Search results for ""author quelle"
John Wiley and Sons Ltd China's Military Transformation
China�s military transformation is one of the major geo-strategic developments of the 21st Century. Billions of dollars are being spent modernizing The People�s Liberation Army (PLA) as China seeks to upgrade and expand its military capabilities to rival the US. In this cutting-edge analysis, You Ji, a leading expert on China�s military affairs, explores the changes taking places within the PLA today, covering its ground, aerospace and maritime forces, its ability to meet asymmetric threats, and the growing role played by the People�s Armed Police in quelling dissent in China. He shows how these transformations in personnel, technology and strategic goals are slowly driving a wedge between China�s two most powerful institutions. Until recently, relations between the CCP and PLA were harmonious, but as the PLA becomes increasingly professionalized and autonomous so its unconditional loyalty to the ruling Party may weaken. The changing relationship between the CCP and PLA, he argues, is likely to have profound implications for China�s own political development and the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region. Comprehensive and incisive, this timely book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the nature and consequences of China�s military rise.
Cornerstone Star Wars: Victory’s Price
The aces of the New Republic have one final chance to defeat the darkness of Shadow Wing in this thrilling conclusion to the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy!In the wake of Yrica Quell's shocking decision-and one of the fiercest battles of their lives-the remnants of Alphabet Squadron seek answers and closure across a galaxy whose old war scars are threatening to reopen.Soran Keize has returned to the tip of Shadow Wing's spear. Operation Cinder, the terrifying protocol of planetary extermination that began in the twilight of the Imperial era, burns throughout the galaxy. Shadow Wing is no longer wounded prey fleeing the hunters of the New Republic. With its leader, its strength has returned, and its Star Destroyers and TIE squadrons lurk in the darkness between stars, carrying out the fallen Emperor's final edict of destruction-as well as another, stranger mission, one Keize has championed not for the dying Empire, but for its loyal soldiers.Alphabet Squadron's ships are as ramshackle and damaged as their spirits, but they've always had one another. Now, as they face the might of Keize's reborn juggernaut, they aren't sure they even have that. How do you catch a shadow? How do you kill it? And when you're finally victorious, who pays the price?
Peeters Publishers L'administration Des Cultes Dans Les Pays De L'Union Europeenne
Cet ouvrage collectif presente les pratiques administratives des divers gouvernements, au sein de l'Union Europeenne, a l'egard des religions ou communautes de convictions. En Europe, quelles sont les attentes des grandes religions et comment dialoguent-elles avec les autorites de Bruxelles afin d'apporter leur contribution specifique a la construction europeenne? Dans ce volume, de hauts responsables des religions catholique, protestante, orthodoxe, israelite, musulmane aupres de la Commission exposent les modalites de ce dialogue entre l'Europe et les religions. Tous les Etats membres de l'Union Europeenne sont confrontes aux memes evolutions des realites religieuses et tous s'accordent pour reconnaitre les memes principes fondamentaux relatifs a la liberte religieuse. Pourtant, chaque Etat reste competant pour determiner le statut juridique qu'il entend accorder aux confessions religieuses. A partir d'une selection significative d'Etats membres de l'Union Europeenne, les auteurs presentent l'organisation et les competences des Directions et Bureaux charges, aupres des gouvernements, de l'administration des Affaires religieuses.
De Gruyter Der Tod und die Mädchen: Amazonen auf römischen Sarkophagen
Zu den beliebtesten Bildthemen römischer Friessarkophage gehört der blutige Kampf zwischen Amazonen und Griechen. Anders als lange vermutet, ging es den Auftraggebern dieser Sarkophage nicht in erster Linie um den glorreichen Sieg der Griechen, sondern um das grausame Todesschicksal der schönen Kriegerinnen, das paradigmatisch auf den eigenen Trauerfall bezogen werden sollte. Die Studie zu den stadtrömischen Amazonensarkophagen macht das umfangreiche, zwischen 120 und 320 n. Chr. entstandene Bildcorpus erstmals als Quelle für die Diskussion wesentlicher Aspekte der Körpergeschichte, der Geschichte der Ästhetisierung von Gewalt und der Medialisierung von Affekten nutzbar. Die Analyse dieser Themenfelder gibt Aufschluss über einschneidende mentalitätsgeschichtliche Veränderungen im Umgang mit Trauer und Tod am Übergang von der Hohen Kaiserzeit zur Spätantike. Grundlage der Untersuchung bildet die Erörterung grundsätzlicher Fragen zu Verwendungsmodi und Aktualisierungsstrategien mythologischer Bilder in der römischen Sepulkralkunst. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf den deutlich ausgeprägten, in jüngeren Studien jedoch oft vernachlässigten narrativen Qualitäten der dramatischen Mythenbilder.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Chronik des Klosters Lüne über die Jahre 1481-1530: Hs. Lüne 13
Im Kloster Lüne bei Lüneburg führte die Annahme der Bursfelder Reform im Jahre 1481 nicht nur zu einer geistlichen und künstlerischen Blütezeit, sondern auch zu einem Aufschwung der Schriftlichkeit, der bis zur Durchsetzung der lutherischen Reformation durch den Lüneburger Herzog Ernst I. anhalten sollte. Die gebildeten Nonnen redigierten liturgische Ordines und Statuten und sammelten ihre Korrespondenz. Sie führten ein (fragmentarisch erhaltenes) Tagebuch, aus dem sie im Jahre 1530, als die neue Zeit schon ihre langen Schatten vorauszuwerfen begonnen hatte, eine lateinische Klosterchronik schöpften, mit der sie noch einmal das historische Gedächtnis ihrer Gemeinschaft für die Nachwelt festhalten und ihre Wertschätzung für ihre von der monastischen Reformbewegung inspirierte Praxis dokumentieren wollten. Diese wichtige Quelle liegt nun erstmals als durchgängig kommentierter Volltext vor; dabei werden ausgewählte Passagen mit ihren Vorlagen aus den erhaltenen Tagebuchfragmenten konfrontiert.
John Murray Press Almost French: A New Life in Paris
Almost French takes readers on a tour fraught with culture clashes but rife with insight and deadpan humour - a charming true story of what happens when a strong-willed Aussie girl meets a very French Frenchman.Backpacking around Europe, twenty-something Sarah Turnbull meets Frederic and impulsively accepts his invitation to visit him for a week in Paris. Eight years later, she is still there - and married to him. The feisty journalist swaps vegemite for vichyssoise and all things French, but commits the fatal errors of bowling up to strangers at classy receptions, helping herself to champagne, laughing too loudly and (quelle horreur!) rushing out for a baguette in her 'pantalons de jogging'. But Paris' maddening, mysterious charm proves irresistible and Sarah makes spectacular progress. She finds work as a freelance journalist, learns to survive Parisian dinner parties and how to deal with grim-faced officialdom.As she navigates the highs and lows of Parisian life, covering the haute couture fashions shows and discovering the hard way the paradoxes of France today, Sarah succeeds in becoming 'almost French'.
