Search results for ""Author Cl"
Austin Macauley Publishers The Doggy Dog Stories
Manic D Press,U.S. Avanti Popolo: Italian-American Writers Sail Beyond Columbus
Schmidt Hermann Verlag The Worlds Best Typography
Schmidt Hermann Verlag The Worlds Best Typography
Ediciones Idea Reales academias
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Hypomnemata.: La fin du monde des héros dans les épopées homériques
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Frontinus and the Curae of the Curator Aquarum
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Onitsha
Thorndike Press Large Print The Wild Robot
Dcc-Wirtschaftsdienst DCCStellplatzführer 202324
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Der Afrikaner
Books on Demand Problemkind: Notizbuch eines Schülers
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Fliehender Stern
ISTE Editions Ltd Les ArchcEs MicroOrganismes Du Troisime Domaine Du Vivant 2 Biologie MolcCulaire Des ArchcEs de la Maintenance Des GcNomes La RcGulation de lExpression Des Gnes
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Decorative Art of Limoges Porcelain and Boxes
The story of porcelain making and decorating in Limoges, France, is a tale of artists and potters; kings and an emperor; a revolution; and the emergence of a great industry. Limoges comes to life in over 1,100 photographs of porcelain and porcelain marks made over the past 100 plus years, concentrating on pieces dating from the 1860s to the present day. Along with a discussion of the manufacturing and decorating of both fine porcelain pieces and boxes, there is a full section dedicated to Limoges companies and their manufacturing and decorating marks. Captions include price guides. A fine index turns a lovely illustrated book into a valuable reference tool. All the photos of porcelain and boxes are in color.
HarperCollins Publishers Maths Puzzles Ages 78
Level: KS2 Subject: Maths Children will have hours of fun solving these maths puzzles and brain teasing activities. Written to support the primary curriculum, each puzzle is designed to test their problem-solving skills and logical thinking.
Gallaudet University Press,U.S. Deaf Epistemologies, Identity, and Learning: A Comparative Perspective
Goedele A. M. De Clerck presents cross-cultural comparative research that examines and documents where deaf flourishing occurs and how it can be advanced. She spotlights collective and dynamic resources of knowledge and learning; the coexistence of lived differences; social, linguistic, cultural, and psychological capital; and human potential and creativity. Deaf Epistemologies, Identity, and Learning argues for an inclusive approach to the intrinsic human diversity in society, education, and scholarship, and shows how emotions of hope, frustration, and humiliation contribute to the construction of identity and community. De Clerck also considers global to local dynamics in deaf identity, deaf culture, deaf education, and deaf empowerment. She presents empirical research through case studies of the emancipation processes for deaf people in Flanders (a region of Belgium), the United States (specifically, at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC), and the West African nation of Cameroon. These three settings illuminate different phases of emancipation in different contexts, and the research findings are integrated into a broader literature review and subjected to theoretical reflection. De Clerck's anthropology of deaf flourishing draws from her critical application of the empowerment paradigm in settings of daily life, research, leadership, and community work, as she explores identity and well-being through an interdisciplinary lens. This work is centered around practices of signed storytelling and posits learning as the primary access and pathway to culture, identity, values, and change. Change driven by the learning process is considered an awakening and through this awakening, the deaf community can gain hope, empowerment, and full citizenship. In this way, deaf people are allowed to shape their histories, and the result is the elevation of all aspects of deaf lives around the world.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Greek and Latin Inscriptions at New York University II
Errata Naturae Editores S.L. Un ao en los bosques
Sue Hubbell, bióloga de formación, trabajaba como bibliotecaria en una importante universidad americana y llevaba una vida normal, seguramente demasiado normal. Un buen día, definitivamente harta de la omnipresente sociedad de consumo norteamericana, tanto ella como su marido deciden que quieren otra vida, más rica, más plena, más cercana a sus verdaderos ideales y a la naturaleza salvaje que tanto añoran. Entonces, y con las lecturas de Henry David Thoreau en la cabeza, deciden dejarlo todo y marcharse a vivir a una solitaria y destartalada granja en los bosques de las montañas Ozarks, en el Medio Oeste de Estados Unidos.Sin embargo, al poco de llegar, el marido de Sue decide abandonarla. Ésta es, por tanto, la historia de una mujer enfrentada a las montañas, al invierno, a los coyotes, a las motosierras y, algunos días, a la soledad, pero sin perder jamás el sentido del humor y una mirada infinitamente curiosa y prendada por la belleza salvaje que la rodea. La historia de una muj
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Sturm Zwei Novellen
Kiepenheuer & Witsch Lied vom Hunger
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Revolutionen
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Hindu and Catholic Priest and Scholar
This autobiography traces Francis X. Clooney''s intellectual and spiritual journey from middle-class American Catholicism to a lifelong study of Hinduism. It explains how he came to fashion comparative theology as a way of learning interreligiously that is boldly intellectual and deeply personal and practical, lived out in intersections of his roles as theologian and scholar of Hinduism, as professor and Catholic priest, and over the tumultuous decades from the 1960s until now, in his role as Parkman Professor of Divinity, Harvard University.Clooney sheds fresh and realistic light on the idea and ideal of scholar-practitioner, since his wide learning, Christian and Hindu, is grounded in his Catholic and Jesuit commitments, as well as in a commensurate learning with respect to several Hindu traditions that are most accessible to scholars willing to learn empathetically and in a participatory manner.What Clooney has learnt and written must be understood in terms of a love of Chri
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Chesapeake Collection: A Treasury of Recipes and Memorabilia from Maryland’s Eastern Shore
“The really great cooks of the Eastern Shore, when confronted to share their recipes, usually hedge with, ‘Well, I put in a smidgen of honey, a little tad of onion, a small sliver of fat back...a handful of walnuts, but then again, I use a handful of raisins if I don’t have the nuts.’” —from the foreword by Dr. Thomas A. Flowers. The Chesapeake Collection, created in 1983 by the Woman’s Club of Denton, Inc., has captured these "tads" and "smidgens" and translated them into recipes that any creative cook can use and enjoy serving to family and friends.
