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Austin Macauley Publishers The Doggy Dog Stories
Extramuros Edición, S.L. Tratado de la phtisis sus symtomas sus causas sus diferencias y curacion
Melbourne University Press Educating Australia Challenges for the Decade Ahead
Where is Australian schooling headed? What forces will shape its future direction? How ready are students, teachers, policy makers and education institutions for the challenges being thrust on them? In this edited collection, these questions are addressed by some of Australia's leading education researchers, practitioners and policy entrepreneurs.
Sterling Over at the Construction Site
Liberty Fund Inc Treatise on Political Economy
Gallaudet University Press,U.S. Deaf Epistemologies, Identity, and Learning: A Comparative Perspective
Goedele A. M. De Clerck presents cross-cultural comparative research that examines and documents where deaf flourishing occurs and how it can be advanced. She spotlights collective and dynamic resources of knowledge and learning; the coexistence of lived differences; social, linguistic, cultural, and psychological capital; and human potential and creativity. Deaf Epistemologies, Identity, and Learning argues for an inclusive approach to the intrinsic human diversity in society, education, and scholarship, and shows how emotions of hope, frustration, and humiliation contribute to the construction of identity and community. De Clerck also considers global to local dynamics in deaf identity, deaf culture, deaf education, and deaf empowerment. She presents empirical research through case studies of the emancipation processes for deaf people in Flanders (a region of Belgium), the United States (specifically, at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC), and the West African nation of Cameroon. These three settings illuminate different phases of emancipation in different contexts, and the research findings are integrated into a broader literature review and subjected to theoretical reflection. De Clerck's anthropology of deaf flourishing draws from her critical application of the empowerment paradigm in settings of daily life, research, leadership, and community work, as she explores identity and well-being through an interdisciplinary lens. This work is centered around practices of signed storytelling and posits learning as the primary access and pathway to culture, identity, values, and change. Change driven by the learning process is considered an awakening and through this awakening, the deaf community can gain hope, empowerment, and full citizenship. In this way, deaf people are allowed to shape their histories, and the result is the elevation of all aspects of deaf lives around the world.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Greek and Latin Inscriptions at New York University II
Errata Naturae Editores S.L. Un ao en los bosques
Sue Hubbell, bióloga de formación, trabajaba como bibliotecaria en una importante universidad americana y llevaba una vida normal, seguramente demasiado normal. Un buen día, definitivamente harta de la omnipresente sociedad de consumo norteamericana, tanto ella como su marido deciden que quieren otra vida, más rica, más plena, más cercana a sus verdaderos ideales y a la naturaleza salvaje que tanto añoran. Entonces, y con las lecturas de Henry David Thoreau en la cabeza, deciden dejarlo todo y marcharse a vivir a una solitaria y destartalada granja en los bosques de las montañas Ozarks, en el Medio Oeste de Estados Unidos.Sin embargo, al poco de llegar, el marido de Sue decide abandonarla. Ésta es, por tanto, la historia de una mujer enfrentada a las montañas, al invierno, a los coyotes, a las motosierras y, algunos días, a la soledad, pero sin perder jamás el sentido del humor y una mirada infinitamente curiosa y prendada por la belleza salvaje que la rodea. La historia de una muj
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Sturm Zwei Novellen
Kiepenheuer & Witsch Lied vom Hunger
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Revolutionen
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Hindu and Catholic Priest and Scholar
This autobiography traces Francis X. Clooney''s intellectual and spiritual journey from middle-class American Catholicism to a lifelong study of Hinduism. It explains how he came to fashion comparative theology as a way of learning interreligiously that is boldly intellectual and deeply personal and practical, lived out in intersections of his roles as theologian and scholar of Hinduism, as professor and Catholic priest, and over the tumultuous decades from the 1960s until now, in his role as Parkman Professor of Divinity, Harvard University.Clooney sheds fresh and realistic light on the idea and ideal of scholar-practitioner, since his wide learning, Christian and Hindu, is grounded in his Catholic and Jesuit commitments, as well as in a commensurate learning with respect to several Hindu traditions that are most accessible to scholars willing to learn empathetically and in a participatory manner.What Clooney has learnt and written must be understood in terms of a love of Chri
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Chesapeake Collection: A Treasury of Recipes and Memorabilia from Maryland’s Eastern Shore
“The really great cooks of the Eastern Shore, when confronted to share their recipes, usually hedge with, ‘Well, I put in a smidgen of honey, a little tad of onion, a small sliver of fat back...a handful of walnuts, but then again, I use a handful of raisins if I don’t have the nuts.’” —from the foreword by Dr. Thomas A. Flowers. The Chesapeake Collection, created in 1983 by the Woman’s Club of Denton, Inc., has captured these "tads" and "smidgens" and translated them into recipes that any creative cook can use and enjoy serving to family and friends.