Orion Publishing Co End State: 9 Ways Society is Broken – and how we can fix it
A GUARDIAN POLITICAL BOOK OF THE YEAR'End State is absolutely superb. If you're looking for a book that is honest about the problems of the future but leaves you hopeful about solutions, then this is it' Jon Richardson'Insightful and revealing: a brilliant exploration of how ideas currently on the edge of politics could move into the mainstream' Danny Dorling, author of SLOWDOWNCan we reverse the mental health crisis by getting rid of Mondays?Is it time to stop poor people being poor by... giving them money?Can we quell the fires of populism by giving young people a say in the future?As the shockwaves of Covid 19 continue to spread, and as the smoke clears from a year of anger and unrest, many people feel forlorn about the future.In End State, James Plunkett argues that this can be a moment not of despair, but of historic opportunity - a chance to rethink, renew, and reform some of the most fundamental ways we organise society. In much the same way as societies emerged stronger from crises in the past - building the state as we know it today - we too can build a happier future.James Plunkett has spent his career thinking laterally about the complicated relationships between individuals and the state. First as an advisor to Gordon Brown, then a leading economic researcher and writer, and then in the charity sector, helping people struggling at the front-line of economic change. James combines a deep understanding of social issues with an appreciation of how change is playing out not in the ivory tower, but in the reality of people's lives.Now, in his first book, he sets out an optimistic vision, exploring nine ways in which our social settlement can be upgraded to harness the power of the digital age. Covering a dizzying sweep of geography and history, from London's 18th Century sewage systems to the uneasy inequality of Silicon Valley, it's a thrilling and iconoclastic account of how society can not only survive, but thrive, in the digital age.End State provides a much-needed map to help us navigate our way over the curious terrain of the twenty-first century.
Peeters Publishers Aitia I: Les quatre causes d'Aristote: Origines et interprétations
Ce volume est né de l'exigence de faire la lumière sur la doctrine aristotélicienne des quatre causes et sur l'une des questions fondamentales qu'elle soulève: peut-on réduire les quatre causes à une définition unitaire? Et dans ce cas, exprime-t-elle une explication subjective ou une connexion réelle? Et s'il s'agit d'une connexion réelle, de quelle connexion s'agit-il ? A la lumière de cette interrogation capitale, les contributions présentées dans ce volume se proposent d'offrir une présentation complète de la doctrine aristotélicienne des quatre causes en soulignant leur rôle et leurs fonctions spécifiques aussi bien dans les contextes théorétiques que dans les contextes pratiques. L'enquête a été élargie, en amont, aux causes dans le corpus Hippocraticum et à l'usage de aitia chez Platon et, en aval, à l'interprétation d'Alexandre d'Aphrodise et à une interprétation moderne, celle des causal powers.
De Gruyter Text: Unveränderter fünfter Abdruck nach dem dritten mit einem auf Grund von Friedrich Rankes Kollationen verbesserten kritischen Apparat besorgt und mit einem erweiterten Nachwort versehen von Werner Schröder
Der berühmte Liebesroman wurde um 1200/1220 verfasst. Der Tristan-Stoff ist gemeineuropäisch; Gottfrieds direkte Quelle ist vermutlich die Fassung des Thomas von Britanje. Der Roman erzählt, wie Tristan Isolde kennen lernt und wie die Ehebruchsbeziehung der beiden Liebenden verläuft. Denn Isolde ist mit Marke verheiratet, aber durch den verhängnisvollen Zaubertrank an Tristan gebunden. Das Dreiecksverhältnis bleibt nicht unverborgen, doch immer wieder kann Marke von der Keuschheit des Paares überzeugt werden, u.a. in der berühmten Minnegrotten-Szene, in der Marke die beiden unschuldig schlafend findet. Schließlich muss Tristan aber doch aus Cornwall fliehen. Der Roman bricht ab mit der Erzählung von Isolde Weißhand, in der Tristan sich in der Fremde verliebt. – Der Roman ist höchst kunstvoll komponiert und gehört neben Wolframs "Parzival" zu den Gipfelleistungen der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters. Der Marold'sche Text ist die bis heute gültige Standardedition. Die Ausgabe bietet in Band 1 den mittelhochdeutschen Originaltext von Gottfrieds Tristan-Fragment sowie in Band 2 eine moderne Übersetzung und eine umfassende Einführung in das Werk.
Peeters Publishers Le christianisme devant l'islam: théologiens en dialogue
Cet ouvrage amorce un dialogue entre théologiens chrétiens et musulmans sur la façon dont les premiers considèrentl’islam et sur les questions qu’il éveille chez eux. M. Younès (UCLyon) introduit le questioonnement d’ensemble sur la base d’un rapide regard historique. G. S. Reynolds (Notre-Dame, USA) propose sa vision du Coran comme écrit parénétique. Kl. von Stosch (Paderborn) montre à quelles conditions un chrétien peut voir en Muhammad un «Prophète». H. de La Hougue (Paris) interroge la conception de Dieu respective des deux religions, et M. Borrmans (Rome) et M. Younès livrent leurs réflexions sur les principaux actes cultuels en islam, notamment à la lumière de Vatican II. Entrant ensuite dans le dialogue, deux théologiens musulmans disent ce que leur inspire la lecture des textes précédents. R. Benzine (Trappes) livre ses réfl exions critiques avec franchise, soulignant notamment les points de désaccord. Quant à A. Mokrani (Rome), il propose un exemple de ce que pourrait être une approche musulmane de dogmes centraux du christianisme.
Peeters Publishers La Rencontre du Temps et de L'espace. Approches Linguistique et Anthropologique
Cet ouvrage s'attache a l'expression et aux manifestations simultanees du "temps" et de l'"espace", en focalisant l'attention sur les faits de langue et de culture qui revelent des transitions, des rencontres et des intersections entre ces univers notionnels. A partir de l'etude de langues (afro-asiatique, Niger-Congo, dravidienne, amerindienne...), de cultures et d'organisations sociales (rurale, citadine, nomade) pour l'essentiel non europeennes, il participe au debat concernant l'orientation que peuvent prendre ces echanges. Qu'en est-il du processus d'emprunt metaphorique qui, dans les langues europeennes, parait operer de facon preferentielle "de l'espace vers le temps"? Y a-t-il des cultures moins "spatialisantes" que d'autres? Quelle place accorder aux facteurs enonciatifs et pragmatiques dans l'apprehension de la relation "temps - espace"?C'est en prenant appui sur des formes variees de productions orales (recits d'itineraires reels ou imaginaires, entretiens, fragments de litterature orale...) recueillies sur leurs terrains, que les contributeurs a cet ouvrage, linguistes et anthropologues, prennent part au debat.
