Search results for ""Sage Publications""
Sage Publications Ltd Economies of Design
How are the rise of design and neoliberalism connected? How does design change the way we operate as economic beings? What is the economic significance of design? Historically, design has been promoted for its for its capacity to add value to products and services. In contemporary capitalism, however, it assumes a more central and more complex role. Design today is both influenced by, and actively shapes, our economic systems. This ground-breaking book shines a spotlight on how design has become embedded in political economies. It reveals the multiple ways in which design has emerged as a vital feature of neoliberal economic systems, from urban strategies to commercial processes to government policy-making. Drawing on a range of global examples, Guy Julier: explains the economic processes of design explores the relationship between design and intellectual property discusses the role of design in the public sector highlights the impact of design in informal and alternative economies brings theory to life with case studies on home improvements, fast fashion, shopping centres and more. Economies of Design provides a thought-provoking new way of understanding and talking about the meanings of design in contemporary capitalism. It is an essential companion for students of design and the creative industries across the arts, humanities and social sciences.
SAGE Publications Inc Management Fundamentals - International Student Edition: Concepts, Applications, and Skill Development
Packed with experiential exercises, self-assessments, and group activities, the Ninth Edition of Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Applications, and Skill Development develops essential management skills students can use in their personal and professional lives. Bestselling author Robert N. Lussier uses the most current examples to illustrate management concepts in today’s ever-changing business world. This fully updated new edition provides new coverage of important topics like generational differences, sexual harassment, AI, and cybersecurity. Students learn about management in the real world with 18 new cases, including cases on the NBA, H&M, Netflix, and Peleton. .
SAGE Publications Inc Urban Planning Theory since 1945
Following the Second World War, modern systems of urban and regional planning were established in Britain and most other developed countries. In this book, Nigel Taylor describes the changes in planning thought which have taken place since then. He outlines the main theories of planning, from the traditional view of urban planning as an exercise in physical design, to the systems and rational process views of planning of the 1960s; from Marxist accounts of the role of planning in capitalist society in the 1970s, to theories about planning implementation, and more recent views of planning as a form of `communicative action′.
SAGE Publications Inc Child Development From Infancy to Adolescence International Student Edition
The active learning features integrated within this book foster a truly dynamic and personal learning process for students. Within each chapter, authors Laura E. Levine and Joyce Munsch introduce students to a wide range of real-world applications of psychological research to child development. The in-text pedagogical features and the accompanying ancillary package will help students discover the excitement of studying child development and equip them with skills they can use long after completing the course.
SAGE Publications, Inc Human Resource Management
An exploration into the important strategic function HR plays in today's organizations that uses a wide variety of applications, self-assessments, and experiential exercises to help students develop the skills they need to recruit, select, train, and development talent.
Sage Publications Ltd Primary Science Knowledge and Understanding
All the subject knowledge you need to teach primary science. The essential subject knowledge text for primary science. Secure subject knowledge and understanding is the foundation of confident, creative and effective teaching. This comprehensive text, covering the whole primary curriculum, includes interactive tasks, self-assessment questions and links to other resources in all chapters. Primary science matters. This 10th edition includes links to the ITT Core Content Framework and new content on children’s common misconceptions in science.
Sage Publications Ltd Promoting Good Progress in Primary Schools
What does ''Good progress'' in primary schools look like? How do new teachers ensure they are planning for it? How can they evidence it? This text is a focused exploration of, and guide to, the concept of ''progress'' for trainee primary school teachers and their mentors. It examines what we mean by ''good progress'' in the context of the CCF and other frameworks and accountabilities operating in primary schools today. It outlines different understandings of progress, explores the relationship with other concepts such as knowledge, curriculum and assessment, and highlights the links between progress and social justice. Offers practical support for trainees on how to plan for, identify, promote, evidence and communicate information about progress.
Sage Publications Ltd Medicines Management for Nursing Associates
The first medicines management textbook for trainee nursing associates! Effectively managing and administering medicines is a core responsibility for all nursing associates. This book covers everything a trainee nursing associate needs to master, from understanding the fundamental legal and professional requirements to developing essential drug calculations skills. This often-overwhelming subject is broken down into manageable chunks, with students taken step-by-step through the theory before practicing what they’ve learnt with the help of insightful case studies and activities. Key features: Written specifically to address the unique experiences, challenges and requirements of the nursing associate role and fully mapped to the NMC standards of proficiency (2018). Activities help trainees get to grips with the key skills and responsibilities of the role and allow them to practice calculations
Sage Publications Ltd Social Work and Human Development
Social work engages with people across the life course, and social workers are expected to work with groups of people at very different stages of their life. Developing a thorough understanding of human growth to encompass the whole of the life course is therefore a central part of all qualifying social work training and practice. A clear favourite among students and lecturers, this bestselling book introduces the main theoretical models in a clear and accessible way before applying them to various stages of the life course. From infants to older adults, the author uses case studies and practice examples to bring social work methods, skills and principles to life.