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers The Wild Robot Escapes: Volume 2
University of Massachusetts Press A Prison in the Woods: Environment and Incarceration in New York's North Country
Since the mid-nineteenth century, Americans have known the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York as a site of industrial production, a place to heal from disease, and a sprawling outdoor playground that must be preserved in its wild state. Less well known, however, has been the area's role in hosting a network of state and federal prisons. A Prison in the Woods traces the planning, construction, and operation of penitentiaries in five Adirondack Park communities from the 1840s through the early 2000s to demonstrate that the histories of mass incarceration and environmental consciousness are interconnected.Clarence Jefferson Hall Jr. reveals that the introduction of correctional facilities -- especially in the last three decades of the twentieth century -- unearthed long-standing conflicts over the proper uses of Adirondack nature, particularly since these sites have contributed to deforestation, pollution, and habitat decline, even as they've provided jobs and spurred economic growth. Additionally, prison plans have challenged individuals' commitment to environmental protection, tested the strength of environmental regulations, endangered environmental and public health, and exposed tensions around race, class, place, and belonging in the isolated prison towns of America's largest state park.
Delta Publicaciones Manual de psicología jurídica laboral
Editorial Rudolf Steiner S.L. Educación Waldorf ideas de Rudolf Steihei en la práctica
Anaya Educación Cuentos y leyendas de Japón
Mezcla de leyendas y supersticiones, muchos de los cuentos que figuran en esta selección tienen con frecuencia como protagonistas al tanuki y al zorro, animales muy populares en Japón. Otro de los temas recurrentes es el de la venganza; a través de la cual los culpables reciben el castigo en proporción a la maldad de su acción. Asimismo, muchos relatos nos muestran rasgos que siguen estando muy arraigados en el carácter japonés, como el de dar ciento por uno: es decir, agradecer siempre con creces el favor recibido por muy pequeño que este sea.
Todo lo que necesitas para dominar Minecraft Earth
Minecraft Earth está listo para ser el próximo gran fenómeno de juego de realidad aumentada! Ahora puedes adelantarte con Minecraft Earth: La guía esencial del juego AR definitivo, guía extraoficial del spin-off de AR que trae Minecraft a nuestro mundo en 2020.Este manual contiene todo lo necesario para controlar el juego, incluidos:* Consejos para construir colecciones de bloques y encontrar criaturas (mobs) y objetos raros tocándolos en el mapa (tappables u objetos tocables).* Ideas para construir increíbles estructuras de realidad aumentada (AR) a pequeña escala con tus amigos, antes de colocarlas con su tamaño definitivo en el mundo real.* Indicaciones para explorar la estructura AR de Minecraft, resolver acertijos difíciles y luchar contra las hordas de criaturas en el mundo que te rodea.* Un examen completo de todas las criaturas, incluso los nuevos tipos desarrollados específicamente para Minecraft Earth.
Anaya Multimedia Caligrafa el gran libro de lettering y diseo
El gran libro de lettering y diseño
EUNSA. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A. La filosofa medieval
Escrito en 1869, La mujer del porvenir es un tratado donde Concepción Arenal analiza la inferioridad en la que vive la mujer y la marginalidad que sufre, y a la vez aporta medidas y soluciones para acabar con dicha situación, como mejorar su educación. La presente edición incluye, además, el sobresaliente La mujer de su casa (1883), en el que Arenal vuelve a las ideas presentadas en La mujer del porvenir para revisarlas y aportar una perspectiva más madura. Nunca hasta ahora se habían publicado en un mismo volumen. Ambos tratados, por una parte, nos ayudan a entender la situación de la mujer hace más de un siglo; por otra, nos dan herramientas para analizar con detalle las mejoras conseguidas en los últimos tiempos y permiten establecer futuras reivindicaciones.