Nick Hern Books The Anarchist
'In the morning they'll shut the streets, roll the tanks in and begin the arrests. Everyone who tries to leave will be taken in for days, weeks, years. If I don't board the flight tonight, I'll be here forever.' Middle-aged, middle-management Dasha is ordered to quell the anti-government protests in her factory in Belarus by firing sixty workers. Her only escape is a one-way ticket to the US, but as she prepares to flee, she cannot escape memories of her rebellious youth resisting the Soviets. As her country heads to the polls, Dasha must make a decision… The Anarchist is a gripping, timely and deeply moving play, which won the inaugural Woven Voices Prize for migrant playwrights. It was first performed during the Footprints Festival at Jermyn Street Theatre, London, in 2022, directed by Ebenezer Bamgboye. Originally from Kazakhstan, Karina Wiedman lived in Russia and Belarus before moving to the UK. The Anarchist is her first play. 'A beautifully written play for our times' Jatinder Verma, Chair of the Woven Voices Prize judging panel
Headline Publishing Group The Confession: Body Work 3
The Body Work Trilogy comes to a sizzling, scorching-hot and thrilling conclusion - that will blow away fans of Maya Banks, Rhyannon Byrd, Liliana Hart and Lisa Marie Rice.Anna Rossi walked away from Alec Flynn to keep her family and friends safe. But no matter how hard she tries, she can't protect her heart from him...Time has done nothing to quell Anna's desperate desire for Alec. She knows she did the right thing leaving. She knows how dangerous he is. And she knows that her connection to him threatens everything. But she can't seem to stay away.In the vicious, public legal battle Alec's been fighting, things have come to breaking point. He could lose everything, and lose Anna once and for all. With her life in jeopardy again, and after so much damage has been done, will they ever have a chance of true happiness? Find out where the breathless, addictive story began in The Masseuse.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A Night of Flames
In the wild lands of Norway, Hunlaf must quell a violent revolt in Matthew Harffy's new historical adventure. Northumbria, AD 794. Those who rule the seas, rule the land. None know the truth of this more than the Vikings. To compete with the seafaring raiders, the king of Northumbria orders the construction of his own longships under the command of oath-sworn Norseman, Runolf. When the Vikings attack again, the king sends cleric turned warrior, Hunlaf, on a mission to persuade the king of Rogaland into an alliance. But Hunlaf and Runolf have other plans; kin to seek out, old scores to settle, and a heretical tome to find in the wild lands of the Norse. Their voyage takes them into the centre of a violent uprising. A slave has broken free of his captors and, with religious fervour, is leading his fanatical followers on a rampage – burning all in his path. Hunlaf must brave the Norse wilderness, and overcome deadly foes, to stop this madman. Can he prevent a night of flames and slaughter? Reviews for Matthew Harffy: 'Harffy is a master of the Dark Age thriller' Theodore Brun 'Absolutely gripping storytelling' Angus Donald 'Nothing less than superb' Historical Novel Society 'Harffy's writing just gets better and better' Jemahl Evans
Johns Hopkins University Press Introduction to U.S. Health Policy: The Organization, Financing, and Delivery of Health Care in America
Health care reform has dominated public discourse over the past several years, and the recent passage of the Affordable Care Act, rather than quell the rhetoric, has sparked even more debate. Donald A. Barr reviews the current structure of the American health care system, describing the historical and political contexts in which it developed and the core policy issues that continue to confront us today. This comprehensive analysis introduces the various organizations and institutions that make the U.S. health care system work-or fail to work, as the case may be. A principal message of the book is the seeming paradox of the quality of health care in this country-on the one hand it is the best medical care system in the world, on the other it is one of the worst among developed countries because of how it is organized. Barr introduces readers to broad cultural issues surrounding health care policy, such as access, affordability, and quality. He discusses specific elements of U.S. health care, including insurance, especially Medicare and Medicaid, the shift to for-profit managed care, the pharmaceutical industry, issues of long-term care, the plight of the uninsured, medical errors, and nursing shortages. The latest edition of this widely adopted text updates the description and discussion of key sectors of America's health care system in light of the Affordable Care Act.
Chronicle Books Calm the Chaos Journal: A Daily Practice for a More Peaceful Life
Trying to juggle multiple responsibilities while keeping up with endless to-do lists and trying to balance family, work, social and personal time can be overwhelming and lead to burn out. This journal is just the thing to help manage daily stress and quell anxiety so it doesn’t build up over time. Creating the space for a simple daily routine of reflection and intention can do wonders to calm inner chaos when the outside world starts to take over. Anyone seeking inner balance, harmony and tranquility will make this journal a habit. It won’t solve problems, but it will do wonders for those in need of some peace of mind. It is a great addition to any self care self-care arsenal.A creative way to practice self-care• Easy-to-follow prompts help with goal setting, reflection, intention and planning• Simple layout with lots of room for writing • Encourages happiness habitsFans of The Five Minute Journal: A Happier You in 5 Minutes a Day and Find Calm in The Chaos: A Writing Prompt Journal with Positive Prompts to Calm the Mindwill love this journal. • An inspirational gift for anyone who likes to journal• A lovely gift for harried parents, stressed-out students and anyone who could use a break• A perfect gift for overwhelmed loved ones
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Sternstunden der Mathematik
Der Titel dieses Buches über Mathematik ist ausgeborgt von Stefan Zweigs "Sternstunden der Menschheit". Dort geht es um Weltgeschichte, doch es sind nicht so sehr die allseits bekannten historischen Ereignisse, an die erinnert wird, sondern etwas verborgenere, in denen sich gleichwohl das Weltgeschehen fokussierte. Von solchen Ereignissen hat auch die Wissenschaft und besonders die Mathematik viele zu bieten.Die Geschichten dieses Buches möchten mathematische Ideengeschichte nachzeichnen anhand einer sehr persönlich motivierten Auswahl von Ereignissen mit ihrem Vorher und Nachher, von Pythagoras bis Perelman. Der Weg von der Oberfläche zu einem tieferen Verstehen macht das Wesen der Mathematik aus, und besonders spektakuläre Durchbrüche dieser Art sind "Sternstunden". Will man sie verstehen, ist es gut, sich an die Quelle zu begeben, in die Zeit zu reisen, als der Durchbruch erzielt, die neuen Ideen geboren wurden, als man sich tastend und respektvoll auf ganz neues Gebiet vorwagte. Das Buch möchte zu einer Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Ideen anregen und dabei gleichermaßen mathematisch interessierte Laien und Fachleute ansprechen.
Pluto Press Limits to Culture: Urban Regeneration vs. Dissident Art
How can we unmask the vested interests behind capital's 'cultural' urban agenda? Limits to Culture pits grass-roots cultural dissent against capital's continuing project of control via urban planning. In the 1980s, notions of the 'creative class' were expressed though a cultural turn in urban policy towards the 'creative city'. De-industrialisation created a shift away from how people understood and used urban space, and consequently, gentrification spread. With it came the elimination of diversity and urban dynamism - new art museums and cultural or heritage quarters lent a creative mask to urban redevelopment. This book examines this process from the 1960s to the present day, revealing how the notion of 'creativity' been neutered in order to quell dissent. In the 1960s, creativity was identified with revolt, yet from the 1980s onwards it was subsumed in consumerism, which continued in the 1990s through cool Britannia culture and its international reflections. Today, austerity and the scarcity of public money reveal how the illusory creative city has given way to reveal its hollow interior, through urban clearances and underdevelopment.