Sage Publications Ltd The SAGE Handbook of Historical Geography
Historical geography is an active, theoretically-informed and vibrant field of scholarly work within modern geography, with strong and constantly evolving connections with disciplines across the humanities and social sciences. Across two volumes, The SAGE Handbook of Historical Geography provides you with an an international and cross-disciplinary overview of the field, presenting chapters that examine the history, present condition and future potential of the discipline in relation to recent developments and research.
Sage Publications Ltd Essential Social Psychology
From aggression to altruism, prejudice to persuasion, Essential Social Psychology 4e introduces students to the classic studies, the controversial debates and innovative research that define social psychology today. It gives students what they need to know about the key areas of social psychology whilst also demonstrating its relevance to current, real world events. New to this edition: Coverage of social neuroscience Inclusion of evolutionary psychology ‘Back to the Real World’ boxes which situate academic findings in the real life context of the world around you Online, there are resources for students which create a complete learning experience to help students build confidence and apply their knowledge successfully in assignments and exams. You′ll also find teaching materials to help every week which can be easily incorporated into your VLE.
SAGE Publications Ltd Researching Gender
Researching Gender is a comprehensive collection of well-regarded, seminal articles in the field of feminist methodology that will be an essential resource for academics and advanced students in this field.
Sage Publications Ltd Intergroup Relations
One of the most globally recognised sub-disciplines of social psychology is the field of intergroup relations, which has a strong relationship with both sociology and political science given its preponderance with themes such as prejudice, discrimination, multiculturalism and the relationship between social groups. This new four-volume major work presents a comprehensive and authoritative collection of both classic and contemporary readings in intergroup relations. Each volume is opened by an introductory chapter which provides the reader with an overview of the primary topics covered therein, and the rationale behind the editor’s selection. Whilst the volumes are organized around the broad research themes of intergroup relations, the papers are carefully structured so that together they tell the story of how intergroup relations research has evolved within social psychology. Volume One: Cognitive Processes
SAGE Publications Inc Belonging in School
Unlock a treasure trove of learning—make room for belonging in schoolBelonging is an instinctual feeling: you know when you feel it—and you really know when you don’t. Creating a sense of belonging in the classroom has a significant impact on student learning and well-being; it serves as a gatekeeper for other aspects of learning to take root. But how do we create classrooms and schools where every student knows they belong?This easy-to-use, illustrated playbook has you covered. 11 evidence-based modules feature actions and strategies that teachers can apply to help students feel more included. Interactive features such as essential questions and reflective prompts are designed to engage educators and deepen their understanding of the importance of connection and belonging in a student''s educational experience. Readers will find Detailed coverage of the 11 dimensions of belonging
SAGE Publications Ltd Interpreting Interviews
Using eight original metaphors, this text presents a critique of interviewing methods and practices and encourages researchers to think about the issues surrounding their interview method.
SAGE Publications Inc Organizational Ethics: A Practical Approach
SAGE Publications Ltd Managing and Organizations Paperback with Interactive eBook
A realist's guide to management, the authors capture the complex life of organizations, providing not only an account of theories, but also an introduction to their practice with examples from everyday life and culture discussing the key themes and debates along the way.
Sage Publications Ltd Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics
With an exciting new look, new characters to meet, and its unique combination of humour and step-by-step instruction, this award-winning book is the statistics lifesaver for everyone. From initial theory through to regression, factor analysis and multilevel modelling, Andy Field animates statistics and SPSS software with his famously bizarre examples and activities. What's brand new: A radical new design with original illustrations and even more colour A maths diagnostic tool tohelp students establish what areas they need to revise and improve on. A revamped online resource that usesvideo, case studies, datasets, testbanks and more to help students negotiate project work, master data management techniques, and apply key writing and employability skills New sections on replication, open science and Bayesian thinking Now fully up to date withlatest versions ofIBM SPSS Statistics. All
SAGE Publications Inc Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design (International Student Edition): Choosing Among Five Approaches
In the Fourth Edition of this bestselling book, John W Creswell and new co-author Cheryl N Poth explore the philosophical underpinnings, history and key elements of each of five qualitative inquiry traditions: narrative research, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography and case study - putting them side by side, so that we can see the differences. The authors relate research designs to each of the traditions of enquiry. They compare theoretical frameworks and ways to employ standards of quality, as well as strategies for writing introductions to studies, collecting data, analyzing data, writing a narrative and verifying results. New in this edition: Updated materials on each tradition More on interpretive frameworks and ethics More visual depictions of the five approaches Two new topical articles in Chapter 5, reproduced in full in the appendices.