El árbol y la enredadera
De Jong consigue transformar a su narradora en un auténtico ser humano, una mujer que vive de espaldas a la aridez de su existencia. Y ese silencio suyo, su rechazo a afrontarla tal cual es, está dibujado con la máxima delicadeza y resulta verdaderamente conmovedor.V. S. NAIPAUL, Premio Nobel de LiteraturaEl árbol y la enredadera, publicada por primera vez en 1954 con el respaldo del mítico Maxwell Perkins ;editor también de Hemingway y Fitzgerald;, describe con admirable sutileza la intensa y compleja relación sentimental entre dos mujeres muy distintas: la desafiante y autónoma Érica y la más complaciente Bea. Una periodista y una secretaria cuya relación se intuye condenada al fracaso desde sus inicios, no solo por las evidentes diferencias de carácter, sino también por la propia naturaleza de su amor en la hostil Europa de 1938, donde los tambores de guerra son ya mucho más que una amenaza en la distancia.
Plataforma Editorial S.L. Pensar como un árbol
Desde hace algunos años, en la estela de importantes descubrimientos científicos relacionados con la comunicación vegetal, una fuerte tendencia nos incita a tomar el árbol como modelo, incluso a penetrar los arcanos de su vida secreta. Pero más allá de las metáforas y las analogías fáciles, qué podemos esperar de este nuevo acercamiento a los árboles? Una fuente de inspiración, un modelo ecológico, la llave para un nuevo bienestar basado en la apertura y en el compartir? Un ecologista apasionado nos entrega sus respuestas marcadas por la ciencia, la sabiduría y un respeto infinito por la naturaleza:[El árbol] es una gran figura de lo vivo que parece querer dirigirse a los grandes primates irreverentes en los que nos hemos convertido. Unos primates hoy frenados en su impulso, aplastados por incertidumbres, perdidos en el borde del camino por haber tontamente olvidado que vivían en el planeta de los árboles.
Cuando le preguntan si es un hombre o una mujer, Ariel no sabe qué responder. Le han dicho que tiene un cuerpo y que este cuerpo podría llegar a amar a otros cuerpos, pero la vivencia de Ariel siempre es otra. 'Ariel y los cuerpos' es la historia de un personaje que existe y que ama de una manera diferente, esquiva, siempre provisional y desconcertante. Con ecos de 'Orlando', el célebre tratado sobre género de Virginia Woolf, esta brillante novela es un homenaje a los amores que no llegan a nacer y a los amores que, una vez nacidos, viven tocados de muerte para siempre. Tras 'El dia que va morir David Bowie' (2016), libro por el que ganó el Premio Time Out Barcelona al Creador del Año, Portell vuelve a sorprendernos con esta joya literaria.
Haufe Lexware GmbH 101 Fragen und Antworten im Vorstellungsgespräch inkl. AugmentedRealityApp
Hueber Verlag GmbH Impresiones A1 Lehrerhandbuch DVD
Chronicle Books My Beautiful Black Hair: 101 Natural Hair Stories from the Sisterhood
A collection of empowering stories and captivating photos, My Beautiful Black Hair celebrates an aspect of Black femininity—natural hair—and embraces it as a central part of Black womanhood. "A powerful celebration of self-acceptance and sisterhood." – Kirkus Review My Beautiful Black Hair is a book about Black women embracing their natural hair. One hundred and one Black women share their stories of learning to love their natural hair and the immense power in that self-love. St. Clair Detrick-Jules was inspired to write the book when her little sister, Khloe, came home from preschool where a classmate had told her that her hair was ugly. St. Clair wanted to send a message to Khloe and young Black women everywhere that their hair is beautiful just the way it is. The stories she captured reveal both the depth of the physical and emotional damage done to many women by relaxing their hair and trying to make it look "acceptable," and the incredible resilience, self-love, and acceptance they gained by learning to embrace their hair and free themselves from Eurocentric beauty standards. Accompanied by beautiful and intimate photographs of each woman, the book is an encouraging voice for young Black women and the adults who remember their own journeys to self-acceptance. WRITTEN BY BLACK WOMEN, FOR BLACK WOMEN: With powerful interviews and vivid photographs, this book offers an uplifting message to empower any woman looking to love herself just the way she is. It is a love letter to Black women everywhere navigating their relationships to their own hair. TIMELY TOPIC: My Beautiful Black Hair celebrates Black women's ability to embrace their natural hair and let go of toxic thinking and processes around manipulating it. UNIQUE TAKE ON FEMINISM: This book offers an uplifting message to empower any woman looking to love herself just the way she is as well as a love letter to Black women everywhere navigating their relationships to their own hair. Perfect for: Black and Afro-Latinx women from their 20s to 40s, Black and Afro-Latinx parents with young children, fans of women's empowerment stories
Schiffer Publishing Ltd U.S. Glass Company: Decorated Satin Glass and Lamps of the 1920s
Here is the first book to highlight the gorgeous decorated satin glassware produced by Factories D, G, and K of the United States Glass Company during the 1920s. Bowls, candlesticks, candy boxes, dresser sets, vases, and table and novelty lamps are among the items shown for the first time here. Over 230 beautifully detailed color photos plus 110 original hand-colored catalog pages illustrate numerous shapes and patterns. They highlight the various techniques used to decorate the satin ware (painted and gold decorations, bright with satin finish, etched and cut decorations, lines, patterns, and other treatments) as well as their classic embossed designs. The text contains a short history of the United States Glass Company, a guide to the colors produced during the 1920s and 1930s, and a listing of the factories, their locations, the items they produced, detailed descriptions of the glassware, and current market values. This book will be an invaluable reference for all who wish to identify previously unknown patterns and decorations made by these U.S. Glass factories.