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers The Wild Robot Escapes: Volume 2
Editorial MÃdica Panamericana S.A. Apoptosis en enfermedades reumticas
Alfred Pub Co The Merrygoround Broke Down
Yorkshire Sculpture Park Not Vital: Yorkshire Sculpture Park Exhibition Catalogue
Cinebook Ltd Lucky Luke 62 - The Cursed Ranch
When oil suddenly gushes from the ground in Whitney, it makes prospectors very happy, but not the inhabitants, for a pestilential smell soon covers the small town. Abandoning her home, Whitney's elder Miss Bluemarket moves to Smithville with her three pets - three adult buffaloes. Her search for a new home makes her easy prey for unscrupulous estate agents, and soon she finds herself owning a property whose mere name has the locals shaking in their boots: the Bates ranch...
Cengage Learning Voila
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Long Covid Self-Help Guide: Practical Ways to Manage Symptoms
The first practical, accessible self-help guide to managing symptoms of Long Covid. More than 1 million people suffer from Long Covid in the UK (with 400,000 people suffering symptoms for over a year), and many more globally. Yet there is no clear guidance available to the general public, and lots of misinformation out there. This handbook cuts through the confusing advice. Written by the medical experts working with Long Covid patients at one of the first specialist clinics set up, it is filled with helpful case studies and was written with the involvement of real Long Covid sufferers. The focus is on self-management with a simple, consistent message about improving symptoms. Each chapter takes a different issue in turn and offers clear, friendly guidance on key areas such as breathlessness, psychological aspects, brain fog, fatigue, returning to exercise and returning to work.
Publicacions Universitat Alacant Hacía una patafísica de la esperanza reflexiones sobre la novela posmoderna
Nuestra sociedad no es, evidentemente, la de nuestros padres, y la forma novela, reflejo de una cultura, también ha cambiado. Este libro intenta demostrar que la narrativa posmoderna es espejo de la aldea post-tecnológica en que vivimos, caracterizada por la estética de la desaparición, la disolución del sujeto, la deflación de la realidad y el triunfo del espectáculo. La novela posmoderna, texto formado a partir de otros textos, habla del silencio de los signos contemporáneos, y sonríe dejando un hueco que llena con el encanto de la desaparición y con la forma desértica sin referentes.
St Martin's Press Cody Harmon, King of Pets
Tan Books Devotion to the Sacred Heart
Tan Books & Publishers Inc. Devotion to the Sorrowful Mother
The Crowood Press Ltd E-Type Jaguar Restoration Manual
The E-Type Jaguar has been described on countless occasions as one of the most beautiful cars in the world. Over the years it has built a reputation amongst Jaguar enthusiasts and classic car collectors for being the ultimate classic to own. If you are lucky enough to own one and are planning to undertake the restoration work by yourself, this manual will take you through the full nut-and-bolt restoration of a very early example, E-Type Jaguar Chassis No 60. Restoration experts from the world's premier Jaguar restoration company, Classic Motor Cars Ltd, have written each chapter, giving you a first-hand account of the process.
Liberty Fund Inc Treatise on Political Economy
Kitsune Books Guía Práctica Para Pacientes de Covid Persistente
Thames & Hudson Ltd Making Living Lovely: Free Your Home with Creative Design
Changing Rooms design duo Russell and Jordan present their interiors bible of tips and techniques for restoring design confidence. Making interior design choices can be daunting in a world flooded with trend-setting Instagram posts and Pinterest boards. Russell and Jordan specialize in designing homes for clients who know what they love but struggle to know where to start. Their fresh approach is nothing short of a design revolution, enabling readers to free their homes by creating interiors that express their personality and address their needs. This essential companion will equip readers with new ways to see their interiors and give them the confidence to create a home that helps them to live better. In eight chapters, Russell and Jordan cover everything from how to handle original features, use colour, pattern and texture, choose materials and curate objects. Focusing on people and how we use our spaces, this book also covers finding one’s style, cohabiting and design compromises, exploring one’s creativity and rediscovering the fun in interior design. Box-outs and tips throughout offer practical guidance on where to start, as well as a range of examples from the designers’ own work and that of key designers around the world.
Prakken Pubn Workforce Preparation
Createspace Independent Pub The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Idaho in World War II