SAGE Publications Inc Digging Deeper Into Action Research
Take your great idea to the next level with action researchHowand whencan we find time to conduct meaningful action research? Great ideas and thought-provoking questions can only blossom through methodical inquiry. Nancy Fichtman Dana steps in as your action-research coach and leads you on a journey through wonderings to real change in your classroom. From framing your question to presenting your research, this guide will encourage, challenge, and ultimately lead you through the action research process. Teachers, students, and action-research coaches alike will learn how to:• Reframe initial wonderings into pointed inquiries Creatively analyze both qualitative and quantitative data Draw action-research topics out of ordinary discussions with colleagues Share findings with others to help them improve as wellWith real-life vignettes, self-guided worksheets, and an included DVD, Digging Deeper int
Sage Publications Ltd Discovering Statistics Using R
Keeping the uniquely humorous and self-deprecating style that has made students across the world fall in love with Andy Field′s books, Discovering Statistics Using R takes students on a journey of statistical discovery using R, a free, flexible and dynamically changing software tool for data analysis that is becoming increasingly popular across the social and behavioural sciences throughout the world. The journey begins by explaining basic statistical and research concepts before a guided tour of the R software environment. Next you discover the importance of exploring and graphing data, before moving onto statistical tests that are the foundations of the rest of the book (for example correlation and regression). You will then stride confidently into intermediate level analyses such as ANOVA, before ending your journey with advanced techniques such as MANOVA and multilevel models. Although there is enough theory to help you gain the necessary conceptual understanding of what you′re doing, the emphasis is on applying what you learn to playful and real-world examples that should make the experience more fun than you might expect. Like its sister textbooks, Discovering Statistics Using R is written in an irreverent style and follows the same ground-breaking structure and pedagogical approach. The core material is augmented by a cast of characters to help the reader on their way, together with hundreds of examples, self-assessment tests to consolidate knowledge, and additional website material for those wanting to learn more. Given this book′s accessibility, fun spirit, and use of bizarre real-world research it should be essential for anyone wanting to learn about statistics using the freely-available R software.
SAGE Publications Inc The Elementary School Principal′s Calendar: A Month-by-Month Planner for the School Year
Get organized, plan effectively, and keep your school running smoothly!Developed for both aspiring and experienced elementary school principals, this unique resource-updated from the top-selling first edition-lays out everyday challenges and administrative necessities to help you plan strategically for the academic year. This month-by-month planning tool, designed by veteran administrators, helps you get off on the right foot in July to set your course for a successful school year. Its emphasis is to help principals develop the skills to foresee future calendar events, and to put into operation specific plans to maintain a calm learning environment. Chapters cover key tasks for each month, beginning in July, and contain: Overview of tasks Communications-letters, memos, correspondence, media relations, including sample documents Planning-workshops, orientations, field trips, fundraising activities Personnel-assignments, schedules, rosters, tenure recommendations Checklists to monitor progress with an assortment of tasks Resources to proactively plan and execute effective and decisive leadership The Elementary School Principal′s Calendar offers a handy checklist for each month and the flexibility for modification, helping busy administrators avoid reinventing the wheel each year. It′s an essential handbook for every principal faced with the complex challenge of managing all aspects of school administration!
SAGE Publications Inc Teaching Reading: A Playbook for Developing Skilled Readers Through Word Recognition and Language Comprehension
The comprehensive guide you can trust for evidence-based reading practices It′s settled science: developing skilled readers can enhance students’ lives. That’s why renowned educators Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Diane Lapp wrote this resource with the urgency of a code blue in an ER—because too many children, for many reasons, struggle with learning to become strong readers. Designed to be a one-stop shop for best practices, Teaching Reading is concise, encyclopedic, and essential. Thirteen interactive modules provide easy to read ideas to support you teaching every child to read very well. You will learn how to: Focus on two critical aspects of reading—word recognition and language comprehension. Select the best activities to support students in grades K-6 to learn letters and sound relationships. Provide developing readers with the most effective oral, written, and reading experiences. Recharge your confidence and craft with uplifting new research findings from neuroscience, cognitive science, and child development. Clear up confusions about phonics progressions, reading fluency, morphology, text selection, grammar, and more. Develop background knowledge, vocabulary, and comprehension instruction. Be up to date on how to help students attain deeper levels of comprehension by applying Theory of Mind and other cutting-edge ideas. Reading is a thrilling but complex process. It involves a heady mix of skills, schema, self-concept, and social dimensions. To give all students the chance to reap its rewards, we need a go-big kind of resource. This is it.
