stranger to controversy, and in this debate they make explicit the grounds of their personal dispute as well as addressing, in a frank and open exchange, their ideas and theories. Guided by Aude Lancelin, the two philosophers discuss subjects as diverse as national identity, Israel and Judaism, May 1968, and renewed popularity of the idea of communism. Their passionate debate is more than just the sum total of their disagreements, however, for neither of them is satisfied with the state of our society or the direction in which its political representatives persist in taking it. They agree that there needs to be change and their confrontation in this volume shows the importance of asking difficult questions, not only of each other, but also of our political systems.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Confrontation: A Conversation with Aude Lancelin
Everything in their respective positions divides them: Alain Badiou is the thinker of a revitalized communism and Alain Finkielkraut the mournful observer of the loss of values. The two opponents, gathered here for their first-ever debate, have irreconcilable visions. Yet neither is a stranger to controversy, and in this debate they make explicit the grounds of their personal dispute as well as addressing, in a frank and open exchange, their ideas and theories. Guided by Aude Lancelin, the two philosophers discuss subjects as diverse as national identity, Israel and Judaism, May 1968, and renewed popularity of the idea of communism. Their passionate debate is more than just the sum total of their disagreements, however, for neither of them is satisfied with the state of our society or the direction in which its political representatives persist in taking it. They agree that there needs to be change and their confrontation in this volume shows the importance of asking difficult questions, not only of each other, but also of our political systems.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press The Extension of Life: Fiction and History in the American Novel
The Extension of Life studies ten American novels from such authors has Capote, Bellow, and Kingsolver, in the light of theories of narration and of the recent debate of the nature of fiction.
Archaeopress Mobility and Exchange across Borders: Exploring Social Processes in Europe during the First Millennium BCE – Theoretical and Methodological Approaches: Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 9, S
Mobility and Exchange across Borders presents the proceedings of Sessions XXXIVIV and XXXIV-V of the 18th UISPP World Congress (Paris, June 2018). Over the last few decades, the study of cultural interactions in the Iron Age has been considerably renewed thanks to the application of new methods and tools, opening the way to new research perspectives. The papers provide different examples from various archaeological contexts and regions while applying new methodologies able to highlight the diversity of cultural transfers. Their purpose is to stimulate a debate on human interactions and cultural transfers in order to open up new analytical perspectives on this topic and to critically examine the markers and approaches traditionally used to identify human and object mobility during the first millennium BC. Through the different approaches and perspectives presented herein, this volume aims to contribute to the renewal of the scientific debate on mobility and interactions as important drivers of societal change and to stimulate future research and debate.
Northeastern University Press A Typology of Domestic Violence Intimate Terrorism Violent Resistance and Situational Couple Violence Northeastern Series on Gender Crime and Law
Domestic violence, a serious and far-reaching social problem, has generated two key debates among researchers. The first debate is about gender and domestic violence. Some scholars argue that domestic violence is primarily male-perpetrated, others that women are as violent as men in intimate relationships. Johnson's response to this debate-and the central theme of this book-is that there is more than one type of intimate partner violence. Some studies address the type of violence that is perpetrated primarily by men, while others are getting at the kind of violence that women areinvolved in as well. Because there has been no theoretical framework delineating types of domestic violence, researchers have easily misread one another's studies.The second major debate involves how many women are abused each year by their partners. Estimates range from two to six million. Johnson's response once again comes from this book's central theme. If there is more than one type of intimate partner vio
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Foreign Policy Challenges in the 21st Century
This book explores the emerging challenges to foreign policymaking in liberal democracies and the adequacy of the 'marketplace of ideas' in responding to these challenges. Looking at foreign policy challenges as diverse as democratization, globalization and climate change, from the role of values in environmental debate to the Iraq invasion and the war on drugs, the contributors critically examine how key global issues are framed in public debate across three of the world's most mature liberal democracies: the US, the UK, and Australia. The book contributes to a better understanding of the limits of the 'marketplace of ideas' in helping to produce wise and accountable policy, and how those limits may soon be overcome.Examining how key global issues are framed in foreign policy debate across a range of liberal democratic societies, this book will strongly appeal to academics and students with an interest in international relations, policymaking and politics, as well as to governmental and think tank policymakers and advisors.
Crossway Books Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism (Revised Edition)
The rise of evangelical feminism challenges traditional Christian beliefs related to gender roles in society, the home, and the church. This comprehensive defense of complementarianism contributes to the debate with systematic argumentation and exegetical analysis.