Unbound A Hare-Marked Moon: From Bhutan to Yorkshire: The Story of an English Stupa
In the spring of 2004, David Lascelles invited a group of monks from Bhutan to build a stupa in the gardens of Harewood House in Yorkshire. It was a step into the unknown for the Bhutanese. They didn’t speak any English, had never travelled outside their own culture, had never flown in an airplane or seen the ocean.Theirs was one kind of journey, but the project was also another kind of voyage for David. It was an attempt to reconcile a deep interest in Buddhism with the 250 years that his family has lived at Harewood, the country house and estate – with its links to one of the darkest chapters in Britain’s colonial past – that he has loved, rejected, tried to make sense of and been haunted by all his life.In Buddhist thought, one of the functions of a stupa is to harmonise the environment in which it is built and subdue the chaotic forces at work there. Would this stupa have a similar effect, quelling the forces of Harewood’s past and harmonising the contradictions of its present?A Hare-Marked Moon tells the story behind the extraordinary meeting of cultures that resulted in the Harewood Stupa, interspersed with accounts of David’s travels in the Himalayas which delve into the rich and turbulent history of the region, and the beliefs that have shaped it.
Peeters Publishers Ein Held Des Glaubens?: Rezeptionsgeschichtliche Studien Zu Den Simson-Erzahlungen
Bibelauslegung - das wird von Theologen manchmal vergessen - ist nicht das Privileg von Gelehrten innerhalb der Mauern der Universitat oder von Predigern auf der Kanzel, sondern geschieht ebenso am Schreibtisch des Romanschreibers, des Poeten, des Librettisten und Komponisten, im Atelier des bildenden Kunstlers und in den Filmstudios von Hollywood. Die Bibelauslegung nahm einst ihren Anfang, aber ist keineswegs an ihr Ende gekommen. Schon bevor die Grenzen der Bibelbucher festgelegt waren, fand Auslegung statt. Sobald die Grenzen der Bucher fixiert waren, wurden sie die Quelle eines immer breiter anschwellenden Stroms der Auslegung in unterschiedlichen Formen, die zusammen eine faszinierende, sich noch immer weiter ausbreitende Welt bilden. Anhand der herausfordernden Erzahlungen uber den Helden Simson, wie er in den Kapiteln 13-16 im Bibelbuch Richter beschrieben wird, wird der Leser in diesen Studien in die Welt der Interpretation eingefuhrt und ihm ein Eindruck der vielgestaltigen und reich schattierten Formen der Auslegung vermittelt.
University of Nebraska Press Standing Firmly by the Flag: Nebraska Territory and the Civil War, 1861-1867
From a pool of barely nine thousand men of military age, Nebraska—still a territory at the time—sent more than three thousand soldiers to the Civil War. They fought and died for the Union cause, were wounded, taken prisoner, and in some cases deserted. But Nebraska’s military contribution is only one part of the more complex and interesting story that James E. Potter tells in Standing Firmly by the Flag, the first book to fully explore Nebraska’s involvement in the Civil War and the war’s involvement in Nebraska’s evolution from territory to thirty-seventh state on March 1, 1867.Although distant from the major battlefronts and seats of the warring governments, Nebraskans were aware of the war’s issues and subject to its consequences. National debates about the origins of the rebellion, the policies pursued to quell it, and what kind of nation should emerge once it was over echoed throughout Nebraska. Potter explores the war’s impact on Nebraskans and shows how, when Nebraska Territory sought admission to the Union at war’s end, it was caught up in political struggles over Reconstruction, the fate of the freed slaves, and the relationship between the states and the federal government.
University of Illinois Press The Labor Board Crew: Remaking Worker-Employer Relations from Pearl Harbor to the Reagan Era
Ronald W. Schatz tells the story of the team of young economists and lawyers recruited to the National War Labor Board to resolve union-management conflicts during the Second World War. The crew (including Clark Kerr, John Dunlop, Jean McKelvey, and Marvin Miller) exerted broad influence on the U.S. economy and society for the next forty years. They handled thousands of grievances and strikes. They founded academic industrial relations programs. When the 1960s student movement erupted, universities appointed them as top administrators charged with quelling the conflicts. In the 1970s, they developed systems that advanced public sector unionization and revolutionized employment conditions in Major League Baseball. Schatz argues that the Labor Board vets, who saw themselves as disinterested technocrats, were in truth utopian reformers aiming to transform the world. Beginning in the 1970s stagflation era, they faced unforeseen opposition, and the cooperative relationships they had fostered withered. Yet their protégé George Shultz used mediation techniques learned from his mentors to assist in the integration of Southern public schools, institute affirmative action in industry, and conduct Cold War negotiations with Mikhail Gorbachev.
Peeters Publishers Un Livre De Feu Dans UN Siecle De Fer: Les Lectures De L'Apocalypse Dans La Litterature Francaise De La Renaissance
En un " siecle de fer ", de signes et de prodiges, qui interroge les cieux et scrute les Ecritures, quelles interpretations recoit l'Apocalypse, avec ses descriptions de fleaux et de cataclysmes, mais aussi ses recits de visions de signes grandioses et de noces eternelles ? A l'origine de l'enquete, cette interrogation en a constitue le fil conducteur, afin d'etablir une synthese envisageant l'ensemble de la reception de ce livre biblique dans la litterature francaise de la Renaissance. Pour rendre compte du contexte hermeneutique dans lequel s'inscrivent les lectures de l'Apocalypse, il a ete necessaire d'en etudier d'abord les commentaires exegetiques (I), puis d'analyser les differents modes d'emprunt au texte johannique dans la litterature de polemique religieuse (II). Il a fallu ensuite apprehender l'intertexte apocalyptique dans des ?uvres s'ouvrant sur l'horizon des derniers temps (III) pour considerer enfin la riche reception de cette source scripturaire dans la litterature spirituelle (IV).
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden So nannte man unsere Vögel früher: eine Zusammenstellung von Trivial- und Kunstnamen heimischer Vogelarten
Im vorliegenden Werk sind etwa 550 Vogelarten (Nichtsingvogel- und Singvogelarten) in alphabetischer Reihenfolge aufgeführt. Für sie konnten knapp 26.000 vogelspezifische Trivialnamen zusammengetragen werden. Diese Namen sind den Arten direkt zugeordnet worden. So konnten für den Pirol fast 250 Trivialnamen gefunden werden. Trivialnamen sind volkstümliche Namen oder solche, die aus einem besonderen Anliegen konstruiert worden sind, also künstliche Namen.Für die Zuordnungen in diesem Buch ist es gelungen, einen großen Teil der alten und sehr alten Trivialnamen zu ermitteln. Die betreffende Literatur beginnt mit einer Quelle aus dem Jahr 1544: William Turner, Turner on Birds. Die auf Turner folgenden alten Trivialnamen sind in deutschsprachigen und lateinischen Werken sogenannter „Alter Autoren“ zu finden. Zu ihnen gehören Conrad Gessner, Kaspar Schwenckfeld, Johann Leonhard Frisch, Jakob Theodor Klein oder Johann Adam Freiherr von Pernau. Die als „Alte Autoren“ bezeichneten Naturforscher lebten im 16.–18. Jahrhundert.