Sage Publications Ltd Leading and Managing in the Early Years
…a major contribution to the limited literature and research on leadership in childhood education.′ - Professor Tony Bush, Editor of Educational Management, Administration and Leadership. ′This important book focuses clearly on evidence, describing the realities of leading and managing settings in times of rapid policy changes. Carol Aubrey manages to combine theory, research and practice in a book that will be invaluable to a new generation of early years professionals.′ - Angela Anning, Emeritus Professor of Early Childhood Education, University of Leeds, UK ′..skilfully draws on sound empirical research to present a grounded theory model for leadership in early years education. ….of interest to researchers, students and practitioners internationally.′ - Professor Nithi Muthukrishna, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa This Second Edition of Leading and Managing in the Early Years explores and integrates leadership and management practice with a real understanding of early years settings. Revised and updated, this new edition includes: - Two new chapters on private day care and reflective practice and action research - Further coverage of reflective practice and reflective leadership skills - More on EYPS as well as integrated centre leadership - Practical suggestions for working with resistant groups and individuals. Carol Aubrey investigates different concepts and characteristics of Early Childhood (EC) leadership as well as the roles and responsibilities of EC leaders. She also explores the types of leadership programmes or development which are needed to maximise the effectiveness of EC leaders. This book is essential reading for students in Early Childhood courses, Early Years Practitioners and local authority employees involved with the integrated centres initiative. Carol Aubrey is Professor of Early Childhood Studies at the University of Warwick.
Sage Publications Ltd Key Concepts in Leadership
What are the main characteristics of effective leadership? How can we understand leadership today? This wide-ranging, inter-disciplinary book provides readers with a complete introduction to the essentials of leadership. Included here are accessible and insightful entries on what leadership is, how it is practised and the relevant strengths and pitfalls. The book provides a one stop introductory guide to one of the most central and contested concepts in the social sciences. An invaluable reference tool, this book offers insight into issues such as: • Are leaders born or made? • Authoritarian versus participative leadership • The psychology of leaders and followers • Leadership development • Leadership styles, skills and functions • Leadership in practice This book is an indispensable guide to the central concepts of leadership for professionals and students alike.
Sage Publications Ltd The Sociology of Religion: A Critical Agenda
Why is religion still important? Can we be fully modern and fully religious? In this new edition, Davie follows up her discussion of the meaning of religion in modern society and considers how best to research and understand this relationship. Exploring the rapid movements within the sociology of religion today, this revised and updated book: • Describes the origins of the sociology of religion • Demystifies secularization as a process and a theory • Relates religion to modern social theory • Unpacks the meaning of religion in relation to modernity and globalization • Grasps the methodological challenges in the field • Provides a comparative perspective for religions in the west • Introduces questions of minorities and margins • Sets out a critical agenda for debate and research The Sociology of Religion has already proved itself as one of the most important titles within the field; this edition will ensure that it remains an indispensable resource for students and researchers alike.
Sage Publications Ltd Designing Research in the Social Sciences
This innovative research design text will help you make informed choices when carrying out your research project. Covering both qualitative and quantitative approaches, and with examples drawn from a wide range of social science disciplines, the authors explain what is at stake when choosing a research design, and discuss the trade-offs that researchers have to make when considering issues such as: - causality - categories and classification - heterogeneity - interdependence - time This book will appeal to students and researchers looking for an in-depth understanding of research design issues to help them design their projects in a thoughtful and responsible way.
Sage Publications Ltd Introducing Survival and Event History Analysis
Introducing Survival Analysis and Event History Analysis is an accessible, practical and comprehensive guide for researchers and students who want to understand the basics of survival and event history analysis and apply these methods without getting entangled in mathematical and theoretical technicalities. Inside, readers are offered a blueprint for their entire research project from data preparation to model selection and diagnostics. Engaging, easy to read, functional and packed with enlightening examples, ′hands-on′ exercises and resources for both students and instructors, Introducing Survival Analysis and Event History Analysis allows researchers to quickly master these advanced statistical techniques. This book is written from the perspective of the ′user′, making it suitable as both a self-learning tool and graduate-level textbook. Introducing Survival Analysis and Event History Analysis covers the most up-to-date innovations in the field, including advancements in the assessment of model fit, frailty and recurrent event models, discrete-time methods, competing and multistate models and sequence analysis. Practical instructions are also included, focusing on the statistical program R and Stata, enabling readers to replicate the examples described in the text. This book comes with a glossary, a range of practical and user-friendly examples, cases and exercises.
Sage Publications Ltd Successful Teaching Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector
This book provides clear guidance on how to approach initial teaching experience, how to plan effective sessions, how to work well with your mentor and how to make the most out of your new career. Through focusing on the real-life experiences of both in-service and pre-service trainee teachers, it offers the opportunity to reflect on and learn from an array of diverse teaching practice experiences from a wide range of vocational areas including construction, hair and beauty, Early Years, psychology, performing arts, law, English, Skills for Life and engineering.