Diaphanes AG Between / Beyond / Hybrid: New Essays on Transdisciplinarity
For years now, academics worldwide have been pushing for more interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity. Yet for all that, the very concept of transdisciplinarity has proved remarkably tough to define, let alone to enact. This book brings together prominent voices from the debate on transdisciplinarity in a manner that is itself transdisciplinary: scholars present papers from their own discipline, and those are followed by critical replies from different disciplines. The result is a vivid debate, new insights, and a growing confidence that there is something to be gained by approaching a topic from the outside and bringing new approaches to bear.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
Entrepreneurship and regional development can be addressed from many different angles: clusters, creativity and human capital. Professor Acs, a distinguished researcher in this field, approaches this debate through technology. Technological change can be regarded as the most important factor in long-run macroeconomic growth. It has been argued in new growth theory that the technological element of the growth process results from the profit-motivated choices of economic agents. This important volume makes an essential contribution to this debate by presenting an authoritative selection of the most significant published work on entrepreneurship and regional economic growth.
Museum Tusculanum Press Modernitet eller åndsdannelse?: Engelsk i skole og samfund 1800-1935
The book outlines this development and discusses questions, such as: Why did it take so long for the English language to become part of the general education? What connected the Danish political-cultural orientation after 1964 and the development of the language subjects in the schools? Why was the school of Modern languages successful at first when later, in the 1930s, it came up against an identity crisis? The book provides a historical perspective for the topical debate in the upper secondary schools and proves that many of the arguments in this debate have been heard before.
RIBA Publishing A Gendered Profession: The Question of Representation in Space Making
The issue of gender inequality in architecture has been part of the profession’s discourse for many years, yet the continuing gender imbalance in architectural education and practice remains a difficult subject. This book seeks to change that. It provides the first ever attempt to move the debate about gender in architecture beyond the tradition of gender-segregated diagnostic or critical discourse on the debate towards something more propositional, actionable and transformative.To do this, A Gendered Profession brings together a comprehensive array of essays from a wide variety of experts in architectural education and practice, touching on issues such as LGBT, age, family status, and gender-biased awards.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Desert Storm: The Gulf War And What We Learned
Desert Storm aims to examine the lessons of the Gulf War from a high-level, strategic defense perspective. It opens up an informed debate concerning the true military and geopolitical lessons of the conflict.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE EcoNOMICS OF HIGHER EDUCATION: An Analysis of Taxes versus Fees
The debate regarding the increased funding of higher education has focused on specific issues - such as whether higher education should be financed through general taxation and the implications of collecting fees later in life through the use of a tax surcharge - while largely ignoring the important economic interdependencies which affect them.In The Economics of Higher Education, John Creedy explores the economic foundations of the debate and focuses attention on the process of government decision-making including the precise way that these decisions are affected by the possible external effects of higher education. This book addresses the key issues in the debate using a fully specified model which allows for dispersion of abilities, the individual’s decision to invest in higher education and the government’s choice of higher education grant, along with the government’s budget constraint. This model is also used to consider the effects of alternative tax and grant systems on the distribution of lifetime income within a cohort of individuals, and is extended to allow for the general equilibrium effects of other social transfers to the low paid, along with means testing of grants.The non-technical introduction discusses the author’s approach, the framework of analysis and the conclusions which he has reached. As a rigorous analytical contribution to a major public policy debate, this book will be welcomed by policymakers and educationalists, as well as by teachers and researchers in the field of public economics.
Kube Publishing Ltd British Secularism and Religion
This book provides an in-depth deliberation upon the now unsettled relationship between religion and politics in contemporary Britain, with some emphasis upon the case of Islam, which is now at the centre of the debate.
Peeters Publishers Xerxes and Babylonia: The Cuneiform Evidence
In the summer of 484 BCE Babylonia revolted against Xerxes, king of Persia. In recent years, a debate has crystallized around the nature of Xerxes’ response to this challenge. This volume continues and expands this debate. It collects nine essays on the cuneiform text corpus dated to the period before, during and after the revolts. This material enables the authors to evaluate the nature of Xerxes’ policies in the sphere of society, science, religion, law, administration and economy against the long-term history of the region. The contributions are by Paul-Alain Beaulieu, Johannes Hackl, Michael Jursa, Karlheinz Kessler, Mathieu Ossendrijver, Reinhard Pirngruber, Małgorzata Sandowicz and Caroline Waerzeggers.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Perception and the Physical World: Psychological and Philosophical Issues in Perception
The focus of this book is on conceptual and philosophical issues of perception including the classic notion of unconscious inferences in perception. The book consists of contributions from a group of internationally renowned researchers who spent a year together as distinguised fellows at the German Centre for Advanced Study. Each chapter concludes with a lively, informative debate in the form of comments and replies from the contributors of the book. ? Contributors are of prominent international reputation ? Each chapter concludes with comments and replies from the contributors of the book to give informative debate ? The only book available to blend perception and philosophy in this fashion
Inter-Varsity Press Men and Women in Christ: Fresh Light From The Biblical Texts
The debate about men and women in the church and in marriage continues to cause division among Christians. Most books on this issue are written from a firmly partisan point of view – complementarian or egalitarian. This one is unique. Andrew Bartlett draws on his theological learning and his skills as a judge and arbitrator to offer an even-handed assessment of the debate. His analysis is thorough but accessible. He engages with advocates of each view and all the key biblical texts, weighing the available evidence and offering fresh insights. He invites the reader to move beyond complementarian and egalitarian labels and seeks progress towards healing the division.