Rodale Press Joey Green's Amazing Pet Cures: 1,138 Simple Pet Remedies Using Everyday Brand-Name Products
From the man who knows how to fertilize houseplants with Jelly and give someone a dry shampoo with Quaker Oats comes the first book of pet care tips that tackles everyday pet illnesses, quirky behaviours, and animal smells and stains by tapping into the power of brand-name products. The ever-inventive Joey Green presents fun and offbeat remedies for a wide range of pet troubles, from bad breath and skunks to hot spots and ticks. Who would have guessed that ChapStik stops a nail bleed or that Listerine can quell itching? Why not forego expensive and toxic flea sprays and use dishwashing liquid or Johnson's Baby Powder as a treatment instead? Even though these tips sound quirky (use Smirnoff vodka to clean your pet's ears?), they really do work because many brand-name products contain soaps, degreasers, emollients, and moisturizers to soothe, clean, dissolve, and heal quickly and safely. This fun-to-read book makes a great gift for pet lovers and is a practical guide for anyone looking for simple and easy shortcuts to live the good life with a pet.
Little, Brown Book Group The Queen's Gamble
Your son or your queen - what price can Elizabeth demand for loyalty? Young Elizabeth I's path to the throne has been a perilous one, and already she faces a dangerous crisis. French troops have landed in Scotland to quell a rebel Protestant army and Elizabeth fears that once entrenched on the border, they will invade England. Isabel Thornleigh, recently returned from the New World with her Spanish husband, Carlos Valverde, and their young son, is recruited by the queen to smuggle money to the Scottish rebels. Yet Elizabeth's trust only goes so far - Isabel's son will be the queen's pampered hostage until she completes her mission. But matters grow worse when Isabel's husband is engaged as military advisor to the French, putting the couple on opposite sides in a deadly spying war...Praise for Barbara Kyle:'Unfurls a complex and fast paced plot, mixing history with vibrant characters.' Publishers Weekly 'Kyle is adept at layering her tale with colourful descriptions, accurate details and exciting twists with a fast-paced plot designed to keep readers' attention.' Romantic Times
Peeters Publishers La question du divin chez Aristote: Discours sur les dieux et science du principe
Poser la question du divin chez Aristote, c’est tenter de déterminer à quelle nécessité philosophique la conception aristotélicienne de la nature et de la causalité des dieux est censée répondre. À partir d’une lecture minutieuse de l’ensemble du corpus, et plus particulièrement des textes physiques, cosmologiques et métaphysiques, cet ouvrage montre la centralité de la notion de principe dans l’étude aristotélicienne des dieux. Plus qu’une théologie qui chercherait à définir pour elle-même l’essence de la divinité, l’enquête aristotélicienne sur les dieux (corps célestes ou moteurs immobiles) constitue une archologie, une science du principe. Qu’il s’intègre à l’étude de la nature ou à celle des substances, chaque examen des réalités divines, chaque formulation à laquelle il aboutit, se justifie d’abord en raison des exigences conceptuelles qui pèsent sur la notion de principe premier, avant de se conformer à la logique conceptuelle de la divinité, de l’approfondir, voire de la renouveler.
Harvard Educational Publishing Group Ethics in Higher Education: Promoting Equity and Inclusion Through Case-Based Inquiry
In this thought-provoking volume, editors Rebecca M. Taylor and Ashley Floyd Kuntz invite readers to explore the many facets of on-campus ethical dilemmas and the careful, nuanced decision-making processes required to address them. Taylor and Kuntz demonstrate how to apply collaborative, multidisciplinary, philosophical inquiry to deeply complex issues. They present seven normative case studies focusing on a variety of campus quandaries, from urgent matters such as Title IX violations and free speech in social media policy, to long-simmering concerns such as admissions and access and the future of historically Black colleges and universities. The editors then bring together a diverse group of scholars and practitioners with a broad array of disciplinary and personal backgrounds to offer their commentary and insight on the cases. Leaders in higher education are under immense pressure to respond to campus crises quickly, to quell controversy, and to avoid the backlash of public scrutiny in an ever-shifting sociopolitical terrain. Yet, in tension with such pressures, adequate responses to these dilemmas require leaders to make ethical, contextual choices that effectively foster inclusion, respect individual and institutional freedoms, and promote equity. Expanding the scope of inquiry, the contributors challenge underlying assumptions, raise points that had been omitted from the original cases, and imagine alternative solutions. Ethics in Higher Education appeals to readers to do the same, in the interest of advancing ethical decision-making on campuses.
University of Toronto Press Black Eyes All of the Time: Intimate Violence, Aboriginal Women, and the Justice System
A decade ago, a landmark study by Indian law affairs specialist Rupert Ross suggested that alternative methods of crime prevention based on traditional Aboriginal values would lower crime rates in Native communities. Since then, reform measures that have been implemented have resulted in fewer criminal charges, less vigorous prosecution, and shorter jail terms for Aboriginal offenders. Unfortunately, such research and reforms have often failed to address two groups greatly hurt by criminal violence: women and children. The impetus for this book arose out of a 1995 Winnipeg study involving twenty-six Aboriginal women. The compelling accounts these women give of the domestic violence they experienced, first as children and later as wives and mothers, make it all too clear that any plan to implement diversionary reforms must first take into account this under-represented group. For survivors of domestic violence, jail terms for abusers allow time for healing, and the threat of criminal prosecution may quell violent outbreaks. Lax responses from an inconsistent criminal justice system often put Native women at risk. Drawing on the experiences and views of the women affected, Black Eyes All of the Time analyses how this pervasive cycle of violence evolved and suggests possible solutions involving both the dominant Canadian justice system and Aboriginal traditions.
WW Norton & Co The Rationing: A Novel
America is in trouble—at the mercy of a puzzling pathogen. That ordinarily wouldn’t lead to catastrophe, thanks to modern medicine, but there’s just one problem: the government supply of Dormigen, the silver bullet of pharmaceuticals, has been depleted just as demand begins to spike. Originally published before the COVID-19 pandemic, The Rationingis set in the near future, and centers around a White House struggling to quell the crisis—and control the narrative. Working together, just barely, are a savvy but preoccupied president; a Speaker more interested in jockeying for position—and a potential presidential bid—than attending to the minutiae of disease control; a patriotic majority leader unable to differentiate a virus from a bacterium; a strategist with brilliant analytical abilities but abominable people skills; and, improbably, our narrator, a low-level scientist with the National Institutes of Health who happens to be the world’s leading expert in lurking viruses. Little goes according to plan during the three weeks necessary to replenish the stocks of Dormigen. Some Americans will get the life-saving drug and others will not, and nations with their own supply soon offer aid—but for a price. China senses blood and a geopolitical victory, presenting a laundry list of demands that ranges from complete domination of the South China Sea to additional parking spaces at the UN, while India claims it can save the day for the U.S. Political backstabbing, rank hypocrisy, and dastardly deception reign in this delightfully entertaining debut that presciently anticipated the COVID-19 crisis.
University of Washington Press Heroes, Hacks, and Fools: Memoirs from the Political Inside
Ted Van Dyk, a shrewd veteran of countless national political and policy fights, casts fresh light on many of the leading personalities and watershed events of American politics since JFK. He was a Pentagon intelligence analyst during the Berlin Crisis of 1961 and an aide to Jean Monnet and other leaders of the European movement before serving at the Johnson White House as Vice President Humphrey’s senior advisor and alter ego. He was involved in that administration’s Great Society triumphs and its Vietnam tragedy. In the late 1960s, Van Dyk moved to Columbia University as vice president to help quell campus disorders which threatened the university. Over a period of 35 years he was a senior advisor to presidential candidates Humphrey, McGovern, Carter, Ted Kennedy, Mondale, Hart, and Tsongas; contributed regular essays to the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Fortune, and other national publications; and led two national think tanks. In 2001 the Bellingham, Washington, native returned to the Northwest to write a regular editorial-page column for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Van Dyk’s memoirs contain many previously untold stories from an historic period of national politics, portray brilliant and not-so-brilliant leaders and ideas, and also illuminate politics’ darker side. They bring to life the flawed realities and enduring opportunities of public policymaking in our time.