Sage Publications Ltd Working with Distressed Young People
Anyone working in the caring professions and education who wishes to understand the causes of difficult, disturbing and dangerous behaviour in young people and to find out how to change it, will find this book useful. It shows how distress and disturbance is created in young people, causing their behaviour to become difficult and problematic not only to adults but also to themselves and to wider society. Using the latest evidence-based theories, the reader will learn how to detect and diagnose problems and work out strategies for helping young people in distress.
Sage Publications Ltd Empowerment and Participation in Youth Work
In today′s society, many young people feel marginalised and unable to find their own voice. It is vital therefore that youth workers are able to work with them to tackle this in a meaningful way. Drawing on the real experiences and difficulties faced by youth workers, this book will help those who want to work with young people in an empowering way. The concepts of empowerment and participation are explained, explored and critically analysed, along with the key notion of resilience. This is backed up by activities and case studies which help to bring together the theory and the practice.
SAGE Publications Inc Lobbying and Policymaking: The Public Pursuit of Private Interests
Spurred by the disconnect between what was being taught in the classroom and actual practice, Godwin, Ainsworth, and Godwin set out to answer the question, "Was political science missing some key aspects of the interactions between lobbyists and policy makers?" Built on interviews with over 100 lobbyists, these authors show that much of the research on organized interests overlooks the lobbying of regulatory agencies even though it accounts for almost half of all lobbying—even though bureaucratic agencies have considerable leeway in the how they choose to implement law. This groundbreaking new book argues that lobbying activity is not mainly a struggle among competing interests over highly collective goods; rather, it′s the public provision of private goods. And more to the point, this shift in understanding influences our perception of the strengths and weaknesses of American democracy. Through a series of highly readable case studies, the authors employ both neopluralist and exchange perspectives to explore the lobbying activity that occurs in the later stages of the policymaking process which are typically less partisan, involve little conflict, and receive scant public attention. Lobbying and Policymaking sheds new light on lobbying influence on the policy process, and is an ideal way to expose students to cutting-edge research in an accessible, fascinating package.
SAGE Publications Inc Classroom-Ready Rich Math Tasks, Grades 2-3: Engaging Students in Doing Math
Detailed plans for helping elementary students experience deep mathematical learning Do you work tirelessly to make your math lessons meaningful, challenging, accessible, and engaging? Do you spend hours you don’t have searching for, adapting, and creating tasks to provide rich experiences for your students that supplement your mathematics curriculum? Help has arrived! Classroom Ready-Rich Math Tasks for Grades 2-3 details research- and standards-aligned, high-cognitive-demand tasks that will have your students doing deep-problem-based learning. These ready-to-implement, engaging tasks connect skills, concepts and practices, while encouraging students to reason, problem-solve, discuss, explore multiple solution pathways, connect multiple representations, and justify their thinking. They help students monitor their own thinking and connect the mathematics they know to new situations. In other words, these tasks allow students to truly do mathematics! Written with a strengths-based lens and an attentiveness to all students, this guide includes: • Complete task-based lessons, referencing mathematics standards and practices, vocabulary, and materials • Downloadable planning tools, student resource pages, and thoughtful questions, and formative assessment prompts • Guidance on preparing, launching, facilitating, and reflecting on each task • Notes on access and equity, focusing on students’ strengths, productive struggle, and distance or alternative learning environments. With concluding guidance on adapting or creating additional rich tasks for your students, this guide will help you give all of your students the deepest, most enriching and engaging mathematics learning experience possible.
SAGE Publications Inc The Math Pact, Elementary: Achieving Instructional Coherence Within and Across Grades
A school-wide solution for students’ mathematics success! Do you sometimes start to teach a mathematics concept and feel like you’re staring at a sea of bewildered faces? What happens when you discover students previously learned a calculation trick or a mnemonic that has muddied their long-term understanding? When "rules" seem to change from year to year, teacher to teacher, or school to school, mathematics can seem like a disconnected mystery for students. Clear up the confusion with a Mathematics Whole-School Agreement! Expanded from the highly popular "Rules that Expire" series of NCTM articles, this essential guide leads educators through the collaborative step-by-step process of establishing a coherent and consistent learner-centered and equitable approach to mathematics instruction. Through this work, you will identify, streamline, and become passionate about using clear and consistent mathematical language, notations, representations, rules, and generalizations within and across classrooms and grades. Importantly, you’ll learn to avoid "rules that expire"—tricks that may seem to help students in one grade but hurt in the long run. Features of this book include · Abundant grade-specific examples · Effective working plans for sustainability · Barrier-busting tips, to-dos, and try-it-outs · Practical templates and checklists · PLC prompts and discussion points When teachers unite across grades, students hit the ground running every year. Take the next step together as a team and help all your students build on existing understanding to find new success and most importantly, love learning and doing mathematics!