Potomac Books Inc Making Sense of Proxy Wars
Public debate over surrogate forces and proxy warfare has been largely dormant since the end of the Cold War. The conventional wisdom has been that with the end of the U.S.
Spinifex Press Women as Wombs: Reproductive Technologies and the Battle over Women's Freedom: 2019
A scathing analysis of high-tech biomedical reproductive techniques. Women as Wombs provides groundbreaking insights into the debate over reproductive technology and its ethical, legal, and political implications.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Local Enterprises in the Global Economy: Issues of Governance and Upgrading
This book opens a fresh chapter in the debate on local enterprise clusters and their strategies for upgrading in the global economy. The authors employ a novel conceptual framework in their research on industrial clusters in Europe, Latin America and Asia and provide new perspectives and insights for researchers and policymakers alike.The debate on local upgrading capacity is torn between two lines of thinking: those who believe that local relationships between enterprises and institutions are key to upgrading, and those who argue that the spaces for upgrading are defined by the sourcing strategies of global buyers. From this debate a number of important questions arise: how feasible is it to develop local upgrading strategies? Can local policy networks make a difference, or do global forces undermine them? Do global quality and labour standards marginalise developing country producers or do they help them to upgrade? To answer these questions, the book brings together theoretical and empirical research on local and regional clusters, global value chains and global standards, using case studies from developed and developing countries. The authors provide a new understanding of how global and local governance interact, highlighting power and inequality in global chains but also identifying scope for local action.By showing how and why insertion in global value chains can accelerate or inhibit local upgrading, this book represents a significant contribution to the academic and political debate on globalization. It will be essential reading for all students, academics and researchers interested in global political economy, global and local governance structures, economic geography and innovation studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Local Enterprises in the Global Economy: Issues of Governance and Upgrading
This book opens a fresh chapter in the debate on local enterprise clusters and their strategies for upgrading in the global economy. The authors employ a novel conceptual framework in their research on industrial clusters in Europe, Latin America and Asia and provide new perspectives and insights for researchers and policymakers alike.The debate on local upgrading capacity is torn between two lines of thinking: those who believe that local relationships between enterprises and institutions are key to upgrading, and those who argue that the spaces for upgrading are defined by the sourcing strategies of global buyers. From this debate a number of important questions arise: how feasible is it to develop local upgrading strategies? Can local policy networks make a difference, or do global forces undermine them? Do global quality and labour standards marginalise developing country producers or do they help them to upgrade? To answer these questions, the book brings together theoretical and empirical research on local and regional clusters, global value chains and global standards, using case studies from developed and developing countries. The authors provide a new understanding of how global and local governance interact, highlighting power and inequality in global chains but also identifying scope for local action.By showing how and why insertion in global value chains can accelerate or inhibit local upgrading, this book represents a significant contribution to the academic and political debate on globalization. It will be essential reading for all students, academics and researchers interested in global political economy, global and local governance structures, economic geography and innovation studies.
Editorial La Muralla, S.A. El currículo en la pequeña escuela primaria
Índice (Extracto): Prefacio. Introducción. 1. Debate sobre la pequeña escuela: La pequeña escuela: su viabilidad educativa. La viabilidad económica de la pequeña escuela. 2. La pequeña escuela y sus profesores: Cualificaciones, experiencia y desarrollo pr
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Why Are There Still Creationists?: Human Evolution and the Ancestors
The evidence for the ancestry of the human species among the apes is overwhelming. But the facts are never “just” facts. Human evolution has always been a value-laden scientific theory and, as anthropology makes clear, the ancestors are always sacred. They may be ghosts, or corpses, or fossils, or a naked couple in a garden, but the idea that you are part of a lineage is a powerful and universal one. Meaning and morals are at play, which most certainly transcend science and its quest for maximum accuracy. With clarity and wit, Jonathan Marks shows that the creation/evolution debate is not science versus religion. After all, modern anti-evolutionists reject humanistic scholarship about the Bible even more fundamentally than they reject the science of our simian ancestry. Widening horizons on both sides of the debate, Marks makes clear that creationism is a theological, not a scientific, debate and that thinking perceptively about values and meanings should not be an alternative to thinking about science – it should be a key part of it.