Princeton University Press Making Heretics: Militant Protestantism and Free Grace in Massachusetts, 1636-1641
Making Heretics is a major new narrative of the famous Massachusetts disputes of the late 1630s misleadingly labeled the "antinomian controversy" by later historians. Drawing on an unprecedented range of sources, Michael Winship fundamentally recasts these interlocked religious and political struggles as a complex ongoing interaction of personalities and personal agendas and as a succession of short-term events with cumulative results. Previously neglected figures like Sir Henry Vane and John Wheelwright assume leading roles in the processes that nearly ended Massachusetts, while more familiar "hot Protestants" like John Cotton and Anne Hutchinson are relocated in larger frameworks. The book features a striking portrayal of the minister Thomas Shepard as an angry heresy-hunting militant, helping to set the volatile terms on which the disputes were conducted and keeping the flames of contention stoked even as he ostensibly attempted to quell them. The first book-length treatment in forty years, Making Heretics locates its story in rich contexts, ranging from ministerial quarrels and negotiations over fine but bitterly contested theological points to the shadowy worlds of orthodox and unorthodox lay piety, and from the transatlantic struggles over the Massachusetts Bay Company's charter to the fraught apocalyptic geopolitics of the Reformation itself. An object study in the ways that puritanism generated, managed, and failed to manage diversity, Making Heretics carries its account on into England in the 1640s and 1650s and helps explain the differing fortunes of puritanism in the Old and New Worlds.
Princeton University Press Making Heretics: Militant Protestantism and Free Grace in Massachusetts, 1636-1641
Making Heretics is a major new narrative of the famous Massachusetts disputes of the late 1630s misleadingly labeled the "antinomian controversy" by later historians. Drawing on an unprecedented range of sources, Michael Winship fundamentally recasts these interlocked religious and political struggles as a complex ongoing interaction of personalities and personal agendas and as a succession of short-term events with cumulative results. Previously neglected figures like Sir Henry Vane and John Wheelwright assume leading roles in the processes that nearly ended Massachusetts, while more familiar "hot Protestants" like John Cotton and Anne Hutchinson are relocated in larger frameworks. The book features a striking portrayal of the minister Thomas Shepard as an angry heresy-hunting militant, helping to set the volatile terms on which the disputes were conducted and keeping the flames of contention stoked even as he ostensibly attempted to quell them. The first book-length treatment in forty years, Making Heretics locates its story in rich contexts, ranging from ministerial quarrels and negotiations over fine but bitterly contested theological points to the shadowy worlds of orthodox and unorthodox lay piety, and from the transatlantic struggles over the Massachusetts Bay Company's charter to the fraught apocalyptic geopolitics of the Reformation itself. An object study in the ways that puritanism generated, managed, and failed to manage diversity, Making Heretics carries its account on into England in the 1640s and 1650s and helps explain the differing fortunes of puritanism in the Old and New Worlds.
Baker Publishing Group Hope`s Highest Mountain
Ingrid Chastain readily agreed to accompany her father to deliver vaccines to a mining town in the Montana Territory. She never could have anticipated a terrible accident would leave her alone and badly injured in the wilderness. When rescue comes in the form of a mysterious mountain man who tends her injuries, she's hesitant to put her trust in this quiet man who seems to have his own wounds. Micah Bradley left his work as a doctor after unintentionally bringing home the smallpox disease that killed his wife and daughter. But his self-imposed solitude in the wilds of Montana is broken when he finds Ingrid in desperate need of medical attention, and he's forced to face his regret and call on his doctoring skills once again. Micah can't help but admire Ingrid's tenacious determination despite the severity of her injuries, until he learns the crate she brought contains smallpox vaccines to help quell a nearby outbreak. With Ingrid dead set on trekking through the mountains to deliver the medicine--with or without his help--he has no choice but to accompany her. As they set off through the treacherous, snow-covered Rocky Mountains against all odds, the journey ahead will change their lives more than they could have known.
BenBella Books Your Consent Is Not Required: The Rise in Psychiatric Detentions, Forced Treatment, and Abusive Guardianships
In the first work of investigative journalism in decades to give a comprehensive view into contemporary psychiatric incarceration and forced interventions, Your Consent Is Not Required exposes how rising numbers of people from many walks of life are being subjected against their will to surveillance, indefinite detention, and powerful tranquilising drugs, restraints, seclusion, and electroshock. There’s a common misconception that, due to asylum closures, only “dangerous” people get committed now. But forced psychiatric interventions today occur in thousands of public and private hospitals, and also in group and long-term care facilities, troubled-teen and residential treatment centers, and even in people’s own homes under outpatient commitment orders. Intended to “help,” for many people the experiences are terrifying, traumatising, and permanently damaging. Driven partly by individuals’ genuine concerns for the “mental health” of others, and partly by institutions entangled with goals of power, profit, and social control, psychiatric coercion is increasingly used to: manage school children and the elderly, quell family conflicts, police the streets, control people in shelters, community living, and prisons, fraudulently increase hospital profits, “resolve” workplace disagreements, detain protesters and discredit whistleblowers. Thoroughly researched, with alarming true stories and hard data from the US and Canada, Rob Wipond’s Your Consent Is Not Required builds an unassailable case for greater transparency, vigilance, and change.
Cornerstone For My Country's Freedom: (Richard Bolitho: Book 23)
Fans of Patrick O'Brian and C. S. Forester will love this captivating, vivid and exciting page-turner from multi-million copy seller Alexander Kent - guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat! 'Shipwreck, survival... a spirited battle... a splendid yarn' -- Times'One of our foremost writers of naval fiction' -- Sunday Times'Alexander Keen is a master of his craft' -- ***** Reader review'Seamless fiction at its best' -- ***** Reader review'Another great story, gripping to the end' -- ***** Reader review'Difficult to put down' -- ***** Reader review'Superb' -- ***** Reader review************************************************************************************************1811: After two and a half months of precious peace in Cornwall with his beloved mistress Catherine, Admiral Richard Bolitho is once again summoned to London.In defence of an Empire, the Admiralty must quell the unrest in America - or face the war with those who were once friends. For when diplomacy fails, the cannon will speak.For his daring mission, Bolitho must call on the loyalty of his most trusted officers - and the trust of those he loves the most. Distance too is their enemy, as the Indomitable leads the fleet from Plymouth towards the rich merchant grounds of the Americas.In the troubled seas from Antigua north to Halifax, Admiral Bolitho's revolutionary 'flying squadron' will face their first and harshest test. For a country's freedom. For a hero's right to turn his back on the sea ...