SAGE Publications Inc The Psychology of Sex and Gender
Meeting the needs of gender science today, The Psychology of Sex and Gender provides students with balanced coverage of men and women that is grounded in psychological science. The dynamic author team of Jennifer K. Bosson, Camille E. Buckner, and Joseph A. Vandello paints a complete, vibrant picture of the field through the presentation of classic and cutting-edge research, historical contexts, examples from pop culture, cross-cultural universality and variation, and coverage of nonbinary identities. In keeping with the growing scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL), the text encourages students to identify and evaluate their own myths and misconceptions, participate in real-world debates, and pause to think critically along the way. The thoroughly revised Second Edition integrates an expanded focus on diversity and inclusion, enhances pedagogy based on SOTL, and provides the most up-to-date scientific findings in the field.
SAGE Publications Inc Built to Last: The School Leader′s Guide for Sustaining Change While Managing Resistance
Building change for the long game It’s natural to resist change – but when we fundamentally commit to putting our students first, we must also commit to make lasting changes in current practice. Can we lead individuals and school teams to embrace strategic effort and lasting growth despite challenging circumstances and inevitable resistance? For school leaders willing to change their behavior on behalf of their teams, the answer is Yes! This practical, thoughtful book builds on what we already know about change, invites reflection, and provides guidance to develop changes that will last. Readers will learn to: Organize and create conditions in which staff and students flourish Focus on phases of change and address the critical leadership practices that will simultaneously move change forward and address the kinds of resistance that may appear Apply two long-term stories of district change to their own particular contexts, so they can avoid mistakes and focus on strategies that work Create their own relationship-rich, personalized path for leading and managing change We can build more reliable and effective changes in schools by ensuring steady progress over time. Dig into this informative book to discover the what, how, and why of a holistic change architecture to move your teams toward impactful changes that will stand the test of time.
SAGE Publications Inc The On-Your-Feet Guide to Disciplinary Literacy in Mathematics
All On-Your-Feet Guide orders receive FREE SHIPPING! Use code SHIPOYFG at check out. Math has its own specialized language. Mathematicians write in symbols, read patterns, and think in terms of visual or abstract ideas. With a disciplinary literacy approach, math teachers can focus on teaching their specialized content by showing students the literacies that truly support mathematical thinking – so students can read, write, think, investigate, and communicate as mathematicians. This On-Your-Feet Guide will help teachers: Plan instruction that engages students’ natural inquiry and curiosity; Apprentice students toward deeper understanding of mathematical concepts, terms, symbols, and patterns; Help students use their new learning to create, communicate, and act as mathematicians; Teach skills required by mathematical standards and frameworks; and Start working with colleagues to design instructional units that incorporate both mathematics and literacy skills. On-Your-Feet Guides (OYFGs) provide you with the ultimate "cheat sheet" to implement effective change in your classroom while in the moment of teaching. Designed for accessibility, and providing step-by-step guidance, the OYFGs are written by experts who take research-based practices and make them doable for the busy teacher. Each On-Your-Feet Guide is laminated, 8.5"x11" tri-fold (6 pages), and 3-hole punched. Use the On-Your-Feet Guides When you know the "what" but need help with the "how" As a quick reference to support a practice you learned in a PD workshop or book To learn how to implement foundational practices When you want to help your students learn a specific strategy, routine, or approach, but aren’t sure how to do it yourself
SAGE Publications Inc The On-Your-Feet Guide to Teaching Argument Writing
All On-Your-Feet Guide orders receive FREE SHIPPING! Use code SHIPOYFG at check out. In this brief but comprehensive guide to teaching argument writing, teachers will learn why teaching argument is important, the elements of formal argument, and how to get started with their own students in sections that include planning, assessing, and troubleshooting. Also provided: a semantic differential scale, scenario, and language frames to help jumpstart your first lesson. From this guide, teachers will receive: tools for assessment an If-Then chart that helps teachers troubleshoot common problems coaching to use Toulmin prompts to elicit the elements of argument from students. On-Your-Feet Guides (OYFGs) provide you with the ultimate "cheat sheet" to implement effective change in your classroom while in the moment of teaching. Designed for accessibility, and providing step-by-step guidance, the OYFGs are written by experts who take research-based practices and make them doable for the busy teacher. Each On-Your-Feet Guide is laminated, 8.5"x11" tri-fold (6 pages), and 3-hole punched. Use the On-Your-Feet Guides • When you know the "what" but need help with the "how" • As a quick reference to support a practice you learned in a PD workshop or book • To learn how to implement foundational practices • When you want to help your students learn a specific strategy, routine, or approach, but aren’t sure how to do it yourself
SAGE Publications Inc The On-Your-Feet Guide to Visible Learning: Assessment-Capable Teachers