University of Texas Press Out of the Mouths of Slaves: African American Language and Educational Malpractice
Winner, A Choice Outstanding Academic BookWhen the Oakland, California, school board called African American English "Ebonics" and claimed that it "is not a black dialect or any dialect of English," they reignited a debate over language, race, and culture that reaches back to the era of slavery in the United States. In this book, John Baugh, an authority on African American English, sets new parameters for the debate by dissecting and challenging many of the prevailing myths about African American language and its place in American society.Baugh's inquiry ranges from the origins of African American English among slaves and their descendants to its recent adoption by standard English speakers of various races. Some of the topics he considers include practices and malpractices for educating language minority students, linguistic discrimination in the administration of justice, cross-cultural communication between Blacks and whites, and specific linguistic aspects of African American English. This detailed overview of the main points of debate about African American language will be important reading for both scholars and the concerned public.
SPCK Publishing Who are we Praying to
Who Are We Praying To? is part of the highly popular series of open-minded York Courses for discussion groups and individual reflection, crammed with questions to stimulate thought and lively debate.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Globalization: Key Thinkers
Globalization: Key Thinkers offers a critical commentary on the leading thinkers in the contemporary globalization debate, as well as new arguments about the future direction of globalization thinking. The book guides the reader through the key arguments of leading thinkers, explaining their place in the wider globalization debate and evaluating their critical reception. Eleven thematic chapters focus on one or two key thinkers covering every aspect of the globalization debate including the theoretical arguments of Anthony Giddens and Manuel Castells, to the positive arguments of Thomas Friedman and Martin Wolf and the reforming ideas of Joseph Stiglitz. Other chapters variously address the ideas of Immanuel Wallerstein, Arjun Appadurai, Paul Hirst, Naomi Klein, Grahame Thompson, David Held, Anthony McGrew, Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, Saskia Sassen and Peter Dicken. Each chapter also provides some carefully selected recommendations for further reading for the thinkers discussed. The book ends with a concluding chapter that examines how thinking about globalization is likely to develop in future. Whilst individual chapters can stand alone, the book is designed as a whole to enhance the reader's understanding of how different thinkers' ideas relate and contrast to each other.
Inter-Varsity Press Are miraculous gifts for today?: Four Views
This thought-provoking book presents the four major views of miraculous gifts today and will help Christians on every side of the miraculous gifts debate to better understand their own position and the positions of others.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Religious
The Religious offers landmark texts from Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Levinas, Derrida, and Irigaray, excerpts from the famous debate between Jean-Luc Marion and Dominique Janicaud, and ten original selections, some of which include coverage of feminist theology.
Baker Publishing Group - Baker Books Rescuing the Gospel The Story and Significance of the Reformation
ECPA Gold Medallion Award-winning author Erwin Lutzer tells the riveting story of the Protestant Reformation, when believers were forced to define their faith in the crucible of controversy and hot debate--with ramifications that shook the world.
Harvard University Press To Keep and Bear Arms
Joyce Malcolm illuminates the historical facts underlying the current passionate debate in America about gun-related violence, the Brady Bill, and the National Rifle Association, revealing the original meaning and intentions behind the individual right to "bear arms."
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Religion in Britain: A Persistent Paradox
Religion in Britain evaluates and sheds light on the religious situation in twenty-first century Britain; it explores the country's increasing secularity alongside religion's growing presence in public debate, and the impact of this paradox on Britain's society. Describes and explains the religious situation in twenty-first century Britain Based on the highly successful Religion in Britain Since 1945 (Blackwell, 1994) but extensively revised with the majority of the text re-written to reflect the current situation Investigates the paradox of why Britain has become increasingly secular and how religion is increasingly present in public debate compared with 20 years ago Explores the impact this paradox has on churches, faith communities, the law, politics, education, and welfare
Random House USA Inc Sex, Art, and American Culture: Essays
A collection of twenty of Paglia's out-spoken essays on contemporary issues in America's ongoing cultural debate such as Anita Hill, Robert Mapplethorpe, the beauty myth, and the decline of education in America.
Machado Grupo de Distribución Platón y Parménides
Los libros de F. M. Cornford (1874-1943) sobre la filosofía griega forman ya parte de los estudios clásicos sobre la materia. El texto que ahora ofrecemos en traducción castellana es una de sus lecturas más celebradas y más rigurosas. El ?Parménides? platónico es obra que rompe con los diálogos medios o de madurez, que debate críticamente la teoría de las Formas, y enlaza con los llamados diálogos tardíos. El comentario de Cornford pertenece ya a ese debate platónico, indica el camino del pensamiento de Platón haciéndose el mismo pensamiento, aclarando, sin banalizarla, su rigurosa dificultad