Cornerstone Star Wars: Cataclysm
After the thrilling events of The High Republic: Convergence, the Jedi race to confront the Path of the Open Hand and end the Forever War.After five years of conflict, the planets Eiram and E'ronoh are on the cusp of real peace. But when news breaks of a disaster at the treaty signing on Jedha, violence reignites on the beleaguered worlds. Together, the royal heirs of both planets-Phan-tu Zenn and Xiri A'lbaran-working alongside the Jedi, have uncovered evidence that the conflict is being orchestrated by outside forces, and all signs point to the mysterious Path of the Open Hand, whom the Jedi also suspect of causing the disaster on Jedha.With time-and answers-in short supply, the Jedi must divide their focus between helping quell the renewed violence on Eiram and E'ronoh and investigating the Path. Among them is Gella Nattai, who turns to the one person she believes can unravel the mystery but the last person she wants to trust: Axel Greylark. The chancellor's son, imprisoned for his crimes, has always sought to unburden himself of the weight of his family name. Will he reconcile with the Jedi and aid in their quest for justice and peace, or embrace the Path's promise of true freedom?As all roads lead to Dalna, Gella and her allies prepare to take on a foe unlike any they've ever faced. And it will take all of their trust in the Force, and in one another, to survive.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Experimentelle Produktentwicklung: Wie Unternehmen ihre Strategien systematisch validieren können
Das Buch zeigt, wie Führungskräfte und Unternehmer Experimente als Grundlage für strategische (Produkt)-Entscheidungen nutzen können. Der Autor erläutert, wie sich die Strategie von Unternehmen verändert, wenn Experimente als zentrale Quelle der Entscheidungsfindung verwendet werden. Nils Stotz beschreibt zunächst das Wesen von Experimenten und stellt verschiedene in der Praxis erprobte Methoden vor. Dabei stehen Aspekte der Risikominderung, Planungshilfen und die Betrachtung von Auswirkungen auf die Unternehmensentwicklung im Mittelpunkt. Anschließend erklärt er, welche Unternehmenskultur nötig ist, um das Experimentieren auf ein skalierbares und effizientes Level zu bringen. Es folgt eine ausführliche Darstellung relevanter Techniken und Frameworks für das Experimentieren sowie des Ablaufs eines Experiments.Beispiele aus der Unternehmenspraxis, anwendungsnahe Tipps und Handlungsempfehlungen bieten eine Orientierungshilfe für Start-ups sowie etablierte Unternehmen. Der Inhalt Experimentation als Strategie Die Struktur der Experiment Organisation Das Experiment Design Methoden und Techniken beim Experimentieren Praktische Beispiele
University of Washington Press Power for the People: A History of Seattle City Light
Since before Seattle voters decided in 1902 to build their own lighting plant, City Light has been a source of fierce civic pride for its independence from "foreign" corporations, its impressive public works projects, and its consistently low electricity rates. It has also been a headache for competitors, managers, and politicians. In the first years of the electric age, when Seattle was still a hard-scrable frontier town, power was supplied by a revolving cast of small private utilities remembered mostly for frequent mergers with rivals and mediocre service at high cost. The failure of the privately owned water company to deliver enough of its product to quell Seattle's Great Fire of 18889 got city officials and residents thinking about an alternative utility model--municipal ownership. Voters quickly approved a municipal wter system, and within a decade had laid the groundwork for an electric utility. City Light quickly began a campaign of dam construction that for most of the twentieth century provided Seattle with the cheapest electricity of any major city in the country. This brisk history traces the utility's origins to 1889 and follows its story through the national energy crisis of 2000-2001 up to the present. It is a quintissentially Northwest story.
The University of North Carolina Press A Black Jurist in a Slave Society: Antonio Pereira Rebouças and the Trials of Brazilian Citizenship
Now in English for the first time, Keila Grinberg's compelling study of the nineteenth-century jurist Antonio Pereira Reboucas (1798–1880) traces the life of an Afro-Brazilian intellectual who rose from a humble background to play a key as well as conflicted role as Brazilians struggled to define citizenship and understand racial politics. One of the most prominent specialists in civil law of his time, Reboucas explained why blacks fought stridently for their own inclusion in society but also complicitly embraced an ethic of silence on race more broadly. Grinberg argues that while this silence was crucial for defining spaces of social mobility and respectability regardless of race, it was also stifling, and played an important role in quelling political mobilization based on racial identity. Reboucas's commitment to liberal ideals also exemplifies the contradiction he embodied: though he rejected movements that were grounded in racial political mobilization, he was consistently treated as potentially dangerous for the single fact that he was of African origin. Grinberg's analysis of Reboucas and his times demonstrates how his life and career—encompassing such themes as racial politics and identities, slavery and racism, and imperfect citizenship—are central for our understanding of Atlantic slave and post-abolition societies.
Stanford University Press The Diplomat in the Corner Office: Corporate Foreign Policy
In The Diplomat in the Corner Office, Timothy L. Fort, one of the founders of the business and peace movement, reflects on the progress of the movement over the past 15 years—from a niche position into a mainstream economic and international relations perspective. In the 21st century global business environment, says Fort, businesses can and should play a central role in peace-building, and he demonstrates that it is to companies' strategic advantage to do so. Anchoring his arguments in theories from economics and international relations, Fort makes the case that businesses must augment familiar notions of corporate responsibility and ethical behavior with the concept of corporate foreign policy in order to thrive in today's world. He presents a series of case studies focusing on companies that have made peace a goal, either as an end in itself or because of its instrumental value in building their companies, to articulate three different approaches that businesses can use to quell international conflict— peace making, peace keeping, and peace building. He then demonstrates their effectiveness and proposes policies that can be utilized by business, civil society, and government to increase the likelihood of business playing a constructive role in the conciliatory process. This book will be of enormous use not only to students and scholars but also to leaders in NGOs, government, and business.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Das Corpus Johanneum bei Irenäus von Lyon: Studien und Kommentar zum dritten Buch von 'Adversus Haereses'
Im dritten Band seines hauptsächlich gegen valentinianische "Erkenntnis" (Gnosis) und gegen Markion gerichteten Hauptwerkes - es ist zugleich die erste Dogmatik der Kirche - zeigt der südgallische Bischof von Lyon um 185 n.Chr., wie mit Hilfe des Corpus Johanneum wesentliche theologische Herausforderungen der Gnosis biblisch-theologisch beantwortet werden können. Dies betrifft hermeneutische Fragen nach Schrift und Tradition ebenso wie die zentralen Fragen nach Gott und nach Jesus Christus. Thematisch wird dies anhand der Einheit Gottes, seinem Schöpfersein, der Inkarnation und der Soteriologie aufgezeigt. Dabei ist Irenäus der erste Autor, der mit hoher Wortlautgenauigkeit und unter ausdrücklichem Hinweis auf die Quelle zitiert und so als erster eine biblisch-heilsgeschichtliche Theologie entwirft. Bernhard Mutschler untersucht Aufbau und Einheit des dritten Buches sowie die verschiedene Reihenfolge der Evangelien bei Irenäus. Er kommentiert alle bisher identifizierten sowie neu aufgefundenen Bezugnahmen auf das Evangelium nach Johannes, die Johannesbriefe und die Johannesapokalypse.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Septuaginta - Text, Wirkung, Rezeption: 4. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal 19.-22. Juli 2012