Sandstein Kommunikation Kriegsbedingt zerstört wissenschaftlich rekonstruiert
ebersbach & simon Die Fessel
Kehrer Verlag Promise me a Land
Auer Verlag i.d.AAP LW Die KlassenlektreKartei Differenzierte Vorlagen zur Arbeit mit Literatur in der Sekundarstufe I
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH & Co Jeder ist kauflich Geheimnis in Kassel Geheimnis in Kassel Lektre Mit Audios online
Birkhauser Gute Gestaltung – Good Design 13
Gute Gestaltung / Good Design 13 presents prizewinning designs from all disciplines. Whether architecture, corporate design, digital media, graphic fine arts, product design, photo, or film, the works awarded prizes by the German Design Council (DDC) in its annual “Gute Gestaltung” (Good Design) competition demonstrate design excellence and skillful use of form. They document the high level of quality maintained by the contributing designers and firms.This book invites comparison, both within and between the various categories, making it a valuable and handy compendium of project assignments and creative solutions.
Gallaudet University Press,U.S. The Deaf History Reader
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Improving the Performance of the Property Tax in Latin America
Princeton University Press Do Animals Think?
Does your dog know when you've had a bad day? Can your cat tell that the coffee pot you left on might start a fire? Could a chimpanzee be trained to program your computer? In this provocative book, noted animal expert Clive Wynne debunks some commonly held notions about our furry friends. It may be romantic to ascribe human qualities to critters, he argues, but it's not very realistic. While animals are by no means dumb, they don't think the same way we do. Contrary to what many popular television shows would have us believe, animals have neither the "theory-of-mind" capabilities that humans have (that is, they are not conscious of what others are thinking) nor the capacity for higher-level reasoning. So, in Wynne's view, when Fido greets your arrival by nudging your leg, he's more apt to be asking for dinner than commiserating with your job stress. That's not to say that animals don't possess remarkable abilities--and Do Animals Think? explores countless examples: there's the honeybee, which not only remembers where it found food but communicates this information to its hivemates through an elaborate dance. And how about the sonar-guided bat, which locates flying insects in the dark of night and devours lunch on the wing? Engagingly written, Do Animals Think? takes aim at the work of such renowned animal rights advocates as Peter Singer and Jane Goodall for falsely humanizing animals. Far from impoverishing our view of the animal kingdom, however, it underscores how the world is richer for having such a diversity of minds--be they of the animal or human variety.
The Crowood Press Ltd History of the Bakerloo Line
The Bakerloo is the dull brown line on London's iconic tube map. It doesn't have the multiple branches of the Northern or District Lines, the loops of the Piccadilly or the Central, or the puzzling shape of the non-circular Circle.But its nondescript appearance belies a history encompassing fraud in the boardroom and drama in the courtroom for a line first conceived by sports enthusiasts and finished by Chicago gangsters. With over 120 photographs, this book provides a history of its development from obtaining Parliamentary permission and raising finance through to geology and construction techniques. It details its operation including rolling stock, signalling, stations and signage from the beginning to the current day. The impact of the two World Wars is revealed and it remembers some of the accidents and tragedies that befell the line. Finally, the book describes its evolution up to the present day and beyond.
CIDEB s.r.l. Reading Training
Lit Verlag Lost Liberated Loved
Nova Science Publishers Inc International Perspectives of Multiculturalism: The Ethical Challenges
Nova Science Publishers Inc Qualitative and Quantitative Economics (Q2E): Making Economics into a Science
Clark and Fast invented and created Qualitative Economics because people need to know what they are doing through interactions in their daily life. Economics is not just about statistics, data and numbers, but more about the meaning of this information. We provide everything from the definition of Qualitative Economics (QE) to the use of it in our daily lives, which includes everything we do daily from families, relatives and friends to work, vacations and hobbies.