All On-Your-Feet Guide orders receive FREE SHIPPING! Use code SHIPOYFG at check out. Developing learners who know where they are in their learning, where they’re going, and how to get there—in other words, learners who are assessment-capable—is one of the principal aims of Visible Learning. However, we cannot help students be assessment-capable learners if teachers are not assessment-capable themselves. Teachers create assessment-capable learners through various targeted "moves" designed to: Increase teacher clarity Use the right teaching strategies at the right time Provide effective feedback to learners Model effective learning strategies themselves On-Your-Feet Guides (OYFGs) provide you with the ultimate "cheat sheet" to implement effective change in your classroom while in the moment of teaching. Designed for accessibility, and providing step-by-step guidance, the OYFGs are written by experts who take research-based practices and make them doable for the busy teacher. Each On-Your-Feet Guide is laminated, 8.5"x11" tri-fold (6 pages), and 3-hole punched. Use the On-Your-Feet Guides When you know the "what" but need help with the "how" As a quick reference to support a practice you learned in a PD workshop or book To learn how to implement foundational practices When you want to help your students learn a specific strategy, routine, or approach, but aren’t sure how to do it yourself
SAGE Publications Inc Classroom Assessment in Multiple Languages: A Handbook for Teachers
What if multilingual learners had the freedom to interact in more than one language with their peers during classroom assessment? What if multilingual learners and their teachers in dual language settings had opportunities to use assessment data in multiple languages to make decisions? Just imagine the rich linguistic, academic, and cultural reservoirs we could tap as we determine what our multilingual learners know and can do. Thankfully, Margo Gottlieb is here to provide concrete and actionable guidance on how to create assessment systems that enable understanding of the whole student, not just that fraction of the student who is only visible as an English learner. With Classroom Assessment in Multiple Languages as your guide, you’ll: Better understand the rationale for and evidence on the value and advantages of classroom assessment in multiple languages Add to your toolkit of classroom assessment practices in one or multiple languages Be more precise and effective in your assessment of multilingual learners by embedding assessment as, for, and of learning into your instructional repertoire Recognize how social-emotional, content, and language learning are all tied to classroom assessment Guide multilingual learners in having voice and choice in the assessment process Despite the urgent need, assessment for multilingual learners is generally tucked into a remote chapter, if touched upon at all in a book; the number of resources narrows even more when multiple languages are brought into play. Here at last is that single resource on how educators and multilingual learners can mutually value languages and cultures in instruction and assessment throughout the school day and over time. We encourage you to get started right away. “Margo Gottlieb has demonstrated why the field, particularly the field as it involves the teaching of multilingual learners, needs another assessment book, particularly a book like this. . . . Classroom Assessment in Multiple Languages quite likely could serve as a catalyst toward the beginning of an enlightened discourse around assessment that will benefit multilingual learners.” ~Kathy Escamilla
SAGE Publications Inc The On-Your-Feet Guide to Building Authentic Student-Teacher Relationships
All On-Your-Feet Guide orders receive FREE SHIPPING! Use code SHIPOYFG at check out. This On-Your-Feet Guide provides tested strategies for building authentic relationships with your students. These authentic relationships between students and adults ensure that students know that they are valued, respected, and trusted. Authentic relationships help students grow as individuals and they help educators grow as professionals. And, there is evidence that student-teacher relationships work to improve learning with an effect size of .52, above Hattie’s average effect of .40. An authentic relationship requires, time, effort, trust, and love. When this bond is built, it is hard for anything to eliminate that. Our goal in this guide is to help you: understand the importance of relationships identify ways to create productive relationships with students identify ways maintain productive relationships with students On-Your-Feet Guides (OYFGs) provide you with the ultimate "cheat sheet" to implement effective change in your classroom while in the moment of teaching. Designed for accessibility, and providing step-by-step guidance, the OYFGs are written by experts who take research-based practices and make them doable for the busy teacher. Each On-Your-Feet Guide is laminated, 8.5"x11" tri-fold (6 pages), and 3-hole punched. Use the On-Your-Feet Guides • When you know the "what" but need help with the "how" • As a quick reference to support a practice you learned in a PD workshop or book • To learn how to implement foundational practices • When you want to help your students learn a specific strategy, routine, or approach, but aren’t sure how to do it yourself
SAGE Publications Inc Collective Student Efficacy: Developing Independent and Inter-Dependent Learners
Arm students with the confidence they need to pursue ambitious goals—together. Collective student efficacy— students’ beliefs that by working with other people, they will learn more—can be a powerful accelerator of student learning and a precursor to future employment success. Harnessing twenty-five years of VISIBLE LEARNING® research, Collective Student Efficacy: Developing Independent and Inter-Dependent Learners illuminates the power of collective efficacy and identifies the many ways teachers can activate collective efficacy with their students. More than cooperative and collaborative learning, collective efficacy requires the refinement of both individual and collective tasks that build on each other over time. This innovative book details how knowledge, skills, and dispositions entangle to create collective and individual beliefs, and leads educators to mobilize collective efficacy in the classroom. It includes: The vital components and evidence-based success criteria necessary for students′ collective efficacy The "I" and "We" skills that need to be developed to ensure students have the skills and confidence to contribute to group success The nature of learning design, lesson planning, and classroom structures that ensure opportunities for all students to engage in collective efficacy The necessity for constructive alignment between learning intentions, tasks, success criteria, and assessments "Learning from a Distance" actions to facilitate building skills in remote learning environments The time is now to prepare students to meet the demands of the future. Through collective student efficacy, students will learn to become actionable agents of learning and change.