Die Septuaginta ist als jüdische Bibelübersetzung ab dem 3. Jh. v. Chr. entstanden. Sie wurde zur zentralen Grundlage des Judentums in der griechisch-hellenistischen Welt und in weiterer Folge für die Verbreitung des Christentums. Sie wurde von den meisten neutestamentlichen Autoren als Grundlage ihrer Schriftzitate benutzt und ist das Alte Testament in den orthodoxen Kirchen. Zudem gibt sie Einblick in das Schriftverständnis und die Theologie des Griechisch sprechenden Judentums in der Antike. In textgeschichtlicher Hinsicht ist sie die wichtigste Quelle neben dem hebräisch-masoretischen Text, zumal sie, anders als die biblischen Texte aus Qumran, vollständig überliefert ist. Die Septuaginta-Forschung bildet einen eigenständigen Bereich neben der Erforschung der hebräischen Bibel und liegt im Schnittfeld mit dem Neuen Testament und mit antiker Geschichte und Religionsgeschichte.Der vorliegende Band enthält Studien zum Text und zur Textgeschichte der Septuaginta, zu ihrer Philologie und Geographie sowie zur Theologie und zur Rezeptionsgeschichte. Er gibt einen Überblick über den gegenwärtigen Forschungsstand und zeigt Perspektiven für die weitere Forschung auf. Der Band ist erwachsen aus einer internationalen Tagung des Projektes Septuaginta Deutsch, die im Juli 2012 in Wuppertal stattfand.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd China's Military Transformation
China�s military transformation is one of the major geo-strategic developments of the 21st Century. Billions of dollars are being spent modernizing The People�s Liberation Army (PLA) as China seeks to upgrade and expand its military capabilities to rival the US. In this cutting-edge analysis, You Ji, a leading expert on China�s military affairs, explores the changes taking places within the PLA today, covering its ground, aerospace and maritime forces, its ability to meet asymmetric threats, and the growing role played by the People�s Armed Police in quelling dissent in China. He shows how these transformations in personnel, technology and strategic goals are slowly driving a wedge between China�s two most powerful institutions. Until recently, relations between the CCP and PLA were harmonious, but as the PLA becomes increasingly professionalized and autonomous so its unconditional loyalty to the ruling Party may weaken. The changing relationship between the CCP and PLA, he argues, is likely to have profound implications for China�s own political development and the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region. Comprehensive and incisive, this timely book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the nature and consequences of China�s military rise.
Peeters Publishers Les Ottomans en Egypte: Historiens et Conquerants au XVIe Siecle
Ce livre montre, a la lumiere d'une documentation turque, arabe et italienne, dans quelles conditions les Ottomans, victorieux des Mamlouks en 1517, installerent leur domination en Egypte. La reduction du pays au rang de province favorisa le renouvellement des elites et la regulation de la violence politique. Les nouveaux maitres assumaient l'heritage mamlouk, et leurs historiens demarquaient les chroniques de l'ancien regime; mais ils avaient a justifier la guerre de conquete menee contre un vieux centre de la civilisation arabo-islamique. L'impact de la provincialisation sur l'ecriture de l'histoire en arabe et en turc, l'identite des elites, le travail de legitimation du pouvoir sont mis ici en lumiere par un mouvement de va-et-vient entre histoire et historiographie. Une attention particuliere est portee a la chronique magnifique et oubliee redigee en turc dans les annees 1540 par 'Abdussamed Diyarbekri, dont on peut lire des extraits en edition bilingue.
Peeters Publishers L'"Imitatio Dei" Dans Le Targum Et La Aggada
L'importance de la notion d'exemple divin dans le judaisme ressort de l'importance des actes et qualites auxquels, des l'Ecriture, elle sert de motif, de son enseignement officiel et populaire dans les Targums, voir de son echo liturgique, et de la multitude des textes qui la developpent. Le Targum, traduction officielle de l'Ecriture, beneficie, grace a l'usage liturgique commun, de certaines prerogatives de celle-la: sacralisation donc fixation relatives. Les enseignements vehicules par le Targum sont ceux qui a l'epoque de leur insertion, ont ete consciemment choisis non seulement comme orthodoxes, mais comme fondamentaux et susceptibles d'une large divulgation. Quel est le moment de l'insertion de la notion d'imitation de Dieu dans le Targum, a quels moments et dans quels contextes historiques et exegetiques le bloc targumique et, auparavant, les elements qui le constituent, se sont elabores, quelles sont, dans ces contextes, les mutations de ce bloc, de ces elements qui l'ont constitue, telles sont les questions qui ont motive cette recherche dans les textes contemporains ou anterieures qui constituent, avec le Targum, la litterature rabbinique.
Peeters Publishers La Raison Du Corps. Ideologie Du Corps Et Representations De L'environnement Chez Les Mirana D'Amazonie Colombienne
Comment rendre compte de la perception de l'environnement propre aux Mirana, societe amerindienne d'Amazonie colombienne? Quel discours portent-ils sur leur corps? Comment construisent-ils la difference des sexes? Qui participe selon eux - et sous quelle forme - a la constitution et au developpement du foetus? Les reponses a ces questions, et d'autres donnees issues d'une enquete de terrain dans lesquelles le materiau mythologique est tres present, construisent la trame de l'ouvrage. Mais en quoi l'ethnographie d'un petit groupe amazonien peut-elle susciter un regard neuf sur des problemes plus generaux de l'anthropologie contemporaine? La facon dont les Mirana pensent leur corps permet de comprendre leur perception de l'environnement, et vice versa. Cela ouvre une piste fructueuse pour l'analyse des processus conceptuels impliques dans l'edification des savoirs. En partant d'un des universaux de l'esprit humain, l'anthropomorphisme, ce livre demonte la logique de connaissance a l'oeuvre au sein d'une societe amazonienne, qui exploite systematiquement les relations instituees entre corps et milieu ambiant. Il debouche sur cette question: avant d'etre organe d'emotion, le corps n'est-il pas raison?
Yale University Press Traders in Men: Merchants and the Transformation of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
A sweeping new history that reveals how British, African, and American merchants developed the transatlantic slave trade “This is a landmark study given its clear status as easily the best researched and most comprehensive book on the British slave trade to date.”—David Eltis, coauthor of Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade “A masterful account of one of the most brutal moments in the history of capitalist modernity. Radburn brilliantly details all aspects of the process of commodification of human beings in the Liverpool slave trade, vividly depicting the long journeys endured by Africans in Africa, across the Atlantic, and in the Americas.”—Leonardo Marques, Universidade Federal Fluminense During the eighteenth century, Britain’s slave trade exploded in size. Formerly a small and geographically constricted business, the trade had, by the eve of the American Revolution, grown into a transatlantic system through which fifty thousand men, women, and children were enslaved every year. In this wide-ranging history, Nicholas Radburn explains how thousands of merchants collectively transformed the slave trade by devising highly efficient but violent new business methods. African brokers developed commercial infrastructure that facilitated the enslavement and sale of millions of people. Britons invented shipping methods that quelled enslaved people’s constant resistance on the Middle Passage. And American slave traders formulated brutal techniques through which shiploads of people could be quickly sold to colonial buyers. Truly Atlantic-wide in its vision, this study shows how the slave trade dragged millions of people into its terrible vortex and became one of the most important phenomena in world history.