SAGE Publications Inc Utilization-Focused Evaluation
The Fifth Edition of the bestselling Utilization-Focused Evaluation provides expert, detailed advice on conducting evaluations that promote effective use of the findings. Chock full of useful pedagogy, this book presents Michael Quinn Patton′s distinctive opinions based on more than forty years of experience, and also the expertise of new co-author Charmagne E. Campbell-Patton. The authors begin by describing the essence of utilization-focused evaluation, and then outline 10 operating principles. They conclude with chapters focused on how evaluation can be used to promote a more thoughtful, equitable, and sustainable world. Richly illustrated with examples, figures, and cartoons, this engaging text shows readers how to design and conduct evaluations that provide useful findings, and which contribute to a more equitable society. A companion website is available to accompany this book.
SAGE Publications Inc Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere
The best-selling Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere provides a comprehensive introduction to the growing field of environmental communication. This groundbreaking book focuses on the role that human communication plays in influencing the ways we perceive the environment. Authors Phaedra C. Pezzullo and Robert Cox examine how we define what constitutes an environmental problem and how we decide what actions to take concerning the natural world. The Sixth Edition explores recent events and research, including fast fashion, global youth climate strikes, biodiversity loss, disability rights advocacy, single-use plastic ban controversies, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
SAGE Publications Inc Educational Research - International Student Edition: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches
Educational Research offers a comprehensive, easily digestible introduction to research methods for undergraduate and graduate students. Readers will develop an understanding of the multiple research methods and strategies used in education and related fields, including how to read and critically evaluate published research and how to write a proposal, construct a questionnaire, and conduct an empirical research study on their own. The Seventh Edition maintains the features that made this book a best-seller, including attention-grabbing chapter-opening vignettes, lively examples that engage student interest, a conversational and friendly writing style, and more. With the support of this highly readable text, readers will transform into critical consumers and users of research.
SAGE Publications Inc A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis - International Student Edition: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving
Eugene Bardach and co-author Eric Patashnik draw on more than 40 years of experience teaching students to be effective, accurate, and persuasive policy analysts. This bestselling handbook presents dozens of concrete tips, interesting case studies, and step-by-step strategies for the budding analyst as well as the seasoned professional.
SAGE Publications Inc Media and Communication Research Methods - International Student Edition: An Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
This step-by-step introduction to conducting media and communication research offers practical insights along with the author’s signature lighthearted style to make discussion of qualitative and quantitative methods easy to comprehend. The Fifth Edition of Media and Communication Research Methods includes a new chapter on discourse analysis; expanded discussion of social media, including discussion of the ethics of Facebook experiments; and expanded coverage of the research process with new discussion of search strategies and best practices for analyzing research articles. Ideal for research students at both the graduate and undergraduate level, this proven book is clear, concise, and accompanied by just the right number of detailed examples, useful applications, and valuable exercises to help students to understand, and master, media and communication research.
SAGE Publications Inc Proposal Writing: Effective Grantsmanship for Funding
The updated Sixth Edition of the best-selling Proposal Writing: Effective Grantsmanship for Funding offers a fresh, robust presentation of the basics of program design and proposal writing for community services funding. Authors Soraya M. Coley, Cynthia A. Scheinberg, and new co-author Yulia A. Levites Strekalova help readers develop the knowledge they need to understand community agencies, identify and describe community needs, identify funding sources, develop a viable program evaluation, prepare a simple line-item budget, and write a compelling need statement. The jargon-free, step-by-step presentation makes the book as useful to students in the university classroom as to first-time grant writers in the nonprofit setting. The new edition adds activities that can be done individually or in class to build students′ skills and apply the chapter material.